Musiker zum Mitnehmen - Das CD- und DVD-Angebot der Bibliotheken zum Festival 2017 - Stadt Mannheim

Musiker zum Mitnehmen - Das CD- und DVD-Angebot der Bibliotheken zum Festival 2017 - Stadt Mannheim

Musiker zum Mitnehmen
 as CD - und DVD  -Angebot der Bibliotheken
zum Festival 2017
Musiker zum Mitnehmen - Das CD- und DVD-Angebot der Bibliotheken zum Festival 2017 - Stadt Mannheim

Enjoy Jazz – in der Metropolregion
Vom 2. Oktober bis 11. November gibt es in Mannheim, Heidelberg und Ludwigshafen beim 19. Inter-
nationalen Festival für Jazz und Anderes wieder jede Menge Musik aus den Bereichen Jazz, Weltmusik,
Ethnopop oder Crossover bis zu Klassik zu hören. Viele international bekannte Namen sind dabei, wie
Youn Sun Nah, Bugge Wesseltoft, Brad Mehldau oder das Vijay Iyer Sextet, aufstrebende deutsche
Künstler wie der diesjährige SWR Jazzpreisträger Christian Lillinger oder regionale Größen wie der
Pfälzer Gitarrist Claus Boesser-Ferrari, die Mannheimer Saxofonistin Alexandra Lehmler oder das
Heidelberger Jazzensemble De-Phazz. Den Rockbereich vertreten der Rapper Gonjasufi oder die R&B-
Band Ephemerals. Den Crossover zur afrikanischen Weltmusik schlägt die Sängerin Somi und mit
den von Maya Homburger und Barry Guy dargebotenen Bach-Meditationen wird auch die Klassik mit
einbezogen. Ergänzt wird das vielfältige Programm durch Lesungen, z. B. aus der Coltrane-Biografie
von Peter Kemper und durch Kino-Events wie die Vorführung des Films „Django – Ein Leben für die

Und wieder kann man die Musik nicht nur live auf der Bühne erleben, sondern auch bequem da-
heim auf dem Sofa oder entspannend in Straßenbahn, Bus oder Auto – die drei Stadtbibliotheken
Mannheim, Heidelberg und Ludwigshafen beteiligen sich ebenfalls an dem Event, indem sie ihren
Kundinnen und Kunden eine große Auswahl an CDs und DVDs der auftretenden Künstlerinnen
und Künstler anbieten.

In einer alphabetischen Liste, sortiert nach den einzelnen Künstlern, Bands oder Komponisten,
sind die Medien aufgeführt, die in den Festival-Städten entliehen werden können. Die Schluss-
zeile zeigt an, welche Bibliothek die Medien im Bestand hat. Und wer über eine Metropol-Card
verfügt, kann mit einem Bibliotheksausweis alle drei Bibliotheken nutzen (s. Seite 61).

Weitere Informationen zu Angebot oder Ausleihbedingungen können Sie telefonisch oder per Internet
direkt bei den Bibliotheken erhalten. Adressen und weitere Hinweise finden Sie auf den letzten drei
Seiten dieses Heftes.

    Das Enjoy Jazz-Special der Stadtbibliothek Mannheim:
    Während des Festivals bekommen Inhaber eines aktuellen Festival-Passes bei der Zahlung
    der Jahresgebühr einen Nachlass von 5 Euro bei Erwachsenen und 3 Euro bei Begünstigten!

Auswahl der aufgenommenen Medien:
Regina Barthelmes, Stadtbibliothek Ludwigshafen
Renate Reinhardt, Stadtbücherei Heidelberg
Susanne Schönfeldt, Stadtbibliothek Mannheim

Günter Buhl, Stadtbibliothek Mannheim

Rathausdruckerei Mannheim, September 2017
Musiker zum Mitnehmen - Das CD- und DVD-Angebot der Bibliotheken zum Festival 2017 - Stadt Mannheim

Alexandra Lehmler Quintett:
Sundance. - 1 CD
1. Sundance. 2. Baggerseensucht. 3. Who knows...? 4. Diamond dust.
5. Intro. 6. Madres de Plaza De Mayo. 7. Another popsong? 8. Herren-
sauna. 9. Anda Jaleo. 10. Letzte Runde im Hans Huckebein.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Alexandra Lehmler Quintett:
Die Welt von unten gesehen. - 1 CD
1. La Revolte. 2. A cowboy‘s song. 3. Paris triste (Intro). 4. Paris triste.
5. Minia-tur I. 6. Die Welt von unten gesehen. 7. Frieda. 8. Debout!.
9. Miniatur II. 10. Let‘s leave it all behind. 11. Guy Moquet. 12. La
Revolte (Reprise).
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Ambarchi, Oren:
Quixotism. Ssuite in five parts. - 1 CD
1.–5. Part I–V.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Amok Amor:
We know not what we do / Christian Lillinger, drums; Peter Evans,
trumpet; Wanja Slavin, saxophone; Petter Eldh, bass. - 1 CD
1. Pulsar. 2. Body decline. 3. Brandy. 4. Alan Shorter. 5. Trio Amok.
6. Enbert Amok. 7. The new portal. 8. Jazzfriendship. 9. A run
through the neoliberalism.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

The Andrew Hill Jazzpar Octet + 1:
The day the world stood still / Thomas Agergaard; Scott Colley;
Peter Fuglsang; Andrew Hill; Klaus Löhrer; Liudas Mockunas; Staf-
fan Svensson; Nasheet Waits. - 1 CD
1. Not Sa No Sa. 2. Flying in the sky. 3. Ghetto echoes. 4. Yesterday
tomorrow. 5. Hermano Frere. 6. Do to. 7. When peace comes. 8. 11/8.
9. When the world stays still (Part II).
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra:
Live on Planet Earth. - 1 CD
1. Opening (Stimmung in G). 2. Le pretre vire. 3. Sozialbao. 4. Har-
magedon. 5. Overture. 6. W. A. Mozart vs. Random Generator.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra:
Take off!. - 1 CD
1. Gamma Pluto Delta. 2. Asteroids!. 3. Lava lovers. 4. Radioactive
people. 5. Scene 3. 6. Cotton Candy Nebula. 7. Milky Way fables.
8. Postludium.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Musiker zum Mitnehmen - Das CD- und DVD-Angebot der Bibliotheken zum Festival 2017 - Stadt Mannheim

    Appleton, Pat:
    A higher desire. - 1 CD
    1. New world brave. 2. A dangerous thing. 3. Abstract. 4. Everyday
    love. 5. Herbertine. 6. Peach blossom. 7. A higher desire. 8. Paradise.
    9. Other people‘s lives. 10. The blame game.
    Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

    Appleton, Pat:
    Mittendrin. - 1 CD
    1. Weißmehl. 2. Geborgenheit. 3. Männer ohne Pferd. 4. Fenster-
    gucker. 5. Laue Suppe. 6. Zwei Tage Rügen. 7. Grau. 8. Mittendrin.
    9. Niemals. 10. Georgette & Rene.
    Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

    Archie Shepp Quartet:
    Archie Shepp Quartet: recorded live at the Teatro Alfieri, Torino;
    14. October 1977
    Part 1. - 1 DVD
    1. A message from trane. 2. Lush life. 3. The scene is clean.
    Bibliothek: Mannheim
    Part 2. - 1 DVD
    1. Things have got to change. 2. Sophisticated. 3. Steam. 4. Invita-
    tion. 5. Sonny‘s back.
    Bibliothek: Mannheim

    Avishai Cohen Trio:
    From darkness. - 1 CD
    1. Beyond. 2. Abie. 3. Halelyah. 4. C#-. 5. Ballad for an unborn. 6. From
    darkness. 7. Lost tribe. 8. Almah sleeping. 9. Signature. 10. Amethyst.
    11. Smile.
    Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim

    [Four] IV. - 1 CD
    1. And that, too. 2. Speaking gently. 3. Time moves slow. 4. Con-
    fessions Pt. II. 5. Lavender. 6. Chompy‘s paradise. 7. IV. 8. Hyssop
    of love. 9. Structure No. 3. 10. In your eyes. 11. Cashmere.
    Bibliothek: Mannheim

    III. - 1 CD
    1. Triangle. 2. Can‘t leave the night. 3. Confessions. 4. Kaleidoscope.
    5. Eyes closed. 6. Hedron. 7. Differently, still. 8. Since you asked
    kindly. 9. cs60.
    Bibliothek: Mannheim
Musiker zum Mitnehmen - Das CD- und DVD-Angebot der Bibliotheken zum Festival 2017 - Stadt Mannheim

