Liste von Publikationen über die Geschichte der Russlandmennoniten auf Englisch
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Liste von Publikationen über die Geschichte der Russlandmennoniten auf Englisch Diese Listen wurden von Viktor Petkau (Email erstellt. Ich habe nur einige Publikationen dazu gefügt und mit mir bekannten Publikationen im Internet - verlinkt. Diese Publikationen befassen sich hauptsächlich mit der Geschichte der Russlandmennoniten, teilweise Preußen, von wo sie kamen und Amerika, wohin viele ausgewandert sind. Theologisches, über Mission oder literarisches Schrifttum wurde hier nicht erfaßt, obwohl so eine Trennung oft sehr schwierig ist. Wir sind weit davon entfernt, zu behaupten, daß, diese Listen vollständig sind. Meiner Meinung nach ist die russische Liste diesem Ziel am nächsten, an zweiter Stelle die deutsche Liste, (z. B. sind hier Artikel aus mennonitischen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften kaum erwänt), und am schlechtesten ist die englische - da wir beide grosse Probleme mit dieser Sprache haben. „Liste von Publikationen über die Geschichte der Russlandmennoniten auf russich“ unter „Liste von Publikationen über die Geschichte der Russlandmennoniten auf Deutsch“ unter „Bemerkungen zu den Listen von Publikationen über die Geschichte der Russlandmennoniten“ unter Die hier vorgestellte „Liste von Publikationen über die Geschichte der Russlandmennoniten auf englisch“ hat insgesamt (2.011 Einträge); davon Bücher (499); Echo Verlag (11); Genealogy (786); Artikel (508); Nachschlagewerke (5); Periodika (5); CD – DVD (8); Katie Peters unpublished genealogies (177); Video (19); Materialen von Konferenzen (14). 233Links zu kompletter Publikation oder einem Auszug davon im Internet, 4 davon sind nicht mehr erreichbar. Zuletzt am 6.08.2015 aktualisiert. Die Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Publikationen die wir haben. Publikationen, von dem wir wissen, wo sie sich befinden oder die wir bis jetzt noch garnicht versucht haben zu finden. Publikationen die wir suchen. (4) In Klammern Zahl der Einträge in diesem Abschnitt. -1- Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
A. Bücher (Books) (499) 1835 Molotschna census. Goessel, KS: Cindy Schroeder, [1995]. 2 v. English translation of the Russian 1835 census of the Molotschna villages. [Winnipeg]: Genealogy Committee of the Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1995. A report on the Christian refugee problem at Harbin, China. Ed. by Central Bureau for Relief of the Evangelical Churches of Europe. New York, N.Y. [1931]. 7 S. Abe J. Moving beyond secession: defining Russian Mennonite Brethren mission and identity, 1872-1922. Ausgabe 13 von Perspectives on Mennonite life and thought. Kindred Productions, 1997. Pp. 179. Aberle, George R, From the Steppes to the Prairies, Dickinson (ND) 1963. Adrian, Marlin Wayne. "Mennonites, Missionaries, and Native Americans." Ph. D. dissertation, University of Virginia, 1989. An introduction to Mennonite history. Hg. v. Cornelius J. Dyck. Scottdale. Pennsyl.: Herald Press 1967. 324 S. Barrett, Lois. The Vision and the Reality: The Story of Home Missions in the General Conference Mennonite Church. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1983. Bartlett, Roger P.: Human Capital. The settlement offoreigners in Russia, 1762-1804. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1979. Bartsch, Franz. Our Trek to Central Asia. Translated by Elizabeth Peters and Gerhard Ens. Band 5 von Echo historical series. Verlag CMBC Publications, 1993. Pp. 142. Becker, Jakob P., Origin of the Mennonite Brethren Church, Hilsboro (KS) 1973. Bean Esther Mennonites in the Netherlands and Russia. Guy Mills, PA: Faith Builders Resource Group. 2011 Pp. 60. ISBN 9781935972051 Belk, Fred Richard. The great trek of the Russian Mennonites to Central Asia, 1880-1884. (Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite history; no. 18) Kitchener, Ontario: Herald Press, 1976. 251 pp. / Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001. Pp. 251. ISBN 9781579105068. Berg, Wesley. From Russia with music: a study of the Mennonite choral singing tradition in Canada. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press Ltd., 1985. Pp. 152. Bergen, Henry. Chortitza Colongy atlas: Altkolonie = Mennonite Old Colony. Saskatoon, SK: Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatcheway, 2004. Pp. 116. Bergen, Peter. History of the Sommerfeld Mennonite Church: that is the background and first hundred years of the Sommerfeld Mennonite Church. Altona, MB: Sommerfeld Mennonite Church ; Altona, MB: Friesens Corp., 2001. Pp. 308. Bekker, J. P. Origin of the Mennonite Brethren Church Übers, v. D.E. Pauls und A.E. Janzen. Hillsboro (Hillsboro, Kansas, 1973). 215 S. Berg, Wesley. From Russia with music: a study of the Mennonite choral singing tradition in Canada. Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion Press Ltd., 1985. Pp. 152. Birdsell, Sandra. The Russländer. Toronto: McClelland & Stuart, 2001. Pp. 350. ISBN 0771014503 Block, Alvina. Changing attitudes: relations of Mennonite missionaries with native North Americans, 1880-2004. University of Manitoba, 2006. Pp. 302. Boese, John Albert. Book Committee, Patchwork of Memories Wymark (Wymark 1985), 1088 Seiten. Braght, T. J. van, Martyrs mirror (Scottdale, Pa., 1938). Brandt, Edward R. and Adalbert Goertz. Genealogical guide to East and West Prussia (Ost- und Westpreussen): records, sources, publications & events with an appendix on the Netze District by R. Reuben Drefs. Rev. ed. Minneapolis, MN: Brandt, 2002. Pp. 477. Braun, Frank, The History of Winkler (Altona 1973). Breneman, Janet Marie. Guatemalan Mennonite women at prayer: religious heritages and -2- Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
social circumstances shape the prayers of Ladina and Q'eqchi' women. Lancaster Theological Seminary, 2004. Pp. 279. Brucks, Jacob H. and Hooge Henry P. Neu-Samara: A Mennonite Settlement East of the Volga - published 2000 by Jackpine House (Softcover, 196 pp) - New English translation released 2002 (originally compiled by Brucks and Hooge in 1964). Bush, Perry J. Drawing the Line: American Mennonites, the State, and Social Change, 1935- 1973. Ph.D. dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, 1990. Camden Laura L., Duarte Susan Gaetz Mennonites in Texas: The Quiet in the Land. 2006 133 Pages Chipman, Josephine. The Mennonite Selbstschutz in the Ukraine: 1918- 1919. Thesis (M.A.), 1988. Pp. 217. Church book of the Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church: in the Molotschna Colony of South Russia. Verlag Mennonite Immigrant Historical Foundation, 1987. Pp. 149. Church records of the old flemish or groningen mennonisten societaet in Przechowko, West Prussia Crawford Michael H. Different seasons: biological aging among the Mennonites of the midwestern United States. Band 21 von University of Kansas publications in anthropology. University of Kansas, 2000. Pp.178. Derksen, Seymor A. My