Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021 - Ngin

Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

        Bitte beachte: Warst du bereits für das 2020-Event angemeldet und findest dich nun nicht auf der Startliste für 2021, melde dich umgehend unter um deine Anmeldung durchzuführen und zu bestätigen! *** Please note: If you have been registered for the 2020 event already and
                 cannot find yourself on the startlist for 2021, please contact us on immediately to confirm your registration.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Renata                  Autrique                 F18-24
Janina                  Di Ronco                 F18-24           TRISTAR Schaffhausen
Celine                  Guex                     F18-24           JC Sports Coaching
Cameren                 Kristensen               F18-24
Eve Noelle              Schaffer                 F18-24
Petra                   Stiasny                  F18-24
Coralie                 Antille                  F25-29           Tri Team Pully
Adriana Cristina        Arghira                  F25-29
Eleanor                 Ball                     F25-29
Estelle                 Barre                    F25-29
Ellie                   Bishop                   F25-29
Cecilie                 Carlsson                 F25-29
Mimi                    Carlton                  F25-29
Alexandra               Charlier                 F25-29
Patricia                Circelli-Rauber          F25-29           Triathlon Fribourg
Laurence                Desmet                   F25-29           Ratrace Triatlon Club Oudenaarde
Mona                    Fakler                   F25-29
Helene                  Gleizes                  F25-29
Seulgi                  Kim                      F25-29
Luca                    Kuhn                     F25-29
Anna                    Lawson                   F25-29
Cornelia                Lüdi                     F25-29           tripl3
Nicky                   Manitzas                 F25-29
Lisa                    Oberosler                F25-29
Yolande                 Pahud                    F25-29
                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Aude                    Perrin                   F25-29
Liliane                 Raess                    F25-29
Irina                   Raschle                  F25-29
Caroline                Roden                    F25-29           ful-on tri
Georgina                Seaman                   F25-29
Marieke                 Stasch                   F25-29
Romy                    Steingruber              F25-29
Adele                   Stern                    F25-29
Emma                    Taylor                   F25-29
Marie                   Travers                  F25-29
Larissa                 Vogt                     F25-29  | Team
Sophia                  Vorderwülbecke           F25-29           DLC Aachen
Caroline                Vuithier                 F25-29
Mercedes                White                    F25-29
Tanja                   Zast                     F25-29
Jamie                   Albert                   F30-34
Jessica                 Anderson                 F30-34           US Military Endurance Sports
Hannah                  Arnold                   F30-34
Emeline                 Balounaik                F30-34
Corinne                 Bowald                   F30-34           Team Koach
Prudence                Bowley                   F30-34
Sophie                  Broglia                  F30-34           Tri Team Pully
Amy                     Bryant                   F30-34
Rebecca                 Caspers                  F30-34
Megan                   Davison                  F30-34
Chariel                 Decock                   F30-34
Sarah                   Didier                   F30-34           Fearless Endurance
Anja                    Fachbach                 F30-34           SRL Triathlon Koblenz

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Jennifer                Fellmann                 F30-34
Laura                   Fernandez Alonso         F30-34
Tania                   Ferreira                 F30-34
Nicole                  Flutsch                  F30-34           TRIZO
Charlotte               Fuller                   F30-34
Sonja                   Gaag                     F30-34
Gessica                 Gambaro                  F30-34
Isabelle                Gass                     F30-34           Triathlon Club Zürich
Tatiane                 Gorski                   F30-34
Martina                 Griesmayr                F30-34
Valentine               Grob                     F30-34           TRIVIERA
Jennifer                Guebeli                  F30-34
Sigrun                  Hannes                   F30-34
Anna                    Harrison                 F30-34
Simone                  Hintermann               F30-34
Lea                     Huggenberger             F30-34           finishers winterthur
Maja                    Indermühle               F30-34
Kirstie                 Jackson                  F30-34
Kate                    Joiner                   F30-34           Melbourne Triathlon Club Inc
Adriana                 Keller                   F30-34           3 Star Cats
Amy                     Kerns                    F30-34
Aline                   Knechtli                 F30-34
Caroline                Leuenberger              F30-34
Charlotte               Mead                     F30-34
Sandra                  Messer                   F30-34           tripl3
Manon                   Mirada                   F30-34
Julie                   Monot                    F30-34           Paris Sport Club
Emily                   Murray                   F30-34           Team Zoot Europe

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Hana                    Nendl                    F30-34
Cécile                  Palavit                  F30-34
Franziska               Pawlik                   F30-34
Sophie                  Prach                    F30-34           TRIATHL'AIX
Claire-Sophie           Rimet                    F30-34
Alexandra               Rogger                   F30-34           ActivePeople Endurance Team
Anja                    Schwegler                F30-34
Jennifer                Simon                    F30-34
Hanna                   Skygebjerg               F30-34
Mena                    Suter                    F30-34
Sophie                  Vandepitte               F30-34
Manuela                 Zurschmiede              F30-34
Maria                   Andreas                  F35-39           Eintracht Frankfurt Triathlon
Victoria                Appleby                  F35-39
Manuela                 Bächli                   F35-39
Corinne                 Bruggmann                F35-39           TRISTAR Schaffhausen
Susanne                 Bucher                   F35-39
Sybille                 Castelberg               F35-39           ActivePeople Endurance Team
Gloria                  Cisotto                  F35-39
Mara                    Cisotto                  F35-39
Heather                 Dawson                   F35-39
Deborah                 Dickinson                F35-39
Katy                    Douglas                  F35-39           COLT City of Lancaster Triathlon
Mirjam                  Dürr                     F35-39
Anna Magdalena          Fredlund Husby           F35-39
Stephanie               Fries                    F35-39
Francis                 Froborg                  F35-39           Sisu Racing
Tamara                  Gander                   F35-39

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Elena                   Giordanino               F35-39           Tri Team Lutry
Carol                   Grossmann                F35-39
Alina                   Hanschke Busch           F35-39           AlinaNutriSport
Heather                 Helms                    F35-39           Endurance Nation
Alexandra               Hewett                   F35-39
Jess                    Hoffman                  F35-39
Karin                   Jans                     F35-39
Floriane                Jeannin                  F35-39           CNN TRI NYON
Nathalie                Jomini                   F35-39           TRIVIERA
Judith                  Joss                     F35-39
Michaela                Kathriner                F35-39
Esefeld                 Katrin                   F35-39           LG Mettenheim
Sarah                   Koch                     F35-39
Stefanie                Kölblin                  F35-39
Katrin                  Koller                   F35-39
Ana�S                   Labalec                  F35-39           COMPEX
Martina                 Lindenmann               F35-39
Salome                  Mathys                   F35-39           Tri-Team Calanda
Stefanie                Meile                    F35-39
Roberta                 Mesquita                 F35-39           PAULO SERGIO TRIATHLON COACHING
Sophie                  Needham                  F35-39           Portsmouth Triathletes
Cassandre               Payen                    F35-39
Stéphanie               Perriard                 F35-39
Katharina               Roer                     F35-39
Sarah                   Roth                     F35-39
Lisa                    Sammons                  F35-39
Veronika                Schanzer                 F35-39
Katharina               Seegers                  F35-39

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Nadia                   Späni                    F35-39
Mélanie                 Stauffer                 F35-39
Mirjam                  Steiger                  F35-39
Fiona                   Trachsel                 F35-39
Monika                  Vogler                   F35-39
Chantal                 Walter                   F35-39
Simone                  Weber                    F35-39
Jacqueline              Wild                     F35-39
Silvia                  Wirth                    F35-39           Tri Team Pully
Zoe                     Bee                      F40-44
Anke                    Betschinger              F40-44
Marie                   Brenkova                 F40-44
Maya                    Brunetti                 F40-44           Forum Sport Center Roma
Loetitia                Clouin                   F40-44
Clementina              Davies                   F40-44
Marie                   Detry                    F40-44
Ingrid                  Eelkema                  F40-44
Deborah                 Eggel                    F40-44           Triathlon Oberwallis
Gabriela                Egli                     F40-44
Georgina                Gadient                  F40-44           Powerlab Rebels
Valérie                 Gay                      F40-44           JC Sports Coaching
Yasmine                 Genoud                   F40-44           WePerf
Gemma                   Goodson                  F40-44           iTRI
Nicola                  Heaton                   F40-44
Nicola                  Heaton                   F40-44
Cindy                   Hertach                  F40-44
Simone                  Hicks                    F40-44           Sportfreunde Zürich
Andrea                  Hofer                    F40-44           LC Meilen Tri-Team

