Musiker zum Mitnehmen - Das CD- und DVD-Angebot der Bibliotheken zum Festival 2014 - Stadt Mannheim
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2 Enjoy Jazz – auch zuhause! Vom 2. Oktober bis 15. November 2014 findet in Mannheim, Heidelberg und Ludwigshafen das 16. Internationale Festival für Jazz und Anderes statt. In über 60 Konzerten wird wieder jede Menge Musik aus den Bereichen Jazz, Weltmusik, Ethnopop, Crossover und auch Klassik präsentiert. Viele international bekannte Namen sind dabei, wie Jan Garbarek und das Hilliard Ensemble, das Branford Marsalis Quartet, die aus Malawi stammenden Sängerin Malia oder das norwegische Jazz- Talent Rebekka Bakken mit Tom-Waits-Songs. Auch die deutsche Jazz-Szene ist reich vertreten mit Künstlern wie dem Pianisten Michael Wollny, dem Bassisten Sebastian Gramss, dem Pablo Held Trio oder dem Daniel Prandl Quartett. Regionale Größen wie die Pfälzer Claus Boesser-Ferrari und Thomas Siffling oder die Mannheimer Saxophonistin Alexandra Lehmler, die diesjährige Trägerin des Landesjazzpreises Baden-Württemberg, ergänzen das vielfältige Angebot. Die Brücke zur Klassik wird geschlagen, wenn das Ensemble Tango ala Turka gemeinsam mit dem Kurpfälzischen Kammerorchester musiziert, die Sängerin Fay Claassen zusammen mit der Rheinischen Philharmonie Jazz aus dem Osten präsentiert, oder das Dowland-Project sich Alter Musik zu gefühlvollen Improvisationen bedient. Und wieder kann man die Musik nicht nur live auf der Bühne erleben, sondern auch bequem daheim auf dem Sofa oder entspannt in Straßenbahn oder Auto, denn die drei Stadtbibliotheken Mannheim, Heidelberg und Ludwigshafen beteiligen sich ebenfalls an dem Event, indem sie ihren Kundinnen und Kunden eine große Auswahl an CDs und DVDs der auftretenden Künstlerinnen und Künstler anbieten. In einer alphabetischen Liste, sortiert nach den einzelnen Musikern, Bands oder Komponisten, sind die Medien aufgeführt, die in den Festival-Städten entliehen werden können. Die Schlusszeile zeigt an, welche Bibliothek die CD oder DVD im Bestand hat. Und wer über eine Metropolcard verfügt, kann mit einem Bibliotheksausweis alle drei Bibliotheken nutzen. Weitere Informationen zu Angebot oder Ausleihbedingungen können Sie telefonisch oder per Internet direkt bei den Bibliotheken erhalten. Adressen und weitere Hinweise finden Sie auf den letzten drei Seiten dieses Heftes. Das Enjoy Jazz-Special der Stadtbibliothek Mannheim: Während des Festivals bekommen Inhaber eines aktuellen Festival-Passes bei der Zahlung der Jahresgebühr einen Nachlass von 5 Euro bei Erwachsenen und 3 Euro bei Begünstigten! Auswahl der aufgenommenen Medien: Regina Barthelmes, Stadtbibliothek Ludwigshafen Renate Reinhardt, Stadtbücherei Heidelberg Susanne Schönfeldt, Stadtbibliothek Mannheim Gestaltung: Günter Buhl, Stadtbibliothek Mannheim Druck: Rathausdruckerei Mannheim, September 2014 Die Abbildungen können in Einzelfällen von den tatsächlich vorhandenen Medien abweichen.
3 Abou-Khalil, Rabih; Kühn, Joachim; Cagwin, Jarrod: Journey to the centre of an egg. – 1 CD Trackliste: 1. Shrewd woman. 2. Little camels. 3. Die Brücke. 4. I‘m better off without you. 5. Natwasheh and Kadwasheh. 6. Mango. 7. No plastic cups, please. 8. Sweet and sour milk. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen The ACT jubilee concert. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Pasodoble (Leszek Mozdzer & Lars Danielsson). 2. Sleep safe and warm (Krzysztof Komeda; Leszek Mozdzer). 3. Svan- tetic (Krzysztof Komeda; Leszek Mozdzer, Michael Wollny). 4. The tears of Billie Blue – Clair de Lune (Claude Debussy; Cæcilie Norby; Nguyên Lê; Lars Danielsson; Wolfgang Haffner). 5. Stars in your eyes (HerbieHancock; Nils Landgren; Michael Wollny; Lars Danielsson; Wolfgang Haffner). 6. Hymn / (Lars Danielsson; The ACT Family Band featuring Caecilie Norby). 7. The one goes in four (The ACT Family Band featuring Verneri Pohjola). CD 2: 1. Little wing (Jimi Hendrix; Nguyên Lê; Lars Danielsson). 2. Lonely dancer (Céline Bonacina; Michael Wollny; Lars Danielsson). 3. ZigZag Blues (The ACT Family band featuring Céline Bonacina). 4. Silent Way (Nils Landgren; Michael Wollny; Lars Danielsson; Wolfgang Haffner). 5. Dodge the Dodo (Esbjörn Svensson; Dan Berglund; Magnus Öström; The ACT Family Band featuring Verneri Pohjola & Nguyên Lê). 6. Love is real (Esbjörn Svensson; Dan Berglund; Magnus Öström; The ACT Family Band featuring Cæcilie Norby & Nils Landgren). 7. Purple Haze (Jimi Hendrix; The ACT Family Band feat. Cæcilie Norby, Nguyên Lê, Céline Bonacina & Wolfgang Haffner). Bibiliothek: Ludwigshafen Alexandra Lehmler Quintett: Sundance. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Sundance. 2. Baggerseensucht. 3. Who knows ...? 4. Dia- mond dust. 5. Intro. 6. Madres de Plaza De Mayo. 7. Another popsong? 8. Herrensauna. 9. Anda Jaleo. 10. Letzte Runde im Hans Huckebein. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Andersen, Arild: Electra / Arild Andersen Group. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Andersen, Arild: Sagn / Arild Andersen. Kirsten Bråten Berg u. a. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Andersen, Arild: Selected recordings – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Vanilje. 2. Svev. 3. The island. 4. 305 W 18 St. 5. For all we know. 6. The sword under his wings. 7. Shorts. 8. Gardsjenta. 9. Sagn. 10. She‘s gone. 11. Printer. 12. A song I used to play. 13. Sole. Bibliothek: Mannheim
4 Andersen, Arild; Vinaccia, Paolo; Smith, Tommy: Mira. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Bygone. 2. Blussy. 3. Alfie. 4. Rossetti. 5. Reparate. 6. Raijin. 7. Le Saleya. 8. Kangiten. 9. Mira. 10. Eight and more. 11. Stevtone. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Arké String Project; Bollani, Stefano: Acquario / Arkè String Project con Stefano Bollani [pianoforte]; Gabriele Mirabassi [clarinetto]. – 1 CD in Schuber. Trackliste: 1. I treni che vorrei. 2. Tra duc oasi. 3. Elicoidale. 4. Non fermarmi. 5. Taranta. 6. Jaco. 7. Acquario. 8. Terra antica. 9. Bonus track. Bibliothek: Mannheim Atomic: Theater Tilters. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: CD1: 1. Green mill tilter. 2. Andersonville. 3. Fissures. 4. Mur- mansk. 5. Bop about. CD2: 1.Roma. 2. Sanguine. 3. Edit. 4. Barylite. 5. Two boxes. Bibliothek: Mannheim Atomic: There‘s a whole in the mountain. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Accidentals. 2. Wolf-cage. 3. Civilon. 4. There‘s a hole in the mountain. 5. Available exits. 6. Labyrinths. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bach, Johann Sebastian: Motetten / The Hilliard Ensemble. – 1 CD. Enthält: Motetten BWV 225–230 und BWV Anh. 159. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bad Plus: Give / The Bad Plus. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. 1979 semi-finalist. 2. Cheney piñata. 3. Street woman. 4. And here we test our powers of observation. 5. Frog and toad. 6. Velouria. 7. Layin‘ a strip for the higher-self state line. 8. Do your sums-die like a dog-play for home. 9. Dirty blonde. 10. Neptune. 11. Iron man. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Bad Plus: Motel / The Bad Plus featuring Ethan Iverson; Reid Anderson; David King. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1.Knowing me knowing you (Abba). 2. Blue moon (Rodger & Hart). 3. 1972 Bronze medalist (King). 4. The breakout (Anderson). 5. Smells like teen spirit (Cobain). 6. Labyrinth (Iverson). 7. Scurry (Iverson). 8. Love is the answer (Anderson). Bibliothek: Mannheim
