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Deutsche Autoren (Belletristik)                                                                          Deutsche Autoren (Belletristik)

Deutsche Autoren (Belletristik)
                                 ELLA LINDBERG:                                                                                           RENA ROSENTHAL:
                                 DIE KLEINE SCHOKOLADENMANUFAKTUR ZUM                                                                     DIE HOFGÄRTNERIN
                                 GLÜCK                                                                                                    Eine mitreißende      Familiensaga     im   Wohlfühlsetting     mit
                                 Eine turbulente, charmante Liebesgeschichte für alle Fans von                                            nordischem Flair
                                 Mhairi McFarlane                                                                                         Oldenburg, 1891: Marleenes großer Traum ist es, Gärtnerin zu
                                 Nachdem sie endlich wieder mit ihrer Jugendliebe Johnny                                                  werden und in der angesehenen Hofgärtnerei zu arbeiten – ein
                                 zusammen ist, verlässt Mia ihre Heimatstadt Hamburg nur ungern,                                          unerreichbares Ziel, da Frauen eine Lehre untersagt ist. Verkleidet
                                 um ein Praktikum in der Schweiz anzutreten. Vor allem als sich                                           als Junge bekommt sie die ersehnte Stelle, muss aber fortan darum
                                 dieses Praktikum in einer kleinen Schokoladenmanufaktur, als                                             kämpfen, dass ihre Tarnung nicht auffliegt. Der Charme des
                                 totale     Katastrophe      entpuppt:    Das      Fabrikgebäude  ist                                     gutaussehenden älteren Sohns der Hofgärtnerei macht es für sie
                                 renovierungsbedürftig, niemand fühlt sich für sie zuständig und                                          nicht einfacher. Als sämtliche Rosen, die für den alljährlichen
                                 dann soll Mia auch noch der im Sterben liegenden Großmutter die                                          Rosenball vorgesehen waren, vertrocknen und Marleene dafür
                                 Verlobte des Juniorchefs vorspielen, die diesen abserviert hat. Mia                                      verantwortlich gemacht wird, scheint alles verloren. Können die
                                 spielt wiederwillig mit, doch als Fabians Großmutter sich                                                neuartigen Rhododendren, die sie mit Julius, dem jüngeren Sohn,
                                 überraschend schnell erholt, müssen sie die Scharade weiter                                              züchtet, die Situation retten?
                                 aufrechterhalten. Währenddessen versucht Mia den drohenden                                               Marleene wollte nie, dass jemand durch ihren Schwindel Schaden
                                 Konkurs der Firma abzuwenden, den Fabian ebenfalls vor seine                                             nimmt – leider hat sie dabei nicht an ihr eigenes Herz gedacht…
                                 Oma geheim hält, aus Angst vor einem weiteren Schlaganfall. Als                                          Die Hofgärtnerei ist ein durch wahre Begebenheiten inspirierter
                        2019     Mia erfährt, dass Johnny sie zum wiederholten Male betrogen hat,                                         historischer Roman. In wunderschönem Setting verknüpft er den
                                                                                                                                 2019     Kampf der Frauen für Gleichberechtigung mit dem Siegeszug der
                                 verliebt sie sich immer mehr in die Schweizer Berge und die skurrile
                                 Belegschaft der Schokoladenmanufaktur. Doch gerade als es                                                Alpenrose in die deutschen Gärten.
Michael Meller Literary Agency                                                                           Michael Meller Literary Agency
                                 zwischen ihr und Fabian knistert, muss Mia wegen eines Todesfalls                                        Rena Rosenthal ist das Pseudonym einer Lektorin, die in einer
                                 abreisen und als sie zurückkehrt, um Fabian ihre Liebe zu gestehen,     Ca. 450 Seiten                   norddeutschen Baumschule zusammen mit 100.000 Fliedern und
Ca. 400 Seiten
                                 findet sie plötzlich die echte Verlobte in seiner Wohnung vor …                                          40.000 Rhododendren groß geworden ist. Den grünen Daumen
                                                                                                         Exposé und Leseprobe (200 S.)    ihrer Familie hat sie nicht geerbt, dafür hat sie ein Händchen fürs
MS ab November                   Ella Lindberg (* 1979) arbeitet in Nürnberg als Redakteurin.                                             Geschichtenerzählen.

                                 GRETA MILÁN:                                                                                             ROMAN KLEMENTOVIC:
                                 LOVELY HEARTS. Solange du bei mir bist.                                                                  WENN DIE NACHT GEFRIERT
                                 Für alle Fans der Redwood-Saga                                                                           Wir alle haben Geheimnisse. Die meisten davon sind harmlos,
                                                                                                                                          einige schwerwiegender. Aber manche von uns haben
                                 Unerwartet verschlägt es die unstetige May in die beschauliche
                                                                                                                                          Geheimnisse, so abscheulich, dass sie diese bis an ihr Lebensende
                                 Kleinstadt Goodville. Dort soll sie nach dem tragischen Tod ihrer
                                                                                                                                          zu hüten versuchen. Nur was, wenn diesen Menschen das Leben
                                 Schwester die Vormundschaft für ihre beiden Nichten übernehmen.
                                                                                                                                          einen Strich durch die Rechnung macht? Wenn sie an Alzheimer
                                 Cole, ein guter Freund der Familie, ist fassungslos, als die verloren
                                                                                                                                          erkranken und nicht mehr Herr ihrer Sinne sind? Wenn sie nicht
                                 geglaubte Tante plötzlich aus der Versenkung auftaucht. Fortan
                                                                                                                                          länger schweigen können?
                                 setzt er alles daran, um May wieder loszuwerden. Allerdings hat er
                                                                                                                                          Seit 40 Jahren schon ist Elisabeth mit Friedrich verheiratet -
                                 weder mit ihrer Entschlossenheit noch mit ihrem Charme gerechnet.
                                                                                                                                          glücklich,   trotz    einiger  Schicksalsschläge.    Auch     seine
                                 Doch Cole ist nicht die einzige Hürde, die May zu meistern hat. Aus
                                                                                                                                          Alzheimererkrankung kann ihre Liebe nicht erschüttern. Doch eines
                                 der Gemeinde weht ihr ein eiskalter Wind entgegen. Unterstützung
                                                                                                                                          Abends wirkt er besonders verwirrt. Während eines TV-Beitrags
                                 findet sie bei der selbstbewussten Barbesitzerin Lauren und der
                                                                                                                                          über den seit 22 Jahren ungeklärten Mord an der besten Freundin
                                 schüchternen Ladeninhaberin Nova. Das Problem ist nur, dass
                                                                                                                                          ihrer Tochter gibt er Verstörendes von sich. Er erwähnt Details, die
                                 Mays Freundinnen überzeugt davon sind, dass Cole im Grunde ein
                                                                                                                                          er gar nicht kennen dürfte. In Elisabeth regt sich ein schlimmer
                                 guter Kerl ist und May sich plötzlich ihrer eigenen Gefühle nicht
                                                                                                                                          Verdacht …
                                 mehr sicher ist …
                                                                                                                                          Roman Klementovic spinnt um die Volkskrankheit Alzheimer einen
                        2019                                                                                                     2019     spannenden und gleichzeitig tiefgründigen Whodunit-Thriller.
                                 Greta Milán arbeitet als freie Autorin. Unter dem Pseudonym
Michael Meller Literary Agency   Isabelle Voltaire veröffentlicht sie zudem humorvolle New Adult         Michael Meller Literary Agency
                                 Romane.                                                                                                  Roman Klementovic arbeitete lange im Marketing bis er seine
Ca. 380 Seiten                                                                                           Ca. 350 Seiten                   Liebe zum Schreiben entdeckte. »Immerschuld«, »Immerstill« und
                                 #2: LOVELY THINGS. Alles was du willst                                                                   »Verspielt« erschienen bei Gmeiner, »Immerstill« wird für ZDF und
MS und Exposés verfügbar         #3: LOVELY PLACE. Überall wo du bist                                    MS verfügbar                     ORF verfilmt.

