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Media Kit 2023 Content 2 Inhalt: The media brand EUROHEAT&POWER is part of the energy trade magazines from VDE VERLAG • Together with the other energy trade magazines et, ew, netzpraxis, and Steuern der Energiewirt- Profile 3 schaft, the complete value chain of the energy industry and its target groups is covered Editorial Calendar 4 • Special issues and special sections • As e-magazines with online research Rate Card 8 I/2022 • Magazines in online association with Advertising Formats 10 7-8/2022 • Newsletters and special newsletters LTDH Brunnshög – Where Science Heats the City GENERATION Tomatoes and Cucumbers from Siberia with Green- houses and Gas Gensets STORAGE Optimal Design of a Heat Pump System with Hot Water Storage and Approach for Evaluating the Flexibility Technical Information 11 • Webinars ERNEUERBARE ENERGIEN Nachweis garantierter Solarer- WÄRMENETZE Die Bedeutung von Zustandsbe- WÄRMEMESSUNG Ansprechverhalten bestimmter Your specialist for flexible and rigid DHC pipe systems 5 träge bei Flach- und Vakuum- kollektor-Solarthermieanlagen wertung und Leckortung für eine sichere Fernwärmeversorgung Thermometerausführungen in un- terschiedlichen Einbausituationen With the best Team 22 - Mai 20 Special Advertising Forms 12 axis - - - 5 - - 4 - - etzpr NACHHALTIGE 4 + 5 6 - 4 4 - - 5 1 2 3 - FERNWÄRMESYSTEME 4 - E 7656 2–D AUS DEUTSCHLAND 1 -041 2 2 + n 1611 ISSN vic e 3 b • Ser 3 8 2 - + rie 2 8 + • Bet Circulation Analysis 13 1 3 g • Bau 2 - 1 nun 8 7 – Pla rgu ng 2 3 - + eve rso 8 Ene rgi in für + Ma gaz Consumer + Producer - hließen Kurzsc nen Structural Analysis of Recipients 14 und Erden n kön zenarie werden PREMANT FLEXWELL FHK CASAFLEX CALPEX PUR-KING Fehlers chlossen max. 144 °C (160 °C) -170 °C – +150 °C max. 180 °C max. 95 °C ausges PN 25 PN 16/25 PN 16/25 PN 6/10 erung 1 DN 20-1000 2 DN 25–150 3 DN 20–Ɯƛ0 4 DN 20–150 gitalisi fungen Netzdi reiche Prü s- und Produktion und NEW! Umfang hspannung Qualität aus der FLEXSTAR EIGERFLEX COOLMANT COOLFLEX im Hoc lussprüffeld zsch Mitte Deutschlands Max. 95°C -30°C – +20°C -20 °C – +40 °C -20°C – +40°C Kur is PN 6 PN 16 PN 16 PN 16 ISSN 1613-0200 – 22698 5 6 7 8 erheit als Bas DN 2Ơ-ơƞ DN 20–100 Ø 125–315 mm DN 20–125 IT-Sich Visibilität 15 ende it Umfasshr Sicherhe für me t gsa uskunf tion für Leitun Kommunika Digitale Netze sichere ung ersorg für 1 ISSN 0949-166X-D 9790 F Stromv 202 wan del struktur Stadt, I| den Infra aus der 16 Raus E D 9693 StE chnik Messte zählern e Energie er k D 85 97 dt w D 2 I/202 5– tät 79 s Mo19bili -5 Teil eine Sta N 16 Banner/Events 18/19 ISS E GI H -155 3 gang ISSN 1437 73. 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Media Kit 2023 1 Profile 3 Profile Distribution: VDE VERLAG GMBH Short Summary: Leserservice, 65341 Eltville, Germany EUROHEAT&POWER (EHP) is the European communication medium for decision makers in Phone: + 49 6123 9238 -234 the field of cogeneration, local/district heating and contracting. It is the only trade maga- Fax: + 49 6123 9238 -244 zine to cover the entire process chain of commercial heat supply. The target group includes Email: utilities, manufacturers and suppliers of components, service companies including plan- Annual subscription Domestic € 250.– (incl. VAT, incl. shipping) ning, consulting and engineering offices, authorities and associations of energy supply and Annual subscription Abroad € 260.– (excl. VAT, incl. shipping) energy policy, research institutes and scientific institutions. Retail Price € 33.– (incl. VAT, incl. shipping) EUROHEAT&POWER promotes the international exchange of experience between the deci- ISSN: 0949-166X sion-makers at the political, economic and legal levels. EHP is the ideal advertising medium in the field of cogeneration, local/district heating and contracting. Size of Journal: DIN A4 Content Analysis 2021: 8 Issues Publication Frequency: monthly, including 4 double issues All issues also available as e-magazines at Total Volume 528 pages = 100,0 % Editorial Part 401 pages = 76,0 % Volume: 52th Volume 2023 Advertisements: 127 pages = 24,0 % Web Address (URL): thereof: Stellen- und Gelegenheitsanzeigen 0 pages = 0,0 % Bound inserts/bound-through inserts 0 pages = 0,0 % Memberships: IVW – Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Publisher‘s own ads 28 pages = 22,0 % Verbreitung von Werbeträgern e. V. Inserts: 1 Publisher: AGFW – Der Energieeffizienzverband für Wärme, Kälte und KWK e. V., Frankfurt/M., and Euroheat & Power, Brussels Content Analysis of the Editorial Part 2021: 401 pages By subject areas: Publishing House: VDE VERLAG GMBH Energy industry 129 pages = 32,2 % Kaiserleistraße 8 A, 63067 Offenbach am Main, Germany Generation/storage 153 pages = 38,1 % Grids 80 pages = 20,0 % Editorial Office: Silke Laufkötter, Editor-in-Chief Connection/customer plants 19 pages = 4,7 % Email: Metering/Billing 20 pages = 5,0 % total 401 pages = 100,0 % Advertising: Olaf Schneider, Head of Sales and Advertising Phone: + 49 69 840006-13 40 By type of articles: Email: Technical/scientific basic articles 146 pages = 36,4 % Project/practice reports 148 pages = 36,9 % Oliver Nitschke, Order Management Announcements, product information, miscellaneous 49 pages = 12,2 % Phone: +49 69 840006-1356 AGFW pages 58 pages = 14,5 % Email: total 401 pages = 100,0 %