5 Bad Plus: The rite of spring / composed by Igor Stravinsky. Interpreten: The Bad Plus. – 1 CD. Trackliste: First part: Adoration of the earth: Introduction. The augurs of spring. Ritual of abduction. Spring rounds. Games of the two rival tribes, procession of the sage. The sage, dance of the earth. Second part: The sacrifice: Introduction. Mystic circle of the young girls. Glorification of the chosen one. Evocation of the ancestors, ritual action of the ancestors. Sacrificial dance. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Bad Plus: Suspicious Activity? – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Prehensile dream (R. Anderson). 2. Anthem for the earnest (D. King). 3. Let our garden grow (E. Iverson). 4 . The empire strikes backwards (D. King). 5. Knows the difference (R. Anderson). 6. Lost of love (R. Anderson). 7. Rhinoceros is my profession (R. An- derson). 8. O. G. (Original gentleman) (E. Iverson). 9. (Theme from) Chariots of fire (Vangelis). 10. Forces (R. Anderson). Bibliothek: Heidelberg Bad Plus: These are the vistas. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Big eater. 2. Keep the bugs off your glass and the bears off your ass. 3. Smells like teen spirit. 4. Everywhere you turn. 5. 1972 Bronze medalist. 6. Guilty. 7. Boo-wah. 8. Flim. 9. Heart of glass. 10. Silence is the question. 11. What love is this. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Bakken, Rebekka: The art of how to fall – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. If only. 2. Say goodbye to what is gone. 3. Cover me with snow. 4. I‘ve tried and I‘ve waited. 5. Virgin‘s lullaby. 6. The art of how to fall. 7. Worriless. 8. Giant body. 9. Do you know my love. 10. Powerless. 11. Daylight is short in fall. Bibliothek: Mannheim Bakken, Rebekka: I keep my cool. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. We hit it again. 2. Welcome home. 3. Just having my fun. 4. Any pretty girl. 5. Love may seem hard. 6. Hard to be loser. 7. What love is not. 8. You‘re crying. 9. Nobody‘s fool. 10. Everything can change. 11. You bring new stars. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
6 Bakken, Rebekka: Is that you? – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. As tears clear our eyes. 2. As I lay myself bare. 3. Didn‘t I. 4. Going home (is a lonely travel). 5. Is that you?. 6. Even if you buy me thousand cars. 7. Why do all the good guys get the dragons?. 8. So ro. 9. Just a little moon. 10. Innocence. 11. As long as there is a voyage away. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Bakken, Rebekka: Little drop of poison: songs by Tom Waits / Rebekka Bakken; HR-Bigband. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Broken bicycles. 2. Please call me, baby. 3. Little drop of poison. 4. Downtown. 5. Hang on St. Christopher. 6. Bad as me. 7. Christmas card from a hooker in Minneapolis. 8. Just the right bullets. 9. I can‘t wait to get off work. 10. I wish I was in New Orleans. 11. Time. 12. San Diego serenade. 13. Yesterday is here. 14. Saving all my love for you. 15. If I have to go. 16. What‘s he building? Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Bakken, Rebekka: Morning hours. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Nola woman. 2. Sometimes. 3. Goast in this house. 4. Powder roam collapse. 5. No easy way. 6. To be your lover. 7. If you don‘t ask for more. 8. I can always forget. 9. Starlight of your heart. 10. Contents of my heart. 11. October nights. 12. Like Cologne. 13. In the early morning hours. Bibliothekhen: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Bakken, Rebekka: September. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. September. 2. Strange evening. 3. Love is everything. 4. Forever young. 5. Same kind. 6. Never been to Paris. 7. Driving. 8. The Wrestler. 9. Mina‘s dream. 10. After all. 11. Girl next door. 12. Innocent thief. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Baldych, Adam: Imaginary room / Adam Baldych. Baltic Gang; Jacob Karlzon; Lars Danielsson; Morten Lund; Verneri Pohjola; Marius Neset; Nils Landgren. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Village underground. 2. Mirrors. 3. The room of imagi- nation. 4 . Cubism. 5. K8. 6. Time traveler. 7. Rama hai. 8. For Zbiggy. 9. “11.16“.10. Zarathustra. 11. Inspiration. 12. Million miles away. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Ban, Lucian; Maneri, Mat: Transylvanian Concert. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Not that kind of blues. 2. Harlem bliss. 3. Monastery. 4. Retina. 5. Nobody knows the troubles I‘ve seen. 6. Darn. 7. Two hymns Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
7 Beginner‘s guide to India. – 3 CD compilation. CD 1. India now / Indica Project; Susheela Raman; Najma Akhtar; Midival Pundit; Lokkhi Terra; Trilok Gurtu u. a. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim The best of Blue Note. – 2 CDs Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Summertime / Sidney Bechet Quintet. 2. ‚Round about midnight / Thelonious Monk. 3. A night in Tunisia / Bud Powell. 4. Brownie eyes / Clifford Brown. 5. Blue train / John Coltrane. 6. Tune up / Sonny Rollins. 7. Moanin‘ / Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers. 8. Cool struttin‘ / Sonny Clark. 9. Blues walk / Lou Donaldson. 10. Somethin‘ else / Cannonball Adderley (feat. Miles Davis). 11. Black at the chicken shack / Jimmy Smith. CD 2: 1.Chitlins con carne / Kenny Burrell. 2. The sidewinder / Lee Morgan. 3. Speak no evil / Wayne Shorter. 4. Maiden voyage / Herbie Hancock. 5. Song for my father / Horace Silver. 6. Black byrd / Donald Byrd. 7. Cantaloop (Flip fantasia) / US3 feat. Rahsaan and Gerard Presencer. 8. Come on in my kitchen / Cassandra Wilson. 9. Cold cold heart / Norah Jones. 10. Afro blue / Robert feat. Erykah Badu. 11. Liquid spirit / Gregory Porter. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bibb, Eric: Booker‘s guitar. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Bibb, Eric: Diamond days – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Tall cotton. 2. Destiny blues. 3. Shine on. 4. So glad. 5. Sto- rybook hero. 6. Diamond days. 7. Dr. Shine. 8. Heading home. 9. In my father‘s house. 10. Forgiveness is gold. 11. Buckets of rain. 12. Still livin‘ on. 13. Worried man blues. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Bibb, Eric: Jericho Road. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Drinkin‘ gourd. 2. Freedom train. 3. Let the mothers step up. 4. Have a heart. 5. The right thing. 6. Death row blues. 7. Can‘t please everybody. 8. The lord‘s work. 9. With my maker I am one. 10. They know. 11. She got mine. 12. Good like you. 13. One day at a time. Bonus tracks: 1. Now. 2. Nanibali. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Bibb, Eric: Me to you. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg
8 Bill Mays Trio: Going home / Bill Mays; Matt Wilson; Martin Wind. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Judy. 2. You‘d be so nice to come home to. 3. Shohola song. 4. Home. 5. On the road. 6. Shoho love song. 7. Nosey neigh- bors. 8. In her arms. 9. Comin‘ home baby. 10. I‘m a homebody. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bjørnstad, Ketil: La note / Ketil Björnstad; Andy Sheppard; Anja Lechner; Eiving Aarset; Arild Andersen; Marilyn Mazur. – 1 CD. Trackliste: La notte I-VIII. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen The Black Box. The best of soul, dance & disco. CD 1. Pointer Sisters, Three Degrees, Al Green, Nina Simone, The Temptations, Solomon Burke, Percy Sledge, Londonbeat, Patti Labelle, La Toya Jackson, James Brown. Bibliothek: Mannheim Bley, Carla: The lost chords find Paolo Fresu. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1.–6. The Banana Quintet. 7. Liver of life. 8. Death of Superman / Dream Sequence # 1 – Flying. 9. Ad Infinitum. Bibliothek: Mannheim Bloch, Robert: Psycho. Komplettlesung / Mit Matthias Brandt. – 5 CDs Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Blues Breakers / Muddy Waters; John Lee Hooker; John Mayall; Eric Clapton; Nina Simone u. a. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Boel, Hanne: The shining of things / Hanne Boel & Jacob Karlzon 3. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Yesterday‘s rain. 2. The shining of things. 3. A thousand kisses deep. 4 . Funny how time slips away. 5. Bad news from home. 6. Ode to Billy Joe. 7. River. 8. Tea and sympathy. 9. How insensitive. 10. The colour of your eyes. 11. Angel of the morning. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Boesser-Ferrari, Claus: Blue footprint. –1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Blue footprint. 2. Ballade. 3. Rio Escondidos. 4. Isabelle‘s eyes. 5. Blues ohne Capo. 6. Carlos. 7. How to play the 5-string-banjo. 8. Lea meets the pink tiger. 9. Schlafender Tiger. 10. All blues. 11. Balla- de. 12. Lascaux II. 13. Massaya. 14. Lea verliert Öl. 15. Tiger auf blauem Kissen. 16. Homecoming. Bibliothek: Mannheim
