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Dear BIGSSS Graduates, Liebe BIGSSS Graduates, You made it! The book is written, Ihr habt es geschafft! Das Buch ist discussions are (temporarily) over. geschrieben, die Diskussionen sind You brought down the dragon – (vorerst) vorüber. Ihr habt den and surely in many moments you Drachen besiegt – und wir sind uns also had to defeat yourself. Well sicher, dass Ihr in vielen Momenten done! What today may feel like a auch Euch selbst besiegen musstet. little eternity had its first day, too: Gut gemacht! Das, was sich heute the day you entered BIGSSS; when wie eine kleine Ewigkeit anfühlt, everything and everybody was new, hatte einen ersten Tag: Der Tag, an when there were so many possibili- dem Ihr an die BIGSSS kamt, an dem ties ahead, but also obstacles, alles und jede/r neu war, an dem theoretical problems and methodo- überall Möglichkeiten, aber auch logical pitfalls to overcome. Today Hindernisse und theoretische oder you have reached the end. But is it methodologische Probleme lauerten. an end or rather a transition? From Heute habt Ihr es geschafft und das here, something new will happen, Ende erreicht. Ist es überhaupt ein no less exciting than our past few Ende, oder nicht vielmehr ein Über- years. We are happy for you and gang? Von hier aus geschieht wieder very curious to see where your way etwas Neues, nicht weniger aufregend will lead you. As Dean of BIGSSS, let als die letzten Jahre. Wir freuen uns me greet you and your friends and für Euch und mit Euch und sind sehr family and welcome you to the gespannt, wohin Euch dieser neue Graduation Day 2018! Weg führen wird. Als Dean der BIGSSS heiße ich Euch und Eure FreundInnen und Familien herzlich willkommen zum Graduation Day 2018! Prof. Dr. Olaf Groh-Samberg April 2018
APRIL 13th, 2018 17:15 GRADUATION CEREMONY PART I Laura Landorff 7 Esther Somfalvy 9 Michelle Hollman 11 15:00 WELCOME Alexandru Filip 13 Prof. Dr. Olaf Groh-Samberg 56 Caterina Bonora 15 BIGSSS Dean Alla Leukavets 17 Klaas Schüller 19 Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Feichtner 58 Clémentine Roth 21 Vice President International and Sarah Perumalla 23 Diversity of the University of Bremen Steffen Hagemann 25 Annabell Zentarra 27 Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann 59 Thomas Lux 29 President & Managing Director of Jacobs University 18:00 MUSICAL INTERLUDE Elle Harris & Adrien Donneaud 15:30 MUSICAL INTERLUDE 18:15 GRADUATION CEREMONY PART II Elle Harris & Adrien Donneaud 61 Mauricio Reichenbachs 31 Anna Hokema 33 15:45 FELLOW ADDRESS Lukas Hoppe 35 Sarah Perumalla 60 Jennie Auffenberg 37 Adrian Stanciu 39 16:15 COFFEE BREAK Ge Yu 41 Sisay Yemane Ayele 43 16:45 DEANS’ ADDRESSES Hilal Arslan 45 Prof. Dr. Olaf Groh-Samberg 56 Emanuel Deutschmann 47 BIGSSS Dean Constanze Volkmann 49 Kwaku Arhin-Sam 51 Prof. Dr. Adalbert F.X. Wilhelm 57 BIGSSS Vice Dean 19:00 DINNER
4 BIGSSS BIGSSS is an internationally BIGSSS ist eine interdisziplinäre renowned interdisciplinary school of Graduiertenschule der Sozialwissen- doctoral training at the public schaften von internationalem Rang, University of Bremen and the private die als Kooperationseinrichtung der Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH. Universität Bremen und der Jacobs The educational concept, combining University Bremen gGmbH gegründet the scientific strengths of the Bremen wurde. Ihr Ausbildungskonzept, social science landscape with an das die Stärken der Bremer Wissen- innovative qualification program and schaftslandschaft mit einem innovati- supervision strategy, was acknowl- ven Ausbildungsprogramm verbindet, edged twice by an international board wurde 2007 und wiederholt 2012 in of reviewers in the German Excel- die Förderung der DFG Exzellenziniti- lence Initiative in 2007 and 2012 ative aufgenommen. Seit 2016 wird respectively. In 2016, BIGSSS acquired das neueste PhD Programm der a generous COFUND grant in the frame Graduiertenschule „BIGSSS-departs“ of the European Union’s Horizon (doctoral education in partnerships) 2020 Programme for Research and von der EU im Rahmen des Horizon Innovation for its newest PhD 2020 Programme for Research and program “BIGSSS-departs” (doctoral Innovation kofinanziert. An der education in partnerships). The BIGSSS promovieren derzeit rund 100 graduate school hosts around DoktorandInnen aus der ganzen Welt. 100 international PhD fellows. Alle zwei Jahre ehrt die BIGSSS Biannually, our graduates – and ihre AbsolventInnen und diejenigen, those on the eve of defending their die kurz vor der Verteidigung ihrer thesis – are honored for their Dissertation stehen. Wir möchten outstanding scientific achievement ihnen nicht nur für ihre wissenschaft- and personal endurance during their lichen Erfolge und die Ausdauer auf PhD paths. BIGSSS would like to dem Weg dorthin danken, sondern auch thank them for their engagement in für ihr jahrelanges Engagement im our graduate school’s institutional, institutionellen, akademischen und academic and social life. On the sozialen Leben der BIGSSS. Auf following pages, you will find more den folgenden Seiten finden Sie einige information on these outstanding Informationen zu diesen bemerkens- personalities. At the Graduation werten Persönlichkeiten. Am Graduation Day, they are presented by their Day werden sie von ihren KollegInnen co-fellows Anna Wolkenhauer, Anna Wolkenhauer, Janosch Kullen- Janosch Kullenberg, Nora Waitkus, berg, Nora Waitkus, Stephan Dochow, Stephan Dochow, Markus Klingel, Markus Klingel und Małgorzata and Małgorzata Jakubowska. Jakubowska vorgestellt.
