53 DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS - Information of the European Association for Ductile Iron Pipe Systems EADIPS
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DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS Information of the European Association for Ductile Iron Pipe Systems · EADIPS® 53
Topics and authors 4 Brief des Herausgebers / Letter from the editor 6 Themen und Autoren / Abstracts 13 Newsletter EADIPS FGR EADIPS FGR News 14 Annual report 2018 and perspective in 2019 Manfred Künze and Christoph Aigner 30 Time to harmonise hygiene requirements Volker Meyer Technical articles 18 About the German foundry industry Mario Mackowiak, Manfred Künze and Christoph Aigner 22 University Lecturers Conference in Koblenz and Wetzlar Jürgen Rammelsberg and Christoph Bennerscheidt 26 Long pipe relining in Magdeburg Andreas Chladek and Uwe Hoffmann 32 100 new drinking fountains for Berlin Jörg Meier 34 Inspection of a culvert pipeline after 44 years of operation Hans-Jörg Schulz and Wilhelm Kelb 40 The intergenerational project “Circulago” of WWZ AG Marco Nussbaumer 44 The technical service life of gaskets Rüdiger Werner 48 The new Galgenbuck tunnel in the region of Schaffhausen Roger Saner 52 Reduce the costs of pumping and the risk of damages Jürgen Rammelsberg and Christoph Bennerscheidt EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 2
58 Modernisation bit by bit Patricia Pfister 62 Installation of a sewer pipe on a steep slope Patricia Pfister 66 Installation of a DN 600 drinking water culvert under the Nežárka river Ivan Demjan and Petr Krej í Products and applications 70 Renewal of drinking water treatment at the Sindelfingen waterworks Matthias Müller and Boris Vaihinger 72 A new generation of underground hydrants Matthias Müller 74 How to explain the function of a control valve? Ursula Vogler and Oliver Jäger In brief 17 Trench shoring systems 21 Sustainably superior! 57 Wall thickness calculation for ductile iron pipes 76 Members of EADIPS FGR Members location 78 Imprint EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 3
Brief des Herausgebers Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, In den Freispiegelkanälen von Abwassersystemen hat sich die Die hohen Temperaturen des letz- optische Inspektion mit Kamera- ten Sommers haben uns vor Augen systemen als anerkannte Regel der geführt, wie wichtig eine funktio- Technik etabliert. Um den Zustand nierende Versorgung mit Trink- von vollgefüllten Abwasserleitun- wasser ist, aber auch, wie ver- gen, wie z. B. Abwasserdükern, be- wundbar unsere Infrastrukturen werten zu können, müssen die sein können. In diesem Zusam- Kanalnetzbetreiber über den Tel- menhang wurde sogar von einer lerrand schauen. So auch im Fall „Heißzeit“ gesprochen, einem Aus- der Reinigung und Inspektion druck, der von der Gesellschaft für eines Doppelrohrdükers aus dukti- deutsche Sprache (GfdS) in Wies- len Gussrohren unter der Mosel baden zum Wort des Jahres 2018 am „Deutschen Eck“ in Koblenz. gewählt wurde. Mit dieser Wahl Durch den Einsatz von Inspek- Es grüßt Sie herzlich soll auch auf eines der gravie- tionstechnik aus dem Bereich von renden globalen Phänomene des Pipelines ließ sich nachweisen, frühen 21. Jahrhunderts, den Kli- dass die umhüllten und ausgeklei- mawandel, hingewiesen werden. deten duktilen Gussrohre auch Christoph Bennerscheidt Ob und in welcher Form sich die nach 44 Betriebsjahren in einem hohen Lufttemperaturen und pa- guten Zustand sind und weiter be- rallel dazu eine Erhöhung der Bo- trieben werden können. dentemperaturen z. B. direkt auf die Trinkwassernetze auswirken, Die weiteren spannenden Beiträge können wir noch nicht abschätzen. in diesem Heft zeigen, dass es für jeden Anwendungsfall passende Einige Städte reagieren bereits Schutzarten von Rohren, Form- heute auf die Auswirkungen des stücken und Armaturen aus dukti- Klimawandels und stellen Ihren lem Gusseisen gibt. Umhüllungen Bürgern kostenlos Trinkwasser und Auskleidungen von Rohren, aus öffentlichen Trinkbrunnen zur Formstücken und Armaturen bie- Verfügung. So werden in Berlin ten Schutz vor mechanischen und weitere 100 Trinkbrunnen auf- chemischen Einwirkungen, so- gestellt. Die emaillierten Kaiser- wohl beim Einbau in geschlos- Brunnen werden natürlich aus sener (HDD- oder Rohreinzugs- dem langlebigen und wiederver- Verfahren) als auch in offener wertbaren Werkstoff Gusseisen Bauweise. hergestellt. Wichtiger Nebeneffekt: auf diese Weise wird auch den Lassen Sie sich inspirieren! Müllbergen aus Plastikflaschen der Kampf angesagt. Während die Qualität von ober- irdisch aufgestellten Brunnen aus Gusseisen beim Vorbeigehen ins Auge springt, sind Informationen über unterirdische Rohrleitungs- systeme schwerer zu erhalten. EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 4
Letter from the editor Dear Readers, is also the case when it comes to cleaning and inspecting a dou- The high temperatures of last Sum- ble-pipe culvert of ductile iron mer have made us aware of just pipes under the River Mosel at the how important a functioning sup- “Deutschen Eck” in Koblenz. With ply of drinking water is, but also of the use of inspection technology how vulnerable our infrastructures from the pipeline sector it was pos- can be. In this connection people sible to check that the coated and have been talking of a “hot age”, lined ductile iron pipes are in good a term which was selected by the condition even after 44 years of op- German Language Association as eration and can continue to give its word of the year for 2018. This service. fact highlights one of the serious global phenomena of the early 21st The other fascinating articles in century – that of climate change. this issue demonstrate that there Whether and in what way the high are appropriate ways of protecting air temperatures, and in parallel ductile cast iron pipes, fittings and to this an increase in soil temper- valves for every application. Coat- atures, will have a direct effect on ings and linings offer protection our drinking water networks we against mechanical and chemi- cannot estimate as yet. cal damage for pipes, fittings and valves whether they are installed Some towns and cities are already using trenchless techniques (HDD reacting to the effects of climate or pipe-pulling) or laid in open change and are making drinking trenches. water from public drinking foun- tains freely available to their cit- Let yourself be inspired! izens. In Berlin for example a fur- ther 100 drinking fountains are Warmest greetings being installed. The enamelled Kai- ser drinking fountains are naturally being constructed of durable and recyclable cast iron. And an impor- Christoph Bennerscheidt tant side effect: this also contrib- utes to the battle against the moun- tains of discarded plastic bottles. While the quality of cast iron drinking fountains installed above ground is clear to see for every pas- ser-by, information about under- ground piping systems is harder to obtain. With conventional grav- ity sewer systems, CCTV sewer in- spection systems have become the established state of the art. But in order to assess the condition of completely full sewage pipes, such as wastewater culverts for exam- ple, sewage network operators need to think outside the box. And this EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 5
