HHoonndduurraass (( SSTTeePP)) - Reiche thematische Vielfalt gemeinnütziger Betätigungsmöglichkeiten.

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HHoonndduurraass (( SSTTeePP)) - Reiche thematische Vielfalt gemeinnütziger Betätigungsmöglichkeiten.
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Honduras (STeP)
Reiche thematische Vielfalt gemeinnütziger Betätigungsmöglichkeiten.
                                                                                     Vermittlung und Vorbereitung durch Grenzenlos: Hilfe
                                                                                     bei der Reiseorganisation, Vorbereitungswochenende
  Das Programm ist offen für alle ab 18 Jahren                                       und Rückkehrerˍinnen-Kontakt.
– Anmeldung bitte mindestens 3 Monate vorher                                         Abholung vom Flughafen (Tegucigalpa), danach
                                                                                     Orien-tierungstreffen. Unterkunft und Verpflegung
  Dauer: 4-16 Wochen (Richtwert)
                                                                                     bei Gastfamilien oder in Wohngemeinschaft. Betreu-
  Erforderliche Kompetenzen: Grundlegende                                            ung während des gesamten Einsatzes.
Englischkenntnisse, Offenheit, Flexibilität, Lernbereitschaft,                       Nach der Rückkehr Auswertung und Returnee-
Eigeninitiative, Teamfähigkeit                                                       Meeting durch Grenzenlos.
                                                                                     Programmkosten (€, incl. 30€ Anmeldegebühr):
  Projektarten: Projekte im Bereich Bildung, Gesundheit,
Community Development sw. Kinderprojekte. Details ab S. 3!                             4 Wo.      Je weitere Wo.        zB. 8 Wo. zB. 12 Wo.
                                                                                       860,-           65,-              1120,-      1380,-
  Einsatzgebiete: Tegucigalpa, Comayagua, El Venado,
San Francisco de Yojoa and Sabanagrande                                              Enthalten sind die o.g. Inhalte. Nicht enthalten: Flug
                                                                                     und ggf. Visum, Impfungen, Versicherung

    Die Experience-Volunteering-Programme von Gren-
    zenlos sind offen für alle zwischen 18 und 99 Jahren –
    unabhängig von Vorkenntnissen und Erfahrungen.

    STeP bedeutet „Short Term Programme“. STeP-
    Programme eignen sich besonders dann, wenn Du
    schon etwas eigenständige Reiseerfahrung mitbringst.
    Du brauchst aber keine Vorkenntnisse und, sofern in
    der Projektbeschreibung nicht anders angegeben,
    auch keine Sprachkenntnisse.

    STePs werden von den Grenzenlos-Partnerorgani-
    sationen organisiert,die auch das langzeitige ICYE-
    Programm anbieten. Sie haben die Kontakte zu den
    Einsatzstellen und zu den Familien, bei denen die
    internationalen Freiwilligen untergebracht sind.
    Normalerweise sind 1-2 Freiwillige in einem Projekt.

      Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ info@volunteering.at ■ www.volunteering.at
HHoonndduurraass (( SSTTeePP)) - Reiche thematische Vielfalt gemeinnütziger Betätigungsmöglichkeiten.
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Über Grenzenlos                                                                      So bist Du dabei
Grenzenlos ist ein gemeinnütziger österreichischer Verein,                     1.    1. Infos holen: Kläre alle offenen Fragen in einem per-
der seit 1949 zusammen mit seinen Partnerorganisationen                              sönlichen Info-Gespräch mit Grenzenlos ab. Terminverein-
Freiwilligenaustausch mit aller Welt organisiert. Ziel ist die                       barung je nach Standort per eMail:
Förderung von Frieden, Toleranz und Völkerverständigung.
Seit 2009 engagiert sich Grenzenlos auch verstärkt für die                     2.    graz@grenzenlos.or.at, innsbruck@grenzenlos.or.at,
Inlandsarbeit durch Schulworkshops, Erwachsenenbildung                               villach@grenzenlos.or.at oder office@grenzenlos.or.at (Wien).
und integrative Programme.
                                                                                     2. Online-Anmeldung über www.volunteering.at/kontakt:
                                                                                     unter „fix anmelden“ bitte das Online-Formular ausfüllen. Du
Über die Partnerorganisation                                                         kannst darin Land, Zeitraum, Tätigkeitsbereich und sonstige
ICYE Honduras wurde 1981 gegründet. Das Komitee besteht                              Wünsche angeben.
aus ehemaligen Austauscher_innen und Freiwilligen. Das                               Anmeldungen bitte bis 3 Monate vor Ausreise! Spätere
Nationalbüro in Tegucigalpa wird von vier Angestellten                               Anmeldungen werden entgegengenommen, aber ohne
besetzt. ICYE ist eine internationale Organisation mit Sitz in                       Garantie auf ein Vorbereitungsseminar.
Berlin, die seit 1949 weltweite Austauschprogramme
organisiert. Grenzenlos ist als ICYE Austria Gründungs-                              3. Vermittlung: Wir bitten Dich noch um einige Dokumente
mitglied. Die ICYE-Idee ist, durch internationale Erfahrungen                        für unsere Partnerorganisation. Die Zusage erfolgt nach ein
und Zusammenarbeit den Weltfrieden zu fördern.                                       bis zwei Wochen.

