Produktübersicht Synthese & Chromatographie - Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör Zu allen Produkten bieten wir ...

Die Seite wird erstellt Niels-Arne Stahl
Produktübersicht Synthese & Chromatographie - Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör Zu allen Produkten bieten wir ...
   Synthese &
    Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und

          Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör

Zu allen Produkten bieten wir Applikationssupport,
          Beratung sowie umfangreiche
         Service- und Garantieleistungen
Produktübersicht Synthese & Chromatographie - Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör Zu allen Produkten bieten wir ...
Synthese - Chromatographie
Heat-On Metall-Heizböcke                           Radleys
Parallel Reaktionssysteme                          Radleys
Mya 4 Reaktionssysteme                             Radleys
Laborreaktoren - Reaktorsysteme                    Radleys
Luftkühler                                         Radleys
Mikrowellen Synthese                               CEM
Mikrowellenunterstützte Peptid-Synthese            CEM
Flash-Chromatographie                              Teledyne Isco
Flash kombiniert mit Prep HPLC                     Teledyne Isco
HPPLC-System - ACCQ Prep HP150                     Teledyne Isco
Fraktionssammler                                   Teledyne Isco
Präparatives SFC System                            Sepiatec
Präparatives SFC System                            Sepiatec
Parallel-Chromatographie                           Sepiatec
Verbrauchsmaterial Chromatographie                 Chrom4
Autosampler für Head Space und flüssig Injektion   hta
Produktübersicht Synthese & Chromatographie - Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör Zu allen Produkten bieten wir ...
Synthese - Chromatographie
             Heat-On Metall-Heizböcke
             Die Alternative für verschmutzte Ölbädern und
             Heizmantel. Vermeidet das Überlaufen von Heizölen und
             macht somit das Arbeiten sicherer.

             Heat-On-Heizblöcke eliminieren das Unfall- und Feuerrisiko im Labor

             Einfach die sicherste, schnellste und effizienteste Art für das Aufheizen und
             Rühren der Rund- und Birnenkolben

             Erhältlich für 10 ml bis 5000 ml Rund- und Birnenkolben

             Parallel Reaktionssysteme
             Grösste Auswahl an Parallelsynthese-Werkzeugen für
             Forschung und Entwicklung. Kleinster Platzbedarf bei 4,
             6, 12 und 24 Parallelreaktionen.

             Diverse Carousels mit 6, 12 oder 24 Positionen zur parallelen Synthese oder

             Gleichzeitiges Rückflussieren oder Kühlen von bis zu 12 Reaktionen unter
             Inert- bzw. Reaktionsgas

             Mya 4 Reaktionssysteme
             Das Reaktionssystem mit unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten,
             hervorragender Reproduzierbarkeit und Data Logging
             24/7 Intergrierte Software.

             4 unabhängige Zonen von -30 °C bis +180 °C
             Für Prozess und Forschung
             Reaktionsvolumen von 2 mL bis 400 mL
             Mit Magnet- oder Überkopfrührer

24.01.2022                                                                                                        Seite 1
Produktübersicht Synthese & Chromatographie - Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör Zu allen Produkten bieten wir ...
Synthese - Chromatographie
             Laborreaktoren - Reaktorsysteme
             Umfangreiche Auswahl an Laborreaktoren mit und ohne
             Computersteuerung. Sehr einfache Fremdgeräteadaption
             von Waagen, Thermostaten, Pumpen, pH-Sonden,

             Genaue Verfolgbarkeit und Wiederholbarkeit der Experimente
             Einfache Optimierung von Reaktionen
             Einfacher Reaktorwechsel ohne Werkzeuge in wenigen Sekunden

             Findenser, der Super Luftkühler braucht kein fliessendes
             Wasser. Deshalb ist er besonders ressourcenschonend,
             kosteneffizient und verhindert eine mögliche Überflutung.

             Der Findenser ist in zwei Grössen, sowie mit verschiedenen Schliffgrössen
             Der Findenser wird für Volumen von 5 mL - 1 L eingesetzt.
             Das Antirollsystem verhindert das Weiterrollen, wenn der Findenser nicht in
             Gebrauch ist.

             Mikrowellen Synthese
             Mit dem Discover 2.0 führen Sie Ihre organischen oder
             anorganischen Synthesen im Handumdrehen erfolgreich

             Reaktionsgefässe von 10ml bis 125ml
             5.0 Megapixel Kamera zum Aufnehmen von Bildern und Videos Ihrer
             Mit dem Autosampler haben Sie Platz für bis zu 48 Vials
             Der Cool Mate führt Ihre Reaktionen bei bis zu -80 °C durch
             Automatische Gaszugabe oder Inertisierung möglich

24.01.2022                                                                                                      Seite 2
Produktübersicht Synthese & Chromatographie - Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör Zu allen Produkten bieten wir ...
Synthese - Chromatographie
             Mikrowellenunterstützte Peptid-Synthese
             Immer mehr Wissenschaftler erkennen die Vorteile des
             Mikrowellen - Einsatzes in der Synthese von Peptiden
             sowie der Analyse von Peptiden und Proteinen. CEM
             bietet dazu ein Programm mit verschiedensten Geräten

             Peptid - Synthese (Discover SPS, Liberty Blue)
             Peptid - Cleavage System (Accent)
             Proteinhydrolyse (Discover inkl. Spezial Zubehör)
             Enzymatischer Aufschluss (Discover inkl. Spezial Zubehör)

             Der Combiflash NextGen 300/300+ steigert die
             Produktivität, ist schneller, effizienter und dank der
             Gradientenoptimierung auch grüner.

             Flussraten von 1-300 mL/Min. und maximal Druck von 20 Bar (300 PSI)
             Detektoren; wahlweise oder kombinierbar: UV, UV-VIS (PDA Technologie),
             ELSD und MS
             Scale Up System: Combifash Torrent; bis 1L/Min. Flussrate und 13.8 Bar

             Säulen: RediSep Säulen sind in verschiedenen Medien und Grössen
             erhältlich, sowie auch in Qualitäten wie spährischen RediSep Gold.

             Flash kombiniert mit Prep HPLC
             Automatisiertes Combiflash EZ Prep, die perfekte und
             einfachste Kombination von Flash und Prep HPLC
             Chromatographie in dem kompaktesten System am

             Flussraten: 5-200ml/min; Drücke: Flash 13.8bar, Prep HPLC 240bar
             4 Lösungsmittel anschliessbar; binäre Gradienten bei aktiver LM-Entgasung
             Aktive Fehlervermeidungsfunktionen: ua. Lösungsmitteldetektion
             Benutzerfreundliche, intuitive Soft Ware: alle Parameter während Trennung
             Detektion: UV, UV-VIS, ELSD und MS (10-2000 Da; ESI und APCI)

24.01.2022                                                                                                    Seite 3
Produktübersicht Synthese & Chromatographie - Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör Zu allen Produkten bieten wir ...
Synthese - Chromatographie
             HPPLC-System - ACCQ Prep HP150
             Das High Performance Preparative Liquid
             Chromatography-System verfolgt einen ganz neuen Weg
             betreffend Bedienerfreundlichkeit, Einfachheit und

             Flussraten: 1 - 150 ml/Min; Druck: bis 400 bar
             Max. 6 Lösungsmittel anschliessbar; binäre Gradienten bei aktiver
             Aktive Fehlervermeidungsfunktionen inkl. Lösungsmitteldetektion. Run
             Parameter abänderbar on the fly.

             UV,UV-Vis,ELSD und MS (10-2000 Da; ESI und APCI)

             Foxy® R1 und R2: Eine neue Generation mit erweiterter
             Sammelkapazität und RFID Technologie; hervorragende
             Genauigkeit bei Fraktionierung mit Peaktrennmethoden.

             Zuverlässigkeit bei Fraktionierung nach Zeit, Tropfen- oder Pumpenvolumen
             Grosse Auswahl an Racks (Gestellen)
             Intuitive Bedienung über Touchscreen mit Symbolen
             Eingebautes Ethernet und RS-232 Komunikationsfähigkeit
             Miniatur-Fraktionensammler Retriever 500: Fläche nur DIN A4!

             Präparatives SFC System
             Prep SFC 250 ist ein sehr kompaktes (kleinste Standfläche
             auf dem Markt) und äusserst bedienerfreundliches
             Preparatives SFC System mit Flussraten bis 250ml/min.
             Detektion mit DAAD UV/VIs, aber auch mit MS erhältlich.
             Säulen bis 30mm Durchmesser.

             Schärfere Peaks und schnellere, häufig bessere Trennungen als mit HPLC
             Enorme Lösungsmittelersparnis: bis zu 3 Lösungsmittel zum CO2 zur
             Trennung einsetzbar (auch EtOH)
             2x 400bar pro Pumpenkopf und 8 Fraktionen (bis 1l jede) separiert mit
             Cyclone-Technik zu über 95% Reinheit
             Integrierter 15.6‘‘ Touch Screen mit intuitiver, einfacher Software
             MS von Advion mit ESI und APCI als Ionenquelle

24.01.2022                                                                                                    Seite 4
Produktübersicht Synthese & Chromatographie - Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör Zu allen Produkten bieten wir ...
Synthese - Chromatographie
             Präparatives SFC System
             Das Prep SFC M5 ist die "all in one" Lösung für chirale
             und achirale Trennungen mittels überkritischer

             Inklusive integriertem Autosampler.
             Analytische, halb präparative oder präparative Säulen.
             UV, ELSD und / oder MS Detektoren möglich.
             Flussraten von 0.1-100ml/min bei 400 bar.