Schnellübersicht / Abstracts Jahresbericht 2018 und Ausblick 2019 Annual report 2018 and perspective in 2019 Manfred Künze und Christoph Aigner Manfred Künze and Christoph Aigner Die übergeordneten Handlungsfelder der EADIPS FGR The digitisation in the water supply industry, meas- Digitalisierung der Wasserwirtschaft, Anpassungs- ures for adapting to climate change (Sponge City) maßnahmen an den Klimawandel (Schwammstadt) and even more efficient handling of resources are und effizienterer Umgang mit den uns zur Verfügung the most important fields of activity of EADIPS FGR. stehenden Ressourcen wurden im Jahr 2018 weiter- In 2018 they were developed further into practical entwickelt und in konkrete Projekte überführt. Im projects. In the field of digitization a standard for the Bereich der Digitalisierung ist es die Standardisie- identification and traceability of ductile iron pipes, rung einer rückverfolgbaren Kennzeichnung von fittings and valves is being developed. In the field of Rohren, Formstücken und Armaturen. Im Bereich resources EADIPS FGR and GET – Gütegemeinschaft Ressourceneffizienz ist es die Zusammenarbeit mit Entwässerungstechnik are cooperating to establish a der GET – Gütegemeinschaft Entwässerungstechnik RAL quality mark for ductile iron pipes, fittings and zur Gründung einer RAL-Gütegemeinschaft „Duktile valves. Based on the election of a new deputy board Gussrohre, Formstücke und Armaturen“. Durch die the most important fields of activity will be pushed Wahl eines neuen stellvertretenden Vorstands wer- forward by the Chairman of the board Manfred Künze den die Zukunftsthemen auf Vorstandsebene jetzt von and the deputy board Christoph Aigner. Manfred Künze als Vorsitzender des Vorstands und Christoph Aigner als stellvertretender Vorstand vor- angetrieben. Die Deutsche Gießerei-Industrie About the German foundry industry Mario Mackowiak, Manfred Künze und Christoph Aigner Mario Mackowiak, Manfred Künze and Christoph Aigner An den Daten des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen In the data of the German foundry association (Bun- Gießerei-Industrie (BDG) lassen sich die Verände- desverband der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie – BDG) rungen ablesen, die die deutschen Gießereien in den you can read about some changes which German letzten 15 Jahren durchgestanden haben. Vor allem foundries have experienced in the last 15 years. dominieren heute China und Indien die Statistiken Above all, these days China and India are dominating der weltweiten Herstellung. Die weitaus meisten the statistics of worldwide manufacturing. By far the deutschen Gießereien mit bis zu 249 Mitarbeitern majority of German foundries with up to 249 employ- zählen zu den kleineren und mittleren Betrieben. ees are considered as small and medium-sized enter- Umweltauflagen für die Produktionsstandorte, er- prises. Environmental requirements for production höhte Energiekosten und stark schwankende Roh- locations, increased energy costs and highly fluctu- stoffpreise belasten diese Betriebe im internationa- ating raw materials prices are burdening these enter- len Wettbewerb. Eine Chance könnten verschiedene prises in international competition. One opportunity Umweltaktivitäten der EU und des Bundes sein, wel- could be the various environmental activities of the che sich die „Ressourceneffizienz“ auf die Fahne ge- EU and the Federal government, which have adopted schrieben haben, so z. B. im Bauwesen, wo auf dem the principle of “resource efficiency”, for example in Sektor des Baustoffrecycling die Anforderungen stei- the construction industry where requirements for gen werden. EADIPS FGR als Europäischer Verband the recycling of building materials are increasing. der Hersteller duktiler Guss-Rohrsysteme strebt die EADIPS FGR, as the European association of manu- Bildung eines europäischen Dachverbandes der Her- facturers of ductile iron pipe systems, is striving to steller und Anwender von gegossenen Bauproduk- form a European umbrella association of the manu- ten an, die als „Initiative Guss“ mit weiteren europä- facturers and users of cast iron building products ischen Herstellern und Anwendern von gegossenen which, as “Initiative Guss”, with additional European Bauprodukten die EU-Kommission darin unterstützt, manufacturers and users of cast building products geeignete Maßnahmen zur Erreichung der 2015 in provides support to the EU Commission to develop appropriate measures for achieving the climate tar- EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 6
Paris ausgehandelten Klimaziele unter Berücksichti- gets negotiated in 2015 in Paris taking account of gung ressourcenschonend hergestellter Bauprodukte construction products manufactured with the aim of zu entwickeln. conserving resources. Hochschullehrertagung in Koblenz und Wetzlar University Lecturers Conference in Koblenz Jürgen Rammelsberg und Christoph Bennerscheidt and Wetzlar Jürgen Rammelsberg and Christoph Bennerscheidt Die seit langem gepflegte Verbindung mit der Förder- The long-nurtured links with the FIHB – a German gemeinschaft zu Information der Hochschullehrer association which promotes information for univer- für das Bauwesen (FIHB) erneuerte sich im Frühjahr sity lecturers in architecture and construction engi- 2018 bei einem gemeinsamen Programm in Koblenz neering – were renewed in Spring 2018 by a joint und Wetzlar. Zwei praktische Erfahrungsberichte programme in Koblenz and Wetzlar. Two reports of der Stadtentwässerung Koblenz setzten den Schwer- practical experience with urban drainage in Koblenz punkt im Zeichen der Langlebigkeit duktiler Guss- highlighted the main points concerning the durabil- rohre beim Abwassertransport unter schwierigsten ity of ductile iron pipes for the transport of waste- äußeren Bedingungen: in einem begehbaren Abwas- water under the most difficult external conditions: serdüker unter dem Rhein konnten die Teilnehmer by actually entering a walk-in wastewater culvert ihre physische Kondition unter Beweis stellen und beneath the Rhine, participants were able to prove gleichzeitig die seit über 40 Jahren in Betrieb befindli- their physical fitness and at the same time inspect chen Rohre selbst begutachten. Das zweite Highlight, the pipes which have been in operation for more than ein Düker aus zwei Gussrohrleitungen DN 800 und 40 years. The second highlight, a culvert consisting DN 1250, liegt seit über 40 Jahren unzugänglich unter of two cast iron pipelines, DN 800 and DN 1250, has dem Flussbett der Mosel. Mit Hilfe einer neu ent- remained inaccessible for over 40 years under the wickelten Streustrom-Messtechnik konnte der prak- bed of the River Mosel. With the help of newly devel- tisch unveränderte Zustand innen und außen nach- oped stray current measurement technology, the prac- gewiesen werden. Weitere Vorträge beschrieben die tically unaltered state, both inside and out, was able Entwicklungen im Bereich der Digitalisierung in der to be established. Additional presentations described Rohrnetztechnik sowie bei einem F+E Projekt zur developments in the area of digitisation in piping der Regenwasserbewirtschaftung in der Schwamm- technology