ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology ...

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ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology ...
                                                 INTERNATIONALES SEMINAR FÜR ANALYTISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE
                                                 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY
                                                 AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING

                                        • SPRING • FRÜHLING • 2020
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology ...
• Die Studierenden der beiden Institute können an allen Veranstaltungen
 des Semesterprogramms beider Institute kostenlos teilnehmen, die
 Veranstaltungen werden gegenseitig anerkannt.
• Bitte tragen Sie Ihre Teilnahme entsprechend (Angabe von Thema,
 Stundenzahl) in Ihr Studienbuch/ Testatheft ein.
• Melden Sie sich bitte in Stuttgart auf den vorgegebenen
 Anmeldeformularen an:

Kooperation mit dem C.G. Jung-Institut Stuttgart
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology ...
Inhalt                                           Contents
 Wichtige Daten                                   Important Dates                                          2

 Kontakte                                         Contacts                                                 3

 Erläuterungen                                    Explanations                                             4

 Semester-Gebühren                                Semester Fees                                            5

 Programm                                         Programme

 01     Grundlagen der Analytischen               01     Fundamentals of Analytical                      13
        Psychologie                                      Psychology

 02     Psychologie des Traums                    02     Psychology of Dreams                             17
 03     Psychologische Deutung von                03     Psychological Interpretation of                  18
        Mythen & Märchen                                 Myths & Fairy Tales
 04     Psychologische Deutung von                04     Psychological Interpretation of                  19
        Bildern                                          Pictures
 05     Ethnologie & Psychologie                  05     Ethnology & Psychology                           21
 06     Religion & Psychologie                    06     Religion & Psychology                            22
 07     Assoziationsexperiment &                  07     Association Experiment & Theory                  23
        Komplexlehre                                     of Complexes
 08     Entwicklungspsychologie                   08     Developmental Psychology                         25
 09     Psychodynamische Konzepte im              09     Comparison of Psychodynamic                      27
        Vergleich                                        Concepts
 10     Psychopathologie & Psychiatrie            10     Psychopathology & Psychiatry                     28
 11     Individuation                             11     Individuation                                    29
 12     Praktischer Fall                          12     Practical Case                                   32
 13     Fallkolloquien                            13     Case Colloquia                                   33
 14     Ausdruckstherapie                         14     Expressive Therapy                               35
 Gast- und Neudozenten                            Guest and New Presenters                                37
 Stundenplan                                      Timetable                                               39

The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no universal recipe for living. Each of us carries his
own life-form within him – an irrational form which no other can outbid.
C.G. Jung, “The Aims of Psychotherapy”, CW16 §81

Der Schuh, der dem einen passt, drückt den anderen, und es gibt kein allgemeingültiges Lebensrezept. Jeder
hat wohl seine Lebensform in sich, eine irrationalle Form, die durch keine andere überboten werden kann.
C.G. Jung, "Ziele der Psychotherapie"GW16 §81

 Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                                       1
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology ...
Wichtige Daten                                              Important Dates

    Frühling                         25.02.20-30.05.20                              Spring

    Anmeldeschluss:                       24.01.20                               Deadline:
    Semester-Einschreibung                                            Semester Registration
    Zahlung der Gebühren                                                      Fee Payment
    Examina, usw.                                                              Exams, etc.
    Orientierungstreffen mit neuen     26.02.20, 10:00                  Orientation Meeting
    Studierenden                                                         with New Students
    Semester-Eröffnungsfeier           29.02.20, 16:00        Semester Opening Celebration
    Examensperiode                   07.04.20 – 08.05.20                       Exam Period
    Treffen: ISAP Leitung                 19.03.20         Meeting: ISAP Council & Students
    & Studierende
    Aufnahmekommission               26.02.20 + 13.05.20     Admission Committee Meetings
    Praktika und Examina Q&A              18.03.20               Internship and Exams Q&A
    Examenskonferenz                   11.05.20, 19:30                    Exam Conference
    (nur für Analytiker)                                                 (for analysts only)
    Treffen: neue Diplomkandidaten     20.05.20, 10:00               Meeting: New Diploma
     & Studienleitung                                       Candidates & Director of Studies
    Diplomübergabe                     22.05.20, 17:00                Graduation Ceremony
    Semesterpause                    01.06.20 – 07.09.20                    Semester Break
    Sommerbetriebsferien             10.07.20 - 03.08.20               Summer Close Down

    Herbst                           08.09.20-04.12.20                            Autumn

    Anmeldeschluss:                       07.08.20                               Deadline:
    Semester-Einschreibung                                            Semester Registration
    Zahlung der Gebühren                                                      Fee Payment
    Examina, usw.                                                              Exams, etc.
    Orientierungstreffen mit neuen     09.09.20, 10:00                  Orientation Meeting
    Studierenden                                                         with New Students
    Semester-Eröffnungsfeier           12.09.20, 16:00        Semester Opening Celebration
    Examensperiode                   13.10.20 – 13.11.20                       Exam Period
    Treffen: ISAP Leitung                   TBA                                    Meeting:
    & Studierende                                                   ISAP Council & Students
    Aufnahmekommission               09.09.20 + 18.11.20     Admission Committee Meetings
    Examenskonferenz                      16.11.20                        Exam Conference
    (nur für Analytiker)                                                 (for analysts only)
    Treffen: neue Diplomkandidaten        25.11.20                   Meeting: New Diploma
    & Studienleitung                                        Candidates & Director of Studies
    Diplomübergabe                     04.12.20, 17:00                Graduation Ceremony
    Semesterpause                    05.12.20 – 23.02.21                    Semester Break
    Winterbetriebsferien             18.12.20 – 11.01.21                 Winter Close Down

2                                                                      Frühling 2020 Spring
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology ...
Kontakte                                                                  Contacts
ISAP-Leitung                                                            ISAP Council

Präsidentin                  Deborah Egger, MSW                                President

Vize-Präsidentin       Diane Cousineau-Brutsche, Dr. phil.                Vice-President

Sekretärin                 Lucienne Marguerat, lic. phil.                      Secretary

Psychiatrie             Heike Weis Hyder, Dr. med. FMH                        Psychiatry

Quästor                       Christa Robinson, MA                             Treasurer

Studienleiterin             Marianne Peier, lic. phil.                Director of Studies

Aufnahmeleiterin                Ursula Ulmer, MA                  Director of Admissions

Programmleiterin              Nancy Krieger, PhD                  Director of Programme

Ombudspersonen                   Gary Hayes                              Ombudspeople
                                  Ursula Hohler

Studierendenvertretung                                       Student Representation

Studierenden-                  Irina Aleyeva                         Student Association
                                 Gabor Majdan
Programm-                        Yamini Deen                      Programme Committee
                                  Deb Wood
                              Mackenzie Amara

Stampfenbachstrasse Kontakte                      Stampfenbachstrasse Contacts

Auskunft                Claire Ironside • Korine Bolt   
Information                                                        +41 (0)43 344 00 66
Studiensekretariat              Lydia Verburg          
Studies Secretary
Buchhaltung                    Melanie Bishop       
Bibliothek                    Carol McGinty            
Library                     Catherine McBroom

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                        3
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology ...
Erläuterungen                                   Further Information
Vorlesungen & Offene                            Lectures & Open Seminars

Öffentlich zugänglich                           Open to the Public
Ohne Voranmeldung                               Registration not required
Barzahlung an der Kasse                         Payment in cash at the door
Eintritt pro 2 x 45 Minuten:                    Entrance fee for 2 x 45 minutes:
CHF 30.00 Regulär                               CHF 30.00 Regular
CHF 20.00 Studierende, AHV/IV                   CHF 20.00 Students, Seniors, Disabled
(mit Ausweis)                                   (with ID)
ISAP-Teilnehmer und Personal haben              ISAP Participants and staff have free access to
freien Zugang zu allen Vorlesungen (aber        all lectures (excluding seminars or open
nicht zu Seminaren oder Offenen                 seminars).