             Das erste echte, parallele 8fach HPLC (bzw. SFC) System
             für den Hochdurchsatz. Je 8 Flussratenregler, ein 8fach
             Autosampler und 8 DAD Detektoren sorgen für
             garantiert individuelle Auftrennung (keine
             Kreuzkontamination möglich!) der 8 Proben.

             Flussraten von 0.5ml bis 20ml/min je Einzelkanal wählbar
             Variabel einsetzbar, zur Methodenentwicklung, der Aufreinigung von
             Synthesen und der Anayltik
             Analytische und präparative Ausführung erhältlich
             Sepbox: automatisierte Chromatographie-Systeme zur Auftrennung von
             Erhebliche Steigerung des Probendurchsatzes in der Wirkstoffsuche

             Verbrauchsmaterial Chromatographie
             Das Sortiment von Chrom4 besteht aus hochwertigem
             Chromatographie Verbrauchsmaterial zu äusserst
             günstigen Preisen.

             LC- und GC-Säulen: Ultrasphere spherical (3/5 µm), Partisil irregular (5/10
             µm) and Reprosil spherical (Maisch) porous silica
             Proben Handling - vials, caps, inserts, 96 well Plates, sealing mats
             Probenvorbereitung – Filtration, Syringe and Membrane Filters
             (InnoSep/Thomson), nano Filter Vials
             Dissolution-Zubehör und –Gläser

24.01.2022                                                                                                      Seite 5
Produktübersicht Synthese & Chromatographie - Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör Zu allen Produkten bieten wir ...
Synthese - Chromatographie
             Autosampler für Head Space und flüssig Injektion
             Diverse Autosampler für Ihren GC und Ihr LC mit oder
             ohne MS sowie Probenvorbereitungs-

             HT3000A Series Liquid GC Autosampler vom Einsteigemodel bis zum
             HT2000 Series GC Autosampler "Headspace" und "all in one"
             HT4000L HPLC Autosampler Lab Automation ready
             HT4000E Automated SPE-HPLC Autosampler
             HT4000A Automatisierung, Probenvorbereitung

24.01.2022                                                                                          Seite 6
Produktübersicht Synthese & Chromatographie - Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör Zu allen Produkten bieten wir ...
Benchtop and Hotplate Tools                                             Control Software
   Findenser             Heat-On Block           Cool-It Insulated          AVA Laboratory Control Software
   Air Condenser         System                  Bowls                      and Data Hub

   Page 4                Page 5                  Page 6                                      Page 26/27

   StarFish Work         Carousel                Overhead
   Station               Stirring Hotplates      Stirrers

   Page 7                Page 8                  Page 9

Parallel Reaction Stations
   Carousel 12 Plus    Cooled Carousel 12      Carousel 6 Plus       Cooled Carousel 6       Carousel
   Reaction Station    Plus Reaction Station   Reaction Station      Plus Reaction Station   Work-Up Station

   Page 10             Page 11                 Page 12               Page 13                 Page 19

   GreenHouse          Cooled GreenHouse       GreenHouse                 GreenHouse
   Plus Parallel       Plus Parallel           Blowdown                   Work-Up
   Synthesiser         Synthesiser             Evaporator                 Station

   Page 16             Page 16                 Page 17                    Page 18

   Tornado             Storm                   Breeze
   Overhead            Work                    Work
   Stirrer             Station                 Station

   Page 14             Page 15                 Page 15

Jacketed Lab Reactors
  Custom Jacketed        Reactor-Ready         Reactor-Ready           Reactor-Ready           Lara Controlled
  Reaction               Lab Reactor           Duo Lab                 Pilot Lab               Lab Reactor
  Systems                                      Reactor                 Reactor

  Page 21                Page 22               Page 23                 Page 24                 Page 25

t: +44 1799 513320 f: +44 1799 513283 e:                                     3
Produktübersicht Synthese & Chromatographie - Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Labor- und Prozessgeräten samt Zubehör Zu allen Produkten bieten wir ...
Mya 4 Reaction Station                                •
                                                          4 independent zones
                                                          Magnetic and overhead stirring
One reaction station with limitless possibilities     •   -30 °C to +180 °C
                                                      •   2 ml to 400 ml vessels
                                                      •   Software control

                                         Improving the productivity of your chemistry
Key Features
A 4-zone reaction station offering safe and precise heating, active cooling,
software control and data-logging for 24/7 unattended chemistry

                                                                                                                        Û&      Û&

                                                                              • 2 ml to 400 ml
                                                                        • Vials, tubes, round bottom
                                0\D&RPSDFW6WLUUHU                       flask and straight sided            5HIOX[+HDG
                             • Stirs from 100 to 1000 rpm                     process vessels                • Water-cooled
                        • Co
                          Control each position independently                                              • Efficient refluxing
                            • Powerful, high torque motor                                                • Distributes inert gas
                                • Tool-free attachment

             • Easily view your
                                                                                                                                        • Distributes water
              vessel contents
                                                                                                                                       for glass condensers
                                                                                                                                      • Distributes inert gas

      • High performance                                                                                                          7HPSHUDWXUHƒ&WRƒ&
      insulation minimises                                                                                                      • Independent control of each zone
         zone cross-talk                                                                                                             • Block or solution control
                                                                                                                                    • Pt100 temperature probes

• No need for a separate chiller
 • Powerful Peltier technology                                                                                                            6SDFHVDYLQJ
    provides rapid cooling                                                                                                         • Compact benchtop footprint
                                                                                                                                   • Less space than 4 separate
                                                                                                                                         reaction set-ups

      Magnetic stirring
    from 100 to 1000 rpm
    • Control each position

                                  • Supplied as standard
                                • Intuitive and easy to use
                                 • Set automated profiles
                                   or use manual control
                                                                                                                     • Integrate and control 3rd
                                                                                                                    party devices such as pumps,
                                                                                                                      balances and pH sensors
                                                                           • Control heating/cooling
                     /HW'DLV\LQWURGXFH                                  and stirring of each zone
                     our Mya 4                                                  independently


2                                                             Radleys Shire Hill, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB11 3AZ. United Kingdom
to process development

• 4 different temperature zones, each with heating and active cooling
• Use one compact system for a range of experiments
• Precise temperature control
• Magnetic or optional overhead stirring
• Accepts a wide range of vessel sizes and styles
• Control your experiments and log results automatically
• Use Mya 4 with or without a chiller

                                                                                  Single or parallel synthesis
                                                                                  Design of Experiment (DoE)
                                                                                  Process development
                                                                                  Scale up
                                                                                  Route scouting
                                                                                  Crystallisation studies
                                                                                  Polymorph screening
                                                                                  Lead optimisation
                                                                                  Reaction optimisation
                                                                                  Reagent, catalyst and solvent screening

• Save space compared with separate reaction set-ups
• Software control improves safety, reduces manual errors, and allows 24/7
  unattended chemistry, for improved productivity
• Create, repeat and share experiments and results with ease and accuracy
• Easily manage complex multi-step and multi-device experiments
• Integrate 3rd party devices such as pumps, balances and pH sensors etc.

t: +44 1799 513320 f: +44 1799 513283 e:                                                 3
Schnelle, einfache und sichere Arbeitsweisen mit
Mikrowellen-Laborgeräten in der Chemie, Biochemie,
Pharmazie und Life Sciences
In vielen Bereichen der Chemie, Biochemie, Pharmazie und der
Life Sciences sind langwierige und mitunter auch umweltge-
fährende Arbeitsmethoden etabliert.

Mit modernen Mikrowellen-Laborgeräten können viele dieser
traditionellen Arbeiten deutlich bescheunigt und somit effizi-
enter gestaltet werden. Zudem wird dem Gedanken des
Arbeits- und Umweltschutzes Rechnung getragen, häufig
Strom gespart und Abfälle reduziert.

                                                                     So bieten sich für diese klassischen Arbeitsgebiete als Alter-
                                                                     native Mikrowellen-Labormethoden an:

                                                                     o Feuchte- und Feststoffgehalt, auch von
                                                                       lösemittelhaltigen Proben
                                                                     o Schnelle Trocknung als Alternative zum
Smart Turbo: Mikrowellen-Trockner
Feuchte- und Feststoffgehalte in nur 2 min.                          o Fett- und Ölgehalt, ohne Chemikalien
                                                                     o Fett- und Ölgehalt, nasschemische Extraktion
                                                                     o Mikrowellenbeschleunigte Lösemittel-Extraktion
                                                                       (MASE) als Alternative zur Soxhlet-Extraktion
                                                                     o Mikrowellen-Säure-Aufschluss zur Bestimmung
                                                                       des Elementgehaltes
                                                                     o Schneller Aschegehalt, Glühverlust, Glührückstand,
                                                                     o Gehalt an Sulfatasche gemäß Pharma-Normen
                                                                     o Inertgas-Veraschung
                                                                     o Protein-Hydrolyse zur Aminosäure-Analyse
                                                                     o Enzymatischer Verdau
                                                                     o Chemische und biochemische Synthese
                                                                     o Peptid-Synthese
Chemische Reaktionen in der Mikrowelle mit Touch-Screen Bedienung.

