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Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form Auszug aus: Listening Comprehension English Niveau B 1 Das komplette Material finden Sie hier: © Copyright / e-learning-academy AG – Urheberrechtshinweis Alle Inhalte dieser Material-Vorschau sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Das Urheberrecht liegt, soweit nicht ausdrücklich anders gekennzeichnet, bei / e- learning-academy AG. Wer diese Vorschauseiten unerlaubt kopiert oder verbreitet, macht sich gem. §§ 106 ff UrhG strafbar.
The Natural History Museum in London Didaktische Einordnung Thema: Das Natural History Museum in London Medien: • Werbevideo1 des Museums, Länge: 2:51 Minuten, zwei Sprecher mit britischem Akzent • Audioversion des Videos • Bild 1: Frontalansicht des Museumsgebäudes2, Herstellung einer Verbindung zu den ersten Sekunden des Videos, in denen das Gebäude ebenfalls zu sehen ist • Bild 2: Diplodocus „Dippy“3 (siehe Übung 2c) und 3b)) • Bild 3: Main Hall des Museums4 • Bild 4: Der T-Rex5 Lernziele: • Erschließung von visuellen und auditiven Informationen aus dem Video • Verständnis von einschlägigen Vokabeln (siehe Übung 1) • Landeskunde: Erwerb grundlegender Kenntnisse über das Museum Aufgabentypen: • Übung 1: Zuordnungsaufgabe, je nach Niveau der Klasse als Vorentlastung • Übung 2: non verbal response: Multiple-Choice-Aufgaben • Übung 3: short verbal response: Lückentext • Übung 4: offene Frage, long verbal response • Übung 5: Transfer, long verbal response Quellen: 1 (15.04.2021). 2 (aufgerufen am 17. Juli 2011). 3 (aufgerufen am 17. Juli 2011). 4 (aufgerufen am 22. Juli 2011). 5 (aufgerufen am 22. Juli 2011).
Die Videodatei zu dieser Einheit können Sie hier starten. Sollten Sie Probleme beim Abspielen der Videodatei haben, öffnen Sie bitte den Ordner „Video“ und starten Sie die mp4-Datei direkt durch Anklicken. Die Audiodatei zu dieser Einheit können Sie hier starten.
The Natural History Museum in London The entrance to the museum 1. Match the expressions and their definitions: 1. an archway an animal serving as an example for something 2. a carving a chance to touch and interact with something 3. the centrepiece 4. an eerie feeling designed for a specific purpose 5. a fierce creature a frightening animal 6. a giant squid 7. a hands-on opportunity lots of things presented together 8. a natural history artefact an object that illustrates the history of nature 9. purpose-built 10. specimen a piece of art made by cutting away material from 11. a vast collection wood or stone a place with a curved shape over it something that is in the middle and very important a strange and mysterious emotion a very big sea animal that has ten arms
The Natural History Museum in London The entrance to the museum 1. Match the expressions and their definitions: 1. an archway 10 an animal serving as an example for something 2. a carving 7 a chance to touch and interact with something 3. the centrepiece 9 designed for a specific purpose 4. an eerie feeling 5. a fierce creature 5 a frightening animal 6. a giant squid 11 lots of things presented together 7. a hands-on opportunity 8 an object that illustrates the history of nature 8. a natural history artefact 9. purpose-built 2 a piece of art made by cutting away material from wood or stone 10. specimen 11. a vast collection 1 a place with a curved shape over it 3 something that is in the middle and very important 4 a strange and mysterious emotion 6 a very big sea animal that has ten arms
The Natural History Museum in London 2. Tick the correct statement: a) The Natural History Museum is visited by more than ... [ ] 3 million [ ] 300 million [ ] 130 million people each year. b) The museum’s building is a typical example of ... [ ] Victorian [ ] Elizabethan [ ] Baroque architecture. c) Dippy is the name of a ... [ ] monkey. [ ] squid. [ ] dinosaur. d) At first, most visitors want to have a look at ... [ ] the T-Rex. [ ] the archways. [ ] the Darwin Centre. e) In the Earth Lab, scientists examine the ... [ ] plants [ ] stuffed animals [ ] rocks and minerals that the visitors bring to them. f) On average, visitors stay at the museum for about ... [ ] two and a half hours. [ ] half an hour.
The Natural History Museum in London 2. Tick the correct statement: a) The Natural History Museum is visited by more than ... [ x ] 3 million [ ] 300 million [ ] 130 million people each year. b) The museum’s building is a typical example of ... [ x ] Victorian [ ] Elizabethan [ ] Baroque architecture. c) Dippy is the name of a ... [ ] monkey. [ ] squid. [ x ] dinosaur. d) At first, most visitors want to have a look at ... [ x ] the T-Rex. [ ] the archways. [ ] the Darwin Centre. e) In the Earth Lab, scientists examine the ... [ ] plants [ ] stuffed animals [ x ] rocks and minerals that the visitors bring to them. f) On average, visitors stay at the museum for about ... [ ] two and a half hours. [ ] half an hour.
[ x ] two hours.
The Natural History Museum in London 3. Fill in the gaps: a) When visitors enter the museum, they often think that they are walking into a ________________________. And in a sense, that is true, because the museum can be seen as a cathedral to __________________________. In the main hall, there are animals such as ____________________________ climbing around the archways. b) For many years, the main attraction of the museum was _________________________, a Diplodocus. It is ________________________ feet in length, which is almost eight metres! But today, another dinosaur is more popular: the _________________________. It follows people with its head, because it is able to identify _________________________ on people’s clothes! c) Robert How, whose favourite piece of the museum is the __________________________, works there as a ________________________________. He thinks that when people visit the museum, they will be able to really understand both our _______________________ and our __________________________ in the natural world.
Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form Auszug aus: Listening Comprehension English Niveau B 1 Das komplette Material finden Sie hier: © Copyright / e-learning-academy AG – Urheberrechtshinweis Alle Inhalte dieser Material-Vorschau sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Das Urheberrecht liegt, soweit nicht ausdrücklich anders gekennzeichnet, bei / e- learning-academy AG. Wer diese Vorschauseiten unerlaubt kopiert oder verbreitet, macht sich gem. §§ 106 ff UrhG strafbar.
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