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Auszug aus: Listening Comprehension English Niveau B 1 - School-Scout
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                       Listening Comprehension English Niveau B 1

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Auszug aus: Listening Comprehension English Niveau B 1 - School-Scout
The Natural History Museum in London
                                                 Didaktische Einordnung
Thema: Das Natural History Museum in London

     •    Werbevideo1 des Museums, Länge: 2:51 Minuten, zwei
          Sprecher mit britischem Akzent
     •    Audioversion des Videos
     •    Bild 1: Frontalansicht des Museumsgebäudes2, Herstellung
          einer Verbindung zu den ersten Sekunden des Videos, in
          denen das Gebäude ebenfalls zu sehen ist
     •    Bild 2: Diplodocus „Dippy“3 (siehe Übung 2c) und 3b))
     •    Bild 3: Main Hall des Museums4
     •    Bild 4: Der T-Rex5

     •    Erschließung von visuellen und auditiven Informationen aus dem Video
     •    Verständnis von einschlägigen Vokabeln (siehe Übung 1)
     •    Landeskunde: Erwerb grundlegender Kenntnisse über das Museum

     •    Übung 1: Zuordnungsaufgabe, je nach Niveau der Klasse als Vorentlastung
     •    Übung 2: non verbal response: Multiple-Choice-Aufgaben
     •    Übung 3: short verbal response: Lückentext
     •    Übung 4: offene Frage, long verbal response
     •    Übung 5: Transfer, long verbal response

1 (15.04.2021).
2 (aufgerufen am 17. Juli 2011).
3 (aufgerufen am 17. Juli 2011).
4 (aufgerufen am 22. Juli
5 (aufgerufen am 22. Juli 2011).
Auszug aus: Listening Comprehension English Niveau B 1 - School-Scout
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Auszug aus: Listening Comprehension English Niveau B 1 - School-Scout
The Natural History Museum in London

                                       The entrance to the museum

1. Match the expressions and their definitions:

       1. an archway                              an animal serving as an example for something
       2. a carving
                                                  a chance to touch and interact with something
       3. the centrepiece
       4. an eerie feeling                        designed for a specific purpose
       5. a fierce creature
                                                  a frightening animal
       6. a giant squid
       7. a hands-on opportunity                  lots of things presented together
       8. a natural history artefact
                                                  an object that illustrates the history of nature
       9. purpose-built
       10. specimen                               a piece of art made by cutting away material from
       11. a vast collection                      wood or stone

                                                  a place with a curved shape over it

                                                  something that is in the middle and very important

                                                  a strange and mysterious emotion

                                                  a very big sea animal that has ten arms
Auszug aus: Listening Comprehension English Niveau B 1 - School-Scout
The Natural History Museum in London

                                       The entrance to the museum
1. Match the expressions and their definitions:

       1. an archway                        10    an animal serving as an example for something
       2. a carving
                                            7     a chance to touch and interact with something
       3. the centrepiece
                                            9     designed for a specific purpose
       4. an eerie feeling
       5. a fierce creature                 5     a frightening animal
       6. a giant squid                     11    lots of things presented together
       7. a hands-on opportunity
                                            8     an object that illustrates the history of nature
       8. a natural history artefact
       9. purpose-built                     2     a piece of art made by cutting away material from
                                                  wood or stone
       10. specimen
       11. a vast collection                1     a place with a curved shape over it

                                            3     something that is in the middle and very important

                                            4     a strange and mysterious emotion

                                            6     a very big sea animal that has ten arms
Auszug aus: Listening Comprehension English Niveau B 1 - School-Scout
The Natural History Museum in London
2. Tick the correct statement:

  a)   The Natural History Museum is visited by more than ...
  [ ] 3 million
  [ ] 300 million
  [ ] 130 million
  people each year.

  b)   The museum’s building is a typical example of ...
  [ ] Victorian
  [ ] Elizabethan
  [ ] Baroque

  c)   Dippy is the name of a ...
  [ ] monkey.
  [ ] squid.
  [ ] dinosaur.

  d)   At first, most visitors want to have a look at ...
  [ ] the T-Rex.
  [ ] the archways.
  [ ] the Darwin Centre.

  e)   In the Earth Lab, scientists examine the ...
  [ ] plants
  [ ] stuffed animals
  [ ] rocks and minerals
  that the visitors bring to them.

  f)   On average, visitors stay at the museum for about ...
  [ ] two and a half hours.
  [ ] half an hour.
Auszug aus: Listening Comprehension English Niveau B 1 - School-Scout
[ ] two hours.
The Natural History Museum in London
2. Tick the correct statement:

  a)   The Natural History Museum is visited by more than ...
  [ x ] 3 million
  [ ] 300 million
  [ ] 130 million
  people each year.

  b)   The museum’s building is a typical example of ...
  [ x ] Victorian
  [ ] Elizabethan
  [ ] Baroque

  c)   Dippy is the name of a ...
  [ ] monkey.
  [ ] squid.
  [ x ] dinosaur.

  d)   At first, most visitors want to have a look at ...
  [ x ] the T-Rex.
  [ ] the archways.
  [ ] the Darwin Centre.

  e)   In the Earth Lab, scientists examine the ...
  [ ] plants
  [ ] stuffed animals
  [ x ] rocks and minerals
  that the visitors bring to them.

  f)   On average, visitors stay at the museum for about ...
  [ ] two and a half hours.
  [ ] half an hour.
[ x ] two hours.
The Natural History Museum in London
3. Fill in the gaps:

When visitors enter the museum, they often think that they are walking
into a ________________________. And in a sense, that is true, because
the     museum            can      be    seen      as        a      cathedral    to
__________________________. In the main hall, there are animals such
as ____________________________ climbing around the archways.

For    many     years,     the    main   attraction     of    the   museum      was
_________________________, a Diplodocus. It is ________________________ feet in length, which is
almost eight metres! But today, another dinosaur is more popular: the _________________________.
It follows people with its head, because it is able to identify _________________________ on people’s

Robert How, whose favourite piece of the museum is the __________________________, works there
as a ________________________________. He thinks that when people visit the museum, they will be
able       to    really         understand      both         our     _______________________   and   our
__________________________ in the natural world.
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                       Listening Comprehension English Niveau B 1

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