12.2022 Universität zu Köln

Die Seite wird erstellt Laurin Schuster
12.2022 Universität zu Köln
                                                                                  Division 7 Research Management

Current Calls for Proposals from National, European
and International Third-Party Funding Sources

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Unviersity of Cologne | Division 7 Research Management | Department 71 Analysis & Consulting Services |   @UniCologne_D7
12.2022 Universität zu Köln
Division 7 Research Management


   from Division 7 Research Management

                                                                                                                      Foto: Kristina Paukshtite | Pexels

University of Cologne | Division 7 Research Management | Department 71 Analysis & Consulting Services
12.2022 Universität zu Köln
Division 7 Research Management


                                   jeweils 12:00 - 13:30 Uhr

                                                                        Fit für Forschungsförderung

                                12.01.2023           Einstieg in die EU-Förderung

                                19.01.2023           Forschungsergebnisse - und dann?
                                                     Förderoptionen für die angewandte Entwicklung
Foto: samarttiw | Adobe Stock

                                 Anmeldung und weitere Informationen: https://verwaltung.uni-koeln.de/d7_events
12.2022 Universität zu Köln
FEDERAL AND STATE MINISTRIES ............................................................................................................... 4
   Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) ........................................................................... 4
      Etablierung einer gelebten Open-Access-Kultur in der deutschen Forschungs- und
      Wissenschaftspraxis ......................................................................................................................... 4
      Kompetenzzentrum für digitales und digital gestütztes Unterrichten in Schule und Weiterbildung
      in den Sprachen, Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften ...................................................... 5
      Kompetenzzentrum für digitales und digital gestütztes Unterrichten in Schule und Weiterbildung
      in musisch-kreativen Fächern und Sport ........................................................................................... 5
      Kompetenzzentrum digitale Schulentwicklung................................................................................... 6
      Research and Innovation Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean (EUREKA
      Global Stars) ..................................................................................................................................... 6
      Materialien für Prozesseffizienz......................................................................................................... 7
   Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) ................................................................................ 8
      Digitale Testfelder in Häfen ............................................................................................................... 8
      Innovative Hafentechnologien II ........................................................................................................ 9
      mFund | Data-based Research and Development Projects within the Framework of "Small
      Research Projects / Preliminary Studies / Feasibility Studies" ........................................................... 9
      Development of Renewable Fuels ................................................................................................... 10
   Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW NRW)........................................... 11
      KI Starter ......................................................................................................................................... 11
GERMAN RESEARCH FOUNDATION (DFG) ................................................................................................. 12
   Deutsch-Israelische Projektkooperation (DIP) – German-Israeli Project Cooperation ......................... 12
   Funding Programme for German-French Research Projects in the Humanities and Social Sciences . 12
   Priority Programme “Exit Strategies of Intracellular Pathogens” (SPP 2225)....................................... 13
EUROPEAN RESEARCH FUNDING .............................................................................................................. 14
   Horizon Europe ................................................................................................................................... 14
      European Research Council (ERC) ................................................................................................. 14
      Open calls for Proposals in Horizon Europe .................................................................................... 15
      Opportunities for Researchers from the Social Sciences & Humanities in Horizon Europe.............. 15
   EU Funding Opportunities for the Cultural and Creative Sectors 2021-2027 ....................................... 15
FOUNDATIONS AND OTHER FUNDING BODIES ............................................................................................ 16
   Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre ........................................................................................... 16
      Freiraum 2023................................................................................................................................. 16
   Heinrich Hertz Stiftung ........................................................................................................................ 16
      Stipendium ...................................................................................................................................... 16

12.2022 Universität zu Köln
Gerda Henkel Foundation ................................................................................................................... 17
      Funding Programme Democracy..................................................................................................... 17
      Funding Programme Forced Migration ............................................................................................ 17
      Funding Programme Lost Cities ...................................................................................................... 18
   Deutsches Archäologisches Institut – Abteilung Madrid ...................................................................... 18
      Forschungsstipendium .................................................................................................................... 18
FUNDING FOR EARLY CAREER RESEARCHERS .......................................................................................... 19
   Heinrich Hertz Stiftung ........................................................................................................................ 19
      Stipendium ...................................................................................................................................... 19
   Society in Science .............................................................................................................................. 19
      Branco Weiss Fellowship ................................................................................................................ 19
   Deutsche Krebshilfe............................................................................................................................ 20
      Short-Term Fellowship .................................................................................................................... 20
   Gerda Henkel Foundation, the German Historical Institute (GHI) and the Roy Rosenzweig Center
   for History and New Media at the George Mason University (RRCHNM) ............................................ 20
      Gerda Henkel Fellowship in Digital History ...................................................................................... 20
TRANSFER............................................................................................................................................... 21
   Knowledge and Technology Transfer ............................................................................................. 21
      DFG | Knowledge Transfer .............................................................................................................. 21
      European Research Council (ERC) | Proof of Concept ................................................................... 21
   Validation .......................................................................................................................................... 22
      BMBF | Validation of the Technological and Societal Innovation Potential of Scientific
      Research - VIP+.............................................................................................................................. 22
   Transfer with Industrial Partners ..................................................................................................... 23
      BMBF | KMU-innovativ .................................................................................................................... 23
      BMWK | Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)............................................................. 23
      BMWK | ZIM: 31st IraSME Call for Proposals for Transnational R&D Projects ................................. 24
   Startup and Pre-Seed Funding ........................................................................................................ 24
      MWK NRW | Start-up Transfer.NRW ............................................................................................... 24
      BMWK | EXIST Transfer of Research ............................................................................................. 25
      BMWK | EXIST Business Start-up Grant ......................................................................................... 25
PRIZES .................................................................................................................................................... 26
   Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt ....................................................................................................... 26
      Deutscher Umweltpreis ................................................................................................................... 26

12.2022 Universität zu Köln
Klaus Tschira Stiftung ......................................................................................................................... 26
      KlarText-Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation ............................................................................. 26
   Stifterverband ..................................................................................................................................... 27
      Ars Legendi-Fakultätenpreis Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften 2023 ....................................... 27
UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE ........................................................................................................................ 28
   Seed Funding by the University of Cologne ........................................................................................ 28
MISCELLANEOUS ..................................................................................................................................... 29
EVENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 30

This newsletter is published in English. However, calls for proposals for which the application can only be submitted
in German, will not be translated. In any case, please inform yourself before submission whether a proposal in English
or German is required.

       Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences                                        Faculty of Law
       Faculty of Arts and Humanities                                                              Faculty of Medicine
       Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences                                                 Faculty of Human Sciences

12.2022 Universität zu Köln
Federal and State Ministries
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Etablierung einer gelebten Open-Access-Kultur in der deutschen Forschungs- und Wis-
      Förderung    „Das BMBF fördert mit dieser Richtlinie Vorhaben entlang von drei Themenschwer-
                       In Themenfeld 1 (finanzielle Etablierung) werden Vorhaben gefördert, deren
                        Ziel die Entwicklung, Erprobung und Etablierung von wissenschaftsgetrage-
                        nen Finanzierungsmodellen ist.
                       In Themenfeld 2 (institutionelle und soziokulturelle Etablierung) werden Vor-
                        haben gefördert, die sich auf die Erforschung und Erhöhung der Anerken-
                        nung von Open Access in der Wissenschaft konzentrieren.
                       In Themenfeld 3 (offenes Förderfeld) werden Vorhaben gefördert, die die viel-
                        fältigen Bedarfe einer Open-Access-Kultur aufgreifen und damit zur Errei-
                        chung der Ziele der Förderrichtlinie beitragen.“
      Zielgruppe   Einzel- und Verbundprojekte
          Dauer    bis zu 3 Jahre
     Förderhöhe    bis zu 300.000 €
       Fristende   25. Januar 2023 (einstufiges Verfahren)
                   INTERNES VERFAHREN: Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Antrag auf formale Vorga-
                   ben geprüft und von einem/r bevollmächtigen Vertreter*in der Universität unter-
                   schrieben werden muss. Wenden Sie sich daher bitte an die Abteilung 73 - Natio-
                   nale Förderung, sobald Sie sich für eine Antragstellung entschieden haben
                   (a73_Antrag@verw.uni-koeln.de), um einen Termin für die Unterstützung bei der
                   Antragsvorbereitung zu vereinbaren.
         Weitere   Webseite des BMBF

12.2022 Universität zu Köln
Kompetenzzentrum für digitales und digital gestütztes Unterrichten in Schule und Weiter-
bildung in den Sprachen, Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
      Förderung    „Gefördert werden ausschließlich Verbundprojekte, die digitalisierungsbezogene
                   Angebote der Lehrkräftebildung für die gesamte Breite des allgemeinbildenden
                   und berufsbildenden Unterrichtsangebots der Fächer in den Sprachen, Gesell-
                   schafts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Deutsch und Fremdsprachen sowie
                   insbesondere Geografie, Geschichte, Politik, Wirtschaft und – je nach Bezeichnung
                   in den Ländern – weitere gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Fächer) und der dafür not-
                   wendigen fachdidaktischen Fortbildung erforschen und entwickeln.“
      Zielgruppe   Verbundprojekte
          Dauer    Projektstart: 1. Juni 2023 | Projektende: spätestens am 31. Dezember 2023
     Förderhöhe    bis zu 100% der zuwendungsfähigen projektbezogenen Ausgaben sowie eine Pro-
                   jektpauschale in Höhe von 20% für Hochschulen
       Fristende   17. Januar 2023 (Einreichung einer Projektskizze, zweistufiges Verfahren)
                   INTERNES VERFAHREN: Bitte senden Sie den Antrag so früh wie möglich und
                   spätestens bis 10. Januar 2023 an Philipp Görke, Abteilung 73 Nationale Förde-
                   rung zur Prüfung: a73_Antrag@verw.uni-koeln.de.
         Weitere   Webseite des BMBF

Kompetenzzentrum für digitales und digital gestütztes Unterrichten in Schule und Weiter-
bildung in musisch-kreativen Fächern und Sport
      Förderung    „Gefördert werden ausschließlich Verbundprojekte, die digitalisierungsbezogene
                   Angebote der Lehrkräftebildung für die gesamte Breite des allgemeinbildenden
                   und berufsbildenden Unterrichtsangebots der musisch-kreativen Fächer sowie
                   Sport und der dafür notwendigen fachdidaktischen Fortbildung erforschen und
      Zielgruppe   Verbundprojekte
          Dauer    Projektstart: 1. Juli 2023 | Projektende: spätestens am 28. Februar 2026
     Förderhöhe    bis zu 100% der zuwendungsfähigen projektbezogenen Ausgaben sowie eine Pro-
                   jektpauschale in Höhe von 20% für Hochschulen
       Fristende   17. Januar 2023 (Einreichung einer Projektskizze, zweistufiges Verfahren)
                   INTERNES VERFAHREN: Bitte senden Sie den Antrag so früh wie möglich und
                   spätestens bis 10. Januar 2023 an Philipp Görke, Abteilung 73 Nationale Förde-
                   rung zur Prüfung: a73_Antrag@verw.uni-koeln.de.
         Weitere   Webseite des BMBF

12.2022 Universität zu Köln
Kompetenzzentrum digitale Schulentwicklung
      Förderung    „Gefördert werden ausschließlich Verbundprojekte, die Gestaltungskonzepte für
                   digitale Schulentwicklung unter Berücksichtigung von Organisationsentwicklung,
                   digitaler Kommunikations- und Kooperationsformate sowie Fortbildungsmaßnah-
                   men für Schulleitungen und mit digitaler Schulentwicklung befasster Lehrkräfte er-
                   forschen und entwickeln und deren Umsetzung in der Fläche in Zusammenarbeit
                   mit den Akteuren der Länder sowie der Vernetzungs- und Transferstelle unterstüt-
      Zielgruppe   Verbundprojekte
          Dauer    Projektstart: 1. August 2023 | Projektende: spätestens am 31. März 2026
     Förderhöhe    bis zu 100% der zuwendungsfähigen projektbezogenen Ausgaben sowie eine Pro-
                   jektpauschale in Höhe von 20% für Hochschulen
       Fristende   31. Januar 2023 (Einreichung einer Projektskizze, zweistufiges Verfahren)
                   INTERNES VERFAHREN: Bitte senden Sie den Antrag so früh wie möglich und
                   spätestens bis 24. Januar 2023 an Philipp Görke, Abteilung 73 Nationale Förde-
                   rung zur Prüfung: a73_Antrag@verw.uni-koeln.de.
         Weitere   Webseite des BMBF