Father's House. Langham, Saskatchewan: S.A. Derksen, 1980 Derksen, Wilma L., Tym Elias, and Brenda Suderman. Unsettled weather: how do I forgive? Waterloo, ON ; Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 80. Dick, William O. Espelkamp on the German frontier. [Austin, TX]: Ruth Anne Abraham, 2005. Pp. 172. Dick Nicholas W. Church, state and schismatics: Molotschna, 1860. Veröffentlicht 1959. Pp. 34. Dick, J.J. From Exile in Russia into Mission work in India. Dick, J.J., Gretna, Manitoba, 1940. Pp. 20. S. Dirks, Phyllis Amoth. The meadowlark's song: growing up Mennonite in 1930s North Dakota. Bloomington, IN: Author House, 2005. Pp. viii, 573. Doell, Leonard and Jacob G. Guenther, editors, Hague Osler Mennonite Reserve 1895 1995 (Saskatoon 1995), 728 Seiten. Doell, Leonard, Mennonite Homesteaders on the Hague-Osler Reserve (Saskatoon 1999), 536 Seiten. Douglas, Ab. No Dancing God: Mennonite Stories. Kelowna, B.C.: Rutgers Publication, 1998. Driedger, Jack. Growing up in Blumenheim, Saskatchewan: life in an Old Colony Mennonite village during the thirties and forties. [Saskatoon: Author, 2001]. Pp. 47. Driedger Leo At the Forks. Mennonites in Winnipeg ISBN 978-1-926599-16-8 473 pages Driedger, Leo. Mennonites in the Global Village. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. Pp. 264. Driedger, Leo. Mennonites in Winnipeg. Winnipeg, MB; Hillsboro, KS: Kindred Press, 1990. Dueck Abe J. Moving beyond secession: defining Russian Mennonite Brethren mission and identity, 1872-1922. Band 13 von Moving Beyond Secession. Verlag Kindred Productions, 1997. Pp.179. Dueck Abe J., Canadian Mennonites and the challenge of nationalism. Verlag Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 207. Dueck, Arden, Loewen, Myron, Plett, Eddie, Plett, Leslie, editors, Quellen Kolonie (Jagueyes, Mex. 1998), Pp. 302. Dueck, David. And When They Shall Ask. Winnipeg, Man.: Dueck Film Productions, 1983. -3- Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Dyck, Arnold. Lost in the Steppe. Trans. H.D. Dyck, Steinbach, Man.: Derksen Printers, 1974. Pp. 354 Dyck Arnold, Doerksen, G. Victor (Victor Gerard), Werke. Band 2 von Werke, Arnold Dyck. Verlag Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1985. Pp. 508. Dyck, Cornelius J.: Twelve Becoming, Biographies of Mennonite Disciples from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century, Newton Kansas 1973 Dyck, Cornelius J. ed. An Introduction to Mennonite History: A Popular History of the Anabaptists and the Mennonites. Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press, 1981 Dyck, Harvey L. and Epp Ingrid I Recovering an Inheritance: The Peter J. Braun Russian Mennonite Archive, 1803-1920. Toronto: Conrad Grebel College/University of Toronto Research Program in Russian Mennonite Studies, 1993. Pp. 277. Dyck Harvey L. and Konrad Anne. Mennonites in the Soviet Inferno. Pandora Press Dyck, J.J. Am Trakt. Typed manuscript. Hawarden, 1929. Dyck Johannes J., Surukin W. E. Am Trakt: a Mennonite settlement in the Central Volga region. Ausgabe 6 von Echo Historical Series. Verlag C M B C Publications Canadian Mennonite Bible College, 1995. Pp. 92. Dyck, John, editor, Working Papers of the East Reserve (Steinbach, Man. 1990), 229 Seiten. Dyck, John, editor Historical Sketches of the East Reserve (Steinbach, Man. 1994), 722 Seiten. Dyck, John, editor Bergthaler Gemeinde Buch (Steinbach, 1993), 439 Seiten. Dyck, John and William Harms, eds., Reinländer Gemeindebuch (Winnipeg, Man. 1995), 525 Seiten. Dyck, John and William Harms, eds., 1880 Village Census of the Mennonite West Reserve (Winnipeg, 1998), 500 Seiten. Dyck, John P. ed. Troubles and Triumphs, 1914-1924: Excerpts from the Diary of Peter J. Dyck Ladekopp, Molotschna Colony, Ukraine. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Regehr’s Printery, 1981. Dyck, Paul I. and Henry D. Goerzen. 100th anniversary celebration, 2003, Bergthal Mennonite Church: spiritual trails in the west country. [Didsbury, AB:.: Bergthal Mennonite Church, 2003]. Pp. 136. Dyck Peter and Elfieda Up from the Rubble 384 pages, Dyck, Sarah, trans. ed. The Silence Echoes: Memoirs of Trauma and Tears. Kitchener, Ont.: Pandora Press, 1997. Edict of Friedrich Wilhelm concerning the Mennonites, the history of Chortitza, family lists, letter and articles (July 30, 1789) Friedrich Wilhelm (King of Prussia) Ediger, Tina Block. Window to the world: extraordinary stories from a century of overseas mission, 1900-2000. Newton, KS ; Winnipeg, MB: Faith & Life Press, 1999. Pp. 180. Enns, Mary Madeleine. Mia: The Story of a Remarkable Woman. Winnipeg: Christian Press, 1982. Enns, Luella Marie. Preacher's kids on the homestead. Belleville, ON: Guardian Books, 2005. Pp. 176. Ens, Adolf: "Mennonite Education in Russia," in John Friesen, ed. Mennonites in Russia. Winnipeg, 1989, S.83-84; Ens, Adolf. Subjects or Citizens? The Mennonite Experience in Canada, 1870-1925. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1994. Ens, Adolf. Becoming a national church: a history of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Winnipeg, MB: CMU Press, 2004. Pp. 258. Ens Adolf, Unger Henry, Martens Martha, Sommerfeld Gemeinde Buch: registers of the church at West Lynne, 1881-1935. Band 4 von West Reserve historical series. Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 2004. Pp. 530. Ens Adolf, Braun Ernest N., Fast Henry N., Settlers of the East Reserve: Moving In, -4- Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Moving Out, Staying. Band 4 von East Reserve historical series. Verlag Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 2009. Pp. 328. Ens, Gerhard J., The Rural Municipality of Rhineland 1884 1984 Volost & Municipality (Altona 1984), 302 Seiten. Ens, Henrlque: The schoolorganisatlon among the Menonltes in Brazll, (Facharbeit) Elkhart, Indiana, 1965. Epp, David H. Sketches from the Pioneer Years of the Industry in the Mennonite Settlements of South Russia. (articles from Der Bote, translated by Jacob Penner). Leamington, Ontario. 1972. 80 pp. Epp, David H. Johann Cornies. Winnipeg: Published jointly by CMBC Publications and Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, Band 3 von Echo Historical Series. Verlag CMBC Publications, 1995. Pp. 137. Epp, Frank H.: Mennonites in Canada, 1920-1940. A People 's Strugglefor Survival. Toronto, 1982. Epp, Frank H. An analysis of Germanism and National Socialism in the Immigrant newspaper of a Canadian minority group, the Mennonites, in the 1930's. Unpublished Ph. D. thesis. University of Minnesota, 1965. Epp, Frank, H. Mennonite exodus; the rescue and resettlement of the Russian Mennonites since the Communist Revolution Altona (Canada): Altona Manitoba 1962 Friesen, 1962/1966. Pp. 571. Epp, Frank H Mennonites in Canada 1786-1920: the history of a seperate people (Toronto Macmillan of Canada, 1974), 480 Seiten. Epp, Frank H. Mennonites in Canada, 1920-1940: a people's struggle for survival Epp, Frank H.: Your Neighbour as Yourself. A Study on Respnsibility in Immigration, publ. by MCC, Winnipeg 1968 Epp, George K., Russian Patriotism Among the Nineteenth-Century Russian Mennonites. In: Journal of Menn. Studies 4 (1986), 120-134. Epp, Georg K.: The Educational Policies of Catherine II. Peter Lang. Frankfurt. 