Energy efficiency projects

Die Seite wird erstellt Sibylle-Hortensia Henning
Energy efficiency projects
Es geht nicht mehr darum, nur alternative Energien
                     anzuwenden, es geht darum, die Alternative
               zum technologischen Standard werden zu lassen...
                                       Siegfried Lessing-Wenzel


              Institut for energy efficiency
SolarTRANSFER Romanshornerstr. 100 CH-9320 Arbon
              fon 0041-766751255 oder 0041-71-4404563
              mail to
Energy efficiency projects
...ich bin an der Zukunft interessiert,
weil ich dort den Rest meines Lebens verbringen werde...

 Jede Idee basiert auf einer Vision, und der Anfang wurde 1970 unter dem
 Eindruck von Planungsgesichtspunkten für autonome Energieversorgungs-
 systeme für Satelliten, Raumfahrzeuge, sowie militärische Anwendungen

 Die Energiekrise 1972/73 sorgte dann für einen kurzfristigen
 Forschungsetatpeak für regenerative Energien. Das Battelle Institut in
 Frankfurt war in der weltweiten Forschung für regenerative Energien,
 Wasserstofferzeugung, Elektrolyse, führend.

 Die ersten rechteckigen Solarzellen entwickelte und baute damals
 TELEFUNKEN. Die ersten Produktionsanlagen für thermische Kollektoren
 entstanden. Die klassischen Heizungsbautechnik – Unternehmen reagierten
 gar nicht oder nur sehr verhalten, regenerative Energieerzeugungssysteme
 zu entwickeln, in den Markt zu bringen.

 Siegfried Lessing entwickelte in dieser historischen Phase an der Uni in
 Bremen      zusammen mit Wissenschaftlern und Kommilitonen solare
 Energiekonzepte. 1984 gründete Siegfried Lessing in Bremen sein Ing. Büro
 SolarTransfer, gehörte somit zu den Pionieren der ersten Stunde.
 Zusammen mit Dr. Hermann Scheer, der leider zu früh verstorben ist,
 gründete er Eurosolar in Bremen.

 Die Erfahrungen, die Ergebnisse aus vielen geplanten und gebauten
 Photovoltaikanlagen,   thermischen   Solaranlagen, nicht   nur    zur
 Warmwassererzeugung, sondern schon damals zur Heizungsunterstützung,
 führten zu einem umfassenden und führenden Anwendungs – know - how.

 1998 entstand das IFACS, das erste solarautarke Forschungs- und
 Vertriebszentrum weltweit in Obersulm, es wurde zur Plattform für alle
 innovativ- technischen und wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten von Siegfried Lessing
 und Jutta Wenzel. Gemeinsam entwickelten sie Strategien für den
 entstehenden Solarmarkt.

 Auf dieser gemeinsamen Basis entstand ein schwäbischer Think Tank für
 regenerative Energiesystemtechnik, die Grundlagen für solarautarkes Bauen
 wurden dort kommerzialisiert und realisiert. Im Raum Heilbronn entstanden
 solaraktive Gebäude, deren Heizlast bei ca. 15 Wattstunden/m² lag, auf der
 Basis verschiedenen Latentspeicher-Technologien.

 Ab 2002 wurde die von Siegfried Lessing entwickelte Latentspeicher
 Technology auf der Basis von Paraffinen gefertigt und in die Märkte
 eingeführt. Bis heute sind 16.000 Latentspeicherzellen in Europa erfolgreich
 im Einsatz.

 Heute wird die Technologie im Rahmen einer Nachfolgeregelung in der
 Schweiz und in China gefertigt. Solar Transfer und Siegfried Lessing planen,
 entwickeln und leisten vielfältigen Support. Lessing ist das Synonym für
 Latentspeicher, der aus dem Markt neuer innovativer Produkte für
 umweltgerechte, effiziente Energiespeicherung nicht mehr wegzudenken ist.

