Christian Joerges Bibliographie-Publications - Universität Bremen

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                                               Christian Joerges
                                                        Stand/Updated: Januar 2021

A.     Bücher / Books ................................................................................................................................ 1
A.     Herausgeber / Edited Books ............................................................................................................ 2
C. Aufsätze / Essays ................................................................................................................................ 5
D.     Rezensionen / Book Reviews ........................................................................................................ 24
E.     Diskussionspapiere/Working PaperS ............................................................................................ 25
F.     Beiträge zu Konferenzen / Conference Contributions................................................................... 27
G.     Blogs.............................................................................................................................................. 28
H.     Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................ 28


7. Christian Joerges, Gert Brüggemeier, Josef Falke, Hans-W Micklitz, European Product Safety, Internal
Market Policy and the New Approach to Technical Harmonisation and Standards, EUI Working Papers Law
Nos. 91/10-14: Christian Joerges / Josef Falke / Hans-W. Micklitz / Gert Brüggemeier, Die Sicherheit von
Konsumgütern und die Entwicklung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für
Europäische Rechtspolitik, Band 2), Baden-Baden: Nomos 1988;
Electronic Reprint in Hanse Law Review, No. 2, Vol. 6, Bremen: Hanse Law Review eV 2010.

6. Christian Joerges / Josef Falke / Hans-W. Micklitz / Gert Brüggemeier, Die Sicherheit von Konsumgütern
und die Entwicklung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Europäische
Rechtspolitik, Band 2), Baden-Baden: Nomos 1988.

5. Christian Joerges / Eugen Hiller / Knut Holzscheck / Hans-W. Micklitz, Vertriebspraktiken im
Automobilersatzteilsektor: Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Interessen von Verbrauchern. Studie im Auftrag der
Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (Frankfurter wirtschaftsrechtliche Studien, Bd. 4), Frankfurt a.M.:
Lang 1985.

4. Christian Joerges, Verbraucherschutz als Rechtsproblem (Abhandlungen aus dem gesamten Bürgerlichen
Recht), Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht, Heft 51, Heidelberg: Recht und Wirtschaft, 1981.

3. Christian Joerges / Heinz-Dieter Assmann / Gert Brüggemeier / Dieter Hart, Wirtschaftsrecht als Kritik des
Privatrechts. Beiträge zur Privat- und Wirtschaftsrechtstheorie, Königstein: Athenäum 1980 (eigenmer Beitrag
mit Dieter Hart: „Verbraucherrecht und Marktökonomik: Eine Kritik ordnungstheoretischer Eingrenzungen der
Verbraucherpolitik“, 83-238).

2. Christian Joerges, Bereicherungsrecht als Wirtschaftsrecht. Eine Untersuchung zur Entwicklung von
Leistungs- und Eingriffskondiktion, Köln: O. Schmidt 1977 (reprint from Die Aktiengesellschaft 1976, 281-
293; 315-328).

1. Christian Joerges, Zum Funktionswandel des Kollisionsrechts. Die „Governmental Interest Analysis“ und die
„Krise des Internationalen Privatrechts“ (Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht, Bd. 38),
Berlin-Tübingen: deGruyter-Mohr-Siebeck 1971.


42. Josef Hien and Christian Joerges (eds) Responses of European economic cultures to Europe's crisis politics:
the example of German-Italian discrepancies, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for
Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole 2018, 108-119, available at; own contributions; Introductory Explanations (with Josef Hien) at 5-
19; at 229-236: Should the Specifics of National Political Cultures be Characterised as “Democratic Acquis” and
Can they be Defended by Law?

41. Josef Hien and Christian Joerges (eds), Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics, Oxford: Hart
Publishing, 2017; own contributions: Introduction: Objectives and Contents of the Volume (with Josef Hien), 1-
10; The Overburdening of Law by Ordoliberalism and the Integration Project, 179-200.

40. Damian Chalmers / Markus Jachtenfuchs /Christian Joerges (eds), The End of the Eurocrats' Dream.
Adjusting to European Diversity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2016; own contributions The
Retransformation of Europe (with Damian Chalmers and Markus Jachtenfuchs), 1-28; Integration through law
and the crisis of law in Europe’s emergency, 299-338.

39. Mark Dawson / Henrik Enderlein / Christian Joerges (eds), Beyond the Crisis. The Governance of Europe's
Economic, Political and Legal Transformation. Oxford: OUP, 2015 (therein Introduction (co-authored), 1-10;
Chapter 10, Europe’s Legitimacy in the Crisis, 167-172, and Chapter 14, Constitutionalism and the Law of the
European Economy, 216-231.

38. Ed. with Carola Glinski), The European Crisis and the Transformation of Transnational Governance.
Authoritarian Managerialism versus Democratic Governance, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014 (own
contribution: Three Transformations of Europe and the Search for a Way Out of its Crisis, 25-46).

37. Christian Joerges / Tobias Pinkel / Ulf Uetzmann, (Hrsg.), Josef Falke zum 65. Geburtstag, ZERP-
Diskussionspapier 1/2014, Bremen 2014.

36. Josef Falke / Christian Joerges (eds), Handelsliberalisierung und Sozialregulierung in transnationalen
Konstellationen (Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Europäische Rechtspolitik der Universität Bremen (ZERP),
Bd. 67), Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013 (own contribution: Perspektiven einer kollisionsrechtlichen Verfassung
transnationaler Märkte, 393-445.

35. Christian Joerges / Peer Zumbansen (Hrsg.), Politische Rechtstheorie Revisited. Rudolf Wiethölter zum
100. Semester, ZERP Diskussionspapier 1/2013, Bremen 2013, available at at: https://www.uni-

34. Christian Joerges / Poul F. Kjaer / Tommi Ralli, Conflicts Law as Constitutional Form in the Postnational
Constellation, Transnational Legal Theory, Vol. 2, Issue 2 (Special issue), Oxford: Hart Publishing 2011.

33. Christian Joerges, After Globalisation. New Patterns of Conflict and their Sociological and Legal Re-
constructions, ARENA Report 4/11, Oslo, August, RECON Report No 15, 2011.

32. Christian Joerges / Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, (eds), Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and
Social Regulation, Oxford: Hart 2006 (own contribution: Constitutionalism in Postnational Constellations:
Contrasting Social Regulation in the EU and in the WTO, 491-527. 2nd ed. 2011 (own contribution:
Constitutionalism in Postnational Constellations: Contrasting Social Regulation in the EU and in the WTO’,

31. Christian Joerges / Tommi Ralli, European Constitutionalism without Private Law - Private Law without
Democracy, ARENA Report 3/11, Oslo, June, RECON Report No 14, 2011.

