The Jean Monnet Chair Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels 1993 2016

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The Jean Monnet Chair Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels 1993 2016
The Jean Monnet Chair

  Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels

                  1993 – 2016

                   Universität zu Köln
Institut für Politische Wissenschaft und Europäische Fragen
                  Gottfried-Keller-Str. 6

                       50931 Köln
                 Compiled by C. Hefftler
The Jean Monnet Chair Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels 1993 2016
Executive summary

Mit Anlass des Übergangs in den                 At occasion of the upcoming retirement of
Ruhestand von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang                Prof. Wolfgang Wessels, this brochure
Wessels stellt diese Broschüre die              compiles the activities of the Jean Monnet
Aktivitäten des Jean Monnet Lehrstuhls im       Chair for the time period of 1993 to 2016.
Zeitraum von 1993 bis 2016 zusammen.            Next to the regular teaching and research
Neben der regulären universitären Lehre         activities, the Chair has acquired and
und Forschung führte der Lehrstuhl              managed numerous projects on topics of
zahlreiche Projekte zu Themenstellungen         European integration. A dense, pan-
der europäischen Integration durch. In den      European network of cooperation in
vergangenen vierundzwanzig Jahren ist so        research and teaching has developed in
ein Europa-weites dichtes Netzwerk von          the past twenty-four years, so especially in
Kooperationen zu Forschung und Lehre            contact to the Sciences Po in Paris, the
entstanden, so insbesondere mit der             Charles University in Prague, the Middle
Sciences Po in Paris, der Karlsuniversität in   East Technical University in Ankara and
Prag und der Middle East Technical              Maastricht     University.    The     close
University (METU) in Ankara. Die enge           collaboration with the Trans European
Zusammenarbeit mit der Trans European           Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) in
Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) in           Brussels and the Institute for European
Brüssels und dem Institut für Europäische       Politics (IEP) in Berlin, where the chair
Politik (IEP) in Berlin, bei denen der          holder has the position of chairmanship of
Lehrstuhlinhaber in der Funktion als            the board, assured the link to political
Vorsitzender des Vorstands eingebunden          practice. Close cooperation also emerged
war, hat stets die Verbindung zur Praxis        within the University of Cologne in the
gewahrt. Auch universitäts-intern sind          continuous collaboration with other Jean
enge Kooperationen durch kontinuierliche        Monnet Chairs and the Energy Economic
Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Jean Monnet          Research Institute.
Lehrstühlen      und dem Energiewissen-
                                                In perspective of an institutionalist
schaftlichen Institut entstanden.
                                                approach, the Chair had its key research
Aus Perspektive eines institutionellen          interests in the evolution of European
Ansatzes waren zentrale Forschungs-             integration and the functioning of EU
schwerpunkte des Lehrstuhls die Evolution       institutions. The continuous deepening of
der europäischen Integration und die            cooperation among EU member states has
Funktionsweise der EU Institutionen. Die        been analysed in light of the ‘fusion’ thesis
kontinuierliche Vertiefung der Koopera-         according to which supranational and
tion der Mitgliedstaaten wurde insbeson-        intergovernmental elements explain the
dere aus Sicht der Fusionsthese analysiert,     dynamics of EU integration. In the course
wonach die Verschränkung von supra-             of the past twenty-four years, a number of
nationalen und intergouvernementalen            critical junctures as in EU treaty revisions
Elementen die Integrationsdynamik               were analysed. When the financial and
erklärt. Im Verlauf der vergangenen          debt crisis hit the EU in 2008, research
zwanzig Jahre wurden so mehrere              focussed on its impact on the member
historische Wegmarken der EU Vertrags-       states and on the institutional balance in
revisionen behandelt. Mit Einschlag der      the EU – especially in view of the role of
Finanz- und Schuldenkrise ab 2008 sind       the European Council.
aber auch die Auswirkungen der Krise in
                                             For teaching EU integration, the chair
den Fokus gerückt, gerade auch für die
                                             holder has contributed at the University of
Rolle des Europäischen Rates im Institu-
                                             Cologne, but also at the College of Europe
                                             in Bruges and Natolin, in the establishment
Für die Lehre zur europäischen Integration   of a study course on political science at
hat der Lehrstuhlinhaber über die            the Turkish-German University in Istanbul
Universität zu Köln hinaus beigetragen im    and in the implementation of a double
College of Europe in Brügge und Natolin,     masters programme together with
durch die Etablierung eines Studiengangs     Maastricht University. Furthermore, the
zu EU Themen an der Türkisch-Deutschen       continuous edited books of the “Jahrbuch
Universität in Istanbul und die Umsetzung    der europäischen Integration” and
eines Doppel-Masterstudienganges in          “Europa A – Z” have become standard
Kooperation mit der Universität Maas-        works which allow an easy access to
tricht. Zudem haben sich das „Jahrbuch       understanding basic structures and current
der europäischen Integration“ und das        developments of the EU.
Taschenbuch „Europa A–Z“ zu Standard-
                                             The encompassing activities of the Chair
werken entwickelt, die einfachen Zugang
                                             over the past decades have been a
zu Grundprinzipien und aktuellen Ent-
                                             collective endeavour of all research
wicklungen der EU geben.
                                             personnel and colleagues of the chair.
Die umfangreichen Aktivitäten des Lehr-      Kind thanks are also directed towards the
stuhls über Jahrzehnte stellen ein Gemein-   founding organizations which have enabled
schaftswerk der MitarbeiterInnen und         the numerous projects and events.
KollegInnen dar. So gilt auch den Förder-
                                             In the first section of this brochure we
organisationen der Dank, die die
                                             give an overview of the projects on
zahlreichen Projekte und Veranstaltungen
                                             research, teaching and networking among
ermöglicht haben. Im ersten Teil dieser
                                             scientists. The second part lists the
Übersicht sind Projekte zu Forschung,
                                             publications of the chair holder. Finally,
Lehre und Vernetzung der Wissenschaft
                                             the supervised dissertations, all research
aufgeführt. Teil zwei führt die Publika-
                                             personnel since 1993 and visiting lecturers
tionen des Lehrstuhlinhabers auf. Ab-
                                             and professors are listed.
schließend sind die betreuten Disserta-
tionen und die MitarbeiterInnen und
GastwissenschaftlerInnen des Jean Monnet
Lehrstuhl aufgeführt.

