GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - BerlinBrandenburg
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1 Infernum Productions (S. 4) 2/3 SponsorPay (S. 5) 4 Berlin Partner, Medienboard, ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg (S. 6/7) 5 exozet games (S. 8) 6 Stryking Entertainment (S. 9) 7 Anakan (S. 10) 8 OnLegends (S. 11) 9 CPMStar (S. 12) 10 RNTS Media (S. 13) 11 internetwarriors (S. 14) 12 tripventure – sprylab technologies (S. 15) 13 thumbr (S.16) @ gamescom 2012 Köln, 15.–17. August // Halle 4.1 (business area) // Stand B. 31/C. 30
Grußwort Als Deutschlands Kreativstandort Nummer 1 ist Berlin-Brandenburg auf der gamescom 2012 in Köln erneut exzellent vertreten. Am Messegemeinschaftsstand präsentieren sich Unternehmen, die mit originellen Produkten, kreativen Dienstleistungen und frischen Ideen für ein starkes Stück Berlin-Brandenburger Innovationskraft stehen. Längst hat sich die deutsche Hauptstadtregion zu einem Hotspot der Gamesszene entwickelt. Mehr noch: In der Games- und Softwarebranche verzeichnete Berlin-Brandenburg in den ver- gangenen zehn Jahren das stärkste Wachstum bundesweit. Rund 200 Unternehmen stehen dafür: Spielentwickler und -produzenten, Dienstleister und Publisher. Und die Gründungsdynamik ist weiterhin enorm. Diese Stärke der Region spiegelt sich zudem in zahlreichen Events wider, die Berlin-Brandenburg auch zu einem Treffpunkt der internationalen Gamesindustrie machen. Wichtiges Beispiel: Die Deutschen Gamestage mit der Konferenz für Spielentwickler Quo Vadis und der Verleihung des Deutschen Computerspielpreises. Auch die Perspektiven für die Games- und Softwarebranche sind exzellent: Die Region bietet großes Entwicklungspotential und eine einzigartige Internationalität, verbunden mit günstigen Kostenstrukturen. Hinzu kommen: Eine perfekte Infrastruktur, vielfältige Unterstützung durch Branchennetzwerke und Verwaltung sowie jene Offenheit und Akzeptanz, die kreative Köpfe aus aller Welt an Berlin-Brandenburg schätzen. In diesem Sinne wünschen wir den Berliner und Brandenburger Unternehmen am Messegemein- schaftsstand sehr viel Erfolg bei der gamescom 2012 in Köln. Allen Besucherinnen und Besuchern wünschen wir anregende Begegnungen mit innovativen Unternehmen der Berlin-Brandenburger Gamesbranche. Klaus Wowereit Matthias Platzeck Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin Ministerpräsident des Landes Brandenburg
Infernum Productions is an international publisher and developer of online games, based in Berlin. The company was founded in summer 2011 by Andreas Weidenhaupt, Tobias Gerlinger and Markus Melching, and focuses on high-quality free-to-play online titles. Infernum also expands its game experiences by extending titles to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets (cross platform). Their first title »Brick-Force«, a free-to-play sandbox shooter, was suc- cessfully launched this summer. Infernum ProductIonS AG Uhlandstraße 175 D-10719 Berlin Kontakt: Nadja Geisler Build, Share, Play t + 49 (0) 30 / 9 12 01 09 - 0 Publisher und Entwickler Infernum geht mit seinem ersten Titel f + 49 (0) 30 / 9 12 01 09 - 99 »Brick-Force« neue Wege Die Infernum Productions AG ist ein in- morvoll gestaltete Onlinegame basiert auf ternational agierender Publisher und Ent- der »Unity-3D-Enigine« und ist auch im wickler von Onlinegames mit Sitz in Berlin. Browser spielbar. Der »Sandbox«-Modus, Das im Sommer 2011 durch Andreas in dem Spieler mit simplen Bausteinen Weidenhaupt, Tobias Gerlinger und Markus komplexe Umgebungen erschaffen kön- Melching gegründete Unternehmen fo- nen, wird außerdem in Zukunft in sozialen kussiert sich auf hochwertige Free-to- Netzwerken und auf mobilen Geräten Play-Titel. Infernum erweitert dabei das wie Smartphones und Tablets nutzbar Spielerlebnis durch die Einbindung mobiler sein. Brick-Force wird vom koreanischen Endgeräte wie Smartphones und Tablets Developer EXE Games in Co-Produktion (Cross-Platform). mit Infernum entwickelt. Mit dem Sandbox-Shooter »Brick-Force« Das Konzept des spaßigen Genre-Mixes hat Infernum diesen Sommer erfolgreich erfreut sich in der großen und stetig sein erstes Spiel gelauncht. Das cross- wachsenden Community großer Beliebt- platform free-to-play Onlinegame lässt heit. Obwohl das Onlinegame erst diesen Spieler Stein für Stein die Welten und Maps Sommer veröffentlicht wurde, kann Brick- erschaffen, von denen sie schon immer Force knapp 1.000.000 registrierte Spieler geträumt haben. Die virtuellen Spielplätze verzeichnen. können außerdem mit der Community ge- Für die Zukunft plant Infernum sowohl teilt werden und dienen als Austragungs- Brick-Force mit neuen Inhalten und Up- ort rasanter Shooter-Jagden auf Mitspieler dates zu erweitern, als auch neue Titel in oder computergesteuerte Gegner. Das hu- das Portfolio mit aufzunehmen.
05 SponsorPay SponsorPay is the leading cross-platform in-game advertising company, headquartered in Berlin with offices in San Francisco, New York, London, Paris, Istanbul, and Tokyo. The company's innovative product suite includes BrandEngage, offer-based moneti- zation and a mobile rewarded installs network, creating value for: Media agencies and consumer brands Mobile brand advertisers and deve- by running social video and brand lopers by running efficient cost-per- engagement campaigns, install and engagement campaigns SPonSorPAy GmBH enabling users to interact with brands Developers and publishers of mobile, Ackerstraße 14 /15 by watching, »liking« and sharing social and online games or services D-10115 Berlin Kontakt: Joseph Deluca video ads and other branded content such as streaming, sharing or dating to t + 49 (0) 30 / 20 21 56 622 Performance and e-commerce monetize virtual currencies and f + 49 (0) 30 / 20 21 56 61- 5 advertisers by helping them acquire premium content, convert non-paying new customers, perform market users and increase overall ARPUs research and grow sales As the second-fastest growing European tech company as selected by GP Bullhound, SponsorPay is the leading cross-platform SponsorPay partners with leading game publishers Ubisoft, Bigpoint, Gameforge and advertising solution. The company links NHN as well as developers Gameview Studios (DeNa), Creative Mobile and Digital users of mobile apps, online and social games and other platforms to the world's Chocolate on platforms such as Facebook, iOS and Android. The company runs top brands through incentivized cost-per- successful campaigns for renowned advertisers including Vodafone, Coca-Cola and action offers. Nike. A commitment to a localized, high-quality user experience has allowed SponsorPay to reach over 120 million customers across more than 100 countries. Investors include Team Europe, Hasso Plattner Ventures, Kite Ventures and Nokia Growth Partners.