LAURA 7 LANDORFF Intergroups in the European Parliament: Social, Informational and Political Capital of MEPs Laura Landorff studied European Laura Landorff studierte European Studies at the University of Aarhus Studies an der Universität Aarhus in Denmark before she joined the in Dänemark bevor sie 2011 an PhD programme at BIGSSS in 2011. die BIGSSS kam. Ihre Forschungs Her research interests lie in the interessen liegen im Bereich der field of European integration, EU Europäischen Integrationsforschung, institutions and political sociology. der Institutionen der EU und der In her PhD project, she studied Politischen Soziologie. In ihrer Disser European Parliament’s Intergroups. tation erforschte sie interfraktionelle Since April 2017, Laura is working Arbeitsgruppen/Intergroups im as assistant professor in European Europäischen Parlament. Seit April Studies at the University of Aalborg, 2017 arbeitet Laura als Assistant Denmark. Still living in Aarhus, Professor im Fachbereich European she enjoys the Danish way of life Studies an der Universität Aalborg and living close to the sea. in Dänemark. Sie lebt weiterhin in Aarhus, genießt den dänischen Lebensstil und die Nähe zum Meer. Hmmm, one sentence about my time at BIGSSS: Social signs, international geeks and books, books, books. Assistant Professor in European Studies Aalborg University, Denmark
ESTHER 9 SOMFALVY Parliamentary Representation in Non-Democracies. How Parliamentarians Matter in Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic Esther Somfalvy studied Political Esther Somfalvy studierte Ost-Mittel- Science at the University of Bremen Europa Studien (B.A.) in Passau and, prior to that, European Studies und Kazan und Politikwissenschaft with a focus on Central and Eastern (M.A.) in Bremen. Anschließend Europe in Passau and Kazan. She war sie im Eurasia Competitiveness joined BIGSSS after working for the Programme der OECD tätig, bevor OECD Eurasia Competitiveness sie an die BIGSSS kam. Im Rahmen Programme. In her dissertation, she ihres Dissertationsprojektes unter- explores the practices of parlia suchte sie die Praxis parlamentari- mentary representation in the non- scher Repräsentation in den Staaten democratic countries of Central Zentralasiens. Dabei ging sie der Asia. In particular, her research Frage nach, ob und wie sich einge- focus is on the question how limited schränkter Wettbewerb bei Wahlen electoral competitiveness affects auf das Tätigkeitsprofil der Abge the relationship between Members ordneten sowie auf das Verhältnis of Parliament and their voters. zwischen Abgeordneten und ihren Esther remains committed to politics Wählern auswirkt. Ihrer Leidenschaft in the post-Soviet region, working für den postsowjetischen Raum as a researcher at the Institute for geht sie mittlerweile am Institut für Peace Research and Security Policy Friedensforschung und Sicherheits- at the University of Hamburg, politik an der Universität Hamburg serving as an expert for the Central (IFSH) nach, als wissenschaftliche Asian countries. Mitarbeiterin mit Arbeitsschwerpunkt Zentralasien. It was a privilege researching Researcher a topic I care about in a Institut für Friedensforschung und supportive environment, and a Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität pleasure doing it surrounded Hamburg (IFSH), Germany by amazing friends.
MICHELLE 11 HOLLMAN The Private Life of Groups: How Internal Organisational Structures Shape Interest Group Agency in the European Union After completing her studies in Nodeems hatt zu Brighton, Bruges Brighton, Bruges and Berlin, a Berlin studéiert hat, ass Michelle Hollman moved to Bremen d’Michelle Hollman 2013 op Bremen in 2013 to discover the capricious geplënnert, fir do dat launenhaft weather, the advantages of water- Wieder, d’Virdeeler vu Reeboxe beim proof trousers for cycling, and the Vëlosfueren an den dréchenen dry sense of humour of Northern Humor vun Norddäitschland kennen Germany. Having conducted field ze léieren. Ier hatt 2017 seng work in Berlin, Brussels, Lisbon, Dokteraarbecht verdeedegt huet, and London and completed research huet hatt Feldfuerschung zu exchanges in Antwerp and Amster- Berlin, Bréissel, Lissabon a London dam, she defended her dissertation duerchgeféiert an zu Antwerpen with a focus on the internal organi- an Amsterdam op der Uni geschafft. sational structures of interest groups Seng Dokteraarbecht beschäftegt in the European Union in 2017. sech mat der Fro, wéi intern Orga nisatiounsstrukturen sech op d’Handlungsfäegkeet vun Interesse- gruppen an der EU auswierken. The years at BIGSSS added extraordinary people, a sense for what is actually important, and many warm memories to my life. Sales Support Coordinator Harman Consumer Nederland BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands
ALEXANDRU 13 FILIP Contesting Europe: A Time-Series Cross- Sectional Analysis of Eurosceptic Influence over Mainstream Political Parties Alexandru Filip is a comparative Alexandru Filip este un politolog political scientist focusing on comparativ a carui zona de expertiza European Politics and Integration. sunt Integrarea si Politica Europeana. Born in Sibiu, Romania, he studied Nascut in Sibiu, Romania, el a studiat political science in the cold realms stiinte politice in nordul indepartat, of Helsinki and Uppsala before mai exact Helsinki si Uppsala, dupa moving to the warmer pastures of care s-a mutat la Bremen unde a Bremen, where he wrote his disser- scris o disertatie despre comporta- tation on the behavior of political mentul partidelor politice. La ora parties. Alex is currently working actuala Alex lucreaza in proiectul in the Dahrendorf Forum project, Dahrendorf Forum, la Hertie School at the Hertie School of Governance of Governance, Berlin, explorand in Berlin, exploring the nexus of relatia dintre politica Europeana, European politics, voter attitudes, populism, si atitudinile electoratelor and populism. europene. The time spent at BIGSSS was a memorable period of scholarly and personal development for me – I will forever cherish it and look back to it fondly. Postdoctoral Researcher Dahrendorf Forum, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, Germany