1984. Epp, George K.: "Urban Mennonites in Russia," in J. Friesen, ed. Mennonites in Russia, Winnipeg, 1989, Epp Irmgard Constantinoplers: Escape from Bolshevism. Trafford Publishing, 2006. Pp. 372. ISBN 1412053250 Epp, Marlene G. Women without men: Mennonite immigration to Canada and Paraguay after the Second World War. University of Toronto, 1996. Pp. 498 Epp, Marlene. Women Without Men: Mennonite Refugees of the Second World War. Band 12 von Studies in gender and history.Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000 Pp. 275 Epp, Maureen and Carol Ann Weaver, eds. Sound in the land: essays on Mennonites and music. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2005. Pp. 220. Epp, Peter G. Agatchen: A Russian Mennonite Mother’s Story. Translated and edited by Peter Pauls. Winnipeg: Hyperion Press, 1986. Epp, Reuben. The Story of Low German and Plautdietsch: Tracing a Language across the Globe. Hillsboro, KS: Reader's Press, 1993. Pp. 133. Epp-Thiessen, Esther, Altona. The Story of a Prairie Town (Altona 1982), 373 Seiten. Ethno-Confession in the Soviet State: Mennonites in Siberia, 1920 - 1989: Annotated List of Archival Documents. Fresno, 2008. Edition by A.I. Savin. Publisher: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies. Ewert, Marvin H. "Russian Immigrants 1874-80." Student paper, Bethel College, 1949. (lists of immigrant heads of families and their destinations, compiled from Zur Heimat and other sources) Fast, Henry. Gruenfeld (now Kleefeld), 1874-1910: first Mennonite village in western -5- Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Canada. [Steinbach, MB]: Henry Fast, 2006. Pp. 370. Fast, Natalie, "Abschied von Chortitza und Rosental." Unpublished manuscript. Niagara on the Lake, Ont., 1978 (a). Fast, Peter. We must adapt = Wir muessen uns schicken: the Schroeder-Fast letters 1930- 1988: Learning to live in Stalinist Russia: a collection of fifty letters from Russia written by members of the Peter Schroeder and Johann Fast families. Prepared for publication by members of the David and Agatha Fast family. Winnipeg: Members of the David and Agatha Fast family, 2012. Pp. 296 + 1 CD-ROM. Feeding the hungry. Russia famine 1919-1925. American Mennonite relief operations under the auspices of Mennonite Central Committee. Hg. v. P.C. Hiebert - Orie O. Miller. Scottdale, Pennsyl.: Mennonite Central Committee 1929. 465 S. Fehderau, Nicholas J. A Mennonite estate family in southern Ukraine, 1904-1924. Translated by Margaret Harder and Elenore Fehderau Fast; edited by Anne Konrad. (Tsarist and Soviet Mennonite studies) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2013. Pp. 340. Fleming, Alice Mulcahey. The King of Prussia and a Peanut Butter Sandwich. New York: Scribner, 1988. Fleming, John A. and Michael J. Rowan. Folk furniture of Canada's Doukhobors, Hutterites, Mennonites and Ukrainians. Photographs by James A. Chambers. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2004. Pp. 155. Francis, E.K. In Search of Utopia: The Mennonites in Manitoba (Altona 1955) Steinbach. MB: Crossway Publications, 2001. Dieses Buch konnte man (bis 2007) von als .pdf Datei runterladen, wurde jetzt aber gelöscht. Franz, J.J.: Brief history of the Prussian-Russian Mennonites. Chicago 1928. 143 Pp. Unpub. B. D. thesis, Northern Baptist Theological Seminar. Fretz, Joseph Winfield: Pilgrims in Paraguay. Scottdale, Pennsyl. 1953. Friedmann, Robert: Mennonite Piety through the Centimes, 1949. Friesen Abraham In Defense of Privilege: Russian Mennonites and the State Before and During World War I Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Productions. 2006 Pp. 520 Friesen Abraham The Marxist interpretation of the Reformation. Stanford 1967. University Microfilms, 1971. Pp. 1336. Friesen Abram J., Loewen Abram J., Escape across the Amur River: a Mennonite village flees (1930) from Soviet Siberia to Chinese Manchuria. Band 2 von Echo Historical Series. Übersetzt von Victor Gerard Doerksen. CMBC Publications, 2001. Pp. 60. Friesen, Aileen. Religious policy in the Russian borderlands: the 1860s Mennonite schism. Thesis (M.A.) B University of Alberta, 2007. Pp. 113. Friesen, Dora. Bueños dias señorita: stories of Mexico. Edited by Martha Kroeker. Rosenort, MB: Published by Dora Friesen & family, 2005 (Rosenort, MB: Printed by Country Graphics & Printing). Pp. 288. Friesen, Helena Goossen. Daydreams & Nightmares: Life on the Wintergruen Estate. Translated by Neta Enns. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1990. Friesen, Helene Sarah Treasured schooldays: the Mennonite Mädchenschulen in the Russian empire, 1874-1920. A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master Of Arts Departments of History University of Winnipeg and University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba. Helene Sarah Friesen., 1997 Friesen, John, Mennonite Churches and Religious Developments in Russia 1789-1850, in: Friesen, John. (Hrsg.), Mennonites in Russia, Winnipeg 1989. Friesen, John, ed.: Mennonites in Russia: Essays in honour of Gerhard Lohrenz CMBC Publications, Winnipeg 1989, 386 S. Friesen, John. Against the Wind: The Story of Four Mennonite Villages. (Gnadental, -6- Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Gruenfeld, Neu-Chortitza and Steinfeld) in Southern Ukraine, 1872-1943. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Henderson Books, 1994. Pp. 165. Friesen, John, ed. Mennonites in Russia, 1788-1988: Essays in Honour of Gerhard Lohrenz. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1989. Friesen, John. Mennonites through the Centuries: from the Netherlands to Canada. Steinbach, Man.: Mennonite Heritage Village, 1985. Friesen, Josephine. Breaking ground: three generations of Mennonite women in the Canadian West. 2nd ed. Surrey, BC: Ocean Park Publications, [2006]. Pp. 183. Friesen, Leonard G. Rural revolutions in southern Ukraine: peasants, nobles, and colonists, 1774-1905. (Harvard series in Ukrainian studies) Cambridge, MA: Distributed by Harvard University Press for the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 2008. Pp. vii, 325. ISBN 9781932650006. Friesen, Martin W. New homeland in the Chaco wilderness. Translated by Jake Balzer. Loma Plata: Historical Committee of the Menno Colony, 2009. Pp. 474. Originally published as: Neue Heimat in der Chacowildnis. [Asuncion, Paraguay: Chortitzer Komitee, 1987]. Friesen, Peter M., The Mennonite Brotherhood in Russia A history of the early years of the Mennonite Brethren Church in Russia from 1789 to 1910. (Fresno, Ca., 1978), 1065 Seiten (Bemerkung: Nur Teil I ist ins Englische übersetzt worden). Friesen, Rudy P. and Sergey Shmakin. Into the Past: Buildings of the Mennonite Commonwealth. Winnipeg: Raduga Publications, 1996. Friesen, Rudy P. and Edith Elisabeth Friesen. Building on the past: Mennonite architecture, landscape and settlements in Russia/Ukraine. Winnipeg: Raduga Publications, 2004. Pp. 752. Updates: Friesen, P. M. The Mennonite Brotherhood in Russia (1789-1910). Fresno, CA: Board of Christian Literature, General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1978. Friesen, Steve. A Modest Mennonite Home. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1990. Friesen, Ted and Elisabeth Peters, ed.: Memories of Grigorievka A history of the village of Grigorievka and the people who lived there.. Winnipeg, 1998. Gailbraith, John F., The Mennonites in Manitoba 1875-1900 (Morden 1900), 48 Seiten. Gerbrandt, Henry J.: Adventure in Faith: the Background in Europe and the Development in Canada of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba. Altona, 1970. Gering, John J. After Fifty Years: A Brief Discussion of the History and Activities of the Swiss-German Mennonites from Russia who Settle in South Dakota in 1874. Freeman, SD: Pine Hill Printery, 1924. Giesinger Adam From Catherine to Khruschchev. The Story of Russian´s Germans. Canada, Winnipeg 1974. Pp. 443 Gislason, Leona Wiebe. Rückenau: The History of a Village in the Molotschna Mennonite Settlement of South Russia: From its Founding in 1811 to the Present. Winnipeg: Windflower Communications, 2000. Pp. 260 Goertzen, Peggy. Emigration of Mennonites from Russia to Marion County, Kansas, 1874- 1875: based upon 1875 Kansas State Agricultural Census. Hillsboro, KS: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, Tabor College, 2000. Pp. 51. Goerz, Heinrich. Mennonite Settlements in Crimea. Trans. John B. Toews. Ausgabe 13 von Echo Historical Series. Winnipeg: Published jointly by CMBC Publications and Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1992. Pp. 65 Goerz, Heinrich. The Molotschna Settlement. Ausgabe 7 von Echo historical series. Winnipeg: Published jointly by CMBC Publications, Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1993. Pp. 252 Goerz, Heinrich, Eric Enns, Memrik: a Mennonite settlement in Russia. Band 10 von Echo Historical Series. CMBC Publications, 1997. Pp. 103. -7- Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Goertz Reuben Princes, Potentates, and Plain People: the saga of the Germans from Russia. Sioux Falls, SD: Center for Western Studies, 1994. Pp. 232. Goossen, Rachel Waltner. "Conscientious Objection and Gender: Women in Civilian Public Service during the Second World War." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Kansas, 1993. Goossen, Benjamin W. Into a great nation: Mennonites and nationalism in imperial Germany, 1871-1900. Honors history thesis--Swarthmore College, 2013. Pp. 194. Görtz, H. The Molotschna Settlement. CMBC Publications and MMHS, Winnipeg, 1993. Hamm, Oscar H. Memoirs of Ignatyevo in the Light of Historical Change. Saskatoon: Ruth F. Hamm, 1984. Haxthausen, August von: Studies on the Interior of Russia. Edited by S. Frederick Starr, transl. E. L. M. Schmidt. The University of Chicago Press. 1972. Harder, Hans (Johannes). No Strangers in Exile: A Novel. Al Reimer, trans. and ed. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Hyperion Press, 1979. Harder John A., From Kleefeld with Love. Pandora Press, 2003.Pp.198. Harder, M. S. The origin, philosophy and development of education among the Mennonites (Ph.D Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1949). Harms William, Dyck John, 1880 village census of the Mennonite West Reserve, Manitoba, Canada. Band 2 von West Reserve historical series. Verlag Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1998. Pp. 500. Harms William, Dyck John, Martens Martha, Penner John, Reinländer (Old Colony) Gemeinde Buch: 1880-1903, Manitoba, Canada. Band 5 von West Reserve historical series. Verlag Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 2006. Pp. 502. Harshbarger, Eva Geiger. "The status of Mennonite women in Kansas in their church and home relationships." M.S. thesis, Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, 1945. Hartzler, Jonas Smucker. Mennonites in the World War or Nonresistance under Test. Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House. 1922 Hartzier, J. E.: Education among the Mennonites of America, 1925. Haury, David A. Index to Mennonite Immigrants on United States Passenger Lists, 1872- 1904. North Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Library and Archives, 1986. Hein, Gerhard, ed. Ufa: The Mennonite Settlements (Colonies) in Ufa 1894-1938; Reunion of Former Residents Ufa in Clearbrook, BC, 1975. Translated from the German by Mary Enns. Steinbach, Manitoba, 1977. 176 pp. Heinrichs, Daniel. Adventures of a Mennonite: From the Dirty Thirties out Into the World. Winnipeg: Henderson Books, 1996. Herman, Esther Dirks. As a Mennonite of Pioneer Ancestry. Riverton, Neb.: Herman, 1976. Hiebert, Clarence, Brothers in Deed to Brothers in Need A Scrapbook about Mennonite Immigrants from Russia 1870-1885. Newton, Faith and Life, 1974. 469 pp.. Hiebert, P. C., Miller Orie O.: Feeding the Hungry: Russia Famine, 1919-1925. American Mennonite relief operations under the auspices of Mennonite Central Committee. Scottdale, 1929. 465 pp. Hildebrand, Marjorie, comp. Reflections of a Prairie community: a collection of stories and memories of Burwalde S.D. #529. Winkler, MB: Friends of the former Burwalde School District #529, 2004. Pp. 160. Hildebrand, Peter. From Danzig to Russia: The Emigration of Mennonites from the Danzig Region to Southern Russia. Translated by Walter E. Toews and Adolf Ens. Winnipeg: published jointly by CMBC Publications and Mantioba Mennonite Historical Society, 2000. Pp. 62. ISBN 0920718671 Homan Gerlof D.American Mennonites and the Great War, 1914-1918. 1994 Horsch, John. The Mennonites: Their History, Faith and Practice. Elkhart: Mennonite -8- Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
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Books, 1991. Pp. 231. Janzen, Rod. Back to the City: Mennonite Community Church, Fresno, California, 1954- 2004. Fresno, CA: Mennonite Community Church, 2004. Pp. 108. Janzen Rod A.The prairie people: forgotten Anabaptists. UPNE, 1999. Pp. 326. Janzen, Victor. From the Dniepr to the Paraguay River. [Steinbach, MB: Victor Janzen, 2010?]. Pp. iv, 180. Janzen, Waldemar. "Interest in Foreign Missions Among the Mennonites in Russia Before World War I." Unpublished paper. Chicago: Bethany Biblical Seminary, 1956. 20 pp. Janzen, William. Limits on Liberty: The Experience of Mennonite, Hutterite, and Doukhobor Communities in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990. Jewish Mennonite Ukranian Committee. A Sharing of Diversities: Proceedings of the Jewish Mennonite Ukrainian Conference “Building Bridges”. Stambrook, Frank, ed. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina, 1999. Juhnke, James C. A People of Two Kingdoms: The Political Acculturations of the Kansas Mennonites. Newton, Kansa: Faith and Life Press, 1975 Juhnke, James C. Dialogue with a Heritage: Cornelius H. Wedel and the Beginnings of Bethel College. North Newton: Bethel College, 1987. Just L.R.: Influences of Johann Cornies upon the major social institutions of the Mennonites of South Russia. M.A. thesis, Univ. of Kansas. Lawrence, Kanada 1947.148 S. Kauenhoven Reinhild and John M. Janzen. Mennonite furniture: a migrant tradition (1766- 1910). Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1991. Pp. 231. Keim, Albert N. Harold S. Bender, 1897-1962. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1998. Klaassen, Walter. The Days of Our Years.' A History of the Eigenheim Mennonite Church Community: 1892- 1992. Rosthern: Eigenheim Mennonite Church, 1992. Klassen A Homeland for Strangers. An introduction to Mennonites in Poland and Russia. Colour photographs. Klassen, Abram J.: Johann Claassen: The founder of the Mennonite Brethren Church. Research paper. Goshen College Biblical Seminary 1960. 23 S. Klassen, Doreen Helen. Singing Mennonite: Low German songs Among the Mennonites. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1989. Pp. 330. Klassen, Herbert and Maureen. Ambassador to his People: C.F. Klassen and the Russian Mennonite Refugees. Winnipeg, MB, Canada; Hillsboro, KS, USA: Kindred Press, 1990. Klassen, Elizabeth Suderman. Trailblazer for the Brethren: The Story of Johann Claassen, a Leader in the Early Mennonite Brethren Church. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1978. 309 pp. Klassen, Martin. Grandfather's description of the trip to Central Asia 1880: "Asienreise." Translation of diary and reminiscenses by the son of Jacob Klaassen. Laird: H.T. Klaassen, 1964. 57 pp. Klassen, Maureen S. It happened in Moscow: a memoir of discovery. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Productions, 2013. Pp. 207. Klassen, Isaak. "Taken from Life." Unpublished manuscript, Winnipeg, Man., 1978. Klassen, I. P. The Kronsweide Mennonite Church in Russia: Its villages and Elders. M.H.C., Winnipeg, 1993. Pp. 89. Klassen, Peter J. A Homeland for Strangers: An Introduction to Mennonites in Poland and Prussia. Fresno, Calif.: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1989. Klassen, Peter J. A homeland for strangers: an introduction to Mennonites in Poland and Prussia. Rev. ed. Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 2011. Pp. xi, 106. ISBN 9781877941146. Klassen, Peter P. The Mennonites in Paraguay. Volume 1: Kingdom of God and kingdom of this world. 2nd rev. and updated ed. Tr. Gunther H. Schmitt. Weierhof, Germany: Mennonitischer Buchversand ; Steinbach, MB: Mennonitische Post; 2004. Pp. 367. Klassen, P. J. The economics of Anabaptism 1525-1560 (The Hague, 1964). - 10 - Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Klassen, P. J. Mennonites in Early Modern Poland & Prussia The Johns Hopkins University Press 2715 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland Klassen, Robert L. Life and times of a Russian-German Mennonite teacher: Cornelius A. Klassen (1883-1919) and beyond. [Arlington, VA: Robert L. Klassen, 2005?]. Pp. 198. Klibanov, A.I. History of Religions Sectarianism in Russia (1860s-1917). Oxford: Pergamon, 1982. Keller, Conrad: The German Colonies in South Russia, 1804-1904. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1980. Klippenstein, Lawrence. David Klassen and the Mennonites. Agincourt, Canada: Book Society of Canada: 1982. Klippenstein, Lawrence. "Mennonite Pacifism and State Service in Russia, A Case Study in Church-State Relations: 1789-1936." Unveröffentlichte Dissertation, Minneapolis, 1984. 403 p. maps. Klippenstein, Lawrence: The Mennonite Migration to Russia, 1786-1806. John Friesen ed. Mennonites in Russia: Essays in honour of Dr. Gerhard Lohrenz. CMBC Publications. Winnipeg, Canada. 1989. Klippenstein, Lawrence and Julius G. Toews, editors, Mennonite Memories: Settling in Western Canada (Winnipeg 1977), 329 Seiten. Klippenstein, Lawrence and Jacob Dick. Mennonite Alternative Service in Russia: The Story of Abram Dück and his Colleagues, 1911-1917. Kitchener, Ont.: Pandora Press, 2002. ISBN 1-894710-21-5 163 pages Klippenstein, Lawrence and Jim Suderman. ed. Directory of Mennonite Archives and Historical Libraries (Verzeichnis Mennonitischer Archive und Historischer Bibliotheken). Winnipeg, Man., Canada: Mennonite Heritage Centre, 1990. Kniss, Fred. Disquiet in the Land: Cultural Conflict in American Mennonite Communities. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1997. Konrad Anne And in their silent beauty speak: a Mennonite family in Russia and Canada, 1790-1990. A. Konrad, 2004. Pp. 507. Koolman Jacobus ten Doornkaat Dirk Philips. Friend and Colleague of Menno Simons Pandora Press, 1998 ISBN: 0-9698762-3-8 236 pages Koop, Astrid, ed. 80 years, our country Canada: Mennonite life in Essex and Kent counties, Ontario, Canada, 1925-2005. Leamington, ON: The Essex-Kent Mennonite Historical Association, 2005 Pp. 231. Koop, Karl. Anabaptist-Mennonite Confessions of Faith. Kitchener: Pandora Press, 2004. Koop, Peter H. Peter, a Man of Stamina and Courage. Trans. ed. by A.E. Heidi Koop. Winnipeg, Man., Canada: Regehr’s Printing, 1993. Krahn, Cornelius. Mennonite Community Life in Russia. Reprint from Mennonite Quarterly Review, July, 1942. 6 pp. Krahn Cornelius From the steppes to the prairies, 1874-1949. Band 1 von Mennonite historical series. Mennonite Publication Office, 1949. Pp. 115. Krause Annemarie Elisabeth Mennonite settlement in the Paraguayan Chaco. Ausgabe 25 von University of Chicago. Dept. of geography research paper. University of Chicago., 1952. Pp. 143. Kroeker, Amy D. Separation from the world: postcolonial aspects of Mennonite/s writing in Western Canada. University of Manitoba, 2001. Pp. 102. Kroeker, A. Results of Communism in Russia. n.d. 24 pp. Kroeger, Arthur. Kroeger clocks. Steinbach, MB: Mennonite Heritage Village, 2012. Pp. xxv, 174. ISBN 9780978393717. Kroeker, Nikolai J. First Mennonite Villages in Russia, 1789-1943: Khortitsa, Rosental. Vancouver, B.C.: N.J. Kroeker, 1981. Kroeker, Peter James. In search of identity: the life and times of Peter J. Kroeker. [S.I.]: Peter J. Kroeker, 2010. Pp. 330. ISBN 9780986800603. - 11 - Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Kroeker Wally An Introduction to the Russian Mennonites. 1969. 96 P. Good Books 2005 Pp. 122. ISBN 1561483915 Laue, Theodore H. Von: Sergei Witte and the Industrialization of Russia. New York, 1969. Lederer, Ivo J., Russian Foreign Policy. Essays in Historical Perspective, New Haven 1967. Lenci-Downs Elizabeth I Heard My People Cry: One Family's Escape from Russia. Trafford Publishing, 2003. Pp. 247. Lepp, Erna. Voyage from terror to hope. Ed. by Heather Nickel. [St. Albert, AB], 2011. Pp. 207. Letkemann, Peter. "The Hymnody and Choral Music of Mennonites in Russia, 1789-1915." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto . Toronto, Ontario, 1985. 