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Times Media MEDIADATEN 2014 Anzeigen-Preisliste Nr.12 – gültig ab 1. Januar 2014 Advertisement Rate Card No.12 – effective January 1, 2014
Jubiläum 2014 - 10 Jahre The Atlantic Times Im Oktober 2014 feiert The Atlantic Times ihr zehnjähriges Bestehen. Das sind zehn Jahre, in denen wir in den USA kontinuierlich über deutsche Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur berichtet haben. Ein kurzer Rückblick: Die erste Ausgabe von The Atlantic Times wurde am 6. Oktober 2004 bei einem Empfang in der Residenz des Deutschen Botschafters in Washington D.C. präsentiert. „Wir möchten mit dieser Zeitung eine Brücke schlagen zwischen Deutschland und den USA“, erklärte Herausgeber Theo Sommer den hohen Gästen aus Politik und Wirtschaft. „Die Zeitung will die transatlantischen Beziehungen in den nächsten Abschnitt begleiten.“ Prominente Transatlantiker wie Henry A. Kissinger, Am 6. Oktober 2004 vor der Botschafter-Residenz in Helmut Schmidt und der damalige Bundeskanzler Washington D.C.: (von links) Herausgeber Theo Sommer, Gerhard Schröder waren mit einem Beitrag in der Verleger Detlef W. Prinz und der damalige US-Senator Erstausgabe vertreten. Richard G. Lugar mit der ersten Ausgabe von The Atlantic Times. Die unabhängige Zeitung The Atlantic Times trägt seitdem Verleger Detlef W. Prinz übergibt ein druckfrisches Exemplar durch eine regelmäßige Berichterstattung wesentlich von The Atlantic Times an den ehemaligen US-Präsidenten zur differenzierten Wahrnehmung eines modernen George Bush Senior. Deutschlandbilds im Ausland bei. Das Erfolgskonzept der englischsprachigen Qualitätszeitung aus Deutschland Auch US-Präsident George W. Bush bekommt bei seinem wurde inzwischen ausgeweitet auf Europa und die Region Besuch in Deutschland im Februar 2005 bei einem gemeinsamen Mittagsessen mit Gerhard Schröder eine Asien-Pazifik, die mit fortschreitender Globalisierung neben Ausgabe von The Atlantic Times überreicht. den USA ebenfalls wichtige Weltwirtschaftsmärkte und Handelspartner Deutschlands sind. Die TIMES-Publikationen sind bis heute die einzigen October 6, 2004: In front of the Ambassador’s residence in Washington. From left: executive editor Theo Sommer, umfassend berichtenden Zeitungen aus Deutschland, die publisher Detlef W. Prinz and Senator Richard G. Lugar in englischer Sprache erscheinen; sie werden international with the first issue of The Atlantic Times. beachtet und intensiv gelesen. Führungskräfte aus Politik und Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Lehre und Kultur Publisher Detlef W. Prinz hands the latest issue of The schätzen die Zeitungen als wichtiges unabhängiges Atlantic Times to former President George H. W. Bush. Informationsmedium. Der exklusive Verteiler US President George W. Bush also received his copy of erreicht eine hochkarätige Leserschaft, die über eine The Atlantic Times during a visit to Germany in February überdurchschnittliche meinungsbildende Kraft verfügt. 2005, during lunch with Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. 2
A Monthly Newspaper from Germany Review No.5, October 2006 1 Zwei Jahre The Atlantic Times George Bush senior und Helmut Kohl feierten mit in Washington The Atlantic Times Turns 10 – We’re Celebrating! G ibt es zum 2. Geburtstag einer Zeitung einen besseren Gastautoren als die amtierende In October 2014 The Regierungschefi Atlantic Timesn? Für its marks dietenth Atlantic Times In anniversary. war es eine those besondere ten years we’ve Ehre, been continually dass Kanzlerin Angela Merkel für deren and the arts reporting about German politics, business for readers in the US. Let’s take a brief look back: Oktober-Ausgabe 2006 den Leit-Beitrag schrieb. Dass Thedie Bundeskanzlerin first für die issue of The Atlantic Atlantic Times was presented at Times zur Feder a reception griff, in the unterstrich German zugleichresidence ambassador’s die in Washington D.C. Bedeutung dieser Monatszeitung in Politik und A Monthly Newspaper from Germany Wirtschaft der USA. 2005 “We want1this newspaper to build a bridge between Germany and the US,” executive editor Theo Sommer Zu den regelmäßigen Lesern der Atlantic sh on The Atlantic Times: told the audience of business and political leaders. Times zählt “This auch Ex-US-Präsident newspaper Georgerelations will follow transatlantic Bush in – wie theKenner coming wissen, eine auch Atlanticists years.” Prominent heute höchst including “A really great idea.” Henry A. Kissinger, German Chancellor international. Helmut Ihm übergab to the first issue. Schmidt einflussreiche Persönlichkeit, national wie the then- Gerhard Schröder Verleger and all contributed Detlef Prinz sh’s eight- am 3. Oktober, am Tag der deutschen Einheit, BERND KÜHLER / BUNDESBILDSTELLE , publisher in Washington die gerade Since then, through frisch gedruckte its reporting the independent e president Ausgabe –The 25.newspaper dasAtlantic Times has been helping Geburtstags-Exemplar c Times, a people gain a nuanced understanding of today’s aper from sozusagen (Foto oben). Ebenso einem anderen, Germany. The proven formula of this English-language . Bush and dernewspaper sich wie Bushfromum die deutsche Germany has sinceEinheit expanded into the very inter- verdient gemacht Asia-Pacific hat:and region dem früheren Europe – bothKanzler of which are, newspaper. Dr. together Helmut withKohlthe United (Foto States unten). in a und Bush globalized Kohl world eally great – key international markets gratulierten der Atlantic Times zum and trading partners of ight: Pub- Germany. , Chancel- 2. Geburtstag. Und George Bush bekannte sich President als To aufmerksamer Leser publications der Atlanticare Times. Er this day the TIMES the only The Atlan- ush. erhält sie von from periodicals Anfang an, wie Germany auch that offersein Sohn, comprehensive dercoverage amtierende in English. They receive international US-Präsident. attention and enjoy a dedicated readership. Leaders in politics, Mit the business world, vielen amerikanischen academia Freunden and the arts wurde hold our newspapers in high regard as an important, Publisher dann in der Residenz des deutschen Botschafters Prinz independent information medium. Our exclusive presented this issue bis distribution in den späten Abendreaches network gefeiert an–audience bei vielen of decision- to President Bush. hochinteressanten makers who alsoGesprächen. help shape contemporary debates. 3 Wen „The Atlantic Times“ erreicht
Unsere Autoren seit 2004 Thomas Avenarius Egon Bahr Markus Balser Unsere englischsprachigen TIMES-Zeitungen werden in den politischen und wirtschaftlichen Führungsetagen Jochen Bittner Marc Brost Zbigniew hoch geschätzt, als publizistische Plattform geben sie Nikolas Busse Javier Caceres Fraser Cameron weltweit Impulse und Anregungen. Wolfgang Clement Francois D´Alancon Ivo Journalisten führender deutscher Medien informieren Manfred Eichel Frank Elbe Corinna Emundts unsere internationale Leserschaft über aktuelle deutsche Debatten und Themenschwerpunkte im Jens Flottau Lawrence Freedmann Hans- globalen Kontext. Joachim Gauck Sandro Gaycken John K. Die Namensbeiträge prominenter Persönlichkeiten aus Alfred Grosser Eric Gujer Karl-Theodor zu Wirtschaft und Politik sowie die Meinungsbeiträge renommierter ausländischer Autoren reflektieren Christoph Hein Francois Heisbourg Wolfgang auf hohem publizistischem Niveau die aktuelle Robert von Heusinger Ulrich Heyden Isabel Außenwahrnehmung Deutschlands in den Bereichen Politik, Wirtschaft, Medien und Kultur. Holslag Agnieszka Hreczuk Wolfgang Die Vielfalt unserer unabhängigen Berichterstattung Jeske Josef Joffe Sergey A. Karaganov in den Times-Zeitungen vermittelt ein modernes Thomas Kistner Michael Kläsgen Richard und differenziertes Deutschlandbild und fördert den interkulturellen Dialog. Kornelius Franz Kotteder Wolfgang Koydl A. Kupchan Ulrich Ladurner Stefan Leibfried Lieven Christoph Links Robert G. Livingston Robert von Lucius Michael Lüders Fyodor Duncan McCargo Adam Michnik David Miliband Patrick Moore Vali Nasr Matthias Naß Perthes Petra Pinzler Nikolaus Piper Karsten Polke-Majewski Heribert Prantl Avi Primor Jan Ross Matthias Rüb Hans Rühle Michael Rühle Gian Enrico Rusconi Thomas Ruttig Schmid Helmut Schmidt Gregor Peter Schmitz Birgit Schönau Tanjev Schultz Bernhard Schulz Slaughter William R. Smyser Theo Sommer Lothar Späth Michael Stabenow Gabor Steingart Jochen Thies Michael Thumann Dmitri Trenin Daniel Twining David Vernet Ulrich Viehöver Werner Weidenfeld Daniela Weingärtner Ulrich Weisser † Peter Zerjavic Andreas Zumach 4
