ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich

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ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich
                                                 INTERNATIONALES SEMINAR FÜR ANALYTISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE
                                                 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY
                                                 AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING

                                        • AUTUMN • HERBST • 2019
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich
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Kooperation mit dem C.G. Jung-Institut Stuttgart
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich
Inhalt                                    Contents
 Wichtige Daten                            Important Dates

 Kontakte                                  Contacts

 Erläuterungen                             Explanations

 Semester-Gebühren                         Semester Fees

 Programm                                  Program

 01    Grundlagen der Analytischen         01    Fundamentals of Analytical                  15
       Psychologie                               Psychology

 02    Psychologie des Traums              02    Psychology of Dreams                        19
 03    Psychologische Deutung von          03    Psychological Interpretation of             20
       Mythen & Märchen                          Myths & Fairy Tales
 04    Psychologische Deutung von          04    Psychological Interpretation of             22
       Bildern                                   Pictures
 05    Ethnologie & Psychologie            05    Ethnology & Psychology                      23
 06    Religion & Psychologie              06    Religion & Psychology                       24
 07    Assoziationsexperiment &            07    Association Experiment &                    25
       Komplexlehre                              Theory of Complexes
 08    Entwicklungspsychologie             08    Developmental Psychology                    26
 09    Psychodynamische Konzepte im        09    Comparison of Psychodynamic                 27
       Vergleich                                 Concepts
 10    Psychopathologie & Psychiatrie      10    Psychopathology & Psychiatry                28
 11    Individuation                       11    Individuation                               30
 12    Praktischer Fall                    12    Practical Case                              33
 13    Fallkolloquien                      13    Case Colloquia                              34
 Gastdozenten und neue Dozenten            Guest and New Presenters                          37
 Stundenplan                               Timetable                                         41
                        ISAP Zurich, Stampfenbachstrasse 115, 8006 Zurich
            Tel +41 (0)43 344 00 66 • •

There are not too many truths, there are only a few. Their meaning is too deep to grasp
other than in symbols.
C.G. Jung, The Red Book (1915/2009), p. 291

Es gibt nicht viele Wahrheiten, sondern nur wenige. Ihr Sinn ist zu tief, als dass man sie
anders erfassen könnte als im Symbol.
C.G. Jung, Das Rote Buch (1915/2009), S. 290

 Herbst 2019 Autumn                                                                           1
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich
Wichtige Daten                                              Important Dates

    Herbst                           03.09.19-06.12.19                            Autumn

    Anmeldeschluss:                       09.08.19                               Deadline:
    Semester-Einschreibung                                            Semester Registration
    Zahlung der Gebühren                                                      Fee Payment
    Examina, usw.                                                              Exams, etc.
    Orientierungstreffen mit neuen     04.09.19, 10:00                  Orientation Meeting
    Studierenden                                                         with New Students
    Semester-Eröffnungsfeier           07.09.19, 16:00        Semester Opening Celebration
    Examensperiode                   15.10.19 – 15.11.19                       Exam Period
    Treffen: ISAP Leitung              18.09.19, 15:00     Meeting: ISAP Council & Students
    & Studierende
    Aufnahmekommission               11.09.19 + 20.11.19     Admission Committee Meetings
    Examenskonferenz                   18.11.19, 19:30                    Exam Conference
    (nur für Analytiker)                                                 (for analysts only)
    Treffen: neue Diplomkandidaten     27.11.19, 10:00               Meeting: New Diploma
     & Studienleitung                                       Candidates & Director of Studies
    Diplomübergabe                     06.12.19, 17:00                Graduation Ceremony
    Semesterpause                    09.12.19 - 21.02.20                    Semester Break
    Winterbetriebsferien             13.12.19 - 06.01.20                 Winter Close Down

    Frühling                         25.02.20-30.05.20                              Spring

    Anmeldeschluss:                       24.01.20                               Deadline:
    Semester-Einschreibung                                            Semester Registration
    Zahlung der Gebühren                                                      Fee Payment
    Examina, usw.                                                              Exams, etc.
    Orientierungstreffen mit neuen     26.02.20, 10:00                  Orientation Meeting
    Studierenden                                                         with New Students
    Semester-Eröffnungsfeier           29.2.20, 16:00         Semester Opening Celebration
    Examensperiode                   07.04.20 – 08.05.20                       Exam Period
    Treffen: ISAP Leitung                                                          Meeting:
                                       To be confirmed
    & Studierende                                                   ISAP Council & Students
    Aufnahmekommission               26.02.20 + 13.05.20     Admission Committee Meetings
    Examenskonferenz                      11.05.20                        Exam Conference
    (nur für Analytiker)                                                 (for analysts only)
    Treffen: neue Diplomkandidaten        20.05.20                   Meeting: New Diploma
    & Studienleitung                                        Candidates & Director of Studies
    Diplomübergabe                     22.05.20, 17:00                Graduation Ceremony
    Semesterpause                    01.06.20 – 07.09.20                    Semester Break
    Sommerbetriebsferien             10.07.20 – 03.08.20               Summer Close Down

2                                                                      Herbst 2019 Autumn
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich
Kontakte                                                                      Contacts

ISAP-Leitung                                                                ISAP Council

Präsidentin                      Deborah Egger, MSW                                President

Vize-Präsidentin           Diane Cousineau-Brutsche, Dr. phil.                Vice-President

Sekretärin                     Lucienne Marguerat, lic. phil.                      Secretary

Psychiatrie                 Heike Weis Hyder, Dr. med. FMH                        Psychiatry

Quästor                           Christa Robinson, MA                             Treasurer

Studienleiterin                 Marianne Peier, lic. phil.                Director of Studies

Aufnahmeleiterin                    Ursula Ulmer, MA                  Director of Admissions

Programmleiterin                  Nancy Krieger, PhD                     Director of Program

Ombudspersonen                        Gary Hayes                                Ombudsman

                                  Maria Meyer-Grass                          Ombudswoman

Studierendenvertretung                                           Student Representation

Studierenden-                        Gabor Majdan                        Student Association
                                    Irina Aleyeva
Programm-                            Deb Wood                           Program Committee
kommission                   debwood2608@gmail.comTBC
                                    To be confirmed

Stampfenbachstrasse Kontakte                              Stampfenbachstrasse Contacts

Auskunft                                Claire Ironside     
Information                               Korine Bolt
Studiensekretariat                       Lydia Verburg     
Studies Secretary
Buchhaltung / Accounting                Melanie Bishop  
Bibliothek / Library                    Carol McGinty      
                                      Catherine McBroom

Herbst 2019 Autumn                                                                        3
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich
Erläuterungen                                   Further Information
Vorlesungen & Offene                            Lectures & Open Seminars
Öffentlich zugänglich                           Open to the Public
Ohne Voranmeldung                               Registration not required
Barzahlung an der Kasse                         Payment in cash at the door
Eintritt pro 2 x 45 Minuten:                    Entrance fee for 2 x 45 minutes:
CHF 30.00 Regulär                               CHF 30.00 Regular
CHF 20.00 Studierende, AHV/IV                   CHF 20.00 Students, Seniors, Disabled
(mit Ausweis)                                   (with ID)
ISAP-Teilnehmer und Personal haben              ISAP Participants and staff have free access to
freien Zugang zu allen Vorlesungen und          all lectures and open seminars.
offenen Seminaren.

