2019 Media Data Special editions - print - valid from 1 January 2019 - Neue Mediengesellschaft Zürich AG
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Technical data, de- Concept, dates, Prices and Inserts and livery of inserts and topics formats supplements supplements About us Contact P. 2 P. 3 P. 5 P. 6 P. 7 P. 8 Concept PCtipp Special: compact, informative, useful PCtipp offers two special editions every year: One in the ones. They value design, have the necessary financial summer on multimedia and home electronics, and the means and regularly invest in new products. other in the winter in which we present the 100 best Print run:70,000 copies products of the year from all the key hardware and soft- ware categories. The special editions focus on items with Distribution: The PCtipp Special is available at kiosks, and a high utility to readers. This ensures an above-average in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. In addition, and long-lasting level of attention. The high-quality paper the PCtipp Special is delivered to subscribers of PCtipp to- and longer selling period at kiosks also take this fact into gether with the standard edition of PCtipp. account. Published: 2× each year Target group: Men and women of all ages, with high pur- Retail price: CHF 6.50 chasing power and brand awareness. They are interested in new products and innovations, and often buy the latest Issue Month Focus Publication date Advertising deadline Print material deadline (at 09:00) 1/2019 June Multimedia 31 May 2019 13 May 15 May 2/2019 December Top-100 products 22 November 2019 4 November 7 November More information at www.pctipp.ch/mediadaten 2
Technical data, de- Concept, dates, Prices and for- Inserts and sup- livery of inserts and topics mats plements supplements About us Contact P. 2 P. 3 P. 5 P. 6 P. 7 P. 8 Prices and formats Advertising prices and formats 1/1 page 1/2 page landscape bleed edge: 210 × 297 mm bleed edge: 210 × 146 mm Type area: 184 × 271 mm CHF 11,000 Type area: 184 × 133 mm with display advertisement: CHF 6,900 Inside front cover bleed edge: 210 × 297 mm 1/2 page portrait Type area: 184 × 271 mm CHF 13,000 bleed edge: 102 × 297 mm Type area: 89 × 271 mm Back cover with display advertisement: CHF 6,900 bleed edge: 210 × 297 mm Type area: 184 × 271 mm CHF 14,000 1/3 page landscape 1/4 page landscape bleed edge: 210 × 100 mm bleed edge: 210 × 77 mm Type area: 184 × 87 mm Type area: 184 × 64 mm with display advertisement: CHF 5,700 with display advertisement: CHF 4,500 1/3 page portrait 1/4 page portrait bleed edge: 71 × 297 mm bleed edge: 55 × 297 mm Type area: 58 × 271 mm Type area: 42 × 271 mm with display advertisement: CHF 5,700 with display advertisement: CHF 4,500 1/4 page half-portrait Mass of the bleed-edge ad- bleed edge: 102 × 146 mm vertisements without trim; Type area: 89 × 133 mm trim: plus 3 mm on all four with display advertisement: CHF 4,500 sides More information at www.pctipp.ch/mediadaten 3
Concept, Technical data, de- dates and Prices and Inserts and livery of inserts and topics formats supplements supplements About us Contact P. 2 P. 3 P. 5 P. 6 P. 7 P. 8 Prices and formats Advertorials Publireportage 1/1 page Mehr WLAN! Volle WLAN-Power im ganzen Haus 184 × 271 mm CHF 11,000 WLAN los! Die 1/2 page with beste Lösung display advertisement für schnelles WLAN im gan- zen Zuhause. E landscape: 184 × 133 mm in schnelles wie stabiles WLAN ist Standard in Wohnung und im ganzen Haus. Die clevere Idee STREAMING, GAMING, GROSSE DOWNLOADS: allen Haushalten - zumindest ist das der hinter der Technik: devolo Powerline-Systeme KEIN PROBLEM MIT DEVOLO POWERLINE Wunsch. Immer wieder treten Probleme mit lang- nutzen den Stromkreislauf wie ein langes Daten- Die Anwendungsbereiche der devolo Powerline- samen Verbindungen, schlechtem Empfang und kabel. Der Vorteil: Da es sich um eine kabelba- Systeme sind vielfältig: Sie eignen sich dank ho- einer komplizierten Installation auf. Mit devolo sierte Technik handelt, sind Wände oder Stahlbe- her Datenraten und Reichweiten für Wohnungen Powerline-Systemen wird dieses Kapitel beendet. tondecken kein Hindernis mehr und an jeder und Häuser mit 100, 200 und mehr Quadratme- Steckdose steht ein frischer WLAN-Zugangspunkt tern. Die Leistung ist optimal für 4K-Videostrea- CHF 6,900 WENN DAS WLAN MAL WIEDER LAHMT zur Verfügung. ming, Gaming und für den schnellen Zugriff auf WLAN-Router stehen in fast jedem Haushalt. die NAS. Zudem bieten die unterschiedlichen Po- Steht er jedoch abseits des eigentlichen Wohn- DEVOLO POWERLINE: SO GEHT'S! werline-Systeme von devolo genügend Multime- raums oder gar in