2 vols 860 p. Letkeman, Peter. As I remember it. Robson, BC: P. Letkeman Publication; Robson, BC: Bear Grass Press, 1996. Pp. 191. ISBN 9780968089903. Lichdi, Diether Götz, ed. Mennonite world handbook: Mennonites in global witness. Carol Stream, Ill.: Mennonite World Conference, 1990. Pp. 440. Lohrenz, Gerhard Heritage remebered: English pictorial history of Mennonites in Prussia and Russia Lohrenz-Neufeld, Peter: "Mennonite Aviation Pioneers: The HUP Project at Chortitza " Löwen, Heinrich. Russlanddeutsche Evangelikale. München: GRIN Verlag, 2010. 2 volumes. ISBN 9783640780853 (Band 1); 9783640812295 (Band 2). MHL Loewen, Harry, ed. Road to Freedom: Mennonites Escape the Land of Suffering. Kitchener, Ont.: Pandora Press: Herald Press, 2000. Pp. 302. ISBN 0968554350 Loewen, Harry, Nolt Steven M., Duerksen Carol, Yoder Elwood Through Fire & Water: an Overview of Mennonite History. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1996. Pp. 350. Loewen Harry Shepherds, Servants and Prophets: Leadership Among the Russian Mennonites (ca 1880-1960) Herald Press and Pandora Press 2003. Loewen, Harry. Between worlds: reflections of a Soviet-born Canadian Mennonite. (Mennonite reflections) Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2006. Pp. 358. ISBN: 1894710630 Loewen, Howard John. One Lord, One Church, One Hope, and One God: Mennonite Confessions of Faith. Elkhart: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1985. Loewen, Julius. Jasykowo: Mennonite Colony on the Dnieper. Translated by Jakob B. Klassen. Beausejour. MB: Standard Press, 1995. Loewen, Royden K. Family, Church, and Market: A Mennonite Community in the Old and the New Worlds, 1850-1930. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990. Pp. 542. 1993. Loewen, Royden. Blumenort: A Mennonite Community in Transition, 1874-1892 by With assistance from Betty Plett. Steinbach, Man.: Blumenort Mennonite Historical Society, 1983, 1990. Loewen, Royden. Hidden Worlds: Revisiting the Mennonite Migrants of the 1870s. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2001. Pp. 139. Loewen, Royden, ed. From the Inside Out: The Rural Worlds of Mennonite Diarists, 1863 to 1929. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1999. Lohrenz, Gerhard. Storm Tossed: The Personal Story of a Canadian Mennonite from Russia. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Christian Press, 1976. 205 pp. Lohrenz, Gerhard. Heritage Remembered: A Pictorial Survey of Mennonites in Prussia and Russia. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: CMBC, 1976. 205 pp. 1977, Second Edition. 282 pp. Lohrenz, Gerhard. The Fateful Years 1913 - 1923. Winnipeg: Christian Press, 1977. 141 pp. Lohrenz, Gerhard. Stories from Mennonite Life. Steinbach, MB: Derksen Printers, 1980. Lohrenz, Gerhard. The Lost Generation and other Stories. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: G. Lohrenz, 1982. Lohrenz, Gerhard. Fire Over Zagradovka. Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada: G. Lohrenz, 1983. 56 pp. ill. Lohrenz, Gerhard. Zagradovka: History of a Mennonite Settlement in Southern Russia. - 12 - Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Winnipeg: CMBC Publications, 2000. Lohrenz, John H.: The Mennonite Brethren Church. Hillsboro, Kans.: Board of Foreign Missions, Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America 1950. 335 S. Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society. Mennonite Artist, the Insider as tsider: An Exhibition of Visual Art by Artists of Mennonite Heritage, Main/Access Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, July 6 to 29, 1990. Winnipeg, Man.: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1990. Mannhardt H.G. The Danzig Mennonite Church: Its Origins and History from 1569-1919 Translated by Victor G. Doerksen Bethel College and Pandora Press, 2007 ISBN 978-1- 889239-04-0 253 pages Martens, Cornelius. Beneath the cross: proclaiming the Gospel under czars and Soviets. Translated by Helene S. Fast. Abbotsford, BC: Fast Publishing, 2010. Pp. 164. ISBN 9780986777905. Originally published as: Unter dem Kreuz: Erinnerungen aus dem a/ten und neuen Russ/and. [Wernigerode am Harz: Licht im Osten, 1929]. Martens, Mrs. H.: Stormy Tides. Religious Persecutions in Soviet Russia, Winnipeg 1940 Martens, Phyllis: The mustard tree: The story of Mennonite Brethren missions. Fresno: Mennonite Brethren Boards and Christian Education in cooperation with the Board of Missions/Services 1971. 213 S. Martin Terry The Mennonites and the Russian State Duma, 1905-1914. Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, Univ. of Washington, 1996. Pp. 77. Martin, Terry. The Russian Mennonite encounter with the Soviet State, 1917-1955. (Bechtel lectures in Anabaptist Mennonite studies) [Waterloo]: Conrad Grebel College, University of Waterloo, 2001. Pp. 69. Martens, Wilfred. River of Glass. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1980. McCaffery Isaias Wi Leahre Plautdietsch: A Beginner's Guide to Mennonite Low Mennonite Churches of North Kildonan. Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mennonite Settlement in North Kildonan. Winnipeg: Mennonite Churches of North Kildonan, 1978. Mennonite in Russia: the diaries of Jacob D. Epp, 1851-1888. Ed. by Harvey L. Dyck. Toronto: Univ. of. Toronto Press 1991. 456 S. Mennonites in — Russia 1788-1988 Essays in Honour of Gerhard Lohrenz Edited by John Friesen CMBC Publications Winnipeg, Manitoba 1989, 386 S. Mennonites in Ukraine amid Civil War and Anarchy (1917-1920). This collection of documents, translated and edited by John B. Toews. Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, Fresno, Calif. 2013, 200 pages. Mezynski, Kazimierz. From the History of Mennonites in Poland. Warsaw: Akadamia Rolnicza W. Warszawie, 1975. 83 pp. Miller, Lester S. Chaco of Paraguay, South America, 1971-1976. Gordonville, Typing, 2005. Pp. 143. Minnich, R. Herbert: A Sociological Study of the Mennonite Immigrant Comunities in Parana, Brazil (Dissertation), Florida, 1966 Nestor Makhno and the Eichenfeld massacre: a civil war tragedy in a Ukrainian Mennonite Village. Compiled, edited, translated and with an introduction and analysis by Harvey L. Dyck, John R. Staples and John B. Toews. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2004. Pp. 115. Neufeld, Bill and Martha, editors, A Heritage of Homesteads, Hardships and Hope 1914- 1989 La CreteandArea (La Crete 1989), 450 Seiten. Neufeldt, Colin Peter. The fate of Mennonites in Soviet Ukraine and the Crimea during the Soviet collectivization and the famine (1928-1933). Bd. 1-2. [Edmonton]: Selbstverlag 1989. XVIII. Pp. 674. Neufeldt, Colin Peter. The fate of Mennonites in Ukraine and the Crimea during the Soviet collectivization and the famine (1930-1933). University of Alberta, A thesis submitted to the - 13 - Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degne of Doctor of Philosophy Department of History and Classics Edmonton, Alberta Spring 1999. Pp. 309. Neufeld, Dietrich. A Russian Dance of Death: Revolution and Civil War in the Ukraine. Winnipeg: Hyperion Press, 1977. 