Vorzeigefestival im schweizerischen Bad Ragaz
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Presse-Mitteilung VP Bank Classic Festival Bad Ragaz 2019 Vorzeigefestival im schweizerischen Bad Ragaz Das VP Bank Classic Festivals fördert musikalische Spitzentalente auf ehrliche Art Wenn es um eine Ansammlung von höchster Qualität von jüngsten und jungen Musikern der klassischen Musik geht, sucht man lange Zeit, um ein Festival zu finden, das alles, was in der Musikwelt wichtig ist, miteinander verbindet. Seit einigen Jahren muss man schon in das beschauliche Schweizer Städtchen Bad Ragaz reisen, um all die Qualitäten zu finden, die man sich erhoffen kann: junge Musiker der Spitzenklasse, die sich kurz vor ihrem Sprung auf die grossen Bühnen befinden, ein abwechslungsreiches Programm, das alle Genres und alle Bereiche der klassischen Musik abdeckt, sowie ein Ambiente, das es dem Publikum ermöglicht, mit den Musikern in näheren Kontakt zu treten und die Zeit zwischen den Konzerten kaum angenehmer verbringen zu können. Vor neun Jahren hatte der Pianist und Unternehmer Drazen Domjanic eine Vision, die eine Antwort auf folgende Fragen suchte: Wie kann man jungen, hochbegabten Künstlern eine Bühne bieten? Wie kann man sie auf eine ehrliche Art und Weise unterstützen und fördern, so dass sie einen Absprung in die grosse Welt der klassischen Musik schaffen? Mit der ebenfalls von ihm gegründeten Internationalen Musikakademie im Fürstentum Liechtenstein sah er, wie die Talente ein und ausgingen, sich aber schwertaten, auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Genau diesem Pool an hoch talentierten Musikern wollte er neue Chancen geben. In Bad Ragaz fand er Gleichgesinnte, die für die Musik brennen und die gewillt waren, die Ideale Domjanics zu teilen. Bald war der Verein „Next Generation“ gegründet, um ein jährliches Festival auszutragen, das den Musikern Möglichkeiten offeriert. Mit der liechtensteinischen VP Bank fand man einen kongenialen Sponsor und mit dem Hotel Grand Resort Bad Ragaz einen Host, der alles bereithielt, was man sich wünschen kann: einen Konzertsaal, Überäume für die Musiker und eine Atmosphäre, die man sich besser nicht vorstellen kann. Dass der Host den jungen Musikern zudem von Anfang an anbot, in den Zimmern des Luxus-Resorts während der Festivalzeit zu residieren, war keine Selbstverständlichkeit, förderte aber den Gedanken, dass das Publikum in ganz nahen Kontakt mit den Musikern kommen kann, da sie sich zu jeder Tageszeit im Grand Resort bewegten. In diesem Jahr hatte man nun aufgrund der engen Verquickung des Festivals mit dem Sponsor VO Bank das Festival erstmals unter dem Namen „VP Bank Classic Festival“ veranstaltet. Doch aufgrund dieser Namenänderung sollte sich an der Qualität nichts ändern. Allein: Man hatte die Anzahl der Konzerte ein wenig verkleinert, so dass die Musiker mehr Zeit für ihre Proben hatten und das Publikum die Festivalzeit entspannter geniessen konnte. Und entsprechend der neunten Austragung des Festivals in Bad Ragaz hatte man neun Konzerte angesetzt. Mit dem diesjährigen usbekischen Pianisten Nuron Mukumi hatte man wiederum einen faszinierenden jungen Künstler zum „Artist in Residence“ erwählt, der sich in mehreren Konzerten als Solist und als Kammermusiker präsentierte. Tragende Säule für das Festival ist seit 2015 das aus Streicherinnen und Streichern der Internationalen Musikakademie im Fürstentum Liechtenstein gegründeten Ensemble Esperanza, das sich seit seiner Gründung im Festival bereits in ganz Europa einen Namen als ein Kammerorchester der Sonderklasse erspielt hat. Mehrere Auszeichnungen hat das Ensemble bereits eingeheimst, nachdem die französisch-armenische Geigerin Chouchane Siranossian als Konzertmeisterin die jungen Musiker zu einem geschlossenen und engagierten Klangkörper geformt hat. Mittlerweile sind auch die jüngsten dieser Musiker vom Beginn zu gestandenen Musikern herangewachsen und man kann von einem professionellen Kammerorchester im besten Sinne des Wortes sprechen. Welche immensen Potenziale sich in den Reihen des Ensemble Esperanza im Gesamtklang verbergen, konnte das Publikum auch in diesem Jahr mehrfach miterleben, denn aus den Reihen treten immer wieder einzelne Mitglieder als Solisten vor ihr Ensemble und beweisen, welche grossartige Einzelkünstler sie sind. Neben der Begeisterung eines mittlerweile gewachsenen Stammpublikums – immerhin wurden in diesem Jahr – trotz weniger Konzerte – wiederum 1500 Tickets verkauft, ist es den jungen Musikern auf der Bühne ein Anliegen, ihre Lust und Freude an klassische Musik an die ganz jungen Kinder weiterzugeben. Und so lud man auch in diesem Jahr Grundschüler und Gymnasiasten aus der Region zu zwei Konzerten ein. 480 folgten mit Begeisterung der Einladung ins Grand Resort und waren fasziniert von dem Spass, der ihnen da von den zwischen 17 und 28 Jahren alten Musikern von der Bühne entgegenkam. Sie spürten, dass es kein Druck von aussen ist, der die Musiker da antreibt, sondern die wortwörtliche Freude des gemeinsamen Musizierens, des …/2