medIenBoArd BerlInBrAndenBurG August-Bebel-Straße 26 –53 BerlIn PArtner - economIc D-14482 Potsdam BerlInBrAndenBurG develoPment corPorAtIon ZAB BrAndenBurG economIc Funding: Rangeen Horami c/o berlinbrandenburg Ludwig Erhard Haus develoPment BoArd t +49 (0) 331 / 7 43 87 85 Wöhlertstraße 12–13 Fasanenstr. 85 Steinstraße 104–106 D-10115 Berlin D-10623 Berlin D-14480 Potsdam Marketing: Michael Liebe Kontakt: Andrea Peters Kontakt: Birgit Reuter Kontakt: Otmar Hamp t +49 (0) 331/ 7 43 87 82 t +49 (0) 30 / 2 46 28 57 - 10 t +49 (0) 30 / 3 99 80 - 2 41 t +49 (0) 331 / 6 60 - 32 31 f +49 (0) 30 / 2 46 28 57 - 19 f +49 (0) 30 / 3 99 80 - 2 39 f +49 (0) 331 / 6 60 - 31 44 Otmar.Hamp@ Medienboard is the first stop for creative professionals active in the film, tv, games berlinbrandenburg is the new Berlin Partner – economic development on ZAB guarantees you comprehensive sup- and other media industries in Berlin-Bran- platform for the games industry in Berlin behalf of the state of Berlin. We advise and port in all your questions and investment denburg. and Brandenburg. assist investors in establishing operations in plans, e.g.: . Media business development and (digital) Berlin, and we focus on business retention . Provision of current financial and sector content funding . represents companies in the Capital Region in the capital once they're here. information . Supporting the games industry since 2006 · connects members from corporations to . Berlin Business Financing Package: . Tailor-made location packages . Interdisciplinary networking universities, from big players to startups We'll find the best funding and financing . Customized information on industrial and . Deutsche Gamestage with the conferences · holds excellent contacts in the industry, opportunities for your business office space Quo Vadis and A MAZE. politics and science . Berlin Business Locating Package: . Advising on investment assistance and . medienwoche@IFA with its International · creates a sustainable businesstobusiness We'll help select the ideal property for your financing and on support of R&D projects Media Convention network company . Helping in recruiting specialist staff . Representing the capital region on fairs · organizes regular networking events . Berlin Business Recruiting Package: . Assistance in getting in contact with net- and international conferences such as · accelerates direct dialogue We'll assist with employee recruitment works and co-operation partners gamescom, GDC SF, G-Star etc. · promotes varied exchange medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
07 creative, Innovative, International, cost-efficient THE GAMES Berlin-Brandenburg is known for setting new trends and putting innovative ideas INDUSTRY IN into practice. The region is home of high- BERLIN BERLI N AND AND ly successful game developers for PC, mobile, web and consoles, as well as BRAN ANDEN DENBBURG a hotbed for start-ups in the fields of design, IT and eCommerce. The capital region hosts a wide range of industry services, including payment systems, audio recording, localization, Q/A and concept artwork. Not only thanks to the newly founded, the industries are well networked. With more than 30 academies and universities, Berlin-Brandenburg offers top education for top talent. The two industry associations, G.A.M.E. and BIU, have their headquarters here. The sector’s leading players gather regularly in Berlin for the DGT – Deutsche Gamestage with its centerpieces, A MAZE. and Quo Vadis. Add to this globally unique Computer Games Museum and no other location in Germany offers such a comprehensive infrastructure in the field of games. The DGT – Deutsche Gamestage is a cross- industry communication, business and networking platform for game developers taking place end of April in Berlin. The Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg is the initiator and coordinator of the umbrella brand. It combines the conference »Quo Vadis. Create. Game. Business.«, the festival »A MAZE. Indie Connect«, the public play exhibition of the »Computerspielemuseum« as well as the awardshow »Deutscher Com- puterspielpreis / LARA«. Furthermore the DGT funding and financing covers the recruiting event, »Making Games Talents«, and the »Crossmedia Market« and The federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg In Brandenburg, the »Frühphasenfond numerous matchmaking and networking extensively support start-ups, relocating Brandenburg« & »BC Brandenburg Capital« events. Don't miss out – meet the German games industry! companies and expanding businesses. For invest in tech-oriented small and medium- example via grants of up to 50 % for labor sized companies in the early and growth costs and capital investment in fixed assets; phases. grants and loans for tech-oriented R&D Medienboard funds the development of projects; via backing for infrastructure games since 2006 and offers a number projects, competitions, public-private part- of networking events and conferences. nerships and trade fair appearances. The The region's two business development BERLIN / APRIL �� � ��, ���� Berlin State Investment Bank (IBB) has a € 30 companies, Berlin Partner and the Bran- million venture capital fund for the crea- denburg Economic Development Board tive industries (»VC Fonds Kreativwirtschaft (ZAB), provide information and support Berlin«) and a € 52 million VC fund for tech on all of the financing opportunities men- (»VC Fonds Technologie Berlin«). tioned above.
