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FALLER SCALE MODELLING 2017/18 Workshops, Service ADVENT, ADVENT! A present a day. With its Advent Calendar FALLER sweetens the pre-Christmas period of all model railway hobbyists. FALLER’s Santa Claus has placed a small something behind each little door. 190000 FALLER Advent Calendar A present a day! With FALLER’s Advent Calendar the pre-Christmas period will swiftly go by. Every day a new surprise full of creativity will wait for you to add a decoration element to your model railway installation. Lined up on a cord the decorative bags are a real piece of jewellery for the eyes. - contains 24 tiny bags with various small parts very useful to every hobbyist - among other things bikes, street signs, forklift, pallets, waste-bins, crates and many others more. Epoch IV • New Item 2017
FALLER SCALE MODELLING 2017/18 190847 Planning, Design, Technique Pro Tips »Car System« The indispensable reference and learning book for fascinating miniature road traffic. Service 24/7 All fundamentals as well as detailed expert We offer a comprehensive range of know-how relating to the topics Vehicles, products and service for the world of Road building and Traffic control. Learn model-making. And of course it’s all step by step the essential working tech- online at our own website or on social niques leading to the successful operation media around the clock, 24 hours a day, of Car System, and immediately implement 7 days a week – with loads of backg- your own ideas and projects. round information on products, exclusi- ve tips and many current innovations. German edition. You can also register to receive the Coming soon. FALLER newsletter. TRAFFI C-CON TRO L For more information: + RT Prog. 13 I GE I ≈ GN 16 V UNG E3 M2 + A2 TRICHT L + MODU R 2 A1 RELAISWECHSLE I AMPEL A1 INKL. + FAHR M1 E1 A3 + 1 AMPEL UNG UNG TRICHT TRICHT FAHR FAHR AMPEL A3 1 + RT GE If you’re stuck or missing a key compo- GN nent, give us a call or write to us. We will + SE 1 M1 TROL E1 T-CON C-LIGH Sensor FAHR A1 TRAFFI Ampel AMPEL + TRICHT help you quickly and nearly always find + A1 ng Abzweigu 2 + A2 E3 lle UNG M2 Stopp-Ste ht Fahrdra a solution. gern ksabbie ng mit Lin lkreuzu Ampe Get in touch with our Service Department directly at: +49 7723 651-106 A book for all collectors and fans. A piece of company history Delius Klasing Verlag was publishing an opulent, fully Customer Club featured illustrated book by Ulrich Biene. Its 184 pages Mikroländer and some 200 colour photos are dedicated to the history of the company and the different milestones Become a member now. Benefit from Faller Modellb au and priorities of the Gütenbach traditional company Bitte volltanken the club for brands such as BREKINA, fürs Wirtschaftswunder ftswunder from 1946 until today. The book is available in book BUSCH, PREISER and FALLER. Get in fürs Wirtscha en stores and from model-railway specialists. direct contact with the manufacturers nur wenig Bitte volltank e zahlen wie Model le erreic hten die shell Glück sGriff tanks telle Jahr für Jahr solch , B 217. für e stück - der GelBen denn die Güten Bache faller ein musch el eine r minia turisi wirkli cher stras sen stand ard erten im üBera ll in -stati on, zeiche n deuts chlan wie sie entlan d zu finden and other model-makers. In addition war. G der ISBN: 978-3-667-10694-0 to free catalogues, a club magazine 184 pages and unique special models, you will Delius Klasing Verlag, Bielefeld die anFänge also be eligible for discounts on entry Wie die Gebrüder Faller die NachkrieGsWirreN meisterN Wie die Gebrüder Faller die NachkrieGsWirreN meisterN Schwarzwälder Erfindergeist 21 × 28 cm to numerous fairs and events. Joining 86 wälder ist SchwarzErfi nderge More than 200 colour photos Zurück in ihrer heiMat steHen HeRmann und edwin FaLLeR vOR 87 can be worthwhile. einem neuanFanG. es ist das JaHR 1946, aLs die GeBRüdeR FaLLeR wiRkLicHes unteRneHmeRtum Beweisen und inmitten des scHwaRz- waLdes kRaFt FüR den neuanFanG