                                                                     CEM GmbH
                                                                     Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Str. 9   Tel.: +49 (0 )28 42 /96 44-0   Internet:
                                                                     D-47475 Kamp-Lintfort        Fax: +49 (0 )28 42 /96 44-11   E-Mail:
                     RediSep Solid Load Cartridges ®
                                                                                                                                                          RediSep Library
   RediSep solid load cartridges improve the resolution of the compound and eliminate reaction byproducts when compared to liquid
   injection techniques. Prepare pre-filled solid load cartridges by pipetting the dissolved sample onto the top of the cartridge. Prepare
                                                                                                                                             Teledyne ISCO has an extensive library of application notes, posters, and
   empty solid load cartridges by filling the cartridge with a slurry mixture of the dissolved sample and supporting media. For optimal      paper reprints. Some of the most requested documents are listed below.
   benefits, remove the solvent by vacuum before placing the cartridge on the purification system.

                                                                                                                                             Silica                                                        Detection Techniques
   Empty Disposable                                                          Adjustable Solid Load Cartridge Cap (SLCC)                                                                        ®
                                                                                                                                             AN70, Higher Resolution Results with RediSep Gold Silica      AN22, Expanded Compound Wavelength Detection with UV-Vis
   Sample Load Cartridges                                                    Size                                              Catalog #     Columns
                                                                                                                                                                                                           AN80, Evaporative Light Scattering Detectors
            Size                     Qty                   Catalog #         For use with RediSep sample load cartridges.                    Poster Reprint, Purification of Carbohydrates by MPLC
             5g                      30                    69-3873-235       Fits 2.5 and 5 gram sample load cartridges.                                                                                   AN81, CombiFlash® All-wavelength Collection
                                                                             For use on CombiFlash® systems                   60-5237-047    Poster Reprint, Spherical Silica Increases Loading Capacity
            25 g                     30                    69-3873-240                                                                                                                                     AN90, Why Use ELSD if My Compound Absorbs UV?
            65 g                     12                    69-3873-225       Fits 12 and 25 gram sample load cartridges.
                                                                             For use on all CombiFlash® and Torrent systems   60-5237-048    C18                                                           AN93, Information Rich Flash Chromatography I Mass Directed
            260 g                    6                     69-3873-201                                                                                                                                     Fractionation
                                                                             Fits 32 and 65 gram sample load cartridges.                     AN49, Improvements in RP MPLC as Alternative to Prep HPLC
            750 g                    4                     69-3873-224       For use on all CombiFlash® and Torrent systems   60-5237-044                                                                  AN94, Information Rich Flash Chromatography II All-Wavelength
                                                                                                                                             AN51, RediSep C18 Column—Purification of Peptides             Collection and Purity Measurement
                                                                             Fits 130 and 260 gram sample load cartridges.
   Prepacked Disposable                                                      For use on CombiFlash® Torrent systems           60-5247-008    AN55, RediSep C18 Column—Purification of Low-solubility       AN102, Mass-directed Purification of Steroids with APCI
   Sample Load Cartridges                                                    Fits 375 and 750 gram sample load cartridges.
                                                                                                                                             Polar Heterocycles                                            and PurIon
                    Normal Phase Silica                           C18        For use on CombiFlash® Torrent systems           60-5247-009    AN58, Non-Aqueous Reverse Phase with RediSep Gold® C18
    Size             Qty       Catalog #           Qty         Catalog #
    2.5 g            20       69-3873-238              -            -                                                                        Amine                                                         AN01, Peptide Separations Using Reverse Phase RediSep Columns

     5g              20       69-3873-236           5         69-3873-237                                                                    AN31, RediSep Amine Column–Purification of high pKa           AN103, Save Time and Money by Purifying Peptides Yourself
     12 g            15       69-3873-243           4         69-3873-248                                                                    Organic Compounds Case Study 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                           AN106, Purification of a Peptide ACE Inhibitor Using the
     25 g            15       69-3873-241           4         69-3873-242                                                                    AN99, Use of RediSep Gold® Amine Columns in the Weak Ion      ACCQPrep HP125 or HP150
     32 g            12       69-3873-310              -            -                                                                        Exchange Mode                                                 AN109, The Effect of Reverse Phase Chain Length on Peptide
     65 g             4       69-3873-226              -            -                                                                        Poster Reprint, Advanced Topics RediSep Specialty Media       Purification
    260 g             4       69-3873-202              -            -                                                                                                                                      AN113, Reverse Phase Column Choice Affects Peptide Purity
                                                                                                                                             C18Aq                                                         AN115, Purification of Peptide-Peptoid Hybrids
                                                                                                                                             AN76, RediSep Gold® C18Aq for Highly Aqueous Mobile Phases
   Self-pack Flash Column Frits
                    Size                                      Catalog #                                                                      AN95, Desalting Samples with RediSep Gold® C18Aq Columns      General Information
                                                                                                                                                                                                           AN20, Acetone as an Alternative to Ethyl Acetate
      Package of 150 frits, 5 gram                           60-5237-052                                                                     AN97, Removal of Non-volatile Solvents with RediSep Gold®
      Package of 100 frits, 25 gram                          60-5237-053                                                                     C18Aq Columns                                                 TN60, Use RediSep Columns Everywhere!
      Package of 75 frits, 65 gram                           60-5237-054                                                                                                                                   AN 118, HPLC to Flash
                                                                                                                                             Solid Load Cartridges
                                                                                                                                                                                                           AN 119 Generate Reverse Phase Flash Focused Gradients at
                                                                                                                                             AN15, Dry Samples Improve Resolution in Normal Phase Flash    Lightning Speed
   RediSep Bulk Media                                                                                                                        Chromatography
   Media                  Particle         Container Size        Catalog #                                                                                                                                 AN 121, Method Transfer to RediSep Gold C18 8.6 kg columns.
   Gold Silica 20–40 μm irregular              90 kg           60-2207-419

                                                                                                                                                   Our full library is availible online at
RediSep Prep HPLC Columns  ®
                                                                                                                                      RediSep Prep Guard Columns

                 Maximize your Preparativee HPLC performance
                                                                                                                       RediSep Prep Guard columns help to maximize the practical lifetime
   When you need the highest purity compound, your first choice should
                                                                   ould be                                             of your Prep column investment. Over time, the performance of a Prep
   Teledyne ISCO’s RediSep Prep columns. RediSep Prep columns are specifically                                         column declines with the accumulation of impurities and particles onto
   designed for high performance preparative liquid chromatography (Prep
                                                                    Prep HPLC).                                        the inlet frit and the head of the column. An inexpensive guard column
   Maximum purity                                                                                                      prevents these impurities and particles from reaching your valuable prep
   The columns are packed with 5μm particles for maximum purity.                                                       column. Once you begin to see increased backpressure or changes
                                                                                                                       in chromatography (such as peak broadening or changes in retention
   Easy method development
                                                                                                                       times), switch out the guard column to see improved performance.
   Quickly optimize your method using minimal sample with RediSep Prep
                                                                    ep HPLC
   analytical columns.
                                                                                                                       RediSep Prep Guard Columns (5 μ)
   Specifications:                                                                                                     Size                                Catalog #
     • Particle size: 5 μm spherical                                                                                   30 mm, Guard C18, 100 Å            69-2203-804
     • Mesh size: 400–632                                                                                                                                                             The ACCQPrep
                                                                                                                       30 mm, Guard C18Aq, 100 Å          69-2203-805                 HP150 Prep
     • Pore size: 100 Å C18, C18Aq, Silica (200 Å C8)                                                                                                                                 HPLC system
     • Surface area m2/g: 300 ±50
     • Endcapped: Yes (Except silica)
     • Carbon: 16.0–18.0% (C18)                                                                                           RediSep Prep HPLC and Guard
               10.0–12.0% (C18Aq)
               4.0–6.0% (C8)                                                                                              columns use stationary phase
     • Loading capacity: 0.1–2%                                                                                           with matching selectivity to our
                                                                                                                          RediSep Flash Columns

               PEPTIDES                             SMALL MOLECULES                           NATURAL PRODUCTS

   RediSep Prep HPLC Columns (5 μ)
   Size                                                                  Catalog #
                                                                                                                                      RediSep Prep UPLC Columns
                                                                                                                                      Re                      ®