  Institut for energy efficiency
  Romanshornerstr. 100 CH-9320 Arbon
  fon 0041-766751255 oder 0041-71-4404563
  mail to
Energy efficiency projects
energy efficiency
Institut for applied commercial solar energy
Design and building owner: Siegfried Lessing

                        Project data:
                        Gross floor area: 850 m²
                        Coolingand climatization: geothermal
                        Solarfront: glass (winter garden)
                        Thermal insulation: translucent (stairs)
                                            and Eternit curtain wall
                        Asphalt floor screed

                        Technical data:
                        Solar: 56 m² flat collectors
                        heat performance: 17 kW/peak
                        Wall heating
                        4 Energy silos (16 cbm) with latent storage systems
                        installed in an energy duct in the middle of the building

                        Capital investment: 1,3 Mio D-Mark
                        Year of construction: 1997

                              translucent insulation
                              east and west
                              Eternit curtain wall
Energy efficiency projects
energy efficiency
Peak load buffer for a horse-wellnessfarm
and a hotel
                  3,4 MWh latent storage buffer for a 450 kWp
                  CHP machine (woodchips) and for storage
                  solar energy from 500 m² solar installation.

                  Latent storage for stochastic
                  energy support,and for use as peak load buffer

                  proof of efficiency:
                  doubling solar energy benefits
                  energy requiremen/y:        400.000     kWh
                  energy requirement/day        1.100    kWh
                  harvest solar power:       275.000     kWh
                  capacity PT:                   3.400   kWh
                  bypassing with PT:                 3   days

                  Energy costs/y:              80.000 Euro
                  68% saving total:            54.400 Euro

                  Invest Solar+LS:            300.000 Euro
                  Return of invest:           5,5 years

                  life time:                  25 years
                  energy savings life-time:   1.360.000 Euro

                  Commissioning: 26.9.2007
Energy efficiency projects
energy efficiency
project school Schwerte                                          design

  1. Data school

  Space:                     3000 m²
  Pupil:                     1.500

  Hot water consumption/d: 3000 l

  Heat performance           260 kW Oil burner
  Heat requirement/y         1.000.000 kWh
  Heat requirement/d         5000 kWh

  Energy cost now:           75.000 Euro

  2. Target of this task:

  Reduction of energy costs with solar energy
  and an efficient storage

  3. Planning

  Energy harvest solar.                          450.000 kWh
  Reduction start- and standby losses.           200.000 kWh
  Savings total                                  650.000 kWh =     49.000 Euro

  4. Costs and Return of invest

  600 m²
  solar collector tubes      Price/m²       300 Euro         Total 180.000 Euro
  30 pcs.
  PT – Big Power boxes       Price/box:    5.000 Euro        Total 150.000 Euro

  Invest costs:                     320.000 Euro
  Return of invest:                 6,5 years

  Life-time:                        25 years
  Energy savings lifetime:          1.225.000 Euro

  Unfortunately this project was not realized, because the government of
  Nordrhein-Westfalen has not clear the capital.
Energy efficiency projects
energy efficiency
Latent shuttle storage for a pool

                   Public swimming pool in Brixen/Italy
                   determination: to buy a further CHP machine
                   or to find a cost saving solution

                   Installation of a shuttle storage system for stochastic
                   energy production.
                   CHP machine (combine heat power) grid behaviour:
                   machine shall run mooth and uniform

                   The waste thermal energy of the CHP machine , which
                   will not be used in the pool,will be storaged in PT for
                   peak load f.e. in the morning.

                   The Peak load provided via latent storage system shall
                   save a further peak-load CHP machine.

