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Herzlich willkommen zum - DerTreasurer
Zahlungsverkehr – So erhöhen Sie die Sicherheit und
Der Treasurer - Webinar

Emanuel Heil, Treasury CORESTATE Capital Group | 17.10.2019, 15 Uhr | Webinar
Herzlich willkommen zum - DerTreasurer
CORESTATE Capital Group
                     Die CORESTATE Capital Group ist ein europäischer Investmentmanager mit 730 Mitarbeitern und einem
                     verwalteten Vermögen von rund 26 Mrd. €.

                                    Die vollintegrierte Immobilien-Management-Plattform deckt das gesamte Spektrum des Investment-
                                    Wertschöpfungsprozesses ab. Vom Erwerb über die Finanzierung, Strukturierung und das Management
                                    bis hin zum Verkauf - alles aus einer Hand.

                                           Hohe Asset-Klassen Expertise und eine breite Produktauswahl mit unterschiedlichen Risiko-Rendite-
                                           Profilen - von Core bis zu opportunistischen Investments. Marktführer im Bereich Micro Living in
Auf einen                                  Europa und für Mezzanine-Finanzierung in DACH.

                                            Der Kundenstamm besteht aus institutionellen, semi-professionellen und privaten Investoren.

                                     Von 35 Regional-Büros in 6 Ländern aus bietet man Investoren direkten lokalen Zugang zu den
                                     attraktivsten Immobilienmärkten in Europa.

                      Die Berücksichtigung von ESG-Faktoren und internationalen Standards wie INREV sind elementarer
                      Bestandteil der Organisation und operativen Prozesse der Gesellschaften innerhalb der CORESTATE Gruppe.

CORESTATE Capital Group | 17.10.2019, 15 Uhr | Webinar
Herzlich willkommen zum - DerTreasurer
Historie der Unternehmensgruppe

                                                                                                                                                   26 Mrd. €
                                                                                                                                                    AuM Q2 2019
                                                                                                                          25 Mrd. €
                                                                                                                          AuM FY 2018
                                                                                             22 Mrd. €
                                                                                             AuM FY 2017
                                                           3 Mrd. €
                                                           AuM FY 2016

   2006               2009              2013               2016          2017         2017          2017           2017         2018                   2019

 Gründung          Gründung         Gründung      Akquisition        Akquisition   Akquisition    Akquisition      Prime      Akquisition
 des Invest-       des Micro      des Residential des Asset &        des Asset &   des in DACH      des Real     Standard des führenden
ment & Asset         Living          Property       Fonds            Commercial     führenden        Estate     Notierung im UK Studenten-
 Managers          Betreibers       Managers       Managers           Property      Mezzanine       Projekt      SDAX der        heim
                                                                      Managers     Finanzierers    Bewerters    Frankfurter    Betreibers

                                                                                                                                * CORESTATE Capital Holding S.A.
  CORESTATE Capital Group | 17.10.2019, 15 Uhr | Webinar
Herzlich willkommen zum - DerTreasurer
Key Facts

                     730                                 75                        35 Büros
                                                         im Management             in 6 Ländern

                    1.500                                ~ 900                     40
                                                         Legale Einheiten (inkl.   Bankanbindungen
                    Bankkonten                           Investmentstrukturen)

                    80% der                              6 unterschiedliche
                    Bankkonten werden
                                                         Banksysteme im Einsatz
                    bei  7  Bankgruppen

CORESTATE Capital Group | 17.10.2019, 15 Uhr | Webinar
Herzlich willkommen zum - DerTreasurer
Ausgangslage vor Projekt Start

•    Kontoauszüge und Zahlungsläufe wurden zum größten Teil manuell zwischen ERP-Systemen und
     Bankanwendungen ausgetauscht
•    Sehr hohes Risiko für Betrugsversuche aufgrund unterschiedlicher Freigabeprozesse sowie keiner zentralen
•    Komplexes IT-Setup

CORESTATE Capital Group | 17.10.2019, 15 Uhr | Webinar
Herzlich willkommen zum - DerTreasurer
Projekt: Implementierung TMS-Software

                 Einführung einer auf Treasury-Aufgaben spezialisierten Software für Cash Management, Liquiditätsplanung und
                 Verwaltung und Bewertung von Bankfinanzierungen und Finanzinstrumenten.