einer finsteren Kellerecke? Ein devolo Powerline Starter Kit beinhaltet eine dia-Ports (Fast-Ethernet- und Gigabit-Ports), um Dann hat das WLAN ganz sicher ein Reichweiten- Basisstation und einen Satelliten. Die Inbetrieb- für Smart-TVs, Spielekonsolen, Blu-Ray-Player, oder Geschwindigkeitsproblem. Zwar liefert der nahme läuft immer nach ähnlichem Prinzip ab: Set-Top-Boxen und Audio-Receiver einen schnel- Router in der näheren Umgebung die gewünsch- Zuerst steckt man die Basis in eine freie Wand- len Internetzugangspunkt an jeder Steckdose be- ten Datenraten, aber spätestens nach zwei bis steckdose und verbindet sie per LAN-Kabel mit reitzustellen. drei Wänden bleibt von der ursprünglichen dem Router. Danach steckt man den Satelliten auf In der Schweiz und Liechtenstein sind die devolo WLAN-Power nur noch ein „Schnecken-WLAN“ der Etage in eine freie Wandsteckdose, wo ein Powerline-Systeme z.B. bei folgenden Partnern übrig. schneller Internet-Hotspot benötigt wird. Nach ein erhältlich: Interdiscount, microspot, digitec, bis zwei Minuten hat sich das System selbst einge- BRACK, MediaMarkt und FUST. DAS PERFEKTE WLAN-ERLEBNIS stellt und ist startklar. Eine komplizierte Einrich- Genau hier setzen devolo Powerline-Systeme mit tung, wie man sie von Routern her kennt, entfällt WLAN-Funktion an. Sie sorgen für ein flächende- bei allen devolo Powerline-Systemen. ckendes und schnelles WLAN in der gesamten High-Speed-WLAN Vorher: Das Router WLAN ist zu schwach. Nachher mit devolo Powerline: Schnelles WLAN überall! bietet das dLAN 1200+ WiFi ac Starter Kit Discounts and commissions Placement surcharge: 15 % on placement regulations Agency commission (BK 1): 5 % for media and advertising agencies entitled to commission Colour surcharges: All prices apply for 1 to 4-colour advertisements VAT: All prices plus 7.7 % VAT Restriction: Sales figures on the two PCtipp special editions is not included in PCtipp expenditure Repeat discount: With simultaneous ordering and without format change for commercial advertisements 2× 10 % More information at www.pctipp.ch/mediadaten 4
Concept, Technical data, de- dates and Prices and Inserts and livery of inserts and topics formats supplements supplements About us Contact P. 2 P. 3 P. 5 P. 6 P. 7 P. 8 Inserts and supplements Inserts Formats: At least 105 × 148 mm (A6), maximum 200 × 287 mm Weight total: At least 7.5 g, maximum 100 g Paper weight: ith A6 120 g/m2, individual sheet at least 120 g/m2, w 8 pages maximum 80 g/m2, 16 pages maximum 50 g/m2 Fold: no altar or leporello fold, longer side closed Supplements Formats: At least 105 × 148 mm (A6), maximum 210 × 297 mm plus 4 mm top bleed Fold: ear half of the sheet 10 mm gripper fold and closed at top, no zigzag or leporello fold, longer R side closed Cutting: nfolded and untied layers 80 –100 mm. If smaller than Issue format, cut at the right and bottom to U definitive format. Stacked with the first page upwards. Sample: efore acceptance of the order, the binding presentation of two samples with weight and size B information is required. Design, delivery, surcharge Design: Supplements and inserts must be clearly different in design from the editorial part Sample: before acceptance of the order, two binding samples with weight and size specifications are required Surcharges for Supplements containing advertisements from companies that are not identical to the ordering com- brochures with pany will be subject to surcharges (based on the advertising value). Up to three advertisers – 25 %, third-party adver- four or more advertisers – 50 % tisements: Total print run Large or partial print run (price per 1000) 3) Weight up to 25 g up to 50 g 1) up to 25 g up to 50 g 1) Inserts Postage costs 4) CHF 5,830 CHF 5,830 CHF 110 2) CHF 110 2) Technical costs 4) CHF 2,400 CHF 2,400 CHF 32 CHF 32 Advertising value CHF 16,500 CHF 19,875 CHF 220 CHF 265 Total CHF 24,730 CHF 28,105 CHF 362 CHF 407 Supplements Postage costs 4) CHF 636 CHF 1,272 CHF 12 2) CHF 24 2) Technical costs 4) CHF 2,400 CHF 2,400 CHF 32 CHF 32 Advertising value CHF 21,375 CHF 25,425 CHF 285 CHF 339 Total CHF 24,411 CHF 29,097 CHF 329 CHF 395 1) higher weights on request 2) only applies to postal delivery 3) 4) partial booking of at least 20,000 copies according to postcode. Split surcharge 10 % not entitled to discounts and commissions Date: December 2018 More information at www.pctipp.ch/mediadaten 5
