Back to university life: exam session - IN ENGLISH - Politechnika Poznańska

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Back to university life: exam session - IN ENGLISH - Politechnika Poznańska

Back to university life:
exam session

           his semester Centre of Languages and Commu-
           nication at PUT is going to experience exams
           in real life, in written form, and face-to-face.
           Exams at a university are nothing new, but this
particular exam session is important, as for the past 2
years we were forced into online-only exams due to Co-
vid-19-connected restrictions. This year marks the return
– perhaps for good – of so well-known form of language
exams. For the CLC lecturers it’s nothing new, we could
even say business as usual, but it would be interesting to
take a look at exam session through students’ eyes. That
is why we asked two group of students to share their opi-
nions and perspective, and you can find some of the an-
swers below.

                       [Retained original spelling and style]

It will be the first time when the exam session will be on pla-
ce. Last two exam sessions were online. But I don’t feel bad
with this. We meet every time with students during weekend
for this reason. I don’t think that it will be some problem for
me. It will be different but no big impact on my thinking.
                           Management Engineering, 2nd year

It’s the first exam session after pandemic, but it’s my first
exam session in Politechnika, not online. I feel stressed and
very nervous. It’s hard to get back to learning in buildings,
not in front of the computer, at home. I know that online
exam session would be more comfortable, but we have a
problem with communication and learning. I think that the
next exam session will be hard but I know we will do it ;-)
                        Management Engineering, 2nd year
Back to university life: exam session - IN ENGLISH - Politechnika Poznańska
Situation is every time tentative about pandemic. This is my       to rely on their own while writing exams in the classroom.
    first semester on site, in the building. Every week there is un-   The only problem with that is that some of the exams will
    certainty about going back to school. At the same time it is       be written stationary and the rest will be online so it may be
    really good to meet friends, have opportunity to talk in real      a bit confusing for students, especially because its dates are
    life. Thanks to going back to school, our lessons are more         not known to this moment. Also forms of the exam change
    effective and creative.                                            almost every week.
                              Management Engineering, 2nd year                                                Architecture, 2nd year

    From the students‘ perspective stationary exam session is          I guess I am not the only person who is terrified about only
    definitely harder than its online replacement and in my opi-       just thinking of stationary session. Especially, it is my first
    nion most of the students rather want to participate in an         one. Sitting in the class and being observed, stresses me but
    online exam session. However, we all knew that stationary          maybe sitting with my mates could help me get rid of this
    session would get us someday and for his reason we should-         stress. I am crossing fingers for everyone struggling now
    n’t get upset and do our best to pass it as fast as possible.      and wish you everyone best scores and stresses exams ;-)
                                           Architecture, 2nd year                                             Architecture, 2nd year

    In my opinion, the first end-of-term session after pandemic
    will be much more reliable because some students will have

    Maciej Jablonski
    hat den dritten Platz belegt

                on 27. bis 29. Oktober                                                      diesmal ausgelost, deswegen war ich
                2021 fand das Finale der                                                    eigentlich nicht sicher, worüber ich
                XVI. Gesamtpolnischen                                                       sprechen werde. Mein Thema war Aus-
                Deutscholympiade      für                                                   landserfahrungen – ein nettes, nicht
    Studenten Technischer Hochschulen                                                       so schwieriges Thema, das mir echt
    statt, das von der Schlesischen Tech-                                                   gefiel. Insgesamt drehte sich das Fina-
    nischen Universität organisiert wur-                                                    le um die Themen der modernen Welt
    de. Das Ziel der Olympiade war es,                                                      und Technik.
    die Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse der
    Studierenden in Deutsch zu testen                                                       JS: Was war für dich am
    und die angehenden Ingenieure zu er-                                                    schwierigsten?
    mutigen, ihre Deutschkenntnisse mit
    Elementen der Fachsprache sowie der                                                     MJ: Eines der Themen für den ersten
    Kultur der deutschsprachigen Länder                                                     Teil – modernes, umweltfreundliches
    zu erweitern. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen                                                     und effizientes Wohnen und Bauen.
    mitteilen zu können, dass Herr Maciej                                                   Ehrlich gesagt weiß ich nichts davon
    Jablonski, Student der Fakultät für                                                     und es war für mich schwierig, mich