Research, Network and Teaching Projects ........................................................................................... 1

   Projects about the Institutions of the European Union ................................................................. 1

   Projects about Deepening and Widening European Integration .................................................. 4

   Projects about the EU External Action and Security ...................................................................... 6

   Projects about Governance and the Economic and Monetary Union ........................................ 8

   Projects relating to Turkey and the EU .......................................................................................... 10

   Projects relating to France ................................................................................................................. 12

   Projects establishing research networks ........................................................................................ 12

   Innovative teaching projects: virtual learning and simulations ................................................... 15

Publications ................................................................................................................................................ 18

   Standard and continuous publications ............................................................................................. 18

   Institutions of the European Union.................................................................................................. 19

   History of European Integration....................................................................................................... 20

   The EU in the International System: the Common Foreign and Security Policy and
   Common Security and Defence Policy ........................................................................................... 23

   The Economic and Monetary Union and Modes of Governance.............................................. 24

   Germany and the EU: The Local, Regional and National Level ................................................. 25

Supervision of Final Theses .................................................................................................................... 26

   PhD Theses Supervised by Prof. Wessels ...................................................................................... 26

Research Personnel of the Jean Monnet Chair, 1993–2016........................................................... 28
Research, Network and Teaching Projects

In collaborations in research, network and teaching projects, the Jean Monnet Chair of Prof.
Wessels has established a dense EU-wide scientific network and covered a broad range of
topics on European Union. In the following, projects are listed which were coordinated by
the chair or in which it participated as project partner.

A number of research projects have investigated the role and functions of political
institutions in the EU covering both sides of executive and legislative power and all levels of
governance. Other network- and research-oriented projects have analysed the logic of the
evolution of European integration. From the range of policy areas of the EU, external action
and economic integration were core themes in third-party funded projects of the chair. The
relation of EU and Turkey was prominent in the partnerships which have been established
with Turkish research institutes. The chair has contributed to transnational scientific
exchange and cooperation, as numerous projects establishing European research networks
attest. Finally, the transfer of knowledge on the EU was the theme in projects on innovative
teaching methods.

Projects about the Institutions of the European Union
The following projects have analysed political institutions at local, national and EU level in the
process of EU decision-making.

                      SUMMIT – Studying the European Council – Mastering and Disseminating
                      Knowledge about a Key Institution

                      SUMMIT is dedicated to the European Council and aims to contribute to the promo-
                      tion of European Union studies by providing the latest research-based knowledge
                      about this key institution. The European Council takes centre stage within the EU in-
                      stitutional architecture concerning all major decisions on enlargement, treaty reform
                      or foreign policy. During the on-going Eurozone crisis management, it has even ex-
                      tended its leading position in day-to-day policy-making. The dominant characteristic
                      of the European Council is its de-facto influence beyond the wording of treaty arti-
                      cles. However, this key institution is still under-researched and also the general pu-
                      blic tends to know little about the work of this EU institution and how it is embed-
                      ded in the EU institutional framework.
                      Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne
                      Time period: September 2015 – February 2017
                      Funding organisation: European Commission, Jean Monnet Project

                      HOMER - From History to Memory Culture: Narratives of the European
                      Council Summits

                      The future of the European Union will increasingly be shaped by the perception of its
                      history and an evolving European memory culture. HOMER is a six step programme
                      that seeks to identify narratives, focusing on three history making summits of national
                      leaders in the history of European integration. The project will assess the summits in
                      The Hague (1969), Maastricht (1991) and Lisbon (2009) and analyse their roles in
                      developing a ‘master narrative’ of European integration.
                      Project partners: University of Cologne, Maastricht University, German Sport
                      University Cologne
                      Time period: September 2014 – August 2017
                      Funding organisation: European Commission, Jean Monnet Center of Excellence
PADEMIA – Erasmus Academic Network on Parliamentary Democracy in

The motivation of PADEMIA is to establish a Europe-wide and sustainable network
of 56 academic institutions from 31 countries to promote research and teaching in
reaction to growing European demands to study parliamentary democracy in Europe.
PADEMIA seeks to enhance discussion among students, junior and senior
researchers, also in exchange with stakeholders, on how to deal with the new
challenges parliaments and citizens across Europe are facing today. The network not
only responds to the “Future of Europe” report, but also to the implications of the
Lisbon Treaty and further formal agreements for parliamentary democracy in Europe.
Project partners: Coordinated by the Jean-Monnet Chair, University of Cologne and
the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Free University of
Amsterdam, 56 partner institutes across Europe
Time period: October 2013 – September 2016
Funding organisation: European Commission (Erasmus)

OPAL - Observatory of Parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty

The role of national parliaments in European integration is a topical issue in current
political and academic debates. The Treaty of Lisbon significantly expands the
influence of national parliaments in EU policy-making. To this end, the new treaty has
introduced “Provisions on Democratic Principles” stipulating that “national
parliaments contribute actively to the good functioning of the Union”. The
universities are analysing the role of all 40 national chambers in the EU in a three-
year project (2011-2014).
Project partners: Universitiy of Cambridge, University of Cologne, Maastricht
University, Science Po (Paris)
Time period: August 2011 – March 2014
Funding organistaion: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, in cooperation with ESRC,

LISBOAN - Erasmus Academic Network on researching and teaching the
Treaty of Lisbon