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                    info@melleragency.com
Deutsche Autoren (Belletristik)                                                                        Deutsche Autoren (Belletristik)

                                 FREDERIK JÖTTEN:
                                 DAS LEBEN UND ANDERE PARASITEN                                                                          ALEXANDER BAURMANN:
                                 Felix ist ein moderner Herr Lehmann – verplant, liebenswert                                             DIE HEIMSUCHUNG DES PAUL GILLESPIE
                                 und unendlich komisch
                                                                                                                                         Paul Gillespie, sympathischer Antiheld, gehört als Manager der
                                 Felix ist in der kleinen Studentenstadt, in der seit 11 Jahren                                          Finanzelite an. Seine soziale Kompetenz beschränkt sich auf
                                 festhängt, der einzige Mensch, der beim Bäcker Hausverbot hat.                                          »Menschen, die so sind wie ich.« Als er Job und Freundin verliert,
                                 Denn weil der angehende Biologe mit seiner Doktorarbeit nicht                                           scheint ihn das nicht zu beunruhigen. Hingegen beunruhigt er seine
                                 vorankommt, forscht er lieber im Nachtleben, um die perfekte                                            Haushälterin mit der Behauptung, Fische schwebten in seinem
                                 Alkohol-Dosis finden - mutig genug soll sie machen, damit Felix es                                      Garten. Das Unheimliche bringt Gillespies Welt ins Wanken. Die
                                 schafft, seine Schüchternheit zu überwinden und besser zu flirten.                                      Fische werden für ihn und andere zur tödlichen Gefahr. Gillespie
                                 Aber er darf nichts Peinliches machen oder lallen, was leider                                           muss nach Ausflüchten und Irrungen gegen die übernatürlichen
                                 regelmäßig vorkommt in Gegenwart von Julia, in die er so verliebt                                       Wesen und sich selbst in den Kampf ziehen. Dabei kommen ihm
                                 ist. Als eine seiner Testreihen fehlschlägt, vernichtet er aus                                          nicht nur ein Antiquar und ein Psychologe zur Hilfe, sondern auch
                                 Versehen seine komplette Parasitenkultur, die Grundlage seiner                                          die Liebe, die in Peru zum filmreifen Show-down auf ihn wartet.
                                 Promotion - kurz vor dem entscheidenden Vortrag, zu dem sogar                                           In seinem Debütroman überschreitet der Autor mit Esprit und
                                 eigens seine Eltern anreisen. Er steht vor der Entscheidung: Das                                        Originalität die Grenze zwischen Realität und Fantasie. Dabei sind
                                 Scheitern zugeben und das studentische Leben als Doktorand                                              es vor allem die Wandlung des Protagonisten, die temporeichen
                                 aufgeben - oder seine Ehre als Wissenschaftler über Bord werfen,                                        Dialoge und aufgeladenen Schauplätze, die den Reiz dieser
                        2019     und ein paar Daten fälschen, um weiter zu forschen, zu feiern und                                       fantastischen Heldenreise ausmachen.
                                 der Frau näher kommen zu können, die er liebt.                                                 2019
Michael Meller Literary Agency                                                                                                           Alexander Baurmann (*1969) lebt mit seinen beiden Töchtern in
                                 Frederik Jötten lebt als freier Autor in Frankfurt. Seine mehrfach     Michael Meller Literary Agency   Bonn. Er arbeitet im Finanzwesen eines internationalen
                                 ausgezeichneten Reportagen erscheinen unter anderem in NZZ                                              Unternehmens.
Ca. 350 Seiten
                                 Folio, der NZZ am Sonntag und Die Zeit. Außerdem hat er eine           Ca. 360 Seiten
                                 Kolumne auf der Webseite des SZ Magazins und zwei Sachbücher
MS ab November                   beim Rowohlt-Verlag veröffentlicht.                                    MS verfügbar

                                 JUDITH HOERSCH:                                                                                         SABINE SCHOLL:
                                 JUNO UND DIE REISE ZU DEN WUNDERN                                                                       BEI MIR BIST DU SCHÖN
                                 Ein Märchen über das Erwachsenwerden und die Suche nach
                                 der wahren Liebe – so verträumt wie Die fabelhafte Welt der                                             „Bei mir bist du schön“ ist ein Roman, der acht sorgfältig
                                 Amelie, so poetisch wie Die Möwe Jonathan, so philosophisch                                             recherchierte historische Frauenleben im Zweiten Weltkrieg
                                 wie Hectors Reise.                                                                                      auferstehen lässt: Frauen im Widerstand und Frauen, die
                                                                                                                                         wegschauen, die mitmachen oder profitieren, die verfolgt werden
                                 Juno ist ein ungewöhnliches Mädchen, sie ist schüchtern und wäre                                        und fliehen.
                                 am liebsten eine Nixe. Sie träumt sich durch ihre Kindheit und fühlt                                    Manche sind bekannt (der französische Filmstar Arletty) oder
                                 sich einsam und unverstanden. Als junge Frau zieht Juno in die                                          wurden für ihre Arbeit im Widerstand gewürdigt (kaum eine). In vier
                                 schielende Stadt und lernt dort den kauzigen Goldschmied Mr.                                            Kapiteln, die die Jahre des Umbruchs 1938/39, die Kriegsjahre 1941
                                 James kennen. Er wird Lehrmeister und Freund zugleich und                                               und 1944 und das Nachkriegsjahr 1946 ausleuchten, tauchen die
                                 ermahnt sie, ihr Leben nicht bloß zu verträumen, sondern mutiger                                        Frauen in ihren Einbrüchen und Entwicklungen immer wieder auf.
                                 zu sein, damit die Wunder sie finden können. Also bricht Juno auf,                                      Ihre Schicksale sind verbunden durch die Schreckensherrschaft des
                                 zu einer magischen Reise rund um den Globus und letztlich zu sich                                       faschistischen Regimes und des Krieges, die sie zum Handeln
                                 selbst.                                                                                                 zwingen, sowie die Schauplätze des Geschehens, die von
                                 Juno und die Reise zu den Wundern entführt den Leser in eine                                            Grieskirchen und Linz bis nach Paris, Texas oder Shanghai führen.
                                 fabelhafte Welt, in der sich Traum und Wirklichkeit miteinander
                                 verweben, zwei goldene Ringe Wegweiser sind und Kamele                                                  Sabine Scholl war Jurymitglied für den Internationalen
                                 sprechen können. Ein philosophisches Märchen voller Weisheiten                                 2019     Literaturpreis in Berlin. Ihr Werk wurde 2018 mit dem Anton-
                                 für jeden für uns. Ein Aufruf unsere Träume zu leben, denn auch                                         Wildgans-Preis ausgezeichnet. Im Oktober erscheinen ihre Essays
                                 wenn es ein Weg voller Lektionen wird: Wunder können wahr              Michael Meller Literary Agency   als Sammelband mit dem Titel »Erfundene Heimaten«. Sabine
Michael Meller Literary Agency   werden!                                                                                                 Scholl hat zwei Kinder und lebt in Berlin und Wien.
                                                                                                        Ca. 260 Seiten
                                 Judith Hoersch ist Schauspielerin, Autorin und Sängerin. Sie wirkte
Ca. 140 Seiten
                                 in diversen TV- und Kinoproduktionen mit (Lena Lorenz, Tatort Kiel,    MS verfügbar
                                 Der Kriminalist u.A.). Sie schreibt außerdem Drehbücher, Songtexte
MS verfügbar                     und Erzählungen.
                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                               Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                   info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                  3                                                                                                      4
Upmarket Commercial Fiction                                                                              Upmarket Commercial Fiction