                  Aufteilung in drei Projekte – Cash Management System als Single-Point-of-Contact für die Bankenanbindung

                  Anforderungen aus Scoping-Workshop für eine zentrale Cash Management Plattform:
                  •    SaaS-Anwendung
                  •    Hohe Performance
                  •    Schnittstellen zwischen unterschiedlichen ERP/Accounting-Systemen

                 Neustrukturierung der bestehenden Bankzugänge

                 Skalierbar für Wachstum in der Zukunft

CORESTATE Capital Group | 17.10.2019, 15 Uhr | Webinar
Herzlich willkommen zum - DerTreasurer
Spezielle Anforderungen für eine vollintegrierte

     Regulierte                                    Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)
     strukturen                                    Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)

                                                   Flexibel
     Investment-                                   Effizient
     strukturen                                    Transparent

                                                   Hausverwalter
                                                   Servicebüros für Lohnabrechnungen im Ausland
                                                   Dienstleister für Buchhaltungstätigkeiten

CORESTATE Capital Group | 17.10.2019, 15 Uhr | Webinar
Herzlich willkommen zum - DerTreasurer
Vorgaben der IT: Sicherheit und Datenschutz

                                                          Keine unverschlüsselte Datenübergabe
                                                          zwischen ERP-Systemen und Cash Management

        Zwei-Faktor-Authentisierung                                                                       Keine Übertragung von Dateien
                           via SAML-Protokoll                                                             per E-Mail

                                                                           IT                              Zertifizierte Partner
         Dem Schutz von Kundendaten wird                                                                   z.B. nach ISO 27001
          höchster Stellenwert eingeräumt.

                                                         Vertraglich garantierte hohe Verfügbarkeit
                                                             sobald Anwendungen extern gehostet werden.