Seminare                                        Seminars
    In der Regel den immatrikulierten ISAP-     As a rule, seminars are reserved for
    Studierenden vorbehalten.                   matriculated ISAP students.
    IAAP-Routers sind nach                      IAAP Routers may also attend, under
    individueller Absprache mit der             conditions explained in their individual
    Studienkommission ebenfalls zugelassen.     meeting with the Studies Committee.
    Anmeldeschluss: 25.01.19                    Registration deadline: 25.01.19

Fallkolloquien                                  Case Colloquia

den Diplomkandidaten vorbehalten                Reserved for Diploma Candidates

Öffnungszeiten                    Stampfenbachstrasse                         Opening Hours

                             Semester                                Semesterpause / Break
                             09:30-12:00 & 13:30-16:30               13:30-16:30
Auskunft /                   Di, Mi, Do, Fr • Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri     Di & Do • Tue & Thu
Front Office

Studiensekretariat /         Di, Mi, Do • Tue, Wed, Thu              Di & Do • Tue & Thu
Studies Secretary

Buchhaltung /                Do & Fr • Thu & Fri                     Do • Thu

Bibliothek / Library         11:30-16:30                             13:30-18:30
                             Di, Mi, Fr • Tue, Wed, Fri              Do • Thu
                             13:30-18:30                             Oder nach Vereinbarung
                             Do • Thu                                Or by appointment

                               Betriebsferien / Close Down
                             Winter 13.12.19 - 06.01.20 Winter
                            Sommer 10.07.20 – 03.08.20 Summer
                  Alle Abteilungen sind geschlossen • All departments are closed.

4                                                                         Herbst 2019 Autumn
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich
Semester-Gebühren                                        Semester Fees

Semestergebühr                                    CHF    Tuition

Ausbildungskandidaten                             2800   Training Candidates

Diplomkandidaten                                  2600   Diploma Candidates

Immatrikulierte Fachhörer                         2300   Matriculated Auditors

Urlaubsgebühren Kandidaten                        1000   Leave of Absence Candidates

Urlaubsgebühren Fachhörer                          100   Leave of Absence Auditors

Examen                                            CHF    Exams

Propädeutische Prüfungen                           900   Propaedeuticum Exams

Diplomprüfungen                                   2400   Diploma Exams

Weiterbildungsprüfung & Zertifikat                 300   Continuing Education Exam & Certificate

Verschiebung, pro Prüfung                          100   Postponement, per Exam

Wiederholung Fallprüfung                           500   Repeated Case Exam

Übrige Prüfungswiederholungen                      150   All Other Repeated Exams

Sonstige Kosten                                   CHF    Other Costs

Anmeldung zum Studium                              150   Application for Studies

Aufgeschobener Studienbeginn                       100   Postponed Start of Studies

Interviews - pro Interview                         130   Interviews - per interview

NB: Die Semestergebühren beinhalten den                  NB: Tuition fees include membership dues
Mitgliederbeitrag der Studierenden-                      for the Student Association. If you prefer
vereinigung. Wenn Sie nicht Mitglied sein                not to be a member, subtract CHF 25.-.
möchten, ziehen Sie CHF 25.- ab. Kosten für              Fees for control case colloquiums are not
Kontrollfall-Kolloquien sind nicht inbegriffen.          included.

Banküberweisung                                          Bank Transfer

Credit Suisse                                            Credit Suisse
Konto-Nr. 622208-71                                      Account-Nr. 622208-71
Clearing-Nr. 4835                                        Clearing-Nr. 4835
IBAN CH65 0483 5062 2208 7100 0                          IBAN CH65 0483 5062 2208 7100 0
SWIFT-BIC: CRES CH ZZ 80 A                               SWIFT-BIC: CRES CH ZZ 80 A
ISAP Zürich – AGAP Zürich                                ISAP Zürich – AGAP Zürich

Kreditkartenzahlung                                      Credit Card Payment

Kreditkartenzahlungen via ISAP Zurich                    Payments via ISAP Zurich website. The
Website. Das Symbol “payments” befindet                  payment icon is on the footer menu bar.
sich ganz unten auf der Menü-Leisteweg.                  Please use the dropdown box to select the
Bitte wählen Sie in den Auswahllisten Ihren              purpose of your payment.

Herbst 2019 Autumn                                                                              5
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich
                                                                                           INTERNATIONALES SEMINAR FÜR ANALYTISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE
                                                                                           INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                           AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING

                                                                          • General Entry: CHF 60
                                                                          • Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 40
                                                                          • Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts
                              SOUTHERN AFRICAN ASSOCIATION                • Payment in Cash at the Door
                               OF JUNGIAN ANALYSTS (SAAJA)

                                Encountering the Other: Jungian Analysts
Opening Event • Autumn 2019

                                 and Traditional Healers in South Africa
                                  Tuesday, 3 September • 10:00 – 14:45 (includes lunch break)
                                   “The Fort Hare Symposium between Jungian Analysts and African Traditional
                                   Healers” took place on 27 – 30 October 2016 in Hogsback, South Africa. It
                                   was a unique event, perhaps the first official conference in the history of
                                   Analytical Psychology where Jungian analysts encountered indigenous
                                   healers on an equal level to begin a collegial and professional dialogue and
                                   exchange. About half a dozen Jungian Analysts, all members of SAAJA
                                   (South African Association of Jungian Analysts) except one, and an equal
                                   number of African traditional healers met each “other” to discuss similarities
                                   and differences regarding common relevant topics such as healing practices,
                                   dream interpretation, the particular use of intuition / umbilini and more.
                                   Both sides agreed that the symposium was a beginning only and should be
                                   continued in the future.
                                   Accordingly, the second conference “African Traditional Healers and Jungian
                                   Analysts in Dialogue” took place on 22 – 25 November 2018 at Monkey
                                   Valley, Noordhoek, Cape Town. Our goals and visions were: To establish a
                                   core group of African Traditional Healers and Jungian Analysts who are
                                   committed to building collegial relationships between these two healing
                                   modalities, which could result in closer cooperation, mutual respect and
                                   cross-referrals; and to promote an understanding of each other’s worldview
                                   and approaches to healing.
                                   As an opening event for this semester Peter Ammann (ISAP), Renee Rams-
                                   den, senior analyst (SAAJA), Fred Borchardt, president of SAAJA, and Nom-
                                   fundo Mlisa, PhD, traditional healer, will report and reflect on these pioneer-
                                   ing conferences and their importance for Jungian psychology as well as for
                                   traditional healing and their future collaboration. • • +41 (0)43 344 00 66

ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich
                                                                                   INTERNATIONALES SEMINAR FÜR ANALYTISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE
                                                                                   INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                   AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING

                                                            • The Complete Lecture Series
                                                            General Entry: CHF 180
                                                            Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 120
                                                            • Per Double Hour Lecture
                                                            General Entry: CHF 30
                                                            Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 20
                                                            • Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts
                                                            Payment in cash at the door
                                                            Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
                                                            Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof

                           Our Understanding of the Psyche and
Basic Jung • Autumn 2019

                             How That Influences Our Work

                           Tues, Sept 3       Deborah Egger, MSW
                            17:00–18:45       What is Analytical Psychology? Why ISAP?

                           19:00–20:45        Heike Weis Hyder, FMH Psychiatrie/Psychotherapie
                                              Are Dreams an Antidote to the Pathology
                                              of a Shallow Modern World?

