Energiedialog evb "Vernetzte Energie, vernetztes Leben - Eine Zeitreise in die Zukunft" - evb Beckum
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Energiedialog evb „Vernetzte Energie, vernetztes Leben – Eine Zeitreise in die Zukunft“ Harald Kemmann, Head of Insights & Ideation Beckum, 17. November 2016
Vernetztes Leben: Wird so unser Zuhause smart? Konkurrenz für Amazon Echo: Apple baut angeblich Siri- Lautsprecher Apple will angeblich Siri- Lautsprecher bauen. Apple scheint einen Amazon-Echo- und Google-Home- Konkurrenten zu planen. Quelle: Amazon: https://www.amazon.de/Amazon-Echo-Dot-Generation-Schwarz/dp/B01DFKBG54/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1474906339&sr=8-2&keywords=echo Google: http://www.areamobile.de/news/38224-google-assistant-googles-neuer-sprachassistent-soll-smart-home-aufmischen Apple: http://www.golem.de/news/konkurrenz-fuer-amazon-echo-apple-baut-angeblich-siri-lautsprecher-1609-123440.html Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 3 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Ein kleiner Annäherungsversuch zur Vernetzung von Energie und Mensch … Quelle: Eigene Vorentwicklung, 2015 Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 4 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Visionen für Zuhause … im Test mit Partnern. Quelle: „Visions of Living“ - Unternehmensnetzwerk universal home, 2016 Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 5 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
TIPPING POINTS – EINE ZEITREISE IN DIE ZUKUNFT Quelle: (2017-2018): SmartBook RWE Effizienz GmbH, Tipping Points in der Energiewirtschaft, November 2013; (2018-2027): WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, Survey Report, September 2015 Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Tipping Points 2018: (Data)-Storage for all Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 7 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Der Markt für Speicher wächst. Geht’s schneller? Prognose für Deutschland. 250.000 Tipping Point Marktgröße June 2018 200.000 200.000 Zuwachs 150.000 150.000 110.000 100.000 78.000 55.000 50.000 50.000 40.000 23.000 32.000 20.000 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Quelle: Zubau-Szenario BSW Solar, Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft eV, 22. Juni 2016 Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 9 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Prognose der Li-Ionen-Batteriepreisentwicklung 1), Energiedichte und Zyklenstabilität 1) Systempreis Endkunde Quelle: SmartBook RWE Effizienz 2013 - FOI Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 10 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Preisverfall aus Endkundensicht? 1 Zelle: 2,75 Ah, 3,7 V = 10,175 Wh 1 kWh: 98,28 Zellen 5,53kg 200 EUR (Endkundenpreis, unverhandelt) Quelle: http://www.idealo.de/preisvergleich Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 11 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Heimspeicher: Ein Gedankenexperiment 3,9kWh = 8.399,-- € 1) 0,25kWh = 14,99 € 2) 1) Source: RWE Storage Flex 2) Source: ebay, (Supplier from Shenzhen, China) http://www.energiewelt.de/web/cms/mediablob/de/2885188/data/2391704/6/energieberatung 50000mAh USB Power Bank /solarenergie-photovoltaik/rwe-homepower-storage/batteriespeicher-von-rwe/RWE-Storage- http://www.ebay.de/itm/50000mAh-Externer-USB-Ladegeraet-Smartphone-Power-Bank- 12 flex-Produktbroschuere.pdf Zusatzakku-Batterie-Akku-/152164494280?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Heimspeicher 100kWh: Ein Gedankenexperiment 26,6 Geräte * 3,9kWh = 100 kWh ≈ 215.359,-- € 1) 1) Source: RWE Storage Flex http://www.energiewelt.de/web/cms/mediablob/de/2885188/data/2391704/6/energieberatung 13 /solarenergie-photovoltaik/rwe-homepower-storage/batteriespeicher-von-rwe/RWE-Storage- flex-Produktbroschuere.pdf
Heimspeicher 100kWh: Ein Gedankenexperiment 26,6 Geräte * 3,9kWh = 100 kWh ≈ 215.359,-- € 1) 400 Geräte * 0,25kWh = 100 kWh ≈ 5.996,-- € 2) 1) Source: RWE Storage Flex 2) Source: ebay, (Supplier from Shenzhen, China) http://www.energiewelt.de/web/cms/mediablob/de/2885188/data/2391704/6/energieberatung http://www.ebay.de/itm/50000mAh-Externer-USB-Ladegeraet-Smartphone-Power-Bank- 14 /solarenergie-photovoltaik/rwe-homepower-storage/batteriespeicher-von-rwe/RWE-Storage- Zusatzakku-Batterie-Akku-/152164494280?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368 flex-Produktbroschuere.pdf