and in an R&D project for rainwater usage stadt. Die Besichtigung der Rohr-Herstellung im Werk using the sponge city principle. An inspection of pipe Wetzlar und ein begleitender Vortrag zu den Themen production at the Wetzlar factory and an accompany- „Energie-Einsparungen“ und „Ressourcenschonung ing presentation on the subjects of “Energy saving” durch fast 100 % Recycling“ rundeten die Hochschul- and “Conservation of resources by almost 100 % recy- lehrer-Tagung ab. cling” rounded off the Lecturers’ Conference. Langrohr-Relining in Magdeburg Long pipe relining in Magdeburg Andreas Chladek und Uwe Hoffmann Andreas Chladek and Uwe Hoffmann Eine Hauptwasserleitung DN 700, seit 120 Jahren in A DN 700 water main, in operation for 120 years, Betrieb, mit zwei Problemen: Alterungsvorgänge des with two problems: ageing processes of the material Materials mit Korrosion und Spongiose sowie unzu- with corrosion and spongiosis plus insufficient flow reichende Fließgeschwindigkeit wegen stark zurück- speeds because of a major decrease in water demand. gegangenem Wasserbedarf. Mit dem bewährten Lang- With the tried and tested pipe relining technique as rohr-Relining nach DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 320-1 described in DVGW worksheet GW 320-1, DN 400 wurden duktile Gussrohre DN 400 mit längskraft- ductile iron pipes with restrained push-in socket schlüssiger Steckmuffen-Verbindung eingezogen, der joints were pulled into the old pipe and the annular Ringraum wurde verdämmert. Der Beitrag zeigt aus- gap was filled. The article gives a detailed description führlich die Entscheidungsschritte zur Verfahrens- of the choice of technology and the planning and exe- technik, die Planungs- und Bauphase. Ökologische cution phases. Ecological and economical viewpoints und wirtschaftliche Gesichtspunkte werden einge- are examined in depth. Pipe relining with ductile iron hend beleuchtet. Langrohr-Relining mit duktilen pipes: an elegant and economical process with proven Gussrohren: ein elegantes und wirtschaftliches Ver- sustainability – another 120 years without repairs are fahren mit erwiesener Nachhaltigkeit, die nächsten secured! 120 Jahre ohne Reparaturen sind gesichert! EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 7
Der Zeitpunkt für Harmonisierung ist gekommen Time to harmonise hygiene requirements Volker Meyer Volker Meyer Seit langen wird in der Europäischen Union um ein- For a long time, the people of the European Union heitliche Lebensverhältnisse gerungen, so auch um have been striving for standard living conditions, and einheitliche Hygienestandards auf dem Sektor des the same applies when it comes to uniform hygiene Trinkwassers. Manche Staaten haben ein weit entwi- standards in the drinking water sector. Some coun- ckeltes Regelwerk für die Zulassung von Bauproduk- tries have a very advanced set of regulations for the ten mit Trinkwasserkontakt, andere Staaten haben approval of construction products in contact with auf diesem Gebiet nichts. Für viele Hersteller von drinking water, other countries have nothing in this Armaturen, Rohren und Formstücken für den Trink- area. For many manufacturers of valves, pipes and wasserbedarf sind getrennte Zulassungsprüfungen fittings for drinking water requirements, different für die Lieferung in die verschiedenen Staaten mit approval testing for delivery to the different countries großem finanziellem und organisatorischem Aufwand means a great deal of financial and organisational verbunden, der Vorteil eines EU-Binnenmarktes wird expense; the advantage of an EU internal market is für sie nicht greifbar. not within their grasp. 30 europäische Verbände, die sich mit der Herstellung 30 European associations which are involved in the und Lieferung von Werkstoffen und Komponenten production and supply of materials and components to rund ums Trinkwasser befassen und mit den euro- do with drinking water and have links with the Euro- päischen Trinkwasserversorgern verbunden sind, pean drinking water suppliers have joined together in haben sich zu einem europäischen Industrieverband a European industrial association “European Drink- „European Drinking Water“ (EDW) zusammenge- ing Water” (EDW). EDW has taken the initiative to schlossen. EDW hat die Initiative ergriffen, die Euro- support the European Commission in the upcoming päische Kommission bei der anstehenden Überar- revision of the drinking water directive so that, in beitung der Trinkwasserrichtlinie zu unterstützen, future, every EU citizen can enjoy Europe-wide har- damit künftig jeder EU-Bürger über europaweit har- monised hygiene requirements of the same high level monisierte Hygieneanforderungen dasselbe hohe of protection of human health. In addition, the manu- Niveau des menschlichen Gesundheitsschutzes genie- facturers of materials and components for the supply ßen kann. Außerdem können dann die Hersteller von of water will be able to benefit from the advantages of Werkstoffen und Komponenten der Wasserversor- the European internal market. gung die Vorteile des Europäischen Binnenmarkts nutzen. 100 Trinkbrunnen für Berlin 100 new drinking fountains for Berlin Jörg Meier Jörg Meier Spätestens im Sommer 2018 mit seinen hohen Tempe- In the Summer 2018 with its high temperatures, if not raturen wurde der Bedarf an öffentlichen Trinkbrun- before, the need for public drinking fountains was nen deutlich. Der Senat von Berlin hat ein mit einer clear. In a programme provided with a million euros, Million Euro ausgestattetes Programm verabschiedet, the Senate of Berlin has approved the installation 100 zusätzliche neue Trinkbrunnen und Wasserspen- of 100 additional new drinking fountains and water der im Stadtgebiet zu installieren. Ein künstlerisch dispensers in the city. An artistic drinking fountain von Siegfried Kaiser vor Jahren gestalteter Trink- designed years ago by Siegfried Kaiser has a surface brunnen erzählt auf seinem Oberflächenrelief die relief which recounts the history of drinking water. Geschichte des Trinkwassers. Eines der Mitglieds- One of the member companies of EADIPS FGR, in unternehmen der EADIPS FGR gewann in Zusam- collaboration with Berliner Wasserbetriebe, won the menarbeit mit den Berliner Wasserbetrieben den contract to revise and adapt the existing model. The Auftrag, das vorhandene Modell zu überarbeiten und individual cast iron components are enamelled so that anzupassen. Die einzelnen Gusskomponenten sind a robust surface of the drinking fountains in public emailliert, damit eine unverwüstliche Oberfläche die spaces can still be hygienic and attractive after many Trinkbrunnen im öffentlichen Raum auch nach vielen years. Jahren noch hygienisch und ansehnlich erscheinen lässt. EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 8