Die Mittelverwendung                                                                 4. Vorbereitung: Sobald die Zusage unserer Partnerorga-
Deine Programmgebühr kommt folgenden Zwecken                                         nisation eingelangt ist, erhältst Du
zugute: (1) Sendeprogramm 390,- (Information, Vermittlung,                           - eine Aufnahmebestätigung und weitere Dokumente,
Vorbereitung sw. Solidaritätsbeiträge zu Aufnahmen in                                - die Einladung zum Vorbereitungswochenende,
Österreich u.a.; (2) internationale kosten 70,- (Mitgleidschaft                      - Kontakt zu einem oder einer Rückkehrerˍin,
bei dem internationalen Dachverband ICYE und Über-                                   - Tipps für die Reiseorganisation (Flug, Visum, Versicherung
weisungskosten); (3) der Rest ist für das Aufnahme-                                  und Impfungen) und ggf. Zusatz-Infos über das Programm.
programm (Abholung, Betreuung, Unterkunft, Verpflegung
sw. Administrationskosten).                                                          Und – los geht’s:

HONDURAS                                                                            STeP – Short Term Programme

Bevölkerung:                    8,6 Mio. (35% unter 15 Jahren)

Größte Städte:                  Tegucigalpa (Hptst.) 990.000 Ew.,
                                San Pedro Sula 650.000, u.a.

Sprachen:                       Spanisch, Englisch und indigene
                                Sprachen – Bei Projekten und Gast-
                                familien wird meist Spanisch
                                und/oder Englisch gesprochen

Religionen:                      Christ_innen 100%,

Analphabetismus:                Frauen 15%, Männer 15%

Lebenserwartung:                Frauen 73 Jahre, Männer 70

              Mehr auf www.grenzenlos-online.at!

        Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ info@volunteering.at ■ www.volunteering.at
HHoonndduurraass (( SSTTeePP)) - Reiche thematische Vielfalt gemeinnütziger Betätigungsmöglichkeiten.
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Projektverzeichnis                 ab Seite
  Kinder, Jugend und Bildung. . . . . . . . . . 3                                                                                    Projektart
   Soziales und Gesundheit . . . . . . . . . . . . .4                        PROJEKTTITEL                                            Ort
   Umwelt, Tiere und Bau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6                                                                              Sonstige Infos
   NGO, Community und Allround. . . . . . 5

                                                                                                                                       Kinder, Jugend
                                                                      FUNDACIÓN AMBOS SABANAGRANDE
                                                                                                                                     und Bildung

                                                          “Fundación AMBOS Sabanagrande” is a non-profit center                      Sabanagrande
                                                          located in the rural community of Sabanagrande, with the
                                                          aims to provide a non-formal education, and nutritional and                (Tegucigalpa 1h)
                                                          basic health assistance to impoverished children of the
                                                          community. The center is supported by the organization                     Grundlegende bis
                                                          “ATUTO” with the sales of different handicrafts done by local              gute Spanisch-
                                                          artisans.                                                                  kenntnisse

Main Activities:
    • Perform leisure and after-school activities, promoting non-formal education.
    • Offer tutoring lessons of various subjects (i.e. Mathematics, Natural Sciences, English, etc.).
    • Provide to the children basic school materials (i.e. notebooks, pencils, crayons, etc.).
    • Supply basic food, improving the children’s nutrition.
    • Pay attention to the health of each child and assess their overall health together with their families.