Editorial Calendar Media Kit 2023 T 1st half of 2023 4 Issues and Generation | Storage Power Grids Connection/Customer Plants Metering | Billing Exhibitions | Events Deadlines 1–2 Renewable Energies • Biomass Network Operation/ Maintenance/Optimization Heat/Cooling Measurement and Heat Billing • GETEC | 10. – 12. 02. 2023 | Freiburg PD: • Biogas • Network Monitoring • Meter Management • World Sustainable Energy Days | 31. 01. 2023 • Geothermal Energy • Control Technology • Meter Maintenance 28. 02. – 03. 03. 2023 | AC: • Solar Thermal Energy • GIS Systems • Heat/Cold Meters Wels/Austria 09. 01. 2023 • Network Simulation • Temperature Sensors • GeoTherm expo & Congress | • Biogas Production ED: Systems • Heat Cost Allocator 02. – 03. 03. 2023 | Offenburg • Combustion Technologies 28. 11. 2022 • Pressure Maintenance for Solid Biomass • Remote Meter Reading • Pump Operation • IT Solutions Biomass • Asset Management • Billing Software • Flue Gas Cleaning • Pipe Freezing Method • Smart Metering • Waste Heat Usage • Hot Tapping Process • Gateway Administration • Heat Pumps • Pump Control • Hydrogen • Water Treatment • Synthetic Fuels • Manhole Monitoring • Fittings 3 Decentralized Power-Heat Cogeneration Network Construction Technology House Connection, Connection Systems/ C ustomer Systems • VGB Conference „Instandhaltung in Kraftwerken 2023“ | PD: • Fuel Cells • Pre-insulated Steel Pipes • House Connection Line 08. – 09. 03. 2023 | Karlsruhe 01. 03. 2023 • Combined Heat/Power • Flexible Pipe Systems • Multi-Section House • ISH | AC: Plants • Network Monitoring Connection 13. – 17. 03. 2023 | Frankfurt a.M. 07. 02. 2023 • Micro-CHP • Joint Installation • Compact Stations • Fernwärmetage Österreich 2023 | ED: • Micro Gas Turbines • Measurement/Control and • Residential Stations 15. – 16. 03. 2023 | 16. 01. 2023 • Virtual Power Plants Regulation Technology • Heat Exchanger St. Pölten/Austria • Control Technology • IT Solutions for Network • Pressure Maintenance • Best of Energy Days | • District Supply Planning/Calculation • Water Treatment 22. – 23. 03. 2023 • Fittings • Pumping • Volta-X | Heat/Cold Storage 28. – 30. 03. 2023 | Stuttgart • Calculation Models • Digitalization • Measuring/Control and • Flue Gas Cleaning • 35. Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum | • Design Regulation Technology 30. – 31. 03. 2023 | Oldenburg • Storage Construction • District Supply • Digitalization • Storage Operation • Ice Storage
4–5 Power Plant Technology • Gas Turbines Efficient Heat Distribution with Flexible Pipes House Connection, Connection Systems/ • Hydrogen Tech World | 04. – 05. 04. 2023 | Essen PD: • Steam Turbines • Plastic Medium Pipes Customer Systems • Hanover Fair | 5 04. 04. 2023 • Firing Systems • Socket Systems • House Connection Line 17. – 21. 04. 2023 | Hanover AC: • Boiler Systems • Socket Installation • Multi-Section House • Euroheat & Power Congress | 13. 03. 2023 Connection 22. – 24. 05. 2023 | Turin/Italy • Combined Heat and Power • Network Monitoring ED: • IT Solutions for Network • Compact Stations • E-world energy & water | Plants 13. 02. 2023 23. – 25. 05. 2023 | Essen • Fuel Supply/Fuel Storage Planning • Residential Stations • Heat Exchangers • District Networks • Heat Exchanger • VGB-Fachtagung „Gasturbinen • Pump Systems • Digitalization • Pressure Maintenance 2023“ | 06. – 07. 06. 2023 | Koblenz • Flue Gas Cleaning • Water Treatment • Digitalization • Pumping • Measuring/Control and Regulation Technology • Digitalization 6 Renewable Energies • Biomass Network Operation/ Maintenance/Optimization Drinking Water Heating • Storage Systems • 10. Energiekongress | 09. 06. 2023 | St. Gallen/Switzer- PD: • Biogas • Network Monitoring • Flow Systems land 01. 06. 2023 • Control Technology • BDEW Congress | • Geothermal Energy • Legionella Prophylaxis AC: • GIS Systems • Heat Exchangers 14. – 15. 06. 2023 | Berlin • Solar Thermal Energy 09. 05. 2023 • DIAM | • Flue Gas Cleaning • Network Simulation • Measuring/Control and ED: Systems 14. – 15. 06. 2023 | Leipzig • Waste Heat Usage Regulation Technology 06. 04. 2023 • The smarter E Europe | • Heat Pumps • Pressure Maintenance • Pump Operation 14. – 16. 06. 2023 | Munich • Hydrogen • Synthetic Fuels • Asset Management • Pipe Freezing Method Cooling Supply • Hot Tapping Process • District Cooling • Pump Control • Absorption/Compression • Water Treatment Cooling Systems • Manhole Monitoring • Cold Storage • Fittings PD = Publication date, AC = Ad closing date and printing material deadline , ED = Deadline for technical articles Status September 2022 | Subject to modification without notice