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Eliane                  Huwiler                  F40-44
Olivia                  Imfeld                   F40-44
Teresa                  Jurgensen                F40-44
Manuela                 Kündig                   F40-44 
Céline                  Lambelet                 F40-44
Jolanda                 Lansel                   F40-44
Sabine                  Leisinger                F40-44
Marianne                Lemery                   F40-44
Jolanda                 Limacher                 F40-44
Nadine                  Maier                    F40-44           UBS Tri Club
Sandra                  Manser                   F40-44
Kelly                   Marchi                   F40-44
Joanna                  Markucka                 F40-44
Elena                   Markwalder               F40-44           Tempo-Sport BE THE CHANGE
Cecile                  Mongredien               F40-44
Anna                    Moskovskaya              F40-44
Christina               Müller Gerber            F40-44
Judy                    Okten                    F40-44
Elena                   Perazzi                  F40-44
Franziska               Perren                   F40-44
Nicole                  Pirngruber               F40-44           Team Mohrenwirt
Kamila                  Polak                    F40-44           Team milliSports
Isabel                  Reck                     F40-44
Claire                  Reid                     F40-44
Stefanie                Rödig                    F40-44
Christelle              Romanens                 F40-44
Katrin                  Ruckstuhl                F40-44
Simone                  Rufener                  F40-44

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Maria                   Russell                  F40-44
Sarah                   Schmid                   F40-44
Angelika                Schobesberger            F40-44           Team Mohrenwirt
Tamara                  Seipelt                  F40-44
Francesca               Settimo                  F40-44           Rari Nantes Trieste
Sabine                  Simmen                   F40-44
Michal                  Sroka                    F40-44
Stephanie               Thelliez                 F40-44
Marie                   Treier                   F40-44
Véronique               Van Gaever               F40-44
Valerie                 Vanhauwaert              F40-44           MATT (Marmotta Alpin Triathlon Tribe)
Ira                     Vögeli                   F40-44           TRISTAR Schaffhausen
Regula                  Von Allmen               F40-44  | Team
Gertrud                 Wiedemann                F40-44           Team ERDINGER Alkoholfrei
Beatrice                Wuethrich                F40-44           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Simone                  Zier                     F40-44           Team ERDINGER Alkoholfrei
Sanna                   Almstedt                 F45-49
María                   Arsuaga García-Pelayo    F45-49

Cinzia                  Bertoldi                 F45-49           ASD DOLOMITICA NUOTO CTT
Katja                   Blaser                   F45-49
Gabriela                Boo                      F45-49
Carine                  Broux                    F45-49
Nicola                  Buttriss                 F45-49
Kristine                Claffie                  F45-49           Kennedy Law Racing
Faye                    Clothier                 F45-49           MyProCoach
Jane                    Counsell                 F45-49
Monika                  Frank                    F45-49

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Ester                   Franklin                 F45-49
Luisa                   Fumagalli                F45-49
Stefanie                Gaebe                    F45-49
Nicole                  Gaillard                 F45-49
Karin                   Gfeller Howald           F45-49
Tamara                  Ghandour                 F45-49
Louise                  Gloyne                   F45-49
Christine               Gora                     F45-49
Rachel                  Green                    F45-49
Monique                 Grossrieder              F45-49           Ute Mückel Triathlon e.V.
Anita                   Grütter                  F45-49
Tine                    Heidelk                  F45-49
Katja                   Hinterberger             F45-49
Belinda                 Holdsworth               F45-49
Isabelle                Issert De Braux          F45-49           MY TRIBE (France)
Tatjana                 Ivanova                  F45-49
Ioanna                  Kamaradou                F45-49           Krommidas Coaching - Trisutto
Stephanie               Kaye                     F45-49
Joanna                  Koj-Staszak              F45-49
Alexandra               Kronenberg               F45-49
Carmen                  Küchle                   F45-49           LADIES TRI TEAM
Barbara                 Lax                      F45-49
Maria                   Mainez                   F45-49
Heidi                   Marcus                   F45-49           Endurance Nation
Keren                   Nachumi                  F45-49
Caty                    Plançon                  F45-49
Sabrina                 Pogliani                 F45-49
Dawn                    Rahman                   F45-49

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Jana                    Riedmann                 F45-49           New Level Coaching
Laura Esther            Ríos Torquet             F45-49
Sabine                  Roschy                   F45-49
Katrin                  Saly Graf                F45-49  | Team
Silke                   Schneider                F45-49
Vanessa                 Semadeni                 F45-49
Ellen                   Sfecla                   F45-49
Marjorie                Stadtfeld                F45-49
Simone                  Stahlberger              F45-49
Bettina                 Steiger                  F45-49
Gabi                    Steiner                  F45-49           Team Koach
Brigitte                Stigler                  F45-49
Panorkwan               Toparkngarm              F45-49
Heather                 Torgerson                F45-49
Sian                    Tovey                    F45-49
Ewa                     Urbańska                 F45-49           TriDot Triathlon Training
Claudia                 Vogel                    F45-49
Tine                    Vogt                     F45-49           sisu-training
Hilke                   Wach                     F45-49 
Tracey                  Warren                   F45-49
Sarah                   Weare                    F45-49           West Country Tri
Nicole                  Wijnberg                 F45-49
Amber                   Williams                 F45-49
Sandra                  Zaugg                    F45-49           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Franka                  Zimmermann               F45-49
Kerstin                 Althoff                  F50-54
Sofia                   Bacelar                  F50-54           CNN TRI NYON
Mar                     Bonilla Millan           F50-54           TRICBM-CALELLA

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Dominique               Chassot                  F50-54
Anne                    Coulondre                F50-54           Stade Français
Miek                    Dejonghe                 F50-54
Claudia                 Dienemann                F50-54
Sandra                  Emmenegger Sutter        F50-54
Doris                   Emmeneggger              F50-54
Loubna                  Freih                    F50-54
Annette                 Fuhrer                   F50-54
Karin                   Gerber                   F50-54
Brigitte                Gfrei                    F50-54
Kristina (Christine)    Gilgen                   F50-54           tripl3
Ghislaine               Grivel                   F50-54
Sarah                   Guest                    F50-54
Jorunn                  Hagesæther               F50-54           Haugesund Triathlon Klubb
Christine               Hänzi                    F50-54
Donna                   Harmon                   F50-54
Birgit                  Haudej                   F50-54
Cornelia                Hausheer                 F50-54
Heather                 Hobbs                    F50-54
Anne                    Insley                   F50-54
Claudine                Jansen                   F50-54
Luzia                   Koulouri                 F50-54
Eva                     Kovacs                   F50-54           Bedford Harriers AC
Maren                   Kraft                    F50-54
Andrea                  Künzel                   F50-54           TRIZO
Sylvi                   Lehmann                  F50-54
Astrid                  Leu                      F50-54           Triathlonclub Frauenfeld
Alicia                  Light                    F50-54

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Mandy                   Livingstone              F50-54
Lisa                    Low                      F50-54
Daniela                 Manser                   F50-54
Kathleen                Mccormack                F50-54
Katharina               Meier                    F50-54           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Patrizia                Neukom                   F50-54
Annette                 Niederau                 F50-54
Mollie                  Nohave                   F50-54           Karlskrona Simsällskap
Renate                  Pietersma - Koop         F50-54
Stefania                Poli                     F50-54           Schwimmclub Oberursel
Marta                   Riek                     F50-54
Sabine                  Rodde                    F50-54           sisu-training
Christina               Stauffer                 F50-54
Anne-Sophie             Voumard                  F50-54           CNN TRI NYON
Anita                   Wiesli                   F50-54           LC Meilen Tri-Team
Emma                    Yates                    F50-54
Koni                    Ackermann                F55-59           TriTeam Langenargen
Sylvia                  Antony                   F55-59
Ursula                  Baur                     F55-59
Karen                   Blamick                  F55-59
Meg                     Blogg Marquardt          F55-59
Valérie                 Dechesne                 F55-59
Sabina                  Fenner                   F55-59
Daniela                 Gerber                   F55-59
Ute                     Haeberlein               F55-59
Renate                  Kuen                     F55-59           ANGERS TRIATHLON
Anita                   Lenti                    F55-59
Julia                   Lowe                     F55-59