Volunteer tasks:
The following are tasks that a volunteer with very basic Spanish knowledge can carry out:
     • Do different sports and leisure activities with the children, promoting non-formal education.
     • Play and interact with the children.
     • The volunteer will have the chance to learn different Honduran typical games.
     • Create different handicrafts & teach them to children.
     • The volunteer has the opportunity to be very creative, proposing different ideas (i.e. creating origami, greeting cards,
         decorations, etc.).
     • Support staff members with different logistical work (i.e. organizing the children, cleaning the center’s facilities, providing
         school materials and food to the children, etc.)
The following are tasks that a volunteer with an intermediate Spanish knowledge can carry out:
     • Offer tutoring lessons of various subjects (i.e. Mathematics, Natural Sciences, English, etc.).
     • Teach basic computer and/or English lessons to children.
     • Pay attention to the health of each child and assess their overall health together with their families.

Volunteer requirements / Skills:
    • Age: Older than 18 and Gender: Indifferent.
    • Languages: Basic or Intermediate Spanish.
    • Studies: None in particular.
    • Abilities and Attitudes: It is very important that the volunteer is interested in working with children.
    • To be respectful, flexible, sensitive, social, patient, creative and mature.
    • Religion: Indifferent.

Hosting Situation:
Host Family provided by ICYE Honduras, who will supply the three daily meals, this way getting to know Honduran culture.

                                                                                                                                       Kinder, Jugend
                                           JARDIN DE NINOS SALVADOR MARADIAGA
                                                                                                                                     und Bildung

“Jardín de Niños Salvador Maradiaga” is a public kindergarten that provides pre-school education to children                         San Francisco de
between 4 to 5 years old. It currently has 31 students (20 girls and 11 boys). The staff members is composed of 2                    Yojoa
teachers and 1 babysitter. The kindergarten’s mission is to guarantee educational services for children, helping
                                                                                                                                     (San Pedro Sula
them in their human development, with the support and participation of the parents, educational entities,

      Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ info@volunteering.at ■ www.volunteering.at
HHoonndduurraass (( SSTTeePP)) - Reiche thematische Vielfalt gemeinnütziger Betätigungsmöglichkeiten.
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government and the community in general. The kindergarten’s main objectives are: to improve the quality and                         Präferenz: Weiblich
efficiency of the educational processes at pre-school level, guaranteeing coverage of various subjects and
forming future citizens engaged with their community and country.                                                                   Gute Spannisch- und
Main Activities:
The kindergarten’s main activities are:
    • Teach the basic pedagogic subjects of pre-school education.
    • Civic and cultural activities according to the planned schedule
    • Physical education activities.

Volunteer tasks:
    • Teach basic English, Assist in the dance lessons (typical Honduran dances).
    • Creating different types of handicrafts and teach them to the children
    • Learning about different Honduran traditional games and playing with the children.

Volunteer requirements / Skills:
    • Age: Older than 18.
    • Gender: Preferably female.
    • Languages: Spanish and English.
    • Studies: None is specific.
    • Abilities and Attitudes: The volunteer should be willing to work with small children, be very creative
        and propose new ideas to do handicrafts and artistic activities.
    • Religion: Indifferent.

Additional Info:
Project available for January.

Hosting Situation:
Living with a Host Family.

                                                                                                                                      Kinder, Jugend
                                                                          FUNDACIÓN CASA YUDA
                                                                                                                                    und Bildung

                                           Fundación CasAyuda – Centro de Apoyo al Niño y Joven
                                                                                                                    Soziales und
                                           Discapacitado Físico y Sensorial (Support Center to the Child
                                           and Youth with Physical and Sensorial Handicap) is a private,         Gesundheit
                                           non-profit, institution that develops programs and projects
                                           entailed to improve the life conditions of the children and youths Comayagua
                                           with disabilities, forming values and principles (based on the belief (Tegucigalpa ~80km)
                                           in God) that dignify them as a person and foment their self-
                                           esteem, also empowering their skills. The people with whom
                                           Fundación CasAyuda works with are children and youths with
                                           cerebral palsy, deafness, mental retardation, learning problems, Spanischkenntnisse
                                           hearing impairment, consequences of spina bifida and down
However, half of the classes are composed of deaf children and youths. The center supports approximately 90 children and youths.
Fundación CasAyuda’s vision is to be the pioneer institution in search of the integration of the person with handicap, promoting the
implementation of his/her knowledge, having an independent life.