Editorial Calendar Media Kit 2023 T 2nd half of 2023 6 Issues and Generation | Storage Power Grids Connection/Customer Plants Metering | Billing Exhibitions | Events Deadlines 7–8 Decentralized Power-Heat Cogeneration Inspection and Leak Detection Methods Heat/Cooling Measurement • Heat Cost Allocator PD: • Fuel Cells • Acoustic Correlation • Remote Meter Reading 10. 07. 2023 • Combined Heat/Power Plants Analysis • IT Solutions AC: • Micro-CHP • Ultrasonic Inspection Robot 16. 06. 2023 • Meter Management • Micro Gas Turbines • Thermography ED: • Virtual Power Plants • Smart Metering • Nordic System 16. 05. 2023 • Control Technology • NiCr System • Wireless Systems • District Supply • Digitalization • Bus Systems Heat/Cold Storage • Calculation Models • Design • Storage Construction • Storage Operation • Ice Storage 9 Renewable Energies • Biomass Network Operation/ Maintenance/Optimization Strategies and Measures to Achieve Low Return • 28. Dresdner Fernwärme-Kollo- quium | September 2023 | Dresden PD: • Biogas • Network Monitoring Temperatures 12. 09. 2023 • Geothermal Energy • Control Technology • Home Stations AC: • Solar Thermal Energy • GIS Systems • Compact Stations 21. 08. 2023 • Gasification Process • Network Simulation • IT Solutions ED: • Biogas Production Systems • Network Operation 03. 07. 2023 • Combustion Technologies • Pressure Maintenance • Measurement/Control and for Solid Biomass Regulation Technology • Pump Operation • Flue Gas Cleaning • Asset Management • Digitalization • Waste Heat Usage • Heat Pumps • Pipe Freezing Method • Hydrogen • Hot Tapping Method • Synthetic Fuels • Network Simulation Cooling Supply • Pump Control • District Cooling • Water Treatment • Absorption/Compression • Pressure Maintenance Cooling Systems • Manhole Monitoring • Cold Storage • Fittings
10 Decentralized Power-Heat Cogeneration Expansion Strategies for Heating Networks Drinking Water Heating • Storage Systems Heat/Cooling Measurement and Heat Billing • Metering Days 2023 | 17. – 18. 10. 2023 | Fulda PD: • Fuel Cells • IT Solutions for Network • Flow Systems • Meter Management 10. 10. 2023 7 • Combined Heat/Power Planning/Calculation • Legionella Prophylaxis • Meter Maintenance AC: Plants • Network Simulation • Heat Exchangers • Heat/Cold Meters 15. 09. 2023 Systems • Temperature Sensors • Micro CHP • Measuring/Control and ED: • Micro Gas Turbines • Local Heating Networks • Heat Cost Allocators Regulation Technology 15. 08. 2023 • Hydraulic Coupling of • Virtual Power Plants • Remote Meter Reading • Heat Pumps E xisting Networks • IT Solutions • Control Technology • District Supply • Billing Software • District Supply • Digitalization • Smart Metering • Gateway Administration 11–12 Power Plant Technology • Gas Turbines Quality Management And Assurance In District Heating Connection/Customer Systems • DIAM | 08. – 09. 11. 2023 | Bochum PD: • Steam Turbines Pipeline Construction • Drinking Water Heating • dena – Energiewendekongress | 07. 11. 2023 • Pre-insulated Steel Pipes Systems 13. – 14. 11. 2023 | Berlin • Firing Systems AC: • Flexible Pipe Systems • Multi-Branch House • STORENERGY congress | • Boiler Systems 16. 10. 2023 • Network Monitoring Connection 15. – 16. 11. 2023 | Offenburg • Combined Heat and Power ED: • Leakage Detection • Legionella Prophylaxis • HEATEXPO | Plants 18. 09. 2023 • Heat Accumulator 21. – 23. 11. 2023 | Dortmund • Fuel Supply/Fuel Processing • Joint Installation • Heat Exchangers • Pipeline Construction • Heat Exchangers • Pump Systems • Measurement/Control and • Pumps • Flue Gas Cleaning Regulation Technology • Measuring/Control And • Digitalization • Fittings and Armatures Regulation Technology • Digitalization Heat/Cold Storage • Calculation Models • Design • Storage Construction • Storage Operation • Ice Storage Permanent Sections: Focus Energy (energy market, dates, people, renewable energies, publications), Focus Industry (products & processes, companies), Focus AGFW, Platform Green District Heating, Discussions, Industry Talks, Comments Permanent Specialist Topics: Energy policy, energy industry, energy law, urban development, district supply, energy services/contracting, renewable energies, power plant technology, heat and power cogeneration, storage, local/district heating, cooling supply, heat distribution, connection/customer systems, heat metering/billing PD = Publication date, AC = Ad closing date and printing material deadline , ED = Deadline for technical articles Status September 2022 | Subject to modification without notice
Media Kit 2023 P Prices and Formats Price List No. 51, valid from January 1st, 2023 8 Formats Prices Format Type-Area Formats Bleed Formats** Price 4c Width × Hight in mm Width × Hight in mm Title Page* 190 × 188 – € 4,400 Inside Front Cover* 82 × 242 – Page 2, Back Cover 185 × 268 210 × 297 € 4,200 Inside Back Cover 185 × 268 210 × 297 € 4,100 2/1 394 × 268 420 × 297 € 5,500 1/1 and Inside Back Cover 185 × 268 210 × 297 € 3,700 2/3 vertical 126 × 268 139 × 297 € 2,950 horizontal 185 × 178 210 × 192 Juniorpage 126 × 180 136 × 195 € 2,700 1/2 vertical 97 × 268 110 × 297 € 2,350 horizontal 185 × 132 210 × 147 1/3 vertical 68 × 268 81 × 297 € 1,950 horizontal 185 × 88 210 × 103 1/4 vertical 39 × 268 52 × 297 horizontal 185 × 66 210 × 81 € 1,650 vertical 2 columns 97 × 132 – 1/8 vertical 97 × 66 – € 1,300 horizontal 185 × 32 – Smaller formats on request *T itle Page Ad: No right of withdrawal. Back Cover: The mailing copy is given a removable address label in the top right- Scope of delivery: Full-area image motif on the front page in the format hand corner (in accordance with postal regulations). Banderoles are fixed to the back 190 mm × 188 mm (W × H). of the booklet with one or two adhesive dots. + Ad on page 3 in format 82 mm × 242 mm (type area) (W × H). Important Note: A special advertisement, placed either next to or above the title page ad, may appear in each issue (see page 12).
