Regular Expression Recipes for Windows Developers

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Regular Expression Recipes for Windows Developers

                                   Book title : Regular Expression Recipes for Windows
                                   Author(s) :
                                   ISBN : 9781590594971
                                   Language : english
                                   Publisher : Springer
                                   Category : Computer science

                                   DOWNLOAD EBOOK Regular Expression Recipes for
                                   Windows Developers

* Only book dealing with regular expressions for Windows developers in a concise manner

* Teaches beginners by example, without bogging them down in syntactical explanations; also an
ideal reference for experienced developers/ programmers

* Covers all of the major Windows development languages

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Future Business Software

​What will business software look like in the future? And how will it be developed?

This book covers the proceedings of the first international conference on Future Business
Software – a new think tank discussing the trends in enterprise software with speakers from
Europe’s most successful software companies and the leading research institutions. The articles
focus on two of the most prominent trends in the field: emergent software and agile development
“Emergent Software” is a new paradigm of software development that addresses the highly
complex requirements of tomorrow’s business software and aims at dynamically and flexibly
combining a business software solution’s different components in order to fulfill customers’
needs with a minimum of effort. Agile development processes are the response of software
technology to the implementation of diverse and rapidly changing software requirements. A
major focus is on the minimization of project risks, e.g. through short, iterative development
cycles, test-driven development and an intensive culture of communication.

Software Engineering Education for a Global E-Service Economy

This book presents and discusses the state of the art and future trends in software engineering
education. It introduces new and innovative methods, models and frameworks to focus the
training towards the needs and requirements of the industry. Topics included in this book are:
education models for software engineering, development of the software engineering discipline,
innovation and evaluation of software engineering education, curriculum for software
engineering education, requirements and cultivation of outstanding software engineers for the
future and cooperation models for industries and software engineering education.

Case-Based Reasoning auf der Grundlage Relationaler Datenbanken Am Beispiel der
strukturierten Suche in Wirtschaftsnachrichten stellt Markus Pfuhl eine alternative
Vorgehensweise vor, die eine Verarbeitung großer Dokumentenmengen ermöglicht und zugleich
mit der Verwendung Relationaler Datenbanken auf einem weitverbreiteten Standard der
Datenbanktechnolgie basiert. Herausforderungen der Wirtschaftsinformatik Die Autoren setzen
sich mit folgenden Themen auseinander: Elektronische Dokumentenverwaltung, Application
Service Providing, Soft-Systems-Methodology-Ansätze, Wissensmanagement, Portalplattformen,
E-Business, Data Warehouses, E-Learning, Augmented Reality basierte Informationssysteme,
Top-Management und Informationstechnologie, Service Level Agreements.