   Length/Diameter (ID)             4.6 mm              10 mm             20 mm         30 mm              50 mm                      Method Development Columns
   150 mm, C18, 100 Å             69-2203-800        69-2203-808        69-2203-810   69-2203-812        69-2203-814   Matching UPLC column media to our Prep columns allows for method development on analytical UPLC systems and
   150 mm, C18Aq, 100 Å           69-2203-801        69-2203-816        69-2203-818   69-2203-820        69-2203-822   method transfer to our RediSep Prep HPLC columns on Preparative HPLC systems like the ACCQPrep HP150. For
                                                                                                                       more information see our paper: Silver, J. “Overview of Analytical-to-Preparative Liquid Chromatography Method
   150 mm, C8, 200 Å              69-2203-856        69-2203-857        69-2203-858   69-2203-860        69-2203-862
                                                                                                                       Development.” ACS Combinatorial Science, 2019 21 (9), 609-613. DOI: 10.1021/acscombsci.8b00187
   150 mm, Silica, 100 Å          69-2203-802        69-2203-824        69-2203-826   69-2203-828            -
   250 mm, C18, 100 Å                  -             69-2203-809        69-2203-811   69-2203-813        69-2203-815   RediSep Prep UPLC Columns (2.8 μ)
   250 mm, C18Aq, 100 Å                -                 -                    -           -              69-2203-823   Size                                Catalog #
   250 mm, C8, 200 Å                   -                 -              69-2203-859   69-2203-861        69-2203-863   50 mm, C8, 200 Å, 2.8 μ            69-2203-853
   250 mm, Silica, 100 Å               -                 -              69-2203-827   69-2203-829        69-2203-831   50 mm, C18, 100 Å, 2.8 μ           69-2203-854
                                                                                                                       50 mm, C18Aq, 100 Å, 2.8 μ         69-2203-855                                                                                                                                                                                                                        16
CombiFlash                                     ®

NextGen 300+
Flash Chromatography System

The CombiFlash NextGen Flash Chromatography System
offers the most options in regards to system configurations.

Now there are three different models to choose from based
on your budgetary and application needs.

Setting a New Bar in Flash
  Chromatography Performance
The CombiFlash NextGen 300+ features all available
performance and safety options. Flow rate range is from
1 to 300 mL/min at operating pressures up to 300 psi
(20 bar). The system is fitted with a solid load injection
valve that can be bypassed if you decide to perform
a liquid injection. RFID technology comes standard and            • Straightforward
automatically reads the size and type of RediSep or                 Complete control on one screen
RediSep Gold® column being used for the purification.              • Compact
Based on this information, a default gradient and flow rate          Designed to take up minimal lab space
are programmed into the system. Simply insert the column
                                                                  • Flexible
into the stand, press Play and the run starts. This same RFID       Configure to meet your specific needs
technology automatically reads the rack type being used
                                                                  • Faster
ensuring there is never a missed or overfilled tube. Active
                                                                    New default methods with higher flows and
solvent and waste level monitoring is standard on the               steeper gradients speed up the purification
NextGen 300+. Ensures that the column never dries out               without sacrificing performance
during the purification run and no messy solvent spills.
                                                                  • Greener
                                                                    Conserve solvent with optimized gradients

                                                                  Standard System Features
                                                                  • Flow rates from 1 to 300 ml/min

Can be fitted with an ELSD at the time of system purchase.
                                                                  • Operating pressure up to 300 psi (20 bar)

NextGen 300+ is compatible with PurIon Mass Spectrometer or       • Choice of UV, UV-Vis ELSD or MS options
ELS Detection. Upgrade at the time of purchase or in the field.
CombiFlash Model                          NextGen 300+                                     Programmable Gradients     Linear, step, isocratic
Flow Rate Range                           1–300 mL/min                                     User Interface             12 or 15” capacitive touch screen
Sample Loading Technique                  Liquid and Solid (standard)                      Fraction Collector         Internal
Maximum Pressure                          -Up to 300 psi (20 bar)                          Rack Size RFID Read        Standard
                                          -User defined pressure limits
                                                                                           Real Time Method Editing   Standard
UV and UV-Vis Detection                   Variable UV 200–400 nm
                                                                                           Active Solvent and
                                          or Variable UV-Vis 200–800 nm                                               Standard
                                                                                           Waste Level Monitoring
                                          (PDA Technology)
                                                                                           Internal Vapor Sensor      Option at time of purchase
Real Time UV Spectral Display             Standard
                                                                                           Vapor Enclosure for
Absorbing Solvent                                                                                                     Optional
                                          Standard                                         Collection Racks
Baseline Substract
                                                                                           Audible Alarm              Standard
ELSD Detection                            Integrated option with UV or UV-Vis
                                                                                           Lighted Rack Area          Standard
Number of Solvents                        Binary gradient, 4 solvents
                                                                                           Dimensions (H x W x D)     26 x 14.1 x 17 in (66 x 36 x 43 cm)
Modifier 3rd Solvent                       Standard
                                                                                           Weight with ELSD           74 lb (33.6 kg)
Gradient Formation                        Low pressure
                                                                                           Weight without ELSD        61 lb (27.7 kg

685250001               CombiFlash NextGen 300+ System with 200–400 nm UV variable wavelength detector, 12” screen.
685250002               CombiFlash NextGen 300+ System with 200–800 nm UV-Vis variable wavelength detector, 12” screen.
685250003               CombiFlash NextGen 300+ System with 200–400 nm UV variable wavelength detector, 15” screen.
685250004               CombiFlash NextGen 300+ System with 200–800 nm UV-Vis variable wavelength detector, 15” screen.

CombiFlash NextGen 300+ Factory Options
605257001               Factory installed ELSD for CombiFlash NextGen 300 & 300+ (only available when ordered with initial system purchase.)
605257005               Factory installed Vapor Sensor for all CombiFlash NextGen models.

CombiFlash NextGen 300+ Field Options
605257008               Sample rack vapor enclosure for operation outside the hood.
605257007               ELSD Field Upgrade Kit for CombiFlash NextGen 300+ systems.

CombiFlash Sample Injection Options
60-5237-047             Adjustable Solid Load Cartridge Cap (SLCC), fits 2.5 and 5 gram-size sample load cartridges.
                        Includes one loading rod.
60-5237-048             Adjustable Solid Load Cartridge Cap (SLCC), fits 12 and 25 gram-size sample load cartridges.
                        Includes one loading rod.
60-5237-044             Adjustable Solid Load Cartridge Cap (SLCC), fits 32 and 65 gram-size sample load cartridges.
                        Includes one loading rod.

Teledyne ISCO
P.O. Box 82531, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68501 USA
Toll-free: (800) 228-4373 • Phone: (402) 464-0231 • Fax: (402) 465-3091
Teledyne ISCO is continually improving its products and reserves the right to change product                                                    L-5214 Rev 4.0
specifications, replacement parts, schematics, and instructions without notice.                                                                           6/18
CombiFlash® EZ Prep
Streamline Flash and Preparative HPLC chromatography
with a compact, easy-to-operate unit

The CombiFlash EZ Prep streamlines the purification process,
quickly switching from Flash to high-pressure preparative
chomatography in just two clicks. Pre-purify on Flash
followed by Prep for submission quality compounds.

User-friendly PeakTrak® software controls both Flash and Prep
HPLC chromatographic conditions. Additionally, PeakTrak
integrates all detector options, including the CombiFlash
PurIon mass spectrometer for single point control.

z    Simplicity                                                                                      Prep LC in a Flash
     Simplest transition of any Flash/Prep HPLC system –
     switch to high-pressure preparative chromatography             Standard System Features
     in just two clicks                                             • Up to 3500 psi (240 bar) and 200 mL/min
                                                                    • Run Prep HPLC columns up to 50 mm in diameter (including
z    Small Footprint                                                  5 μm particle diameter)
     Highly compact design occupies minimal lab space
                                                                    • Flash purification for 10 milligram to 33 grams followed by final
                                                                      compound purification on high performance columns
z    Compatibility
     Runs Preparative HPLC columns packed with particles            • UV, UV-Vis, ELSD and MS detection options available
     down to 5 μm for maximum efficiency                            • Switch between normal and reverse phase solvents
                                                                      automatically, without user interaction

                                                                                              It’s easy!
                                                                                               1    Select preparative HPLC column
                    1                                           3                                   from the drop down menu. The
                                          2                                                         system automatically switches
                                                                                                     from Flash to HPLC Prep Mode.
                                                                                               2    Press play.
                                                                                               3    Review results.
                       smart solutions & service
                            I GZ Instruments AG    Tel. +41 44 456 33 33
                            Räf felstrasse 32
                            CH – 8045 Zürich
                                                   Fax +41 44 456 33 30
                                                                                                   Prep LC in a Flash
               Flow Rate Range                                                                       5-200 mL/min (Flash & Prep)
               Pump Prime                                                                            Self-priming
               Maximum Pressure (Flash Operation)                                                    200 psi (13.8 bar)
               Maximum Pressure (High Pressure Operation)                                            Up to 3500 psi (240 bar)
               UV and UV Vis Detection                                                               UV 200-400 nm standard, UV vis 200-800 nm optional
               ELSD Detection                                                                        Built-in detector compatible with either UV or UV-Vis
               Mass Spectometer                                                                      Three models with mass ranges of 10-1200 and 10-2000 Da.
               Number of Solvents                                                                    Binary gradient between any two of four solvents
               Programmable Gradients                                                                Linear, step, isocratic
               Sample Introduction (Flash)                                                           Solid or liquid load
               Sample Introduction (Prep)                                                            Variable volume liqid load (5mL loop standard)
               User Interface                                                                        10.4” touchscreen
               Fraction Collector                                                                    Internal
               Dimensions (H x W x D)                                                                26.8” x 16.9” x 17” (68 x 43 x 43.2 cm)