Seminare                                        Seminars

    In der Regel den immatrikulierten ISAP-      As a rule, seminars are reserved for
    Studierenden vorbehalten.                    matriculated ISAP students.
    IAAP-Routers sind nach                       IAAP Routers may also attend, under
    individueller Absprache mit der              conditions explained in their individual
    Studienkommission ebenfalls zugelassen.      meeting with the Studies Committee.

Fallkolloquien                                  Case Colloquia

den Diplomkandidaten vorbehalten                Reserved for Diploma Candidates

Öffnungszeiten                     Stampfenbachstrasse                           Opening Hours

                             Semester                                 Semesterpause / Break
                             09:30-12:30 & 13:30-16:30                13:30-16:30
Auskunft /                   Di, Mi, Do, Fr • Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri      Di & Do • Tue & Thu
Front Office

Studiensekretariat /         Di, Mi, Do • Tue, Wed, Thu               Di & Do • Tue & Thu
Studies Secretary

Buchhaltung /                Do & Fr • Thu & Fri                      Do • Thu

Bibliothek / Library         11:30-16:30                              13:30-18:30
                             Di, Mi, Fr • Tue, Wed, Fri               Do • Thu
                             13:30-18:30                              Oder nach Vereinbarung
                             Do • Thu                                 Or by appointment

                       Please see “Important Dates” for close down periods.
                       Bitte beachten Sie „Wichtige Daten“ für Betriebsferien.

4                                                                          Frühling 2020 Spring
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology ...
Semester-Gebühren                                Semester Fees

Semestergebühr                            CHF    Tuition

Ausbildungskandidaten                     2800   Training Candidates
Diplomkandidaten                          2600   Diploma Candidates
Immatrikulierte Fachhörer                 2300   Matriculated Auditors
Urlaubsgebühren Kandidaten                1000   Leave of Absence Candidates
Urlaubsgebühren Fachhörer                  100   Leave of Absence Auditors

Examen                                    CHF    Exams

Propädeutische Prüfungen                   900   Propaedeuticum Exams
Diplomprüfungen                           2400   Diploma Exams
Weiterbildungsprüfung                      300   Continuing Education Exam & Certificate
& Zertifikat
Verschiebung, pro Prüfung                  100   Postponement, per Exam
Wiederholung Fallprüfung                   500   Repeated Case Exam
Übrige Prüfungswiederholungen              150   All Other Repeated Exams

Sonstige Kosten                           CHF    Other Costs

Anmeldung zum Studium                      150   Application for Studies
Aufgeschobener Studienbeginn               100   Postponed Start of Studies
Interviews - pro Interview                 130   Interviews - per interview
NB: Die Semestergebühren beinhalten              NB: Tuition fees include membership dues for
den Mitgliederbeitrag der Studierenden-          the Student Association. If you prefer not to be
vereinigung. Wenn Sie nicht Mitglied             a member, subtract CHF 25.-. Fees for control
sein möchten, ziehen Sie CHF 25.- ab.            case colloquiums are not included.
Kosten für Kontrollfall-Kolloquien sind
nicht inbegriffen.

Banküberweisung                                  Bank Transfer
Credit Suisse                                    Credit Suisse
Konto-Nr. 622208-71                              Account-No. 622208-71
Clearing-Nr. 4835                                Clearing-No. 4835
IBAN CH65 0483 5062 2208 7100 0                  IBAN CH65 0483 5062 2208 7100 0
SWIFT-BIC: CRES CH ZZ 80 A                       SWIFT-BIC: CRES CH ZZ 80 A
ISAP ZURICH - AGAP                               ISAP ZURICH - AGAP
CH-Zürich                                        CH-Zürich

Kreditkartenzahlung                              Credit Card Payment

Kreditkartenzahlungen via ISAP Zurich            Payments via ISAP Zurich website. The payment
Website. Die Ikone “payments” befindet           icon is on the footer menu bar. Please use the
sich ganz unten auf der Menü-Leisten.
                                                 dropdown box to select the purpose of your
Bitte wählen Sie in den Auswahllisten
Ihren Zahlungszweck.                             payment.                     

 Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                               5
ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology ...
                                                                                    INTERNATIONALES SEMINAR FÜR ANALYTISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE
                                                                                    INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                    AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING

                                                             • The Complete Lecture Series
                                                             General Entry: CHF 180
                                                             Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 120
                                                             • Per Double Hour Lecture
                                                             General Entry: CHF 30
                                                             Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 20
                                                             • Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts
                                                             Payment in cash at the door
                                                             Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
                                                             Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof

                           Working as a Jungian Psychoanalyst
Basic Jung • Spring 2020

                           Tues, 25 Feb        Nancy Krieger, PhD
                            17:00–18:45        What Does it Mean to Work as a “Jungian”?

                            19:00–20:45        Ursula Ulmer, MA
                                               On the Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche

                           Wed, 26 Feb         Brigitte Egger,
                            17:00–18:45        Symbol: Basic Concept and Tool in
                                               Analytical Psychology

                            19:00–20:45        Galina Angelova, MTheol.
                                               Minding the Soul: Jungian Psychology as a Wholistic
                                               Approach to Psychic Suffering and Healing

                           Thur, 27 Feb        Lucienne Marguerat, lic.phil.
                            17:00–20:45        The Symbolic Language of Dreams

                            Fri, 28 Feb        Murray Stein, PhD
                            17:00–18:45        Individuation: A Lifelong Journey

                            19:00–20:45        Marco Della Chiesa, lic.phil.
                                               The Man C.G. Jung: His Life, His Work • • +41 (0)43 344 00 66

ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology ...
M Ä R Z TA G U N G 2 0 2 0
                                                                         I N T E R N AT I O N A L E S S E M I N A R F Ü R A N A LY T I S C H E P S Y C H O L O G I E
                                                                         I N T E R N AT I O N A L S C H O O L O F A N A LY T I C A L P S Y C H O L O G Y
                                                                         A G A P P O S T - G R A D U AT E J U N G I A N T R A I N I N G

                             Unterwegs zu
                             den inneren Bildern
                             Samstag, 14. März 2020 • 9.30 – 18.00 Uhr
                             Stampfenbachstrasse 115, 8006 Zürich
                             Vorträge, Workshops, Podiumgespräch
                             Eintritt inklusive Café, Gipfeli, Stehlunch, Apéro
                             Paul Brutsche, Dr. phil.
                             Paul Brutsche, Dr. phil.
                             Imagination und seelische Wandlung
                             Isabelle Meier, Dr. phil.
                             Unter Wasser sein – Das Symbol Wasser in Imaginationen
                             Workshops • Wahl
                             Marco Della Chiesa, lic.phil.
                             Psychodrama: Innere Bilder verlebendigen und erleben
                             Margareta Ehnberg, MSC
                             Einführung ins Sandspiel
                             Lucienne Marguerat, lic.phil.
                             Was die Farben erzählen
                             Katharina Casanova, lic.phil. & Ilsabe von Uslar, lic.phil.
                             Geführte Imagination und Gestaltung

           Auskunft • Anmeldung •
       Zahlung in bar an der Tageskasse:
       Allgemein: 160.- | AHV: 140.- | Studierende/IV/ISAP-Analytiker: 80.- | ISAP-Students 40.-
       Verbindliche Anmeldung bis 7. März 2020 • • od. per Post

       Name                                                   Vorname
       Email                                                                  Tel
       Senden an ISAPZURICH | Märztagung 2020 | Stampfenbachstrasse 115, 8006 Zürich | Schweiz

ISAPZURICH - International School of Analytical Psychology ...
                                                                                         INTERNATIONALES SEMINAR FÜR ANALYTISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE
                                                                                         INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY
Chats with Analysts • Spring 2020                                                        AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING

                                                                        One day you finally knew what you had
                                                                        to do, and began, though the voices
                                                                        around you kept shouting their bad
                                                                        advice……..But little by little……there
                                                                        was a new voice which you slowly
                                                                        recognized as your own….determined to
                                                                        save the only life that you could save.

