Tribute VALIE EXPORT @Ars Electronica 2020 10. bis 13. September - crossing europe filmfestival linz
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E X T R AC T S P R O G R A M M Tribute VALIE EXPORT @Ars Electronica 2020 10. bis 13. September crossing europe filmfestival linz
Die Praxis der Liebe VALIE EXPORT Austria / Germany 1984 The Practice of Love color, 90 min German Opening Film Eine engagierte Journalistin wird mit VALIE EXPORT’s third feature is an dem männlich dominierten Machtapparat in anti-romance in which the heroine, between den Medien und der Politik konfrontiert: Ihre two relationships, gradually discovers that Recherchen werden nicht veröffentlicht, und both are impossible, not because the sub- bleiben nur für sie selbst und ihr Privatleben jective processes of “love” are defective, but relevant. Dies gilt für die Aufdeckung eines because the social matrix in which both her internationalen Waffenschmuggelrings, in male lovers operate is corrupt: in this film, the den ihr Geliebter involviert ist (zeitgleich pas- male world and its power structures cancel the sierte die Noricum-Affäre in Österreich) und possibility of love beyond the matter of sexu- für einen Beitrag über bezahlte Sexdienste. ality. Export makes use of techniques drawn Videoüberwachungbilder aus dem städti- from her earlier experimental cinema, video schen Raum, Foto- und Videokunstpassagen and conceptual photography to expand the verstärken die düstere Stimmung im Wien possibilities of narrative feature filmmaking. der 1980er-Jahre. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) (Gary Indiana) 115 Tribute — crossing europe film festival 2020 Screenplay Producers VALIE EXPORT VALIE EXPORT, Hermann Hendrich, Cinematography Christoph Holch, Jürgen Schmidt-Reitwein Thomas Wullenweber Editing Production Juno Sylva Englander VALIE EXPORT Filmproduktion, Sound Königsmark & Wullenweber Johannes Paima Filmproduktion Hamburg, ZDF Music World Sales Stephen Ferguson, Harry Sokal sixpackfilm Cast Austrian Rights Adelheid Arndt, Rüdiger Vogler, sixpackfilm Hagnot Elischka, Günther Nenning, World Premiere Gary Indiana Berlinale 1985
Menschenfrauen VALIE EXPORT Austria 1979 Human Females color, 116 min German Der Journalist Franz (Klaus Wildbolz) In Human Females, EXPORT ad- versucht seine drei Geliebten und die Ehe- dresses the sociopsychological conditions of frau (Susanne Widl) bei der Stange zu hal- women and the clash of changing gender iden- ten und pendelt von einer vernachlässigten tities in contemporary society through the Frau zur nächsten. Unwissentlich befördert story of journalist Franz S., who is dating four er damit bei zweien ein utopisch anmutendes women at once, following a tightly clocked Streben nach Solidarität und Unabhängigkeit. schedule. Little by little the women catch wind Das feministische Anliegen der Befreiung von of Franz’s game. (MoMA) entfremdenden Rollenbildern wird bei Men- “VALIE EXPORT achieves in Human schenfrauen nie ohne Ironie vorgeführt. Der Females what Godard strove for but failed in Film vereint bravourös Elemente der Farce, his Every Man for Himself – a human view of a der Komödie, des Melodrams und der politi- woman’s place in a man’s world.” schen Kritik mit experimentellen filmischen (Seattle Film Festival) Ideen. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) 116 Tribute — crossing europe film festival 2020 Screenplay Cast Peter Weibel, VALIE EXPORT Reneé Felden, Maria Martina, Cinematography Susanne Widl, Klaus Wildbolz, Wolfgang Dickmann, Karl Kases Christiane von Aster, Hilde Pilz, Editing Lukas Resetarits Tina Frese, Friedl Mayer Producer Sound VALIE EXPORT Herbert Prasch Production Music VALIE EXPORT Filmproduktion bananen & zitronen, World Sales interpreted by monsti-ingrid sixpackfilm wiener and VALIE EXPORT, Austrian Rights zither: Karl Swoboda, sixpackfilm Hotel Morphila Orchester World Premiere Berlinale 1980
