Informationen und Aufgabenliste für Jahrgangsstufe 8 (Stand 16.03.2020)
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Informationen und Aufgabenliste für Jahrgangsstufe 8 (Stand 16.03.2020) Sehr geehrte Eltern und Erziehungsberechtigte, liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler, folgende Dinge sind für die nächsten Wochen wichtig: Bitte werfen Sie / Ihr regelmäßig einen Blick auf die Schulhomepage, um aktuelle Informationen und Arbeitsmaterialien zu erhalten Die Sekretariate der Standorte Landwehr und Eichenallee sind vormittags besetzt, telefonisch erreichbar unter 02821 713960 Weiter unten befindet sich eine Aufgabenliste für die Jahrgangsstufe, zusätzlich sind die Emailadressen der jeweiligen Klassenlehrer aufgeführt Die Bearbeitung der unten stehenden Aufgaben ist verpflichtend und hat bis zum 31.03. zu geschehen Sollten Aufgaben nicht oder nur teilweise bearbeitet werden, gelten folgende Regelungen: In der ersten Schulwoche nach den Osterferien (das wäre infolge des Praktikums (27.04.-01.05.)) werden alle diejenigen, die Aufgaben nicht oder nur teilweise erledigt haben, Nachmittags Zeit und Gelegenheit erhalten, dies nachzuholen Die bearbeiteten Aufgaben sind entweder per Mail an das Klassenlehrerteam zu schicken oder beim Sekretariat abzugeben (spätester Eingangstermin: 31.03., 12 Uhr) Sollte zuhause oder bei Freunden / Bekannten keine Möglichkeit bestehen, die Materialien auszudrucken, können diese im Sekretariat in Papierform abgeholt werden
Da die Praktikumsbetriebe auf die Corona-Pandemie unterschiedlich reagieren, gelten für die Durchführung des Praktikums (20.04.-24.04.) folgende Regelungen: Ist der Betrieb einverstanden, kann das Praktikum wie geplant durchgeführt werden Sagt der Betrieb das Praktikum ab, gilt die Schulpflicht, d.h. es findet Unterricht bzw. Betreuung statt Mailadressen Jahrgang 8 Klasse 8a Klasse 8b Klasse 8c Klasse 8d Klasse 8e Klasse 8f Aufgabenliste Jahrgang 8 a-f Deutsch Bearbeitung und Abschluss des Bausteins mit Checkliste zum Thema Kurzgeschichten Mathematik 8c/d/e/f: Bearbeitung des Bausteins 5 (Thema: „Dreiecke und Vierecke“) Kompetenzen a) bis c)
8a/b: zunächst Fertigstellung des aktuellen Bausteins mit Checkliste (Thema Daten und Zufall), dann Bearbeitung des Bausteins 5 Kompetenzen a) bis c) Englisch 8a/b/c/d/e: - Vokabelliste zur unit 4 bearbeiten, das heißt Vokabeln abschreiben und lernen - Bearbeitung der unten stehenden Aufgaben 8f: Bearbeitung und Fertigstellung der Aufgaben zur Lektüre Naturwissenschaften 8a/b/c/e/f: Bearbeitung und Abschluss des eingereichten Arbeitsblattes zum Thema Sexualkunde 8d: AB zum Thema Ohr Gesellschaftslehre 8b: Fertigstellung der Projekte zur Industriellen Revolution. Material ist mitgegeben worden, Kommunikation der Gruppen untereinander digital oder am Telefon möglich. Abgabetermin des digitalen Ergebnisses per Mail an Herrn Püplichuisen ist gesetzt und kann bestehen bleiben (Freitag nach den Osterferien). 8d: Flyer zu einer Schlüsselerfindung erstellen (Material siehe Aufgaben) WP-NW Arbeit am Projekt, dabei sind Forscherfragen alleine zu bearbeiten, falls keine Vernetzung mit den Gruppenmitgliedern besteht Internet, Mail-Verkehr und Telefon, auch um Fragen mit Fachleuten zu klären, sollen zur weiteren Recherche eingesetzt werden Bei Rückfragen bzgl. der Forscherfragen oder Schwierigkeiten sollen Mails bis zum 03.04.2019 geschickt werden an:
WP Niederländisch Bearbeitung und Fertigstellung des Bilingual Arbeitsblatts (Frist beachten) Spanisch Aufgaben (siehe unten)
NW 8a,b,c,e,f Huel, Glsh, HeiE, Voor Du hast bis jetzt im Unterricht einiges über die hormonellen Veränderungen in der Pubertät und den Aufbau sowie die Funktion der Geschlechtsorgane gelernt. In den kommenden drei Wochen sollst du dich näher mit den Hoden und der Menstruation auseinandersetzen. Dafür haben wir dir einige links zusammengestellt. Die Arbeitsblätter sind zu bearbeiten und mit der Lösung eigenverantwortlich abzugleichen. In der Aufgabenstellung auf den Arbeitsblättern steht genau drauf, welche Szene aus den Filmen zum Bearbeiten der Aufgaben wichtig ist, du darfst aber natürlich auch mehr sehen oder lesen! Hoden Arbeitsblatt https://www.planet- Film Lösung https://www.planet- pdf Erektion Arbeitsblatt https://www.planet- Film Menstruation „Alles eu Gesa tdo load Seite is lese Film Arbeitsblatt https://www.planet- er.pdf Lösung https://www.planet- onskalender_Kontrollblatt.pdf
NW 8d Huel, Boll Name Akustik – Das Datum Blatt menschliche 17.03 Ohr Das Ohr Aufgabe 1: Prisma 1 lesen Lies dir im Prisma 1 die Seite 91 durch. Nimm die Wo te „äuße es Oh , „Mitteloh u d „I enoh i dei Glossa it auf u d formuliere deine Beschreibung erst, nachdem du dieses Arbeitsblatt gelöst hast. Aufgabe 2: Kreuzworträtsel Löst das Kreuzworträtsel! Die gegebenen Worte sind:
Aufgabe 3:1 Erarbeitet die Begriffe A-K für die untenstehende Abbildung! A G B H C I D J E K F Aufgabe 4: Beschreibe mit eigenen Worten den Weg des Schalls von der Ohrmuschel zur Schnecke: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________
Englisch Vokabeln Bonn, Fass, Mhls Unit 4: Stories from the deep South (8a, b, d) In der Tabelle findest du die Termine, zu denen du die Vokabeln abgeschrieben und gelernt haben musst. Viel Erfolg beim Lernen und Üben. Datum Seite(n) Vokabel 20.03. 212-213 flow - test 23.03. 213-214 American Indian - southern 26.03. 268 irregular verbs: (to) tell – (to) write Vokabeltest 212-214 flow - southern 30.03. 268 (to) tell – (to) write 03.04. 267 irregular verbs: (to) beat – (to) cost Easter holidays (04.04.-19.04.) & work experience (20.04.-24.04.) 27.04. 214 boycott - email 04.05. 214-215 per cent – get to know Vokabeltest 214-215 boycott – get to know 07.05. 267 (to) beat – (to) cost 07.05. 215-216 work out - light 11.05. 216 summarize – on the job Voraussichtlicher Termin nächste LEK: 15.05.
