REGENSBURG TOURIST GUIDE - surrounding countryside - Regensburger Touristen ...
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2021/2022 12th Edition TOURIST GUIDE REGENSBURG & surrounding countryside WWW.REGENSBURG-TOURIST-GUIDE.DE + CITY MAP + ATTRACTIONS + CULTURE + SHOPPING + GASTRONOMY + ACCOMODATION & MORE Fußgängerbrücke Frankenstraße Steinweg Bäckergasse Buspark- platz P Bäckergasse Wehr P Am Europakanal BUS rücke Dultplatz P WC RE Am Protzenweiher GE Griede Protzenweiherb N r. We Gutweinstr. inr-St ste nd Auf der Dand str Stadtamhof Steg g-He . lstraß Herzo er STADTAMHOF tein e fens Gebhardstr. Württ Seifensiederg. Pfaf Herzog-Albrechtstr. Spitalgasse embe rgstr. Pfaf Andre fens Franzis- asstr. teine kaner- St. Schopperplatz r W. platz Katharinen- Am Gries platz Herzogspark Lieblstr. Wasse Griese Preb rg. Salzg Hundsum . runn r Steg kehr rgstr. allee l. Holzlän Herrenp embe hen destr. Badstraße Müllerstr. Maffeistr. Ledererg Spatzengäßc . Eiserner P Prosk Württ Steg Jahninsel Gu WC l DONAU Rühlgässe Led Steinerne Brücke m erer estr. Holzlände pel Gerbe g. Am Beschläch rg. str. . tz Prebrunnstr. Brunnle t ha Am W Wöhrdstr ite einm Wöhrdstr. imerstr. arkt Weinlände . Schallern Rehg. Wöhrdstr. Wöhrdstr. lbans-G Weitold W tr. fen Haagg. nt Am str. Sankt- ei rg. Brücke ing Insels Ke p l m Wie . Dalbergstr. Leonards-Platz erg erha Winklerg erstr. dfang A Maide Metgebe . Werftst Portnerg. raben nberg Rote- Löwen-Str. Sankt-A r. P Wint Fischmarkt Goldene-Bär str. Engelburgerg. We . en-St -Kranz-G Fidelg. Blaue-Lilien-G. Eiserne itold t r. W.-La Gelegenhei el erberg str. mm -G. Fischgäss Posthorng. Am -G. Scheugäßchen Thundorferstr. . Grüngürtel Fuchs Brückstr Hackengäßchen Silberne Nonn Taubeng. Weiße-Hahnen in gäß. enpl. te WC Baumhackerg. Prebrunnalle Werftstr. Weißg Sta Lindnerg. l ns Wollwir g erg Zur Schönen Am Römlin de kerg. hlz Zieroldspl. Einhorngäßchen Ju AmSchulb win Roter Herzfleck Goliathstr. Am Weing. ge Unter den Schwib rw. bögen arkt Rathausplatz ag-G. Watmarkt Donau g. eyerg. Niedermünst Krautererm Arnulfs- P Neue-Wa Kohlenmarkt lände Trunzer Kreuz pLatz Waagg. g. -Str. Ludwigstr. Klosterm . Haidpl. Haidplatz Kramg. oferg Adolph-Kolping-Str. tlg. Kreuzg. sstr. Domgarten Os achg. ohren rg. Gich ten Wahlenstr. erg. Vor der sg. ga ttenh Grieb . Sta Tändle Ro Glockeng WC Neuhau s se Untere B Kapuzinerg. hlz te- Erhardig. Kreb zstr. Drei-M Dok win Ha Scha tor- Residen Joh ge hn Dom ann rw. en Platz Stadtpark -Ma Kramwinkel . Grieb Trotheng -G Hinter der Domstr. ier- bstr. Steinerg. WC Str . Jako . Villapark Poetengäßchen Drei-Helm-G. Frauen- Alter Pfluggasse erg. Platz ber Korn- r. P Pfaueng. der Einheit Fürst-Anselm-Allee Neupfarr- gl markt Villast Hall Gesa platz Speicherg. Salzburger G. . nd Kapelleng Str. Guten- tenstr. Schwanenplatz Bertoldstr. inger Bismarck- berg- Predig Wiesm Prüfen platz erg. platz Heiliggeisttg. Str. Wittels erw. lberg S p ie ge l g . WC ch Beraiterw. Prinzenw. ner Lehn enba Obere Bachg. Augustinerg. Schottenstr. . Taxisstr. Dänzerg. erstr. eierw. Ludwig- ette Röhrlgässel Am Ö Ortnerg. Drei-Kronen-G. bache Schwarze-Bären-Str Deischg. rz chb Silbernagelg. l lsberg . Bauergässe rixener Hof Stä Fahrbeckg Dachaupl. Weißbräuhausg. Straußgäßchen De rstr. Eckert-S nstr. Silberne-Fis Am Weiße- erg. Blaue-Stern-G. Maximilianstr. Gabe Mathilde ch-G le-Str. . Gäßchen St.Kassians- rg. Wilhe Wiesmeierw. Luzeng. Pfarr nstr. ohne platz Gäßchen End Male Auerg. Lilien-S Doktor-Martin-Luther-Str. Adlerg. Am B tr. Doktor-Wunder Rote-St Viereimerg. Seda lmstr. Äg Steckg. idi ern-G. Minoritenw. Kirschgäßchen Mino tr. en Alte Mangg. riten Grünes Schottenstr. pl. P r Str. weg Marschallstr. . rg tene Oberm Königsst Reic de hbet ünste a r. hsstr W Dec rstr. im . itte Königsstr. S An derHülling . lsb Waffnerg. Str ac Emmerams tr. tr. he ffners ner rst platz Türken-S r. Roter-Lilie Von-der-Tann-Str. Entengang ette n-Win Jesuitenpl Schä kel atz chb f Liskir ho De zumink chers igs Eck lsch Gra Fröhliche- tr. sg. ngang Vau ön tr. r. Ostenallee rgers mK erst Ägidie Waffnerg A P Wilhelmstr. irch Lisk Dörnbergpark elsbe r Str. Fuchsengan Sankt-Peters-W. Am g . Maximilianstr Gab Peterstor Str. Hoppestr. Richar . Landshuter Kumpfmühle Thurmayerstr. Augustenstr. Wagner- Helenenstr. Str. Richard- d-Wag ner-St r. Doktor-Martin-Luther-Str. tr. Roritzers Sankt-Peters-W Ernst- str. Fürst-Anselm-Allee . Reuter- Sedan tr. Platz La bergs Ladehofstr. Margareten nd straße Albe Luitpold sh rtstra str. ute Stern Friedrich-Niede ße r rmayer-Str. Str . r. Luitpo nn-Str. Roritzerst Clara- Schuma Bahnhofstr. ldstr. Stobäusplatz H e ma u e rgbrücke Sarmanna-Str. rstr. rstr. BAHNHOF rhofe enbe Maie Lan Galg Regensburg dsh P Arcaden ute Friedensstraße r Str. Universitätsstraße Sternbergstr. University FOR FREE
Our Day Tickets 2 and 5: family-friendly and inexpensive. It’s your choice! Travelling on your own, with another person or in a group of five. Our Day Tickets are the best choice for day trips into the region. 2 201019_AZ_Touristguide_2021_ENG_SK.indd 1 20.10.2020 15:31:16