30. Christian Joerges / Josef Falke (eds), Karl Polanyi, Globalisation and the Potential of Law in Transnational
Markets, Oxford: Hart Publishing 2011 (own contributions: (with Josef Falke: The Social Embeddedness of
Transnational Markets: Introducing and Structuring the Project, 1-16; A New Type of Conflicts Law as the
Legal Paradigm of the Postnational Constellation, 465-501

29. Christian Joerges / David M. Trubek / Peer Zumbansen, Critical Legal Thought: An American-German
Debate - Republication (with a new Introduction) Twenty-Five Years Later, German Law Journal, Review of
Developments in German, European and International Jurisprudence, German Law Journal 2011.

28. Camil Ungureaneu / Klaus Guenther / Christian Joerges (eds), Jürgen Habermas, Volumes 1 and 2,
International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought, Burlington: Ashgate, 2011.

27. Andreas Fischer-Lescano / Christian Joerges / Arndt Wonka, The German Constitutional Court’s Lisbon
Ruling: Legal and Political Science Perspectives, Bremen, ZERP DP 1/2010, 27-40 [http://www.zerp.uni-]

26. Michael Blecher / Giuseppe Bronzini / Roberto Ciccarelli / Jennifer Hendry / Christian Joerges (eds),
Governance, società civile e movimenti sociali. Rivendicare il comune, Rom: Ediesse, 2009 (own contribution:
Integrazione attraverso la de-giuridicizzazione? Un intervento interlocutorio, 31-58).

25. Christian Joerges / Poul F. Kjaer, Transnational Standards of Social Protection. Contrasting Eruropean and
Transnational Governance, Oslo: RECON-REPORT No. 4 (2008).

24. Erik Oddvar Eriksen / Christian Joerges / Florian Rödl (eds), Law, Democracy and Solidarity in a Post-
national Union, London-New York: Routledge 2008 (contributions therein: “Introduction: Europe’s Unsettled
political order” (Joerges, Eriksen & Rödl), 1-19; ‘Working through “Bitter Experiences” towards
Constitutionalisation: A Critique on the Disregard for History in European Constitutional Theory’, at 175-192).

23. Christian Joerges / Matthias Mahlmann / Ulrich K. Preuß, „Schmerzliche Erfahrungen" der Vergangenheit
und der Prozess der Konstitutionalisierung Europas – Rechts-, Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaftliche
Beiträge – , Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2008 (eigener Beitrag „Unitas in Pluralitate als
Verfassungsauftrag: Plädoyer für einen ‚horizontalen Konstitutionalismus’”, 26-42).

22. Christian Joerges / Michael Blecher / Giuseppe Bronzini, / Jennifer Hendry (eds), Governance, Civil
Society and Social Movements, (2008) I:3 European Journal of Legal Studies,

21. Christian Joerges / Erik Oddvar Eriksen / Florian Rödl (eds), Law and Democracy in the Post-Nation
Union, Oslo: Arena Center for European Studies 2006.

20. Christian Joerges / Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and Social
Regulation, Oxford: Hart 2006 (own contribution: Constitutionalism in Postnational Constellations: Contrasting
Social Regulation in the EU and in the WTO’, 491-527).

19. Christian Joerges / Paul Blokker (eds), Confronting Memories: European “Bitter Experiences” and the
Constitutionalisation Process, Special Issue of the German Law Journal (6:2, 2005), available at (own contribution: “Constructing Europe in the Shadow of its Pasts”).

18. Christian Joerges / Bo Stråth / Peter Wagner, The Economy as Polity: The Political Constitution of
Contemporary Capitalism (therein Christian Joerges / Michelle Everson: “The European Turn to Governance
and Unanswered Questions of Legitimacy: Two Examples and Counter-intuitive Suggestions”), London: UCL
Press 2005, 159-179.

17. Christian Joerges / Michael Zürn (eds), Law and Governance in Postnational Europe. Compliance Beyond
the Nation-State, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005 (own contribution: “Compliance research in
legal perspectives”, 218-261). Neu veröffentlicht 2011.

16. Christian Joerges / Inger-Johanne Sand / Gunther Teubner, Transnational Governance and
Constitutionalism, Oxford: Hart Publishing 2004 (own contribution: “Constitutionalism and Transnational
Governance: Exploring a Magic Triangle”, 343-375).

15. Christian Joerges (guest editor), The Darker Side of a Pluralist Heritage: Anti-liberal Traditions in
European Social Theory and Legal Thought, Special Issue of Law and Critique 14:3 (2003). Own
contributions: Preface (225-222); “Continuities and Discontinuities in German Legal Thought” (297-308).

14. Christian Joerges / Gunther Teubner, Rechtsverfassungsrecht – Recht-Fertigung zwischen
Privatrechtsdogmatik und Gesellschaftstheorie (Internationale Studien zur Privatrechtstheorie Bd 4), Baden-
Baden: Nomos 2003 (eigener Beitrag: „Zur Legitimität der Europäisierung des Privatrechts. Überlegungen zu
einem Recht-Fertigungs-Recht für das Mehrebenensystem der EU“, 183-212).

13. Christian Joerges / Navraj S. Ghaleigh (eds), Darker Legacies of Law in Europe: The Shadow of National
Socialism and Fascism over Europe and its Legal Traditions (with a Prologue by Michael Stolleis and an

Epilogue by JHH Weiler), Oxford, Hart Publishing 2003 (own contribution: “Europe a Großraum? Shifting
Legal Conceptualisations of the Integration Project”, 167-191). 23 Reviews collected and introduced by Daniel
Augenstein in German Law Journal 7: 2 (2006), 71-255.

12. Christian Joerges / Renaud Dehousse (eds), Good Governance in Europe’s Integrated Market. Collected
Courses of the Academy of European Law, vol. XI/2, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002 (own contribution:
“Editorial: The Law’s Problems with the Governance of the European Market”, 3-31).

11. Christian Joerges / Yves Mény / J.H.H. Weiler (eds), Mountain or Molehill? A Critical Appraisal of the
Commission White Paper on Governance, European University Institute-Robert Schumann Centre/ NYU
School of Law-Jean Monnet Center 2002. Own Contibution: “‘Ökonomisches Gesetz’ – ‘Technische
Realisation’ – ‘Stunde der Exekutive’: Rechtshistorische Anmerkungen zum Weissbuch der Kommission”/
“‘Economic order’ – ‘technical realization’ – ‘the hour of the executive’: some legal historical observations on
the Commission White Paper on European governance”;

10. Christian Joerges / Yves Mény / Joseph H.H. Weiler, What Kind of Constitution for What Kind of Polity?
Responses to Joschka Fischer, Florence: Robert Schuman Centre/ Cambridge, Mass.: Jean Monnet Chair
Harvard Law School 2000;

9. Guest editor, European Review of Private Law, Volume 8: 1, 2000, iii-viii, 1-246, Special Issue on
Interactive Private Law Adjudication in the European Multi-level System – Analytical Explorations and
Normative Challenges (own contributions: Editorial, v-viii; “Interactive Adjudication in the Europeanisation
Process? A Demanding Perspective and a Modest Example“, 1-16).