CATERINA 15 BONORA Localizing transitional justice: an opportunity lost for change? Exploring the role of local actors in post-war justice-seeking initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina Caterina Bonora joined BIGSSS after Caterina Bonora è arrivata a BIGSSS graduating in her home country, dopo aver concluso i suoi studi in Italy, and working for two years in Italia e dopo aver lavorato per due international organizations in anni in organizzazioni internazionali various countries. In her PhD, she in vari paesi. Durante il dottorato ha focused on local activist groups studiato gruppi di attivisti locali che seeking justice in the aftermath of cercano giustizia dopo le guerre the Yugoslav conflicts of the 1990s. Jugoslave degli anni ’90. Anche nella In her current position at the Univer- sua attuale posizione all’università sity of Bremen (Institute of Europe- di Brema (Istituto di Studi Europei), an Studies), she still pursues her continua a seguire il proprio interesse interests in bottom-up activism in the nell’attivismo dal basso in ex Jugo- former Yugoslavia, as well as in slavia e più in generale nei diritti issues of human rights, transitional umani, nella giustizia transizionale justice and gender. She also enjoys e nelle questioni di genere. Le piace teaching a lot and, more in general, molto insegnare e in generale le making academic knowledge interessa la divulgazione del sapere accessible to the broader public. accademico. When you join a graduate school you are already a grown-up. And yet, during the time at BIGSSS and through the PhD experience I had the opportunity to mature further, as a researcher and a human being. Lecturer Integrated European Studies, University of Bremen, Germany
ALLA 17 LEUKAVETS Comparative analysis of integration policy in Belarus and Ukraine vis-à-vis the EU and Russia: politics of two-level games Alla Leukavets was born in Minsk, Ала нарадзілася ў Мінску, дзе яна Belarus where she studied law вывучала права ў Беларускім at the Belarusian State Economics дзяржаўным эканамічным універ- University. After finishing her сітэце. Пасля заканчэння вучобы, studies, she pursued an MA program яна вучылася ў магістратуры ў me in Human Rights at the University галіне правоў чалавека ў Універ- of Manchester, UK. In 2011 Alla сітэце Манчэстэра, Вялікабры- received an ENP scholarship from танія. У 2011 годзе Ала атрымала the European Commission to pursue стыпендыю ад Еўрапейскай камісіі a further postgraduate programme для далейшых даследаванняў ў at the College of Europe (Bruges Каледжы Еўропы (кампус Бруге). campus). In addition, she has done Акрамя таго, яна зрабіла некалькі several traineeships, inter alia, стажыровак, у прыватнасці, у at the European parliament in Еўрапейскім парламенце ў Брусэлі Brussels and the UK Parliament in і ў парламенце Вялікабрытаніі ў London. Alla’s PhD, which she did Лондане. Доктарская дысертацыя within Marie-Curie ITN “Post-Soviet Алы, якую яна зрабіла ў праграме Tensions”, focused on comparative Мары-Кюры , засяроджана на analysis of integration policy in параўнальным аналізе інтэграцый- Belarus and Ukraine in relation to най палітыкі ў Беларусі і Украіне ў Russia and the EU. Her current адносінах да Расіі і ЕС. У цяпераш- research deals with the role of inter- ні час яе даследаванне аналізуе national organisations in regulating ролю міжнародных арганізацый у frozen conflicts in post-Soviet space. рэгуляванні замарожаных канфлік- таў на постсавецкай прасторы. I value the multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Research Fellow and international community of Justus Liebig University Giessen, fellow graduate students and first rate Germany scholars that BIGSSS creates.
KLAAS 19 SCHÜLLER Die Erweiterungen der „Gruppe der Sieben“ (G7): Macht, Wohlstand und Ideen als Bestimmungsfaktoren des institutionellen Wandels Klaas Schüller studied political Klaas Schüller studierte Politikwis- science and economics at the senschaft und Wirtschaftswissen- University of Bremen. He subse- schaft an der Universität Bremen. quently worked for the “International Anschließend war er als Koordinator Relations” master’s program and des Master-Studiengangs „Interna for a research project at Jacobs tional Relations“ sowie für ein University. Meanwhile, Klaas wrote Forschungsprojekt an der Jacobs his dissertation as an Affiliated University tätig. Währenddessen PhD Fellow at BIGSSS. Today he is verfasste Klaas als Affiliated PhD responsible for developing and Fellow der BIGSSS seine Dissertation. organizing the master’s program Heute ist er für die Entwicklung und portfolio of Jacobs University. Organisation des Master-Studien- gangsportfolios der Jacobs University zuständig. I met my wife at BIGSSS – what more could you want? Academic Program Coordinator – Graduate Education Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
CLÉMENTINE 21 ROTH Why narratives of history matter: Serbian and Croatian political discourses on European integration Clémentine Roth studied English, Après des études d’anglais, d’histoire history and European politics in et de politique européenne à Paris, Paris, Toronto and Strasbourg. In Toronto et Strasbourg, Clémentine her dissertation, she examined Roth a travaillé à l’Institut Franco- how Serbian and Croatian political Allemand de Ludwigsburg en tant que actors narrate Europe, the EU and collaboratrice scientifique. Dans sa the European integration process thèse, elle a étudié la manière dont and how they make use of history les acteurs politiques serbes et to (de)legitimize certain political croates narrent l’Europe, l’UE et la options. Before her PhD, she worked construction européenne et la façon as a scientific collaborator at the dont ils utilisent l’histoire pour Franco-German Institute in Ludwigs (dé)légitimer certaines options poli- burg. After working as freelance tiques. Après avoir travaillé comme translator, she will start her new job traductrice indépendante, elle va as project manager for cross-border rejoindre en mai 2018 les équipes cooperation at Steinbeis 2i GmbH in de Steinbeis 2i GmbH en tant May 2018. que responsable de projets pour la coopération transfrontalière. Wonderful friends, a great atmosphere and the truly excellent framework of BIGSSS made my time in Bremen a valuable, powerful but enjoyable and clearly unforgettable experience! Project manager for cross-border cooperation (from May 2018) Steinbeis 2i GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