Unit 4: Stories from the deep South (8c) In der Tabelle findest du die Termine, zu denen du die Vokabeln abgeschrieben und gelernt haben musst. Viel Erfolg beim Lernen und Üben. Datum Seite(n) Vokabel 18.03. 212-213 flow - test 20.03. 213-214 American Indian - southern 23.03. 268 irregular verbs: (to) tell – (to) write Vokabeltest 212-214 flow - southern 31.03. 268 (to) tell – (to) write 01.04. 267 irregular verbs: (to) beat – (to) cost Easter holidays (04.04.-19.04.) & work experience (20.04.-24.04.) 28.04. 214 boycott - email 29.04. 214-215 per cent – get to know Vokabeltest 214-215 boycott – get to know 04.05. 267 (to) beat – (to) cost 12.05. 215-216 work out - light 13.05. 216 summarize – on the job Voraussichtlicher Termin nächste LEK: 15.05.
Unit 4: Stories from the deep South (8e) In der Tabelle findest du die Termine, zu denen du die Vokabeln abgeschrieben und gelernt haben musst. Viel Erfolg beim Lernen und Üben. Datum Seite(n) Vokabel 17.03. 212-213 flow - test 24.03. 213-214 American Indian - southern 27.03. 268 irregular verbs: (to) tell – (to) write Vokabeltest 212-214 flow - southern 30.03. 268 (to) tell – (to) write 31.03. 267 irregular verbs: (to) beat – (to) cost Easter holidays (04.04.-19.04.) & work experience (20.04.-24.04.) 27.04. 214 boycott - email 28.04. 214-215 per cent – get to know Vokabeltest 214-215 boycott – get to know 05.05. 267 (to) beat – (to) cost 08.05. 267 irregular verbs: (to) cut – (to) forget 11.05. 215-216 work out - light 12.05. 216 summarize – on the job Vokabeltest 215-216 work out - on the job 12.05. 267 (to) cut – (to) forget Voraussichtlicher Termin nächste LEK: 19.05.
Englisch 8a, b, c, e Mhls, Fass Dear 8a/b/c and e, here are your tasks for the next weeks: Native American stories 1. Watch the two YouTube videos as (information basis): - - 2. Read the text about the Trail of Tears ( if you want to listen to the text, you can find an audio file on this website) - you can find an easier / shorter version on p. 4 ( ) - check new words - summarise the article briefly (what is the Trail of Tears? use your own words / use the SIMPLE PRESENT or the PRESENT PERFECT) You can start like this: The online arti le The Trail of Tears is a out the expulsion Vertrei ung of the Cherokee people in the beginning of the 19th century. The Cherokee have lived in Georgia. … 3. The Trail of tears (comic Cornelsen, English G21, TF 8, pp. 128 – 129), no. 1 (answer the questions in complete sentences) + 2 ( internet research) 4. EB, p. 83 no 2 a – c (+ d in written form)
The Trail of Tears What was the Trail of Tears? The Trail of Tears was when the United States government forced 1 Native Americans to move from their homelands in the Southern United States to Indian Territory in Oklahoma. Peoples from the Cherokee, Muscogee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole tribes were marched at gunpoint across hundreds of miles to reservations. The Trail of Tears can also refer to the specific forced march and path of the Cherokee Nation from North Carolina to Oklahoma. When did it take place? The Indian Removal Act was passed by Congress in 1830. The actual removal of the Native American tribes from the South took several years. It began with the removal of the Choctaw in 1831 and ended with the removal of the Cherokee in 1838. Did they want to move? The people and leaders of the tribes were often divided on the issue. Some thought that they had no choice but to agree to move. Others wanted to stay and fight for their land. Few of them actually wanted to leave their homeland, but they knew they could not fight the United States government and win. Leading Up to the Cherokee March After the Indian Removal Act was passed 2 in 1830, the Cherokee peoples resisted 3 moving to Oklahoma. Eventually, President Andrew Jackson convinced some Cherokee leaders to sign an agreement called the Treaty of New Echota. By signing the treaty they agreed to trade their homeland for land in Oklahoma and $5 million. However, many of the Cherokee leaders did not agree to the treaty. They petitioned to Congress begging them to let them stay on their land. Despite gaining some support in Congress, the Cherokee were told they must leave by May of 1838 or they would be forced from their land. When May arrived, only a few thousand Cherokee had left. President Jackson sent General Winfield Scott to remove the Cherokee by force. Trail of Tears Map by the National Park Service 1 (to) force - zwingen 2 verabschiedet werden 3 wiederstehen
The March General Scott and his soldiers rounded up the Cherokee people into large prison camps called stockades. In many cases, the Cherokee were not allowed to gather up their possessions4 before being put into the camps. During the summer, some groups were forced to start marching to Oklahoma. However, many people died from the heat and diseases5. The remainder of the people were held in camps until that Fall. In the Fall, the rest of the Cherokee headed out to Oklahoma. It took them several months to travel around 1,000 miles across mountains and wilderness terrain. The journey lasted into the winter months making it very difficult and dangerous. Along the way, thousands of Cherokee died from diseases, starvation, and the cold. Historians estimate that at least 4,000 Cherokee died on the Trail of Tears. Aftermath6 and Legacy The Trail of Tears is one of the darkest and most shameful events of American history. The famous poet Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote of it at the time saying "the name of this nation...will stink to the world." Today, the path of the Cherokee is memorialized by the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail. (16.3.2020) Trail of Tears 4 Besitz 5 Krankheiten 6 Folgen
In the 1830s the U.S. government took away the homelands of many Native American groups in the Southeast. It then forced7 them to move to lands west of the Mississippi River. Most of them had to walk all the way. This event is known as the Trail of Tears. The term is used in particular to describe the journey8 of the Cherokee people. In the early 1800s the Cherokee got along better with the United States than most other Native American groups. Then, in 1835, gold was found on Cherokee land in Georgia. Some white people decided to take over the land and push the Cherokee out. In 1835 a few Cherokee signed a treaty, or agreement, with the U.S. government. They agreed to sell all Cherokee land to the United States for 5 million dollars. But most of the tribe did not think the treaty was legal. The U.S. Supreme Court agreed with them. President Andrew Jackson and Geo gia offi ials ig o ed the Cou t s de isio . I the fall 9 of 1838 U.S. troops began rounding up about 15,000 Cherokee and putting them in prison camps. Local residents burned their homes. Troops then sent the Cherokee west in groups of about 1,000. The Cherokee suffered10 terribly on the march, which lasted several months. They had to walk in the cold, and they were not allowed to rest. They did not have enough food. About 4,000 Cherokee died. The end of the trail for the Cherokee was land in what is now Oklahoma. Many Cherokee still live there. 7 (to) force = zwingen 8 Reise 9 Herbst 10 (to) suffer = leiden