8. Christian Joerges / Josef Falke (Hrsg),, Das Ausschußwesen der Europäischen Union. Praxis der
Risikoregulierung im Binnenmarkt und ihre rechtliche Verfassung, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2000 (eigene
Beiträge: „Die Europäische ‚Komitologie’: Kafkaeske Bürokratie oder Beispiel ‚deliberativen Regierens’ im
Binnenmarkt“, 17-44; „Zusammenfassung und Perspektiven: ‚Gutes Regieren’ im Binnenmarkt“, 349-381).

7. Christian Joerges / Ellen Vos (eds), EU Committees: Social Regulation, Law and Politics, Oxford-Portland:
Hart Publishing 1999 (own contributions: “Bureaucratic Nightmare, Technocratic Regime and the Dream of
Good Transnational Governance”, 3-17; “‘Good Governance’ Through Comitology?”, 311-338).

6. Christian Joerges / Oliver Gerstenberg, Private governance, democratic constitutionalism and
supranationalism. Proceedings of a Workshop (COST A 7 seminar) at the EUI, 22-24 May 1997, Luxembourg:
European Commission (Directorate-General Science, Research and Development; EUR 18340 EN), 1998 (own
contributions: Christian Joerges / Oliver Gerstenberg, “European Challenges to Private Law and the Need for a
Constitutionalist Perspective”, V-VIII; “The Impact of European Integration on Private Law: Reductionist
Perceptions, True Conflicts and a New Constitutionalist Perspective”, 69-100 [also in 3 (1997) European Law
Journal 378-406].

5. Christian Joerges / Karl-Heinz Ladeur / Ellen Vos, Integrating Scientific Expertise into Regulatory Decision-
Making. National Traditions and European Innovations (Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Europäische
Rechtspolitik, Band 23), Baden-Baden: Nomos 1997 (own contributions: Editorial (Christian Joerges / Karl-
Heinz Ladeur), 7-14; “Scientific Expertise in Social Regulation and the European Court of Justice: Legal
Frameworks for Denationalized Governance Structures”, 295-324).

4. Guest editor: European Review of Private Law, 3:2 (1995), 173-381, Special Issue on The Directive on
Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts (own Contributions: Introduction, 173-174; “The Europeanisation of
Private Law as a Rationalisation Process and as a Contest of Disciplines – an Analysis of the Directive on
Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts”, 175-191).

3. Christian Joerges (ed.), Franchising and the Law: Theoretical and Comparative Approaches in Europe and
the United States Das Recht des Franchising: Konzeptionelle, rechtsvergleichende und europarechtliche
Analysen (Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung Bd. 153), Baden-Baden: Nomos 1991 (own
contributions: Introduction, 5-9; Contract and Status in Franchising Law, 11-66).

2. Christian Joerges / David M. Trubek (eds), Critical Legal Thought: An American-German Debate
(Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Europäische Rechtspolitik, Band 7), Baden-Baden: Nomos 1989 (own
Contributions: Christian Joerges / David M. Trubek Introduction, 1-19); “Politische Rechtstheorie and Critical
Legal Studies: Points of Contacts and Divergencies”, 597-643. German version (see WP 4): „Amerikanische

und deutsche Traditionen der soziologischen Jurisprudenz und der Rechtskritik“, San Domenico di Fiesole/FI
1988, Reprint 1991 (EUI Working Paper No. 88/354).
Wiederabdruck/Reprint 2011: Christian Joerges / David M. Trubek / Peer Zumbansen, Critical Legal Thought:
An American-German Debate - Republication (with a new Introduction) Twenty-Five Years Later, German
Law Journal, Review of Developments in German, European and International Jurisprudence, German Law
Journal 2011.

1. Christian Joerges / Gert Brüggemeier, „Workshop zu Konzepten des postinterventionistischen Rechts“,
Zentrum für Europäische Rechtspolitik, Materialien 4, Bremen 1984.



Eine „immer Engere Union der Völker Europas“ trotz sich vertiefender wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Unterschiede?
Überlegungen zur Verfassung von Europas „Einheit in Vielfalt“, in: Christian Katzenmeier (Hrsg,), Festschrift für
Dieter Hart: Medizin - Recht – Wissenschaft, Berlin: Springer 267-282

242. Responding to Socioeconomic Diversity in the European Union (and to Steven Klein’s Essay) with
Democracy-Enhancing Conflicts Law. Global Perspectives .


241. Mit Fabian Bohnenberger, A conflicts-law response to the precarious legitimacy of transnational trade
governance, in: Moshe Hirsch /Andrew Lang (Hrsg), Research Handbook on the Sociology of International Law,
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2020, 37-61..

240. (Mit Josef Hien), Cultural Political Economy and Conflicts Law – A New Way to Approach the Eurozone
Crisis.” Global Perspectives 1 (1).

239. How to Defend the Integrity of Law in Times of Crises? Some Seemingly Paradoxical Reflections "Rivista
del     Diritto   della     Sicurezza   Sociale",   4/2020.    pp.   817-830,    DOI:      10.3241/98931,

238. Conclusioni: Observations on the Integration through Law Paradigm, Karl Polanyi’s Economic Sociology,
the Commodification of Money in the Eurozone, the Disregard of Europe’s Socio-economic Diversity and the
Overburdening of Law and Jurisprudence, in: Corrado Caruso / Marta Morvillo (Hrsg.), Il Governo dei
numeri:Indicatori economico-finanziari e decisione di bilancio nello Stato costituzionale, Bolgna, Il Mulino
2020, 353-366.

237. (Mit Michelle Everson), The Legal Proprium of the Economic Constitution, in Poul F. Kjaer (ed.), The Law
of Political Economy: Transformations of the Function of Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020,

236. The European Economic Constitution. Observations on the Conceptual History of an Unworkable Idea,
Cultura giuridica e diritto vivente Rivista on line del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Università di Urbino Carlo
Bo, Vol. 7 (2020), file:///C:/Users/C1681~1.JOE/AppData/Local/Temp/2392-10191-1-PB-2.pdf.


235. „Einmischung ist Pflicht“:        Zum neunzigsten Geburtstag des Juristen Rudolf Wiethölter,
um_90_Joerges.pdf; shortened version in FAZ, 17/7/2019,


234. Christian Joerges / Michelle Everson. Une querelle allemande? Der Streit um die Wirtschaftsverfassung
zwischen Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker und Rudolf Wiethölter, in Dan Wielsch (Hg.), „Rechtsbrüche“ –
Spiegelungen der Rechtskritik Rudolf Wiethölters. Kolloquium zum 90. Geburtstag 2019, KJ 52 (2019:4), 479-

233. Christian Joerges, Vladimir Bogoeski and Lukas Nüse, Economic Constitutionalism and the 'European Social
Model': Can European Law Cope with the Deepening Tensions between Economic and Social Integration after the
Financial Crisis, in Herwig Hofmann, Katerina Pantazatou and Giovanni Zaccaroni (eds), The Metamorphosis of
the European Economic Constitution, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 126-153.