                                                                                   Mary Oliver, from The Journey

                                           Wednesday, 22 April • 19:00 – 20:45

                                            Deborah Egger, MSW
                                         My Narrative, Your Narrative
                                        and Their Symbolic Disruptions
                                        Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zurich Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof

                                             General Entry: CHF 30 • Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 20
                                          Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts • Payment in Cash at the Door

                                    In these casual talks each semester, ISAP analysts offer
                                    glimpses into their personal approaches to Jungian analysis.
                                    (For ISAP students, not credited for training.) • • +41 (0)43 344 00 66

                                                 A Festive Interlude
                                                                                              INTERNATIONALES SEMINAR FÜR ANALYTISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE
                                                                                              INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                              AGAP POST-GRADUATE JUNGIAN TRAINING

                                                 Take the chance to join our
                                                 Jungian studies and explore our school, at home in an
                                                 erstwhile Swiss Post Office (jugendstil design, built 1911).
                                                 Registration and payment deadline 8 May
                                                 General Entry: CHF 160
                                                 Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 100
                                                 ISAP Students and Analysts: Gratis
Spring Semester Interlude • 2020

                                                 Includes Apéro
                                                 Payment online at

                                    Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich • Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof
                                     Wed, 20 May         Ian McCabe, PhD
                                      10:00–11:45        Carl Jung, LSD, Spirituality and Alcoholics Anonymous
                                       13:10–18:30       Excursion: ANIMA MUNDI gallery / bookstore
                                                         and C.G. Jung Museum Gommiswald
                                                         Excursion leader: Peter Luginbühl, lic.phil.
                                                         Meet at 13:10 at Zürich HB meeting point with:
                                                         • train ticket to Gommiswald
                                                         • CHF 10 in cash for the guided tour

                                     Thur, 21 May        Peter Ammann, Dr. phil.
                                       10:00–11:45       Mabi's Feast: Portrait of a Black Healer (part 1)
                                       13:00–14:45       Laura J. Lewis Thayer, MA
                                                         A Deeper Look into Archetypes
                                       15:00–16:45       Ian McCabe, PhD
                                                         Original Documents from the Archives Relating
                                                         to Correspondence between Jung and Bill Wilson

                                       Fri, 22 May       Peter Ammann, Dr. phil.
                                        10:00–11:45      Mabi's Feast: Portrait of a Black Healer (part 2)
                                       13:00–14:45       Kathrin Schaeppi, MS, MFA
                                                         Searching for Soul
                                             17:00       Graduation Ceremony and Apéro

                                         Interested in the training program? Ask for an interview
                                           while you are here! (

                                   Registration • •

      The 15th Jungian Odyssey
    Annual Conference & Retreat                     for Soul
                                                    in Times
                                                    of Anxiety
                                                    May 23 – 30, 2020
                                                    Parkhotel Beau-Site
                                                    Zermatt, Switzerland
                                                    Keynote Speaker
                                                    Thomas Moore, PhD
                                                    Special Guests
                                                    Hari Kirin, MFA, MA
                                                    Craig E. Stephenson, PhD
“I thought and spoke much of the soul. I
knew many learned words for her. I had
                                                    With Faculty of ISAPZURICH
judged her and turned her into a scientific         Peter Ammann, Dr. phil.
object. [....] Therefore the spirit of the depths
forced me to speak to my soul, to call upon
                                                    Galina Angelova, MTheol.
her as a living and self-existing being. I had to   Katharina Casanova, lic.phil.
become aware that I had lost my soul.”
C.G. Jung (The Red Book, “Liber Primus,”
                                                    Diane Cousineau Brutsche, PhD
p. 232, § 37)                                       John A. Desteian, JD, DPsy
                                                    Deborah Egger, MSW
                                                    Andrew Fellows, PhD
                                                    Gary Hayes, lic.phil.
                                                    John Hill, MA
Limited grants available                            Lisa Holland, MS
for US Americans!                                   Ann Chia-Yi Li, MA
                                                    Bernard Sartorius, lic.theol.
                                                    Judith A. Savage, MSW
                                                    Kristina Schellinski, MA
                                                    Ilsabe von Uslar, lic.phil.
                                                    Ursula Wirtz, Dr. phil.
                                                    Photo: Zermatt Switzerland Matterhorn Night (2012) by
                                                    Chensiyuan, GNU Free Documentation License v.1.2
C.G. Jung
59th Memorial Day • 59. Gedenktag

                                                                   Lecture & Apéro
                                                                   Friday 5 June, 2020
                                                                   Vortrag & Apéro
                                                                   Freitag 5. Juni, 2020
                                                                   18:00–19:30 Uhr
                                                                   Entry gratis • Eintritt frei

      Ruth Ammann, dipl. arch.
              Archivist of the Picture Archive
            C.G. Jung-Institut Zürich, Küsnacht

          The Janus-faced Archivist:
       thinking about 4500 colourful
       pictures sleeping in grey boxes

   Stampfenbachstrasse 115, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland

                      C.G. Jung-Institut Zürich, Küsnacht
   Internationales Seminar für Analytische Psychologie Zürich - ISAPZURICH
      Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Analytische Psychologie - SGAP|SSPA

Frühlingssemester 2020                          Spring Semester 2020
    Di, 25.02.20 – Sa, 30.05.20                 Tue, 25.02.20 – Sat, 30.05.20

Bitte konsultieren Sie die Website bezüglich    Please check the website for eventual
möglicher Änderungen:        changes:

Alle Vorlesungen und Offenen Seminare sind      All Lectures and Open Seminars are open
für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Seminare     to the public. Seminars and Case
und Fallkolloquien sind für ISAP-Kandidaten     Colloquia    are  reserved   for   ISAP
reserviert.                                     candidates.


  01 01 Lecture                                          === Basic Jung ===
 Nancy Krieger, PhD                 What Does it Mean to Work as a “Jungian”?
 Tuesday                            What in the world is a ‘Jungian analysis’? Who does the
 25.02. 17:00-18:45                 analyzing? What is analyzed? What happens? We will look at
                                    all these questions and more during this introduction to the
 Other area of interest: 09         Basic Jung series ‘Working as a Jungian Psychoanalyst’.

  01 02 Lecture                                           === Basic Jung ===
 Ursula Ulmer, MA                   On the Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche
 Tuesday                            The lecture will give a brief overview of Jungian concepts and
 25.02. 19:00-20:45                 how they function in his understanding of the psyche.

  01 03 Lecture                                           === Basic Jung ===
 Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH   Symbol: Basic Concept and Tool in Analytical Psychology
 Wednesday                          Understood as an image that represents much more than its
 26.02. 17:00-18:45                 mere concrete form, the symbol opens a window onto the
                                    very roots of the world. It can be experienced as a revelation,
                                    but also used as a key to translation. If becoming possessed
                                    by a symbol imprisons us, then entering into dialogue with it
                                    liberates energy. Thus the symbolic equation is to depth
                                    psychology what the mathematical equation is to the natural
                                    sciences. It allows powerful analysis and forges deeply
                                    attuned solutions. To adopt a symbolic attitude is a truly
                                    vivifying experience.