Str. Str. 34 Wenzenbach/ 34 Wenzenbach/ 17 Kareth/ 17 Kareth/ Lappersdorf/ Lappersdorf/ 13 13 41 Regenstauf/ 41 Regenstauf/ Nabburger NabburgerStr. Kronacher KronacherStr. Wutzlhofen Bernhardswald Route Schematischer Schematischer Liniennetzplan Liniennetzplan Regendorf Hainsacker Schwandorf Haslbach Haslbach 77 77 Wutzlhofen Bernhardswald Zone Zone 33 Regendorf Hainsacker Schwandorf Str. Bahnhof 33 Route Sallerner SallernerBerg Berg 33 99 Lichtenfelser LichtenfelserStr. Bahnhof Irlbach MapMap BusBus Irlbach 88 117 Kareth/ 117 Lappersdorf/ Lappersdorf/ 14 14 Kötztinger Str. Kulmbacher Kulmbacher Kareth/ Kötztinger Str. Rodau Rodau Wolfsegg Wolfsegg Gallingkofen Gallingkofen Haslbachweg Haslbachweg Str. Str. Coburger Zone Zone 22 Regensburg Regensburg Gallingkofen/Hochmuth Gallingkofen/Hochmuth 33 Coburger Regensburg Lappersdorf/ Lappersdorf/ 15 15 Harzstr. Harzstr. Im Reichen ImReichen Str. Str. Gr. Gr.Irlbacher Str. IrlbacherStr. Route Map Bus Tunnel Kallmünz Wetter- Wetter- Str. Brandlbergstr. Stand: 13.12.2020 10.12.2017 Stand:13.12.2020 13.12.2020 Kareth KarethAm AmTunnel Kallmünz station Winkel Winkel Berliner BerlinerStr. Wutzlhofen Wutzlhofen 33 44 Gr. Gr.Brandlbergstr. station Gr. Schützen- Gr.Schützen- Grünthal Grünthal Nachdruck10.12.2017 Nachdruck nur nurmit Genehmigung Genehmigung der Regensburger derRegensburger GmbH VerkehrsverbundGmbH Neukareth Str. Mecklenburger Schlesierstr. Reproduction Reproduction mitonly with permission only with of Verkehrsverbund permission RVV Neukareth Amberger AmbergerStr. Spessartstr. Spessartstr. Mecklenburger Pommernstr. Pommernstr. 11 Schlesierstr. heimweg heimweg Feuerwehr Feuerwehr Reproduction Regensburg only with permission of RVVof RVV Dreifaltigkeitsberg Dreifaltigkeitsberg Str. Tarif-Hinweis: Tarif-Hinweis: Alle Allehier dargestellten hierdargestellten Haltestellen ausgenommen ––ausgenommen Grünthalund undIrlbach Irlbach–– Str. Ardennenstr. Fare Fare information: information: All stopsHaltestellen All stops shown shown here here exceptGrünthal –– except for Grünthal for Grünthal and Siedlung Fluderstr. Fluderstr. 441 Argonnenstr. Argonnenstr. Ardennenstr. 1 Ostpreußenstr. 4 Fare liegen information: liegen innerhalb innerhalbder All Zonestops derZone 11 Pfälzer PfälzerSiedlung Str. Ostpreußenstr. Abzw. Hintere Abzw.Hintere Hollerweg Hollerweg 334 and Irlbach Irlbach are –10.12.2017 are –locatedlocated within within fare shown here – except for Grünthal and Schelmengraben fare zonezone1 1 Schelmengraben Schule St. Nikola Siebenbürgener SiebenbürgenerStr. Aussiger Aussiger Sonder- Sonder- Schule St. Nikola 77 77 Keilbergstr. Keilbergstr. Irlbach – are located Reproduction only with within fare zone permission 1 of RVV Reinhausen Str. burger burger Str Str Hintere Keilbergstr. HintereKeilbergstr. 34 Rinnen Reinhausen Memeler Str. 34 Bei Beider derRinnen Memeler Kirche Kirche Sudetendeutsche Str. SudetendeutscheStr. Sandgasse Sandgasse Str. Linie Fare information: All stops shown here – except for Grünthal and Zone Zone11 Brücke Str. Harthof Danziger Zur ZurHohen HohenLinie 12 Pielenhofen 12 Pielenhofen Am Holzhof AmHolzhof Reinhausen ReinhausenBrücke Harthof Danziger Irlbach – are located within fare zone 1 Pfaffensteiner Pfaffensteiner 77 77 Freiheit Freiheit Keilberg Keilberg Hemau 28 4 4 4 4 28 28 Hemau Oberwinzer Niederwinzer Brücke Oberpfalzbrücke 28 15 34 34 34 34 Oberwinzer Niederwinzer Brücke Oberpfalzbrücke 15 14 88 28 13 14 Nordgaustr. Nordgaustr. Schulzentrum Isarstr. SchulzentrumIsarstr. 28 12 13 12 Lechstr. Lechstr. Loisachstr. Loisachstr. Brandlberg Brandlberg Grünthaler Grünthaler An der Ander Keilberger Keilberger 12 12 17 Kager Dornfelderweg Str. Str. 117 17 Str. Hauptstr. Kager Dornfelderweg Nürnberger NürnbergerStr. Würzburger WürzburgerStr. 117 Str. Schauergrube Schauergrube Hauptstr. Auf der Aufder Steinweg Steinweg Naabstr. Naabstr. Donaustaufer Str. DonaustauferStr. Grede Grede 55 88 Dultplatz Dultplatz Stadtamhof Weichser Weg WeichserWeg Vilsstr./ Vilsstr./ Gewerbepark/Donau-Arena Gewerbepark/Donau-Arena Stadtamhof Westheim Westheim Weinweg Weinweg Wöhrdstr./ Gewerbepark Gewerbepark Wöhrdstr./ Tegernheim/ Jugend- Eiserne Jugend- Eiserne An den Anden Kalkwerk Kalkwerk Tegernheim/ Albertus- Kepler- Kepler- Fisch- Fisch- Thun- Thun- herberge Weichser Donaustauf/ Donaustauf/ Josef- Josef- Albertus- Brücke herberge Brücke Weichser Boessner- Magnus- str. str. markt markt dorferstr. dorferstr. Breiten Wörth Do. Wörtha.a.d.d.Do. Boessner- Adler- Adler- Magnus- 17 44 Breiten Baseball-Stadion Baseball-Stadion Fleischmann- Fleischmann- Westbad str. Gym. 17 Westbad str. Str. Str. Gym. 11 13 13 3 str. str. 55 11 22 3 Weichs/DEZ Weichs/DEZ Gumpelzhaimerstr. Gumpelzhaimerstr. 11 99 Zone Zone 11 55 Clermont- Clermont- 88 12 12 Kirchstr. Werner- Holzgarten- Holzgarten- Kirchstr. Schwabelweis Heyden SchwabelweisHeyden Werner- Ferrand-Allee Ferrand-Allee Dornierstr. Hans- 66 Ostdeutsche Ostdeutsche werkstr. Dornierstr. Hans- Haid- Haid- Altes Altes str./DEZ str./DEZ werkstr. Sachs-Str. Galerie Galerie Haus Sachs-Str. platz platz Rathaus Rathaus Haus 11 11 Herm.-Köhl-Str. Herm.-Köhl-Str. 11 11 Arnulfsplatz Bayerischen Ober- Arnulfsplatz Domplatz der derBayerischen Prinz- Prinz- Liebig- Liebig- Bukarester Ober- Domplatz Geschichte Bukarester maierstr. AA Geschichte Weißen- Ludwig-Str. Ludwig-Str. str. str. Str. Irlmauth Kreuzhof Barbing/Neutraubling 30 Barbing/Neutraubling 30 Sparkasse maierstr. 55 10 Weißen- 10 Str. Irlmauth Kreuzhof Sparkasse Taxisstr. 10 burgstr. 10 30 31 30 31 Taxisstr. burgstr. 30 31 33 30 31 33 Bismarck- Bismarck- Königsstr. 