232. (Mit Michelle Everson), Une querelle allemande? Der Streit um die Wirtschaftsverfassung zwischen Ernst-
Joachim Mestmäcker und Rudolf Wiethölter, in: Dan Wielsch (Hg.), „Rechtsbrüche“ – Spiegelungen der
Rechtskritik Rudolf Wiethölters, Kritische Justiz 52 (2019), 479-502.

231. Christian Joerges, ‘Where the Law Runs Out’: The Overburdening of Law and Constitutional Adjudication
by the Financial Crisis and Europe’s New Modes of Economic Governance, in Sacha Garben, Inge Govaere and
Paul Nemitz (eds), Critical Reflections on Constitutional Democracy in the European Union, Oxford: Hart
Publishing 2019, 168-178.

230. Review essay: “The jurist as true teacher of law”, (2019) 56 Common Market Law Review, 843-864.

229. (mit Michelle Everson), Facticity as validity: the misplaced revolutionary praxis of European laws, in
Emilios Christodoulidis, Ruth Dukes, Marco Goldoni (eds), Research Handbook on Critical Legal Theory,
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 2019, 407-427.

228. Christian Joerges, Sociological Shortcomings and Normative Deficits of Regulatory Competition, in
Francesco Costamagna (ed.), Regulatory Competition in the EU: Foundations, Tools and Implications, European
Papers, Vol. 4, 2019, No 1, pp. 157-168, available at

227. Christian Joerges, Entre technocratie et innovation démocratique: le montage constitutionnel de l’Union
européenne (traduit par Claire Moulin-Doos), in Céline Jouin (ed.), La constitution matérielle de l’Europe,
Paris : Editions A. Pedone,171-186.

226. Christian Joerges, The Economy Is a Polity: Implications for the New Modes of Economic Governance in
the EU, in Stéphanie Hennette, Thomas Piketty, Guillaume Sacriste, and Antoine Vauchez (eds), How to
Democratize Europe, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1019, 122-130.

225. Christian Joerges and Christian Kreuder-Sonnen, Europe and European Studies in Crisis: Inter-Disciplinary
and Intra- Disciplinary Schisms in Legal and Political Science, in Daniel Innerarity, Jonathan White, Cristina
Astier, and Ander Errasti (eds), A New Narrative for a New Europe, London-New York: Rowman & Littlefield,
2018, 89-117.

224. (Mit Josef Hien), Dead man walking? Current European interest in the ordoliberal tradition, slightly revised
version of EUI WP 2/2018, European Law Journal 24:1 (2018), 142-162, DOI: 10.1111/eulj.12277.

223. Christian Joerges, Comments on the Draft Treaty on the Democratization of the Governance of the Euro
Area, European Papers 3 (2018), 1-7, available at

222. Christian Joerges, How Is a Closer Union Conceivable under Conditions of Ever Deeper Socio-Economic
and Political Diversity: Constitutionalising Europe’s Unitas in Pluralitate, ZERP-Working Paper 2/2018,
Bremen 2018; revised version in European Law Journal 24 (2018), 257-267;

221. (Mit Christian Kreuder-Sonnen), Europe and European Studies in Crisis: Inter-Disciplinary and Intra-
Disciplinary Schisms in Legal and Political Science, European Law Journal 23 (2017), 118-139.

220. Christian Joerges, Europe after Ordoliberalism: A Philippic, in Thomas Biebricher and Frieder Vogelmann
(eds), The Birth of Austerity. German Ordoliberalism and Contemporary Neoliberalism, London-New York:
Rowman and Littlefield, 2017, 197-220.

219. Christian Joerges, Where the Law Ends – Why the OMT Controversy is Undecidable, in Online-Festschrift
für Udo Reifner, March 2018,, contribution Joerges at

218. Christian Joerges, Si tacuisses philosophus mansisses, Ordines 2 (2017), 17-29, available at

217. Fabian Bohnenberger / Christian Joerges, A Conflicts-Law Response to the Precarious Legitimacy of
Transnational Trade Governance. Research Handbook on the Sociology of International Law edited by Moshe
Hirsch and Andrew Lang, chapter 3, 37-61. Draft version available at SSRN:

216. Christian Joerges, Where the Law Ends – Why the OMT Controversy is Undecidable, in Online-Festschrift
für Udo Reifner, March 2018,, contribution Joerges at

215. Christian Joerges, “European Constitutionalization”; “European Citizenship”, in Hauke Brunkhorst, Regina
Kreide, and Cristina Lafont (eds), The Habermas Handbook, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017.

214. Josef Hien / Christian Joerges, Das aktuelle europäische Interesse an der ordoliberalen Tradition, Leviathan
45 (2017), 459-493; online: 0340-0425, DOI: 10.5771/0340-0425-2017-4-459

213. Josef Hien / Christian Joerges (eds), Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics, Oxford: Hart
Publishing, 2017; own contributions: Introduction: Objectives and Contents of the Volume (with Josef Hien), 1-
10; The Overburdening of Law by Ordoliberalism and the Integration Project, 179-200.

212. Christian Joerges, Il diritto privato nella politica economica Europea dopo la crisi finanziaria, in Politica del
diritto XLVIII (2017), 191-224.

211. Christian Joerges, Europe after Ordoliberalism: A Philippic, in Thomas Biebricher and Frieder Vogelmann
(eds), The Birth of Austerity. German Ordoliberalism and Contemporary Neoliberalism, London-New York:
Rowman and Littlefield, 2017, 197-220.

210. Christian Joerges / Christian Kreuder‐Sonnen, European Studies and the European Crisis: Legal and
Political Science between Critique and Complacency (2017) 23 European Law Journal, 118-139.

209. Josef Hien / Christian Joerges, Ordoliberalism as an irritating German idea,“Introduction: Objectives and Contents of the Volume” in Josef Hien
and Christian Joerges (eds), Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 1917, 1-

208. Christian Joerges, Kampf ums Geld, in Bertram Lomfeld (Hg.), Die Fälle der Gesellschaft: Eine neue Praxis
soziologischer Jurisprudenz, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017, 29-45.

207. Christian Joerges, Il Diritto Privato nella Politica Economica Europea dopo la Crisi Finanziaria, Deutsch-
Italienische Studien – Studi Italo-Tedeschi 2/2017, Centre of European Law and Politics, University of Bremen,
Bremen 2017.