CORESTATE Capital Group | 17.10.2019, 15 Uhr | Webinar

               Aufstellung und Anpassung der Treasury Richtlinien

               Kein starrer Projektplan – kleine flexible Schritte

               Quick-Wins first

               Rechtzeitiger Austausch mit allen Beteiligten

               Professioneller Partner

CORESTATE Capital Group | 17.10.2019, 15 Uhr | Webinar

               Sehr schnelle Umsetzung
               in 6 Monaten über 1.000 Konten live
CORESTATE Capital Group | 17.10.2019, 15 Uhr | Webinar
This document is personal to the recipient and has been issued by and is the sole         Therefore, the content of this document is only directed to persons, who deal with     results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the
responsibility of CORESTATE Capital Group, a company formed under the laws of             such transactions within their respective professional business and who do not         forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions could
Luxembourg (the "Company"), and solely for use at a presentation to potential             have a private interest regarding the Transaction or the products (thereinafter        adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events
investors concerning the proposed transaction set out herein (the "Transaction").         referred to as “relevant persons”). Any investment or investment activity to which     described herein. Forward-looking statements contained in this document
This document does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as         this document relates is available only to relevant persons and will be engaged in     regarding past trends or activities should not be taken as a representation that
constituting or forming part of any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any          only with relevant persons. Any recipient of this document who is not a relevant       such trends or activities will continue in the future. The Company does not
solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any shares or securities in the   person should return it immediately, not attend any potential presentation and         undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements,
Company or in any other entity, or of the Transaction, nor shall any part of this         may not take any other action (in particular no investment in the Transaction).        whether as a result of new information, future events or other wise. You should
document nor the fact of its distribution form part of or be relied on in connection      Neither this document nor any copy of it may be taken or transmitted into the          not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of
with any contract or investment decision relating thereto, nor does it constitute a       United States of America, its territories or possessions or distributed, directly or   the date of this document. No statement in this presentation is intended to be nor
recommendation regarding the securities of the Company or of another entity, or           indirectly, in the United States of America, its territories or possessions. This      may it be construed to be a profit forecast. Any Investor of the Transaction should
of the Transaction, which recognize the personal circumstances of the potential           document does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy   be capable of bearing the financial risks relation to such investment. A total loss
investor. Therefore, this cannot be deemed as investment advisory services. The           the securities or the Transaction discussed herein. Neither this document nor any      of the invested amount is possible.
information contained herein is for discussion purposes only. This document does          copy of it may be taken, transmitted or distributed into or in Australia, Canada or    No person, who is privy to unpublished information concerning an offer, should
not purport to contain all information that may be required to evaluate the               Japan or to Canadian persons or to any securities analyst or other person in any of    deal or encourage dealing in the securities of the target or any other company
Transaction and/or the Company and/or any other entity and/or the financial               those jurisdictions. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a    involved in a potential transaction (or any derivates or spread bets referenced to
position of any of the foregoing. The potential investor should itself seek               violation of United States, Australian, Canadian or Japanese securities law. The       such securities) at any time where there is a reason to suppose a material
information from an investment advisor, certified accountant or tax accountant            distribution of this document in other jurisdictions may be restricted by law and      transaction is contemplated or when it is known or believed that a potential
regarding the potential or actual investment. Information from third parties, which       persons into whose possession this document comes should inform themselves             transaction party has decided not to proceed with a deal. Any such dealing may
were considered as reliable, were not verified. A liability for information from          about, and observe, any such restrictions.                                             constitute a criminal offence, breach of the Code and/or market abuse under UK
third parties will not be adopted, unless the deficit in the information of third                                                                                                law.
                                                                                          The securities mentioned herein have not been, and will not be, registered under
parties was clearly visible: in such case any liability will be excluded except for
                                                                                          the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), under the            By attending the presentation to which this document relates or by accepting a
gross negligence and will ful misconduct.
                                                                                          applicable securities laws of any state of the United States or under the applicable   copy of this document you agree to be bound by the foregoing limitations and, in
No reliance may be placed for any purposes whatsoever on the information                  securities laws of Canada, Australia or Japan, and may not be offered or sold in the   particular, you will be taken to have represented, warranted and undertaken that:
contained in this document or on its completeness, accuracy or fairness. No               United States (as such terms are defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act)     (i) you are a relevant person (as defined above); (ii) you have read and agree to
representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by or on behalf of the           unless they are registered under the Securities Act or pursuant to an exemption        comply with the contents of this notice; and (iii) you will not at any time have any
Company, its directors, officers or employees or any other person as to the               from, or in a transaction not subject to the registration requirements of the          discussion, correspondence or contact concerning the information in this
accuracy or completeness of the information or opinions contained in this                 Securities Act and, subject to certain exceptions, may not be offered or sold within   document or the Transaction with the Target, any of the directors or employees of
document and no liability whatsoever is accepted by the Company, its members,             Canada, Australia or Japan or to any national, resident or citizen of Canada,          the Company or the Target, their subsidiaries, nor with any of their suppliers,
directors, officers or employees nor any other person for any loss howsoever              Australia or Japan. No public offer of securities in the Company or any other entity   customers, sub contractors or any governmental or regulatory body without the
arising, directly or indirectly, from any use of such information or opinions or          is being made in the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan.                        prior written consent of the Company.
otherwise arising in connection therewith, unless the circumstances, which cause a
                                                                                          This document is an advertisement and not a financial analysis or a prospectus and
potential liability , were deliberated or grossly negligent caused by the
                                                                                          investors should not subscribe for or purchase any shares or securities referred to
aforementioned persons and which stand in a causal connection to the potential
                                                                                          in this document except on the basis of information in the [investment
                                                                                          memorandum] issued by the Company in due course in connection with the
This document, its contents, any discussions at this meeting or otherwise made            Transaction (the “[Investment Memorandum]”). Copies of the [Investment
available (whether orally or in writing) in connection with the Transaction and/or        Memorandum] will be available from the Company, and include a description of
Company, is being provided to you solely for information and is being given on the        risk factors relevant to an investment in the Company and the Transaction. The
basis that the recipients keep confidential all such information. This document           information and opinions expressed in this document are provided as of the date
is confidential and may not be – in any way – reproduced, redistributed or passed         of this document. Certain statements, beliefs and opinions in this document,
on, directly or indirectly, to any other person or published, in whole or in part, for    including those related to the Transaction, are forward-looking, which reflect the
any purpose. The products mentioned herein and the Transaction are typically not          Company’s or, as appropriate, the Company’s directors’ current expectations and
admitted for public distribution in the country, in which this presentation is held,      projections about future events. By their nature, forward-looking statements
and may only be distributed in any potential private placement exceptions.                involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual

CORESTATE Capital Group | 17.10.2019, 15 Uhr | Webinar

              2010 IN WALLDORF                                 ÜBER 140 KUNDEN
              GEGRÜNDET                                        (INKL. 25% DAX 30