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                          13
01 10 Lecture                                              === Basic Jung ===
Marco Della Chiesa, lic. phil.       The Man C. G. Jung: His Life, His Work
Friday                               We will try to encounter the man C. G. Jung.
28.02. 19:00-20:45                   What course did his life take? What are the turning points
                                     and stations in his life? Which people played important roles
                                     in Jung’s life and how did these encounters influence his
                                     work? We will embark on a journey of Jung’s life and work,
                                     illustrated with pictures and texts.

 01 14 Lecture                       Shadow: Part of Our Soul, Part of the World
Heike Weis Hyder, FMH                Emerging, hiding, sliding, killing, creating, ...
Psychiatrie/Psychotherapie           Shadow is there, ‘called or uncalled’ as part of the Self, as
Tuesday/Dienstag                     Jung experienced in the human psyche.
03.03. 19:00-20:45                   Case studies with dreams and transference-countertrans-
10.03. 19:00-20:45                   ference aspects will be discussed. An interesting 12 year case
17.03. 19:00-20:45                   with rich dream and picture material will be discussed in
Other areas of interest: 10 and 02
                                     Schatten: Teil unserer Seele, Teil unserer Welt
                                     Fallmaterial mit Bezug auf Träume, Übertragung und
                                     Gegenübertragung. Besondere Erwähnung einer langen
                                     Therapie über 12 Jahre, mit Bild- und Traummaterial.

 01 27 Open Seminar                  Introduction to Authentic Movement
Antonella Adorisio, Dott.ssa         The first double hour I will create a safe environment for
Friday                               introducing body work, little experiences on body awareness,
20.03. 15:00-18:45                   emotional awareness, kinesthetic communication. The
                                     second double hour will be dedicated to the explanation and
Other areas of interest: 04 and 07   practice of Authentic Movement.
                                     Dance/movement as active imagination makes it possible to
                                     perceive psyche and body as a unity within which a series of
                                     bridges allows for passage and communication between one
                                     and the other. Authentic movement explores the inner-
                                     directed movement as a way to bridge the realms of
                                     conscious and unconscious experience. It promotes healing
                                     and creative process through individual and collective
                                     transformative journeys.
                                     This seminar is open to all. It is required for anyone wanting
                                     to attend the intensive seminar over the week-end who has
                                     not been in a previous workshop with me before.

                                     CH-course No. 1

14                                                                          Frühling 2020 Spring
01 28 Experiential Seminar          Authentic Movement
 Antonella Adorisio, Dott.ssa         This Seminar is open to those who have attended the Friday
 Saturday & Sunday                    Seminar or have already experienced Authentic Movement.
 21.03. 10:00-16:45                   It will be dedicated to the practice of Authentic Movement.
 22.03. 10:00-13:45                   Dance/movement as active imagination makes it possible to
                                      perceive psyche and body as a unity within which a series of
 Other areas of interest: 04 and 07   bridges allow for passage and communication between one
                                      and the other. Authentic movement explores the inner-
                                      directed movement as a way to bridge the realms of
                                      conscious and unconscious experience. It promotes healing
                                      and creative process through individual and collective
                                      transformative journeys.
                                      16 ISAP Students

                                      CH-course No. 1

  01 34 Lecture                       Anima: A Geography of Relatedness
 Dariane Pictet, Ad. Dip. Ex. Psych   We will look at the anima as an archetype of relatedness and
 Friday                               how its images map our inner landscape. We will attempt to
 03.04. 15:00-16:45                   move beyond gender biases and see if this intrapsychic
                                      complex can be integrated into a modern soul making
 Other area of interest: 11           perspective.

  01 42 Lecture                       Healer, Coach or Psychopomp? The Role of the Analyst in
 Allan Guggenbühl, Dr. phil.          Jungian Psychotherapy
 Thursday                             Jungian Psychotherapy is a helping profession, but what
 30.04. 15:00-18:45                   makes it distinctive and different from other psycho-
                                      therapeautic approaches? In this lecture the profile of the
 Other area of interest: 09           Jungian approach will be circumscribed and the patterns,
                                      which makes Jungian Psychology unique, discussed.

                                      CH-course No. 1

  01 56 Lecture                       Archetypal Patterns in the Fundamental Properties of Living
 Nancy van den Berg-Cook, PhD, PsyD   Systems
 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday &       We will be surprised by the similarities between biological
 Friday                               and psychic processes; biochemistry is mirrored in the Self
 12.05. 15:00-16:45                   and Trickster archetypes, subcellular functions in the stages
 13.05. 15:00-16:45                   of alchemy. Can we get a glimpse of the Psychoid?
 14.05. 15:00-16:45
 15.05. 15:00-16:45                   CH-course No. 4

 Other areas of interest: 08 and 03

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                          15
01 64 Open Seminar                                          === Interlude ===
Laura J. Lewis Thayer, MA            A Deeper Look Into Archetypes
Thursday                             The concept of archetype has been popularized in recent
21.05. 13:00-14:45                   decades, sometimes leading to a generalized or superficial
                                     understanding. Archetypes are too often held conceptually
Other areas of interest: 11 and 06   without deeper, related experience. Yet according to Jung,
                                     archetype... “can be truly understood only if experienced as
                                     an autonomous entity.” (CWVII, ¶184) Distinguishing
                                     between ego identity and the mystical guest who enters the
                                     doorway of one’s being is a practice that enables the I/Thou
                                     relationship. “The better we understand the archetype,” Jung
                                     writes, “the more we participate in its life and the more we
                                     realize its eternity or timelessness.” (CW18, ¶1572)
                                     Part lecture, part practical application, we will delve into the
                                     topic of archetype theoretically and experientially, working
                                     with the archetype of the circle as it effects conscious
                                     perception and body awareness.

 01 66 Lecture                                             === Interlude ===
Kathrin Schaeppi, MS, MFA            Searching for Soul
Friday                               In the Red Book Jung writes, “I had to become aware that I
22.05. 13:00-14:45                   had lost my soul.” What is soul? What may it feel like when
                                     connection is lost? How might soul searching and
Other area of interest: 11           reconnection take place? Loss and recovery of soul will be
                                     explored and illuminated through Jung’s personal

Siehe auch/See also: 02 07, 02 50, 04 18, 04 21, 06 53, 08 38, 08 48, 09 05, 11 09,
11 15, 11 17, 11 44, 11 45, 13 32

16                                                                           Frühling 2020 Spring

  02 06 Lecture                                           === Basic Jung ===
 Lucienne Marguerat, lic. phil.       The Symbolic Language of Dreams
 Thursday                             What is Jungian in our views on dreams, on the purpose of
 27.02. 17:00-20:45                   dreams, on the meaning of the weird situations and people
                                      in our dreams? An introduction on the function and the
                                      language of dreams is followed by a common discussion of a
                                      particular dream. Another dream is then discussed first in
                                      small groups, then with all while the different findings are
                                      compared and a conclusion on a possible meaning is drawn.