Our Writers since 2004 Senior executives in politics and business Matthias Benz Christoph Bertram Norman Birnbaum read and count on our English-language TIMES newspapers as a platform for Brzezinski Dieter Buhl Tom Buhrow Richard Burt global impulses and recommendations. Hans-Peter Canibol Eric Chauvistré John Chipman Journalists from leading German media Daalder Peter Dausend Roger de Weck Kai Diekmann keep our international audience informed Caroline Fetscher Joschka Fischer Mark Fitzpatrick on what’s making the news in Germany, and put it into a global context. Peter Friedrich Cerstin Gammelin Timothy Garton Ash Opinion pieces by political and business Glenn Alexander Graf Lambsdorff Bartholomäus Grill leaders in Germany and around the world Guttenberg Alexander Hagelüken Michael V. Hayden reflect our demanding standards and help shape the global public debate on politics, Herles Ulrike Herrmann Roman Herzog Uwe Jean Heuser business, media and the arts in Germany. Hilton Hannes Hintermeier Paul Hockenos Jonathan The diversity of the TIMES newspapers’ Ischinger Hans-Jürgen Jakobs Jackson Janes Jürgen independent reporting provides a up-to- Eugen Kaspersky Christoph Keese Henry A. Kissinger the moment, in-depth information on Germany and promotes the dialogue of Klug Donald P. Kommers John Kornblum Stefan cultures. Nils Kreimeier Adam Krzeminski Ahmet Külahci Charles Pierre Lellouche Rüdiger Lentz Mark Leonard Anatol Lykyanov Kishore Mahbubani Sébastien Maillard Christoph von Marschall David Marsh Alexander Nicoll Julian Nida-Rümelin Joseph S. Nye René Obermann Leon Panetta Volker Ahmed Rashid Anders Fogh Rasmussen Thomas Rid Joachim Riecker Michael Rosentritt Michael Rutz Eberhard Sandschneider David E. Sanger Derek Scally Mark Schieritz Thomas Gunnar Schupelius Rafael Seligmann Faruk Sen Jamie P. Shea Radoslav Sikorski Anne-Marie Frank-Walter Steinmeier Hans-Christian Ströbele Michael Stürmer Carl Thayer Andreas Theyssen 5
Anzeigenformate und Preise Anze gen-Pre s ste Nr 12 – gü t g ab 1 Januar 2014 14 February 2009 14 February 2009 February 2009 15 ■ Job cuts Wherever tunnels are 1/1 Seite at Metro being built, Martin Her- renknecht cannot be far JobAG,cuts cuts Germany’s largest retailer, Wherever His tunnels are Building ■ away. giant boring ■ Job Metro says it will slash Wherever tunnels are working hours. The latter can be abroad. One reason is the higher ■ Organic goods at being built, Martin theirHer- at Metro 15,000Metro jobs to boost prof- machines renknecht through grind being built, any Martin cannot way Her- be far mountain. decisive for people in their early 30s. By the time she reaches pay, another the professional cli- mate – firms are less hierarchical keep growing… itability. Thelargest Germany’s cost cuts are retailer, renknecht cannot be far away. His giant boring W Germany’s largest retailer, that age, Radau says she than traditional medium-sized Despite the economic cri- 23.000,– Euro a career part Metro of AG, the Düsseldorf-based says it will slash away. His giant boring Metro 15,000 AG, company’s jobssays plan it to to boost will boost slash prof- machines grind hethertheir way cutting wants a husband firms in Germany. sis, the organic food sector machines grind theirtrees, way and two children, On the other hand, this opens up 15,000 profi ts by itability. jobs The€1.5to costboostcutsprof- billion over are through anydown mountain. continues to enjoy growth, itability. The cost years.cuts No are through anymining mountain. iron ore in addition new and unexpected opportunities although at a slower rate last W the next part of the four Düsseldorf-based an- part of the Düsseldorf-based nouncement has been made or tilling the hether land cutting to a job for immigrants to Germany. The year than in 2007. Sales of or- company’s plan to boost company’s plan to boost – traditional human hether down labor cuttingis a trees, with sub- battle for younger talent is finally ganic food rose 10 percent in as totsexactly where the over jobs profi by €1.5 billion German firms are bending over 290 mm [B] x 530 mm [H] profibets cut, byfour€1.5years. billion over difficult and down dirty battle mining iron trees, with ore stance. giving these people a chance to 2008 to €5.8 billion, according will the next although theNocom-an- nature. Buildingmining orhouses tillingandiron theships,ore Another establish themselves more quickly the next pany has four nouncement nouncement said years. has will No it been reduce madean- –forging traditionaltools and or tilling human growing land thegrain labor land is a backward to attract more engineers heavily courted in German society. to preliminary figures from the the as exactly has toworkforce by been where notthe made replac- jobs –diffi traditional ZMP price statistics agency, require cultpeopleand human to break, dirty labor battle bend is ora with group is Germans But complex immigration laws as to ing will be exactly employees will behas retire. pany cut, Thesaid where cut, although although whothe the it willthe company quit jobs com- is com- or also reduce difficultmatter. shape nature. and dirty Building The houses battle modern-day with and ships, By Anja Maier who have moved for non-EU citizens are keeping a decline from the sector’s 15 percent growth rate in 2007. nature. lives we Building lead inhouses offi forging tools and growing grain and ces, ships, planes abroad after grad- out many would-be immigrants panyworkforce has said its decentralizing the it will by not reduce purchasing replac- Germany lacks about 70,000 engineers, so politicians Despite the slowdown, ex- forging and require clubstools people and seem growing eons to break, grain removed bend or uating. Officially, whom the engineering sector the workforce and bywho logistics systems, not quit replac- giving perts say interest in organic ing employees or require from people such to elementary shape matter. The modern-day break, bend activities. or and managers are trying to exploit untapped sources of talent. 