"Best Practice" - Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung - beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

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"Best Practice" - Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung - beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
„Best Practice“ – Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung
beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Karl Lötsch, HZwo e.V.
"Best Practice" - Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung - beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Karl Lötsch | Geschäftsführer

     Clustermitglieder und assoziierte Partner

56 Unternehmen
10 Forschungseinrichtungen
Eingebunden in Forschungs-
und Anwendungsprojekte
oder in der Projektinitiierung

                                     • Energieversorgung
                                     • Transport und Logistik
                                     • Automobilindustrie
                                     • Werkzeugmaschinenhersteller

     Dresden | 7. Mai 2019                                    www.hzwo.eu
"Best Practice" - Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung - beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Karl Lötsch | Geschäftsführer

                   Brennstoffzellen                                                           Grüner Wasserstoff

                                production technologies                             standardization
                                 development, operation                             safety, certification,
                                    strategies, safety                                   standards

              semi-finished products                                                                         production
                   materials, coating                                                               plant technology, steam
                                                                                                     reforming, electrolysis
             periphery                                     synergy effects
           machines, tools                                industrial usage of H2,
                                                             H2 logistics fleet                                    transport
          component suppliers                                                                                        trucks
        bipolar plates, sealing, MEA                       sector coupling
                                                          With renewable energy
                                                                                                       intermediate storage
                                                                                                          pressure vessels,
                    system suppliers
                                                                                                       caverns, cryotechnology
             stack, tank system, powertrain

                                                                                      fueling stations
                          vehicle manufacturing                                         storage/ fueling
                        busses, HD, passenger cars

Dresden | 7. Mai 2019                                                                                                            www.hzwo.eu
"Best Practice" - Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung - beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Karl Lötsch | Geschäftsführer

Erfolgreiche Anträge aus Sachsen

Laufzeit: 03/2017 - 02/2020
Typ:        RIA
Budget: 2,9 Mio. €

Dresden | 7. Mai 2019           Quelle: http://fit-4-amanda.eu   www.hzwo.eu
"Best Practice" - Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung - beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Karl Lötsch | Geschäftsführer

Erfolgreiche Anträge aus Sachsen

Laufzeit: 01/2018 - 12/2020
Typ:      RIA
Budget: 3 Mio. €

Dresden | 7. Mai 2019           Quelle: www.mama-mea.eu   www.hzwo.eu
"Best Practice" - Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung - beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Karl Lötsch | Geschäftsführer

Erfolgreiche Anträge aus Sachsen

Laufzeit: 01/2018 - 12/2020
Typ:       RIA
Budget: 4 Mio. €

Dresden | 7. Mai 2019           Quelle: https://tahya.eu   www.hzwo.eu
"Best Practice" - Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung - beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Karl Lötsch | Geschäftsführer

    Ablauf Antragstellung
- Anfang Januar  Veröffentlichung der Calls im Funding & Tender Portal oder im Annual Work
  Plan des www.fch.europa.eu
    - Sichten der Calls (15 bis 20 pro Jahr)
- Ende Januar  CALL INFO DAY in Brüssel mit Möglichkeit zur Vorstellung eigener Projektidee,
  aktive Partnersuche, Gespräche mit EU-Kommissaren und FCH-JU-Team
    - Konsortium bilden  mindestens aus drei anerkannten Ländern
                                                                                           • 1-2 Telefon-
    - Konsortialführer festlegen  entspricht Projektträger während Projektlaufzeit
                                                                                             konferenzen pro
    - optional professionellen Antragsteller beauftagen                                      Woche
    - Registrierung aller Partner im Teilnehmerregister der Europäischen Kommission        • falls möglich ein
    - Erstellung der Antragsdokumente anhand Word-Vorlagen des FCH-JU                        Treffen vor Ort
- Ende April 17:00 (MEZ)  Deadline zum Hochladen der Antragsdokumente
- Juli/August  Information Gutachterergebnis und erreichte Punktzahl über Teilnehmerportal
- Dezember  Erstellung und Unterzeichnung des Konsortialvertrags, (max. 8 Monate nach
  Einreichen des Antrags)
- Januar  Projektbeginn oder nächsten Call suchen
     Dresden | 7. Mai 2019                                                                              www.hzwo.eu
"Best Practice" - Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung - beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Karl Lötsch | Geschäftsführer

Call 2019                                       Topic
                                                FCH-01-1: Demonstrating the blueprint for a zero-emission logistics ecosystem
                                                                                                                                   Type Budget Projects
                                                                                                                                   IA    10 M€
                                                                                                                                         10 M€