Bennink, Han; Caine, Uri:
Sonic Boom. - 1 CD
1. Sonic boom. 2. Grind of blue. 3. Hobo. 4. ‚round midnight. 5. As I
was. 6. Furious urious. 7. Upscale. 8. True love. 9. Lockdown.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Benjamin Schaefer Trio:
Shapes & colours / Benjamin Schaefer, Robert Landfermann und
Markus Rieck. - 1 CD
1. Waltz for Richie. 2. Mc Igor. 3. Progeny. 4. Reincarnation. 5. Remi-
niscence. 6. Song for a vamp. 7. Timanfaya. 8. Coming home again.
9. Twelve in a row.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Bjørnstad, Ketil:
La notte / Ketil Björnstad; Andy Sheppard; Anja Lechner; Eivind
Aarset; Arild Andersen; Marilyn Mazur. - 1 CD
1.–7. La notte I–VIII.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Boccherini, Luigi:
Fandango, Sinfonie & La Musica Notturna di Madrid / Rolf Lisle-
vand; José de Udaeta; Le Concert des Nations; Jordi Savall. - 1 CD
Quintetto no 4 in re maggiore „Fandango“ per chorda e chitarra [G 448].
Sinfonia in re minore a più strumenti obligati op. 37,3 „Grande“ [G 517].
Sinfonia in la maggiore op. 35,3 [G 511]. Quintettino in do maggiore La
musica notturna delle strade di Madrid op. 30 no 6 [G 324]
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Boesser-Ferrari, Claus:
Blue footprint. - 1 CD
1. Blue footprint. 2. Ballade. 3. Rio Escondidos. 4. Isabelle‘s eyes.
5. Blues ohne Capo. 6. Carlos. 7. How to play the 5-string-banjo.
8. Lea meets the pink tiger. 9. Schlafender Tiger. 10. All blues. 11. Ballade.
12. Lascaux II. 13. Massaya. 14. Lea verliert Öl. 15. Tiger auf blauem Kissen.
16. Homecoming.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim

Boesser-Ferrari, Claus:
Blue Footprint. - Noten
Contents: 1. Blue footprint. 2. Ballade 412. 3. Rio Escondidos. 4. Isabelle‘s
eyes. 5. Blues ohne Capo. 6. Carllos. 7. How to play the 5-string
Banjo. 8. Lea meets the pink Tiger. 9. Schlafender Tiger. 10. All
Blues. 11. Ballade 432. 12. Lascaux II. 13. Massaya. 14. Lea verliert
Öl. 15. Tiger auf blauem Kissen. 16. Homecoming.
Bibliothek: Mannheim
Musiker zum Mitnehmen - Das CD- und DVD-Angebot der Bibliotheken zum Festival 2017 - Stadt Mannheim

    Boesser-Ferrari, Claus:
    Stageplay. - 1 CD
    1. Zuccos theme. 2. Muetterlein. 3. Blues ohne capo. 4. Eleven. 5. Q7.
    6. Damenstimmen. 7. Stageplay. 8. Low key. 9. Ubus Nightwatch.
    10. Folksong I. 11. Jungle Poem. 12. Folksong II. 13. The dark lady.
    14. Twelve. 15. Zuccos theme (reprise).
    Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim

    Boesser-Ferrari, Claus:
    Ten. - 1 CD
    1. Little wing. 2. Remember Cebola. 3. Light my fire. 4. Ten. 5. Cocaine.
    6. Die Pelztasse. 7. Keeper of the plaines. 8. My funny Valentine.
    9. Looking for Atlantis. 10. Hurricane. 11. Little Wing.
    Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

    Boesser-Ferrari, Claus:
    Wandertag. - 1 CD
    1. Polar. 2. Als ich dich in meinem Leib trug. 3. Animals. 4. Der
    Schatz im Silbersee. 5. Scratching. 6. Junimond. 7. Mutter Belmlein.
    8. Demolition Man. 9. Floreana. 10. What she get`s. 11. Der Rebbe
    tanzt. 12. Ballade von der Judenhure Sanders. 13. Impro 04 (Wander-
    tag). 14. Lakota Song.
    Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

    Boesser-Ferrari, Claus; Reffert, Hans:
    „Nachmittag eines Fauns“. - 1 CD
    1. The wind cries Mary. 2. Claus Solo: All Blues. 3. Pow wow. 4. Hey Joe.
    5. Comic. 6. Nachmittag eines Fauns. 7. Muetterlein. 8. Demolition.
    9. All along the watchtower. 10. Solo II. 11. Little wing.
    Bibliothek: Mannheim

    Bojan Z. Trio:
    Transpacifik / Bojan Zulfikarpasic; Scott Colley; Nasheet Waits. - 1 CD
    1. Set it up. 2. The joker. 3. Flashback. 4. Run Ren‘, run! 5. Bulgarska.
    6. Z-rays. 7. Groznjan blue. 8. Sepia sulfureux. 9. Niner. 10. Purple
    gazelle (Angelica).
    Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

    Bona – African tale. This documentary points out the multicultural
    aspect of Richard Bona‘s personality and the universality of his
    music. - 1 DVD. - FSK ab 18 Jahren.
    Bibliothek: Mannheim

    Bona, Richard:
    Bona makes you sweat - Live. - 1 CD
    1. Engingilaye & Te Dikalo. 2. Kivu & Suninga. 3. Kalabangoro. 4.
    Sa-maouma. 5. Sen Sen Sen. 6. Indiscretions & Please don‘t stop.
    7. Djombwe & I wish & Trains. 8. Te Dikalo.
    Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Bona, Richard:
Reverenge. - 1 CD
1. Invocation. 2. Bisso baba. 3. Suninga. 4. Ekwa mwato. 5. Sweet Mary.
6. Reverenge. 7. Te misea. 8. Muntula moto. 9. Laka mba. 10. Ngad‘a
ndutu. 11. Esoka. 12. Mbanga kumba.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Bona, Richard:
Scenes from my life. - 1 CD
1. Dipita. 2. New bell. 3. Souwedi na wengue. 4. Eyala. 5. Djombwe.
6. Te dikalo. 7. One minute. 8. Muna nyuwe. 9. Na mala nde. 10. Konda
djanea. 11. Eyando. 12. Messanga.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Bona, Richard:
The ten shades of blues. - 1 CD
1. Take one. 2. Shiva mantra. 3. Good times. 4. Mbemba mama.
5. Kurumalete. 6. Souleymane. 7. African cowboy. 8. Esukudu. 9. Yara‘s
blues. 10. Sona moyo. 11. Camer secrets.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Bona, Richard:
Tiki. - 1 CD
1. Tiki. 2. Dipama. 3. Kivu. 4. O beta o siba. 5. Esoka bulu. 6. O sen
sen sen. 7. Manyaka o brazil. 8. Three women. 9. Ba senge. 10. Ida
bato. 11. Akwa samba yaya. 12. Calcabao de copacabana. 13. Samrouma.
14. Nu sango.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Bona, Richard; Cubano Mandekan:
Heritage. - 1 CD
1. Aka Lingala te. 2. Bilongo. 3. Matanga. 4. Jokoh Jokoh. 5. Cubaneando.
6. Essewe ya Monique. 7. Santa Clara con montuno. 8. Ngul mekon.
9. Muntula moto. 10. Eva. 11. Kivu. 12. Kwa singa.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim

Bourelly, Jean–Paul:
Boom Bop / with Archie Shepp; Henry Threadgill. - 1 CD
1. Gumbe. 2. New Afro bLudwigshafen. 3. Three chambers of diop.
4. Silent rain. 5. Root one. 6. Invisible indivisible. 7. Kinetic thread-
ness. 8. Brother boom bap. 9. Tara. 10. Griot sunset.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim

    Brad Mehldau Trio:
    The Art of the trio, Part 1 / Brad Mehldau, piano; Larry Grenadier,
    bass; Jorge Rossy, drums. - 1 CD
    1. Blame it on my youth. 2. I didn’t know what time it was. 3. Ron’s
    place. 4. Lament for Linus. 5. Mignon’s song. 6. I fall in love too
    easily. 7. Lucid. 8. Nobody else but me. 9. Blackbird.
    Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

    Brad Mehldau Trio:
    Blues and ballads / Brad Mehldau; Larry Grenadier; Jeff Ballard. - 1 CD
    1. Since I fell for you. 2. I concentrate on you. 3. Little person. 4. Cheryl.
    5. These foolish things (remind me of you). 6. And I love her. 7. My
    Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

    Brad Mehldau Trio:
    Brad Mehldau Trio live. At the Village Vanguard 2006. - 2 CDs
    CD 1: 1. Introduction. 2. Wanderwall. 3. Ruby‘s rub. 4. O que será.
    5. B-flat waltz. 6. Black hole sun. 7. The very thought of you.
    CD 2: 1. Buddha realm. 2. Fit cat. 3. Secret beach. 4. C.T.A. 5. More
    than you know. 6. Countdown.
    Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim

    Brad Mehldau Trio:
    Day is done. - 1 CD
    1. Knives out. 2. Alfie. 3. Martha my dear. 4. Day is done. 5. Artis.
    6. Turtle town. 7. She‘s leaving home. 8. Granada. 9. 50 ways to
    leave your lover. 10. No moon at all.
    Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim

    Brad Mehldau Trio:
    Highway rider. - 2 CDs
    CD 1: 1. John Boy. 2. Don‘t be sad. 3. At the toolbooth. 4. Highway
    rider. 5. The falcon will fly again. 6. Now you must climb alone.
    7. Walking the peak.
    CD 2: 1. We‘ll cross the river together. 2. Capriccio. 3. Sky turning
    grey (for Elliott Smith). 4. Into the city. 5. Old West. 6. Come with
    me. 7. Always departing. 8. Always returning.
    Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim

    Brad Mehldau Trio:
    House on hill. - 1 CD
    1. August ending. 2. House on hill. 3. Bealtine. 4. Boomer. 5. Backyard.
    6. Fear and trembling. 7. Embers. 8. Happy tune. 9. Waiting for Eden.
    Bibliothek: Mannheim

Brad Mehldau Trio:
Ode / Brad Mehldau; Larry Grenadier; Jeff Ballard. - 1 CD
1. M.B. 2. Ode. 3. 26. 4. Dream sketch. 5. Bee blues. 6. Twiggy. 7. Kurt
vibe. 8. Stan the man. 9. Eulogy for George Hanson. 10. Aquaman.
11. Days of Dilbert Delaney.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