B2C PV: Selbsterzeugter Strom derzeit bei 8,75 ct/kWh Source: http://www.photovoltaik-angebotsvergleich.de/photovoltaik-kosten Source: http://www.photovoltaiksolarstrom.de/photovoltaik-rechner-online Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 15
B2C Heimspeicher: Gespeicherter Strom 6,74 ct / kWh Speicherkosten – ausgewählte Beispiele gross max depth max capacity for Storage @ home of discharge charging usable price in (DOD) cycles 10 kWh B2C price ct / kWh The next offer will come soon … TESLA Power Wall 2 80% 6600 12,5 kWh 4.445 € 6,74 Blei-Carbon Winner TITAN 80% 4000 12,5 kWh 4.800 € 12 LiFePo4 PYLONTECH 80% 6600 12,5 kWh 8.000 € 15 OPzV Panzerplatten (GEL) 50% 2500 20 kWh 4.800 € 18 OPzS Panzerplatten 50% 2500 20 kWh 4.400 € 17 Mercedes Benz (Accumotive) 80% 6600 12,5 kWh 12.499 € 18,9 Lithium Ionen (NMC) 80% 6600 12,5 kWh 13.200 € 20 AGM Zyklenfest 50% 1000 20 kWh 2.800 € 28 GEL Zyklenfest 50% 1400 20 kWh 4.000 € 28 Typ. Lead-acid 50% 800 20 kWh 2.400 € 30 Source: https://greenakku.de/Batterien und https://www.tesla.com/de_DE/powerwall und https://www.mercedes-benz.com/de/mercedes-benz-energy/ Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 16 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Zusammenfassung: average electricity electricity PV @ home demotion production production in PV @ home price after 20 per year and 20 years per B2C price per in years kWp 10 kWp 10 kWp ct / kWh Weitere Angebote folgen … ? PV (B2C Markt-Angebot) 80% 790 157800 kWh 13.800 € 8,75 gross Storage @ home max depth of capacity for Storage @ home discharge max charging usable B2C price price in (DOD) cycles 10 kWh per 10 kWh ct / kWh Weitere Angebote folgen … ? Heimspeicher (B2C Markt-Angebot) 80% 6600 12,5 kWh 4.445 € 6,74 Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 17 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Strom selber machen? möglicher Strompreis (B2C) (ct/kWh) selbsterzeugter Strom (ct/kWh) 0,60 24,32 1,59 2,05 3,88 6,22 8,75 0,00 15,49 3,54 6,74 6,44 Grid Sales EEG VAT Electricity Con- Other Total Storage Own No other Total levy margin levy tax cession fees price @ home production fees price fee (PV) Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Off-grid solar in Africa is in a healthy position TOP 5 of 40 players: 1. Mobisol (> 5MW installed in Tanzania and Rwanda, using drones to deliver parts) 2. M-Kopa (> 330.000 customers in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) 3. Off-Grid Electric (no.1 in Tanzania; 45 Million $ dept refinancing (first-of-its-kind)) 4. Azuri Technologies (HomeSmart technology ‘learns’ the customer’s usage patterns) 5. Nova Lumos (no. 1 in Nigeria; 80W system size “best in class”) “It could cost between $600 and $800 for someone to connect to the national grid.” (Erica Mackey, COO OGE) Quelle: innogy Innovation Hub, Eigene Recherche, August 2016 Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Off-grid solar in Africa: Big Data is alive Quelle: innogy Innovation Hub, Eigene Recherche, August 2016 Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
UnConference 22. August 2016 Die erste Zn-Air Batterie im Einsatz Wir denken und handeln schnell. Mit radikalen Innovationen wollen wir den Spitzenplatz in einem dynamischen Marktumfeld einnehmen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMfIR1Q0EZc&feature=youtu.be Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 25
Kontakt Harald Kemmann Head of Insights & Ideation T +49 162 2518052 harald.kemmann@innogy.com Energiedialog evb, Beckum, 17. November 2016 27 © Copyright innogy SE / innogy Innovation Hub The information contained herein is not for publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Important notice This document contains forward-looking statements. These statements are based on the current views, expectations, assumptions and information of the management, and are based on information currently available to the management. Forward-looking statements shall not be construed as a promise for the materialisation of future results and developments and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those described in such statements due to, among other things, changes in the general economic and competitive environment, risks associated with capital markets, currency exchange rate fluctuations, changes in international and national laws and regulations, in particular with respect to tax laws and regulations, affecting the Company, and other factors. Neither the Company nor any of its affiliates assume(s) any obligations to update any forward- looking statements. innogy SE · innogy Innovation Hub · October 2016 28
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