Main Activities:
Fundación CasAyuda’s regular activities are developed through three main programs, which are:
    • Center of Integral Education: separated in an area of sign language and an area of special education.
    • Boarding school for deaf children, Support program to the handicapped child or youth.

Volunteer tasks:
The activities in which the volunteers will be involved depend in the tasks of the preference and/or knowledge of the volunteer and the
center’s necessities at that time. The volunteer can get involved in any of the center’s various programs, such as assisting the teachers
imparting learning stimulus to the children with certain handicaps, which is the area where most aid is needed. If the volunteer has ideas
for a self project, this one is discussed with the contact person/responsible of the volunteer and allowed under the circumstances and

Some tasks in which the volunteers can cooperate are:
   • Assisting teachers in their several classes, Help with the deaf children that live in the center.
   • Doing artistic activities with the deaf children., Sports activities with the children and youths.
   • Assistance in the therapy sessions, General maintenance, Assisting in the sign language courses.
                                                                                                                                                    Next Page

     Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ info@volunteering.at ■ www.volunteering.at
HHoonndduurraass (( SSTTeePP)) - Reiche thematische Vielfalt gemeinnütziger Betätigungsmöglichkeiten.
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Volunteer requirements / Skills:
    • Age: Older than 18 years old.
    • Gender: Indifferent.
    • Languages: Spanish. But, some of the previous volunteers that have worked and lived in the center at the beginning did not
        have a fluent Spanish, but with time managed to learn it and communicate efficiently.
    • Studies: None in particular. Although knowing sign language and therapy skills are useful.
    • Abilities and Attitudes: Be decided and motivated to work with handicapped persons, initiative, patience.
    • Religion: Indifferent.

Additional Info:
Number of volunteers: 1
The project is CLOSED in December and in January.
Bring clothes for hot weather, a hat, sun glasses, repellent for insects and personal medications.

Hosting Situation:
Living with a Host Family.

                                                                                                                                      Kinder, Jugend
                                                                    COMUNIDAD EL ARCA HONDURAS
                                                                                                                                    und Bildung

                                                   The „Comunidad El Arca Honduras” belongs to L'Arche                                Soziales und
                                                   International, a federation of more than 135 member                              Gesundheit
                                                   communities, established as independent entities in 36 countries.
                                                   The communities encompass 5,000 people with and without an                         NGO, Community
                                                   intellectual disability, who share their lives in homes, workshops,
                                                   and day programmes. Comunidad El Arca Honduras' main                             und Allround
                                                   objective is to offer people with an intellectual disability a family-
                                                   styled living environment that encourages them to create a home,                 Tegucigalpa
                                                   to develop their talents, to build friendships, and quite simply, to
                                                   make the most of life! Its main aims are:                                        Gute
                                                   Help mentally disable people to feel useful and adapted to the                   Spanischkenntnisse
                                                   society. To reveal the natural talents of mentally disabled people.

                                                   Main Activities:                                                                 Alter: 21-27
                                                   Some of the activities that Comunidad El Arca Honduras develops
                                                   are:                                                                             Präferenz: Weiblich
                                                        • Homes: Giving the mentally disabled people the chance
                                                            to form a true family with a simple life.                               Vorkenntnisse in der
                                                        • Workshops: discovering their dignity, feeling useful and                  Arbeit mit
                                                            fulfill a task adaptable to their capacities.                           Senioren_innen
                                                        • School: offering a special education program, which
                                                            permits them to enjoy and learn to relate to others and
                                                            also helping the families with a special child to include
                                                            their child into the family life and society.
Volunteer tasks:
The volunteer could participate in any of the activities carried out at the community:
    • Assisting and/or preparing the existing workshops.
    • Helping in evaluation and occupational therapy of each individual.
    • Sharing and living with everyone in the project and participate in everyday life of these people.
    • Living in one of the homes demands the volunteer to take care of the disabled during the mornings and evenings,
         participating preparing their meals and house duties as well as sharing other things like free time in a family. He/she will have
         two hours free time every day.
    • In case the volunteer lives at a Host Family, the timetable will be 8.00 a.m. – 4.00 p. m.
    • The volunteer will be assigned to an area which suits best his/her abilities and interests. In case the volunteer has know-how
         which the organization does not possess, the volunteer will be given a chance to put it into practice.