Media Mediakit Kit 2023 2023 P Prices and Formats Price List No. 51, valid from January 1st, 2023 9 Special forms of advertising: Page 12 Inserts with a higher weight on request. Job Ads: Page 21 The prices include postage. Inserts with hights between 3 mm and 30 mm Market Partners: Page 22 induce additional postal charges. Smart Energy, E-Mobility, Smart Metering and other sections Maximum size (folded): 195 mm × 290 mm. Two samples required in advance. Who Supplies What: Page 22 For particularly heavy (over 50 g), thick, or unusual inserts, as well as for pub- lications to be enclosed that are registered, approved or submitted for review Discounts: for purchase within one insertion year by Deutsche Post as a mail distribution item, press item, etc., separate condi- – Multiple discounts tions apply. Prices on request. 2 × 5% 4 × 10 % 6 × 15 % 8 × 20 % Affixed advertising media, total circulation (not discountable): –C ombination discount (see also »Combinations«) for 2 titles 10 %, for 3 and Postcards, stickers, etc. in a specific position in an advertisement, provided more titles 15 % that machine processing is possible, will only be accepted in conjunction with Condition: joint order placement and same format a basic advertisement of at least 1/1 page. Charge for gluing € 1,025.– plus Only one discount scale (“multiple discount” or “combination discount”) can be advertisement price according to rate card. applied. Delivery address for bound inserts, supplements and glued-on advertising materials: Combinations: NINO Druck GmbH Possible with the trade journals ew, et, netzpraxis, and StE Delivery note »EHP« Discount cf. »combination discount«. Herrn Bernd Buch Campaign Modules: Im Altenschemel 21 Put together your individual campaign. Info page 25. 67435 Neustadt/Weinstraße, Germany Phone: +49 6327 974325 Bound inserts, total circulation (discountable): Delivery note: Format 2-sided, DIN A4 4-sided, DIN A4 6-sided, DIN A4 6-sided, DIN A4 For »EHP-Magazin, Issue: X/2023, Advertiser: XY« Prices € 2,350.– € 4,150.– € 5,800.– € 7,500.– Delivery free of charge 10 days before publication of the issue at the latest. Delivery quantity for regular: 1,150 copies, for trade fair and congress issues Format: DIN A4 plus 6 mm trimming allowance at the head, at the foot and out- on request. side at least 3 mm each. Delivery folded if necessary, but not stapled, postfold 6 mm. Two samples required in advance. Bound inserts with glued-on postcard require a processing surcharge of € 610 per insertion.
Media Kit 2023 F Formats 10 All formats in mm (width × height). Special advertising formats on request. Title Ad: 1/1 Page: 2/3 Page vertical: 1/2 Page vertical: Type Area: 190 × 188 Type Area: 185 × 268 Type Area: 126 × 268 Type Area: 97 × 268 Bleed: 210 × 297** Bleed: 139 × 297** Bleed: 110 × 297** 2/3 Page horizontal: 1/2 Page horizontal: Satzspiegel: 185 × 178 Satzspiegel: 185 × 132 Bleed: 210 × 192** Bleed: 210 × 147** Juniorpage: 1/3 Page vertical: 1/4 Page vertical: 1/8 Page vertical: Type Area: 126 × 180 Type Area: 68 × 268 Type Area: 39 × 268 Type Area: 97 × 66 Bleed: 136 × 195** Bleed: 81 × 297** Bleed: 52 × 297** 1/3 Page horizontal: 1/4 Page horizontal: 1/8 Page horizontal: Type Area: 185 × 88 Type Area: 185 × 66 Type Area: 185 × 32 Your ad is also Bleed: 210 × 103** Bleed: 210 × 81** published in the 1/4 Page vertical 2 columns: E-MAGAZINE Type Area: 97 × 132 Campaign ** Attention! Plus 3 mm trimming on all sides, including trimming marks. Text and image elements at risk of trimming must be at least Modules p. 25 Ads 5 mm away from the trimmed final format at the top and bottom, and 10 mm away at the sides (trim tolerances).
Media Kit 2023 F Technical Specifications 11 Technical Specifications Publishing House: VDE VERLAG GMBH Print Run: 1,125 copies Kaiserleistraße 8 A, 63067 Offenbach, Germany Sold Circulation: 420 copies Phone: +49 69 840006-1340 Fax: +49 69 840006-1399 Actual Distributed Circulation: 805 copies on an annual average (01. 07. 2021 – 30. 06. 2022) Terms of Payment: Magazine Format: 30 days net DIN A4, 210 mm width, 297 mm hight Bank Details: Type Area: Weberbank Actiengesellschaft, Berlin 185 mm width × 268 mm hight, 3 columns à 53 mm width each IBAN DE 36 1012 0100 6123 5490 39 SWIFT/BIC WELADED1WBB Printing and Binding Method: Offset printing, 54 or 60 grid, saddle stitching UniCredit Bank AG, Berlin IBAN DE 78 1002 0890 0002 6683 86 Electronic Data Submission: SWIFT/BIC HYVEDEMM488 PDF Format X-1a or X-4, composite PDF, fonts embedded, The General Terms and Conditions of VDE VERLAG GMBH apply do not convert to paths or image files. (pages 26/27) Always add „www.“ to links in ads. Do not wrap, rotate, compress, or scale. Surcharges: Do not use capital letters, otherwise no linking can be guaranteed in the e-magazines. Color surcharges (discountable): Additional chromatic color from four-color European scale see ad formats, Image data CMYK colors, resolution: b/w images 1 200 dpi, color or grayscale each special color (HKS, Pantone) € 925.– 300 dpi. For the desired color reproduction, a color proof according to Fogra standard is required. Placement surcharge (discountable): For the obligation to adhere to a certain space or a page as well as for the Data submission to: placement of page-part advertisements in the editorial text: 10 % on the Deadlines: advertising price. EHP Magazine see pages 4 to 7 Cropping surcharge is not charged. EHP Newsletter see page 20
Media Kit 2023 Special Advertising Forms 12 RWERBEFORM Special advertising formats – Examples of special advertising forms*: NDE EN SO as individual as your offer! Attention-grabbing special advertising formats offer a variety of attractive advertising options. An extra- nn ordinary advertising presence is guaranteed! iv ov kt i ativ ffe • in divid u ell • e • Show innovation through attractive advertising. Banderole Supplement Sticky Note • Stand out from your competitors. • Make your advertising even more effective Benefit from our experience and technical know-how and plan your individual advertising campaign with us. We offer you solutions at the highest technical level. AB You have ideas that we have not yet offered? We will be happy to calculate your request, Gatefolder Insert Lenticular (flip image) look for production partners if necessary, and prepare an offer for you. Please contact us! Contact: Olaf Schneider, Head of Sales and Advertising Post-it-article Bookmark Title Phone: + 49 69 840006-13 40 Flyer Email: Company Pull Strip Title foil profile * For more information and other special advertising formats, visit For technical reasons, not all special print ads appear in the e-magazine.