Inspektion eines Abwasserdükers nach Inspection of a culvert pipeline after 44 years 44 Betriebsjahren of operation Hans-Jörg Schulz und Wilhelm Kelb Hans-Jörg Schulz and Wilhelm Kelb An einem Anfang der 1970-er Jahre gebauten Düker On a culvert constructed at the beginning of the 1970s für Abwasser, Trinkwasser und Telekommunikations- for wastewater, drinking water and telecommunica- leitungen waren die Betonstrukturen des Oberhaup- tion lines, the concrete structures of the inlet struc- tes sanierungsbedürftig. Doch vor der Entscheidung ture were in need of attention. But before deciding on über Sanierung oder Neubau stand die Frage nach whether to renovate or rebuild, there was the question dem Zustand der beiden Abwasserrohre aus dukti- of the condition of the two sewage pipes, DN 800 and lem Gusseisen DN 800 und DN 1250. Erstmalig kam DN 1250, in ductile cast iron. For the first time, a new ein neuartiges Streustrom-Messverfahren in einem type of stray current measurement process installed Molch zum Einsatz, mit dem die Wand beider Rohre in an inspection pig was used, which was able to zu 100 % auf Inhomogenitäten (Korrosionsabtrag) examine the wall of both pipes to 100% for irregular- untersucht werden konnte, selbst durch Auskleidun- ities (corrosion damage) even through cement mortar gen aus Zementmörtel bzw. Epoxidharz hindurch. and epoxy linings. After 44 years of continuous oper- Die Auswertung der Messdaten ergab nach 44 Jah- ation, the evaluation of the measurement data did not ren Dauerbetrieb keine nennenswerten Veränderun- show any noteworthy alterations due to corrosion. gen durch Korrosion. An den Rohrleitungen bestand There was no need for any work to be done on the kein Sanierungsbedarf, sodass die Entscheidung zur pipelines, so the decision regarding the renovation of Sanierung der Betonkonstruktionen des Oberhaupts the concrete structures above was able to be tackled. in Angriff genommen werden konnte. Das Generationen-Projekt „Circulago“ der WWZ AG The intergenerational project “Circulago” Marco Nussbaumer of WWZ AG Marco Nussbaumer Das Wasser der großen und tiefen Binnenseen in der The waters of the large and deep inland lakes in Schweiz birgt ein riesiges Energiereservoir, welches Switzerland conceal an enormous energy reservoir seit kurzem für die Wärme- und Kälteversorgung which has recently been put to use to provide heat von ausgedehnten Siedlungen nutzbar gemacht wird. and cooling for extensive populations. To do this, Dabei wird das Seewasser aus tieferen Lagen über water is taken from deep in the lakes and carried to Rohrleitungen zu einem Wärmetauscher gefördert. heat exchangers by pipelines. Electrically operated Dem Sekundärkreislauf kann dann mit elektrisch heat pumps can then transfer the heat contained to betriebenen Wärmepumpen der Wärmeinhalt entzo- a secondary circuit, brought up to a higher energy gen, auf ein höheres Energieniveau gebracht und zu level and routed to domestic heating systems. For the den Hausheizungen geleitet werden. Beim Bau der construction of the primary lines in the lake, some Primärleitungen in den See sind anspruchsvolle Lei- challenging pipeline construction processes need to tungsbauverfahren zu bewältigen. Beim geschilderten be mastered. With the Lake Zug project described, Projekt am Zugersee wurden Vor- und Rücklauflei- DN 600 supply and return pipelines of ductile iron tung aus duktilen Gussrohren DN 600 gemeinsam an pipes fixed together with double pipe clamps were Doppelrohrschellen fixiert in einen vorher aufgefah- pulled into a previously driven micro-tunnel with an renen Microtunnel mit einem Innendurchmesser von internal diameter of 1.6 m. BLS® restrained push-in 1,6 m eingezogen. Die längskraftschlüssigen Muffen- joints take up the tensile forces here. External and Verbindungen BLS® übernahmen dabei die Zugkräfte. internal protection is adapted to suit external condi- Außen- und Innenschutz sind den äußeren Verhält- tions and the medium carried. nissen und dem Medium angepasst. EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 9
Technische Nutzungs- bzw. Lebensdauer The technical service life of gaskets von Dichtungen Rüdiger Werner Rüdiger Werner Guss-Rohrsysteme, heutzutage fast ausschließlich mit Cast iron pipe systems, these days almost exclusively beweglichen Steckmuffen-Verbindungen eingesetzt, used with flexible push-in joints, have a long useful besitzen eine hohe Nutzungsdauer. Hochwertiger life. High-quality corrosion protection and reserves Korrosionsschutz und Reserven gegen ungeplante against unplanned external loads are prerequisites äußere Belastungen sind Grundvoraussetzungen for a working life expectancy of 100 years and more. für eine Lebensdauererwartung von 100 Jahren und This article shows that, with the correct construction mehr. Der hier vorliegende Beitrag weist nach, dass of the joint, even the rubber gasket in the right elas- auch die Gummidichtung aus dem richtigen Elasto- tomer is no weak spot in the system. Practical expe- mer bei richtiger Konstruktion der Verbindung keine rience in network operation and modern elastomers Schwachstelle im System ist. Praktische Erfahrungen together form a surprising symbiosis. aus dem Netzbetrieb und moderne Elastomere fin- den zu einer erstaunlichen Symbiose zusammen. Neuer Galgenbucktunnel in der Region The new Galgenbuck tunnel in the region Schaffhausen of Schaffhausen Roger Saner Roger Saner Mit dem Bau eines Umgehungstunnels kann die With the construction of a bypass tunnel, the town of Stadt Schaffhausen den Fahrzeugverkehr in der Schaffhausen can almost halve the vehicle traffic in Stadt nahezu halbieren. Nach den zurückliegenden the town. After past experience of devastating fires Erfahrungen mit verheerenden Bränden in Verkehrs- in transport tunnels, the highest priority is given to tunneln gilt der sicheren Löschwasserversorgung the secure supply of extinguishing water in projects in derartigen Projekten die höchste Priorität. Die of this kind. The wealth of experience of the manu- reichlich vorhandenen Erfahrungen des Herstellers facturer, vonRoll, in similar tunnels was also a benefit vonRoll in ähnlichen Tunneln waren auch in Schaff- for Schaffhausen: pipes in ductile cast iron, fittings, hausen von Nutzen: Rohre aus duktilem Gusseisen, high-performance hydrants, shut-off valves and air Formstücke, Hochleistungshydranten, Absperrarma- release and ventilation valves from the same sup- turen sowie Be- und Entlüfter aus einer Hand stehen plier are a guarantee of a safety system with the high- für ein Sicherheitssystem mit höchster Zuverläs- est reliability and the lowest maintenance costs. sigkeit bei geringstem Instandhaltungsaufwand. Pumpkosten reduzieren und Schäden vermeiden Reduce the costs for pumping and risk of damages Jürgen Rammelsberg und Christoph Bennerscheidt Jürgen Rammelsberg and Christoph Bennerscheidt In Transportleitungen fließendes Wasser kann In transport pipelines, flowing water can have an enorme kinetische Energie besitzen. Eingeschlos- enormous amount of kinetic energy. It is essential that sene Luft als kompressibles Medium muss unbedingt trapped air, as a compressible medium, is removed aus der Leitung entfernt werden, denn sie könnte from the pipeline because it could accumulate at sich an bevorzugten Stellen zu größeren Luftblasen favourable points and form large air pockets, hence zusammenschließen und damit den durchströmten reducing the cross-section for the flowing water. This Querschnitt verringern. Erhöhter Energieaufwand could result in increased energy expenditure (pump- (Pumpstrom) zur Förderung der vorgesehenen Was- ing power) to convey the amount of water required; in sermenge wären die Folge; außerdem können Druck- addition, pressure surges can occur with consequent stöße mit Schäden am Leitungssystem entstehen. All damage to the piping system. All of these dreaded diese gefürchteten Effekte lassen sich durch Einbau effects can be avoided by the installation of ventila- von Be- und/oder Entlüftungsventilen an geeigneten tion and/or air release valves at appropriate points in Stellen der Leitung vermeiden. Im Beitrag werden the pipeline. In this article the various construction die unterschiedlichen Bauformen und Wirkungsme- forms and working mechanisms of these valves are chanismen von Be- und Entlüftern beschrieben und described and the corresponding technical regula- das entsprechende Technische Regelwerk zitiert. tions are quoted. EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 10