155,300 Germans would otherwise welcome with ing employees managers retire. morewho The company quit autonomy is alsoor shapeMartin matter. Theoffimodern-day open arms. At the same time, food and production methods retire. But lives we leadHerrenknecht, in ces, planes 66, They are also trying to sweeten the profession’s image turned their in theirThe localcompany decentralizing markets, iswhich its purchasing also lives knows we thatlead in eons coming offi toces, grips planes with backs on immigrants already living in Ger- among consumers and farm- decentralizing range from Portugalits purchasing togiving Rus- and clubs seem removed by offering less hierarchy, quick career advancement ers is still growing. and logistics systems, and clubs mountains from seem and rock such elementary eons activities. isremoved where their many face higher hurdles because and logisticsmore sia. managers systems,autonomygiving from many such a story elementary starts. activities. and family-friendly working hours. country the country’s selective education managers But Martin Herrenknecht, 66, their localmore autonomy 1/1 page …green tech too S in markets, which But This knows Martin stocky that comingHerrenknecht, and gray-crowned to grips with 66, in 2006. system gives them fewer chances to ■ The rock chewer in their local markets, which knows businessman that coming builds to grips giant with tunnel- arah Radau wants to do people interested the field? The qualify for higher education. ■ Bigger range range airports from Portugal from Portugal to Rus- to Rus- mountains and rock is where mountains “something concrete.” To In the global market for en- sia. ing many a storyand machines. rockleviathans, These starts. is where sector simply has a bad reputa- Among those who do succeed, sia. many reach that goal the 21-year- vironmental technology, The expansion of Frankfurt Thisastocky constructed storyinstarts. anda factory gray-crowned in the tion, analysts believe. The private boys generally have worse grades The rock ock chewe International Airport began Thisofstocky town businessman Schwanau and gray-crowned builds in southwest- giant tunnel- old chose to study engi- sector has therefore been recruiting than their German counterparts. Germany has increased its Bigger airports chewer ■ businessman neering. Now in her fourth semes- lead slightly. The country’s Bigger airports machines.builds ern Germany, have giant Thesechewed tunnel- their political help to rid itself of that And since they are not accepted HERRENKNECHT AG after ■ a court rejected suits by ing leviathans, € 23,000 neighbors The expansion The expansion The to haltofthe state of Airport project. Frankfurt of Frankfurt Hesse, where ing machines. way throughin These constructed constructed beneath town the in of Schwanau Elbe the a factory river leviathans, road a factory tunnel in in in the Ham- in southwest- the The fine art of tunneling through miles of mountains ter, in three years she will be an expert in her field with the doors of notoriety and bringing in new blood. into overflowing liberal arts pro- grams, many are now applying to market share has risen to 16 percent, 5 percent over International began International the afterairport a court Airport suits isrejected located, began had ap- by town burg, ern of Germany,Schwanau projects in Kuala have in southwest- chewed Lumpur their By Hannes Koch corporate advancement wide open About 40,000 new engi- engineering programs. Germany’s overall market PICTURES: ern Germany, and subwayhave athrough shaft chewed in Shang-their to her. Human resource depart- neers join the ranks of the German firms are pulling out AG after a court proved neighbors thetorejected halt the suits expansion by plan project. way the road tunnel share for industrial prod- PICTURES: HERRENKNECHT neighbors for The thirdto astate Theairport state of halt runway theand Hesse, oflocated, Hesse, project. new where where way Since hai. beneath beneath machines burg, through the2002, thehave projects Elbe Elbe theriverroadin tunnel Herrenknecht river grinding in been Kuala in Ham- Ham- Lumpur a giant fear-inducing object from boring machine in The fine art of tunneling through miles Breakthrough: of mountains ments will practically fight over her because university graduates German workforce every year, barely enough to the stops to court these potential employees. Some cover engineer- ucts. For the first time, Ger- many’s Ministry for Environ- terminal the in is 2007 but environ- had ap- By being Hannes Koch 290 mm [w] x 530 mm [d] A Herrenknecht “shield” RA the airport burg,away their projectsthroughinshaft Kuala inLumpur Switzerland’s outer space that touched down to front reducing granite like Radau – well-trained, eager fill the positions vacated ing students’ tuition fees; others theis expansion located, hadplanap- and subway Shang- ment recently published a SINIST mental proved groups and neighbor- dismantled after proved thefirunway expansion and hard Gott aSince subway 2002,shaft massif for in world’s the Shang- annihilate the earth. The monster and gneiss to fist-sized to learn and career-oriented – are by those retiring. But underwrite scholarships and ing atowns led and plan lawsuits. The hai. Herrenknecht drilling a part of the report on the environmental COLLA for third new hai. Since largest 2002, been transportation Herrenknechttunnel. chews its way through the moun- chunks while farther few and far between in Germany. with the German econ- even scout high school corridors for a third court terminal runway willin hear 2007 butand those new cases environ- machines have grinding tunnel through the economic outlook. In it, En- machines Fifty-seven have been kilometers grinding of rock a giant tain; fear-inducing resistance object from is futile. boring steel behind, machine in anchors, Breakthrough: German industry has too few omy having grown sig- for the brightest minds. terminal in 2007 butneighbor- environ- their way through Switzerland’s Gotthard massif. vironment Minister Sigmar in June,groups mental but workers and have al- theirtotal, way massif through A Herrenknecht “shield” engineers − it needs 70,000 more mental ready groups begun and clearing neighbor- woods in Gott hard now mostly forSwitzerland’s accom- the world’s outer space that Engineers calltouched these down to devices front reducing metal grids andgranite struts Over 13 kilometers being dismantled after nificantly in recent years, Steelmaker Thyssen-Krupp, for Gabriel said the markets of ing towns filed lawsuits. The Gotthardtransportation plished. massif for the world’s annihilate the earth. tunnel-boring machinesTheand monster they gneiss toare and concrete fist-sized put in of rock remain. to be exact – a gap that increases industry needs far more example, sponsors a competition ing construction. towns largest tunnel. will fihear led lawsuits. The the future were green and for In thecases UK, drilling a part of the court those largest “No point transportation in letting of tunnel. wimps chews its come in way all through shapes andthe moun- sizes. chunksOnce place. whilethefarther giant Company chief Martin by 12,000 each year, according well-trained people. Not Of those, “Young People Think About the court will Fifty-seven kilometers rock tunnel through the an expansion in June, buthear planthose workers forhave cases Heath-al- Fifty-seven kilometers Herrenknecht (left). to a recent study. The economy is had enormous potential. The in June, but workers have al- do in the total, job,” now mostly of Herrenknecht rock said. accom- tain; resistance “No one writesisabout futile.the small behind, steel advances, theanchors, crudely Gotthard massif. even the recession that just 84,800 were Future.” There, talented students report said the demand for row ready Airport begun has also clearing been woods in total, now “Wimps” is onemostly accom- of his favorite Engineers ones,” AchimcallKühn,these devices spokesman metaltunnel built grids is and struts in place, researchers Over and their 13 kilometers suffering as a result – the Associa- began can change that. between 25 figure out for themselves how their ready begun clearing woods plished. eco-friendly goods is set to approved for despite construction. opposition In the UK, plished. words. tunnel-boring machines and they and concrete for railare orput in of rock remain.Germany companies. tion of German Engineers (VDI) The situation is perfect for and 50 years generation chooses its course of for expansion construction. “No Itpoint conveys in aletting message: Her- wimps for the company, said. They drill ready road by an environmentalists planInforthe and UK, Heath-lo- “No renknecht do point the job,” ingetletting willHerrenknecht through wimps any- said. come inforallgasshapes tunnels and pipes, and water sizes. place. Once engineers the giant to work their Company chief Martin has to invest more in and the private Institute for the women like Radau, since both old, the study. The arrangement substan- double between 2005 and an expansion cals. plan also for Heath- do the “Building job,” Herrenknecht said. “No one writes about the small advances, the crudely Herrenknecht (left). young people; German Economy (IW) say the policy makers and managers have most produc- tially benefits both sides. 