exozet games is one of Germany's leading independent game development studios. The company specializes in the develop- ment, publishing and marketing of mobile and online games for an international audience. exozet works hand in hand with leading publishers and strong partners to deliver its own as well as work-for-hire products to a global market. The studio's in-house distribution and marketing team provides efficient worldwide mobile distribution ser- vices to partner developers. catan Wickie und die starken exoZet GAmeS GmBH Board Game – iOS, Android, Kindle, NDS, männer – teil 2 Oberbaum City Rotherstraße 20 Java, Blackberry Jump 'n' Run – iOS, NDS D-10245 Berlin Die preisgekrönte Adaption des legen- Das große Abenteuer mit dem kleinen Kontakt: Sita Duken t +49 (0) 30 / 24 65 60 - 0 dären Brettspiels entwickelte exozet für Wikinger hat exozet in Zusammenarbeit f +49 (0) 30 / 24 65 60 - 29 insgesamt sechs Plattformen. mit Intenium und Studio100 Media um- Neu: Die offizielle Erweiterung »Städte gesetzt. und Ritter« Neu: Jetzt auch für iOS Coming Soon: Catan-Kartenspiel für iOS Multi-Plattform-Auswertung der und Android bekannten Marke Airgamer und Pocket Gamer Awards Sprachen: DE, EN, FR, NL Sprachen: DE, EN, FR, ES, PT, NL exozet games. multiplatform family & Brand entertainment. exozet ist einer der führenden unabhängi- gen Spieleentwickler Deutschlands und spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung und den Vertrieb von Mobile- und Online-Titeln im Bereich Family- und Brand-Entertainment. Das Game Development Studio arbeitet Hand in Hand mit führenden Publishern und Lizenzpartnern – für seine eigenen Produkte ebenso wie für Auftragsproduk- carcassonne myfestival tionen für den internationalen Markt. Ein Board Game – WP7, Android, iOS, Java, Social Game – Browser, Facebook erfahrenes Inhouse-Team bietet Mobile Blackberry Das Browsergame »MyFestival« hat exozet Distribution Services für Entwicklungs- Erfolgreiche Portierung und Weiterent- komplett in Eigenregie entwickelt. Das partner. Zu den bekanntesten Spielen wicklung des weltbekannten Brettspiels Spiel überzeugt mit einem absolut au- aus dem Hause exozet gehören Catan, für mobile Endgeräte. thentischen Festival-Erlebnis. Carcassonne, Emily the Strange und Die Coming Soon: Carcassonne für Windows Coming Soon: Artist-Booking Drei ???. Phone 7 Simulation macht Spieler zum exozet games ist Teil der exozet group mit Pocket Gamer Mobile Game of the Eventmanager rund 150 Mitarbeitern in Berlin, Potsdam, Year 2012 Individuelle Bühnen & Line-Ups Wien und Düsseldorf. Pocket Gamer Readers' Choice Award 2012 Premium Items, Audio-Panning Mehr Infos: Sprachen: DE, EN, FR, ES
09 online and mobile Games for the digital mass market Stryking Entertainment focuses on the creation and support of communities based on high quality online and mobile games for the digital mass market. The start-up is located in Berlin and operates its products on the free-to-play model generating revenues from selling virtual products and targeted integrated spon- sorship as well as advertising partnerships. Its first co-publishing project is the online racing game and car community Auto Club Revolution, currently built by the British Developer Eutechnyx in collabo- ration with the motor industry. Featuring officially licensed cars from over 50 of the world’s leading car manufacturers, it de- Gameforge in 2011. At Stryking Manage- livers a console quality racing experience ment, he is being accompanied by CMO to the free-to-play market while providing Christian Szymanski, former Marketing a social platform for owning, customising Director at Frogster, and CFO Wolfe W. and enjoying cars online. Diener, an experienced entrepreneur and Stryking Entertainment is planning to corporate finance expert. Most recently StrykInG entertAInment GmBH expand its publishing portfolio