33 32 33 Neupfarr- Königsstr. Guten- Neupfarr- Guten- Dachauplatz Dachauplatz 32 Roter-Brach-Weg Roter-Brach-Weg 66 Goethestr. platz platz Zucker- Barbing/Pfatter Barbing/Pfatter 33 33 Goethestr. bergplatz platz bergplatz platz Am Königshof Gabelsbergerstr. Gabelsbergerstr. Zucker- 44 Am Königshof fabrikstr. fabrikstr. Annahofstr. Annahofstr. Peter- Peter- IrlIrl Sulzfeldstr. Sulzfeldstr. Lessingstr. Lessingstr. Tages- Tages- Henlein-Str. 32 32 11 Kreuz Henlein-Str. 32 den 14 14 15 Hohes HohesKreuz Kremser Kremser Ikea Ikea 32 An Anden Deiningerstr. Deiningerstr. Ernst- Ernst- 15 28 Greflingerstr. Greflingerstr. Kloster- Margaretenau/Krankenhaus Ticket Ticket 28 77 Str. Str. Kloster- Margaretenau/Krankenhaus Reuter- Reuter- 34 77 gründen 34 41 gründen Barmherzige Brüder BarmherzigeBrüder Platz 41 31 Legende Innenstadt Innenstadt Platz 33 30 30 31 Legende Legend 33 32 Stobäus- Stobäus- Killermannstr. Killermannstr. Michael-Burgau-Str. Justiz- 32 23 Legend Linie line verkehrt verkehrt Linieonly hier nur hiernur operates in in in the Prüfening Michael-Burgau-Str. Justiz- 23 24 platz platz 10 10 10 Prüfening gebäude 24 A.A.d.d.Irler IrlerHöhe Höhe 10 angegebener angegebener line only Fahrtrichtung Fahrtrichtung operates Renn- gebäude stated direction here in the 10 Renn- 11 10 Lilienthalstr. Lilienthalstr. 117 117 stated direction here weg weg X9 X9 Legend Haltestelle nur inin stated 66 18 Hauptbahnhof 99 10 Haltestelle stop only nur 18 Hauptbahnhof AA X4X4 X9 X9 55 88 11 10 line only operates angegebener in in the Hoppestr. Hoppestr. 77 16 16 22 3030 direction angegebener inFahrtrichtung stated stop only Fahrtrichtung Rennplatz 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 15 16 18 20 17 18 20 21 23 21 23 stated direction here Rennplatz Dechbettner DechbettnerStr. 18 Str. 18 Fritz-Fend-Str. 12 Fritz-Fend-Str. 3131 direction shared Gemeinsamestops Gemeinsame Haltestellen Haltestellen Bhf. Prüfening Bhf.Prüfening 24 24 28 28 30 31 32 30 31 32 33 33 34 34 41 41 77 117 77 117 stop only in stated shared stops direction 880 Erminoldweg Erboweg Unterer Unterer 10 Endhaltestelle terminal 10 Endhaltestelle 880 Erminoldweg Erboweg Königswiesen 10 Gutenbergstr. Königswiesen 10 Gutenbergstr. Süd/Arcaden 33 Kath. Friedhof Kath.Friedhof shared stops terminal Neumarkt Neumarkt Dechbetten Asamstr. HBF HBFSüd/Arcaden Hermann-Geib-Str. Hermann-Geib-Str. XX99 section Abschnitt not served is wird wegen OPf. Dechbetten Cranachweg/ Cranachweg/ Kirche Asamstr. Abschnitt due wird wegen to construction inner-city zone i.i.d.d.OPf. KÖWE Kirche Antoniuskirche Antoniuskirche Siemensstr./ Siemensstr./ Bauarbeiten Bauarbeiten work nicht bedient nichtbedient KÖWE St. Paul St.Paul terminal inner-city zone 993 993 Dechbetten Dechbetten--TELIS FINANZ TELISFINANZ Beethoven- Beethoven- 99 Continental Continental Friedrich- str. Safferlingstr. Safferlingstr. RVV customer centre Tages-Ticket Neustadt Friedrich- Theresienkirche Theresienkirche Ev. Zentralfriedhof Ev.Zentralfriedhof str. Tages-Ticket Neustadt Schwalbenneststr. Schwalbenneststr. Ebert-Str. 77 Innenstadt Hemauerstr. inner-city Innenstadt Innenstadt Innenstadt zone RVV customer 1 centre Do. a.a.d.d.Do. Ebert-Str. X4 Alfons- Hornstr. Hornstr. 2 Simmernstr. X4 Haydnstr. Haydnstr. Alfons- Krankenhaus 233 XX99 Frachtpost- Hemauerstr. 1 Dürerstr. Simmernstr. Augsburger Kath. Bischof- Auer-Str. Krankenhaus Frachtpost- Park RVV-Kundenzentrum RVV customer & Ride centre Dürerstr. Augsburger Ob. Ob.Kath. Bischof- Auer-Str. Josef zentrum RVV-Kundenzentrum 10 10 Str. Friedhof Konrad-Str. St. St.Josef 9 zentrum Hemauerstr. 44 Klenzestr. Str. Friedhof Konrad-Str. Brahmsstr. Brahmsstr. Burgunderstr. XX9 Hemauerstr. Hemauerstr.111 Park & Ride Dr.-Gessler-Str. Klenzestr. 10 10 Burgunderstr. Zeißstr. Zeißstr. 2424 Dr.-Gessler-Str. Hofgartenweg Wolfgangs- Wolfgangs- Hofgartenweg An der Ander Park Park Park&& Ride Ride &Ride Zone Zone 11 Von-Müller-Gymnasium Von-Müller-Gymnasium kirche TechCampus/ TechCampus/ Iselrinne kirche Iselrinne Friesenstr. Friesenstr. Benzstr. Benzstr. GbR, Regensburg OTH OTH Bajuwarenstr. Bajuwarenstr. 22 Gestaltung: Gestaltung: ©©Baumgardt BaumgardtConsultants ConsultantsGbR, Kaiser-Friedrich-Allee Kaiser-Friedrich-Allee Kaulbach- Kaulbach- OTH OTHRegensburg Burgweinting Humboldtstr. Tulpenweg Burgweinting weg weg Humboldtstr. Tulpenweg Schwabenstr. Schwabenstr. 22 Kirche Rathenau- Rathenau- Ludwig-Erhard-Str. Ludwig-Erhard-Str. Th.-Storm- Kirche Nibelungenstr. Nibelungenstr. Th.-Storm- Karthauser Karthauser str. str. Max- Str. Str. Straße Universität Universität 44 Max- Harting Harting Otto-Wels-Str. Otto-Wels-Str. Straße 22 Planck-Str. 44 Schöneberger Str. SchönebergerStr. Garbenstr. Garbenstr. Planck-Str. Friedhof Friedhof Theodor-Heuss-Platz Boelckestr. 66 Humboldtstr. Humboldtstr. Burgweinting Theodor-Heuss-Platz Boelckestr. Nord Otto- 1 Burgweinting Holzerstr. Holzerstr. Wolfgangschule WolfgangschuleNord der Otto- Bürgerhaus 33 Bürgerhaus 11 Markomannenstr. Markomannenstr. 99 An Ander Hahn-Str. Friedrich-Vieh- Bahnhof 78 Bahnhof 78 Joh.-Schwaebl-Str. Joh.-Schwaebl-Str. Wolfgangschule Süd WolfgangschuleSüd Kreuzbreite Hahn-Str. Kreuzbreite Minervastr. Minervastr. Friedrich-Vieh- Junkers- Junkers- Johann-Hösl-Str. bacher-Allee bacher-Allee str. V.-Richthofen-Str. Geibelplatz Neuprüll 21 21 Johann-Hösl-Str. 77 str. BMW BMW H. Kirche H.Kirche V.