Mediafacts - Media Impact

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Mediafacts - Media Impact
Mediafacts - Media Impact
Editor´s Quote
                                               Oriented on ICON, the style magazine in DIE WELT and
                                               WELT AM SONNTAG, “Die Stilisten“ is at the same time
                                               a consistent continuation and an innovation for
                                               Hamburg. A long way from traditional high gloss
                                               magazines, “Die Stilisten“ sees itself as a story teller in
                                               the world of styles. It presents a selection of topics
                                               from fashion, jewelry, travel and other changing
                                               areas that is confident in its taste – always with a
                                               special view on Hamburg and the northern part of
                                               Especially unmistakable is the journalistic style
    Inga Griese                                always connecting elegance and humor of the text
    Editor in Chief
                                               with courageous, surprising visuals.

           Axel Springer Regionalvermarktung                                                12. Februar 2020   2
Mediafacts - Media Impact
The magazine
                                     Die Stilisten
                                     are an outstanding style magazine, based in the North.
                                     The magazine is marked by the personal handwriting of
                                     Editor in Chief – Inga Griese – and by opulence in visual
                                     appearance and courageous reports.

                                     Die Stilisten
                                     are offering an individual special view on Hamburg and the

                                     Die Stilisten
                                     are a supplement in WELT / WELT AM SONNTAG and the
                                     WAMS-Kompakt-Edition. Therefore a readership that loves
                                     consumption and is highly educated is reached.

      Axel Springer Regionalvermarktung                                                          12. Februar 2020   3
Mediafacts - Media Impact

~ A unique, high class und authentic atmosphere, that
  affects the brand messages shown

~ Inspiration to our readers, that are aware of high-quality
  brands. Additionally, they are interested in fashion,
  jewelry, design, travel and enjoyment

~ A special love for detail and to traditional handcraft

~ Portraits of designers and brand stories “behind the
  scenes” high quality journalism meets opulent

                  Axel Springer Regionalvermarktung            12. Februar 2020   4
Mediafacts - Media Impact
Brand identity

      Outstanding positioning as                             Established 6 years ago in
                                                             Hamburg. Distribution in WELT
      regional high-class supplement in
                                                             and WELT AM SONNTAG
      the North.

      International reputation of Inga                       Opulence by large magazine
      Griese’s (Editor in Chief) style-                      format and classical setting
      expertise and her own nordic view on                   “saddle stiched.”

* inkl.   WAMS Kompakt

                         Axel Springer Regionalvermarktung                 12. Februar 2020   5
Mediafacts - Media Impact
Key facts
           Gender                                    WELT/WAMS HH                               Population                                         Willing to spend money for
           Male                                                     77%                                       49%                                                                            23%
           Female                                                   23%                                       51%                                                                            23%

           Age spectrum                                                                                                                         Outfit, clothing
           20 – 39 years                                            26%                                       28%
                                                                                                                                          Interior decoration,                                                             56%
           40 – 59 years                                            39%                                       34%
                                                                                                                                          appartment, house                                                                        66%
           60 years and more                                        33%                                       31%
           Education and profession
           Higher education, studies                                64%                                       33%
           Employed                                                 64%                                       58%                                  Typologies

           Income / earnings household                                                                                                                                                            13%
                                                                                                                                          Consumer, fond of luxury
          3.000 Euro and more                                      66%                                        43%
          Consum-power upper third                                 67%                                        37%                                                                                            21%
                                                                                                                                         consumer, fond of quality

                                                                                                                                                               population                        WELT/WAMS HH

Quellen: Soziodemografie: ma 2019 Presse II; WELT PRINT Gesamt im Gebiet WELT PRINT Werktag Hamburg; Ausgabebereitschaft und Typologien: AWA 2019; DIE WELT/WELT am SONNTAG WELT PRINT Gesamt im Gebiet Nielsen I

