Journalismus vs. Kunst - Wie viel Kreativität verträgt die Grafik? MAZ, Luzern 17. September 2014
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Journalismus vs. Kunst – Wie viel Kreativität verträgt die Grafik? – MAZ, Luzern 17. September 2014 Von B und C Hahn und Zimmermann T +41 (0)31 331 28 70 Kommunikationsdesign Rathausplatz 3 Informationsgrafik CH-3011 Bern Designforschung
Jan Oct May Mon 1 Aug dated photos of toilets Tue Feb Mar Nov Wed Jun Thu 4 Sept Dec Fri 5 Apr Jul Sat 6 1 Sun 7 2 dated expenses Mon 3 Tue 9 5 4 Wed 6 8 5 Thu 11 5 9 6 Fri 12 6 7 Sat 8 dated telephone calls Sun 9 Mon 9 13 10 Tue 12 10 14 11 Wed 14 13 11 15 12 Thu 15 13 Fri 16 14 Sat 17 15 Sun 18 18 16 Mon 16 19 17 Tue 20 18 Wed 18 22 21 19 Thu 22 20 Fri 22 24 23 21 Sat 24 22 Sun 28 25 23 Mon 27 26 24 Tue 26 24 27 25 Wed 28 26 Thu 26 29 27 Fri 30 28 Sat 29 Sun 30 Mon 31 Tue © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014 dated photos of toilets dated expenses dated telephone calls Data source:
11 Schönhauser 66 Da nzi 12 ge rS tra Ch 8 ße a us Allee se es 46 2 tra 24 ße ße ee tra He r All e 37 S 20 ra ß er ide rg laue St lbe str r er Pe 22 z ald aß Pren e sw 27 1 eif Gr 29 68 71 t raße 75 ße Tors 79 en stra alid 78 49 Inv 6 52 5 80 Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 7 81 54 Alt-M 39 oabit 4 14 36 65 57 47 48 e aß str Alt aße 17 rch on ae den Unter den Lin Ma str 70 rS Karl-Mar tra x-Allee uer ße 21 Ca 58 e Friedrichstraß 17. Juni Straße des Ho 30 aße Bismarckstr lzm 73 ark raße tst Le ipziger St raß Tiergartenstraße 67 e e 51 traß 61 63 72 er S au e 62 traß rsch 16 44 e-S Kantstraße 76 28 Wa Ufer Schöneberger ein h-H 23 69 26 83 Mü inric hle e 31 9 traß ns He Kle tra ist 25 42 ße er S str Ha aß amm e lle dam tend sc rs 32 Kurfü Kur he fü 3 s sU 40 rste Pot 64 Str Bundesallee nst ala fe raß 33 53 uer e r 74 34 Alle e Martin-Luther-Straße 50 Skalitzer Straße 77 56 35 60 Studios Kott ufenstraße 1 Alessio Leonardi Hohensta b uss 2 Berlin Haushoch amm er D 3 Beta Tank llernd Yorc kstra nzo ße Gne amm 4 Buero Botsch Berlin he isen Pu Ho 82 austr sch 5 Bureau Mario Lombardo 13 aße kin 15 alle 6 Designerdeutsch 18 e e 43 aldstraß 10 7 Edenspiekermann Berlin Grunew Ett la Benn 55 38 Mehringdamm 8 9 Fons Hickmann m23 41 Am 19 Tr 10 FontShop ep to 11 Formfjord w er 12 Hella Jongerius / Jongeriuslab Pa 13 Hort / Eike König r k ße Dudenstraße 14 Jerszy Seymour ra st 15 Juli Gudehus u pt Ha 16 Jürgen Mayer H. © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014 17 Lambl / Homburger 18 Llot Llov 59 Design galleries 19 LucasFonts GmbH Institutions etc. 68 Appel Design Gallery 20 Lulu 54 Create Berlin e.V. 69 Clemens Tissi 21 Markus Weissbeck Surface Gesellschaft Bookstores, publisher 55 Designerdock Headquarters Limited 70 Designtransfer / UdK Berlin für Gestaltung 46 25 books, Hannes Wanderer 56 DMY Berlin Museums 71 Galerie Arndt & Partner Coworking spaces So 22 Meiré & Meiré 47 Buchhandlung Walther König 57 IDZ / Internationales Design Zentrum 61 Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung 72 Galerie Ulrich Fiedler nn Shops en 23 MetaDesign 31 Aqua Carrè Berlin an der Museumsinsel Berlin e.V. 62 Kunstbibliothek 73 Galerie Urban Art Info all ee 24 Nadine Schemmann / Plastic Pirate 32 Betahaus 39 Andreas Murkudis 48 Bücherbogen am Savignyplatz 58 Initiative Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft der 63 Kunstgewerbemuseum 74 Hans-Peter Jochum 25 Noshe Andreas Gehrke 33 Co.up 40 Kaufhaus des Westens 49 do you read me?! Magazine und Lektüre Bundesregierung, Regionalbüro Berlin im 64 Museum der Dinge / Werkbundarchiv 75 Helmrinderknecht 26 Oliver Wiegener / Ice Cream For Free™ 34 ÏMA Design Village 41 Modulor der Gegenwart Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft 65 Sammlung Boros, Bunker 76 Jackson Design GmbH 27 Sarah Illenberger 35 Impakt berlin 42 Neues Modulor Haus (ab 2011) 50 Motto Berlin 59 Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technologie 66 Sammlung industrielle Gestaltung, 77 Karena Schuessler Gallery Hotels 28 Sonice Development 36 Made 43 Space Hall 51 Nicolai Verlag Berlin und Frauen Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der 78 Neugerriemschneider. 81 Hotel Casa Camper Berlin 29 Studio Aisslinger 37 Raumstation Coworking 44 Stilwerk Berlin 52 Pro qm 60 TCC Technologie Coaching Center, Bundesrepublik Deutschland 79 Pigasus – Polish Poster Gallery 82 Hotel Sarotti-Höfe 30 Studio Hausen 38 Studio 70 Coworking Space 45 twinkle*twinkle 53 Robert Klanten / Die Gestalten Verlag Kreativ Coaching Center 67 Schaudepot Buchstabenmuseum 80 Pool Gallery 83 Michelberger Hotel 45
Planungsinstrumente Hochparterre / ETH Zürich – Institut für Städtebau (2014) © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014
Zusammenspiel der raumplanerischen und städtebaulichen Planungsinstrumente im Grossraum Zürich Rechtliche Planungsebene Instrumente Grundlagen Kompetenzen Akteure Eidgenossenschaft RPG Stimmvolk Raumkonzept Schweiz Konzepte und Stufenweise Berücksichtigung des Umweltrechts (Energierichtlinien, Lärmschutz, Denkmalpflege etc.) (Revision 2013) Sachpläne Raumrelevante Grundsatz- Parlament Gesetze (Wald, gesetzgebung Umweltschutz, in der Raum- Natur- und planung Heimatschutz etc.) Sachplanung Bundesrat Raumrelevante Bundesämter Metropolitanregion Verein Metropoli- Vision Metropolitanraum Zürich Zürich Metrobilder tanraum Zürich 7 Kantone 1,6 Mio. EinwohnerInnen Vertretung der Mitglieder: Kantone und Gemeinden Volksabstimmungen Kanton Zürich Langfristige Raumentwicklungsstrategie (LaRES), in Arbeit Kantonale und regionale Nutzungszonen Kantonale Gestaltungspläne Stimmvolk Räumliches Controlling des Kantons Zürich (Raumplanungsbericht) 1,4 Mio. EinwohnerInnen Kantonaler Richtplan 171 Gemeinden Agglomerationsprogramme Zürich § 20 ff. RPG, Planungshoheit Kantonsrat ‹Gegenstromprinzip› PBG und -vollzug; Regierungsrat Planungs- und Baudirektion Raumordnungskonzept des Verordnungen, Baugesetz- Kantons Zürich (ROK-ZH) Richtlinien gebung und Normalien Richtplanung Amt für Raum- Nutzungsplanung entwicklung des Kantons Zürich 11 Regionen des Vorbereitende politische, wirtschaftliche § 12 PBG Richtplanung Stimmvolk Kantons Zürich Regionale Richtpläne und gesellschaftliche Leitbilder § 30 PBG Regierungsrat Die Stadt Zürich ist nach Planungs- und 11 Planungs- Baugesetz (PBG) eine Regionale Raumordnungs- verbände Planungsregion ZPL*, ZPK*, ZPZ*, konzepte (Regio-ROK) ZPP*, ZPG*, ZPF *, Volksabstimmungen RZO, RWU, PZU, ZPW, Stadt Zürich* *Dachorganisa- tion: RZU Gemeinde Politisches, wirtschaftliches Kommunales räumliches Kommunaler Richtplan Publikationen der Hochbauämter und gesellschaftliches Leitbild «RES» (Stadt Zürich: Verkehr) Kommunale Bau- und Zonenordnung (BZO) Bau- und Nut- zungsordnungen, Planungsvollzug Stimmvolk, Gemeinde- Leitbild «Strategien 2025» Nutzungspläne, versammlung, Beispiel Stadt Zürich Zonenpläne Gemeinderat Richtplanung Gebietsspezifische Leitbilder Städtebauliche Studien ohne EigentümerInnen und