Volunteer requirements / Skills:
    • Age: 21 – 37
    • Gender: Generally indifferent. At the moment, women are required more.
    • Languages: Spanish.
    • Studies: Have some knowledge about special education, physical and occupational therapy and taking care of elderly citizens.
    • Abilities and Attitudes: Has to be a mature person, capable to work with disabled persons, give and receive affection, be hard-
        working, respectful, communicative, sociable, and responsible, respect our culture, and to have a lot of patience.
    • Religion: Indifferent (respect to the beliefs of the persons in the organization is asked).
                                                                                                                           Next Page

     Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ info@volunteering.at ■ www.volunteering.at
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Additional Info:
Project available for January.

Hosting Situation:
Living within the social project or at a host family.

                                               CENTRO DE CONSERVACION E INVESTIGACION DE LA                              Umwelt, Tiere
                                               TORTUGA GOLFINA                                                        und Bau
                                               La protección de la Tortuga Golfina ( Protection of Turtle Ridley)
                                               starts since the year 1975 , In the community Marcovia El Venado          NGO, Community
                                               Township ,has participated on voluntary basis in coordinating the
                                               following activities: Raising awareness about the importance of        und Allround
                                               conservation, harvesting and planting egg turtles and release of
                                               their hatchlings ( baby turtles ) , coordinating conservation El Venado
                                               activities with Local and National institutions, such as the Navy,
                                               and Township of Marcovia CODDEFFAGOLF, “Comité de Abitur/Fachhoch-
                                               verificación y control” (CVC) ,verification and monitoring schule
                                               committee Since November of 2008, “Programa de Pequeñas
                                               Donaciones” (PPD/PNUD) approved the construction Visitor Centre
                                               “El proyecto Construcción del Centro de Visitante para la Gute
                                               protección de la Tortuga Golfina” conducting following activities:     Spanischkenntnisse
     •    Training in organizational strengthening.
     •    Protection of Turtle Ridley.
     •    Cleaning and collection of plastics in 4 miles of beach.
     •    Collection and planting of propagules in 7 hectares of deforested mangroves, and preserving the habitat of species of birds
          like (Grey Heron, Yellow Warbler).
     •    Build the Visitor Center for the Protection of Turtle Ridley. In all the above activities is a local contribution of 50 % of the
          approved budget.

Main Activities:
    • As annual project the activities are planting and harvesting of turtle eggs Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) through months of
        September and October.
    • From there we do daily monitoring functions and exhumations nursery nest to collect data, and the release of hatchlings. This
        lasts until December.
    • Months from Jan-Mar are usually very slow & most of all dedicated to office activities (paperwork, spreadsheets, administration
        of our web and Facebook page)
    • During the months from April to June, we receive tourists, take tours to the mangroves and bird watching areas and prepare
        for the annual egg collection
    • During the month of June we train staff and prepare the nursery this is a relatively heavy work.

Volunteer tasks:
    • Teaching English in primary school, working in nursery
    • Beach patrol, collect eggs and take them to the nursery.
    • Assist in data collection and turtles.
    • Serve as a guide and Days of cleaning
    • Help releasing hatchlings, nest data collection exhumed.
    • Office work and accounting centre.
    • Keep the Facebook page up to date and respond email.

Volunteer requirements / Skills:
    • Age: 18-30 and Gender: Indifferent, Religion: Indifferent.
    • Language: Spanish; Studies: High School/College.
    • Abilities and Attitudes: Computer experienced including management of all Microsoft programs. Experience creating web
        pages is a plus but not a must. Willing to work with children. English Proficiency

Additional Info:
Available from August to December

Hosting Situation:
The volunteer lives in the Research Centre.

                                                                                                                                 Stand: 1/2015
                                                                                                                         Angaben ohne Gewähr.
                                                                                                                        Änderungen vorbehalten.

     Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ info@volunteering.at ■ www.volunteering.at
HHoonndduurraass (( SSTTeePP)) - Reiche thematische Vielfalt gemeinnütziger Betätigungsmöglichkeiten. HHoonndduurraass (( SSTTeePP)) - Reiche thematische Vielfalt gemeinnütziger Betätigungsmöglichkeiten. HHoonndduurraass (( SSTTeePP)) - Reiche thematische Vielfalt gemeinnütziger Betätigungsmöglichkeiten.
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