-2- Arbeitens an dieser Musik. Und da Musik eine Sprache ist, die nicht nur die zahllosen Nationalitäten im Ensemble Esperanza verbindet, sondern alle Menschen zu bewegen versteht, haben es sich die Musiker zur Tradition gemacht, die Patienten in den Kliniken Valens zu besuchen, um ihnen mit ihrer Musik Freude, Abwechslung und Hoffnung zu geben. Dass auch die allerjüngsten im VP Bank Classic Festival eine Bühne erhielten, versteht sich aus der Grundidee seit der Gründung von selbst. Denn „die nächste Generation“ soll hier eine entdeckt, soll hier gefördert werden. Und das Publikum liebt diese Konzerte, in denen sie jüngste Musiker entdecken können, die aus der Erfahrung einige Jahre später bereits auf den grossen Bühnen dieser Welt zuhause sind. In diesem Jahr waren dies die 13- jährige geigerin Clara Shen, der 15-jährige Cellist Philipp Schupelius und der ebenfalls 15-jährige Pianist Arsen Dalibaltyan aus Kroatien. Das VP Bank Classic Festival, das 2020 vom 7. bis zum 14. Februar zum 10. Mal wieder in Bad Ragaz ausgetragen wird und sich als Schwerpunkt dem Werk Ludwig van Beethovens widmen wird, hat sich zu einem Festival der Sonderklasse entwickelt, zu einem Vorzeigefestival. Denn die Grundidee der Förderung junger Spitzentalente ist immer noch das wichtigste für den Veranstalter „Festival Next Generation“. So gelungen und so einvernehmlich mit allen Faktoren kann die Förderung von musikalischen Spitzentalenten aussehen. Wenn woanders solch junge Talente eingeladen werden, um preiswert oder ohne Bezahlung zu musizieren, ist dies allerdings keine Förderung, sondern ein Geschäftsmodell – und genau dies gibt es in VP Bank Classic Festival nicht … Abdruck honorarfrei – Belege erbeten! Weitere Informationen unter: Festivalverein NEXT GENERATION c/o Wälti Treuhand und Revision AG Taminastrasse 4 CH-7310 Bad Ragaz info@vpbankclassicfestival.com www.vpbankclassicfestival.com Tel.: +41 (0) 78 231 11 22
Press Release VP Bank Classic Festival Bad Ragaz 2019 Model Festival in Bad Ragaz/Switzerland The VP Bank Classic Festival promotes musical top-talents with genuine commitment Where a top-notch gathering of young and very young musicians of classical music is concerned, a festival that offers everything that is of importance in the world of music is hard to come by. For many years now you have to travel to the peaceful town of Bad Ragaz in Switzerland in order to find everything you can hope for: young top-musicians on the verge of conquering the famous stages, a varied programme that covers all genres and fields of classical music as well as an atmosphere that gives the audience the opportunity to get into close contact with the musicians and to spend the time between the concerts in quite a pleasurable way. Nine years ago the pianist and entrepreneur Drazen Domjanic had a grandiose idea that was supposed to find answers to the following questions: How can you offer young, highly talented artists a platform? How can you support and promote them in a way that they will be able to take the giant leap forwards into the whole wide world of classical music? At the Internationale Musikakademie in the principality of Liechtenstein he had founded, he saw a lot of talents come and go but also realised that they were not able to attract any attention. And it was exactly this pool of exceptionally talented artists he wanted to provide with excellent opportunities. In Bad Ragaz Domjanic met like-minded people that were enthusiastic about music and shared his ideals. Soon the society “Next Generation” was founded for the purpose of organising an annual festival that offers young musicians new chances and perspectives With the VP Bank/Liechtenstein a congenial sponsor was found and with the hotel Grand Resort Bad Ragaz a host offering anything you could wish for: a concert hall, rehearsal rooms for the musicians and a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The fact that right from the start the hotel offered the young musicians to stay in the rooms of this luxury resort during the festival was very generous and by no means a matter-of-course and helped promote the idea of a close contact between the audience and the musicians who were present at the Grand Resort the whole day long. This year