                   Invest costs
                   156 WZ-1800-BHKW PCM 80°C
                   Heat quantity: 1,6 Mwh peak
                   Insulation 150 mm

                   Invest latent storage: Euro 130.000,--
                   Invest costs new CPH machine: 115.000,--
                   + gas costs

                     computer based
                     loading and unloading processes
                    Commissioning Sommer 2007
                                                 Verrohrung nach Tichelmann:
                   Vorlauf                       alle Zellen werden gleichmäßig durchströmt.
                                                 Durchmesser Verrohrung:
                                                 Berechnung durch Ing-Büro

                                                 Außen: 200 mm
                                                 Boden: 150 mm
                                                 Innen: 100 mm (Empfehlung: jeweils 2 Reihen)
                                                         Stabilisierung mit Profilen (z.B. TECE o.ä.)
Energy efficiency projects
energy efficiency
hotel project Sandton Grand Hotel Reylof
in Gent with latent storage and cogenerator
Belgian Building Award for Watts ON and SolarTransfer!

Latent Storage DUO TEC

                                             Quantity rooms: 130
                         Technical data:
                         Cogenerator DUO TEC 27 kW therm-
                                                 15 kW elect
                         30 PowerTank latent cells BHKW
                            melting point 50°C
                         3 hot water storages 1000 l
                         Backup system:
                         1 gas condensing boiler 147 kW
                          now for peak performance and backup
                          during Service

                         The waste thermal energy of the cogenerator
                         (combine heat power machine) will be used for
                         hot water supply.
Energy efficiency projects
energy efficiency
                                        1st price:
“Haus der Zukunft” Berlin
                                           n M us ik o w s ki, Berlin
Planning and design competition         Ja

                                  Techn. data:
                                  Active surface:      6788 m² m²
                                  Energy demand:      60 kWh/m²/a
                                  Heat technology :   thermal energy + latent stotage
                                                      coolingmachine 380 kW
                                                       remote heat
                                  Thermal collectors: 210 m² Vacuum-pipes
                                  Measure of the
                                  Latent storage:     h=20 m, diameter=2 m

                                  One or more elements of the latent storage is to be
                                  transparent for the visitors to give them an insight.

                                  from record of the jury:

                                  The special exhibition in the basement and the other
                                  exhibitions on the upper storey are arranged in a
                                  functionally compatible way. However, the flexibility for
                                  alterations appears to be somewhat limited. The
                                  stacked office areas are intelligently inserted.The use
                                  of materials, construction and detailing are well
                                  chosen and insofar as they are apparent, are
                                  appropriate. The room schedule is completely fulfilled;
                                  the costs are below the costs framework; the
                                  characteristic values indicate overall economic
                                  planning. Overall, submission 1013 is a very good,
                                  realisable contribution to solving
Energy efficiency projects
energy efficiency                                                                  e n t storage:
                                                                 d e s i g n l a t
 “Haus der Zukunft” Berlin
                                                    Planning and     R    L e s s  in g-Wenzel
 Planning and design competition                                 F E
                                                    Solar TRANS

from record of the jury:

The energy concept
Due to its very efficient building structure, its
large roof-mounted PV system and solar-
thermal roof system, the building is to be
classified as a plus energy building. The
energy supply concept uses electricity +
district heating and generates the space
cooling via a solar-thermal driven absorption-
type chiller. It is an innovative energy
concept, which aims to achieve a certain
degree of supply autonomy through several
short and long-time accumulators (paraffin

  Latent storage energy sylos
  consistings of: 36 latent cells
  total:         288 latent cells
  PCM:           50 - 60°C

 One or more elements can be
 glazed. Because of the low
 load transfer glass elements, it
  is recommended that these are
 to install on top of the storage.

  On top insulating glass and
  transparent latent heat cells

  Structural steel frame for
  total loads

  Each storage element with
  entry for service

  Tichelmann connection
  for all storage elements

  copyright: Lessing-Wenzel SolarTransfer CH-9320 Arbon
Energy efficiency projects
energy efficiency
 Project European Parliament in Luxemburg
 heating and cooling with fuel cells and latent storages

                               The reorganization and rebuilding of the remaining fragmentary
Gross floor area: 270.000 m²   site created a representative and clear configuration. A six-level
                               construction and the 18-level high-rise shape the new district
                               from the outside. The inside features a differentiated structure
                               with intertwined shapes and free spaces. The "Place du
                               Parlament" is the introductory element with the Chamber of the
                               European Parliament.