SARAH 23 PERUMALLA Institutional Design and Change in Global Environmental Governance. Power Politics, Dynamic Delegation and the Institutional Development of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Sarah Perumalla studied International శారా జాకబ్స్ యూనివర్సి టీ బ్రెమెన్ మరియు Politics and History at Jacobs University ఆధునిక గ్బ లో ల్ హిసరీ ్ట లో ఇంటర్ నేషనల్ Bremen and Modern Global History at పాలిటిక్స్ మరియు చరిత్రలో జాకబ్స్ Jacobs University Bremen/University of యూనివర్సిటీ ఆఫ్ బ్రెమెన్లో చదివింది. ఈ Bremen during which she developed a సందర్ భంగా ఆమె అంతర్జాతీయ సంసలు ్థ keen interest in international organisa- మరియు ప్రపంచ పర్యా వరణ రాజకీయాలలో ఆసక్ని తి పెంచుకుంది. యూరోపియన్ tions and global environmental politics. బ్యాంకింగ్ విభాగంలో నిర్వ హణ సలహాదారిణిగా After a two-year stint as a management రెండు సంవత్స రాలు పనిచేసిన తరువాత consultant in the European banking ఆమె డాకరల్ అధ్య యణాలను కొనసాగించడానికి ్ట sector, she came back to Bremen to తిరిగి బ్రెమెన్స్ కి వచ్చ ింది.తన డిసర్షన్ టే లో pursue her doctoral studies. In her ( పరిశోధనా వ్యా సంలో ) ప్రపంచ పర్యా వరణ dissertation, Sarah focused on the పరిపాలనలో సంస్థా గత రూపకల్ప న మరియు institutional development of the Global మార్పు కోసం ఒక కేస్ సడీ ్ట గా గ్బ లో ల్ ఎన్వి రాన్ Environment Facility (GEF) as a case మెంట్ ఫెసిలిటీ (GEF) యొక్క సంస్థా గత study for institutional design and అభివృద్పై ది శారా దృష్ టి సారిస్తుంది. ఆమె change in global environmental gover రక్షణ తరువాత మ్యూ నిచ్ యొక్క టెక్ని కల్ nance. After her defence, she joined యూనివర్సిటీ లో లెక్చ రర్ మరియు పోస్ ట్ the Chair of Forest and Environmental డాక్టోరల్ సహచరిణిగా ఫారెస్ ట్ మరియు Policy as lecturer and post-doctoral ఎన్వి రాన్ మెంటల్ పాలసీ చైర్లో చెరింది. పర్యా వరణ స్థిరత్వం యొక్క డ్రైవర్లా ఆమె fellow at the Technical University of వ్య క్గత తి పరిశోధనల పాత్ర మరియు ప్రభావం Munich. Her research focus is currently మీద ఆమె పరిశోధన కేంద్రం ప్రస్తుతం ఉంది. on the role and impact of private actors as drivers of environmental sustainability. I will always cherish experiencing the rollercoaster ride of a PhD with the great academic safety net and incredibly supportive fellows at BIGSSS. Lecturer and Postdoctoral Researcher Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, Technical University Munich, Germany
STEFFEN 25 HAGEMANN Zwischen Druck und Angemessenheit. Deutungs prozesse in der Auseinandersetzung sozialpolitischer Akteure über Reformen der Alterssicherung in Deutschland und Großbritannien Steffen Hagemann is a political Steffen Hagemann ist Politikwissen- scientist who studied at University schaftler. Nach seinem Studium an der of Bremen. He then joined the Emmy Universität Bremen hat er als wissen- Noether research group of Simone schaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Emmy Scherger on paid work beyond Noether-Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe pension age in Germany and the UK. von Simone Scherger zum Thema His research focused on reform Erwerbsarbeit im Rentenalter in discourses in the field of old age Deutschland und Großbritannien security and ageing workforces. gearbeitet. Sein Fokus lag auf Reform- He wrote his PhD thesis on pension diskursen über Altersvorsorge und reform debates in Germany and Arbeit im Alter. In seiner Dissertation the UK. Currently, Steffen works as behandelte er die Reformdebatte über project manager for a local labour Alterssicherungsreformen in Deutsch- market program which is funded by land und Großbritannien. Gegenwärtig the ESF. arbeitet Steffen als Projektleiter eines vom ESF finanzierten lokalen Arbeits- marktprojektes in Nienburg/Weser. BIGSSS was a great regular forum in order to engage with other people, their ideas and their projects. Project Manager City council of Nienburg/Weser, Germany
ANNABELL 27 ZENTARRA Strong or Weak Friendship Ties – Friendship Quality as an Indicator for Integration Annabell Zentarra is a sociologist Annabell Zentarra ist Soziologin mit with a research focus on social den Forschungsschwerpunkten inequalities, and especially educa- soziale Ungleichheit, Bildungs- und tional and migration research. Migrationsforschung. Nach ihrem After studying Sociology in Bremen Studium der Soziologie in Bremen and Mannheim, Annabell returned und Mannheim kehrte Annabell für to Bremen for her PhD in Social ihr Promotionsstudium in den Sozial- Sciences. Back in Bremen, she wrote wissenschaften zurück nach Bremen. her thesis on friendship networks Wieder zurück in Bremen hat sie ihre of migrants and natives and their Dissertation zum Thema Freund- educational outcomes. Besides, schaftsnetzwerke von Migranten und Annabell worked as a research assis- Einheimischen und ihre Bildungs tant in Oldenburg, Bremen and erfolge angerfertigt. Außerdem war Hamburg. Now, she is a Programme Annabell als wissenschaftliche Officer at the German Research Mitarbeiterin in Oldenburg, Bremen Foundation (DFG) and responsible for und Hamburg tätig. Jetzt arbeitet the area of educational sciences. sie als Referentin bei der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und ist in diesem Rahmen zuständig für den Bereich Erziehungswissenschaft und My time at BIGSSS has Bildungsforschung. offered me new perspectives – academically, culturally as well as socially. Programme Officer German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V.), Bonn, Germany
THOMAS 29 LUX Dissecting Later-Life Employment: The Social Structure of Work after Pension Age in Germany and the United Kingdom After studying sociology at FU Berlin, Nach seinem Studium der Soziologie Thomas Lux went north to join the an der FU Berlin wurde Thomas Lux Emmy Noether research group of Mitglied in der von Simone Scherger Simone Scherger at the University of geleiteten Emmy Noether-Nachwuchs- Bremen. In this research group, he forschungsgruppe an der Universität wrote his thesis on the class speci- Bremen. Dort schrieb er seine ficity of work after pension age Doktorarbeit zur Klassenspezifik von in Germany and the UK. Thomas Erwerbstätigkeit im Rentenalter currently holds a post-doctoral in Deutschland und Großbritannien. position at Humboldt University of Derzeit arbeitet Thomas als wissen- Berlin, where he investigates class schaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der dynamics in later life and the rela- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hier tionship between growing economic forscht er zu Klassendynamiken in inequality and growing support for der zweiten Lebenshälfte und zum right-wing populism. Zusammenhang von Ungleichheit und Rechtspopulismus. BIGSSS brought me in contact with theories, practices and good friends, all of which will remain important for the rest of my life. Postdoctoral Researcher Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