Media Kit 2023 2 Circulation Analysis 13 Circulation Monitoring: Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung Surplus, Archive, and der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern e. V. (IVW) Specimen Copies*: 320 Circulation Analysis: Copies per issue, annual average for the period from Geographical Distribution Juli 1st , 2021 to June 30 th, 2022 Analysis: Share of actually distributed circulation Copies Printed*: 1,125 Economic Area Percentage Copies Domestic 87.6 % 705 Actually Distributed Circulation (ADC)*: 805 thereof abroad: 100 Abroad 12.4 % 100 thereof Switzerland 2.4 % 19 Sold Copies*: 420 thereof abroad: 75 thereof Austria 5.1 % 41 By Subscription*: 407 thereof member copies: thereof other countries 4.9 % 39 Individual Copies Sold*: 0 0 Other Sales*: 13 Actually Distributed Circulation: 100.0 % 805 Free Copies*: 385 Summary of the Survey Method 1. Method: recipient structure analysis by file evaluation. 4. Target Persons of the Study: personal recipients recorded in the file 2. Population: ADC 805 = 100 % 5. Period of the Study: Juli 1st, 2021 to June 30th, 2022 3. Sample: total survey 6. Implementation of the Survey: VDE VERLAG GmbH * Source: IVW report on circulation, 3rd quarter 2021 – 2nd quarter 2022
Structural Analysis Media Kit 2023 3-E of Recipients 14 Industries/sectors/specialties/occupational groups Recipient groups Share of actually distributed copies Percentage Copies Energy Industry, Energy Supply, Municipal Utilities Heating and cooling supply, electricity (production, distribution, trade), gas (production, distribution, 40.8 % 328 trade), water supply Manufacturing industry 14.1 % 114 Steel construction, mechanical and plant engineering, energy technology, electrical engineering Economic, Scientific, and Technical Services Energy services, contracting, engineering and planning offices, architects, IT, metering, billing, consulting, 24.0 % 193 financial institutions, housing industry/building societies Structural and civil engineering (pipeline construction) 2.5 % 20 Authorities, public administrations, associations and organizations, educational institutions, 18.6 % 150 universities, libraries, other recipients Actually Distributed Circulation (ADC) 100.0 % 805 Summary of the Survey Method 1. Method: Structural analysis of recipients by file evaluation 4. Target Persons of the Study: personal recipients recorded in the file 2. Population: ADC 805 = 100 % 5. Period of the Study: Juli 1st, 2021 to June 30th, 2022 3. Sample: Total survey 6. Implementation of the Survey: VDE VERLAG GmbH
Media Mediakit Kit 2023 2023 O-1 15 – the Website of the EHP Magazine is the online platform for the fields of combined heat Job vacancies, dates, market partner entries, the magazine preview and the and power cogeneration, local/district heating and contracting. News, spe- the EHP newsletter extend the extensive offer. Returning users and a high cialized topics and and extensive services provide all users with a permanent level of reader loyalty are thus guaranteed. Ideal conditions, for your banner overview of the the industry. The e-magazine archive offers a full text search ads (p. 18) and job ads (p. 21), for example. for all subscribers. The online archive in particular is also popular with univer- We will be happy to advise you on your advertising planning! sities, colleges and libraries and libraries. Service Jobs, market partners, media data etc. Advertising possibilities: • Job ads (p. 21) • Market partner entry (p. 22) # $ News % Wärme, Kälte, Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung News from the EHP editorial team Advertising possibilities: & • Banner placement in the news environment (p. 18) Aktuell Themen EHP International Magazin Specials Newsletter " Special Topics • Energy Management • Generation/Storage • Grids EHP International E-magazine Specials Newsletter • Connection/customer systems • Measurement/Billing • e-magazine Magazine archive in the Special topics Newsletter of the Advertising possibilities: • Preview next issue online newsstand Advertising EHP editorial office • Target group-specific banner Advertising possibilities: possibilities: Advertising placement (p. 18) • Your print ad also online • Theme allocation of possibilities: • Social media (p. 24) (p. 8) special topics and spe- • Stand-Alone (p. 20) • Promotional banner in the cial issues (on request) • Banner Anzeige Home ! EUROHEAT&POWER ! online newsstand (p. 24) Aktuell Übersicht • Whitepaper (p. 23) • Text Ad !
