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Gültig für / Valid for : Modbus Gateway - 01ELT2067 manual Art. Nr.: 01DOC1030-02 EC POWER A/S Samsøvej 25 • DK-8382 Hinnerup T 0045 87 43 41 00 • E mail@ecpower.dk VAT DK19228509 (DE) Technische Änderungen, Designabweichungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten. Alle Bilder dienen ausschließlich der Veranschaulichung und können abweichen. (EN) Subject to technical changes, design modifications and errors. All pictures shown are for illustrative purposes only. © by EC POWER A/S.
MODBUS GATEWAY INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 1. FUNKTION........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. KOMPONENTEN & WERKZEUG........................................................................................................................................................ 4 KOMPONENTEN.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 WERKZEUG...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 3. EINBINDUNG....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 EINBINDUNG - EINE XRGI®-ANLAGE .........................................................................................................................................................................................5 NETZWERKKABEL..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 NETZABSCHLUSS..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 SYSTEMSTECKER....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 3.2 EINBINDUNG - MEHRERE XRGI®-ANLAGEN ..........................................................................................................................................................................6 NETZWERKKABEL..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 NETZABSCHLUSS..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 SYSTEMSTECKER....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 4. KONFIGURATION................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 5. ANBINDUNG AN EXTERNE SYSTEME.............................................................................................................................................. 7 6. FUNKTIONSDIAGNOSE..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 BENÖTIGTE KOMPONENTEN..........................................................................................................................................................................................................8 SERIELLER ADAPTER............................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 KONTROLLNETZWERK.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 MODBUS SOFTWARE..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 CONTENT 1. FUNCTION........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 2. COMPONENTS & TOOLS.................................................................................................................................................................... 9 COMPONENTS........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 TOOLS..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 3. INSTALLATION.................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 3.1 INSTALLATION - ONE XRGI® SYSTEM .....................................................................................................................................................................................10 NETWORK CABLE...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 NETWORK TERMINATOR................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 SYSTEM PLUG.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 3.2 INSTALLATION - MORE THAN ONE XRGI® SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................................................11 NETWORK CABLE...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 NETWORK TERMINATOR................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 SYSTEM PLUG.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 4. CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................................................................................................. 