9 Boesser-Ferrari, Claus: Blue Footprint. – Notenausgabe, 48 Seiten. Bibliotheken: Mannheim, Ludwigshafen Boesser-Ferrari, Claus: Nachmittag eines Fauns. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. The wind cries Mary. 2. Claus Solo: All Blues. 3. Pow wow. 4. Hey Joe. 5. Comic. 6. Nachmittag eines Fauns. 7. Muetterlein. 8. De- molition .9. All along the watchtower. 10. Solo II. 11. Little wing. Bibliothek: Mannheim Boesser-Ferrari, Claus: Stageplay. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Zuccos theme. 2. Muetterlein. 3. Blues ohne capo. 4. Eleven. 5. Q7. 6. Damenstimmen. 7. Stageplay. 8. Low key. 9. Ubus Night- watch. 10. Folksong I. 11. Jungle Poem. 12. Folksong II. 13. The dark lady. 14. Twelve. 15. Zuccos theme (reprise). Bibliothek: Mannheim Boesser-Ferrari, Claus: Ten. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Little Wing. 2. Remember Cebola. 3. Light my fire. 4. Ten. 5. Cocaine. 6. Die Pelztasse. 7. Keeper of the plaines. 8. My funny Valentine. 9. Looking for Atlantis. 10. Hurricane. 11. Little Wing. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Boesser-Ferrari, Claus: Wandertag. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Polar. 2. Als ich dich in meinem Leib trug. 3. Animals. 4. Der Schatz im Silbersee. 5. Scratching. 6. Junimond. 7. Mutter Belmlein. 8. Demolition Man. 9. Floreana. 10. What she get`s. 11. Der Rebbe tanzt. 12. Ballade von der Judenhure Sanders. 13. Impro 04 (Wandertag). 14. Lakota song. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bollani, Stefano: Carioca. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Luz negra. 2. Ao romper da Aurora. 3. Choro sim. 4. Valsa brasileira. 5. Voz no morro. 6. Hora da Razão. 7. Segura ele. 8. Doce de Coco. 9. Folhas secas. 10. Domatore di pulci. 11. Samba e amor. 12. Tico Tico no fubá. 13. Caprichos do destino. 14. Na baixa do sapateiro. 15. Apanhei te cavaquinho. 16. Trem das onze. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
10 Bollani, Stefano: Carioca Live 2009. Registrato il 23 luglio 2009 al Festival di Villa Arconati. – 1 DVD. Trackliste: 1. Luz negra. 2. Segura ele. 3. Outra coisa. 4. Galatea. 5. Il domatore di pulci. 6. Caprichos do destino 7. Na baixa do sapateiro. 8. Trem das once. 9. Tico tico no fuba. 10. Samba e amor. 11. Nana 12. Ao romper da aurora/choro sim. 13. Apanhei-te cavaquinho. 14. Voz do morro Bibliothek: Mannheim Bollani, Stefano; Bodilsen, Jesper; Lund, Morten: Gleda. Songs from Scandinavia. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Aldrig som aldrig. 2. Den allersidste dans. 3. Moder, jeg er. 4. Armband. 5. Dansen og valsen. 6. Morgenlys over. 7. Kimer i klokker. 8. Glemmer du. 9. Gleda. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bollani, Stefano; Holanda, Hamilton de: O que será. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Beatriz. 2. Il barbone di Siviglia. 3. Caprichos de Espanha. 4. Guarda che luna. 5. Luiza. 6. O que será. 7. Rosa. 8. Canto de Ossanha. 9. Oblivión. 10. Apanhei-te cavaquinho. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bollani, Stefano: Piano solo. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Antonia. 2. Impro I. 3. Impro II. 4. On a theme by Sergey Prokofiev. 5. For all we know. 6. Promenade. 7. Impro III. 8. A media luz. 9. Impro IV. 10. Buzzilare. 11. Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans. 12. Cómo fue. 13. On the street where you live. 14. Maple leaf rag. 15. Sarcasmi. 16. Don‘t talk. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Bollani, Stefano: Småt Småt. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Norvegian wood. 2. La vita intense. 3. Mr. O`Malley. 4. Ugly Beauty. 5. Pierre et le loup. 6. Il mare si e fermato. 7. El choclo. 8. Danza del gaucho matrero. 9. Danza de la moza donosa. 10. Giroconlon. 11. Social smoker. 12. La vita operosa. 13. Let`s move to Cleveland. 14. Trem das onze / Figli unico. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bollani, Stefano: Stone In The Water / Stefano Bollani; Jesper Bodilsen; Morten Lund. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Dom de Iludir. 2. Orvieto. 3. Edith. 4. Brigas nunca mais. 5. Il cervello del pavone. 6. Un sasso nello stagno. 7. Improvisation 13 en la mineur. 8. Asuda. 9. Joker in the village. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
11 Bounce. Terence Blanchard; Brice Winston; Eric Harland; Brandon Owens; Robert ; Lionel Loueke; Aaron Parks. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. On the verge. 2. Passionate courage. 3. Fred Brown. 4. Nocturna. 5. Azania. 6. Footprints. 7. Transform. 8. Innocence. 9. Bounce / Let‘s go off. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Brad Mehldau Trio: The Art of the trio. Part 1. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Blame it on my youth. 2. I didn‘t know what time it was. 3. Ron‘s place. 4. Lament for Linus. 5. Mignon‘s song. 6. I fall in love too easily. 7. Lucid. 8. Nobody else but me. 9. Blackbird. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Brad Mehldau Trio: Brad Mehldau Trio live. At the Village Vanguard 2006. – 2 CDs. Trackliste CD1: 1. Introduction. 2. Wanderwall. 3. Ruby‘s rub. 4. O que será. 5. B-flat waltz. 6. Black hole sun. 7. The very thought of you. CD2: 1. Buddha realm. 2. Fit cat. 3. Secret beach. 4. C.T.A. 5. More than you know. 6. Countdown. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Brad Mehldau Trio: Day is done. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Knives out. 2. Alfie. 3. Martha my dear. 4. Day is done. 5. Artis. 6. Turtle town. 7. She‘s leaving home. 8. Granada. 9. 50 ways to leave your lover. 10. No moon at all. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Brad Mehldau Trio: Highway rider. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: CD1: 1. John Boy. 2. Don‘t be sad. 3. At the toolbooth. 4. Highway rider. 5. The falcon will fly again. 6. Now you must climb alone. 7. Walking the peak. CD2: 1. We‘ll cross the river together. 2. Capriccio. 3. Sky turning grey (for Elliott Smith). 4. Into the city. 5. Old West. 6. Come with me. 7. Always departing. 8. Always returning. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Brad Mehldau Trio: House on hill. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. August ending. 2. House on hill. 3. Bealtine. 4. Boo- mer. 5. Backyard. 6. Fear and trembling. 7. Embers. 8. Happy tune. 9. Waiting for Eden. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim
12 Brad Mehldau Trio: Ode. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. M.B. 2. Ode. 3. 26. 4. Dream sketch. 5. Bee blues. 6. Twiggy. 7. Kurt Vibe. 8. Stan the man. 9. Wyatt‘s eulogy for George Hanson. 10. Aquaman. 11. Days of Dilbert Delaney Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Brad Mehldau Trio: Where do you start. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Got me wrong. 2. Holland. 3. Brownie speaks. 4. Baby plays around. 5. Airegin. 6. Hey Joe. 7. Samba e amor. 8. Jam. 9. Time has told me. 10. Aquelas coisas todas. 11. Where do you start? Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Branford Marsalis Quartet: Braggtown. - 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Jack Baker. 2. Hope. 3. Fate. 4. Blakzilla. 5. O Solitude. 6. Sir Roderick, the aloof. 7. Black elk speaks. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Branford Marsalis Quartet: Branford Marsalis Quartet performs John Coltrane‘s A love supreme. Live in Amsterdam at the Bimhuis Jazz Club on March 30, 2003. – 1 DVD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Branford Marsalis Quartet: Eternal. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. The ruby and the pearl. 2. Reika`s loss. 3. Gloomy sunday. 4. The lonely swan. 5. Dinner for one please, James. 7. Muldoon. 8. Eternal. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Branford Marsalis Quartet: Footsteps of our fathers. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Giggin‘. 2. The freedom suite. 3. A love supreme. 4. Con- corde. Bibliothek: Mannheim Branford Marsalis Quartet: Metamorphosen. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. The return of the Jitney man. 2. The blossom of parting. 3. Jabberwocky. 4. Abe Vigoda. 5. Rhythm-a-ning. 6. Sphere. 7. The last goodbye. 8. And then, he was gone. 9. Samo. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
13 Branford Marsalis Quartet: Music from mo‘ better blues. The Branford Marsalis Quartet featuring Terence Blanchard. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Harlem blues. 2. Say hey. 3. Knocked out the box. 4. Again never. 5. Mo‘ better blues. 6. Pop top 40. 7. Beneath the underdog. 8. Jazz thing. 9. Harlem blues (Acapulco version). Bibliothek: Mannheim Brecker, Michael: Pilgrimage / Michael Brecker. With Pat Metheney, guitars; Herbie Hancock, piano; Brad Mehldau, piano; John Patitucci, bass; Jack DeJohnette, drums. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. The mean time. 2. Five months from midnight. 3. Anagram. 4. Tumbleweed. 5. When can I kiss you again? 6. Cardinal rule. 7. Half moon lane. 8. Loose threads. 9. Pilgrimage. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Café Prag. Musik aus Mannheims Jazz-Café. Vol. 3. „Sospesso“ / Sarahs Ballroom; Karl Frierson; Coleümes; Thomas Siffling Trio; Silke Hauck u. a. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Cantuaria, Vinicius: Samba Carioca / Vinicius Cantuaria; Bill Frisell; Brad Mehldau; Marcos Valle. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Praia grande. 2. Berlin. 3. Vagamente. 4. Inutil paisagem. 5. Julinha de Botas. 6. Fugiu. 7. Orla. 8. Conversa fiada. 9. So ficou saudade. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Carroll, Cath: Tom Waits. – Buch, 162 Seiten. Biografie des Sängers, Schauspielers, Musikers sowie Film- und Musicalkomponisten. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Catherine, Philip; Ørsted Pedersen; Niels-Henning: Art of the duo. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Twice a week. 2. My foolish heart. 3. Stella by starlight. 4. All the things you are. 5. The puzzle. 6. I should care. 7. Janet. 8. Air power, dancing girl. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Catherine, Philip; Wind, Martin: New Folks. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Old folks. 2. Fried bananas. 3. Hello George. 4. Blues in the closet. 5. How deep is the ocean. 6.Jenny Wren. 7. Song for D. 8. Sublime. 9. Pivoine. 10. L‘éternel désir. 11. Standing at the window waving goodbye. 12. Toscane. 13. Winter moon. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
14 Catherine, Philip: Oscar. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Alone. 2. Kalimankou denkou. 3. Piano groove. 4. Oost- duinkerke. 5. Les enfants. 6. Oscar. 7. Pendine. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Cissoko, Ablaye: Amanké dionti / Ablaye Cissoko und Volker Goetze. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1.Kala Maloundi. 2. Amanké Dionti. 3. Togna. 4. Silo. 5. Fleuve. 6. Haiti. 7. Miliamba. Bibliothek: Mannheim Cissoko, Ablaye: Sira / Ablaye Cissoko und Volker Goetze. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1.Sira. 2. Domain Domain. 3.Lountang. 4. Gorgorlou. 5. Faro. 6.Badingwoo. 7.Bouba. 8.Bamaya. 9.Sakhadougou. 10.Manssani Cisse. Bibliothek: Mannheim Corea, Chick: Orvieto. Recorded live at Umbria Jazz Winter 2010 / Chick Corea; Stefano Bollani. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Orvieto Improvisation No. 1. 2. Retrato em branco e preto. 3. If I should lose you. 4. Doralice. 5. Jitterbug Waltz. 6. A valsa da Paula. 7. Orvieto Improvisation No. 2 / Nardis. 8. Este seu olhar. 9. Darn that dream. 10. Tirititran. 11. Armando‘s rhumba. 12. Blues in F. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Coryell, Larry; Catherine, Philip: Twin house. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Ms. Julie. 2. Homecomings. 3. Airpower. 4 . Twin house. 5. Gloryell. 6. Nuages. 7. Twice a week. 8. Dance dream. 9. Snowsha- dows. 10. Deus Xango. 11. My serenade. 12. Father christmas. 13. The train and the river. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Creating magic / Danielsson & Mozdzer. Landgren & Svensson. Simcock & Goloubev. Catherine & Wind. Nah & Wakenius. Wollny & Neset and more. – 2 CDs. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
15 Creation: Branford Marsalis; Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Gymnopédie no. 3 / Erik Satie. Arr.: Ronnie Bauch. 2. The little shepherd; Golliwogg‘s cake walk, from Children‘s corner suite / Claude Debussy. Arr.: Ronnie Bauch. 3. Pavane pour une infante défunte / Maurice Ravel. Arr.: Ronnie Bauch. 4. La création du monde, op. 81. Sorocaba; Corcovado; Sumaré; Laranjeiras, from Saudades do Brasil, op. 67. 5. Scaramouche, op. 165c / Darius Milhaud. 6. Pie Jesu, from Requiem op. 48 / Gabriel Fauré. Arr.: Ronnie Bauch. 7. Concertino da camera for alto saxophone and orchestra / Jacques Ibert. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Crispell, Marilyn: Free Flight. Live at Enjoy Jazz Festival 2010 / Marilyn Crispell; Erwin Ditzner; Sebastian Gramss. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Free flight. 2. Just right. 3. By my side. 4. Low light. 5. Valentine. Bibliothek: Mannheim Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones: Quatorze pieces de menace. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Brosme en dos-vert. 2. Nourrain quinquet. 3. Calbombe camoufle fretin. 4. Oribus sustente lingue. 5. L‘escolier serpent éolipile. 6. La ventrée rat de cave. 7. Il bamboche empereurs. 8. Ce- ladon bafre. 9. Ignescence black-bass recule. 10. Mange tanche. 11. Lampyre bonne chère. Bibliothek: Mannheim DJ Krush: Jaku. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1.Still Island. 2. Road to nowhere. 3. Nosferatu. 4. The be- ginning. 5. Transition. 6. Stormy cloud. 7.Univearth. 8. Decks-athron. 9. Kill swich. 10. Pretense. 11. Slit of cloud. 12. Passage. 13. Beyond raging waves. Bibliothek: Mannheim DJ Krush: Stepping stones – self remixed best. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Only the strong survive. 2. Kiro. 3. Vision of art. 4. Zen approach. 5. Final home. 6. Kill switch. 7. Nosferatu. 8. Song for John Walker. 9. Meiso. 10. Danger of love. 11. Shinji- ro. 12. Mosa. 13. Mosa. CD 2: 1. Intro. 2. Stormy cloud. 3. Elapse. 4. Trihedron. 5. Still island. 6. Endless railway. 7. Day‘s end. 8. Outro. 9. Duality. 10. Kemuri. 11. Drum. 12. Duck chase. 13. Bypath - Would you take it? Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