scHöpFen. die zeiten sind BescHei- den – kämme HeLFen aLs eRste pROdukte aus deR kLemme. dOcH es sOLL aLsBaLd kReativeR weRden. More information at o die Technik aufhört, beginnt die wicklung. Sein Bruder Hermann und er hätten Kunst. Aufgrund des Zusammen- frühzeitig die richtigen Weichen gestellt. Nach wirkens der technischen Kennt- dem Abitur 1934 hatte Edwin Faller eine zweijäh- nisse meines Bruders und meinen Fähigkeiten der rige Zeit beim Militär absolviert, dann eine Aus- künstlerischen Darstellung ist es kein Zufall, dass bildung in der Reichsfinanzverwaltung, die Arbeit Faller als erste Firma passendes und umfangrei- im Innen- und Außendienst kennengelernt. Nach I ches Bastelmaterial für den Modelleisenbahnbau dem Kriegsdienst dann die Rückkehr nach Stutt- bereitstellte«, urteilt Edwin Faller im Rückblick gart, wo Hermann Faller mit seiner jungen Fami- auf den Beginn und die gerade so herausfordern- lie lebt und bei der Firma Bosch arbeitet. Zwischen den ersten drei Jahrzehnte der Unternehmensent- beiden herrscht schon nach kurzer Zeit Einigkeit darüber, die Produktion aus Holz und Pappe zu forcieren – im Fokus Baukästen für Häusermo- delle. Hermann Faller erhält sogleich die Geneh- migung der Alliierten, eine Firma zu gründen. Einzige Hemmschwelle: die französischen Besat- zer wollen anfangs für die Rückkehr nach Güten- bach keine Zuzugsgenehmigung erteilen. Dann nehmen die Gebrüder Faller aber auch diese Hürde und dank der unerlässlichen französischen einFach, pFiFFig und kindgerecht: die schon in vorkriegsjahren so beliebten Holzbaukästen finden in Güten- bach eine neuinterpretation. die Gebrüder Faller stellen erst- ganZ aM anFang stehen die käMMe – mit fein aus- mals die marathon-Baukästen mit ganz individueller spielidee gesägten zähnen. in einer zeit des mangels in den ersten vor. mit ihnen lassen sich aus bunt bedruckten papp- und Jahren nach dem krieg setzen Hermann und edwin Faller auf der Marathon-baukasten beruht auf einer mit nuten quadratisch gefrästen Grundplatte, in die ganz nach wunsch des Holzplatten kreative Häuser bauen – passend zur modell- den werkstoff Holz, der inmitten des schwarzwaldes ausrei- Bastlers die seitenwände eingesteckt werden können. die Bauteile fallen durch leuchtende Farben und stilisierte Hauswand- bahn, aber auch als solitäres spielzeug nutzbar. chend vorhanden ist. bedruckung auf. sogar mehrere Geschosse lassen sich so zusammenstellen. 8 9
Promotional-Set I Station, The town, the village UNIQUE. THEMATIC SETS! RF ÜR KURZE ZEIT PR AK TIONS NU SET OM With real increment value. The sets are available in a once-only OTIO limited edition with an excellent performance/cost ratio. NAL-SET A 4 VAIL LY B LE A ON FOR A LIMITED TI ME 190060 »Radebusch« Station Promotional-Set Travel urge! Four-piece half-timbered station ensemble with covered waiting platforms and separate selling kiosk. The exposed masonry and ornamental boards of the passenger building, its annexe, add-on tower and independent goods shed have been given a pleasant white paint. Epoch III • New Item 2017 • Railway station: 255 × 130 × 140 mm • Platform: 358 × 55 × 62 mm • Goods shed: 193 × 108 × 73 mm • Kiosk: 80 × 80 × 47 mm 190061 Country life Promotional-Set Pure cosiness! Set of buildings of versa- tile use all around a picturesque rural idyll with dwelling houses, catering trade and craftsman’s business. Facing the sawmill with roofed lumber yard a beer garden pavilion offers a peaceful relaxation area. Epoch II • New Item 2017 • Half-timbered house: 115 × 87 × 59 mm • Saw mill: 230 × 160 × 104 mm • Inn: 145 × 145 × 96 mm • Log storage place: 130 × 86 × 56 mm