Research and Innovation Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean (EUREKA
Global Stars)
            Aim    Funding is available for joint market-oriented research and innovation projects
                   that are carried out in international cooperation with partners from the state of
                   São Paolo in Brazil and, if applicable, also from the EUREKA countries Sweden
                   or Spain and address one or more of the following topics: AI in Smart Cities | AI
                   in the health sector | Industry 4.0.
    Target group   international consortia; small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and, where
                   appropriate, as collaborative project partners, universities and research insti-
       Duration    up to 3 years
        Funding    up to € 250,000
       Deadline    31 January 2023 (submission of a project outline; two-stage procedure)
                   INTERNAL PROCEDURE: Please note, that the application form must be signed
                   by an authorised representative of the university (in German: “rechtsverbindliche
                   Unterschrift“). Therefore, please contact Department 73 - National Funding as soon
                   as you decide to write a proposal (a73_Antrag@verw.uni-koeln.de) to arrange an
                   appointment for the support with the proposal preparation.
         Further   website of BMBF

12.2022 Universität zu Köln
Materialien für Prozesseffizienz
      Förderung    „Im Fokus des Fördermoduls „Materialien für Prozesseffizienz“ steht die Entwick-
                   lung von innovativen Katalysator- und Membranmaterialien, um energie- und
                   CO2-reiche Prozesse effizienter und nachhaltiger zu gestalten oder durch nachhal-
                   tigere Alternativen zu ersetzen (im Sinne von Energie- und CO2-Einsparung).
                   Durch Nutzung der Effizienzpotenziale sollen industrielle Prozesse auf allen Wert-
                   schöpfungsebenen mit gleicher oder höherer Leistung bei gleichzeitig reduziertem
                   Ressourceneinsatz geführt, unerwünschte Produkte (unter anderem Treibhaus-
                   gase) minimiert oder einer Nutzung im Kreislauf zugeführt werden.“
      Zielgruppe   risikoreiche und anwendungsorientierte Verbundprojekte
          Dauer    bis zu 3 Jahre
     Förderhöhe    bis zu 100% der zuwendungsfähigen projektbezogenen Ausgaben sowie eine Pro-
                   jektpauschale in Höhe von 20% für Hochschulen
       Fristende   31. März 2023 (Einreichung einer Projektskizze, zweistufiges Verfahren)
                   INTERNES VERFAHREN: Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Antrag auf formale Vorga-
                   ben geprüft und von einem/r bevollmächtigen Vertreter*in der Universität unter-
                   schrieben werden muss. Wenden Sie sich daher bitte an die Abteilung 73 - Natio-
                   nale Förderung, sobald Sie sich für eine Antragstellung entschieden haben
                   (a73_Antrag@verw.uni-koeln.de), um einen Termin für die Unterstützung bei der
                   Antragsvorbereitung zu vereinbaren.
         Weitere   Webseite des BMBF

Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)
Digitale Testfelder in Häfen
      Förderung    Ziel ist es „die See- und Binnenhäfen durch Digitalisierung zu zentralen High-
                   Tech-Standorten der Spitzenklasse weiterzuentwickeln und deren Position im in-
                   ternationalen Wettbewerb zu festigen bzw. auszubauen. […]
                   Im Mittelpunkt der Förderung steht dabei die Einrichtung digitaler Testfelder in
                   Häfen mit neuester digitaler Infrastruktur, die die Erprobung von Innovationen
                   der Logistik 4.0 unter Realbedingungen ermöglichen. Bei der Umsetzung soll die
                   Verknüpfung verschiedener Verkehrsträger sowie automatisierte Bewegungs-, La-
                   ger- und Umschlagprozesse mit einbezogen werden. Angestrebt ist damit, Räume
                   für reale Versuche in den Bereichen der weiteren Digitalisierung der Lieferketten
                   und logistischen Administration sowie des Verkehrsmanagements und automati-
                   sierten Fahrens in Häfen zu schaffen.“
      Zielgruppe   Hafenbetreiber unabhängig von ihrer Rechtsform, Unternehmen der gewerblichen
                   Wirtschaft, Einrichtungen für Forschung und Wissensverbreitung, außeruni-
                   versitäre Forschungseinrichtungen, Ingenieurbüros sowie Konsortien/Verbünde
                   der vorgenannten Einheiten
          Dauer    Laufzeit bis max. Mitte 2024
     Förderhöhe    80% der förderfähigen Kosten
       Fristende   15. Februar 2023 (Einreichung einer Projektskizze, zweistufiges Verfahren)
                   INTERNES VERFAHREN: Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Antrag von einer/m bevoll-
                   mächtigten Vertreter*in der Universität („rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift“) unter-
                   schrieben werden muss und dass das Projekt durch einen Eigenanteil unterstützt
                   werden muss. Der finale Antrag muss deshalb mind. drei Wochen vor dem Fris-
                   tende bei der Abteilung 73 - Nationale Förderung eingereicht werden, um sicherzu-
                   stellen, dass der Antrag rechtzeitig geprüft und zur Unterschrift vorgelegt werden
                   kann. Wenden Sie sich daher bitte an die Abteilung 73, sobald Sie sich für eine
                   Antragstellung entscheiden (a73_Antrag@verw.uni-koeln.de), um einen Termin für
                   die Unterstützung bei der Antragsvorbereitung zu vereinbaren.
         Weitere   Webseite des BMDV