Upmarket Commercial Fiction
                                 CRAIG CLIFF:                                                                                            BERNARD GALLATE:
                                 NAILING DOWN THE SAINT                                                                                  THE ORIGIN OF ME

                                 Struggling filmmaker Duncan Blake is given a lifeline when he is                                        A beguilingly original and satirical debut novel of friendships,
                                 asked to scout locations for a biopic of Saint Joseph of Copertino.                                     imagination, and the bodies we live in
                                 This seventeenth-century Franciscan friar had a troubled life, was                                      Lincoln Locke’s fifteen-year-old life is turned upside down when he’s
                                 brought before the Inquisition and continually moved around Italy –                                     thrust into bachelor-pad living with his dad and into an exclusive new
                                 because he could levitate.                                                                              school. Crestfield Academy offers him a new set of peers and a
                                 Duncan sets out on his quest with his oldest friend Mack, a female                                      place on the swim relay team with a bunch of thugs in Speedos.
                                 e-sports commentator. The first time they have spent any real time                                      Homunculus, the little voice inside his head, doesn’t make life any
                                 together since Duncan became a father.                                                                  easier; nor does Lincoln’s growing awareness of a genetic anomaly
                                 Duncan and Mack have two weeks to scout the necessary locations                                         that threatens to humiliate him at every turn.
                                 and wow the biopic’s director when they meet in Rome, but their                                         On a search for answers to the big LIFE questions, he spies Edwin
                                 road trip is littered with disastrous church tours, road incidents,                                     Stroud’s nineteenth-century memoir, My One Redeeming Affliction.
                                 unhelpful locals and colourful characters.                                                              The book weaves itself into Lincoln’s life.
                                 Duncan must re-evaluate his own role as he negotiates the long                                          When he meets Bert McGill, the local junkyard hermit, Lincoln finds
                                 roads and steep curves of family, career and the metaphysical.                                          glimpses of the enigmatic Stroud, star of Melinkoff’s Astonishing
                                                                                                                                         Assembly of Freaks. He begins to piece together a time past, of
                                 Craig Cliff is the author of the novels Nailing Down the Saint and                                      dubious relationships and, it turns out, of redeeming afflictions.
Vintage New Zealand    08/19                                                                            Vintage Australia      03/20
                                 The Mannequin Makers, and the story collection A Man Melting,
                                 which won the 2011 Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Best First                                           Bernard Gallate began his professional life in the animation
Penguin Random House NZ                                                                                 Penguin Random House Australia
                                 Book. Craig has published poetry, essays and reviews and worked                                         industry, later working for Walt Disney and a multimedia agency.
400 pp.                          as a newspaper columnist. His work has been translated into several                                     Bernard currently teaches programs on early Sydney life and
                                                                                                        400 pp.
                                 languages and he participated in the University of Iowa’s                                               archaeology at historic sites across the city. The Origin Of Me is his
MS available                     International Writers Program in 2013.                                 MS available                     first novel.

                                 LAURENCE FEARNLEY:                                                                                      IMBI NEEME:
                                 SCENTED                                                                                                 THE SPILL
                                 A fascinating novel about following one's nose . . .
                                 A compelling and poignant search for identity through                                                   In 1981, a car overturns on a remote West Australian road.
                                 perfume.                                                                                                Nobody is hurt, but the impact is felt for decades. The Spill
                                                                                                                                         explores how two people never experience or remember the
                                 Granny Seren told me I had a natural talent for perfume making, and                                     same event in the same way especially when they are sisters.
                                 I believed her because she seemed to know what she was talking
                                 about and she never lied. It was Seren who introduced me to the
                                 idea of a signature scent.                                                                              Following a car crash, sisters Nicole and Samantha for different
                                                                                                                                         reasons each blame themselves and carry that guilt into adulthood.
                                 As a university lecturer, Siân didn’t need a signature scent to know                                    It also proves the final act in the tumultuous relationship of their
                                 who she was. But, prompted by her job loss following restructuring                                      parents. Nicole spends her teenage years living with her mother
                                 of the humanities – and the effect this has on her identity – she                                       (who was driving the car at the time of the crash), and Samantha
                                 begins to construct a perfume of herself. Note by perfume note,                                         living with their father and his new wife.
                                 referencing scent memories and recent events, she rebuilds herself,                                     On the death of their mother, secrets come out and the sisters
                                 Scented.                                                                                                interrogate why they have been busy misunderstanding each other
                                                                                                                                         and sabotaging their own opportunities for happiness.
                                 Laurence Fearnley is an award-winning author. 2017 she was the
Penguin                09/19     joint winner of the Landfall essay competition and in 2016 she won
                                                                                                        Viking                 06/20     Imbi Neeme is a recovering blogger, impending novelist and
                                 the NZSA/ Janet Frame Memorial Award. In 2004 Fearnley was
                                                                                                                                         compulsive short story writer. Her short fiction has won prizes in the
Penguin Random House Australia   awarded the Artists to Antarctica Fellowship and in 2007 the Robert    Penguin Random House Australia   2019 Newcastle Short Story Awards, the 2018 Boroondara Literary
                                 Burns Fellowship at the University of Otago. In 2019 she was
                                                                                                                                         Awards, and has been shortlisted for the 2018 Peter Carey Short
256 pp.                          awarded the Arts Foundation Laureate for literature She lives in       320 pp.                          Story Award.
                                 Dunedin with her husband and son.
MS available                                                                                            MS available                     Winner of the 2019 Penguin Literary Prize.

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                    info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                  5                                                                                                         6
Upmarket Commercial Fiction                                                                                               Commercial Fiction

                                                                                                               Commercial Fiction
                                 LEAH PURCELL:                                                                                                 CARA BLACK:
                                 THE DROVER’S WIFE                                                                                             THREE HOURS IN PARIS
                                 “Tarantino meets ‘Deadwood’”.                                                                                 In June of 1940, when Paris fell to the Nazis, Hitler spent only
                                 A undeniably authentic,            brilliantly   plotted,    thoroughly                                       three hours in the City of Light, abruptly leaving, never to
                                 harrowing thriller.                                                                                           return. To this day, no one knows why.