Technical data, de- Concept, dates, Prices and for- Inserts and sup- livery of inserts and topics mats plements supplements About us Contact P. 2 P. 3 P. 5 P. 6 P. 7 P. 8 Technical data Delivery of the inserts and supplements Delivery: Special 1/2019: 13 May 2019, Special 2/2019: 4 November 2019 Delivery must be notified in advance Delivery address: AVD GOLDACH AG, Barbara Neuhauser, Sulzstrasse 10–12, 9403 Goldach Goods receipt: Monday-Friday, 07:30-11:00 and 13:30-16:30 Telephone: +41 71 844 94 11 Indicate Computerworld, issue and delivery quantity on delivery notes. Technical data Issue format: 210 × 297 mm Type area: 184 × 258 mm on editorial pages, 184 × 271 mm on pure advertisement pages Print: Offset Screen ruling: 60 Colours: 4-colour euroscale, UCR value: max. 320 %. Bleed-off 3 mm trim on all outer sides advertisements: Production Typesetting and artwork is not included in the insertion prices and will be charged according to time costs: and effort. Current information and settings can be downloaded from: www.avd.ch (customer zone, download) Digital data If possible, create as a high-end PDF (embed fonts). PC/Windows only as PDF or TIFF file. Mixed and pantone colours must already be redefined in scale colours (CMYK) in the delivered data. Used logos, images and fonts must be supplied in the same folder Programs: All current graphics and layout programmes Data control: For the data control, we require in all cases a copy of the advertisement (proof, laser print, etc.) that complies with the data delivered. If we do not receive this in good time, we decline all responsibility for the correct publication Data administra- Data media supplied will only be returned on request. Data media will be deleted or tion: destroyed respectively 3 months after the last publication Digital templates: If possible, create as high-end PDFs (embed fonts) Transfer of printing material Directly to the anzeigen@nmgz.ch publishers: Preferred data me- CD-ROM. Others possible by arrangement. A true-colour proof, adapted to the printing conditions, on a dia: medium similar to that of the print run, with the Fogra media wedge, is to be enclosed with the data media More information at www.pctipp.ch/mediadaten 6
Technical data, de- Concept, dates, Prices and for- Inserts and sup- livery of inserts and topics mats plements supplements About us Contact P. 2 P. 3 P. 5 P. 6 P. 7 P. 8 About us – Neue Mediengesellschaft Zürich AG Magazines Practical experience, purchasing consulting, market analyses and case studies for users, SMEs and IT deci- sion-makers: The magazines PCtipp and Computer- world cover the entire spectrum. Special issues Our special issues focus on interesting topics and pro- vide key decision-making aids. PCtipp Multimedia special: Practical tips and buyer's guides on all aspects of home electronics, photography and PC gaming Top 100: the best hardware and software of the year Computerworld Top 500: the ranking of the largest IT companies in Switzerland Swiss IT: a comprehensive analysis of the entire Swiss IT market IT-People: Pioneers in Digitalisation Swiss Leader: the bridge to top management Online/mobile Each month, our attractive websites attract more than one million visitors – whether to Computerworld.ch, PCtipp.ch or Onlinepc.ch, We reach all IT-savvy target groups, from home users and business decision-mak- ers to multimedia enthusiasts. Social media With state-of-the-art, context-based solutions and networked models, NMGZ offers numerous ways of targeting IT-savvy and technophile groups on social media platforms. Events Practical information on current topics, decision- making aids and success stories for IT users and decision-makers. The ideal platform for exchanging experiences. More information at www.pctipp.ch/mediadaten 7
Technical data, de- Concept, dates, Prices and for- Inserts and sup- livery of inserts and topics mats plements supplements About us Contact P. 2 P. 3 P. 5 P. 6 P. 7 P. 8 Contact Publisher Neue Mediengesellschaft Zürich AG www.nmgz.ch Kalanderplatz 5, www.computerworld.ch Postfach 1965, 8027 Zurich www.pctipp.ch Tel. +41 44 387 44 44 www.onlinepc.ch Sales – PCtipp, Sales – Computerworld & Events OnlinePC & Events Christoph Mayer Werner Ortler Key Account Manager Head of Sales (print, online, events) Tel. +41 44 387 45 35 Tel. +41 44 387 44 06 christoph.mayer@nmgz.ch werner.ortler@nmgz.ch Sales support Daniel Frey Madeleine Mena Head of Sales Support Sales Support Administrator Tel. +41 44 387 45 74 Tel. +41 44 387 44 02 daniel.frey@nmgz.ch madeleine.mena@nmgz.ch Marketing and sales Sandra Adlesgruber Head of Marketing and Customer Online Campaigns Tel. +41 44 387 44 14 sandra.adlesgruber@nmgz.ch Publishing management Ingo Rausch Tel. + 41 44 387 44 44 ingo.rausch@nmgz.ch More information at www.pctipp.ch/mediadaten 8
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