Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022 - Ngin

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

      Bitte beachte: Warst du bereits für das 2021-Event angemeldet und findest dich nun nicht auf der Startliste für 2022, melde dich umgehend unter um deine Anmeldung durchzuführen und zu bestätigen! *** Please note: If you have been registered for the 2021 event already and cannot
                  find yourself on the startlist for 2022, please contact us on immediately to confirm your registration.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Renata                 Autrique                 F18-24
Eve Noelle             Schaffer                 F18-24
Xenia                  Bamert                   F25-29
Patricia               Circelli-Rauber          F25-29           Sansego Tri Club
Janina                 Di Ronco                 F25-29           TRISTAR Schaffhausen
Candice                Gruffat                  F25-29
Nicky                  Manitzas                 F25-29
Yolande                Pahud                    F25-29
Philippa               Paxman                   F25-29
Aude                   Perrin                   F25-29
Eleonore               Poli                     F25-29
Carina                 Pusch                    F25-29
Tiziana                Ringgenberg              F25-29
Jil-Michelle           Schäfer                  F25-29
Romy                   Steingruber              F25-29
Marie                  Travers                  F25-29
Larissa                Vogt                     F25-29  | Tri Team
Caroline               Vuithier                 F25-29
Jessica                Anand                    F30-34
Irene                  Baratta                  F30-34
Elena                  Berger                   F30-34
Cindy                  Besson                   F30-34           Tri Team Lutry
Amy                    Bryant                   F30-34
Megan                  Davison                  F30-34
Marion                 Delaplace                F30-34
                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Valérie                Dirren                   F30-34           Triathlon club Valais
Coline                 Ducos                    F30-34           Levallois Triathlon
Valentine              Grob                     F30-34           TRIVIERA
Anna                   Harrison                 F30-34
Simone                 Heber                    F30-34           MRRC München
Nina                   Henry                    F30-34
Maja                   Indermühle               F30-34
Adriana                Keller                   F30-34           3 Star Cats
Amy                    Kerns                    F30-34
Hannah                 Meijs                    F30-34
Emily                  Murray                   F30-34           Team Zoot Europe
Stephanie              Noel                     F30-34           Tri Team Lutry
Rahel                  Osterwalder              F30-34
Cécile                 Palavit                  F30-34
Valentine              Schouwey                 F30-34           Triathlon Fribourg
Anja                   Schwegler                F30-34
Ina                    Stäcker                  F30-34
Bieke                  Trenson                  F30-34
Jennifer               Vroomen                  F30-34           Santa Cruz Triathlon Association (SCTA)
Tory                   Appleby                  F35-39
Céline                 Bernasconi               F35-39
Corinne                Bowald                   F35-39           Team Koach
Corinne                Bruggmann                F35-39           TRISTAR Schaffhausen
Susanne                Bucher                   F35-39
Sarah                  Didier                   F35-39           Fearless Endurance
Stephanie              Fries                    F35-39
Talia                  Fromm                    F35-39           Merrick Bicycles Tri Team
Clara                  Gosebrink                F35-39           SC Bayer 05 Uerdingen

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Alina                  Hanschke Busch           F35-39           AlinaNutriSport
Heather                Helms                    F35-39           Endurance Nation
Stephanie              Hess                     F35-39
Lea                    Huggenberger             F35-39           finishers winterthur
Kirstie                Jackson                  F35-39
Floriane               Jeannin                  F35-39           CNN TRI NYON
Stefanie               Meile                    F35-39
Roberta                Mesquita                 F35-39           PAULO SERGIO TRIATHLON COACHING
Sandra                 Messer                   F35-39           tripl3
Claudia                Metzner                  F35-39
Heleen                 Moes                     F35-39
Sophie                 Needham                  F35-39           Portsmouth Triathletes
Christina              Paulus                   F35-39           Racing Aloha
Lucie                  Perret                   F35-39
Maria                  Pustlauk                 F35-39           ASC Konstanz
Katharina              Roer                     F35-39
Sarah                  Roth                     F35-39
Lisa                   Sammons                  F35-39
Veronika               Schanzer                 F35-39
Nadia                  Späni                    F35-39
Mirjam                 Steiger                  F35-39
Stefanie               Tschan                   F35-39
Monika                 Vogler                   F35-39
Simone                 Weber                    F35-39
Jacqueline             Wild                     F35-39
Sandra                 Wolf                     F35-39
Stéphanie              Berger                   F40-44
Katherine              Conway                   F40-44