Promotional-Set I Business, The town, the village 5 190062 Trade Promotional-Set Supply and demand! Four-piece set of buildings with a wide variety of decoration elements allowing to lay out a small industrial estate with retail trade, manufacturing businesses and storehouse. Glazed facades allow to get a glimpse of the transparent production in the craft beer brewery and of some sales areas in the DIY store and fully equipped kitchen Showroom. Epoch III • New Item 2017 • DIY store: 221 × 204 × 95 mm • Kitchen showroom: 217 × 136 × 105 mm • Brewery: 180 × 160 × 183 mm • Warehouse: 128 × 96 × 53 mm Real increment value! Much construction for little money. • Exciting thematic sets • Fantastic diversity of buildings • Limited quantity • Available for a limited period of time • Set compositions change every year • At an unbeatable price These are enough reasons to have a closer look at them. Maybe you find something that fills the bill! 190063 Old town houses Promotional-Set Historical town centre! Complete row of four old town houses which have just been renovated, with facades and roofs in various tones and shapes offering plenty of diversity. The middle buildings with shop premises on the ground floor allow a variable arrangement of street sides and yard sides. Epoch I • New Item 2017 • Townhouse 1: 96 × 71 × 167 mm (2x) • Townhouse 2: 76 × 93 × 200 mm • Townhouse 3: 40 × 90 × 175 mm
Railway stations, railway buildings I Railway stations 6 190297 »Friedrichstadt« Station For scale modelling fans there is now an impressive new edition of the outstanding Exclusive Model »Friedrichstadt« Station. »Friedrichstadt« Station is composed of seven sections railway makers who prefer to operate fast trains on their of building put together and thus forms a 148 cm station installation. Platform height was thus adjusted to the complex that will be the central point on your model doors of Intercity Expresses ICE. The ticket booth with installation. The different sections can be built separately. access to the platform, the kiosk, the bicycle stands and The construction features movable entrance doors for decoration elements will make that station model a real visitors on the platform and street sides as well as a platform highlight. roofing stretching over the whole length of the station on the track side. The model is particularly useful to model Epoch II • New Item 2017 • 1484 × 285 × 210 mm
Railway stations, railway buildings I Railway stations 7 120206 Platforms/Base plates Platform set allowing any possible combination, with base plates, loading platforms and stairs suitable for the design of a railway platform and the placing of a station or a halt. Epoch I • 145 × 120 × 10 mm (3 x) • 80 × 40 × 10 mm (3 x)
Promotional-Set I Station, Miniature figures 8 190295 »Waldbrunn« Station Promotional-Set Happy Birthday to idee+spiel! Limited edition of a station celebrating 40 years of the idee+spiel Association for the Promotion of Specialized Toy Retail Shops with two-storey brick station building, covered platforms and a large independent newspaper Kiosk. Epoch III • New Item 2017 • Railway station: 240 × 125 × 135 mm • Platform: 358 × 55 × 62 mm • Kiosk: 110 × 74 × 53 mm 150918 151002 151004 At the platform Railway personnel I Engine drivers 153002 Travellers/Passers-by
Hobby selection FALLER Every beginning is quite easy. Extremely economical, easy to build and thus best suited to the first H0 model railway: here are the kits of the Hobby series. The range offered continuously changes. 9 131238 131302 131242 Footbridge Mountain chapel Small mill Epoch II • 162 × 185 × 99 mm Epoch I • 106 × 58 × 98 mm Epoch II • 115 × 98 × 75 mm 131266 131306 131233 Freight station Container bridge crane Black Forest mill Epoch II • 193 × 108 × 73 mm Epoch IV • 202 × 135 × 144 mm Epoch II • 145 × 120 × 80 mm 131308 131273 131311 Village church Grocer’s shop Official building Epoch II • 134 × 73 × 228 mm Epoch II • 195 × 150 × 105 mm Epoch III • 141 × 132 × 135 mm 131309 »Winterbach« Station Epoch I • 220 × 110 × 105 mm