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Marianka                Lukas                    F55-59           TRIZO
Barbara                 Miller                   F55-59           Tempo-Sport BE THE CHANGE
Clara                   Molina                   F55-59
Mary                    Norman                   F55-59           Wight Tri
Monika                  Pfeiffer                 F55-59
Catherine               Roberts                  F55-59           BYNEA CC
Gilla                   Sauerbeck                F55-59
Heike                   Scheef                   F55-59
Romy                    Schwuchow                F55-59
Nancy                   Soethoudt Bristel        F55-59           Tri Team Lutry
Paola                   Torretti                 F55-59
Ramona                  Trusgnach-Graber         F55-59
Petra                   Voegeli-Weibel           F55-59           tripl3
Sandra                  Wesse                    F55-59           Issy Triathlon
Gabi                    Wickihalter              F55-59           Triclub Zofingen
Brigitte                Di Battista              F60-64           Stade Français
Anne                    Knecht-Boyer             F60-64           TRITONS Triathlon Club
Merce                   Magem Prat               F60-64
Petra                   Sieber Brinkschulte      F60-64
Barbara                 Tettenborn               F60-64
Suzanne                 Wallén                   F60-64           TOT Triathlon Club
Gabriele                Weiler                   F60-64
Ann-Charlotte           Mengel                   F65-69
Michael                 Baldinger                M18-24
Adam                    Barrie                   M18-24
Timothy                 Bastian                  M18-24
Lukas                   Betschart                M18-24
Fabian                  Boots                    M18-24

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Tobias                  Bühler                   M18-24
Tim                     Burkhardt                M18-24
Antonin                 Carratero                M18-24
Johannes                Christ                   M18-24
Dieter                  Comhair                  M18-24
Cian                    Concannon                M18-24
Felix                   Den Hollander            M18-24           tripl3
Benjamin                Diruggiero               M18-24
Randy                   Dobler                   M18-24
Fankhauser              Dominik                  M18-24
Manuel                  Dreier                   M18-24
Nicolas                 Durif                    M18-24
Lars Kristian           Flaat                    M18-24
Magnus                  Funder                   M18-24
Mike                    Gratwohl                 M18-24
Vincent                 Größer                   M18-24           sisu-training
Emil                    Haaeman Thomassen        M18-24

Jerome                  Hadorn                   M18-24
Lars                    Harfterkamp              M18-24
Leander                 Hirt                     M18-24
Mads                    Højhus Kristiansen       M18-24
William                 Leloup                   M18-24
Matteo                  Merlo                    M18-24
Vedant                  Nangare                  M18-24
Oliver                  Parry                    M18-24
Dominique               Paul                     M18-24

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Ignacio                 Perez De Pineda Bally    M18-24

Richard                 Prakken                  M18-24
Simon                   Quartier-Dit-Maire       M18-24
Alexis                  Reber                    M18-24
Karl                    Romain                   M18-24
Basile                  Schneider                M18-24
Dominic                 Schuler                  M18-24
Philip                  Schwan                   M18-24
Leonardo                Simonelli                M18-24
Victor                  Skaanning                M18-24           Århus 1900 triathlon
Bruno                   Slegers                  M18-24
Dario                   Spielmann                M18-24
Nicola                  Staehelin                M18-24
Lukas                   Stahl                    M18-24
Ollie                   Stevenson                M18-24
Jason                   Traxel                   M18-24
Vidal                   Triginer                 M18-24
Florian                 Weichert                 M18-24
Timon                   Affentranger             M25-29
Sven                    Altermatt                M25-29
Ollie                   Andrew                   M25-29
Norihiro                Asada                    M25-29
Thomas                  Audic                    M25-29
Romain                  Aymon                    M25-29           Triathlon Club Geneve
Nikolay                 Bankin                   M25-29
Lorenzo                 Barbera                  M25-29
Romain                  Barnoud                  M25-29

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Christoph               Barth                    M25-29
Floris                  Bennenbroek              M25-29           De Panderman
Timo                    Bernhard                 M25-29
Benjamin                Besnault                 M25-29           Lions Châtelleraudais
Jason                   Blondin                  M25-29
Andrew                  Brackins                 M25-29
T-Roy                   Brown                    M25-29
Eric                    Brun                     M25-29
Patrick                 Brunner                  M25-29
Flavio                  Buchs                    M25-29
Florian                 Buchs                    M25-29
Matthieu                Charlot                  M25-29
Gabriel                 Chavanne                 M25-29
Patrick                 Cometta                  M25-29
David                   Connally                 M25-29
Veit                    Couturier                M25-29
Etienne                 Coy                      M25-29
Rehman                  Crisp                    M25-29
Geoffrey                De Medts                 M25-29
Corentin                De Medts                 M25-29
Khando                  De Sá Ferreira           M25-29
Damien                  Delbecq                  M25-29
Benjamin                Deneriaz                 M25-29
Maxime                  Dénériaz                 M25-29
Ryan                    Derby                    M25-29
Ruairi                  Devine                   M25-29
Andreas                 Dietrich                 M25-29
Benjamin                Dromson                  M25-29

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Mathieu                 Duthoit                  M25-29
Jonas                   Erni                     M25-29           UBS Tri Club
Sam                     Fellows                  M25-29
Valentin                Fleury                   M25-29
David                   Forssgren                M25-29           Rooster Club Varberg
Nils                    Franke                   M25-29
Jonas                   Frey                     M25-29
Marco                   Fuhrmann                 M25-29           sisu-training
Leandro                 Glardon                  M25-29
Lucas                   Godard                   M25-29
Lukas                   Graf                     M25-29
Jonas                   Gründler                 M25-29           3athlon Bern
Thibault                Guibert                  M25-29
Clement                 Haelewyn                 M25-29
Kilian                  Hage                     M25-29
Michael                 Hager                    M25-29
Stephan                 Hakios                   M25-29
Lawrence                Hakki                    M25-29
Edward                  Hamilton                 M25-29
Patrick                 Harrison                 M25-29
Tim                     Huebner                  M25-29
Daniel                  Humm                     M25-29
Thomas                  Isenschmid               M25-29
Pablo                   Jeannet                  M25-29
Simon                   Jeremias                 M25-29
Nicolas                 Kaiser                   M25-29
Julian                  Kaizuka                  M25-29
Jens                    Kalmbach                 M25-29

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                 Agegroup         Triclub
Sebastian               Kaufmann                  M25-29
Florian                 Kaufmann                  M25-29
Jonathan                Kinselle                  M25-29
David                   Kissling                  M25-29
Michael                 Kohler                    M25-29
David                   Kotrč                     M25-29
Thomas                  Kramer                    M25-29
Bastien                 Krumm                     M25-29
Fabian                  Kuster                    M25-29
Thomas                  Lagarde                   M25-29
Jean-Claude             Lampert                   M25-29
Mathieu                 Lapeyre                   M25-29
Hervé                   Laville                   M25-29
Adam                    Le Trionnaire             M25-29
Serhii                  Lichenko                  M25-29
Marc-Etienne            Liégeois                  M25-29
Pere                    Llado Sureda              M25-29           VIWO - M3T
Timo                    Maier                     M25-29
Hugo                    Massardier                M25-29
Alexander               Mervenne                  M25-29
Fabian                  Merz-Helg                 M25-29
Manuel                  Mesnil                    M25-29           Team Koach
Samuel                  Michel                    M25-29
Johannes Teunis         Moerkerken                M25-29
Jonas                   Mosimann                  M25-29
Yannick                 Müller                    M25-29
Tim                     Mutschler                 M25-29
Mark                    Natividad                 M25-29