12 5. CONNECTION TO EXTERNAL SYSTEMS........................................................................................................................................ 12 6. FUNCTIONALITY DIAGNOSE.......................................................................................................................................................... 13 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 SERIAL ADAPTOR...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 CONTROL NETWORK.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 MODBUS SOFTWARE.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 A. APPENDIX.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Schnittstellenbeschreibung / Description of the interfaces 3
DE MODBUS GATEWAY 1. FUNKTION Der Modbus Gateway ist eine Q-Network-Verbindungskomponente, die System- status-Informationen ermitteln kann. Er macht eine Vielzahl an Informationen zugänglich, die laufend vom XRGI®-System aktualisiert werden. Der Modbus Gateway erlaubt es außerdem, das XRGI®-System fernzuüberwachen; dies kann z.B. genutzt werden, wenn die VHP-Ready-Funktionalität gewünscht ist. Der Modbus Gateway hat zwei Hauptfunktionen: A U S L E S E N V O N I N F O R M AT I O N E N : Nach dem Anschluss an das Netzwerk stehen die Informationen sofort (ohne weitere Einrichtung) zur Verfügung. EXTERNE ANSTEUERUNG XRGI®-ANLAGE: Nach Initialisierung in der XRGI®-Steuerungssoftware kann der XRGI®-Betrieb durch eine externe Ansteuerung beeinflusst werden. Ist die externe Ansteuerung initialisiert, wird in der aktuellen Software-Version die XRGI®-Anlage ohne externe Ansteuerung im wärmegeführten Modus betrieben. Details zu den Hauptfunktionen sind in der Schnittstellenbeschreibung enthal- ten (siehe Appendix). V O R A U S S E T Z U N G E N Z U M E I N S AT Z ■ Der Modbus Gateway ist nur einsetzbar, wenn eine Displayplatine mit inte- griertem Modem im iQ-Schaltschrank vorhanden ist (bei der alten Display- platine ist das Modem separat). XRGI®-Anlagen mit älteren Displayplatinen können umgerüstet werden. EC POWER stellt hierzu ein Umrüst-Kit zur Ver- fügung. ■ Die Steuerung muss die Software-Version 1.11.5 oder höher haben. Ist in einer XRGI®-Anlage eine niedrigere Softwareversion gegeben, ist ein Software-Up- date erforderlich. 2. KOMPONENTEN & WERK ZEUG KOMPONENTEN Artikel-Nr. 01ELT2067 - Lieferumfang POS ANZAHL BESCHREIBUNG 1 1 Modbus Gateway-Box 2 1 Systemsteckergehäuse 3 1 Q-Netzwerkkabel 5m blau 1 2 3 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 WERK ZEUG Kein Werkzeug notwendig 4
MODBUS GATEWAY DE 3. EINBINDUNG Bitte halten Sie die Reihenfolge der beschriebenen Arbeitsschritte ein. Dies erleichtert Ihre Arbeit und stellt die Qualität der Einbindung sicher. 3.1 E INBINDUNG - E INE XRG I®-ANL AG E Der Modbus Gateway darf maximal mit einer XRGI®-Anlage (Q-Net Kontroll- netzwerk) verbunden werden - Abweichungen verursachen Betriebsstörungen! Der Modbus Gateway muss auf einen vibrationsfreien Untergrund montiert werden. NETZWERKK ABEL ■ Verbinden Sie den Modbus Gateway (1) mit dem iQ-Schaltschrank über das CAT6 RJ45 Netzwerkkabel (3). ■ Stecken Sie das Netzwerkkabel am Modbus Gateway in die RJ45 Steckdose und im iQ-Schaltschrank in den Netzwerkeingang X100. NE T Z ABSCHLUSS ■ Decken Sie ungenutzte RJ45 Steckdosen mit einem Netzabschluss RJ45 (8x8) ISDN ab. SYSTEMSTECKER 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 ■ Verbinden Sie den Modbus Gateway mit dem externen System über den Systemstecker (2). 5
DE MODBUS GATEWAY 3.2 E INBINDUNG - M EHR ER E XRG I®-ANL AG EN Der Modbus Gateway darf maximal mit einer XRGI®-Anlage (Q-Net Kontrollnetz- werk) verbunden werden. Der Modbus Gateway darf nicht zur Überbrückung von Kontrollnetzwerken zwischen zwei XRGI®-Anlagen verwendet werden. In einem Modbus-Netzwerk können mehrere Geräte vorhanden sein. Bei Mehr- modulanlagen ist pro XRGI®-Anlage ein Modbus Gateway zu installieren - Ab- weichungen verursachen Betriebsstörungen! Der Modbus Gateway muss auf einen vibrationsfreien Untergrund montiert werden. NETZWERKK ABEL ■ Verbinden Sie den Modbus Gateway (1) mit dem iQ-Schaltschrank über das CAT6 RJ45 Netzwerkkabel (3). ■ Stecken Sie das Netzwerkkabel am Modbus Gateway in die RJ45 Steckdose und im iQ-Schaltschrank in den Netzwerkeingang X100. NE T Z ABSCHLUSS ■ Decken Sie ungenutzte RJ45 Steckdosen mit einem Netzabschluss RJ45 (8x8) ISDN ab. SYSTEMSTECKER ■ Verbinden Sie den ersten Modbus Gateway mit dem externen System über den Systemstecker (2). ■ Verbinden Sie weitere Modbus Gateway miteinander über den Systemstecker. 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 6