16 Dowland Project: Night Sessions / The Dowland Project; John Potter [tenor]. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. First descent. 2. Menino Jesus à lapa. 3. Recercar. 4. Can vei la lauzeta mover. 5. First triage. 6. Man in the moon. 7. Corpus Christi. 8. Whistling in the dark. 9. Swart merkerd smethes. 10. Fumeux fume. 11. Hortus ignotus. 12. Mystery play. 13. I sing of a maiden. 14 . Theoleptus 22. 15. Second descent. 16. Second triage. 17. Prelude. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Dowland Project: Romaria. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Got Schepfer aller Dingen. 2. Veris dulcis. 3. Pulcherrima rosa. 4. Ora pro nobis. 5. La lume. 6. Dulce solum. 7. Der oben swebt. 8. O beata infantia. 9. O rosa. 10. Saudade. 11. In flagellis. 12. Kyrie. 13. O beata infantia. 14. Credo. 15. Ein gut Preambel. 16. Sanctus. 17. Ein iberisch Postambel. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Dufay, Guillaume: Guillaume Dufay / The Hilliard Ensemble. – 1 CD. Enthält mehrstimmige Werke von Guillaume Dufay: Missa Se la face ay pale, Flos florum, Credo, Anima mea, Moribus, Sanctur et Benedictus, Vergene bella, Ave regina, Exultet celum laudibus. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Durchatmen. Musik aus nordischen Weiten / Silje Nergaard; Ketil Bjørnstad; Lisa Nilsson; Rebekka Bakken; Mari Boine u. v. a. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Echo Deutscher Musikpreis Jazz 2010 / Branford Marsalis u. a. – 2 CDs. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Echo Jazz 2011. Deutscher Musikpreis. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Sunday / Rusconi. 2. Storm in a teacup / Lyambiko. 3. Into the city / Brad Mehldau. 4. L.P. (For Les Paul) / Lee Ritenour. 5. Lost mind / Thomas Quasthoff. 6. Etude No.1 / Eric Schaefer. 7. Estelle / Heiko Fischer. 8. Everybody‘s got to learn sometime / Till Brönner. 9. Peace / Joachim & Rolf Kühn. 10. Behind the heartbeat / Nils Wogram Root 70. CD 2: 1. Song for Mrs. Jonathan Brisby / Tim Allhoff. 2. Breakfast in Bagdad / Youn Sun Nah. 3. Cha con Marimba / Omar Sosa. NDR Big Band. 4. Hallelujah, I love her so / David Sanborn. 5. The git go / Ray Anderson. 6. O Là / Dieter Ilg. 7. Brief eternity / Bobby McFerrin. 8. All blues / Heinz Sauer. 9. In water / [em] Wollny; Kruse; Schaefer. 10. Feedback Pt.2 / Jason Moran. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
17 Echo Jazz 2012.Deutscher Musikpreis. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Red / Lisbeth Quartett. 2. Bang my can / Pascal Schu- macher Quartet. 3. Steppin‘ out / Kurt Elling. 4. Rock your Baby / Joo Kraus & Tales in Tones Trio. 5. Dumaine St / Trombone Shorty. 6. The walls of Lechuguilla / Ambrose Akinmusire. 7. Vägen / Tingvall Trio. 8. Augen in der Großstadt / Jasmin Tabatabai. 9. Ostinato / Christian Elsässer. CD 2: 1. Der Wolf tanzt Cha-Cha-Cha / Götz Alsmann. 2. Aljamiado / Renaud García-Fons. 3. Der Panther II / Francis Drake; Max Frankl. 4. Passport / Joe Lovano. 5. Between / Magnus Öström. 6. Nightfly / André Nendza. 7. Caligula / Jonas Burgwinkel. 8. Sonnentierchen / Johannes Enders. 9. Klänge des Himmels / Joachim Kühn Trio & HR-Bigband. 10. Donna Lee (for Art Tatum) / Iiro Rantala. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Echo Jazz 2013. Deutscher Musikpreis. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Mira / Melody Gardot. 2. Alkebu lan / Christian Scott. 3. The room of imagination / Adam Baldych. 4. Bolero / Giovanni Weiss. 5. Mona Lisa liut / Caro Josée. 6. Ghana / Sebastian Sternal. 7. J. Mac / Kenny Garrett. 8. Der Schizophrene / Michael Schiefel. 9. The peacocks / Lutz Häfner. 10. La Sicilia / Bollani, Stefano & NDR BigBand. CD 2: 1.The star of a story / Vijay Iyer. 2. Filaments / Florian Weber. 3. Der Poet / Wolfgang Schlüter & NDR Bigband. 4. Baltimore / Malia. 5. Svenja / Bastian Jütte. 6. Goodbye sorrow / Nils Wülker. 7. Things have changed / Curtis Stigers. 8. Metal / Michael Wollny‘s [em]. 9. Le peuhl virtuel / Hans Lüdemann. 10. Bar Ballade / Sebastian Gramss. 11. Rudy-go-round / Brian Blade. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen [em]: Call it. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Wakey, wakey. 2. The mean spider of tandorine. 3. Thursday is the last day. 4. What wright left. 5. Bells. 6. Ictus. 7. Es sind Berge nicht länger Berge. 8. Mehr als einmal. 9. Tale. 10. Fatigue. Bibliothek: Mannheim [em]: 3. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Sempre Igor. 2. Arsène Somnabule. 3. Wo leichte Kähne fliehen. 4. Monsters: Symmetriads. 5. Ephemere Phone. 6. Love of her life. 7. Nocturne. 8. Kiyoshi. 9. Lautloser Adel. 10. What Kurtag left. 11. Grieg‘s last bow. 12. Gravité. 13. Redux. Bibliothek: Mannheim [em]: [em] Live. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Blüten. 2. Shelley. 3. Phlegma phighter. 4. Sov lilla Alma. 5. Kiyoshi. 6. In water. 7. Etude no 1. 8. Arsène somnambule. 9. Gorilla biscuits. 10. Break it. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
18 [em]: Wasted & wanted. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Wasted & wanted. 2. Symphony No V, Mov 1: Trauermarsch. 3. Metall. 4. Blank. 5. Kulintang. 6. Cembalo Mani- feszt. 7. Wasserklavier. 8. Ihr Bild. 9. Nr. 10. 10. Das Modell. 11. Dario. 12. Whiteout. Bonus CD: „Live at JazzFest Berlin 2011“: 1. Wasted & wanted. 2. Blank. 3. Metall. 4. The fearless vampire killers. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen [em]: II. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Bruder. 2. Phlegma phighter. 3. Funèbre. 4. Irradians. 5. Another Mr. Lizard. 6. Moving. 7. Takashi. 8. Schwester. 9. So will die Sonn‘ nun untergehen. 10. Walpurgisnacht. 11. Brizzle. 12. Rica. 13. Dance & Grow. 14. Schneefall. 15. Gorilla Biscuits. Bibliothek: Mannheim Emile Parisien Quartet: Au revoir Porc-Epic. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Poupée russe. 2. Le clown tueur de la fête foraine. 3. Hysm. 4. Pitét‘ le fil rouge. 5. Eskal. 6. Pterois volitan. 7. Au revoir porc-épic. 8. L‘amante religieuse. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Enjoy Jazz. Compilation. Vol. 1. A selection of the Enjoy Jazz Festival Program 2006 / The National Trust; Lou Rhodes; Hanne Hukkelberg; Ulrike Haage; Johnny La Marama; Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin; Susanne Abbuehl; Malene Mortensen u. a. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Enjoy Jazz. Compilation. Vol. 2. A selection of the Enjoy Jazz Festival Program 2007 / Kammer- flimmer Kollektief; Barbara Lahr; The Neil Cowley Trio; Battles Maya Homburger & Barry Guy; Dino Saluzzi & Anja Lechner u. a. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Ersahin, Ilhan: The other side / Ilhan Ersahin’s Wonderland featuring Husnu Sen- ledndriric, Gilberto Gil, Jane Birkin and Seyyal Taner. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Gocmenler. 2. Karsi Yaka. 3. Fathers & Daughters feat. Jane Birkin. 4. Labne. 5. Canimsin Deme Bana feat. Seyyal Taner. 6. Misirli Duke. 7. Harikasin Sen. 8. Estreito Largo feat. Gilberto Gil. 9. Egeli. 10. Bakis. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