-Richthofen-Str. Geibelplatz Neuprüll Biopark 20 20 X4 X4 Am AmBiopark Arena 1 Ausbildungs- Ausbildungs- Rotsäulenweg Weg Franz- Franz- Arena Lotte- Lotte- Römer- Römer- 11 P.P.Rotsäulenweg Graßer GraßerWeg Vitusstr. Vitusstr. Hartl-Str. Regensburg Kurzer Weg KurzerWeg Rudolf- Rudolf- zentrum zentrum H. Wende- H.Wende- Ziegetsdorf Ziegetsdorf 77 Wolframstr. Hartl-Str. Regensburg Branz-Str. Branz-Str. str. str. Sophie- Ahornstr. Wolframstr. X4 Sophie- Schlichtinger-Str. Schlichtinger-Str. platz platz P.P.Ahornstr. Karl-Stieler-Str. Karl-Stieler-Str. 22 X4 Scholl-Str. Klinikum Klinikum Rauberstr. Scholl-Str. Pentling Rauberstr. Droste-Hülshoff-Weg Herm.-Höcherl-Str. Herm.-Höcherl-Str. Pentling Ziegetsdorfer Höhe ZiegetsdorferHöhe 22 Fernsehsender Fernsehsender West West Klinikum Klinikum 66 Droste-Hülshoff-Weg BMW BMWTor Tor22 X4 X9 X4 X9 Ortsmitte P.P.Ortsmitte Ziegetsdorf Oberisling Oberisling 77 Ziegetsdorf Weg 11 11 77 Langer LangerWeg H.-Quandt-Allee Abzw. Pentling Abzw.Pentling 22 Bach Lieperkingstr. Lieperkingstr. Unterisling Unterisling H.-Quandt-Allee P.P.Hölkeringer Str. HölkeringerStr. Am AmBach 33 24 Mintraching/ Sünching 78 Brunnstr. Brunnstr. Leoprechting Leoprechting Alteglofsheim/Pfakofen Alteglofsheim/Pfakofen 24 23 Mintraching/ 23 880 Sünching 880 99 78 16 Bad 16 Abbach BadAbbach Graß Graß 22 33 20 Alteglofsheim/Aufhausen 31 Sünching Sünching Eggmühl Neutraubling Luckenpaint Luckenpaint 20 21 Alteglofsheim/Aufhausen 21 Obertraubling/Neutraubling 31 Obertraubling/Neutraubling 930 Eggmühl 930 Neutraubling 3
• fully accessible regarding handicaps • 84 double rooms, 18 suitable for wheelchairs • restaurant, wellness area • 3 rooms for families • children up to the age of 6 will not be charged when staying in the room of their parents • calm and quiet location • 4 conference rooms The first hotel in Regensburg for inclusion 4
Content List Routemap Bus Regensburg 03 Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte 40 Shopping Map Countryside 05 Domschatz41 Rabe Store Regensburg 63 Map Downtown 06 document Niedermünster 41 ecco64 History of Regensburg 08 Gäuboden Museum 42 Damasko65 Further Museums 43 La Donna Moden 66 Sights Regensburg 10 La Donna Scarpe 67 Sights Countryside 28 Theater Marc Cain Store 68 Parc and Avenue Circuit 24 Statt-Theater etc. 43 Mühlbacher69 River Tours 26 Backstage Store 70 Legends and Tales 35 Food & Drink Rehorik Kaffeerösterei 71 Important Numbers 44 Amore, Vino & Amici 46 Vom Fass 72 Guided Tours in Regensburg 44 Die Oma in da Antn 47 Hanf im Glück 73 Toilets free of charge 45 Seven Oceans 48 Salewa Store 74 Avia Restaurant 49 Regensburg Arcaden 76 Art Hacker Pschorr Wirtshaus 50 Schreiner - Wohnen Kochen Schenken 77 Galerie Konstantin B. 37 Kleine Brauschänke Dicker Mann51 Galerie Carola Insinger 37 Burgerheart Regensburg 52 Accomodation Kunstraum Sigismundkapelle 37 Guacamole53 Hotel Roter Hahn 78 Galerie im Leeren Beutel 39 Gasthaus „Zum Kneißl“ 54 Hotel Alter Schlachthof 79 Further Galleries 43 Brauhaus am Schloss 55 Dock1 80 Spitalkeller56 Hotel Goliath am Dom, Hotel David 81 Museum Katzentempel57 Hotel-von-Heyden82 Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie36 Gänsbauer58 B&B Hotel Regensburg 83 Princely Thurn & Taxis Museums 38 Sushihaus Regensburg 59 Historical Museum 38 Kim Linh 60 Leisure Time document Neupfarrplatz 38 Little Tony´s 61 Segway Tour Regensburg 84 document Reichstag 38 Pizza Nonna di Rita 62 SSV Jahn Regensburg 85 document Schnupftabakfabrik 39 NABBURG Sights Countryside R-W Murner See R Walhalla S Kuchlbauer´s Bierwelt W T Befreiungshalle SCHWANDORF OBERPFÄLZER SEENLAND U Kelheim NEUMARKT V Regenstauf Steinberger See W Schwandorf BURGLENGENFELD REGEN 93 CHAM HEILIGENHAUSEN KALLMÜNZ 15 NAAB 16 3 V FALKENSTEIN REGENSTAUF ALTENTHANN OTTERBACH 8 R DONAUSTAUF BAYERISCHER WALD PENTLING REGENSBURG HOHENSCHAMBACH DONAU WÖRTH 3 Riedenburg MAIN-DONAU-KANAL ESSING U BAD ABBACH 16 8 KELHEIM 93 T 15 STRAUBING 5 km S ABENSBERG STRAßKIRCHEN Herausgeber: filterVERLAG OHG Tel: 0941 5956080 Quellen: Museen und Kirchen der Stadt Regensburg; Stadtarchiv; Peter Styra (Schloss Gutenbergplatz 1a St. Emmeram, Thurn und Taxis), 3 Coverfotos: Eis bigstock/bernardbodo, Welten- 93047 Regensburg Fotos: filterVERLAG burg bigstock/uschidaschi, Beschlächt bigstock/ f9photos ( 5
Fußgängerbrücke 1 2 Frankenstraße 11 Wehr Dultplatz P P Am Protzenweih er r Griede W tr. es inr-S te nd Dan Auf de st teg -He r. A rS d zog lstra ine STADTAMH Her ße ste n Gebh ffe Würt tem Herzog-Albrechtstr. Pfa Spitalgasse berg str. Pfa Franzis- ffen ste kaner- ine Schopperplatz r W platz . Herzogspark Lieblstr. Pre Hunds bru umkehr 2 str. nna WC npl. berg Holzlä llee ndes Badstraße Müllerstr. ßchen Ledere tr. Herre tem rg. Eiserner Spatzengä Steg Würt DONAU Gu Led sel erer m Gerb g. Holzlän Am pe Rühlgäs erg. destr. Prebrunnstr. lt Brunn zh Am W leite einm aim arkt Weinlände erstr. . Schallern Rehg. Weit ns-G W old str. Sankt- nt Haagg. Am ei ing Ke p l berg. Leonards-Platz erg erstr. 13 g. Dalbergstr. t-Alba . Winkler g. en . Metge Rote- Löwen-Str Fischmarkt Go We Portner D . rgrab E G. Engelburgerg it Sank Fidelg. old heit ranz- l ässe str . Scheugäßchen Gelegen erbe B rne-K Non Fuchs Fischg in gäß. Prebrunnallee nen te Silbe Baumhackerg. pl. g Wollw 14 St Weiß G l ns g e rg ir kerg. hönen ah Am Römlin de Einhorngäßchen Zieroldspl. lzw Ju AmSchulb Roter Herzfleck in Am Zur Sc Weing. ge Rathausplatz rw . . G Arnulfs- WC Waag- Neue- Kohlenmar Kreu zg. P pLatz WC Waagg. Ludwigstr. tr. Haidpl. Haidplatz Kreuzg. J ren-S 24 . ausstr achg. Vor der WC Wahlenstr. St R Grieb . 