Basismodul Release Notes - BM 2021.1

Die Seite wird erstellt Kasimir Lange

Basismodul Release Notes
BM 2021.1

15. September 2021
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3

Scope of functions ..................................................................................................................... 4
   New functions ........................................................................................................................... 4
   Fixed Bugs................................................................................................................................ 7

Compatibility .............................................................................................................................. 8
   Browser compatibility ................................................................................................................ 8
   Administration database ........................................................................................................... 8

15. September 2021                                                                                                                           2
This document explains the functionality of the version 2021.1 of Basismodul and its compatibility. Information
about the installation with the corresponding configurations and scripts can be found in the documentation of
the BM Administration.

     Notice: Projects form the BM classic cannot be transferred 1:1 and must be migrated. Therefore,
     the BM 2021.1 is recommended especially for new projects. Projects with BM 2018 or newer can
     be migrated without any problems.

The following documentation is available and describes the range of functions of the Basismodul: BM
Administration, BM Client, BM App API and the data model of the current version.

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Scope of functions
The new functions and fixed bugs as well as any breaking changes are described below.

New functions
 Client (general)

 ⚫   Optimization direct access with project specification (no public projects visible)
 ⚫   Optimization multilingualism
     ⚫    Configuration of any language possible
     ⚫    Language selectable in client (over user menu)
 ⚫   Modification of banner for project information
     ⚫    Support of multilingualism
     ⚫    New layout

 Mobile client

 ⚫   Direct access of custom tab and custom action on mobile devices

 Project configuration

 ⚫   Option to display project information when starting the project

 User management

 ⚫   All header values added to key-value list (external authentication)


 ⚫   Order of thematic features optimized
 ⚫   Absolute sorting for configuration of the global display order selectable
 ⚫   Info banner for legend entries
     ⚫    Configurable in admin for each legend entry / legend group
     ⚫    Displayed as IFrame in Client
 ⚫   Number of objects displayed in console for each legend entry (extended for WebMap data)
 ⚫   Possibility to filter legend tree (legend group) in admin

 WebMap libraries (data source)

 ⚫   Optimization for big data

15. September 2021                                                                             4
OGC services (data source)

⚫   When configuring a WMS service, the scale range (min / max) is taken from capabilities


⚫   Exemplary report with direct database access added in delivery
⚫   Addition of layer name when calling a FeatureInfo report defined for several layers

Custom Tabs / Custom Actions

⚫   Icon for custom actions configurable


⚫   PNG printing possible
    ⚫     Configuration of print types optimized in admin
    ⚫     Print type PNG selectable in client

    The most recent version of the PDF-Print service must be installed to print in PNG format.


⚫   New function elevation profile (default swisstopo’s elevation service swissALTI3D)
⚫   Labeling of the buttons replaced with icons (analogous to drawing)
⚫   Possibility to reverse single steps during measurement (using backspace or delete)

        Internet Explorer 11 does not support the elevation profile.


⚫   Possibility to reverse single steps during drawing (using backspace or delete)
     neu installiert werden.


⚫   Possibility to reverse single steps during digitizing (using backspace or delete)

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⚫     Export CSV and custom action disabled (shown greyed out) when the list is empty
⚫     Extension of selection tool with custom actions
⚫     Possibility to reverse single steps during drawing (using backspace or delete)

Vector styles

⚫     Point symbols configurable with offset

Optimization user handling (BM administration)

⚫     Conversion of tree structure with drag and drop (removal of third-party framework)
      ⚫   Legend groups
      ⚫   Global display order
      ⚫   Project → legends (legend groups and display order)


⚫     Query legend change
⚫     Query language change
⚫     Extension selection
      ⚫   Execute a predefined selection (result returned as list)
      ⚫   Deselect single features
      ⚫   End selection
⚫     Extension Digitizing
      ⚫   Execute with predefined digitizing feature
      ⚫   End digitizing
⚫     Click event on vector layer
⚫     Extension API-calls by name (setLegendEntriesChecked, search, reloadWfsLayer)
⚫     Map component as image

       The most recent version of the PDF-Print service must be installed to use the map

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⚫   New BM addon Infra3D available
⚫   BM Google Street View:
    ⚫   Update Openlayers version
    ⚫   Adoption of BM language change in client
⚫   BM Releasemanagement: Update data structure to 2021.1


⚫   Whitepaper on the integration of searches with the GeoAdmin API (swisstopo) on

Fixed Bugs
                                                                                      Support Nr.

Width of functions optimized in drawing, digitizing, selecting and measure            80748

Incorrect display of picklists in the attribute mask when digitizing (values can be   80267
selected from several picklists)

Proxy setting of legend links (legend group) is not adopted with the release          82841
management tool

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Browser compatibility
The following browsers have been tested with the current versions and are recommended to use with the

⚫   Google Chrome
⚫   Mozilla Firefox
⚫   Microsoft Edge Chromium

⚫   Google Chrome
⚫   Mozilla Firefox
⚫   Microsoft Edge Chromium

         Notice: Internet Explorer 11 is no longer officially supported and can only be used with
         restrictions. For example, the elevation profile is not supported by the Internet Explorer 11.

Administration database
⚫   MS SQL Server from version 2016
⚫   MS SQL Server Express from version 2016

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15. September 2021                                                                                                         9
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