142 pp., ill., maps. Neufeld, Eldo. Collected Plautdietsch poems: (jesaumelde plautdietsche Jedichte) and selected Plautdietsch stories (uutjewählte plautdietsche Jeschichte). München: Lincom Europa, 2003. Pp. 138. Neufeld, Elsie K., ed. Half in the sun: anthology of Mennonite writing. Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2006. Pp. Neufeldt, Harvey, Ruth Derksen Siemens and Robert Martens, eds. First nations and first settlers in the Fraser Valley (1890-1960). Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2004. Pp. 287. Neufeld, Hermann A., Mary Neufeld and the Repphun story: from the Molotschna to Manitoba. Carole Joyce Gallery, 1988. Pp.. 234. Neufeld, Hugo. The North End lives: a journey through poverty terrain. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Pp. 189. Neufeld, Jacob A. Path of thorns: Soviet Mennonite life under Communist and Nazi rule. Edited, with an introduction and analysis, by Harvey L. Dyck; translated by Harvey L. Dyck and Sarah Dyck. (Tsarist and Soviet Mennonite studies) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. Pp. x, 444. Neufeld, Jacob A. Path of thorns: Soviet Mennonite life under Communist and Nazi rule. (Tsarist and Soviet Mennonite studies) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. Pp. x, 444. ISBN 9781442646094. Originally published as: Tiefenwege: Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse von Russland-Mennoniten in zwei Jahrzehnten bis 1949. [Vineland, ON: A.H. Harder, 196-?]. Neufeld, Lorenz. Aurora. Minnedosa, Manitoba: Glendosa Counselling Services, 1968. Neufeld, N. J., Mrs. H. F. Klassen, P. H. Mieran, eds., Ufa: The Mennonite Settlements in Ufa, 1894-1938, Steinbach, Manitoba: Derksen Printers, 1977, 176 pp. Neufeld, Peter Lorenz. Mennonites at War: A Double-Edged Sword: Canadian Mennonites in World War Two. Deloraine, Man.: DTS Pub., 1997. Neufeld, Peter J. Materials in regard to the History of the Red Cow on the Molotschna River during the nineteenth Century. Molochansk (Halbstadt) Russia 1927. Reproduced by and obtained from North Newton, Kansas: Mennonite Library and Archives, 1972. 61 pp. Neufeld Redekop Gloria The work of their hands: Mennonite women's societies in Canada. Band 2 von Studies in women and religion. Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 1996. Pp. 172. Neufeld, William. From Faith to Faith: The History of the Manitoba Mennonite Brethren Church. Winnipeg: Kindred Press, 1989. Nichols, Gregory L. The development of Russian evangelical spirituality: a study of Ivan V. Kargel (1849-1937). Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011. Pp. xiii, 381. ISBN 9781610971607. Nickel, Johann J.: Thy Kingdom come. The Diary of Johann J. Nickel of Rosenhof 1918- 1919: a Record of Violence and Faith during the Russian Civil War. translated from the German and edited by John P. Nickel, 1978 104 pp. Nickel, John: Hope Springs eternal - a legacy of service and love in Russia during difficult times. Winnipeg, Man. 1988. 304 Pp. Nickel, Katharine, See From the Ukraine. New York: Pageant Press. (1953) 113 pp. Pallot, J./ Shaw, D. J. B., Landscape and Settlement in Romanov Russia, 1613-1917. Patkau, Esther, comp. Canadian Women in Mission, 1895-1952-2002. [Saskatoon, SK: Canadian Women in Mission], 2002. Pp. 368. Paetkau, Henry. A struggle for survival: the Russian Mennonite immigrants in Ontario, 1924-1939. Waterloo, Ont.: [s.n.], 1977. Parish, Arlyn John. Kansas Mennonites During World War I. Hays: Fort Hays Kansas State - 14 - Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
College, 1968. Patterson, Sean David. The Makhnos of memory: Mennonite and makhnovist narratives of the civil war in Ukraine, 1917-1921. Thesis (M.A.)--University of Manitoba, 2013. Pp. iii, iii-v, 186. Penner, Dennis and Elsie Loewen. Innings: a true story of adoption, reunion, and roots. Linden, AB (P.O. Box 248, Linden, AB T0M 1J0): Innings, 2004. Pp. 306. Penner, Lloyd Chester Mennonites on the Washita River: the culmination of four centuries of migrations Penner, Michael. The shepherd David and his flock: the David and Katharina Regehr family of Steinbach, Molotschna, 1835.Richmond, BC (11671 Seahurst Road, Richmond, B.C. V7A 4K1): M. Penner, 2010. Pp. 102. Penner Nikolai The High German of Russian Mennonites in Ontario. A thesis presented to the University of Waterloo in fulfillment of the thesis requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in German Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2009 Penner Peter Russians, North Americans and Telegus: the Mennonite Brethren mission in India, 1885-1975 Ausgabe 10 von Perspectives on Mennonite life and thought. Kindred Productions, 1997. Pp. 413. Peters Alan F., Unruh Benjamin Heinrich A comprehensive index of all persons recorded in the family lists and other documents contained in the appendix to the book: Die niederländisch-niederdeutschen Hintergruende der mennonitischen Ostwanderungen im 16., 18. und 19. Jahrhundert by Benjamin Heinrich Unruh. Alan F. Peters, 1988. Pp. 458. Peters, George W.: The growth offoreign missions in the Mennonite Brethren church. Hillsboro. Kans.: Board of Foreign Missions. Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America 1947. 327 S. Peters, George W.: Foundations of Mennonite Brethren missions. Hillsboro. Kans./Winnipeg. Man.: Kindred Press 1984. 262 S. Peters, Gerhard I. Remember Our Leaders: Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Chilliwick: Mennonite Historical Society of British Columbia, 1982. Peters, J. The Waisenamt: a history of Mennonite inheritance custom (Steinbach, 1985). Peters, Sarah Unger de. Mennoniten in Kansas. Band 2 = Mennonites in Kansas. Volume 2 = Menonitas en Kansas. Volumen 2. Kismet, KS (PO Box 253, Kismet, KS 67859): Cornelius und Sara Peters, [2005?]. Pp. 61. Peters, Victor. Nestor Makhno: The Life of an Anarchist. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Echo, 1970. Petkau, Peter A. and Irene Petkau, Blumenfeld. Where Land and People Meet (Winkler 1981), 264 Seiten. Pilgrims and strangers: Essays in Mennonite Brethren history. Hg. v. Paul Toews. Fresno. Calif: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies. Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary 1977. 183 S. Plett, C.F.: The story of the Krimmer Mennonite Brethren church. Winnipeg. Man./Hillsboro. Kans.: Kindred Press 1985. 338 S. Plett, Delbert. Johann Plett - A Mennonite Family Saga. Dieses Buch konnte man (bis 2007) von runterladen, wurde jetzt aber gelöscht. Plett, Delbert, History and Events: Writings and Maps Pertaining to the History of the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde from 1866-1876. Steinbach 1982. Plett, Delbert, The Golden Years: the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Russia (1812-1849). Steinbach D.F.P. Publications,, Manitoba 1985. Plett, Delbert F.: Leaders ofthe Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Russia, 1812 to 1874. Steinbach, Canada. 