6 g. bsg Moh ah ot Untere B Glocken WC Dok lzw e- Neuh H 1 Kre tor- in ah Drei- Joh ge WC ne WC ann Stadtpark -Ma rw . Steinerg. n- Hinter der Grieb ier- bstr. G Str . Jako . M 32 n 26 Poetengäßche Platz Anselm-Allee 29 der Einheit Fürst- tr. P WC 17 28 O Gesa nd tenstr. er S Guten- Gastronomy ning 1-17 Bismarck- Predig berg- 19 Prüfe platz erg. platz WC WC Wies tr. I Witte 1 Amore, Vino & Amici rS lberg S p ie ge l g . Beraiterw meie ne 2 Oma in da Antn Dänzerg. chg. Augustinerg. Schottenstr. lsbac Taxisstr. Ludw tte Am Ö Ortnerg. Deischg. be 3 Seven Oceans rw. Obere Ba ch hers ig-Eck 4 Avia Restaurant ildenstr. . De Silberne-Fis tr. 5 Hacker Pschorr MathWirtshaus ch-G Blaue-Stern-G. C . ert-Str Gäßchen Wilh Wiesmeier 6 Dicker Mann / Hotel zum Blauen Krebs ohne w. en End Auerg. Adlerg. WC ch Rote- elm 7 Burgerheart Regensburg Äg . s Gäß g. id Steck str. ie 8 Guacamoletr. np Alte Mang g. Schottenstr. Grüne S l. 9 Gasthaus er ten „Zum Kneißl“ Marschallstr. bet Oberm ech ü 10 DBrauhaus am Schloss W WC itte St r. 11 Spitalkeller An derHülling lsb ac Waffnerg. Emmerams er 12 Katzentempel he platz en rst ett r. Roter-Lilie 13 Gänsbauer n-Win ng c hb kel Entenga De 14 SushihausLisRegensburg um k kirc k z in H her str. Ec ulsch . 15 Kim Linh ieng ang Va he rstr 16 Little Tony´s Ägid Waffner kirc Wilhelmstr Lis 17 Pizza Nonna di Rita Dörnbergpark 10 ühler Str. Sankt-P rmayerstr. g. Thu Hoppestr. Shopping 18-31 Augustenstr. Helenenstr. . Kumpfm 18 Rabe Store Regensburg 19 ecco 20 Damasko Fürst-Anselm-Allee 21 La Donna Moden Ladehofst r. Margare tenstraße 22 La Donna Scarpe Friedrich-N D 23 Mark Cain Store iedermayer- Str. 24 Feinuhrmacher & Hofjuwelier Mühlbacher 25 Backstage 26 Rehorik -Str. annKaffeerösterei & Weinkeller Clara- Schum Bahnhofstr. 27 Vom Fass Sarmanna-Str. 28 Hanf im Glück 29 Salewa Store 30 Regensburg Arcaden 31 Schreiner: Porzellan, Haushalt, Geschenke 6 filterVERLAG 3 Universitätsstraße University
3 4 4 9 5 Steinweg Bäckergasse Buspark- platz 26 36 Sights A-Q P Bäckergasse Am Europakanal A Steinerne Brücke RE BUS erbrücke B Porta Praetoria & Castra Regina eiher GE N C Salzstadel WC tr. Gutweinstr. D Engelburgergasse Nr.8, Illuminati Protzenweih inr-S E Keplerhaus Stadtamhof -He F Goliathhaus zog STADTAMHOF G Rathaus, Reichstag, Folterkammer Her Gebhardstr. H Schloss St. Emmeram, Thurn & Taxis Albrechtstr. Q I Bismarckplatz Seifensiederg. Spitalgasse And anzis- reas J Haidplatz aner- str. St. latz Katharinen- Am Grie s K Alter Kornmarkt platz L Herzogshof Wass Grie erg . Salz g. M Schottenkirche, Schottenportal se N Regensburger Dom r Ste O Dreieinigkeitskirche g Müllerstr. P Neupfarrplatz Maffeistr. Q Stadtamhof P Pros Jahninsel cke kestr Am Bes WC chlächt str. Steinerne Brü Wöhrd . Wöhrdst r. A Wöhrdstr. Wöhrdstr. Schallern tr. fen Am m Wie Brücke Insels dfang Maid rha A Werfts enb C tr. ergs te Fischmarkt Goldene-Bär tr. P Win en-St . nz-G r. W.-La Blaue-Lilien-G. Eiserne l mm ässe -G. e-Kra Posthorng. Thundorfe Am . ahnen-G rstr. str. 35 Fischg Hackengäßchen g. ilbern Werftstr. Brück Tauben + Lindnerg. 22 20 23 Goli Weiße-H 21 Zieroldspl. Roter Herzfleck athstr. Unter den Schwib Rathausplatz F bögen ermarkt -G. ag Watmarkt B Don aulä rg. g. Niedermü Kohlenmarkt nde meyer e Trunz Waagg. Krauter Kramg. . ferg WC Kloster Adolph-Kolping-Str. . htlg Os nsterg. Domgarten N achg. 25 ten . dlerg nho Wahlenstr. ga Gic WC s se Untere B g. atte g. Tän tr. 38 Kapuziner denzs Erhardi Dom Sch WC er Grieb Platz Kramwinkel ng. Domstr. Resi WC K Villapark Trothe Drei-Helm-G. Frau L Alter Pfluggass e g. en -be Korn- ller markt tr. Pfaueng. Neupfarr- rg l Villas Ha platz WC Speicherg. Salzburger G. ndtenst ng. r. Schwanenplatz Bertold P str. Kapelle WC Heiliggeisttg. 31 w. 5 ner ach . WC Prinzenw WC chg. Str. Augustinerg. en- Leh rstr. Schwarze-Bär Röhrlgässel enb Drei-Kronen-G. 7 erge WC rz Obere Ba 33 34 lg. sel Dachaupl. g. rixener Hof Stä Straußgäßchen g. Silbernage Fahrbeck Bauergäs Weißbräuhaus elsb WC Am Weiß g. n-G. tr. derle-Str. St.Kassians- Gab rrer Luzeng. Maximilians g. platz e . r anstr -Lilie Male Pfa Doktor-Martin-Luther-Str. Am B Rote-S Viereim tern-G 26 g. n-Str Minoritenw. Sed . Min Steck Kirschgäßchen Doktor-Wun angg. 15 orit . enw P eg er WC g. . Oberm König Reic rg ünste 8 27 sstr. hss de rstr. a im Königsstr. tr. S An derHülling 12 16 . rstr tr. Türken-S ne Jesuite 18 Von-der-Tann-Str. äff nplatz h Sc f ho Gr igs as Fröhliche- g. ön . rstr WC Ostenallee mK A ge P ber Fuchseng bels Sankt-Peters-W. Am ang Str. nstr. Peterstor Landshut r- Rich -Wagne ard-W Ga er Str. Richard agne Maximilia r- tr. Accomodation 32-37 erstr. Doktor-Martin-Luther-S Sankt-Pete Ernst- m-Allee rs-W. . anstr Reuter- Roritz Platz str. 32 Hotel Roter HahnLa Sed nd berg Alb Luitpo 33 sh Hotel Alter Schlachthof erts ldstr. ut traß er Stern e 34 Dock1 St r 35 Hotel Goliath & Hotel .David 36 Hotel-von-Heyden 37 B&B Hotel Regensburg Luitp str. old str. Stobäusplatz Roritzer H e ma u e Railwaystation Leasure Time 38-39 rgbrücke rstr. . rstr BAHNHOF WC ofe 38 Segway Tour Regensburg enbe ierh 39 SSV Jahn Regensburg La Ma 37 Galg nd Regensburg WC P 30 Public restroom / Nette Toilette S.45 sh WC WC Arcaden uter Friedensstraße RV V 39 RVV Customer Center 7 St sstraße Sternberg r. ty str.