p. 128
p. 129
1. Slavery in the US - Read the article about slavery in the United States and write a short summary ( you can find an audio file & a quiz online) - Watch the video (YouTube) for a better understanding: - German explanation: 2. ROSA PARKS - EB, pp. 84 / 85 no. 1 + 2 - Imagine you could write a letter to Rosa Parks. Tell her what you think about her reaction in the bus. You can start like this: Dear Rosa, How are you? I have read an article about you at school. I think… - Read the article about Rosa Parks: - Imagine you could write a letter to Rosa Parks. Tell her what you think about a) segregation in the U.S. / life during segregation b) her reaction in the bus c) the aftermaths (Folgen / Auswirkungen) of her reaction what happened after she refused to get up in the bus? / How is life for black and white people in the USA today? - Watch the video for a better understanding: - German explanation: (16.3.20)
History of Slavery in the United States When did slavery begin in the Americas? The first slaves in the American colonies arrived on a Dutch ship in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. Over the next 200 years, around 600,000 more slaves were brought to the American colonies, most of them to work the tobacco and cotton fields. Where did the slaves come from? Slaves were brought over from the continent of Africa. Most of them came from the west coast of Africa where the main ports for the slave trade existed. The conditions on the slave ships were terrible. Often slaves were "packed" tightly in the ship's hold where they were chained up and unable to move. Many slaves died during the trip due to disease and starvation. Slave Codes The colonies established11 laws regarding slaves called slave codes. Some of these laws detailed the punishment12 for slaves who tried to escape. Other slave codes made it illegal to teach a slave to read, to help a slave to hide, and to pay for a slave to work. Slaves were not allowed to have weapons, leave their owner's plantation, or lift their hand against a white person. Abolitionism After the American Revolution, many northern states outlawed13 slavery. By 1840 most slaves who lived north of the Mason-Dixon Line were set free. Many people in the north felt that slavery should e illegal i all the U ited States. […] Slave States and Free States The United States became divided between slave states in the south and free states to the north. When new states were added, one of the major issues was whether the new state would legalize 14 sla e y o ot. […] Civil War When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the southern states were afraid that he would outlaw slavery. They seceded15 from the United States and made their own country called the Confederacy. This started the Civil War. Eventually the North won the war and the southern states rejoined the Union. Emancipation Proclamation Du i g the Ci il Wa , P eside t A aha Li ol […] de la ed that the sla es i the South e e f ee. Although, this did not free all the slaves immediately, it set the precedence for all slaves to be set free. I , the th A e d e t outla i g sla e y as added to the U.S. Co stitutio . […] Who was Rosa Parks? 11 bestimmen / aufstellen 12 Bestrafung 13 verbieten 14 legalisieren / erlauben 15 trennen / abspalten
Full name: Rosa Louise McCauley Parks Born: 4 February 1913 Hometown: Tuskegee, Alabama, USA Occupation: Civil rights activist Died: 24 October 2005 Best known for: The Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa was born in the town of Tuskegee in Alabama, a state in southern USA. Her mother was a teacher and her father a carpenter, and she had a little brother called Sylvester. After her parents separated when she was just a little girl, Rosa and Sylvester moved with their othe to Ala a a s apital ity, Montgomery. Rosa loved to learn and studied hard at high school. But, sadly, she had to leave school at 16 to care for her dying grandmother and, shortly after, her very sick mother. When she was 19 years old, Rosa married a barber called Raymond Parks, who encouraged her to return to high s hool to ea he diplo a a edu atio e tifi ate . A d that s just hat she did, before beginning work as a seamstress16 in Montgomery. Racial segregation Life for African Americans like Rosa was hard. At the time, the Southern United States operated under the Jim Crow laws – a set of laws introduced in the late 19th century that claimed to give African Americans separate but equal status a d t eat e t. But, i t uth, the e as o e uality hatsoe e . Created by white authorities who thought black people s li es did t atte as u h as thei s, these la s e fo ed a ial seg egatio a d allowed for discrimination against African Americans – efe ed to at that ti e as olo ed people. The Jim Crow laws were introduced in different ways from state to state, but there was one common goal – to make sure black citizens and white citizens led very separate lives. Black children in the late 19th century and early 20th century had separate schools to white children. Among other things, they had separate schools, churches, libraries, restaurants, toilets, drinking fountains and waiting rooms. In some areas, there were laws banning black people from sports events and even forbidding them to work in the same office as a white person. Af i a A e i a s had fa fe e ights, too. Ra ist la s k o as Black Codes est i ted them to low-paying jobs and made it incredibly difficult for them to vote. These laws also meant black people could be arrested for small things. 16 Näherin / Schneiderin
What did Rosa Parks do? In the face of such racism, Rosa decided to make a stand for what was right. Together with her husband Raymond, she joined the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP), working towards putting an end to discrimination and segregation. But it was on the 1 December 1955 that Rosa truly sparked change. After a long day at work, Rosa boarded the bus home and took a seat. At that time in Montgomery, seats at the front of buses were reserved for white passengers, and the seats at the back for black passengers. The bus quickly filled up and when a white man boarded, the driver told the African American passengers to give up their seats for him. Whilst the other black passengers obeyed17, Rosa did not. The result? Rosa was arrested by the police and fined18 for breaking segregation laws! But Rosa refused to pay, and argued that it was the law that was wrong, not her behaviour. The Montgomery Bus Boycott O e s of Rosa s a est, the la k itize s of Montgomery came together and agreed to boycott the ity s uses i p otest. This ea t that from 5 December 1955 the date of Rosa s t ial , Af i a Americans refused to travel on buses. The boycott was managed by an organisation called the Montgomery Improvement Association, for which Dr Martin Luther King Jr was elected as leader. The protest proved super effective, with more black people participating than had been expected. And since African Americans made up a ou d % of us use s, the ity s t a spo t services made far less money and began to st uggle. But it as t a easy p otest fo the la k itize s. Ma y of the did t o a s, a d so they had to carpool together or walk long distances to get where they needed to go. What s o e, the oy ott as e ei ed ith anger by members of the white population, who responded with aggressive and dangerous acts of violence. 17 gehorchen 18 bestrafen