Bevölkerung Partizipationsverfahren mit der Bevölkerung Anpassung BZO Quartierplan Nutzungsplanung Bau- und und -konzepte oder Masterpläne Planungsamt (AfS) Quartier Bevölkerung Kooperative Verfahren Standort- und- Machbarkeits- studien Sondernutzungspläne: Behörden © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014 (Testplanungen etc., städte- – Gestaltungsplan Verwaltung bauliche Ideenwettbewerbe) Areal – Sonderbauvorschriften EigentümerInnen (inkl. Arealüberbauung) InvestorInnen Studienaufträge und (mindestens Verkehrsrichtplan zwingend) EntwicklerInnen Architekturwettbewerbe PlanerInnen (Genehmigung durch den Kanton) ArchitektInnen Objekt /Projekt - + Verbindlichkeit: Strategien, Grundlagen, verwaltungsinterne Handlungsanweisungen Behördenverbindlich Eigentümerverbindlich HauptakteurInnen: Profis (vorwiegend nach professionellen Kriterien erarbeitete Vorschläge) PolitikerInnen (vorwiegend politisch PolitikerInnen, EigentümerInnen (vorwiegend politisch sowie durch motivierte Entscheidungen) persönliche Betroffenheit motivierte Entscheidungen)
4 – Bewusster Einsatz der Werkzeuge Farben, Format, Linienstärken, Schrift …
Unser Kampf gegen den Hunger muehlhausmoers/Welthungerhilfe (2014) © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014
DaS tun Wir jahreSbericht 2013 | 6 7 | DaS tun Wir jahreSbericht 2013 Projekte zur Förderung Projekte zur sozialen zivilgesellschaftlicher Basisinfrastrukturprojekte Strukturen 6,8 Mio. eur 12 Sonstige Projekte Integration und Bildung 2,5 Mio. eur 2 Mio. eur 2,7 Mio. eur 2012: 12 projekte, 2012: 9 projekte, 2012: 17 projekte, 2012: 13 projekte, 5,3 Mio. eur 2,4 Mio. eur 2,1 Mio. eur 18 2,1 Mio. eur 19 10 16 Nothilfeprojekte Projekte zur ländlichen 6,8 Mio. eur und regionalen Entwicklung 2012: 9 projekte, 74 11 Mio. eur 2 Mio. eur 2012: 68 projekte, 1 Projekt zu Gesundheit 7,6 Mio. eur und HIV & Aids 0,7 Mio. eur 2012: 1 projekt, ASIEN 13 länder 150 0,6 Mio. eur unser Kampf gegen den Hunger EuropA projekte mit 32,4 Mio. 22 projekte mit 2,6 Mio. Eur projektvolumen Eur projektvolumen Allein im Jahr 2013 hat die Welthungerhilfe Menschen in 40 Ländern mit 355 Auslandsprojekten* unterstützt. 22 Inlandsprojekte NorDKorEA stärkten das Bewusstsein für Hunger und Armut in der deutschen und europäischen Öffentlichkeit und Politik. Seit ihrer Gründung 1962 TADScHIKISTAN förderte die Welthungerhilfe 7.348 Auslandsprojekte mit rund 2,66 Milliarden Euro, davon 5.174 Selbsthilfeprojekte. SYrIEN 3 12 AFgHANISTAN Projekte zur Projekte zur NEpAl Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Politikarbeit bANglADEScH pAKISTAN 0,1 Mio. eur 1,4 Mio. eur 7 KubA Projekte zur INDIEN MYANMAr HAITI DoMINIKANIScHE Mobilisierung MAlI lAoS rEpublIK 1,1 Mio. eur NIgEr SuDAN pHIlIppINEN NIcArAguA burKINA FASo KAMboDScHA SIErrA lEoNE ÄTHIopIEN SoMAlIA Projekte zur ländlichen gHANA SrI lANKA und regionalen Entwicklung SÜDSuDAN 14,7 Mio. eur lIbErIA Sonstige Projekte 2012: 38 projekte, ugANDA KENIA 38 1,1 Mio. eur 9,4 Mio. eur EcuADor 2012: 12 projekte, DEM. rEp. 2,4 Mio. eur KoNgo ruANDA 8 buruNDI pEru TANSANIA MAlAWI MoSAMbIK AFrIKA 20 länder 3 Projekte zur Förderung 136 Projekte zur Förderung zivilgesellschaftlicher zivilgesellschaftlicher Strukturen bolIvIEN Strukturen MADAgASKAr 0,2 Mio. eur 0,9 Mio. eur 8 lATEINAMErIKA uND KArIbIK 7 länder SIMbAbWE projekte mit 81,4 Mio. 2012: 3 projekte, 0,6 Mio. eur 61 2012: 6 projekte, Eur projektvolumen 0,8 Mio. eur projekte mit 22,5 Mio. Eur projektvolumen Nothilfeprojekte 3 Projekte zu Gesundheit 0,9 Mio. eur 3 und HIV & Aids 2012: 5 projekte, 0,7 Mio. eur 1,6 Mio. eur 24 © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014 Basisinfrastrukturprojekte 22 2011: 1 projekt, 0,5 Mio. eur Projekte zur sozialen 3 18,6 Mio. eur 55 Integration und Bildung 2012: 25 projekte, Basisinfrastrukturprojekte 4,7 Mio. eur 1 Projekt zur sozialen 18,4 Mio. eur 5,1 Mio. eur 16 2012: 2 projekte, Integration und Bildung 13 2012: 20 projekte, Sonstige Projekte projektländer der Welthungerhilfe Projekte zur ländlichen 4,8 Mio. eur 3,6 Mio. eur 3,4 Mio. eur 0,2 Mio. eur und regionalen Entwicklung Nothilfeprojekte 2012: 1 projekt, 19,3 Mio. eur 2012: 16 projekte, projektländer der alliance2015Mitglieder, in 33,9 Mio. eur denen die Welthungerhilfe nicht selbst aktiv ist 0,1 Mio. eur 2012: 21 projekte, 3,9 Mio. eur 2012: 65 projekte, * Davon 8 überregionale projekte, die hier nicht abgebildet sind 31,4 Mio. eur 32,2 Mio. eur
Wem gehört die Welt? DIE ZEIT (2014) © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014
© Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014
4 – Schrift als Informationsträger
Wie nützt das Neue? Wirtschaftsmagazin brand eins (2013) © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014
CH sCHWerPUnKT: ForTsCHriTT Wagen _TeCHnologie sCHWerPUnKT: ForTsCHriTT Wagen Innovationsindikator Wie nützt 80 77 das Neue? SG 70 BE SE Revolutionäre Technik bringt die Welt voran. NL Stimmt. DE US 63 Aber leider deutlich seltener als behauptet. DK NO FI 60 60 AT 59 58 GB TW FR IE AU CA Text: Thomas Ramge 56 56 Grafik: Von B und C, Hahn und Zimmermann 54 54 53 53 50 50 50 KR 49 Chemie und Energie 48 48 48 JP 7% Software und Internet Datenverarbeitung 44 8% und Elektronik 28 % 42 Sonstige 10 % 40 Industrie 10 % Gesundheit Auto 22 % 15 % 30 Anteile der Branchen an den gesamten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsausgaben weltweit (Quelle: Booz & Company) ES 23 1. Der Toilettentest 20 Disruptive Technologie – das rufen sie alle. Zumindest fast alle, Legende (Grafik rechts): CN IT die Forschungsgeld für Grundlagenforschung beantragen. Die auf 15 15 CH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schweiz AU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Australien der Suche nach Risikokapital für ein Start-up sind. Die Kunden SG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Singapur TW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taiwan mit einem Produkt der angeblich ganz neuen Art umwerben. Der SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schweden IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irland Durchbruch ist überall. Im Genom, im ultraleichten Verbundstoff, NL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Niederlande KR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Südkorea 10 im mobilen Endgerät mit revolutionärer Benutzeroberfläche. BE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belgien JP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Japan DE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutschland ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spanien © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014 Wenn er noch nicht da ist, dann steht er unmittelbar bevor. Zum PL US . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .USA CN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . China ZA Nutzen des Einzelnen, der Gesellschaft, der Menschheit. 