206. Christian Joerges, From Trade Liberalisation to Transnational Governance, in Sam Muller, Stavros
Zouridis, Peter Polakovic (eds), Law of the Future and the Future of Law, The Hague: Torkel Opsahl Academic
EPublisher 2015, Chapter 1,

205. Christian Joerges / Fabian Bohnenberger, International trade after the US election: on the populist backlash
to globalisation,, 11/11/2016.

204. Christian Joerges / Fabian Bohnenberger, From Trade Liberalisation to Transnational Governance and
TTIP: How Dani Rodrik, Karl Polanyi and the Varieties of Capitalism Studies May Help us to Understand The
Present State of Globalization, Transnational Law Institute Think! Paper 44/2016, London 2016,

203. Christian Joerges / Christian Kreuder-Sonnen, Europe and European Studies in Crisis: Inter-Disciplinary
and Intra-Disciplinary Schisms in Legal and Political Science. , WZB Discussion Paper IV 2016-109, Berlin
2016. Revised version in (2017) 23 European Law Journal, 118-139.

202. Christian Joerges / Damian Chalmers / Markus Jachtenfuchs (eds), The End of the Eurocrats’ Dream.
Adjusting to European Diversity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016, own contributions: The
Retransformation of Europe (with Damian Chalmers and Markus Jachtenfuchs), 1-28; Integration through law
and the crisis of law in Europe’s emergency, 299-338.

201. Christian Joerges, Pereat iustitia et fiat mundus? Die Krise des Rechts in der Krise Europas, Merkur.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken 70, Heft 803, (2016), 17-31.

200. Christian Joerges, Kampf ums Geld, in Bertram Lomfeld (Hrsg), Die Fälle der Gesellschaft: Eine neue
Praxis soziologischer Jurisprudenz, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2017, 29-45.

199. Michelle Everson / Christian Joerges, Between Constitutional Command and Technocratic Rule: Post Crisis
Governance and the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance (“The Fiscal Compact”), in Carol
Harlow, Psaivi Leino-Sandberg, Giancinto della Cananea (eds), Research Handbook on EU Administrative Law,
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 161-187.

198. Christian Joerges, Was bleibt vom Projekt der Integration Europas durch Recht?, in Klaus Günther/Stephan
Kadelbach (Hg.), Kulturen des Rechts. Rechtstransfer und Pluralismus in globaler Perspektive, Frankfurt a.M.:
Campus, Oktober 2017 (wird nie erscheinen).

197. Christian Joerges / Christian Kreuder-Sonnen, Europe and European Studies in Crisis: Inter-Disciplinary
and Intra-Disciplinary Schisms in Legal and Political Science. , WZB Discussion Paper IV 2016-109, Berlin
2016. Available at, also at SSRN:, revised version in Daniel Innerarity, Jonathan
White, Cristina Astier, and Ander Errasti (eds), A New Narrative for a New Europe, London-New York:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2018, 89-117.

196. Christian Joerges, Private Law in Europe’s Political Economy after the Financial Crisis, in Matthias Ruffert
(ed.), European Economy and People’s Mobility. Project Conference of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Jena, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016, 101-125.

195. Christian Joerges, What Is Left of the European Economic Constitution II? From Pyrrhic Victory to Cannae
Defeat, in Poul F. Kjaer and Niklas Olsen (eds), Critical Theories of Crisis in Europe. From Weimar to the Euro,
London-New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016, 143-160.

194. Christian Joerges,, Social Justice in an Ever More Diverse Union (December 1, 2015). ZenTra Working
Paper in Transnational Studies No. 62/2015, revised version of August 2016. Available at SSRN:, 2nd revision

193. Christian Joerges, A disintegration of European Studies? In European Papers. Journal on Law and

192. Christian Joerges, The European Economic Constitution and its Transformation through the Financial Crisis,
in Dennis Patterson/Anna Sodersen (eds), Companion to EU Law and International Law, Oxford-San Francisco:
Wiley Blackwell, 2016, 242-261.

191. Christian Joerges, Integration through law and the crisis of law in Europe's emergency, see no. 2002

190. Christian Joerges, Pereat iustitia et fiat mundus? Die Krise des Rechts in der Krise Europas, Merkur.
Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, 70, Heft 803, (2016), 17-31.

189. Christian Joerges, Euro Crisis Law before the Court of Justice to the EU, Blogpost of the European Institute
University College London,

188. Christian Joerges, The Overburdening of European Law through Economic and Monetary Union, in Tim
Krieger; Diana Panke; Bernhard Neumärker (eds), Europe's Crisis: The Conflict-Theoretic Perspective, Baden-
Baden: Nomos, 155-174.

187. Christian Joerges, Pereat iustitia, fiat mundus: What is left of the European Economic Constitution after the
OMT-litigation, in Federico Fabbrini (ed.), The European Court of Justice, the European Central Bank and the
Supremacy of EU Law. Special Issue (2016) 23 Maastricht Journal of European & Comparative Law 99-118.
Also available at SSRN:


186. Christian Joerges, From Trade Liberalisation to Transnational Governance, -- no. 206.
185. Michelle Everson / Christian Joerges / Henning Deters, Wer ist der Hüter des europäischen
Konstitutionalismus nach der Finanzkrise?, in Hans-Jürgen Bieling und Martin Große Hüttmann (Hrsg.),
Europäische Staatlichkeit: zwischen Krise und Integration, Buchreihe Staat – Souveränität – Nation, Hrsg. von
Rüdiger Voigt und Samuel Salzborn, Wiesbaden: VS Springer 2016, 157-176.

184. Christian Joerges, “ur Aktualität direkter Demokratie in der EU: Das Beispiel der Kernenergie in einer
kollisionsrechtlichen Konzeptualisierung des Europarechts, in Wolfhard Kohte / Nadine Zeibig, Festschrift für
Armin Höland, Baden- Baden: Nomos 2015, 307-319.

183. Christian Joerges, Flaws, Old and New, of Economic Governance in Europe, in Cultura giuridica e diritto
vivente, Online journal del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza (DiGiur) dell'Università di Urbino, 2014/2 Special
issue QUO VADIS EUROPA? Stabilità e crescita nell'ordinamento europeo, a cura di Antonio Canaro,

182: Christian Joerges, Direktwahl des EU-Kommissionspräsidenten: Mehr Schaden als Nutzen (mit Florian
Rödl), Ernstnehmen des Anderen. Und zwar als Rechtsgebot! Darum geht es in Europa (Interview mit
Maximilian Steinbeis) in Maximilian Steinbeis, Alexandra Kemmerer, Christoph Möllers (eds), Krise und
Konstitutionalisierung in Europa. Verfassungsblog I, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2015, 57-60, 241-248.

181. Christian Joerges, “The Legitimacy Problématique of Economic Governance in the EU”, in Hertie School
of Governance, The Governance Report 2015, Oxford, OUP 2015, 90-94: Co author with Mark Dawson and
Henrik Enderlein of Introduction,13-24; Outlook, 117-126.

