Voice of UNS Ausgabe: September 2018 - Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September - ridato

Die Seite wird erstellt Penelope Franke
Voice of UNS Ausgabe: September 2018 - Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September - ridato
Voice of
Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September
                                                                                 Ausgabe: September 2018

                                                                         päischen Einigung sowie den
                                                                         aktuellen Entwicklungen und
Sonntag, 23.09.2018               Montag, 24.09.2018                     ‚was dieses vor Ort bedeutet‘
14:00 Uhr                         17:00 Uhr                              werden gegeben. Auch die
St. Georgenkirche                 Rathaus – Neuer Markt                  Situation Geflüchteter und deren
Auftakt-Gottesdienst –            Ausstellungseröffnung mit Film-        ehemalige Unterbringung in der
mehrsprachig                      vorführung                             Akademie selbst werden Inhalte
anschließend Familienfest         Die Produktionsschule Plus stellt      des Austausches, der geruhsam bei
Die Georgengemeinde lädt          die Fortsetzung ihrer letztjährigen    kleiner Verköstigung ausklingen
gemeinsam mit dem                 Ausstellung „Gesichter– Vielfalt ist   wird.
Café International zu einem       unsere Zukunft“ vor.
vielfältigen Programm mit Musik   Der in Kooperation mit der RAA-        Donnerstag, 27.09.2018
des Ensembles Nachtigall,         batz Medienwerkstatt entstandene       17:00 Uhr
Aktivitäten in und um die         Kurzfilm „Ankommen in Deutsch-         ÜAZ - Haupthaus
Pfadfinderjurte sowie             land“ – „Arriving in Germany“          Tanzveranstaltung
Pupen-Theater allerhand „Katze,   thematisiert die Fluchterfahrung,      Kinder- und Jugendliche führen
liebe Katze“ ab 16:30 Uhr ein.    Wünsche und Ziele dreier, junger       Tänze verschiedenster Herkunft
Bei Kaffee, Kuchen und anderen    Afghanen der Region.                   vor und animieren zum Mitma-
kulinarischen Genüssen wird für                                          chen. Beim „Tanz der Kulturen“
Jung und Alt auf dem Kirchge-     Mittwoch, 26.09. 2018
lände ein buntes Programm         18:00 bis 20:00 Uhr                    und alkoholfreien Cocktails mit
geboten.                          Europäische Akademie                   und über vermeintlich Unbekann-
                                  Vortrag und Diskussion                 tes ins Gespräch kommen.
                                  „Das Beste an Europa ist seine
                                  Vielfalt!“ Informationen zu
                                  Chancen und Schwierigkeiten des
                                  Projektes Europa und der euro-
Voice of UNS Ausgabe: September 2018 - Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September - ridato
Freitag, 28.09.2018
14:00 Uhr                           Weitere Aktionen:
Jugendzentrum JOO!
Aktionsnachmittag                   RBB Müritz (intern)
„Bunt? Na und?!“ – Herein, offen    Schul-Projekttage – Dienstag/Mittwoch, 25./26.09.2018
sein und mitmachen!                 Zum Thema „Migration und Integration in Deutschland“ in
Verschiedenste Aktivitäten rund     Kooperation mit der Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland
um Interkulturalität für Menschen   und dem Jugendmigrationsdienst.
bis 27 Jahre werden geboten.
                                    Interkulturelles Sportfest – Freitag, 28.09.2018
Samstag, 29.09.2018
17:00 Uhr                           Sportliches Kräftemessen von Jugendlichen
St. Georgenkirche                   der Beruflichen Schule, des Fachgymnasiums, und der
Abschluss-Konzert                   Produktionsschule Plus.
Zum Gedenken an das Kriegsende
vor 100 Jahren wird die Friedens-   Europäische Akademie
messe des walisischen Kompo-        Ausstellung bis 04.10.2018
nisten Karl Jenkins „The armed      „Deine Anne. Ein Mädchen schreibt Geschichte“
man - a mass for peace” unter der
Leitung von Christiane Drese mit    Rathaussaal
Mezzosopran Susanne Wild, Dr.       Ausstellung ab 25.09.2018
Hikmat Al Sabty (Gebets-Solo),      „Gesichter – Vielfalt ist unsere Zukunft“
Kinderchor, Kantatenchor und
Kantatenorchester aufgeführt.
* Eintritt: 12 €, ermäßigt 9 €,
Kinder bis 12 frei
                                    Akteure vor Ort:
Die Einführungsveranstaltung fin-
det vorab Mittwoch, 12.09.2018,
19:00 Uhr im Haus des Gastes mit    ÜAZ Waren gGmbH
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Möller (Mu-
sikwissenschaftler HMT Rostock)     Stadt Waren (Müritz)
und weiteren Akteuren statt.        Senioren– und Behindertenbeirat
                                    Regionales Berufliches Bildungszentrum Müritz
                                    RAA Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e. V.
                                    Partnerschaft für Demokratie Waren (Müritz)
                                    Initiative Müritz hilft e.V.
                                    Kirchengemeinde St. Marien
                                    Kirchengemeinde St. Georgen
                                    Jugendzentrum JOO!
                                    Freiwillige Feuerwehr Waren (Müritz)
                                    Europäische Akademie MV e.V.
                                    CJD Nord
                                    u. a.
Voice of UNS Ausgabe: September 2018 - Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September - ridato
Ausbildung zum Automechaniker in Morkiswa, Uganda
Vocational Education Auto Mechanics in Morkiswa, Uganda