MAURICIO 31 REICHENBACHS Corporatism is dead, long live corporatism! The 6 Dimensions of Government-Nonprofit Relationships and why Germany has entered the era of regulated welfare corporatism Mauricio Reichenbachs wrote his Mauricio Reichenbachs schrieb seine Bachelor Thesis at Jacobs University Bachelorarbeit an der Jacobs Univer- Bremen on the Common Agricultural sity Bremen zur Gemeinsamen Policy (CAP) of the European Union Agrarpolitik (GAP) der Europäischen and its implications for German Union und deren Auswirkungen agriculture. In contrast, his Master auf die deutsche Agrarwirtschaft. Thesis at the Univsersiteit Twente, Demgegenüber fokussierte sich Netherlands focused on supply sein Masterarbeit an der Universeit chain management and preferred Twente, Niederlande auf Lieferketten- customer status in the business management und Vorzugskunden context. Eventually, his PhD research status im betrieblichen Kontext. Zu analyzed the German welfare state guter Letzt analysierte seine Promo- and its still corporatist relationship tionsforschung den deutschen to the nonprofit sector. Among others, Sozialstaat und dessen immer noch he worked for business consultan- korporatistisches Verhältnis zu cies, a bike repair shop and also den Wohlfahrtsverbänden. Unter engaged in the retail of sweets and anderem arbeitete er für verschiedene coffee. Currently, Mauricio tries to Unternehmensberatungen, eine improve the public administration of Fahrradwerkstatt und engagierte sich Bremen and to establish himself as im Süßigkeiten- und Kaffeehandel. a kiosk and bar owner. Momentan versucht Mauricio die Bremer Verwaltung zu verbessern und sich als Kiosk- und Barbesitzer zu etablieren. Too BIGsss to fail. Senior Consultant ifib: Institut für Informationsmanagement Bremen, Germany
ANNA 33 HOKEMA Deferred, reversed or ‘normal’ retirement? The subjective experience of working beyond pension age Anna studied sociology and political Anna hat Soziologie und Politikwis- science in Berlin and Glasgow. senschaften in Berlin und Glasgow Before coming to the University of studiert. Danach arbeitete sie als Bremen, she worked as a researcher wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am at the German Center of Gerontology. Deutschen Zentrum für Altersfor- Anna joined BIGSSS while being schung in Berlin und in der Emmy a member of the Emmy Noether Noether-Nachwuchsforschungs research group “Paid work beyond gruppe „Erwerbsarbeit jenseits der pension age in Germany and the UK” Rentengrenze in Deutschland und at the ZeS/SOCIUM. Currently, she Großbritannien“ am ZeS/SOCIUM. works as a postdoctoral researcher Momentan ist Anna wissenschaftliche at the SOCIUM. Her research focuses Mitarbeiterin am SOCIUM, wo sie on the subjective experience of work sich weiterhin mit der subjektiven and non-work life in old age. Erfahrung von Arbeit und Leben im Alter beschäftigt. BIGSSS turned out to be a great environment for finding friends that joined me on the strange journey of the “PhD”. Postdoctoral Researcher SOCIUM Research Institute on Inequality and Social Policy, University of Bremen, Germany
LUKAS 35 HOPPE It’s for the Neighbourhood. Influences of the Local Social Context on Immigrant Integration in Germany Lukas Hoppe is a Sociologist with a Lukas Hoppe ist Soziologe mit special focus on Urban Research Arbeitsschwerpunkten in der empiri- as well as Migration and Integration schen Stadt- und Integrationsfor- Analyses. After growing up in schung. Nach dem Erwachsenwerden Braunschweig, Lukas studied Social in Braunschweig, studierte er Sciences and Urban and Regional Sozialwissenschaften und Stadt- und Development in Oldenburg and Regionalentwicklung in Oldenburg Bremen. In his dissertation, he as- und Bremen. In seiner Dissertation sesses the question of whether living untersucht Lukas die Frage, ob das in neighbourhoods with concentrated Leben in Nachbarschaften mit Armut poverty is a blocker of the immigrant den Prozess der Zuwandererinte assimilation process in Germany. gration in Deutschland blockiert. Today, Lukas is working as a senior Heute ist Lukas wissenschaftlicher researcher at ILS – Research Institute Mitarbeiter am ILS – Institut für for Regional and Urban Development, Landes- und Stadtentwicklungs working on the socio-spatial forschung, an dem er zu Fragen der conditions of the reproduction of sozialräumlichen Bedingungen ethnic and social inequalities. der Reproduktion ethnischer und sozialer Ungleichheiten forscht. I am deeply thankful that BIGSSS gave me the opportunity to read more, learn more and debate with wonderful people. Senior Researcher ILS – Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development, Dortmund, Germany
JENNIE 37 AUFFENBERG Trade Unionism in Times of Healthcare Marketization: Opportunity Structures and Local-Level Determinants of Trade Union Strategic Choices After finishing her studies in social Nachdem sie ihr Studium der sciences at the University of Göttin- Sozialwissenschaften an der Univer- gen, Jennie Auffenberg worked in sität Göttingen absolviert hat, a research project on the transfor- arbeitete Jennie Auffenberg in einem mation of the state as employer at Forschungsprojekt zum Thema des the University of Oldenburg and the Wandels des Staates als Arbeitgeber University of Vienna. Funded by an der Universität Oldenburg und the Hans Boeckler Foundation, der Universität Wien. Mit einem Jennie pursued her PhD in Bremen Stipendium der Hans Böckler Stiftung focusing on healthcare sector unions. promovierte sie in Bremen zu She is now working as a trade union Gewerkschaften im Gesundheits secretary in the department for sektor. Sie arbeitet jetzt als Gewerk- social and healthcare services of schaftssekretärin im Fachbereich the United Services Union (ver.di). Gesundheit und Soziales der Vereinten Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft ver.di. I appreciated BIGSSS for comprehensive training, intellectual exchange and the people I met there. Trade Union Secretary United Services Union (ver.di), Hamburg, Germany
ADRIAN 39 STANCIU On the cognitive adaptation of migrants: Changes in migrants’ personal stereotypes while acculturating to their host countries Born in Galati (Romania), at the age Născut in Galați, Adrian Stanciu s-a of 19 Adrian Stanciu moved to mutat la vîrsta de 19 ani în București Bucharest (capital of Romania) for pentru a studia Sociologie. Trei ani studies in Sociology. Three years mai târziu s-a mutat în Groningen later he moved to Groningen (north (nordul Olandei) unde și-a continuat in the Netherlands) where he studiile la nivel de master cu specia- obtained his MSc (research) in Social lizarea Psihologie Socială și Organi- and Organizational Psychology. In zațională (Msc în cercetare). În anul 2012, Adrian arrived in Bremen 2012 Adrian s-a mutat din nou, de for his doctoral studies. Passionate data aceasta în Bremen (Germania) about research and photography pentru studiile sale doctorale. Pasiu- – one day he will have an exhibition nile sale sunt cercetarea și fotografia, that combines both! iar unul din planurile sale pe termen lung este să îmbine aceste două pasiuni sub forma unei expoziții! BIGSSS is a place of growth, both professionally and personally. Postdoctoral Researcher Institute of Gerontology, University of Vechta, Germany