and there- Stryking also has been joined by Director Chausseestraße 8 D-10115 Berlin fore is currently looking to partner up with Productions Bartol Ruzic, former COO Kontakt: Dirk Weyel (CEO) ambitious developers who are working Exozet Games, who will be overseeing all Christian Szymanski (CMO) t +49 (0) 30 / 6 09 85 83 70 on online and mobile games targeted for in-house productions. f +49 (0) 30 / 6 09 85 83 75 a mainstream audience. Stryking is also preparing its first cross-platform in-house production at the moment. To strengthen its development and publishing teams, Stryking Entertainment focuses on the creation and support of communities based Stryking invites creative, skilled and pas- on high quality online and mobile games sionate digital natives, tech lovers, gaming for the digital mass market. The start-up is located in Berlin, its first project is the online enthusiasts, marketing gurus and social racing game and car community Auto Club media experts to get in touch and speak Revolution, currently built by the British Developer Eutechnyx in collaboration with about joining forces. the motor industry. Founder and CEO Founder and CEO Dirk Weyel has over 15 Dirk Weyel has 15 years games industry experience and most recently successfully years experience in the games industry. He established Frogster Interactive. successfully established Frogster Interactive Pictures AG where, as co-founder and COO, he was responsible for Strategy, Marketing and Business Development until the company was sold to competitor
At Anakan, part of the ExeQuo group, we team up to provide the most appropriate localization solutions to each and every game project we are involved in. Based in Berlin and Paris, we combine innovation and responsiveness to preserve the essence of the games. We have localized, as of to- day, over 1,500 titles with the help of our skilled native-speaking teams of transla- tors, professional linguists, audio experts and talented voice actors. We are looking forward to work on your projects! AnAkAn GmBH Anakan and exeQuo take your game to the next level Pfuelstraße 5 Based in Berlin and Paris, Anakan and ExeQuo are a specialized game localization group D-10997 Berlin Kontakt: Marie-Laurence Amigues working on 10 platforms and in over 33 languages. As of today, we have localized t +49 (0) 30 / 5 31 42 04 50 more than 1,500 video games for many of the world's best-known publishing and f +49 (0) 30 / 5 31 42 04 59 developing companies. Our team is comprised of skilled native-speaking translators, professional linguists, audio experts and a vast number of talented voice actors. We utilize state-of-the- art technology to create clear in-game texts, documentation, manuals and realistic dialogue as well as music and sound effects that will resonate with your intended audience. Our full-service business is focused on two key principles: commitment to customer satisfaction and a genuine love of gaming. We are very perceptive to changes in the market and we always strive to bring you the most appropriate localization solutions. Project analysis Video Subtitling (Tutorial, Localization engineering Translation and linguistic adaptation Advertisement, etc.) Creative media, including demos, (Quality assurance: certification to QA testing trailers and advertising material, DIN EN 15038 Norm) 2D and 3D graphics HD video shooting, Green Chroma Audio production (Voice dubbing, DTP & layout manuals, brochures, keying studio sound effects, …) banners, … We provide a complete range of services tailored to your localization needs: If you are seeking the most accurate and cost-efficient adaptation of your video games and related multimedia products, our professional team offers you the guarantee of the highest quality at the most competitive prices. You've created a new world, let us offer you new markets!