  02 07 Lecture                       Understanding Dreams: Theory and Practice
 John Hill, MA                        In this lecture we will look at the ancient and psychoanalytic
 Friday                               approach to dreams. We will also consider contemporary
 28.02. 10:00-11:45                   research on dream consciousness.
 06.03. 10:00-11:45
                                      CH-course No. 1 and No. 4
 Other area of interest: 01

  02 33 Seminar                       The Discomfort of Not-Knowing: An Approach to Dream
 Deborah Egger-Biniores, MSW          Interpretation
 Tuesday & Wednesday & Thursday &     In this seminar on dreams we will learn the difference
 Friday                               between compensatory and non-compensatory dreams; the
 31.03. 10:00-11:45                   value of dream series and recurring dreams; the meaning of
 01.04. 10:00-11:45                   initial dreams; and how to interpret dreams subjectively and
 02.04. 10:00-11:45                   objectively; constructively (synthetic) and reductively
 03.04. 10:00-11:45                   (analytic).
                                      12 ISAP Students
 Other areas of interest: 12 and 11
                                      This course requires extra work on the part of the student
                                      between sessions

  02 50 Seminar                       Theory and Practice of Dream Interpretation
 Vicki Reiff, MPS                     === Continuation of Course from November 2019 ===
 Ellen Celi, PhD                      Recommended for (but not limited to) the November 2019
 Wednesday                            participants.
 29.04. 17:00-20:45                   Further practice in the interpretation of dreams. Limited to
                                      students who participated in the first part in November 2019.
 Other areas of interest: 01 and 08   ISAP Students

 Siehe auch/See also: 01 14, 05 63, 09 16, 11 44, 11 45, 11 52, 11 61, 13 11, 13 39

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                           17

 03 35 Lecture                       The Hidden Pathways of Germanic Mythology: On the
Paul Wassmann, PhD                   Neglected, Demonized, Repulsed and Repressed
Wednesday & Thursday                 Archetypical Representations of Original Germanic Culture
01.04. 13:00-16:45                   The lectures deal with Germanic cosmology, the main gods
02.04. 15:00-18:45                   and the end of time. They describe Germanic culture through
                                     time and deal with neglected female and male archetypes,
Other areas of interest: 05 and 06   the consequences of cultural repression and archetypal
                                     I. Introduction
                                     II. Germanic cosmography, the gods and the end of time
                                     III. Germanic mythology through time
                                     IV. Women in the Norse world, Brünhild and the Ring
                                     V. Odin, the undiscovered archetype of analytical
                                     VI. A plea for education in archetypal geography
                                     VII. On C. G. Jung’s essay “Wotan” (1936)
                                     VIII. Outlook and literature

 03 49 Seminar                       Once upon a time ...
Ursula Kübler, lic. phil.            In the Seminar we are going to contemplate a fairy tale
Wednesday                            together; we let emerge thoughts, images, emotions and will
08.04. 10:00-16:45                   try to find the golden thread.
                                     12 ISAP Students

Siehe auch/See also: 01 56, 06 43, 08 55, 09 05, 11 29

18                                                                        Frühling 2020 Spring

  04 12 Experiential Seminar      Intuitive Painting
 Lucienne Marguerat, lic. phil.   We first do generous movements with the paintbrush then
 Tuesday                          let the picture guide us so that once it is done, both conscious
 03.03. 15:30-18:00               and unconscious elements are combined. Bring if possible
 10.03. 15:30-18:00               your own brushes and paints (gouache only!)
 17.03. 15:30-18:00               Location: Atelier Claudia Weilenmann, Rütistrasse 52, 8032
 24.03. 15:30-18:00               Zürich. Fee for the rent: CHF 56.-. German speaking students
 31.03. 15:30-18:00               with some knowledge of English are welcome.
 07.04. 15:30-18:00               5 ISAP Students
 21.04. 15:30-18:00
 28.04. 15:30-18:00               CH-course Nr. 1

 Other area of interest: 11

  04 18 Experiential Seminar      Sandplay
 Margareta Ehnberg-Vital, MSc     Sandplay is a physical and tactile form of therapy. It can be
 Thursday                         seen as active imagination that can be shared without using
 05.03. 13:00-14:45               words. The body, the hands and the intuition make it possible
 12.03. 13:00-14:45               for both conscious and unconscious elements to be
                                  expressed in the finished image.
 Other area of interest: 01       8 Training and Diploma Candidates

   04 21 Experiential Seminar     Introduction to Picture Interpretation
 Isabelle Meier, Dr. phil.        We learn the basic understanding of how to look at clients’
 Friday/Freitag                   pictures. Do we see anxieties, depression, traumas in their
 06.03. 17:00-18:45               paintings? We learn to see diagnostic and prospective
 13.03. 17:00-18:45               aspects and how we can integrate pictures in our therapeutic
 Other area of interest: 01       15 ISAP Students

                                  Einführung in die Bildinterpretation
                                  Wir erlernen das grundlegende Verständnis, wie man
                                  Klientenbilder betrachtet. Sehen wir in ihren Bildern Ängste,
                                  Depressionen oder Traumata? Wir untersuchen dabei
                                  diagnostische und prospektive Aspekte und lernen, wie wir
                                  Bilder in unseren therapeutischen Ansatz integrieren können.
                                  15 ISAP Studierende

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                         19
04 23 Experiential Seminar      Practice Interpreting Pictures and Picture Series while
Kathrin Schaeppi, MS, MFA        Paying Attention to Specific Aspects
Tuesday                          How may picture interpretation be drawn into the analytic
10.03. 10:00-11:45               hour? How may transference be experienced when working
17.03. 10:00-11:45               with pictures? We explore how somatic manifestations of the
24.03. 10:00-11:45               unconscious may appear in images. We gain skills seeing
                                 individuation in picture series. The last session is devoted to
Other area of interest: 11       practicing interpretation of a picture series.
                                 15 Training and Diploma Candidates

 04 30 Open Seminar              Structure and Disorder in the work of Anton Heyboer
Marcel van den Akker, PhD        We shall explore Jung’s perspectives on modern art and apply
Friday                           them to the work of Dutch artist Anton Heyboer (1924-2005).
27.03. 10:00-11:45               We will discuss the archetypal themes but also address the
                                 question if Heyboer’s art provides evidence of psychological
Other area of interest: 11       development.

 04 60 Experiential Seminar      Visualizing Somatics: An Experiential Seminar
Kathrin Schaeppi, MS, MFA        This seminar explores working with body images in
Tuesday                          preparation for working with analysands. We will imagine
19.05. 10:00-14:45               parts of the body and let inner fantasies, images, and
                                 sensations arise. We will follow the impulse and express this
Other area of interest: 11       creatively through movement, drawing and writing. In this
                                 experimental research setting there is no ‘right way’, only a
                                 personal way.
                                 8 Diploma Candidates

Siehe auch/See also: 01 27, 01 28, 07 20, 08 51

20                                                                      Frühling 2020 Spring

  05 26 Lecture                   Rituals: Meaning and Function
 Marco Della Chiesa, lic. phil.   Rituals are universal. All societies know rituals. All people
 Friday                           consciously or unconsciously perform rituals or are part of
 20.03. 10:00-11:45               rituals.
                                  If a phenomenon exists universally, according to C. G. Jung
 Other area of interest: 06       we can speak of an archetypal event. Rituals are
                                  archetypically rooted.
                                  The lecture illuminates the theme of rituals theoretically and
                                  illustrates the universality of rituals with examples from the
                                  world family.

  05 63 Lecture                                        === Interlude ===
 Peter Ammann, Dr. phil.          Mabi’s Feast: Portrait of a Black Healer
 Thursday & Friday                Showing and discussion of my documentary film about an
 21.05. 10:00-11:45               African sangoma who received his healing power in his
 22.05. 10:00-11:45               dreams from the Bushpeople. When he finally met them in
                                  reality he wanted to honor them in a special ceremony.
 Other area of interest: 02
                                  CH-course No. 3 and No. 5

 Siehe auch/See also: 03 35

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                       21

 06 04 Lecture                                              === Basic Jung ===
Galina Angelova, MTheol.               Minding the Soul: Jungian Psychology as a Wholistic
Wednesday                              Approach to Psychic Suffering and Healing
26.02. 19:00-20:45                     The lecture will address the understanding of psychic
                                       suffering and illness from a Jungian point of view. How do
Other area of interest: 11             healing and relief come about and what facilitates those in
                                       analytical work?

