Blue Line Workbook mit Audios - Ernst Klett Verlag

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Blue Line Workbook mit Audios - Ernst Klett Verlag
Blue Line             1
Workbook mit Audios
Blue Line Workbook mit Audios - Ernst Klett Verlag
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Station 1                      1
                       School life                                                                                                                                     SB 15/3       1 Write what you can see in the                                               Wenn du dir nicht sicher bist, schau
                                                                                                                                         Check in
                                                                                                                                                                                         school bag.                                                               in deinem Buch auf S. 258 nach.

                                                                                                                                                                                         Write words for the numbers.
SB 13/1   1 Put in the right words.                                                                                                                                                       I can see one bag, two
                great           school uniform       tutor          nice          go            students

                                                          1. I’m Katie. I go                  to Thomas Tallis School.
                                                          2. TTS is a                                  school.
                                                          3. My friends and I are                                                here.
                                                          4. Mr Turner is the                                        . He is nice.
                                                          5. My English teacher is                                        too.
                                                          6. My                                                     is blue and grey.

                                                                                                                                                                                    2 School things
                                                                                                                                                                                    a) Listen and tick ( ). What do Josh and Nisha
SB 13/1   2 At Thomas Tallis School                                                                                                                                    SB 15/5
                                                                                                                                                                                       find in Nishaʹs bag?
          a) Match the parts. Draw lines. (You can use a ruler.) Then read Elliot‘s sentences out loud.                                                                                        book
                                                                                                                                                                                               exercise books
                                                          1. My new school                                     A my English teacher.
                                                          2. I’m in                                            B cool.
                                                          3. My friends are                                    C Josh and Harry.
                                                          4. Mr Turner, my tutor, is                           D is blue and grey.
                                                          5. Mrs Bashir is                                     E Year 7.
                                                                                                                                                                            .       b) Make a list for your pencil case.
                                                          6. My school uniform                                 F is great.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wenn du ein Wort nicht weißt,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   kannst du in einem Online-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wörterbuch nachschauen.
    .     b) Write two more sentences Elliot can say about Thomas Tallis School.

                                                                                                                                                                                    3 Sounds
                                                                                                                                                                                    a) Listen and put in the right word.
                                                                                                                                                                       SB 15/6

                                                                                                                                                                                           a         an         the       The

                                                                                                                                                                                         1. Mr Turner is the                          teacher.                  3. This is                        orange pen.
                                                                                                                                                                                         2.                           old book is nice.                         4. Thomas Tallis is                        great school.

                                                                                                                                                                                    b) Say the sentences. Then listen again and check.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5

          © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,         Quellen: 4.1 Fosseway Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz); 4.2 Fosseway            Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,             © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,               Quellen: 5.1 Bláha, Marek, Offenbach am Main; 5.2 Oser, Liliane, Ham-     Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,
          Stuttgart 2022,       Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz)                                                Workbook mit Audios                                 Stuttgart 2022,             burg; 5.3 Oser, Liliane, Hamburg; 5.4 Bláha, Marek, Offenbach am Main     Workbook mit Audios
          Alle Rechte vorbehalten.                                                                                           ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1                              Alle Rechte vorbehalten.                                                                                           ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1
Blue Line Workbook mit Audios - Ernst Klett Verlag
1                Station 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Station 1                      1
SB 16/7   4 Complete the two dialogues.                                                                                                                          SB 17/10       7 Complete Mrs Bashir’s sentences.                                                           Am Satzanfang schreibt man groß.

                Sorry          of course   please             That’s OK               Thank you            a pen       your book
                                                                                                                                                                                    1. Sit                 down, please. o (sit)
                                                                                                                                                                                    2. Don’t                         your exercise
              A Can I have a pen           , please              ?            A Can I have                                      , please?
                                                                                                                                                                                         books. p (open)
              B Yes,                            .                             B                               , no.
                                                                                                                                                                                    3.                                your books. p (close)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           quiet, please. o (be)
              A                            .                                  A                                    .
                                                                                                                                                                                    5.                        that on the board, please. o (write)
SB 16/9   5 Write the right sentence under the picture.
                Can you take out your tablets, please?               Can you write that on the board, please?                                                    SB 17/10      6 Make sentences.
                Can you say that again, please?            Can you open your books, please?                                                                                         Draw lines. (You can use a ruler.) Then read the sentences out loud.