Innovative Hafentechnologien II
      Förderung    „Das Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur beabsichtigt mit der
                   Förderung im Rahmen der Förderrichtlinie „Innovative Hafentechnologien II“ die
                   deutschen Häfen bei technologischen, digitalen und sozialen Innovationen zu un-
                   terstützen, damit diese ihrer Funktion als Drehscheiben des nationalen und in-
                   ternationalen Warenaustauschs auch zukünftig gerecht werden können. Die För-
                   derung soll einen Beitrag dazu leisten, mit Hilfe innovativer Hafentechnologien den
                   Klima- und Umweltschutz zu verbessern und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der
                   deutschen Häfen zu stärken. Zudem sollen Logistikketten effizienter und die Ver-
                   netzung von Produktion und Logistik optimiert werden.“
      Zielgruppe   anwendungsorientierte F&E-Projekte sowie Durchführbarkeitsstudien;
          Dauer    k.A.
     Förderhöhe    Einzelfallentscheidung
       Fristende   15. März 2023 (Einreichung einer Projektskizze, zweistufiges Verfahren)
                   INTERNES VERFAHREN: Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Antragsformular von ei-
                   nem/r bevollmächtigten Vertreter*in der Universität unterschrieben werden muss
                   („rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift"). Wenden Sie sich daher bitte an die Abteilung 73
                   - Nationale Förderung, sobald Sie sich für eine Antragstellung entschieden haben
                   (a73_Antrag@verw.uni-koeln.de), um einen Termin für die Unterstützung bei der
                   Antragsvorbereitung zu vereinbaren.
         Weitere   Webseite des BMDV

mFund | Data-based Research and Development Projects within the Framework of "Small
Research Projects / Preliminary Studies / Feasibility Studies"
            Aim    The purpose of funding under the "mFUND" funding guideline is to systematically
                   develop innovative ways of using and networking data in the context of the
                   BMDV and to identify future data requirements and options for use. [...]
                   In the third funding call of funding line 1, project outlines can be submitted in three
                   categories: Category A: open-topic | Category B: to support structural change in one
                   of the coal regions (under the Coal Regions Investment Act) | Category C: in the
                   context of the mFUND annual theme 2023 "Mobility for all: Open Data for an inclu-
                   sive transport sector".
    Target group   projects with the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises; priority to
                   project proposals from start-ups or consortia that include at least one start-up
       Duration    up to 1.5 years
        Funding    up to € 200,000
       Deadline    3 March 2023 (submission of a project outline; two-stage procedure)
                   INTERNAL PROCEDURE: Please note, that the application form must be signed
                   by an authorised representative of the university (in German: “rechtsverbindliche
                   Unterschrift“). Therefore, please contact Department 73 - National Funding as soon
                   as you decide to write a proposal (a73_Antrag@verw.uni-koeln.de) to arrange an
                   appointment for the support with the proposal preparation.
         Further   website of BMDV

Development of Renewable Fuels
            Aim    In its Climate Protection Plan 2050, the German government has set a target for the
                   transport sector of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 42 % in the period
                   1990-2030. Renewable fuels can make a significant contribution to this. This di-
                   rective is therefore intended to support the further development of electricity-
                   based fuels and advanced biofuels.
   Target group    individual or collaborative research projects
       Duration    not specified
        Funding    up to 100% of eligible project-related expenditure and a project lump sum of 20%
                   for higher education institutions
       Deadline    annually on 31 March & 30 September (submission of a project outline; two-stage
                   INTERNAL PROCEDURE: Please note, that the application form must be signed
                   by an authorised representative of the university (in German: “rechtsverbindliche
                   Unterschrift“). Therefore, please contact Department 73 - National Funding as soon
                   as you decide to write a proposal (a73_Antrag@verw.uni-koeln.de) to arrange an
                   appointment for the support with the proposal preparation.
         Further   website of now GmbH

Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW NRW)
KI Starter
             Aim   The AI Starter funding programme is designed to make it easier for young research-
                   ers to embark on an academic career. At the same time, it also supports the sus-
                   tainable retention of the next generation of AI researchers in NRW. Funding is
                   provided for up to 6 candidates who, after completing their doctorate, can carry out
                   their own research project in the field of AI / ML at a university in NRW.
    Target group   universities in NRW; researchers up to 3 years after the PhD; cooperation with
                   international research partners
        Duration   up to 2 years
        Funding    up to € 175,000 (plus 10% own contribution)
        Deadline   internal deadline: 12 January 2023 | deadline of the MKW NRW: 31 March 2023
                   INTERNAL PROCEDURE: Since a maximum of two applications per university
                   may be submitted per call for proposals, an internal procedure for university-internal
                   pre-selection has been agreed with the Prorectorate for Research and Innova-
                   tion. Please send the pre-selection form to d7.beratung@verw.uni-koeln.de by
                   Thursday, 12 January 2023 at the latest.
                   Further information as well as the template for the pre-selection is available here:
         Further   website of the project management Jülich

Deutsch-Israelische Projektkooperation (DIP) – German-Israeli Project Cooperation
            Aim    “Participating institutions in Israel are invited to submit proposals which may come
                   from all fields of science and research. Proposals shall be so designed as to be
                   carried out in close cooperation between the Israeli and the German project
                   partners. They must contain a description of the joint work plan for both, the Israeli
                   and the German side. The quality of the research work and the strength of the sci-
                   entific cooperation including the exchange of scientists, in particular early career
                   researchers (PhDs/Postdocs), are the main criteria for the review and selection.
                   Principal investigators on both sides need to have adequate working conditions over
                   the full period of the project.”
    Target group   German-Israeli research projects
       Duration    5 years
        Funding    up to € 1,655,000
       Deadline    Two-stage procedure: the first stage takes place in Israel.
                   The second stage takes place in Germany. Deadline for the submission of full
                   proposals: 15 March 2023.
         Further   website of the DFG