5 5 DK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dänemark IT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Italien 4 4 Neue Techniken kommen als Großmäuler auf die Welt. Sie FI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finnland PL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Polen versprechen viel. Ob der Behauptung auch der Beweis folgt, wer- NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norwegen RU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russland IN BR AT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Österreich ZA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Südafrika 0 0 0 den die Erfinder in der Regel erst mit grauen Haaren erfahren. Das FR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frankreich TR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Türkei war schon immer so. Vermutlich muss es so sein. Ein Problem CA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kanada IN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indien Index zur Innovationsfähigkeit der führenden Industrieländer im Jahr 2012 der Gegenwart ist allerdings: Die Frequenz der disruptiven > GB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Großbritannien BR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brasilien Kontinente: Europa, Asien, Nordamerika, Australien, Afrika, Südamerika (Quelle: BDI, Deutsche Telekom Stiftung) 30 Brand eins 07/13 Brand eins 07/13 31
sCHWerPUnKT: ForTsCHriTT Wagen Toyota hat nach Einschätzung der Gartner-Analysten bei den Erwartun- 9.9 gen noch Luft nach oben. Novartis 9.6 5. Das Alte und das Neue Roche 9.4 „Innovation hat immer eine bestimmte Historizität“, sagt Marion Weissenberger-Eibl. Der Satz hängt in der Luft ihres Büros im Pfizer 9.1 Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung. Die Professorin und Beraterin der Bundeskanzlerin holt etwas weiter Microsoft 9 aus, um ihn zu erden. Das Datenkompressionsverfahren MP3 kam zur richtigen Zeit. Unabhängig von der viel diskutierten Samsung Electronics 9 Frage, wer es erfunden hat und wer damit Geld verdient, verklei- nerte MP3 die Dateigrößen von Musiktiteln, sodass sie auf be- Merck 8.5 zahlbare Flash-Speicher passten und bei der verfügbaren Daten- Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit schnell im Internet heruntergeladen Intel 8.4 werden konnten. Heute wäre MP3 als Technik gar nicht mehr so wichtig. Denn auch die Datenmengen von Musik in CD-Qualität General Motors 8.1 passen auf Flash-Speicher und sind im Netz transportfähig. MP3 hat sich clever und zum richtigen Zeitpunkt in unseren Alltag Nokia 7.8 gemogelt, ist aber voraussichtlich kein Standard für die Ewigkeit, Volkswagen 7.7 sondern unterliegt dem immer wiederkehrenden Zyklus der In- novation. Sein Nutzen nimmt ab. Etwas Neues mit höherem Johnson & Johnson 7.5 Nutzen wird kommen. Woher? Wir wissen es nicht. Weissen- berger-Eibl bringt es auf die Formel: „Es gibt keine natürliche Sanofi 6.7 Erbfolge der Innovation.“ Der Kugelschreiber wurde nicht von einem Füllfederhalterhersteller erfunden, sondern von einem ehe- Panasonic 6.6 maligen Versicherungsmakler und Rennfahrer. Honda Motor 6.6 Wirklich Neues entsteht meist an den Schnittstellen der Tech- nologien und Disziplinen. Zum Beispiel an den Berührungspunk- GlaxoSmithKline 6. 3 ten von IT, Biologie und klassischen Ingenieurswissenschaften. Sie unterwandern alle möglichen Felder von Alltag, Arbeit und IBM 6. 3 Wertschöpfung. Sie machen das Leben des Einzelnen einfacher Cisco Systems 5.8 und mehren den Wohlstand vieler. Sie schaffen das, wenn sie sich nach den Phasen der Ernüchterung in frühen Entwicklungssta- Daimler 5.8 dien als lernfähig erweisen. Und wenn ihre Erfinder und Entwick- AstraZeneca 5. 5 ler sich darüber austauschen, wo die neue Technik Mehrwert bringen könnte. Oft kommen die Innovationen gar nicht laut auf Ranking der 20 Unternehmen mit den höchsten Ausgaben die Welt, sondern verstecken sich zunächst hinter den Großspre- für Forschung und Entwicklung im Jahr 2011 (in Milliarden US-Dollar) chern. Leise Kandidaten wären die Sensorik oder die synthetische Branchen: Gesundheit, Datenverarbeitung /Elektronik, Auto Biologie. (Quelle: Bloomberg; Booz & Company) Armin Grunwald sagt: „Wir sind zu Hype-Junkies verkom- men.“ Kaum habe eine Technik die Erwartungen an sie nicht er- füllt, gierten wir nach der nächsten. „Die Schere zwischen Hype und technischem Fortschritt geht immer weiter auseinander.“ durch unsere Adern tauchen, um irgendwo im Körper irgend- Den gleichen Eindruck hatte schon ein anderer kluger Beobach- © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014 etwas zu reparieren. Windschutzscheiben, an denen dank Mikro- ter des Zeitgeists vor rund drei Jahrzehnten. Der Philosoph Odo struktur Wasser schneller abläuft, sind wohl eher als inkrementel- Marquard, ein Konservativer, ein Lobbyist der Bewahrung der ler Fortschritt zu sehen. Auf dem Gipfel überzogener Erwartungen Gegenwart. Marquard war der Überzeugung: Das Neue muss des aktuellen Gartner’s Hype Cycle stehen gerade 3-D-Druck, beweisen, dass es besser ist als das Alte. Nicht umgekehrt. Hybrid Cloud Computing und Social-Media-Analyse. Big Data Die Toilette ist dafür das beste Beispiel. -- Brand eins 07/13 35
Kulturwirtschaft Berlin Form – Zeitschrift für Design (2010) © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014
Entwicklung des Clusters Kommunikation, Medien, Kreativwirtschaft Berlin von 2000 –2007 Development of the Berlin cluster communication, media, creative industries from 2000 –2007 Anzahl Unternehmen /Number of companies Books/Press 6000 2007 20.5 % 2006 5000 2005 2004 Information/ 4000 2003 2002 2001 Communication 14.6 % Books/Press 2000 Software/ Architecture Architecture 11.3 % Games 3000 10.9 % Advertising 9.8 % Design Information/ Communication 9.3 % Others 8.1 % Film/Broadcast Advertising 8% 2000 Fine Arts 7.3 % Music Others Film/Broadcast 6.3 % Design Fine Arts Performing Arts Software/Games Music 4.8 % 1000 Performing Arts © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014 Umsatz / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sales AAAA Anzahl Unternehmen / 5000 Die Prozentangabe (%) entspricht Umsatz / Zunahme gegenüber Vorjahr / Increase on previous year 2000 2007 Number of companies 4000 dem Anteil Unternehmen am Cluster / Sales Abnahme gegenüber Vorjahr / Decrease on previous year 3000 The percentage (%) corresponds to in Mrd. Euro, gerundet / to the nearest billion euros 2000 the share of companies in the cluster. A 1000
Social Networking Websites Beef Magazine (2009) MySpace 253ʼ145ʼ404 50 Internetcommunities Facebook mit Launchjahr und Userzahl Quelle: List_of_social_networking_websites (Stand: 06.03.09) Visualisierung: Hahn und Zimmermann 235ʼ000ʼ000 HabboWindows Live Spaces 120ʼ000ʼ000 117ʼ000ʼ000 Friendster 90ʼ000ʼ000 hi5 80ʼ000ʼ000 Tagged 70ʼ000ʼ000 Orkut 67ʼ000ʼ000 Reunion Flixster 63ʼ000ʼ000 51ʼ000ʼ000 Classmates 50ʼ000ʼ000 40ʼ000ʼ000 NetlogBebo 36ʼ000ʼ000 35ʼ000ʼ000 LinkedIn 30ʼ000ʼ000 Odnoklassniki 29ʼ000ʼ000 V Kontakte 27ʼ000ʼ000 22ʼ000ʼ000 24ʼ000ʼ000 Xanga 20ʼ000ʼ000 Skyrock imeem 20ʼ000ʼ000 Mixi 21ʼ000ʼ000 20ʼ936ʼ509 BlackPlanet 17ʼ564ʼ977 19ʼ000ʼ000 Fotolog 17ʼ000ʼ000 LiveJournal Friends Reunited Plaxo 15ʼ000ʼ000 13ʼ000ʼ000 Badoo WAYN 15ʼ000ʼ000 Xiaonei Sonico Geni 15ʼ000ʼ000 Care2 DeviantART Multiply Buzznet Nasza-klasa Hyves myYearbook StudiVZ Trombi XING Viadeo MocoSpace itsmy Vampirefreaks iWiW Stickam Twitter Nexopia CafeMom 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014