                Can you close your exercise books, please?                 Can I take out my phone, please?
                                                                                                                                                                                    1. Open                                                           your books, please.
                                                                                                                                                                                    2. Don’t take out                                                 me, please.
                  A                                                               B
                                                                                                                                                                                    3. Help                                                           to your friend.
                                                                                                                                                                                    4. Don’t talk                                                     me, please.
                                                                                                                                                                                    5. Listen to                                                      your phones.

                                                                                                                                                                 SB 17/10      8 Write sentences.
               Can you open your books, please?                                                                                                                                          A                                       B                                                 C

                  C                                                               D

                                                                                                                                                                                         go to                                   talk                                             sit down

                                                                                                                                                                                     Go to the board, please.

                                                                                                                                                                                         D                                       E                                                 F

                  E                                                               F

                                                                                                                                                                                         take out                                take out                                         look at

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      7

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Quellen: 7.1 Bláha, Marek, Offenbach am Main; 7.2 Fosseway Films Ltd.,
          © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,       Quellen: 6.1 RF, New York (YanLev); 6.2 stock.adobe.       Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,              © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,         London (Andrea Artz); 7.3, Dublin (A_Bruno); 7.4 Getty        Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,
          Stuttgart 2022,     com, Dublin (Superingo); 6.3 RF, New York (Krake-          Workbook mit Audios                                  Stuttgart 2022,       Images Plus, München (Jose Luis Pelaez Inc); 7.5 RF, New     Workbook mit Audios
          Alle Rechte vorbehalten.; 6.4 RF, New York (ZOLDATOFF); 6.5            ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1                               Alle Rechte vorbehalten.           York (LightField Studios); 7.6 RF, New York (Alexander_Sa-   ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1
                                  RF, New York (Monkey Business Images); 6.6 Getty                                                                                                   fonov); 7.7 RF, New York (mangpor2004); 7.8 stock.adobe.
                                           Images Plus, München (SasaJo)                                                                                                                                       com, Dublin (pictworks)
Blue Line Workbook mit Audios - Ernst Klett Verlag
1                 Listening                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Station 2                    1

SB 19/1   1 Write the names of the places in the picture.                                         Wenn du dir nicht sicher bist,
                                                                                                  schau in deinem Buch auf
                                                                                                                                                               SB 21/2    1 Complete Elliot’s sentences with the right word.
                                                                                                  S. 258 nach.
                                                                                                                                                                                 difficult          easy         new          favourite                fun

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1. My f avourite                              subject is art.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2. I’m good at PE. It’s e                                    .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3. Science is OK, but English is d                                                 .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4. I don’t like maths because it’s b                                           .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        5. I like music. It’s f                               .

                                                                                                                                                               SB 21/4    2 Mediation: A timetable
                                                                                                                                                                              Dein Cousin geht in England zur Schule und hat dir seinen Stundenplan geschickt. Als er dir
                                                                                                                                                                              am Telefon von seinem Schulalltag erzählt, merkst du, dass einige Informationen fehlen.
                                                                                                                                                                              Lies, was er sagt, und vervollständige den Stundenplan.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Mein Schultag hat fünf Unterrichtsstunden. Nach der vierten
                                                                                                                                                                                  Stunde gibt es Mittagessen. Nach dem Unterricht können wir
                                                                                                                                                                                  in Schul-AGs gehen. English haben wir fast jeden Tag, zum
                                                                                                                                                                                  Beispiel montags und freitags gleich in der ersten Stunde.
          2 Listen and put the pictures in the right order.                                                                                                                       Sportunterricht ist montags und donnerstags in der fünften
              Write numbers (1–6).                                                                                                                                                Stunde. Mein Lieblingstag ist Dienstag, weil wir da in der ers-
SB 19/2                                                                                                                                                                           ten Stunde Kunstunterricht und in der zweiten Musik haben.
                  A                                     B                                               C