2020, reaching €2.2 trillion. row Airport has row Airport has opposition also been been thing. “Wimps” is one machines of his favorite that electricity and telecommunica- magic. researchers and spend their approved despite “Wimps” overcome words. is onethe even It conveys aofmessage: his favorite worst adver- Her- ones,” Achim Kühn, spokesman built Thetunnelnew is railroad in place, researchers more money to companies. and their improve Germany costs add up to €7.2 billion annu- recognized the harm in choosing tive years for Taken together, all these mea- approved by despite opposition environmentalists and lo- words. sity It conveys will geta message: is fascinating,” he said. Her- for the company, said. They drill ready for route rail or road is scheduled to companies. schools to and Germany universities, ally. to do without young women in employment. sures should help reduce the lack of ■ Get on the bus! by Schröder & and ■ renknecht through any- has invest more in environmentalists cals. lo- renknecht In bygone will days,getmachines through when any- tunnels tunnels for gas and water pipes, engineers open in to2017. work their Not has said. he to invest more Herrenknecht in The dearth of specialized staff the workforce. Just 11 percent Politicians are engineers in Germany. First reports thing. “Building that young people; spend The rise in gasoline prices in Russia cals. thing.still were overcome “Building made even the machines using dynamite, worst that adver- electricity and telecommunica- magic. only will it cut travel time from point he got bored with pound- himself sets young more people; an money example toby spend donat- improve means that projects have to be of Germany's 654,000 engineers doing their of success are beginning to trickle the first half of 2008 encour- overcome pickaxes sity evenpneumatic and is fascinating,” the he worst said.adver- drills, The in Zurich new railroad the north to Bellinzona ing rocks day in and day out and more money ing to a school schools inand to improve hisuniversities, hometown turned down or can only be com- are women. The industry can no best to turn in. According to the VDI, 86,000 ■ Schröder Former & German Chancellor sity the isbygone Inrule fascinating,” of thumb days, was he said. one dead route in is scheduled southern to Switzerland by an with corporate life. He wanted and endowing schools and universities, university profes- pleted with delays. Customers are longer afford such a low quota. that tide or at young people began studying engi- aged more Germans to use ■ Schröder Gerhard Schröder & will join when tunnels he said. Herrenknecht the public transportation in- theRussia In bygone worker were permade still days, kilometer. usingwhen tunnels Dynamite dynamite, open toinone hour 2017. and aNothalf hours. It to move onto more challenging sorships. himself he an sets said. Herrenknecht example by donat- increasingly turning abroad to get And so companies are working least stem it. neering in 2007 – a 5.5 percent Russia board of Russian oil giant were still could pickaxes made go andoff by using chance, pneumatic dynamite, rock- drills, onlyalso will willhelp it cutthe travel time people from breathe point he vistas – sogot hebored tried awith run pound- for the himself ing But asets to the an example political school in hislife bydid donat- hometown not the work done. A fateful trend, hard to improve perks for female But still increase over the previous year. stead of their cars, according to the VDV transport asso- TNK-BP German Former to act asChancellor mediator pickaxes ing to a Lothar schooluniversity in his hometown since outsourcing is already cost- Former betweenGerman Chancellor slides the rulecouldofand pneumatic occur thumb –was onedrills, accidents dead of aZurich little ineasier the north to Bellinzona as thousands of ing rocksparliament German day in and for daythe outcon- and happen. and endowing Späth, the profes- former graduates. far too many Word is getting around in Ger- Unsung Gerhard Britain’s Schröder BPwill andjoin its the kinds all rule per ofcould thumb wasDynamite happen. oneWork dead in southern polluting Switzerland trucks no longerby an belch with corporate servative CDU partylife. of HeChancel- wanted and endowing premier university profes- of Baden-Württemberg ing the German economy 74,000 Aside from a good salary – engi- newly minted many that the engineering sector ciation. Last year, the group Gerhard Schröder will join worker kilometer. sorships. Russian the boardbillionaire of Russianpartners. oil giant workergo peroff kilometer. Dynamite hour to onethrough and a halfSwiss hours.vil- It to move onto more challenging sorships. and jobs a year. neers earn 26 percent more money German engi- has a lot to offer. Radau has every registered 10.4 billion public the board of Russian oil giant underground could still remains by chance, dan- rock- their way lor Angela Merkel. Buta the company politicaltrustee, life did appre- not HEROES The TNK-BP two to sides act have as been mediator could could gerous go to off this by day.chance, “Something rock- will also help the people breathe lages. vistas – so he tried He believes a run for Germany is, the to But the ciates what political lifethedid Herrenknecht not has How can it be that Germany, than liberal arts grads – companies neers are pull- reason to hope she’ll accomplish transport rides, or over 28 mil- TNK-BP to slides occur – accidents of happen. Lothar Späth, former involved in act asBP a bitter mediator dispute lion passengers per day, a 1 U between Britain’s and its slides can all could happen kinds occurhappen. every could – accidents day,” Herren- Work of a Herrenknecht’s little easier as machines thousandscost of aGerman certainparliament extent, onfor thethe con- wrong happen. done premier as Lothar Späth, theBut aofbusinessman. Baden-Württemberg former that a country with a long engineer- advertise flat hierarchies, fast-track ing up stakes “something concrete” in the Unsung between over Britain’sofBP the billionaire running theand its com- all kinds could premier of Baden-Württemberg ing tradition, has so few young percent increase over 2007. Russian Russian billionaire partners. partners. knecht underground said. stillhappen. He feels Work a certain remains dan- polluting tens trucks no of millions oflonger euros.belch The servative track. CDU party offulminates Herrenknecht Chancel- does and anot mean company hetrustee, backs him as a appre- promotions and family-friendly and moving future. ■ pany. Schröder sides