Media Kit 2023 O-1 16 – The Portal of the Energy Industry Five specialist editorial teams of the energy magazines ew, netzpraxis, et, Print, e-magazines, newsletters and social media complete the content offe- EUROHEAT&POWER and StE are the guarantor for current news and well- ring. An ideal environment for your advertising campaigns on various media founded specialist information on all sectors of the energy industry. channels. Magazine Level (e. g. • strong Domain • Five specialist editorial departments • high reach • News and technical articles • cross-divisional • Five magazine target groups • Online archive with a total of more than 340 e-magazines Jobs (p. 21) • Job ads • Premium/Basis Market Partner (p. 22) • interaktive Map • Premium/Basis Calendar (p. 19) • Important industry events Service • Media rates • Editorial office, advertising Full Text Search department • Apps • Newsletter • Subscription/Reader Service • Specialist Books • Virtual energy events • and much more Metrics: 170,031 Visits; 397,399 Page impressions per year (Source: eTracker | 10/2021 – 09/2022) Media Kit 2023 O-1 Facts and Figures 17 Facts and Figures Advantages for Your Advertising with Benefit from the concept! • as a strong Domain • O ne Portal • high-quality content environment – five energy magazines • SEO advantages for your content – five editorial teams – five magazine target groups • high coverage • P ublication of articles on and • combinable media channels through social media (XING/LinkedIn) • cross-sector coverage • R esponsive presentation on all common end devices and brands. • t arget group specific or topic related placement Usage data of (in total)*: • responsive presentation Month Year Advertising Possibilities: • Banner/Virtual Energy Events (p. 18) Visits 14,169 170,031 • Text ads (p. 18) Page Impressions 33,117 397,399 • Job ads (p. 20) Usage data of individual channels on request • Market partners (p. 21) • approx. 22,000 Followers on XING • Webinars/Whitepapers (p. 22) • ore than 1,200 Job offers m • Newsletter/Stand-Alone (p. 23) • 00 Event announcements 3 • Use our campaign modules and benefit from further options such as social 385 e-magazines media or the event announcements. Learn more on page 25. • 52 Newsletters p. a. • 28 Market partners Plan your advertising campaign with now! • ore than 2,000 Followers on LinkedIn m Contact: * Source: eTracker (10/2021 – 09/2022) – Monthly figures: avarage values Olaf Schneider, Head of Sales and Advertising Phone: + 49 69 840006-13 40 Email:
Media Kit 2023 O-P Banners 18 1 Banners Positions Formats in Pixel (W × H) Prices per Month Super Banner 1 728 × 90 € 1,300 2 3 Wide Skyscraper 2 160 × 600 € 1,870 3 Sky scraper 3 120 × 600 € 1,450 1 + 2 4 Wallpaper/Tandem Ad see above € 5,300 or 3 Billboard Banner 4 960 × 250 € 2,950 Full Banner Top 5 468 × 60 € 600 Full Banner Base 6 468 × 60 € 600 Medium Rectangle Top 7 300 × 250 € 1,450 Medium Rectangle Base 8 300 × 250 € 1,450 • Headline: max. 100 characters (incl. spaces) Text Ad 9 7 • Preview image: 1320 × 904 px € 1,545 (as Banner) (JPEG | PNG | max. 200 kB) • plus target link/URL 5 • Headline: max. 100 characters (incl. spaces) • Teaser text: max. 300 characters (incl. spaces) • Short Teaser: max. 156 characters 9 (incl. spaces) 8 • Content text: max. 1,500 characters 10 Text Ad Feed 10 (incl. spaces) € 2,060 (as News) • Target link/URL 6 • Keywords: 5 – 7 Keywords (what the text is about) • Preview image: 1320 × 904 px (JPG | PNG | max. 200 kB) • Image caption: max. 220 characters (incl. spaces) and image source
Media Mediakit Kit 2023 2023 O-F Banners 19 Banners Discounts: 3 × 5 % | 6 × 10 % | ab 9 × 15 % Reach your Target Groups: Combined discount with your print advertising on request. All banners and advertorials are displayed Run-of-Sight (RoS) in the EHP channel on This gives you the highest possible reach File Formats and File Sizes: without scatter losses. Banner: JPEG | PNG | GIF | max. 40 kB Video: YouTube URL intrgration Position: Preview Image: 1320 × 904 px (JPEG | PNG | max. 40 kB) Placement is according to the booked position, as far as it is possible accord- ing to the page design. The positions may deviate from the illustration. Data Submission: At least one week before campaign launch via email to: Technical Notes: Your banner will be displayed according to the technical possibilities on desktop and mobile (responsive) devices. The banner display on the Reporting: desktop is without rotation. On the mobile device they can rotate. Upon request you can receive an analysis of the ad impressions and ad clicks. Responsive Rendering: In mobile display, the Skyscraper ( 2 + 3 ) is routed to Super Banner 1 Virtual Energy Events and played out in rotation. Your online event on As BASIS, EXTENDED or PREMIUM entry. For this we need the following in addition to the booked standard format From € 770 per month. banner sizes: Learn more at: • for Super Banner booking: 320 × 50 px, max. 40 kB • for Wide-/Skyscraper booking: 728 × 90 px + 320 × 50 px, max. 40 kB Presentation Note: The final presentation of all banners is subject to the settings of the respec- tive Internet accesses (adblockers/firewalls, etc.), of the end devices, of the type of media usage (desktop/tablet/smartphone), and of the screen sizes. Minimum Term: 1 calendar month Campaign Modules p. 25 Banners/ Text Ad Feeds