                           Wed, Sept 4        Lisa Holland, MS
                            17:00–20:45       The Frog-King:
                                              When the Rejected Inner Other Comes to Call

                           Thur, Sept 5       Lucienne Marguerat, lic.phil.
                            17:00–18:45       The Role of Art Work in Psychotherapy

                           19:00–20:45        Dramatic Reading
                                              The Memories, Dreams, Reflections of C.G. Jung
                                              Introduction by Murray Stein
                                              Paul Brutsche as C.G. Jung

                             Fri, Sept 6      Ursula Wirtz, Dr. phil.
                            17:00–20:45       The Spiritual Dimension of Analytical Psychology:
                                              Goldmine or Minefield? • • +41 (0)43 344 00 66

ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich
                                                                                        INTERNATIONALES SEMINAR FÜR ANALYTISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE
                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                        AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING

                                                                • The Complete Lecture Series
                                                                General Entry: CHF 100
                                                                Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 60
                                                                • Per Lecture
                                                                General Entry: CHF 30
                                                                Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 20
                                                                • Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts
                                                                Payment in cash at the door

                                   When Chinese Medicine Encounters
Special Event • Autumn 2019

                                         Jungian Psychology
                              Tues, Sept 10   Christa Robinson, MA (with Jun Xu)
                                10:00–11:45   The Roots of Chinese Traditional Medicine in the I Ching
                                              The Universal Compass of the (Eranos) I Ching presents the mandala that is
                                              the basis of the Chinese culture. Its eight main trigrams with their manifold
                                              associations change in three specific ways or cycles that allow precise
                                              observations in psychosomatic illnesses, dreams and attitudes, etc. The
                                              I Ching and Chinese medicine can complement one another for the benefit
                                              of patients.

                                              Free Time for Lunch
                                13:00–14:45   Jun Xu
                                              Presentation of a Seven-Year Case
                                              The report of a seven-year case using acupuncture and traditional medicine
                                              that became blocked until the introduction of Jungian concepts. This case
                                              shows a way to work through the shadow realm of the unconscious.
                                15:00–16:45   Jun Xu
                                              Comparison of the Chinese and Jungian Approaches
                                              Both approaches will be looked at from the attitude of the practitioner with
                                              regard to their role in the healing process. Several examples will be given.

                                              Free Time for Dinner

                                18:00–19:45   Christa Robinson, MA (with Jun Xu)
                                              How To Use the I Ching in Our Clinical Practice
                                              Differences between the Eranos and Wilhelm versions of the I Ching will be
                                              used to show how these can be used in our clinical practice, ending with a
                                              general discussion. • • +41 (0)43 344 00 66

Jungian Psychology in Dialogue
                                                                          INTERNATIONALES SEMINAR FÜR ANALYTISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE
                                                                          INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                          AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING

with Buddhism • A Symposium
October 1 – 2, 2019
   Entry      Symposium Package || General • CHF 150 | Students, Seniors, Disabled • CHF 120
              Per Lecture || General • CHF 15 | Students, Seniors, Disabled • CHF 10
              Dramatic Reading • Gratis
              ISAP Students & Analysts • Gratis

     Payment in cash at the door • Stampfenbachstrasse 115, 8006 Zürich

  Tues,           10:00–10:50       Murray Stein, PhD
  Oct. 1                            Introduction to Jung’s Dialogue with Buddhism. With
                                    Master Dingkong, Abbot of the Chan Buddhist Jile Monastery
                   11:00–11:50      Dramatic Reading
                                    “Conversation with a Zen Master”:
                                    A Dialogue Between C.G. Jung and Zen Master
                                    Shin’ichi Hisamatsu, Küsnacht, May 1958.
                  13:00–13:50       Darianne Pictet, Adv.Dip.Ex.Psych.
                                    Some Reflections on the Jung – Hisamatsu Dialogue
                  14:00–14:50       Paul Brutsche, Dr. phil.
                                    The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures of Shuhbun:
                                    A Symbolic Interpretation
                   15:00–15:50      Yuriko Sato, MD
                                    Ways of Being: East and West
                  16:00–16:50       Discussion with Speakers

  Wed,            10:00–10:50       Mari Yoshikawa, PhD
                                    Jung’s Stone Tower at Bollingen and Musō Soseki’s
  Oct. 2
                                    Zen Gardens: A Comparison
                   11:00–11:50      Ann Li, MA
                                    To Flow and Penetrate like Water:
                                    Individuation with the Heart Sutra
                  13:00–13:50       Thomas Arzt, Dr. rer. nat.
                                    Zen Buddhism and Jungian Psychology in the
                                    Initiatic Therapy of Karlfried Graf Dürckheim and
                                    Maria Hippius Gräfin Dürckheim
                  14:00–14:50       Leslie de Galbert, DESS
                                    ‘Mind and Life Europe’: His Holiness
                                    the Dalai Lama and C.G. Jung
                   15:00–15:50      Murray Stein, PhD
                                    Individuation and Liberation: A Comparison
                  16:00–16:50       Discussion with Speakers


                                     “Two Souls Alas…”
                         Jung’s Two Personalities and the
                         Creation of Analytical Psychology
                                                 Mark Saban
Jung’s difficulties with what he describes as his ‘two          with personality 1 are persistently ignored or rejected.
personalities’ dominate the first few chapters of             For example, when we focus on the particular opposites,
Memories, Dreams, Reflections. As a child, Jung tried to      inner vs outer, and look at the ways in which Jung dealt
alleviate his feeling of inner division by repressing one     with them in his life and in his work, what becomes appar-
or the other of his two personalities, but he eventually      ent is a striking failure to maintain the logic of the creative
realised that in order to live a full and fulfilled life he   and transformative dynamic he had developed. Instead,
had to, first, maintain contact with both personalities       Jung one-sidedly identifies the inner realm with psychol-
(even though they conflicted), and, second, find ways         ogy itself, and thereby eliminates the outer as proper
to enable each personality to engage dialectically with       object for psychological attention.
the other.                                                    This has meant that, despite Jung’s own pioneering work
This experience constellated an important insight: that       with transference and counter-transference (work that
psychological transformation – and therefore the              depends upon a relational – inner/outer – dynamic),
process of individuation – depends upon a dynamic             analytical psychology has, on the whole, been marred by a
engagement with the opposites and the tension                 persistent and problematic reluctance to engage with the
between them. Only in this way can a continuous               outer other. This has led, among other things, to a long-
process of psychic balancing be enabled, and one-             lasting difficulty in dealing with, or even properly acknowl-
sidedness avoided.                                            edging, the psychosocial dimension.
This idea runs like a red thread through every period         This problem has become increasingly apparent as the
and every aspect of Jung’s psychology. We see it in his       relational, social and political realms becomes recognised
early work on the complexes, and we see it played out         more and more as active within, and critical to, depth
in that dialogical meeting between personality 1 and          psychology. By properly highlighting the logic of the two
personality 2 which Jung describes in Memories,               personalities we can begin to redress this imbalance with
Dreams, Reflections as his ‘confrontation with the            an acknowledgment that the collective unconscious may
unconscious’. Central to individuation, it runs through       be encountered not only through intrapsychic relations
Jung’s ideas on the ‘transcendent function’ and on            with inner others, but also through extra-psychic engage-
typology and achieves fruition in Jung’s magnum               ment with the outer collective and outer others.
opus, Mysterium Coniunctionis.                                Mark Saban is a senior analyst with the Independent
Because the logic of the two personalities is funda-          Group of Analytical Psychologists and a lecturer at the
mental to analytical psychology it has the capacity to        Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies,
provide a unique critical tool when turned back toward        University of Essex. He co-edited Analysis and Activism -
Jung’s psychology itself. Applied in this way, the reflex-    Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology
ive critique immediately shows up an endemic one-             with Emilija Kiehl and Andrew Samuels (Routledge 2016)
sidedness in Jung’s psychology whereby the themes,            (Finalist American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis
motifs and ideas associated with personality 2 domi-          Book Prize, Nominated Gradiva Award for Best Edited
nate, while the themes motifs and ideas that come             Book).

