Manfred Liebel Selected publications, Auswahl an Publikationen (2003-2020)

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Manfred Liebel
Selected publications, Auswahl an Publikationen

Eine vollständige Publikationsliste (Bücher von 1990-2020, Artikel und Aufsätze
von 2015-19), sowie eine vollständige Liste von Liebel’s Publikationen von
1963-2005 kann von der Webseite des Studiengangs MA Childhood Studies and
Children’s Rights (MACR) an der Fachhochschule Potsdam heruntergeladen
werden (unter Literatur).

A complete list of publications (books from 1990 and articles/essays from 2015-
2019) and a complete list of publications from 1963- 20051 can be downloaded
from the MA Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights‘ website: (Literature).

The list of publications from 1963-2005 is taken from:
Bernd Overwien (Hrsg.): Von sozialen Subjekten. Kinder und Jugendliche in verschiede-
     nen Welten. Für Manfred Liebel zum 65. Geburtstag. Frankfurt a.M./London: IKO –
     Verlag für interkulturelle Kommunikation, 2005).

Bücher/Books (seit/from 2003)

Infancia y Trabajo. Para una mejor comprensión de los niños y niñas trabajadores de dife-
     rentes culturas y continentes. Lima: Ifejant, 2003.
A Will of Their Own. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Working Children. London & New
     York: Zed Books, 2004.
Kinder im Abseits. Kindheit und Jugend in fremden Kulturen. Weinheim & München: Ju-
     venta, 2005.
(Ed. with Gabriele Rohmann): Entre Fronteras – Grenzgänge. Jugendkulturen in Mexiko.
     Berlin: Archiv der Jugendkulturen Verlag, 2006.

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© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature 2020
R. Budde und U. Markowska-Manista (eds.), Childhood and Children,s Rights
between Research and Activism,
264                                                                         Manfred Liebel

Malabaristas del Siglo XXI. Los niños y niñas trabajadores frente a la globalización. Li-
     ma: Ifejant, 2006.
Entre protección y emancipación. Derechos de la infancia y políticas sociales. Madrid:
     Universidad Complutense, Experto de Infancia y Políticas Sociales, 2006 (= Serie
     Teoría, Vol. 1).
Wozu Kinderrechte. Grundlagen und Perspektiven. In collaboration with Beatrice Hun-
     gerland, Anja Liesecke, Claudia Lohrenscheit & Albert Recknagel. Weinheim &
     München: Juventa, 2007.
(Ed. with Beatrice Hungerland, Brian Milne & Anne Wihstutz): Working to Be Someone.
     Child Focused Research and Practice with Working Children. London & Philadel-
     phia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.
Kinderrechte – aus Kindersicht. Wie Kinder weltweit zu ihrem Recht kommen. Berlin &
     Münster: LIT, 2009.
(Ed. with Marta Martínez Muñoz): Infancia y Derechos Humanos. Hacia una ciudadanía
     participante y protagónica. Prólogo de Norberto Liwski. Lima: Ifejant, 2009.
Enfants, Droits et Citoyenneté. Faire émerger la perspective des enfants sur leurs droits. In
     collaboration with Pierrine Robin and Iven Saadi. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2010.
(Ed. with Roland Lutz): Sozialarbeit des Südens, Band 3 – Kindheiten und Kinderrechte.
     Oldenburg: Paulo Freire Verlag, 2010.
(With Lourdes Gaitán): Ciudadanía y Derechos de Participación de los Niños. Madrid:
     Universidad Pontificia Comillas & Editorial Síntesis, 2011.	
Children’s Rights from Below: Cross-cultural perspectives. In collaboration with Karl
     Hanson, Iven Saadi & Wouter Vandenhole. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.	
Kinder und Gerechtigkeit. Über Kinderrechte neu nachdenken. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz
     Juventa, 2013.
(Ed. in the name of the European Master in Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights):
     Janusz Korczak – Pionier der Kinderrechte. Ein internationales Symposium. Berlin
     & Münster: LIT Verlag Dr. W. Hopf, 2013.
Niñez y Justicia Social. Repensando sus derechos. Santiago de Chile: Pehuén Editores,
Kinderinteressen. Zwischen Paternalismus und Partizipation. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz
     Juventa, 2015.
(Ed. with Antonella Invernizzi, Brian Milne & Rebecca Budde): ‘Children Out of Place’
     and Human Rights. In Memory of Judith Ennew. New York: Springer Nature, 2017.
(With Urszula Markowska-Manista): PRAWA DZIECKA w kontekście międzykulturo-
     wości. Janusz Korczak na nowo odczytywany [Kinderrechte in interkulturellen Kon-
     texten. Nachdenken über Janusz Korczak]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pe-
     dagogiki Specjalnej, 2017.
Postkoloniale Kindheiten. Zwischen Ausgrenzung und Widerstand. Weinheim & Basel:
     Beltz Juventa, 2017.
Infancias Dignas, o cómo descolonizarse. Lima: Editorial Ifejant; Buenos Aires: Editorial
     El Colectivo; Mexiko-Stadt: Bajo Tierra Ediciones, 2019.
Unerhört. Kinder und Macht. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz Juventa, 2020.
Kindheit und Arbeit. Zur politischen Subjektivität arbeitender Kinder (second, updated
     edition from 2001). Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Barbara Budrich, 2020.
Decolonizing Childhoods. From Exclusion to Dignity. Bristol: Policy Press, 2020.
Selected publications, Auswahl an Publikationen (2003-2020)                             265