                                 Axel Springer Regionalvermarktung                                                                                                                             12. Februar 2020                    6
Mediafacts - Media Impact
Dates 2020

Edition                   Publication Date              Advertising Deadline   Ad-Material
Die Stilisten l           28.02.2020 / 01.03.2020         17.01.20             31.01.20
Die Stilisten II          24.04.2020 / 26.04.2020         13.03.20             27.03.20
Die Stilisten III         18.09.2020 / 20.09.2020         07.08.20             21.08.20
Die Stilisten IV          27.11.2020 / 29.11.2020         16.10.20             30.10.20

                    Axel Springer Regionalvermarktung                                        12. Februar 2020   7
Mediafacts - Media Impact
Rates and formats 2020

STILISTEN - Preise gelten als Ergänzung zur Preisliste DIE WELT/ WELT AM SONNTAG.
Alle Preise abzgl. Rabatt, abzgl. 15% Mittlervergütung bei Buchung über eine von uns anerkannte
Agentur, zzgl. MwSt. Rabatte werden entsprechend des tatsächlichen Abnahmevolumens
ausschließlich für die Anzeigen in DIE STILISTEN gewährt. Diese Anzeigen sind für WELT AM
SONNTAG / WELT Hamburg weder abschlussfüllend noch rabattbildend.

                                 Axel Springer Regionalvermarktung                                12. Februar 2020   8
Rates and formats 2020
Size in page sections                                        Format                                                                 Rates
2/1 Page                                                     510 mm x 335 mm                                                        18.900 €
1/1 Page                                                     255 mm x 335 mm                                                        9.990 €
½ Page up                                                    123 mm x 335 mm                                                        6.300 €
1/3 Page up                                                  94 mm x 335 mm                                                         3.900 €

Special placements
Opening Spread                                                2nd cover page + page 3                                               24.900 €
Cover-Gatefold                                                4 pages                                                               Upon request
Against Editiorial                                            Left Hand Page opposite Editorial                                     9.990 €
Facing Table of Content (FTC)                                 Left Hand Page opposite Content                                       9.990 €
Cover Pages                                                   3. Cover Page (IBC)                                                   10.900 €
                                                              4. Cover Page (OBC)                                                   12.900 €
Inside Pages                                                  First Double Page                                                     20.900 €
Ad special orders are not binding for the publisher until submission of a binding sample of the ad special and its reconfirmation

                             Axel Springer Regionalvermarktung                                                                                     12. Februar 2020   9
Technical detail
Format                              B x H : 255 mm x 335 mm
Printing method                     Cover: Bogenoffset; Content: Tiefdruck
Paper                               Cover: 150g/m2; Content: 65g/m2 UPM Ultra Matt G
Resolution                          300 dpi
Cut                                 5 mm circumferential
Processing                          3 page cut, saddle stitch
ICC-Profile                         Cover: ISO coated V2; Content: PSR_LWC_PLUS_V2_M1
Colors                              Eurofarben 4/4
Data Delivery                       PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3 or PDF/X-4

Adress Printing material   &

                Axel Springer Regionalvermarktung                                        12. Februar 2020   10
Contact detail
Anzeigenleitung                                     Verlagsvertretung Roschkowski
Axel-Springer-Platz 1                               Karin Roschkowski
20355 Hamburg                                       Tel.: +49 40 604 67 71
                                                    Mobil: 0151 70 60 50 45

Kirsten Meurers                                     Firestarter Media Solutions GmbH
Tel.:0 40 / 34 727381                               Michael Körner
Mobil: 0172 / 424 7377                              Tel.: 040 / 323255 0745 70
E-Mail:             Fax: 040 / 0745 60

                                                    Verlagsvertretung Baltruschat
                                                    Stefanie Baltruschat
                                                    Tel.: 040 / 707 089 00
                                                    Fax: 040 / 707 089 70

                Axel Springer Regionalvermarktung                                        12. Februar 2020   11
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