GE 41 YU Employment of Older Workers in China: the State and the Life Course Ge Yu studied Social Policy Analysis 于戈先后在比利时鲁汶大学学习社会 in Belgium (Catholic University of 政策,德国不莱梅社会科学研究生学院 Leuven), and Sociology in Germany 学习社会学。她的博士论文探讨年龄, (Bremen International Graduate 工作和退休问题。她在中国辽宁大学任 School of Social Sciences). She wrote her PhD on Age, Work and Retire- 教。她的研究方向包括社会变迁和社 ment. She is a University lecturer in 会不平等,社会流动和分层,年龄和工 Sociology and Social Policy at Liao- 作,生命历程研究,定量分析方法,尤 ning University China. Her research 其关注转型国家和亚洲(比如中国)。 focus includes social change and social inequality, social mobility and stratification, age and the labour market, life course research, and quantitative research methods, with a particular focus on transition economies and Asia (e.g. China). BIGSSS has been for me a great family, a learning environment and a challenge. It has provided me with an unforgettable academic experience. Life at BIGSSS will live in my memory for the rest of my life. University Lecturer Liaoning University China, Shenyang, China
SISAY YEMANE 43 AYELE Stress and Burnout among Childcare Professionals Sisay Yemane was born in Addis ሲሳይ የማነ በአዲስ አበባ ተወልዶ Abeba and grew up in a family domi- የአስተማሪነት ሙያ በበዛበት ቤተሰብ nated by the teaching profession. He ውስጥ አደገ፡፡ በብሬመን ከተማ ሔልዝ studied Health Psychology in Bremen, ሳይኮሎጂ፣ በተለይም ስትረስ እና with focus on stress and burnout. በርንአውት ልይ በማተኮር ተማረ፡፡ In the future, he wants to do research ወደፊት በስራ ላይ የሚያጋጥም ስትረስ on job stress in relation to health. ከጤና ጋር ስላለው ግንኙነት ማጥናት Currently, he focuses on establishing ይፈልጋል፡፡ በአሁኑ ሰአት አትኩሮቱን and running a Psychology Resource በአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ውስጥ Center at Addis Ababa University. የሳይኮሎጂ ሪሶርስ ማእከል በማቋቋም እና በመምራት ላይ አድርጓል፡፡ BIGSSS was an experience that shaped my professional life. Lecturer and Coordinator of the Psychology Resource Center Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
HİLAL My PhD journey was not only about working on transition of societies but also experiencing transition in my life with all the upheavals which ended with finding myself 45 empowered as a woman and an academic thanks to the endless support of the people that I have met in BIGSSS. ARSLAN (Un)Happiness during Transition: Levels, Distribution and Determinants of Subjective Well-Being in Post-Socialist Countries Hilal Arslan graduated in 2004 from 2004 yılında Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ)Sosyoloji lisans ve İstatistik yan (METU), Department of Sociology with dal diplomasıyla mezun olan Hilal Arslan minor degree in Statistics, and completed yine aynı bölümde yüksek lisans derece- her master’s degree at the same sini tamamladı. Doktora eğitimini Jacobs department. She completed her Ph.D. Üniversitesi Bremen, BIGSSS, Sosyoloji study in Sociology in BIGSSS at Jacobs anabilim dalında post-sosyalist ülkelerde University Bremen with the dissertation mutluluk eşitsizliği üzerine yazdığı tezle on trends, distribution and happiness tamamladı. Arslan’ın araştırma ilgi in post-socialist countries. Her research alanları; refah, iyi oluş, sosyal göstergeler, interest areas are subjective well- toplumsal eşitsizlikler, piyasa ekonomisine being, social welfare, social indicators, geçiştir. Akademik çalışmalarının yanı social inequalities, and transition to sıra ulusal ve uluslararası kurumların market economy. Besides her academic desteklediği çeşitli araştırma projelerinde work, she worked in several nationwide görev aldı. Bunlardan bazısı; “Türkiye’de research projects funded by national Kadına Yönelik Aile içi Şiddet Araştırması” and international organizations such as (2014, T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar “Domestic Violence against Women in Bakanlığı ve Hacettepe Üniversitesi Turkey” (2014, Ministry of Family and Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü); “Avrasya’da Social Policies and Hacettepe University Yaşam Kalitesi: Azerbaycan ve Kırgızis- Institute of Population Studies); “Quality of tan (2007, ODTÜ KORA ve TÜBİTAK). Life in Eurasia: The Cases of Azerbaijan Arslan, CEİD tarafından yürütülen ve and Kyrgyzstan” (2007, Center for Avrupa Birliği Delegasyonu tarafından Black Sea and Central Asia (KORA) at desteklenen Türkiye’de toplumsal cinsiyet METU, TÜBİTAK). Now she works as eşitliğinin izlenmesi projesinde konu Subject Matter Expert in a EU project uzmanı olarak çalışmaktadır. ODTÜ about monitoring gender equality in Sosyoloji Bölümü’nde İstatistik dersleri Turkey.She is also giving Statistics vermektedir. courses in the Department of Sociology at METU, Ankara. Part-Time Instructor Department of Sociology, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey Subject Matter Expert Gender Equality Monitoring Association, Ankara, Turkey
EMANUEL 47 DEUTSCHMANN Mapping the Transnational World: Towards A Comparative Sociology of Regional Integration Emanuel Deutschmann is a sociolo- Emanuel Deutschmann ist Soziologe. gist interested in social networks, In seiner Forschung beschäftigt er transnational mobility and commu- sich mit sozialen Netzwerken, trans nication, regional integration, and nationaler Mobilität und Kommunika- globalization. Before joining BIGSSS tion, regionaler Integration und as an Affiliated Fellow, he studied Globalisierung. Bevor er als Affiliated in Cologne, Paris, and Oxford. Now Fellow an die BIGSSS kam, hat er he works at the European University in Köln, Paris und Oxford studiert. Institute’s Migration Policy Centre Heute arbeitet er am Migration Policy in Florence in a project on global Centre des European University mobilities. Institutes in Florenz in einem Projekt zu globaler Mobilität. BIGSSS was an amazing experience in the best city there is. Research Associate Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
CONSTANZE 49 VOLKMANN The (un-) doing of gender among Muslim women in Austria and Germany in the domains of income generation, motherhood, and abstract affiliations Born and raised in Munich, Constanze Constanze Volkmann ist in München Volkmann received a bachelor’s geboren und aufgewachsen und degree in law from Paris 2-university hat vor ihrem Doktorat an der BIGSSS (Panthéon-Assas) and a master’s einen Bachelor in Jura an der Uni degree in psychology from Vienna versität Paris 2 (Panthéon-Assas) und university, before she joined BIGSSS ein Diplom in Psychologie an der for her PhD. During that time, Universität Wien gemacht. Während she delved into qualitative methods ihres Doktorats hat sie sich für die when researching gender from Erforschung von Geschlecht aus der the perspective of Muslim women. Perspektive muslimischer Frauen Constanze now lives in Vienna, eingehend mit verschiedenen qualita- where she is an Assistant Professor tiven Forschungsmethoden ausein- at the Competence Center for andergesetzt. Jetzt lebt Constanze in Empirical Research Methods at the Wien, wo sie Assistant Professor Vienna University of Economics and am Kompetenzzentrum für empirische Business. Forschungsmethoden der Wirtschafts- universität Wien ist. BIGSSS was a greatly rewarding experience, both academically and personally. Assistant Professor Competence Center for Empirical Research Methods at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