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Regula                 Da Silva Gerheim         F40-44
Clementina             Davies                   F40-44
Ingrid                 Eelkema                  F40-44
Deborah                Eggel                    F40-44           Triathlon Oberwallis
Katrin                 Esefeld                  F40-44           LG Mettenheim
Francis                Froborg                  F40-44           Sisu Racing
Georgina               Gadient                  F40-44           Powerlab Rebels
Yasmine                Genoud                   F40-44           WePerf
Cendrine               Gerosa                   F40-44
Gemma                  Goodson                  F40-44           iTRI
Ulrike                 Hache                    F40-44
Nicola                 Heaton                   F40-44
Cindy                  Hertach                  F40-44
Simone                 Hicks                    F40-44           Sportfreunde Zürich
Dajana                 Holtzhausen              F40-44
Karin                  Jans                     F40-44
Janine                 Kaiser                   F40-44
Michaela               Kathriner                F40-44
Rebecca                Kirvan-Rodgers           F40-44
Maaike                 Kroeze                   F40-44           TVA Arnhem
Manuela                Kündig                   F40-44 
Jolanda                Lansel                   F40-44
Marianne               Lemery                   F40-44
Sarah                  Levison                  F40-44
Cinthia                Macedo                   F40-44           AlinaNutriSport
Nadine                 Maier                    F40-44           UBS Tri Club
Joanna                 Markucka                 F40-44
Amanda                 Massopust                F40-44           TriWisconsin

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Andrea                 Müller                   F40-44
Christina              Müller Gerber            F40-44
Hjordis                Olafsdottir              F40-44
Elena                  Perazzi                  F40-44
Tatjana                Perren                   F40-44
Katrin                 Ruckstuhl                F40-44
Hind                   Saint Georges            F40-44           Phenix Team
Sarah                  Schmid                   F40-44
Sara                   Spagnuolo                F40-44
Marta                  Sroka                    F40-44
Justyna                Tarwid                   F40-44
Stephanie              Thelliez                 F40-44
Stefanie               Trombetta                F40-44           TriDubai
Valerie                Van Hauwaert             F40-44           MATT (Marmotta Alpin Triathlon Tribe)
Sarah                  Whiterod                 F40-44
Gertrud                Wiedemann                F40-44           Team ERDINGER Alkoholfrei
Tanja                  Bauer                    F45-49           Eintracht Frankfurt Triathlon
Gabriela               Boo                      F45-49
Barbara                Briziarelli              F45-49
Nicola                 Buttriss                 F45-49
Jane                   Counsell                 F45-49           Siska Training Systems Tri Club
Danielle               Dube                     F45-49
Gabriela               Egli                     F45-49
Nicole                 Gaillard                 F45-49
Karin                  Gfeller Howald           F45-49           Triathlon Club Solothurn
Rachel                 Green                    F45-49
Victoria               Hill                     F45-49           Arrivo Primo Singapura
Tatjana                Ivanova                  F45-49

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Joanna                 Koj-Staszak              F45-49
Sabine                 Leisinger                F45-49
Heidi                  Marcus                   F45-49           Endurance Nation
Carole                 Mccullough               F45-49
Caty                   Plançon                  F45-49
Isabel                 Reck                     F45-49
Jutta                  Reichel                  F45-49
Katrin                 Saly Graf                F45-49  | Tri Team
Vanessa                Semadeni                 F45-49
Soazig                 Taillardat               F45-49           MY TRIBE (France)
Katy                   Toms                     F45-49
Panorkwan              Toparkngarm              F45-49
Sian                   Tovey                    F45-49
Maud                   Trehiou                  F45-49
Claudia                Vogel                    F45-49
Nicole                 Wijnberg                 F45-49
Franka                 Zimmermann               F45-49
Sofia                  Bacelar                  F50-54           CNN TRI NYON
Mar                    Bonilla Millan           F50-54
Hilary                 Davies                   F50-54
Sandra                 Emmenegger Sutter        F50-54
Nicole                 Frey                     F50-54           Triclub Zofingen
Andrea                 Gallo                    F50-54
Karin                  Gerber                   F50-54
Tamara                 Ghandour                 F50-54
Kristina (Christine)   Gilgen                   F50-54           tripl3
Birgit                 Haudej                   F50-54
Tine                   Heidelk                  F50-54