                                                                                                                                                                                 Year 7                    Monday               Tuesday                  Wednesday                                        Friday


                                                                                             1                                                                                   Lesson 1                                                                technology                 maths
                  D                                     E                                               F
                                                                                                                                                                                 Lesson 2                  maths                                         English                    science               maths


                                                                                                                                                                                 Lesson 3                  German               technology               IT                         English               German

                                                                                                                                                                                 Lesson 4                  art                  history                  maths                      English               technology


          3 Listen again. Tick (           ) what you hear.                                                                                                                                                                     IT                       science                                          geography
                      Be quiet, please.                                         Can you say that again, please?
SB 19/2
                      Open your books, please.                                  Can I help you?
                      Sit down, please.                                         No bags, please.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           9

                                          Quellen: 8.1 Bláha, Marek, Offenbach am Main; 8.2 Oser, Liliane,
          © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,      Hamburg; 8.3 Fosseway Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz); 8.4 Fosseway       Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,         © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,              Quellen: 9.1 Fosseway Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz); 9.2 Shutter-                 Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,
          Stuttgart 2022,    Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz); 8.5 RF, New York        Workbook mit Audios                             Stuttgart 2022,   RF, New York (Monkey Business Images)                                      Workbook mit Audios
          Alle Rechte vorbehalten.        (5D Media); 8.6 RF, New York (jakkaje879); 8.7            ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1                          Alle Rechte vorbehalten.                                                                                                     ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1
                                 RF, New York (chainarong06); 8.8
                                          RF, New York (Medolka)
Blue Line Workbook mit Audios - Ernst Klett Verlag
1                 Station 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Station 2                      1

SB 21/5   3 Days of the week                                                                                                                                                 6 Match the words with the right picture.
          a) Write the days of the week.
                                                                                                                                                                                    we         I       you (2 x)          he          they         she         it
              1. A FDI RY                              2. TAYUS ARD                                      3. OAMY ND
                                                                                                                                                                                     A                               B                                   C                        D
                   F                                        S                                              M
              4. R TU H DA SY                          5. AYUS ET D                                      6. S NYA UD
                   T                                        T                                              S

          b) Which day is not in a)?
                                                                                                                                                                                     E                               F                                   G                        H

SB 21/6   4 School subjects
          a) Write the subjects.
                  A                      B                           C                           D                      E                                                                                                                             you

                                                                                                                                                                 SB 22/9     7 Who or what do the blue words stand for?
                                                                                                                                                                                 Draw arrows.
                  F                      G                          H                             I                     J                                                        1. Joshua is eleven. He is in Year 7.
                                                                                                                                                                                 2. Mrs Bashir is my English teacher. She is nice.
                                                                                                                                                                                 3. Maths is my favourite subject. It is easy.
                                                                                                                                                                                 4. IT and English are great subjects. They are interesting.
                                                                                                                                                                                 5. Nisha: I like Katie. We are friends.
          b) Listen and check.
     .    c) Draw pictures for these subjects.
                                                                                                                                                                 SB 22/10    8 Use the words and write six sentences with is or are.
                drama            technology      RE
                                                                                                                                                                                 1. Katie | a good student                                   Katie is
                                                                                                                                                                                 2. The teachers | nice
                                                                                                                                                                                 3. You | in the classroom
                                                                                                                                                                                 4. We | at school
                                                                                                                                                                                 5. Katie’s favourite day | Saturday