Modernisierung auf Raten Modernisation bit by bit Patricia Pfister Patricia Pfister Auf lange Sicht sparen: Das ist das erklärte Ziel Saving in the long run: this is the declared aim of the der Kärntner Stadtgemeinde Feldkirchen. Deswe- Carinthian municipality of Feldkirchen. Therefore gen modernisiert die Stadt regelmäßig ihr Wasser- the town is modernising its network of water supply leitungsnetz und profitiert dabei von den höheren pipes, thereby profiting from higher subsidy rates Fördersätzen, mit denen fleißige Gemeinden für ihr which reward diligent communities for their commit- Engagement in Sachen Rohrsanierung belohnt wer- ment to pipeline renovation. The old PVC pipelines den. Die alten PVC-Leitungen aus den 1960-er und from the sixties and seventies are being replaced 1970-er Jahren werden ausgetauscht gegen langle- by durable and highly robust ductile cast iron pipes bige und hoch belastbare Gussrohre der Tiroler from Tiroler Rohre GmbH. With its financial support, Rohre GmbH. Mit finanzieller Förderung gibt die the state government is giving communities clear Landesregierung den Gemeinden deutliche Anreize, incentives to adjust their water supply networks to ihre Wasserversorgungsnetze an den neusten Stand the latest state of population development. der Bevölkerungsentwicklung anzupassen. Einbau einer Abwasserleitung im Steilhang Installation of a sewer pipe on a steep slope Patricia Pfister Patricia Pfister Ein nicht alltägliches Projekt ist der Bau einer 1,5 km One project which is certainly not run-of-the-mill langen Entwässerungsleitung in einem Steilhang mit is the construction of a 1.5 km long sewer pipe on a 45° Neigung für eine Streusiedlung im österreichisch- steep, 45° slope for a scattered settlement in the region italienischen Grenzgebiet des Nassfelds in Kärnten. of the Austrian-Italian border called Nassfeld in the Skitourismus, aber zunehmend auch höhere Auslas- state of Carinthia. Ski tourism, but also increasingly tungen im Sommer, führen zu einer extrem schwan- high visitor numbers in Summer, are resulting in kenden Abwassermenge zwischen 17.000 und 40.000 extremely fluctuating wastewater volumes equivalent Einwohnergleichwerten. Die äußeren Randbedin- to between 17,000 and 40,000 residents. The external gungen mit möglichen Hangrutschungen stellten die conditions with possible landslides set some chal- Planer vor Herausforderungen, die sie mit dem Ein- lenges for the planners, who mastered them with the satz von duktilen Gussrohren mit zugfesten Verbin- use of ductile iron pipes with restrained joints and dungen und Zementmörtel-Umhüllung bewältigten. cement mortar coating. Tiroler Rohre GmbH sup- Die Tiroler Rohre GmbH unterstützten die Planung ported the planning with their expertise acquired mit ihrer in ähnlichen Projekten erworbenen Exper- in similar projects and also managed to gather some tise und sammelten in der Bauphase zusätzlich neue new experiences in the construction phase which will Erfahrungen, die sich in künftigen Vorhaben wieder prove to be of benefit in future projects. als nützlich erweisen werden. Trinkwasser-Düker DN 600 unter der Nežárka Installation of a DN 600 drinking culvert Ivan Demjan und Petr Krejč í under the Nežárka river Ivan Demjan and Petr Krejč í Eine Hauptwasserleitung im südböhmischen Veselí A water main in Veselí, South Bohemia, was previ- hing bisher unter einer Brücke über die Nežárka. Risi- ously hung beneath a bridge over the Nežárka river. ken bestanden in zusätzlichen Belastungen der Brücke There were risks in the additional loads placed on durch Hochwasser und Vandalismus. Eine deutlich the bridge by high water and vandalism. A consider- sicherere Lösung bestand in der Unterdükerung der ably safer solution lay in running this line through a Nežárka mit dieser Leitung. Als fortschrittliches Bau- culvert under the Nežárka. Pulling the section of the verfahren bot sich der Einzug des Leitungsabschnitts pipeline through by the HDD process proved to be the mit dem HDD-Verfahren an. Dabei mussten unter- best answer. To do this, various geological conditions schiedliche geologische Randbedingungen an den bei- had to be mastered on both banks of the river. DN 600 den Flussufern bewältigt werden. Duktile Gussrohre ductile iron pipes with cement mortar coating and DN 600 mit Zementmörtel-Umhüllung und zugfesten restrained BLS® joints, which have long since proved Verbindungen BLS®, die sich seit langem bei derarti- themselves in projects of this kind, also resulted in gen Projekten bewährt hatten, führten auch hier, in success here, in the Czech Republic, for the first time. Tschechien zum ersten Mal, zum Erfolg. EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 11
Erneuerung der Trinkwasseraufbereitung im Renewal of the drinking water treatment at the Wasserwerk Sindelfingen Sindelfingen waterworks Matthias Müller und Boris Vaihinger Matthias Müller and Boris Vaihinger Be- und Entlüfter, Absperrklappen, Schieber, Pass- Air release and air admission valves, shut-off valves, und Ausbaustücke: wichtige Armaturen und Zubehör gate valves, adapters and extensions: essential fittings für die Anlagen zur Aufbereitung und Verteilung von and accessories for drinking water treatment and sup- Trinkwasser unterliegen einem stetigen Druck zur ply equipment are subject to constant pressure for Verbesserung und Optimierung. Am besten gelingt improvement and optimisation. At best, this improve- dieser Verbesserungsprozess dann, wenn Anwen- ment process succeeds if user and manufacturer can der und Hersteller dabei in einem engen Verhältnis cooperate closely with one another. Only in this way kooperieren. Nur so lassen sich die Anforderungen can the requirements of users be transferred to new des Anwenders auf neue Konstruktionen und Werk- constructions and materials. And only in this way is it stoffe übertragen. Und nur so ist es möglich, dass die possible for the manufacturer to remain competitive Hersteller in einer sich wandelnden Welt des Trink- in the changing world of drinking water. wassers wettbewerbsfähig bleiben. Neue Generation von Unterflurhydranten A new generation of underground hydrants Matthias Müller Matthias Müller Unterflurhydranten erlauben die direkte Wasserent- Underground hydrants allow water to be taken nahme aus dem städtischen Trinkwassernetz. In ers- directly from the municipal drinking water network. ter Linie ist es das Löschwasser, aber auch für Rohr- First and foremost, this is extinguishing