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Parastou               Jadidi                   F50-54           Barrie Baydogs Triathlon Club
Luzia                  Koulouri                 F50-54
Carmen                 Küchle                   F50-54           LADIES TRI TEAM
Sylvi                  Lehmann                  F50-54
Mandy                  Livingstone              F50-54
Lisa                   Low                      F50-54
Kathleen               Mccormack                F50-54
Francesca              Pierobon                 F50-54
Asta                   Reynisdottir Parker      F50-54           Oman Triathlon
Sabine                 Rodde                    F50-54           sisu-training
Gabriele               Roidl                    F50-54
Gonny                  Rosendaal                F50-54
Christina              Stauffer                 F50-54
Anne-Sophie            Voumard                  F50-54           CNN TRI NYON
Emma                   Yates                    F50-54           Team Oxygenaddict
Karen                  Blamick                  F55-59           AP Racing
Alicia                 Light                    F55-59
Julia                  Lowe                     F55-59
Brigitte               Mcmahon                  F55-59
Katharina              Meier                    F55-59
Barbara                Miller                   F55-59           Tempo-Sport BE THE CHANGE
Susanne                Milowsky                 F55-59
Catherine              Roberts                  F55-59           BYNEA CC
Heike                  Scheef                   F55-59
Paola                  Torretti                 F55-59
Anita                  Vincenz                  F55-59
Veronique              Bellon                   F60-64           AAS FRESNES TRIATHLON
Merce                  Magem Prat               F60-64

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Mary                   Norman                   F60-64           Wight Tri
Monica                 Rinne                    F60-64           Ute Mückel Triathlon e.V.
Gilla                  Sauerbeck                F60-64
Romy                   Schwuchow                F60-64
Suzanne                Wallén                   F60-64           TOT Triathlon Club
Ann-Charlotte          Mengel                   F65-69
Gabriele               Weiler                   F65-69
Deniz                  Atak                     M18-24
Timothy                Bastian                  M18-24
Benjamin               Dejonckheere             M18-24
Randy                  Dobler                   M18-24
Magnus                 Funder                   M18-24
Mike                   Gratwohl                 M18-24
Jerome                 Hadorn                   M18-24
Angus                  Love                     M18-24
Matteo                 Merlo                    M18-24
Justin                 Schaller                 M18-24
Albert                 Sharp                    M18-24
Bruno                  Slegers                  M18-24
Ollie                  Stevenson                M18-24
Jason                  Traxel                   M18-24
Nikolay                Bankin                   M25-29
Jérémie                Bellanca                 M25-29
Livio                  Bieler                   M25-29
Antonin                Carratero                M25-29
Matthieu               Charlot                  M25-29
Vincent                Chessex                  M25-29
Etienne                Coy                      M25-29

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Nathan                 De Bilderling            M25-29
Fankhauser             Dominik                  M25-29
Brett                  Estrella                 M25-29
Killian                Fjellbakk                M25-29
David                  Forssgren                M25-29           Rooster Club Varberg
James                  Gill                     M25-29
Norberto               Goizueta                 M25-29
Benedikt               Goth                     M25-29
Kilian                 Hage                     M25-29
Alexandre              Herbert                  M25-29
Josué Ramón            Hernández López          M25-29
Cédric                 Jehl                     M25-29
Simon                  Jeremias                 M25-29
Christian              Kalm                     M25-29
Tom                    Kauffmann                M25-29
Fabian                 Kuster                   M25-29
Jake                   Larsson                  M25-29
Adam                   Le Trionnaire            M25-29
Kilian                 Luginbühl                M25-29
Sascha                 Markovic                 M25-29
Gaétan                 Marquilly                M25-29
Cavan                  Mccue                    M25-29
Marius                 Merkel                   M25-29
Dominik                Mielęcki                 M25-29
Loan                   Morand                   M25-29
Reto                   Mühlebach                M25-29  | Tri Team
Marek                  Ohnoutka                 M25-29
Ben                    Parker                   M25-29           Team B3