180. Christian Joerges, Wohin treibt die Verfassung der Wirtschaft Europas?, in Dieter Hart, Franz Müntefering
und Frank- Walter Steinmeier (Hrsg.), Wissenschaft, Verwaltung und Politik als Beruf, Liber amicorum Volker
Kröning zum70. Geburtstag am 15. März 2015, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 170-189.

179. Christian Joerges, The European Economic Constitution and its Transformation Through the Financial
Crisis, Zentra Working Papers in Transnational Studies 47/2015, Bremen 2015, available at, revised version in in Dennis Patterson/Anna
Sodersen (eds), Companion to EU Law and International Law, Oxford-San Francisco: Wiley Blackwell, 2016,

178. Christian Joerges, Is There a Guardian of Constitutionalism in Europe? in Serge Champeau / Carlos Closa
/ Daniel Innerarity / Miguel Poiares Maduro (eds), The Future of Europe: Democracy, Legitimacy and Justice
After the Euro Crisis, London-New York: Rowman and Littlefield International, 1915, 15-94.

177. Christian Joerges, "Brother, can you paradigm"?, Review Essay (Kaarlo Tuori and Klaus Tuori. The
Eurozone Crisis. A Constitutional Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), International

Journal of Constitutional Law 12 (2014), 769-785, also at

176. Christian Joerges, Conflicts-Law Constitutionalism: Ambitions and Problems, in Marise Cremona, Peter
Hilpold, Nikos Lavranos, Stefan Schneider, and Andreas R. Ziegler (eds), Reflections on the
Constitutionalisation of International Economic Law. Liber amicorum Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Leiden:
Brill/Nijhoff, 2014, 111-138, also at

175. Christian Joerges, Unity in Diversity as Europe’s Vocation and Conflicts Law as Europe’s Constitutional
Form, in Rainer Nickel / Andrea Greppi (eds), The Changing Role of Law in the Age of Supra- and
Transnational Governance, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2014, 125-176, available also at

174. Christian Joerges, Law and Politics in Europe’s Crisis: On the History of the Impact of an Unfortunate
Configuration, (2014) 21Constellations, 249-261.

173. Christian Joerges, Jürgen Neyer, Deliberativer Supranationalismus in der Krise, in Oliver Flugel-
Martinsen / Daniel Gaus / Tanja Hitzel-Cassagnes / Franziska Martinsen (Hg.), Deliberative Kritik - Kritik der
Deliberation. Festschrift für Rainer Schmalz-Bruns, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2014, 353-372.

172. Christian Joerges, Europe’s Economic Constitution in Crisis and the Emergence of a New Constitutional
Constellation, German Law Journal 15 (2014), 985–1028, available at

171. Christian Joerges, Carola Glinski, European Unity in Diversity?! A Conflicts-Law Re-construction, in Kai
Purnhagen/Peter Rott (eds), Liber Amicorum Hans-W. Micklitz, Dordrecht: Springer, 2014, 285-314.

170. Christian Joerges, Working through ‘Bitter Experiences’ towards a Purified European Identity? A Critique
of the Disregard for History in European Constitutional Theory and Practice, in Ruth Buchanan and Peer
Zumbansen (eds), Law in Transition. Human Rights, Development and Transitional Justice, Oxford and
Portland, OR: Hart Publishing, 2014, 269-287.

169. Michelle Everson and Christian Joerges, Who is the guardian for constitutionalism in Europe after the
financial crisis?, in John Erik Fossum and Agustín José Menéndez (eds), The European Union in crises or the
European Union as crises?, ARENA Report Series, Oslo 2014, 335-368, available online at

168. Christian Joerges, Europe’s economic constitution in crisis and the emergence of a new constitutional
constellation, in John Erik Fossum and Agustín José Menéndez (eds), The European Union in crises or the
European Union as crises?, ARENA Report Series, Oslo 2014, 279-334, available online at

167. Christian Joerges, A European Union of, by and for the Citizens: How Can Europe Provide Better
Possibilities for the Participation of its Citizens?, Polish Yearbook of European Studies 16 (2014), 141-152.

166. Christian Joerges, Le droit et la politique dans la crise en Europe: l’impact d’une malencontreuse
configuration, in : Bernard Remiche, Nicolas Thirion (eds), Crise et droit économique, Bruxelles: Larcier,
2014, 11-25.

165. Christian Joerges, “Where the Law Ends”, Contribution to the Debate on Kaarlo Tuori and Klaus Tuori.
The Eurozone Crisis. A Constitutional Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, organized by
Isabel Feichtner at,
ends/#.U0pA4aLTAqY and

164. Michelle Everson, Christian Joerges, “Who is the Guardian for Constitutionalism in Europe after the
Financial Crisis?”, in Sandra Kröger (ed.), Political Representation in the European Union: Still democratic in
times of crisis?, London: Routledge 2014, 400-428.


163. Christian Joerges, Stefano Giubboni, Diritto e politica nella crisi europea, (2013) 31 Rivista critica del
diritto privato, 343-367.

162. Christian Joerges, Florian Rödl, À propos de l'évolution fonctionelle du droit des conflits de lois II : une
constitution légitime pour la constellation post-nationale, Revue internationale de droit économique (XXVII),
2013/1-2 (special edition, ed. by Hans-W. Micklitz), 79-94.

161. Christian Joerges, Legitimacy without democracy in the EU? Perspectives on the constitutionalization of
Europe, in Miguel Poiares Maduro, Kaarlo Tuori, Suvi Sankari (eds) Transnational Law: Rethinking European
Law and Legal Thinking, Cambridge, CUP 2014, 248-268.

160. Michelle Everson / Christian Joerges, “Who is the Guardian for Constitutionalism in Europe after the
Financial Crisis?”, in Sandra Kröger (ed.), Political Representation in the European Union. Democratic in a
time of crisis, Abingdon- NewYork: Routledge, 2014, 197-212. LEQS Paper No. 63. Available at SSRN: or

159. Christian Joerges, Zum Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 12 September 2012 über den ESM- und
den Fiskalvertrag (Diskussionsbeitrag), Jahrbuch der Juristischen Gesellschaft Bremen 14 (2013) 27-31.

158 Christian Joerges / Alexia Herwig The precautionary principle in conflicts-law perspectives, in Gert Van
Calster & Denise Prévost (eds), Research handbook on environment, health and the WTO / -Cheltenham, Elgar,
2013, 3-40.


157. Christian Joerges / Maria Weimer, A Crisis of Executive Managerialism in the EU: No Alternative?,
Maastricht Faculty of Law Working Paper No. 2012-7, available at Available at SSRN:;
revised version in Gráínne de Búrca / Claire Kilpatrick / Joanne Scott (eds), Liber Amicorum for David M
Trubek, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014, 295-322.