Unsichtbare Gegner VALIE EXPORT Austria 1976 Invisible Adversaries color & black and white, 110 min German Anna, Fotografin und Videojourna- Dancing a forlorn quickstep along the listin in Wien, hört im Radio von der Invasion interface between dreams and waking, Anna unsichtbarer Wesen – den Hyksos –, die die surfaces to that sinister sound of white noise Menschen in Besitz nehmen wollen. Immer on the radio informing her that aliens, or stärker wird sie von dem Grauen verfolgt, at least Invisible Adversaries, have invaded dass Personen ihres Umfeldes bereits eine human beings. Noticeably blasé about this fremdgesteuerte Bewusstseinsform ange- looming revelation, she seems to regard it as nommen haben. Sie nutzt ihren Beruf, um yet more evidence of the way that modern life sich und andere in ihrer Wahrhaftigkeit zu disfigures its artists, men dump on women, hinterfragen. Die Auflösung der Identität the police hit you on the head, and Kreisky’s Annas aufgrund hypersensibler Wahrneh- Austria represses everyone. mungssteigerung und surrealer Wach- (TimeOut London) traumbilder veranschaulicht EXPORT unter Einbeziehung einiger früherer künstlerischer Arbeiten. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) 117 Tribute — crossing europe film festival 2020 Screenplay Cast Peter Weibel Susanne Widl, Peter Weibel, Cinematography Dr. Josef Plavec, Monika Helfer- Wolfgang Simon Friedrich, Helke Sander Editing Producer Herbert Baumgartner, VALIE EXPORT Juno Sylva Englander, Production VALIE EXPORT VALIE EXPORT Filmproduktion Sound World Sales Klaus Hundsbichler sixpackfilm Sound collage Austrian Rights Hans Hartl, Rainer Kalchauser sixpackfilm World Premiere Berlinale 1977
Das Bewaffnete Auge — Zoltan Pataky Austria 1984 VALIE EXPORT im Dialog mit color, 135 min German der Filmavantgarde Mit der TV-Serie Das Bewaffnete Auge In her three-part series VALIE wendet sich VALIE EXPORT einer jener Gat- EXPORT takes a look at the themes of tungen zu, die im öffentlich-rechtlichen Fern- “staged space - staged time”, “real movement – sehen nicht mehr existieren. Anhand von movable reality”, and “structural film”. Using Filmbeispielen u.a. von Wojciech Bruszewski, numerous examples from films by, among oth- Sergei Eisenstein, Maya Deren, Kurt Kren, ers, Wojciech Bruszewski, Sergey Eisenstein, Yvonne Rainer, Alfred Hitchcock, Linda Maya Deren, Kurt Kren, Yvonne Rainer, Alfred Christanell und Marc Adrian werden narra- Hitchcock, Linda Christanell and Marc Adrian, tive und nicht-narrative Erzählformen unter- narrative and non-narrative forms of story- sucht und gegenübergestellt. Adrian wird telling are examined and compared. The auch via eines „Live-Interviews“ in die Sen- advanced level of this film is also indicated dung geschaltet, wo er Produktionsbedingun- by the numerous quotes from Christian Metz, gen, Methodik und Zeitgeist anhand seiner Charles S. Peirce, Vsevolod I. Pudovkin and Arbeit zu erläutern versucht. Ferdinand de Saussure. (Dietmar Schwärzler, sixpackfilm) (Dietmar Schwärzler, sixpackfilm) 118 Tribute — crossing europe film festival 2020 Shown together with “Im Dialog” Screenplay World Sales (see page 160) VALIE EXPORT sixpackfilm Cinematography Austrian Rights Walter Hendl, Johann Weninger, sixpackfilm Hans Georg Havlik World Premiere Editing ORF/Kunststücke 1984 Rudolf Pfabigan Sound Johann Riedl With VALIE EXPORT, Marc Adrian Producer Ewald Hontsch Production ORF/Kunststücke
Program #1 Selbstportrait Distribution: mit Kopf sixpackfilm Self-Portrait with Head VALIE EXPORT AT 1966/67 black and white, 4 min In her earliest preserved cine- matic work, VALIE EXPORT presents her- self in slow motion. The makeup and wig tell of disguise and acting, and are simul- taneously beautiful and terribly stony like the anonymous woman’s head. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) 119 Tribute — crossing europe film festival 2020 ...Remote…Remote… Hauchtext: Liebesgedicht Breath Text: Love Poem VALIE EXPORT AT 1973 VALIE EXPORT AT 1970—1973 color, 10 min black and white, 2 min In one of the most radical body VALIE EXPORT uses deep breaths actions in the history of art, VALIE to breathe the sentence “I love you” on a EXPORT performs a compulsive, bloody sheet of glass that to the viewer of the act of self-mutilation triggered by trau- video feigns the illusion of her breathing mas of the past. Photography, sound, and directly on the surface of the display or film interact on the formal and the the- screen. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) matic level. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer)