              MULTI ERPs                                       ISO 27001, SOC1,
              SAP-zertifiziert                                 SOC2, TISAX

              BANKENKONNEKTIVITÄT                              17,5K NUTZER
              >10,000 und eine umfangreiche                    die 36.000 Bankkonten managen

              Aktiv in                                         EIN FOKUS:
              ÜBER 80 LÄNDERN                                  ZAHLUNSVERKEHR IN

18/10/2019                                TIS© | www.tis.biz                                   14

18/10/2019                 TIS© | www.tis.biz             15

                  Organisations                       IT                               Banken
                   -strukturen                                      Systeme

                                  1              ERP
                                                           2                   3


    1   Komplexe Organisation, fehlende Prozesse, nicht geschulte Mitarbeiter, nicht geeignet abgesicherte Endgeräte

    2   Fehlende Integration, kein STP (Straight-Through-Processing)

    3   Vielfältige Schnittstellen und Formate sowie heterogene Sicherheitsmechanismen

   Wie auch in anderen IT-Systemen, in denen betriebswirtschaftliche Prozesse abgebildet sind, gibt es verschiedene
    Risiken / Angriffsflächen. Im Zahlungsverkehr führen diese Risiken unmittelbar zum finanziellen Verlust.
   Angreifen machen sich in der Regel mehrere Angriffspunkte gleichzeitig zu Nutze!
   Der größte Risikofaktor ist immer noch der Mensch.

Sicherheit durch Technik
   2FA, SAML2.0 basiertes SSO sowie IDM-Integration
   Audit-Logging, Workflows im 4-Augen-Prinzip
   Umfangreiches Permissions-Konzept
   Ende-zu-Ende Integritätsprüfung und Verschlüsselung
   Secure Store

   ISO 27001 jährlicher Audit für die Erhaltung des Zertifikates
   SOC 1 und SOC 2 Berichte im Zeitraum Jan-Dez. 2018
   TISAX Zertifizierung mit „sehr hoher Schutzbedarf“

Unabhängige Externe Penetrationstests sowie
Professionelle Code Review / White Box Tests
   1-mal jährlich organisiert durch die TIS
   mehrfach jährlich organisiert durch Kunden

                                                         TIS© | www.tis.biz   17

Sicherheit und Compliance
                                                 Headquarter                             Subsidiaries                         Shared Service Centres
Schutz gegen Betrug

Nachvollziehbarkeit                                                     Dashboards, forecasting, business intelligence

+                                                                                                                                     HR / Treasury / Legacy
                                        ERP System                     ERP System                            ERP System
Verringerung von Komplexität               Plug-in                          Agent                                Agent                        Agent

                                                                                       Single point of contact
Globale Abdeckung


Einfache und mühelose Implementierung
                                                                               Host-to-host connection; EBICS; SWIFT

                                        Bank          Bank                 Bank                 Bank                   Bank           Bank             Bank

Vielfache Analyseoptionen


    18/10/2019                                                 TIS© | www.tis.biz                                                                              18

                                             Keine unverschlüsselte Datenübergabe
                                             zwischen ERP-Systemen und Cash Management

                                                         • Zertifizierte Integration

  Zwei-Faktor-Authentisierung                                                            Keine Übertragung von Dateien
                 via SAML-Protokoll                                                      per E-Mail

         • Verfügbar im Standard                                                              • Ende-zu-Ende-Integration
                                                                                                und STP

  Dem Schutz von Kundendaten wird
   höchster Stellenwert eingeräumt.
                                                                IT                        Zertifizierte Partner
                                                                                          z.B. nach ISO 27001
        • Zertifizierungen sowie
          kontinuierliche Stresstests
          (Whitebox / Blackbox)                                                          • ISO Zertifizierung seit 2010
                                                                                         • SOC 1 und SOC 2 zertifiziert seit 2017

              Vertraglich garantierte hohe Verfügbarkeit                                 • TISAX Hoher Schutzbedarf 2017
                   sobald Anwendungen extern gehostet werden.                            • TISAX Sehr hoher Schutzbedarf 2019

                            • 99,97% Verfügbarkeit in 2019

Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!


                         Emanuel Heil
                         Vice President Treasury | CORESTATE Capital Group
                         E-Mail Adresse: emanuel.heil@corestate-capital.com

                         Erol Bozak
                         CTO | Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH
                         E-Mail Adresse: erol.bozak@tis.biz

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