LISBOAN (Linking Interdisciplinary Integration Studies by Broadening the European
Academic Network) is a network which aims to strengthen cooperation between in-
stitutions of higher education and research in Europe with a view to teaching and re-
searching the Treaty of Lisbon, the European Union's legal foundation since Decem-
ber 2009. The project was from 2010-2013.
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair Cologne (coordinator) and 67 partner instituti-
ons from all EU member states, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey.
Time period: October 2010 – September 2013
Funding organisation: European Commission (Erasmus)

euconet – Die Stadt Köln als kommunaler                         Akteur     im    EU-
Mehrebenensystem nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon

Der Vertrag von Lissabon unternimmt eine grundlegende Neu-Strukturierung der
Kompetenzverteilung und Prozeduren der Politikgestaltung in Europa, die das
Handeln von Kommunen nachhaltig beeinflussen wird. Die vertraglich zugewiesene
und tatsächlich ausgeübte Rolle von Großstädten im EU-Mehrebenensystem gewinnt
eine neue und voraussichtlich verstärkte Bedeutung für die Zukunft kommunaler
Politik. Das Projekt will untersuchen, welche dynamischen Veränderungen bei
formalisierten Zugängen und informellen Netzwerken aufgrund der neuen
vertragsrechtlichen Architektur zu erwarten sind. Das zweijährige Projekt hat im
April 2011 begonnen.
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne, Fachhochschule Köln
Time period: 2010 – 2013
Funding organisation: Rheinernergie Stiftung
Constructions of 'Nature' and 'Space' and their life cycles

With this project geographers and political scientists of the University of Cologne
explored the process of formulation and implementation of European environment
policy. The project follows two objectives: At first, the existence and relevance of
the discursive categories ‘Nature’ and ‘Space’ in the political decision-making process
shall be reconstructed. Apart from this conceptual interest, the project aims on an
applied level to complement EU-oriented implementation studies by proposing
constructions of ‘Nature’ and ‘Space’ as factors that help to better understand policy
implementation within the multi-level system of governance in the EU.
Project partner: Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science and European Affairs and the
Chair for Human Geography at the Department of Geography, University of
Time period: January 2005 – August 2007
Funding organisation: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

IGC-NET – Anatomy, Analysis and Assessment of the EU
Constitutionalisation; studying constitutional reforms from the European
Convention to the Constitutional Treaty

Analysis and assessment of national and European debates about the
constitutionalisation of the EU are a major topic for research of the Jean Monnet
Centres of Excellence in the framework of the IGC-Net project. The network of
centres between universities will pursue linked objectives and joint actions for
reinforcing the European Research Area on the key issues for research and public
deliberations with the civil society to exchange contributions on the anatomy,
analysis and assessment of EU integration process from the European Convention
towards the IGC and the process of ratification of a Constitutional treaty.
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne (Coordinator); Charles
University Prague; Warsaw School of Economics; Dublin University College; Vienna
University of Business and Economics
Time period: 2004 – 2005
Funding organisation: European Commission (FP6)

Europäisierung von Ministerialverwaltungen in Mittel- und Osteuropa

Im Mittelpunkt des im Frühjahr 2000 aufgenommenen Forschungsprojekt steht die
Europäisierung der Ministerialverwaltungen der mittel- und osteuropäischen Staaten
Estland, Polen, Slowenien, der Tschechischen Republik und Ungarn (MOE-5) unter
den spezifischen Bedingungen der Transformation und der schrittweisen Integration
in die Europäische Union (EU).
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne, Institut für Europäische
Politik, Berlin
Time period: 2000 – 2003; 2004 – 2007
Funding organisation: Volkswagen Foundation

Projects about Deepening and Widening European Integration
The ”deepening” of EU integration in the sense of a further integration of competences at
EU level and ”widening” as the enlargement of the Union have been investigated in the
following projects.

                    EU-CONSENT - Wider Europe, deeper integration?
                    CONSENT (Constructing Europe Network) was a Network of Excellence for joint
                    research and teaching on the construction of a new Europe. The network addressed
                    questions of the mutual reinforcing effects of deepening and widening of the
                    European Union.
                    Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne (coordinator) and 49
                    partners from 25 countries
                    Time period: 2005 – 2009
                    Funding organisation: European Commission (FP6)

                    The European Polity Post Lisbon – EUPOLIS
                    Funded under the European Union's Jean Monnet Action for a period of 28 months
                    EUPOLIS, "The European Polity Post Lisbon", aims to stimulate academic debate on
                    the 'quasi'-constitutional evolution of the European polity from an interdisciplinary
                    and transnational perspective. EUPOLIS will deepen and widen the existing 'acquis
                    académique' on theory with an analysis from the perspective of the fusion thesis.
                    Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne (Coordinator);
                    University of Liverpool; Charles University Prague
                    Time period: September 2008 – December 2010
                    Funding organisation: Lifelong Learning programme/Education, Audiovisual and
                    Culture Executive Agency

                    'Leitbilder' for the European Union after Enlargement: Fragmentation,
                    Continuity or Reinvention?
                    The central aim of the project is answering the question whether and if so how the
                    spectrum of euro-political 'Leitbilder' has been changed by the enlargement of the
                    European Union in May 2004. It is analysed whether there are tendencies of
                    fragmentation, continuity or reformulation. A second aim is to create a network of
                    researchers and research activities in old and new member states.
                    Project partners:, Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin (coordinator), Jean Monnet
                    Chair, University of Cologne, Charles University Prague, Research Center of the
                    Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Bratislava, Corvinus University of Budapest,
                    European Center Natolin, Warsaw
                    Time period: July 2005 – October 2007
                    Funding organisation: Volkswagen Foundation

                    EUCON – Vom Europäischen Konvent zum öffentlichen Diskurs – Die
                    gemeinsame Europäische Zukunft diskutieren
                    With the start of the European Convention’s work the EU has entered a new and
                    decisive phase in the debate about the most important challenges it has to face in the
                    future. At the heart of these questions resides the perception that one major
                    shortcoming of the integration process is the increasing distance between the EU
                    institutions and its citizens and the resulting legitimacy gap. Aim of the EUCON
                    project is to promote and develop, on the basis of our trans-national network, a pan-
                    European debate and understanding on the key issues of the future of Europe by a
                    series of Conferences all over Europe.
                    Project partners: TEPSA and member institutes; Jean Monnet Chair, Cologne
                    Time period: September 2002 – December 2003
                    Funding organisation: European Commission
A constitution for the European Union