Promotional-Set I Railway Buildings 10 KURZE ZEIT ÜR RF PR AK TIONS NU SET OM 239003 OTIO »Vogelsang« Station Promotional-Set NAL-SET A Rural charm! Multiple-piece complete station set with two-storey passenger building, spacious annexed shed for the forwarding of goods, highly detailed base plate with VAIL stairs, loading ramps and railings, two covered platforms with decoration elements as LY B LE A well as a protected level crossing with warning signs. ON FOR A LIMITED TI ME Epoch II • Railway station: 250 × 120 × 88 mm • Platform: 363 × 40 × 37 mm • Level crossing: 143 × 98 × 42 mm 239004 Village Promotional-Set Beauty of rural areas! Four-model set allowing the arrangement of a small village. The centre of the tiny locality is comprised of a small church with gable roof and steeple on the side, a fountain with figure, a dwelling house with garage and fenced front garden as well as a small gardener centre with greenhouses and beds. Epoch III • Village church: 128 × 115 × 170 mm • Greenhouse 1: 98 × 46 × 30 mm • Greenhouse 2: 72 × 42 × 40 mm • Clinker-built house: 76 × 76 × 55 mm • Fountain: 26 × 26 × 30 mm
Promotional-Set , The town, the village I The town, the village, Monastery 222113 Depot set engine shed Set comprised of a three-stall engine house in half timbered building style with water tower at the rear. For engines up to 162 mm length over buffers, gate height 36 mm, spacing of tracks from centre to centre 37 mm. Set also includes two floor jacks with supports, a locomotive tube cleaner, a water sprout and a loading gauge. Epoch II • 227 × 126 × 95 mm 11 232399 »Blaubeuren« Monastery 500 years of Reformation. Monastery estate inspired by the original former Benedictines’ monastery built in the 15th century that is today the Protestant seminar in Blaubeuren, Wurtemberg. The large nave of the hall church »St John the Baptist« with of late Gothic: dwelling and dormitory wing on the east side, tower above the intersection of the nave and the transept, visitor wing in the south aisle and abbey in the west wing. polygonal apse and late Gothic tracery windows is flanked with a three-aisle, two-storey building complex partly Epoch I • Patinated model •New Item 2017 • featuring half-timbered walls in the typical mixed masonry 420 × 185 × 190 mm
Car System I Engineering INNOVATIVE AND EXCITING e absolut CAR SYSTEM ty flexibili r! Build your own ca Do you fancy emotional technique that gives your thematic a spectacular touch? Simply incorporate some stationary models of lorries or buses of your choice in your car system world. 12 161470 163703 Car System Car System Chassis kit Conversion chassis Make the stationary vehicle model of your choice fit for Car System. Chassis kit to motorize stationary models of buses and trucks for Car Make your HERPA dream model fit System operation. for Car System. Preassembled, fully Set contains all vehicle components required for the assembly of a fully functioning Car System H0 chassis functioning two-axle Car System H0 chassis (bus and truck), except the to convert two-axle stationary truck rechargeable batteries: support PCB, motor with worm, motor holder models of manufacturer HERPA for with worm wheel and driving axle, driving wheels, front axle with wheels, Car System operation. You choose steering rod with magnet, front axle holder, switch, charging socket, your own bodywork and driver cab. dry-reed sensor, resistors to adjust the charging current and driving speed. 161622 (H0, N) Car System Basic set »Components« The extremely economical beginner’s package with the major functional elements allowing to build Car System installations. Package contains: 1 Traffic-Control (art. 161651), 3 Sensors (art. 1 × 161773), 2 Stop sections (art. 161675), 1 Branch-off junction (art. 161677), 2 addition- al magnets To the traffic control unit can be connected the functional ele- ments branch-off junction, stop point, electrical parking place, bus and petrol station stop, and distance control, all these elements being designed to regulate traffic flow. The control sensors allow to trigger various procedures of the functional elements. The electric branch-off junction is to be used to have vehicles turn off in the specified direction, the stop point being required to have the vehicles halt and drive again in diverse traffic situations.