MySpac 253ʼ145ʼ404 50 Internetcommunities Facebo mit Launchjahr und Userzahl Quelle: List_of_social_networking_websites (Stand: 06.03.09) Visualisierung: Hahn und Zimmermann 235ʼ000ʼ000 HabboWindows Live 120ʼ000ʼ000 117ʼ000ʼ000 Friendster 90ʼ000ʼ000 hi5 80ʼ000ʼ000 Tagged 70ʼ000ʼ000 Orkut 67ʼ000ʼ000 Reunion Flixster 63ʼ000ʼ000 51ʼ000ʼ000 Classmates 50ʼ000ʼ000 40ʼ000ʼ000 NetlogBebo 36ʼ000ʼ000 35ʼ000ʼ000 LinkedIn 30ʼ000ʼ000 Odnoklassniki © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014 29ʼ000ʼ000 V Kontakte 27ʼ000ʼ000 22ʼ000ʼ000 24ʼ000ʼ000 Xanga 20ʼ000ʼ000 Skyrock imeem 20ʼ000ʼ000 Mixi 21ʼ000ʼ000 20ʼ936ʼ509 BlackPlanet 17ʼ564ʼ977 19ʼ000ʼ000 Fotolog 17ʼ000ʼ000 LiveJournal Friends Reunited Plaxo 15ʼ000ʼ000 13ʼ000ʼ000 Badoo WAYN 15ʼ000ʼ000 Xiaonei Sonico Geni 15ʼ000ʼ000 Care2 DeviantART Multiply Buzznet Nasza-klasa Hyves myYearbook StudiVZ Trombi XING Viadeo MocoSpace itsmy Vampirefreaks iWiW Stickam Twitter Nexopia CafeMom 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
5 – Visuelle Metapher
Sprachenvielfalt DIE ZEIT (2013) © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014
© Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014
Questions Bank Julius Bär (2011) © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014
Are Are Are Are green green greeninvestments investments investmentssustainable? sustainable? sustainable? Are green Are green investments green investments sustainable? investments sustainable? sustainable? Very Life Looking Looking Lookingforfornew newsources sources “Desalination “Desalination “Desalination of of “Desalinationof Very Life Looking for new sources Very Very Life Life problem problem problem isisisthe the lack lack ofof incentives, incentives, as as long long as as water water problemisis the lack of incentives, as long as water “Desalination of Very Very Very LifeLife Life problem isthe thelack lackof ofincentives, incentives,as aslong longasaswater problem the lack of incentives, as long as water for new sources Very Life of Excellent Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Very poor Very poor poor Life Very elapsed elapsedLife Life elapsed water Excellent Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Fair Excellent Good Good Fair Poor Fair Poor Fair Poor Poor poor poor elapsed poor elapsed poor elapsed elapsed Excellent Excellent Excellent Good Good Fair FairFair Poor PoorPoor poor poorpoor elapsed elapsed elapsed can can canbe be beaccessed accessed accessed at at atlow, low, low, or or oreven even evenno no nocost. cost. cost. can canbe can beaccessed be accessedat accessed atlow, at low,or low, oreven or evenno even nocost. no cost. of water Excellent Good Fair Poor poor elapsed cost. of ofwater of water water saltwater saltwater saltwateris is one one isone saltwater is one 68 68 % 68% % 19 19 % 19% % 3 3 % 3%% 3 3%% 3 3%% 222%% 2%% 555%% 5%% 1980 1980 1980 one 68 %%%%%%% 68 1919 % 3333% %%%%%%% 3%3 % 3333% 3%%% 3%%% 2222% 2%%% 5555% 5%%% 1980 68 19 3 2 5 1980 1980 68 68 68 % 19 19 19 % % % 1980 1980 1980 68 68 19 19 33%%% 33%%% 22%%% 55%%% 1980 1980 68 % 19 % Governments Governments Governments can can can do do do their their their part part part to to toencourage encourage encourage 1980 Governments Governmentscan Governments cando can dotheir do theirpart their partto part toencourage to encourage encourage the the the the agricultural agricultural agricultural efficient efficient efficient efficient sector irrigation. sector irrigation. sector irrigation. efficientirrigation. efficient InIn irrigation.InIn irrigation. In to our to our to our Inour adopt adopt adopt the agricultural sector to adopt modern,water- the agricultural agricultural sector sector to to adopt adopt view, view, view, ourview, our modern, modern, modern, modern, modern, putting putting putting view,putting view, putting aa water- a water- water- water- water- price price price puttingaaaprice on priceon price onon on on use Besidesbecoming Besides Besides Besides Besides Besides usewater, use water, water, becomingmore becoming becoming becoming becoming especially especially especially moreefficient more more more more in efficientininhow efficient efficient efficientin efficient inagriculture, agriculture, ininagriculture, agriculture, ininhow howwe how how in how we we thereare there there we we weare are way way way to wayto to increase toincrease increase the increasethe the the supply of fresh use use water, water,especially especially in agriculture, there there are are supply supplyof offresh water and more effectively controlling its use both use water, especially in agriculture, there are fresh water water and and more more effectively effectively controlling controlling its its use use both both opportunities on the supply side that can mitigate supply of fresh water waterand water andmore and moreeffectively more effectivelycontrolling effectively controllingits controlling itsuse its useboth use both both opportunities opportunities on on the the supply supply side side that that can can mitigate mitigate offer offer offerpromises promises promises that that that might might might induce induce induce farmers farmers farmers to to tobetter better better opportunities opportunities opportunities on on on the the the supply supply supply side side side that that that can can can mitigate mitigate mitigate offer offerpromises offer promisesthat promises thatmight that mightinduce might inducefarmers induce farmersto farmers tobetter to better better the theimpacts impactsofofthe thewidening wideninggap gapbetween betweenwater’s water’s the impacts of the widening gap between water’s water.” the the impacts impactsand ofofthethe widening wideninggap gap between between water’s water’s water.” manage water resources, by providing an economic the impacts of the widening gap between water’s water.” manage manage water water resources, resources, by by providing providing an an economic economic availability consumption demand. Desalination water.” manage manage water water resources, resources, by by providing providing manage water resources, by providing an economic an an economic economic availability availability and and consumption consumption demand. demand. Desalination Desalination benefit benefit benefit to to toswitching switching switching to to to newer newer newer technologies. technologies. technologies. The The The availability availability availability and and and consumption consumption consumption demand. demand. demand. Desalination Desalination Desalination