Wilhelm Hoffer, Hedwig Hoffer-Schaxel, Ernst Paul Hoffmann
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Wilhelm Hoffer, Hedwig Hoffer- Schaxel, Ernst Paul Hoffmann
Hoffer, Dr. Wilhelm Heilpädagoge, Arzt, Psychiater, Psychoanalytiker, Kinderanalytiker geb. 12.09.1897 in Luditz (Böhmen) / Žlutice (Tschechien) gest. 25.10.1967 in London Luditz — Wien — London Hoffer, Dr. Wilhelm. England. Arrive in England May 18. 1938. Address. 9 Fellows Rd. N.W.3. Pri: 1332. Wrote Mr. Hutchinson re permit. – Has got permit 28. 7. 38. Taking house at – 3 Carlton Hill, St. John’s Wood. HOFFER, DR. WILHELM – VIENNESE PSYCHOANALYST, LIVING IN LONDON. IN 1940 THE EMERGENCY COMMITTEE WAS ABLE TO SECURE A TEACHING INVITATION FOR DR. HOFFER FROM BRYN MAWR COLLEGE AND FROM THE NEW SCHOOL. HE WAS UNABLE TO IMMIGRATE, HOWEVER, AS APPARENTLY THE STATE DEPARTMENT DID NOT APPROVE THESE INVITATIONS. (Emergency Committee) 1922 Promotion in Pädagogik an der Universität Wien / 1925 Mitglied der WPV / 1929 Promotion in Medizin an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Wien / ab 1934 Herausgeber der Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik / 1935 Lehranalytiker der WPV / 1938 Emigration nach Großbritannien (London), gemeinsam mit seiner Ehefrau Hedwig Hoffer-Schaxel / 1938 Mitglied und Lehranalytiker der British Psychoanalytical Society / ab 1945 Mitherausgeber von The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child / 1947–48 Mitherausgeber des International Journal of Psycho-Analysis / 1949–59 alleiniger Herausgeber des International Journal of Psycho-Analysis / 1951 Vizepräsident der Internationalen Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung / 1957 Ehren-Vizepräsident der Internationalen Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung auf Lebenszeit / 1959–62 Präsident der British Psychoanalytical Society Bibliografie (Auswahl) 1931: Der Onaniekampf im Tagebuch des Jugendlichen, Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik 5 (1): 35-38. 1932: Das Archaische im Spiel, Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik 6 (5-6): 230- 238. 1950: Development of the Body Ego, The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 5: 18-23. 1950: Mouth, Hand and Ego-Integration, The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 3-4: 49-56. 1956: Transference and Transference Neurosis, International Journal of Psycho- Analysis 37: 377-379.
Hoffer, Dr. Wilhelm Teacher for children with special needs, physician, psychoanalyst, and child psychoanalyst born 12.09.1897 in Luditz (Bohemia) / Žlutice (Czech Repbulic) died 25.10.1967 in London Luditz — Vienna – London Hoffer, Dr. Wilhelm. England. Arrive in England May 18. 1938. Address. 9 Fellows Rd. N.W.3. Pri: 1332. Wrote Mr. Hutchinson re permit. – Has got permit 28. 7. 38. Taking house at – 3 Carlton Hill, St. John’s Wood. HOFFER, DR. WILHELM – VIENNESE PSYCHOANALYST, LIVING IN LONDON. IN 1940 THE EMERGENCY COMMITTEE WAS ABLE TO SECURE A TEACHING INVITATION FOR DR. HOFFER FROM BRYN MAWR COLLEGE AND FROM THE NEW SCHOOL. HE WAS UNABLE TO IMMIGRATE, HOWEVER, AS APPARENTLY THE STATE DEPARTMENT DID NOT APPROVE THESE INVITATIONS. (Emergency Committee) 1922 doctorate in education at the University of Vienna / 1925 member of the WPV / 1929 doctorate in medicine at the faculty of medicine at the University of Vienna / from 1934 editor of the Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik / 1935 training analyst of the WPV / 1938 emigration to Great Britain (London) together with his wife Hedwig Hoffer-Schaxel / 1938 member and training analyst of the British Psychoanalytical Society / from 1945 co-editor of Psychoanalytic Study of the Child / 1947/48 co-editor, 1949–59 sole editor of the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis / 1951 vice president of the IPV / 1957 honorary vice president of the IPV for life / 1959–62 president of the British Psychoanalytical Society (Select) Bibliography 1931: Der Onaniekampf im Tagebuch des Jugendlichen, Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik 5 (1): 35-38. 1932: Das Archaische im Spiel, Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik 6 (5-6): 230-238. 1950: Development of the Body Ego, The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 5: 18-23. 1950: Mouth, Hand and Ego-Integration, The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 3-4: 49-56. 1956: Transference and Transference Neurosis, International Journal of Psycho- Analysis 37: 377-379.