Car System I Start-Sets, Vehicles 161498 Car System Start-Set MB O317k Bus »Jägermeister« Package contents: • Bus MB O317k (BREKINA) • Storage battery charger • Special guide wire 10 m • Roadway knifing filler • Roadway paint, Roadway markings • Crash barriers • Barrier stakes • Detailed assembly instructions Epoch III 161504 Car System Start-Set »MB Sprinter« Package contents: • MB Sprinter (HERPA) • Storage battery charger 13 • Special guide wire 10 m • Roadway knifing filler • Roadway paint, Roadway markings • Crash barriers, Barrier stakes • Detailed assembly instructions Epoch V 161505 Car System Start-Set »Truck MAN« Package contents: • Truck MAN (HERPA) • Storage battery charger • 10 m special contact wire • Road knifing filler • Roadway paint, Street markings • Guard rails, Boundary posts • Detailed assembly instructions • Country-specific decoration curve Epoch V 161562 161563 161536 SUV MB »G-Class« VW T5 »Fire brigade« MF Tractor with trailer (HERPA) • Epoch V (WIKING) • Epoch V (WIKING) • Epoch V
Model Layout Construction I Utilities, Electronics, Trees GLUES AND TOOLS Small helpers in any situation. No matter whether you want to cut, illuminate, file or glue. Various aids make work on models easier. 170492 170490 EXPERT SUPER-EXPERT This adhesive is manufactured according to This adhesive for pros reacts a new formula which provides ideal adhesive quicker, adheres quicker results. The special needle applicator ena- and more permanently. With bles the most precise dosage of adhesive. a special needle applicator The adhesive can be applied on the parts and protective cap for the which are to be glued in the smallest drops needle. and also in places which are difficult to access. Content: 25 g Content: 25 g 170494 EXPERT LASERCUT This glue joins wood, card- board, styrofoam, and deco- rating parts. Ideal for building Lasercut-Models. 14 Content: 25 g 170688 170689 170687 Special side cutter Abrasive files Modeller’s knife Complete with 3 spare For cutting off ultra-fine moulded parts without burrs. Only suitable for modellers blades. for polystyrene and copper wires. 5 abrasive files of the common grain sizes 80 + 120. For putting the finishing touch to your model. 170682 3 Spare Blades 180660 180661 Lighting fixture Lighting fixture LED, warm white LED, cold white Large beam angle for Large beam angle for realistic illumination of realistic illumination of residential buildings. modern buildings and 12-16 V AC/DC voltage. factories. 12-16 V AC/DC voltage.
Model Layout Construction I Utilities, Electronics, Trees 181525 (H0, TT, N) 30 Deciduous trees 130 mm 181477 (H0, TT, N) 20 Mixed forest trees, assorted 60 - 120 mm 15 181497 (H0) 181252 (H0, TT, N) 15 Mixed forest trees, assorted 48 Ornamental trees 100 mm Total height: approx. 25 mm 181250 (H0, TT, N) 181254 (H0, TT, N) 181259 (H0) 36 Maize plants 24 Vines 18 Tomato plants Total height: approx. 25 mm Total height: approx. 35 mm Total height: approx. 15 mm
WORKSHOPS We will show you how easy it is. The workshops demonstrate all major tips and tricks, take only the level of knowledge of the participants as a basis, and show the practical applications. Workshop Car System Basic You will learn the technology built into the vehicles and its possible uses as well as the possibilities of planning and building complex road layouts. You will mount control components into your roads accurately and reliably, specifications, dimensional details and colour changes. No liability assumed for dimensional data and illustrations. | Sous réserve d’erreurs, de changements de prix, de possibilités de livraison et de modifications concernant technique, dimensions et couleurs. and get acquainted with the specific characteristics of those components. Indications de dimensions et illustrations sans engagement. | Vergissingen, prijswijzigingen, levermogelijkheden en technische- maatvoering- alsmede kleurwijzigingen zijn voorbehouden. Vermeldingen van afmetingen en afbeeldingen onder voorbehoud. Irrtümer, Preisänderungen, Liefermöglichkeiten und technische, maßliche sowie farbliche Änderungen sind vorbehalten. Maßangaben und Abbildungen ohne Gewähr. | We reserve the right to modifications, errors, price changes, delivery details, technical Dates: 8 – 9 June and 14 – 16 September 2018 Workshop Car System Digital During that seminar you will learn everything on the hardware and soft- ware of digital Car System. The differences between Car System Analog and Car System Digital, how locating operates, how the vehicle fleet is tanked up, what is controlled and how,… No question on your part will remain unanswered. Dates: 16 – 17 March and 12 – 13 October 2018 Workshop Car System Digital »Conversion of vehicles« Within two days you will learn in theory and practice all knowledge requi- red to convert a conventional analog Car System model vehicle to Car System digital operation. After such conversion your vehicle will feature a lot of new digital functions. Dates: 19 – 20 March and 15 – 16 October 2018 Workshop Model Layout Construction That course is aimed at beginners in layout construction and ambitious FALLER Miniature Worlds modellers. We will show how you, too, are able to build and decorate a Model Making Exhibition lovely installation – from the supporting structure through landscape arrangement up to rocks and water decoration, you will learn everything Opening hours during that seminar. Wednesday to Friday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Dates: 13 – 15 April, 22 – 24 June and 31 August – 2 September 2018 Saturday: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Open throughout the year. The number of participants is limited. So you should quickly book a place. Except on German public holidays. More details on I Admission free! Your FALLER-Retailer Gebr. FALLER GmbH Kreuzstrasse 9 78148 Gütenbach Germany Phone +49 7723 651-0 4 104090 016012
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