Nevertheless, the protesters stuck together and fought for their cause – and on 13 November 1956 their efforts were finally rewarded. After 381 days of boycotting the buses, the Supreme Court uled that Ala a a s a ial seg egatio la s e e u o stitutio al – ea i g they e e t alid a d should not be recognised. In light of such a wonderful i to y, Rosa e a e k o as the mother of the civil rights movement . Rosa Parks’ lega y Sadly, despite the i to y, life as t easy fo Rosa a d he fello a ti ists afte the oy ott. Faced with continued violence and threats by angry white groups, Rosa and Raymond moved to Det oit a ity i the o the US state of Mi higa , to li e ith Rosa s othe . There she continued to promote civil rights and help those suffering from discrimination and injustice. She continued to support the NAACP and many civil rights events, and in 1987 she co-founded the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development to provide career training for young people in Detroit. Rosa received numerous awards for her strength, courage and her incredible work for civil rights – including the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1996 and the Congressional Gold Medal in 1999. When did Rosa Parks die? Rosa died of natural causes on 24 October 2005 at the age of 92. But she continues to be recognised all over the world as a symbol of freedom and equality. Today, commemorative19 statues stand o sit e should say! i he ho ou , to e i d us of he remarkable achievements that should never be forgotten. 19 erinnernd
Englisch 8d Bonn Dear 8d, here are your tasks for the next weeks: 16.3. – 20.3.2020 1. EB, p. 81 no. 3: SMALL-TOWN GIRL - Liste to the so g S all-to gi l y Kellie P i kle YouTube: and do no a + b - p. 81 no. 3c ( ) 2. EB, p. 81 no. 4: My home, sweet home? Write an article about your hometown, use the mind map on p. 81 in your EB as orientation. Write ca. 1 page (Word document or OpenOffice document) and send it to my email address (you can use step 1 – 3 and / or Skill File 7 (p. 167) as orientation but just send in your article) Submission deadline (Abgabefrist) for the article: Friday, 20-3-2020, 2 pm Wenn du KEIN Emailprogramm hast, bitte die bearbeiteten Aufgaben zur Schule bringen. Liebe Grüße & bleibt alle gesund und fit! V. van Bonn
23.3. – 27.3.2020 Native American stories 5. Watch the two YouTube videos as (information basis): - - 6. Read the text about the Trail of Tears ( if you want to listen to the text, you can find an audio file on this website) - you can find an easier / shorter version on p. 4 ( ) - check new words - summarise the article briefly (what is the Trail of Tears? use your own words / use the SIMPLE PRESENT or the PRESENT PERFECT) You can start like this: The online arti le The Trail of Tears is a out the expulsion Vertrei ung of the Cherokee people in the beginning of the 19th century. The Cherokee have lived in Georgia. … 7. The Trail of tears (comic Cornelsen, English G21, TF 8, pp. 128 – 129), no. 1 (answer the questions in complete sentences) + 2 ( internet research) 8. EB, p. 83 no 2 a – c (+ d in written form) Submission deadline for the summary and answers no 1 (p. 129): Friday, 27-3-2020, 2 pm (16.3.2020) The Trail of Tears What was the Trail of Tears? The Trail of Tears was when the United States government forced 20 Native Americans to move from 20 (to) force = zwingen
their homelands in the Southern United States to Indian Territory in Oklahoma. Peoples from the Cherokee, Muscogee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole tribes were marched at gunpoint across hundreds of miles to reservations. The Trail of Tears can also refer to the specific forced march and path of the Cherokee Nation from North Carolina to Oklahoma. When did it take place? The Indian Removal Act was passed by Congress in 1830. The actual removal of the Native American tribes from the South took several years. It began with the removal of the Choctaw in 1831 and ended with the removal of the Cherokee in 1838. Did they want to move? The people and leaders of the tribes were often divided on the issue. Some thought that they had no choice but to agree to move. Others wanted to stay and fight for their land. Few of them actually wanted to leave their homeland, but they knew they could not fight the United States government and win. Leading Up to the Cherokee March After the Indian Removal Act was passed 21 in 1830, the Cherokee peoples resisted 22 moving to Oklahoma. Eventually, President Andrew Jackson convinced some Cherokee leaders to sign an agreement called the Treaty of New Echota. By signing the treaty they agreed to trade their homeland for land in Oklahoma and $5 million. However, many of the Cherokee leaders did not agree to the treaty. They petitioned to Congress begging them to let them stay on their land. Despite gaining some support in Congress, the Cherokee were told they must leave by May of 1838 or they would be forced from their land. When May arrived, only a few thousand Cherokee had left. President Jackson sent General Winfield Scott to remove the Cherokee by force. Trail of Tears Map by the National Park Service 21 verabschiedet werden 22 wiederstehen
The March General Scott and his soldiers rounded up the Cherokee people into large prison camps called stockades. In many cases, the Cherokee were not allowed to gather up their possessions23 before being put into the camps. During the summer, some groups were forced to start marching to Oklahoma. However, many people died from the heat and diseases24. The remainder of the people were held in camps until that Fall. In the Fall, the rest of the Cherokee headed out to Oklahoma. It took them several months to travel around 1,000 miles across mountains and wilderness terrain. The journey lasted into the winter months making it very difficult and dangerous. Along the way, thousands of Cherokee died from diseases, starvation, and the cold. Historians estimate that at least 4,000 Cherokee died on the Trail of Tears. Aftermath25 and Legacy The Trail of Tears is one of the darkest and most shameful events of American history. The famous poet Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote of it at the time saying "the name of this nation...will stink to the world." Today, the path of the Cherokee is memorialized by the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail. (16.3.2020) Trail of Tears In the 1830s the U.S. government took away the homelands of many Native American groups in the Southeast. It then forced26 them to move to lands west of the Mississippi River. Most of them had to walk all the way. This event is known as the Trail of Tears. The term is used in particular to describe the journey27 of the Cherokee people. In the early 1800s the Cherokee got along better with the United States than most other Native American groups. Then, in 1835, gold was found on Cherokee land in Georgia. Some white people decided to take over the land and push the Cherokee out. In 1835 a few Cherokee signed a treaty, or agreement, with the U.S. government. They agreed to sell all Cherokee land to the United States for 5 million dollars. But most of the tribe did not think the treaty was legal. The U.S. Supreme Court agreed with them. 23 Besitz 24 Krankheiten 25 Folgen 26 (to) force = zwingen 27 Reise