A constitution for the European Union is widely debated - its central terms and
concepts being sometimes rather ambiguous and often highly controversial. This
project analyses the public discourse on a constitution for th EU as well as the legal
implications for the member states. In order to assess the chances for a European
constitution a comparative approach has been chosen covering France, United
Kingdom, Germany and Austria. The project is based on a literature and document
analysis regarding the ongoing debate on a European constitution.
Project partners: Academy of Sciences, Vienna; Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches
Internationales, Paris; Jean-Monnet Chair, University of Cologne; Dr. John Pinder,
Great Britain
Time period: 2002
Funding organisation: Bundesministerium für Erziehung, Forschung und Kultur

Which kind of Constitution for Europe?

The topic of the project relates to the debate about a Constitution for the European
Union. The project aims at analysing political and academic contributions to this
debate. The project covers a wide range of questions on institutions, treaty making
and the evolution of integration, which are relevant for understanding the potential
impact of a European Constitution.
Project partners: Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin (coordinator), University of
Cologne, University of Vienna
Time period: 1999-2001
Funding organisation: ASKO Europa Stiftung, Saarbrücken

Das europapolitische Wirken von Friedrich Carl von Oppenheim

Friedrich Carl von Oppenheim was one of the most important persons in the history
of early European integration in Germany. Particularly as a sponsor of the Europa-
Union he linked politicians as well as representatives of society and economy in
order to promote the interests of the European integration. As a result of the
documentation and of the questioning of witnesses (oral history), the responsible
project staff expects for the publication the appreciation of the personality of
Oppenheim from three methodical perspectives: from a historical, an economic and a
political perspective.
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair in cooperation with the Department of History,
University of Cologne
Time period: 1999 – 2002
Funding organisation: Oppenheim Foundation

GOVIUM – Governance in the European Union ‘after’ Maastricht

The project focused on the question if and how the implementation of the Treaty on
European Union (TEU) has changed the preparation, making, implementation and
control of political, i.e. binding decisions by the use of quasi-state steering
mechanisms in the EC/EU and its member states. Relevant hypotheses concerning
the governance 'after' Maastricht were examined in a systematic research plan with
the help of quantitative and qualitative methods.

Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne
Time period: September 1997 – Aug 1999
Funding organization: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Collaborative Research

Projects about the EU external action and security
Several research and network projects have dealt with the role of the EU as a global actor
and the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU.

                     EXACT - Marie Curie ITN on EU External Action

                     The Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) EXACT is an EU wide Ph.D. and
                     professional training programme for young researchers, academics and professionals
                     in the field of EU External Action. Starting in January 2010 EXACT provides training
                     for 12 participants for a period of three years including local and network-?wide ac-
                     tivities provided by the nine partner institutions of the network. The programme of-
                     fers academic and professional training as well as a network of contacts throughout
                     academia and the private sector.
                     Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne (Coordinator);
                     Charles University Prague; University of Edinburgh; The Center for European Policy
                     Studies, Brussels; Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA), Brussels;
                     European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht; The Finnish Institute of
                     International Affairs, Helsinki; Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome; Institute for World
                     Economics, Budapest
                     Time period: January 2010 – December 2013
                     Funding organisation: European Commission (7 FP)


                     MERCURY is a consortium of academic partners formed to examine critically the Eu-
                     ropean Union's contribution to multilateralism. It explores multilateralism as a con-
                     cept, an aspiration, and a form of international order. MERCURY is funded through
                     the EU's Framework VII programme, with a total budget of 1.963 million.
                     Project partners: University of Edinburgh, University of Cologne (Partner), Charles
                     University Prague, Instituto Affari, Internazionali, Fondation Nationale de Sciences
                     Politiques, University of Pretoria, Fudan University, Stockholm International Peace
                     Research Institute, University of Cambridge
                     Time period: February 2009 – December 2012
                     Funding organisation: European Commission (FP7)

                     Challenge - Changing landscape of European Liberty and Security

                     This project seeks to facilitate more responsive and responsible judgements about
                     new regimes and practices of security (with a particular focus on the emerging
                     interface between internal and external security) in order to minimize the degree to
                     which they undermine civil liberties, human rights and social cohesion.
                     Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne (Partner), Dr.
                     Karen Smith, London School of Economics and Political Science, Esther Barbé,
                     Autonomous University of Barcelona in the framework of an integrated project
                     coordinated by Dr. Joanna Apap, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in
                     Brussels and Prof. Didider Bigo, Fondation Nationale de Sciences Politiques, Paris
                     Time period: July 2004 – June 2009
                     Funding organisation: European Commission (FP6)

                     FORNET – Foreign Policy Governance in Europe

                     The central objective of FORNET is the establishment and development of a
                     European-wide network of research on European Governance in the field of
                     Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), based upon close academic interaction,
                     common and comparable methodological approaches and the use of new techniques
                     of ‘virtualisation’ (i.e. the creation of virtual networks). The network includes a
                     comprehensive number of institutions and is a forum for informed discussion and
scholarly debate on all aspects of European foreign policy among academics and
Project partners: London School of Economics (Coordinator), Jean Monnet Chair
University of Cologne (Partner) and 23 other partner organisations
Time period: January 2003 – December 2005
Funding organisation: European Commission (FP5)

The ESDP in the transatlantic context - between alienation and new

The central aim of the project consists in analysing the implications of the
development of ESDP for transatlantic relations. Will it lead to a further alienation
between the European countries and the USA, or will it create a new kind of
partnership between both sides built upon a more equal distribution of
Project partners: King's College, London The Swedish Institute for International
Affairs, Stockholm; Institute for Security Studies, Paris; Institut français de relations
internationales, Paris; Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington,
D.C.; Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne (Project Director)
Time period: 2001 – December 2003
Funding organisation: Thyssen-Foundation

The Transatlantic Business Dialogue (TABD) – A New Model of Decision-
Making between Economic and Political Actors?