HISTORY OF REGENSBURG View of Regensburg, Schedel’s World History: “Buch der Chroniken und geschichten, mit figuren und pildnussen von anbeginn der welt As Goethe once proclaimed: “Regensburg is dukedom and first capital. beautifully situated. The area had to attract In the 12th - 13th century Regensburg reached a city…”. Four rivers unite: a perfect trading its golden age due to long-distance trade and was hub – the Danube a massive protection to the considered the most populous city in southern north. Findings dating back to the Stone Age Germany. Around the town hall, rich merchant show the attractiveness of the region. families built ever larger districts, partly with tall towers, which still dominate the townscape today. The first historical records date back to 79 AD, Around 1250, Regensburg rose to the status of when the Romans built a cohort camp for 1,500 imperial city. The town grew steadily, including men in what is now Kumpfmühl. The camp fell in the fortification and the number of monasteries. the Marcomannic Wars in the 160s. Gothic and Romanesque architecture now 179 AD the mighty Castra Regina (540m x 540m, dominates the townscape. for 6000 soldiers) was completed under the In the 14th century, battles of the patrician families Roman Emperor Marc Aurel to secure the empire with the craft guilds and the Hussite wars started to the north. Thus, Regensburg has the oldest Regensburg‘s descent. Vienna, Ulm, Nuremberg written foundation charter of Germany, a stone and Augsburg profited from the relocation of trade plate with 7x1 meters, which once hung above routes. At this time, the Duchy of Bavaria and the the east gate of the city. respective emperors fought for the membership The „great migration of peoples“ changed the of the impoverished city. face of the ancient world. The next records date In a brief vacuum of power in 1519, Regensburg was from the 6th century, when „Baiern“ was already already anticipating the later National Socialism. the duchy of Agilolfingen with Regensburg as the In February the largest Jewish community in 8
Museums of the city of Regensburg, Historical Museum. Photo: Michael Preischl bis auf dise unsere Zeit“ coloured woodcut on paper, published 1493, Michael Wolgemut (1434-1519) Germany was driven out of the city out of envy Regensburg became a principality in this territorial and jealousy. Residential quarters, synagogue reorganization. and school were wiped out, the cemetery with In 1809, Napoleonic troops stormed the city, approximately 4200 gravestones was desecrated. which had been occupied by Austrians for three The Regensburg Nazis raged even worse. days. This led to a terrible fire. In 1810 Regensburg was incorporated into the Kingdom of Bavaria. From 1633 onwards, Regensburg was the seat of the „Immerwährenden Reichstag“ (first German Now it became quiet and peaceful. It was not parliament). In 1745, the Principal Commissioner until the beginning of the 20th century that the (permanent representative of the Emperor, development of the city picked up momentum always the reigning Prince of Thurn and Taxis) again - as the centre of Upper Palatinate. However, moved his seat to Regensburg. it took decades after the Second World War for In 1800, the French army occupied Regensburg the city and the inhabitants of the cultural heritage in the coalition wars and raised taxes on military to become aware of its value and responsibility, expenditure. This completely ruined the already and for the city‘s urban planning to change course. disastrous city coffer, which was already ruined by Regensburg is becoming more and more beautiful mismanagement. - even if there are still many, many old sins to be In 1803, one of the last decisions of the Reichstag paid off. was made: the initiation of the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation as a consequence of the lost coalition wars. 9
STEINERNE BRÜCKE A The Bavarian Duke Henry X the Proud to stabilize the piers, initially with stones, today (1102/1108 - 1139) started constructing the with concrete, creating Regensburg‘s legendary Stone Bridge in 1135 to replace an inadequate Danube swirls. ship bridge across the Danube. The Stone In the 13th century, the Stone Bridge was Bridge, built in the Romanesque architectural equipped with three defense towers. In 1810, style, originally consisted of 16 round arches and the „Black Tower“ near Stadtamhof, along with its had a total length of over 330 meters. However, ditches, small defense towers, and drawbridge, after the construction of the Salzstadel in 1487, was removed due to war damage. The central one of the arches in the former Wiedfangkanal tower became unstable due to an ice storm and (in the bridge driveway from the old town) was was demolished in 1784. The only tower still filled up. The arches have a span of ten to 17 standing today is the Brück- or Schuldturm on meters, and the bottom side of the stilts is fitted the town side, whose clock and painting were with icebreakers. The riverbed was reinforced redesigned after the battles of the 30-year war. 10
A historical copper engraving of the „Schöner to check the progress of its construction. Until Prospect der Steinern Brücken zu Regenspurg“ today, the inscription on the pillar testifies the from the 18th century illustrates how start and completion of the medieval wonder of magnificently the towers once enthroned on the the world: Stone Bridge. At the highest point of the Stone Bridge, you „Eilf hundert dreissigfünf im jar will find the „Bruckmandl“ looking south. The Die tonaw war schier trucken gar, meaning of the manikin, which was erected Du hertzog Heinrich mit der stat in 1446, has not been fully clarified to this Die brucku alhie begunen hat. day. While some assume him to indicate the Das Werk gebawt vff vesten grund directions of the compass, others believe him to Eilf jar darnach gantz fertig stund. be the master bridge builder of the city‘s tales, Gut gleit fürbas vff allen wegen looking anxiously in the cathedral‘s direction Geb gots genad und gottes segen.“ 11
Castra Regina was established under the Emperor Marc Aurel PORTA PRAETORIA in 179 AD as a military camp for 6000 men with its strategic & CASTRA REGINA location being the northernmost point on the Danube. This B fort was approximately 450 x 550 metres large with a V-sha- ped surrounding ditch measuring 6 metres wide and 3 me- tres deep. The 70-90 cm wall base (on which the fort wall measuring 1.8 metres thick and 9 metres high stood with its 30 towers and 4 entrance gates) can still be seen today at certain places including the porta praetoria, the Dachauplatz multi-storey car park, Am Königshof, and Ernst-Reuter- Platz. The north gate of the fort, once called Porta Aquarum (water gate), was renamed after the completion of the street ‘Via Praetoria’, from where it got its present name, Porta Prae- toria. The area was unearthed in 1890 after it was included in the construction of the Bischöfliches Brauhaus (bishop’s brewery) in the late Middle Ages. The prevailing view is that it used to be a double gate with two arches and an east and west tower. The towers each had 2 floors with 5 round-ar- ched windows to defend against attacks. Another windowed storey was also located above their 4-metre wide doors. The archway still in existence is made from 13 tapered limestones which fit against each other to exact precision. Along with the larger Porta Nigra in Trier (180 AD), the Porta Praetoria is the oldest above-ground structure north of the Alps. VISIT US AT THE TOR WORLD HERITAGE VISI L SALT CENTRE IN THE MEDIEVA STORE (SALZSTADEL) + Every day comprehensive advice** + Tickets for events*, city tours*, + Guided city tours** boat trips*, document Old Town Hall*, SOUVENIRS + Central accommodation service** tour through St. Peter’s Cathedral*, + Free WiFi** Bridge Tower Museum, Golfmuseum* + Souvenirs, Regensburg-books etc.** and local traffic* + Vouchers for every occasion* * only at Tourist Information ** at Tourist Information Rathausplatz and Schwanenplatz Phone: +49 941 507-4410 | Fax: -4418 | Opening hours ➜ 12