Funding Programme for German-French Research Projects in the Humanities and Social
            Aim    The aim of the call is to further expand and strengthen Franco-German cooper-
                   ation in the humanities and social sciences and to contribute to the sustainable
                   establishment of new Franco-German academic cooperation and networks.
    Target group   researches with PhD; joint German-French research projects in the Humanities
                   and Social Sciences
       Duration    up to 3 years
        Funding    as requested
       Deadline    8 March 2023 (registration for the elan portal until 1 March 2023)
         Further   website of the DFG

Priority Programme “Exit Strategies of Intracellular Pathogens” (SPP 2225)
            Aim    “The SPP 2225 focuses on bacterial, parasitic and fungal pathogens with rele-
                   vance for human health. Projects to be considered for funding shall address at
                   least one of the following aspects:
                          the sequential steps of pathogen-specific host cell exit pathways,
                          the link between exit pathway and host cell specificity,
                          the signalling pathways triggering and mediating host cell exit,
                          the key molecular mediators, regulators and effectors of host cell exit.”
    Target group   current and potential new members of the SPP 2225
       Duration    up to 3 years
        Funding    as requested
       Deadline    26 April 2023 (registration for the elan portal until 19 April 2023)
         Further   website of the DFG


Horizon Europe
The European Union's new research framework programme for research and innovation, "Horizon Europe” started
in 2021. It has a budget of approximately € 100 billion for the period from 2021 to 2027.

BMBF call for proposals to support German Coordinators in preparing a proposal for Horizon Europe
The BMBF has launched a call for proposals to support researchers in the preparing and drafting of proposals
in the thematic clusters in the second pillar of Horizon Europe “Global Challenges and European Industrial
Funding: up to € 50,000 for over one year | annual cut-off dates: 31 January | 31 May | 30 September (the last
submission date is 30 September 2023)
Further information is available at the website of the BMBF.

European Research Council (ERC)
ERC Advanced Grants
               Aim    „The ERC's main frontier research grants aim to empower individual researchers
                      and provide the best settings to foster their creativity. Scientific excellence is the
                      sole criterion of evaluation. […]
                      The ERC ADG support individual researchers who are already established re-
                      search leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements and who
                      can demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their
                      research proposal.“
     Target Group     active researchers who have a track-record of significant research achievements in
                      the last 10 years
          Duration    up to 5 years
          Funding     up to € 2.5 million
          Deadline    23 May 2023
                      Contact at the University of Cologne: erc.beratung@verw.uni-koeln.de
           Further    website of the ERC and the Funding & Tenders Portal

Open calls for Proposals in Horizon Europe
 Pillar I Excellent Science
 European Research Council (ERC)                                                   Further information
 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)                                             Further information
 Research Infrastructures                                                          Further information
 Pillar II Global Challenges & Industrial Competitiveness
 Cluster 1: Health                                                                 Further information
 Cluster 2: Culture, creativity and inclusive Society                              Further information
 Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society                                             Further information
 Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space                                            Further information
 Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility                                           Further information
 Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment       Further information
 Joint Research Center (JRC)                                                       Further information
 Pillar III Innovative Europe
 European Innovation Council (EIC)                                                 Further information
 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)                             Further information
 Widening Participation and strengthening the European Research Area
 Widening Participation                                                            Further information
 Reforming and Enhancing the European R&I System                                   Further information

Opportunities for Researchers from the Social Sciences & Humanities in Horizon Europe
The Bridge2HE project has published a document that provides an overview of funding opportunities for Social Sci-
ences and Humanities (SSH) research groups under Horizon Europe.
The document is available here.

EU Funding Opportunities for the Cultural and Creative Sectors 2021-2027
CulturEU Funding Guide
“With this interactive guide, the European Commission wants to ease access to the funding opportunities available
for the cultural and creative sectors across all the funding sources of the European Union available in 2021-2027.”
The guide is available here.

Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
Freiraum 2023
             Aim   With this call for proposals, we want to enable openness and creativity in univer-
                   sity teaching. The funding is intended to create the freedom to develop and test
                   ideas for teaching. We award funds for experimental concepts.
                   The call is thematically open. All projects that convince through their innovative po-
                   tential are welcome: teaching and study formats can be conceived, tried out and
                   reflected upon. Processes related to teaching and learning at universities, as well
                   as modules and study programmes, can be rethought and implemented.
    Target group   all persons employed full-time at a German higher education institution with a
                   teaching relation; cooperations between people at different universities are
       Duration    up to 2 years
        Funding    up to € 400,000
       Deadline    15 February 2023
         Further   website of the foundation

Heinrich Hertz Stiftung
      Förderung    „Die Heinrich Hertz-Stiftung fördert den wissenschaftlichen Austausch durch die
                   Vergabe von Stipendien für internationale Forschungsaufenthalte. In Betracht
                   für ein Heinrich Hertz-Stipendium kommen
                          Wissenschaftlerinnen oder Wissenschaftlern, die in Nordrhein-Westfalen
                           tätig sind und ein Forschungsvorhaben im Ausland planen, und
                          Wissenschaftlerinnen oder Wissenschaftler, die im Ausland tätig sind und
                           ein Forschungsvorhaben in Nordrhein-Westfalen planen.
                   Anträge können von Wissenschaftlerinnen oder Wissenschaftlern, die in Nordrhein-
                   Westfalen tätig sind, zur Unterstützung geeigneter Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten
                   gestellt werden.“
      Zielgruppe   Hochschullehrer*innen, Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen, sonstige Wissenschaft-
                   ler*innen, Doktorand*innen in der Endphase der Promotion
          Dauer    6 Wochen bis 1 Jahr
     Förderhöhe    monatlich 1.500 €, Familienzuschusses i.H.v. 200 €
       Fristende   23. Januar 2023
         Weitere   Webseite der Stiftung