Morkiswa Students Voices, Rasmas
My name is Okectch Rasmas from Nagongera Town Council, 22 years old.
I am doing a National Certificate Course in Auto Mechanics at Morkiswa
Community Skilling Institute MCSI) after completing my Ordinary Level
in Mother Kevin Senior Secondary School in Tororo. I am now in my
second year, completing my course at the end of this year.

When the people who sponsor my education told me to join a technical
school for technical education, I saw this as an abuse because I wanted
to join the university after my high school. But after seeing how interes-
ting it is to repair cars and it starts running I got excited and my interest
in the course grew. When we get to industrial training it gets even more
interesting. Our supervisor teaches us more things during the training. I
regularly take my industrial Training in Busia town by the Uganda/Kenya
Border. We also visit The New Expert Motors for regular training.

Morkiswa Community Skilling institute is a very good school, with good
teachers and the directors. We receive regular volunteers from Europe
who continue to encourage us that technical education made Europe de-
velop faster. The directors get us the students connected to places where
we do industrial Training and where we find jobs.

Unfortunately Morkiswa does not have good training building, no run-
ning cars, which we consider very important for our training. We have
asked the directors to create for us service pit and a running car then we
shall have a better training facility but most times they say they do not
have money. We also lack training materials that are very needed for our

Many things have become better after Stichting Morkiswa brought elec-
tricity. We have seen them (Stichting Morkiswa) roofing for a dining hall.
We used to eat under the trees, in our dormitories and on varandas. But
we shall now enjoy our meals in a dining halls. We hope can also get the
dining table and seats for the dining hall. Up to now we the institute has
very poor and few furniture even for classrooms.
Otherwise so far so good for my future. I can see that I will be able to
support my family.

                                                   Okectch, Rasmas (22)
                                      Morkiswa Community Skilling Institute
Voice of UNS Ausgabe: September 2018 - Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September - ridato

                                                     Us!                                     C SI
                  Annet Aiseri
           Student of Plumbing

                      "I want to become a
                    professional engineer.

                 Many places still have no
                 access to clean water and

                 my goal is to change this."

                 Julius Olupot
        Student of Wood Work                                                                FIRST CHOICE AMONG
                "At MCSI I am learning the                                                 STUDENTS & EMPLOYERS
                 technical skills that I need
                   to succeed in the future.
                  Becoming an architect is
                        my biggest dream."

           Mr. Aggrey Namaswa
              Principal at MCSI

                   "My greatest vision is to     CONTACT DETAILS
                   impart my knowledge to
                students who are eager to       MORKISWA COMMUNITY
                 learn. And MCSI provides        SKILLING INSTITUTE
                the environment needed."
                                                             P.O. BOX 803
       Mr.Wodulo Mwambu                                   TORORO, UGANDA
HR Director, Tororo Cement                             Directions: Nagongera Rd.,
                                                           10 km from Tororo
                     "We highly encourage
                students to join MCSI. The              +256 779 256 539 or
                 internships at TCL help us              +256 759 589 664
               to identify our very needed         admin@morkiswacommunity.com
                        future employees."         vwww.morkiswacommunity.com               TRUSTED SINCE 2014