                                 The novel’s inspiration is the play of the same name, a theatrical and                                        Kate Rees, a young American markswoman, has been recruited by
                                 ground-breaking retelling of Henry Lawson’s famed The Drover’s                                                British intelligence to drop into Paris with a dangerous assignment:
                                 Wife, written by Leah Purcell.                                                                                assassinate the Führer. Wrecked by grief after a Luftwaffe bombing
                                 In it, Leah Purcell reimagines Lawson’s story vividly and deeply to                                           killed her husband and daughter, she is armed with a rifle, a
                                 portray the drover’s heroic wife as a righteous avenger - on behalf                                           vendetta, and fierce resolve. But other than rushed, rudimentary
                                 of herself, her children and what turns out to be her race - in a                                             instruction, she has no formal spy training. Thrust into the red-hot
                                 savage male world.                                                                                            center of the war, a country girl from rural Oregon finds herself
                                 A taut thriller of our pioneering past, The Drover’s Wife is full of                                          holding the fate of the world in her hands. When Kate misses her
                                 fury, power and has a black sting to the tail, reaching from our                                              mark and the plan unravels, Kate is on the run for her life—all the
                                 nation’s infancy into our complicated present.                                                                time wrestling with the suspicion that the whole operation was a
                                 Leah Purcell is an author, director, playwright, actor, filmmaker,
Hamish Hamilton         12/19    theatre-maker and screenwriter. Her latest work The Drover’s Wife,            Soho Crime              04/20   Cara Black is the author of the New York Times bestselling Aimée
Penguin Random House Australia   written and starring Purcell, has won (among others) the VIC and              Soho Press                      Leduc series. She has received multiple nominations for the
                                 NSW Premiers’ Literary Awards for Best Play, Best Book, Prize for                                             Anthony and Macavity Awards, and her books have been translated
192 pp.                          Literature and the UNESCO City of Sydney Film Award.                          360 pp.                         into German, Norwegian, Japanese, French, Spanish, Italian, and
                                 The film The Drover’s Wife: The Legend of Molly Johnson will be                                               Hebrew.
MS available November                                                                                          MS available
                                 released 2020.

                                 RUFI THORPE:                                                                                                  JACK FLYNN:
                                 THE KNOCKOUT QUEEN                                                                                            BLOOD IN THE WATER
                                 A dazzling and darkly comic novel of love, violence, and                                                      This is a heart-stopping, fast-paced story set in Boston with a
                                 friendship.                                                                                                   slightly criminal hero to root for.
                                 Bunny Lampert is the princess of North Shore — beautiful, tall,
                                                                                                                                               Boston is in the grip of the coldest winter on record, but in its criminal
                                 blond, with a rich father and a swimming pool in her backyard.                                                underworld the temperature is rising.
                                 Michael — with a ponytail down his back and a septum piercing —
                                                                                                                                               Harbour chief Cormack O’Connell has lived his life above and below
                                 lives with his aunt in the cramped stucco cottage next door. When
                                                                                                                                               the law. He knows every movement on his waterfront, and that's why
                                 Bunny catches Michael smoking in her yard, he discovers that her
                                                                                                                                               someone wants him out of the way, fast.
                                 life is not as perfect as it seems. At six foot three, Bunny towers over
                                                                                                                                               Homeland security agent Kit Steele is committed to avenge
                                 their classmates. She is desperate to fit in, to seem normal, and to                                          terrorism. Also known as The Hunter, she’s got her eye on the prize.
                                 get a boyfriend, all while hiding her father's escalating alcoholism.
                                                                                                                                               This time it’s personal, she’s nothing left to lose.
                                 Meanwhile, Michael has secrets of his own. At home and at school                                              Her prey is Vincente Carpio, one of the world’s most dangerous
                                 he pretends to be straight, but at night he meets men online for                                              criminals. He is clever, calculating and he's biding his time.
                                 anonymous encounters that both thrill and scare him. When Michael
                                                                                                                                               Diamond O’Connell is a daughter, a lover and a fighter. She’s seen
                                 falls in love for the first time, a vicious strain of gossip circulates and
                                                                                                                                               things most nineteen-year-old girls couldn’t even begin to imagine.
                                 a terrible, brutal act becomes the defining feature of both his and                                           And she’s about to become a pawn in a deadly game of cat and
                                 Bunny's futures — and of their friendship.
                                 With storytelling as intoxicating as it is intelligent, Rufi Thorpe has
Knopf                   04/20    created a tragic and unflinching portrait of identity, a fascinating          St. Martin’s Press      09/19
                                                                                                                                               Jack Flynn is a lawyer in Boston and has worked pro bono on behalf
                                 examination of our struggles to exist in our bodies, and an                                                   of wrongly convicted individuals. He lives south of the city and writes
The Friedrich Agency             excruciatingly beautiful story of two humans aching for connection.           Aaron Priest Literary Agency
                                                                                                                                               on his daily commute across Boston Harbor.
                                 Rufi Thorpe is the author of three novels. Her first, The Girls from          432 pp.
288 pp.
                                 Corona del Mar, was long-listed for the 2014 International Dylan
                                 Thomas Prize and for the 2014 Flaherty-Dunnan First Novel Prize.                                              “Flynn hits the trifecta – brilliant, brawny, and totally believable.” –
MS available                                                                                                   MS available
                                                                                                                                               David Baldacci

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                       Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                           info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                         7                                                                                                            8
Commercial Fiction                                                                                          Commercial Fiction

                           GRADY HENDRIX:                                                                                            LIAM PIEPER:
                           THE SOUTHERN BOOK CLUB'S GUIDE TO SLAYING                                                                 SWEETNESS AND LIGHT
                                                                                                                                     Connor is an Australian expat with a dark past who lives in a sleepy
                           Fried Green Tomatoes and Steel Magnolias meet Dracula in this                                             tourist town on the west coast of India. He’s a part-time dive
                           character-driven horror novel set in 1990s suburban                                                       instructor, and a part-time conman – surviving on what he can beg,
                           Charleston                                                                                                borrow and steal from lonely tourists on their own spiritual journeys.
                           Patricia Campbell’s life has never felt smaller. Her husband is too                                       When one of his scams goes horribly wrong, He’s offered a chance
                           busy to kiss her goodbye, her kids are wrapped up in their own lives                                      at redemption, if he’ll agree to smuggle a package across the
                           and the one thing she has to look forward to is her book club, a                                          country.
                           close-knit group of Charleston women united by their love of true                                         On the train he meets Olga, a kind-hearted New Yorker on her way
                           crime and suspenseful fiction.                                                                            to an ashram where she hopes to find direction from a famous Guru.
                           This pattern is upended when Patricia is viciously attacked by an                                         She invites Connor to accompany her on her spiritual journey – and
                           elderly neighbour, bringing his handsome nephew, James Harris,                                            he implicates her in his crime without her knowledge.
                           into her life. James makes Patricia feel things she hasn’t felt in                                        In the ashram, against the backdrop of the monsoon season,
                           twenty years. But there’s something…off…and then Patricia’s senile                                        Connor and Olga share a connection – and a desire to find, in each
                           mother-in-law insists she knew him back when she was a girl.                                              other or India itself, the happiness that eluded them in their own
                           When local children go missing, Patricia has reason to believe that                                       countries. But their relationship is tested as Olga falls under the
                           James might be more Bundy than Beatnik. But once she and the                                              sway of the Guru and her ashram, and Connor’s suspicion grows
                   04/20   book club members investigate further, the true monster emerges—         Hamish Hamilton         03/20    that something is deeply, deeply wrong with the place.
                           and he’s far more terrifying than any serial killer they’ve ever read
Quirk Books                about.                                                                   Penguin Random House Australia   Liam Pieper is an author and journalist. His first book was a memoir,
                           Grady Hendrix is a novelist and screenwriter. He is the author of                                         The Feel-Good Hit of the Year, shortlisted for the National Biography
392 pp.                                                                                             320 pp.                          Award and the Ned Kelly Best True Crime award. His first novel, The
                           Horrorstör, My Best Friend’s Exorcism, Paperbacks from Hell, and
                           We Sold Our Souls, all of which received critical praise including the                                    Toymaker, received the 2016 Christina Stead Fiction Award from
MS available               Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and more.                       MS available November            the Fellowship of Australian Writers.