1993. Pp. 932. Plett, Delbert F., Saints and Sinners: The Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Imperial - 15 - Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Russia, 1812 to 1875 Crossway Publication, Steinbach 1999), 352 Seiten. Dieses Buch konnte man (bis 2007) von als .pdf Datei runterladen, wurde jetzt aber gelöscht. Plett, Delbert .Storm and Triumph. Steinbach, 1986. Plett, Delbert . Profile of the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde 1874. Steinbach: D.F.P. Publications, Steinbach, 1987. Plett, Delbert .Pioneers and Pilgrims: The Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Manitoba, Nebraska and Kansas, 1874 to 1882. Steinbach: D.F.P. Publications 1989, 1990. Plett, Delbert .Short Exposition, autobiography by Klaas Reimer. unpublished manuscript. Plett, Delbert F., East Reserve: Celebrating our Heritage 1874-1999 125 Years (Steinbach, Manitoba 1999), 79 Seiten. Plett, Delbert F., Old Colony Mennonites in Canada 1875-2000 (Steinbach 2001), 194 Seiten. Pilgrims and strangers: Essays in Mennonite Brethren history. Hg. v. Paul Toews. Fresno. Calif: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies. Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary 1977. 183 S. Romankin-Arndt, Veronika. Templers in Russia: between Mennonites and Palestine. Research essay--Victoria Univ. of Wellington, NZ, 1993. Pp. 100. Quiring, David M. The Mennonite Old Colony vision: under siege in Mexico and the Canadian connection. Steinbach, MB: Crossway Publications, 2003. Pp. 190. Dieses Buch konnte man (bis 2007) von als .pdf Datei runterladen, wurde jetzt aber gelöscht Quiring, Walter, Bartel Helen In the Fullness of Time: 150 Years of Mennonite Sojourn in Russia translated by Katherine Janzen. Kitchener, ON: A. Klassen, 1974. Pp. 212. Quiring Walter, Bartel Helen Mennonites in Canada: a pictorial review. D. W. Friesen, 1961. Pp. 208. Rahn, Peter J. Among The Ashes: in the Stalinkova Kolkhoz (Kontinusfeld), 1930-1935. (Mennonite reflections) Kitchener, Pandora Press 2011. ISBN: 9781926599212 Pages 300 The Ratzlaff Report. Elgin, IL: Patricia Dissmeyer Goff. nd. Redekopp, Calvin, The Old Colony Mennonites: Dilemmas of Ethnic Minority Life (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1969). Redekop, Calvin. Mennonite Society. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989. Redekop Calvin Wall, Krahn Victor A., Steiner Samuel J., Anabaptist /Mennonite faith and economics. University Press of America, 1994. Pp. 428. Redekop, Gloria Neufeld. The Work of Their Hands: Mennonite Women’s Societies in Canada. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1996. Redekopp, J.P.,, Gnadenthal 1880 1980 (Altona 1982), 232 Seiten. Redekop, John H. "The state and the free church." In J.R. Burkholder and C. Redekop, eds., Kingdom, Cross and Community. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1976. Redekop, John H. A People Apart: Ethnicity and the Mennonite Brethren. Winnipeg: Kindred Press, 1987. Redekop, Wall C. (ed.): Mennonite Identity. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, New York / London 1988 Regehr T. D., Regehr Jacob I. For everything a season: a history of the Alexanderkrone Zentralschule. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1988. Pp. 161. Regehr, Ted D. Mennonites in Canada 1939-1970: A People Transformed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. Regehr, Ted D. Peace, Order and Good Government: Mennonites and Politics in Canada. J.J. Thiessen Lectures. Winnipeg: CMBC Publications, 2000. Regier, A.P. "Confiscation of Mennonite Privileges Document." Unpublished manuscript, - 16 - Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
Virgil, Ont. 1977. Reimer, A.: Mennonite literary voices: past and present. North Newton. Kans.: Bethel College 1983. Reimer, Al. My Harp is Turned to Mourning. Winnipeg: Hyperion Press, 1985. Reimer, Gustav Edward - Gaeddert Gustave Raymond Exiled by the Czar. Cornelius Jansen and the Great Mennonite Migration, 1874. Ausgabe 3 von Mennonite historical series. Newton, Kansas 1956. Pp. 205. Reimer Isaak Joh The Old Colony: The Village of Einlage in South Russia, 1789-1945. Translated into English by Esther Patkau. Saskatoon, Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan, 2009. Pp. 483. Reimer, Margaret. The Story of the Crimea Bible School Theological Seminary, 1918-1924. Translated by Edwin Reimer, n.d. 62 pp. Reimer, Margaret Loewen, comp. Meditations on a Place and a Way of ife. photographs by Ken Loewen. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Hyperion Press, 1982. Reimer, Mavis. Cornelius W. Wiebe: A Beloved Physician. The Story of a Country Doctor. Winnipeg: Hyperion, 1983. Reimer, N. (Klaas). A Short Exposition. Unpublished manuscript (translation of Delbert Plett made available to me through the kindness of Delbert Plett). Reimer Priscilla B., Mennonite Artist: the Insider as Outsider: an Exhibition of Visual Art by Artists of Mennonite Heritage. Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1990. Pp. 57. Rempel, Ben,, Winkler. A Proud Heritage (Winkler 1982), 270 Seiten. Rempel, David G. "The Expropriation of the German colonists in South Russia during the Great War." Reprint from Journal of Modern History,IV, March, 1932. 19 pp. Rempel, David G. "The Mennonite Colonies in New Russia: A Study of Their Settlement and Economic Development from 1789 to 1914." (Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Stanford University, 1933; available in microfilm at Bethel College Historical Library, North Newton, Kansas CA 1933.). Pp. 666. Rempel David G. and Cornelia Rempel Carlson A Mennonite Family in Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union 1789-1923. University of Toronto Press2003 Rempel, Elsie. The song and activity guide for God's love is for everybody: songs for small & tall. Winnipeg, MB: Mennonite Church Canada ; Waterloo ; Scottdale Faith & Life Resources, 2002. Pp. 40. Rempel, Hans, Deutsche Bauernleistung am Schwarzen Meer, Leipzig 1941. (ins englische uebersetzt unter ) Rempel, H. "My father, the photographer." Tape recorded account, Kitchener, Ont.: May 1977. Rempel J. G., Warkentin Friesen Melitta, Sawatzky Neufeld Helene My village home Nieder Chortitza. M. Friesen, 1996. Pp. 73. Rempel, Nicolai. Letters of a Mennonite couple, Nicolai and Katharina Rempel: Russia, war, and revolution, 1914-1917. Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 2014. Pp. xxiii, 246. Rempel, Peter. Mennonite Migration to Russia, 1788-1828. Edited by Alfred H. Redekopp and Richard D. Thiessen. Winnipeg: Manitoba ennonite Historical Society, 2000. Pp. 249. ISBN 0969088361 Rempel, Peter Gerhard. Forever Summer, Forever Sunday: Peter Gerhard Rempel's Photographs of Mennonites in Russia, 1890-1917. St. Jacobs, ON: Sand Hill Books, 1981. 142 S. Rimland, Ingrid. Lebensraum! A Passion for Land and Peace: a Novel. Toronto: Samisdat Publishers, 1998. Robinson, Mitchell Lee. "Civilian Public Service during World War II: The Dilemmas of Conscience and Conscription in a Free Society." Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 1990. - 17 - Mennonitische Geschichte und Ahnenforschung
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