benefit benefitto benefit toswitching to switchingto switching tonewer to newertechnologies. newer technologies.The technologies. The The of of saltwater saltwater is isisone one way way toto increase increase thethe supply supply of of saltwater ofsaltwater saltwater isis one isone one way way to to increase toincrease increasethe waydesalination the supply thesupply supply mounting mounting mounting pressure pressure pressure to totoprovide provide provide adequate adequate adequate water water water isisis of saltwater one way to increase the supply mounting mounting pressure mounting pressure pressure to to provide to provide adequate provide adequate adequate waterwaterisis water is ofof of of of fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh water. water. water. water. water. Global Global Global Global Global desalination desalination desalination desalination capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity has has has has has Potential options for this are numerous, especially likely likely likely likely to to toencourage encourage encourage reforms reforms reforms inin inthis this thisdirection direction direction inin inthe the the of fresh grown water. quite Global significantly desalination in recent capacity decades, has andisis Potentialoptions Potential Potential optionsfor options forthis for thisare this arenumerous, are numerous,especially numerous, especially especially likely to encourage reforms in this direction inthe likely to to encourage encourage reforms reforms in in this this direction direction in in the the grown grown grown quite quite quite significantly significantly significantly ininrecent inin recent recent decades, decades, decades, and and and andis isis Potential Potential options options for forinthis this are arenumerous, numerous, especially especially future. future. future. future. grown grown quite quite expectedtotocontinue significantly significantly continuethe in theupward recent recent upwardtrend, decades, decades, trend,especially especiallyand is in ininin inin industry industry industry industry but but but but also also also also in in inin households. households. households. households. We WeWe We do dodo not not donot need notneedneed need Very Very Very Very Life Life Life Life future. future. expected expected expected expected to to to continue continue continue the the the upward upward upward trend, trend, trend, especially especially especially inindustry industry drinking water but buttoalso also flush inhouseholds. households. the toilet. We Wedo do Expansions not not need need inin Very Life Life Very elapsed expected the regions toof continue the Middle the upward East and trend, Northern especiallyAfrica. drinking drinking drinking drinking water water water water toto to to flush flush flush flush thethe the the toilet. toilet. toilet. toilet. Expansions Expansions Expansions Expansions in in inin Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Good Good Excellent Good Excellent Good Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor poor elapsed poor poor elapsed poor elapsed poor poor elapsed ininthethe regions regions of of the the Middle Middle East East and and Northern Northern drinking water to flush the toilet. Expansions Good Fair Poor elapsed inin inthe the regions thethough of ofthe regionsproduction regions of theMiddle the Middle Middle East East East and and Northern Northern treatment capacities and corresponding access Even costs perand litre Northern oflitre desalinated treatmentcapacities treatment treatment capacitiesand capacities andcorresponding and correspondingaccess corresponding access access 32% 11% 12% 13% 23% 9% Water Waterdistribution Water distributionand distribution and and Africa. Africa. Africa. Africa. Even Even Even Even though though though though production production production production costs costs costs costs per per per per litre litre litreof ofof of treatment totreatment infrastructure capacities capacities are and andcorresponding required corresponding to harness access access these 2020 32 3232 %%% %%%%% 11 1111 %%% %%%%% 12 1212 %%% 13 %%%%% 13 13 %%% %%%%% 23 2323 %%% %%%%% 99 9999% 9%% % Africa. Even though production costs still per litre of to to infrastructure infrastructure are are required required toto harness harness these these 2020 water havewater massively declined, itdeclined, remains a to infrastructure are required to harness these 2020 2020 32 3232 11 1111 12 1212 13 1313 23 2323 9%%% 9 to infrastructure are required to harness these 2020 32 11 12 % 13 23 desalinated have massively ititstill 2020 2020 2020 32 32 % 11 % 12 13 % 23 % % to infrastructure are required to harness these %% 11 %% 12 %% 1313 %% 23 %% 99%%% 2020 32 11 12 23 desalinated water have massively declined, still 2020 2020 32 11 12 13 23 desalinated desalinated water water have have massively massively declined, declined, itit it still still technologies. However, as with agricultural irrigation, 2020 desalinated relatively water have expensiveexpensive massively and energy-intensive declined, still technology. technologies. technologies. technologies. However, However, However, asas as with with with agricultural agricultural agricultural irrigation, irrigation, irrigation, treatment treatmentinfrastructure treatment infrastructure infrastructure remains remains remains Desalination technology. technology. technology. a relatively remainsaaaarelatively remains relatively relatively relatively thus has Desalination Desalination Desalination expensive expensive expensive expensive tothuscompete thus thus and and and andwith and has has has to energy-intensive energy-intensive energy-intensive to to energy-intensive energy-intensive other with compete compete with technologies. technologies. the the the the the the key key key key key key toto to to to to success However, However, success success success success success will will will will will will be as be be be be be to with astowith to to to to give give agricultural give give give give agricultural consumers consumers consumers consumers consumers consumers irrigation, irrigation, of ofof of of of technology. technology. options to Desalination Desalination improve water thus thus supply. has hasOne tocompete to compete compete such with optionwithis with fresh fresh fresh fresh water freshwater waterreal water water real real real incentives, realincentives, incentives,meaning incentives, incentives, meaning meaningcost meaning meaning cost savings, costsavings, cost cost savings, savings, savings, other other options options to to improve improve water water supply. supply. One One such such fresh water real incentives, meaning cost savings, Clearly, Clearly, water water infrastructure infrastructure inininmuch much of of the the other other other options options options to to to improve improve improve water water water supply. supply. supply. One One One such such such toto lead tolead them leadthem