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                                               If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Felix                   Niederer Santos          M25-29
Philipp                 Oeggerli                 M25-29
Marek                   Ohnoutka                 M25-29
Dean                    Oldroyd                  M25-29
Ben                     Parker                   M25-29           Team B3
Christian               Petersson                M25-29
Damir                   Petrinic                 M25-29
Simon                   Pfiffner                 M25-29
Raphael                 Philipp                  M25-29           AthleticSocrates
Florian                 Pichard                  M25-29
Cohann                  Rémy                     M25-29
Nicolas                 Richoz                   M25-29           Tri Team Pully
David                   Rohner                   M25-29
Thomas                  Rolls                    M25-29
Hamish                  Sabey-Corkindale         M25-29
Christian               Salvasohn                M25-29
Benjamin                Schärli                  M25-29
Malte                   Schlömer                 M25-29
Yannick                 Schori                   M25-29  | Team
Simon                   Schwan                   M25-29
David                   Schwan                   M25-29
Luca Valerio            Sclabas                  M25-29
Daniel                  Seeböck                  M25-29           Michael Werderits
Paul                    Senger                   M25-29
Marc                    Siewert                  M25-29
Darin                   Singh                    M25-29
James                   Speak                    M25-29
Daniel                  Stadelmann               M25-29

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Bettonville             Stephane                 M25-29
Nico                    Stevenson                M25-29
Marc                    Streit                   M25-29           tripl3
Tomasz                  Tarczyk                  M25-29
Adam                    Taylor                   M25-29
Gautier                 Terrier                  M25-29
Martin                  Thenembert               M25-29
Matthias                Türk                     M25-29           Boehnlein Sports Bamberg e.V.
Edward                  Twinn                    M25-29           TRISudbury
Pim                     Van De Beek              M25-29
Wesley                  Van Den Berg             M25-29
Luuk                    Van Dijk                 M25-29
Thomas                  Vanheusden               M25-29
Guillermo               Vazquez                  M25-29
Jędrzej                 Wengerski                M25-29
Roman                   Wiederkehr               M25-29
Ross                    Williams                 M25-29           Tri Team Pully
Luca                    Wirths                   M25-29
Michal                  Wlazlak                  M25-29
Hugo                    Woffenden                M25-29
Tobias                  Wulfkuhle                M25-29
Shane                   Zeile                    M25-29
Mario                   Zinßer                   M25-29
John                    Zürcher                  M25-29
Benjamin                Abgottspon               M30-34
Marco                   Accardo                  M30-34           Podistica Solidarieta Triathlon
Michael                 Achermann                M30-34
Patrick                 Addor                    M30-34

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Anthony                 Ahlgren                  M30-34
Melih                   Altin                    M30-34
Jonas                   Altmann                  M30-34
Alessandro              Amaniera                 M30-34
Juan                    Aranda Adán              M30-34
Andres                  Arce                     M30-34           TRIBU PARAGUAY
Joel                    Arkless                  M30-34
Fjodor                  Arndt                    M30-34
Cesar                   Astigarraga              M30-34
Christian               Baur                     M30-34
Julian                  Beazley                  M30-34
Lukas                   Becker                   M30-34  | Team
Jan Philip              Beelmann                 M30-34           PSKarlsruhe Triathlon
Olivier                 Beer                     M30-34
Vincent                 Berlier                  M30-34
Mateusz                 Bernady                  M30-34
Tobias                  Bernarding               M30-34
Dominique               Bernet                   M30-34           Tri Team Lutry
Michael                 Besomi                   M30-34
Andreas                 Beutler                  M30-34
Marco                   Bibrich                  M30-34
Kevin                   Bindshedler              M30-34
Paolo                   Bizzozero                M30-34
Nils                    Böckenholt               M30-34           Team ERDINGER Alkoholfrei
Sybe                    Bokma                    M30-34
Elie                    Bourdilloud              M30-34
Adrien                  Bourgeois                M30-34
Jens                    Bourgois                 M30-34

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Caio                    Braguine                 M30-34
Max                     Brambach                 M30-34
Sandro                  Brawand                  M30-34           Team Gümmelei
Alexander               Brooker                  M30-34
James                   Brown                    M30-34
Tom                     Bruggeman                M30-34           3MD
Alan                    Brunton                  M30-34           Glasgow Triathlon Club
Dave                    Buri                     M30-34
Thibault                Caleyron                 M30-34
Guillaume               Camin                    M30-34
Jesus                   Cardenas Maestre         M30-34
Martin Ignacio          Carmona Brescó           M30-34
Justin                  Carrard                  M30-34 
Paul                    Chatain                  M30-34
Lorenz                  Claeys                   M30-34
Anthony                 Clin                     M30-34
Jérôme                  Colon                    M30-34
Yohan                   Colon                    M30-34
Jonathan                Couling                  M30-34
Wade                    Critides                 M30-34
Mathieu                 Cros                     M30-34
Keiron                  Davies                   M30-34
Wim                     De Buyser                M30-34
Ulysse                  De Medts                 M30-34
Wouter                  De Vet                   M30-34
François                Delage                   M30-34
Jonas                   Delrue                   M30-34
Benoit                  Depuydt                  M30-34

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Alessandro              Di Giorgio               M30-34
Miguel                  Diaz Munoz               M30-34           Tri Team Lutry
Marco                   Dicristo                 M30-34           Triathlon Club Trigether
Sjoerd                  Diepstraten              M30-34
Frédéric                Dodane                   M30-34
Pierre-Louis            Dorlanne                 M30-34
Patrik                  Dreyer                   M30-34           TriDubai
Bertrand                Duchemin                 M30-34
Thomas                  Dutreive                 M30-34           Tri Team Lutry
Reto                    Dütschler                M30-34
Tino                    Eicher                   M30-34
Nicola                  Elsener                  M30-34           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Andreas                 Emch                     M30-34
Rémy                    Estran                   M30-34
Andreas                 Eyholzer                 M30-34
Fabius                  Fäh                      M30-34           Triathlon Club Crazy-Turtles Rapperswil-Jona
Alexis                  Falck                    M30-34
Thomas                  Fässler                  M30-34
Bulat                   Fattakhov                M30-34
Scott                   Favre                    M30-34
Vladislav               Fedulov                  M30-34
David                   Ferenczi                 M30-34           575 TEAM
Will                    Foy                      M30-34
Andreas                 Frey Sang                M30-34
Steffen                 Fritschle                M30-34
Stefan                  Gabriel                  M30-34
Luca                    Gallo                    M30-34
Yves                    Gattinoni                M30-34

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Pawel                   Gawor                    M30-34
Dino                    Geisshüsler              M30-34
Roger                   Gerber                   M30-34
Amaury                  Gilliot                  M30-34           GANT
Stefan                  Ging                     M30-34
Jeremy                  Girardin                 M30-34
Clement                 Giteau                   M30-34           Lille Triathlon
Mattia                  Gobbi                    M30-34
Sami                    Goetz                    M30-34
Theodor                 Golditchuk               M30-34
Lucas                   Gousse                   M30-34
Stefan                  Graf                     M30-34
Martin                  Greenaway                M30-34
Max-Otto                Griesam                  M30-34           sisu-training
Boris                   Gros                     M30-34
Frank                   Grossenbacher            M30-34
Philipp                 Gübeli                   M30-34
Quentin                 Guillier                 M30-34
Quentin                 Hameau                   M30-34
Simon                   Hanheiser                M30-34
Adam                    Harris                   M30-34
Rico                    Hasler                   M30-34
Paul                    Hastewell                M30-34
Alexandre               Haudrechy                M30-34
Fabian                  Hauser                   M30-34
Tim                     Henzen                   M30-34
Ondrej                  Herda                    M30-34
Julian                  Heresch                  M30-34

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Mathias                 Herzog                   M30-34
Daniel                  Hindley                  M30-34
Marco                   Hirt                     M30-34
Pierre-Rémi             Hochedez                 M30-34
Gabriel                 Hopf                     M30-34
Luke                    Hopkins                  M30-34
Fred                    Howe                     M30-34
Benjamin                Hueber                   M30-34
Gerrit                  Huesing                  M30-34
Katsumi                 Inoue                    M30-34
Karl                    Jacob                    M30-34           sisu-training
Jonas                   Jaeger                   M30-34
Noé                     Jäggi                    M30-34
Romain                  Jaillet                  M30-34
Denis                   Janker                   M30-34           TriSport Erding e.V.
Peter                   Jaray                    M30-34
Siem                    Jaspers                  M30-34
Eugenio                 Juarez Coronado          M30-34           AlinaNutriSport
Matthieu                Juillerat                M30-34
Joel                    Junod                    M30-34           JC Sports Coaching
Christoph               Kaspari                  M30-34           TriSport Erding e.V.
John                    Kay                      M30-34
Jason                   Kay                      M30-34
Sam                     Kehtari                  M30-34
Luc                     Kläy                     M30-34
Nils                    Klein                    M30-34
Yannick                 Knuchel                  M30-34           tripl3
Stefan                  Knutti                   M30-34           tripl3