SB 22/8   5 Choose the right word.
                                                                                                                                                                 SB 23/11    9 Find pairs and write them down.
              1. I am | are eleven.                                            5. He is | am the tutor.                                                                            ((Illu Maskott-       I am                  it’s                  we are              I’m               ((Illu Maskott-
                                                                                                                                                                                   chen mit                                                                                                chen mit
              2. We am | are in Year 7.                                        6. You am | are new.                                                                                Akkordeon             you are               he’s                  you’re              it is             Akkordeon
              3. It is | are a great school.                                   7. She are | is a teacher.                                                                                                                                                                                  zusammenge-
                                                                                                                                                                                   gezogen,              he is                 we’re                 they are            she is            drückt, darauf
              4. Look, they are | is friends.                                  8. I am | is at school.                                                                                                                                                                                     I’m))
                                                                                                                                                                                   I am))                she’s                 they’re

                                                                                                                                                                                  I am – I’m, you are –
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11

          © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,          Quellen: 10.1 RF, New York (mentalmind)                 Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,          © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,            Quellen: 11.1 RF, New York (Good_Stock)            Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,
          Stuttgart 2022,                                                                                 Workbook mit Audios                              Stuttgart 2022,                                                                              Workbook mit Audios
          Alle Rechte vorbehalten.                                                                                     ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1                           Alle Rechte vorbehalten.                                                                                  ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1
Blue Line Workbook mit Audios - Ernst Klett Verlag
1                  Station 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Viewing                      1

SB 23/12   10 Put in short forms.                                                                                                                                                SB 25/2    1 Watch the film and match the headings with the pictures.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Write letters (A–F).
                  ’s        ’re        ’m
                                                                                                                                                                                                        PE lessons in the gym                                               Experiments in science
                    A                                                B                                                 C
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lunch in the cafeteria                                         A In the recording studio
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Morning break                                                       In the library

                                                                                                                                                                                                    A                                           B                                                    C

                We ’re              at school.                   They                in the classroom.             I like music. It                fun.

                    D                                                E                                                 F

                                                                                                                                                                                                    D                                           E                                                    F

                She                 good at science.             You                   a great friend.             He             cool.

SB 23/13   11 This is Nisha.
            a) Put in the right form. Put a circle around the letter.                                                                                                            SB 25/3    2 Write what you see.
                                                                                                                 am              are               is                                                                 Bevor du den Film noch einmal anschaust,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      lies dir die Fragen durch.

                1. Hi! I ’m                Nisha.                                                                  J             K                  L
                2. This is Katie. We                        friends.                                              N              O                  P
                3. We                      in Year 7.                                                             R              S                  T
                4. Here’s Elliot. He                      in our class too.                                       F              G                 H
                                                                                                                                                                                                1. Which lessons are in the film? Name three.
                5. I like the lessons: They                           fun.                                         T             U                  V
                6. I                always busy. And you?                                                         A              B                  C
                                                                                                                                                                                                2. Which places are in the film? Name four.

            b) What’s the word?
                                                                                                                                                                                                3. What can the students do in the playground?
      .     c) Write an e-mail about yourself.


                       Hi! I‘m
                       I‘m a student


12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 13

            © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,                  Quellen: 12.1 Fosseway Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz); 12.2 Fosseway         Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,         © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,           Quellen: 13.1 Thomas Tallis School, London; 13.2 Thomas Tallis School,       Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,
            Stuttgart 2022,                Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz); 12.3 Fosseway Films Ltd., London             Workbook mit Audios                             Stuttgart 2022,         London; 13.3 Thomas Tallis School, London; 13.4 Thomas Tallis School,        Workbook mit Audios
            Alle Rechte vorbehalten.                    (Andrea Artz); 12.4 Fosseway Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz); 12.5            ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1                          Alle Rechte vorbehalten.             London; 13.5 Thomas Tallis School, London; 13.6 Thomas Tallis School,        ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1
                                                        Fosseway Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz); 12.6 Fosseway Films Ltd.,                                                                                                London; 13.7 Bláha, Marek, Offenbach am Main
                                                        London (Andrea Artz)
Blue Line Workbook mit Audios - Ernst Klett Verlag
1                Reading                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Reading                       1

              My exercise book!                                                                                                                                  SB 27/5    2 Who says what?                                                                                        Finde die Sätze im Text
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    und unterstreiche sie.
                                                                                                                                                                            a) Find these sentences and highlight them in the text.
SB 27/5   1 Read the picture story.
                  A                                                                 B                                                                                           1. No, it’s not here.