                                                                                 Ordering Information
               68-5230-025            CombiFlash EZ Prep Chromatography System with 200-400 nm UV variable wavelength detector
               68-5230-026            CombiFlash EZ Prep Chromatography System with 200-800 nm UV-Vis variable wavelength detector
               68-5230-027            CombiFlash EZ Prep Chromatography System with 200-400 nm UV variable wavelength and ELS detectors
               68-5230-028            CombiFlash EZ Prep Chromatography System with 200-800 nm UV-Vis variable wavelength and ELS detectors

                                                            Purlon Mass Spectrometer Upgrade Options
               68-5237-050             CombiFlash Purlon Mass Spectrometer and Fluid Interface. Basic MS module with maximum mass of 1200
                                       Dalton. User selectable positive or negative ionization. ESI or APCI probe standard, to be defined on order.
               68-5237-083             CombiFlash Purlon Mass Spectrometer and Fluid Interface. Mass spec “S” with probe and fluid interface, MS model S module
                                       with maximum mass of 1200 Dalton, system auto-switches between positive and negative ionization. ESI or APCI probe
                                       standard, to be defined on order.
               68-5237-084             CombiFlash Purlon Mass Spectrometer and Fluid Interface. Mass Spec “L” with probe and fluid interface. MS model L module
                                       with maximum mass of 2000 Dalton. System auto switches between positive and negative ionization. ESI or APCI probe
                                       standard, to be defined on order.

                                                                       Preparative Injector Valve Options
               29-9125-051             1 mL Injection Loop
               29-9125-050             5 mL Injection Loop (standard)
               29-9125-052             10 mL Injection Loop
               29-9125-060             Injector Fill Port for use with 2” long 22 gauge blunt tip needle
               60-5238-240             Injector Fill Port Female Luer Adapter (standard)

                                              4700 Superior Street, Lincoln, NE 68504 USA • Tel: (402) 464-0231 • USA & Canada: (800) 228-4373
L-5202 06/15

                                                                     Fax: (402) 465-3022 • Email:
                                                                Teledyne Isco reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
                                                                             ©2015 Teledyne Technologies Incorporated
Teledyne Isco Automation Modules
                                                                         For CombiFlash® EZ Prep
Maximize the throughput and flexibility of your CombiFlash EZ Prep
by adding automation for longer unattended operation.
We offer three different options for automating the CombiFlash EZ Prep purification system. These options can be used
independently or in combination with one another to meet your application needs.

                                              AutoInjector Module
                                              The AutoInjector is designed for the user who needs to make multiple
                                              purification runs of the same sample. Simply input the volume of sample
                                              you have and the number of injections needed for purification.

                                               •    Automate multiple
                                                    injections of the same
                                                    sample with up to 100
                                                    repeat injections totaling
                                                    up to 1 liter of sample
                                               •    Automatic cleaning
                                                    procedure eliminates

                                                                                     Utilize the simple single-screen user interface.

                                              AutoSampler Module
                                              If you have several different samples to purify which may require multiple
                                              injections and different chromatographic conditions, the AutoSampler is the
                                              right product for you. Build a simple sample table in seconds, press start, and
                                              let the system do the rest. RFID identification on sample load and collection
                                              racks eliminates errors.

                                               •    Add new samples to the
                                                    queue at any time
                                               •    Expand fraction collector
                                                    capacity with the two
                                                    additional collection racks
                                                    on the AutoSampler deck
                                               •    Washes the probe between
                                                    samples to eliminate
                                                                                          Make your priority sample run next.
Column Selector Module
                Define up to four columns and their respective
                position in the EZ Prep’s configuration screen for
                fast set up. When you select the column needed for
                your purification,
                                                                                       Use all four positions for different columns or dedicate a position to bypass for
                Isco’s PeakTrak®                                                       system flush.
                switches the                                                              •     The Column Selector has positions for up to four
                column selector                                                                 preparative columns with diameters from
                valve to the                                                                    10 – 50 mm and lengths up to 250 mm

                correct position.                                                         •     Reduce leaks from manual column changes
                                                                                          •     Use alone or in conjunction with the
                                                                                                AutoInjector or the AutoSampler
                                                                                          •     Maximize available bench space by mounting the
                                                                                                Column Selector Module to the side of the EZ Prep or
                                                                                                by stacking it under the AutoSampler

                                Automation Modules                                                                 Specifications
                  68-5237-088             AutoInjector Module                            Dimensions ( H x W x D )
                  68-5237-092             AutoSampler Module with sample                 AutoInjector Module                  5.0 x 1.9 x 6.3 in
                                          load and collection racks                                                           (12.7 x 4.8 x 16.0 cm)
                  68-5237-093             AutoSampler Upgrade for an                     AutoSampler Module                   18.9 x 14.0 x 19.3 in
                                          AutoInjector. Includes sample load                                                  (48.0 x 35.6 x 49.0 cm)
                                          and collection racks
                                                                                         Column Selector Module               14.5 x 4.6 x 16.1 in vertical
                  68-5237-091             Column Selector Module                                                              (36.8 x 11.7 x 40.9 cm vertical)
                                                                                                                              4.6 x 14.5 x 16.1 in horizontal
                                                                                                                              (11.7 x 36.8 x 40.9 cm horizontal)
                   Sample Load Racks for AutoSampler                                     Weight
                  60-5234-637             Sample load rack,13 mm                         AutoInjector Module                  4.0 lbs (1.8 kg)
                                          (28 tubes/rack)
                                                                                         AutoSampler Module                   31.1 lbs (14.1 kg)
                  60-5234-638             Sample load rack, 28 mm
                                          (12 scintillation vials/rack)                  Column Selector Module               12.9 lbs (5.9 kg)
                                                             Collection Racks for AutoSampler
                 60-5237-013              Collection racks, 13 x 100 mm (108 tubes/rack). Set of 2.
                 60-5237-061              Collection racks, 16 x 100 mm (75 tubes/rack). Set of 2.
                 60-5237-031              Collection racks, 16 x 125 mm (75 tubes/rack). Set of 2.
                 60-5237-032              Collection racks, 16 x 150/160 mm (75 tubes/rack). Set of 2.
                 60-5237-033              Collection racks, 18 x 150 mm (70 tubes/rack). Set of 2.
                 60-5237-034              Collection racks, 18 x 180 mm (70 tubes/rack). Set of 2.
                 60-5237-035              Collection racks, 25 x 150 mm (30 tubes/rack). Set of 2.
                 60-5237-040              Collection rack, 480 ml square bottle (12 bottles/rack). Qty 1.
                 60-5394-469              Collection racks, 28 x 61 mm (27 scintillation vials/rack, 20 ml). Set of 2.
                 60-5394-468              Collection racks, 28 x 95 mm (27 scintillation vials/rack, 40 ml). Set of 2.

                                     4700 Superior Street, Lincoln, NE 68504 USA • Tel: (402) 464-0231 • USA & Canada: (800) 228-4373
L-5211 051816

                                              Fax: (402) 465-3022 • Email: •
                                                    Teledyne Isco reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
                                                                 ©2016 Teledyne Technologies Incorporated
ACCQPrep HP150                                     ™

Preparative HPLC

The Teledyne ISCO ACCQPrep™ HP150 is designed to be intuitive and easy-to-
use with all the performance and accuracy of an HPLC system. The ACCQPrep
focuses on purification with the highest sample recovery.

Achieve High Performance Preparative
Liquid Chromatography (HPPLC)
simply, without compromise.
With ease of purification in mind, the user-friendly ACCQPrep HP150 eliminates
unnecessary and complex method parameters found in many of the HPPLC
systems in today’s market. Our PeakTrak® software, designed with the user in
mind, is the basis for controlling the ACCQPrep HP150. The integrated software,
eliminates the need for a stand-alone PC. This results in a more compact unit
with a touch screen interface. Software evolves with user needs and updates are
always free.
Enjoy the confidence associated with Teledyne ISCO’s active solvent and waste                  Complete control of the system on one screen
level monitoring, which reduces the risk of solvent spills. In addition, never miss or
overfill test tubes again with RFID collection racks.                                        •Compact
The ACCQPrep HP150 creates high accuracy gradients and low dwell volumes                       Designed to take up minimal lab space
with dual piston, high pressure pumps. Operate across the full range of flow rates
from analytical (1 mL/min) to 50 mm and larger preparative columns (150 mL/min),             •Flexible
without the need to switch out pump heads. Save method development time by                     Add on Teledyne ISCO Automation Modules
scouting on an analytical column, and scale up to prep on one system, with a                   and other sample injection and detection
single touch.                                                                                  options for your separation needs

                                                                                             Standard Features:
                                                                                             • Flow rates from 1 to 150 mL/min allows
                                                                                               scouting and Prep methods on one system
                                                                                             • Operating pressure up to 6,000 psi
                                                                                             • Choice of UV or UV-Vis plus ELSD and
                                                                                               MS options
                                                                                             • One touch Focused Gradient Generator
                                                                                               maximizes purification time and sample