Brad Mehldau Trio:
Where do you start. - 1 CD
1. Got me wrong. 2. Holland. 3. Brownie speaks. 4. Baby plays
around. 5. Airegin. 6. Hey Joe. 7. Samba e amor. 8. Jam. 9. Time has
told me. 10. Aquelas coisas todas. 11. Where do you start?
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

Brahem, Anouar:
Souvenance: music for oud, quartet and string orchestra / Anouar
Brahem; Pietro Mianiti; François Couturier. - 1 CD
1. Improbable day. 2. Ashen sky. 3. Deliverance. 4. Souvenance. 5. Tunis
at dawn. 6. Youssef‘s song. 7. January. 8. Like a dream. 9. On the road.
10. Kasserine. 11. Nouvelle vague (Variation).
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Branford Marsalis Quartet:
Metamorphosen / Branford Marsalis, Joey Calderazzo, Eric Revis
und Jeff Watts. - 1 CD
1. The return of the Jitney man. 2. The blossom of parting. 3. Jabberwocky.
4. Abe Vigoda. 5. Rhythm-a-Ning. 6. Sphere. 7. The last goodbye. 8. And
then, he was gone. 9. Samo.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Brecker, Michael:
Pilgrimage / with Pat Metheney; Herbie Hancock; Brad Mehldau;
John Patitucci; Jack DeJohnette. - 1 CD
1. The mean time. 2. Five months from midnight. 3. Anagram. 4. Tumble-
weed. 5. When can I kiss you again? 6. Cardinal rule. 7. Half moon lane.
8. Loose threads. 9. Pilgrimage.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim

Brubeck, Dave:
Young lions & old tigers / Dave Brubeck with special guests: Jon
Hendricks, vocal; George Shearing, piano; Gerry Mulligan, baritone
saxophone. - 1 CD
1. Roy Hargrove. 2. How high the moon. 3. Michael Brecker waltz.
4. Here comes McBride. 5. Joe Lovano tango. 6. In your own sweet
way. 7. Joshua Redman. 8. Together. 9. Moody. 10. Gerry-go-round.
11. Ronnie Buttacavoli. 12. Deep in a dream.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Caine, Uri:
     Introducing Uri Caine. - 1 CD
     Querschnitt durch das Werk des amerikanischen Pianisten, der
     gleichermaßen in Klassik und Jazz zu Hause ist. Die CD enthält
     14 Stücke, die Caine in über zwei Jahrzehnten für das deutsche
     Label Winter & Winter aufgenommen hat.
     Bibliothek: Heidelberg

     Caine, Uri:
     Rhapsody in blue / Caine ; Gershwin. - 1 CD
     1. Rhapsody in Blue. 2. But Not for Me. 3. Let‘s Call the Whole
     Thing Off. 4. I Got Rhythm. 5. I‘ve Got a Crush On You. 6. They
     Can‘t Take That Away from Me. 7. Slap That Bass. 8. Love Is Here
     to Stay. 9. How Long Has This Been Going On.
     Bibliothek: Heidelberg

     Caine, Uri:
     Solitaire. Solo piano. - 1 CD
     1. Say it in French. 2. As I am. 3. Roll on. 4. Sonia said. 5. Beartoes.
     6. Inhaling you. 7. Hamsin. 8. Solitaire. 9. Call. 10. Snort. 11. All the
     way. 12. Twelve.13. Blackbird. 14. Anaconda. 15. Country life.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Cantuaria, Vinicius:
     Samba Carioca / Vinicius Cantuaria; Bill Frisell; Brad Mehldau;
     Marcos Valle. - 1 CD
     1. Praia grande. 2. Berlin. 3. Vagamente. 4. Inutil paisagem. 5. Julinha
     de Botas. 6. Fugiu. 7. Orla. 8. Conversa fiada. 9. So ficou saudade.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Clarke, Stanley; Lagrene, Bireli; Ponty, Jean-Luc:
     D-Stringz. - 1 CD
     1. Stretch. 2. To and Fro. 3. Too young to go steady. 4. Bit of burd.
     5. Nuages. 6. Childhood memories (souvenirs d‘enfance). 7. Blue
     train. 8. Paradigm shift. 9. Mercy, mercy, mercy.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Chassol, Christophe:
     Big sun. - 1 CD
     1. The big sun. 2. Birds (Part I). 3. Birds (Part II). 4. Pipornithology
     (Part I). 5. Pipornithology (Part II). 6. Mario (Part I). 7. Mario (Part II).
     8. Organe Phonatoire. 9. Dominos (Part I). 10. Dominos (PartII).
     11. Dominos (Part III). 12. Madame Etienne Lise. 13. Sissido. 14. Samak.
     15. La boute de la trace. 16. Bwa Brile. 17. Les masques. 18. Les
     sonorites. 19. Carnaval (Part I). 20. Carnaval (Part II). 21. Carnaval
     (Part III). 22. Carnaval (Part IV). 23. Est-ce ou songe. 24. The big
     sun. 25. Apes kidz. 26. Reich & Darwin. 27. Generique big sun.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

Chassol, Christophe:
Indiamore. Varanasi & Kolkata Ragharmonizations. - 1 CD
1. Two lines. 2. Little Krishna & the girls. 3. Dosidomifa (Part I). 4.
Dosidomifa (Part II). 5. Ultratheka No.1 (Part I). 6. Ultratheka No.1
(Part II). 7. XIX Century. 8. Tuntun. 9. Din a din. 10. Hare Rama,
hare Krishna. 11. Fiddler in the street. 12. Drumachine. 13. Ultratheka
No. 2. 14. Ganga. 15. River song. 16. Our father. 17. Music is god
my love. 18. Odissi (Part I). 19. Odissi (Part II). 20. Odissi (Part III).
21. Showing my friends. 22. Generique.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Christian Lillingers Grund:
First reason. Feat. Joachim Kühn. - 1 CD
1. Pfranz. 2. Feldarbeit. 3. Gund I. 4. Patient. 5. Grund II. 6. Shape.
7. The heron. 8. Brücke. 9. Plattform. 10. Die Enge. 11. Grund III.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Christian Lillingers Grund:
Second reason. - 1 CD
1. Grund VI. 2. Perspektiven. 3. Acht!. 4. Schnecke. 5. Für Pfranz.
6. Grund VIII. 7. Grund VII. 8. P1.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Christoph Irniger Trio:
Octopus. - 1 CD
1. Air. 2. Ocean Avenue. 3. Dovescape. 4. Blue tips. 5. Octopus.
6. Iceland. 7. VGO. 8. Dancin‘ structure. 9. Cripple X. 10. Peace in
the end.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Cigar Lounge. Music around the cigar / De-Phazz; Basement Jaxx;
Mystical Diversions; Ian Pooley; Karen Ramirez; Dusty Springfield;
Jorge Pardo; Ella Fitzgerald. - 2 CDs
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Cohen, Avishai:
Almah. - 1 CD
Neues Album des Bassisten und Bandleaders. Die aktuelle Platte
beginnt mit einer klassischen Ouvertüre, im weiteren Verlauf er-
klingen sowohl arabische als auch israelische Stücke und Lieder.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg

Cohen, Avishai:
As Is: ... live at the Blue Note. - 1 CD + 1 DVD
Disc 1: 1. Smash. 2. Elli. 3. Etude. 4. Bass Suite #1. 5. Feediop. 6. Re-
membering. 7. Caravan.
Disk 2: 1. Feediop. 2. Samuel. 3. One for Mark. 4. Nu Nu. 5. Smash.
6. Remembering. 7. Caravan. 8. Interview. 9. NYC Impressionen.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg

     Cohen, Avishai:
     Cross my palm with silver. - 1 CD
     1. Will I die, miss? Will I die? 2. Theme for Jimmy Greene. 3. 340 down.
     4. Shoot me in the leg. 5. 50 years and counting.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Cohen, Avishai:
     Duende / Avishai Cohen with Nitai Hershkovits. - 1 CD
     1. Signature. 2. Criss Cross. 3. Four Verses / Continuation. 4. Soof.
     5. All of You. 6. Central Park West. 7. Ann‘s Tune. 8. Calm. 9. Ballad
     for an Unborn.
     Bibliothek: Heidelberg

     Cohen, Avishai:
     From darkness / Avishai Cohen Trio. - 1 CD
     Lateinamerikanische Rhythmen und repetitive, rockige Beats,
     israelische Melodien und romantisch-klassische Anleihen – elf
     energetisch aufgeladene, expressive Stücke.
     Bibliothek: Heidelberg

     Cohen, Avishai:
     Into the silence / with Bill McHenry; Yonathan Avishai; Eric Revis;
     Nasheet Waits. - 1 CD
     1. Life and death 2. Dream like a child 3. Into the silence 4. Quiescence
     5. Behind the broken glass 6. Liefe and death – Epilogue.
     Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

     Cohen, Avishai:
     Seven seas. - 1 CD
     1. Dreaming. 2. About the tree. 3. Seven seas. 4. Halah. 5. Staav.
     6. Ani aff. 7. Worksong. 8. Hayo hayta. 9. Two roses. 10. Tres Herma-
     nicans eran.
     Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim

     Cohen, Avishai:
     Triveni / Avishai Cohen featuring Omer Avital. - 1 CD
     Bibliothek: Heidelberg