themto to invest investinin toinvest equipment inequipment equipment to toto reuse reuse reuse water. water. water. Clearly, Clearly, Clearly,water Clearly, water infrastructure infrastructureinin waterinfrastructure water infrastructure much inmuch muchof much of ofthe of the the the treatment option and direct isistreatment and reuse direct ofre-use waste of water. waste Beyond toto lead tolead lead them them themto to invest toinvest inin equipment inequipment investinclude, equipment to to reuse toreuse water. water. reusestricter water. option option option isis treatment istreatment treatment and and direct anddirect direct re-use re-use re-useof of of waste waste waste Such incentives could for example, developing developing developing developing developing world world world world world isis is is isstill still still still still unsatisfactory, unsatisfactory, unsatisfactory, unsatisfactory, unsatisfactory, despite despite despite despite despite option drinking treatment water, and and specific direct re-use industrial of waste applications Such Such Such Such incentives incentives incentives incentives could could could could include, include, include, include, for for for for example, example, example, example, stricter stricter stricter stricter developing world is still unsatisfactory, despite water. water. Beyond Beyond drinking drinking water, water, and and specific specific industrial industrial Such incentives couldhow include, foris example, stricter water. water. water. Beyond Beyond drinking drinkingwater water, water,isand and specific specific industrial industrial regulations governing water consumed, and/ considerable considerable considerable considerable improvements improvements considerableimprovements considerable improvements improvementsachieved improvements achieved achieved achieved achievedinin achieved inininrecent recent recent inrecent recent recent where Beyond applications highest-quality where drinking water, highest-quality and specific critical, water we industrial can isiscritical, regulationsgoverning regulations regulations regulations regulations governinghow governing governing governinghow how how howwater water water water isisconsumed, waterisis consumed, consumed, isconsumed, consumed,and/ and/ and/ and/ and/ applications applications applications where where where highest-quality highest-quality highest-quality water water water is is critical, critical, or how it is priced. years years years years years regarding regarding regarding regarding access access access access to to to to drinking drinking drinking drinking water water water water waterand and andproper and and proper proper proper applications substantially where reducehighest-quality pressure water water on natural is critical, critical, orororhow or howititit how how itisisis ispriced. priced. priced. priced. years regarding regarding access access to to drinking drinking water and proper proper wewe wewe can can can can substantially substantially substantially substantially reduce reduce reduce reduce pressure pressure pressure pressure on on on on natural natural natural natural or how it is priced. sanitation. sanitation. sanitation. sanitation. sanitation. Given Given Given Given Given the the the the the relatively relatively relatively relatively relatively low low low low low per per per per per capita capita capita capita capita we can resources substantially if we ifreuse reduce treated, pressure lower-quality on natural water for sanitation. Given the relatively low per capita water water resources resources we ififwe we re-use re-use treated, treated, lower-quality lower-quality water water consumption consumption levels levels inininthe the developing developing versus versus water water water resources resources resources if re-use wewhere if we re-use treated, treated,lower-quality re-usesuitable. treated, lower-quality lower-quality Quality of drinking water water water consumption waterconsumption consumptionlevels consumption levels levelsinin levels inthethe the developing thedeveloping developingversus developing versus versus versus certain water for applications, certain applications, where suitable. Quality Quality of Qualitywater: Quality Quality ofdrinking drinking of ofUS of USdrinking US water: water: drinking drinking water water waterfor for certain forcertain applications, certainapplications, applications,where where suitable. wheresuitable.suitable. US Environmental waterProtection water Agency infrastructure the the the the developed developed developed world world world to to todate, date, date, the the the pressure pressure pressure on on onthe the the water for certain applications, where suitable. US water USEnvironmental Environmental infrastructure Protection Protection Source: US US Agency infrastructure Agency Environmental Environmental thedeveloped the developedworld developed worldto world todate, to date,the date, thepressure the pressureon pressure onthe on the the Source: US Environmental existing existing existing existing existing infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure will will will will grow, grow, grow, grow, with with with with water water water water usage usage usage usage Protection ProtectionAgency, Protection Agency,2002 Agency, 2002 2002 existing infrastructure infrastructure will will grow, grow, with with water water usageusage expected expected expected to toto rise rise rise as as as economic economic economic growth growth growth inininthese these China China India India Rest Rest of of Asia Asia Sub-South Sub-Saharan Africa Africa expected expectedto expected torise to riseas rise aseconomic as economicgrowth economic growthinin growth these inthese these these China China China China China China China China China China IndiaIndia India India India India India India India India Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest of Rest of Rest Rest Rest Rest of ofof of of Asia of of Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia of Asia Asia Asia Asia Sub-Saharan Sub-South Sub-South Sub-South Sub-South Sub-South Sub-South Sub-South Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Africa Sub-South Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa regions regions regions progresses. progresses. progresses. More More More supplies supplies supplies of of offresh fresh fresh water water water 300 300 regions regionsprogresses. regions progresses.More progresses. Moresupplies More suppliesof supplies of freshwater offresh fresh water water must must be be secured. secured. AsAs aa consequence, consequence, there there will will 89 must be secured. As a consequence, there will 89 More Morecrop More cropper crop perdrop per drop drop must mustbe must also also also also be alsobe also be besecured. be be be more secured.As secured. more more bemore morewaste more waste waste waste Asaaaconsequence, As wastewater waste water water water consequence,there consequence, waterto