Aufsätze/Essays (Auswahl/Selection 2010–Sept. 2019)

(With Iven Saadi): Participation in the traps of cultural diversity. In: Barry Percy-Smith &
      Nigel Thomas (Eds.): A Handbook of Children and Young People’s Participation.
      Perspectives from theory and practice. London & New York: Routledge, 2010, pp.
Politische Bildung und Fallstricke der Partizipation von Kindern. In: Christian Geißler &
      Bernd Overwien (Eds.): Elemente einer zeitgemäßen politischen Bildung. Berlin &
      Münster: LIT, 2010, pp. 43-54.
Organización infantil y co-protagonismo de adultos, in: Rayuela – Revista Iberoamerica-
      na sobre Niñez y Juventud en Lucha por sus Derechos, vol. 1, núm. 2, Mayo 2010,
      pp. 70-80.
Diskriminiert, weil sie Kinder sind – Ein blinder Fleck im Umgang mit Menschenrechten,
      in: Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 5. Jg., 2010, H. 3, pp. 307-319.
Kinderrechte und Staatenpflichten – Überlegungen zum Verständnis der Kinderrechte als
      subjektive Rechte, in: neue praxis, 40. Jg., 2010, H. 4, pp. 392-404.
Staat oder soziale Bewegung? Überlegungen zu einem basisorientierten und lokalisierten
      Umgang mit Kinderrechten. In: Manfred Liebel & Ronald Lutz (Eds.): Sozialarbeit
      des Südens, Band 3 – Kindheiten und Kinderrechte. Oldenburg: Paulo Freire Verlag,
      2010, pp. 47-66.
Eigensinnige Wege – Kinder in Straßensituationen. In: Margherita Zander (Ed.): Hand-
      buch Resilienzförderung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2011, pp. 532-554.
Soziale Ungleichheit und Jugendprotest in Lateinamerika, in: Arne Schäfer, Matthias D.
      Witte, Uwe Sander (Eds.): Kulturen jugendlichen Aufbegehrens. Jugendprotest und
      soziale Ungleichheit. Weinheim & München: Juventa, 2011, pp. 137-149.
Bürgerschaft und Partizipation in der Menschenrechtsbildung mit Kindern. In: Sozialwis-
      senschaftliche Literatur Rundschau, 34. Jg., 2011, H. 62, pp. 41-51.
Gewährte oder erkämpfte Rechte? Wie Kinderrechte zu Rechten der Kinder werden kön-
      nen. In: Gerd Steffens & Edgar Weiß (Eds.): Jahrbuch für Pädagogik 2011: Men-
      schenrechte und Bildung. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, pp. 213-228.
Derechos de la infancia y obligaciones del Estado: Consideraciones sobre el entendimien-
      to de los derechos de la infancia como derechos subjetivos. En Mónica González-
      Contró (Ed.): Los derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes en México. 20 años de la
      Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño. México, D. F.: Porrúa/IIJ-UNAM, 2011.
Children's Social Movements. In: Heather Montgomery (Ed.): Oxford Bibliographies
      Online: Childhood Studies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Child-Led Organizations and the Advocacy of Adults: Experiences from Bangladesh and
      Nicaragua. In: Michael Freeman (Ed.): Law and Childhood Studies: Current Legal
      Issues Volume 14. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 92-103.
Children’s Work, Education and Agency: The African Movement of Working Children
      and Youth (AMWCY). In: Gerd Spittler & Michael Bourdillon (Eds.): African Chil-
      dren at Work: Working and Learning in Growing Up for Life. Zürich & Berlin: LIT,
      2012, pp. 303-332.
Kindeswohl und Wohlbefinden der Kinder. Zur deutschen Debatte um Kindergerechtig-
      keit. In: deutsche jugend, 60. Jg., 2012, H. 6, pp. 269-278.
Children’s Rights as Living Rights: Why Human Rights Only Make Sense if They are
      Connected to the Lives of Children. In: Revista de Asistenţă Socială (Social Work
266                                                                         Manfred Liebel