                           DREW MURRAY:                                                                                              CAMILLA TRINCHIERI:
                           BROKEN GENIUS                                                                                             MURDER IN CHIANTI
                           Harlan Coben meets Criminal Minds in this FBI procedural                                                  Mourning the loss of his late wife, former NYPD homicide detective
                           that keeps tongue safely in cheek while solving an evolving                                               Nico Doyle moves to her hometown of Gravigna in the wine-soaked
                           web of 21st century crimes.                                                                               region of Chianti. Half-Italian and half-Irish, he finds himself able to
                           In 2011, Will Parker was the young prodigy CEO of a big tech                                              get by in the region, but he still feels alone and out of place. He isn't
                           company when he made a coding mistake that cost a college                                                 sure if it's peace he's seeking, but that certainly isn't what he finds:
                           student her life. To assuage his guilt, he left the Valley to pursue a                                    early one morning he hears a gunshot near his cabin and walks
                           career as an FBI agent in their cyber-crime division. Now, Special                                        outside to the sight of a flashily dressed man with his face blown off,
                           Agent Will Parker is called to investigate a murder scene in the                                          accompanied by a friendly dog Nico hastily adopts.
                           Midwest, where the victim has ties to a radioactive quantum                                               Salvatore Perillo, the local maresciallo, enlists Nico's help with the
                           computer Will was working on before he left his gig as                                                    murder case, though it's unclear whether the man knows about
                           CEO. Working with smart local homicide detective Dana Lopez and                                           Nico's old career. It turns out more than one person in this idyllic
                           FBI stuffed-shirt Thomas Decker, Will discovers the victim was                                            corner of Italy knew the victim, and with a very small pool of
                           holding an auction for the computer on the Dark Web—and the                                               suspects, including his own in-laws, Nico must dig up Gravigna's
                           bidding is still live. With far-reaching bidders including a legendary                                    every last painful secret to get to the truth.
                           Chinese hacker, Russian criminals sent by the Kremlin, and a                                              Camilla Trinchieri worked for many years dubbing films in Rome
                           corporate executive desperate to escape a scandal, Will once again                                        with directors including Federico Fellini and Luchino Visconti. As
Ocean View         06/20   finds a life in his hands when the victim’s daughter is taken hostage.   SohoCrime               06/20    Camilla Crespi, she has published the "The Trouble With" mystery
                           A trail of blood and high-tech breadcrumbs lead Will deeper into                                          series, as well as The Breakfast Club Murder. As Camilla Trinchieri,
Stonesong                  mystery, danger, and a race against time to keep unlimited power         Soho Press                       The Price of Silence and Seeking Alice, that won an Italian American
                           out of the wrong hands.                                                                                   Studies Association Award.
                                                                                                    appr. 320 pp.
336 pp.
                           Drew Murray is an avid fan of Comic Cons, escape rooms, and
                                                                                                                                     “A suspenseful and moving family drama that will leave you
                           board games, which positions him as the author of Broken Genius,         MS available                     wondering where the truth lies.” — Harlan Coben
MS available               his debut novel. Drew lives with his family in London, Ontario.

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                           Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                               info@melleragency.com
                                                                                              9                                                                                                          10
Commercial Fiction                                                                            Deutsche Autoren (Sachbuch)

                                                                                                           Deutsche Autoren (Sachbuch)
                                SAM TSCHIDA:                                                                                                DENISE HESSELMANN, MICHAEL KUCHARSKI
                                SIRI, WHO AM I?                                                                                             WER SAUFEN KANN, KANN AUCH KOCHEN
                                                                                                                                            Das Buch zur aktiven Katerbewältigung
                                Memento gets a Millennial makeover by debut author Sam
                                Tschida in this smart and edgy comedy.                                                                      Frisches Essen, einfach zubereitet – so lässt sich der Kater im
                                When Mia wakes up in a Los Angeles hospital with a head wound,                                              Handumdrehen verscheuchen!
                                she knows everything there is to know about the Kardashian family                                           Die Autoren zeigen, wie sich auch in verkatertem Zustand mit
                                but almost nothing about herself. The only items in her possession                                          wenigen Zutaten und einfachen Handgriffen die Energiereserven
                                are her torn party dress (which immediately begs the question –                                             nach durchfeierter Nacht wieder auffüllen lassen. Ein perfektes
                                what kind of girl parties on a Tuesday night?), a tube of Chanel                                            Geschenk oder Mitbringsel zu Partys – wobei sich die aus aller Welt
                                lipstick, and an iPhone with a shattered screen. She might not                                              inspirierten Gerichte natürlich auch ganz ohne Kater zubereiten
                                remember where she lives, but she can use her Instagram to figure                                           lassen. Neben den Rezepten haben die Autoren einige kurzweilige
                                out the basics of her life. Easy enough, right?                                                             Geschichten zusammengetragen, die dem Leser schnell wieder ins
                                Maybe not. As Mia works backward through her Instagram to piece                                             Gedächtnis rufen, warum es sich manchmal auch lohnt, sich
                                together her identity, she discovers an ugly truth buried within her                                        morgens so schlecht zu fühlen.
                                perfect social media image.                                                                                 Michael Kucharski absolvierte nach seiner Lehre zum Koch eine
                                But is it too late to undo her online lies and become an IRL good                                           Ausbildung zum Mediengestalter. Nachdem er ein Restaurant in
                                person?                                                                                                     Taiwan aufgebaut und viele Jahre geführt hatte, ist er seit seiner
                        05/20   Sam Tschida is from the wilds of Minnesota, where she lives with                                   2019     Rückkehr nach Deutschland als Creative Director Art tätig.
                                a motley crew of kids, dogs, and one handsome man. She is the              Michael Meller Literary Agency   Denise Hesselmann hat nach dem Diplomstudium an der RWTH
Quirk Books                     cofounder of ManuFixed, an editorial consulting company and a                                               Aachen sieben Jahre als Architektin im Ruhrgebiet gearbeitet. In
                                writing workshop that serves the Twin Cities. In her spare time she        Ca.100 Seiten                    ihrem Leben abseits des Berufs bezeichnen sie sich als
304 pp.                         runs, exercises, and watches Netflix.                                                                       weltenbummelnde Foodies, die ihre Gerichte gerne mit
                                                                                                           MS verfügbar                     Getränkebegleitung genießen.
MS available November           Film & TV rights under option to a major television studio