156. Christian Joerges, Der Berg kreißte - gebar er eine Maus? Europa vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht,
WSI-Mitteilungen 65 (2012), 560.

155. Christian Joerges, Rechtsstaat y Europa social. La reaparición de una tensión clásica en el proceso de
integración europea In El Cronista, Núm. 32 Noviembre, 60-71.

154. Christian Joerges, The European Economic Constitution in Crisis: Between “state of exception” and
“constitutional moment”, in: Miguel Poiares Maduro, Bruno de Witte, Mattias Kumm, “The Democratic
Governance of the Euro”, RSCAS Global Governance Programme, RSCAS Policy Paper 2012/8, San
Domenico die Fiesole, 2012, 39-44, available at

153. Christian Joerges, Recht und Politik in der Krise Europas. Zur Wirkungsgeschichte einer verunglückten
Konfiguration, Merkur. Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, 66, Heft 762, (2012), 1013-1024.

152 Christian Joerges, Europas Wirtschaftsverfassung in der Krise, Der Staat 51 (2012), 357-386; englische
Übersetzung: Europe's Economic Constitution in Crisis, ZenTra Working Paper in Transnational Studies No.
06/2012 abrufbar unter
vs.html.Revidierte Fassung: Europe's Economic Constitution in Crisis and the Emergence of a New
Constitutional Constellation

151. Michelle Everson / Christian Joerges, Reconfiguring the Politics–Law Relationship in the Integration
Project through Conflicts–Law Constitutionalism. European Law Journal, 18 (2012), 644–666.

150. Christian Joerges, The Timeliness of Direct Democracy in the EU—The Example of Nuclear Energy in
the EU and the Institutionalisation of the European Citizens’ Initiative in the Lisbon Treaty, Beijing Law
Review, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2012, pp. 1-6, available at Slightly revised version: The timeliness
of direct democracy in the EU – and the contest over atomic energy in conflicts- law perspectives, in Jürgen

Busch et al. (eds), International Constitutional Law in Legal Education. Proceedings of the Erasmus Intensive
Programme NICLAS 2010-2012, Wien: Facultas 2014, 89-100.

149. Christian Joerges, What is left of the integration through law project? A reconstruction in conflicts-law
perspectives, in Edoardo Chiti / Agustín José Menéndez / Pedro Gustavo Teixeira (eds), The European rescue
of the European Union? The existential crisis of the European political project, RECON Report No. 19, Oslo:
ARENA 2012, 37-67.

148. Christian Joerges, Alles nur Marleasing? Über Kollisionsrecht und Interlegalität, über Evolution und das
Entdeckungsverfahren der Praxis im Angesicht der Krisen Europas, in Stefan Keller / Stefan Wiprächtiger
(Hrsg.), Recht zwischen Dogmatik und Theorie, Marc Amstutz zum 50. Geburtstag, Zürich/St.Gallen: Dike
Verlag; Baden- Baden: Nomos Verlag 2012, 53-73.

147. Christian Joerges / Poul F. Kjaer / Tommi Ralli, A New Type of Conflicts Law as Constitutional Form in
the Postnational Constellation, Transnational Legal Theory Volume 2, Issue 2, Oxford: Hart Publishing 2011,

146. Christian Joerges, How will constitutionalism and the idea of law-mediated legitimacy survive in
postnational constellations? Comment on Stefan Kadelbach, in Rainer Forst and Rainer Schmalz-Bruns (eds),
Political Legitimacy and Democracy in Transnational Perspective, RECON REPORT 13/2011, Oslo 2011, 135-
144, available at

145. Christian Joerges, Perspektiven einer kollisionsrechtlichen Verfassung transnationaler Märkte, TransState
AP Nr: 146/2011, Bremen 2011, abrufbar unter

144. Christian Joerges / Florian Rödl, Reconceptualising the constitution of Europe's post-national constellation
– by dint of conflict of laws, in Ioannis Lianos / Okeoghene Odudu (eds), Regulating Trade in Services in the
EU and the WTO. Trust, Distrust and Economic Integration, Cambridge. Cambridge University Press 2012,

143. Christian Joerges, Will the welfare state survive European Integration? On the exhaustion of the legal
conceptualisations of the integration project from the foundational period and the search for a new paradigm,
European Journal of Social Law 1 (2011), 4-19.

142. Christian Joerges, A New Type of Conflicts Law as the Legal Paradigm of the Postnational Constellation,
in Christian Joerges / Josef Falke eds), Karl Polanyi, Globalisation and the Potential of Law in Transnational
Markets. Oxford: Hart Publishing 2011, 465-501.

141. Christian Joerges / David M. Trubek / Peer Zumbansen The Legacy of Critical Legal Thought and
Transatlantic Endeavours, Osgoode CLPE Research Paper No. 06/2011, available at

140. Christian Joerges, The Rechtsstaat and Social Europe: How a Classical Tension Resurfaces in the
European Integration Process, (2010) 9 Comparative Sociology, 65-85.

139. Christian Joerges, Re-Conceptualising European Law as Conflicts Law, the ECJ’s Labour Law
Jurisprudence and Germany’ Federal Constitutional Court, in Bea Verschraegen (ed.), Interdisciplinary Studies
of Comparative and Private International Law (Vol. I), Wien: Jans Sramke Verlag 2010, 7-18.

138. Christian Joerges, The Idea of a Three-dimensional Conflicts Law as Constitutional Form, RECON
Online-WP 5/2010, Oslo: Center for European Studies.

Also in Christian Joerges / Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann (eds), Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and
Social Regulation, Oxford: Hart Publishing 2011, 2nd ed., 413-455.


137. Christian Joerges, Europa nach dem Ordoliberalismus: Eine Philippika, Kritische Justiz 43:4 (2010), 394-

136. Christian Joerges, Europarecht als Kollisionsrecht, in Claudio Franzius / Franz C. Mayer / Jürgen Neyer
(Hrsg.), Strukturfragen der Europäischen Union, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2010, 285-306.

135. Christian Joerges, Unity in Diversity as Europe’s Vocation and Conflicts Law as Europe’s Constitutional
Form, LSE 'Europe in Question' Discussion Paper Series (LEQS), No. 28, London: European Institute, London
School of Economics 2010, Revised version:

134. Christian Joerges, The Lisbon Judgment, Germany’s Sozialstaat, the ECJ’s Labour Law Jurisprudence and
the Reconceptualisation of European Law as a new Type of Conflicts Law in Andreas Fischer-Lescano /
Christian Joerges / Arndt Wonka (eds),The German Constitutional Court’s Lisbon Ruling: Legal and Political
Science Perspectives, Bremen: ZERP DP 1, 27-40

133. Christian Joerges, Re-Conceptualising European Law as Conflicts Law, the ECJ’s Labour Law
Jurisprudence and Germany’ Federal Constitutional Court, in Bea Verschraegen (Hrsg., ed.),. Interdisziplinäre
Studien zur Komparatistik und zum Kollisionsrecht (Bd. I) / Interdisciplinary Studies of Comparative and
Private International Law (Vol. I), Wien: Jan Sramek, 2010, 7-18.