KWAKU 51 ARHIN-SAM Return Migration, Reintegration and Sense of Belonging: The Case of Skilled Ghanaian Returnees. Kwaku Arhin-Sam came to Bremen for his PhD after his studies in interna- tional social science at Friedensau, near Magdeburg. Originally from Ghana, he wrote his PhD dissertation on how skilled return migrants renegotiate reintegration and sense of belonging in their home countries. As a social scientist, Kwaku is inter- ested in national and international development from the lens of trans- national migration and inter/national development. At the moment, he is working as an international devel- opment consultant (freelance) near Frankfurt/Main. In the future, he would like to study the links between BIGSSS is not a unsuccessful integration/reintegration, place, it’s a feeling and sense of belonging and individual that is how I feel wellbeing of migrants and refugees. when I think about my time at BIGSSS because of the wonderful lifetime friends and colleagues. International Development Consultant (Freelance) Darmstadt, Germany
52 ELIZABETH RAMSEY WISE 53 Stepping Stones, Dead Ends and Paths of Dualization: The Impact of Non-Standard JOHANNES KRUSE Employment on Labor Market Integration in Germany Civil society’s advocacy strategies in global climate politics: Between collaboration and protest SAIPIRA FURSTENBERG Applying Global Governance agenda in post-Soviet LEMAN KORKMAZ states: The case of EITI in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Complex Connections: How Self-Esteem and Group Identity Relate with Well-Being and ADRIANA BERRUETO Out-Group Negativity Mobility, Social Identity and Subjective Well- Being of Third-Culture Kids: How School Adjustment LUSINE SAMVEL BADALYAN and Local Attachment Increase the Well-Being of Monitoring Democracy in the Eastern Internationally Mobile Adolescents Neighbourhood: When are the EU´s Assessments Biased and Why? DANIEL PALM Globalizing Spaces of Dissent: AMANDA WHITTAL The Power of the City Square Us vs. Them: Effects of individual acculturation orientation and host acculturation on immigration LINDA MONSEES health behaviours and quality of life International Security and the Politicisation of Technology - Studying the International Political FRANK STENGEL Sociology of Encryption Discursive Change and Foreign Policy: A Discourse Analysis of Germany’s Changing Stance DORA SIMUNOVIC on the International Use of Force Minority v. Majority: A New Paradigm of Intergroup Conflict TIMO GRAF The Clash of Perceptions: An Empirical Analysis ELENA SOMMER of the “Clash of Civilizations” with Survey Data on Social capital as a resource for migrant entre Perceptions of Foreign Countries and Civilizational preneurship: A qualitative study of self-employed Out-Groups migrants from the former Soviet Union in Germany
56 57 PROF. DR. PROF. DR. OLAF GROH-SAMBERG ADALBERT F.X. WILHELM BIGSSS DEAN BIGSSS VICE DEAN Olaf Groh-Samberg is Professor of Olaf Groh-Samberg ist Soziologie- Adalbert Wilhelm holds a professor- Adalbert Wilhelm ist Professor für Sociology at the University of Professor an der Universität Bremen. ship in statistics at Jacobs University Statistik an der Jacobs University Bremen. After finishing his PhD in Nach Abschluss seiner Promotion Bremen. He is also the Vice Dean of Bremen. Zugleich ist er Vice-Dean Sociology at the University of an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Uni- the Bremen International Graduate der Bremen International Graduate Münster, he worked at the Socio- versität Münster arbeitete er für School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) School of Social Sciences und Co- Economic Panel Study (SOEP) at drei Jahre beim Socio-Economic Panel and Co-Principal-Investigator of Organisator der BIGSSS Summer the German Institute of Economic Study (SOEP) am German Institute the BIGSSS Summer School Series School Serie zu Konflikt, Migration Research (DIW Berlin) for three of Economic Research (DIW) in Berlin, on Conflict, Migration and Social und Sozialem Zusammenhalt, die von years and is still an affiliated DIW für das er noch heute als DIW Cohesion supported by the Volks der Volkswagen Stiftung gefördert Research Professor today. He Research Professor tätig ist. 2009 wagen Foundation. His main research wird. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte came to Bremen in 2009 as Junior kam er für eine Juniorprofessur in is on statistical visualisation, liegen auf statistischer Visualisierung, Professor of Sociology. Working Soziologie nach Bremen. Mit einem exploratory data analysis and data explorativer Datenanalyse und Data in the field of social inequality, Forschungsschwerpunkt auf sozialer mining. He has a strong interest Mining. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt Olaf Groh-Samberg was elected as Ungleichheit wurde Olaf Groh-Samberg in application of statistical modeling seiner Arbeit liegt auf der Anwendung the Speaker of the Section “Social 2011 zum Sprecher der Sektion methodology in various disciplines statistischer Modellierungstechniken Inequality and Social Structure „Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstruk such as economics, business admin- in verschiedenen Disziplinen, wie Analysis” of the German Sociological turanalyse“ der Deutschen Gesell- istration, political science, sociology etwa den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Research Association (DGS) in 2011. schaft für Soziologie (DGS) gewählt. and psychology. Recent work Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie und In 2012, he became full professor 2012 folgte dann eine Vollprofessur addresses questions of digitalization Psychologie. Neueste Arbeiten of Sociology at the University of in Soziologie an der Universität and big data. He has been visiting adressieren Fragen der Digitalisierung Bremen and Field Chair of BIGSSS Bremen sowie die Position des Field professor at George Mason University, und Big Data. Mehrfach war er thematic field B “Welfare State, Chair des BIGSSS Themenfeldes B Fairfax, VA and the Università degli Gastprofessor an der George Mason Inequality and Quality of Life”. He is „Welfare State, Inequality and Quality Studi di Cagliari, Italy. University, Fairfax, VA und der a founding member of the SOCIUM of Life“. Olaf Groh-Samberg ist zudem Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italien. research group “Inequality Dynamics Gründungsmitglied der SOCIUM in Welfare Societies”. Since 2015, Arbeitsgruppe „Ungleichheitsdyna Olaf Groh-Samberg is the Dean of miken in Wohlfahrtsgesellschaften“ BIGSSS. und seit 2015 Dean der BIGSSS.