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Axel                    Kort                     M30-34
Martin                  Koschuhar                M30-34
Alex                    Kosloff                  M30-34
David                   Koster                   M30-34           Team Koach
Thomas                  Krauth                   M30-34
René                    Kriegel                  M30-34
Philipp                 Künzli                   M30-34
Benjamin                Labat                    M30-34
Arnaud                  Labattu                  M30-34
Paul                    Langelaan                M30-34           ZVL-1886
Jake                    Lavigne                  M30-34           Capitale Triathlon
Preetham                Lawrence                 M30-34
Bastien                 Le Calvez                M30-34
Robert                  Lee                      M30-34           Precision Race Team
David                   Lehnen                   M30-34
Arnold                  Leidner                  M30-34
Ralf                    Leonhardt                M30-34
Johannes                Löffler                  M30-34
Stefano Mario           Lovati                   M30-34
Stephan                 Luedi                    M30-34
Erich                   Lüthi                    M30-34
Christoph               Märki                    M30-34
Niels                   Markus                   M30-34
Rob                     Marlow                   M30-34
Arnaud                  Martin                   M30-34           Tri Team Lutry
Igor                    Martinak                 M30-34
Luca                    Mattavelli               M30-34
Elliot                  Messara                  M30-34

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Sören                   Miethke                  M30-34
Patrice                 Molnar                   M30-34
Thomas                  Moody                    M30-34
Andrew                  Morrison                 M30-34           Team Oxygenaddict
Marc                    Mozin                    M30-34
Max                     Müller                   M30-34           Tri-Sport Wurzen e.V
Saish                   Naik                     M30-34
Andy                    Nash                     M30-34
David                   Navinés Calvo            M30-34
Cyril                   Neuenschwander           M30-34
Sascha                  Nittel                   M30-34
Martin                  Ochsner                  M30-34
Giovanni                Odaglia                  M30-34           RC Coaching
John                    O'Gorman                 M30-34
Tom                     O'Loughlin               M30-34           Loolaba Triathlon Club
Michael                 Olsen                    M30-34
Christoph               Olsienkiewicz            M30-34
Vojtech                 Opocensky                M30-34
Matthias                Österle                  M30-34           Trigantium Bregenz
James                   O'Sullivan               M30-34
Christophe              Panchaud                 M30-34
Brad                    Pawlak                   M30-34
Christian               Petri                    M30-34
Valentin                Pfiffner                 M30-34
Daniele                 Piovan                   M30-34
Marco                   Pocuca                   M30-34
Chris                   Pole                     M30-34
Pascal                  Preisig                  M30-34           Team Koach

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Nicholas                Presley                  M30-34
Nathan                  Quadrio                  M30-34
Adam                    Rae                      M30-34
Lukas                   Rathgeber                M30-34
Chris                   Rawls                    M30-34
Davide                  Rebollini                M30-34
Philipp                 Rehfeldt                 M30-34
Giovanni                Renò                     M30-34           VENUS TRIATHLON SSD SRL
Victor                  Rios Palomares           M30-34
Tomas Lee               Robertsson               M30-34
Bastien                 Rocher                   M30-34
Simon                   Rombaut                  M30-34
Christopher             Roth                     M30-34
David                   Röthlisberger            M30-34
Cyril                   Ruchti                   M30-34
Tim                     Rühle                    M30-34           Trionik Multisport GmbH
Joan                    Ruiz Delgado             M30-34
Matthias                Ruoss                    M30-34           Triathlonclub Frauenfeld
Andy                    Rush                     M30-34           Oxford Tri
Raphael                 Rutschi                  M30-34
Benoit                  Sabbe                    M30-34
Fabian                  Salvisberg               M30-34
Frantisek               Sanak                    M30-34
Raghul                  Sankaranarayanan         M30-34           Trifactri
Alessandro              Scaccia                  M30-34
Jérôme                  Schär                    M30-34
Sven                    Schauerhammer            M30-34
Ole Fredrik Istad       Scheie                   M30-34

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Raphael                 Schertenleib             M30-34           tripl3
Sven                    Schiltz                  M30-34
Felix                   Schlorke                 M30-34
Carlo                   Schmid                   M30-34
Alex                    Schmitt                  M30-34
Xavier                  Schnyder                 M30-34
David                   Schober                  M30-34
Sebastian               Scholz                   M30-34  | Team
Sebastian               Schrenker                M30-34
Daniel                  Schuster                 M30-34
Aurelien                Sebellin                 M30-34
Florin                  Senoner                  M30-34
Bruno                   Serny                    M30-34
Nicholas                Sharp                    M30-34
David                   Simon                    M30-34
Andrew                  Smith                    M30-34
Timon                   Spörri                   M30-34
Matthias                Sprenger                 M30-34
Chris                   Steggles                 M30-34
Daniel                  Steiner                  M30-34
Marco                   Studer                   M30-34
Andrew                  Suiter                   M30-34
Yuya                    Takaba                   M30-34
Tudor                   Tarnovan                 M30-34
Liam                    Taylor                   M30-34
Thibaut                 Thery                    M30-34
Aurélien                Thomas                   M30-34
Matthieu                Tissot                   M30-34

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Sebastian               Toszeghi                 M30-34
Philip                  Tryon                    M30-34
Johann-Peter            Tscherry                 M30-34
Fabian                  Tschirky                 M30-34
Jan Pascal              Tschudy                  M30-34           Triathlon Club Trigether
Benjamin                Ueltschi                 M30-34
Niels                   Vaeyens                  M30-34
Stefano                 Valente                  M30-34
Diego                   Valentini                M30-34
Alberto                 Valero Cayon             M30-34
Jorn                    Van Bergen               M30-34
Aaron                   Vanneste                 M30-34
Federico Miguel         Vazquez Villasanti       M30-34
Joost                   Verhoeye                 M30-34
Kevin                   Vonlanthen               M30-34
Michal                  Vostřel                  M30-34
Michal                  Votava                   M30-34           Mika training, z.s.
Loic                    Voumard                  M30-34
Stefan                  Waldenmaier              M30-34
Henri                   Waltenspuhl              M30-34
Tomasz                  Wasiak                   M30-34
Dave                    Wateridge                M30-34
Chris                   Weeks                    M30-34
Richard                 Wein                     M30-34
Matthis                 Weinert                  M30-34
Maximilian              Weiß                     M30-34
Mattis                  Wibbens                  M30-34
Timon                   Wick                     M30-34

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Christoph               Wippich                  M30-34
Johannes                Wohlschlegel             M30-34
Reto                    Zeberli                  M30-34
Michal                  Zielinski                M30-34
Sylvain                 Zucchero                 M30-34
Roman                   Aeschbacher              M35-39
Daniel                  Agner                    M35-39           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Omar                    Amato                    M35-39
Matthias                Amberger                 M35-39
Martin                  Ammann                   M35-39
Stephane                Apostolov                M35-39
Lorenzo                 Arizzoli-Bulato          M35-39
Laurence                Arnold                   M35-39
Daniel                  Asper                    M35-39
David                   Auberson                 M35-39
Divan                   Augustyn                 M35-39
Florian                 Baetke                   M35-39
John                    Bapst                    M35-39
Richard                 Barni                    M35-39
Emanuele                Bartolesi                M35-39
Jonathan                Bastin                   M35-39
Jérôme                  Baud                     M35-39           WePerf
Sandro                  Bauer                    M35-39           Triathlonclub Frauenfeld
Andreas                 Baumgartner              M35-39
Claude                  Bauwens                  M35-39
Boris                   Belge                    M35-39
Thomas                  Berger                   M35-39           VfL Sindelfingen Triathlon
Manuel                  Bertschi                 M35-39