                                                FCH-01-2: Scaling up and demonstration of a multi-MW Fuel Cell system for          IA
                                                FCH-01-3: Cyber-physical platform for hybrid Fuel Cell systems                     RIA   1,8 M€ 1
                                                FCH-01-4: Towards a better understanding of charge, mass and heat transports in RIA      2 M€    1
                                                new generation PEMFC MEA for automotive applications
                                                FCH-01-5: Underground storage HRS                                                  RIA   1,5 M€ 1
                                                FCH-02-1: Combined electrolyser-HRS and Power-to-Gas system                        IA    5 M€    1
                                                FCH-02-2: Multi megawatt high-temperature electrolyserfor valorisationas energy IA       7 M€    1
                                                vector in energy intensive industry
                                                FCH-02-3: Continuous supply of green or low carbon H2 and CHP via Solid Oxide      IA    3 M€    1
                                                Cell based Polygeneration
                                                FCH-02-4: New Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysers                                RIA   2 M€

                                                FCH-02-5: Systematic validation of the ability to inject hydrogen at various       RIA   2 M€    1
                                                admixture level into high-pressure gas networks in operational conditions
                                                FCH-02-6: New materials, architectures and manufacturing processes for Solid       RIA   5 M€    1
                                                Oxide Cells
                                                FCH-02-7: Development of highly efficient and flexible mini CHP fuel cell system   RIA   1,5 M€ 1
                                                based on HTPEMFCs
                                                FCH-02-8: Enhancement of durability and reliability of stationary PEM and SOFC     RIA   3 M€    1
                                                systems by implementation and integration of advanced diagnostic and control

                                Cross-cutting   FCH-03-1: H2 Valley           Overreaching                                         IA    20 M€   1
                                                FCH-04-1: Training of Responders                                                   CSA   1 M€    1
                                                FCH-04-2: Refueling Protocols for Medium and Heavy-DutyVehicles                    RIA   1,5 M€ 1
                                                FCH-04-3: Hydrogen admixtures in natural gas domestic and commercial end uses RIA        2,5 M€ 1

Dresden | 7. Mai 2019                                                                               Quelle: fch.europa.eu                www.hzwo.eu
"Best Practice" - Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung - beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Karl Lötsch | Geschäftsführer

       Call-Beispiel (TAHYA 2017)
(Ausdruck „FCH-01-3-2017“)

Challange (Kontext):
• Wasserstoff-Drucktank für PKW-Einsatz verbessern hinsichtlich:
      1. Großserienherstellung (Stückzahlen und Kosten)
      2. Fahrzeugintegration
      3. Verkürzung der Befülldauer
      4. Erhöhung der Sicherheit
Scope (Rahmenbedingungen):
• 8 technische Bedingungen, z.B. Speicherdichte, Temperaturtoleranzen
• Konsortium: min. 1 Tankhersteller, 1 Druckkomponentenhersteller, 1 OEM
• TRL 4  6 (Technology Readiness Level)
• Projektbudget 4 Mio. €
• Projektlaufzeit 3 - 4 Jahre
Expected Impact (erwartete Effekte):
• 7 wirtschaftlich-technische Ziele, z.B. höhere Temperaturtoleranz -60 bis +100°C
• 3 Key Performance Indicators (Zielindikatoren)

Type of action: Research and Innovation Action (RIA)
Verweis auf Nebenbestimmungen

        Dresden | 7. Mai 2019                                                        Quelle: https://tahya.eu, ec.europa.eu   www.hzwo.eu
"Best Practice" - Erfolgreiche EU-Antragstellung - beim Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Karl Lötsch | Geschäftsführer

Möglichkeiten zur Vorbereitung
• Mitgliedschaft bei Hydrogen Europe – Industry Grouping oder Research Grouping und
  Mitarbeit in Arbeitsgruppen bei mehreren europaweiten Veranstaltungen im Jahr zur
  langfristigen Strategie in Europa

• Einbringen von Ideen bei den verschiedenen Initiativen des FCH-JU

• Teilnahme an Events des FCH-JU, z.B. Stakeholder Forum, Programme Review Day,
  Call Info Day, Hannover Messe, etc.

• persönlicher Kontakt zu den Mitarbeitern von Hydrogen Europe und FCH-JU

• Netzwerk zu Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen, zur Konsotienbildung

Dresden | 7. Mai 2019                                                                 www.hzwo.eu
Karl Lötsch | Geschäftsführer

Veranstaltungen zu BZ und H2 in Sachsen
                            Technologieworkshop       27. Juni 2019
                            Brennstoffzellensystem    Institut Chemnitzer Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. (ICM)
                            und Komponenten

                            Technologieworkshop       Anfang Juli 2019
                            Brennstoffzellenstack     Technische Universität Chemnitz
                            und Komponenten

                            Seminar                   27. Juni 2019
                            Grundlagen der            Technische Universität Chemnitz

                                                      26. – 27. November 2019
                                                      Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU,

      Saubere Antriebe. Effizient Produziert.

Dresden | 7. Mai 2019                                                                                              www.hzwo.eu
Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des von den Abgeordneten des
Sächsischen Landtags beschlossenen Haushaltes.