MODBUS GATEWAY DE 4. K O N F I G U R AT I O N Nach der Einbindung des Modbus Gateways müssen die Parameter im iQ-Schalt- schrank konfiguriert werden, bevor die XRGI®-Anlage gestartet wird. ■ Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste am Bedienfeld, um die Displayanzeige zu aktivieren. ■ Drücken Sie erneut eine beliebige Taste am Bedienfeld, um zum Hauptmenü 1234567890 Verbrauch: 1/1 10.1 kW zu gelangen. 98 % 13:10:16 22.05.2019 Produktion: 9.9 kW ■ Gehen Sie mit den Tasten ▲▼auf Techniker und drücken Sie OK am Be- HAUPTMENÜ 1/1 dienfeld. Betriebsinfo. Einstellungen Modemanruf Techniker Wärmepumpe Start/Stopp Statistiken ■ Die Anzeige Techniker-Login erscheint. Geben Sie Ihre ID-Nr. und Passwort TECHNIKER-LOGIN 1/1 mit den Tasten ▲▼ein. ■ Bewegen Sie den Cursor mit den Tasten ▲▼auf Einloggen und drücken Sie ID-Nr.: 00000 anschließend OK am Bedienfeld. Passwort: 00000 Einloggen ■ Bewegen Sie im Technikermenü den Cursor mit den Tasten ▲▼ auf Konfi- TECHNIKERMENÜ 1/1 guration und drücken Sie OK am Bedienfeld. Log Wartung Q-Netz-Statistik Konfiguration Wärmepumpe Produktion IO-Status ■ Bewegen Sie den Cursor mit den Tasten ▲▼auf die Seite Modbus Gateway. MODBUS GATEWAY 5/7 ■ Bewegen Sie den Cursor mit den Tasten ▲▼ auf Slave-Adresse und drücken Slave-Adresse: 2 Sie OK am Bedienfeld, um das Feld zu aktivieren. ■ Geben Sie die korrekte Adresse mit den Tasten ▲▼ ein. Die Slave-Adresse Baud rate: 9.6 K muss im Modbus-Netzwerk einzigartig sein und im Bereich [2;247] liegen. Parity: None Stop bits: 1 ■ Drücken Sie ESC, um die Eingabe zu speichern. ■ Drücken Sie nochmals ESC, um zurück zum Menü zu gelangen. 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 5. ANBINDUNG AN EXTERNE SYSTEME Externe Systeme können über das Modbus RTU mit dem RS485 Bus angebunden werden. Details zur Programmierung der externen Anbindung finden sich in der Schnittstellenbeschreibung. 7
DE MODBUS GATEWAY 6. FUNKTIONSDIAGNOSE BENÖTIGTE KOMPONENTEN POS ANZAHL BESCHREIBUNG 1 1 Modbus Software Ar ti k e l - N r. K 0 0 0 1 1 7 2 1 USB zu RS-485 serieller Adapter 3 1 Kabel, RS-485 3-polig 1 2 3 SERIELLER ADAPT ER ■ Schließen Sie das RS-485 Kabel (3) am USB zu RS-485 serieller Adapter (2) an und verbinden Sie damit den Modbus Gateway und den Laptop. Sichern Sie bitte die korrekte Verbindung der Anschluss-Pins A, B und GND auf der Modbus-Kommunikationsseite. KONTROLLNE T Z WERK ■ Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Modbus Gateway mit dem Kontrollnetzwerk der XRGI®-Anlage verbunden ist. Bei korrekter Verbindung blinkt die orange LED Leuchte des Modbus Gateways, die die Kommunikation zur XRGI®-Anlage indiziert. M O D BUS S O F T WA R E Richten Sie die Modbus Software (2) ein - diese ist auf Anfrage erhältlich bei EC POWER. ■ Öffnen Sie die Modbus Software. ■ Wählen Sie die korrekte COM-port. 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 8
MODBUS GATEWAY EN 1. FUNCTION The Modbus Gateway is a Q-network connected device that can be added to provide the customer with system status information. A wide variety of infor- mation is available, and is continuously updated by the XRGI® system. The Modbus Gateway also provides a way to remote control the XRGI® system, which can be used e.g. by customers who want VHP ready functionality. The Modbus Gateway has two main functions: R E A D I N G I N F O R M AT I O N : Information is readily available (without the need for further equipment) once connected to the network. EXTERNAL CONTROL OF THE XRGI® SYSTEM: Once the XRGI® control software has been initialised, the operation of the XRGI® can be influenced by an external control. Once the external control has been in- itialised, the XRGI® system is operated in heat-controlled mode without external control in the current software version. The description of the interfaces includes details on the main functions. REQUIREMENTS FOR USE ■ The Modbus Gateway can only be used if the Central Control PCB with inte- grated modem is fitted in the iQ-Control Panel (the modem is separate with the old Central Control PCB). XRGI® systems with older Central Control PCBs can be upgraded. EC POWER provides an upgrade kit. ■ Software version 1.11.5 or higher is needed. A software update is required if an older software version is fitted in a XRGI® system. 