                                                We want to become the number one
                                                vocational school in Uganda offering the
                                                best value for money. In doing so, we
                                                contribute to the social and economic

                             OUR                empowerment of the less priviliged in
                                                our community. What is more, we impart
                          VISION                our values of respect, discipline and                           COURSES

The school offers a modern and fully             "WE ARE COMMI T TED                       We are registered with UBTEB & DIT
equipped learning environment to its
                                                     TO GI VI NG OU R                      and offer a variety of certificate courses.
students. Our highly committed and
certified instructors are exemplary for
                                                  ST U DENTS T HE BEST                     01 - AGRICULTURE
                                                                                           02 - AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS
the exceptional educational standard at         POSSI BL E VOCATI ONAL
                                                                                           03 - BUILDING CONSTRUCTION
MCSI. Graduates attain valuable                      T RAI NING AND                        04 - ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS
technical skills, improving their career         PR EPARE T HEM FOR A                      05 - HAIR DRESSING
perspectives notably. A separate and
secured accomodation for our female
                                                     SU CCESS FUL                          06 - HOTEL & INSTIT. CATERING
                                                                                           07 - PLUMBING
students is self-evident. Further,                  PROFES SIONAL                          08 - TAILORING & FAHION DESIGN
students are free to enjoy our after-                 C ARE ER. "                          09 - WELDING & FABRICATION
school activities including regular
                                                                                           10 - WOOD WORK TECHNOLOGY
worship services, games and football.           Francis Okech, Director of MCSI

                                                We cooperate with prestigious
                                                organizations in Uganda, Europe and USA.
                                                Tororo Cement Ltd., Uganda
                                                Tools to Work, Netherlands

                          OUR                   SES - Senior Expert Services, Germany
                                                PUM - Senior Experts, Netherlands
                       SCHOOL                   Internat. NGOs, e.g. Compassion Int.,                         PARTNERS
                                                Covenant Mercies, Hope 4 Kids
Voice of UNS Ausgabe: September 2018 - Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September - ridato
Ausbildung zum Elekriker in Morkiswa, Uganda
Vocational Education in Electrical Instalation in Morkiswa, Uganda

Morkiswa Students Voices: Julius
I am Julius Okuni, 21 years, from Nagongera town council. My father
died after being poisoned by neighbors who hated him when I was 3 years
old. I grew up an orphan. Fortunately, I was taken up by a Christian Orga-
nization called Generation Focus from the time I was a child. Generation
Focus took care of me, and my education. And till now they are the one
paying my education.

After completing my O’ level (senior 4) at St. Benedict Secondary School,
Tororo, I thought I would join high school and proceed to a university for
bachelor’s degree. But our career master advised that it would be easier
to find employment and start earning early if I could go for a technical

This is how I ended up in Morkiswa Community Skilling Institute (MCSI),
in my second year doing Electrical Installation. I am attached Tororo Ce-
ment Industry for Industrial Training. I hope I join the Industry after the
course that ends in November 2018.

I have found MCSI a very friendly school: good and parental directors,
good instructors and good atmosphere for training because of its rural
location. We had a bad time when we had no electricity. We were learning
electricity but there was no electricity for demonstration. But we thank
Stichting Morkiswa for sending financial support for installing electricity.
Our directors do a lot to create partnerships and do networks for us, and
find life meaningful. We participated in wiring the institute by ourselves
as students of Electrical Installation.

I believe I will find a job as soon as I complete my education and start
earning so that I can be able to support my family.

I thank Generation Focus for the tuition; I thank the Institute Directors for
bringing affordable technical school near my home; I thank my teachers
for being dedicated and I thank Stichting Morkiswa for bring electricity
to the institute. We have lights and we can use small electrical machines.

                                                        Julius Okuni,(21)
                                      Morkiswa Community Skilling Institute
Voice of UNS Ausgabe: September 2018 - Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September - ridato
Ausbildung zum Schweißer in Morkiswa, Uganda
Vocational Education Welding in Morkiswa, Uganda

Morkiswa Students Voices, Ronald
I am known by the names, Musalosalo Ronald, a welding student at Mor-
kiswa Community Skilling institute. I come Busia District, 50km away
from the institute. My uncle who works abroad was told of this school
on email and when he returned to Uganda he came with me to see the
school. We met the Director, Mr. Francis Okech, who gave us a very warm
welcome. After taking us through the school, we saw that I could do my
welding training in the institute, since there are welding machines and
electricity in a large workshop.