The TABD created in 1995 brings together the Chief Executive Officers of the
leading European and US-American enterprises in order to elaborate proposals for
the removal of trade barriers between the European Union and the United States.
To approach the issue, three models of interaction between political and economic
actors on different levels of governance were offered and tested throughout the
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne
Time period: 1999 – 2001
Funding organisation: Volkswagen Foundation

The EU as a civil-military crisis manager

The creation of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) in 1999 paved the
way for the European Union (EU) to act as an international crisis manager. Since, the
Union not only aims at adding a separate military capacity to its hitherto civilian
approach, but the very linkage of civilian and military means is declared to
characterise a distinctive EU crisis management concept. The study carried out in the
framework of the EFSPS programme analysed the specifics of the civil-military co-
ordination within the EU in Brussels and on the ground. It focused on the interplay
between member state principals and their institutional agents from 1999 to 2008.
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne
Time period: March 2006 – February 2008
Funding organisation: Volkswagen Foundation

Projects about Governance and the Economic and Monetary

            IConnectEU - Developing and testing a model for integrated
            dissemination of outcomes from complementary research projects

            IConnectEU aims at increasing the visibility and impact of collaborative research in
            Europe by improving the dissemination of and the accessibility to research outcomes
            from projects with similar topics and audience. EU-CONSENT (Constructing Europe
            Network) and seven other FP6-projects dealing with the broad topic of Governance
            in the EU, will serve as a use case for creating a pilot portal (content and software),
            which integrates their currently unconnected dissemination activities.
            Project partners: GESIS, Bonn (coordinator) and Jean Monnet Chair, University of
            Cologne and other project partner
            Time period: March 2006 – September 2008
            Funding organisation: EU-Commission (FP6)

            NewGov - New Modes of Governance

            The aim of the project is to examine the transformation of governance in and beyond
            Europe by mapping, evaluating and analysing the emergence, execution, and evolution
            of 'New Modes of Governance'. NewGov includes 24 projects and 2 transversal task
            Project partners: Robert Schuman Centre (RSCAS) and European University
            Institute (EUI), Florence (coordinators), Jean Monnet Chair of the University
            Cologne (Cluster Leader) and more than 50 participating researchers from some 35
            institutions in Western and Eastern Europe
            Time period: 2004 – 2008
            Funding organisation: European Commission (FP6)

            A study on the impact of Member State Policies on social and economic
            cohesion at regional level

            The underlying aim of the study was to understand how national policies affect
            cohesion with the overarching aim to call, first, for elucidation of how different sorts
            of policies were to be expected to impinge on cohesion and on establishing plausible
            parameters to measure the strength of the expected impact.
            Time period: 2003-2004
            Project partners: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
            Funding organisation: European Commission

            GOVECOR – EU Governance by self co-ordination: Towards a collective
            “governement économique”?

            The multi-national and interdisciplinary research project launched in September 2001
            and concluded in Spring 2004 has explored the prospects for the emergence of new
            modes of socio-economic governance in the European Union. In particular, Govecor
            has focused on the combined impact of the legal provisions for the coordination of
            employment policy as set out by the Treaty of Amsterdam and the Stability and
            Growth Pact.
            Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne, University of Stockholm,
            Université de Pau, European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, TEPSA
            Time period: September 2001 – February 2004
            Funding organisation: European Commission (FP5)

Employment Policies in Germany and the United Kingdom – The impact
of Europeanization

The aim of the project is to compare British and German employment policies in the
light of the evolving European Union level framework for promoting employment
that was introduced by the 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam. Since then, employment has
had a much higher priority in the fundamental aims of the European Union (EU). In
particular, a new European employment strategy (EES) was put in place in 1998 to
increase the rate of job creation and to add to the EMU policy armoury. At the heart
of the EES is an annual procedure (the so-called ‘Luxembourg process’) under which
Member States develop National Action Plans (NAPs) based on common guidelines
agreed at the European level.
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne (Coordinator); European
Institute, Business School South Bank University, London
Time period: March 2002 – March 2003
Funding organisation: Anglo-German-Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society

Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union after 1999

The aim of this project, carried out within the priority programme "Governance in
the European Union" co-ordinated by Prof. Dr. Beate Kohler-Koch, was to analyse
how new legal provisions in EMU related policies have led to significantly different
‘modes of governance’.
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne (Project Director);
Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute, TEPSA
Time period: July 1999 – December 2002
Funding organisation: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Collaboratice Research

The European Parliament and the national parliaments after Amsterdam

This research project analysed the validity of concepts and functions of the European
Parliament and of the national parliaments in the light of the Amsterdam Treaty.
Given the newly introduced powers for the European Parliament and the Treaty’s
Protocol on the role of national parliaments in the European Union, special attention
was given to the devolopment of both kinds of legislatures since 1997.
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne
Time period: July 1999 – June 2001
Funding organisation: Centre for European Integration Studies (ZEI)

Broad Economic Policy Guidelines

In addition to the project on the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines 200, a
follow-up study was carried out with the aim to assist the Economic and
Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament in providing its own
contribution to the analysis of the current economic situation of the EU in the year
2002, and the outlook for the future. The interdisciplinary (economic as well as
political) analysis was carried out by an interdisciplinary project expert group
from several member states.
Project partners: Prof. Iain Begg (London School of Economics and Political Science),
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels and Ingo Linsenmann (both University of Cologne),
Prof. Dr. Jacques E. Le Cacheux (Director, Observatoire français des conjonctures
économiques – OFCE, Paris), Prof. Dr. Jacques L.M. Pelkmans (College of Europe),
Dr. Kerstin Jacobsson (Score, Stockholm), Dr. Stefano Fantacone and Lisa Rodano
(both Centro Europa Ricerche CER, Rome), and Dermot Hodson (South Bank
University London).
Time period: July 2001 – April 2002; July 2002 – January 2003
Funding Organisation: TEPSA (European Parliament)

Projects relating to Turkey and the EU
The relation of Turkey and the EU has been of interest for the chair in practical and
academic terms. Since March 2002 the chair was involved in the establishment of a Turkish
German University in Istanbul. The network project SINAN encouraged the exchange
among Turkish and EU researchers. Finally, Turkey’s role for the EU was a topic of research
as in the field of energy policy.