The system is ready for hours of unattended      PurIon Mass Spectrometer takes the guess
operation when combined with optional            work out of your purification routine with
automation modules.                              mass directed fractionation.
ACCQPrep™ HP150                                                                                  Selection Information
Flow Rate Range:            1–150 mL/min                                                         ACCQPrep HP150 Systems
Pressure Limit:             Up to 6,000 psi (400 bar)                                            ACCQPrep HP150 System with 200-400 nm – UV PDA detector . . . . . . . . . .685230053
                                                                                                 ACCQPrep HP150 System with 200-800 nm – UV-Vis PDA detector . . . . . . .685230054
UV and UV- Vis              Variable UV 200–400 nm,
Detection:                  Variable UV-Vis 200–800 nm (optional)
                                                                                                 Factory Installed Options
ELSD Detection:             Integrated Option
                                                                                                 Integrated ELSD, factory installed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605237135
Number of Solvents:         Binary gradient, 2 solvents, 2 x 3 solvents (optional),              ACCQPrep AS 2x2 – AutoSampler Module Factory Installed with sample load
                            Fixed third solvent modifier (optional)                              and collection racks, includes the AI-5 (685237101)
Gradient Formation:         High pressure, dual piston reciprocating pumps                       2 racks, (75) 16 mm tubes/rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .685237127
                                                                                                 ACCQPrep AS 4x2 – AutoSampler Module Factory Installed with sample load
Programmable                Linear, step, isocratic
                                                                                                 and collection racks, includes the AI-5 (685237101)
                                                                                                 4 racks, (75) 16 mm tubes/rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .685237140
Gradient Linearity:         +/- 1%                                                               ACCQPrep AI 5 – AutoInjector Factory Installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .685237098
Sample Introduction: Injection loop (standard)                                                   ACCQPrep CSV 4 – Column Selector Valve Module Factory Installed . . . . . .685237099
                     Manual (standard)
                                                                                                 ACCQPrep SSV 2x3 – Solvent Selector Valve Module Factory Installed . . . .685237100
                     AutoInjector (optional)
                     Large sample load pump (optional)
                                                                                                 User Installed Options
User Interface:             15 in touchscreen, internal CPU, Linux Red Hat
                                                                                                 Large Volume Sample Load Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .685237131
Fraction Collector:         Internal, External Fraction Collection with                          Waste Collection Switching Valve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685237132
                            AutoSampler (Optional)
                                                                                                 Third Solvent Modifier Pump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .685237136
Dimensions                  (H x W x D) 27.5 x 14.0 x 20.0 in (69.9 x 35.6 x 50.8 cm)
ACCQPrep:                   84.5 pounds (38.2 kg)                                                ACCQPrep AI 5 – AutoInjector User Installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .685237101
                                                                                                 ACCQPrep CSV 4 – Column Selector Valve Module User Installed . . . . . . . .685237102
Dimensions AS 2x2   (H x W x D) 18.9 x 14.0 x 19.3 in (48.0 x 35.6 x 49.0 cm)
AutoSampler Module: 31.1 pounds (14.1 kg)                                                        ACCQPrep SSV 2x3 – Solvent Selector Valve Module User Installed . . . . . .685237104
Dimensions AS 4x2   (H x W x D) 27.5 x 23 x 22 in (69.9 x 58.4 x 55.9 cm)
AutoSampler Module: 42.2 pounds (19.1 kg)                                                        Mass Directed Options
                                                                                                 Mass Spec “S” with Fluid Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .685237083
                                                                                                 Mass Spec “L” with Fluid Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .685237084
                                                                                                 APCI Ion Source for Base, S and L Mass Spec options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250000125
                                                                                                 ESI Ion Source for Base, S and L Mass Spec options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250000129

       Large Volume Sample Load Pump                                     Waste Collection Switching Valve                                              Third Solvent Modifier Pump
   Used for injecting volumes of samples greater                   Interfaces with AS 2x2 and 4x2. Directs waste                               Controlled via PeakTrak and provides delivery
than 10 mL directly onto the column bypassing the                     from up to 12 samples into separate waste                                of a third solvent at a fixed percentage during
  injection loop. Pump is controlled via PeakTrak.                   reservoirs. Ideal for open access to separate                                             the purification.
                                                                    individual sample wastes. Requires presence
                                                                            of either the AS 2x2 or AS 4x2.

Teledyne ISCO
P.O. Box 82531, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68501 USA
Toll-free: (800) 228-4373 • Phone: (402) 464-0231 • Fax: (402) 465-3091
Teledyne ISCO is continually improving its products and reserves the right to change product                                                                                             L-2221       Rev 1.0
specifications, replacement parts, schematics, and instructions without notice.                                                                                                                         03/19
Preparative Scale Separation – Compact Design
Sepiatec’s new Prep SFC 250 system is a compact    The column oven, containing the chromatography
benchtop unit designed for preparative separa-     columns together with the injection valve and the
tions using supercritical fluid chromatography.    UV flow cell, is heatable up to 70° C so that a
                                                   uniform temperature is ensured.
Measuring just 72 x 60 x 88 cm (W x D x H) the
system offers all advantages of SFC technology     The fractionation module includes a selector
such as fast separations, reduced consumption      valve and 9 gas-liquid separators (1 for waste).It is
of organic solvents, lower costs, improved en-     designed for 8 fraction bottles with a volume of 1
vironmental compatibility and increased safety.    litre each. Due to the flexible outlets even bigger
                                                   sample containers with volumes up to several
The Prep SFC 250 system uses two high-pressure     litres can be used.
pumps fitted with 150 ml pump heads. Total flow
rates of up to 250 ml of supercritical fluid per   A system controller with current performance
minute can be achieved at a modifier portion of    characteristics is built into the device. There is no
40 %. This allows the operator to use separation   need for a separate computer, and no additional
columns with internal diameters of 15 to 30 mm     bench space is required.
and lengths of 250 mm.
                                                   Data is entered via the 15.6‘‘ touch screen, which
Due to its compact design the footprint of the     is placed ergonomically on the upper front of the
Prep SFC 250 system is comparatively small and     Prep SFC 250 system.
precious laboratory space can be saved. The
clearly arranged assembly of the Prep SFC 250      An additional monitor at a separate work site can
system allows easy access to all of its modules.   also be connected.
The Prep SFC 250 system is controlled entirely      for inputting separation parameters for different
by means of the Prep SFC control software           samples, functions such as stack injection with
which offers a clear menu structure enabling        automatic suggestions for stack times, multiple
simple and intuitive operation. All input options   options for fractionation and on-the-fly editing
are presented on just a few screens. The Prep       for changing parameters during the course of a
SFC control software includes a sequence editor     run.

As an option Sepiatec’s Prep SFC 250 system
can be combined with Advion’s expression

The expression CMS is a very compact mass
spectrometer featuring the latest single qua-
drupole technology. The system as a whole,
consisting of Prep SFC 250 and expression CMS,
allows users to perform mass-directed-, mass-
confirmed- and UV-controlled fractionation.

The exact molecular weights of the separated
substances are quickly and reliably measured,
and even UV-inactive targets can be fractio-
nated. The ion source consists of an ESI option
and an APCI option, which can both produce
anions or cations as required.

All the modules needed to connect the expres-       The expression CMS software allows users
sion CMS to the Prep SFC 250 system, such as        to perform a wide range of assessments.
a make-up flow pump and a split valve, are in-      The compact size of the Prep SFC 250 and
cluded. The expression CMS mass spectrometer        the expression CMS means that they can be
is operated and the data obtained are displayed     installed together in a standard laboratory
using the Prep SFC 250 system software.             fume hood.
Sepiatec GmbH . Johann-Hittorf-Str. 8 . 12489 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 30 - 63 22 34 0 . Facsimile: +49 (0) 30 - 63 22 34 10 . .


Operating mode                       1 semi-preparative or preparative column

Suitable columns                     15 to 30 mm ID, max. 250 mm in length

Solvents                             CO2 and organic solvents

Number of modifier solvents          1 standard, 4 with optional solvent selection valve

Total flow rate                      250 ml/min at a modifier portion of 40 %

CO2 pump                             150 ml pump head, 400 bar

Modifier pump                        150 ml pump head, 400 bar

Add-on pump                          30 ml pump head, 400 bar (optional)

Operating pressure                   Up to 300 bar, back pressure regulator online adjustable

Injection                            Partial loop with syringe pump

                                     Ambient temperature to 70° C, 2 columns standard,
Column oven
                                     6 columns with optional valves

UV detector                          Wavelength range 190 to 500 nm

Other detectors                      DAD, ELSD or mass spectrometer optional

Fractionation                        1 to 8 fractions, unlimited volumes, pressure-less fraction collection

                                     With additional CO2 recycling module (optional),
CO2 Recycling
                                     gaseous to liquid CO2 conversion, about 85 % recovery

Software                             Prep SFC control software

System controller                    Integrated controller, Windows 10

Screen                               15.6“ touch screen, 16:9 format

Connections                          3 USB ports, Ethernet, HDMI

Dimensions                           72 x 60 x 88 cm (W x D x H)
Prep SFC M5
Versatile SFC System for Chiral and Achiral Separations
Sepiatec‘s new Prep SFC M5 system is a prepa-        switched using two integrated column switching
rative system for separating chiral and achiral      valves. The column oven is heatable up to 70°
samples using supercritical fluid chromatography.    Celsius. Standard equipment in the main module
                                                     is a UV detector for measuring in the range of 190 –
The Prep SFC M5 system consists of the main          500 nm. Additional detectors, such as an ELSD,
module and the collector module. Both modules        can also be connected. An optional compact mass
form a functional unit that can be configured in a   spectrometer is available for separations with
variety of ways with different equipment.            mass directed fractionation.