Hoffer-Schaxel, Hedwig (geb. Schulmann), Lehrerin, Psychoanalytikerin, Kinderanalytikerin geb. 13.12.1888 in München gest. 03.09.1961 in London München — Wien — London Hoffer-Schaxel, Hedwig. England. Arrive in England May 18. 1938. Ditto as above. Has got permit 28. 7. 38. 302 Addison HouseGrove End Road, CUN: 5558. N. W. 8. – 17 Devonshire Place, W. I. Wel: 1293. Lehrerinnenausbildung in Süddeutschland 1924 Übersiedlung nach Wien 1925 außerordentliches Mitglied der WPV 1927 ordentliches Mitglied der WPV und Lehranalytikerin Zusammenarbeit mit Anna Freud, August Aichhorn und Willi Hoffer im »Lehrkurs für Pädagogen« der WPV 1938 Emigration nach Großbritannien (London), gemeinsam mit ihrem zweiten Ehemann Willi Hoffer 1938 Mitglied und Lehranalytikerin der British Psychoanalytical Society, drei Jahre lang im Sekretariat des Londoner Lehrausschusses Bibliografie 1925: Kinderheim Baumgarten, Sozialistische Kultur, 10.01.1925. 1927: Drei Beobachtungen, Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik 2: 185-187. 1932: »Der Weg ins Leben«. Psychoanalytische Bemerkungen zu einem russischen Film, Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik 6 (1): 40-43. 1955: Obituary Siegfried Bernfeld, International Journal of Psychoanalysis 36: 66-71.
Hoffer-Schaxel, Hedwig (née Schulmann), teacher, psychoanalyst, child psychoanalyst born 13.12.1888 in Munich died 03.09.1961 in London Munich — Vienna — London Hoffer-Schaxel, Hedwig. England. Arrive in England May 18. 1938. Ditto as above. Has got permit 28. 7. 38. 302 Addison HouseGrove End Road, CUN: 5558. N. W. 8. – 17 Devonshire Place, W. I. Wel: 1293. training as a teacher in Southern Germany 1924 relocation to Vienna 1925 associate member of the WPV, 1927 full member of the WPV and training analyst collaboration with Anna Freud, August Aichhorn, and Willi Hoffer on the »education course« of the WPV 1938 emigration to Great Britain (London) together with her second husband Willi Hoffer 1938 member and training analyst of the British Psychoanalytical Society, worked at the administration office of the London training committee for three years Bibliography 1925: Kinderheim Baumgarten, Sozialistische Kultur, 10.01.1925. 1927: Drei Beobachtungen, Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik 2: 185-187. 1932: »Der Weg ins Leben«. Psychoanalytische Bemerkungen zu einem russischen Film, Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik 6 (1): 40-43. 1955: Obituary Siegfried Bernfeld, International Journal of Psychoanalysis 36: 66-71.