11 OnLegends headquartered in Berlin, Germany, was founded in 2010 as a brokering and consulting company in the online and mobile gaming space. We have an extensive network of contacts among game developers, publishers and service providers worldwide. Aside from in-/out-licensing services we offer brokering and consulting services for game companies across the globe with a focus on international expansion. Services for Publishers: . We deliver high-quality titles matching your specific portfolio strategy . We extend your game sourcing and scouting operations internationally . We are your all-in-one sourcing toolkit: We source all genres and platforms – online and mobile We operate extensive first-level game testing onleGendS GmBH We provide you with evaluation reports based on major publishers' criteria Kantstraße 98 On-going support throughout the whole licensing term D-10627 Berlin Kontakt: Marian Härtel t +49 (0) 30 / 3 19 98 49 21 . We offer consulting services around mobile and online games: f +49 (0) 30 / 3 19 98 49 19 Local market and business intelligence Marketing optimization (incl. CTR, landing-pages, banners, …) Monetization adaptation OnLegends headquartered in Berlin, Germany, Payment methods optimization was founded in 2010 as a brokering and consulting company in the online and mo- Language and content localization bile gaming space. We have an extensive Office and company setup network of contacts among game develo- pers, publishers and service providers world- Senior-level recruitment wide. Aside from in-/out-licensing services we offer brokering and consulting services for game companies across the globe with a focus on international expansion. Services for developers: . We find dedicated publishing partners for your games . We consult you on: market trends and patterns best local partners for your titles publishers' expectations possible enhancements for your product . We assist you during the complete negotiation process . We provide you with legal advice . We offer ongoing support throughout the whole licensing term
Founded in 2001, CPMStar is the largest advertising destination representing more than 1400 top game sites serving more than 14 billion ads per month. CPMStar offers standard banner ads, along with custom placements such as site skins and video pre-rolls to companies targeting a diverse, worldwide gaming audience. CPMStar also offers creative services and complete cam- paign management to its advertising part- ners. Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, CPMStar has European sales representation based in Berlin, Germany. The company website is located at www. cPmStAr Kantstraße 98 D-10627 Berlin Kontakt: Paul Braunger t + 1 310 / 2 55 69 28 Marian Härtel t +49 (0) 30 / 3 19 98 49 - 0 About cPmStar CPMStar is the largest advertising desti- CPMStar is also an approved advertising nation specializing in online game content, provider for the Facebook platform and representing more than 1400 top game is rapidly expanding its mobile web and sites serving more than 14 billion ads per app offerings. month. The company's custom built tech- nology was designed to satisfy the needs The company was founded in 2001, and is of performance-based advertisers, while now owned by the Game Show Network. offering competitive rates to high quality Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, publishers. CPMStar also has European sales represen- tation based in Berlin, Germany. CPMStar offers its advertising partners The company website is located at: complete campaign management, inclu- ding pro-active optimization and in-house creative services. By delivering maximum results with targeted efficiency, the ad network has been the top performing vendor for many gaming campaigns, which have included Sony Online, Micro- soft, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Activision Blizzard and Wargaming. Supported ad formats include standard banner ads, along with custom placements such as rich media, site skins and video pre-rolls to companies targeting a diverse, worldwide gaming audience.
13 About rntS media RNTS Media provides extraordinary Online Games in the EU. We offer full service for the discovery of innovative games inclu- ding localization and effective marketing on the European market. RNTS MEDIA leads internet culture and creates custo- mer value. RNTS Media is cross-platform resource for the interactive entertainment industry and publishes quality infotain- ment and edutainment content. We chal- lenge new technologies in order to provide better service. The age of digital conver- gence like multimedia and multi-access is coming. RNTS Media is working closely with Azubu Europe AG, the gaming media, e-sporting broadcasting company. The League of Legends Azubu Continental Cup connects professional gamers around Europe, North America and South Korea and provides live broadcasting and great entertainment to the growing gamer culture around the world. rntS medIA Friedrichstraße 95 D-10117 Berlin Kontakt: Silverio Park m +49 152 / 33 94 50 81 We are the UBIQUITOUS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY and deliver multiple entertain- ment content to customers throughout a variety of platforms.