                                                                                                                                            REBEKKA REINHARD
                                JO WATSON:                                                                                                  JENSEITS VON NULL ODER EINS
                                ACTING ROYAL                                                                                                Philosophische Befreiung aus dem Computer-Denken
                                He needs a wife. She needs the money.                                                                       Die Welt erscheint uns irrsinniger und chaotischer denn je. Im
                                Romance. Royalty. Desire. All set in an opulent, ornate world.                                              Sekundentakt prasseln Katastrophenmeldungen auf uns ein. Was
                                                                                                                                            ist wahr, was Fake?
                                The media calls him The Playboy Prince and now he needs to                                                  Zwischen Spiegel Online und Sozialen Medien, zwischen dem
                                convince his parents and his kingdom that he has found love. He will                                        realen Alltag und der neuesten Netflix-Serie versucht der allseits
                                need a respectable girl to play his loving fiance for the weekend. If                                       vernetzte Mensch emsig, sich zurechtzufinden: Er klappt seinen
                                he doesn't convince his parents he's a changed man, he can say                                              offenen Geist zu und verlegt sich aufs Computer-Denken. Er
                                goodbye to his crown and inheritance.                                                                       kontrolliert, optimiert und steuert sich selbst, bis sein Gehirn zu
                                Enter Jenny, an actress who has just been hired to play his fiance                                          knarzen beginnt – und das immer gleiche Ergebnis produziert:
                                and she thinks this is the role of her life. She is really going to have                                    Entweder - Oder.
                                to act to get through this. Especially since she doesn't like him.                                          Computer-Denken ist ein Denken, das Vieldeutigkeit und
                                But soon the two find out that they will need each other in ways they                                       Widersprüchlichkeit in Eindeutigkeit übersetzt. Eine digitale
                                never thought possible.                                                                                     Schaltung kann nur aus zwei Zuständen bestehen: Null oder Eins.
                                                                                                                                            Ein Mensch, der aufs Computer-Denken geeicht ist, kann nur in
                                Jo Watson is a Wattpad Star, 2x Watty Award Winner, Tap Squad                                               Entweder-Oder-Kategorien leben: Lösung oder Problem. Erfolg
                                Published, author of the Destination Love series, Screenwriter,                                             oder Scheitern. Glück oder Unglück.
                                                                                                                                   2019     Dieses Buch plädiert für ein Jenseits von Null oder Eins. Für mehr
Wattpad                 2019    sometimes playwright.
                                She’s living in South Africa and probably listening to Depeche Mode                                         Leichtigkeit, Freiheit und Engagement...
The Bent Agency                                                                                            Michael Meller Literary Agency
                                right now.                                                                                                  Dr. Rebekka Reinhard promovierte über amerikanische und
278 pp.                                                                                                                                     französische Gegenwartsphilosophie. Sie ist als Redakteurin der
                                                                                                                                            Philosophie-Zeitschrift Hohe Luft wie auch als Keynote Speaker für
MS available                    12.6 millions reads on Wattpad!                                            Exposé und Leseprobe             Unternehmen tätig.

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                  Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                      info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                   11                                                                                                      12
Non-Fiction                                                                                                Non-Fiction

Non-Fiction                                                                                                                              SIERRA CRANE MURDOCH:
                                                                                                                                         YELLOW BIRD
                                                                                                                                         The true crime story of a murder on an Indian reservation, and
                            BECOMING DUCHESS GOLDBLATT                                                                                   the unforgettable Arikara woman who becomes obsessed with
                            “The only way to be reliably sure that the hero gets the girl at                                             solving it—an urgent, page-turning work of literary journalism
                            the end of the story is to be both the hero and the girl                                                     and social criticism.
                            yourself.”—Duchess Goldblatt                                                                                 When Lissa Yellow Bird was released from prison in 2009, she found
                            Becoming Duchess Goldblatt is two stories: that of the reclusive real-                                       her home, the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, transformed
                            life writer who created a fictional character out of loneliness and thin                                     beyond recognition by the Bakken oil boom, her tribal government
                            air, and that of the magical Duchess Goldblatt herself, a bright light                                       swayed by corporate interests, and her community burdened by
                            in the darkness of social media. Fans around the world are drawn to                                          violence and addiction. Three years later, when Lissa learned that a
                            Her Grace’s voice, her wit, her life-affirming love for all humanity, and                                    young white oil worker, Kristopher "KC" Clarke, had disappeared
                            the fun and friendship of the community that’s sprung up around her.                                         from his reservation worksite, she became particularly concerned.
                            @DuchessGoldblatt brought people together in her name: in                                                    No one knew where Clarke had gone, and few people were actively
                            bookstores, museums, concerts, and coffee shops, and along the                                               looking for him. Yellow Bird traces Lissa's steps as she obsessively
                            way, brought real friends home - foremost among them, Lyle Lovett.                                           hunts for clues to Clarke's disappearance.
                                                                                                                                         Yellow Bird is a masterfully reported story about a search for justice
                            Duchess Goldblatt, 81, is the inspirational author of An Axe to                                              and a remarkable portrait of a complex woman who is smart, funny,
                            Grind; Feasting on the Carcasses of My Enemies: A Love Story; and                                            eloquent, compassionate and also manipulative. Drawing on eight
                            the heartwarming meditation on mothers and daughters Not If I Kill          Spiegel and Grau       07/19     years of immersive investigation, Crane Murdoch has produced a
                            You First. A cultural icon, trophy ex-wife, friend to all humanity, and                                      deep examination of the legacy of systematic violence inflicted on a
Houghton Mifflin    07/20
                            sponsor of the prestigious Goldblatt Prize in Fiction, she lives in         Friedrich Agency                 tribal nation and a tale of extraordinary healing.
Friedrich Agency            Crooked Path, NY. She’s fictional but her love is real.                                                      Sierra Crane Murdoch is a journalist based in the American West
                            Anonymous, the real-life person in whose mind Duchess Goldblatt             272 pp.                          and has written for The Atlantic, The New Yorker online, Virginia
240 pp.                     lives and flourishes, has gathered all available truth and beauty for                                        Quarterly Review, Orion, and High Country News. She is a
                            these pages. There’s nothing else to give.                                  MS available                     MacDowell Fellow.
MS available

                                                                                                                                         JULIA GILLARD, NGOZI OKONJI-IWEALA:
                            IRENE BUTTER:
                                                                                                                                         WOMEN AND LEADERSHIP: REAL LIVES, REAL
                            SHORES BEYOND SHORES. From Holocaust to
                            Hope. My True Story
                            As Irene's Pappi fights to save his family during the Holocaust,                                             Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and international
                            Irene's childhood is lost. Play is restricted. Family and friends                                            development expert Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala combine their forces
                            disappear. Finally, with the Dutch police at their door comes the                                            to consider questions of women and leadership.
                            reality that Irene's father has not moved his family far enough from
                            Hitler's Germany. By January 1945, the family is struggling to survive                                       Relying on the words of women leaders to describe their own
                            a death camp. Irene tends her ailing parents, cares for starving kids,                                       experiences, Women and Leadership presents a lively and readable
                            and even helps bring clothes to her Amsterdam neighbour Anne                                                 analysis of how gender impacts the access of women to positions of
                            Frank, before her family is offered a singular chance for freedom...                                         political leadership. In today’s world, women make up less than 10%
                            After two weeks of heart-lifting miracles and heart-breaking                                                 of national leaders. At the current rate of progress it will take 50
                            tragedies, Irene arrives in the Algerian desert, without her parents or                                      years for women to reach equal numbers in parliaments, and 100
                            brother.                                                                                                     years for ministerial positions. Women leaders often have
                            Irene Butter’s memoir, Shores Beyond Shores, is an account of how                                            biographies or autobiographies published but may shy away from
                            the heart keeps its common humanity in the most inhumane and                                                 dealing deeply with gender questions. Women and Leadership fills
                            turbulent of times. Irene’s hard-earned lessons are a timeless                                               that void, taking a consistent, comprehensive approach to teasing
                            inspiration.                                                                                                 out what is different for women leaders. The real-world experiences
                                                                                                        Vintage Australia      07/20     of the interviewees are tested against the authors’ hypotheses of
White River Press   04/18   Irene Hasenberg Butter is a well-known peace activist and
                            Professor Emerita at the University of Michigan. She is an                                                   how gender impacts leadership.
                                                                                                        Penguin Random House Australia
Read!                       inspirational speaker, talking about World War II and the importance
                            of “never a bystander” and ”one person can make a difference.” Irene                                         Featuring: Jacinda Ardern, Hillary Clinton, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,
290 pp.                                                                                                 368 pp.                          Michelle Bachelet, Joyce Banda, Erna Solberg, Theresa May,
                            is a co-founder of Zeitouna, an organization of Jewish and Arab
                            women working for peace.                                                                                     Christine Lagarde and more.
MS available                                                                                            Proposal available