the festival was re-named “VP Bank Classic Festival” to emphasise the close bond between the festival and its sponsor – the VP Bank. However, this did not change the quality one iota. Just the number of concerts was reduced so that the musicians were able to spend more time rehearsing and to make the time of the festival more relaxing for the audience. In accordance with the festival being organised for the ninth time, nine concerts were scheduled. With the Uzbek pianist Nuron Mukumi another fascinating young musician had been appointed as “artist in residence”. He presented himself as a soloist and chamber musician in several concerts. Since 2015 the backbone of this festival has been the Ensemble Esperanza, set up by string players of the Internationale Musikakademie in the principality of Liechtenstein. Since its formation at this festival this ensemble has made a name for itself as a chamber orchestra of extraordinary quality throughout Europe and has already won several awards after the Armeno-French violinist Chouchane Siranossian turned these young musicians into a homogeneous group and totally committed body of sound. Meanwhile even the initially youngest members of the ensemble have become seasoned musicians so that you can really call this ensemble a professional chamber orchestra in the best sense of this word. Also this year the audience could experience its huge potential of soloists as some members – as is usual – played solo parts and proved to be incredibly great solo musicians. Apart from fascinating the growing number of regular guests – this year again 1500 tickets were sold despite fewer concerts – the young musicians also want to pass on their enthusiasm for and their delight in classical music to young children. That is why, like every year, pupils from elementary and grammar schools of the region were invited to two concerts. 480 of them gladly accepted the invitation to the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz and were enthralled with experiencing the joy and fun of the performing musicians, who were between 17 and 28 years of age. They could feel that they are not driven by some kind of external pressure but by the sheer delight in making music together and in working with this music. And as music is a universal language that does not only link the different nationalities the Ensemble Esperanza is made-up of but moves each and every one, the musicians have established the tradition to pay a visit to the patients in the Valens clinic – so that their music fills them with hope and joy and gives them a brief but welcome respite from the hospital surroundings. …/2
Press Release VP Bank Classic Festival Bad Ragaz 2019 Model Festival in Bad Ragaz/Switzerland The VP Bank Classic Festival promotes musical top-talents with genuine commitment Where a top-notch gathering of young and very young musicians of classical music is concerned, a festival that offers everything that is of importance in the world of music is hard to come by. For many years now you have to travel to the peaceful town of Bad Ragaz in Switzerland in order to find everything you can hope for: young top-musicians on the verge of conquering the famous stages, a varied programme that covers all genres and fields of classical music as well as an atmosphere that gives the audience the opportunity to get into close contact with the musicians and to spend the time between the concerts in quite a pleasurable way. Nine years ago the pianist and entrepreneur Drazen Domjanic had a grandiose idea that was supposed to find answers to the following questions: How can you offer young, highly talented artists a platform? How can you support and promote them in a way that they will be able to take the giant leap forwards into the whole wide world of classical music? At the Internationale Musikakademie in the principality of Liechtenstein he had founded, he saw a lot of talents come and go but also realised that they were not able to attract any attention. And it was exactly this pool of exceptionally talented artists he wanted to provide with excellent opportunities. In Bad Ragaz Domjanic met like-minded people that were enthusiastic about music and shared his ideals. Soon the society “Next Generation” was founded for the purpose of organising an annual festival that offers young musicians new chances and perspectives With the VP Bank/Liechtenstein a congenial sponsor was found and with the hotel Grand Resort Bad Ragaz a host offering anything you could wish for: a concert hall, rehearsal rooms for the musicians and a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The fact that right