        Fri, Oct 4 17:30–21:00 Sat, Oct 5 10:00–12:00,
       Reception, Lecture & Dinner at the 14:00–16:00
          historic Zunfthaus zur Schmiden                     Lectures at Zentrum Karl der Grosse

           Details and Registration •
              Registration Deadline Fri, Sept 27, 2019

                                                                                 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF
         CHIRON PUBLICATIONS                                                 ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY ZURICH
Postlude                                                 ISAPZURICH
                                                                                   INTERNATIONALES SEMINAR FÜR ANALYTISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE
                                                                                   INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY

                         6 – 8 October, 2019
                                                                                   AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING

                         Excursion fee:
                         • General – CHF 90
                         • With Swiss Half Fare travel card – CHF 60
                         Entry fee per lecture, cash at the door:
                         • General Entry – CHF 30.00
                         • Students, Seniors, Disabled – CHF 20.00
                         • ISAP Students and Faculty – Gratis
                         ISAPZURICH, Stampfenbachstrasse 115, 8006 Zürich

     Excursion                      Paul Brutsche, Dr. phil.
     Sun. 6 Oct.                    Excursion to the Historic Swiss Town of St. Gallen
     9:15–17:30                     An opportunity to visit with Paul the interesting Swiss town of St. Gallen
                                    and its treasures, including the oldest library in Europe, now a designated
                                    UNESCO World Heritage Site, the adjacent Abbey Cathedral, St. Gallen’s
                                    collection of Outsider Art, and the unique architecture of Old Town. General
                                    excursion fee of CHF 90 (CHF 60 for holder of Swiss Half Fare travel card)
                                    includes round trip group travel, audio-guide and admission to the library
                                    and museum, and a coffee. Lunch is self-pay. Students of ISAP receive three
                                    hours of credit. Sign up and payment in cash will take place at the Zurich
                                    Lecture Series opening reception on Friday, 4 October. For more
                                    information, contact

     Mon. 7 Oct.                    Brigitte Egger,
     10:00–11:45                    Dante’s Divine Comedy: A Thorough and Exquisite
                                    Guide to Soul and Individuation Centered on Love
     13:00–14:45                    John Hill, MA
                                    Estranged from Self and the World: What Can We Do?

     Tues. 8 Oct.                   Gunilla Midbøe, MSW
     10:00–11:45                    Visit from the Minotaur: A Myth and a Case Exploring
                                    the Boundaries and Limits of Ego-consciousness and
                                    Archetypal Powers

     13:00–15:15                    Civilization in Transition: Racism – A Jungian View
                                    Panel discussion with Deborah Egger, MSW;
                                    Nancy Krieger, PhD; Bernard Sartorius, lic.theol;
                                    and Murray Stein, PhD, moderator

                                                                                        INTERNATIONALES SEMINAR FÜR ANALYTISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE
                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY
Chats with Analysts • Autumn 2019                                                       AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING

                                                                        In general one must guard against
                                                                        theoretical assumptions. . . . In my
                                                                        analysis they play no part. I am un-
                                                                        systematic by intention.
                                                                        C.G. Jung (MDR, 1961/89, p.131)

                                                                        • General Entry: CHF 30
                                                                        • Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 20
                                                                        • Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts
                                                                        • Payment in Cash at the Door

                                                                        Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zurich
                                                                        Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof

                                       Wednesday, 6 November • 19:00 – 20:45

                                             Ursula Ulmer, MA
                                             How Do Cultures Evolve?
                                             Progress? Process?
                                             Wie entwickeln sich Kulturen?
                                             Fortschritt? Prozess?

                                    In these casual talks each semester, ISAP analysts offer glimpses
                                    into their personal approaches to Jungian analysis. (For ISAP students,
                                    not credited for training.)

                                    More information
                           • • +41 (0)43 344 00 66

                                    AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING
                                                      Save the Date!
      The 15th Jungian Odyssey

    Annual Conference & Retreat

                                                    for Soul
                                                    in Times
                                                    of Anxiety
                                                    Keynote Speaker
                                                    Thomas Moore, PhD
                                                    Special Guests
                                                    Hari Kirin, MFA, MA
                                                    Craig E. Stephenson, PhD
“I thought and spoke much of the soul. I
knew many learned words for her. I had    
judged her and turned her into a scientific
object. [....] Therefore the spirit of the depths
forced me to speak to my soul, to call upon         With Faculty of ISAPZURICH
her as a living and self-existing being. I had to
become aware that I had lost my soul.”
C.G. Jung (The Red Book, “Liber Primus,”
p. 232, § 37)                                       May 23 – 30, 2020
                                                    Parkhotel Beau-Site
                                                    Zermatt, Switzerland

                         ISAPZURICH                 Details coming in November...
                                                    Photo: Zermatt Switzerland Matterhorn Night (2012) by
                                                    Chensiyuan, GNU Free Documentation License v.1.2
Expressive Therapy                                                Ausdruckstherapie
       for ISAP Students                                               für ISAP Studierende
       Current Offerings                                                 aktuelle Angebote
See the Training Regulations for the                     Für die detaillierten Bestimmungen siehe das
detailed provisions: Candidates have the pos-                    Ausbildungsregulativ Kandidat/innen
sibility to count a minimum of 20 hours and                      können sich Minimum 20 bis Maximum 30
maximum 30 hours of separate and parallel                        Stunden separater und paralleler Ausdrucks-
expressive therapy toward their regular training                 therapie auf die reguläre Lehranalyse anrech-
analysis, provided that both the Training Ana-                   nen lassen, vorausgesetzt dass Lehranalytiker
lyst and the analyst for expressive therapy are                  als auch Analytiker für Ausdruckstherapie in-
informed. All credited hours must be complet-                    formiert sind. Alle angerechneten Stunden dür-
ed with only one of the analysts and with one                    fen nur bei einem der unten aufgeführten Ana-
type of expressive therapy, as listed below.*                    lytiker und Therapieform absolviert werden.*
The list is subject to updating from semester                    Die Liste kann von Semester zu Semester ak-
to semester. For further information contact                     tualisiert werden. Für weitere Information
the analyst for expressive therapy.                              nehmen Sie Kontakt mit den Analytikern für
                                                                 Ausdruckstherapie auf.

*These analysts are federally recognized psycho-                 *Diese Analytiker/innen sind eidg. anerkannte Psy-
therapists and entitled to conduct analysis in all of            chotherapeut/innen und berechtigt, Analyse in al-
ISAP’s programs, including the Charta and CH-pro-                len Programmen ISAPs durchzuführen, inklusive
grams.                                                           der Charta- und CH-Programme.

      Type of Therapy                        Analyst / AnalytikerIn                  Form der Therapie
 Arts and Expressive Therapy                     Maria Anna Bernasconi             Kunst- und ausdrucksorien-
            (ISIS)                                                                 tierte Psychotherapie (ISIS)

           Psychodrama                             Marco Della Chiesa                      Psychodrama

      Fairy Tale Enactment,                               John Hill                   Märcheninszenierung,
          Psychodrama                                                                    Psychodrama

    Expressive Arts Therapy                            Ursula Hohler               Ausdrucks- und Gestaltungs-

      Therapeutic Sandplay                     Verena Osterwalder-Bollag            Therapeutisches Sandspiel
           (D. Kalff)                                                                     nach D. Kalff

      Therapeutic Sandplay                           Erhard Trittibach              Therapeutisches Sandspiel
           (D. Kalff)                                                                     nach D. Kalff

        Group Processes                              Christa Robinson                    Gruppenprozesse
        Using the I Ching                                                                 mit dem I Ging

         Active Imagining                       Joanne Wieland-Burston                  Aktives Imaginieren
           with Objects                                                                 mit Gegenständen

Herbstsemester 2019                             Autumn Semester 2019
      Di, 03.09.19 – Fr, 06.12.19                  Tue, 03.09.19 – Fr, 06.12.19

Bitte konsultieren Sie die Website bezüglich      Please check the website for eventual
möglicher Änderungen:          changes:

Alle Vorlesungen und Offenen Seminare sind        All Lectures and Open Seminars are open
für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Seminare       to the public. Seminars and Case
und Fallkolloquien sind für ISAP-Kandidaten       Colloquia    are  reserved   for   ISAP
reserviert.                                       candidates.