water tototo be tobe to bebe deal deal bedeal be deal therewill there with. with. with. dealwith. deal will will Thus, Thus, with.Thus, with. Thus, Thus, Thus, 117 117 28 28 one one one could could reasonably reasonably assume assume that that investment investment ininin one could reasonably assume that investmentinin one one could could could reasonably reasonably reasonably assume assume assume that that that investment investment investment in Agricultural Agricultural activity activity consumes consumes 70% 70% ofof the the demand demand basic basic basic water water water infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure isis atat very very least least not not going going Agricultural Agricultural Agriculturalactivity Agricultural activity consumes activityconsumes activity consumes70% consumes 70% 70%of 70% of of the ofthe thedemand the demand demand demand basic basicwater basic water infrastructureisis waterinfrastructure infrastructure isat is at at very atvery very least veryleast leastnot least not going notgoing not going going 467 467 467 467 467 bn bn 467 bn 467bn 467 mm 467 467 bn 467 333 mm m33 40 40 440 440 440 bn 440 440 bn 440 bnmm 440 333 mm 92 92 440bn440 33 for for fresh fresh water water worldwide. worldwide. Asia, Asia, with with more more than than two two to to todecline decline decline inininthe the years years ahead. ahead. Releasing Releasing water water bn 467m3 440 bn 440 bn m m3 for fresh water worldwide. Asia, with more than two declineinin the years ahead. Releasing water to 440 440 for forfresh for freshwater fresh waterworldwide. water worldwide.Asia, worldwide. Asia,with Asia, withmore with morethan more thantwo than two todecline to decline inthe theyears the yearsahead. years ahead.Releasing ahead. Releasingwater Releasing water 532 440 bn mm 80 333 two water 532 532 440 440 440 440 bn 440 bn mm 440bn 80 33 532 532 440 440 bn 440 bn 440m m3 thirds thirds of of global global irrigated irrigated land, land, depends depends heavily heavily on on untreated, untreated, untreated, asas often often happens happens these these days, days, inflicts inflicts 532 54 thirds of global irrigated land, depends heavily on untreated, as often happens these days, inflicts as often happens these days, thirds thirds of of global global irrigated irrigated land, land, depends depends heavily heavily on on untreated, untreated, asas often often happens happens these these days, days, inflicts inflicts 532 532bn 532 532 bn bn bn mmm 333 54 bnmm 33 thirds of global irrigated land, depends heavily on inflicts 532 532 bn m3 irrigation, irrigation, irrigation, especially especially especially due due due to to to its its its rice rice rice production. production. production. While While While severe severe severe severe long-term long-term long-term damage damage damage ononon the the the environment, environment, environment, not not not irrigation, irrigation,especially irrigation, especiallydue especially dueto due toits to itsrice its riceproduction. rice production.While production. While While severe long-term damage on the environment,not severe long-term long-term damage damage onon the the environment, environment, not not global global global water water water scarcity scarcity scarcity is is isbecoming becoming becoming a aaserious serious serious threat threat threat to to to to to to to mention mention mention posing posing posing aaarisk risk risk to to to human human human health health health and and and the the the global globalwater global waterscarcity water scarcityisis scarcity isbecoming becomingaaaserious becoming seriousthreat serious threatto threat to to tomention to mentionposing mention posingaaarisk posing riskto risk tohuman to humanhealth human healthand health andthe and the the large large large areas areas areas that that that represent represent represent key key key growing growing growing regions, regions, regions, at at at future future future future sustainability sustainability sustainability of ofofthe the the water water water supply. supply. supply. large largeareas large areasthat areas thatrepresent that representkey represent keygrowing key growingregions, growing regions,at regions, at at futuresustainability future sustainabilityof sustainability ofthe of thewater the watersupply. water supply. supply. the the the the same same same time, time, time, the the the demand demand demand for for for water water water by by by industry industry industry and and and thesame the sametime, same time,the time, thedemand the demandfor demand forwater for waterby water byindustry by industryand industry and and 243 households households also also isis on on the the rise. rise. Farmers Farmers will will thus thus face face River River River systems systems systems inininselected selected areas areas ofof the the world world already already 178 338 320 households also is on the rise. Farmers will thus face systemsinin selected areas of the world already River 178 338 243 households households also also is is on on the the rise. rise. households also is on the rise. Farmers will thus face Farmers Farmers will will thus thus face face Riversystems River systems inselected selectedareas selected areasof areas ofthe of theworld the worldalready world already already North America Europe South America 320 tough tough pressure pressure to to use use water water more more efficiently. efficiently. Overall, Overall, are are are showing showing showing signs signs signs ofofofaaasevere severe severe deterioration deterioration deterioration in in the the North America Europe South America tough pressure to use water more efficiently. Overall, deteriorationinin the are North America Europe South America tough toughpressure tough pressureto pressure touse to usewater use watermore water moreefficiently. more efficiently.Overall, efficiently. Overall, Overall, areshowing are showingsigns showing signsof signs ofaaasevere of severedeterioration severe deterioration inthe in the the NorthAmerica North North North North America America America America Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe SouthAmerica South South South South America America America America Industry irrigation irrigation irrigation irrigation infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure still still still has has has a a along long long ways ways ways to to togo, go, go, quality quality quality quality of of of of their their their their water. water. water. water. In In InIn China, China, China, China, for for for for example, example, example, example, no no no no North North America NorthAmerica America Europe Europe Europe South South America SouthAmerica America Industry Industry Industry irrigationinfrastructure irrigation infrastructurestill infrastructure stillhas still hasaaalong has longways long waysto ways togo, to go, go, quality quality of of their their water. water. In In China, China, for for example, example, no no 124 