Smart tests as essential elements in the fight against COVID-19 Michael Wagner, University of Vienna Centre for Microbiology ...
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31.10.20 Smart tests as essential elements in the fight against COVID-19 Michael Wagner, University of Vienna Centre for Microbiology 1 Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science 2 1
31.10.20 in the US Seasonality of common cold coronaviruses jm.25700 3 In my opinion Germany, Austria and many other Szenario 2: Kontaktbeschränkungen und andere Maßnahmen werden so gewählt, dass Rt im Bereich von 1 bleibt. countries did not Hauptnachteil dieses Szenarios ist, dass sich die Kontaktbeschränkungen, chose the right die notwendig sind, um Rt im Bereich von 1 zu halten…über Jahre hinziehen dürften. strategy…. Szenario 3: Die Kontaktbeschränkungen werden zunächst weitergeführt und durch flankierende Maßnahmen begleitet, so dass Rt dauerhaft und deutlich unter den Wert von 1 sinkt. Nach Erreichen des Zielwerts könnte man die Maßnahmen schrittweise aufheben. Aber auch dann muss mit geeigneten Maßnahmen eine erneute Ausbreitung verhindert werden. Dazu ist eine deutlich ausgeweitete Test-Strategie unerlässlich, um neue Fälle früh entdecken und gegebenenfalls wirksam gegensteuern zu können. jm.25700 4 2
31.10.20 Austria needs more and smarter testing jm.25700 5 For a comparison… 11 Mio tests in 5 days by pooling & RT-qPCR jm.25700 6 3
31.10.20 VCDI 6.000 tests per day Large scale Alwin Köhler Johannes Zuber Petra Pjevac Robert Heinen coronavirus monitoring at Vienna Smart design to use RT-qPCR for screening Turnaround time: 24 h (faster possible) jm.25700 7 RT-qPCR with multiple primer pairs has no problem with false positive results but false negatives occur jm.25700 8 4
31.10.20 Gargling works as well as swabs, but has many advantages jm.25700 9 Gargling works as well as swabs, but has many advantages jm.25700 10 5
31.10.20 Difference plot of Ct values of throat swab versus gargle samples Gargling works as well as swabs, but has many advantages jm.25700 Journal of Virological Methods 248 (2017) 83–86 11 Gargling works as well as swabs, but has many advantages jm.25700 12 6
31.10.20 5.100 gargling tests performed in pilot school study Pooling increases test capacity jm.25700 13 Sentinel surveillance system based on 250 Austrian Schools Pooling increases test capacity 14.000 pupils and 1200 teachers will be tested 10 times in the next school year jm.25700 14 7
31.10.20 RT-qPCR Antigen tests RT-qPCR Antigen testing jm.25700 15 RT-qPCR Antigen tests jm.25700 16 8
31.10.20 SARS-CoV-2 is infectious via droplets, aerosols and smear infection Avoid indoor meetings (especially without masks) Wear masks - Distance alone is insufficient Gyms, bars, indoor dining, churches, choirs, cruise ships etc. are hotspots of infection jm.25700 17 SARS-CoV-2 is infectious via droplets, aerosols and smear infection Avoid indoor meetings (especially without masks) Wear masks - Distance alone is insufficient Gyms, bars, indoor dining, churches, choirs, cruise ships etc. are hotspots of infection jm.25700 18 9
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