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Dominique              Paul                     M25-29
John                   Peele                    M25-29
Damir                  Petrinic                 M25-29
Florian                Pierru                   M25-29           LES ALLIGATORS SEYNOD TRIATHLON
Davide                 Piran                    M25-29
Karl                   Romain                   M25-29
Mischa                 Ruf                      M25-29
Luca Valerio           Sclabas                  M25-29
Darin                  Singh                    M25-29
Daniel                 Stadelmann               M25-29
Max                    Stelling                 M25-29
Raphael                Stuber                   M25-29
Hans                   Van Den Noortgate        M25-29
Hugo                   Villetelle               M25-29
Enea                   Werlen                   M25-29
Henry                  Whitfield                M25-29
Luca                   Wirths                   M25-29
Marco                  Accardo                  M30-34           Team Zoot Europe
Michael                Achermann                M30-34
Jan                    Aeschimann               M30-34
Anthony                Ahlgren                  M30-34
Joel                   Arkless                  M30-34
Martino                Arnoldi                  M30-34
Philippe               Bach                     M30-34
Lorenzo                Barbera                  M30-34
Ben                    Behnam                   M30-34
Alan                   Berard                   M30-34
Jacopo                 Bigonzino                M30-34           Triathlon Trasimeno A.S.D.

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Pascal                 Birrer                   M30-34
Andy                   Bishop                   M30-34
Jens                   Bourgois                 M30-34
Nicolas                Bouvier                  M30-34
Thomas                 Braun                    M30-34
Timon                  Breitenmoser             M30-34
T-Roy                  Brown                    M30-34
William                Brunt                    M30-34
Julian                 Caletti                  M30-34
Pierre Paul            Cantarutti               M30-34
Jesus                  Cardenas Maestre         M30-34
Martin Ignacio         Carmona Brescó           M30-34
Justin                 Carrard                  M30-34 
Ryan                   Carroll                  M30-34
Eric                   Chatelan                 M30-34
Gabriel                Chavanne                 M30-34
Alastair               Chisholm                 M30-34
Mathieu                Choucard                 M30-34
Loan                   Cittadini                M30-34
Tobias                 Claessens                M30-34
Josh                   Cornally                 M30-34
Veit                   Couturier                M30-34
Filip                  De Meyst                 M30-34
Wouter                 De Vet                   M30-34
Alexandre              Delikaris                M30-34  | Tri Team
Michael                D'Hooge                  M30-34           Tri-Runderwear-Team
Sjoerd                 Diepstraten              M30-34
Pierre-Louis           Dorlanne                 M30-34

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Raphaël                Duc                      M30-34
Nicolas                Duchanoy                 M30-34
Nicola                 Elsener                  M30-34           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Luke                   England                  M30-34
Alexis                 Falck                    M30-34
Jamie                  Farley                   M30-34
Grégoire               Fasel                    M30-34
David                  Ferenczi                 M30-34           575 TEAM
Diogo                  Francisco                M30-34
Jonas                  Frey                     M30-34           tripl3
Angelo                 Fröhli                   M30-34
Ferdinand              Gabelmann                M30-34
Luca                   Gallo                    M30-34
Alessio                Gastaldo                 M30-34
Roger                  Gerber                   M30-34
Benjamin               Gfeller                  M30-34
Stefan                 Ging                     M30-34
Jeremy                 Girardin                 M30-34
Quentin                Guillier                 M30-34
Tim                    Henzen                   M30-34
Florian                Hess                     M30-34
Roman                  Hofstetter               M30-34
Julien                 Homberger                M30-34
Fred                   Howe                     M30-34
Gerrit                 Huesing                  M30-34
Jonas                  Jaeger                   M30-34
Stuart                 Johnson                  M30-34
Florian                Kaufmann                 M30-34