HZwo e. V.
Karl Lötsch

FCH-01-3-2017: Improvement of compressed storage systems in the perspective of high volume
automotive application

Specific challenge
Hydrogen tanks for automotive applications are already available but they do not yet fulfil all
carmakers’ and customers’ expectations in the view of hydrogen powered vehicles as an alternative
to conventional modern ICE-powered vehicles. Also, the current hydrogen business is small hence
production is low, cost competitiveness and build-up of a European supply chain are challenging.
Four key challenges have been identified:
1. Achievement of the automotive performance and cost targets for a broader market introduction.
This is mainly due to intensive carbon fiber use (quantity, quality and hence cost), conventional
manufacturing processes and architectural concepts that are not compatible with mass production.
To tackle this challenge, significant advances with respect to mechanical reinforcement, composite
architecture optimization and improved designs of compressed overwrapped pressure vessels
(COPV) with respect to cost, performance and manufacturing productivity are required.
2. Vessel and ancillary component (tank valve, pressure regulator,…) integration in the vehicle in
order to ease assembling and integration procedures, thereby reducing cost and maximizing volume
available to the customer.
3. Hydrogen refuelling times truly comparable to those of conventional fuels require an extended
temperature range of the COPV. This would also greatly improve the safety margins with respect to
temperature overshoot caused by possible malfunctions of the fuelling station. Likewise, being able
to extract the maximum hydrogen mass flow regardless of the state of charge (SOC) calls for the
ability of the COPV and the complete fuelling system to withstand and/or operate at lower
4. Increase the acceptance of COPVs for hydrogen storage in automobile applications by means of
offering a higher safety level. It is especially necessary to ensure that COPVs can be transferred into
safe mode during thermal incidents.
        • Development of new and/or optimized tank geometries having the same storage
          performance and providing an enhanced integration in the car space at a comparable
          price. The storage density shall be 0.023Kg/L or higher. The cost target for a production of
          30,000 parts per year basis shall be 500€/kg H2 or less.
        • Improve filling and venting tolerance of COPV (e.g. enhanced liner materials and multi-
          material assembling materials and techniques to increase mechanical and temperature
          tolerance (e.g. real -40°C H2 filling, - 60°C cold filling, +100⁰C).
        • Development of an optimized production strategy (increased materials efficiency, weight
          and volume reduction, manufacturing optimization, optimum storage geometries/designs)
        • Miniaturization and integration of tank components, e.g. on-tank valve, pressure regulator
        • Define standardized interfaces and (sub)components in order to benefit from the economy
          of scales.
        • Development and validation of numerical tools (probabilistic models) to perform automatic
          or semi-automatic optimization of COPV performance and durability and reduce cost and
          manufacturing discrepancies.
        • Provide input to revised regulation codes and standards for compressed gaseous hydrogen
          (CGH2) tanks.
        • For protection against the worst-case scenario of the failure of the TPRD, a leak-before-
          burst vessel design should be developed. The failure mechanism of the vessel has to be
          studied and the reliability demonstrated. Furthermore, systems for detecting localized
          fires, enhanced fire protection systems/strategies as well as additional security measures
          are to be evaluated.
The consortium should include at least one vessel supplier, one pressure component developer and
an OEM. The consortium should build on experience from past projects in the field (at national or
European level) in order to push the most promising materials and technologies to a higher
TRL at start: 4
TRL at end: 6
Any safety-related event that may occur during execution of the project shall be reported to the
European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), which manages the European hydrogen safety
reference database, HIAD (dedicated mailbox JRC-PTT-H2SAFETY@ec.europa.eu).
The FCH 2 JU considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 4 million
would allow the specific challenges to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not
preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected duration: 3-4 years
Expected impact
   • Coherent strategy defining the ultimate weight/cost savings achievable with conventional
       COPV and/or novel geometries and/or novel architecture strategies providing the best
   • Define production strategy in coherence with standard automotive throughput with a
       significant impact on:
           o COPV manufacturing yield (target: Increase productivity by a factor of 3)
           o Reduced performance scattering (Standard deviation of burst pressure reduced by
   • Improved filling/venting tolerance of storage systems (temperature range: -60°C to +100°C)
       to sustain fast-filling and unrestricted extraction.
   • Provide technical and performance validation of prototypes with respect to EU standards
       (e.g. EC79)
   • Produce whitepapers for RCS and/or maintenance guidance
   • Demonstrate leak-before-burst vessel designs and fire detection and protection concepts.
    •   Strengthen the European industry, by creating knowledge in support of the EU growth and
        jobs policy agenda.
The following KPIs are expected to be reached at the tank system level in compliance with the
    · Volumetric capacity: 0.023Kg/L (2020)
    · Gravimetric capacity: 5%
    · Cost target for a production of 30,000 parts per year basis: 500€/kg H2
Type of action: Research and Innovation Action
The conditions related to this topic are provided in the chapter 3.3 and in the General Annexes to
the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016– 2017.

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