 06 43 Vorlesung                       Wo ist Bethesda?
Kathrin Asper, Dr. phil.               Die Vorlesung erschliesst die „Heilung eines Kranken am
Freitag                                Teich Bethesda“ (Joh.5, 2-16) aus psychologischer Sicht.
17.04. 10:00-14:45                     Körperliche Behinderung als Stiefkind der Psychotherapie
                                       wird theoretisch und am praktischen Beispiel erläutert.
Weitere Interessengebiete: 03 and 09
                                       CH-course Nr. 1

  06 46 Lecture                        Mental Mechanisms of Religious Fundamentalism: With
Irene Berkenbusch-Erbe, Dr. phil.      Case Examples from Practice
Friday                                 In the face of increasing religion-based aggression and
24.04. 15:00-16:45                     violence in the world, we address the question of the extent
                                       to which psychological and cultural complexes play a role.
Other areas of interest: 12 and 11
                                       CH-course No. 3

 06 53 Lecture                         Life After Death in the Life and Work of C. G. Jung
Luis Moris, MA                         The survival of the soul was a major question and interest for
Wednesday                              Jung throughout his entire life. We will explore why.
13.05. 13:00-14:45

Other area of interest: 01

 06 62 Lecture                                               === Interlude ===
Ian McCabe, PhD                        Carl Jung, LSD, Spirituality and Alcoholics Anonymous
Wednesday                              This lecture includes a “secret” and unpublished letter from
20.05. 10:00-11:45                     the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill Wilson, requesting
                                       Jung’s advice on using LSD with alcoholics in order to induce
Other areas of interest: 12 and 11     a spiritual awakening in them.
                                       The lecture will explain how Carl Jung influenced AA and in
                                       turn was influenced by it.

                                       CH-course No. 3

22                                                                            Frühling 2020 Spring
06 65 Open Seminar                                        === Interlude ===
 Ian McCabe, PhD                      Original Documents from the Archives Relating to
 Thursday                             Correspondence between Jung and Bill Wilson (AA)
 21.05. 15:00-16:45                   The first part of the seminar will examine previously
                                      unpublished historical documents from the archives which
 Other areas of interest: 12 and 11   show Jung’s connection to Bill Wilson, the founder of AA,
                                      from 1926 to 1961. Their correspondence includes Bill Wilson
                                      explaining his own personal use of LSD and of using it as
                                      treatment to induce a spiritual experience in alcoholics. Also
                                      included is correspondence from Margarita Luttichau, a
                                      student of both Jung and Wilson, to whom Jung gave
                                      “extraordinarily complete instruction” about how to apply
                                      the AA group methodology to “general neurotics”.
                                      The second part will explain how to treat alcoholism from a
                                      Jungian perspective; including the clinical diagnosis of
                                      alcoholism, motivating a person into treatment and
                                      prevention of relapse.
                                      Participants will be encouraged to discuss a case and raise
                                      questions about coping with active alcoholism among clients
                                      and family members.

                                      CH-course No. 1 and No. 3

 Siehe auch/See also: 01 64, 03 35, 05 26, 11 15, 11 31

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                           23

  07 20 Seminar                  Complexes as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Method of
Isabelle Meier, Dr. phil.        Analytical Psychology
Friday/Freitag                   We learn how to deal with clients’ complexes, how to find
06.03. 15:00-16:45               them and on where to focus in dreams, pictures and
13.03. 15:00-16:45               behaviors. This material is based on neuroscientific findings
                                 of Jaak Panksepp and Schema therapy of Jeffrey Young.
Other area of interest: 04       15 ISAP Students

                                 Komplexe als diagnostische und therapeutische Methode
                                 der analytischen Psychologie
                                 Wir lernen, wie man mit den Komplexen der Klienten
                                 umgeht, wie man sie aufspürt und wie sie sich in Träumen,
                                 Bildern und im Verhalten äussern können. Dieses Material
                                 basiert auf den neurowissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen von
                                 Jaak Panksepp und der Schematherapie von Jeffrey Young.
                                 15 ISAP Studierende

                                 CH-course No. 4

 07 41 Experiential Seminar      Word Association Experiment: Part I
Stacy Wirth, MA                  This is the first part of the required seminar in the Word
Nancy Krieger, PhD               Association Experiment. We will present the history, theory
Wednesday                        and practice of the WAE in preparation for your work with a
15.04. 13:00-16:45               client.
22.04. 13:00-16:45
                                 Studierende, die das A.E. Seminar auf Deutsch absolvieren
                                 möchten, mögen sich bitte melden bei: Katharina Casanova
                                 ISAP Students

                                 This course requires extra work on the part of the student
                                 between sessions

Siehe auch/See also: 01 27, 01 28, 09 19

24                                                                     Frühling 2020 Spring

  08 22 Experiential Seminar          Sexual Perversions! Perversions? About Paraphilias,
 Christa Gubler, lic. phil.           Specifically Pedophilia
 Saturday                             === Replacement for Autumn Semester September 2019 ===
 07.03. 10:00-16:45                   Let’s talk about sexual perversions. What are they about?
                                      What do we know? When and why do they develop? How do
 Other areas of interest: 10 and 09   we handle “sexually perverse” clients? Can we influence
                                      them in analysis/therapy? We will specifically look into
                                      pedophilia, as this is referred to increasingly in the news.
                                      20 ISAP Students

                                      CH-course No. 3

  08 38 Lecture                       The Child: Erich Neumann’s Theory of Child Development
 Nancy Krieger, PhD                   We will look in depth at Erich Neumann’s archetypal theories
 Tuesday                              of child development as presented in his posthumous book
 07.04. 13:00-14:45                   The Child. This will include the primal mother-infant
 14.04. 13:00-14:45                   relationship and the development of the Ego-Self axis, the
 21.04. 13:00-14:45                   five stages of development as he defined them, and the
                                      Matriarchy and Patriarchy as archetypal principles.
 Other area of interest: 01
                                      CH-course No. 2

  08 48 Open Seminar                  The (Girl) Child
 Nancy Krieger, PhD                   Bearing in mind that Neumann died before completing The
 Tuesday                              Child, I will start with a brief introduction of the comments he
 28.04. 15:00-16:45                   made specifically concerning girls. After this, I want to hear
                                      from the students what you have to say about how this
 Other area of interest: 01           relates to your experience. The lecture series 08 38 is
                                      prerequisite for this discussion.

                                      CH-course No. 2

  08 51 Seminar                       Sandplay Images of Children Ages 6 to 10
 Vreni Osterwalder-Bollag,            We will discuss the differences in developmental processes
 Dipl.Pedagogy                        between boys and girls ages 6 to 10, particularly with regard
 Tuesday                              to separation from the mother, as this is represented in the
 05.05. 13:00-14:45                   sandplay constellations they made.
 12.05. 13:00-14:45                   ISAP Students

 Other areas of interest: 04          CH-course No. 2

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                             25
08 55 Experiential Seminar          The Archetype of the Child
ffiona von Westhoven Perigrinor, MA   Jung relates the Child to a god and hero, the past, continual
Thursday, Friday & Saturday           presence and potential future, as well as perils,
07.05. 10:00-18:45                    abandonment, invincibility, miraculous birth and
08.05. 10:00-18:45                    hermaphroditism. Participants will have the opportunity to
09.05. 10:00-18:45                    make glove puppets of their own inner child.
                                      Cost of materials CHF 20.
Other areas of interest: 03 and 11    20 Training and Diploma Candidates

Siehe auch/See also: 01 56, 02 50, 09 16

26                                                                          Frühling 2020 Spring

  09 05 Seminar                        Narcissism in a Narcissistic World
 Gary Hayes, lic. phil.                We seem to be living in a narcissistic world where narcissism
 Thursday                              presents itself as a frequent theme in our consulting rooms.
 27.02. 10:00-11:45                    We will be looking at what Analytical Psychology as well as
 05.03. 10:00-11:45                    other important authors have contributed to
 12.03. 10:00-11:45                    the better understanding of this phenomenon.
 19.03. 10:00-11:45                    15 ISAP Students