19 F. à Leo. Hommage à Leó Ferré / progetto di Roberto Cipelli; con Roberto Cipelli; Paolo Fresu; Philippe Garcia; Gianmaria Testa; Attilio Zanchi. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Avec le temps. 2. Les forains. 3. A Saint Germain des près. 4. Lettura art poétique. 5. Vingt ans. 6. Lettura art poétique. 7. Les poétes. 8. F. 9. Lettura art poétique. 10. Free poétique. 11. Monsieur William. 12. Lettura art poétique. 13. L‘Adieu. 14. Lontano lontano. 15. Lettura art poétique. 16. Colloque sentimental. 17. Col tempo / Avec le temps. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Fly: Sky & Country / Fly with Mark Turner [saxophones]; Larry Grenadier [double-Bass]; Jeff Ballard [drums]. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Lady B. 2. Sky & country. 3. Elena Berenjena. 4. CJ. 5. Dharma Days. 6. Anandananda. 7. Perla Morena. 8. Transfigured. 9. Super sister. Bibliothek: Mannheim Foster, Frank: Frank Foster und das Jazzorchester der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Heidelberg-Mannheim / com- posed, arranged and conducted by Frank Foster. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Foster, Ruthie Promise of a brand new day. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Singing the blues. 2. Let me know. 3. My kinda lover. 4. The ghetto. 5. Outlaw. 6. Second coming. 7. It might not be right. 8. Learning to fly. 9. Believe. 10. Brand new day. Bibliothek: Mannheim Fresu, Paolo: The Blue Note years. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Kosmopolites. 2. Spazi Provvisori. 3. The silent trade. 4. T.R.E.A.P. 5. Yara. 6. O.F.T. 7. 20th. Incantamento. 8. Respiro. 9. Like cab. 10. DB thinking. 11. Cronache mancate. 12. Gallantry. 13. Rosso, verde, giallo e blu. 14. Ulixes. 15. Sull‘estremo confine del mare. 16. Rock. CD 2: 1. Si dolce è il tormento. 2. Cheney‘s dick. 3. Frammento de coraggioso. 4. Sonia said. 5. Fellini. 6. Solar. 7. Il tempo del sogno. 8. Devil‘s game, Labbra biancha (Medley). 9. Il diavolo e l‘acquasanta. 10. Another road to Timbuctu. 11. Lascia ch‘lo oiango. 12.Think. 13. Ossi. 14. Tema celeste. 15. Blood money. 16. In memoriam. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
20 Fresu, Paolo; Castri, Furio di: Evening song. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Intro per Stella. 2. Stella by Starlight. 3. El Barrio. 4. Don‘t open here. 5. Una notte sul divano. 6. Ossi di seppia. 7. My funny Valentine. 8. Evening song. 9. Il sogno del Pescecane. 10. Intro per un Basso nel Buio. 11. Un Basso nel Buio. 12. Maree. 13. Rolling car. 14. Stratotrumpet Blues. Bibliothek: Mannheim Fresu, Paolo; Sosa, Omar: Alma / Paolo Fresu & Omar Sosa featuring Jaques Morelenbaum. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. S‘inguldo. 2. Inverno grigio. 3. No trance. 4. Alma. 5. Angustia. 6. Crepuscolo. 7. Moon on the sky. 8. Old d blues. 9. Niños, Nenia. 10. Under African skies. 11. Rimanere grande! Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Garbarek, Jan: I took up the runes. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Gula Gula. 2. Molde Canticle (Part 1). 3. Molde Canticle (Part 2). 4. Molde Canticle (Part 3). 5. Molde Canticle (Part 4). 6. Molde Canticle (Part 5). 7. His eyes were suns. 8. I took up the runes. 9. Bueno hora, bueno vientos. 10. Rahkki sruvvis. Bibliothek: Mannheim Garbarek, Jan: In praise of dreams / Jan Garbarek. Kim Kashkashinen [viola]; Manu Katché [drums]. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. As seen from above. 2. In praise of dreams. 3. One goes there alone. 4. Knot of place and time. 5. If you go far enough. 6. Scene from afar. 7. Cloud of unknowing. 8. Without visible sign. 9. Iceburn. 10. Conversation with a stone. 11. A tale begun. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Garbarek, Jan: Madar / Jan Garbarek [tenor and soprano saxophones]; Anouar Brahem [oud]; Shaukat Hussain [tabla]. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Sull lull. 2. Madar. 3. Sebika. 4. Bahia. 5. Ramy. 6. Jaw. 7. Joron. 8. Quaws. 9. Epilogue. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Garbarek, Jan: Magico – Carta de Amor / Jan Garbarek; Egberto Gismonti; Charlie Haden. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Carta de amor. 2. La pasionaria. 3. Cego aderaldo. 4. Folk song. 5. Don Quixote. 6. Spor. CD 2: 1. Branquinho. 2. All that is beautiful. 3. Palhaço. 4 . Two folk songs. 5. Carta de Amor, var. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen
21 Garbarek, Jan: Mnemosyne. Improvisations about old music in rarely complete pieces. / Jan Garbarek. The Hilliard Ensemble. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: 1. Quechua song. 2. O Lord in thee is all mytrust. 3. Estonian lullaby. 4. Remember me my dear. 5. Gloria. 6. Fayrfax Africanus. 7. Agnus dei. 8. Novus novus. 9. Se je fayz dueil. 10. O ignis spiritus. 11. Alleluja nativitatis. 12. Delphic paean. 13. Strophe and counter- strophe. 14. Mascarades. 15. Loiterando. 16. Estonian lullaby. 17. Russian psalm. 18. Eagle dance. 19. When Jesus wept. 20. Hymn to the sun. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Garbarek, Jan: Officium. Based on vocal works of the 13.–16. century / Jan Gar- barek. The Hilliard Ensemble. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Parce mihi domine. 2. Primo tempore. 3. Sanctus. 4. Reg- nantem sempiterna. 5. O salutaris hostia. 6. Procedentem sponsum. 7. Pulcherrima rosa. 8. Parce mihi domine. 9. Beata viscera. 10. De spineto nata rosa. 11. Credo. 12. Ave maris stella. 13. Virgo flagellatur. 14. Oratio Ieremiae. 15. Parce mihi domine. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Garbarek, Jan: Officium Novum. The Hilliard Ensemble. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Ov zamranali. 2. Svjete tihij. 3. Allting finns. 4. Litany. 5. Surp. 6. Most holy mother of god. 7. Tres morillas m‘enamoran. 8. Sirt im sasani. 9. Hays hark. 10. Alleluia, nativitas. 11. We are the stars. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Garbarek, Jan: Ragas and Sagas / Jan Garbarek; Ustad Fateh Ali Khan & Musicians from Pakistan. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Garbarek, Jan: Rarum 2 – selected recordings. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: 1. Skyril & hyl. 2. Viddene. 3. Iskirken. 4. Lillekort. 5. The path. 6. It’s ok to listen to the gray voice. 7. All those born with wings, 3rd piece. 8. Its name is secret road. 9. Aichuri, the song man. 10. Molde canticle, part 1. 11. Raga I. 12. Twelve moons. 13. Red wind. 14. Windsong. 15. Belonging. 16. Oceanus. 17. My song. 18. Sunshine song. 19. Cego aderaldo. 20. Song for everyone. 21. Rosensfole. 22. Star. 23. Joron. 24. Parce mihi domine. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
22 Garbarek, Jan: Rites. – 2 CDs. Trackliste: CD 1: 1. Rites. 2. Where the rivers meet. 3. Vast plain, clouds. 4. So mild the wind, so meek the water. 5. Song, tread lightly. 6. It`s ok to listen to the gray voice. 7. Her wild ways. CD 2: 1. It`s high time. 2. One Ying for every Yang. 3. Pan. 4. We are the stars. 5. The moon over Mtatsminda. 6. Malinye. 7. The white clown. 8. Evenly they danced. 9. Last rite. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Garbarek, Jan: Rosensfole. Medieval songs from Norway / Agnes Buen Garnås; Jan Garbarek. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Innferd. 2. Rosenfole. 3. Margjit og Targjei Risvollo. 4. Maalfri mi fruve. 5. Venelite. 6. Stolt oli. 7. Signe lita. 8. Lillebroer og Storebroer. 9. Grisilla. 10. Utferd. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Garbarek, Jan: Star / Jan Garbarek; Miroslav Vitous; Peter Erskine. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Star. 2. Jumper. 3. Lamenting. 4. Anthem. 5. Roses for you. 6. Clouds in the mountain. 7. Snowman. 8. The music of my people. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Garbarek, Jan: Triptykon / Jan Garbarek; Arild Andersen; Edward Vesala. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Rim. 2. Selje. 3. J.E.V. Sang. 4. Etu Hei! 5. Bruremarsj. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Garbarek, Jan: Visible world. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Red wind. 2. The creek. 3. The survivor. 4. The healing smoke. 5. Visible world - chiaro. 6. Desolate mountains I. 7. Deso- late mountains II. 8. Visible world - scuro. 9. Giuletta. 10. Desolate mountains III. 11. Pygmy lullaby. 12. The quest. 13. The arrow. 14. The scythe. 15. Evening land. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Garbarek, Jan: Works. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Folk Song. 2. Skrik + Hyl. 3. Passing. 4. Selje. 5. Viddene. 6. Snipp, Snapp, Snute. 7. Beast of Kommodo. 8. Svevende. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Genießer-Lounge. Nordic Atmosphere / Maria Mena; Sophie Zelmani; Sanne Salomonsen; Rebekka Bakken; Silje Nergaard u. a. – 2 CDs. Bibliothek: Mannheim