                     The project “FEUTURE: The Future of EU-Turkey Relations: Mapping Dynamics and
                     Testing Scenarios” aims at shedding light on the multifaceted relations between
                     Turkey and Europe, to explore Turkey’s role in the region from a historical
                     perspective and to develop scenarios for the future. This inter- and transdisciplinary
                     analysis will create a basis for policy recommendations and lay out different options
                     for future relations between the EU and Turkey – including membership and other
                     potential partnerships.
                     Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne (project coordinator);
                     Instituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome, Koc University and Bilgi University in
                     Istanbul, Middle East Technical University (Ankara) and other project partners
                     Time period: 2016 – 2019
                     Funding organisation: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

                     Turkey's Potential as Future Energy Hub

                     This project examines Turkey’s role in global energy issues, such as energy supply
                     security. Political sciences analysis will be combined with economic modeling
                     techniques in order to better understand how decisions are made and what their
                     global impact will be. In doing so, different scenarios are developed to assess
                     whether Turkey can become an energy hub. An emphasis is put on geopolitical
                     conditions as well as on different actors that are involved in shaping Turkey’s energy
                     policy. While a political science perspective is adopted to compare Turkish and
                     European and German perceptions, the economic analysis focuses on Turkey’s role
                     in global oil and gas trade, especially with regard to new infrastructure projects. The
                     economic modeling part of the research project will quantify the changes that will
                     occur in the global oil and gas market as response to infrastructure changes in the
                     Middle East.
                     Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair of Prof. Wessels and Institute of Energy
                     Economics of Prof Bettzüge, University of Cologne and Center for European Studies
                     of the Middle East Technical University (Ankara)
                     Time period: January 2014 – December 2016
                     Funding organisation: Stiftung Mercator

                     Die Türkisch-Deutsche Universität

                     Seit Mitte 2006 liefen die Verhandlungen zur Gründung einer „Türkisch-Deutschen
                     Universität“ (TDU) in Istanbul. Im Mai 2008 wurde in Berlin das Regierungsabkom-
                     men zur Gründung der TDU von den Außenministern beider Länder und der deut-
                     schen Bildungsministerin unterzeichnet, das von beiden Ländern ratifiziert wurde. Die
                     offizielle Gründung der TDU, als staatliche Universität in Istanbul, fand im April 2010
                     statt. Die deutschen Kooperationsleistungen für den Aufbau und den Betrieb der
                     TDU werden vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) finanziert.
                     Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) entwickelt und koordiniert
                     das Universitätsprojekt im Auftrag und in Abstimmung mit dem BMBF und dem Aus-
                     wärtigen Amt (AA).
                     Für die akademische Gestaltung und Mitwirkung in Lehre und Forschung wurde ein
                     Hochschulkonsortium im Juli 2009 gegründet. Die Universität zu Köln übernahm in
                     Kooperation mit der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster die Federführung
für den Aufbau der Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (inkl.
Politikwissenschaft) der TDU. Als federführende Universität liegt die inhaltliche und
konzeptionelle Verantwortung des Fachkonzepts für den Aufbau der Wirtschafts-
und Verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (inkl. Politikwissenschaft) bei der Univer-
sität zu Köln, gemeinsam mit ihrem Kooperationspartner. Darüber hinaus wirkt die
WiSo-Fakultät der Universität zu Köln bei der Entwicklung von Studienprogrammen,
sowie der Qualifikation von Personal für die TDU mit.
Der Lehrstuhlinhaber Prof. Dr. W. Wessels wurde als Vertreter der Universität zu
Köln zu einem der Vizepräsidenten des K-TDU ernannt und gehört damit dem Präsi-
dium des Konsortiums TDU an.
Project partners: Freie Universität Berlin; Potsdam University; Technische
Hochschule Berlin; University of Cologne; Heidelberg University; Bielefeld University
Time period: since March 2002
Funding organisation: Federal Ministry of Education and Research/ German Academic
Exchange Service (DAAD)

SInAN - Strengthening and Integrating Academic Networks

The aim of the project is to create synergies between academic networks in Turkey
and the EU and engage academic communities in constructive dialogue and extensive
research on 'myths' that characterise the debate on Turkey's EU accession and
thereby ensure better knowledge of Turkey within the EU and of the EU within
Project partners: Centre for European Studies, Middle East Technical University,
Ankara (Coordinator) and Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne and other
partner institutes
Time period: June 2008 – November 2009
Funding organisation: Central Finance and Contracts Unit, Turkey/ European

Projects relating to France
The relation of France and Germany and the role of the two member states as ”the motor of
integration” within the EU has been a focus of the research activities of the chair.

                     THESEUS – establishing a European society

                     THESEUS is a European network that aims at fostering an open and constructive
                     dialogue about the future challenges of Europe between academia and politics. Its
                     purpose is to establish a European interdisciplinary and cross-generational network
                     and to enhance the mutual understanding of societies in Europe through various
                     activities: seminars for young leaders (THESEUS Europe@Work, THESEUS Summer
                     School), PhD workshops, conferences, visiting professorships, joint conferences,
                     public lectures and the remittal of two research awards for outstanding and
                     promising research on European integration.
                     Project partners: Centre d’etudes europénnes at Science Po Paris, Jean Monnet
                     Chair of Prof. Wessels at the University of Cologne (Project Director/Coordinator),
                     Trans European Policy Studies Association (Brussels), Fritz Thyssen Foundation
                     Time period: 2007-2016
                     Funding organisation: Fritz Thyssen Foundation


                     The 'Centrum für Interdisziplinäre Frankreich- und Francophonie-Forschung"
                     comprises four institutes that aim at enhancing the existing studies on France and the
                     Francophonie with an interdisciplinary approach at the University of Cologne.
                     Together with thte Institut Français de Cologne, four departments of political
                     science, history, linguistics and philology cooperated for teaching and research.
                     Project partners: University of Cologne
                     Time period: 2009-2014
                     Funding organisation: French Ambassy and University of Cologne

Projects establishing research networks
The Jean Monnet Chair coordinated a number of EU-wide network projects which linked
researchers and institutes in Europe and the world on different aspects of EU integration.
PADEMIA, LISBOAN and EU-CONSENT are listed here and above due to their dual purpose.