President Andrew Jackson a d Geo gia offi ials ig o ed the Cou t s de isio . I the fall 28 of 1838 U.S. troops began rounding up about 15,000 Cherokee and putting them in prison camps. Local residents burned their homes. Troops then sent the Cherokee west in groups of about 1,000. The Cherokee suffered29 terribly on the march, which lasted several months. They had to walk in the cold, and they were not allowed to rest. They did not have enough food. About 4,000 Cherokee died. The end of the trail for the Cherokee was land in what is now Oklahoma. Many Cherokee still live there. 28 Herbst 29 (to) suffer = leiden
p. 128
p. 129
30.3. – 3.4.2020 1. Slavery in the US - Read the article about slavery in the United States and write a short summary ( you can find an audio file & a quiz online) - Watch the video (YouTube) for a better understanding: - German explanation: 2. ROSA PARKS - EB, pp. 84 / 85 no. 1 + 2 - Imagine you could write a letter to Rosa Parks. Tell her what you think about her reaction in the bus. You can start like this: Dear Rosa, How are you? I have read an article about you at school. I think… - Read the article about Rosa Parks: - Imagine you could write a letter to Rosa Parks. Tell her what you think about d) segregation in the U.S. / life during segregation e) her reaction in the bus f) the aftermaths (Folgen / Auswirkungen) of her reaction what happened after she refused to get up in the bus? / How is life for black and white people in the USA today? - Watch the video for a better understanding: - German explanation: Submission deadline for your letter to Rosa Parks: Friday, 3-4-2020, 2 pm (16.3.20)
History of Slavery in the United States When did slavery begin in the Americas? The first slaves in the American colonies arrived on a Dutch ship in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. Over the next 200 years, around 600,000 more slaves were brought to the American colonies, most of them to work the tobacco and cotton fields. Where did the slaves come from? Slaves were brought over from the continent of Africa. Most of them came from the west coast of Africa where the main ports for the slave trade existed. The conditions on the slave ships were terrible. Often slaves were "packed" tightly in the ship's hold where they were chained up and unable to move. Many slaves died during the trip due to disease and starvation. Slave Codes The colonies established30 laws regarding slaves called slave codes. Some of these laws detailed the punishment31 for slaves who tried to escape. Other slave codes made it illegal to teach a slave to read, to help a slave to hide, and to pay for a slave to work. Slaves were not allowed to have weapons, leave their owner's plantation, or lift their hand against a white person. Abolitionism After the American Revolution, many northern states outlawed 32 slavery. By 1840 most slaves who lived north of the Mason-Dixon Line were set free. Many people in the north felt that slavery should be illegal in all the United States. […] Slave States and Free States The United States became divided between slave states in the south and free states to the north. When new states were added, one of the major issues was whether the new state would legalize 33 slavery or not. […] Civil War When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the southern states were afraid that he would outlaw slavery. They seceded34 from the United States and made their own country called the Confederacy. This started the Civil War. Eventually the North won the war and the southern states rejoined the Union. Emancipation Proclamation During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln […] declared that the slaves in the South were free. Although, this did not free all the slaves immediately, it set the precedence for all slaves to be set free. In 1865, the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery was added to the U.S. Constitution. […] (16.3.20) Who was Rosa Parks? 30 bestimmen / aufstellen 31 Bestrafung 32 verbieten 33 legalisieren / erlauben 34 trennen / abspalten
Full name: Rosa Louise McCauley Parks Born: 4 February 1913 Hometown: Tuskegee, Alabama, USA Occupation: Civil rights activist Died: 24 October 2005 Best known for: The Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa was born in the town of Tuskegee in Alabama, a state in southern USA. Her mother was a teacher and her father a carpenter, and she had a little brother called Sylvester. After her parents separated when she was just a little girl, Rosa and Sylvester moved with their othe to Ala a a s apital ity, Montgomery. Rosa loved to learn and studied hard at high school. But, sadly, she had to leave school at 16 to care for her dying grandmother and, shortly after, her very sick mother. When she was 19 years old, Rosa married a barber called Raymond Parks, who encouraged her to return to high s hool to ea he diplo a a edu atio e tifi ate . A d that s just hat she did, before beginning work as a seamstress35 in Montgomery. Racial segregation Life for African Americans like Rosa was hard. At the time, the Southern United States operated under the Jim Crow laws – a set of laws introduced in the late 19th century that claimed to give African Americans separate but equal status a d t eat e t. But, in t uth, the e as o e uality hatsoe e . Created by white authorities who thought black people s li es did t atte as u h as thei s, these la s e fo ed a ial seg egatio a d allowed for discrimination against African Americans – referred to at that ti e as olo ed people. The Jim Crow laws were introduced in different ways from state to state, but there was one common goal – to make sure black citizens and white citizens led very separate lives. Black children in the late 19th century and early 20th century had separate schools to white children. Among other things, they had separate schools, churches, libraries, restaurants, toilets, drinking fountains and waiting rooms. In some areas, there were laws banning black people from sports events and even forbidding them to work in the same office as a white person. Af i a A e i a s had fa fe e ights, too. Ra ist la s k o as Black Codes est i ted them to low-paying jobs and made it incredibly difficult for them to vote. These laws also meant black people could be arrested for small things. 35 Näherin / Schneiderin