Salt routes are the oldest trading routes in Europe, twisting from Italy up over the Alps to the north and east. Salt was often so valuable that many soldiers had C their wages paid out in salt rather than money. During SALZSTADEL the 13th century, however, salt originated from the salt mines of Reichenhall from where it travelled through Passau and then up the Danube to Regensburg. From there, it would be further distributed at the most important transfer station of that day and age. The buying and selling of this ‘white gold’ was run by the salt lords and was only taken over by the state in the 16th century. Horse-drawn carts, with often as many as 40 horses per cart, would bring the salt to the depot (Salzstadel) up until 1616. The salt would be stored in 3 main floors and 5 additional attic floors that were Bavaria wanted to avoid paying this toll so built equipped with a complex rope-pull system to manage another salt depot in Stadtamhof in 1600 and the flourishing trade. As the original wood construction pulled their „bavarian“ ships here, passing the of the depot could not bear the weight of the salt, the north side of the stone bridge. In 1606 the city of wood beams were later replaced by stone supports. Regensburg hired Hanns Heygl, also a captain, to The depot was completely restored in 1991. take control of the situation. He stood watch on As Regensburg qualified as a free city, it had the right to the bridge with his mighty axe, where he would collect tolls from ships. The ships would travel through hack the ropes of the „bavarian“ ships as they a channel (the Wiedfang channel which has since been were pulled through the bridge and so sent them filled in) and would be charged a toll. The province of back into the dangerous currents. such as Goethe, became members of the Illuminati. In 1785, the Bavarian sovereign Karl Theodor banned the Illuminati in the whole of Bavaria. D Adam Weishaupt fled to what was then the free city of Regensburg on 16th February 1785 dressed as a craftsman. On July 20th 1785, THE SHELTER OF THE ILUMINATI the priest and fellow Illuminati member Johann Jakob Lanz visited him. As both were walking The founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, lived near the city gate, they encountered a heavy in the Engelburggasse 8 in Regensburg from 1785 to storm. As if God was outraged by his bold 1787. On May 1st 1776, the order of the ‘Federati- affiliation with the Illumati, Lanz was struck by on of the Perfectibilists‘ was founded by Weishaupt in lightning and he was killed immediately. A list Ingolstadt. Despite what many films and books claim, of members of the Illuminati was found in his the goal of the order had nothing to do with sinister clothing. The free city of Regensburg was then and evil powers. On the contrary - a ‘light of reason’ pressured to extradite Weishaupt. Weishaupt which was long oppressed by church dogmas was to fled from Regensburg to Gotha’s ducal court be exposed in order to create a new world order. in 1787. However, the Illuminati continued to The aim was a complete reform of the government, be slandered and persecuted while Weishaupt religion, and education. Virtue, wisdom, and science attempted to clear his name and rehabilitate should prevail over persecution and despotism. the order. He never succeeded in doing this High-ranking noblemen and celebrities of the time, and later died in 1830. 13
E KEPLERHAUS Johannes Kepler is renowned for his established laws on physics and planetary movement theories. Born on Dec 27th 1571, he lived in two different houses in Regensburg. He died in the Keplerhaus in 1630. Kepler taught in Linz and had to leave Regensburg frequently to support his mother who was accused of witchcraft in Leonberg and Güglingen, or to spend time in Ulm where he printed the Rudolphic tables. Kepler travelled to many cities with the title ‘the emperor’s mathematician’, and moved to Sagan in 1628 to serve for General Wallenstein. However, he left part of his belongings behind in Regensburg which indicated that he did intend to return one day. Amongst these belongings was a handwritten list of his possessions. This list is currently on display in the Keplerhaus. Having returned and while travelling on to Linz, Kepler became extremely ill in Regensburg and died very suddenly. He is buried in an unknown location in Regensburg’s inner city. F Opening hours: Sat, Sun, and holidays 10.30 a.m.-4 p.m. GOLIATHHAUS Easter Monday, Whit Monday 10.30 a.m.-4 p.m. guided tours: Sat, Sun, public holidays 2.30 p.m. The ‘Goliath House’ (Goliathhaus), built in 1260, is considered one of the most well-known landmarks of Regensburg with its painting of David and Goliath from the year 1573. Along with Haus Heuport, this is the largest ‘city castle’ in the inner city and is located on the southern base of the old Roman fort. It is likely that the name is not derived from the biblical epic, but rather from the name ‘Goliards’. Theology students were called Goliards after their guardian angel “Golias”. It is believed that the present Goliath house was built on the location of the quarters in which the travellers often stayed. The house was subsequently the headquarters of the Tundorfer patrician family, later being ta- ken over by the Dollingers, Mallers and the Tucher patricians from Nuremberg. Johannes Kepler 14 (portrait by unknown artist) KEPLERHAUS
DEU PASS RATHAUS, REICHSTAG & G FRAGSTATT egensburg City Hall was built over multiple 14th century to force confessions, as a confession centuries. The tower which was built in 1260 is was imperative for an official conviction. An especially noteworthy. This 55-metre high tower extraordinary tour through the basement of the forms part of Regensburg’s postcard silhouette. city hall will show the prison cells and torture Even more well-renowned is the Reichssaal instruments. This trip back through time is an (Parliament Hall). Not only important as a work absolute must! of art, the Reichsaal was also the location of the first German Parliament. This parliament was Entrance with guided tours only: not democratically elected. The emperor was every half hour from 9.30 am -12.00 and from required to meet with a collection of represen- 1.30 pm-4.00 pm tatives in order to make legal, administrative, and English guided tour: April-Oct daily 3 pm military decisions. November-January daily 2 pm The location of the Reichstag continued to change from city to city up until 1663, when it became the ‘perpetual parliament’ based in Regensburg. Because representatives were not physically present, a congress of ministers would continually meet to represent the rulers, princes, electors, and imperial cities. But the City Hall was not just a place for conventions and intellectual discussions; powerful forms of persuasion were practiced in the cellar to expose the truth. The torture chamber in Regensburg is one- of-a-kind in Germany and should be on every visitor’s list. Everything has been left in its original condition; from the chamber layout to each device and contraption. Pain interrogation had been implemented since the beginning of the 15