Gerda Henkel Foundation
Funding Programme Democracy
           Aim    “[…] the Gerda Henkel Foundation has established a new funding initiative for de-
                  mocracy, which is divided into two subsections with different perspectives:
                      The first, historically oriented subsection on the topic of Democracy as a
                       Utopia, Experience and Threats aims at placing the aforementioned problem-
                       atic issues in the broader historical context and considering the history of con-
                       flicts over the foundation of the social order.
                      The second subsection, which is oriented towards analysis of the present
                       situation and predictions for the future, focuses on Transformations of De-
                       mocracy? Or: The Contours of Future Democratic Society. It represents an
                       invitation to venture contributions, speculations and assertions so that we
                       might learn to better understand the complex present-day situation and the
                       processes of profound transformation that are taking shape while also trying
                       to trace the contours of future society.”
   Target group   research group from the entire spectrum of humanities and social sciences
       Duration   up to 3 years
       Funding    personnel costs, family grant, monthly endowment for scholarships abroad, travel
                  aid, material aid
       Deadline   6 June 2023
        Further   website of the foundation

Funding Programme Forced Migration
           Aim    “While forced migration has been a subject of research in Anglo-Saxon scholarship
                  since the 1980s, the attention paid thereto has recently seen significant increase in
                  a number of specific European academic landscapes. African, Asian, Australian,
                  and Latin American research has also seen a proliferation of such inquiries. Thus
                  far, however, the approaches taken have been fragmented and there remain vari-
                  ous thematic gaps, methodological deficits, and limited broader geographic
                  connections. Hence there is a need to strengthen this core research and further
                  expand the horizons of the interdisciplinary field of Forced Migration Studies going
   Target group   internationally oriented, multidimensional research projects on forced migration
                  that address questions receiving insufficient attention in the relevant debates thus
       Duration   up to 3 years
       Funding    personnel costs, family grant, monthly endowment for scholarships abroad, travel
                  aid, material aid
       Deadline   27 April 2023
        Further   website of the foundation

Funding Programme Lost Cities
            Aim    “The enormous process of urbanization, which has defined world history for thou-
                   sands of years in different economic situations and with regional variations, and
                   which is now developing a particular dynamism, has another side to it that initially
                   appears paradoxical – namely the shrinking and entirely abandoned cities, the so-
                   called Lost Cities. Current transformation processes in various parts of the world
                   mean that many of these Lost Cities are emerging. Nevertheless, the phenomenon
                   is not a new one, but has been a widespread hallmark of urban history since the
                   emergence of urban culture in the fourth century B.C. It has therefore been per-
                   ceived, reflected on and interpreted in very different ways in the cultural history of
                   urban life. With this finding as a starting point and a goal of placing current problem
                   situations in a greater historical context, the Gerda Henkel Foundation has es-
                   tablished a new funding programme for the theme Lost Cities. Perception of and
                   living with abandoned cities in the cultures of the world.”
   Target group    group of researchers of at least two researchers actively involved in the project
       Duration    up to 3 years
        Funding    personnel costs, family grant, monthly endowment for scholarships abroad, travel
                   aid, material aid
       Deadline    24 May 2023
         Further   website of the foundation

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut – Abteilung Madrid
      Förderung    „Das Stipendium wird für den Zweck eines umgrenzten eigenständiger Forschungs-
                   vorhabens vergeben, das einen substantiellen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag im
                   Sinne des DAI zum Ziel haben und in Verbindung mit einem Forschungsprojekt der
                   Abteilung Madrid des DAI stehen.“
      Zielgruppe   Wissenschaftler*innen mit einem Hochschulabschluss und einer Promotion zu ei-
                   nem Thema der klassischen, provinzialrömischen, frühmittelalterlichen, vor-
                   und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie oder der Bauforschung mit Schwerpunkt
                   Iberische Halbinsel
          Dauer    1 Jahr
     Förderhöhe    monatlich 2.050 €
       Fristende   8. Januar 2023
         Weitere   Webseite des DAINST

Heinrich Hertz Stiftung
      Förderung    „Die Heinrich Hertz-Stiftung fördert den wissenschaftlichen Austausch durch die
                   Vergabe von Stipendien für internationale Forschungsaufenthalte. In Betracht
                   für ein Heinrich Hertz-Stipendium kommen
                          Wissenschaftlerinnen oder Wissenschaftlern, die in Nordrhein-Westfalen
                           tätig sind und ein Forschungsvorhaben im Ausland planen, und
                          Wissenschaftlerinnen oder Wissenschaftler, die im Ausland tätig sind und
                           ein Forschungsvorhaben in Nordrhein-Westfalen planen.
                   Anträge können von Wissenschaftlerinnen oder Wissenschaftlern, die in Nordrhein-
                   Westfalen tätig sind, zur Unterstützung geeigneter Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten
                   gestellt werden.“
      Zielgruppe   Hochschullehrer*innen, Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen, sonstige Wissenschaft-
                   ler*innen, Doktorand*innen in der Endphase der Promotion
          Dauer    6 Wochen bis 1 Jahr
     Förderhöhe    monatlich 1.500 €, Familienzuschusses i.H.v. 200 €
       Fristende   23. Januar 2023
         Weitere   Webseite der Stiftung

Society in Science
Branco Weiss Fellowship
             Aim   “The Branco Weiss Fellowship offers an opportunity for postdocs in all areas of the
                   natural and social sciences and engineering who have conceived an original
                   and independent research idea that falls outside the scope of large-scale research
                   projects. The fellowship gives an unusual degree of freedom: Fellows are encour-
                   aged to choose the best possible location for their research, anywhere in the
   Target group    postdoctoral researchers up to 5 years after the PhD
       Duration    up to 5 years
        Funding    max. CHF 500,000 (around € 507.000)
       Deadline    15 January 2023
         Further   website of the fellowship

Deutsche Krebshilfe
Short-Term Fellowship
            Aim    Young medical doctors or life scientists can receive funding for short-term national
                   and international research stays at institutions in Germany and abroad, for
                   knowledge exchange at host institutions and for learning experimental and bio-
                   informatics techniques. Support for active participation in workshops, summer
                   schools and scientific courses can also be applied for.
    Target group   early-career researchers up to six years after the PhD and not older than 35
                   years old with an oncological research focus from the fields of human medicine
                   or life sciences or related oncological research areas
       Duration    2 weeks to 4 months
        Funding    travel allowance, subsidy for accommodation and subsistence costs
       Deadline    at any time
         Further   website of the Krebshilfe