What did Rosa Parks do? In the face of such racism, Rosa decided to make a stand for what was right. Together with her husband Raymond, she joined the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP), working towards putting an end to discrimination and segregation. But it was on the 1 December 1955 that Rosa truly sparked change. After a long day at work, Rosa boarded the bus home and took a seat. At that time in Montgomery, seats at the front of buses were reserved for white passengers, and the seats at the back for black passengers. The bus quickly filled up and when a white man boarded, the driver told the African American passengers to give up their seats for him. Whilst the other black passengers obeyed36, Rosa did not. The result? Rosa was arrested by the police and fined37 for breaking segregation laws! But Rosa refused to pay, and argued that it was the law that was wrong, not her behaviour. The Montgomery Bus Boycott On ne s of Rosa s a est, the la k itize s of Montgomery came together and agreed to boycott the ity s uses i p otest. This ea t that from 5 December 1955 the date of Rosa s t ial , Af i a Americans refused to travel on buses. The boycott was managed by an organisation called the Montgomery Improvement Association, for which Dr Martin Luther King Jr was elected as leader. The protest proved super effective, with more black people participating than had been expected. And since African Americans made up a ou d % of us use s, the ity s t a spo t services made far less money and began to st uggle. But it as t a easy p otest fo the la k itize s. Ma y of the did t o a s, a d so they had to carpool together or walk long distances to get where they needed to go. What s o e, the oy ott as e ei ed ith anger by members of the white population, who responded with aggressive and dangerous acts of violence. 36 gehorchen 37 bestrafen
Nevertheless, the protesters stuck together and fought for their cause – and on 13 November 1956 their efforts were finally rewarded. After 381 days of boycotting the buses, the Supreme Court uled that Ala a a s a ial seg egatio la s e e u o stitutio al – ea i g they e e t alid a d should ot e e og ised. I light of su h a o de ful i to y, Rosa e a e k o as the mother of the civil rights movement . Rosa Parks’ lega y Sadly, despite the i to y, life as t easy fo Rosa a d he fello a ti ists afte the oy ott. Faced with continued violence and threats by angry white groups, Rosa and Raymond moved to Det oit a ity i the o the US state of Mi higa , to li e ith Rosa s othe . There she continued to promote civil rights and help those suffering from discrimination and injustice. She continued to support the NAACP and many civil rights events, and in 1987 she co-founded the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development to provide career training for young people in Detroit. Rosa received numerous awards for her strength, courage and her incredible work for civil rights – including the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1996 and the Congressional Gold Medal in 1999. When did Rosa Parks die? Rosa died of natural causes on 24 October 2005 at the age of 92. But she continues to be recognised all over the world as a symbol of freedom and equality. Today, commemorative38 statues stand o sit e should say! i he ho ou , to e i d us of he remarkable achievements that should never be forgotten. 38 erinnernd
NL bili Voor Opdrachten CORVID-19 tijd Schrijf een rondleiding bij de plattegrond van deze woning. Lever deze rondleiding in t/m 20 maart 2020! Abgabe bis 20.03.2020 per Mail an oder im Sekretariat. Oefenen Volgende weken 8NL bili: luisteren/lezen presens, perfectum, imperfectum, adjectief, leestekens, lidwoorden; adjectief flexie: presens: perfectum: imperfectum: elkaar-1 elkaar-2 lidwoorden invullen: leestekens; komma:'s/komma's-1's/komma's-2
Spanisch Trik Aufga e für de Spa is hkurs Jhg. 8 Tričko ić Voka el de U idad le e : Bu h, S. el a io – S. ¿Adó de? Ko jugatio de u egel äßige Ve e „se u d „te e iede hole Bu h, S. Ko jugatio de u egel äßige Ve e „esta u d „i aus e dig le e Bu h, S. Kopien I zur Unidad 3, S. 22 Aufg. 4 und 5; S. 23 Aufg. 6 Kopien II zur Unidad 3, S. 20 Aufg. 27 und 28; S. 24 Aufg. 34 a-b, S. 25 Aufg. 35 Die für den 25.03.2020 geplante LEK wird unmittelbar nach den Osterferien nachgeholt. Bei Fragen gerne Mail an:
GL 8d Shff Eine Reihe von Schlüsselerfindungen um 1800 führte zu einem radikalen Umschwung in der Industrie und in der Gesellschaft. Aufgabe: Suche dir eine der unten stehenden Schlüsselerfindungen aus. Erstelle dazu einen übersichtlichen Flyer mit Informationen, Bildern, Zeitstrahl o.Ä.. Abgabe: Bis zum 30.03.2020 entweder per E-Mail an oder Abgabe im Sekretariat an der Eichenallee (bitte mit Namen versehen)
Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution (1) Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „A trie s as hi e “ Dazu gehören: Die Dampfmaschine, die Spinnmaschine, der Webstuhl Folgende Angaben sollten mindestens enthalten sein: - Wann wurde es erfunden? - Von wem wurde es erfunden? - Welche Funktion hat es? - Welcher Fortschritt wurde durch die Erfindung erreicht? Recherchiert die Informationen im Internet und stellt sie anschließend auf dem Flyer dar. Zusatzaufgabe: Recherchiert weitere Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „A trie s ese “.
Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution (2) Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „Elektrote h ik“ Dazu gehören: Die erste Stromquelle, die erste Glühlampe, die Dynamomaschine Folgende Angaben sollten mindestens enthalten sein: - Wann wurde es erfunden? - Von wem wurde es erfunden? - Welche Funktion hat es? - Welcher Fortschritt wurde durch die Erfindung erreicht? Recherchiert die Informationen im Internet und stellt sie anschließend auf dem Flyer dar. Zusatzaufgabe: Recherchiert weitere Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „Elektrotechnik“.
Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution (3) Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „Na hri hte ese “ Dazu gehören: Das erste Telefon, der erste Film, die erste Fernsehvorführung Folgende Angaben sollten mindestens enthalten sein: - Wann wurde es erfunden? - Von wem wurde es erfunden? - Welche Funktion hat es? - Welcher Fortschritt wurde durch die Erfindung erreicht? Recherchiert die Informationen im Internet und stellt sie anschließend auf dem Flyer dar. Zusatzaufgabe: Recherchiert weitere Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „Nachrichtenwesen“.
Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution (4) Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „S h eri dustrie“ Dazu gehören: Die Koksgewinnung aus Steinkohle, die ersten Eisenschienen, die erste Eisenbrücke Folgende Angaben sollten mindestens enthalten sein: - Wann wurde es erfunden? - Von wem wurde es erfunden? - Welche Funktion hat es? - Welcher Fortschritt wurde durch die Erfindung erreicht? Recherchiert die Informationen im Internet und stellt sie anschließend auf dem Flyer dar. Zusatzaufgabe: Recherchiert weitere Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „Schwerindustrie“.
Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution (5) S hlüsselerfi du ge der i dustrielle Re olutio i Berei h „Medizi “ Dazu gehören: Die Pockenschutzimpfung, die erste Narkose, die Röntgenstrahlung Folgende Angaben sollten mindestens enthalten sein: - Wann wurde es erfunden? - Von wem wurde es erfunden? - Welche Funktion hat es? - Welcher Fortschritt wurde durch die Erfindung erreicht? Recherchiert die Informationen im Internet und stellt sie anschließend auf dem Flyer dar. Zusatzaufgabe: Recherchiert weitere Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „Medizin“.
Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution (6) S hlüsselerfi du ge der i dustrielle Re olutio i Berei h „Che ie u d Physik“ Dazu gehören: Der Kunstdünger, das Dynamit, die Radioaktivität Folgende Angaben sollten mindestens enthalten sein: - Wann wurde es erfunden? - Von wem wurde es erfunden? - Welche Funktion hat es? - Welcher Fortschritt wurde durch die Erfindung erreicht? Recherchiert die Informationen im Internet und stellt sie anschließend auf dem Flyer dar. Zusatzaufgabe: Recherchiert weitere Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „Chemie und Physik“.
Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution (7) Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „Tra sport ese “ Dazu gehören: Die Dampflokomotive, das Fahrrad, der Dieselmotor Folgende Angaben sollten mindestens enthalten sein: - Wann wurde es erfunden? - Von wem wurde es erfunden? - Welche Funktion hat es? - Welcher Fortschritt wurde durch die Erfindung erreicht? Recherchiert die Informationen im Internet und stellt sie anschließend auf dem Flyer dar. Zusatzaufgabe: Recherchiert weitere Schlüsselerfindungen der industriellen Revolution im Bereich „Tra sport ese “.
Mathematik Jahrgang 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke Vorname: Nachname: Klasse: Korrektor: Das wirst du lernen: a) Ich kann b) Ich kann c) Ich kann d) Ich kann e) Ich kann Umfänge von Flächeninhalte besondere besondere Umfänge und Dreiecken von Dreiecken Vierecke Vierecke Flächeninhalte berechnen. berechnen. aufgrund ihrer konstruieren. von Vierecken Eigenschaften berechnen. unterscheiden. Trage für jeden Tag, an dem Du an diesem Baustein arbeitest, das Tagesdatum in das Kästchen ein. Du hast für die Bearbeitung dieses Bausteins maximal 6 Bausteinstunden Zeit. Anfang 2.Stunde 3.Stunde 4.Stunde 5.Stunde Ende So arbeitest du: Schreibe auf jedes Blatt deinen Namen und das Datum. Notiere in deinem Heft immer: Datum, Seite und Nummer einer Aufgabe. Zeichne immer mit einem spitzen Bleistift und einem Lineal. Kontrolliere deine Ergebnisse nach jeder Aufgabe. Hake die Aufgabe mit einem farbigen Stift ab oder verbessere sie, wenn dein Ergebnis nicht richtig ist. Bist du bei einer Aufgabe noch unsicher, frage nach und rechne noch ein paar zusätzliche Aufgaben, um zu üben. Lasse die „Zwischenstopp“-Aufgaben von einer Lehrkraft abhaken! Mache rechtzeitig einen Termin für deine Lernerfolgskontrolle! Klasse 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke 2019/20 Inhaltliche Rückmeldung bitte an:
Mathematik Jahrgang 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke a) Ich kann Umfänge von Dreiecken berechnen. Material Aufgabe (Erledigen, blau anmalen, kontrollieren, abhaken.) Übertrage die Regel und das Beispiel 1 zur Bestimmung des Umfangs von Dreiecken (Buch S.114; oberer blauer Kasten) in dein Merkheft und beschrifte sie mit Regel 5.1 „U fa g vo Dreiecke “. Bearbeite im Mathebuch S. 115 Nr. 2, 3a), b) Bearbeite im Arbeitsheft S. 34 Nr. 1 und 2 (nur die ersten 4 Aufgaben ) Um zu zeigen, dass du diesen Teilabschnitt gut verstanden hast: Du: L: Bearbeite im Arbeitsheft S. 34 Nr. 2 (die letzten 4 Aufgaben) und erkläre dein Vorgehen der Lehrkraft. b) Ich kann Flächeninhalte von Dreiecken berechnen. Material Aufgabe (Erledigen, blau anmalen, kontrollieren, abhaken.) Übertrage die Regel und das Beispiel zur Bestimmung des Flächeninhaltes von Dreiecken (Buch S.114; unterer blauer Kasten) in dein Merkheft und beschrifte sie mit Regel 5.2 „Fläche i halt vo Dreiecke “. Bearbeite im Mathebuch S. 116 Nr. 10 Bearbeite im Arbeitsheft S. 34 Nr. 4 und S. 35 Nr. 5 a), b), c) Du: L: Um zu zeigen, dass du diesen Teilabschnitt gut verstanden hast: Erkläre dein Vorgehen zu den Aufgaben im Arbeitsheft der Lehrkraft. Klasse 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke 2019/20 Inhaltliche Rückmeldung bitte an:
Mathematik Jahrgang 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke c) Ich kann besondere Vierecke aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaften unterscheiden. Material Aufgabe (Erledigen, blau anmalen, kontrollieren, abhaken.) Übertrage die Übersicht zu den Eigenschaften der Vierecke (S. 118) in dein Merkheft und beschrifte sie mit der Überschrift 5.3 „Eige schafte vo Vierecke “. Bearbeite im Mathebuch S. 119 Nr. 3 Bearbeite im Arbeitsheft S. 44 Nr. 1 a) Bear eite AB 3: „Eigens haften von Viere ken“ Um zu zeigen, dass du diesen Teilabschnitt gut verstanden hast: Du: L: Erkläre dein Vorgehen zu den Aufgaben im Arbeitsheft der Lehrkraft. d) Ich kann besondere Vierecke konstruieren. Material Aufgabe (Erledigen, blau anmalen, kontrollieren, abhaken.) Bearbeite im Mathebuch S. 122 Nr. 1 b), 2 b), 4 a) mit Hilfe der Methode: „Besondere Vierecke konstruieren“ (Buch S. 120 - 122) Bearbeite AB 4.3 „Konstruktion eines Drachens“ Um zu zeigen, dass du diesen Teilabschnitt gut verstanden hast: Du: L: Erkläre dein Vorgehen zu den Aufgaben auf dem Arbeitsblatt der Lehrkraft. Klasse 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke 2019/20 Inhaltliche Rückmeldung bitte an:
Mathematik Jahrgang 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke e) Ich kann Umfänge und Flächeninhalte von Vierecken berechnen. Material Aufgabe (Erledigen, blau anmalen, kontrollieren, abhaken.) Übertrage die Regeln und Beispiele zur Bestimmung des Umfangs und der Flächeninhaltes von Vierecken (Buch S. 124) in dein Merkheft und beschrifte sie mit Regel 5.4 „U fa g u d Fläche i halt vo Vierecke “. Bearbeite im Mathebuch S. 125 Nr. 3, 7 und S. 126 Nr. 10, 13 Bearbeite im Arbeitsheft S. 36 Nr.1 c), S. 37 Nr. 3 und S. 38 Nr. 1 ( otiere statt „ “ die Lä ge a u d c ), S. 38 Nr. 2 und S. 40 Nr. 1 Um zu zeigen, dass du diesen Teilabschnitt gut verstanden hast: Du: L: Erkläre dein Vorgehen zu den Aufgaben im Arbeitsheftt der Lehrkraft. Lernerfolgskontrolle LEK Material Aufgabe (Erledigen, blau anmalen, kontrollieren, abhaken.) Übe für die Lernerfolgskontrolle mit Hilfe der Checkliste LEK schreiben Klasse 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke 2019/20 Inhaltliche Rückmeldung bitte an:
Mathematik Jahrgang 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke Vorname: Nachname: Klasse: Korrektor: Das wirst du lernen: a) Ich kann b) Ich kann c) Ich kann d) Ich kann e) Ich kann Umfänge von Flächeninhalte besondere besondere Umfänge und Dreiecken von Dreiecken Vierecke Vierecke Flächeninhalte berechnen. berechnen. aufgrund ihrer konstruieren. von Vierecken Eigenschaften berechnen. unterscheiden. Trage für jeden Tag, an dem Du an diesem Baustein arbeitest, das Tagesdatum in das Kästchen ein. Du hast für die Bearbeitung dieses Bausteins maximal 6 Bausteinstunden Zeit. Anfang 2.Stunde 3.Stunde 4.Stunde 5.Stunde Ende So arbeitest du: Schreibe auf jedes Blatt deinen Namen und das Datum. Notiere in deinem Heft immer: Datum, Seite und Nummer einer Aufgabe. Zeichne immer mit einem spitzen Bleistift und einem Lineal. Kontrolliere deine Ergebnisse nach jeder Aufgabe. Hake die Aufgabe mit einem farbigen Stift ab oder verbessere sie, wenn dein Ergebnis nicht richtig ist. Bist du bei einer Aufgabe noch unsicher, frage nach und rechne noch ein paar zusätzliche Aufgaben, um zu üben. Lasse die „Zwischenstopp“-Aufgaben von einer Lehrkraft abhaken! Mache rechtzeitig einen Termin für deine Lernerfolgskontrolle! Klasse 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke 2019/20 Inhaltliche Rückmeldung bitte an:
Mathematik Jahrgang 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke a) Ich kann Umfänge von Dreiecken berechnen. Material Aufgabe (Erledigen, blau anmalen, kontrollieren, abhaken.) Übertrage die Regel und das Beispiel 1 zur Bestimmung des Umfangs von Dreiecken (Buch S.114; oberer blauer Kasten) in dein Merkheft und beschrifte sie mit Regel 5.1 „U fa g vo Dreiecke “. Bearbeite im Mathebuch S. 115 Nr. 3 Bearbeite im Arbeitsheft S. 34 Nr. 2 und 3 Um zu zeigen, dass du diesen Teilabschnitt gut verstanden hast: Du: L: Erkläre dein Vorgehen zu den Aufgaben im Arbeitsheft der Lehrkraft. b) Ich kann Flächeninhalte von Dreiecken berechnen. Material Aufgabe (Erledigen, blau anmalen, kontrollieren, abhaken.) Übertrage die Regel und das Beispiel zur Bestimmung des Flächeninhaltes von Dreiecken (Buch S.114; unterer blauer Kasten) in dein Merkheft und beschrifte sie mit Regel 5.2 „Fläche i halt vo Dreiecke “. Bearbeite im Mathebuch S. 115 Nr. 8 (alleine bearbeiten) und S. 116 Nr. 13 a) Bearbeite im Arbeitsheft S. 35 Nr. 5 Um zu zeigen, dass du diesen Teilabschnitt gut verstanden hast: Du: L: Erkläre dein Vorgehen zu den Aufgaben im Arbeitsheft der Lehrkraft. Klasse 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke 2019/20 Inhaltliche Rückmeldung bitte an:
Mathematik Jahrgang 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke c) Ich kann besondere Vierecke aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaften unterscheiden. Material Aufgabe (Erledigen, blau anmalen, kontrollieren, abhaken.) Übertrage die Übersicht zu den Eigenschaften der Vierecke (S. 118) in dein Merkheft und beschrifte sie mit der Überschrift 5.3 „Eige schafte vo Vierecke “. Bearbeite im Mathebuch S. 119 Nr. 3 und 4 Bearbeite im Arbeitsheft S. 44 Nr. 1 a) Bear eite AB 3: „Eigens haften von Viere ken“ Um zu zeigen, dass du diesen Teilabschnitt gut verstanden hast: Du: L: Erkläre dein Vorgehen zu den Aufgaben im Arbeitsheft der Lehrkraft. d) Ich kann besondere Vierecke konstruieren. Material Aufgabe (Erledigen, blau anmalen, kontrollieren, abhaken.) Bearbeite im Mathebuch S. 122 Nr. 1 b), c); Nr. 2 b), c) und Nr. 4 a) mit Hilfe der Methode: „Besondere Viere ke konstruieren“ (Buch S. 120-122) Bearbeite AB 4.3: „Konstruktion eines Drachens“ Um zu zeigen, dass du diesen Teilabschnitt gut verstanden hast: Du: L: Erkläre dein Vorgehen zu den Aufgaben auf dem Arbeitsblatt der Lehrkraft. Klasse 8 Baustein 5: Dreiecke und Vierecke 2019/20 Inhaltliche Rückmeldung bitte an:
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