2. COMPONENTS & TOOLS COMPO NEN T S Item no. 01ELT2067 - scope of delivery POS QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 1 Modbus Gateway-Box 2 1 System plug housing 3 1 Q-Network cable 5m blue 1 2 3 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 TOOLS No tools required 9
EN MODBUS GATEWAY 3. I N S TA L L AT I O N Please follow the steps in this instruction. This will make your work easier and ensure a high quality installation. 3.1 I N S TA L L AT I O N - O N E X R G I ® S Y S T E M The Modbus Gateway may be connected to a maximum of one XRGI® system (Q-net control network) - incorrect installation will cause errors! The Modbus Gateway must be installed on a vibration-free base. NET WORK CABLE ■ Connect the Modbus Gateway (1) to the iQ-Control Panel by the CAT6 RJ45 network cable (3). ■ Connect the network cable to the RJ45 plug on the Modbus Gateway and the X100 input in the iQ-Control Panel. N E T W O R K T E R M I N AT O R ■ Unused RJ45 plugs must be covered with RJ45 (8x8) ISDN network termina- tors. SYS T EM PLUG 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 ■ Connect the Modbus Gateway to the external system by the system plug (2). 10
MODBUS GATEWAY EN 3.2 I N S TA L L AT I O N - M O R E T H A N O N E X R G I ® S Y S T E M The Modbus Gateway may be connected to a maximum of one XRGI® system (Q-net control network). The modbus Gateway may not be used to bridge control networks between two XRGI® systems. Multiple units may be present on the same Modbus network. In multi-module systems, there must be installed one Modbus Gateway per XRGI® system - incorrect installation will cause errors! The Modbus Gateway must be installed on a vibration-free base. NET WORK CABLE ■ Connect the Modbus Gateway (1) to the iQ-Control Panel by the CAT6 RJ45 network cable (3). ■ Connect the network cable to the RJ45 plug on the Modbus Gateway and the X100 input in the iQ-Control Panel. N E T W O R K T E R M I N AT O R ■ Unused RJ45 plugs must be covered with RJ45 (8x8) ISDN network termina- tors. SYS T EM PLUG ■ Connect the first Modbus Gateway to the external system by the system plug (2). ■ Connect additional Modbus Gateways to each other by the system plug. 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 11
EN MODBUS GATEWAY 4. C O N F I G U R AT I O N After installation of the Modbus Gateway the parameters must be configured in the iQ-Control Panel prior to starting the XRGI® system. ■ Press any key on the user interface to activate the display and enter the menu. ■ Press any button on the user interface again to enter the main menu. 1234567890 1/1 Consumption 10.1 kW 98 % 13:10:16 22.05.2019 Production: 9.9 kW ■ Move the cursor to Technician by using the ▲▼buttons and press OK on MAIN MENU 1/1 the user interface. Operating info Settings Modem call Technician Heat pumps Start/Stop Statistics ■ The prompt Technician login appears. Enter your ID no. and password by TECHNICIAN LOGIN 1/1 using the ▲▼ buttons. ■ Move the cursor to Log in by using the ▲▼ buttons and press OK on the ID no.: 00000 user interface. Password: 00000 Log in ■ In the technician menu, move the cursor to Configuration by using the ▲▼ TECHNICIAN MENU 1/1 buttons and press OK on the user interface. Log Maintenance Q-network statistics Configuration Heat pumps Production IO status ■ Move the cursor to the page Modbus Gateway by using the ▲▼ buttons. MODBUS GATEWAY 5/7 ■ Move the cursor to Slave-Adresse by using the ▲▼ buttons and press OK Slave-Adresse: 2 on the user interface to activate the field. ■ Enter the correct address by using the ▲▼ buttons. The slave address must Baud rate: 9.6 K be unique on the Modbus network and in the range [2;247]. Parity: None Stop bits: 1 ■ Press ESC to save the entry. ■ Press ESC again to return to the menu. 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 5. CONNEC TION TO EXTERNAL SYSTEMS External systems can be connected to the RS485 bus via the Modbus RTU. The description of the interfaces includes details on programming the external connection. 12