has strong H RO The two have been underground kinship gerous with to still thisthe remains workers day. dan- toiling “Something their way entirely through Swiss family-owned company vil- lor Angela against what Merkel. he calls the anti- and a what politician. ciates company willtrustee, “I Herrenknecht appre- do everything has HEROES The totwo insides have been ciates ties involved Russia a and, during bitter his dispute gerous away can into the happen this day. dark. every “Something “Those day,” Herren- are tions lines, projects that are usu- lages. to secure a major project in hopes He believes technology crowd Germany of former is,stu- to to done keepaswhat you Herrenknecht from a businessman.winning has Buta that seat involved in a forged bitter dispute can happen every day,”a Herren- Herrenknecht’s machines circ- cost a certain extent, on the thepolitical wrong done in as amean businessman. parliament,” But saidthat time over in theoffice, running a close of the com- hands-on knecht straightforward said. He feels people certain ally remote-controlled and rather Russia – a fourth expressway dent revolutionaries, does not heSpäth backsishim astoa over the running of the com- knecht cansaid. He feels a certain tens Moscow of millions of euros. The track. Herrenknecht of formerfulminates does not have toldmean he backs him The as a relationship withhas Russia’s you countthe on.” mundane. But the giant machines ling – valued at between generation German “IHerrenknecht. 1/1 Seite Panorama pany. Schröder strong kinship with workers toiling politician. will do everything Schröder then-president ties Russia and, has Vladimirstrong during Pu- his kinship The in away with the the biggest workers machine dark. “Those toiling Herren- are are capable of realizing projects entirely €70 andfamily-owned €100 against minister foreign what heJoschka calls the anti- Fischer. politician. to keep you“Ifrom businessman will winning then do everything failed toa seat win ties Schröder tin. time toinRussia office, and, during already forged his achairs close away in straightf knecht’s hands-on the dark. “Those company ever built are tionsside-by-side for lines, projects that are subway usu- tracks, hopes The tocompany, secure a major project which in calls technology One example crowd of former is the stu- Transrapid to keep the in you from necessary parliament,” partywinning Späthsupport a seat is said for to time in Gazprom’s office, forged Nord relationship with Russia’s a close Stream hands-on straightforward measures more than 15 meters people ally remote-controlled high-speed and rather railway lines and Russia the itself – a fourth worldexpressway leader incirc- its dent revolutionaries, magnetic levitation the political train – a ainBundestag haveparliament,” seat.Späth is saidThe told Herrenknecht. to relationship pipeline with venture, Russia’s which isPu- to you can as across, counttallon.”as a four-story mundane. highways. four-lane But the giant machines ling fi eld,Moscow employs–2,500valuedpeople, at between and generation project of former developed by German have Backtold fromHerrenknecht. businessman his then failed to The unsuccessful run win then-president Vladimir then-president supply Russian Vladimir natural Pu- gas The biggest apartment machine building. On the Herren- front are Thecapable most ofcomplicated realizing projects proj- €70 andrevenue boosted €100 million. of about €1 bil- foreign minister engineers that wasJoschka Fischer. subsequently businessman for the public offithen necessary party failed supportto win ce, Herrenknecht for tin. Schröder already chairs tin. Schröder alreadythrough chairs knecht’s of this giant company is a gigantic ever plate, built for side-by-side ect subwaythrough so far is drilling tracks, The lion lastcompany, which calls year. Herrenknecht does One example shelved at home. is the Transrapid Herrenknecht, the aplansnecessary to expand party support and his company for 25.000,– Euro directly Gazprom’s to Germany Nord Stream Bundestag seat. Gazprom’s a pipeline Nordwhich under theStream Baltic measures the shield. more thanarmed It rotates, 15 meters with high-speed the railway lines Alpine Gotthard massif.and In itselfappear not the tooworld leader worried aboutin the its amagnetic mechanical levitation engineer,train – a feels deep a Back Bundestag eventually frompassseat. his it on to his son. unsuccessful run pipeline venture, is to pipelineRussian Sea. venture,natural which isgas to across, steel clawsas andtall teeth. as a four-story Company four-lane some highways. places, 500-meter high eld, employs financial crisis.2,500 people, He says and signing project developed frustration that the by onlyGerman coun- HeBack for from cannot public hisce, complain offi unsuccessful about a lack Herrenknecht run supply apartmenthave building. Onsomething the front The weigh most down complicated proj- boosted revenue for public offi ce, Herrenknecht supply engineers welded peaks on the boring new deals is moreofdiffi about cult€1at bil- the engineers try wherethatthe was trainsubsequently operates is of work. As long as the world directly Russian to Germany natural gas through of this gianttois the a gigantic gaps inplate, ect so farand is tunnel. drilling Athrough lion last year. Herrenknecht does shelved at home. Herrenknecht, plans to expand his company and plans to expand population his continuescompany and directly a pipelineto Germany under thethrough Baltic like armor the machine nearly moment but no current projects China. eventually pass it on totohisgrow son. ■ Cutting hours a pipeline under the Baltic Sea. the shield. shield, to Itkeep rotates, armedbeing it from with the Alpine Gotthard half-kilometer massif. on long factory In not appear have too worried about the been cancelled. a mechanical Had he beenengineer, elected, feels deep he would eventually and pass urbancomplain He cannot it onabout populations to his a son. with it, lack steel clawsby destroyed and theteeth. immense Company pres- some places, buttresses and 500-meter high rails is churning financial Basically, crisis. He says signing Herrenknecht lives frustration have backedthat the onlysupport increasing coun- Hewill so cannot complain theAsneed foras about a lack construction 607,5 mm [B] x 260 mm [H] Sea. Feeling the effects of the of work. long the world engineers sure. have welded The entire machine something could be peaks its way weigh downthe through onrock the boring – the new his for deals is more diffi company. Butcult at at the some try where for the train engineers, operatesand inventors is of work. Ascontinues underground. population long as the to world grow ■ deepening recession, Ger- like armor to the gaps in the population continues towith grow ■ manCutting ■ Cutting automakershours hoursBMW shield, to keep it from being machine and tunnel. A nearly half-kilometer long factory on moment but no current projects have been cancelled. China. Had he been elected, he would and and urban populations urban populations with it, it, so will the need for construction and Volkswagen Feeling the effectshave an- of the destroyed by the immense pres- buttresses and rails is churning Basically, Herrenknecht lives have backed increasing support so will the need for construction Form follows function Feeling the effects of Ger- the underground. ■ nounced deepening they will reduce recession, sure. The entire machine could be its way through the rock – the for his company. But at some for engineers, inventors and underground. ■ deepening working man recession, hours automakersof thousandsGer- BMW man of automakers andemployees. Volkswagen BMW Munich-based have an- Fo m follows o ow function unc on and Volkswagen BMW saidthey willhave it would an- drop Form nounced reduce nounced working hours ofwill they reduce shifts working in of for Germany. employees. 