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
John                   Kay                      M30-34
Jason                  Kay                      M30-34
Sam                    Kehtari                  M30-34
Nicolas                Keuffer                  M30-34
Yves                   Kissling                 M30-34           Wildcats Swiss Triathlon Team/SV Basel
Axel                   Kort                     M30-34
Martin                 Koschuhar                M30-34
Thomas                 Kramer                   M30-34
Sebastian              Krause                   M30-34
René                   Kriegel                  M30-34           Tria Basilea
Deepak                 Kumar                    M30-34
Bastien                Le Calvez                M30-34
Jérémie                Lehner                   M30-34
Michael                Lieberherr               M30-34
Johannes               Löffler                  M30-34
Bastien                Lugon                    M30-34           Tri Team Lutry
Igor                   Martinak                 M30-34
Luca                   Mattavelli               M30-34
Dominique              Meier                    M30-34
Manuel                 Mesnil                   M30-34           Team Koach
Thomas                 Monge-Cadet              M30-34
Michael                Montana                  M30-34           3 Star Cats
Thomas                 Moody                    M30-34
Andrew                 Morrison                 M30-34           Team Oxygenaddict
Jonas                  Mosimann                 M30-34
Maxime                 Mouquet                  M30-34           Phenix Team
Jonas                  Müller                   M30-34
Dominic                Müller                   M30-34

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Tim                    Mutschler                M30-34
Saish                  Naik                     M30-34
Andy                   Nash                     M30-34
David                  Navinés Calvo            M30-34
Pieter-Jan             Neetens                  M30-34           3MD
Mauro                  Nicca                    M30-34
Sascha                 Nittel                   M30-34
Martin                 Ochsner                  M30-34
Giovanni               Odaglia                  M30-34           RC Coaching
Philipp                Oeggerli                 M30-34
Christoph              Olsienkiewicz            M30-34
Vojtech                Opocensky                M30-34
James                  O'Sullivan               M30-34
Brad                   Pawlak                   M30-34
Pierrick               Peigney                  M30-34
Joan                   Philippe                 M30-34
Florian                Pichard                  M30-34
Mattia                 Piran                    M30-34
Andrew                 Potter                   M30-34
Jonas                  Pult                     M30-34
Nathan                 Quadrio                  M30-34           TRISTAR Schaffhausen
Norbert                Recke                    M30-34
Giovanni               Renó                     M30-34           VENUS TRIATHLON SSD SRL
Sean                   Reynolds                 M30-34
Victor                 Rios Palomares           M30-34
Ugo                    Rodriguez                M30-34
Thomas                 Roland                   M30-34
Adam                   Rossmell                 M30-34

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
David                  Röthlisberger            M30-34
Cyril                  Ruchti                   M30-34
Tim                    Rühle                    M30-34           Trionik Multisport GmbH
Frantisek              Sanak                    M30-34
Raghul                 Sankaranarayanan         M30-34           Trifactri
Ole Fredrik Istad      Scheie                   M30-34
Andreas                Schenker                 M30-34
Raphael                Schertenleib             M30-34           tripl3
Sven                   Schiltz                  M30-34
Xavier                 Schnyder                 M30-34
David                  Schober                  M30-34
Yannick                Schori                   M30-34  | Tri Team
Leif                   Schröder-Groeneveld      M30-34

Daniel                 Schuster                 M30-34
Marco                  Schwager                 M30-34           tripl3
Aurelien               Sebellin                 M30-34
Daniel                 Seeböck                  M30-34           Michael Werderits
William                Shaw                     M30-34
Peter                  Sim                      M30-34
David                  Simon                    M30-34
Mark                   Sonneveld                M30-34
Tobias                 Spichiger                M30-34
Chris                  Steggles                 M30-34
Bettonville            Stephane                 M30-34
Marco                  Studer                   M30-34
Nicolas                Suhner                   M30-34
Maxime                 Swertvaegher             M30-34           Tribikestation Team