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Mattia                  Bianchi                  M35-39           Tri Team Ticino
Christof                Bill                     M35-39
Tommy                   Birk                     M35-39
Gaetan                  Browaeys                 M35-39
Stephan                 Brunner                  M35-39
Samuel                  Buchli                   M35-39
John                    Bullen                   M35-39
Petr                    Bulychev                 M35-39           Tempo-Sport BE THE CHANGE
Alexander               Bützberger               M35-39           LC Meilen Tri-Team
Dominik                 Carius                   M35-39
Thibault                Castel                   M35-39
Nicolas                 Cauberghs                M35-39           MONTELIMAR TRIATHLON
Gabriele                Cesano                   M35-39           FCZ Triathlon Team ASD
Gregory                 Chanez                   M35-39           Tri Team Lutry
Nicolas                 Chanteloup               M35-39
Baptiste                Charrière                M35-39
Romain                  Charton                  M35-39
Pietro                  Cinotto                  M35-39
Davide                  Ciulla                   M35-39
John                    Conquest                 M35-39
Andrei                  Contan                   M35-39           JDC
Francis                 Cooney                   M35-39           Belpark Triathlon club
Yohann                  Coppel                   M35-39           TriForce Triathlon Team
Andrew                  Creamer                  M35-39
Stephen                 Creamer                  M35-39
Giuseppe                Danilo Rossi             M35-39           TEAM BIKE JO.ER
Stephen                 Davis                    M35-39
Lence                   Dayo                     M35-39           Filipino-American Triathlon Club

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Maarten                 De Bakker                M35-39
Jefte                   De Bruin                 M35-39
Pieter                  De Jongh                 M35-39
Francis                 De Meyere                M35-39
Karel                   De Raedt                 M35-39
Roel                    De Smet                  M35-39
Bart                    De Vrieze                M35-39           SMO-Specialized Triathlon Team
Robert                  De Wals                  M35-39
Laurens                 Deboeuf                  M35-39           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
Luc                     Delwiche                 M35-39
Benjamin                Desbiez                  M35-39
Wouter                  Detemmerman              M35-39           SMO-Specialized Triathlon Team
Sven                    Driesen                  M35-39
Andrei                  Dzyakanchuk              M35-39
Michael                 Ebner                    M35-39
Rob                     Edgerley                 M35-39
Daniel                  Ellis                    M35-39           TriLatino Triathlon Club
Samy                    El-Menshawy              M35-39
Lee                     Evans                    M35-39           TriDubai
Christian               Exner                    M35-39
Mattia                  Faltracco                M35-39
Beat                    Fankhauser               M35-39
Damien                  Fauriel                  M35-39
Michael                 Fechtig                  M35-39
Benedikt                Fimpeler                 M35-39
Joël                    Fischer                  M35-39
Beat                    Flühmann                 M35-39           tripl3
Raffaele                Franciullo               M35-39           AURORA TRIATHLON A.S.D.

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Gregor                  Franzen                  M35-39
Matthew                 Fraser                   M35-39
Reto                    Freiburghaus             M35-39
Reto                    Furrer                   M35-39
Stefano                 Gagliardi                M35-39
Michael                 Gaille                   M35-39
Martin                  Gallimore                M35-39
Thomas                  Geiges                   M35-39
Stefan                  Gerber                   M35-39
Jens                    Gosebrink                M35-39           Triathlon Team Rheinberg
Daniel                  Gratzl                   M35-39
Christophe              Gravier                  M35-39           TRITYC
Guillaume               Grun                     M35-39
Ian                     Gunderson                M35-39
Anton                   Haberl                   M35-39
Lode                    Haeghebaert              M35-39
Marco                   Helfenberger             M35-39
Alasdair                Helliwell                M35-39           Portsmouth Triathletes
Samuel                  Herman                   M35-39
Hans Rudolf             Hess                     M35-39
Martijn                 Hillen                   M35-39
Bart                    Hillen                   M35-39
Simon                   Hilton                   M35-39
Thomas                  Hochstrasser             M35-39
Felix                   Hofstetter               M35-39
Steffen                 Hötzel                   M35-39
Nicolas                 Huard                    M35-39
Manuel                  Huerzeler                M35-39

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Pascal                  Huggenberger             M35-39
Sascha                  Hunziker                 M35-39
Aritz                   Iglesias Mendia          M35-39
Barthélemy              Imbault                  M35-39
Frederik                Ingelbeen                M35-39
Sandro                  Iten                     M35-39
Eric                    Jacuzzi                  M35-39
Lukasz                  Jarno                    M35-39
Nima                    Javaheri                 M35-39
Kevin                   Jiang                    M35-39           M.A.D. Multisports USA
Sven                    Jost                     M35-39
Tyron                   Junge                    M35-39
Arne                    Jungnickel               M35-39
Matthias                Jutzi                    M35-39
Tomas                   Kadlec                   M35-39
Antonín                 Karásek                  M35-39           RSFK
Roman                   Kašpar                   M35-39
Marco                   Kaufmann                 M35-39           Triathlonclub Frauenfeld
Rolf                    Kobelt                   M35-39           Team Zoot Europe
Mark                    Kopp                     M35-39
Tomaz                   Kovacic                  M35-39
Michael                 Krois                    M35-39
Andreas                 Kummer                   M35-39
Patrick                 Lacher                   M35-39 
Marcel                  Landolt                  M35-39
Alexander               Lang                     M35-39
Willem                  Langmans                 M35-39
Mirko                   Laudadio                 M35-39           Maverick Team

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Jacob                   Lavin                    M35-39
Guillaume               Lefebvre                 M35-39
Michi                   Lengen                   M35-39
Luis Anibal             Linares Bernal           M35-39
James                   Lloyd                    M35-39
Patrick                 Lochmatter               M35-39
Szymon                  Łukaszewski              M35-39
Peter                   Machalek                 M35-39
Andrew                  Macrae                   M35-39           Team Zoot Europe
Dieter                  Maes                     M35-39
Juan Manuel             Maestre                  M35-39
Samuel                  Manser                   M35-39
Dominik                 Marek                    M35-39           Top Team Tri NÖ
Christian               Martens                  M35-39
Matthew                 Mcclure                  M35-39
Mateus                  Mendonca Pimenta         M35-39           ful-on tri
Martin                  Mlakar                   M35-39
Roman                   Mohler                   M35-39
Nicolas                 Montet                   M35-39
Lucas                   Moreno                   M35-39
Raphaël                 Müller                   M35-39
Mikael                  Musi                     M35-39
Gregory                 Narmont                  M35-39
Thomas                  Naveau                   M35-39
Sébastien               Negrello                 M35-39
Lukas                   Neiger                   M35-39
Yannick                 Nijs                     M35-39
Mathias                 Nüesch                   M35-39           Tri Top Team Rheintal

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Simon                   Ohnemus                  M35-39
Sebastian               Oswald                   M35-39
Denys                   Ovcharov                 M35-39
Francesco               Pagnini                  M35-39           triathlon team brianza
Charlie                 Parry                    M35-39
Blum                    Patrick                  M35-39
Jonathan                Penaranda                M35-39
Francis                 Perez                    M35-39
Jimmie                  Persson                  M35-39           Umara Sports Club
Nicolas                 Peru                     M35-39
Christian               Peter                    M35-39
Dawid                   Pikor                    M35-39
Franck                  Poilon                   M35-39
Michael                 Pörtner                  M35-39
Maxime                  Poupin                   M35-39
Allan                   Prentice                 M35-39
Robert                  Pruksa                   M35-39           GREENHOPE Sports Against Cancer
Mike                    Pugh                     M35-39           D3 Multisport
Philippe                Rakoto                   M35-39
Marco                   Rancati                  M35-39           Njoy Triathlon Varese
Thomas                  Reber                    M35-39
Benjamin                Rentmeesters             M35-39
Clemens                 Rich                     M35-39
Sascha                  Rohner                   M35-39           Triathlonclub Frauenfeld
Joan                    Roigé Riera              M35-39
Gordon                  Rose                     M35-39           Triclub Doha
Jérôme                  Roset                    M35-39
Luca                    Rossini                  M35-39