      Review), Universitatae din Bucureşti, Facultatae de Sociologie şi Asistenţă Socială,
      11. Jg., 2012, Nr. 2, pp. 13-26.
(With Philip Meade & Iven Saadi): Brauchen Kinder ein Recht zu arbeiten? Kindheits-
      konzepte und Kinderarbeit, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 62. Jg., 2012, Heft
      43, pp. 35-41.
Los riesgos de la protección. Protección de niños a la luz de los derechos de la infancia.
      In: Osvaldo Torres G. (Ed.): Niñez y Ciudadanía 02/2012. Santiago de Chile:
      Pehuén, 2012, pp. 13-37.
El derecho a trabajar: una demanda emergente de las y los niños. En: dfensor – Revista de
      Derechos Humanos. Órgano oficial de difusión de la Comisión de Derechos Huma-
      nos del Distrito Federal, México. N° 11, Nov. 2012, pp. 12-20.
Do children have a right to work? Working children’s movements in the struggle for so-
      cial justice. In: Karl Hanson & Olga Nieuwenhuys (Eds.): Reconceptualizing Chil-
      dren’s Rights in International Development: Living Rights, Social Justice, Transla-
      tions. New York & Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 225-249.
(With Gankam Tambo, Ina) Arbeit, Bildung und Agency von Kindern: Die Afrikanische
      Bewegung arbeitender Kinder und Jugendlicher (AMWCY). In: Sabine Hornberg,
      Claudia Richter & Carolin Rotter (Eds.): Erziehung und Bildung in der Weltgesell-
      schaft. Festschrift für Christel Adick. Münster/New York/München/Berlin: Wax-
      mann, 2013, pp. 261-282
Janusz Korczaks Verständnis der Kinderrechte als Handlungsrechte, in: Manfred Liebel
      (Ed.): Janusz Korczak – Pionier der Kinderrechte. Ein internationales Symposium.
      Berlin & Münster: LIT Verlag Dr. W. Hopf, 2013, pp. 63-82.
‚Weiße‘ Kinder – ‚schwarze‘ Kinder. Nachdenkliche Anmerkungen zu Janusz Korczaks
      Kinder-Roman vom kleinen König Maciuś, in: Manfred Liebel (Ed.): Janusz
      Korczak – Pionier der Kinderrechte. Ein internationales Symposium. Berlin & Mün-
      ster: LIT Verlag Dr. W. Hopf, 2013, pp. 105-136.
Kinderinteressenvertretung. Überlegungen zu ihrer Notwendigkeit und Legitimität. In:
      neue praxis, 44. Jg., 2014, H. 4, pp. 337-353.
From Evolving Capacities to Evolving Capabilities: Contextualizing Children’s Rights.
      In: Daniel Stoecklin & Jean-Michel Bonvin (Eds.): Children’s Rights and the Capa-
      bility Approach: Challenges and Prospects. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014, pp. 67-84.
Gewerkschaften anderer Art: organisierte Kinder in Lateinamerika. GIGA Focus, Nr. 9.
      Hamburg: German Institute of Global and Area Studies, 2014.
Adultism and Age-based Discrimination against Children. In: Children’s Rights Erasmus
      Academic Network (CREAN) (Ed.): Children and Non-Discrimination. Interdisci-
      plinary Textbook. Tartu: University Press of Estonia, 2014, pp. 119-143.
Kindereigene Interessenvertretung im öffentlich-politischen Raum. Emanzipation der
      Kinder. In: deutsche jugend. Zeitschrift für Jugendarbeit, 63. Jg., 2015, H. 1, pp. 18-
Statt Kinderarbeit verbieten, die Rechte arbeitender Kinder schützen: Bolivien geht in der
      Gesetzgebung neue Wege. In: Neue Praxis, 45. Jg., 2015, H. 1, pp. 76-89.
Sobre el interés superior de los niños y la evolución de las facultades. In: Anales de la Cá-
      tedra Francisco Suárez. Revista de filosofía jurídica y política (Granada), vol. 49,
      2015, pp. 43-61.
Protecting the Rights of Working Children instead of Banning Child Labour: Bolivia
      Tries a New Legislative Approach. In: The International Journal of Children’s
      Rights, vol. 23, no. 3, 2015, pp. 529-547.
Selected publications, Auswahl an Publikationen (2003-2020)                            267