water, but netzspülungen, Bauvorhaben, Volksfeste und Straßen- water can also be drawn by hydrants from the net- reinigung kann Wasser über Hydranten dem Netz work for flushing piping systems, building projects, entnommen werden. Daneben können Hydranten zur fairs and carnivals and street cleaning. In addition, Be- und Entlüftung oder zur Entleerung von Rohrlei- hydrants can be used for aeration and ventilation or tungsabschnitten, aber auch zur Leckortung durch for draining sections of pipeline, but also for detect- Korrelationsverfahren genutzt werden. Hydranten ing leaks using the correlation process. Hydrants must müssen als „Alleskönner“ im Netzbetrieb ein breites be the “all-rounders” in network operation, meeting a Anforderungsspektrum erfüllen. So ist es kein Wunder, broad range of requirements. So it is no wonder that dass diese Armaturen Teil eines ständigen Optimie- these fittings are part of a constant process of opti- rungsprozesses sind. Das gilt sowohl für die Kons- misation. This applies both to construction and to truktion als auch für die eingesetzten Werkstoffe. So the materials used. So, it is no wonder, for example, wird z. B. der jüngste Unterflurhydrant der „Ober- the most recent “top class” underground hydrant is klasse“ mit einer Absperrkugel aus verschleißfestem equipped with a shut-off ball in wear-resistant poly- Polyurethan ausgestattet, die selbst bei kleinen urethane which prevents even small foreign particles Fremdkörpern im Ventilsitz dicht abschließt. Eine from getting into the valve seat. A further refinement weitere Finesse ist die Voll-Emaillierung innen und is the all-over enamelling, inside and outside, with an außen mit einem Email, das schlagfest ausgerüstet ist. enamel which makes it impact resistant. Wie erklärt man eine Regelarmatur? How to explain the function of a control valve? Ursula Vogler und Oliver Jäger Ursula Vogler and Oliver Jäger Die physikalischen Effekte der Blasenbildung und Ka- The physical effects of bubble formation and cavi- vitation, wie sie bei ungünstigen Randbedingungen in tation which, under unfavourable conditions, occur der Strömung des Wassers durch eine Armatur entste- when water flows through a valve are not visible from hen, sind von außen nicht sichtbar und können auch in outside and can also not be seen in a “real film”. This einem „Echtfilm“ nicht sichtbar gemacht werden. An- is not the case in an animation which can make use of ders in einer Animation, die sich die Daten der CAD- the data from a CAD construction. With a reproduc- Konstruktion zunutze machen kann. Mit einer detail- tion of the surface which is accurate in every detail, getreuen Oberflächennachbildung, der Simulation der the simulation of the flow of water, with skilful em- Wasserströmung, mit geschickter Betonung wichtiger phasis of important details and effective background Details und effektvoller Musikuntermalung ist ein Vi- music, a video has been produced in which the ad- deo entstanden, in dem die Vorteile des Düker Ring- vantages of the Düker plunger valve are made clearly kolbenventils verständlich vor Augen geführt werden. comprehensible. EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 12
Newsletter EADIPS FGR Dear Readers, most components of ductile iron pipe systems in water distribution networks are installed underground and form an invisible network. In public areas it is accessible on the surface via hydrants, e.g. for the extraction of extinguishing water, for the ventilation of pipelines or for flushing. This issue of the EADIPS Newsletter provides an insight into the different designs of hydrants. In other locations, valves are installed easily accessible; this is the case at the Sindelfingen waterworks. According to its corporate philosophy „Think globally - act locally“, ecological considerations are an important part of the strategy concept of Stadtwerke Sindelfingen. This is why butterfly valves and adapters and extension pieces in pipelines as well as ventilation valves on modern single-layer filters guarantee the safe operation of three different systems for drinking water treatment. The increase in congestion in the Schaffhausen region led to the construction of the Gal- genbuck Tunnel, which crosses the community of Neuhaus am Rheinfall in a wide arc over a total distance of 1,138 m. Such projects are no longer conceivable without a functioning extinguishing water supply. Water pipes and hydrants made of ductile cast iron are the first choice in these cases. Have an enjoyable and stimulating read Sincerely yours Christoph Bennerscheidt Always current, always informed The periodically published Newsletter provides specialists in the sector with the latest information on interesting European pipeline Projects as well as the many and varied activities of EADIPS FGR. Register at: eadips.org/newsletter-e/ EADIPS FGR GUSS-ROHRSYSTEME 53 13
EADIPS FGR News Manfred Künze and Christoph Aigner Annual report 2018 and perspective in 2019 The high temperatures this Sum- At this point we would like to thank mer have made us aware of just the members of EADIPS FGR for how important a functioning sup- their cooperation and support: ply of drinking water is, but also of how vulnerable our infrastruc- Full members tures can be. In this connection people have been talking of a “hot n Düker GmbH age“, a term which was selected by n Duktus (Wetzlar) GmbH & Manfred Künze, the German Language Association Co. KG Chairman of as its word of the year for 2018. n Erhard GmbH & Co. KG the Board This fact highlights one of the n Ludwig Frischhut GmbH & most serious global phenomena of Co. KG the early 21st century – that of cli- n Keulahütte GmbH mate change. Whether and in what n Tiroler Rohre GmbH way the high air temperatures and n vonRoll (hydro) suisse ag the resulting increase in soil tem- n vonRoll (hydro) deutschland peratures will have a direct effect gmbh sowie on our drinking water networks we cannot estimate as yet. But we Sponsoring members need to keep a close eye on this. Christoph Aigner, n Akzo Nobel Powder Vice Chairman of This makes it even more important Coatings GmbH the Board that we know more about the op- n Friedrichshütte GmbH erating status of our underground n Rhein-Ruhr Collin KG supply networks. At this juncture, Geschäftsbereich HTI on 13 November 2018 in Erding digitalisation in the water supply n TMH Hagenbucher AG (Bavaria), and resolutions were industry can make an important n Tröger + Entenmann KG passed on the further develop- contribution to improving our un- n Saint-Gobain Building Distri- ment of these subjects. In addi- derstanding of operating conditions. bution Deutschland GmbH tion, Christoph Aigner (Tiroler Against this background, a trail- n SATTEC DBS GOMMA SRL Rohre GmbH) was elected as the blazing decision has been made by n Vertriebsgesellschaft für new Deputy Chairman. Manfred the members of EADIPS FGR to Tiefbau und Umwelttechnik Künze (Duktus (Wetzlar) GmbH & get together in the “Digitalisation” mbH + Co. KG Co. KG and Keulahütte GmbH), as working group and look at the pro- n Woco IPS GmbH Business Chairman, will be steering the for- cesses of production, sales, instal- Unit Pipe System Components tunes of EADIPS FGR in future. lation and operation of pipes, fit- tings and valves. Something that it worth empha- sising is that the two topics for Public relations the future – the “Sponge City” and “Resource Efficiency” – are also The public relations of EADIPS closely linked with the subject of FGR will continue to concentrate climate change. on three areas which are closely linked to each other: Organisational matters n Publications in print media n Internet/social media The future-oriented topics of the n Trade fairs/exhibitions/ sponge city, digitalisation and re- symposiums source efficiency were also dis- cussed at the members’ meeting of EADIPS FGR, which was held EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 14