MODBUS GATEWAY EN 6. FUNCTIONALITY DIAGNOSE REQUIRED COMPONENTS POS QTY. DESCRIPTION 1 1 Modbus software I te m no. K 0 0 0 1 1 7 2 1 USB to RS-485 serial adaptor 3 1 Cable, RS-485 3-pole 1 2 3 SERIAL ADAPTOR ■ Connect the RS-485 cable (3) to the USB zu RS-485 serial adaptor (2) and use it to connect the Modbus gateway and the laptop. Please ensure the correct connection for the A, B and GND terminal pins on the Modbus communication side. CO N T RO L NE T WO R K ■ Make sure that the Modbus Gateway is connected to the Control Network of the XRGI® system. For correct connection please observe the orange LED flashing on the Modbus Gateway for communication with the XRGI® system. M O D BUS S O F T WA R E Set up the Modbus software (2) - this is available on request from EC POWER. ■ Open the Modbus software. ■ Choose the correct COM port. 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 13
MODBUS GATEWAY A. APPENDIX A.1 INTRODUCTION The Modbus Gateway implements Modbus RTU on a RS485 bus. On locations with more XRGI® systems, the Modbus Gateways connected to each XRGI® system can share the Modbus network. A.2 RS485 The Modbus Gateway uses a galvanic isolated RS485 bus as the electric interface. When the lid is removed, the information on the inside of the lid shows how to connect the interface. Terminator is active by default and is the setting used when the Modbus Gate- way is also the bus end. When multiple Modbus Gateways are used, only the Modbus Gateway at the bus ends must have the terminator active. On all others, the jumper is removed to make the terminator inactive. C O M M U N I C AT I O N S E T T I N G S B AU D 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600 S TA R T B I T 1 S TO P B I T 1, 2 D ATA B I T S 8 PA R I T Y None, Even, Odd D E FAU LT A D D R E S S 1 – 100, Default 2 A.3 MODBUS FUNCTION The following function codes are the ones supported by the Modbus Gateway. A.3.1 F U N C T I O N 01H ( R E A D C O I L R E G I S T E R S ) This function is used to read a contiguous block of coils. The request frame specifies the starting register address and the number of coils to be read. The coils in the response message are packed as one coil per bit of the data field. Status is indicated as 1 = ON and 0 = OFF. The LSB of the first data byte contains the first coil addressed in the query, the other coils following toward the high end of the byte, and from low order to high order in the subsequent bytes. REQUEST F U N C T I O N CO D E 1 byte 0x01 S TA R T I N G A D D R E S S 2 byte 0x0000 to 0xFFFF Q UA N T I T Y O F CO I L S 2 byte 1 to 2000 RESPONSE 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 F U N C T I O N CO D E 1 byte 0x01 BY T E CO U N T 1 byte N* CO I L S TAT U S n byte n=N *N = Quantity of Outputs / 8. If the remainder is different from 0, N = N+1. 14
MODBUS GATEWAY ERROR F U N C T I O N CO D E 1 byte 0x81 E XC E P T I O N CO D E 1 byte 01, 02 or 03 HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF A REQUEST TO READ COIL 2-4 REQUEST RESPONSE FIELD NAME HEX FIELD NAME HEX FUNCTION 01 FUNCTION 01 S TA R T I N G A D D R E S S H I 00 BY T E CO U N T 01 S TA R T I N G A D D R E S S LO 01 O U T P U T S TAT U S 2+3+4 07 Q UA N T I T Y O F O U T P U T S H I 00 - Q UA N T I T Y O F O U T P U T S LO 03 - In the example all coils was ON, and the result is 0x07. Coil 2 is on LSB. The upper 5 bits are zero filled. A.3.2 F U N C T I O N 10 H ( W R I T E H O L D I N G R E G I S T E R S ) This function is used to write a continuous block of registers. The request frame specifies the starting register address and the number of registers to be written, followed by the data. The normal response message returns the function code, starting