  01 02 Lecture                                            === Basic Jung ===
 Deborah Egger-Biniores, MSW          What is Analytical Psychology? Why ISAP?
 Tuesday                              After a broad overview of the basic tenets of Analytical
 03.09. 17:00-18:45                   Psychology we will look at what is specific to ISAP as an entry
                                      point and avenue for studies on the Jungian path, a life-
 Other areas of interest: 09 and 11   changing endeavour.

  01 03 Lecture                                             === Basic Jung ===
 Heike Weis Hyder, FMH Psychiatrie/   Are Dreams an Antidote to the Pathology of a Shallow
 Psychotherapie                       Modern World?
 Tuesday                              Burnout, depression, loneliness, meaninglessness, disorien-
 03.09. 19:00-20:45                   tation, aggression, contempt, lies and deception are haunting
 Other areas of interest: 10 and 11   The Jungian approach of the psyche through dreams and the
                                      importance of a caring therapeutical relationship are
                                      mirrored in modern science of the ‘social brain’.

                                      CH-course No. 3

  01 09 Lecture                                             === Basic Jung ===
 Murray Stein, PhD                    The Memories, Dreams, Reflections of C.G. Jung: A Reading
 Paul Brutsche, Dr. phil.             This will be a performance reading with musical
 Thursday                             accompaniment of a selection of passages from Memories,
 05.09. 19:00-20:45                   Dreams, Reflections, with Paul Brutsche in the role of Jung
                                      speaking about his life as he looks back at the age of 85. With
 Other areas of interest: 02 and 11   an introduction by Murray Stein. Rodney Waters on the

Herbst 2019 Autumn                                                                              15
01 11 Open Seminar                                      === Basic Jung ===
Ursula Wirtz, Dr. phil.              The Spiritual Dimension of Analytical Psychology: Goldmine
Friday                               or Minefield?
06.09. 17:00-20:45                   A quest for meaning and values

Other areas of interest: 06 and 11   CH-course No. 3

 01 12 Lecture                       The Self … Our Best Friend and Our Worst Enemy
Sheila Cowburn, MA                   This lecture explores the vicissitudes of the relationship
Saturday                             between the ego and the archetypal Self and how that
07.09. 10:00-11:45                   connection develops during life and within an analysis. Often
                                     our deepest fear is taking the path that demands leaving
Other areas of interest: 11          behind what is too small for us. I explore the lived experience
                                     of the ego-Self relationship as it unfolds by traversing
                                     significant Jungian concepts – Ego, Archetype, Individuation
                                     and the Transcendent Function, concluding with comments
                                     on the human aspects of Love and Darkness.

 01 13 Lecture                       The Roots of Chinese Traditional Medicine in the I Ching
Christa Robinson, MA                 The Universal Compass of the (Eranos) I Ching presents the
Jun Xu, PhD                          mandala that is the basis of the Chinese culture. Its eight
Tuesday                              main trigrams with their manifold associations change in
10.09. 10:00-11:45                   three specific ways or cycles that allow precise observations
                                     in psychosomatic illnesses, dreams and attitudes, etc. The I
Other areas of interest: 05 and 06   Ching and Chinese medicine can complement one another
                                     for the benefit of patients.

 01 14 Lecture                       Presentation of a Seven Year Case
Jun Xu, PhD                          The report of a seven-year case using acupuncture and
Tuesday                              traditional medicine that became blocked until the
10.09. 13:00-14:45                   introduction of Jungian concepts. This case shows a way to
                                     work through the shadow realm of the unconscious.
Other areas of interest: 05 and 10

 01 15 Lecture                       Comparison of the Chinese and Jungian Approaches
Jun Xu, PhD                          Both approaches will be looked at from the attitude of the
Tuesday                              practitioner’s role in the healing process. Several examples
10.09. 15:00-16:45                   will be given.

Other areas of interest: 05 and 10   CH-course No. 1

 01 16 Lecture                       How To Use the I Ching in Our Clinical Practice
Christa Robinson, MA                 Differences between the Eranos and Wilhelm versions of the
Jun Xu, PhD                          I Ching will be used to show how this can be used on our
Tuesday                              clinical practice, ending with a general discussion.
10.09. 18:00-19:45

Other areas of interest: 05 and 06

16                                                                          Herbst 2019 Autumn
01 17 Reading Seminar               Reading Seminar CW Volume 7 Two Essays on Analytical
 Ursula Ulmer, MA                     Psychology
 Thursday                             Reading and Discussion for understanding Jung’s ideas
 12.09. 15:00-16:45                   12 ISAP Students
 19.09. 15:00-16:45
 26.09. 15:00-16:45
 03.10. 15:00-16:45
 10.10. 15:00-16:45
 17.10. 15:00-16:45
 24.10. 15:00-16:45
 31.10. 15:00-16:45
 07.11. 15:00-16:45
 14.11. 15:00-16:45
 21.11. 15:00-16:45
 28.11. 15:00-16:45
 05.12. 15:00-16:45

  01 21 Lecture                       Trickster, Primadonna or Pan? An archetypical view on
 Allan Guggenbühl, Dr. phil.          Psychotherapy
 Friday                               The notion of Archetypes is one of the key ideas of Analytical
 13.09. 15:00-16:45                   Psychology. In this lecture the relevance of an archetypical
                                      approach in psychotherapy will be explained.

                                      CH-course No. 1

  01 22 Seminar                       The Monster Makers: From the Lion Man to Frankenstein
 Joanne Wieland-Burston, PhD          In this seminar we will be examining the meaning and
 Friday                               purpose of humankind’s archetypal tendency to create
 13.09. 19:00-20:45                   monsters.
 18.10. 19:00-20:45                   10 ISAP Students

 Other areas of interest: 03 and 05

  01 33 Open Seminar                  C.G. Jung Basel Walking Tour
 Kathrin Schaeppi, MS, MFA            This is a guided walking tour of Basel to visit such sites as the
 Thursday                             Basel Cathedral, two buildings where Jung studied, and the
 03.10. 10:00-14:45                   parish in Kleinhüningen where Jung grew up. The tour
                                      highlights Jung’s dreams and provides anecdotes from his life
 Other areas of interest: 02 and 11   as well as some basic information about Basel. The tour ends
                                      at Totengässlein at the Pharmaceutical Museum that houses
                                      a historical collection of healing methods and two alchemical
                                      laboratories. Costs for museum tickets are the responsibility
                                      of the participants. Further information will be provided
                                      upon request and/or registration.