     Cohen, Avishai:
     Triveni II / Avishai Cohen featuring Omer Avital. - 1 CD
     Bibliothek: Heidelberg

     Collier, Jacob:
     In my room. - 1 CD
     1. Woke up today. 2. In my room. 3. Hideaway. 4. You and I. 5. Down
     the line. 6. Now and then I think about you. 7. Saviour. 8. Hajanga.
     9. Flintstones. 10. In the real early morning. 11. Don‘t you know.
     Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim

Coltrane, John; Shepp, Archie:
New thing at Newport / John Coltrane; Archie Shepp. - 1 CD
1. One down, one up. 2. My favorite things. 3. Rufus. 4. Le matin
des noire. 5. Skag. 6. Call me by my rightful name. 7. Gingerbread,
gingerbread boy.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Crispell, Marilyn:
Free Flight. Live at Enjoy Jazz Festival 2010 / Marilyn Crispell; Erwin
Ditzner; Sebastian Gramss. - 1 CD
1. Free Flight. 2. Just Right. 3. By my Side. 4. Low Light. 5. Valentine.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg

Creating magic / Danielsson & Mozdzer. Landgren & Svensson. Sim-
cock & Goloubev. Catherine & Wind. Nah & Wakenius. Wollny & Neset
and more. - 2 CDs
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Dafnis Prieto Proverb Trio:
Dafnis Prieto Proverb Trio / Jason Lindner, keyboards; Kokayi, vocals;
Dafnis Prieto,drums. - 1 CD
1. Into the light love. 2. You and me. 3. The magic danzonete. 4. Extasis.
5. You got it. 6. In war. 7. Vamos a jugar. 8. Talking too much. 9. What
have we all done. 10. Dirty us. 11. Mystery man. 12. Mother nature.
Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim

Audio elastique. - 1 CD
1. Prelude (elastique). 2. Our relationship. 3. Dog run. 4. The story
of it all. 5. Timeless times. 6. Daddywannarock. 7. The ball is my
friend. 8. Désir aux maximum. 9. Good morning suite. 10. Not
Sally. 11. After lunch. 12. Männer die Pokale küssen. 13. Waltzes
and tangos. 14. Funk disaster. 15. What‘s the word for memory?
16. Into the blue hour.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

Big. - 1 CD
1. The mambo craze. 2. Jazz music. 3. Belle de jour. 4. Jim the jinn.
5. Jeunesse dorée. 6. Death by chocolate. 7. Something special. 8. Ex-
cursion en mer. 9. Preachin‘ to the choir. 10. Dummes Spiel. 11. Heart
gallery. 12. Jeunesse dorée (Dub-Mix).
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

     Daily lama. - 1 CD
     1. Looks. 2. You stayed. 3. What‘s behind. 4. Wrong dance. 5. Atomic
     cocktail.6. Cup of hope. 7. True north. 8. Almost gone. 9. Nightmare.
     10. Preachin‘ to the choir. 11. Try. 12. Dummes Spiel. 13. Thing & times.
     14. Belle de jour. 15. Wait. 16. Down the railroad. 17. Desert d‘amour.
     18. Style. 19. Word in a rhyme. 20. Jean-Mi.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Days of Twan. - 1 CD
     1. Twang. 2. Boogie philosophy. 3. Nonsensical thing. 4. Hell alright.
     5. Better world. 6. Le petit bastard. 7. It will turn out right. 8. Devil‘s
     music. 9. Dancing with my hands. 10. How high the hat. 11. My
     society. 12. Rock‘n‘roll dude. 13. Shadow of a lie. 14. Whats the use
     of...? 15. 105 FM jam. 16. Devil‘s music #58 reprise.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Death by chocolate. - 1 CD
     1. Heartfixer. 2. Something special. 3. Nu chic. 4. Sabbatical. 5. Better
     now. 6. Death by chocolate. 7. Jeunesse dorée. 8. Online. 9. Jim the
     jinn. 10. Roy‘s choice. 11. Trash box. 12. Jump over. 13. Maybe San
     José. 14. Love‘s labour‘s lost. 15. North West. 16. Saw it on the radio.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Godsdog. - 1 CD
     1. The mambo craze. 2. Cafe Coca. 3. Jazz music.4. Steps ahead. 5. Zero
     zero. 6. Happiness. 7. Squeeze the trigger. 8. April shower. 9. Godsongs.
     10. Low budget hotel. 11. Time slips. 12. Havana moon. 13. Information.
     14. Next message! 15. Radio sol. 16. Anchorless.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     LaLa 2.0. - 1 CD
     1. Just a file. 2. No story. 3. No lie. 4. Duck & cover. 5. Uppercut. 6. When
     no words come. 7. Slums of Monte Carlo. 8. Jazz is the move. 9. In
     my power. 10. Chez Clerambault. 11. Rat pack. 12. Cloudspotting.
     13. Walk with love. 14. Hot little harp. 15. Fear is my business. 16. Back
     from where I started.
     Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

Naive. - 1 CD
1. I saw it on the radio. 2. Sabbatical. 3. The mambo craze. 4. Quick-
sand. 5. Jazz music. 6. Something special. 7. Faith. 8. Bye bye love.
9. Jim the jinn. 10. My society. 11. Heavy dream rotation. 12. Good
boy. 13. Easy goodbye. 14. Time slips. 15. J-time. 16. Maybe San Jose.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

Natural fake. - 1 CD
1. Un ange passe. 2. Waste of words. 3. Astrud Astronette. 4. Stumble.
5. Depression royale. 6. Eternity is... 7. Rise and shine. 8. Excursion en
mer. 9. Love is natural. 10. Car eats town. 11. Keep it smile. 12. Who the
pop cares. 13. Backstreets of mind. 14. Multicoloured destiny. 15. Make
heaven my home. 16. Message ttc. 17. Close to jazz. 18. Garbo goodbye
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Prankster bride. - 1 CD
1. Used. 2. Used (Reprise). 3. Apple & egg. 4. Invisible to myself.
5. Prankster bride. 6. Hangover deluxe. 7. Berlin bad. 8. Soulflakes.
9. Down Waterloo. 10. Perfect world. 11. Fireball. 12. I sing (feat.
Pat Appleton). 13. Freaky. 14. Kraut 2016.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

Private / De-Phazz feat. Pat Appleton. - 1 CD
Die bekannte Gruppe aus Heidelberg legt hier ihr erstes akus-
tisches Album vor. Unterstützt von einem Jazzquartett spielen
DePhazz einige ihrer Hits in reduzierten Arrangements und ohne
Overdubs ein.
Bibliothek: Heidelberg

Django Deluxe:
Driving / Django Deluxe and NDR Bigband. - 1 CD
1. Stina (feat. Y‘akoto). 2. Nodja. China boy (feat. Stochelo Ro-
senberg). 3. Mean to me (feat. Ayo). 4. Driving (feat. Stochelo
Rosenberg). 5. Wolle. 6. Le soir (feat Jermaine Landsberger). 7. That‘s
my kick. 8. Clockwise (feat. Jermaine Landsberger). 9. For Sephora
(feat. Stochelo Rosenberg). 10. Cominciamo ad amarci.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Dörsam, Adax:
     Seitenweise biografische Notizen. - Buch
     Die Geschichten drehen sich um Goldfink, Heads or Tails, National-
     theater Mannheim, Hans Reffert, Franz Wittenbrink, Willi Haselbek,
     Rock Four, Horst Schnebel, Lydie Auvray, Freddy Wonder, Truck
     Stop, Pe Werner, Rolf Zuckowski, Joana, De-Phazz, Lou Bega,
     Clemens Bittlinger, Xavier Naidoo, Johnny Logan, Stefan Raab,
     Robbie Williams, die Flower Power Men und andere Helden des
     Musikbusiness. Die zupfende Zunft berichtet. Stationen einer
     Musiker-Karriere, locker und flockig erzählt von Adax Dörsam.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Echo Jazz 2010: Deutscher Musikpreis. - 2 CDs
     CD 1: 1. Hajskraj / Tingvall Trio. 2. 6000000 / Frederik Köster
     Quartett. 3. Who will comfort me / Melody Gardot. 4. Cante del
     banco / Renaud Garcia-Fons. 5. Ubaramarabu / Henning Sieverts.
     6. Tschpiso / Roy Hargrove. 7. Knegg (Dark horse) / Helge Sunde
     Ensemble Denada. 8. Count Duke / Uri Caine Bedrock. 9. Bill / Angelika
     Niescier. 10. Wordless / Wolfgang Haffner. 11. Quiet nights / Diana
     CD 2: 1. Disfarmer theme / Bill Frisell. 2. Helix / Vijay Iyer Trio. 3. Dirty
     water / Curtis Stigers. 4. Please stop me now / Billy Hart. 5. Jabber-
     wocky / Branford Marsalis. 6. The cat from Katmandu (live) / Klaus
     Doldinger. 7. À la recherche d‘une métaphore / Céline Rudolph. 8. To
     what shall I compare this life / Theo Bleckmann. 9. Kabinett V / Michael
     Wollny. 10. The quiet American / Charlie Mariano. 11. A child is
     born / Paul Kuhn. - DVD: The boy from Ipanema / Diana Krall.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Echo Jazz 2011: Deutscher Musikpreis. - 2 CDs
     CD 1: 1. Sunday / Rusconi. 2. Storm in a teacup / Lyambiko. 3. Into
     the city / Brad Mehldau. - 4. L.P. (For Les Paul) / Lee Ritenour.
     5. Lost mind / Thomas Quasthoff. 6. Etude No.1 / Eric Schaefer.
     7. Estelle / Heiko Fischer. 8. Everybody’s got to learn sometime / Till
     Brönner. 9. Peace / Joachim & Rolf Kühn. 10. Behind the heartbeat /
     Nils Wogram Root 70.
     CD 2: 1. Song for Mrs. Jonathan Brisby / Tim Allhoff. 2. Breakfast in
     Bagdad / Youn Sun Nah. 3. Cha con Marimba / Omar Sosa. NDR
     Big Band. 4. Hallelujah, I love her so / David Sanborn. 5. The git
     go / Ray Anderson. 6. O Là / Dieter Ilg. 7. Brief eternity / Bobby
     Mcferrin. 8. All Blues / Heinz Sauer. 9. In water / [em] Wollny;
     Kruse; Schaefer. 10. Feedback Pt.2 / Jason Moran.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Echo Jazz 2013: Deutscher Musikpreis. - 2 CDs
CD 1: 1. Mira / Melody Gardot. 2. Alkebu lan / Christian Scott. 3. The room
of imagination / Adam Baldych. 4. Bolero / Giovanni Weiss. 5. Mona
Lisa liut / Caro Josée. 6. Ghana / Sebastian Sternal. 7. J. Mac / Kenny
Garrett. 8. Der Schizophrene / Michael Schiefel. 9. The peacocks /
Lutz Häfner. 10. La Sicilia / Bollani, Stefano & NDR BigBand.
CD 2: 1.The star of a story / Vijay Iyer. 2. Filaments / Florian Weber.
3. Der Poet / Wolfgang Schlüter & NDR Bigband. 4. Baltimore /
Malia. 5. Svenja / Bastian Jütte. 6. Goodbye sorrow / Nils Wülker. 7. Things
have changed / Curtis Stigers. 8. Metal / Michael Wollny‘s [EM].
9. Le peuhl virtuel / Hans Lüdemann. 10. Bar Ballade / Sebastian
Gramss. 11. Rudy-go-round / Brian Blade.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Eldorado Trio:
Eldorado Trio / Louis Sclavis; Craig Taborn; Tom Rainey. - 1 CD
1. Let it drop. 2. To Steve Lacy. 3. Up down up. 4. La visite. 5. Summer
worlds. 6. Possibilities. 7. Eldorado.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Call it. - 1 CD
1. Wakey, wakey. 2. The mean spider of tandorine. 3. Thursday is
the last day. 4. What wright left. 5. Bells. 6. Ictus. 7. Es sind Berge
nicht länger Berge. 8. Mehr als einmal. 9. Tale. 10. Fatigue.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