address and the number of registers written. REQUEST F U N C T I O N CO D E 1 byte 0x10 S TA R T I N G A D D R E S S 2 byte 0x0000 to 0xFFFF Q UA N T I T Y O F R E G I S T E R S 2 byte 0x0001 to 0x007B BY T E CO U N T 1 byte 2 x N* R E G I S T E R VA LU E S N* x 2 Bytes Value RESPONSE F U N C T I O N CO D E 1 byte 0x10 BY T E CO U N T 2 byte 0x0000 to 0xFFFF CO I L S TAT U S 2 byte 0x0001 to 0x007B *N = Quantity of input registers. ERROR F U N C T I O N CO D E 1 byte 0x90 E XC E P T I O N CO D E 1 byte 01, 02 or 03 HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF A REQUEST TO WRITE REGISTER 1+2 REQUEST RESPONSE FIELD NAME HEX FIELD NAME HEX FUNCTION 10 FUNCTION 10 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 S TA R T I N G A D D R E S S H I 00 S TA R T I N G A D D R E S S H I 00 S TA R T I N G A D D R E S S LO 01 S TA R T I N G A D D R E S S LO 01 Q UA N T I T Y O F O U T P U T S H I 00 Q UA N T I T Y O F O U T P U T S H I 00 Q UA N T I T Y O F O U T P U T S LO 02 Q UA N T I T Y O F O U T P U T S LO 02 BY T E CO U N T 04 - - R E G I S T E R VA LU E H I 01 - - R E G I S T E R VA LU E LO 02 - - R E G I S T E R VA LU E H I 03 - - R E G I S T E R VA LU E LO 04 - - In the example, 0x0102 is written to register address 01 and 0x0304 is written to register address 02. 15
MODBUS GATEWAY A.4 D ATA F O R M AT R E P R E S E N TAT I O N F O R M AT DESCRIPTION BITS RANGE BOOL Boolean 1 0 .. 1 INT16 Integer 16 -32768 .. 32767 UI N T 1 6 Unsigned integer 16 0 .. 65535 UI N T 3 2 Unsigned long 32 0 .. 4294967295 For all formats are store as MSB but transmitted with least significant byte first. A.5 VA R I A B L E S A.5.1 VA R I A B L E S R E A D W I T H FU N C T I O N CO D E 1 P H YS I C A L A D D R E S S LENGTH (BITS) VARIABLE NAME DATA FORMAT DESCRIPTION If 1, System is in ALARM STOP. Read error code 0X0000 1 Error BOOL register to see reason for alarm stop. 0x0001 1 Running BOOL See section A.5.4 0x0002 1 CHP ready BOOL See section A.5.4 0x0003 1 CHP not ready BOOL See section A.5.4 0x0004 1 Odd Storage BOOL See section A.5.4 0x0005 1 Storage Sequence Found BOOL See section A.5.4 A.5.2 VA R I A B L E S R E A D W I T H FU N C T I O N CO D E 4 P H YS I C A L A D D R E S S LENGTH (BITS) VARIABLE NAME DATA FORMAT DESCRIPTION 0X0000 1 Storage top temperature INT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x0001 1 Storage bottom temperature INT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x0002 1 Flow forward temperature INT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x0003 1 Flow return temperature INT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x0004 1 CHP to net temperature INT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x0005 1 Outside temperature INT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x0006 1 Current electric production UINT16 Value weight: kW x 10 0x0007 1 Cooling capacity UINT16 % 0x0008 1 Σ Electric production UINT32 kWh 0x000A 1 Σ Heat production UINT32 kWh 0x000C 1 Electric production last 15min UINT16 kWh 0x000D 1 Heat production last 15min UINT16 kWh 0x000E 2 Σ Fuel consumption UINT16 kWh 0x0010 1 Σ Running hours UINT16 Hours 0x0011 1 Σ Hours to service UINT16 Hours 0x0012 1 Error code UINT16 Number 0x0013 1 Generator start UINT16 Count. 0x0014 1 Heat control TMV temperature UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x0015 1 Heat control TMK temperature UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x0016 1 Heat control TLV temperature UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 0x0017 1 Heat control TLK temperature UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x0018 1 Heat control TReturn temperature UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x0019 1 Heat control operational setpoint UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x001A 1 Flow Master bypass temperature UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x001B 1 Flow Master source temperature UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x001C 1 Flow Master setpoint UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x001D 1 Flow Master operational setpoint UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x001E 1 Heat control engine pump level UINT16 % 0x001F 1 Heat control storage pump level UINT16 % 0x0020 1 Flow Master or Flow Control pump level UINT16 % 16