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                    info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                13                                                                                                        14
Non-Fiction                                                                                                 Non-Fiction

                                 MAGGIE GROFF:                                                                                               RUSSEL HOWCROFT, ALEX WADELTON:
                                 MRS GROFF’S MISCHIEVOUS BOOK OF                                                                             THE RIGHT-BRAIN WORKOUT
                                 MOTHERHOOD MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                                                             Creativity has the power to transform. To transform you, your
                                 You can fool all of the children some of the time, and some of                                              mental state, your relationships, your work, and, yes, even the
                                 the children all of the time, but with practice you can fool all of                                         world.
                                 the children all of the time. And their fathers.
                                                                                                                                             In The Right-Brain Workout, you’ll find 70 questions posed by some
                                 Warm, funny and wise, Mrs Groff’s Mischievous Book of                                                       of the most creative people from the worlds of comedy, art,
                                 Motherhood Management is an irresistible voice for our time, based                                          advertising, music, literature and photography. Questions that will
                                 on her hugely successful Mothers Behaving Badly. Packed with a                                              challenge you to be more creative, every day.
                                 treasure trove of fascinating new information about the female                                              You’ll rediscover the creativity that we all had inside of us when we
                                 parent commonly known as ‘mother’ – and a multitude of hints, facts,                                        were kids. Or you’ll enhance your already creative mind. Plus, you’ll
                                 cheats, ideas and curiosities – it champions common sense and                                               uncover weekly Right-brain Tips: simple things that you can do to
                                 skewers nonsense at every turn. Above all, this charming little gift                                        stimulate your brain. It’s the fun and energising exercise regimen for
                                 book will surprise and delight.                                                                             your brain that you didn’t know you were looking for. And it just might
                                                                                                                                             help unlock the creative genius inside of you…
                                 Maggie Groff is a multi-award-winning novelist, columnist and non-
                                 fiction writer whose work has been translated and published                                                 Former adman Russel Howcroft has worked for some of the best
Bantam Australia       12/19     internationally. She is the author of three non-fiction books: the best-   PRH Australia          12/19     agencies in the world. He co-founded Leonardi Brandhouse and ran
                                 selling Mothers Behaving Badly (1999), Hoax Cuisine (2001) and                                              his own agencies with various partners for eleven years.
Penguin Random House Australia                                                                              Penguin Random House Australia
                                 Not Your Average Nurse (2017). Maggie is also the author of the                                             Alex Wadelton was in 2016 rated as one of the world’s top 20
                                 two highly-acclaimed crime novels featuring investigative reporter                                          advertising writers and creative directors. His advertising campaigns
208 pp.                                                                                                     128 pp.
                                 Scout Davis: Mad Men, Bad Girls (2012) and Good News, Bad News                                              have run all around the world and his charity campaigns have raised
                                 (2013).                                                                                                     hundreds of thousands of dollars.
MS available                                                                                                MS available

                                 ROB HOPKINS:                                                                                                RUBY JONES:
                                 FROM WHAT IS TO WHAT IF                                                                                     ALL OF THIS IS FOR YOU
                                 If there is a consensus about anything in today’s fractured world, it’s                                     A beautiful, thoughtful gift book by Ruby Jones, the celebrated
                                 that the future looks grim. Unprecedented levels of anxiety and                                             young illustrator behind the artwork ‘This is your home and you
                                 loneliness, especially among young people, have metastasized into                                           should have been safe here.’
                                 a severe mental health crisis of epidemic proportions.
                                 Extremist movements and governments are on the rise.                                                        Life can be overwhelming, particularly in 2019. Ruby’s witty,
                                 Catastrophic climate change is well underway. Biodiversity loss.                                            compassionate and colourful illustrations never fail to bring a smile
                                 Food insecurity. The fracturing of entire ecosystems beyond repair.                                         of recognition, while her practical words of advice and reassurance
                                 This is why From What Is to What If is the most courageous and                                              remind us of how lucky we are to be here, and how we can be kinder
                                 necessary book this year.                                                                                   to ourselves, to the people in our lives and to the world around us.
                                 On page after page, Transition Movement founder Rob Hopkins                                                 Ruby’s work is instantly recognisable and is suitable for a young
                                 shows us evidence that things can indeed change. Perspectives can                                           audience through to adults – for everyone navigating modern life.
                                 change. Whole societies and cultures can change—rapidly,                                                    She deals with difficult feelings and emotions (grief, depression,
                                 dramatically, and unexpectedly—for the better.                                                              anxiety, body image) skilfully, with just the right touch of humour
                                 So why are we failing on a global scale? Because, Hopkins argues,                                           when needed.
                                 we’ve forgotten how to use our most critical tool: the human                                                These simple, heartfelt messages speak to the human condition and
                                 imagination. The ability to simply ask, What if? In this passionate call                                    transcend race and culture with images that represent a global
                       10/19     to action, Hopkins explores what we must do to revive and replenish                                         diversity. Content will resonate with a broad audience, and readers
                                                                                                            PRH New Zealand        11/19     will see themselves in her illustrations and readily identify with the
                                 our collective imagination. Once achieved, there is no end to what
                                 we might accomplish.                                                       Penguin Random House NZ          messages.
Chelsea Green
                                 Rob Hopkins is the author of The Power of Just Doing Stuff, The                                             Ruby Jones is an artist and writer whose messages of hope and
                                 Transition Handbook, and The Transition Companion. He was voted            104 pp.                          kindness gained worldwide attention after the March 2019
240 pp.
                                 one of the Independent’s top 100 environmentalists and earned a                                             Christchurch terrorist attacks. Since then, her work has appeared
                                 spot on the Observer’s list of Britain’s 50 New Radicals.                  MS available                     online with Buzzfeed, i-D, Vogue and Marie Claire magazine.
MS available

                         Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                   Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                  info@melleragency.com                                                                                       info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                    15                                                                                                         16
Non-Fiction                                                                                                 Non-Fiction

                               ROBERT L. LEAHY:
                                                                                                                                               PAUL MCINTYRE:
                               THE JEALOUSY CURE
                                                                                                                                               USE IT OR LOSE IT
                               Robert L. Leahy, Ph.D., world renowned cognitive therapist and
                               author of the bestselling work, The Worry Cure has a new book,                                                  We all want to age well, but what does that really mean? Should
                               The Jealousy Cure, destined to also be a bestseller.                                                            we be playing endless Sudoku to stimulate our brains, or
                               Could jealousy be a positive thing? In this ground-breaking book,                                               power-walking our way to eternal youth?
                               Robert L. Leahy invites you to gain a greater understanding of your
                               jealous feelings, keep jealousy from hijacking your life, and create                                            In Use It or Lose It Paul McIntyre sorts the fact from the fiction and
                               healthier relationships. But what if jealousy isn’t just a neurotic                                             reveals the practical measures we can all take to keep our body in
                               weakness? What if it signals that your relationship matters to you?                                             good shape and our brain sharp and alert. Because when it comes
                               In short—what if jealousy serves a purpose?                                                                     to positive ageing, our physical and mental health are one and the
                               In The Jealousy Cure, renowned psychologist Robert L. Leahy takes                                               same. Believe it or not, preventing a disease as serious as dementia
                               a more nuanced approach to tackling feelings of jealousy: You’ll                                                is as much about pursuing interests and having a flourishing social
                               uncover the evolutionary origins of jealousy, and how and why it’s                                              life as it is about standard health prescriptions. Good nutrition,
                               served to help us as a species. You’ll also learn practices based in                                            regular exercise, relaxation, social interaction and healthy activities
                               emotional schema theory, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT),                                                   are paramount for your body and your brain and your emotional
                               acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and mindfulness to                                                     outlook as you get older.
                               help you overcome the shame jealousy can bring and improve                                                      With key advice from experts in diet, nutrition, dementia research
                               communication with your partner. You will learn that confronting                                                and psychology, and lots of activities and suggestions to inspire you,
New Harbinger          03/18   jealousy in your relationship does not have to be a catastrophe, but           Penguin Life           07/19     including some delicious health-boosting recipes, Use It or Lose It is
                               can redirect you and your partner to build more trust, acceptance,                                              an essential guide to remaining vital through mid-life and beyond.
D4EO Literary Agency           and connection. We often feel jealous because we fear losing the               Penguin Random House Australia
                               things or people that matter to us the most. With this insightful guide,                                        Paul McIntyre is the host of ABC Radio’s ‘Medical Matters’ and has
                               you’ll discover how jealousy can both help and hurt your                                                        more than two decades of experience at ABC Radio. He is also a
248 pp.                                                                                                       272 pp.
                               relationship, and learn proven-effective skills to keep jealousy in its                                         playwright and lives in Tasmania with his partner.