Back to university life: exam session - IN ENGLISH - Politechnika Poznańska
Automatisierung, Robotik und Elektrotechnik, den drit-        irgendwie dafür vorzubereiten. Zum Glück habe ich dieses
ten Platz belegt hat. Hiermit präsentieren wir ein Inter-     Thema nicht ausgelost.
view mit unserem Preisträger:
                                                              JS: Warst du gestresst?
JS: Kannst du dich kurz vorstellen?
                                                              MJ: Na klar! Ich hasse mich irgendwie in der Öffentlichkeit
MJ: Ich bin Maciej. Ich studiere Mathematik in Technologie    zu äußern (das gilt auch, wenn das Finale online durch-
im ersten Studienjahr. Früher studierte ich Automatik und     geführt wurde), ich fühle mich nicht unbedingt gut, wenn
Robotik, allerdings habe ich mich dafür entschieden, den      ich auf Deutsch sprechen muss (wegen der Tatsache, dass
Studiengang zu wechseln. Ich interessiere mich (selbstver-    ich immer noch viele Fehler mache). Vor dem Finale gab
ständlich) für Mathematik – deswegen bin ich jetzt hier.      es auch mehrere Kommunikationsprobleme, die mich auch
Außerdem, linguistisch gesehen, bin ich an Phraseologie       gestresst haben.
interessiert – in dem Bereich der kontrastiven Phraseologie
im Sprachenpaar Englisch-Deutsch fühle ich mich unheim-       JS: Hast du irgendwelche Gedanken oder
lich gut. In Zukunft würde ich gerne Mathematik mit den       Schlussfolgerungen zu der Olympiade?
Fremdsprachen irgendwie verbinden. Das scheint ein wenig
schwierig (und sinnlos) zu sein – mal sehen, wie es geht.     MJ: Es hat mir Spaß gemacht. Ich konnte mich entwickeln
                                                              (linguistisch und im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz). Es
JS: Am Anfang gratuliere ich dir zum dritten Platz bei        war auch eine Herausforderung – und ich nehme alle Her-
der XVI. Gesamtpolnischen Deutscholympiade für                ausforderungen gerne an.
Studenten Technischer Hochschulen. Das ist wirklich
eine gute Leistung!                                           JS: Nicht jeder, der Deutsch an der Universität lernt,
                                                              brennt darauf an der Deutscholympiade teilzunehmen.
MJ: Danke sehr – ich bin sehr stolz darauf, dass ich das      Wenn du deine Mitstudierenden aus den unteren
schaffen konnte.                                              Semestern zur Teilnahme an diesem Wettbewerb oder
                                                              einfach zum Deutschlernen motivieren solltest, was
JS: Was für ein Gefühl war es, als du bei der Verkündung      würdest du ihnen sagen?
der Gewinner deinen Namen gefunden hast?
                                                              MJ: Es ist schwierig, die anderen dazu zu motivieren. Wenn
MJ: Es was definitiv etwas Außerordentliches – ehrlich ge-    man die Fremdsprachen echt lernen will, dann muss man
sagt habe ich das nicht erwartet. Ich hatte ja einen Ein-     das auch gerne machen – Fremdsprachen müssen uns am
druck, dass das Finale mir schief gelaufen ist – es stellte   Herzen liegen – was sehr häufig an der technischen Uni-
sich heraus, dass es anders aussieht.                         versität nicht der Fall ist. Mein Rat wäre, dass man das
                                                              machen sollte, was man machen will – wenn man an der
JS: Wie hat das Finale ausgesehen? Was solltest du            Olympiade teilnehmen will, dann sollte man das einfach
vorbereiten und wie ist das Gespräch verlaufen?               machen, ohne daran zu viel zu denken. Es sollte vor allem
                                                              eine tolle Erfahrung sein und es sollte Spaß machen – mei-
MJ: Das Finale war zweiteilig – zuerst musste ich eine Prä-   ner Ansicht nach ist es das Wichtigste.
sentation vorbereiten. Es gab 6 Themen, daraus musste
ich ein Thema wählen und mich dazu äußern. Meine Wahl         JS: Vielen Dank für das Gespräch.
war das Thema über künstliche Intelligenz, weil ich fühlte,
dass es das beste Thema für eine solche Präsentation war.                                                 Joanna Skrobała

Der zweite Teil bestand darin, dass ich meine Meinung
mündlich zu einem anderen Thema vorstellen musste. Es
gab 8 Themen, die ich schon kannte. Das Thema wurde

                                                                                                  EDUCATION IN ENGLISH AT PUT   3
Back to university life: exam session - IN ENGLISH - Politechnika Poznańska
West Virginia University

                     est Virginia University (WVU), the home of     letic Association) athletic teams, both men’s and women’s.
                     the Mountaineers, is nestled in the beau-      The students and faculty at WVU take great pride in these
                     tiful, rolling hills of the Appalachian Mo-    teams, which is apparent when attending a sold-out Ame-
                     untains in the city of Morgantown, West        rican football game in Milan Puskar Stadium (the school’s
    Virginia, on the east coast of the United States of America.    60,000-seat football stadium) or in The WVU Coliseum
    WVU has a student population of approximately 30,000            (the school’s 14,000-seat indoor sports arena). If the po-
    including both undergraduate and graduate students. The         pular WVU athletic events are sold out, there are numero-
    population of Morgantown is also 30,000, so when the            us bars and restaurants in Morgantown, serving American
    students are in session, the population of the small city       and international cuisine while showing the games on TV.
    doubles. Because of this, Morgantown is often classified        And if there are no university events happening on a given
    as a “college town” because life in the city revolves mostly    day, Morgantown is situated near many state parks with
    around WVU.                                                     hiking trails, mountain climbing, and picturesque scenery.
                                                                    Not only are there multiple university subjects to study in
    WVU is the largest university in the state of West Virgi-       Morgantown, there are also many interesting things to do
    nia, offering hundreds of unique subjects to study - from       and beautiful sighs to see.
    engineering to sciences to liberal arts to humanities. WVU
    also has multiple Division I NCAA (National Collegiate Ath-                        John Kolar, Fulbright scholar at CLC PUT