internetwarriors GmbH is an online mar- keting agency focused on search engine optimization, search engine advertising, mobile marketing, social media marketing (Facebook advertising) and email mar- keting. They have worked for years in the gaming branch with clients such as infernum, World of Tanks, Victory the Age of Racing, Gamigo and others. The agency has had many successful campaigns on international levels in generating traffic by using SEA, Banner Campaigns and Affiliate Marketing. InternetWArrIorS GmBH Kärntener Straße 8 D-10827 Berlin Kontakt: Axel Zawierucha t +49 (0) 30 / 9 70 03 87 - 0 Victory: The Age of Racing – Vae Victis f +49 (0) 30 / 9 70 03 87 - 11 online marketing für Gaming Die internetwarriors GmbH ist als Online es daher vor allem, die Marke bekannt zu Erfolgskontrolle und ermöglicht die Opti- MarketingAgenturmitSchwerpunktenauf machen, das Vertrauen der Nutzer gezielt mierung von Kampagnen auf Kosten und Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO), SEA, durch Imageaufbau zu stärken. Das Wich- Performance. Social Media Marketing (Facebook Ad- tigste ist hierfür, eine hohe Reichweite bei In der hart umkämpften Gamingindustrie vertising), Mobile Marketing und Affiliate überschaubaren Kosten zu erzielen. müssen Unternehmen laufend um Traffic Marketing seit Jahren in der Gaming- Die internetwarriors generieren für Deve- kämpfen, um sich von Konkurrenz abzu- branche erfolgreich. Durch die Zusam- loper mit Hilfe verschiedener Online Mar- setzen. Developer können es sich nicht menarbeit mit Kunden wie infernum, keting Kanäle hoch performanten und sehr leisten, auf die hohe Reichweite von On- World of Tanks, Victory The Age of Racing, kostengünstigen Traffic. linewerbung zu verzichten. Die Qualität Gamigo und anderen, kann die Agentur Zusätzliche Unterstützung erhalten Kunden der Kampagnen entscheidet letztendlich nationale wie internationale Erfahrungen On-Page durch eine kompetente SEO- über den nachhaltigen Erfolg und stei- vorweisen und blickt auf viele erfolgreiche Beratung. Erfahrene Affiliate Manager erhö- gende Spielerzahlen eines Games. Kampagnen zurück. hen die Reichweite neuer Games effizient Gamification, Payment Tools, Mobile Mar- Wer im Gamingbereich tätig ist, weiß: und kostengünstig. Ergänzend sorgen keting und viele mehr, die internetwar- Ein Spiel wird erst durch die Anzahl seiner SEM-Kampagnen für zielgruppenspezifi- riors sind stets über die aktuellen Trends Spieler erfolgreich. Besonders Browser- sches Keyword Advertising bei kalkulier- für Sie informiert! games, die von einer regen Beteiligung baren und transparenten Kosten. Ein um- Sprechen Sie uns an, wir beraten Sie leben. Das Ziel im Online Marketing ist fassendes Reporting sorgt für eine gute gerne! Brick Force – infernum World of Tanks – wargaming
15 tripventure – neue Plattform für location-based Games sprylab technologies präsentiert sein neu- virtuelle Charaktere oder Gegenstände, die Schnell und einfach ein neues Game kre- es Produkt: tripventures sind innovative sich in die aktuelle Realität einfügen und ieren: Mit unserer technischen Lösung location-based Games. Hierfür hat sprylab taucht so in die Spielwelt ein. Er interagiert tripengine können Sie Ihre Gameideen eine Engine entwickelt, die den Gamer mit virtuellen Charakteren, löst Rätsel oder mit realen Orten verknüpfen. Im Editor der virtuelle Geschichten mit Hilfe von Aug- muss Gegenstände sinnvoll einsetzen. tripengine können Sie unkompliziert Ihre mented Reality in der realen Welt erleben Basis all dieser Geschichten ist die für iOS Ideen verwirklichen und umsetzen – ohne lässt. Was ist real? Was ist Fiktion? Der und android entwickelte tripventure-Platt- Programmierkenntnisse. Gamer sieht durch seine Handykamera form. trIPventure - SPrylAB tecHnoloGIeS GmBH Keithstraße 2– 4 D-10787 Berlin Kontakt: Anne-Katrin Ulrich t +49 (0) 30 / 2 36 25 89 50 f +49 (0) 30 / 2 36 25 89 59 sprylab technologies latest product is tripventure – a platform for innovative location-based games creating a virtual experience for the gamer in the real world using Augmented Reality. This is based on the technical solution tripengine – developed by the young Berlin-based software com- pany. The company is specialized in the development of mobile applications and (enterprise) web applications. Über sprylab technologies. wickelt, die uns virtuelle Games mithilfe Wir sind sprylab technologies – ein junges von Augmented Reality spielend in der Berliner Softwareunternehmen. realen Welt erleben lässt. Ortsbasierte Games machen Spaß! Und Nutzen Sie die tripengine und verknüpfen spannende Stories, in die man eintauchen Ihre Gameideen mit der realen Welt. Der kann, auch! Wir wollten beides auf einmal: Editor der tripengine ermöglicht Ihnen Deswegen haben wir die tripengine ent- eine einfache Umsetzung.