Herbst 2019 Autumn                                                                                17
01 56 Vorlesung                     Vom Guten des Bösen und vom Schlechten des Guten
Ursula Wirtz, Dr. phil.              Nachdenken über die Freiheit zum Bösen und das Wagnis des
Freitag                              Guten
25.10. 19:00-20:45
                                     CH-Kurs Nr. 3
Other areas of interest: 06 and 11

 01 62 Lecture                       Active Imagination: Approaching the Unconscious
Nathalie Baratoff, lic. phil.        Historical background and practical application
08.11. 13:00-14:45                   CH-course No. 2
15.11. 13:00-14:45
22.11. 13:00-14:45

Other areas of interest: 11

Siehe auch/See also: 02 40, 02 71, 03 10, 03 43, 03 65, 04 39, 04 72, 06 64, 07 42,
10 20, 11 25, 11 31, 11 32, 11 36, 12 04, 12 73, 13 23, 13 47, 13 67

18                                                                      Herbst 2019 Autumn

  02 40 Seminar                       Jungian Concepts in Real Life Dream Processes
 Scott William Hyder, lic. phil.      Within the context of actual, short and longer term casework,
 Wednesday                            dreams of analysands will provide examples in discrete and
 09.10. 13:00-14:45                   developmental stages. Grounding theory in practice, through
 16.10. 13:00-14:45                   relationship of sense, feeling and intuition, a balanced
                                      attitude with respect to conditioned one-sidedness of
 Other areas of interest: 01 and 11   thinking will be promoted.
                                      15 Training and Diploma Candidates

  02 57 Experiential Seminar          Dream Group
 Lucienne Marguerat, lic. phil.       Dreamwork can be practised in groups of non-professional,
 Tuesday                              interested people. In order for it to unfold its full potential,
 29.10. 15:00-16:45                   this work needs to hold to some basic rules. The participants
 05.11. 15:00-16:45                   learn about this method by working with their own dreams.
 12.11. 15:00-16:45                   12 Diploma Candidates
 19.11. 15:00-16:45
 26.11. 15:00-16:45

  02 58 Seminar                       Fountain of Dreams
 Heike Weis Hyder, FMH Psychiatrie/   Presentation of multiple dreams out of the daily work with
 Psychotherapie                       patients with the possibility for questions and discussion.
 Tuesday                              Focus will be the inner development of the psyche through
 29.10. 17:45-19:30                   the growing conscious relation with the Self, the
 12.11. 17:45-19:30                   phenomenon of projections and transferential aspects.
 19.11. 17:45-19:30                   15 Training and Diploma Candidates

  02 71 Lecture                       The Theory and Practice of Dream Interpretation
 Vicki Reiff, MPS                     The course will cover Jung’s theory of dream interpretation,
 Ellen Celi, Dr. phil.                including how to approach the interpretation of a dream, and
 Saturday                             practice in interpreting dreams.
 23.11. 10:00-14:45
 30.11. 10:00-14:45

 Other areas of interest: 01

 Siehe auch/See also: 01 09, 01 33, 04 39, 04 68, 06 54, 11 44, 11 46

Herbst 2019 Autumn                                                                               19

 03 05 Lecture                                             === Basic Jung ===
Lisa Holland, MS                     The Frog-King: When the Rejected Inner Other Comes to Call
Wednesday                            An exploration of the Grimms’ tale “The Frog Prince, or Iron
04.09. 17:00-20:45                   Henry” and its implications for our own inner courtship with
                                     the rejected Other and that of our analysands. Discussion will
Other areas of interest: 11          include objectification, broken promises versus those kept
                                     and dismissal and contempt versus engagement.

                                     CH-course No. 3

 03 10 Lecture                       Eros and Psyche: A Relational Perspective on the Journey
Sheila Cowburn, MA                   towards Love
Friday                               The Myth of Eros and Psyche is explored from a Jungian
06.09. 10:00-11:45                   perspective through the lens of the psychological dilemmas
                                     the motifs represent in the psyche in a shifting patriarchal
Other areas of interest: 01          paradigm and its impact on relationships. The Eros/Psyche
                                     constellation will be viewed as the archetypal relatedness
                                     between men and women called along the soul’s journey
                                     from narcissism to mature Love. Overcoming powerful
                                     complexes and transcending narcissism are features of the
                                     soul initiated by Love.

                                     CH-course No. 2

 03 37 Lecture                                              === Postlude ===
Gunilla Midbøe, MSW                  Visit from the Minotaur: A Myth and a Case Exploring the
Tuesday                              Boundaries and Limits of Ego-consciousness and Archetypal
08.10. 10:00-11:45                   Powers
                                     The myth of the Minotaur proposes consciousness of limits
Other areas of interest: 11 and 12   between the too familiar and the too different. The life and
                                     death of the Minotaur can speak to us about humanizing
                                     archetypal fields. A case study will be presented, focusing on
                                     the fear of otherness and how the resulting paralysis can be
                                     transformed within the analytical relationship.

                                     CH-course No. 3

20                                                                         Herbst 2019 Autumn
03 43 Seminar                       The Wizard of Oz: A Modernized Fairy Tale
 Erhard Trittibach, lic. theol.       We will first watch the film together. Afterwards we will
 Saturday                             discuss the individuation process of Dorothy as the heroine
 12.10. 10:00-14:45                   having to face the ambivalent shadow figures.
                                      16 Training and Diploma Candidates
 Other areas of interest: 01 and 11
                                      CH-course No. 2

  03 65 Lecture                       The Goose Girl at the Well: The Heroine’s Task of Taming the
 Kathrin Schaeppi, MS, MFA            Masculine and Reclaiming the Feminine on the journey to
 Wednesday                            Wholeness aided by an Old Woman
 13.11. 15:00-16:45                   The Grimms’ fairy tale “The Goose Girl at the Well” holds the
                                      pattern of a woman’s individuation task of integrating
 Other areas of interest: 01 and 11   feminine and masculine aspects on the journey to wholeness.
                                      The fairy tale will be brought into connection with the tasks
                                      that many contemporary women face in analysis.

                                      CH-course No. 2

 Siehe auch/See also: 01 22, 06 66, 10 20

Herbst 2019 Autumn                                                                            21

 04 08 Lecture                                            === Basic Jung ===
Lucienne Marguerat, lic. phil.       The Role of Art Work in Psychotherapy
Thursday                             The art process has a natural healing potential. A picture
05.09. 17:00-18:45                   made in or brought into therapy introduces a new presence
                                     within the therapeutic relationship. We will examine
Other areas of interest: 11          different kinds of pictures, and discuss the psychic process
                                     involved in the making of a picture as well as the role of the

 04 39 Experiential Seminar          The Impact of Images
Margareta Ehnberg-Vital, MSc         In the seminar we will look at images of clients expressed in
Wednesday                            different ways: in dreams, drawings and in sandplay. The
09.10. 10:00-11:45                   process of interpretation and understanding of each image is
                                     initiated with the dimension of body response and
Other areas of interest: 01 and 02   attunement to it. Traditional picture interpretation methods
                                     are then used to complete the understanding.
                                     8 ISAP Students

 04 52 Seminar                       Space Symbolism
Lucienne Marguerat, lic. phil.       Pictures have a healing effect. They are symbols with a
Wednesday                            subjective meaning. One important aspect is the way in
23.10. 10:00-11:45                   which a sense of space is projected on the medium. What
30.10. 10:00-11:45                   emerges is something like a map of the present state of the
06.11. 10:00-11:45                   psyche.
                                     20 ISAP Students

  04 68 Experiential Seminar         Imagination Work with the Motif “Water”
Isabelle Meier, Dr. phil.            Water connects us with basic experiences in our life – e.g. a
Thursday                             well, a river, being under water, diving. The imaginative work
28.11. 10:00-11:45                   with this motif can activate deep layers of the psyche.
                                     Research showed that the inner images sometimes lead to
Other areas of interest: 02          prenatal stages. With clinical cases.
                                     16 ISAP Students

 04 72 Lecture                       Illuminating Parallels: Inspiration, Archetype and Alchemy
Kathrin Schaeppi, MS, MFA            in the Life and Art of C.G. Jung and Hilma af Klint
Wednesday                            Swedish artist Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) and C.G. Jung (1875-
20.11. 15:00-16:45                   1961) were near contemporaries. By comparing and
                                     contrasting Jung’s first mandala sketches and drawings, af
Other areas of interest: 01 and 11   Klint’s Swan Series and woodcuts from the Rosarium
                                     Philosophorum, the themes of inspiration, archetypal
                                     patterns, alchemy, individuation, and Zeitgeist are brought
                                     together, inspiring ways of knowing.