                     PADEMIA – Erasmus Academic Network on Parliamentary Democracy in

                     PADEMIA established a Europe-wide and sustainable network of 56 academic
                     institutions from 31 countries to promote research and teaching in reaction to
                     growing European demands to study parliamentary democracy in Europe. PADEMIA
                     seeks to enhance discussion among students, junior and senior researchers, also in
                     exchange with stakeholders, on how to deal with the new challenges parliaments and
                     citizens across Europe are facing today. The network not only responds to the
                     “Future of Europe” report, but also addresses the implications the Lisbon Treaty and
                     further formal agreements have for parliamentary democracy in Europe.
                     Project partners: Coordinated by the Jean-Monnet Chair, University of Cologne and
                     the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Free University of
                     Amsterdam, 56 partner institutes across Europe
                     Time period: October 2013 – September 2016
                     Funding organisation: European Commission (Erasmus)

LISBOAN - Erasmus Academic Network on researching and teaching the
Treaty of Lisbon

LISBOAN (Linking Interdisciplinary Integration Studies by Broadening the European
Academic Network) is a network which aims to strengthen cooperation between in-
stitutions of higher education and research in Europe with a view to teaching and re-
searching the Treaty of Lisbon, the European Union's legal foundation since Decem-
ber 2009. The project will be active from 2010-2013.
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair Cologne (coordinator) and 67 partner instituti-
ons from all EU member states as well as Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway
and Turkey.
Time period: October 2010 – September 2013
Funding organisation: European Commission (Erasmus)

EU-CONSENT - Wider Europe, deeper integration?

CONSENT (Constructing Europe Network) is a Network of Excellence for joint
research and teaching on the construction of a new Europe. The network will
address questions of the mutual reinforcing effects of deepening and widening of the
European Union.
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne (coordinator) and 49
partners from 25 countries
Time period: 2005 – 2009
Funding organisation: European Commission (FP6)


EU-Global Transatlantic Perspectives in a Changing Global Context: Multilateralism
Through Regionalism Project aims to establish and strengthen long-term new re-
search partnerships between European Research Area (ERA) institutions and respec-
ted research institutions in USA that are specifically working on European studies.
The project targets to create a network platform that involves partners awarded as
Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in EU Studies, foster transfer and exchange of
knowledge with a special focus on Euro-Transatlantic comparative perspective. Thus,
the project aim not only to create research partnerships but also equip participating
researchers with an unprecedented comparative perspective on EU affairs since it
will combine outlooks from a founding EU-member state, Germany, a candidate
country, Turkey and beyond the Atlantic, the USA.
Project partners: Center for European Studies, Middle East Technical University,
Turkey; University of California, EU-Center, USA; University of Pittsburgh, USA; Jean
Monnet Chair, University of Cologne; Yasar University EU Research Center, Turkey
Time period: 01 November 2012 – 31 October 2015
Funding organisation: European Commission (IRSES)

THESEUS – establishing a European society

THESEUS is a European network of thinkers and actors. THESEUS aims at fostering
an open and constructive dialogue about the future challenges of Europe between
academia and politics as well as between generations. Its purpose is to establish a
European interdisciplinary and cross-generational network and to enhance the
mutual understanding of societies in Europe through various activities: seminars for
young leaders, THESEUS conferences, visiting professorships and the remittal of two
research awards for outstanding and promising research on European integration.
Project partners: Science Po Paris, Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne
(Project Director/Coordinator), Trans European Policy Studies Association
(Brussels), Fritz Thyssen Foundation (Cologne)
Time period: 2006 – 2008; 2009 – 2011; 2011 – 2013
Funding organisation: Thyssen Foundation

COMOS – Coelner Monnet Vereinigung für EU Studien

The "Coelner Monnet Vereinigung für EU-Studien" (COMOS) supports the work of
the Jean Monnet Chair at the Institute for Political Science and European Issues at
the University of Cologne. COMOS has organized a number of conferences and
guest lectures on questions of EU integration and provided a platform of exchange of
members, friends and colleagues of the Jean Monnet Chair
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair and Alumni, University of Cologne
Time period: since 2004
Funding organisation: Cife, DAAD, Europa-Union Köln, IEP, Hanns Martin Schleyer-
Stiftung, Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds, Universität zu Köln, Türkisch-
Deutsche Universität, Istanbul, TEPSA

Cologne Pole of Jean Monnet Chairs and European Integration Specialists

The goal of the project is to achieve a better understanding of the main issues of the
European Union in intense debates on the future of the EU and its enlargement.
Project partners: Prof. St. Hobe (EC/EU Law, Jean Monnet Chair), Prof. J. Dülffer
(European integration history), Prof. W. Kitterer (EC financial system), Prof. Wessels
(EC/EU’s political system, Jean Monnet Chair)
Time period: 2003 – 2005
Funding organisation: European Commission (DG EAC)