Peer-to-Peer-Applikationen für elektronische Märkte Nick Gehrke erarbeitet Konzepte, mit denen
Peer-to-Peer-Technologien nutzbar gemacht werden können, um elektronische Marktplätze
hochgradig verteilt aufzubauen, so dass möglichst weitgehend auf zentrale Intermediäre
verzichtet werden kann. Im Mittelpunkt stehen kommerzielles Filesharing, Peer-to-Peer-
Marktplätze und Grid Computing. Risikomanagement in Standardsoftwareprojekten Iris Blasius
untersucht, wie eine effektive methodische Unterstützung zu gestalten ist. Sie entwickelt ein
eigenes Risikomanagementwerkzeug in der Notation Unified Modeling Language und baut einen
Prototyp auf. Partizipatives organisationales Lernen Simone Heftberger und Christian Stary
zeigen, wie partizipative organisationale Lerntheorien mit prozessbasierter Wissensmanagement-
Technik effektiv implementiert werden können. So wird organisationales Lernen zum
wechselseitigen, auf die wesentlichen Unternehmensgegenstände und Geschäftsprozesse
fokussierten Diskurs. LOGO? LOGO! Sie finden deshalb in fast allen Kapiteln konkrete
Problemaufgaben, bei deren Losung die Sprachelemente und die strukturellen Moglichkeiten von
LOGO eingefuhrt werden. Den Kern zu einem tieferen Verstandnis von LOGO finden Sie
vermutlich in Kapitel 6. Hier steht ein zentrales Prinzip des Programmierens im Vordergrund,
namlich das Prinzip der Rekursion. Das Kapitel ist sicher nicht ganz einfach. Aber fur den, der es
verstanden hat, liest sich der Rest des Buches leichter. Man sollte sich also im vorneherein etwas
Zeit fur diesen Abschnitt nehmen. Um die Mmverstandnisse zu Beginn in ihr Gegenteil zu
verkehren, lalSt sich sagen: LOGO ist eine ausgereifte Programmiersprache, die bei den meisten
Problemen eine Losung durch ein Programm ermoglicht. LOGO beschrankt sich nicht auf die
graphischen An wendungen. Diese machen den Einstieg einfach und bereiten auf das
Verstandnis auch anderer Programmieranwendungen vor. LOGO ist nicht einfach und LOGO ist
auch nicht schwer. Das kommt auf das jeweilige Problem an. Aber LOGO hat seinen Reiz im
spieleri schen und experimentellen Zugang zum Computer. Es ist wie mit dem Zusammensetzen
eines Mosaiks. Zuerst ergeben sich Inseln, die fur sich einen Sinn machen, dann passen diese
Inseln plotzlich zueinander. Es zeigen sich Beziehungen, die man nicht erahnt hat. Und
schlielSlich fi.igt sich alles zu einem grolSen Bild. Der Reiz nimmt rapide zu, bis man endlich das
gesamte Bild sieht. Aber beim Programmieren ist es ahnlich wie bei Mosaiken: ein paar
Steinchen fehlen immer. Nur ist naturlich die Freude grolS, wenn man wieder einmal eines
dieser Steinchen findet. Professionalisierung der Informatik Esther Ruiz Ben präsentiert die
Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung über die Orientierung der Informatik, ihre
Abgrenzung und Selbstdefinition als wissenschaftliche Disziplin und in ihrer beruflichen Praxis
sowie den Wissenstransfer zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis der Softwareentwicklung. Es wird
analysiert, welche Chancen dieses Berufsfeld, auf dem sie traditionell in der Minderheit sind, für
Frauen eröffnet. Asymptotische Gesetƶe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Das sachliche
Hauptziel der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung ist die mathematische Erforschung von
Massenerscheinungen. In formaler Hin sicht bedeutet das einen erkenntnistheoretisch genügend
scharf ab gegrenzten Problemkreis: diejenigen Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Erscheinun gen und
Vorgänge theoretisch zu erfassen, die durch das Massenhafte an ihnen (d. h. durch das Auftreten
einer großen Anzahl von in gewissem Sinne gleichberechtigten Ereignissen, Größen u. dgl. m. )
in ihren Haupt zügen bedingt sind, so daß daneben die individuelle Beschaffenheit der einzelnen
Ingredienten gewissermaßen in den Hintergrund tritt. Rein mathematisch führt das endlich zu
Infinitesimalbetrachtungen einer spezifischen Gattung, indem die für eine unendlich große
Ingredienten anzahl geltenden Grenzgesetze systematisch untersucht und begründet werden. In
diesem Zusammenhang erscheinen die unter dem Namen von "Grenzwertsätzen" bekannten
asymptotischen Gesetze der Wahr scheinlichkeitsrechnung keinesfalls als ein isoliertes
Nebenstück dieser Wissenschaft, sondern sie bilden im Gegenteil den wesentlichsten Teil ihrer
Problematik. Diese "asymptotische" Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung ist als mathe matische
Wissenschaft noch ziemlich weit davon entfernt, ein einheit liches Ganzes zu bilden. Vor wenigen
Jahren zählte sie zu ihren Ergeb nissen nur ein paar ganz abgesondert stehender, durch keinen
allgemeinen Standpunkt vereinigter Grenzwertsätze. Nur in der allerletzten Zeit konnte sie
gewisse neue Aussichtspunkte erringen, die die Hoffnung erwecken, für dieses theoretisch
grundlegende und auch für die Natur wissenschaften äußerst wichtige Forschungsgebiet in
absehbarer Zeit eine einheitliche Theorie zu gewinnen. Es müssen hier einerseits die aus der
