Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?! 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018 Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center

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Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?! 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018 Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center
Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?!

■ 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018
■ Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center

Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?! 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018 Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center
Blockchain all over …

                        2   © Fujitsu 2018
Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?! 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018 Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center
Distributed Ledger, Blockchain, Bitcoin,
Really a „Gamechanger“?
                                   Die neue Technologie ist freilich so kompliziert, dass
                                                                                            "Wir sollten die Blockchain
IWF-Chefin Lagarde:                sie kaum jemand versteht. Das lässt viel Raum zum        Technologie sehr genau
                                   Träumen. Die Blockchain muss man sich vorstellen
“Feuer mit Feuer
                                   als digitales Kassen- oder Haushaltsbuch:
                                                                                            betrachten, gerade weil sie vor
bekämpfen”      Quelle BTC Echo    Transaktionen werden dort verzeichnet, in Blöcke         allem von Kriminellen benutzt
                                   gespeichert und aneinandergereiht, wie die Perlen
                                   einer Kette.
                                                                                            werden können", sagte die
                                   Quelle: FAZ net
                                                                                            britische Premierministerin
"Eine Währung wie Bitcoin, die 25 Prozent                                                   Theresa May
                                                                                            Quelle: Börse ARD
am Tage schwankt, kann nicht genutzt
werden, um etwa Löhne zu zahlen", sagte
Finanzinvestor George Soros beim
Weltwirtschaftsforum 2018 in Davos, Doch
nicht alles sei schlecht: „Die Blockchain-
Technologie sei innovativ und könne auch
zum Guten benutzt werden.“ Quelle: Börse ARD

Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?! 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018 Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center
Shaping tomorrow with you

   How does it work?
                                            Assuming A wants to send a transaction or information to B

      ▪ Decentralized architecture              Data
        (‘peer to peer’)                         A
      ▪ Secure and immutable
        ledger of facts , thus providing   Information or                      Stored in cryptographically              Block is transmitted to the
                                           Transaction                         secured Block                            nodes in the network
        an unbreakable record of data
      ▪ Protocol peers (nodes)
        validate and commit
        transactions in order to reach
        consensus (‘majority’ *)
      ▪ Self-contained and without
        intermediary                                        The block is joined to the chain and                        Nodes validate the block and the
                                                            becomes immutable and secured in                            correct information *
      ▪ Chronological (old to new;                          the Blockchain (old to new)
                                                                                                   Data       B receives the secured information or
                                                                                                    B         transaction and can trust the data

                                           * Number of different consensus algorithms that are existing: Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Proof of Activity,
                                           Proof of Burn, Proof of Capacity, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance, etc.
                                                                     4                         © Copyright 2018 Fujitsu, Dr. Rolf Werner, Head of Central Europe
Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?! 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018 Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center
Cryptocurrencies as a Blockchain Application
What are cryptocurrencies                                                  Crptocurrency market shares
▪ Cryptocurrencies (also called virtual or digital currencies) are a       ▪ As of 1st March 2018, there are over 1500 different
  digital representation of value that can be virtually traded and           cryptocurrencies being traded in more than 8400
  functions as a medium of exchange, unit of account, or store of            marketplaces (“virtual exchanges”).
  value. These tokens or coins may represent other rights as well,         ▪ Bitcoin, the oldest and biggest cryptocurrency, has a market
  such as access to specific services.                                       capitalization of nearly US$181 bn and controls around 40%
                                                                             of the total cryptocurrency market capitalization.
How they work

▪ It uses cryptographic techniques to control the creation of                                Other
  monetary units and to verify transactions of funds.
Issues                                                                                                                      Bitcoin
▪ These assets are still immature and highly volatile.                                                                       40%

▪ In certain countries regulations are taking place to control                        Litecoin
  cryptocurrencies transactions (e.g. South Korea), or even forbid                       2%
  it (e.g. India).                                                                       Cash

                                                                                   Total Market Cap: $452 bn (as of 1st of March 2018)

Source: PwC, 2016; SEC, Jul 2017; Coinmarketcap, 2018                  5
Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?! 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018 Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center
Blockchain Applications

Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?! 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018 Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center
Digital Identity Management Use case

Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?! 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018 Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center
Official verification / authentication use cases

Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?! 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018 Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center
Supply Chain use cases

Why we need enterprise Blockchain solutions?! 6. e-shelter Partnerforum 2018 Frankfurt, 27. September 2018 in e-shelter Event Center
Election and voter fraud prevention use case
                      1. Secure Authentication    2. Election

                      3. Secure and unforgeable   4. Proven outcome
                      Government Blockchain
                      of a state

Cryptocurrency as Use Case

Blockchain vs. Blockchain 2.0 (IOTA Tangle)

Industry 4.0 meets „Blockchain“ IOTA Tangle
                              Zahlreiche Unternehmen erforschen praktische
                              Anwendungsfälle und entwickeln Prototypen, die sich die
                              Eigenschaften einer Distributed Ledger Technologie (IOTA
                              Tangle) zu Nutze Machen

                              ▪ Use Case1: Komponenten IDs
                                Jede einzelne Komponente des Fertigungsprozesses wird
                                mit einer eindeutigen, unveränderbaren ID/ einem Hashwert
                                in der IOTA Tangle gespeichert.
                              ▪ Use Case2: Komponenten Tracking
                                Auf Basis der ID können sämtliche Bewegungen der
                                Komponenten verfolgt werden und unzulässige
                                Komponenten, sowie nicht ordnungsgemäße Abläufe
                                identifiziert und unterbunden werden
                              ▪ Use Case3: “Digital Twin” Industrie Roboter
                                Ähnlich einer Blackbox im Flugzeug, werden ab der ersten
                                Inbetriebnahme eines Roboters seine sämtlichen Daten über
                                interne und externe Sensoren erfasst und in der Tangle
                                gespeichert. Dieser Digitale Zwilling ist völlig unabhängig von
                                Besitzer, Unternehmen oder Standort.

Enterprise Blockchain Service
■   Blockchain as a Service on Cloud Service
■   Ready to use for digital assets management in customers’
■   Basic functions provide as All-In-One:
    ■ Management User Interface for blockchain dashboard, user
      control etc.
    ■ Data concealing function for safety data management
    ■ Provide digital assets management Application Program Interface
      (API) as a common business API
    ■   Quick implementation for digital assets management such as
        virtual currency, voucher, tickets, coupons
    ■   Provide management functions such as transfer, exchange,
        transaction history inquiry
    ■   Can be utilized without specific knowledge as it is provided as
    ■   Security to ensure safe transactions

Challenges for Blockchain Technologies

                        Reifegrad;             Politische Skepsis und
Regulatorik für         Anwendungsfälle        deutsche Mentalität,
Blockchain fehlt        im PoC Modus
                                               Japan und USA
                                               deutlich weiter

 Sehr komplexe
                           Fehlendes F&E
 Thematik, für             Budget in der IT   Top-Management
 viele zu abstrakt
                                              häufig zu
                Try- and Error wird häufig    konservativ und
                als Scheitern gesehen.        nicht weltoffen
                Fehlender Mut!
Longer term perspective …

Adoption and Growth                                                           Geographies
             Blockchain growth in 2020 will reach 120% before dropping                By 2022, at least five countries (including at least one
             off to a low of 27% in 2023 and then reaching its second                 G7) will have issued a fiat-backed
             peak of growth in 2026 at 104%.                                          cryptocurrency.

             By 2022, more than a billion people will have some data                  Digital cash has a first-mover advantage, thereby
             about them stored on a blockchain, but                                   representing more than half of the global business
             may not be aware of it.                                                  value-add from blockchain through 2023.

                                                                                      North America and Greater China will be the regions
                                                                                      with the most business value between 2020 and 2030.
Enterprise blockchain
              Through 2022, only 10% of enterprises will achieve any
              radical transformation with the use of                          Industries
              blockchain technologies.
                                                                                      Manufacturing will derive 31% of the global business
              Through 2020, 80% of enterprise blockchain-based                        value-add by 2030, while representing 41% of global
              applications whose goal is to save money                                industry gross output (IGO).
              will fail to do so.
                                                                                      Banking and securities will derive 10% of the global
                                                                                      business value-add by 2030, while representing only 5.3%
                                                                                      of global IGO.

Sources: Gartner, Forrester                                              16
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