Swiss Life financial planning - Your personal financial planning
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Swiss Life financial planning 3 Swiss Life financial planning – for your particular needs and goals. Would you like to retire early and spend more time with your loved ones? Do you know how you can continue to save on taxes even after retirement? Now is the right time to ask yourself the important questions, and to plan your next steps. It is precisely while planning for retirement that so Financial planning means planning for the future many questions arise: We will be happy to analyse your life situation with you, ɬɬ Will I be able to maintain my accustomed standard including your financial plans and goals, in a personal of living after retirement? consultation, focusing on all the crucial topics, such as ɬɬ Should I withdraw an annuity or a lump sum from budget planning, residential property and your pension my pension fund? provision. ɬɬ How will my situation look if I continue to work after reaching normal retirement age? The result will be an individual financial plan with specific ɬɬ How much would early retirement cost me? proposals for practical solutions to enable you to achieve ɬɬ Will my loved ones be provided for? your personal goals and wishes. Swiss Life will support you ɬɬ Have I invested my assets properly? in implementing the plan and advise you now and in the ɬɬ How can I save tax? years to come. After all, your goals and wishes may change, ɬɬ Should I become self-employed? and life doesn't always go the way we plan. ɬɬ Would I like to make a change to my living situation? ɬɬ Have I organised my estate? Swiss Life financial planning keeps pace with your life. No matter what your stage in life, financial security is always a priority.
4 Swiss Life financial planning Always the right solution – before retirement and afterwards With Swiss Life financial planning, you receive a detailed, internally harmonised overview of the following topics: Preparing for retirement Hedging risks Can you afford early retirement? Would you like Are you and your family adequately insured? to draw your pension fund assets as an annuity, as We analyse your current provisions for the event of a lump sum or as a mixture of the two? How can disability and death, also taking into account your you have your 3a assets paid out in the most tax financial independence following retirement. beneficial way? The sooner you begin to plan your retirement, the more room to manoeuvre you will have. Owning your own home Do you own residential property? Or would you like to purchase real estate? Would you like to change your Drawing up a budget living situation after retirement? Swiss Life supports Are your income and outgoings in balance? you in all matters related to residence and finances. Even after your retirement? With early financial planning, you can ensure that you will be able to go on enjoying your accustomed standard Going it alone of living even after retirement. Do you want to be your own boss? Or are you planning to hand on your business to a successor? Your financial planning considers the financial Saving tax implications. Would you like to save tax? We can show you how, and the amount you could save. Estate planning Would you like to be sure that your assets are Investing your assets properly passed on according to your wishes? We can show How much money should you have available you how to do this. whenever you need it? What amount can you invest long term? With Swiss Life financial planning, your planned outlays are securely financed.
Swiss Life financial planning 5 Gift /inheritance Retirement t In f o en rm m Residential Income/ at age ion Individual Man property issues financial planning is So ys ut ion An al l Pension Tax optimisation provision Assets 14 13 12 11 10 9 Muster 8 e von Frau saufgab 7 ge Erwerb Muster 019 vorzeiti e von Herrn 2025 6 01.07.2 saufgab 5 ge Erwerb e 2024 68 019 vorzeiti - 1. Etapp 2023 Ruhestand 67 4 01.10.2 66 Tailored planning 3 2022 66 65 2 2021 65 64 2020 64 63 2019 63 62 gkeit 2018 62 61 42 100 Erwerbstäti 2017 61 60 42 100 33 800 2016 60 35 100 33 800 plan 59 2015 7 000 33 800 Etappen 59 58 2014 58 57 33 800 2013 112 500 2 700 57 56 33 800 160 000 2 500 78 600 We will present you with detailed planning tailored to 56 55 33 800 160 000 2 500 78 400 54 10 700 lanung 160 000 2 300 71 400 -102 900 Entnahmep 57) 160 000 2 300 43 100 -101 800 (geb. 8.9.19 959) 160 000 2 200 36 100 -94 600 -24 300 ck Muster (geb. 12.6.1 160 000 2 200 36 000 -94 700 -23 400 Herr Yanni ndra Muster 2 200 125 400 -94 100 -23 200 Frau Alexa 2 100 162 200 -97 000 -51 600 2 100 162 100 -134 400 -58 000 217 200 Einnahmen -61 000 Gesicherte ommen 2 000 162 100 -135 900 : AHV) onskasse) 5 000 162 000 -145 500 -9 000 Erwerbseink (1. Säule / Pensi 26 300 Vorsorge (2. Säule: BVG your goals and wishes. The so-called staged plan makes iche 5 000 165 000 -164 200 600 Staatl Vorsorge Säule) 165 000 -163 800 16 Berufliche (3. -164 100 -2 100 Vorsorge -1 800 Private rte Einna hmen -163 800 900 Ungesiche träge 1 200 Anteil Zinser hmen ab 2019) 150 000 372 000 Total Einna indexiert 123 500 52 000 aben (1.5% 15 Total Ausg Überschuss 16 f bzw. e ) 17 her Bedar f pro Etapp 01.01.2015 18 19 Jährlic your future financial situation transparent and easy ) bedar Verfall: ahme: 4.75% 20 Vermögens 150 000; teann rn 21 22 gsbestand:70 000; Rendi nach Steue 23 24 tionen (Anfan CHF rge (BVG) 25 Obliga gsbes tand: Vorso r Y. 26 Ruhestand - 000 27 Aktien (Anfan beruflicher Life, Muste 2. Etappe 80 40 000 28 tung aus , Swiss Steuern 2026 2027 119 600 29 30 Kapitalleis italbezug (50%) (S3a) nach 69 2028 2029 Ruhestand - altersbedingte 31 32 eilkap vorso rge n 70 2030 3. Etappe Budgetredukti 33 BVG-T 67 71 2031 on CHF -8 500/Jahr geb. 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6 Swiss Life financial planning Swiss Life personal financial planning advice, whenever you need it. Your advantages at a glance: Your financial situation – arranged clearly Sicherheit für Sie You receive a dossier clearly setting out your future Sie können Ihre finanzielle Zukunft nach Ihren financial situation and taking into account all key Zielen mit Hilfe von detaillierten Berechnungen pla- aspects. You can see, for example, whether drawing a nen. So haben Sie die Gewissheit, dass das Finanzielle pension or making a lump-sum withdrawal is better nach Ihren Wünschen geregelt ist. Wir beraten und for you, or when is the right time for retirement. begleiten Sie auch bei der Umsetzung der notwen digen Massnahmen. You are free to decide We show you sensible ways to make important financial decisions, and a variety of solutions. The decision is then yours to make. Are you interested in personal financial planning with Swiss Life? Contact us and benefit from the experience and skills of our experts. Swiss Life Ltd, General Guisan-Quai 40, Post Box, 8022 Zurich Tel. 043 284 33 30, Fax 043 284 63 11,
Swiss Life Ltd General-Guisan-Quai 40 P. O. Box, 8022 Zurich 130802 – 03.2016 Telephone + 41 43 284 33 30 Fax + 41 43 284 63 11
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