                                                                                                                                                                                2. Thank you, Katie!

                                                                                                                                                                                3. Can you see it in your bag?

                                                                                                                                                                                4. Your homework is not good!

                                                                                                                                                                                5. Can you help me find my exercise book?

                                                                                                                                                                                6. Can I help you? Here is my exercise book.

                                                                                                                                                                                7. My homework is in my exercise book, oh no!

                                                                                                                                                                                8. Take out your exercise books and your tablets, please.
                 Katie Hi, Elliot. Are you OK?                                      Mrs Bashir Good morning, boys and
                 Elliot No. Can you help me find my                                            girls. Be quiet, please. Take                                                b) Who says what? Match the sentences with the pictures. Draw lines.
                        exercise book?                                                         out your exercise books and
                 Katie Yes, of course! Let’s find it. Can                                      your tablets, please.
                        you see it in your bag?
                 Elliot No, it’s not here.
                                                                                    Elliot     My homework is in my
                                                                                               exercise book, oh no!
                                                                                                                                                                 SB 27/5    3 Tick (          ) the right option.
                 Katie Oh no, here’s Mrs Bashir.
                                                                                                                                                                                1. Elliot can’t find the                 a) book.                                            b) exercise book.
                  C                                                                 D
                                                                                                                                                                                2. Mrs Bashir is                         a) here                                             b) not here.
                                                                                                                                                                                3. The homework is                       a) in the exercise book.                            b) in the bag.
                                                                                                                                                                                4. Katie says: “Here’s my                a) homework.”                                       b) exercise book.”
                                                                                                                                                                                5. Katie’s homework is                   a) good.                                            b) not good.
                                                                                                                                                                                6. Katie is                              a) sorry.                                           b) happy.

                                                                                                                                                                 SB 27/5    4 How can the story go on?
                                                                                                                                                                                Draw a picture.

                 Katie Can I help you? Here is my                                   Mrs Bashir Elliot, what’s this? Your
                        exercise book. Quick!                                                  homework is not good!
                 Elliot Thank you, Katie!                                           Katie      Oh no! Sorry!

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 15

          © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,     Quellen: 14.1 Chudinskiy, Kirill, Köln; 14.2 Chudinskiy, Kirill, Köln; 14.3   Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,         © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,          Quellen: 15.1 Bláha, Marek, Offenbach am Main; 15.2 Fosseway Films            Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,
          Stuttgart 2022,   Chudinskiy, Kirill, Köln; 14.4 Chudinskiy, Kirill, Köln                       Workbook mit Audios                             Stuttgart 2022,        Ltd., London (Andrea Artz); 15.3 Fosseway Films Ltd., London (Andrea          Workbook mit Audios
          Alle Rechte vorbehalten.                                                                                     ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1                          Alle Rechte vorbehalten.            Artz); 15.4 Fosseway Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz)                         ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1
Blue Line Workbook mit Audios - Ernst Klett Verlag
1               Check out                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Check out                       1

                                        1. Löse alle Aufgaben.                                                                                                             Ich kann Anweisungen in der Schule verstehen.
                                        2. Überprüfe deine Lösungen online.
                                        3. Gib dir selbst Punkte. Wenn du weniger als die Hälfte der Punkte hast,                                                          Listen and put the pictures in the right order. Write numbers (1–6).
                                           male das Kästchen rot aus und übe online.                                                                              A6
                                                                                                                                                                               A                                      B                                                     C