 Other areas of interest: 03 and 01    This course requires extra work on the part of the student
                                       between sessions

                                       CH-course No. 1

   09 16 Seminar                       Some Classic Concepts of the Unconscious
 Ilsabe von Uslar Ryffel, lic. phil.   We will look at some case vignettes under the point of view
 Wednesday                             of different directions of classic depth psychology. We will
 04.03. 13:00-14:45                    compare their concepts of the unconscious and their
 11.03. 13:00-14:45                    approaches to its manifestations (such as dreams and
 18.03. 13:00-14:45                    symptoms).
 25.03. 13:00-14:45                    ISAP Students

 Other areas of interest: 02 and 08    CH-course No. 1

  09 19 Seminar                        Narcissistic Wounding: the Recycling of Pain
 Roberta Locher-Dworkin, MSc           The effects of narcissism on one’s own landscape as well as
 Thursday                              upon the psychic landscapes of others; a depth-psychological
 05.03. 15:00-16:45                    examination of the phenomenon of narcissism
 12.03. 15:00-16:45                    30 Training and Diploma Candidates
 19.03. 15:00-16:45

 Other areas of interest: 10 and 07

   09 57 Seminar                       Psychic Disorders as a Consequence of Traumatic
 Irene Berkenbusch-Erbe, Dr. phil.     Experience
 Thursday & Friday                     We will consider the therapeutic possibilities through
 14.05. 13:00-14:45                    discussion and role-play based on case material. Participants
 15.05. 13:00-14:45                    may also bring their own case material.
                                       8 Training and Diploma Candidates
 Other areas of interest: 11 and 12
                                       CH-course No. 1

 Siehe auch/See also: 01 01, 01 42, 06 43, 08 22

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                           27

 10 13 Seminar                   Practicing Differential Diagnosis in Psychiatry
Yuriko Sato, MD                  We will work on cases in published case books and practice
Tuesday                          differential diagnosis in psychiatry.
14.04. 17:00-20:45               The seminar is suitable for candidates who have completed
21.04. 17:00-20:45               the Fundamentals of Psychiatry and Psychopathology
28.04. 17:00-20:45               Propaedeuticum exam.
                                 6 Training and Diploma Candidates

 10 37 Seminar                   Mending the Soul: Psychosis as a Way of Living
Lucienne Marguerat, lic. phil.   We will discuss different reports on the therapy of psychosis,
Tuesday                          especially schizophrenia, that show how analytic
07.04. 10:00-11:45               psychotherapy can heal enough to enable the patients to live
14.04. 10:00-11:45               an independent life. Pictures by mentally ill (‘Art Brut’) will be
21.04. 10:00-11:45               shown as illustrations. The film A Beautiful Mind will be
28.04. 10:00-11:45               viewed and discussed.
05.05. 10:00-11:45               12 Training and Diploma Candidates
12.05. 10:00-11:45
                                 This course requires extra work on the part of the student
                                 between sessions

 10 54 Seminar                   Suicidal Tendencies: Case Vignettes
Christiana Ludwig, MH            We will be looking at the theoretical and psychological
Wednesday                        background, signs and symptoms, risk factors, assessment,
06.05. 19:00-20:45               therapeutic approach, and legal aspects around suicide, using
13.05. 19:00-20:45               case material.
20.05. 19:00-20:45               Training and Diploma Candidates

                                 CH-course No. 3

Siehe auch/See also: 01 14, 08 22, 09 19, 11 52, 11 61

28                                                                        Frühling 2020 Spring

  11 09 Lecture                                            === Basic Jung ===
 Murray Stein, PhD                    Individuation: A Lifelong Journey
 Friday                               Jungian psychoanalysts use a theory of psychological
 28.02 17:00-18:45                    development to assist their clients toward health and
                                      wholeness. This lecture will give an overview of how
 Other areas of interest: 12 and 01   individuation theory is used in analysis.

  11 15 Lecture                       Three Lectures on Individuation and Spirituality
 Murray Stein, PhD                      1) “On the Importance of Numinous Experience in the
 Wednesday                                    Alchemy of Individuation”
 04.03. 10:00-11:45                     2) “On Modern Initiation into the Spiritual”
 11.03. 10:00-11:45                     3) “The Individuation Process in Difficult Times: Jung’s
 18.03. 10:00-11:45                           Red Book Experience”

 Other areas of interest: 06 and 01

  11 17 Lecture                       The Four Phases of the Moon: Toni Wolff’s Structural Forms
 Nathalie Baratoff, lic. phil.        of the Feminine
 Wednesday                            Toni Wolff first introduced her structural forms of the
 04.03. 15:00-16:45                   feminine in the Psychological Club in Zurich (1934). Her study
 11.03. 15:00-16:45                   is no less relevant today than it was 85 years ago. It speaks
 18.03. 15:00-16:45                   not only to women but also to the Anima of the man and
 25.03. 15:00-16:45                   helps understand why women react in so many different
                                      ways to similar situations . The short article will be available
 Other area of interest: 01           for copying.

  11 29 Lecture                       Exploring the Second Half of Life
 Penelope Yungblut, MA                Discovering what we can learn from myth about the process,
 Tuesday & Thursday                   rites of passage, steps, and tasks which are asked of us in the
 24.03. 13:00-14:45                   journey to the Self.
 26.03. 13:00-14:45
 31.03. 13:00-14:45                   CH-course No. 2
 02.04. 13:00-14:45

 Other area of interest: 03

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                             29
11 31 Seminar                        Death “Occurs”: Transformation on the Threshold of Death
Galina Angelova, MTheol.              The seminar will address the moment in which death
Michael Péus, lic. phil.              “enters” the patient’s life in the form a diagnosis of a heavy
Friday                                illness and will focus on the today collectively forgotten
27.03. 13:00-16:45                    transformational potential of death.
                                      Our respective personal background comprises long clinical
Other area of interest: 06            psycho-oncological work with cancer patients and experience
                                      with theological aspects and spiritual care. Case examples
                                      will be presented and discussed.
                                      Training and Diploma Candidates

                                      CH-course No. 3

 11 36 Experiential Seminar           Exploring Our Many Selves
Penelope Yungblut, MA                 Using various forms of active imagination, we will work with
Saturday & Sunday                     images arising from playing with colored tissue paper to
04.04. 10:00-17:45                    become increasingly conscious of inner figures and energies
05.04. 10:00-15:45                    seeking recognition and expression in our psyche. Students
                                      are asked to contribute CHF 15 for art materials.
                                      12 ISAP Students

 11 40 Seminar                        Cultivating Ethical Awareness during Training: Ethical
Ursula Ulmer, MA                      Dilemmas and Moral Concepts from a Jungian Perspective
Wednesday                             Required reading list is available in the library.
15.04. 10:00-11:45                    12 ISAP Students
22.04. 10:00-11:45
29.04. 10:00-14:45 (2 double hours)   This course requires extra work on the part of the student
13.05. 10:00-11:45                    between sessions

                                      CH-course No. 3

 11 44 Lecture                        Puella’s Shadow
Susan Schwartz, PhD                   The complex aspects of the Puella archetype are explored
Thursday                              through composite clinical examples, myth and dreams as we
23.04. 10:00-11:45                    try to define her. Disconnected from the Shadow she is
                                      bolstered by Persona adaptation but feels empty and without
Other areas of interest: 01 and 02    passion. The narcissistic wounding and early attachment
                                      problems lead to body numbing, distorted self-image and
                                      difficulty with intimacy. In clinical work, there is the issue of
                                      how to work with the symbolic, a necessary piece for
                                      individuation and accessing the Self.