3. - 1 CD
1. Sempre Igor. 2. Arsène Somnabule. 3. Wo leichte Kähne fliehen.
4. Monsters: Symmetriads. 5. Ephemere Phone. 6. Love of her life.
7. Nocturne. 8. Kiyoshi. 9. Lautloser Adel. 10. What Kurtag left.
11. Grieg‘s last bow. 12. Gravité. 13. Redux.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

[em] Live : Young German Jazz / Wollny; Kruse; Schaefer. - 1 CD
1. Blüten. 2. Shelley. 3. Phlegma phighter. 4. Sov lilla Alma. 5. Kiyoshi.
6. In water. 7. Etude no 1. 8. Arsène somnambule. 9. Gorilla biscuits.
10. Break it.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

     Wasted & wanted / Wollny; Kruse; Schaefer. - 2 CDs
     CD 1: 1. Wasted & wanted. 2. Symphony No V, Mov 1: Trauermarsch.
     3. Metall. 4. Blank. 5. Kulintang. 6. Cembalo Manifeszt. 7. Wasser-
     klavier. 8. Ihr Bild. 9. Nr. 10. 10. Das Modell. 11. Dario. 12. Whiteout.
     Bonus CD: „Live at JazzFest Berlin 2011“: 1. Wasted & wanted. 2. Blank.
     3. Metall. 4. The fearless vampire killers.
     Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

     II. - 1 CD
     1. Bruder. 2. Phlegma phighter. 3. Funèbre. 4. Irradians. 5. Another
     Mr. Lizard. 6. Moving. 7. Takashi. 8. Schwester. 9. So will die Sonn‘
     nun untergehen. 10. Walpurgisnacht. 11. Brizzle. 12. Rica. 13. Dance
     & Grow. 14. Schneefall. 15. Gorilla Biscuits.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Endresen, Sidsel; Wesseltoft, Bugge:
     Duplex ride. - 1 CD
     1. Singles. 2. Fifty ways to leave your lover. 3. And later, the rain. 4. You
     call me. 5. River. 6. Duplex ride. 7. Six minutes or so. 8. Trying times.
     9. Pennywhistle poem. 10. Okay. 11. Epilogue.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Enjoy Jazz. Compilation
     Vol. 2. A selection of the Enjoy Jazz Festival Program 2007 / Kam-
     merflimmer Kollektief; Barbara Lahr; The Neil Cowley Trio; Battles;
     Maya Homburger & Barry Guy; Dino Saluzzi & Anja Lechner. - 1 CD
     Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim

     Enjoy Jazz. Compilation
     Vol. 3. 15 years Enjoy Jazz / Bugge Wesseltoft; Michel Godard; Nik
     Bärtsch; Ryuichi Sakamoto; Michael Wollny‘s [em]; Bartmes; Claus
     Boesser-Ferrari; Thomas Siffling Trio. - 1 CD
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Enrico Rava Quintet:
     Tribe / Enrico Rava; Gianluca Petrella; Giovanni Guidi; Gabriele
     Evangelista; Fabrizio Sferra; Giacomo Ancillotto. - 1 CD
     1. Amnesia. 2. Garbage can blues. 3. Choctaw. 4. Incognito. 5. Cornet-
     tology. 6. F Express. 7. Tears for Neda. 8. Song tree. 9. Paris baguette.
     10. Planet earth. 11. Tribe. 12. Improvisation.
     Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

Enrico Rava Quintet:
Wild dance / Enrico Rava; Francesco Diodati; Gabriele Evangelista;
Enrico Morello; Gianluca Petrella. - 1 CD
1. Diva. 2. Space girl. 3. Don‘t. 4. Infant. 5. Sola. 6. Not funny. 7. Wild
dance. 8. F express. 9. Cornette.10. Overboard. 11. Happy shades.
12. Monkitos. 13. Improvisation. 14. Frogs.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

Enrico Rava Quintet:
The words and the days / Enrico Rava; Gianluca Petrella; Andrea
Pozza; Rosario Bonaccorso; Roberto Gatto. - 1 CD
1. The words and the days. 2. Secrets. 3. The wind. 4. Echoes of
Duke. 5. Tutù sogni proibiti. 6. Todamor. 7. Serpent. 8. Art Deco. 9. Traps.
10. Bob the cat. 11. Dr. Ra and Mr. Va.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Eriksen, Torun:
Prayers & observations / Torun Eriksen. Torstein Lofthus; Kjetil
Dalland; David Wallumrød; Bugge Wesseltoft. - 1 CD
1. Joy. 2. My boys. 3. Way to go. 4. Song of sadness. 5. Featuring youth.
6. The sky from where I live. 7. Stories.8. This is real. 9. Tired. Saviour.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Evans, Peter:
Zebulon. - 1 CD
1. 3625. 2. Lullaby. 3. Broken cycles. 4. Carnival.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Chasin ghosts. - 1 CD
1. Is this about you and me. 2. Everyday killers. 3. You‘ll never see
me cry. 4. Keep on. 5. Get out. 6. Beauty in the everyday. 7. Well
done. 8. God‘s gonna make you laugh. 9. I‘m gonna die someday.
10. Another day gone. 11. Howl.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Egg tooth. - 1 CD
1. Repeat all +. 2. The beginning. 3. In and out. 4. Go back to love. 5. The
omnilogue. 6. Coming home. 7. And if we could, we‘d say. 8. Get reborn.
9. Cloud hidden. 10. If love is holding me back. 11. Astraea. 12. Repeat all.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Eric Schaefer + The Shredz:
Bliss. - 1 CD
1. Abstract. 2. Barber. 3. LongJam. 4. SlomoJam. 5. Oistrakh. 6. No
bottom no top. 7. ShortJam. 8. Bliss.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim

