#AccessGERMANY For Swedish scaleups looking to enter the German market - Schwedische ...
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Über AccessGERMANY Gemeinsam mit Tillväxtverket, der schwedischen Behörde für regionales Wachstum und Startup Sweden hat die Schwedische Handelskammer in Deutschland das Programm AccessGERMANY auf die Beine gestellt. Ausgewählt wurden neun Scale-ups aus dem Tech-Bereich, die den deutschen Markt betreten wollen. Der erste Teil des Programms war ein digitales Bootcamp, welches bereits im August stattgefunden hat. In diesem haben Experten aus dem bilateralen Bereich hilfreiche Tipps und Informationen über den deutschen Markt weitergegeben. Ein detailliertes Programm finden Sie hier. Der zweite Teil besteht aus individuellen Meetings mit potentiellen Partnern, Kunden und Investoren, die die Kammer für sie arrangieren wird. John Lindén Linn Sidahl Darüber hinaus möchten wir die UnternehmerInnen aus Schweden im CEO Head of Business Development Rahmen der Verleihung des Schwedischen Unternehmenspreises nach Hamburg einladen, um so doch noch ein Treffen vor Ort ermöglichen zu können. Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Übersicht über die teilnehmenden Scale- Ups. Bei Fragen oder Anmerkungen wenden Sie sich gerne an die EKKONO has developed a machine learning software that Geschäftsstelle der Schwedischen Handelskammer. Gerne stellen wir enables product companies in a variety of industries to auch direkten Kontakt zu den Unternehmen her. rapidly build and deploy self-learning, predictive and personalized smart features onboard their products. This provides a machine learning model that is both adaptive Schwedische Handelskammer Ihr Ansprechpartner: and more precise. Sachsenstraße 6 Charlotte Roggenbuck 20097 Hamburg roggenbuck@schwedenkammer.de www.schwedenkammer.de 040 655 874 13
text text Raiha Buchanan David Hansson Gustav Malmqvist Anders Hardebring Erik Tengedal Åke Wernelind CEO & Co-Founder Co-Founder & CTO Co-Founder & Head CEO & Co-Founder VP Sales Business of Strategic Business Development Development GIGAPAY helps gig and marketplace platforms with IMAGIMOB specialises in sensors and artificial hassle-free pay out management for short-term gig intelligence. Their Imagimob AI system, developed for worker salaries. The model takes care of taxes, Edge AI applications, enables small devices with insurances, and pensions, to enable platform owners to intelligence and data processing capabilities to empower manage task-based pay-outs in a simple and efficient both clients and customers with actionable insights in real way. time.
Mikael Larsson Tony Rush Axel Panning Jonas Wærn CEO & Co-Founder International Sales Area Sales Director Business Executive, Manager Central Europe Boardmember & International Senior Sales With their SaaS platform, LEARNSTER transforms NEONODE provides advanced optical sensing solutions corporate information into digestible learnings or dynamic for contactless touch, touch, gesture control and in-cabin educational programs to be shared with employees, monitoring. To date, their technology has been deployed customers, and clients. A next-gen learning platform that in more than 80 million products. enables organizations to turn information into real knowledge.
Erik Engström Bennerhult Sarah Kok Mikael Abrahamsson Kajsa Arvidsson Magnus Brodén CEO CMO COO & Co-Founder Group CEO Vice President, Sales With a cutting-edge digitised lending platform that SELIRO designs and develops software solutions for delivers efficiency, speed and transparency for both smart connected homes, optimizing the performance of lenders and borrowers, NÄKTERGAL aims to make the devices and enabling them to host third party lending more efficient and straightforward for everyone. applications. This empowers operators and service providers to make life easier for end consumers.
Shameek Ghosh Marianne Uddman Anders Mårtensson Madeleine af Ugglas CEO and Founder Business Head (Food) Vice President Business CMO Development Merging deep tech with transparency, TRUSTRACE VILJA provides cloud-native core banking platforms, enables companies – primarily within the fashion and food covering the entire lifecycle of lending and savings industries – to achieve greater traceability within their operations in one system. The result combines quick and supply chain, maximising trust in products and easy launches of new revenue streams for banks, while streamlining sustainability efforts. also ensuring the best banking experience for customers.
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