Die Moskauer Deklaration der Rechte des Kindes von 1918 – ein Beitrag aus der verbor-
     genen Geschichte der Kinderrechte. In: Sozialwissenschaftliche Literatur-
     Rundschau, 38. Jg., 2015, H. 2 (fortlaufend Heft 71), pp. 73-90.
Nomaden der Migration. Jugendliche und Jugendkulturen an den Grenzen Mittel- und
     Nordamerikas. In: Widersprüche, Zeitschrift für sozialistische Politik im Bildungs-,
     Gesundheits- und Sozialbereich, 35. Jg., 2015, Heft 138, pp. 39-51.
Andere Kinder, andere Jugendliche. Wider den Eurozentrismus in der Kindheits- und Ju-
     gendforschung. In: Andreas Lange, Christine Steiner; Sabina Schutter & Herwig
     Reiter (Eds): Handbuch Kindheits- und Jugendsoziologie. Springer Nachschlage-
     Wissen. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2015, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-05676-
     6_22-1, pp. 1-20.
The Moscow Declaration on the Rights of the Child (1918): A contribution from the hid-
     den history of children’s rights. In: International Journal of Children’s Rights, vol.
     24, 2016, pp. 3-28.
¿Niños sin Niñez? Contra la Conquista Postcolonial de las Infancias del Sur Global. MI-
     LLCAYAC – Revista Digital de Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de Cuyo, Mendoza),
     vol. 3, 2016, n° 5, pp. 245-272.
Globale Kindheiten und das Versprechen der Kinderrechte (Forschungsbericht). In: La
     Declaración de Moscú sobre los Derechos del Niño (1918): un aporte desde la histo-
     ria oculta de los Derechos de la Infancia. In: Educació Social. Revista d’Intervenció
     Socioeducativa (Barcelona), vol. 62, 2016, pp. 24-42.
Koloniale und postkoloniale Staatsverbrechen an Kindern. In: Diskurs Kindheits- und Ju-
     gendforschung, 11. Jg., 2016, H. 3, pp. 363-368.
Sozialwissenschaftliche Literatur Rundschau, 39. Jg., 2016, H. 2 (fortlaufend H. 73), pp.
Children without Childhood? Against the Postcolonial Capture of Childhoods in the
     Global South. In: Antonella Invernizzi et al. (Eds.): ‘Children Out of Place’ and
     Human Rights. In Memory of Judith Ennew. New York: Springer Nature, 2017, pp.
(With Rebecca Budde) Other Children, Other Youth: Against Eurocentrism in Childhood
     and Youth Research. In: Antonella Invernizzi et al. (Eds.): ‘Children Out of Place’
     and Human Rights. In Memory of Judith Ennew. New York: Springer Nature, 2017,
     pp. 119-136.
Kinderbewegungen im Globalen Süden al Kinderrechtsbewegungen und die Zukunft der
     Kinderrechte. In: Claudia Maier-Höfer (Ed.): Kinderrechte und Kinderpolitik. Fra-
     gestellungen der Angewandten Kindheitswissenschaften. Wiesbaden: Springer VS,
     2017, pp. 29-59.
Bürgerschaft von unten. In: Silke Jakob (Ed.): Engagierte Jugendliche in der Gesellschaft.
     Bürgerschaft und Engagement in einer globalisierten Welt. Opladen: Barbara Bud-
     rich, 2017, pp. 43-68.
Kinder – Akteure mit Gerechtigkeitssinn? In: Johannes Drerup & Christoph Schickhardt
     (Eds.): Kinderethik. Aktuelle Perspektiven – Klassische Problemvorgaben. Münster:
     Mentis, 2017, pp. 133-147.
(With Urszula Markowska-Manista) Mit Hoffnung der Verzweiflung und Hilflosigkeit
     widerstehen. Nachdenken über Janusz Korczak. In: Rolf Göppel & Margherita Zan-
     der (Eds.): Resilienz aus der Sicht der betroffenen Subjekte. Die autobiografische
     Perspektive. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz-Juventa, 2017, pp. 83-109.
268                                                                        Manfred Liebel