Newsletter and Media Kit 2023 N Stand-Alone 20 Newsletter Advertising Forms and Prices*: With the EHP newsletter, you use a target group-oriented push medium for Advertising Position Formats Prices your advertising message or job advertisement Form Newsletter Content: Industry news, magazine articles. Full Banner 1 468 x 60 € 710 Dates: Premium 2 468 x 250 € 1,020 Banner Edition Publication Dates 3 Image: JPEG | PNG (250 × 170 px, 1 31. 01. 2023 EHP EHPNewsletter Newsletter| 11. 1 | 11.August August2021 2021| | EHP Newsletter | 11. August 2021 | Anzeige Anzeige Text + max. 200 kB) + text (max. 400 Anzeige EHP Newsletter | 11. August 2021 | 2 14. 02. 2023* Liebe LiebeLeserinnen LeserinnenundundLeser, Leser, Anzeige Image / characters. incl. blanks) with € 610 Advertorial heading (max. 60 chars.) as open Liebe die Leserinnen und Leser, dieFernwärme Fernwärmeergrünt. ergrünt.Beispiele BeispielefürfürWärmeerzeugung Wärmeerzeugungaus auserneuerbaren erneuerbarenEnergien Energienfinden findenSie Siesowohl sowohlininder der aktuellen die Ausgabe Fernwärme aktuellen Ausgabe der derEUROHEAT&POWER ergrünt. Beispiele als alsauch für Wärmeerzeugung EUROHEAT&POWER auchauf aus erneuerbaren Die DieIntegration Energien finden Sie Integration der grünen sowohl der in der grünen 3 21. 03. 2023 Fernwärme aktuellen Fernwärme ininbestehende Ausgabebestehende Netze Netzebringt der EUROHEAT&POWERbringtjedoch auch als jedoch Herausforderungen auch auch auf Herausforderungen mit mitsich, Die fürfürdiedieu.a. Integration sich, das der u.a. grünen das 1 2 Forschungsprojekt Fernwärme Forschungsprojekt UrbanTurn in bestehende UrbanTurn Lösungen Netze sucht. bringt jedoch Lösungen Die DieTransformation auch sucht. Transformationististimim Herausforderungen vollen mit sich,Gange. vollen für Gange.die u.a. das Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, Forschungsprojekt UrbanTurn Lösungen sucht. Die Transformation ist im vollen Gange. file + link die Fernwärme ergrünt. Beispiele für Wärmeerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien finden Sie sowohl in der aktuellen Ausgabe der EUROHEAT&POWER als auch auf Die Integration der grünen Fernwärme in bestehende Netze bringt jedoch auch Herausforderungen mit sich, für die u.a. das Forschungsprojekt UrbanTurn Lösungen sucht. Die Transformation ist im vollen Gange. 4 18. 04. 2023 Silke SilkeLaufkötter, Laufkötter,Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief Silke Laufkötter, Editor-in-Chief € 515 News Newsauf News auf Silke Laufkötter, Editor-in-Chief Ergebnisse Ergebnissevon vonUrbanTurn UrbanTurnnutzen nutzenbei beider 5 16. 05. 2023* der Ergebnisse von der Transformation TransformationUrbanTurn nutzen bei der derFernwärmenetze Fernwärmenetze News auf Transformation der Fernwärmenetze Wie Wiemüssen müssenFernwärmenetze Fernwärmenetzeininurbanen urbanenRäumen Ergebnisse von UrbanTurn nutzen bei der Räumen € 360 in connec- Job Adver- transformiert Wie werden, um müssen Fernwärmenetze transformiert werden, ummöglichst optimal in urbanen möglichst mit Räumen optimal mit Transformation schwankenden der Temperatur- Fernwärmenetze und transformiert schwankenden werden, Temperatur- undDruckverhältnissen um möglichst optimal mit Druckverhältnissen 6 13. 06. 2023 beim beimEinspeisen schwankenden Einspeisen von vonWärme Temperatur- Wärme aus und erneuerbaren Druckverhältnissen aus erneuerbaren Optionally as banner or text + image tion with your print Energien beim umgehen Einspeisen Energien vonzuzu umgehen können? Wärme ausDieser können? Frage erneuerbaren geht gehtdas Wie müssen Fernwärmenetze inDieser urbanenFrage Räumen das Forschungsprojekt Energien umgehen UrbanTurn Forschungsprojekt zu können?nach, UrbanTurn nach,für Dieser das dasnoch Frage für geht nochdas transformiert werden, um möglichst optimal mit tisement Mitstreiter Mitstreitergesucht Forschungsprojekt werden. UrbanTurn gesucht nach, für das noch werden. und schwankenden Temperatur- Druckverhältnissen Mitstreiter gesucht werden. beim Einspeisen von Wärme aus erneuerbaren or online job offer Energien umgehen zu können? Dieser Frage geht das 7 18. 07. 2023 Forschungsprojekt Weiterlesen Weiterlesen UrbanTurn nach, für das noch Mitstreiter gesucht werden. Weiterlesen (p. 20) Anzeige AnzeigeWeiterlesen Smart SmartMeter: Anzeige Meter:Wie Wiegeht‘s geht‘sweiter weiternach nachdem dem 8 31. 08. 2023* Smart Urteil Meter: Urteildes desOVGWie OVG geht‘s weiter nach dem Münster? Münster? Urteil des OVG Münster? Anzeige Nachdem Nachdem diedieEinbauverpflichtung Einbauverpflichtung fürfürSmart SmartMeter Smart Meter: Wie geht‘s weiter nachMeter dem vorläufig vorläufiggestoppt Nachdem die wurde, ististdie Einbauverpflichtung gestoppt dieVerunsicherung für Smart Meter unter Urteil des OVGwurde, Münster? Verunsicherung unter *valid for one time shipment only den denMarktbeteiligten vorläufig gestoppt wurde,groß. Dieses ist Seminar Seminarbehandelt die Verunsicherung unter 1 3 Marktbeteiligten groß. Dieses behandelt alle alleFragen den Fragenrund rundum Marktbeteiligten umdendenSmart-Meter-Einsatz. groß. Dieses Seminar behandelt Smart-Meter-Einsatz. 9 19. 09. 2023 Teilnehmer alle Fragen lernen Teilnehmer rund die um lernen technischen den die undundrechtlichen Smart-Meter-Einsatz. technischen rechtlichen Nachdem die Einbauverpflichtung für Smart Meter Vorgaben Vorgabenfür Teilnehmer fürBSI-konforme lernen intelligente die technischen BSI-konforme Messsysteme und rechtlichen vorläufig gestoppt wurde, istintelligente Messsysteme die Verunsicherung unter (iMS) (iMS)und Vorgaben undden für Stand Standder derDiskussion BSI-konforme den intelligente Diskussion imim Messsysteme den Marktbeteiligten groß. Dieses Seminar behandelt Bundeswirtschaftsministerium (iMS) und den Stand der Diskussion Bundeswirtschaftsministerium zur zurweiteren im weiteren Geräteentwicklung Geräteentwicklungkennen. kennen. alle Fragen rund um den Smart-Meter-Einsatz. Bundeswirtschaftsministerium zur weiteren Geräteentwicklung kennen. Teilnehmer lernen die technischen und rechtlichen Stand-Alone Vorgaben für BSI-konforme intelligente Messsysteme 10 17. 