     Etkin, Oran:
     Wake up clarinet! A fun new method of enriching children‘s musi-
     cality and creativity; plus bonus video / presented by Oran Etkin‘s
     Timbalooloo. - 1 CD
     1. Intro to high low. 2. High low. 3. Wake up, clarinet! 4. All I really
     want to do is dance. 5. Little lamb jam. 6. Intro to Eh La Bas: The
     story of King Louis XIV. 7. Eh La Bas. 8. Intro to jammin‘ on high
     low. 9. Jammin‘ on high low.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Exotics & specials:
     Exotics & specials. - 1 CD
     1. Adrian Mears: Crossing over. 2. David Murray: Strollin’ (for Jean
     Michel Basquiat). 3. Glenn Ferris: Refugees. 4. Maria João: Alice.
     5. Voodoo Gang: Ma yi bo ya (Jean Nkodo Ferouze Darouiche). 6. Ab-
     dullah Ibrahim: Salaam – Peace – Hamba Kahle. 7. Roman Bunka:
     M. in T. 8. The Indica Project: The workshop. 9. Nana Simopoulos:
     Wings and air. 10. Babamadu: Kiala (Di Gioia/Darouiche/Mears).
     11. Ingrid Sertso/Don Cherry: Art Deco (Don Cherry). 12. Dusko
     Goykovich: Saga Se Karame. 13. Abdu Dagir: Longa Nahawand.
     14. Aki Takase: Winter in Buenos Aires (Astor Piazzolla).
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Fahrt ins Blaue. Relaxin‘ in the spirit of jazz. - 1 CD
     1. Nguyen Le & Paolo Fresu: Larcima Christi. 2. Lars Danielsson feat.
     Jan Bang: Ironside. 3. Wolfgang Haffner: Shapes. 4. Bugge Wesseltoft:
     Existence. 5. Jacob Karlzon 3: Bubbles. 6. e.s.t. Esbjörn Svensson Trio:
     Spam-boo-limbo. 7. Caecilie Norby: Bei mir bist du schön. 8. Oddjob:
     Ecstasy of gold. 9. Frank Woeste: Terlingua. 10. Viktoria Tolstoy feat.
     Nils Landgren: Give it all your heart. 11. Ida Sand feat. Jan Lundgren:
     Here comes the rain again. 12. Nils Landgren Funk Unit: Gimme!
     Gimme! Gimme! 13. McJazz: Coffee and tea. 14. Roberto Di Gioia‘s
     Marsmobil feat. Johannes Enders: Yelloworange. 15. Tonbruket:
     Song for E. 16. Michael Wollny Trio: Questions in a world of blue.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Fort, Anat:
     Birdwatching / Anat Fort Trio; Gianluigi Trovesi. - 1 CD
     Für ihr nunmehr drittes ECM-Album hat die israelische Pianistin
     Anat Fort ihr lang etabliertes Trio mit dem Bassisten Gary Wang
     und dem Schlagzeuger Roland Schneider um denitalienischen Kla-
     rinettisten Gianluigi Trovesi erweitert. Auf dem Album vermischen
     sich Quartettmusik mit Soloklavierimprovisationen.
     Bibliothek: Heidelberg

Frank Delle Trio:
The way things fall / Frank Delle; Robert Landfermann; Jonas
Burgwinkel. - 1 CD
1. Poolwatch. 2. Green me. 3. Free fall friend. 4. Sieben viertel vor
sieben. 5. Cheff sallad. 6. Fly and walk. 7. Free fall space. 8. Hafenrund-
fahrt. 9. Duke Ellington‘s sound of love. 10. Free fall. 11. Taurus blue.
12. Close your eyes. 13. Free fall white. 14. In the last five seconds.
15. Free fall resume.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

The Fred Hersch Trio:
Night & the music / Fred Hersch; Drew Gress; Nasheet Waits. - 1 CD
1. So in love. 2. Rhythm spirit. 3. Heartland. 4. Galaxy fragment,
You and the night and the music. 5. Boo Boo‘s birthday. 6. Change
partners. 7. How deep is the ocean. 8. Gravity‘s pull. 9. Andrew
John. 10. Misterio
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Fresu, Paolo; Caine, Uri:
Two minuettos – live in Milano. - 1 CD
Bibliothek: Heidelberg

Garbarek, Jan; Gismonti, Egberto; Haden, Charlie:
Magico. - 1 CD
1. Bailarina. 2. Magico. 3. Silence. 4. Spor. 5. Palhaco.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Garbarek, Jan; Gismonti, Egberto; Haden, Charlie:
Magico: carta de amor. - 2 CDs
CD 1: 1. Carta de amor. 2. La Pasionaria. 3. Cego Aderaldo. 4. Folk
song. 5. Don Quixote. Spor.
CD 2: 1. Branquinho. 2. All that is beautiful. 3. Palhaço. 4. Two folk
songs. 5. Carta de Amor, var.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

Giovanni Guidi Trio:
This is the day. - 1 CD
1. Trilly. 2. Carried away. 3. Game of silence. 4. The cobweb. 5. Baiiia.
6. The debate. 7. Where they‘d lived. 8. Quizas quizas quizas. 9. Migra-
tion. 10. Trilly war. 11. I‘m through with love. 12. The night it rained forever.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim

     Gismonti, Egberto:
     Saudações / Egberto Gismonti; Camerata Romeu; Zenaida Romeu;
     Alexandre Gismonti. - 2 CD
     CD 1: Sertões veredas, tributo à miscigenação: Sertões veredas, 1 - 7.
     CD 2: Duetos de violões: 1. Lundú. 2. Mestiço & caboclo. 3. Dois
     violõnes. 4. Palhaço. 5. Dança dos escravos. 6. Chora Antônio. 7. Zig
     zag. 8. Carmen.9. Aguas & dança. 10. Saudações.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Gismonti, Egberto:
     Solo. - 1 CD
     1. Selva amazonica, Paul rolou. 2. And zero. 3. Frevo. 4. Salvador.
     5. Ciranda nordestina.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Gismonti, Egberto:
     Works. - 1 CD.
     1. Lôro. 2. Raga. 3. Ciranda nordestina. 4. Magico. 5. Maracatu. 6. Sal-
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Gismonti, Egberto:
     Zigzag / Egberto Gismonti Trio. - 1 CD
     1. Mestico e caboclo. 2. Orixás. 3. Carta de Amor. 4. Um Anjo. 5. Forro-
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Gismonti, Egberto; Vasconcelos, Nana:
     Duas vozes. - 1 CD
     1. Aquarela do Brasil. 2. Rio de Janeiro. 3. Tomarapeba. 4. Dancando.
     5. Fogueira. 6. Bianca. 7. Don Quixote. 8. O dia, a noite.
     Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim

     Die Glorreichen Sieben:
     Keep on rockin‘ in the free world: (a tribute to Neil Young) / Die
     Glorreichen Sieben. Kalle Kalima; Flo Götte; Christian Lillinger;
     Alfred Vogel. - 1 CD
     1. Zimtmädchen (Cinnamon girl). 2. Heart of gold. 3. Ready for
     the country. 4. After the Goldrush. 5. Words (with kids). 6. Welt,
     rocken. 7. Like a hurricane. 8. Round and round.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Dreyfus Night in Paris. The concert was recorded on July 7th, 1994
     at the Palais des Sports in Paris / Miller; Petrucciani; Lagrène;
     White; Garrett. - 1 CD
     1. Tutu. 2. The king is gone. 3. Looking up.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

Callus. - 1 CD
1. Your maker. 2. Maniac depressant. 3. Afrik an spaceship. 4. Carolyn
shadows. 5. Ole man sufferah. 6. Greasemonkey. 7. The kill. 8. Prints
of sin. 9. Krishna punk. 10. Elephant man. 11. The conspiracy, 12, Pol-
tergeist. 13. Vinaigrette. 14. Devils. 15. Surfinfinity. 16. When I die.
17. The jinx. 18. Shakin parasites. 19. Last nightmare.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Goods, Torsten:
Thank you baby! / Torsten Goods. Robert Di Gioia; Tim Lefebvre;
Wolfgang Haffner. - 1 CD
1. Work song. 2. Brother, where are you. 3. Midst of your love.
4. How sweet it is. 5. Lord, I need a woman. 6. Kyrie. 7. Nobody
knows the trouble I‘ve seen. 8. Hallelujah, I love her so. 9. Angel.
10. Sing Hallelujah. 11. Afro blue. 12. Where did you sleep last night.
13. Everything must change.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Guidi, Giovanni:
Ida Lupino / Giovanni Guidi; Gianluca Petrella; Louis Sclavis; Gerald
Cleaver. - 1 CD
1. What we talk about when we talk about love. 2. Just tell me who it
was Jeronimo. 3. Ida Lupino. 4. Per I morti di Reggio Emilia. 5. Gato!
6. La terra no more Calypso?. 7. Rouge lust. 8. Things we never
planned. 9. Fidel slow hard walk. 10. Zweig. 11. The gam scorpions.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim

Gramss, Sebastian:
Atopie. - 1 CD
1. Fluidum. 2. Voyager. 3. Fispern. 4. Was ist da. 5. Research I. 6. Re-
search II. 7. calmo. 8. Beamen. 9. Prospect park. 10. Im Saft. 11. Wispeln.
12. Research III. 13. Research IV. 14. Autark. 15. Calmando. 16. Sympa-
thetic. 17. Das ist...was. 18. Experiment. 19. Stehgreif. 20. Tranquillo.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Guy, Barry:
The blue shroud. - 1 CD
1. Prelude. 2. Song 1. 3. Song 3. 4. Bull / Mother and Child / Warrior.
5. „The carrying of the cross“ Mystery Sonata IX / H.I.F. Biber. 6. „A
blinded bird of hope“ (Song 4). 7. Bird. 8. Aria from „Crucifixion“ My-
stery Sonata X (Song 7) / / H.I.F. Biber. 9. Light Bearer. 10. Fugitive.
11. „Agnus Dei“ from the b minor mass / J.S. Bach.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Guy, Barry:
     Folio. For two solo violonists, improvising double-bassist and string
     orchestra; 2002 / Barry Guy. Maya Homburger, baroque violin;
     Muriel Cantoreggi, violin; Barry Guy, double-bass; Münchener
     Kammerorchester; Christoph Poppen, conductor. - 1 CD
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Guy, Barry:
     Portrait. - 1 CD
     1. Ode part 1. 2. I have crossed by the grace of the boatman. 3. Harmos.
     4. Agreement. 5. Sleeping furiously Part 3. 6. She took the sacred
     rattle and used it. 7. Double trouble. 8. Alar. 9. Odyssey. 10. Veni creator
     spiritus. 11. Inscape - Tableau part VII. 12. Toujours rouge.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Guy, Barry; Parker, Evan:
     Birds and blades - Studio/live. - 2 CDs
     CD 1: 1. Alar. 2. Swordplay. 3. Cut and thrust. 4. Froissement. 5. Coule.
     6. Barrage. 7. Birds and blades.
     CD 2: 1. Angulation. 2. Circling. 3. Point in line. 4. Lunge.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Haden, Charlie; Gismonti, Egberto:
     In Montreal. - 1 CD
     1. Salvador. 2. Maracatu. 3. First song. 4. Palhaço. 5. Silence. 6. Em
     familia. 7. Loro. 8. Frevo. 9. Don Quixote.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Hekselman, Gilad:
     Homes. - 1 CD
     1. Homes. 2. Verona. 3. Keedee. 4. Home E-Minor. 5. Space. 6. Cosmic
     patience. 7. Eyes to see. 8. Parisian thoroughfare. 9. Samba em Preludio.
     10. Last train home. 11. Dove song. 12. Place like no home.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Held, Pablo:
     Elders / Pablo Held; Robert Landfermann; Jonas Burgwinkel; Jason
     Seizer; Domenic Landolf; Ronny Graupe. - 1 CD
     1. Morning hour. 2. Hunters. 3. Poem number five. 4. Work song.
     5. Secreto. 6. Nana. 7. The elders. 8. Pastorale. 9. Marcie.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Held, Pablo:
     Music / Pablo Held; Robert Landfermann; Jonas Burgwinkel. - 1 CD
     1. Encore. 2. I have a dream. 3. Desire. 4. Moon 44. 5. O sacrum con-
     vivium. 6. Nearness. 7. Log lady. 8. Music. 9. Klartraum.10. Arista.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Hespèrion XXI:
Altre Follie 1500–1750. Albicastro, Cabanilles, Cabezón, Corbetta /
Manfredo Kraemer; Rolf Lislevand; Michael Behringer; Mauro Lopes;
Arianna Savall; Hespèrion XXI; Jordi Savall. - 1 CD
Enthält: Follia-Variationen aus der Zeit zwischen 1500 und 1750 aus
Spanien, Italien und England.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Hill, Andrew:
A beautiful day / Andrew Hill. Scott Colley; Nasheet Waits. - 1 CD
1. Divine revelation. 2. Faded beauty. 3. Bellezza. 4. 5 Mo. 5. New
Pinnochio. 6. J Di. 7. Beautiful day. 8. 11/8 See.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Hörvergnügen. 10. Presented by the Association for Jazz and World
Music made in Germany 10. Underkarl; Yakou Trbe; Unterbiberger
Hofmusik; Stephanie Neigel; Jürgen Hagenlocher; Martin Tingvall;
Caroll Vanwelden; Dánjal. - 1 CD
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Hörvergnügen. 14. Roman Schuler Extended Trio; Petter Bergander
Trio; Filippa Gojo Quartett; China Moses; Frank London; Stefanie
Schlesinger ... - 1 CD
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Hot 8 Brass Band:
The life & times of ... - 1 CD
1. Steamin‘ blues. 2. Fine turner. 3. Bingo Bango. 4. New Orleans
(after the city). 5. Can‘t hide from the truth. 6. Ghost town. 7. Let
me do my thing (Remix). 8. Skit. 9. War time.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Hot 8 Brass Band:
On the spot. - 1 CD
1. 8 kickin‘ it live. 2. Get it how you live. 3. Bottom of the bucket. 4. On
the spot. 5. St. James infirmary. 6. That girl. 7. Sweetest taboo. 8. Annie
Mae. 9. Working togehter. 10. Can‘t nobody get down. 11. Keepin‘ it funky.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Hot 8 Brass Band:
Vicennial. 20 years of The Hot 8 Brass Band. - 1 CD
1. What‘s my name? 2. Sexual healing. 3. Get up. 4. Royal garden
blues. 5. Papa was a Rolling Stone. 6. Rasta funk. 7. Take it to the
house. 8. It‘s real. 9. Just my imagination. 10. We shall walk through
the streets of the city. 11. New Orleans, after the city.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Hot Club Records-Sampler. - 1 CD
     1. I get a kick out of you / Stéphane Grappelli Trio. 2. Swing gitan / An-
     gelo Debarre & Hot Club de Norvège. 3. Bossa dorado / Stochelo
     Rosenberg Trio. 4. Montserrat / Jon Larsen & Biel Ballester. 5. Swing
     valse / Baro Ferré Quintette. 6. Les yeux noir / HC de Norvège & Jimmy
     Rosenberg & Romane. 7. Nature boy / Bireli Lagrene & Jimmy Rosen-
     berg. 8. Caravan / Jimmy Rosenberg & Ola Kvernberg. 9. Amarcord /
     Quintetto Ritmico Di Milano & Fabio Lossani. 10. Tziganskaïa / Matelo
     Ferré Trio feat. Boulou Ferré. 11. Non stop / Jon Larsen Quartet.
     12. Stompin‘ at the savoy / Andreas Öberg & Marian Petrescu. 13. Rose
     room / Jimmy Rosenberg & Stian Carstensen. 14. The lonely wolf /
     Babik Reinhardt & Hot Club de Norvège. 15. David / Moreno &
     Angelo Debarre. 16. Move / Andreas Öberg & Yorgui Loeffler & Ritary
     Gaguenetti. 17. Czardas de Monti / Angelo Debarre Trio. 18. Karlov / Ulf
     Wakenius & HC de Norvège & Vertavo String Quartet. 19. Me som gojo
     chavoro / Pascal de Loutchek & Arbat.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Ilg, Dieter:
     Mein Beethoven / Dieter Ilg, Rainer Böhm und Patrice Heral. - 1 CD
     1. Pastorale. 2. Ode. 3. Fuge. 4. Return to Ulster. 5. Arietta. 6. Dankge-
     sang. 7. Sturm. 8. Hammerlos. 9. 109. 10. Adagio. 11. Allegro. 12. Soldier‘s
     dream. 13. Mond und Schein.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Ilg, Dieter:
     Otello / Dieter Ilg, Rainer Böhm und Patrice Heral. - 1 CD
     1. M‘Ascolta. 2. Fuoco di Gioia. 3. Inaffia L‘Ugola. 4. O là. Quando
     Narravi. 5. Jago. 6. A questa tua. 7. Un Bacio. 8. Ora e per sempre
     addio. 9. Datemi Ancor. 10. Otello.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Ilg, Dieter:
     Otello live at Schloss Elmau. Variations by Dieter Ilg after Giuseppe
     Verdi‘s opera Otello / Dieter Ilg, Rainer Böhm und Patrice Heral. - 1 CD
     1. Fuoco di gioia. 2. O là. Quando narravi. 3. Jago. 4. A questa tua.
     5. Dio! 6. Mi potevi. 7. Orror. 8. Le amare stille. 9. Mistero. 10. Ave
     Maria. 11. Otello.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Ilg, Dieter:
     Parsifal. Mit Richard unterwegs / variations by Dieter Ilg after
     Richard Wagner‘s opera Parsifal. Dieter Ilg; Rainer Böhm; Patrice
     Héral. - 1 CD
     1. Zum Raum wird hier die Zeit. 2. Glocken. 3. Parsifal. 4. Morgengebet.
     5. Ich bin ein reiner Tor. 6. Zaubergarten. 7. Amfortas. 8. Uner-
     hörtes. 9. Herzeleid. 10. Kundry. 11. Von Welt zu Welt. 12. Klageruf.
     13. Sehnsucht.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Indigo 4; Petrella, Gianluca:
Kaleido. - 1 CD
1. Intro: Jazz funeral. 2. Pussy hair. 3. Water everywhere. 4. The
Indaco feline. 5. Atmosphere 1: paolino‘s scream. . 6. Land movement
in 5/4. 7. Atmosphere 2: the II connection. 8. Slow bars. 9. Jazz has
just left the building and now is fighting against me. 10. Almost
cried. 11. Evidence. 12. Atmosphere 3: spacebones. 13. Low tide. 14. Filter
freak. 15. Sheep freak.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Iyer, Vijay:
Radhe Radhe – Rites of Holi. A journey of devotion for the god-
dess Radha; loosely following the episodic template of „Le sacre
du printemps“; a performative encounter between live music and
film / music by Vijay Iyer. Film by Prashant Bhargava. - 1 DVD
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Iyer, Vijay:
Reimagining / with Rudresh Mahanthappa, alto saxophone; Stephan
Crump, bass; Marcus Gilmore, drums. - 1 CD
1. Revolutions. 2. Inertia. 3. Song for midwood. 4. Infoggee‘s cakewalk.
5. The big almost. 6. Cardio. 7. Experience. 8. Composites. 9. Phalanx.
10. Imagine.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Iyer, Vijay:
Tragicomic. - 1 CD
1. The weight of things. 2. Macaca please. 3. Aftermanth. 4. Comin‘
up. 5. Without lions. 6. Mehndi. 7. Age of everything. 8. Window
text. 9. I‘m all smiles. 10. Machine days. 11. Threnody. 12. Becoming.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Iyer, Vijay ; Prasanna; Mitta, Nitin:
Tirtha / Vijay Iyer with Prasanna & Nitin Mitta. - 1 CD
1. Duality. 2. Tribal wisdom. 3. Tirtha. 4. Abundance. 5. Falsehood.
6. Gauntlet. 7. Polytheism. 8. Remembrance. 9. Entropy and time.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Iyer, Vijay ; Smith, Wadada Leo:
A cosmic rhythm with each stroke. - 1 CD
1. Passage. 2. A cosmic rhythm with each stroke: All becomes alive.
3. A cosmic rhythm with each stroke: The empty mind receives. 4. A
cosmic rhythm with each stroke: Labyrinths. 5. A cosmic rhythm
with each stroke: A divine courage. 6. A cosmic rhythm with each
stroke: Uncut Emeralds. 7. A cosmic rhythm with each stroke: A
cold fire. 8. A cosmic rhythm with each stroke: Notes on water.
9. Marian Anderson.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