(With Philip Meade & Iven Saadi) Working Children as Subjects of Rights: Explaining
      Children’s Rights to Work. In: Martin D. Ruck, Michele Peterson-Badali & Michael
      Freeman (Eds.): Handbook of Children’s Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Per-
      spectives. New York & London: Routledge, 2017, pp. 437-453.
Das gewaltsame Verschwinden von Kindern jemenitischer Juden in Israel. Eine histori-
      sche Fallstudie zur Staatsgewalt gegen Kinder. In: Sozial Extra – Zeitschrift für So-
      ziale Arbeit, 41. Jg., 2017, H 4, pp. 51-54.
Ist Paternalismus gegenüber Kindern unvermeidbar? Plädoyer für eine antipaternalistische
      Kinderrechtspraxis. In: neue praxis, 47. Jg., 2017, H. 4, pp. 384-398.
Infancias latinoamericanas: Civilización racista y limpieza social. Un ensayo sobre vio-
      lencias coloniales y postcoloniales. In: Sociedad e Infancias (Universidad Complu-
      tense, Madrid), 1, 2017, pp. 19-38.
Die Internationale Arbeitsorganisation und die Bewegungen arbeitender Kinder. Ein
      Lehrstück über erzwungenes Schweigen. In: neue praxis, 48. Jg., 2018, H. 1, pp. 58-
Leichtfertige Rhetorik: „Straßenkinder“. In: Sozialmagazin, 43. Jg., 2018, H. 1-2, pp. 6-
Kindheiten aus postkolonialer Perspektive. In: Sozialmagazin, 43. Jg., 2018, H. 1-2, pp.
Los Movimientos de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes Trabajadores y la Organización
      Internacional del Trabajo. Una lección sobre el silencio forzado. In: MILLCAYAC -
      Revista Digital de Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentinien),
      5. Jg., 2018, Nr. 8, pp. 89-112.
In the children’s best interests? Kinderinteressen und Kinderrechte. In: Andrea Kleeberg-
      Niepage & Susanne Rademacher (Eds.): Kindheits- und Jugendforschung in der Kri-
      tik. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2018, pp. 195-224.
Kindheit und Jugend – jenseits eurozentrischer Blickweisen. In: Leonie Wagner, Ronald
      Lutz, Christine Rehklau & Friso Ross (Eds.): Handbuch Internationale Soziale Ar-
      beit. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz-Juventa, 2018, pp. 120-131.
Janusz Korczak’s Understanding of Children’s Rights as Agency Rights (English &
      Polish). In: Marek Michalak (Ed.): The Rights of the Child Yesterday, Today and
      Tomorrow – the Korczak Perspective, Part I. Warsaw: 2018, pp. 204-239.
Welfare of Agency? Children’s Interests as Foundation of Children’s Rights. In: Interna-
      tional Journal of Children’s Rights, 26. Jg., 2018, pp. 597-625.
(With Antonella Invernizzi): The Movements of Working Children and the International
      Labour Organization. A Lesson on Enforced Silence. In: Children & Society, 2018,
      DOI: 10.1111/chso.12305, pp. 1-12.
Kinder im Krieg. Humanitäre Mythen und kindheitspolitische Herausforderungen. In: So-
      zialwissenschaftliche Literatur Rundschau, 41. Jg., 2018, H. 2 (SLR 77), pp. 55-66.
Gordian Troeller und sein filmisches Werk. In: Joachim Dabisch (Ed.): Die Welt im Film
      und Theologie in säkularer Welt. Zur Bedeutung Paulo Freires. Freire-Jahrbuch 20.
      Oldenburg: Paulo Freire Verlag, 2018, pp. 13-21.
Más allá del paternalismo. Hacia una protección participativa y una participación prota-
      gónica. In: Asun Llena Berñe & Ana M. Novella Cámara (Eds.): Impulsar la Pariti-
      cipación Infantil. Los consejos de infancia y adolescencia. Barcelona: Editorial
      GRAÓ, 2018, pp. 51-83.
Selected publications, Auswahl an Publikationen (2003-2020)                          269