thumbr is the new Games & Entertainment platform for mobile, tablet and browsers. This global cross-platform portal is offering game developers and content providers a wide variety of business options. From simple distribution deals to full publishing arrangements – thumbr is always follow- ing one main goal: maximizing the sales and boosting the revenues of each product in this highly competitive market. tHumBr Pfuelstraße 5 D-10997 Berlin Kontakt: Benjamin Bezold m +49 (0) 170 / 2 19 12 23 t +49 (0) 30 / 30 01 37 - 1 00 f +49 (0) 30 / 30 01 37 - 1 11 War2Glory: Browser & Mobile offIce AmSterdAm thumbr / Cliq Digital B.V. Keizersgracht 313 the #1 Publishing & monetization Platform for mobile & Web 1016 EE Amsterdam The Netherlands thumbr is the ultimate Entertainment platform for mobile games (iOS, Android, HTML 5) and browser based online games. This global cross-platform portal is operated by CLIQ Digital B.V., part of the stock exchange listed Bob Mobile AG. The group has a long history in publishing digital entertainment content in all regions around the globe and has been very successful in reaching a massive amount of users. As the main distribution/publishing platform for the group's content, thumbr is offering game developers and content providers all around the world a wide variety of business options. From simple distribution deals to full publishing arrangements – thumbr is company facts always following one main goal: maximizing the sales and boosting the revenues of Business: Global distributor and publisher each product in this highly competitive market. for mobile content and browser games thumbr offers international and localized game monetization options including lead- Platforms: iOS, Android, HTML5, Web generation campaigns for co-registration and sponsors. Take this opportunity and Database: +10 Million users (June 2012) contact our Berlin based licensing department today to become part of the next- Offices in: Amsterdam, Berlin, Toronto generation gaming & entertainment platform, and use all the advantages of thumbr. Employees: 130+ Rise to Fame: The Music RPG for iOS & Android Ski Jumping 12: iOS & Android Skyrise Runner: Rise to Fly for iOS & Android
comPuterSPIelemuSeum The museum opened the world's first permanent exhibition devoted to digital interactive entertainment culture in 1997 and it boasts one of Europe’s largest collections in that field. The new permanent exhibition »Computer Games. Evolution of a Medium« opened early 2011 and had over 70.000 vsitors in its first year. It hosts more than 300 exhibits in an interactive and experiment-friendly environment that conveys the cultural history of computer and video games. Numerous rare original exhibits, playable classic games and assorted media productions help exploring the world of »Homo Ludens Digitalis«. Patron of the museum is Ralph H. Baer, inventor of home video games.
Impressum Herausgeber berlinbrandenburg c/o berlinbrandenburg e.V. Wöhlertstraße 12–13 D-10115 Berlin t +49 (0)30 / 2462 857 - 10 f +49 (0)30 / 2462 857 - 19 redaktion Andrea Wickleder Gestaltung Nicole Koppe druck Druckerei Arnold Am Wall 15 D-14979 Großbeeren © berlinbrandenburg e.V., Juli 2012 Der Messegemeinschaftsstand Berlin- Brandenburg auf der gamescom 2012 wurde aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert.
Funded by Organized by Initiated by In cooperation with Supported by Special thanks to
c /o berlinbrandenburg e. V. Wöhlertstraße 12–13 D-10115 Berlin t +49 (0) 30 / 2 46 28 57 - 10 f +49 (0) 30 / 2 46 28 57 - 19
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