Media information 2021 rate card No. 40 - Mediadaten 2021 - pvt POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK

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Media information 2021 rate card No. 40 - Mediadaten 2021 - pvt POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK

                                                                                                                         Specialized magazine for
                                                                                                                         internal security, police and
                                                                                                                         traffic management, technology
                                                                                                                         and equipment since 1956

             Mediadaten 2021


                                      65. Jahrgang                                                   NIK
                                      A 5625 | € 7,50                                  KEH R + TECH
                                      ISSN (Print) 0722-596 9             POL IZEI VER               heit
                                                                                          ere Sicher
                                       ISSN (Online)
                                                           its                chrift für
                                                die Fachze
                                      Seit 1956

information                                               rsönliche

                                            Schwerpunkt Pe ffe – Einsatz
                                            Ausrüstung – Wa
       rate card No. 40                      Seite 28 - 45
                                                                                      istischer Ansch
                                                                                                      läge Seite 6

       valid from 1st November 2020
                                                                      und rechtsextrem
                                                Analyse islamis                                   14
                                                                                  sgeschehen Seite
                                                                  im Versammlung
                                                Waffenverbote
                                                                                   2020 Seite 19
                                                              die App des Jahres
                                                 Corona-App,                                        gerisiko Seite 21
                                                                                 nisierung und Spiona
                                                                   zwischen Moder
                                                 IT-Beschaffungen
Media information 2021 rate card No. 40 - Mediadaten 2021 - pvt POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK


                                                                                 65. Jahrgang
                                                                                 A 5625 | € 7,50
                                                                                 ISSN (Print) 0722-5962
                                                                                 ISSN (Online) 2509-6869
                                                                                          POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK
                                                                                Seit 1956 die Fachzeitschrift für Innere Sicherheit

                Specialized Magazine
                  pvt Overview                              3
                  Editorial Calendar                        5

                                                                                                  Mediadaten 2021
                Print                                                         Fahrzeuge + Verkehr
                                                                              Seiten 11 - 17, 25 - 29 und 30 - 44

                  Rate card                                                    THW hilft bundesweit in der Corona-Krise Seite 6
                                                                               Rechtsextremismus und rechtsextremistischer Terrorismus in Deutschland   Seite 18

                  Formats and technical data                6                 Radarwarngeräte, Laserstörgeräte und Blitzer-Apps Seite 25
                                                                               Beschaffung neuer Polizeihubschrauber in Bayern Seite 34
                  Production requirements and circulation   7        pvt_05_2020.indd 1                                                                    07.09.20 11:18

                                                                      Publishing EMW Exhibition & Media Wehrstedt GmbH
                                                                      House:     Hagenbreite 9
                Digital                                                          06463 Falkenstein/Harz, OT Ermsleben
                                                                                 Phone: +49 34743 62090
                  pvt website portrait                       8                  Fax: +49 34743 62091
                  Banner rates                              9        
                   New „NEWS“ subchannel                    10        
                   Banner advertising on GPEC® website      11
                                                                                                            Local court HRA 111856
                                                                                                            CEO: Dr. Uwe H. Wehrstedt

                                                                  Publisher +                               Dr. Uwe H. Wehrstedt
                                                                  Editor:                                   Phone: +49 34743 62090
                                                                                                            Fax: +49 34743 62091

2   Specialized magazine for internal security, police and traffic management, technology and equipment since 1956
Media information 2021 rate card No. 40 - Mediadaten 2021 - pvt POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK

    pvt Overview

    Profile:	pvt is an independent publication recognized in Ger-       Target groups/subscribers:
              many and abroad for decades. It addresses primarily        • Members of authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS),
              members of police but also other authorities and              primarily from police departments and stations, ministries as well as of
              organizations with security tasks (BOS). It was first         Federal and Länder facilities for police education and further training
              published in 1956 for education and further training       • Employees of public order offices and roads and traffic authorities
              by employees of the “Polizeischule für Technik und                            Mediadaten
                                                                         • Members of international          2021 or police authorities
              Verkehr“ in Essen and was welcomed “as speci-              • Employees of Federal and Länder procurement offices, the German
              al magazine for the various technical questions of            Armed Forces – especially Military Police, customs and private security
              police“ by the IMK (Standing Conference of the                companies
              Ministers and Senators of the Interior of the Länder).     • Employees of technical surveillance and expert organizations
              Still today Germany‘s Police presidents express their      • Management of national and international companies
              special connection to pvt as publishers. Since 2010
              it is published by EMW Exhibition & Media Wehrstedt
              GmbH. For the specific target group of members in
              the field of public security, pvt offers target-oriented
              and sound information for decision makers, procure-        Focal Point of Contents
              ment officers and users with regard to the conception
              and procurement of task force technology as well           • Police and traffic management
              as other means of equipment and services that are          • Digitalization, communication technology
              relevant for the proper execution of duty. Because         • Vehicle and traffic technology
              of controlling elements in the administration such as      • Non-lethal and self-defence weapons, small arms,
              budgeting or delegation of responsibility, users are
                                                                            accessories and ammunition
              stronger involved in the procurement process of new
              materials. This happens by formulating tactical and
                                                                         • Forensics, measurement and laboratory technology,
              technological or logistical requirements, by participa-       aviation security technology, detection of narcotics
              ting in the testing and selection of the most appro-       • NBC protection and explosives disposal services
              priate materials or as procurement officers directly.      • Safety technology
              Industry and economy provide pvt with information          • Clothing, personal equipment, body armour and ballistic protection,
              and trends that are of interest for the development of
                                                                            emergency, rescue and medical equipment
              task-force technology and the offer of services.