The main module can be equipped with up              An integrated control computer and 10“ TFT
to three high pressure pumps, a CO2 pump,            touch screen is used to input all data for sample
a modifier pump and an optional add-on pump          separations. No additional computer is required,
for separations with low modifier portions.          reducing the space required for the Prep SFC M5
The available options include:                       system to a width of just 91.5 cm.

. Pumps with 100 ml pump heads,                      The collector module has a continuously-opera-
  flow rates 0.2 – 100.0 ml/min, 400 bar             ting gas-liquid separator that makes a vertical
                                                     movement when switching to a new fraction
. Pumps with 30 ml pump heads,                       vessel. A valve closes the outlet of the gas-liquid
  flow rates 0.1 – 30.0 ml/min, 400 bar              separator while the vessel is being changed.
                                                     A new collection simply involves lowering a short
. Add-on-pumps with 30 ml pump heads,                capillary into the opening of the fraction vessel,
  flow rates 0.1 – 30.0 ml/min, 400 bar              which virtually precludes the risk of carry-over.

The integrated auto sampler can accommodate          The easily exchangeable round holder for the
two standard or deep-well microtiter plates or       fraction collector vials provides ideal overview.
racks with up to 60 sample vials with a volume       It is available in several models: 38 vials each of
of 1.5 ml each.                                      10 ml volume, 22 vials with 40 ml or 12 flasks with
                                                     100 ml volume each. The collector module has a
The column oven contains up to 10 separation         removable and transparent protective cover and
columns with internal diameter of 4 to 30 mm         comes with a connector port for an aspirator that
and a length of up to 250 mm. The columns are        facilitates use at a standard laboratory bench.
Possibilities for collecting and processing         . Continuous placement of new empty vials
fractions using the Prep SFC M5 system can            into the holder of the collector module, thus
be expanded with the optional sorter module.          expanding the collection capacity to several
                                                      hundred fractions
The sorter module is a handling robot designed
for interacting with the collector module of the    . Weighing of vials that are removed from the
Prep SFC M5 system. It is available in a variety      collector module, which are then to be dried
of different sizes and can be equipped with           in an evaporator, automatic preparation of a
various gripper arms. A wide range of variants        “counter vial” with identical weight, positioning
and functions is possible with the addition of        of both vials in the holding tray of the evaporator
various components:
                                                    . A variety of other sample preparation processes
. Continuous removal of vials from the collector      for further analysis of collected fractions
  module with sorting according to pre-selected

The Prep SFC M5 system is controlled entirely       suggestions for stack times and multiple options
by means of the Prep SFC control software           for fractionation. A computer at a separate work
which offers a clear menu structure enabling        site can also be connected.
simple and intuitive operation. All input options
are presented on just a few screens. The soft-      If an optional mass spectrometer is used, control
ware includes a sequence editor for inputting       and data acquisition also take place directly via
separation parameters for different samples,        the Prep SFC control software.
functions such as stack injection with automatic
Sepiatec GmbH . Johann-Hittorf-Str. 8 . 12489 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 30 - 63 22 34 0 . Facsimile: +49 (0) 30 - 63 22 34 10 . .


Operating mode                      1 analytical, semi-preparative or preparative column
CO2 pump,                           30 ml heads, flow rates 0.1 – 30.0 ml/min, 400 bar,
optionally 30 ml or 100 ml          100 ml heads, flow rates 0.2 – 100.0 ml/min, 400 bar
Modifier pump,                      30 ml heads, flow rates 0.1 – 30.0 ml/min, 400 bar,
optionally 30 ml or 100 ml          100 ml heads, flow rates 0.2 – 100.0 ml/min, 400 bar
Add-on pump, 30 ml (optionally)     30 ml pump head, flow rates 0.1 – 30.0 ml/min, 400 bar
Number of modifier solvents         1 standard, max. 4 solvents with optional selection valve
Backpressure range                  Up to 300 bar, adjustable online backpressure control
Sample injection                    Partial loop with syringe pump
Auto sampler                        2 MTP or 2 deep well plates 96 well or 60 vials 1.5 ml
Number of columns and size          Max. 10 columns, 4 to 30 mm ID, up to 250 mm length
Column oven                         Ambient temperature to 70°C, integrated flow cell
UV Detector                         Standard, wavelength 190 to 500 nm
ELSD                                Optionally available
Mass spectrometer                   Optionally available
Fraction collector                  Holders for 38 vials 10 ml, 22 vials 40 ml or 12 flasks 100 ml
Software                            Prep SFC control software, Sequence Editor M5 software
System controller                   Integrated PC, Windows, 10” TFT touch-screen
Connections                         3 USB ports, Ethernet, HDMI
Dimensions, weight                  91.5 x 60 x 88 cm (W x D x H), 148 kg

Technical data of the Prep SFC M5 sorter module available on request
                     The Sepmatix 8x System Screening HPLC from                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       spend time adapting methods to the new
                     Sepiatec only uses one external HPLC pump.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       system or to purchase any new costly HPLC
                     The flow is separated by the patented Sepmatix                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   columns. Different designs of the Sepmatix 8x
                     Flow Control into eight channels, and the flow                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   System Screening HPLC are available for appli-
                     in each channel is precisely measured and re-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    cations such as chiral column screening, protein
                     gulated throughout the entire run. Together                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      screening, method development, or with an 8x
                     with an Autosampler and a detector with 8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fraction Collector for preparative work.
                     independent spectrometer modules working
                     in parallel.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The required space for the Sepmatix 8x System
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Screening HPLC is only 55 x 55 x 90 centimetres
                     The result is an unbelievably compact HPLC sys-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (W x D x H).
                     tem, which will instantly enhance the through-
                     put of every research and development labora-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A column oven for heating purposes according
                     tory eight times over. It is not necessary to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to customer’s requirements is also available.

                                                       Column 1                                                                    Column 2                                                                         Column 3                                                                        Column 4                                                                          Column 5                                                                                Column 6                                                                                Column 7                                                                          Column 8
                            1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                              1,2                                                                               1,2                                                                                     1,2                                                                                 1,2                                                                                  1,2
                             1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                              1,1                                                                               1,1                                                                                     1,1                                                                                 1,1                                                                                  1,1
                               1                                                                               1                                                                               1                                                                                1                                                                                 1                                                                                       1                                                                                   1                                                                                    1
                            0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                              0,9                                                                               0,9                                                                                     0,9                                                                                 0,9                                                                                  0,9

CO2-EtOH 90:10 5ml          0,8






                            0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                              0,6                                                                               0,6                                                                                     0,6                                                                                 0,6                                                                                  0,6

trans Stilbenoxid           0,5                                                                             0,5                                                                             0,5                                                                              0,5                                                                               0,5                                                                                     0,5                                                                                 0,5                                                                                  0,5
                            0,4                                                                             0,4                                                                             0,4                                                                              0,4                                                                               0,4                                                                                     0,4                                                                                 0,4                                                                                  0,4
                            0,3                                                                             0,3                                                                             0,3                                                                              0,3                                                                               0,3                                                                                     0,3                                                                                 0,3                                                                                  0,3
                            0,2                                                                             0,2                                                                             0,2                                                                              0,2                                                                               0,2                                                                                     0,2                                                                                 0,2                                                                                  0,2
                            0,1                                                                             0,1                                                                             0,1                                                                              0,1                                                                               0,1                                                                                     0,1                                                                                 0,1                                                                                  0,1
                              0                                                                               0                                                                               0                                                                                0                                                                                 0                                                                                       0                                                                                   0                                                                                    0
                                   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13    14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6       7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                      0   1    2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14
                                                               [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                            [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                                 [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                                 [min]

                            1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                              1,2                                                                               1,2                                                                                     1,2                                                                                 1,2                                                                                  1,2
                             1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                              1,1                                                                               1,1                                                                                     1,1                                                                                 1,1                                                                                  1,1
                               1                                                                               1                                                                               1                                                                                1                                                                                 1                                                                                       1                                                                                   1                                                                                    1
                            0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                              0,9                                                                               0,9                                                                                     0,9                                                                                 0,9                                                                                  0,9

CO2-EtOH 95:05 5ml          0,8







                            0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                              0,6                                                                               0,6                                                                                     0,6                                                                                 0,6                                                                                  0,6

trans Stilbenoxid           0,5
                            0,2                                                                             0,2                                                                             0,2                                                                              0,2                                                                               0,2                                                                                     0,2                                                                                 0,2                                                                                  0,2
                            0,1                                                                             0,1                                                                             0,1                                                                              0,1                                                                               0,1                                                                                     0,1                                                                                 0,1                                                                                  0,1
                              0                                                                               0                                                                               0                                                                                0                                                                                 0                                                                                       0                                                                                   0                                                                                    0
                                   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13    14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6       7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                      0   1    2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14
                                                               [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                            [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                                 [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                                 [min]