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Martin                 Thenembert               M30-34
Thibaut                Thery                    M30-34
Matthieu               Tissot                   M30-34
Severin                Trösch                   M30-34
Johann-Peter           Tscherry                 M30-34
Alberto                Valero Cayon             M30-34
Adam                   Van De Velde             M30-34
Thomas                 Vanheusden               M30-34
Adam                   Vass                     M30-34
Kevin                  Vonlanthen               M30-34
Loic                   Voumard                  M30-34
Dave                   Wateridge                M30-34
Chris                  Weeks                    M30-34
Jan                    Weißenberger             M30-34
Mattis                 Wibbens                  M30-34                                                       #N/A
Christoph              Wippich                  M30-34
Timothé                Zen-Ruffinen             M30-34
Michal                 Zielinski                M30-34
Martin                 Abercromby               M35-39
Evgeny                 Abramov                  M35-39
Daniel                 Agner                    M35-39           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Brice                  Aime                     M35-39
David                  Allemann                 M35-39
Christophe             Andrey                   M35-39
David                  Auberson                 M35-39
John                   Bapst                    M35-39
Jonathan               Bastin                   M35-39
Jérôme                 Baud                     M35-39           WePerf

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Stefan                 Baumann                  M35-39
Andreas                Baumgartner              M35-39
Daniel                 Berger                   M35-39
Manuel                 Bertschi                 M35-39
Christof               Bill                     M35-39
Kevin                  Bindshedler              M35-39
Andrew                 Bonjour                  M35-39
Nicolas                Boschung                 M35-39
Stephen                Brogan                   M35-39
Andreas                Burkhard                 M35-39           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Thibault               Castel                   M35-39
Glen                   Charlton                 M35-39
Romain                 Charton                  M35-39
Anthony                Clin                     M35-39
Francis                Cooney                   M35-39           Belpark Triathlon club
Yohann                 Coppel                   M35-39           TriForce Triathlon Team
Damien                 Coppel                   M35-39
Robert                 Crews                    M35-39           Wheelworks Multisport
Sandro                 Cugis                    M35-39
Bryn                   Davies                   M35-39
Owen                   Davies                   M35-39
Maarten                De Bakker                M35-39
Jefte                  De Bruin                 M35-39
Guillaume              De Cock                  M35-39           TRIVIERA
Pieter                 De Jongh                 M35-39
Bart                   De Vrieze                M35-39
Larriere               Dorian                   M35-39           Triathlon Club Geneve
Andrei                 Dzyakanchuk              M35-39                                                       #N/A

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Jörg                   Ehrich                   M35-39
Daniel                 Ellis                    M35-39           TriLatino Triathlon Club
Flavio                 Elvedi                   M35-39           Tri-Team Calanda
Dominic                Engelhoven               M35-39
Samuel                 Eschenmoser              M35-39
Sébastien              Faraüs                   M35-39           REIMS TRIATHLON
Jérôme                 Favre                    M35-39
Michael                Fechtig                  M35-39
Christian              Forster                  M35-39
Adi                    Frei                     M35-39
Oliver                 Friedrich                M35-39
Benjamin               Fürst                    M35-39
Michael                Gaille                   M35-39
Daniel                 Garcia                   M35-39
Phillip                Garrett                  M35-39
Dino                   Geisshüsler              M35-39
Martijn                Gerritsen                M35-39
Augusto                Gomez                    M35-39
Jens                   Gosebrink                M35-39           Triathlon Team Rheinberg
Niccolò                Gozzi                    M35-39           Bushido TRI&Run
Fabian                 Greiß                    M35-39
Brandon                Griggs                   M35-39
David                  Grossenbacher            M35-39
Daniel                 Hagemeyer                M35-39
Rico                   Hasler                   M35-39
Marco                  Helfenberger             M35-39
Hans Rudolf            Hess                     M35-39
Pierre-Rémi            Hochedez                 M35-39

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Neil                   Houlsby                  M35-39
Aritz                  Iglesias Mendia          M35-39
Frederik               Ingelbeen                M35-39
Karl                   Jacob                    M35-39           sisu-training
Jérémie                Jacobs                   M35-39
Lukasz                 Jarno                    M35-39
Tyron                  Junge                    M35-39
Joel                   Junod                    M35-39           Tri Team Pully
Tomas                  Kadlec                   M35-39
Roman                  Kašpar                   M35-39
Tobias                 Kleeli                   M35-39           finishers winterthur
Stefan                 Knutti                   M35-39           tripl3
Andreas                Küffner                  M35-39
Patrick                Lacher                   M35-39 
Dennis                 Laerte                   M35-39
Florent                Lalloz                   M35-39
Jens                   Langfermann              M35-39
Mirko                  Laudadio                 M35-39           Maverick Team
Dmitry                 Lebedev                  M35-39           TRISTAR Schaffhausen
Robert                 Lee                      M35-39           Precision Race Team
Michi                  Lengen                   M35-39
Aurélién               Leroy                    M35-39
Luis Anibal            Linares Bernal           M35-39
Ivan                   Lorente Rojo             M35-39           Atletico San Sebastian
Stefano Mario          Lovati                   M35-39
Stephan                Lowiner                  M35-39
Peter                  Machalek                 M35-39
Samuel                 Manser                   M35-39