10. 2023 (iMS) undansehen Jetzt Jetzt den Stand der Diskussion im ansehen Bundeswirtschaftsministerium Jetzt ansehen zur weiteren Geräteentwicklung kennen. Neue Jetzt ansehen NeueMWM-Gasaggregate MWM-Gasaggregatebringen bringenbis biszuzu1818 Neue MWM-Gasaggregate Prozent mehr Leistung bringen bis zu 18 mehrLeistung 11 14. 11. 2023 Prozent Reach exclusively the newsletter subscribers of the EHP magazine with your Prozent mehr Leistung Caterpillar CaterpillarEnergy EnergySolutions Solutionsergänzt ergänztseine seine Neue MWM-Gasaggregate bringen bis zu 18 Gasaggregatserie Caterpillar Energy MWM Gasaggregatserie MWMTCG Solutions 3020 3020um ergänzt TCG umeine seineeineV12- V12-und und Prozent mehrMWM Gasaggregatserie Leistung V16-Zylinder-Variante. DieTCG Aggregate 3020 um sind fürfür eine V12- und V16-Zylinder-Variante. Die Aggregate sind advertising message. With an individual mailing date and the EHP newsletter Anwendungsbereiche Anwendungsbereichemit V16-Zylinder-Variante. mitErdgas, Die Erdgas,Biogas, Aggregate sind Deponie- Biogas,für Deponie- 12 12. 12. 2023* und undPropangas Propangas flexibel Anwendungsbereiche einsetzbar. mit flexibel Der Erdgas, Biogas, einsetzbar. Deponie- Caterpillar Energy Solutions ergänztDer seine Gesamtwirkungsgrad und Propangas flexibelliegt Gesamtwirkungsgrad liegtimimErdgasbetrieb einsetzbar. Der Erdgasbetrieb bei bis biszu Gasaggregatserie MWM TCG 3020 um eine beiV12- zu und 8787Prozent. Gesamtwirkungsgrad Prozent. liegt im Erdgasbetrieb bei bis zu V16-Zylinder-Variante. Die Aggregate sind für 87 Prozent. Anwendungsbereiche mit Erdgas, Biogas, Deponie- template, you can place your products, services, whitepapers, webinars, und Propangas flexibel einsetzbar. Der Gesamtwirkungsgrad Weiterlesen liegt im Erdgasbetrieb bei bis zu Weiterlesen 87 Prozent. Weiterlesen * Shipment including recipients of EHP International events or other information in a target group-oriented way. Weiterlesen Subject to changes and special newsletters Neue NeueDampferzeugungsanlage Dampferzeugungsanlageinin Neue Dampferzeugungsanlage Mannheim Mannheimverbrennt in verbrenntKakaoschalen Kakaoschalen Mannheim verbrennt Kakaoschalen Eine Eineneue neue Prozessdampfanlage Prozessdampfanlagezur zurVerwertung von Verwertung von Neue Dampferzeugungsanlage in Price: € 2,590.– Kakaoschalen Eine errichtet errichtetMVV neue Prozessdampfanlage Enamic amamNeckarufer. zur Verwertung von Deadline for Bookings and Documents for Newsletter and Stand-Alone: Kakaoschalen Mannheim verbrennt MVV Enamic Kakaoschalen Neckarufer. Dies DiesististBestandteil Kakaoschalen eines errichtet Bestandteil MVV einesContractingvertrags, den Enamic am Neckarufer. Contractingvertrags, dendie die Tochtergesellschaft Dies des ist Bestandteil eines Tochtergesellschaft desMannheimer Contractingvertrags, Mannheimer den die Energieunternehmens Tochtergesellschaft Energieunternehmens desMVVMVVmit mitOlam MannheimerOlam Food Food Eine neue Prozessdampfanlage zur Verwertung von Ingredients, einem Energieunternehmens Ingredients, einem Anbieter MVV von Anbieter Kakaobohnen mit Olam Food und Kakaoschalen errichtet MVVvon Kakaobohnen Enamic und am Neckarufer. Ingredienzen, Ingredients, Ingredienzen, geschlossen einem Anbieterhat. geschlossen von hat.Kakaobohnen und Dies ist Bestandteil eines Contractingvertrags, den die At least one week before publication. Please send your documents with indi- Ingredienzen, geschlossen hat. Tochtergesellschaft des Mannheimer Energieunternehmens MVV mit Olam Food Recipients: 687 (as of August 2022) Ingredients, Weiterlesen einem Anbieter von Kakaobohnen und Weiterlesen Ingredienzen, Weiterlesen geschlossen hat. cating the publication date to Weiterlesen SachsenEnergie SachsenEnergiereduziert SachsenEnergie Fernwärmeausbau Fernwärmeausbau Fernwärmeausbau Nordwest Nordwest reduziertmit reduziert mit mit ininDresden- Emissionen Emissionen Dresden- Emissionen in Dresden- Campaign Modules p. 25 Nordwest SachsenEnergie reduziert mit Newsletter/ SachsenEnergie hat SachsenEnergie hatdas dasEFRE-Förderprojekt EFRE-Förderprojekt Fernwärmeausbau Emissionen in Dresden- For more information on newsletter advertising and the stand-alone offer, „Fernwärmeausbau SachsenEnergie hatDresden-Nordwest“ „Fernwärmeausbau das fertiggestellt, EFRE-Förderprojekt Dresden-Nordwest“ fertiggestellt, Nordwest in dessen Rahmen über „Fernwärmeausbau elf Kilometer neue Dresden-Nordwest“ fertiggestellt, in dessen Rahmen über elf Kilometer neue Stand-Alone Fernwärmeleitungen in dessen Rahmen über Fernwärmeleitungen verlegt und undein einDüker elf Kilometer verlegt Dükerunter neue unterder der Elbe Elbeerrichtet errichtetwurden. Fernwärmeleitungen Durch verlegt wurden. Durch diesen und ein Düker unter der diesen SachsenEnergie hat das EFRE-Förderprojekt Fernwärmeausbau Elbe werden errichtet wurden. Fernwärmeausbau Durchinin werden Dresden Dresdenjährlich diesen jährlich3.500 3.500 please visit „Fernwärmeausbau Dresden-Nordwest“ fertiggestellt, Tonnen Tonnen CO2 Fernwärmeausbau CO2 eingespart. werden in Dresden jährlich 3.500 eingespart. in dessen Rahmen über elf Kilometer neue Tonnen CO2 eingespart. Fernwärmeleitungen verlegt und ein Düker unter der Elbe errichtet wurden. Durch diesen Fernwärmeausbau Weiterlesen Weiterlesen werden in Dresden jährlich 3.500 Tonnen CO2 eingespart. Weiterlesen AGFW Weiterlesen AGFWfordert fordertmehr mehrMittel Mittelund undeine einelängere längere AGFW fordert Laufzeit Laufzeitfür mehr Mittel und für fürBundesförderung Bundesförderung eine längere füreffiziente effiziente Laufzeit für Bundesförderung für effiziente Wärmenetze Wärmenetze Wärmenetze
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