     James Farm:
     City folk. - 1 CD
     James Farm ist ein Projekt des Jazzmusikers Joshua Redman. Als
     einer der besten jüngeren Saxofonisten der Gegenwart hat er mit
     Aaron Parks (Piano), Matt Penman (Bass) und dem erfahrenen
     Erik Harland (Schlagzeug) das Quartett gegründet und spielt hier
     anspruchsvollen Modern Jazz.
     Bibliothek: Heidelberg

     James Farm:
     James Farm / Joshua Redman; Aaron Parks; Matt Penman; Eric
     Harland. - 1 CD
     1. Coax. 2. Polliwog. 3. Bijou. 4. Chronos. 5. Star crossed. 6. 1981.
     7. I-10. 8. Unravel. 9. If by air. 10. Low fives.
     Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim

     Jazz at Berlin Philharmonic II. Norwegian woods / Solveig Slettah-
     jell; Bugge Wesseltoft; Knut Reiersrud; In the Country. - 1 CD
     1. Ingen vinner frem til den evige ro. 2. Can I come home now. 3. Have a
     little faith in me. 4. Chicken feathers. 5. Jargo. 6. Saeterjentens Sondag.
     7. Ned I vester soli glader. 8. Take it with me. 9. Nobody‘s fault but mine.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

     Jazz for dinner 4. Den Abend mit Musik genießen. - 2 CDs
     CD 1: 1. Michael Bublé - The more I see you. 2. Dionne Warwick - Walk
     on by. 3. Michel van Dyke - Kriegenwirschonwiederhin. 4. Rumer -
     Am I forgiven. 5. Kat Edmondson - Champagne. 6. Bruno Böhmer
     Camacho - El Camino De La Vida. 7. Billie Holiday - These foolish
     things remind me of you. 8. Chet Baker - you don‘t know what love
     is. 9. Silje Nergaard - River. 10. Francoise Hardy - Le temps de l‘amour.
     11. Ray LaMontagne - Airwaves. 12. Stefanie Hempel - Here, there and
     everywhere. 13. Joni Mitchell - Both sides now. 14. James Arthur - Smo-
     king clouds. 15. Stacey Kent - Landslide. 16. Malia - Two Fugitives.
     17. Somi - Last song. 18. Tom Odell - Sense. 19. Marilyn Monroe - I‘m
     through with love. 20. Stefan Gwildis & NDR Big Band - Wir haben
     uns mal geliebt.
     CD 2: 1. Leona Lewis - The first time ever I saw your face. 2. Randy
     Crawford - Give me the night (Chill Night Mix). 3. Anna Depenbusch -
     Heimat (solo am Klavier). 4. Jeff Buckley - Everybody here wants you.
     5. Doris Day - Sentimental journey. 6. Quatuor Ébène - So nice. 7. Roger
     Cicero - Fachmann in Sachen Anna. 8. Nina Simone - The look of love.
     9. Nikola Materne & Bossanoire - Wunderbar allein. 10. Sonny
     Rollins - Summertime. 11. Carole King - Jazzman. 12. Lyambiko - April
     in Paris. 13. Max Mutzke feat. Götz Alsmann - Du und ich. 14. Aretha
     Franklin - This bitter earth. 15. Lisa Ekdahl - I will be blessed. 16. Sarah
     Vaughan - Thinking of you. 17. Peggy Lee & Benny Goodmann - How
     deep is the ocean. 18. Miles Davis - Round midnight. 19. Ulita Knaus - Ich
     Steine du Steine. 20. Manfred Krug - Danke für den Abend.
     Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

Joachim Kühn New Trio:
Beauty & truth / Joachim Kühn; Chris Jennings; Eric Schaefer. - 1 CD
1. Beauty and the truth (Ornette Coleman). 2. The end (The Doors).
3. Because of mouloud. 4. Sleep on it (Stand High Patrol). 5. Intim.
6. Transmitting. 7. Summertime (George Gershwin). 8. Riders on
the storm (The Doors). 9. Machineria. 10. Sleep safe and warm
(Krzysztof Komeda). 11. Kattorna (Krzysztof Komeda). 12. Blues for
pablo (Gil Evans).
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

Joachim Kühn Trio:
Voodoo sense / Joachim Kühn Trio inviting Archie Shepp. - 1 CD
1. Kulu se mama. 2. Gbalele. 3. L‘ eternal voyage. 4. Voodoo sense.
5. Crossing the mirror. 6. Firehorse.
Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen

João, Maria:
João. - 1 CD
1. Retrato em branco e preto. 2. Partido alto. 3. Rosa. 4. E.C.T. 5. Escurinha.
6. Canto de ossanha. 7. Valsa brasileira. 8. Dor de cotovelo. 9. Tico-Tico
no fuba. 10. No tabuleiro da bajana. 11. O silencio das estrelas. 12. A outra.
13. Choro bandido. 14. Meu namorado.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

João, Maria:
Sol. - 1 CD
1. Sao Joao. 2. Quinta das torrinhas. 3. Santa cruz. 4. Cobras e ras.
5. Oca de conter-me/Sis. 6. Fado. 7. Um dia inteiro. 8. Os amantes
sem dinheiro.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

João, Maria ; Ogre:
Plastico. - 1 CD
1. Fiona. 2. Fome. 3. Praia. 4. Arigato. 5. Minus Linus. 6. Three trees.
7. Visceral. 8. Tiroe Queda. 9. Jeronimo‘s tooth. 10. Frio. 11. Gobble-
dygook. 12. Gookou.
Bibliothek: Mannheim

Joshua Redman Elastic Band:
Momentum. - 1 CD
1. Soundcheck. 2. Sweet Nasty. 3. Just a moment. 4. Shut your
mouth. 5. The crunge. 6. Riverwide. 7. Greasy G. 8. Loneny woman.
9. Swunk. 10. Blowing changes. 11. Double jeopardy. 12. Put it in
your pocket. 13. Showtime.
Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim

     Joshua Redman Quartet:
     Moodswing. - 1 CD
     1. Sweet sorrow. 2. Chill. 3. Rejoice. 4. Faith. 5. Alone in the morning.
     6. Mischief. 7. Dialogue. 8. The oneness of two (in three). 9. Past
     in the present. 10. Obsession. 11. Headin‘ home.
     Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim

     Joshua Redman Quartet:
     Passage of time. - 1 CD
     1.Before. 2. Free speech, phase I. 3. Free speech, phase II. 4. Our
     minuet. 5. Bronze. 6. Time. 7. Enemies within. 8. After.
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     The jubilee album – 20 magic years. - 1 CD
     1. Symphony no. V: Trauermarsch (Michael Wollny, Eva Kruse &
     Eric Schaefer). 2. Heart shaped box (Yaron Herman). 3. Bitter
     ballad (Youn Sun Nah, Mathias Eick, Lars Danielsson). 4. Shapes
     (Wolfgang Haffner). 5. Tarantella (Lars Danielsson, Leszek Mozdzer).
     6. Brutal Truth (Ida Sand). 7. Dancing (Ulf Wakenius). 8. The seagull
     (Paolo Fresu, Richard Galliano, Jan Lundgren). 9. From Gagarin‘s
     Point of view (Esbjörn Svensson Trio). 10. Love is real (Viktoria
     Tolstoy). 11. Close to you (Rigmor Gustafsson & Jacky Terrasson
     Trio). 12. Shadows in the rain (Christof Lauer, Jens Thomas, Sidsel
     Endresen). 13. Calima (Gerardo Nunez, Chano Dominguez, Michael
     Brecker). 14. Lapp Nils polska (Nils Landgren, Esbjörn Svensson). 15. I
     walk the line (Joel Harrison, Norah Jones). 16. Idoma (Nguyên Lê,
     Renaud-Garcia Fons, Mino Cileno). 17. What child is this (Greens-
     leeves) (Bugge Wesseltoft). 18. Norwegian psalm (Joachim Kühn,
     Markus Stockhausen, Michael Gibbs). 19. Tangos (Vince Mendoza,
     Al Di Meola, Michael Brecker, WDR Big-Band). 20. Thank you for
     the music (Nils Landgren Funk Unit)
     Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen

     Kemper, Peter:
     John Coltrane. Eine Biographie. - Buch
     Bibliothek: Mannheim

     Konitz, Lee:
     Live at Birdland / Lee Konitz; Brad Mehldau; Charlie Haden; Paul
     Motian. - 1 CD
     1. Lover man. 2. Lullaby of Birdland. 3. Solar. 4. I fall in love too
     easily. 5. You stepped out of a dream. 6. Oleo.
     Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
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