26,000 employees thousands hoursMunich-based of thousands Europe’s big- Writing instruments by Lamy reflect Bauhaus principles | By Christian Kreutzer of employees. gest carmaker, BMW Munich-based said it Volkswagen, would drop Technicians have been 1/1 page spread / across BMWitfor said said would itput would drop two-thirds The Lamy philosophy is founded pen and mechanical pencil, it can means no embellishments, no class craftsmanship has also gained shifts shifts of in its for 26,000 26,000 92,000 Germany. employees employees employees Europe’s – big- workingW Writing on improvinginstruments by Lamy reflect Bauhaus principles | By Christian Kreutzer on Bauhaus principles. They have also be used as a highlighter and tassels, no unnecessary luxury fans abroad. “The Lamy 2000 is in Germany. around gest 60,000Europe’s carmaker, –Volkswagen, on reducedbig- the fountain pen since the been in force since the company touch screen pen. and a price tag affordable for the one of the most popular fountain gest itcarmaker, hours during Volkswagen, founder’s son, Manfred Lamy, Lamy boasts a range of 200 average customer. pens in Japan,” Oblau said. The said would the put last week two-thirds Thirty Years’have War.been More joined saidFebruary. Technicians The Lamy philosophy as marketing is founded head pen and mechanical in the different pencil,a itbasic products, from can means “This no embellishments, approach – high value class craftsmanship no Lamy has also Safari – actually gained targeted of itsit 92,000 would Up put two-thirds until employees now,– than 350on years later, of its working improving on Bauhaus early 1960s principles. and startedThey work have also be used on ballpoint penasfor a highlighter €3.50 to and tassels, the and no unnecessary sustainability fans luxury at – was successful abroad. school kids“The Lamy because of 2000 is its par- the two92,000 around companies 60,000 employees – onhad – tried reduced € 25,000 around to counter hours 60,000 during – onlast slowing the reduced sales by week Lamy may have the fountain penachieved since the abeen new,infunctional force sincedesign. the company “Dialog touch screen pen. costs €190 and right 3” which and afrompricethe tagbeginning,” affordable for Oblau one of the the ticularly mostclip robust popular fountain – is a runaway the ultimate founder’s son, Manfred Lamy collaborated with theLamy, Bau- is Lamy boasts expected a range to hit of 200 the market average in said. It’s customer. pens in Japan,” therefore also fitting that success Oblau said. among young adultsThein hours of during eliminating February. the until overtime Up lastor week insti- now, Thirty Years’design. War. More haus joineddesigner as marketing Gerd A.head Müllerin and the different September. products, from ne” It will “redefi a basic “Thisproduces the Lamy approach – high of 95 percent value Lamy and the North Safari – actually South America. targeted of February. tuting twoimposing Up production until now, the thecounter companies two companies had tried than 350 years later, early 1960s developed theand started for prototype work a newon ballpoint pen Oblau fountain pen, for €3.50 to the single promised. and sustainability components––was the atEven successful including schoolthekidscomputer because ofera its par- has shutdowns. to slowing hadsalestried by Lamy may have achieved kind Nice a new,offunctional fountain design. pen: the now- “Dialog It takes3”between which costs and and three€190 right– from five ink ticularly itself.the beginning,” Oblau done robust little to clip – is aold-fash- render runaway to counter slowing eliminating overtimesales by or insti- the ultimate design. LamyLamy classic collaborated with the Bau- years 2000, distinguished is expected to hit to actually the market develop a new pen in said. Is itIt’stypically successwriting therefore also fitting that ioned among instruments young adultsany in eliminating overtime or insti- to have 607,5toNNice mm [w] x 260 mm [d] tuting imposing production ■ Magazine tuting shutdowns.imposing production haus designer primarily developed by Gerd A. Müller that the materials and September. Oblau It willmodel said. Each “redefi ne” thea requires Lamy G erm produces a n ? 95 percent of the North less and South“A attractive. Evenstill America. thecontinues handwritten computerto era has went into the it –prototype for a new a combination of fountain fine-tuning pen, ofOblau form, promised. proportion single P o s s icomponents bly, – including the letter express merger shutdowns. kind of fountain matte-polished pen: steel stainless the and now-a It function. and takes between threesixand That said, five million ink – the but itself. done particular little to render old-fash- appreciation,” B have classic called plastic Lamy Makrolon 2000, distinguished developed years to are Lamys actually solddevelop per year a new pen world- h iIsg hit- typically ioned writing instruments Oblau said. any■ ■ Magazine European ■ Magazine publishing giant asically, the ink in a primarily by the Bayer bycorporation. the materials that Oblau generating wide, said. Each model annualrequires revenuea German? less attractive. “A handwritten Gruner merger merger combine + Jahr said it will the editorial depart- fountain pen moves by capillary action from a went The into pen’sit cigar-like matte-polished also new. Details – a combination stainless shape was steel and were added of firsta fine-tuning of and some €50ofmillion. Formfunction. form, proportion Thatfunction follows said, six million – this Possibly, but the letter still continues to express particular appreciation,” Plugs B LAM ments of several of its giant busi- European publishing for the Steckvorrichtungen für die Welt. Fiches pour le monde. Tomas de Y European publishing reservoir to a metal nib plastic and called Makrolon foremost to serve adeveloped practical Lamys are Bauhaus sold per principle year also world- applies to high- Oblau said. ■ ness Gruner publications + Jahr saidintoitgiant one will Gruner +theJahr said itcost. will – and fromasically, the the there onto inkpaper. in a by the Bayer purpose corporation. for users. Enhancing the wide, the newgenerating “Dialog annual 3” pen,revenue devel- office in Hamburg combine to cut editorial depart- combine As ments ments desk of of ofof the March,editorial several several the the depart- of editorial its ofinto Financial busi- itsTimes busi- What is fountain there to pen capillary it? One could, moves change about action festoon of course, from a by The pen’s pen’s cigar-like aesthetic also new. Details secondary shape qualities waswasa were added first consideration. of some oped in €50 Formdesigner Swiss million. with collaboration followsFranco function – this LAM Y world. corriente para el mundo. Kontaktmateriaal voor de hele wereld. ness publications one reservoir the pen with to a metal diamonds like somenib and Theforemost collectionto serve was asuccessful practical Bauhaus principle Clivio. The also applies to ness office well of As publications Deutschland office in in Hamburg Hamburg as March, Capital, the tointo newspaper to cut Impulse one as cut cost. cost. and editorial – and from exclusive there do brands ontoandthe What is there to change about sellpaper. it for purpose and soonfor users. Enhancing expanded. pen’s designers aesthetictoqualities Lamy hired the thea xnew m i m “Dialog 3” pen, devel- Fichas para o mundo. Prese e spine per il mondo. 