58 59 PROF. DR. PROF. DR. EVA-MARIA FEICHTNER MICHAEL HÜLSMANN VICE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT AND MANAGING INTERNATIONAL AND DIVERSITY, DIRECTOR, JACOBS UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITÄT BREMEN BREMEN GGMBH Eva-Maria Feichtner received a Eva-Maria Feichtner promovierte Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann was Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann ist seit Ph.D. in mathematics from TU Berlin, 1997 an der TU Berlin in Mathematik. appointed as Managing Director in Juni 2014 Geschäftsführer der Jacobs Germany, in 1997. After postdoctoral Nach Postdoc-Aufenthalten am MIT June 2014. Since January 15, 2018, University. Seit dem 15. Januar 2018 appointments at MIT and at the Insti- und am Institute for Advanced Study, he is President of Jacobs University, ist er auch ihr Präsident und somit tute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Princeton, war sie Assistenzprofes- too. As President and Managing für alle akademischen und nicht- she was an assistant professor at sorin an der ETH Zürich und erhielt Director, Michael Hülsmann is akademischen Arbeitsfelder an der ETH Zurich and held a research eine Forschungsprofessur des responsible for all academic and non- Jacobs University verantwortlich. professorship of the Swiss National Schweizerischen Nationalfonds. In academic fields. He studied Business Hülsmann studierte Betriebswirt- Science Foundation. In 2006 she 2006 trat sie eine Professur für Administration and Management schaftslehre mit dem Abschluss was appointed professor of topology Topologie an der Universität Stuttgart obtaining the degree of “Diplom- Diplom-Kaufmann. Nach seiner Pro- at University of Stuttgart, Germany; an, seit 2007 ist sie Professorin für Kaufmann”. After doing his PhD in motion im Jahr 2002 war er bis 2009 since 2007 she is a professor of Algebra an der Universität Bremen. 2002, Hülsmann worked as a Junior als Junior-Professor für Management algebra at University of Bremen. Dort leitet sie das Institut für Algebra, Professor of Management of Sus- nachhaltiger Systementwicklung an There she is co-directing the Institute Geometrie, Topologie und ihre Anwen- tainable System Development at the der Universität Bremen tätig. Im März for Algebra, Geometry, Topology dungen (ALTA). Ihr Forschungsinter- University of Bremen until 2009. 2009 wechselte er als Professor of and their Applications (ALTA). Her esse richtet sich vornehmlich auf die In March 2009, he became Professor Systems Management an die Jacobs research interests focus primarily Anwendung diskreter Methoden in of Systems Management at Jacobs University, wo sein Lehr- und For- on the application of discrete meth- den klassischen Gebieten der Reinen University mainly focusing on the schungsinteresse insbesondere dem ods in the classical fields of pure Mathematik. Seit Oktober 2017 ist sie strategic management of logistics strategischen Management logisti- mathematics. Since October 2017 Konrektorin für Internationalität und systems. scher Systeme galt. she serves as Vice President Diversität an der Universität Bremen. International and Diversity at the University of Bremen.
60 61 ELLE HARRIS & SARAH PERUMALLA ADRIEN DONNEAUD FELLOW-ADDRESS MUSICAL INTERLUDE Sarah Perumalla is a BIGSSS fellow Sarah Perumalla ist eine BIGSSS- Not being people to give up on a Adrien und Elle, die keine Gelegenheit of the cohort 2012, who pursued a Stipendiatin der Kohorte 2012. Sie hat great opportunity for a pun, Adrien für ein Wortspiel auslassen würden, PhD in Political Science in the The- im Themenfeld A „Global Governance and Elle formed their very own gründeten eigens für diese Zeremonie matic Field A “Global Governance and Regional Integration“ an der “BIGSSS-band” for this ceremony. ihre ganz persönliche „BIGsss-BAND“. and Regional Integration” at the Universität Bremen promoviert. Als On the side of their PhD projects Neben den Promotionsprojekten sind University of Bremen. Sarah was aktives Mitglied der BIGSSS-Gemein- (or perhaps the other way around), beide aktive MusikerInnen in Bremen an active member of the BIGSSS schaft engagierte sie sich lebhaft bei both are active musicians in both und darüber hinaus. Elle hat mit klas- community, lively engaging in verschiedenen akademischen und Bremen and further afield. Trained sischer Ausbildung ihr ganzes Leben various academic and social events gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltungen classically, Elle has played through- lang in Orchestern, kleineren Ensem- at both universities. Her multicul- an beiden Universitäten. Ihr multikul- out her life in orchestras, smaller bles, Bands und anderen Musikpro- tural and multilingual background tureller und mehrsprachiger Hinter- ensembles, bands and in other jekten gespielt. Adrien entschied sich together with her insightful, ap- grund sowie ihr aufgeschlossener, projects. For his part, Adrien made in seiner Jugend gegen eine Musik- proachable and cheerful character, zugänglicher und fröhlicher Charakter the decision to not pursue a music karriere in Mexiko und beschloss and international outlook made her und ihre internationale Ausrichtung career in Mexico in his youth, opting stattdessen, ein Free Mover zu werden. a great addition to BIGSSS. She was machten sie zu einer wahrhaften to become a Free Mover instead. Nichtsdestotrotz spielt er weiterhin also an excellent BIGSSS ambassa- Bereicherung für die BIGSSS. Darüber He has nevertheless continued to Straßenmusik und gibt überall kleine dor in the wider community, espe- hinaus hat Sarah die BIGSSS beispiel busk and play professional and und größere Konzerte. In Bremen cially through her research stays at haft nach außen vertreten, insbeson- semi-professional concerts across ist Adrien oft zu sehen, wie er mit the World Bank Group and American dere durch ihre Forschungsaufent- the world. In Bremen, Adrien can Gitarre und Stimme die Straßen University in Washington D.C. and halte bei der Weltbankgruppe, der often be seen brightening up the zum Klingen bringt, und Elle singt in the United Nations Development American University in Washington streets with his guitar and voice, and diesem Semester im HFK Kammerchor. Program and Manhattan College in D.C., dem Entwicklungsprogramm Elle will sing in the HFK Kammer Beide sind glücklich, heute spielen New York City. der Vereinten Nationen und dem Chor this semester. They are really zu können und hoffen auf eine Manhattan College in New York City. happy to be playing today and hope musikalische Zukunft in der BIGSSS! for a musical future in BIGSSS!
IMPRINT BIGSSS Christian Peters | Managing Director BIGSSS | Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences +49 (421) 218 66400 Universität Bremen Mary-Somerville-Str. 9 28359 Bremen, Germany EDITOR Maike Koschorreck | Senior Coordinator of the Deans’ Office BIGSSS | Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences DESIGN Christine Klein | Büro für barrierefreie Gestaltung Hamburg | GRAPHIC SUPPLEMENTS Social Sciences Lettering: cover + pp 4–5 Dirk Hüttner | FONT DIN NEXT LT PRO PAPER MultiOffset 120/250 g/m² PRINT Wilhelm Brüggemann Buchbinderei und Druckerei GmbH
gefördert durch Co-funded by the European Union
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