132. Christian Joerges, Kollisionsrecht als verfassungsrechtliche Form: Das Beispiel der Verrechtlichung des
internationalen Handels durch die WTO, in Nicole Deitelhoff / Jens Steffek (Hrsg.), Was bleibt vom Staat?
Demokratie, Recht und Verfassung im globalen Zeitalter, Frankfurt a.M-New York: Campus 2009, 309-331.

131a. The Rechtsstaat and Social Europe: How a Classical Tension Resurfaces in the European Integration
Process, (2010) 9:1 Comparative Sociology, 65-85, also in Leonardo Morlino / Gianluigi Palombella, Rule of
Law and Democracy. Inquiries into Internal and External Issues, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2010, 163-183.

131b. Sozialstaatlichkeit in Europe? A Conflict-of-Laws Approach to the Law of the EU and the
Proceduralisation of Constitutionalisation, 10 German Law Journal 335-360 (2009), available at

130. Christian Joerges, Europäische Konstitutionalisierung; Europäische Staatsbürgerschaft. in Hauke
Brunkhorst / Regina Kreide / Cristina Lafont (Hrsg.), Habermas-Handbuch -- Leben – Werk – Wirkung,
Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler 2009, 94-99, 312-315.

129. Bemerkungen zu dem Gutachten von Franz C. Mayer, in: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Hrsg.), Der EuGH und
das soziale Europa: Für eine Aufwertung sozialer Grundrechte im EU-Rechtssystem, Berlin 2009, 35-37.

128. Christian Joerges, La dissociation entre politiques sociales nationales et intégration économique ne
compromet-elle pas l’avènement d’une Europe sociale?, in Laurence Boy et al. (eds), Droit économiquie et
droits de l’homme, Brüssel/Louvain-la-Neuve: éditions Larcier, 2009, 313-336.

127. Christian Joerges, Integration durch supranationales Kollisionsrecht: Zur Verteidigung des europäischen
Projekts durch eine alternative Konzeptualisierung seiner Rechtsverfassung; in Andreas Fischer-Lescano /
Florian Rödl / Christoph Schmid (Hrsg.), Europäische Gesellschaftsverfassung. Zur Konstitutionalisierung
sozialer Demokratie in Europa, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2009, 373-394.

126. Christian Joerges, Accomplishing the Internal Market and the EMU, in European Union. Committee of the
Regions, Forward Studies Unit; The Contribution of the 2008 Ateliers, Brussels 2009, 241-248;

125. Christian Joerges, Judicialization and Transnational Governance: The Example of WTO Law and the
GMO Dispute, in Bogdan Iancu (ed.), The Law/Politics Distinction in Contemporary Public Law Adjudication,
Utrecht: Eleven International Publishing 2009, 67-84.

124. Christian Joerges, A Renaissance of the European Economic Constitution?, in Ulla Neergaard, Ruth
Nielsen and Lynn Roseberry (eds), Integrating Welfare Functions into EU Law - From Rome to Lisbon,
Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing 2009, 29-52.

123. Christian Joerges, A new alliance of de-legalisation and legal formalism? Reflections on the response to
the social deficit of the European integration project, in Hauke Brunkhorst (ed.), Demokratie in der
Weltgesellschaft. Soziale Welt Sonderband 18, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2009, 437-450

122. Christian Joerges, The Rechtsstaat and Social Europe: How a Classical Tension Resurfaces in the
European Integration Process, In Comparative Sociology, Vol. 9, No. 1, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 65-85. Also in
Leonardo Morlino & Gianluigi Palombella (eds), Rule of Law and Democracy: Inquiries into Internal and
External Issues.

121. Michelle Everson / Christian Joerges, Consumer Citizenship in Postnational Constellations? in D. Naresh
Kumar (ed.), Consumer: Legal Encounters, Pinjagutta Hyderabad, India: The Icfai University Press 2008, 1-36.

120. Christian Joerges / Florian Rödl, Zum Funktionswandel des Kollisionsrechts II: Die kollisionsrechtliche
Form einer legitimen Verfassung der post-nationalen Konstellation, in Gralf-Peter Calliess, Andreas Fischer-
Lescano, Dan Wielsch, Peer Zumbansen (Hrsg.), Soziologische Jurisprudenz. Festschrift für Gunther Teubner
zum 65. Geburtstag, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2009, 765-778.

119. Christian Joerges, Sound Science in the European Union and the Global Market: Karl Polanyi in Geneva?,
in Michelle Everson / Ellen Vos (eds), Uncertain Risks Regulated, Oxon-New York: Routledge-Cavendish
2009, 415-426; http://www.sfb597.uni-

118. Christian Joerges / Florian Rödl) Informal Politics, Formalised Law and the ‘Social Deficit’ of European
Integration: Reflections after the Judgments of the ECJ in Viking and Laval, (2009) 15:1 European Law
Journal, 1- 9.


117. Christian Joerges / Florian Rödl, Das soziale Defizit des Europäischen Integrationsprojekts. Von der
Entformalisierung europäischer Politik und dem Formalismus europäischer Rechtsprechung im Umgang mit
dem „sozialen Defizit“ des Integrationsprojekts, Kritische Justiz (2008) 41:2, 149-165.

116. Christian Joerges, Integration durch Entrechtlichung?, in Gunnar Folke Schuppert / Michael Zürn (Hrsg.),
Governance in einer sich wandelnden Welt, PVS Sonderheft 41/2008, 213-237, http://www.zerp.uni-

115. Integration Through De-Legalisation?, European Law Review (2008) 33, 219-312.

114. Integrazione attraverso la de-giuridicizzazione? Un intervento interlocutorio, 26 (2008) Rivista Critica Del
Diritto Privato, 163-188.

113. Michelle Everson / Christian Joerges, “Consumer Citizenship in Postnational Constellations?”, in Kate
Soper / Frank Trentmann (eds), Citizenship and Consumption, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, October 2008,


112. Christian Joerges / Beate Braams / Michelle Everson, Die Europäische Wende zu ‚Neuen Formen des
Regierens’ (new modes of governance) – Rechtsprobleme eines politischen Konzepts, TranState Arbeitspapiere
No. 55, Bremen 2007, available at,

111. Christian Joerges, “Rethinking European Law’s Supremacy: A Plea for a Supranational Conflict of Laws”,
in Beate Kohler Koch / Berthold Rittberger (eds), Debating the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union,
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, 311-327.

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