MODBUS GATEWAY 0x0021 1 Heat control valve position UINT16 % 0x0022 1 Flow Master valve position UINT16 % 0x0023 1 Engine current heat production UINT16 Value weight: kW x 100 0x0024 1 Heat exchanger condition UINT16 Value weight: kW/K x 10 0x0025 1 Heat control separation layer UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x0026 1 PU requested power UINT16 W 0x0027 1 PU LGVGP limit UINT16 W 0x0028 1 PU aim power UINT16 W 0x0029 1 PU power step position UINT16 Number 0x002A 1 PU map pressure UINT16 mBar 0x002B 1 PU fuel step position UINT16 Number 0x002C 1 PU ignition angle UINT16 Value weight: ° x 10 0x002D 1 PU water temperature UINT16 Value weight: °C x 100 0x002E 1 PU RPM UINT16 Number 0x002F 1 L1-L2 grid voltage UINT16 Volt 0x0030 1 L2-L3 grid voltage UINT16 Volt 0x0031 1 L3-L1 grid voltage UINT16 Volt 0x0032 1 Grid frequency UINT16 Value weight: Hz x 100 0x0033 1 System status UINT16 Number A.5.3 V A R I A B L E S W R I T T E N W I T H F U N C T I O N C O D E 10 P H YS I C A L A D D R E S S LENGTH (WORDS) VARIABLE NAME DATA FORMAT DESCRIPTION 0X0000 1 VPP mode UINT16 Mode number 0x0001 1 CHP load level UINT16 % A.5.4 V A R I A B L E E X P L A N AT I O N ERROR If ON, the XRGI® system is in alarm stop and needs a visit from a service technician. RUNNING If ON, XRGI® system is running. C H P R E A DY If ON and Running = OFF, XRGI® system is expected to start when allowed by VPP mode. If ON and Running = OFF, XRGI® system will not start even if allowed by VPP mode, but is expected C H P N OT R E A DY: to be ready later, when e.g. cooling capacity is reestablished. S TO R AG E TO P T E M P E R AT U R E Temperature at the first temperature sensor in the top of the storage tank. S TO R AG E B OT TO M T E M P E R AT U R E Temperature at the last temperature sensor in the bottom of the storage tank. Sensor after the mixing point, measuring the temperature on the water flowing into the central F LO W F O R WA R D T E M P E R AT U R E heating system Sensor before the mixing point, measuring the temperature on the water coming back from the F LO W R E T U R N T E M P E R AT U R E central heating system C H P TO N E T T E M P E R AT U R E Temperature available from CHP to net. O U T S I D E T E M P E R AT U R E Temperature measured outside the building. CURRENT ELECTRIC PRODUCTION Current measured electric production. CO O L I N G C A PAC I T Y 0 – 100% of water in storage tank, with temperature low enough to cool the engine. Σ ELECTRIC PRODUCTION Total measured electric production. Σ H E AT P R O D U C T I O N Total produced heat (calculated). Measured electric production, averaged over a 15min period. ELEC TRIC PRODUC TION LAST 15MIN Value is updated according to the control panel clock at 00, 15, 30 and 45 minutes. Heat production, averaged over a 15min period. H E AT P R O D U C T I O N L A S T 1 5 M I N Value is updated according to the control panel clock at 00, 15, 30 and 45 minutes. 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 Σ F U E L CO N S U M P T I O N Total fuel consumption (calculated). Σ RUNNING HOURS Total running hours. Σ H O U R S TO S E R V I C E Hours to service. If Error coil is 1, this Error Code is for the current alarm stop. E R R O R CO D E If Error coil is 0, the Error Code is from most resent alarm stop. Get the full list at www.service.ecpower.dk Σ G E N E R ATO R S TA R T S Count of generator starts. 17