Gerda Henkel Foundation, the German Historical Institute (GHI) and the Roy
Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at the George Mason Univer-
sity (RRCHNM)
Gerda Henkel Fellowship in Digital History
            Aim    “The fellowship provides a unique opportunity for the recipient to work on his or her
                   research project at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
                   (RRCHNM) at George Mason University (GMU), one of the most established cen-
                   ters for digital history in the United States with strengths in computational history,
                   spatial history and GIS, public digital history and other methods. The fellow will be
                   in residence for one year. While at the Center, the fellow will also have the oppor-
                   tunity to consult with the RRCHNM's faculty and staff in order to develop his or her
                   project, join teams working on projects in development at RRCHNM, and to sit in on
                   graduate digital history classes at GMU. Depending upon qualifications and visa
                   status, the fellow could teach or co-teach undergraduate courses involving digital
    Target group   junior scholar working in the field of digital history or a junior scholar with less
                   experience in digital history but interested in learning new research methods
       Duration    up to 1 year
        Funding    € 3,400 for postdoctoral scholars or € 2,000 for doctoral students | reimbursement
                   for his or her round-trip economy airfare to the U.S. | grant for travel to other
                   North American institutions
       Deadline    15 January 2023
         Further   website of the GHI Washington

Applied research projects with a clear orientation towards technology or knowledge transfer are supported by depart-
ment 75 for the following topics: advice on opportunities for transfer funding, in particular on current funding programs
and calls for proposals; analysis of patenting potential; market/competition analysis and commercialisation strategy.
Consultancy on start-up-related topics and funding programs is provided in close cooperation with Gateway, the UoC
entrepreneurship center. For meaningful support, please approach our team 6-4 weeks before submission date, to
allow for a comprehensive consultancy service on your grant. For grant support, please write to a75.transferfoerder-

Knowledge and Technology Transfer
DFG | Knowledge Transfer
                Aim    Transfer projects are based on results generated by DFG-funded research pro-
                       jects. They serve to test scientific insights in practice and, in collaboration with
                       an application partner, develop basic-research findings into prototypes or exem-
                       plary applications. The application partner may be a commercial enterprise or a
                       non-profit institution, especially in the public sector.
     Target group      scientists participating in DFG grant programmes; proposals for knowledge transfer
                       projects may be submitted under both the individual grants programmes and coor-
                       dinated programmes of the DFG.
          Duration     up to 3 years
           Funding     The categories of funds to be applied for correspond to the funding procedure in
                       which the proposal is submitted, only the scientific partners receive funding.
          Deadline     continuously open
           Further     website of the DFG

European Research Council (ERC) | Proof of Concept
                Aim    The Proof of Concept (PoC) grant supplements the research grants awarded by the
                       European Research Council (ERC). It is geared exclusively toward researchers who
                       already hold an ERC grant and wish to utilize a research finding from their ongoing
                       or already completed project in the pre-commercial stage. The objective of a Proof
                       of Concept project is to review the market potential of an idea and to further de-
                       velop it in terms of readiness for application, commercialization, or marketing.
                       The funds can be used for market research, technical validation, feasibility studies,
                       clearing up issues of intellectual property, analysis of business opportunities, or
                       preparation of a business plan.
     Target group      researchers who have already received an ERC grant (StG/CoG/AdG/SyG); ERC
                       project must either still be in progress or have been completed within the last year
          Duration     up to 18 months
           Funding     € 150,000 (100% of direct costs + 25% overhead)
          Deadline     three cut-off dates annually: 24 January 2023 | 20 April 2023 | 21 September 2023
           Further     website of ERC

BMBF | Validation of the Technological and Societal Innovation Potential of Scientific
Research - VIP+
             Aim   Projects from all fields of research that systematically demonstrate the feasibility
                   and practicability as well as the innovation potential of research results and are
                   in the validation phase. In particular, projects are to be funded whose results can
                   lead to significant innovations and which have a high economic or societal inno-
                   vation potential.
                   Examples of validation activities:
                   •   feasibility studies
                   •   development of demonstrators or functional models, performance of test series
                       or pilot applications to prove suitability and acceptance
                   •   applied basic research to further develop research results towards application
                       or to adapt them to new areas of application
                   •   evaluative analyses to prove the economic or societal innovation potential
                   •   analysis of IP landscape and protection through IP rights
    Target group   scientists with a motivation to demonstrate the technical feasibility and eco-
                   nomic potential of their research results
        Duration   3 years
        Funding    up to € 1,5 million
       Deadline    continuously open
         Further   website of VIP+

Transfer with Industrial Partners
BMBF | KMU-innovativ
            Aim    Support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for edge-cutting research
                   projects to drive technological progress. Within the framework of a collaborative
                   project Universities are eligible to apply for funding.
                   Funding is provided in a variety of thematic areas:
                   Bioeconomy | Electronics and autonomous driving; supercomputing | Research for
                   civil security | Medical technology | Information and communication technologies |
                   Interactive technologies for health and quality of life | Materials research | Photonics
                   and quantum technologies | Production technology | Resource efficiency and cli-
                   mate protection
    Target group   scientists working on high-risk, pre-competitive development projects with high
                   application potential that support the market positioning of the participating SME;
                   universities as partners
       Duration    up to 3 years
        Funding    up to 100% of direct costs and a project lump sum of 20% for higher education
       Deadline    annually on 15 April | 15 October
         Further   website of KMU-innovativ

BMWK | Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)
            Aim    R&D cooperation projects and (inter-) national ZIM innovation networks of compa-
                   nies and research institutions for the development of innovative products, pro-
                   cesses or technical services without restriction to specific technologies and in-
                   dustries and improved (inter-) national cooperation.
    Target group   SMEs; universities as additional partners
       Duration    up to 3 years
        Funding    up to € 220,000 for research institutions (100% funding of eligible project-related
       Deadline    continuously
         Further   website of ZIM