I am 20 years old. I joined Morkiswa Community skilling Institute after
senior 4, pursuing a one year course. I am enjoying my training at the
institute and my instructors told me that I am likely to be retained in
the school to be a teacher at the end of my training. I have continued to
perform very well because I enjoy the course of welding. I am very sure I
chose the right course and the right institute.

The teachers and the institute are very good. Since there are several things
to be welded for the institute like windows, doors, louvers, repairs, work
from the community, etc., we find ourselves very busy, making training
very interesting and enjoyable. And I am very willing to bring other stu-
dents to this institute.

Morkiswa Community Skilling institute is a very good school, with good
teachers and the directors but lacks a few basics: furniture, windows don’t
have glasses and whenever it rains we suffer a lot with wind and storm.
We also don’t have showroom for our products. The directors need to
build a showroom so that welding department can show what we do for
Availability of electricity is a huge boost for our training. Our directors
and teachers encourage students to work hard. The job market is availa-
ble. I will not look for employment as far as I know what my profession
and the job market, and demand for our products.

Several students need to find skills of this kind to be able to fight against
poverty. I am now very sure of support myself and my family. I can make
beds, chairs, windows, doors, and several other metal products, given
opportunity. I am very proud of Morkiswa Community Skilling Institute.
                                                    Musalosalo ,Ronald (20)
                                      Morkiswa Community Skilling Institute
Voice of UNS Ausgabe: September 2018 - Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September - ridato
Voice of UNS Ausgabe: September 2018 - Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September - ridato
„Tanz der Kulturen“

                                                                          Donnerstag, 27.09. 2018
                                                                               17.00 bis 21.00 Uhr
                                                                               ÜAZ Waren gGmbH
                                                                          KAUSA Servicestelle MV
                                                                           Warendorfer Straße 18
                                                                          Haupthaus 17192 Waren

                                                                          Tanzen Sie mit uns mit!!!
                                                         Das allerschönste was Füße tun können, ist tanzen.
                                                      • Eine Kinder- und Jugendtanzgruppe präsentiert professionell Tänze
                                                        aus unterschiedlichen Ländern
                                                      • Beim „Tanz der Kulturen“ und alkoholfreien Cocktails mit und über
                                                        vermeintlich Unbekanntes ins Gespräch kommen
                                                      • Wir wünschen gute Unterhaltung und einen angenehmen Abend

                               Wir bitten um rechtzeitige Anmeldungen bis zum 25.09.2018!

                               ÜAZ Waren gGmbH, Frau Katrin Müller-Hirchert;    Tel. 03991 150220
                               KAUSA Servicestelle MV, Frau Margitta Gentz;     Tel. 03991 150275

Voice of UNS - Die Zeitung für Integration

Namentlich gekennzeichnete Artikel geben die Meinung des Verfassers wieder, der auch verantwortlich ist. Die Vervielfältigungs- und Nutzungsrechte der hier
veröffentlichten Fotos, Bilder, Grafiken und Texte liegen – soweit nicht anders vermerkt – beim ÜAZ.

    Herausgeber:                             Verantwortlicher Redakteur (V. i. S. d. P.):      Erscheinungsweise:
    ÜAZ – Überregionales                     Wolf-Dieter Milhan                                monatlich, kostenlose Verteilung an Flüchtlinge
    Ausbildungszentrum Waren                 Lloydstraße 4                                     und Migranten in den entsprechenden
    gGmbH                                    17192 Waren (Müritz)                              Einrichtungen.
    Warendorfer Straße 18                    wolf-dieter.milhan@t-online.de
    17192 Waren (Müritz)                     +49 (0) 3991 668184                               Auflage: 200 Exemplare
                                             +49 (0) 1726467902
                                                                                               Satz und Druck: ÜAZ-Druck-
                                             Gefördert durch:                                  und Medienzentrum

       Waren gGmbH

    Ausgabe auch auf den Internetseiten ÜAZ, Stadt Waren, Müritz hilft e.V., ridato.de
Voice of UNS Ausgabe: September 2018 - Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September - ridato Voice of UNS Ausgabe: September 2018 - Interkulturelle Woche 2018 vom 23. bis 29. September - ridato
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