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Robert                  Roth                     M35-39
Roger                   Rüegger                  M35-39           BEO Triathlonteam
Peter                   Rutishauser              M35-39
Oliver                  Rutschi                  M35-39
Marco                   Rutz                     M35-39           TRISTAR Schaffhausen
Adrian                  Ryf                      M35-39
Gaël                    Saillen                  M35-39
Bastien                 Salaün                   M35-39           Triathlon Club Geneve
Spencer                 Salcido                  M35-39
Juan                    Sanchez Santos           M35-39           Fasttriathlon
Martin                  Sanjic                   M35-39
Vito                    Santacesaria             M35-39           NOLIMITSFRIENDS
Patrick                 Sanz                     M35-39
Daniele                 Scalco                   M35-39
Martin                  Schädle                  M35-39
Dominik                 Schärz                   M35-39
Jurg                    Scheidegger              M35-39
Olivier                 Schmid                   M35-39
Simon                   Schmidlin                M35-39
Jean-Claude             Schmitz                  M35-39           X3M Triathlon Mersch
Markus                  Schneider                M35-39
Jens                    Schumann                 M35-39           TSV Eintracht 1912 Waldeck e.V. Abt. Triathlon
Oliver                  Schwarz                  M35-39
Pascal                  Schwarze                 M35-39
Andreas                 Séchy                    M35-39           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Mattias                 Seghers                  M35-39
Danny                   Seidel                   M35-39           Tri-Sport Wurzen e.V
Jonas                   Seiler                   M35-39           sisu-training

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Jon                     Shepherd-Smyth           M35-39
Philipp                 Simon                    M35-39
Yves                    Simonet                  M35-39
Bernard                 Sinnaeve                 M35-39
Zaki                    Sleiman                  M35-39
Jun Qiang               Sng                      M35-39           Ironwill Singapore
Salvador                Soler Arno               M35-39
Matt                    Stafford                 M35-39
Fabian                  Stauber                  M35-39
Fabian                  Stec                     M35-39
Krasimir                Stoimenov                M35-39
Sylvain                 Stoller                  M35-39           JC Sports Coaching
Rouven                  Strebel                  M35-39
Lars                    Streit                   M35-39
Rafael                  Suarez                   M35-39
Chad                    Sultzer                  M35-39           Loolaba Triathlon Club
Marco                   Süss                     M35-39
Fukuda                  Takeshi                  M35-39
Sullivan                Thery                    M35-39
Benjamin                Thiesmeyer               M35-39
Mark                    Thompson                 M35-39
Ruben                   Torres Garcia            M35-39
Pascal                  Travers                  M35-39
Mehdi                   Tritar                   M35-39           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
Cyrill                  Trüssel                  M35-39
Dirk                    Uhlitzsch                M35-39           TRI-Sport Wurzen
Paul                    Unseld                   M35-39
Christoph               Utiger                   M35-39

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Thomas                  Vallois                  M35-39
Jasper                  Van Den Akker            M35-39
David                   Van Der Vloet            M35-39
Koenraad                Vanhove                  M35-39
Vasile                  Vasiliu                  M35-39
Danny                   Vento                    M35-39
Sascha                  Vetter                   M35-39
Arnau                   Vila Llavina             M35-39
Darcq                   Vincent                  M35-39           Team Argon 18 France
Bert                    Vissers                  M35-39
Raphael                 Vorpe                    M35-39
Thomas                  Waddington               M35-39
Markus                  Waldeck                  M35-39
Stephan                 Walser                   M35-39
Steve                   Ward                     M35-39
Stefan                  Weigert                  M35-39
Anthony                 Welbergen                M35-39
Tobias                  Wenninger                M35-39
Felix                   Werdecker                M35-39           Eintracht Frankfurt Triathlon
Reto                    Wick                     M35-39
Christian               Wigger                   M35-39
Cezary                  Wilk                     M35-39
Florian                 Winterstein              M35-39           Tri-Team Hagen
Thibaut                 Wolwertz                 M35-39
Michael                 Wood                     M35-39
Andre                   Wullschleger             M35-39
Patrick                 Wyss                     M35-39
Manuel                  Wyssen                   M35-39

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Anton                   Yemets                   M35-39
Aldo                    Zgraggen                 M35-39           TRI17
Martin                  Zschischang              M35-39
Daniel                  Zumsteg                  M35-39
Reto                    Aeschbacher              M40-44
Marat                   Agabalyan                M40-44 
Luca                    Agosti                   M40-44           A.S.D. CE.MS.CENTRO MULTISPORTIVO PIACENZA TRIATHLON
Erik                    Ahroon                   M40-44
Vincenzo                Alizieri                 M40-44
Ahmad                   Alsandi                  M40-44
Ferran                  Andrés Julio             M40-44
Ingo                    Baldermann               M40-44           TSV Frickenhausen/
Piotr                   Baranowski               M40-44
Federico                Barbuti                  M40-44
Pietro                  Baroni                   M40-44
Patrick                 Basler                   M40-44
Stefan                  Baumann                  M40-44           Triathlonclub Frauenfeld
Blatter                 Beat                     M40-44           tripl3
Björn                   Becker                   M40-44
Benjamin                Beglinger                M40-44
Marc                    Benayoun                 M40-44
Alexandre               Bertoldo                 M40-44
Ueli                    Bieler                   M40-44
Andreas                 Biffiger                 M40-44
Igor                    Bignami                  M40-44
Ludo                    Biolley                  M40-44
Lars                    Birrer                   M40-44
Alex                    Blon                     M40-44

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Yannick                 Blum                     M40-44
Sven                    Bohn                     M40-44  | Team
Marcus                  Böker                    M40-44
Michael                 Bonadimann               M40-44
Loris                   Borsato                  M40-44           6.15 Triathlon
Sylvain                 Boulhol                  M40-44
Guillaume               Bous                     M40-44
Per                     Bracher                  M40-44           tri team zugerland
Michel                  Braun                    M40-44
Manuel                  Bravin                   M40-44
Pascal                  Bries                    M40-44
Sébastien               Broux                    M40-44
Matthew                 Browne                   M40-44
Karel                   Bruggeman                M40-44
Jean-François           Brun                     M40-44
Christian               Brunner                  M40-44
Simone                  Businaro                 M40-44
Antonio                 Bustillos                M40-44
Ricardo                 Cabrera                  M40-44
Jerome                  Caillaud                 M40-44           Tri Team Lutry
Eric                    Careau                   M40-44           Tria Basilea
Rodrigo                 Carril Morales           M40-44
Ralph                   Castelberg               M40-44           ActivePeople Endurance Team
Reto                    Caviezel                 M40-44
Wouter                  Ceyssens                 M40-44
Laurent                 Charbonnel               M40-44
Christopher             Chelius                  M40-44           Tempo-Sport BE THE CHANGE
Michel                  Cherbuin                 M40-44           tripl3

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Gheorghe                Chiper                   M40-44
Nick                    Cole                     M40-44           Army Triathlon Association
Tim                     Conings                  M40-44
Emmanuel                Contesse                 M40-44
Stefano                 Costantino               M40-44
Jayme Estefan           Da Silva Gerheim         M40-44  | Team
Marco                   D'Amico                  M40-44           Forum Sport Center Roma
Adam                    Dauer                    M40-44
Cerrone                 Dayo                     M40-44           Filipino-American Triathlon Club
Pieter                  De Groof                 M40-44           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
Thibault                De Menibus               M40-44
Vincenzo                De Stefano               M40-44
Vincent                 De Techtermann           M40-44
Tim                     Debrabandere             M40-44
Dino                    Demi                     M40-44
David                   Depuydt                  M40-44
Stephane                Devenyns                 M40-44           Endurance Team Chièvres
Michel                  Dewilde                  M40-44
Heiko                   Dolle                    M40-44
Thomas                  Dubler                   M40-44           3athlon Bern
Christian               Dumitrescu               M40-44
Kameni                  Ebner                    M40-44
Karl                    Egleton                  M40-44           BritSwim Triathlon
Boris                   Eichenberger             M40-44
Christian               Eitner                   M40-44
Edward                  Ellaby                   M40-44           TriDubai
Chris                   Ellett                   M40-44           Manchester Triathlon Club
Dominik K.              Erne                     M40-44