BMWK | ZIM: 31st IraSME Call for Proposals for Transnational R&D Projects
            Aim    “Projects must be innovative and must aim at either developing new or signifi-
                   cantly improving existing products, processes or technical services that in
                   their parameters exceed the existing state of the art. All projects must have signif-
                   icant technical risks. The outcome of the project must be clearly defined and
                   demonstrate real market potential. […]
                   The following regions/countries are participating in the 31st IraSME call: Austria,
                   Brazil, Czech Republic, Flanders (Belgium), Germany, Luxembourg, Turkey and
                   Wallonia (Belgium).”
    Target group   at least 2 companies from 2 participating countries/regions; universities as
       Duration    1 to 3 years
        Funding    not specified
       Deadline    29 March 2023
         Further   website of ZIM
     information   INTERNAL PROCEDURE: Please note, that along with the proposal a draft of a
                   contract between all project partners regulating the terms of their cooperation (Con-
                   sortium Agreement) has to be submitted. In this case, the contract management of
                   Division 7 Research Management has to be involved as soon as the proposal writ-
                   ing and contract negotiations start. Therefore, please contact Department 73 as
                   soon as you decide to write a proposal (a73_Antrag@verw.uni-koeln.de).

Startup and Pre-Seed Funding
MWK NRW | Start-up Transfer.NRW
            Aim    The aim of the programme is to give graduates and scientists from educational and
                   research institutions who are willing to start a business the opportunity to bring their
                   innovative ideas with high application potential and a convincing business con-
                   cept to market maturity. The programme is based on a comprehensive under-
                   standing of innovation. The focus is on knowledge-intensive start-ups, which in-
                   cludes innovative services, technology-oriented start-up projects and projects that
                   address social innovations.
                   Funding is provided for the development of services, products or processes to
                   market maturity and the further development of the business plan for the subse-
                   quent start-up and growth phase, including mandatory coaching.
    Target group   research and educational institutions in NRW where the founders are employed
                   to carry out their start-up project
       Duration    up to 2 years
        Funding    up to € 270,000
       Deadline    31 January 2023
         Further   website of project management Jülich

BMWK | EXIST Transfer of Research
            Aim    “EXIST Transfer of Research supports outstanding research oriented projects
                   that involve high-risk and expensive resource development. […]
                   In the first phase, results of research that have the potential of becoming the basis
                   of a start-up business are developed further. The objective is to carry out further
                   resource development to clarify fundamental problems involved in converting aca-
                   demic findings into technical products and processes. […]
                   In the second phase of funding further resource development, measures to start
                   business operations and meeting the prerequisites for external business financing
                   are at the centre of interest.”
    Target group   research teams and working groups at universities and research institutes (a
                   maximum of three academics and technical assistants) | one person with manage-
                   rial competence
       Duration    1,5 to 3 years (phase 1) | up to 1,5 years (phase 2)
        Funding    phase 1: staff costs, material expenses up to € 250,000 for equipment, material,
                   capital goods, property rights, market research, the awarding of contracts and
                   coaching | phase 2: up to € 180,000 (up to 75% of the project costs)
       Deadline    annually on 31 January & 31 July
         Further   website of EXIST

BMWK | EXIST Business Start-up Grant
            Aim    This programme aims at improving the entrepreneurial environment at universities
                   and research institutes. It also aims at increasing the number and success of tech-
                   nology and knowledge based business start-ups.
    Target group   teams up to three people | students, university graduates and scientists who want
                   to turn their business idea into a business plan
       Duration    up to 1 year
        Funding    € 3,000 monthly for entrepreneurs with a doctorate | € 2,500 monthly for graduates
                   with a university degree | € 1,000 monthly for students | € 150 monthly per child |
                   € 10,000 for solo start-ups and € 30,000 for teams for materials and equipment |
                   € 5,000 for coaching
       Deadline    continuously open
         Further   website of EXIST | Contact at the Gateway Excellence Start-up Center

An overview of the most important science awards is available here.

Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Deutscher Umweltpreis
               Ziel   „Seit 1993 würdigt die DBU mit dem Deutschen Umweltpreis hervorragende Leis-
                      tungen und bahnbrechende Ideen für mehr Klima-, Arten-, Umwelt- und Res-
                      sourcenschutz. Nach Ablauf der Vorschlagsfrist prüft und bewertet zunächst die
                      DBU-Geschäftsstelle alle Vorschläge unter Einbindung externer Gutachten. Im
                      nächsten Schritt gehen die Empfehlungen an eine 16-köpfige hochkarätige Jury
                      mit Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. ”
       Zielgruppe     Persönlichkeiten aus der mittelständischen Wirtschaft sowie aus Wissenschaft, For-
                      schung und Gesellschaft; überragende Leistungen, die Schutz und Erhalt von
                      Umwelt, Klima und Biodiversität voranbringen.
        Dotierung     500.000 €
         Fristende    15. Januar 2023
          Weitere     Webseite des Preises

Klaus Tschira Stiftung
KlarText-Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation
               Ziel   „‘Was hast Du da eigentlich gemacht in Deiner Doktorarbeit?‘ – Um die Antwort auf
                      diese Frage geht es bei KlarText, dem Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation
                      der Klaus Tschira Stiftung!
                      Denn die Stiftung sucht junge Forschende, die eine sehr gute Doktorarbeit geschrie-
                      ben und Lust darauf haben, einem nicht-wissenschaftlichen Publikum zu erklären,
                      was sie da eigentlich gemacht haben, in ihrer Forschung. Und zwar in Form eines
                      allgemein verständlichen Artikels oder einer anschaulichen Infografik.”
       Zielgruppe     Wissenschaftler*innen, die im Jahr 2021 oder 2022 in den Fachgebieten Biologie,
                      Chemie, Geowissenschaften, Informatik, Mathematik, Neurowissenschaften
                      oder Physik ihre Promotion mit sehr guten Ergebnissen absolviert haben
        Dotierung     je 7.500 € (in jedem der sieben Fachgebiete), Aufnahme in das aktive Alumni-
                      Netzwerk der Klaus Tschira Stiftung
         Fristende    28. Februar 2023
          Weitere     Webseite des Preises

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