MS available                   place.                                                                         MS available

                               DAN MARSHALL:                                                                                                   CANDACE ROSE RARDON:
                               MIND BLOWN                                                                                                      STUFF EVERY TEA LOVER SHOULD KNOW
                                                                                                                                               Tea is arguably the most popular beverage in the world, but
                               Prepare to have your mind blown…                                                                                there’s more to know beyond the colorful boxes sold at your
                                                                                                                                               local grocery store.
                               Did you know space is only an hour’s drive away? Did you know                                                   Like wine and beer, each tea variety has its own distinct history,
                               there is a jellyfish that is biologically immortal? Or that of all life that                                    source, and flavor profile, from Darjeeling to matcha to Silver
                               has ever existed on Earth, 99.9% of it is extinct?                                                              Needle. Tea is also embedded in the traditions of many cultures
                               Dan Marshall’s slick new book is packed to the brim with facts that                                             around the world and is shared with others through distinctive
                               will BLOW YOUR MIND. Delightful illustrations and beautiful design                                              ceremonies that include unique customs, foods, and accessories.
                               bring to life some of the hardest to believe and awesomely real facts                                           Within the pages of this pocket-sized guide, you’ll find information,
                               you’ll ever see.                                                                                                how-tos, and trivia for tea lovers of all levels.
                               Dan Marshall is a designer, illustrator and writer who runs a design                                            Experts and newbies alike will learn about:
                               agency, Studio Marshall. For over 20 years he has worked with a                                                 • Tea Bags vs. Loose Leaf
                               diverse group of clients including the Sydney Opera House, The                                                  • How to Prepare Tea
                               Australian Museum, One Laptop Per Child, The Hunger Project,                                                    • Tea Traditions around the World
                               Facebook and Coca Cola.                                                                                         • And more!
                               Mind Blown was born from Dan’s passion for graphic design,                                                      Candace Rose Rardon is a travel writer, illustrator, and avid tea
Lost the Plot          10/19   communicating information visually and his deep curiosity for the                                     04/20     drinker. Her work has appeared on Longreads, National Geographic
                               incredibly strange place that is our universe.                                                                  and BBC Travel, among others. Originally from the east coast, she
Pantera Press                                                                                                 Quirk Books
                                                                                                                                               has spent the past decade traveling through more than 50 countries
156 pp.                                                                                                                                        and falling in love with the fascinating tea traditions found across the
                                                                                                              272 pp.
                                                                                                                                               world, from masala chai in India to mint tea in Morocco to yerba mate
MS available                                                                                                                                   in Uruguay.
                                                                                                              MS available

                          Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                    Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                   info@melleragency.com                                                                                        info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                      17                                                                                                          18

                                CRAIG VENTER, DAVID DUNCAN:
                                VOYAGES OF SORCERER II
                                A big story about small things, Voyages will tell the story of the
                                unknown, vibrant, invisible world that connects all life on the
                                                                                                                                  Michael Meller
                                                                                                                                  Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
                                The journeys of the Sorcerer II - a 94-foot sailboat-turned research                              Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                vessel - supply the narrative engine for this scientific revolution                               m.meller@melleragency.com
                                being spearheaded by Craig and his team. Traveling over 75,000
                                miles through nearly every sea and ocean, Sorcerer II’s mission has
                                been and remains to hunt down and identify trillions of micro-
                                organisms - less than 1% of which had been studied before Dr.                                     Cristina Bernardi
                                Venter began in 2002.                                                                             Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
                                But this is not just a chronicle of one of the greatest ongoing journeys                          Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                of science and discovery ever undertaken. It is a tale of adventure                               c.bernardi@melleragency.com
                                on the high seas, of international political intrigue, as well as a fresh,
                                urgent look at how humans are impacting the careful balance of the
                                bacteria that supports all life as we know it.                                                    Franziska Hoffmann
                                                                                                                                  Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
Little, Brown           2020    Dr. Craig Venter is best known for co-sequencing the first ever                                   Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                human genome. Years later he stunned the scientific world again                                   f.hoffmann@melleragency.com
Aaron Priest Literary Agency    when he announced that he and his team had built from scratch the
                                entire genome of an organism. Now Dr. Venter is joining forces with
                                bestselling science author David Ewing Duncan to write about his
                                next audacious act of world-changing scientific discovery—the first                               Leonie Schöbel
MS available November           major exploration of the microbiome of the planet.                                                Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
                                                                                                                                  Fax: +49/89/36 63 72

                                DENIS WILSON:                                                                                     Niclas Schmoll
                                THE POWER OF FASTERCISE                                                                           Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
                                Using the New Science of Signaling Exercise to Get                                                Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                Surprisingly Fit in Just a Few Minutes a Day.                                                     n.schmoll@melleragency.com

                                What if we could send our body simple signals that directs it to
                                automatically lose fat and build muscle in just a few minutes a day?
                                The Power of Fastercise is a time-efficient, convenient, and natural                              Regina Seitz
                                approach to fitness developed by thyroid-health pioneer Denis                                     Fon: +49/89/36 63 71
                                Wilson, MD. Fastercise uses brief, strategically timed bursts of                                  Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                movement that almost anyone can do to cancel hunger pangs and                                     r.seitz@melleragency.com
                                help every kind of body burn fat, build muscle, and boost
                                This practice releases epinephrine and other hormones that
                                promote energy, mental focus, and help us to handle stress—fitness
                                for both the brain and the body. These strategies don’t require
                                special equipment, expensive meal plans, or workout clothes, and
                                can easily be incorporated into a daily routine in as little as one
                                minute a day.
                        10/19   Dr. Denis Wilson, MD, is the author of Wilson’s Temperature
Chelsea Green Publishing        Syndrome, Doctor’s Manual for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome,
                                and Evidence-Based Approach to Restoring Thyroid Health. Dr.
240 pp.                         Wilson speaks at medical conventions and medical schools both
                                nationally and internationally and trains physicians on the use of
MS available                    herbs and nutrients.

                          Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72                                                                Tel: +49/89/36 63 71 Fax: +49/89/36 63 72
                                   info@melleragency.com                                                                                    info@melleragency.com
                                                                                                     19                                                                                  20
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