physikalischen Statistik kommenden, mit der sog. Visual Computing This volume presents the
proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Computer Graphics Society, CG
International '92, Visual Computing - Integrating Computer Graphics with Computer Vision -,
held at Kogakuin University, Tokyo in Japan from June 22-26,1992. Since its foundation in 1983,
this conference has continued to attract high quality research articles in all aspects of computer
graphics and its applications. Previous conferences in this series were held in Japan (1983-1987),
in Switzerland (1988), in the United Kingdom (1989), in Singapore (1990), and in the United
States of America (1991). Future CG International conferences are planned in Switzerland
(1993), in Australia (1994), and in the United Kingdom (1995). It has been the editor's dream to
research the integration of computer graphics with computer vision through data structures. The
conference the editor put together in Los Angeles in 1975 involving the UCLA and IEEE
Computer Societies had to spell out these three areas explicitly in the conference title, "computer
graphics," "pattern recognition" and "data structures," as well as in the title of the proceedings
published by IEEE Computer Society Press. In 1985, the editor gave the name "visual computer"
to machines having all the three functionalities as seen in the journal under that name from
Springer. Finally, the research in integrating visual information processing has now reached
reality as seen in this proceedings of CG International '92. Chapters on virtual reality, and on
tools and environments provide examples. Fire Detection in Warehouse Facilities Automatic
sprinklers systems are the primary fire protection system in warehouse and storage facilities.
The effectiveness of this strategy has come into question due to the challenges presented by
modern warehouse facilities, including increased storage heights and areas, automated storage
retrieval systems (ASRS), limitations on water supplies, and changes in firefighting strategies.
The application of fire detection devices used to provide early warning and notification of
incipient warehouse fire events is being considered as a component of modern warehouse fire
protection.Fire Detection in Warehouse Facilities provides technical information to aid in the
development of guidelines and standards for the use of fire detection technologies for modern
warehouse fire protection. The authors share their thorough literature review, analyze
characteristic fire hazards for modern warehouse facilities, and identify information gaps in the
field. The book concludes with recommendations for the development of guidelines and standards
for the use of detection technologies in warehouse fire protection design, including a research
plan for implementation.This book is intended for practitioners seeking an understanding of the
issues surrounding warehouse design and fire protection. The book will also prove valuable for
fire hazard researchers and those involved with fire department response, applicable detection
systems, and fire growth suppression. Interoperable Electronic Safety Equipment Firefighters
and other emergency first responders use a huge variety of highly specialized and critical
technologies for personal protection. These technologies, ranging from GPS to environmental
sensing to communication devices, often run on different systems with separate power supplies
and operating platforms. How these technological components function in a single synergistic
system is of critical interest to firefighter end-users seeking efficient tools. Interoperable ESE
states that a standardized platform for electronic safety equipment (ESE) is both logical and
essential. This book develops an inventory of existing and emerging electronic equipment
categorized by key areas of interest to the fire service, documents equipment performance
requirements relevant to interoperability, including communications and power requirements,
and develops an action plan toward the development of requirements to meet the needs of
emergency responders. This book is intended for practitioners as a tool for understanding
interoperability concepts and the requirements of the fire service landscape. It offers clear
recommendations for the future to help ensure efficiency and safety with fire protection
equipment. Researchers working in a related field will also find the book valuable. GPU Solutions
to Multi-scale Problems in Science and Engineering This book covers the new topic of GPU
computing with many applications involved, taken from diverse fields such as networking,
seismology, fluid mechanics, nano-materials, data-mining , earthquakes ,mantle convection,
visualization. It will show the public why GPU computing is important and easy to use. It will
offer a reason why GPU computing is useful and how to implement codes in an everyday
situation. Code Generation with Templates