3   Specialized magazine for internal security, police and traffic management, technology and equipment since 1956
Media information 2021 rate card No. 40 - Mediadaten 2021 - pvt POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK

    pvt Overview

                                              Publisher:		Police department heads of the federation, the presidents of the
      Publication  6 x a year,                             Federal Police and the German Police University, Presidents of State
      frequency: 	on the 15th working day                 Police and as well as the Inspector of Länder Riot Police Forces
                   of each odd month

      Volume:              66th year of            Ministerialdirektor Dr. Christian Klos         Mediadaten 2021
                                                                                                                Landespolizeipräsident Roland Ullmann
                           publication 2021        Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat
                                                                                                 Hessisches Ministerium des Innern und für Sport

                                                   Präsident Dr. Dieter Romann                                          Ministerialdirigent Konrad Herkenrath
       Annual subscription                         Bundespolizeipräsidium                                               Ministerium für Inneres und Europa
       incl. postage and packing
                                                   Inspekteur der Bereitschaftspolizeien der Länder
                                                   Andreas Backhoff, Bundesministerium des                              Landespolizeipräsident Axel Brockmann
       E-Paper              22,- €                Innern, für Bau und Heimat                                           Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Inneres und Sport

       Print Germany        42,- €                Präsident Professor Dr. Hans-Jürgen Lange                            Ministerialdirigentin Dr. Daniela Lesmeister
                                                   Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei                                      Ministerium des Innern des Landes
       Print abroad        48,30 €                Landespolizeipräsidentin Dr. Stefanie Hinz
                                                   Ministerium für Inneres, Digitalisierung und Migration,              Ministerialdirigent Joachim Laux
       E-Paper                                     Baden-Württemberg                                                    Ministerium des Innern und für Sport,
       + Print Germany      49,- €
                                                   Landespolizeipräsident Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schmidbauer
                                                   Bayerisches Staatsministerium des Innern,                            Ministerialrat Stefan Spaniol
       E-Paper                                                                                                          Ministerium für Inneres und Sport, Saarland
                                                   für Sport und Integration
       + Print abroad        55,- €
                                                   Senatsdirigent Klaus Zuch                                            Landespolizeipräsident Horst Kretzschmar
                                                                                                                        Staatsministerium des Innern, Sachsen
       Retail sale print                           Senatsverwaltung für Inneres und Sport, Berlin

                                                   Ministerialdirigent Dr. Herbert Trimbach                             Ministerialdirigentin Christiane Bergmann
       Print                7,50 €                                                                                     Ministerium für Inneres und Sport des
                                                   Ministerium des Innern und für Kommunales,
       plus postage                                Brandenburg                                                          Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
       and packing          2,50 €
                                                                                                                        Ministerialdirigent Dr. Torsten Holleck
                                                   Polizeipräsident Lutz Müller
       E-Paper                4,- €               Der Senator für Inneres, Freie und Hansestadt Bremen
                                                                                                                        Ministerium für Inneres, ländliche Räume und
                                                                                                                        Integration Schleswig-Holstein
      ISSN (Print) 0772-5962                       Leitende Kriminaldirektorin Kathrin Hennings
                                                                                                                        Ministerialdirigent Michael Schulze
                                                   Behörde für Inneres und Sport,
      ISSN (E-Paper) 2509-6869                     Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg                                         Thüringer Ministerium für Inneres und Kommunales

4   Specialized magazine for internal security, police and traffic management, technology and equipment since 1956
Media information 2021 rate card No. 40 - Mediadaten 2021 - pvt POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK

    Dates & Features List

    These are the main features for 2021.                                                                                             OD: Order deadline
    Additionally there are more articles about current subjects:                                                                      CD: Copy deadline
    •    Full operation		                                                                                                             PD: Publication date
    •    Practical knowledge
    •    More about equipment
    •    Digital + internal security                                                                                  Mediadaten 2021

        01/2021 January/February                                       02/2021 March/April                                             03/2021 May/June