30                                                                             Frühling 2020 Spring
11 45 Lecture                         Jung, Narcissism and the ‘as-if’ Personality
 Susan Schwartz, PhD                    The ‘as if’ personality as linked with narcissism propels the
 Friday                                 Jungian process of individuation. The clinical material and
 24.04. 10:00-11:45                     dreams show internal splits and fractured selves. Emphasized
                                        is the concept of dissociation and its relationship to
 Other areas of interest: 01 and 02     narcissism. Individuation calls for a deepening through
                                        accessing the shadow and connecting to the larger scope of
                                        the personality, the self.
                                        The presentation uses a composite clinical example and the
                                        life and poetry of Sylvia Plath, American poetess of the mid-
                                        twentieth century.

  11 52 Vorlesung                       Formen der Identität und (Selbst-)Inszenierung bei F. Pessoa
 Christiana Ludwig, MH                  (Dichter/Schriftsteller, 1888-1935) und R. Schumann
 Dienstag                               (Dichter/Komponist, 1810-1856) – und Jung (1875-1961)
 05.05. 17:00-20:45                     Von inneren Persönlichkeiten, Geheimbünden, Pseudo-
                                        nymen, Heteronymen, Masken und Spielen in Leben und
 Weitere Interessengebiete: 10 und 02   Werk der beiden Künstler des 19. und frühen 20. Jahr-
                                        hunderts als kontextueller Beitrag zu C. G. Jung.

  11 61 Lecture                         Forms of Identity and (Self-)Presentation with F. Pessoa
 Christiana Ludwig, MH                  (Poet/Writer, 1888-1935), R. Schumann (Poet/Composer,
 Tuesday                                1810-1856) – and Jung
 19.05. 17:00-20:45                     Inner personalities, secret societies, pseudonyms,
                                        heteronyms, masks and plays in the life and work of these
 Other areas of interest: 10 and 02     19th century artists.

 Siehe auch/See also: 01 34, 01 64, 01 66, 02 33, 04 12, 04 23, 04 30, 04 60, 06 04,
 06 46, 06 62, 06 65, 08 55, 09 57, 13 11, 13 32

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                            31

 12 58 Seminar                    Writing Case Reports
Ursula Ulmer, MA                  15 Training and Diploma Candidates
15.05. 10:00-11:45

Siehe auch/See also: 02 33, 06 46, 06 62, 06 65, 09 57, 11 09

32                                                                     Frühling 2020 Spring

         Nur für DiplomkandidatInnen. Anmeldung und Teilnahmegebühr direkt beim Leiter.
 13      Sämtliche Änderungen sind in der Verantwortung des Kolloquiumleiters.

         For Diploma Candidates only. Registration and payment directly with colloquium
         leader. Any changes are the responsibility of the colloquium leader.

  13 08 Colloquium                     Case Colloqium
 Allan Guggenbühl, Dr. phil.           Location: Untere Zäune 1, 8001 Zürich
 Tuesday                               Registrierung:
 03.03. 10:15-12:00                    8 Diploma Candidates
 10.03. 10:15-12:00
 17.03. 10:15-12:00
 24.03. 10:15-12:00
 31.03. 10:15-12:00
 07.04. 10:15-12:00

  13 11 Colloquium                     Block Case Colloquium
 Diane Cousineau Brutsche, Dr. phil.   Location: Steinbrüchelstr. 64, 8053 Zürich
 Monday & Friday                       Registration: +41 (0)44 383 1363
 02.03. 09:00-12:00          
 06.03. 14:00-17:00                    8 Diploma Candidates
 09.03. 09:00-12:00
 13.03. 14:00-17:00

 Other areas of interest: 02 and 11

  13 25 Colloquium                     Case Colloquium
 Bernard Sartorius, lic. theol.        Location: Klosbachstrasse 116
 Thursday                              8032 Zürich
 Start date 19.03. 16:15-18:00         Tram #3, 8
                                       Tram stop Römerhof
                                       Walk uphill from the tram stop.
                                       +41 (0)79 423 1921
                                       12 Diploma Candidates

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                33
13 32 Colloquium                    Case Colloquium
Joanne Wieland-Burston, PhD          Working as a Foreigner with Foreigners
Friday & Saturday & Sunday           Please contact Joanne at:
27.03. 19:00-20:45                   at least one month before the colloquium begins.
28.03. 10:00-18:45                   We meet at Freiestrasse 120, 8032 Zurich
29.03. 10:00-16:45                   10 Diploma Candidates
17.04. 19:00-20:45
18.04. 10:00-18:45                   CH-course No. 3
19.04. 10:00-16:45

Other areas of interest: 11 and 01

 13 39 Colloquium                    Case Colloquium with Emphasis on Dreams
Nathalie Baratoff, lic. phil.        Location: Bergstrasse 118
Tuesday & Thursday                   8032 Zurich
14.04. 13:00-14:45                   Registration: +41(0)44 788 1272
16.04. 13:00-14:45         
21.04. 13:00-14:45                   6 Diploma Candidates (maximum and minimum)
23.04. 13:00-14:45
28.04. 13:00-14:45
30.04. 13:00-14:45

Other area of interest: 02

  13 47 Colloquium                   Case Colloquium with Focus on Psychic Post Traumatic
Irene Berkenbusch-Erbe, Dr. phil.    Stress
Saturday & Sunday                    Registration:
25.04. 10:00-17:45                   +49 (0)621-565192
26.04. 10:00-17:45                   Location ISAP Zurich, Stampfenbachstr. 115
                                     10 Diploma Candidates

 13 67 Colloquium                    Case Colloquium
Ursula Ulmer, MA                     Weekly meetings at ISAP arranged for the semester at our
Wednesday                            first meeting.
26.02. 13:00-14:45                   Registration:
                                     6 Diploma Candidates

34                                                                      Frühling 2020 Spring

         Für die detaillierten Bestimmungen siehe das Ausbildungsregulativ
         Kandidat/innen können sich Minimum 20 bis Maximum 30 Stunden separater und
         paralleler Ausdruckstherapie auf die reguläre Lehranalyse anrechnen lassen,
         vorausgesetzt dass Lehranalytiker als auch Analytiker für Ausdruckstherapie
         informiert sind. Alle angerechneten Stunden dürfen nur bei einem der unten
 14      aufgeführten Analytiker und Therapieform absolviert werden.

         See the Training Regulations for the detailed provisions: Candidates have
         the possibility to count a minimum of 20 hours and maximum 30 hours of separate
         and parallel expressive therapy toward their regular training analysis, provided that
         both the Training Analyst and the analyst for expressive therapy are informed. All
         credited hours must be completed with only one of the analysts and with one type
         of expressive therapy, as listed below.

  14 24 Expressive Therapy                 Sandplay Self-Experience
 Dominique Lepori, lic. oec., lic. phil.   Credited toward the required hours of analysis. The sand play
                                           process with a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 30
                                           individual sessions is equivalent to 20 to 30 hours of training
                                           analysis and recognized by ISAP and ISST.
                                           The analytic process will take place in my practice with sand
                                           play room - Mattenhof 35, 8051 Zurich.
                                           The process may be done also in Italian or French.
                                           Registration and Times:
                                           +41 (0)43 344 9793
                                           1 ISAP Student

                                           Sandspiel Selbsterfahrung
                                           Anerkannt als Teil der angeforderten Lehranalyse. Der
                                           Sandspiel-Prozess mit einem Minimum von 20 Sitzungen und
                                           einem Maximum von 30 Sitzungen wird als Lehranalyse von
                                           ISAP and ISST angerechnet.
                                           Der analytische Prozess findet in meiner Praxis mit
                                           Sandkasten – Mattenhof 35, 8051 Zürich – statt.
                                           Der Prozess kann auch auf Italienisch oder Französisch
                                           absolviert werden.
                                           Anmeldung und Termine:
                                           +41 (0)43 344 9793
                                           1 ISAP Studierende

Frühling 2020 Spring                                                                                 35
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