                               The many office and conference areas are quickly and
                               individually accessible by means of the network of hallways. The
                               office areas are designed for multi-purpose usage and the open
                               support and technical structures allow the integration of various
                               workstation concepts.

                               The facades are double facades - the advantages are noise
                               protection, sun screen with light channelling as well as the
                               possibility of natural ventilation. Optimal comfort with low
                               operating costs are achieved through the thermal activation of
                               building components and the use of natural resources for heating
                               and cooling. The concept of the buildings and the building
                               technology allow a promising and sustainable evolution for the
                               office workstations.

                               - controlled natural aeration
                               - improved heat insulation and solar shading
                               - use of natural ressources for heat and cooling
energy efficiency
 Project European Parliament in Luxemburg
 heating and cooling with fuel cells and latent storages

                                Project data:
                                Gross floor area: 270.000 m²
                                cooling and heating
                                performance fuel cells: 750 kW

                                requirement storage capacity: 10.600 kWh

                                210 Big Power Boxes (2520 Latent cells)
                                capacity delta T 20: 10.800 kWh
                                Melting point PCM: 75°C

                                Energy savings:
                                app.3.5 mio kWh/year or 350.000 Euro

Start installation: 2013/2014
energy efficiency
Heat support with solar energy for a paddling pool
                                  wirh latent storage Energy Silo

                         After successful employment of the latent storage
                         system for the drinking water supply in the
                         Neckarsulm lido, in a 2nd project solar powering
                         of the children’s paddling pool was implemented.

                          Project goal:
                          Heat supply using the latent storage system
                          and 40 m² of KBB solar collectors to protect
                          against nocturnal cooling, swimming pool
                          exclusively solar-powered, surplus is stored in the
                          Energy Silo. Thus the swimming pool is kept at
                          20–25 °C overnight. Projected break-even
                          according to the city of Neckarsulm: 3 years

                          Data Energy Silo:
                          The latent energy storage system Energy Silo
                          multifunctionally installable/integratable, consisting of:
                          30 pcs.       WZ-1800-1WT
                           1 pc.        concrete hopper, 2500 mm nominal bore
                                        Height: 3500 mm Nominal bore: 2000 mm
                                        Interior insulation PSE 250 mm
                                        Completely installed and piped
                                        ready for connecting and sub-surface
                          Usable heat quantity:        c. 360 kWh
                          Cooling losses: about 1–2 °C per night

                          Commissioning: May 2010
energy efficiency
 Customer Report

Traditionally, the children’s pool has not had a heating of its own. After replacing the
filter system, the residence time of the basin water could be considerably prolonged
without incurring hygiene problems. Because of cooling out (overnight and on
suboptimal swimming days), the basin volume of 90 m³ must be drained very
frequently and be re-filled with heated water from the clean water pipe of the
swimmers’ pool. In the self-contained equipment room of the paddling pool, no fossil
fuels are available. Installation of a basin water heater is precluded by spatial

The use of a paraffin-based latent heat storage system offers the advantage that
solar energy can be saved significantly better than with water-based storage. The
cooling of the basin can be compensated with this stored heat energy as required.

Payback calculation:
Cooling would necessitate emptying the pool 2.8× per week on average. Therefore
during one swimming season of 20 weeks some 5,000 m³ of heated water are
required. The price of water can be calculated at 5.50 EUR per m³ (including heating
and disinfectant). This results in a total of c. 27,700 € per swimming season.
If the necessary emptying after load factor according to DIN 19643 for the treatment
of swimming pool water, namely 1× per week for a solar-heated pool, is used as a
basis, for 20 weeks of bathing there will result operating costs of 8,100 € (taking into
account the energy costs from the solar power generation for the heating of 1 m³ of
water). Consequently, per swimming season 19,600 € will be saved.

Source: City of Neckarsulm, Steffen Plank
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