        OD: 14th Dec 2020                                              OD: 15th Feb 2021                                               OD: 16th Apr 2021
                                                                                               Official Publication                                             official publication of
        CD: 21st Dec 2020                                              CD: 22nd Feb 2021                                               CD: 23rd Apr 2021
                                                                                                 GPEC® digital,                                                 Counter-terror vehicle
        PD: 15th Jan 2021                                              PD: 15th Mar 2021      27th + 28th April 2021,                  PD: 14th May 2021         barriers, June 2021,
                                                                                               Frankfurt am Main                                                       Münster
        traffic & security                                             drugs                                                           counter-terror
        safety technology                                              digitalization, information &                                   vehicle barriers, protection
                                                                       communication & innovation                                      of critical infrastructure

        04/2021 July/August                                            05/2021 September/October                                       06/2021 November/December

        OD: 15th June 2021                                             OD: 16th Aug 2021                                               OD: 15th Oct 2021
        CD: 22nd June 2021                                             CD: 23rd Aug 2021                                               CD: 22nd Oct 2021
        PD: 15th July 2021                                             PD: 15th Sep 2021                                               PD: 15th Nov 2021

        operation                                                      vehicles & traffic technology                                   command and control
        personal equipment,                                            Cyber                                                           equipment
        guns, accessory                                                                                                                forensics

    Subject to modifications and current adjustments. All specifications without guarantee.
                                                                                                 Änderungen und aktuelle Anpassungen vorbehalten. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.
5   Specialized magazine for internal security, police and traffic management, technology and equipment since 1956
Media information 2021 rate card No. 40 - Mediadaten 2021 - pvt POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK

    Rate Card                     No. 40, valid from 1 November 2020 und Formate (Preise
                                                        Anzeigenpreise                  Formate und technische
                                                                                           in EURO     zzgl. Angaben
                            Fachzeitschrift für Polizei- und Verkehrsmanagement, Technik und Ausstattung
                                                                                                                            Fachzeitschrift                    F
                                                        der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer, Zuschläge rabattierbar)

                            Fachzeitschrift für Polizei- und Verkehrsmanagement, Technik und Ausstattung
                                                                                                                    Formate und technische Angaben

                                                                                                                               Mediadaten 2021

    full page               half page vertical            half page horizontal           Junior Page             third page vertical           third page horizontal
    B: 210 x 297            B: 103 x 297                  B: 210 x 148                   B: 143 x 200            B: 72 x 297                   B: 210 x 98
    T: 180 x 260            T: 88 x 260                   T: 180 x 128                   T: 128 x 180            T: 57 x 260                   T: 180 x 85
    4c                      4c                             4c                             4c                     4c                            4c
    full page               half page vertical            half page horizontal           Junior Page             third page vertical           third page  horizontal bleed 10%
    3,290,-                 1,700,-                       1,700,-                        1,700,-                 1,120,-                       1,120,-
    B: 210 x 297            B: 103 x 297                  B: 210 x 148                   B: 143 x 200            B: 72 x 297                   B: 210 x 98
    T: 180 x&260
              white         black
                            T:      & white
                               88 x 260                   black
                                                          T: 180 x & white
                                                                   128                   black
                                                                                         T: 128 x&180
                                                                                                    white        black   & white
                                                                                                                 T: 57 x 260                   black
                                                                                                                                               T: 180 x&85white
    2,230,-                 1,130,-                        1,130,-                        1,130,-                770,-                         770,-

                                                                                                                                                      B: format in Width x Depth in mm
                                                                                                                                                          bleed plus 3 mm
                                                                                                                                         B: Format angeschnitten
                                                                                                                                         T: Format imT: type area
                                                                                                                                         Angaben in mm Breite x Höhe

    quarter page vertical   half page horizontal          sixth page                     sixth page horizontal   eighth page                          Rates in EURO
    T: 88 x 128             T: 180 x 62                   T: 88 x 86                     T: 180 x 42             T: 88 x 62                           plus VAT
                                                                                                                                         B: Format angeschnitten
                                                                                                                                         T: Format im Satzspiegel
                                                                                                                                         Angaben in mm Breite x Höhe

    quarter page vertical   half page horizontal          sixth page                     sixth page horizontal   eighth page                            Inside Front Cover  3,745,-
    T: 88 x 128             T: 180 x 62                   T: 88 x 86                     T: 180 x 42             T: 88 x 62
                                                                                                                                                        Inside Backcover  3,600,-
    4c                      4c                             4c                             4c                     4c                                     Outside Backcover  3,900,-
    830,-                   830,-                          610,-                          610,-                  440,-
    black & white           black & white                  black & white                  black & white          black & white
    560,-                   560,-                          420,-                          420,-                  330,-                                Price for 2c = Price for 4c minus 20 %