Siehe auch/See also: 11 27, 12 73, 13 55

22                                                                          Herbst 2019 Autumn

  05 01 Lecture                                             === Special Program ===
 Nomfundo Mlis, PhD                       Encountering the Other: Jungian Analysts and Traditional
 Renee Ramsden, MA                        Healers in South Africa
 Fred Borchardt, MA                       Reflections on two pioneering conferences in South Africa
 Peter Ammann, PhD                        (2016, 2018): Jungian analysts meeting indigenous healers on
 Tuesday                                  an equal level for a dialogue about common topics such as
 03.09. 10:00-11:45                       healing practices, dream interpretation, use of intuition.
 03.09. 13:00-14:45                       Videos will be shown.

                                          CH-course No. 1

  05 34 Lecture                           Explorations into the Nature of Meaning
 Margot Estabrook Stienstra, lic. phil.   The word “meaning” is often bandied about, and is an
 Friday                                   important notion in Jung’s analytical psychology. But what do
 04.10. 10:00-11:45                       we mean by it; what is its nature?
                                          The first in a series under this title, this lecture focuses on the
 Other areas of interest: 06              understanding of meaning, and the phenomenon of
                                          meaning-making, in several cultures and religious traditions.
                                          Future offerings under this title will explore meaning and its
                                          making through archetypal and neuro-scientific lenses.

                                          CH-course No. 3

  05 38 Lecture                                                  === Postlude ===
 Murray Stein, PhD                        Civilization in Transition: Racism – A Jungian View
 Tuesday                                  A panel discussion moderated by Murray Stein with:
 08.10. 13:00-15:15                          Deborah Egger-Biniores, MSW
                                             Nancy Krieger, PhD
                                             Bernard Sartorius, lic. theol

                                          CH-course No. 3

  05 45 Seminar                           Working with Symbols within Ethnology
 Ursula Ulmer, MA                         Small groups choose an object or ritual from a culture and
 Tuesday                                  present in class. We will consider aspects of a symbol paper.
 15.10. 13:00-14:45                       12 ISAP Students
 22.10. 13:00-14:45
 29.10. 13:00-14:45
 05.11. 13:00-14:45
 12.11. 13:00-14:45
 19.11. 13:00-14:45

 Siehe auch/See also: 01 13, 01 14, 01 15, 01 16, 01 22,13 47

Herbst 2019 Autumn                                                                                      23

 06 54 Lecture                       The Ancient and Universal Traditions Regarding the True
Francisco Garcia, MEd                Nature of Dreams
Thursday                             This lecture will look at the ancient and universal traditions
24.10. 10:00-11:45                   regarding the true nature of dreams, which has lost favour
                                     with modern man. This view holds that dreams are of divine
Other areas of interest: 02          origin – they are a vital part of life, essential, and a key
                                     element in one’s spiritual growth.
                                     Furthermore, this lecture will aim to bring to light historical
                                     and contemporary material that will help place spiritual
                                     dreaming in its rightful place at the center of the whole
                                     subject of dreams.

 06 64 Seminar                       Reading Seminar: Introduction to the Religious and
Judith Harris, MA                    Psychological Problems of Alchemy
Wednesday                            Please read the paper in CW 12, Psychology and Alchemy,
13.11. 10:00-11:45                   pars. 1-43 and bring a copy of the text to the seminar. The
20.11. 10:00-11:45                   seminar will focus on discussion of the text.
                                     20 ISAP Students
Other areas of interest: 01 and 11

 06 66 Lecture                       Empathy and the Language of Animals
Douglas Whitcher, PhD                Empathy that comes from understanding what animals “say”
Wednesday                            about a particular situation is a motif in folk-literature, in
13.11. 19:00-20:45                   Hasidism, and the clinical work of Freud and Jung.

Other areas of interest: 03 and 12

Siehe auch/See also: 01 11, 01 13, 01 16, 01 56, 05 34, 11 25

24                                                                          Herbst 2019 Autumn

  07 30 Seminar                  Preparation for the WAE Presentations
 Nancy Krieger, PhD              This seminar is intended to help those students who will be
 Friday                          presenting their Word Association Experiments later this
 27.09. 15:00-16:45              semester. We will review the steps involved in the evaluation
                                 of the data, working with the Excel sheet, and the grouping
                                 into complexes.
                                 Diploma Candidates

   07 42 Seminar                 Research about the Word Association Experiment: The
 Isabelle Meier, Dr. phil.       Results of Tina v. Uffelen
 Thursday                        Presentation of the results of Tina v. Uffelen’s research in
 10.10. 13:00-14:45              Germany: The aim of the study was to compare the results of
                                 the Word Association Experiment with the findings from the
 Other areas of interest: 01     other measures regarding parallels and differences. All of the
                                 measures were applied to a sample of 18 clients who asked
                                 for therapy in a community counseling center.
                                 20 ISAP Students

                                 CH-course No. 4

  07 53 Seminar                  Word Association Experiment: Part II Presentations
 Stacy Wirth, MA                 Participants must have attended an introductory seminar and
 Nancy Krieger, PhD              administered the WAE. A draft of the WAE report is to be
 Wednesday & Thursday Room S3    submitted to the course leaders and fellow participants by
 23.10. 13:00-16:45              1st Oct. Mutual discussion deepens the experience of each
 24.10. 13:00-16:45              WAE, and allows for revision of the reports.

                                 Studierende, die das A.E. Seminar auf Deutsch absolvieren
                                 möchten, mögen sich bitte melden bei:
                                 Katharina Casanova,
                                 8 Diploma Candidates

 Siehe auch/See also: 09 18, 09 51

Herbst 2019 Autumn                                                                        25

 08 26 Lecture                  Infant Research: The Origins of Attachment and Language
Nancy Krieger, PhD              We will be looking at the development of the infant’s brain
Wednesday                       and the implications this has for the formation of attachment
18.09. 13:00-14:45              and language, two areas critical for future psychological
25.09. 13:00-14:45              growth.

Other areas of interest: 09     CH-course No. 2

 08 70 Open Seminar             Play, Imagination and Stories: Psychotherapy with Children
Allan Guggenbühl, Dr. phil.     and Adolescents on the Basis of C.G. Jung
Friday & Saturday               Children and adolescents are often not acquainted with
22.11. 15:00-16:45              psychotherapy. In this course an approach to working with
23.11. 15:00-16:45              children and adolescents will be presented and the basic
                                principals of analytical psychotherapeutic work with children
Other areas of interest: 12     will be related.

                                CH-course No. 2

Siehe auch/See also: 10 06, 10 19

26                                                                    Herbst 2019 Autumn

  09 18 Seminar                       Narzissmus: Von der eigenen Verletzung zum Verletzen von
 Roberta Locher-Dworkin, MSc          anderen
 Donnerstag                           Wirkungen des Narzissmus auf die eigene und die seelische
 12.09. 17:00-18:45                   Landschaft anderer. Eine tiefenpsychologische Auseinander-
 19.09. 17:00-18:45                   setzung mit dem Phänomen Narzissmus.
 26.09. 17:00-18:45                   30 Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten

 Other areas of interest: 07 and 10

  09 49 Seminar                       Personality Disorders: History, Diagnosis and Treatment in
 Deborah Egger-Biniores, MSW          Analytic Practice
 Tuesday                              Personality Disorders (PD) are common and ubiquitous and
 22.10. 10:00-11:45                   analytical psychology offers unique insight and often the right
 29.10. 10:00-11:45                   container for successful treatment. This seminar will
 05.11. 10:00-11:45                   compare ICD and DSM PD categories, teach diagnostic
 19.11. 10:00-11:45                   criteria for each PD and look at clinical examples of
 26.11. 10:00-11:45                   psychodynamic treatment.
                                      10 Training and Diploma Candidates
 Other areas of interest: 10 and 12