124 Industry given given that that large large amounts amounts of of water water never never reach reach the the less less less than than than 71% 71% 71% of ofof water water water inininits its seven seven largest largest rivers rivers given given given that that that large large large amounts amounts amounts of of of given that large amounts of water never reach the water water water never never never reach reach reach the the the less lessthan less than71% than 71%of 71% of waterinin ofwater water inits its its seven itsseven sevenlargest seven largest largestrivers largest rivers rivers rivers Annual Annual Water Water demand Annual Water water demand demandwater water demand: demand: demand:Group plants plants plants for for for which which which the the the water water water isisisintended. intended. Technologies Technologies isis labeled isis labeled labeled asasas grade grade grade 4-5, 4-5, 4–5, meaning meaning meaning itit isis it undrinkable. isundrinkable. undrinkable. Water indemand waterisis intended. Technologies plants labeled as grade 4-5, meaning it is undrinkable. 2030 Water Resources plantsfor plants forwhich for whichthe which thewater the water isintended. intended.Technologies intended. Technologies Technologies is labeled as grade 4-5, is labeled as grade 4-5, meaning it is undrinkable.meaning it is undrinkable. 100 Water Water demand 2030demand in 2030 in in bn Water billion billion demandWater billion m 3 Resources ResourcesGroup Household Domestic Household Group Household Domestic Domestic to to get get “more ‘more crop crop per per drop’ drop’ are are at at least, least, in inin theory, theory, But But But not not not only only only inininemerging emerging countries countries isisisthere there aastrong strong 100 68 cubic cubic ininbn bnmm3 metre metres 3 to to to get toget get ‘more get“more “morecrop ‘more crop cropper crop per drop’ perdrop’ per drop’are drop’ are areat are at least, atleast, at least,in least, theory, intheory, in theory, theory, But Butnot But notonly not onlyinin only emerging inemerging emergingcountries emerging countries countriesisis countries there thereaaaastrong isthere there strong strong strong 68 cubic metre available. Drip irrigation and improved sprinkler need to invest in water infrastructure. The developed © Hahn und Zimmermann, 2014 available. available. available. Drip Drip Drip irrigation irrigation irrigation and and and improved improved improved sprinkler sprinkler sprinkler need need need need to to to invest invest invest in inin water water water infrastructure. infrastructure. infrastructure. The The The developed developed developed 326 available. available. Drip Drip irrigation irrigation and and improved improved sprinklersprinkler need to to invest invest in in water water infrastructure. infrastructure. The The developed developed 326 bn 326 326 326 326 326 mmm 333 21 Increase Increase Increase Increase 2005–2030 2005–2030 2005–2030 Agriculture Agriculture Increase 2005–2030 Agriculture 2005–2030 infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure can can can significantly significantly significantly reduce reduce reduce the the the amounts amounts amounts world world world also also also has has has considerable considerable considerable gaps gaps gaps toto to close, close, close, given given given 326 326 326 bn bn 21 Agriculture Agriculture 326bn bnmm 33 world 326 bn Increase 2005–2030 infrastructure infrastructurecan infrastructure cansignificantly can significantlyreduce significantly reducethe reduce theamounts the amounts amounts worldalso world alsohas also hasconsiderable has considerablegaps considerable gapsto gaps toclose, to close,given close, given given m3 184 180 180 180180 180 Agriculture Industry Industry Industry of of water water needed. needed. One One major major impediment impediment, however, however, that that that reinvestment reinvestment inin ininexisting existing facilities facilities have have been been 184 184 Industry of water needed. One major impediment, however, that reinvestment in existing facilities have been reinvestment existing facilities have of of water water needed. needed. One One major major impediment impediment, however, however, that that reinvestment reinvestment in existing existing facilities facilities have have been been 184 184 180 180bn 180 180 bn180 bn bn mmm 333 23 Industry Industry bnmm 23 33 of water needed. One major impediment however, been 184 184bn 184 184 bn184 bn bn mmm 333 12 12 180 180 bn m3 Domestic bnmm 33 184 184 bn m3 Domestic Domestic at at least least inininthe the developing developing world, world isisthat farmers neglected neglected neglected inininthe the past past years. years. As As aaconsequence, consequence, Domestic at least leastinin the developing world world,is isthat thatfarmers neglectedinin the past years. As Asaaaaconsequence, consequence, neglected Domestic at atleast at least inthe thedeveloping the developingworld, developing world that farmers farmers neglected inthe thepast the pastyears. past years.As years. As consequence, consequence, Expected Domestic Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture increase in have have have little little little access access access to to tofinancing financing financing they they they need need need for for for capital capital capital replacement replacement replacement replacement costs costs costs loom loom loom inininthe the the future future future as asasthe the the Expected Expected increase increase inannual in Agricultureannual Agriculture Agriculture annual have have little have little access little access access to to financing to financing financing they they they needneed needfor forcapital for capital capital replacementcosts replacement costsloom costs loominin loom inthe thefuture the futureas future asthe as the the Increase water demand Increase water Increase water inin demand Increase demand Increase Increase annual inin in in annual annual annual annual annual water 2005-2030 water 2000–2030 water water 2005-2030 water water investments investments investments investments investments to to to to toapply apply apply apply apply these these these these these technologies. technologies. technologies. technologies. technologies. Another Another Another Another Another equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment reaches reaches reaches reaches reaches the the the the the end end end end end of of of of ofits its its its itsuseful useful useful useful useful life. life. life. life. life. demand Source: demand 2030 Water demand demand Source: demand (2005–2030) 2030 (2005–2030)Water Resources (2005–2030) (2005–2030) 2030 Water (2005–2030) Resources Resources investments to apply these technologies. Another equipment reaches the end of its useful life. 181 72 89 demand (2005–2030) Group, 181 72 89 Group,2009 Group, 2009 2009 38 39 39 39 39 38 36 38 38 39 39 37 39 39 38 39
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