Postkoloniale Dilemmata der Kinderrechte. In: Claudia Maier-Höfer (Ed.): Die Vielfalt
     der Kindheit(en) und die Rechte der Kinder in der Gegenwart. Praxisfragen und
     Forschung im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen. Wiesbaden: Springer
     VS, 2019, pp. 21-63.
Janusz Korczak, los derechos y el protagonismo de la infancia. In: RES – Revista de Edu-
     cación Social, Núm. 28, Enero–Junio 2019 (online).
African Childhoods and the Pitfalls of Postcolonial Education and Childhood Politics. In:
     Friso Ross, Stephanie Treichel & Roland Lutz (Eds.): Sozialarbeit des Südens. Band
     7: Family Structures in Change – Challenges of Transitional Phenomena. Olden-
     burg: Paulo Freire Verlag, 2019, pp. 37-68.
Wirtschaftliche und Arbeitsrechte von Kindern – eine Herausforderung für die Kinderpo-
     litik und Kinderrechtspraxis. In: neue praxis, 49. Jg., 2019, H. 4, pp. 344-359.
Las infancias transnacionales desde las perspectivas postcolonial y decolonial. In:
     Autoctonia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales e Historia (Universidad O’Higgins,
     Santiago de Chile), Vol. III, N° 2, Julio-Diciembre 2019, pp. 97-110.
(With Urszula Markowska-Manista) Resistir a la desesperación y la impotencia con la es-
     peranza. Una lectura de los diarios de Janusz Korczak. In: MILLCAYAC – Revista
     Digital de Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de Cuyo, Mendoza), Vol. VI, N° 11, sep-
     tiembre 2019–febrero 2020, pp. 415-442.
Colonialism and the colonization of childhoods in the light of postcolonial theory. In:
     Tanja Kleibl, Ronald Lutz et al. (Eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial
     Social Work. Abingdon: Routledge, 2020, pp. 40-50.
This publication is dedicated to Manfred Liebel as an honouring of his work. It
is a celebration of his doings as a researcher, teacher, author and activist. As
such, our warmest thanks go out to him, as a source of inspiration, our mentor
and colleague, a teacher for us and students. We thank Manfred for the innumer-
able opportunities to learn from him and engage in enlightening discussions.
     We would particularly like to thank Manfred for the priceless gift of friend-
ship. This book is its current culmination…
                           Keep on going, dear Manfred!
Our sincere thanks also goes to all authors of the articles collected in the pre-
sent volume. Each text is unique and we hope that the readers - scholars, students
and practitioners in the area of childhood studies and children’s rights will find
inspiration for further activities and scholarly exploration.

Dieser Band ist zu Ehren Manfred Liebels zusammengestellt und ist seinem
Wirken und seiner Arbeit gewidmet. Er feiert seine Tätigkeiten als Forscher, Do-
zent, Autor und Aktivist. In diesem Sinne geht unser tiefster Dank an ihn, der
uns eine Quelle der Inspiration ist, unser Mentor und Kollege und ein Lehrer für
uns und Studierende ist. Wir danken Manfred für die unzähligen Gelegenheiten
von ihm zu lernen und interessante, kritische Diskussionen zu führen. Wir möch-
ten Manfred ganz besonders für seine Freundschaft- ein unbezahlbares Ge-
schenk- danken. Das vorliegende Buch ist für den Moment ein Höhepunkt.
                           Mach weiter so, Manfred!
Unser tiefster Dank geht auch an die Autoren und Autorinnen der Beiträge in
diesem Band. Jeder Text ist einzigartig und wir hoffen, dass die Leser*innen-
Wissenschaftler*innen, Student*innen und Praktiker*innen im Bereich Kinder-
rechte und Kindheitswissenschaften von den Beiträgen für weitere Aktivitäten
und zukünftige Forschungen inspiriert werden.

© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature 2020
R. Budde und U. Markowska-Manista (eds.), Childhood and Children,s Rights
between Research and Activism,

Rebecca Budde

Rebecca Budde is cultural scientist and is the academic coordinator of the MA
Childhood and Children’s Rights (MACR) at Freie Universität Berlin/University
of Applied Sciences, Potsdam. She coordinated the European Network of Mas-
ters in Children’s Rights. Today, she is member of the steering committee of the
Children’s Rights European Academic Network (CREAN). She coordinated sev-
eral EU projects in the field of education and curriculum development, and has
recently completed her PhD, a qualitative impact assessment of the MACR.

Urszula Markowska-Manista

Urszula Markowska-Manista is field researcher in education in culturally diversi-
fied environments and indigenous childhood and youth studies. Since 2016, she
has been the director of and lecturer in the MA Childhood Studies and Children’s
Rights (MACR) and is Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw. She was
Acting Chairholder of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair at the M. Grze-
gorzewska University in Warsaw (2017 -2018) and has conducted extensive field
research in Central Africa, the South Causcasus and Europe.

Virginia Morrow

Ginny Morrow is Visiting Professor, UCL Institute of Education, Department of
Social Sciences, TCRU & SSRU, University of London, and Research Associ-
ate, Young Lives, Department of International Development, University of Ox-
ford. Ginny was Deputy Director of Young Lives from
2011 to 2017. Her research has focused on children’s work, sociological ap-
proaches to the study of childhood and children’s rights, ethics and methods of
social research with children, violence affecting children, children and ‘social
capital’, and children’s understandings of family. She was co-editor of Child-
hood: A Journal of Global Child Research, from 2006-2016.

© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature 2020
R. Budde und U. Markowska-Manista (eds.), Childhood and Children,s Rights
between Research and Activism,
274                                                                    Contributors

Beatrice Hungerland

Beatrice Hungerland is Professor for Applied Childhood Studies at the Universi-
ty of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg-Stendal since 2005. She teaches sociology of
childhood and family, theories of socialisation, (qualitative) methods of research
with children on both BA and MA courses in childhood studies. She has been
teaching the seminar Childhood and Children: Sociological Approaches in the
MACR since 2010. She is board member of the Section Soziologie der Kindheit
of the German Association for Sociology (DGS) of which she was the chair-
woman from 2012- 2016.

Anne Wihstutz

Anne Wihstutz is Professor of Sociology at Berlin Protestant University of Ap-
plied Sciences- ehb, Germany. Since 2011, she teaches childhood studies in early
education and care, theories in social inequality, gender and racism, family soci-
ology, international childhood studies. She gained professional experience in
NGOs in Bolivia, Chile and Germany working with young children, adolescents,
teachers and parents. She collaborated (with Beatrice Hungerland) in the DFG
research project “Children and Work” lead by Prof. Manfred Liebel. She was the
project leader of the research project on Everyday life of young refugee children
in mass accommodation centres in Berlin, (2016-2017). She has authored nu-
merous publications on childhood, young careers, children’s citizenship and
rights, young refugee children, children’s agency and ethics of care.

Bernd Overwien

Bernd Overwien is a university teacher at the University of Kassel where he
taught didactics of political education from 2008-2019. Before, he worked at
Technical University Berlin (TU), where he cooperated with Manfred Liebel in
several projects and initiatives. In 2005, he edited a book for Manfred Liebel for
his 65th Birthday and jubilation from the TU: Overwien, B (Hrsg). (2005). Von
sozialen Subjekten. Kinder und Jugendliche in verschiedenen Welten. Manfred
Liebel zum 65. Geburtstag. Frankfurt/Main: IKO Verlag. He included a complete
bibliography of Manfred Liebel’s publications, from 1963-2005, (without online
publications). The bibliography can be found and downloaded e.g. at www.fh- (Literature).
Contributors                                                                   275

Philip Meade

Philip Meade is a child rights representative in a youth welfare organisation in
Berlin, lecturer in the MA Childhood Studies and Children's Rights at University
of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, co-founder of ProNATs e.V. Association in Sup-
port of Working Children and Adolescents and member of the advisory board of
the National Coalition Germany - Network for the Implementation of the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Karl Hanson

Karl Hanson is Professor in Public Law and Director of the Centre for Children's
Rights Studies at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. His research and pub-
lications in interdisciplinary children’s rights studies deal with working children
and child labour norms and policies, children’s rights advocacy and juvenile jus-
tice. He is co-editor of the journal Childhood and chair of the Children’s Rights
European Academic Network (CREAN).