    23rd National Olympiad of the English Language
    for Students of Technical Universities

              he Centre of Languages and Communication is           Olympiad. Because of Covid-19 related restrictions, natio-
              delighted to announce that on Friday, 14th January    nal semi-final of the Olympiad was held online, at partici-
              2022, the first stage of the 23rd National Olympiad   pants’ own universities. These were written internal quali-
              of the English Language for Students of Technical     fications at universities using remote methods of teaching
    Universities, that is national semi-final took place. Every     and checking knowledge based on the test prepared at Po-
    year Poznan University of Technology acts as the host of        znan University of Technology by Centre of Languages and
    this huge event with hundreds of students taking part and       Communication in Poznan.
    with lots of sponsors and special guests attending. The
    goal of the Olympiad is to popularize the English language      This year students competing and representing their uni-
    among students of technical universities in Poland because      versities in the first stage of the Olympiad were from all
    English is a big asset for every young engineer.                over Poland, respectively:

    This year 545 students from 15 technical universities           x 1 student represented Politechnika Białostocka
    throughout the country took part in the first stage of the      x 16 students represented Politechnika Bydgoska

Back to university life: exam session - IN ENGLISH - Politechnika Poznańska
x   15 students represented Politechnika Częstochowska            The second stage, the written part, will be held on 13th May
x   4 students represented Politechnika Opolska                   2022, from 12 pm to 2 pm, whereas the oral part of the se-
x   6 students represented Politechnika Warszawska                cond stage will be conducted the same day at 3:15 pm. The
x   20 students represented Politechnika Łódzka                   final stage of the Olympiad will take place on 14th May 2022
x   27 students represented Politechnika Lubelska                 at 9 am (it will be conducted in the form of Oxford debate).
x   32 students represented Politechnika Gdańska                  All parts will be held at Poznań University of Technology.
x   21 students represented Politechnika Świętokrzyska in
    Kielce                                                        The whole event is organized and managed by a small
x   81 students represented Politechnika Poznańska                team of English lecturers from Poznan University of Tech-
x   3 students represented Polsko-Japońska Akademia               nology, with Edyta Olejarczuk, PhD as a coordinator, and
    Technik Komputerowych in Gdansk                               Agnieszka Łukasik, MA, Elżbieta Jeziorek, MA, Hanna No-
x   47 students represented Akademia Morska in Szczecin           wak, MA, as team members.
x   109 students represented Politechnika Śląska
x   104 students represented Politechnika Wrocławska                                                        Hanna Nowak, MA
x   59 students represented Politechnika Rzeszowska

                                                                      DOS and DON’TS
       urning texts into a formal piece of writing can be a
       challenge for some of the students. This skill seems                    of formal e-mail etiquette
       to be especially effective during the winter session
when students need to produce formal e-mails or other
forms of formal register. Here are some DOS and DON’TS            DON’T shoot from the lip.
of a formal e-mail etiquette that you may find useful du-         Make sure you bottle up your negative emotions when re-
ring your exams and not only.                                     plying to e-mails, or better, consider sending it at a later
                                                                  time when your emotions settle down. Avoid giving a qu-
DO have a clear subject line.                                     ick, flip response and rather give your e-mail a thoughtful
Remember that the clearer your subject line is, the less          consideration before replying.
frustrated will be your recipient and the more likely you
will get a prompt reply.                                          DON’T! overuse exclamation points.
                                                                  This seems to be a golden rule of any professional e-mail.
DO use a professional salutation.                                 CAPITALS, #hashtags, exclamation marks, emoticons and
Using informal “Hey,” “Yo,” or “Hiya” is out of the question      abbreviations never translate well in formal communica-
in formal writing so remember to write a person’s name in         tion. Although they do not break the rule of e-mail etiqu-
the salutation “Hello/Dear Mark” is far more appropriate in       ette, you ought to leave them off for less formal messages
formal communication.                                             with a friend of yours.

DO proofread your message.                                        It takes time and practice to brush up on your writing skills,
Judging a book by its cover? Yes, in the case of writing for-     however, in the long run your writing will become more co-
mal e-mails the way your e-mail is structured speaks vo-          herent, organised and polished.
lumes of your writing skills and validates your soft skills. It
is always a good idea to doublecheck for misspelled words         References:
and grammatical errors which can be the sign of, to say the
least, your carelessness.                                                                          By Marta Strukowska, MA

                                                                                                      EDUCATION IN ENGLISH AT PUT   5
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