Hoffmann, Dr. Ernst Paul Allgemeinmediziner geb. 23.01.1891 in Radautz (Bukowina) / Rădăuți (Rumänien) gest. 23.12.1944 in Basel Radautz — Wien — Antwerpen — Brüssel — Le Vigeant — Saint-Cyprien — Gurs — Les Milles — Marseille — Lyon — Monthey — Basel Hoffmann, Dr. Ernst Paul. Psychiatrist. Belgium. (Antwerp ?) ? Brussels. Lost permit to work. Has got affidavit (Edith Buxbaum). 109 Chausée de Charleroi, Bruxelles. 26 rue du Chatelain, Bruxelles. HOFFMANN, DR. ERNST PAUL (DECEASED) – VIENNESE PSYCHOANALYST. IN 1938 HE WAS IN BRUSSELS WITH HIS WIFE AND YOUNG SON. AFFIDAVITS WERE SECURED FOR THEM, BUT THEY HAD A LONG WAIT FOR VISA. IN 1940 DR. HOFFMANN WAS PICKED UP BY THE GERMANS AND SENT TO SOUTHERN FRANCE, WHERE HE WAS INTERNED IN SEVERAL CAMPS. HE WAS RELEASED IN 1942 AND ESCAPED TO SWITZERLAND. HE DIED IN A HOSPITAL THERE IN DECEMBER 1944. NO FURTHER WORD WAS HEARD OF HIS WIFE AND SON. THE EMERGENCY COMMITTEE HAS SENT DR. HOFFMANN AFFIDAVITS, RENEWED THEM WHEN NECESSARY, AND ALSO SECURED AN ECUADOREAN VISA FOR HIM. HE RECEIVED NOTIFICATION OF THIS, DUE TO THE WAR AND COULD THEREFORE NOT EMIGRATE. HE WAS SENT A TOTAL OF $ 430.00 ($ 100.00 THROUGH DR. MENG OF BASEL), AND $ 250.00 WERE PAID TOWARD HIS PASSAGE TO THE UNITED STATES. THE $ 250.00 WERE SUBSEQUENTLY REFUNDED. (Emergency Committee) 1914 Promotion in Medizin an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Wien 1922 Beginn einer psychoanalytischen Ausbildung im Lehrinstitut der WPV, Mitarbeit im Ambulatorium der WPV 1926 außerordentliches Mitglied der WPV 1931 ordentliches Mitglied der WPV 1937 Einladung nach Antwerpen, Entschluss nach Belgien zu übersiedeln Bibliografie 1935: Projektion und Ich-Entwicklung, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse 21 (3): 342-373.
Hoffmann, Dr. Ernst Paul general practitioner born 23.01.1891 in Radautz / Rădăuți (Romania) died 23.12.1944 in Basel Radautz — Vienna — Antwerp — Brussels — le Vigeant — Saint-Cyprien — Gurs — Les Milles — Marseille — Lyon — Monthey — Basel Hoffmann, Dr. Ernst Paul. Psychiatrist. Belgium. (Antwerp ?) ? Brussels. Lost permit to work. Has got affidavit (Edith Buxbaum). 109 Chausée de Charleroi, Bruxelles. 26 rue du Chatelain, Bruxelles. HOFFMANN, DR. ERNST PAUL (DECEASED) – VIENNESE PSYCHOANALYST. IN 1938 HE WAS IN BRUSSELS WITH HIS WIFE AND YOUNG SON. AFFIDAVITS WERE SECURED FOR THEM, BUT THEY HAD A LONG WAIT FOR VISA. IN 1940 DR. HOFFMANN WAS PICKED UP BY THE GERMANS AND SENT TO SOUTHERN FRANCE, WHERE HE WAS INTERNED IN SEVERAL CAMPS. HE WAS RELEASED IN 1942 AND ESCAPED TO SWITZERLAND. HE DIED IN A HOSPITAL THERE IN DECEMBER 1944. NO FURTHER WORD WAS HEARD OF HIS WIFE AND SON. THE EMERGENCY COMMITTEE HAS SENT DR. HOFFMANN AFFIDAVITS, RENEWED THEM WHEN NECESSARY, AND ALSO SECURED AN ECUADOREAN VISA FOR HIM. HE RECEIVED NOTIFICATION OF THIS, DUE TO THE WAR AND COULD THEREFORE NOT EMIGRATE. HE WAS SENT A TOTAL OF $ 430.00 ($ 100.00 THROUGH DR. MENG OF BASEL), AND $ 250.00 WERE PAID TOWARD HIS PASSAGE TO THE UNITED STATES. THE $ 250.00 WERE SUBSEQUENTLY REFUNDED. (Emergency Committee) 1914 doctorate in medicine at the faculty of medicine of the University of Vienna 1922 started his psychoanalytic training at the teaching institute of the WPV, worked at the outpatient clinic of the WPV 1926 associate member of the WPV, 1931 full member of the WPV 1937 invitation to Antwerp; decision to relocate to Belgium Bibliography 1935: Projektion und Ich-Entwicklung, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse 21 (3): 342-373.
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