Body Tape Hyperbulie VALIE EXPORT AT 1970 VALIE EXPORT AT 1973 black and white, 4 min black and white, 7 min The glass of the TV monitor and The naked artist crawls through an the glass plate that is actually touched are obstacle course of electrified wires, touch- experienced as one and the same in Body ing them deliberately and frequently. The Tape. This conceptual video presents lan- violence and pain the woman inflicts upon guage as a hierarchically commanding herself causes her nakedness to be devoid authority in relation to other human forms of any eroticism. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) of expression. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) 120 Tribute — crossing europe film festival 2020 Body Politics Asemie – die Unfähigkeit, sich durch Mienenspiel ausdrücken zu können Asemie or the Inability to Express One- self through Facial Expressions VALIE EXPORT AT 1974 VALIE EXPORT AT 1973 black and white, 3 min black and white, 7 min A demonstration of the prede- EXPORT holds that everything termined nature of common behavior not in accordance with the norms of com- between the sexes: connected by a rope munication is considered pathological and tied around their bodies, man and woman compulsive even though these “disorders” move on two escalators. belong to the reality of the human being. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) One of these alleged pathologies serves as the origin of this action. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer)
the voice as Sehtext: performance, act Fingergedicht and body Visual Text: Finger Poem VALIE EXPORT AT 2007 VALIE EXPORT AT 1973 color, 11 min black and white, 2 min The documentation of a perfor- Words are just one form of human mance at the 2007 Venice Biennale shows expression, sign language being one of how a laryngoscope was inserted through many others that are underrepresented in the nose, into the throat of the artist, so our society. The meaning of what is shown the glottis – the inside – would be brought can be read in its full wording only at the to the outside during the act of speaking. very end. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) 121 Tribute — crossing europe film festival 2020 Mann & Frau & TAPP und Animal TASTKINO Man & Woman & Animal VALIE EXPORT AT 1970—73 VALIE EXPORT AT 1968 color, 8 min black and white, 2 min Instead of the holy trinity: father, The title of EXPORT’s probably son, holy spirit, instead of the profane best known performance in public space trinity: mother, family, state, instead of the already is a reference to Expanded Cin- social trinity: father, mother, children, the ema. The picture of the action became an film treats the real trilogy in three sections. iconic photograph, as it deprives touching What unites man and woman (not alone for the female breast of its sexual fantasy. sure, but what is being concealed) is the (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) history of nature. (VALIE EXPORT)
Program #2 Gedichte Distribution: Poems sixpackfilm VALIE EXPORT AT 1966—1980 black and white, 8 min Poems, written and performed by VALIE EXPORT I was born at the hospital which belongs to the city of Linz I suckled at the breast which belongs to my mother (…) 122 Tribute — crossing europe film festival 2020 Adjungierte Facing a Family Dislokationen Adjunct Dislocations VALIE EXPORT AT 1973 VALIE EXPORT AT 1971 black and white, 10 min black and white, 5 min This film – originally only present- In her first work for TV, EXPORT able as a triple projection – is based on a warns of the loss of communication within performance at various locations. VALIE the family caused by television. While EXPORT moves around, with two cameras watching the tube, the child has to keep tied to her body and the third one follow- their mouth shut. The film was devised ing the performer. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) as an intervention to be shown during the news. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer)
i turn over the Ein perfektes Paar oder die pictures of my voice Unzucht wechselt ihre Haut Lust in my head VALIE EXPORT AT 2009 VALIE EXPORT AT 1986 color, 12 min color, 12 min The distilled version of the pub- A commissioned TV work on one lic performance is reduced to the medical of the 7 deadly sins, indecency, is used images of VALIE EXPORT’s glottis, philos- by VALIE EXPORT to make a statement ophizing, in a broken voice, about the on the capitalization of the world and the libidinous relationship towards her voice: human body and acted out, for a change, oh how intense the utterance. as a shrill comedy. (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) (Brigitta Burger-Utzer) 123 Tribute — crossing europe film festival 2020 Syntagma VALIE EXPORT AT 1983 color, 18 min The discrepancy between a wom- an’s physical sensation and the object- ness of her body as soon as it is looked at or (re)presented in images is most clearly demonstrated in Syntagma. The piece of a true master! (Brigitta Burger-Utzer)
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