                            1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                              1,2                                                                               1,2                                                                                     1,2                                                                                 1,2                                                                                  1,2
                             1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                              1,1                                                                               1,1                                                                                     1,1                                                                                 1,1                                                                                  1,1
                               1                                                                               1                                                                               1                                                                                1                                                                                 1                                                                                       1                                                                                   1                                                                                    1
                            0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                              0,9                                                                               0,9                                                                                     0,9                                                                                 0,9                                                                                  0,9

CO2-IPA 90:10 5ml           0,8








                            0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                              0,6                                                                               0,6                                                                                     0,6                                                                                 0,6                                                                                  0,6

trans Stilbenoxid
                            0,5                                                                             0,5                                                                             0,5                                                                              0,5                                                                               0,5                                                                                     0,5                                                                                 0,5                                                                                  0,5
                            0,4                                                                             0,4                                                                             0,4                                                                              0,4                                                                               0,4                                                                                     0,4                                                                                 0,4                                                                                  0,4
                            0,3                                                                             0,3                                                                             0,3                                                                              0,3                                                                               0,3                                                                                     0,3                                                                                 0,3                                                                                  0,3
                            0,2                                                                             0,2                                                                             0,2                                                                              0,2                                                                               0,2                                                                                     0,2                                                                                 0,2                                                                                  0,2
                            0,1                                                                             0,1                                                                             0,1                                                                              0,1                                                                               0,1                                                                                     0,1                                                                                 0,1                                                                                  0,1
                              0                                                                               0                                                                               0                                                                                0                                                                                 0                                                                                       0                                                                                   0                                                                                    0
                                   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13    14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6       7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                      0   1    2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14
                                                               [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                            [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                                 [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                                 [min]

                            1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                              1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                               1,2                                                                                     1,2                                                                                 1,2                                                                                  1,2
                             1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                              1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                               1,1                                                                                     1,1                                                                                 1,1                                                                                  1,1
                               1                                                                               1                                                                                1                                                                               1                                                                                 1                                                                                       1                                                                                   1                                                                                    1

CO2-IPA 95:5 5ml
                            0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                              0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                               0,9                                                                                     0,9                                                                                 0,9                                                                                  0,9
                            0,8                                                                             0,8                                                                              0,8                                                                             0,8                                                                               0,8                                                                                     0,8                                                                                 0,8                                                                                  0,8
                            0,7                                                                             0,7                                                                              0,7                                                                             0,7                                                                               0,7                                                                                     0,7                                                                                 0,7                                                                                  0,7








                            0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                              0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                               0,6                                                                                     0,6                                                                                 0,6                                                                                  0,6

trans Stilbenoxid           0,5
                            0,2                                                                             0,2                                                                              0,2                                                                             0,2                                                                               0,2                                                                                     0,2                                                                                 0,2                                                                                  0,2
                            0,1                                                                             0,1                                                                              0,1                                                                             0,1                                                                               0,1                                                                                     0,1                                                                                 0,1                                                                                  0,1
                              0                                                                               0                                                                                0                                                                               0                                                                                 0                                                                                       0                                                                                   0                                                                                    0
                                   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13    14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6       7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                      0   1    2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14
                                                               [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                            [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                                 [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                                 [min]

                            1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                              1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                               1,2                                                                                     1,2                                                                                 1,2                                                                                  1,2
                             1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                              1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                               1,1                                                                                     1,1                                                                                 1,1                                                                                  1,1

CO2-CH3CN (5%MeOH)
                               1                                                                               1                                                                                1                                                                               1                                                                                 1                                                                                       1                                                                                   1                                                                                    1
                            0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                              0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                               0,9                                                                                     0,9                                                                                 0,9                                                                                  0,9
                            0,8                                                                             0,8                                                                              0,8                                                                             0,8                                                                               0,8                                                                                     0,8                                                                                 0,8                                                                                  0,8

90:10 5ml
                            0,7                                                                             0,7                                                                              0,7                                                                             0,7                                                                               0,7                                                                                     0,7                                                                                 0,7                                                                                  0,7








                            0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                              0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                               0,6                                                                                     0,6                                                                                 0,6                                                                                  0,6
                            0,5                                                                             0,5                                                                              0,5                                                                             0,5                                                                               0,5                                                                                     0,5                                                                                 0,5                                                                                  0,5
                            0,4                                                                             0,4                                                                              0,4                                                                             0,4                                                                               0,4                                                                                     0,4                                                                                 0,4                                                                                  0,4

trans Stilbenoxid           0,3
                              0                                                                               0                                                                                0                                                                               0                                                                                 0                                                                                       0                                                                                   0                                                                                    0
                                   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13    14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6       7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                      0   1    2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14
                                                               [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                            [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                                 [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                                 [min]

                            1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                              1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                               1,2                                                                                     1,2                                                                                 1,2                                                                                  1,2
                             1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                              1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                               1,1                                                                                     1,1                                                                                 1,1                                                                                  1,1

CO2-CH3CN (5%MeOH)
                               1                                                                               1                                                                                1                                                                               1                                                                                 1                                                                                       1                                                                                   1                                                                                    1
                            0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                              0,9                                                                             0,9                                                                               0,9                                                                                     0,9                                                                                 0,9                                                                                  0,9
                            0,8                                                                             0,8                                                                              0,8                                                                             0,8                                                                               0,8                                                                                     0,8                                                                                 0,8                                                                                  0,8

95:5 5ml
                            0,7                                                                             0,7                                                                              0,7                                                                             0,7                                                                               0,7                                                                                     0,7                                                                                 0,7                                                                                  0,7








                            0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                              0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                               0,6                                                                                     0,6                                                                                 0,6                                                                                  0,6
                            0,5                                                                             0,5                                                                              0,5                                                                             0,5                                                                               0,5                                                                                     0,5                                                                                 0,5                                                                                  0,5
                            0,4                                                                             0,4                                                                              0,4                                                                             0,4                                                                               0,4                                                                                     0,4                                                                                 0,4                                                                                  0,4

trans Stilbenoxid           0,3
                              0                                                                               0                                                                                0                                                                               0                                                                                 0                                                                                       0                                                                                   0                                                                                    0
                                   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13    14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6       7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                      0   1    2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14
                                                               [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                            [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                                 [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                                 [min]

                            1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                              1,2                                                                               1,2                                                                                     1,2                                                                                 1,2                                                                                  1,2




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1                                                                       1,2     1,1





CO2-MeOH 80:20 5ml          0,8








                            0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                              0,6                                                                               0,6                                                                                     0,6                                                                                 0,6                                                                                  0,6

trans Stilbenoxid           0,5

                            0,3                                                                             0,3                                                                             0,3                                                                              0,3                                                                               0,3                                                                                     0,3                                                                                 0,3                                                                                  0,3
                            0,2                                                                             0,2                                                                             0,2                                                                              0,2                                                                               0,2                                                                                     0,2                                                                                 0,2                                                                                  0,2
                            0,1                                                                             0,1                                                                             0,1                                                                              0,1                                                                               0,1                                                                                     0,1                                                                                 0,1                                                                                  0,1
                              0                                                                               0                                                                               0                                                                                0                                                                                 0                                                                                       0                                                                                   0                                                                                    0
                                   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                                                                    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                                                                                                                                                    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     8   9   10   11   12   13    14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        0,9           0   1   2   3   4   5       6   7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   8   9   10   11   12   13   14                      0   1    2   3   4   5   6   7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         8   9   10   11   12   13   14

                            1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                              1,2                                                                             1,2                                                                               1,2                                                                                     1,2                                                                                 1,2                                                                                  1,2
                             1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                              1,1                                                                             1,1                                                                               1,1                                                                                     1,1                                                                                 1,1                                                                                  1,1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        0,7    0,9

CO2-MeOH 90:10 5ml
                            0,8                                                                             0,8                                                                              0,8                                                                             0,8                                                                               0,8                                                                                     0,8                                                                                 0,8                                                                                  0,8

                            0,7                                                                             0,7                                                                              0,7                                                                             0,7                                                                               0,7                                                                                     0,7                                                                                 0,7                                                                                  0,7









                            0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                              0,6                                                                             0,6                                                                               0,6                                                                                     0,6                                                                                 0,6                                                                                  0,6

trans Stilbenoxid
                            0,5                                                                             0,5                                                                              0,5                                                                             0,5                                                                               0,5                                                                                     0,5                                                                                 0,5                                                                                  0,5
                            0,4                                                                             0,4                                                                              0,4                                                                             0,4                                                                               0,4                                                                                     0,4                                                                                 0,4                                                                                  0,4
                            0,3                                                                             0,3                                                                              0,3                                                                             0,3                                                                               0,3                                                                                     0,3                                                                                 0,3                                                                                  0,3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        0,5    0,2
                                   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13    14                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6       7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14                      0   1    2   3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14
                                                               [min]                                                                           [min]                                                                            [min]                                                                           [min]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        0,4                                           [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                               [min]                                                                                 [min]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          0                   1                    2                        3                     4                   5                6                        7                         8               9                10                       11                         12               13                14
Overview screening: 8 methods x 8 columns

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Best resolution
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