largest private residences in Europe. The museum area of the residence, cloister, royal stables and treasure chamber provide a comprehensive insight to 1000 years of monastery tra- Foto: Fürst Thurn und Taxis Zentralarchiv dition, as well as the lifestyle of one of the most important aristocratic families in Europe. Experience the cloisters with its medieval flair, or enjoy the splendour of the rococo manor house and European craftsmanship in the treasure chambers. The royal stables, SCHLOSS ST. EMMERAM, H THURN UND TAXIS which were originally constructed in 1832, are now home to the carriage museum. With over 70 vehicles and The former abbey and Benedictine monastery at St. carriages, it is the hugest collection of Emmeram has been owned by the Thurn und Taxis royal aristocratic carriages in the world. family since 1812. The royal family moved to Regensburg in 1748 to represent the emperor at the ‘perpetual Reichstag’. Viewing only with guided tour: After the old empire was dissolved, Prince Karl Alexander Page 38. received the monastery as partial compensation for surren- dering his rights to the Bavarian postal system to the state. During the 19th century, this complex comprising several hundred rooms was reconstructed to create one of the This square is named after the Reich Chan- cellor Otto von Bismarck. It has been a traffic intersection dating as far back as the ‘Castra Regina’ times, where it was located in front of the fort’s Roman wall. In medieval times, the square was home to an arsenal, granary, corn warehouse, and stables. The presidential headquarters (now the police headquarters) are located at the north end of the square. It was built by the then prince and Archbishop of Regensburg, Carl von Dalberg in 1805 for the French envoy and ‘perpetual parliament’. This building was the first to introduce classicism to I BISMARCKPLATZ the city. The six massive limestone columns with Corinthian capitals are especially striking. Across the square in the north-eastern corner is the Its counterpart across the square is the city Erbprinzenpalais (Palace to the Heir to the Throne), theatre built for public use in 1804. The theatre which Otto Krafft v. Prüfening built as a hostel for the was previously only accessible to nobles and cloister in 1701. Since 1815, this has been owned by the elite. In 1980/81, the square was renovated Thurn & Taxis. Nestled in the south-eastern corner to accommodate an underground garage. This near the police headquarters, is the Schneckbachhaus. construction project added the 2 water foun- Here, the first evangelical service in Regensburg tains, a new cobbled surface, and the southern was held in 1541. The building received its current terrace. Over the south-west corner of the Baroque-styled make-over in 1742. It also served as square is the Benedictine Abbey of St. Jakob. legation for the Duke of Württemberg. 16
J HAIDPLATZ Haidplatz derives its name from a wasteland that changed in 1441 to the “Stadtwaage” or “City is sparsely overgrown, known as a ‘Haide’. The Scales”. The ‘Arch’ (Haidplatz 3 & 4) is a veritable ‘Haid’ as it was often referred to as, was originally Gothic construction, whose massive front defines much larger and open. During the middle ages, the square with its overwhelming appearance. the square shrunk in size due to surrounding The former inn, ‘Zum Goldenen Kreuz’ (to the construction, but it still offered ample room Golden Cross) has a castle- like look and once for various events. Documents from the 12th served as quarters for high-ranking diplomats, century state that the ‘Haid’ had been host for princes, kings, and emperors. The elegant facade large Knight Tournaments, and one chronicle of Haidplatz 8 is the Thon-Dittmer-Palais. This reported over 300 knights for a particular tour- complex holds the Department of Culture, the nament in 1393. The area also attracted many city library, the adult educational centre, and a jugglers, inventors, and exhibitionists to perform. theatre. The 4 wings of the building enclose an In 1673 there was a legendary performance by intimate courtyard, which is used today for open- the Frenchman Charles Bernovin, who fell to air events. In the basement of the south wing is his death as he attempted to tight-rope across an area for various art exhibitions as well as the the square strapped with fireworks to his body. 14th century Sigismund Chapel. This square is enclosed by several historical buildings, such as the “Neue Waag” or ‘New Scale’ (Haidplatz 1); a patrician house that was 17
not only for impressive military parades and tournaments, but also bloodthirsty justice of the middle ages. Up until 1830, it served as the grain market for Regensburg, which was later moved to Haidplatz. Neighboring the Corn Market is the Niedermünsterstift (Niedermünstergasse), a convent housing the resting place of Saint Erhard (700AD). ALTER KORNMARKT K The convent was rather liberal as it allowed women to withdraw from sisterhood and The Romans had used this area pire) here. The ‘Herzogshof’ even wed after retirement. The to house their officers, prefects, (Duke’s Court) is now a hotel convent had connections to the crew quarters, and baths. worth seeing! It is still main- house of the Bavarian Duke In 400 AD, the Germanic tained by the Wittelsbachern, and enjoyed many imperial tribe called the Bavarii, left the who resided in the building freedoms, which remained Castra Regina, and declared until 1245. The Herzoghof in place until secularization. Regensburg the capital of Ba- is connected with an arched The Niedermünster Church varia with the Corn market as buttress to the Römerturm is actually the 4th church to their residence. The residence or Roman tower, formerly stand here today. All four was expanded in 850 for the known as the Heidenturm or churches have had the exact Carolingian palace in addition Pagan-Tower. The tower is 28 same measurements, beginning to the Palatinate Chapel (later meters high with 4-meter thick at the head of Saint Erhard’s called the Old Chapel), which walls. It served as a place of tomb. Also located on the were added at this time. refuge from attacks, as well as square is the Karmelitenkloster The emperor, bishops, and an archive and treasure cham- St. Josef (Carmelite Cloister), representatives also held their ber. For a long period of time whose foundation was laid in meetings for the Reich (em- the Corn Market was used 1641 by Emperor Ferdinand III and completed in 1672. The ‘Echter Regensburger Karmelitengeist” (medicinal water) was created by Father Ulrich Eberskirch in 1721 and is very well known. Noteworthy here is the western façade in baroque style. 18
L Old ducal court with ducal hall HERZOGSHOF The building at the Alter Kornmarkt, known as the Herzogs- hof today, is only the eastern part of the former Herzogshof, which was rebuilt in 1937. The western building complexes were demolished in the same year. The Herzogshof originated in the 6th century as the residen- ce of the first dukes of Bavaria. In the 9th century, it served as the royal palace of the Carolingian and Ottonian kings Fotos: Pro Gastro GmbH and emperors. At the end of the 12th century, it became the Bavarian ducal palace and residence of the Wittelsbach dynasty for about 50 years. After the Wittelsbachs moved to Munich, the buildings and lands remained in the possession of the Bavarian state until the beginning of the 20th century and housed various Bavarian administrative offices. In the 20th century, the Domplatz was redesigned and the western part of the Herzogshof was demolished. The remaining part of the western building was rebuilt in the process as part of the romanization. in the middle with 6 apostles on SCHOTTENKIRCHE each side to create an even balance. M - SCHOTTENPORTAL Flanked on the outside are two saints: Emperor Charlemagne and Archbishop Patrick. The other figures and numerous arches have received many interpretations ranging from the planetary motions, wind, signs of earth, the antichrist Saladin, and further interpretation is still required today. Most theories have religious connotations dealing with Judgement Day and the resurrection. The monastery was then run by Scottish abbots in 1520. Despite it being well managed, it declined during the trials Irish Benedictine monks (Scotti in the vernacular language and tribulations of secularization. referred to the Gaels of Ireland and Scotland) founded the St. The administration was passed on to Jakob Abbey in around 1090. Construction of the abbey and bishops in 1866, and the building has portal were finished in 1200. It is considered one of the most since been used as a priest seminary. meaningful works of occidental art. Experts believe that all of the figures portrayed were once painted and some even gold or silver-plated with the holes being once filled with gems. The exact interpretation or meaning of the portal is still in de- bate. One widely accepted theory by Franz Dietheuer, states: the arch above the door separates the heavens from the last judgement below where Satan, evil beings, infidel Jews, heathens, and bad Christians are all to face trial. Christ stands 19
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