             Ich kann meine Schule vorstellen.
             Nisha talks about her school. Put in the right words.

               science           blue and grey           go to             teacher           great           Year 7
                                                                                                                                                                               D                                      E                                                     F

               I go to                     Thomas Tallis School. I’m in                                         .
               My English                                   is Mrs Bashir. Mr Turner is the
                                            teacher. My school uniform is
                                        . My school is                                !                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1         5P

             Ich kann Aufforderungen und Bitten ausdrücken.                                                                                                                Ich kann über meinen Unterricht sprechen.
                                                                                                                                                                           Use Sally’s notes and write sentences.
             Write sentences.
                 A                                           B                                                C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Favourite subject: art
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Good at: biology, maths
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Difficult: German
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Fun: music, PE, geography
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Boring: English
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Favourite day: Sunday
                open                                         talk                                             write

              Open your exercise
                                                                                                                                                                              1. My favourite subject is art                                                                                             .
              books, please.
                 D                                           E                                                 F                                                              2. I’m                                                                                                                     .

                                                                                                                                                                              3.                                                                                                                         .

                take out                                     close                                            look at                                                         4.                                                                                                                         .

                                                                                                                                                                              5.                                                                                                                         .

                                                                                                                                                                              6.                                                                                                                         .

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        17

                                                Quellen: 16.1 Bláha, Marek, Offenbach am Main; 16.2 Fosseway Films                                                                                Quellen: 17.1 RF, New York (HollyHarry); 17.2 Shutter-
         © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,             Ltd., London (Andrea Artz); 16.3 Getty Images Plus, München (SasaJo);   Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,   © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, RF, New York (ABO PHOTOGRAPHY); 17.3               Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,
         Stuttgart 2022,           16.4 RF, New York (Golubovy); 16.5    Workbook mit Audios                       Stuttgart 2022,    RF, New York (Bacho); 17.4 Fosseway Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz);         Workbook mit Audios
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.               RF, New York (Cherries); 16.6, Dublin (Andre Bonn);     ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1                    Alle Rechte vorbehalten.        17.5 Fosseway Films Ltd., London (Andrea Artz); 17.6 ShutterStock.            ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1
                                                16.7 Getty Images Plus, München (fstop123); 16.8,                                                                                 com RF, New York (Maxx-Studio); 17.7 RF, New York
                                                Dublin (Syda Productions)                                                                                                                         (Peakstock)
Blue Line Workbook mit Audios - Ernst Klett Verlag
1               Check out

             Ich kann einen Imagefilm über eine Schule verstehen.
             Look at the photos. What can students do there?
                                                                                                       Vergiss den Punkt am
             Complete the sentences.                                                                   Satzende nicht.

               talk to friends          find books         have PE lessons                 have lunch

               have science lessons           make films and music

                 A                                        B                                                  C

              They can make films and                   They can
                 D                                         E                                                 F


             Ich kann eine Fotostory verstehen.
             Read the text on page 26 in your book again.
             True or false? Tick ( ) the correct box.
                                                                                                            true              false

             1. Katie can’t find her books and her phone.
             2. Katie’s books and tablet are in her bag.
             3. Katie’s bag isn’t in the playground.
             4. The boy on the bike is Josh.
             5. Elliot has Katie’s bag.
             6. Josh has Elliot’s bag.                                                                                                               6P


         © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH,          Quellen: 18.1 Bláha, Marek, Offenbach am Main; 18.2 Thomas Tallis          Seite aus: Blue Line 1 Ausgabe ab 2022,
         Stuttgart 2022,        School, London; 18.3 Thomas Tallis School, London; 18.4 Thomas Tallis      Workbook mit Audios
         Alle Rechte vorbehalten.            School, London; 18.5 Thomas Tallis School, London; 18.6 Thomas Tallis      ISBN-10: 3-12-548831-1
                                             School, London; 18.7 Thomas Tallis School, London
Blue Line Workbook mit Audios - Ernst Klett Verlag
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