Olga Nieuwenhuys

Olga Nieuwenhuys is at the Department of Human Geography, Planning and In-
ternational Development Studies, University of Amsterdam. Her research and
teaching include such topics as childhood, gender and international development,
post-development and postcolonialism, children’s geographies and the anthropol-
ogy of childhood. She has authored Children’s Lifeworlds, Gender, Labour and
Welfare in the Developing World (Routledge, 1994 and Social Science
Press, 2001) and numerous academic articles, book chapters, handbook entries
and co-edited volumes. She has been co-editor of “Childhood: A Global Per-
spective” and is on the international advisory board of Children´s Geographies
and Contemporary Education Dialogue. She is currently working on a book on
the anthropology of childhood and, together with Karl Hanson, on a book on
children’s living rights.
276                                                                   Contributors

Alejandro Cussiánovich

Alejandro Cussíanovich Villarán is primary school teacher, catholic priest, stud-
ied in England and France. He is lecturer in the MA Social Politics and Promo-
tion of Childhood for educational psychology at the Universidad Nacional
Mayor de San Marcos, Lima and holds various positions at other universities.
Since 1964 he has been working with Young Christian Workers. In 1976 he ini-
tiated Manthoc, and since 1996, he accompanies the National Movement of
Working Children and Adolescents (NNATS) organised in Peru (Mnnatsop). He
has authored a wide variety of books and articles.

Reinald Eichholz

Reinald Eichholz, Dr. jur., was children’s ombudsman of the federal government
of North Rhein Westfalia, is an independent researcher and is founding member
of the National Coalition Germany- Network for the Implementation of the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Jörg Maywald

Jörg Maywald is sociologist, managing director of the German League for the
Child (Deutsche Liga für das Kind), honorary professor at University of Applied
Science, Potsdam, lecturer and member of the advisory committee to the MACR
and speaker of the National Coalition Germany- Network for the implementation
of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Contributors                                                                   277

Wouter Vandenhole

Wouter Vandenhole is a human rights and law and development scholar. He
holds the chair in human rights law at University of Antwerp. Vandenhole is a
member of the Law and Development Research Group and the lead convener of
an intensive training program on sustainable development and global justice. His
research interests include children's rights, economic, social and cultural rights,
and the relationship between human rights law and development. He has co-
edited the Routledge International Handbook of Children’s Rights Studies
(Routledge, 2015) and co-authored Children’s Rights: A Commentary on the
CRC and its Protocols, Elgar Commentaries (Elgar, 2019)

Andrea Zarif

Andrea Zarif is graduate of the MA Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights
and has previously earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Concordia
University in Montreal, Canada. She developed and ran a psychosocial pro-
gramme that supported more than three hundred children and their families who
fled the war in Syria and were stuck close to the Turkish border without any fur-
ther assistance or legal perspectives. Currently, she is pursuing a second Master’s
degree in Clinical Psychology at the International Psychoanalytic University in
Berlin. Her aim is to develop research and a clinical practice that can incorporate
the perspectives earned through her reflections on topics related to the global so-
ciology of childhood, specifically in regard to displaced children and communi-
ties affected by violence and armed conflict.

Sarah Liebel & Marcel Liebel

Sarah Lucia Liebel, born and raised in Berlin, attended a Spanish-German bilin-
gual primary and secondary school. In 2019, she commenced her in studies of
social and economic communications which she will complete in 2022.
     Marcel Mayu Liebel was born in Managua, Nicaragua. He moved to Ger-
many with his parents at a very young age. He attended the same Spanish-
German primary and secondary school. After completing secondary school in
2011, he studied physics for 1 year, before deciding to study law. He obtained is
law degree in early 2019 and is working in a large law firm in the field of tax
regulatory law since October 2019.
278                                                                     Contributors

Madeleine Leonard

Madeleine Leonard is Professor of Sociology at Queen’s University, Belfast.
She is particularly interested in creative and participatory approaches to in-
cluding children in the research process. Her current research interest is in teen-
agers’ everyday experiences of growing up in politically sensitive societies. Her
recent publications include two books: The Sociology of Children, Childhood
and Generation, Sage, 2016 and Teens and Territory in Post-Conflict Belfast: If
Walls Could Talk, Manchester University Press, 2017.
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