MODBUS GATEWAY When the Control panel is set up to VHP, it is possible to control the behaviour of the system with the parameters VPP mode and CHP Load Level. Mode 0: Heat controlled mode, production at CHP load level from storage empty until storage full, and standby until storage empty. Mode 1: CHP runs maximal. Starts when T2 gets cold and stops when T3 gets hot. VPP MODE Mode 2: CHP runs minimum. Starts when T1 get cold and stops when T1 gets hot. Mode 3: CHP stopped. Mode 4: CHP stopped, Electric heater runs minimum, starts when T1 gets cold and starts when T1 gets hot. Mode 5: CHP stopped, Electric heater runs maximal, starts when second last storage sensor gets cold and stops when last storage sensor gets hot. When the Control panel is set up to VHP, it is possible to control the behaviour of the system with the parameters VPP mode and CHP Load Level. C H P LO A D L E V E L 0 - 100% of the nominal max power of the XRGI® system. If load is dropping below the XRGI® system’s minimum load. The XRGI system will produce the minimum load. H E AT CO N T R O L T M V T E M P E R AT U R E TMV is the current temperature of the hot water from Power Unit enters the Heat exchanger. H E AT CO N T R O L T M K T E M P E R AT U R E TMK is the current temperature of the water to the Power Unit leaving the Heat exchanger. H E AT CO N T R O L T LV T E M P E R AT U R E TLV is the current temperature of the hot water for domestic heating leaving the Heat exchanger. H E AT CO N T R O L T L K T E M P E R AT U R E TLK is the current temperature of the regulated cooling water entering the Heat exchanger. Treturn is the current temperature of the cold water from domestic heating entering the Heat H E AT CO N T R O L T R E T U R N T E M P E R AT U R E Control. H E AT CO N T R O L O P E R AT I O N A L S E T P O I N T The calculated TMV temperature the regulation is aiming for. Temperature measured on the main string between the return temperature and the Flow tem- F LO W M A S T E R BY PA S S T E M P E R AT U R E perature. F LO W M A S T E R S O U R C E T E M P E R AT U R E The source temperature measured by the Flow Master right before the pump and valve. F LO W M A S T E R S E T P O I N T The Flow Master or Flow Control user setpoint. The Flow Master or Flow Control operative setpoint. F LO W M A S T E R O P E R AT I O N A L S E T P O I N T Can be lower than the user setpoint, if the system does not have high enough water temperature to accommodate the user setpoint. H E AT CO N T R O L E N G I N E P U M P L E V E L 0-100% requested of the pump from the system. H E AT CO N T R O L S TO R AG E P U M P L E V E L 0-100% requested of the pump from the system. F LO W M A S T E R O R F LO W CO N T R O L 0-100% requested of the pump from the system. PUMP LEVEL H E AT CO N T R O L VA LV E P O S I T I O N 0-100% requested of the valve from the system. F LO W M A S T E R VA LV E P O S I T I O N 0-100% requested of the valve from the system. E N G I N E C U R R E N T H E AT P R O D U C T I O N Current heat production. H E AT E XC H A N G E R CO N D I T I O N Calculated heat Exchanger condition. Separation layer calculated by the system. H E AT CO N T R O L S E PA R AT I O N L AY E R Separation layer represents the highest water temperature return from the domestic heating sys- tem on which the Power Unit can run. PU REQUESTED POWER Current requested electric power load to the Power Unit. LGVGP (Low Grid Voltage Generator Protection) limit is a production limit that usually is the Power Unit’s max load value, but if grid situation leads to excessive slip in the generator, the limit will P U LG V G P L I M I T be lowered in order to protect the generator until the slip decrease again, where after the LGVGP limit will increase again. PU AIM POWER The Powerload the Power Unit is actual aiming for. PU POWER STEP POSITION Current position of the Power Unit power valve. PU MAP PRESSURE Current manifold air pressure. PU FUEL STEP POSITION Current position of the Power Unit fuel valve. PU IGNITION ANGLE Current Power Unit ignition angle. P U WAT E R T E M P E R AT U R E Current Power Unit water temperature measured inside the Power Unit. PU RPM Current Power Unit RPM. L 1 - L 2 G R I D V O LTAG E Current grid voltage between phase 1 and 2. L 2 - L 3 G R I D V O LTAG E Current grid voltage between phase 2 and 3. L 3 - L 1 G R I D V O LTAG E Current grid voltage between phase 3 and 1. GRID FREQUENCY Current grid frequency. S YS T E M S TAT U S Current system status, see online manual on service.ecpower.dk. 01DOC1030-02 - VERSION 20/1.0 - STAND 02/2020 For more information on Modbus protocol: www.modbus.org 18
Q-NETWORK M O D B U S G AT E WAY 0 1 E L T 2 0 6 7 M A N U A L 01DOC1030-02 02/2020
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