6   Specialized magazine for internal security, police and traffic management, technology and equipment since 1956
Media information 2021 rate card No. 40 - Mediadaten 2021 - pvt POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK

    Rate Card/Production Requirements
                           Anzeigenpreise und Formate (Preise in EURO zzgl.
                           der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer, Zuschläge rabattierbar)

    Discount:           For bookings within 12 months:

                        Frequency discount                 Volume discount

                          3x           5%                   2 pages   10%         Circulation:
                          6x          10%                   4 pages   15%   Mediadaten  2021min. 950 plus bonus distribution
                          9x          15%                   6 pages   20%               and digital users, E-Paper 420 users
                          12x         20%                                                plus multiple users

                                                                                          Circulation breakdown:                
    Reduced rate for    4 columns, size of column 42 mm: €€ 1,75 per mm
    job offers:         3 columns, size of column 57 mm: €€ 2,30 per mm                  Please consider that the magazine is evaluated in
                                                                                          offices/departments and authorities, brought into
                                                                                          circulation among colleagues and displayed and
    Special                                                                               archived in libraries. This way the publication
    advertisement:      inserts, reprints and others on request                           reaches a great number of readers as decision
                                                                                          makers, procurement officers, users and
    File format:	As copy material we prefer PDF/X-3-files                                customers. It is estimated that one copy has an
                  (according to ISO-15930-3) with minimum 300 dpi.                        average of 32 readers of all hierarchy levels in the
                                                                                          departments/authorities. Thus pvt is the efficient
                                                                                          publication for reaching decision makers, procure-
        Your contact:                                                                     ment officers and users of police technology and
                                                                                          services by placing product or image advertise-
        Mrs. Dorina Allenfort                           ments. For this reason pvt recommends itself to
        Mr. Fabian Lemm                                companies and service providers as target orien-
                                                                                          ted and competent platform for optimum product
        Phone: +49 34743 - 620 90                                                         or image campaigns with the least scattering loss.
                                                                                          Job offers can also be placed effectively.
           Fax: +49 34743 - 620 91

7   Specialized magazine for internal security, police and traffic management, technology and equipment since 1956
Media information 2021 rate card No. 40 - Mediadaten 2021 - pvt POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK

    Portrait –

                                                                                                          Contact for Content:
    General Information:
                                                                                                    Dr. Uwe H. Wehrstedt
                           Our website offers current information and is the first step for
                           research about special articles or issues of pvt als E-Paper.      Mediadaten  2021
                           Use our platform for your marketing.
                                                                                                          Contact for Advertising:
    Target Group:	Members of public security, especially from the police but also                        Dorina Allenfort
                   from economy and science; decision makers, purchasers,                       
                   users and students
                                                                                                          Fabian Lemm
    Material Deadline:     3 days before start of campaign                                      

8   Specialized magazine for internal security, police and traffic management, technology and equipment since 1956
Media information 2021 rate card No. 40 - Mediadaten 2021 - pvt POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK


                                                                       Mediadaten 2021

    Banner advertising on

    Format:        800 x 534 Pixel

    Rate:          105,- / per month plus VAT

    Run of site:   run of site

    File format:   JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF
                   Flash format *.swf  max 200 kb                     5 banners available
                   Gif format *.gif    max 200 kb

                   HTML format *.html   max 60 kb

    Data volume:   200 kb

    Rates in EURO plus VAT

9   Specialized magazine for internal security, police and traffic management, technology and equipment since 1956
Media information 2021 rate card No. 40 - Mediadaten 2021 - pvt POLIZEI VERKEHR + TECHNIK

    new NEWS channel on

    This is a new online advertising
    possibility like a small white paper.
                                                                      Mediadaten 2021
    Content in German language:                             

    • Headline
    • Body text: max. 450 signs incl. space
    • Extended text with click on “... more“
    • Total number of signs: 2,000 incl. space
    • Link to your website
    • 1 picture


    2 months

    Rates in EURO plus VAT

10 Specialized magazine for internal security, police and traffic management, technology and equipment since 1956

    Banner advertising on GPEC® website

   Button Banner                                                                                  Full Banner
                                                                                                  Format:           383 x 127 Pixel

   Format:         800 x 534 Pixel                                                                Rate:             245,- / month
                                                                                  Mediadaten 2021
   Rate:           295,- / month                                           Location:         landing page

   Location:      visitor sub channel and                                                        2 banners available
                   visitor registration channel

   5 banners available

                                                                                                  Button Banner
                                                                                                  Format:           800 x 534 Pixel

                                                                                                  Rate:             185,- / month

                                                                                                  Location:         landing page

                                                                                                  5 banners available

                                                  File format:   JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF
                                                  Data volume:   200 kb

                                                  Rates in EURO plus VAT

11 Specialized magazine for internal security, police and traffic management, technology and equipment since 1956
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