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Daniel                  Etzweiler                M40-44
Thomas                  Evans                    M40-44
Thomas                  Fankhauser               M40-44           tripl3
Juri                    Feltrin                  M40-44           6.15 Triathlon
Jordi                   Ferrer Playan            M40-44
Jacob                   Field                    M40-44
Domenico                Finocchiaro              M40-44           Tri-Club Aarau
Sören                   Fischer                  M40-44
Florian                 Fischer                  M40-44
François                Fouss                    M40-44           Triathlon Club de Mons
Dries                   Franceus                 M40-44
Angelo                  Franco                   M40-44
Reto                    Frei Boo                 M40-44
Simone                  Frigerio                 M40-44
Matthias                Fromm                    M40-44
Mauro                   Fumagalli                M40-44           ASD DE RAN CLAB
Roberto                 Fuscaldo                 M40-44
Luca                    Gagliasso                M40-44           AlbaTriathlon
Sébastien               Gannet                   M40-44
Enric                   Garcia Aldana            M40-44
Christoph               Gautschi                 M40-44           tripl3
Nicolas                 Gillet                   M40-44
Olivier                 Ginoux                   M40-44           TRI CLUB ISLE SUR LA SORGUE
Carl                    Gittus                   M40-44
Denis                   Golovin                  M40-44
Tom                     Goossens                 M40-44           Triatlon Duatlon Leuven
Peter                   Gorham                   M40-44
David                   Gottlieb                 M40-44

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Daniel                  Grand                    M40-44
Max                     Grigorenko               M40-44 
Philipp                 Gubler                   M40-44  Race Team
Jean Paul               Guillen Garcia           M40-44
Raphaël                 Guisolan                 M40-44
Bastian                 Gurtner                  M40-44
Alexandr                Gusev                    M40-44
Andreas                 Gustavsson               M40-44           Kalmar RC Triathlon
Marco                   Haida                    M40-44
Lars                    Hanschke                 M40-44           AlinaNutriSport
Gavin                   Harte                    M40-44           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Vincent                 Helbert                  M40-44
Tom                     Hellemans                M40-44
Per                     Hellevik Carlsson        M40-44
David                   Helms                    M40-44           All In Multisport
Miguel                  Hernandez                M40-44
Marcel                  Herrmann                 M40-44
Michael                 Herrmann                 M40-44
Rubem                   Herzog                   M40-44
Christian               Hess                     M40-44
Michael                 Hill                     M40-44
Stanislav               Holicek                  M40-44
Marko                   Holzhausen               M40-44
Michael                 Honegger                 M40-44
Simon                   Hopf                     M40-44
Tomas                   Horak                    M40-44
Ross                    Horton                   M40-44

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Jerry                   Hsieh                    M40-44           Changshu Triathlon Club
Florian                 Hube                     M40-44
Jeremy                  Hund                     M40-44
Anssi                   Huttunen                 M40-44
Alessandro              Ianeselli                M40-44
Marco                   Iseli                    M40-44
Michael                 Isler                    M40-44           M.A.D. Multisports USA
Elie                    Jaunault                 M40-44
Mikeldi                 Jaureguibeitia           M40-44
Jaray                   Jearanai                 M40-44
Aron                    Johnston                 M40-44
Tobias                  Jöhr                     M40-44
Robert                  Kathan                   M40-44           Tri Dornbirn
Jan                     Kellerhals               M40-44           Impuls Triathlon Club Bülach
Marcelo                 Kendy Kaneshiro          M40-44
Dmitri                  Kharitonenko             M40-44
Kirill                  Kireev                   M40-44
Chris                   Klenk                    M40-44
Andreas                 Knobel                   M40-44
Christof                Knoeri                   M40-44
Michael                 Koch                     M40-44
Hannu                   Korhonen                 M40-44
Alex                    Kottmann                 M40-44
Ivan                    Kovacev                  M40-44
Boris                   Kujawa                   M40-44
Sergej                  Kunz                     M40-44
Boris                   Lachat                   M40-44

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Michel                  Lamtink                  M40-44
Alexander               Längle                   M40-44           hellblau.POWERTEAM
David                   Lanz                     M40-44
Alfredo                 Lara Trejo               M40-44
Reto                    Lindenmann               M40-44
Phi                     Lipp                     M40-44           Trigantium Bregenz
Stephen                 Lockwood                 M40-44
Nicolas                 Ludmann                  M40-44
Lars                    Lyhme                    M40-44
Juan                    Machín Escaño            M40-44
Devis                   Marchetto                M40-44           6.15 Triathlon
Gustavo                 Martin Araque            M40-44
João                    Martinho                 M40-44
Brian                   Masotti                  M40-44           Stellar Triathlon
Nicolas                 Melen                    M40-44
Christoph               Mentz                    M40-44
Boris                   Mercier                  M40-44
Pierick                 Mermoud                  M40-44
Thomas                  Mettler                  M40-44
Roberto                 Migliaccio               M40-44           A.S.D. TERRA DELLO SPORT
Stuart                  Mitchell                 M40-44
Benjamin                Moeyaert                 M40-44
Johannes                Müller                   M40-44           SG Frankfurt-Nied
Dieter                  Neuffer                  M40-44
Romulo                  Neves                    M40-44
Tri-Do                  Nguyen                   M40-44
Paolo                   Nicastri                 M40-44
Chris                   Nieuwoudt                M40-44           Tunbridge Wells Triathlon Club

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Rudi                    Nieveen                  M40-44
Stephan                 Nittel                   M40-44
Pavel                   Nový                     M40-44           Triatlon Mladá Boleslav
Alessandro              Noziglia                 M40-44
Jack                    Nunn                     M40-44           Triworx
Kris                    Nuytemans                M40-44
Ezequiel                Ocampo                   M40-44           AGMT
Eoin                    O'Cearbhaill             M40-44
Stefan                  Ogi                      M40-44
Tommi                   Olsson                   M40-44
Patrice                 Oppliger                 M40-44           Team Zoot Europe
Andras                  Orban                    M40-44
Jorge Eruvey            Ortiz Quevedo            M40-44
Christopher             Ott                      M40-44
Maximin                 Ottino                   M40-44
Gabor                   Paiano                   M40-44           ActivePeople Endurance Team
Julien                  Perez                    M40-44
Gabriel                 Perez De La Sota         M40-44
Gianluigi               Perfetti                 M40-44
Marek                   Peszt                    M40-44
Christian               Petrocchi                M40-44
Anton                   Petrov                   M40-44
Simone                  Pettini                  M40-44           AlbaTriathlon
Mathieu                 Pillet                   M40-44
Efrain                  Pineda                   M40-44           Filipino-American Triathlon Club
Vadim                   Popov                    M40-44
Jiri                    Pospisil                 M40-44           Mika training, z.s.
Rostislav               Procházka                M40-44

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2021
(last update: November 13, 2020)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name              Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Omar                    Raimondo                 M40-44
Tim                     Raine                    M40-44           TriDubai
Andreas                 Rath                     M40-44
Alessandro              Rebuttini                M40-44
Rene                    Redelberger              M40-44
Michael                 Regele                   M40-44
Raoul                   Reulen                   M40-44
Martin                  Rezac                    M40-44
Bertrand                Rietsch                  M40-44
Sandro                  Rink                     M40-44
Florent                 Robin                    M40-44
Jon                     Robinson                 M40-44           M.A.D. Multisports USA
Hersel                  Rodriguez                M40-44
Patrick                 Röll                     M40-44
Axel                    Ronse                    M40-44
Pirmin                  Roos                     M40-44           Triathlon Club Sursee
Michael                 Rössing                  M40-44
Arnaud                  Rouquette                M40-44
Peter                   Rudolph                  M40-44           Triathlon Potsdam e.V.
Francisco Jose          Ruiz Anitua              M40-44
Silvan                  Rupp                     M40-44
Mikolaj                 Ruta                     M40-44
Christopher             Salcido                  M40-44
Gerald                  Salcido                  M40-44           Intermountain Tri
Patrick                 Salm                     M40-44
Carlos                  Sanchis Calabuig         M40-44
Marco                   Scaramuzza               M40-44
Nicolas                 Schacher                 M40-44           CNN TRI NYON

                                      Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
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