from the start the hotel offered the young musicians to stay in the rooms of this luxury resort during the festival was very generous and by no means a matter-of-course and helped promote the idea of a close contact between the audience and the musicians who were present at the Grand Resort the whole day long. This year the festival was re-named “VP Bank Classic Festival” to emphasise the close bond between the festival and its sponsor – the VP Bank. However, this did not change the quality one iota. Just the number of concerts was reduced so that the musicians were able to spend more time rehearsing and to make the time of the festival more relaxing for the audience. In accordance with the festival being organised for the ninth time, nine concerts were scheduled. With the Uzbek pianist Nuron Mukumi another fascinating young musician had been appointed as “artist in residence”. He presented himself as a soloist and chamber musician in several concerts. Since 2015 the backbone of this festival has been the Ensemble Esperanza, set up by string players of the Internationale Musikakademie in the principality of Liechtenstein. Since its formation at this festival this ensemble has made a name for itself as a chamber orchestra of extraordinary quality throughout Europe and has already won several awards after the Armeno-French violinist Chouchane Siranossian turned these young musicians into a homogeneous group and totally committed body of sound. Meanwhile even the initially youngest members of the ensemble have become seasoned musicians so that you can really call this ensemble a professional chamber orchestra in the best sense of this word. Also this year the audience could experience its huge potential of soloists as some members – as is usual – played solo parts and proved to be incredibly great solo musicians. Apart from fascinating the growing number of regular guests – this year again 1500 tickets were sold despite fewer concerts – the young musicians also want to pass on their enthusiasm for and their delight in classical music to young children. That is why, like every year, pupils from elementary and grammar schools of the region were invited to two concerts. 480 of them gladly accepted the invitation to the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz and were enthralled with experiencing the joy and fun of the performing musicians, who were between 17 and 28 years of age. They could feel that they are not driven by some kind of external pressure but by the sheer delight in making music together and in working with this music. And as music is a universal language that does not only link the different nationalities the Ensemble Esperanza is made-up of but moves each and every one, the musicians have established the tradition to pay a visit to the patients in the Valens clinic – so that their music fills them with hope and joy and gives them a brief but welcome respite from the hospital surroundings. …/2
-2- The fact that even the youngest musicians were also given a platform at the VP Bank Classic Festival is an integral part of the initial idea as the intention is to discover and promote the “next generation”. And the audience really loves the concerts in which they can spot very young talents, who – and experience shows that – will be performing on renowned stages in a few years’ time. This year the most impressive talents were the 13- year-old violinist Clara Shen, the 15-year-old cellist Philipp Schupelius and the also 15-year-old pianist Arsen Dalibaltyan from Croatia. In 2020 the VP Bank Classic Festival will take place for the tenth time from 7th to 14th February, and will be focussing on Ludwig van Beethoven’s oeuvre. This festival has turned into a first-rate event – a model festival. For the organisers “Festival Next Generation” the idea of promoting young top-talents is still the most important aspect and the festival therefore a prime example of how musical talents can be successfully and efficiently supported and in a way that takes everything that is essential into account. Elsewhere young artists are invited to perform for a pittance or without being paid at all, which has nothing to do with promotion but is just a business model – and this is definitely not the case where the VP Bank Classic Festival is concerned. Publication free of charge – Specimen copies requested! For further information please contact: Festivalverein NEXT GENERATION c / o Wälti Treuhand und Revision AG Taminastrasse 4 CH- 7310 Bad Ragaz info@vpbankclassicfestival.com www.vpbankclassicfestival.com Tel.: +41 (0) 78 231 11 22
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