A symposium of a special kind was the FIHB University Lecturers Conference 2018 in February 2018. The FIHB is a German association which promotes information for university lecturers in construc- tion engineering. Organised by EADIPS FGR, it took place in Ko- blenz and Wetzlar under the motto “Ductile iron pipe systems: opera- Slide shows: Cradle-to-Cradle and Push-In Joints for Ductile Iron Pipes. tion, climate change and digitalisa- tion”. Particular attention was paid to the combination of inspection here: EADIPS FGR was invited to From the Association’s point of in practice during the visit to the be available for talks at members’ view, this step is necessary in or- walk-in culvert beneath the Rhine stands at the trade fair. And then der to contribute to the increas- in Koblenz and reports by network reports of IFAT 2018 with pictures ingly important role of the ISO in operators and measurement engi- and video clips were published standardisation work. China and neers as well as the descriptive re- “live” on the social networks. India have created huge casting ports by cast iron pipe experts on capacities, not least in the field of their latest developments, such as cast iron pipe system production the sponge city principle and the Set of Rules (take a look at the article by Mario resource efficiency of ductile iron Mackowiak on page 14). Experts pipe systems. Naturally, an account Collaboration in the matter of in both countries are making loud of the University Lecturers Con- rules and regulations was devel- demands for participation in the ference 2018 is reported in this oped further in 2018. This means corresponding international prod- Annual Journal. Which means that, that EADIPS FGR now has a pres- uct and system standards. once again, issue 53 of the “Ductile ence at ISO meetings taking place Iron Pipe Systems” Annual Journal across the world. serves as a basis for dissemination of expert knowledge about ductile iron pipe systems in the different specialist media. EADIPS FGR and/or its members are represented on the committees listed below and are taking an active part in the revision or develop- “A picture is worth more than a ment of standards in various fields: thousand words” and “with mov- ing images you can get important n ISO TC 5 SC 2: Cast iron pipes, fittings and their joints messages across more easily”; this n CEN TC 203: Cast iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints also applies to the recycling abil- - WG 7: Influence of non-metallic materials used in iron pipe- ity and closed cycle of “cast iron” lines on water quality as a material. This is demonstrated - WG 8: Coatings for pipes, fittings and accessories in the brief video “Cradle-to-Cra- - WG 9: Revision of EN 545, EN 598 and EN 969 dle” published in the social me- n DIN NA 082: Standards committee for pipelines and steam boiler dia so successfully. But short clips equipment (NARD) about applications such as “Push- - NA 082 BR: NARD advisory board in-joints” or “Interim pipelines - NA 082-00-05 AA: Mirror committee for TC 203, in ductile cast iron” have also at- excluding EN 598 tracted a great deal of attention. n DIN NA 119: Standards committee for water management (NAW) In a similar way, further videos - NA 119 BR: NAW advisory board are going to be produced and pub- - NA 119-05-32 AA: Mirror committee for TC 203, EN 598 lished in the social media in 2019. - NA 119-07-17 AA: Metal pipes and pipe joints for piping In addition, videos and animated systems outside buildings (DIN/DVGW joint committee) presentations will be used at trade n Drinking water hygiene fairs, exhibitions and symposi- - UBA – German Federal Environment Agency: ums to illustrate the themes for collaboration in the “Cement” working group the future to the professional pub- - FIGAWA: Collaboration in the “Valves” working group lic. The type of support provided and the “Elastomers” working group by members of EADIPS FGR at - EDW: European Drinking Water IFAT 2018 was a particular feature EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 15
Members of EADIPS FGR are chairmen or vicechairmen in the Authors following committees: Manfred Künze - CEN TC 203/WG 7: Influence of non-metallic materials used in Chairman of the Board iron pipelines on water quality of EADIPS FGR - CEN TC 203/WG 8: Coatings for pipes, fittings and accessories - DIN NA 082-00-05 AA: Mirror committee for TC 203, excluding Christoph Aigner EN 598 Vice Chairman of the Board - DIN NA 119-05-32 AA: Mirror committee for TC 203, EN 598 of EADIPS FGR EADIPS®/FGR® European Association for Themes for the future up the RAL “Ductile iron pipes, fit- Ductile Iron Pipe Systems/ tings and valves” quality associa- Fachgemeinschaft Guss- Continued development of the tion. In future, in the newly formed Rohrsysteme e. V. three EADIPS FGR themes for the Sector 8 of GET, quality guidelines Doncaster-Platz 5 future – the sponge city, digitali- will be established for the RAL D-45699 Herten sation and resource efficiency – “Ductile iron pipes, fittings and Phone: +49(0)2366 9943905 also took a further step forward valves” quality mark: the founding info@eadips.org in 2018. While the sponge city and members are the full members of eadips.org digitalisation topics have already EADIPS FGR. In addition, at the been able to be transformed into 2018 members’ meeting, it was concrete project work, a priority unanimously decided to bring the for work in 2019 will be to break cycle-oriented solutions already the subject of resource efficiency in existence, as developed by the down into concrete projects. A European casting industry, to the first project is the collaboration of attention of the decision-makers. EADIPS FGR with the quality association for drainage technol- ogy (Gütegemeinschaft Entwässe- rungstechnik e. V. or GET) to set From the EADIPS FGR folder series DATA + FACTS: The future topics sponge city, digitalisation and resource efficiency. All folders of the series as well as further publications of the EADIPS FGR are available for download at eadips.org. EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 16