   09 51 Seminar                      Defence Mechanisms
 Isabelle Meier, Dr. phil.            We will learn more about the most important defence or
 Tuesday                              protection mechanisms in the clinical practice. With case
 22.10. 15:00-16:45                   examples.
                                      ISAP Students
 Other areas of interest: 07
                                      CH-course No. 1

 Siehe auch/See also: 01 02, 08 26

Herbst 2019 Autumn                                                                              27

 10 06 Lecture                       The Erotic Countertransference: An Aspect of Relationally
John Merchant, PhD                   Attuned Identification or Conduit to the Infantile/Erotic? A
Thursday                             Case Illustration
05.09. 10:00-11:45                   This presentation centres on a first session when the analyst
                                     experienced an intense erotic countertransference of almost
Other areas of interest: 08 and 12   psychotic quality reflected in a fugue state that surpassed any
                                     sense of a gradual unfolding empathy.
                                     Several psychoanalytic viewpoints – including Jung’s – will be
                                     This paper will highlight how these perspectives informed the
                                     clinical work over a ten year period.

                                     CH-course No. 1

 10 19 Seminar                       Sexual Perversions! Perversions? About Paraphilias,
Christa Gubler, lic. phil.           Specifically Pedophilia
Friday                               Let’s talk about sexual perversions. What is it about? What
13.09. 10:00-11:45                   do we know? When and why do they develop? How do we
20.09. 10:00-11:45                   handle “sexually perverse” clients? Can we influence them in
27.09. 10:00-11:45                   analysis? We will specifically look into pedophilia, as this is
                                     referred to increasingly in the news.
Other areas of interest: 08 and 11   ISAP Students

 10 20 Seminar                       Shaking Woman/Man: Fear, Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Gary Hayes, lic. phil.               Based on the book Shaking Woman by the novelist Siri
Thursday                             Hustvedt, we will be exploring the phenomena of anxiety and
31.10. 10:00-11:45                   panic attacks. Special attention will be paid to what Jung and
07.11. 10:00-11:45                   current Jungians have to offer to the better understanding of
14.11. 10:00-11:45                   this subject and how frequently it presents itself in our
21.11. 10:00-11:45                   consulting rooms.
                                     15 ISAP Students
Other areas of interest: 01 and 03

 10 60 Lecture                       Introduction to Psychological Trauma
Ursula Kübler, lic. phil.            An investigation into the history, symptoms and resulting
Saturday                             cascade of physical effects set in motion by sustained deep
26.10. 10:00-18:45                   suffering and resulting archaic defenses. Prerequisite for
                                     trauma seminar in the same semester.
                                     Please read the trauma classic: J.L. Herman, Trauma and
                                     Recovery, 2015.

                                     CH-course No. 1

28                                                                          Herbst 2019 Autumn
10 61 Seminar                      Grundlagen der psychiatrischen Diagnostik: Der
 Christiana Ludwig, MH               Psychopathologische Befund / Psychostatus
 Mittwoch/Wednesday                  Erkennen und Dokumentieren psychopathologischer
 06.11. 13:00-14:45                  Symptome nach AMPD-System (Nomenklatur, Klassifi-
 13.11. 13:00-14:45                  zierung, Symptome, Schweregrad, Kriterien, klinische
 20.11. 13:00-14:45                  Erscheinung, Exploration).
 27.11. 13:00-14:45                  Das Seminar dient auch der Vorbereitung der
 04.12. 13:00-14:45                  Propädeutikumsprüfung in Psychopathologie.
                                     Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten

                                     Fundamentals of Psychiatric Diagnosis: The Psychopatho-
                                     logical Assessment
                                     Identifying and documenting of psychopathological
                                     symptoms according to AMPD System (terminology,
                                     documentation, symptoms, degree, criteria, clinical
                                     appearance, exploration).
                                     The seminar may serve toward the preparation for the
                                     Propaedeuticum Exam in Psychopathology.
                                     Training and Diploma Candidates

  10 63 Seminar                      Trauma Therapy
 Ursula Kübler, lic. phil.           We will practice finding images that are the opposite to those
 Saturday                            of horror visions, meeting inner parts, inner children as
 09.11. 10:00-16:45                  referenced in the Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma
 16.11. 10:00-16:45                  Therapy (PITT). Where is PITT close to the concept of C.G.
                                     Jung, where not?
                                     Students who have not attended the trauma lecture 10 60
                                     should contact the instructor.
                                     There will be a continuation of the seminar in spring.
                                     12 ISAP Students

                                     CH-course No. 1

  10 69 Seminar                      Psychotherapie und das Netzwerk
 Maria Anna Bernasconi, lic. phil.   In der psychotherapeutischen Grundversorgung arbeitet
 Donnerstag                          man häufig mit Menschen, die durch ihre Situation mit
 21.11. 19:00-20:45                  Behörden zusammenarbeiten müssen (Sozialhilfeempfänger,
 28.11. 19:00-20:45                  für IV-Abklärungen, etc.) und in einem professionellen
                                     Umfeld eingebettet sind. Wie gestaltet man Kontakte mit
 Other areas of interest: 12         Drittpersonen, damit die Zusammenarbeit aller möglichst
                                     fruchtbar wird? Wie geht man klug damit um, ohne die
                                     therapeutische Beziehung zu gefährden?
                                     8 Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten

                                     CH-Kurs Nr. 3

 Siehe auch/See also: 01 03, 01 14, 01 15, 09 18, 09 49

Herbst 2019 Autumn                                                                            29

 11 24 Lecture                       Working With What Life Presents
Penelope Yungblut, MA                Life presents us with experiences of joy, surprise, and
Tuesday & Thursday                   excitement and with challenges, transitions, and ruptures.
17.09. 10:00-11:45                   We will explore how new possibilities for growth may be
19.09. 10:00-11:45                   generated within the psyche, untapped inner resources
24.09. 10:00-11:45                   discovered, and disappointment, pain, and sorrow worked
26.09. 10:00-11:45                   through in the journey of individuation.

 11 25 Lecture                       Need or Greed? Surviving in a Culture of Excess
John Hill, MA                        How do we distinguish between our true needs and greed?
Wednesday                            This has become increasingly difficult in a culture that has
18.09. 10:00-11:45                   celebrated excess, the limits of which have now become
25.09. 10:00-11:45                   apparent. What kind of attitude is required to provide an
                                     antidote to greed?
Other areas of interest: 01 and 06
                                     CH-course No. 3

 11 27 Experiential Seminar          Integrating the Shadow: The Pull of the Psyche to Heal
Penelope Yungblut, MA                What lies hidden, wounded, and dissociated from
Saturday & Sunday                    consciousness resides deep within, often causing
21.09. 10:00-17:45                   problematic issues and symptoms in our lives. In a safe and
22.09. 10:00-15:45                   protected environment, we will play with colored tissue
                                     paper, allowing spontaneous images and energies to emerge
Other areas of interest: 04          from the unconscious. Using various modes of active
                                     imagination, we will engage with these images, seeking to
                                     recover and heal what has been split off and unclaimed in our
                                     psyche. Participants are asked to contribute CHF 15 for art
                                     12 ISAP Students

 11 31 Lecture                       Liminality as a Challenge in Jungian Analysis
Svetlana Zdravković, PhD             First, the notion of liminality will be approached from a
Sunday                               theoretical point of view. Definitions of liminality, its
29.09. 10:00-11:45                   challenges, manifestations and consequences will be
                                     discussed. After that, there will be many examples from the
Other areas of interest: 01          presenter’s clinical work.

                                     CH-course No. 3

30                                                                         Herbst 2019 Autumn
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