Templates are used to generate all kinds of text, including computer code. The last decade, the
use of templates gained a lot of popularity due to the increase of dynamic web applications.
Templates are a tool for programmers, and implementations of template engines are most times
based on practical experience rather than based on a theoretical background.

This book reveals the mathematical background of templates and shows interesting findings for
improving the practical use of templates.

First, a framework to determine the necessary computational power for the template
metalanguage is presented. The template metalanguage does not need to be Turing-complete to
be useful. A non-Turing-complete metalanguage enforces separation of concerns between the
view and model.

Second, syntactical correctness of all languages of the templates and generated code is ensured.
This includes the syntactical correctness of the template metalanguage and the output language.
Third, case studies show that the achieved goals are applicable in practice. It is even shown that
syntactical correctness helps to prevent cross-site scripting attacks in web applications.

The target audience of this book is twofold. The first group exists of researcher interested in the
mathematical background of templates. The second group exists of users of templates. This
includes designers of template engines on one side and programmers and web designers using
templates on the other side

Instruction Sequences for Computer Science This book demonstrates that the concept of an
instruction sequence offers a novel and useful viewpoint on issues relating to diverse subjects in
computer science. Selected issues relating to well-known subjects from the theory of
computation and the area of computer architecture are rigorously investigated in this book
thinking in terms of instruction sequences. The subjects from the theory of computation, to wit
the halting problem and non-uniform computational complexity,are usually investigated thinking
in terms of a common model of computation such as Turing machines and Boolean circuits. The
subjects from the area of computer architecture, to wit instruction sequence performance,
instruction set architectures and remote instruction processing, are usually not investigated in a
rigorous way at all. Logics in Computer Science In this monograph we introduce and examine
four new temporal logic formalisms that can be used as specification languages for the
automated verification of the reliability of hardware and software designs with respect to a
desired behavior. The work is organized in two parts. In the first part two logics for
computations, the graded computation tree logic and the computation tree logic with minimal
model quantifiers are discussed. These have proved to be useful in describing correct executions
of monolithic closed systems. The second part focuses on logics for strategies, strategy logic and
memoryful alternating-time temporal logic, which have been successfully applied to formalize
several properties of interactive plays in multi-entities systems modeled as multi-agent games.
Compressed Data Structures for Strings Data compression is mandatory to manage massive
datasets, indexing is fundamental to query them. However, their goals appear as counterposed:
the former aims at minimizing data redundancies, whereas the latter augments the dataset with
auxiliary information to speed up the query resolution. In this monograph we introduce solutions
that overcome this dichotomy. We start by presenting the use of optimization techniques to
improve the compression of classical data compression algorithms, then we move to the design of
compressed data structures providing fast random access or efficient pattern matching queries
on the compressed dataset. These theoretical studies are supported by experimental evidences of
their impact in practical scenarios. Code Generation with Templates

Templates are used to generate all kinds of text, including computer code. The last decade, the
use of templates gained a lot of popularity due to the increase of dynamic web applications.
Templates are a tool for programmers, and implementations of template engines are most times
based on practical experience rather than based on a theoretical background.

This book reveals the mathematical background of templates and shows interesting findings for
improving the practical use of templates.
First, a framework to determine the necessary computational power for the template
metalanguage is presented. The template metalanguage does not need to be Turing-complete to
be useful. A non-Turing-complete metalanguage enforces separation of concerns between the
view and model.

Second, syntactical correctness of all languages of the templates and generated code is ensured.
This includes the syntactical correctness of the template metalanguage and the output language.
Third, case studies show that the achieved goals are applicable in practice. It is even shown that
syntactical correctness helps to prevent cross-site scripting attacks in web applications.

The target audience of this book is twofold. The first group exists of researcher interested in the
mathematical background of templates. The second group exists of users of templates. This
includes designers of template engines on one side and programmers and web designers using
templates on the other side

Instruction Sequences for Computer Science This book demonstrates that the concept of an
instruction sequence offers a novel and useful viewpoint on issues relating to diverse subjects in
computer science. Selected issues relating to well-known subjects from the theory of
computation and the area of computer architecture are rigorously investigated in this book
thinking in terms of instruction sequences. The subjects from the theory of computation, to wit
the halting problem and non-uniform computational complexity,are usually investigated thinking
in terms of a common model of computation such as Turing machines and Boolean circuits. The
subjects from the area of computer architecture, to wit instruction sequence performance,
instruction set architectures and remote instruction processing, are usually not investigated in a
rigorous way at all.
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