In brief Trench shoring systems Trench shoring systems are used for the secure and accelerated installation of pipes in utility trenches. There are three options for installing ductile iron pipes up to 6 m long which can also be called up in the Online Tools on the EADIPS FGR website: Option 1: Inserting the pipe within one shoring unit Option 1 shows a schematic dia- gram of the process of inserting a ductile iron pipe within one shor- ing unit. The cast iron pipe can be supported by two slings to do this (one approximately in the middle and one in the socket area) and Option 1: threaded into the trench beneath Edge-supported shoring units, inserting the pipe within one shoring unit. the lowest level of struts. Option 2: Inserting the pipe within two shoring units Where the lowest level of struts is very deep, geometric factors may mean that the pipe cannot be threaded in within just one shor- ing unit but that two units are required for this. This complicates Option 2: the threading process as the slings Edge-supported shoring units, inserting the pipe within two shoring units. have to be attached and removed. A secure fixing of the pipe must always be ensured here. Option 3: Swinging in To swing in the pipe a sling is at- tached to its centre of gravity. By changing its inclination while si- multaneously guiding it horizon- tally the pipe is positioned on the Option 3: pipe bed inside one shoring unit. Edge-supported shoring units, swinging in. As the inclination and guiding of the pipe is assisted manually, at- tention needs to be paid to the se- cure attachment of the pipe; in- clining the pipe too steeply is to be avoided. EADIPS FGR GUSS-ROHRSYSTEME 53 17
Technical article Mario Mackowiak, Manfred Künze and Christoph Aigner About the German foundry industry Facts and figures, structures and markets Cast metal components are not For 2019, the current monitor- tonnes in 2017, which was 79 % of merely used for media transport, ing of the market by the Ger- the world’s foundry production of particularly water and wastewa- man foundry industry association 104 million tonnes. ter. Across the world, cast compo- (BDG) does not show any clear nents can be found in almost all trend. However, a certain slow- One thing which is evident is the branches of industry. The reasons down or possibly even a slight fall Asiatic dominance, where in par- for this are diverse. Worth men- in demand is very probable. ticular the Chinese foundries will tioning here are e.g. the mechani- become an even closer neighbour cal properties of the different cast In the global classification, Ger- to Europe as a result of the mas- materials and the fact that, in the man ferrous and non-ferrous sive drive to develop the “New Silk liquid state, metals can take on casting has been stable for a few Road”. So China is investing al- almost any geometric form de- years, occupying the 5th spot on a most 1 billion dollars in the trade sired and, once cooled, have a high par with Japan. routes of the New Silk Road to Eu- loadbearing capacity. Tradition- rope and Africa [2]. ally, a distinction is made between The six countries of China, India, two main groups of cast materi- USA, Japan, Germany and Russia als – ferrous cast materials and alone produced around 82 million non-ferrous metal cast materials. The business climate of the foundry industry Business performance in 2018 shows a mixed picture for Ger- man foundries. While non-ferrous materials (NF), and in particular aluminium and aluminium alloys, record a slight decline, due to a re- strained demand for automobiles, by contrast the demand for iron, steel and malleable cast iron (Fe) continues to increase. Production trend for German iron foundries [1]. Fortunately, each of the three main consumers of cast products – ve- hicle construction, machine con- struction and other cast metal applications – contributes to the forecast volume growth of 3 % at around 4.35 million tonnes in 2018. In summary, one can see from the production statistics that, after de- cline and stagnation in the period 2012 to 2016, the iron, steel and malleable cast iron production continuously increases again. German ferrous and non-ferrous production – 5th in the world (source: BDG). EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 18
Size structure of German foundries [1]. Sales structure 2016 [1]. On the structure of the German Among these are: EADIPS FGR member companies iron foundries (pipes, fittings and valves) come n altered environmental require- under the categories Construction In 2017, German iron, steel and ments for production locations and Other. These sectors overall malleable cast iron foundries, with n escalating approval procedures amount to a proportion of 11 % or approx. 42,000 employees, gen- n increased costs for energy around 430,000 tonnes a year. For erated total sales of more than supplies and constantly many decades the pipe and pipe 7 billion euros in 240 production increasing formalities when fitting production was explic- units. Hence the average turnover applying for the special equali- itly identified, for the last time in amounts to 29 million euros per sation scheme and 2003 with 231,000 tonnes a year, of foundry with an arithmetic aver- n highly fluctuating raw materi- which 180,000 tonnes (!) or 62 % age of 175 employees. als prices were exported. A glance at the structure of busi- An example of changing envi- Since 2004, the law currently ap- ness sizers for German found- ronmental requirements is the plicable for statistics for federal ries clearly shows that 71 % of the amendment of the technical in- purposes unfortunately no longer iron, steel and malleable cast iron structions on air quality control allows for the separate disclosure foundries and 85 % of the non- (TA Luft), the central immission for pipes and pipe fittings. ferrous foundries have up to 249 control provisions and basis for employees. Hence they pretty approval for more than 50,000 much epitomise the German mid- industrial systems. To be newly Outlook size sector. In particular, these adopted in TA Luft is the odour medium-sized operations in- pollution control guideline. One As already described in the section creasingly have to contend with can imagine that foundries which, on the structure of German found- problems in their economic envi- at the time of their establishment, ries, there are ronment. This can be for different were still built in the open coun- reasons depending on the sector. try away from towns and cities and n altered environmental require- are today surrounded by the urban ments for production locations To a not inconsiderable extent, environment with its different us- n escalating approval procedures there are cross-industry changes age scenarios may be particularly n increased costs for energy in the framework conditions for affected by the change. supplies and constantly the establishment and operation increasing formalities when of industrial locations to which applying for the special equali- the large corporations can react The customer structure of sation scheme and more easily, but which can place iron foundries n highly fluctuating raw materi- a heavy financial burden on the als prices medium-sized foundries. The customer structure of iron foundries is dominated by road which on the one hand weigh on vehicle and machine construc- the location and operation of the tion. In 2016 80 % of all iron, steel predominantly medium-size struc- and malleable cast iron castings tures of iron foundries. produced went to these sectors alone. The cast iron production of EADIPS FGR DUCTILE IRON PIPE SYSTEMS 53 19
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