用于全世界的接插装置 €120,000. more apply newwas tech-a oped in collaboration with As ofofOnline Börse desk March, thebeeditorial will the Financial based Times it?“That One could, wouldofnot course, festoon correspond secondarytoconsideration. nologies new materials with Swiss designer Franco desk of the in one location Deutschland Financial Times with a team newspaper as the pen with ourwith diamondssaid philosophy,” like Beate some The collection functional results was successful in mind. Clivio. The Pro Ausgabe jeweils einmal in den Sektionen Politics, Business und Life buchbar. Deutschland newspaper as Singapur Vereinigte Staaten von China MENNEKES of well 250 journalists, as Capital, Impulsegraphic and exclusivemarketing Oblau, brands do andand sell it for commu- and Thesoon same expanded. is true of Lamy the hired maxim Amerika NANJING MENNEKES Electric Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG well asOnline Capital, Impulse and MENNEKES designers Börse and will photo beeditors. based €120,000.director at Lamy, a nications more designers simple mechanical to apply pencilnewandtech- MENNEKES Electrical Products Appliances Co., Ltd. Spezialfabrik für Börse Online will beaare based Electric Singapore Pte. Ltd. Some in one110 employees location with be- team “That would not Heidelberg-based correspond manufacturer nologies the “Lamy to new ABC”materials designedwithto 277, Fairfield Road 58 Qinhuai Road Steckvorrichtungen in one No. 3 International Business Park ing of 250 location laid off withoffi from the journalists, a ces team graphic in with of our philosophy,” writing instruments.said Beate “A Lamy functional help resultsschool elementary in mind. students # 03-28 Nordic European Centre USA-Fairfield, N.J. 07004 Jiangning Development Zone Postfach 1364 Available only once per section (Politics, Business and Life) of each issue. of 250 journalists, Cologne designers and photo graphic andMunich but can editors. Oblau, pen marketing is not a fashion andaccessory. commu- The how learn sametoiswrite.true of Thethe “Lamy PRC-211100 Nanjing, PR China D-57343 Lennestadt SGP-Singapore 609927 designers apply Some for 11050 and newphoto editors. positions employees are be-in nications It’s directorforat connois- something Lamy, a simple mechanical 4Pen” is another pencil and such example Some laid110 Hamburg. ing off employees from the offiarecesbe-in Heidelberg-based manufacturer seurs.” theinnovation of “Lamy ABC” – bothdesigned to a ballpoint ing laid off Cologne from and the offi Munich ces but in can of writing instruments. “A Lamy help elementary school students Cologne apply for and Munich 50 new but can positions in pen is not a fashion accessory. learn how to write. The “Lamy apply for 50 new positions in Hamburg. It’s something for connois- 4Pen” is another such example Hamburg. seurs.” of innovation – both a ballpoint February 2009 21 And action! ■ Jury complete The jury for the Berlin Interna- tional Film Festival, the Berli- nale, has been announced. The 2/1 Seite Panorama 48.000,– Euro panel to select the winners of The 59th Berlinale means glamour and great cinema | By Klaus Grimberg the Golden Bear, Silver Bears and the Alfred Bauer Award, is Famous directors, movie headed by actress Tilda Swin- ton. Other members include stars and films dedicated 607,5 mm [B] x 530 mm [H] Spanish writer-director Isabel to the effects of global- Coixet, Swedish best-selling ization on the individual author Henning Mankell, Ger- – the 59th annual film man director Christoph Sch- festival in Berlin prom- lingensief and California food ises once again to be a guru Alice Waters. feast for cinema fans. ■ Go for the Oscar T wo major international productions largely The German movie “Baader made at Babelsberg Stu- Meinhof Komplex,” a true-life dios just outside Berlin account of the 1970s left- 2/1 page spread are having their big premiere at wing Red Army Faction (RAF) the Berlin Film Festival – German terrorist group, is among five director Tom Tykwer (“Per- nominees for best foreign lan- fume,” “Run Lola Run”) opens guage film at the Oscars. The MELINDA SUE GORDON, SMPSP the Berlinale with “The Inter- movie is based on the true national.” This action thriller, story about RAF founders € 48,000 about criminal activities in the Andreas Baader and Ulrike financing of war and terrorism, Meinhof, whose radical left- has an all-star cast that includes wing movement terrorized Clive Owen, Naomi Watts and Germany in the 1970s with Armin Müller-Stahl. Jacob, Michel Piccoli, Willem Messenger,” there is Rebecca showing their latest works from A movie on the risks and side its kidnappings and murder Another star-studded lineup Dafoe and Bruno Ganz for “The Miller with “The Private Lives of the director’s chair. Panorama effects of reading: “The Reader” 607,5 mm [w] x 530 mm [d] based on the novel by German of prominent politicians and graces the film adaptation of the Dust of Time.” Pippa Lee,” with a cast includ- also traditionally offers young business leaders. writer Bernhard Schlink. international bestseller, “The The international jury, chaired ing Robin Wright Penn, Keanu filmmakers of art house films the The leading roles are played by Reader,” by Bernhard Schlink. by Scottish actress Tilda Swinton, Reeves, Julianne Moore and chance to reach a wider audience. Kate Winslet and David Kross. Four other German produc- British director Stephen Daldry will also be judging the latest Winona Ryder. And to wind up At the Forum, where indepen- tions are nominated, including (“The Hours”) has interpreted offerings from British director the festival, Steve Martin gets to dent cinema is based, a world of To mark this year’s 20th Werner Herzog with “Encoun- the ambivalent story of love Stephen Frears, French directors save the world again using Inspec- experimentation is reflected – 31 anniversary of the fall of the ters At the End Of The World” between a youth and a former Bertrand Tavernier and François tor Clouseau’s unconventional nations are represented here. Berlin Wall, the Berlinale is also for Best Documentary, as well concentration camp guard with Ozon, Danish director Annette K. methods in “Pink Panther II.” This year’s Berlinale retrospec- showing the series “After winter as Jochen Alexander Freydank Kate Winslet, David Kross Olesen and her Polish colleague Entries from Germany are Maren tive is dedicated to the power of comes the spring – Films presag- for his 14-minute-film “Spiel- and Ralph Fiennes in the main Andrzej Wajda. And fans can look Ade’s “Alle Anderen,” and Hans- wide-screen images, under the ing the fall of the Wall,” featur- zeugland” (Toyland) and Reto roles. forward to seeing plenty of stars Christian Schmid’s “Storm.” Also, title “70 mm.” The program ing German and Eastern Euro- Caffi’s “Auf der Strecke” (On European cinema is putting on the red carpet outside the Ber- a compilation by 13 German direc- includes 22 greats, including clas- pean films from the last decade The Line), both in the category up some strong competitors for linale Palast, including Michelle tors makes its premiere under the sics such as “Cleopatra (1961- of the Cold War – which hint at Short Film – Live Action. The the Golden and Silver Bears. Pfeiffer, Kathy Bates, Tommy Lee title, “Deutschland 09” – it aims 63), “Lawrence of Arabia” the tumultuous changes to come. German-U.S. co-production British director Sally Potter Jones and John Goodman. to report on the current situation (1961-62), and “2001: A Space Some of