23 Gesualdo, Carlo: Quinto Libro di Madrigali / Gesualdo da Venosa. The Hilliard Ensemble. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Gesualdo, Carlo: Tenebrae / Gesualdo. Hilliard Ensemble. – 2 CDs. Enthält außerdem: Feria V. Feria VI. Sabbato sancto. Benedictus. Miserere. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Glasper, Robert: Black radio – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Lift off (Mic Check). 2. Afro blue. 3. Cherish the day. 4. Always shine. 5. Gonna be alright (F.T.B.). 6. Move love. 7. Ah yeah. 8. The consequences of jealousy. 9. Why do we try. 10. Black radio. 11. Letter to Hermione. 12. Smells like teen spirit. 13. Fever. Bibliothek: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Glasper, Robert: Black radio 2. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Baby tonight (Black Radio 2 Theme/Mic Check 2). 2. I stand alone [feat. Common, Patrick Stump]. 3. What are we doing [feat. Brandy]. 4. Calls [feat. Jill Scott]. 5. Worries [feat. Dwele]. 6. Trust [feat. Marsha Ambrosius]. 7. Yet to find [feat. Anthony Hamilton]. 8. You own me [feat. Faith Evans]. 9. Let it ride [feat. Norah Jones]. 10. Persevere [feat. Snoop Dogg, Lupe Fiasco, Luke James]. 11. Somebody else [feat. Emeli Sandé]. 12. Jesus children [feat. Lalah Hathaway, Malcolm Jamal Warner] Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Glasper, Robert: Double booked. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Intro. 2. No worries. 3. Yes I‘m country (and that‘s ok). 4. Downtime. 5. 59 South. 6. Think of one. 7. 4eva. 8. Butterfly. 9. Festival. 10. For you. 11. All matter. 12. Open mind. Bibliothek: Mannheim Gloaming: The Gloaming. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Song 44. 2. Allistrum‘s March. 3. The necklace of wrens. 4. The girl woh broke my heart. 5. Freedom /Saoirse. 6. The sailor‘s bonnet. 7.The old bush. 8.Opening set. 9. Hunting the squirrel. 10. Sambradh, sambradh Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
24 Die Glorreichen Sieben: Keep on rockin‘ in the free world. A tribute to Neil Young / Die Glorreichen Sieben. Kalle Kalima; Flo Götte; Christian Lillinger; Alfred Vogel. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Zimtmädchen (Cinnamon girl). 2. Heart of gold. 3. Ready for the country. 4. After the Goldrush. 5. Words (with kids). 6. Welt, rocken. 7. Like a hurricane. 8. Round and round. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Graf, Christian: Lexikon der Singer & Songwriter. Vom Protestsong zum Neo-Folk – Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Tim Buckley, Neil Young, Tom Waits, Shawn Colvin, Phil Ochs, Sheryl Crow, Judy Collins, Stephen Stills, Alanis Morissette. – Buch, 448 Seiten. Bibliothek: Mannheim Gramss, Sebastian: Atopie. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Fluidum. 2. Voyager. 3. Fispern. 4. Was ist da. 5. Research I. 6. Research II. 7. calmo. 8. Beamen. 9. Prospect park. 10. Im Saft. 11. Wispeln. 12. Research III. 13. Research IV. 14. Autark. 15. Calmando. 16. Sympathetic. 17. Das ist...was. 18. Experiment. 19. Stehgreif. 20. Tranquillo. Bibliothek: Mannheim Gramss, Sebastian: Fossile 3. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Guillaume de Machault: Motets / Hilliard Ensemble. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Gurtu, Trilok: Bad habits die hard / Trilok Gurtu featuring The Crazy Saints Andy Emler, Chris Minh Doky, David Gilmore with special guest Bill Evans, Mark Feldman. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. 21 Spices. 2. Bad boys. 3. Returning home. 4. Siddhi. 5. Watapa. 6. Bad habbits die hard. 7. Carlinhos. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Gurtu, Trilok: Believe / Trilok Gurtu‘s Crazy Saints. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Manini. 2. Tillana. 3. Ballad for 2 musicians. 4. Other tune. 5. Blessing in disuise. 6. Crazy saints. 7. No discrimination. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
25 Gurtu, Trilok: Broken Rhythms. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Broken Rhythms. 2. Kabir. 3. Nine horses. 4. Beyond. 5. Sohum. 6. Vignola. 7. Dubash Lane. 8. The way to Bamganga. Bibliothek: Mannheim Gurtu, Trilok: The glimpse / Trilok Gurtu. Lars Danielsson; Paolo Fresu. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Cherry town. 2. Beaucoup.3. Law years. 4. A ilha do caju. 5. Future heat. 6. Glimpse. 7. Don. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Gurtu, Trilok: Kathak / Trilok Gurtu feat. Neneh Cherry & Steve Lukather. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Ganapati. 2. You, remember his. 3. Seven brings return. 4. Shunyai. 5. Who knows the mind. 6. Kathak. 7. Brazilian. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Gurtu, Trilok: Living magic. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Baba. 2. Living magic. 3. Once I wished a tree upside down. 4. Transition. 5. From scratch. 6. Tmnok. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Gurtu, Trilok: Massical. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Seven notes to heaven. 2. Bridges. 3. Mumbai shuffle. 4. Havatight. 5. Drive in. 6. Monk–e–desh. 7. Kuruksetra. 8. Pathri. 9. Etnosur. 10. Massical. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Gurtu, Trilok: Spellbound / Trilok Gurtu. With Paolo Fresu; Hasan Gözetlik; Matthias Höfs; Ibrahim Maalouf; Nils Petter Molvaer; Matthias Schriefl. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Improvisation live: Don Cherry & Trilok Gurtu. 2. Manteca. 3. Jack Johnson / Black satin. 4. Cuckoo. 5. Berchidda. 6. Like popcorn. 7. Haunting. 8. Universal mother. 9. Spellbound. 10. All blues. 11. Cosmic roundabout / Brown rice. 12. Thank you by Don Cherry. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Gurtu, Trilok: 21 Spices / NDR Bigband; Trilok Gurtu with Simon Phillips; Jörg Achim Keller. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Peace of five. 2. 1–2 Beaucoup. 3. Kuruk Setra.4. Balahto. 5. Broken rhythms. 6. Jhulelal. 7. 21 spices. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
26 Gurtu, Trilok: Usfret / Trilok Gurtu with Shobha Gurtu. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Shobharock. 2. Shangri La/Usfret. 3. OM. 4. Deep tri. 5. Goose bumps. 6. Milo. 7. Inner voice. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Gustavsen, Tord: Changing Places. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Deep as love. 2. Graceful touch. 3. Ign. 4. Melted matter. 5. At a glance. 6. Song of yearning. 7. Turning point. 8. Interlude. 9. Where breathing starts. 10. Going places. 11. Your eyes. 12. Gracefull touch (Alternate take). 13. Song of yearning (Piano solo). Bibliothek: Mannheim Gustavsen, Tord: Restored, Returned. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. The child within. 2. Way in. 3. Lay your sleeping head, my love. 4. Spiral song. 5. Restored, returned. 6. Left over lullaby no.2. 7. The wwirl / Wrapped in a yielding air. 8. Left over lullaby no.1 / O stand, stand at the window. 9. Your crooked heart. 10. The gaze. 11. Left over lullaby no.3. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Gustavsen, Tord: The Well / Tord Gustavsen Quartet. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Prelude. 2. Playing. 3. Suite. 4 . Communion. 5. Circling. 6. Glasgow intro. 7. On every corner. 8. The well. 9. Communion, var.. 10. Intuition. 11. Inside. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Haden, Charlie: Come Sunday / Charlie Haden; Hank Jones. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Take my hand precious Lord. 2. God rest ye merry gentlemen. 3. Down by the riverside. 4. Going home. 5. Blessed assurance. 6. It came upon the midnight clear. 7. Bringing in the sheaves. 8. Deep river. 9. Give me that old time religion. 10. Sweet hour of prayer. 11. The old rugged cross. 12. Were you there when they crucified my Lord. 13. Nearer my god to thee. 14 . Come Sunday. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Haden, Charlie: Family & friends: Rambling boy. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Single girl, married girl (feat. The Haden Triplets). 2. Rambling boy (feat. Vince Gill). 3. 20/20 vision (feat. Bruce Hornsby). 4. Wildwood flower (feat. Rosanne Cash). 5. Spiritual (feat Josh Haden). 6. Oh, take me back (feat. Rachel Haden & Tanya Haden). 7. You win again (feat. Elvis Costello). 8. The fields of athenry (feat. Petra Haden). 9. Ocean of diamonds (feat. Dan Tyminski). 10. He‘s gone away (feat. Tanya Haden). 11. A voice from high (feat. The Haden Triplats). 12. Down by the Salley Gardens (feat. Ruth
27 Cameron). 13. Road of broken hearts (feat. Ricky Skaggs). 14. Is this America? (Katrina 2005) (feat. Pat Metheny). 15. Tramp on the street (feat. Rachel Haden). 16. Old Joe Clark (feat. Jack Black). 17. Seven year blues (feat. The Haden Triplets). 18. Old Haden family show 1939. 19. Oh Shenandoah (feat. Charlie Haden). Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Haden, Charlie: Heartplay / Charlie Haden [double bass]; Antonio Forcione [guitar]. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Anna. 2. If .... 3. La pasionaria. 4. Snow. 5. Silence. 6. Child‘s song. 7. Nocturne. 8. For turiya. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Haden, Charlie: Land of the sun / Charlie Haden. With Gonzalo Rubalcaba [piano, percussion]. – 1 CD . Trackliste: 1. Fuiste tú (It was you). 2. Sueño sólo con tu amor (I only dream of your love). 3. Canción de cuna a Patricia (Lullaby for Patricia). 4. Solamente una vez (You belong to my heart). 5. Nos- talgia. 6. De siempre (Forever). 7. Añoranza (Longing). 8. Cuando te podré-olvidar (When will I forget you). 9. Esta tarde vi llover (Yesterday I heard the rain). 10. Canción a Paola (Paola‘s song). Bibliothek: Mannheim Haden, Charlie: Night and the City / Charlie Haden; Kenny Barron. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Twilight song. 2. For heaven‘s sake. 3. Spring is here. 4. Body and soul. 5. You don‘t know what love is. 6. Waltz for Ruth. 7. The very thought of you. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Haden, Charlie: Rambling Boy / Charlie Haden. Family & Friends. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Single girl, married girl. 2. Rambling boy. 3. 20/20 Vision. 4. Wildwood flower. 5. Spiritual. 6. Oh take me back. 7. You win. 8. The fields of athenry. 9. Ocean of diamonds. 10. He‘s gone away. 11. A voice from on high. 12. Down by the Salley Gardens. 13. Road of broken hearts. 14. Is this America? (Katrina 2005). 15. A tramp on the street. 16. Old Joe Clark. 17. Seven year blues. 18. Old Haden Family Show. 19. Shenandoah. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Haden, Charlie: Sophisticated Ladies / Charlie Haden Quartet West. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. If I‘m lucky. 2. Sophisticated lady. 3. Ill wind. 4. Today I am a man. 5. My love and I. 6. Theme from „Markham“. 7. Let‘s call it a day. 8. Angel face. 9. A love like this. 10. My old flame. 11. Goodbye. 12. Wahoo. Bibliothek: Heidelberg
28 Charlie Haden Liberation Music Orchestra: Dream keeper / Charlie Haden and The Liberation Music Orche- stra. With the Oakland Youth Chorus; Arrangements by Carla Bley. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Dream Keeper. 2. Rabo de Nube. 3. Nkosi Sikelel‘i Afrika. 4. Sandino. 5. Spiritual. Bibliothek: Mannheim Charlie Haden Liberation Music Orchestra: Not in our name. This album pulls together a wide range of music by Pat Metheny, Bill Frisell, Ornette Coleman and many others. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Not in our name. 2. This is not America. 3. Blue anthem. 4. America is beautiful. 5. Amacing grace. 6. Goin‘ home. 7. Throughout. 8. Adagio. Bibliothek: Mannheim Charlie Haden Quartet West: Always say goodbye. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Introduction. 2. Always say goodbye. 3. Nice eyes. 4. Relaxin‘ at Camarillo. 5. Sunset afternoon. 6. My love and I. 7. Alone together. 8. Our Spanish love song. 9. Background music. 10. Ou es-tu, mon amour? 11. Avenue of stars. 12. Low key lightly. 13. Celia. 14. Everything happens to me. 15. Ending. Bibliothek: Mannheim Charlie Haden Quartet West: Haunted heart. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Introduction. 2. Hello my lovely. 3. Haunted heart. 4. Dance of the infidels. 5. The long goodbye. 6. Moonlight serenade. 7. Lennies pennies. 8. Ev‘ry time we say goodbye. 9. Lady in the lake. 10. Segment. 11. The bad and the beautiful. 12. Deep. Bibliothek: Mannheim Charlie Haden Quartet West: Now is the hour. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Here‘s looking at you. 2. The left hand of god. 3. Re- quiem. 4. Back home blues. 5. There in a dream. 6. All through the night. 7. Detour ahead. 8. Blue pearl. 9. When tomorrow comes. 10. Palo alto. 11. Marables‘s parable. 12. Now is the hour. Bibliothek: Mannheim Haffner, Wolfgang: Zooming / Wolfgang Haffner; Rebekka Bakken; Till Brönner; Lars Danielsson. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Zooming. 2. The day before yesterday. 3. Trip. 4. Somewhere else. 5. Facing west. 6. Metropolis. 7. Shape of peace. 8. Mom’s dance. 9. Seventy five. 10. Corazón. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen
29 Held, Pablo: Elders / Pablo Held; Robert Landfermann; Jonas Burgwinkel; Jason Seizer; Domenic Landolf; Ronny Graupe. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Morning hour. 2. Hunters. 3. Poem number five. 4. Work song. 5. Secreto. 6. Nana. 7. The elders. 8. Pastorale. 9. Marcie. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Held, Pablo: Music / Pablo Held; Robert Landfermann; Jonas Burgwinkel. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Encore. 2. I have a dream. 3. Desire. 4. Moon 44. 5. O sacrum convivium. 6. Nearness. 7. Log lady. 8. Music. 9. Klartraum.10. Arista. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Herman, Yaron: Alter ego / Yaron Herman; Emile Parisien; Logan Richardson; Stéphane Kerecki; Ziv Ravitz. – 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Atlas and Axis. 2. Mojo. 3. Heart break through. 4. Your eyes. 5. La confusion sexuelle des papillons. 6. Ukolébavka (Wiegen- lied). 7. From Afar. 8. Sunbath. 9. Hatikva. 10. Mechanical brothers. 11. Madeleine. 12. Kaos. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Hilliard Ensemble: Lassus. – 1 CD. Enthält: Missa pro defunctis / Orlando di Lasso. Prophetiae Sibylla- rum / Orlando di Lasso. Bibliothek: Mannheim Hilliard Ensemble: The Hilliard sound. Renaissance masterpieces from Ockeghem, Desprez, Lassus. – 3 CDs. Bibliothek: Mannheim Hörvergnügen / Presented by the Association for Jazz and world music made in Germany. 10. / Stefanie Neigel; Jürgen Hagenlocher; Martin Tingvall; Yakou Tribe; Dánjal; Underkarl; Unterbiberger Hofmusik; Caroll Vanwelden. – 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Hoskyns, Barney: Tom Waits. Ein Leben am Straßenrand. – Buch, 591 Seiten. Bibliothek: Mannheim Hoskyns, Barney: Tom Waits. Ein Leben am Straßenrand. – E-Book zum Download. Dateiformat: epub. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim
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