Jean Monnet Regional Centre of Excellence

Founded on 29 June 1998, the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence NRW
(CE) aims at co-ordinating the autonomous projects carried out by the four
participating departments, so that they will support each other by contributing to the
work of the other departments. The relevant projects are: Summer Schools,
European Union virtual learning units, workshops, Project “Euro” and European
Project partners: Prof. Dr. Knipping, Jean Monnet Professor, University of
Wuppertal; Prof. Dr. Brunn, Jean-Monnet-Professor, Universität Siegen; Prof. Dr.
Losch, Jean Monnet Professor, University of Wuppertal; Prof. Dr. Wessels, Jean
Monnet Professor, University of Cologne; Prof. Dr. Kösters, Jean Monnet Professor,
University of Bochum
Time period: 1998-2001
Funding organisation: European Union

Innovative teaching projects: virtual learning and simulations
The Jean Monnet Chair has advanced both virtual as well as practice-oriented teaching
methods in EU studies. Numerous students had the opportunity to participate in simulations
of EU decision-making and in meetings with practitioners when traveling to Brussels, Berlin
and Paris. In the participation in the European Online Academy and via the establishment of
e-learning platforms, students and interested citizens have online access to knowledge on the
EU. A third element of projects listed below was the establishment of curricula for teaching
the EU.

                     EUCOPAS – Debating the European Union in Cologne and Paris

                     EUCOPAS is a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence consisting of the Jean Monnet
                     Chair, Prof. Wessels, University of Cologne and the Jean Monnet Chair in European
                     Union Law and Political Science at Sciences Po, Paris. EUCOPAS’ objective is to pro-
                     mote and mainstream EU-related key subjects in different disciplines and to reach
                     out to the wider public. It brings together young and experienced researchers as well
                     as students and the general public who have not yet been in regular contact with EU-
                     related topics. It provides students with practical insights into the EU-system in
                     order to enhance their academic skills and their employability. The objectives will be
                     achieved by establishing a research-based teaching programme comprising conferen-
                     ces, PhD workshops, MA summer schools and public lectures.
                     Project partner: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne and the Jean Monnet
                     Chair in European Union Law and Political Science at Sciences Po, Paris
                     Time period: September 2015 to August 2018
                     Funding organisation: European Commission


                     The motivation of PEGASUS is to establish a genuinely integrated European Ph.D.
                     degree in political science, on questions of European integration. The objective of the
                     trans-national consortium is to pool existing resources, combine expertise and
                     exchange our different national academic traditions and styles, to create a joint Ph.D.
                     curriculum. PEGASUS thereby contributes to the modernisation, Europeanization
                     and internationalisation of Ph.D. training in and beyond the European Higher
                     Education, Research and Teaching Area. This complementary mix of theoretical and
                     methodical approaches, specific expertise and best practices from our national
                     traditions, represents a clear added value and advantage for PEGASUS graduates.
                     Project partner: Charles University Prague; Middle East Technical University;
                     Institute of Advanced Studies, Austria; Trans European Policy Studies Association;
                     Maastricht University; University of Cologne
                     Time period: October 2012 – March 2015
                     Funding organisation: European Commission (Erasmus)

                     Europe@Work – Where the Ivory Tower meets Political Life

                     “Europe@Work – Where the Ivory Tower meets Political Life“ is a module for MA
                     students of Political Science, Economics and History at the University of Cologne and
                     selected students from other MA programs. The objective of the Jean Monnet
                     Module is to bring about first-hand understanding of both academic and everyday
                     practice of EU decision-making by offering students insights in “real life” political
                     processes and the possibility to “experience” the EU as a vivid political system and to
                     meet politicians, practitioners and stakeholders in a national capital as well as the
                     European capital Brussels.
                     Time period: 2013-2016
                     Funding organisation: European Commission (Lifelong Learning Programme)

PROTEUS – interdisziplinares Seminar in Recht und Politikwissenschaft

PROTEUS is a multinational and interdisciplinary course in law and politics of the
European Union, using simulation exercise carried out by a cooperation of different
partner institutions. The objective of the course is on the one hand to enable
students to acquire an additional qualification in law and politics of the European
Union. On the other hand, it is a chance to experience new methods of teaching and
to promote the students’ ability to work and communicate in multi-national teams.
Project partners: Jean Monnet Chair of Prof. Wessels and Jean Monnet Chair of Prof.
Hobe, University of Cologne, Sciences Po, Paris
Time period: since 2007
Funding organisation: Haniel-Foundation, Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk,
Deutsch-Französische Hochschule, Europäische Akademie Brüssel, Universität zu
Köln, Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung, Köln Alumni, COMOS, Kölner
Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds

European Online Academy

The European Online Academy and the Centre international de formation
européenne, CIFE, in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Chair of the University of
Cologne organises a Certificate programme (one-year) and a Master in EU Studies
Online (two-years). The European Online Academy opens the possibility for further
qualification by offering seminars in Brussels, Nice, and Berlin as well as virtual
teaching units and information material on European integration and its further
evolution. After taking part successfully in the teaching units, the participants receive
an European Certificate »Die Zukunft der Europäischen Union zwischen Vertiefung
und Erweiterung. Theorie und Praxis« issued by the project partners which indicates
the obtained knowledge and the performance of the participants.
Project partner: Centre international de formation européenne; Jean Monnet Chair
of the University of Cologne; Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences; Walter-Hallstein Institut für Europäisches Verfassungsrecht der
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin; Aberdeen Business School – The Robert Gordon
University; Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour; Centre d’Etudes et de
Recherches Internationales (CERI); Observatoire français des conjunctures
économiques (OFCE)
Time period: since October 2003
Funding organisation: European Commission (Erasmus +)

Ad Personam Jean Monnet Chair: TEAL - Teaching the Lisbon Treaties

The TEAL Project elaborated with multinational and multidisciplinary groups of
students in five European institutions of higher education major dimensions of the
Polity, Politics and Policies of the Lisbon-EU. On several (Bologna) levels from BA to
PhD, students studied the relations between the legal words and the real world in:
courses for a larger audience with excathedra and smaller tutorials (up to 350),
interactive courses for smaller groups (up to 25), simulation games for multi-national
groups, virtual teaching units and a teaching companion.
Project partner: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Cologne
Time period: September 2011 – August 2014
Funding organisation: European Commission (Jean Monnet)

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