these films were made “The Reader” was nominated (“Orlando”) has put together The world’s movie superpower, in the country. Odyssey” (1965-68). The selec- at official studios in Bulgaria, among others for Best Film a promising ensemble of Judi the U.S., is making only a modest In its 30th year, the Panorama tion is also an homage to the Poland, Rumania, Hungary, East and Best Director (Stephan Dench, Jude Law, Dianne Wiest contribution to this year’s festival. section also has famous names great movie houses of the past, Germany, the Soviet Union, and Daldry). and Steve Buscemi in “Rage.” Alongside newcomers Mitchell on offer. Julie Delpy, Tom among which the International Czechoslovakia; some were cre- And veteran Greek director Lichtenstein with “Happy Tears” DiCillo, Michael Winterbottom remains one of the favorite festi- ated in the underground artistic The Oscars will be awarded in Theo Angelopoulos got Irene and Oren Moverman with “The and Michael Glawogger will be val cinemas. scene. ■ Los Angeles on Feb. 22. A joker for the 1/2 Seite quer economic miracle Heinz Erhardt taught the Germans to laugh again 12.000,– Euro By Jan Kepp In the years after World War II, there was no one verbal acrobat who could find a joke in even the most banal of Hamburg after the war, added a pinch of Hanseatic understate- 290 mm [B] x 260 mm [H] the Germans preferred situations. ment. PICTURE-ALLIANCE/DPA/RAINER JENSEN Erhardt was the humorous Erhardt got his big break in to laugh at more than backbone of Germany’s eco- Berlin shortly before the war. Heinz Erhardt (1909- nomic miracle. He was not a Until then, he had been just get- 1979). For no one was man to wade through the swamp ting by, running the music shop better at making jokes of Germany’s recent history. His in Riga he had inherited from his without reminding masterful wordplay was honed grandfather. With the encour- Cinema with a luxurious twist: the Astor Film Lounge in Berlin. on the little problems of everyday agement of his wife, Gilda, he people of the past. Out with popcorn S life, on absurdities and ambigui- accepted an offer to perform at ome of his best poems are ties. Erhardt was always in tune the famous Kabarett der Künstler very short – just four lines. with ordinary people. And he hurt in 1938. His talent for enter- A scene is outlined in a few no one – his wit was sharp but did tainment helped him get through 1/2 page across words, brought to a small, not cause injury. That may well be World War II, which he spent on dramatic climax – and followed the reason why he was so popular tour, entertaining the troops. Berlin is enjoying the first luxury up by a dry punchline. The man in the 1950s and 1960s. After the war, he worked in on the stage is small, round, and Yet it would be wrong to dis- radio as a musician, presenter and movie theater in the world blinking at his audience through miss him as harmless. Erhardt, comedian. British censors told thick glasses. He barely waits for born in Riga (then part of Russia), him: “You are the only German € 12,000 You can only find Astor the theater has become an movie theaters still left in Berlin the laughter to end before calling wrote verse in the tradition of we can laugh at without under- it in Berlin. In the oasis of relaxation. The comfort- at the 11th hour. Since the fall of out “Another poem!” Rainer Maria Rilke and Joachim standing a word you say.” What able atmosphere comes at a price, the wall, one traditional movie At a time when Germans were Ringelnatz, Kurt Tucholsky and greater honor could there be for Astor Film Lounge on though. Tickets cost between €10 theater after another has been only just learning to laugh again, Erich Kästner, and of the many a comic? Soon, Erhardt was back Kurfürstendamm, servers and €15 depending on the film. forced to close since large fashion Heinz Erhardt walked the tight- cheeky chansons and couplets of on the big stages of Germany, dish up exquisite finger Surprisingly, Hans-Joachim chains can afford to pay far higher rope of language with cunning the 1920s. Erhardt perfected the building on his earlier success. 290 mm [w] x 260 mm [d] food and champagne to Flebbe, the very man who a rents. This theater has remained and hidden meaning. He was a rhyming joke, and, settling in But Erhardt really became a movie buffs. decade or so ago played a key unscathed as it is set back from household name because of the I role in establishing multiplexes the boulevard and is accessed via many movies he made from 1957 t is not possible to imagine in Germany, is behind the project. a narrow passageway. The previ- onward. Seen from today’s per- a more comfortable the- The erstwhile boss of Cinemaxx ous owner actually wanted to spective, this was the down side of ater seat. Film lovers can wants to attract back that part of close the theater because screen- his career. In these corny roman- watch as Nicole Kidman and the public, which until recently, ings seldom sold out. tic comedies with their predict- Hugh Jackman get more closely preferred to make themselves In the two weeks since the able plots, Erhardt’s spontane- acquainted in the Australian out- comfortable in front of the wide- cinema’s re-opening as the Astor ous wit is almost completely lost. back from the extra wide, reclin- screen TV at home. Film Lounge, much has changed The quick-thinking humor that ing leather armchairs. If you rest Flebbe, 57, has pepped up the in this respect. Over Christmas was his trademark on stage was your legs on the leather stools traditional movie theater to a and New Year, the cinema’s two trapped in a cage of silly, bom- when you’re in the Astor Film level of absolute luxury at a cost daily screenings of the melodra- bastic scripts. But the audience in Lounge, you feel like you’re flying of €800,000. Now the movie matic epic “Australia” were sold those days did not mind. His films first class in an Airbus. theater, which was built in 1951 out. were hits at the box office. Servers bring tantalizing mor- and is a protected building, In the event of his idea prevail- His recordings and volumes sels of finger food, ranging from accommodates just 250 seats. ing in the long-term, Flebbe is of poetry still sell well today, P o Ausgabe ewe s e nma n den Sek onen Po cs Bus ness und L e buchba €15 to €18, until the main fea- Before, there were almost twice planning an elaborate program and in a survey by Germany’s ture gets underway. Someone as many. Though the projection design with short films or stand- ZDF television network, Erhardt looking for something a touch and sound technology is state- up comedians on hand to warm was voted the German’s second- more exclusive can find wine or of-the-art, much of the charm of up audiences before the main favorite comic of all time, after champagne on the wine list for the 1950s has been preserved. feature. Assuming success, the Loriot. His movies often pop up up to €590. Out with the super-sized popcorn A curtain in front of the screen rises and falls before and after entrepreneur wants to bring his idea of high-end movie theaters on German TV, even more so these days just before the 100th Ava ab e on y once pe sec on Po cs Bus ness and L e o each ssue PICTURE-ALLIANCE/KPA charm of multiplex cinemas. From screenings – cinema gets back to other large cities. KG anniversary of his birth. ■ the doorman to the cloakroom its style. attendant to the hostess who shows Flebbe’s investment is preserv- The economic miracle’s you the way to your seat, in the ing one of the last Ku’damm funnybone: Heinz Erhardt. 6
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