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Christian              Martens                  M35-39
Bruno                  Mathias                  M35-39
Matthew                Mcclure                  M35-39
Benoît                 Michaud                  M35-39
Lucas                  Moreno                   M35-39
Marc                   Mozin                    M35-39                                                       #N/A
Pascal                 Müller                   M35-39
Mikael                 Musi                     M35-39
Lukas                  Neiger                   M35-39
Simon                  Ohnemus                  M35-39
Nicolas                Ordonez                  M35-39
Yevhen                 Orlovskyi                M35-39
Kevin                  Osborne                  M35-39
Matthias               Österle                  M35-39           Trigantium Bregenz
Sebastian              Oswald                   M35-39
Denys                  Ovcharov                 M35-39
Charlie                Parry                    M35-39
Till                   Pastor                   M35-39           PV Triathlon Witten
Nicolas                Peru                     M35-39
Valentin               Pfiffner                 M35-39
Dawid                  Pikor                    M35-39
David                  Portier                  M35-39           TEAM LIFETRI
Nicolas                Pulfer                   M35-39
Ryan                   Quinn                    M35-39
Thomas                 Reber                    M35-39
Jasper                 Roefs                    M35-39
Joan                   Roigé Riera              M35-39
Jérôme                 Roset                    M35-39

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Robert                 Roth                     M35-39
Lionel                 Roux                     M35-39
Roger                  Rüegger                  M35-39           BEO Triathlonteam
Adrian                 Ryf                      M35-39
Spencer                Salcido                  M35-39
Nicolas                Sapieha                  M35-39
Thomas                 Schacher                 M35-39
Carlo                  Schmid                   M35-39
Simon                  Schmidlin                M35-39
Jean-Claude            Schmitz                  M35-39           TEAM X3M SNOOZE
Samuel                 Schönenberger            M35-39
Daniel                 Schuler                  M35-39
Cedric                 Schwab                   M35-39
Nicolas                Schwager                 M35-39
Andreas                Séchy                    M35-39           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Mattias                Seghers                  M35-39
Bernard                Sinnaeve                 M35-39
Michał                 Słojewski                M35-39
Kevin                  Smith                    M35-39
Jun Qiang              Sng                      M35-39           Ironwill Singapore
Yvan Stanislas         Sorbier                  M35-39           VALLEE DE MONTMORENCY TRIATHLON
Tom                    Speller                  M35-39
Frank                  Spensley                 M35-39
Fabian                 Stauber                  M35-39
Daniel                 Steiner                  M35-39  Race Team
Lars                   Streit                   M35-39
Rafael                 Suarez                   M35-39
Cédric                 Sureda                   M35-39

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                 Agegroup         Triclub
Richard                Tavernier                 M35-39           LES ALLIGATORS SEYNOD TRIATHLON
Nikolas                Tepe                      M35-39
John                   Terwilleger               M35-39
Sullivan               Thery                     M35-39
Anthony                Tocco                     M35-39
Jose                   Tomas                     M35-39
Ruben                  Torres Garcia             M35-39
Sebastian              Toszeghi                  M35-39
Christoph              Utiger                    M35-39
Patriek                Van Bruaene               M35-39           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
Vasile                 Vasiliu                   M35-39
Jhonnes                Vaz                       M35-39
Emiliano               Ventura                   M35-39           ROMA TRIATHLON
Lieven                 Vergalle                  M35-39
Rui-Peng               Wang                      M35-39
Anthony                Welbergen                 M35-39
Cezary                 Wilk                      M35-39
Florian                Winterstein               M35-39           Tri-Team Hagen
Thibaut                Wolwertz                  M35-39
Andre                  Wullschleger              M35-39
Manuel                 Wyssen                    M35-39
Aldo                   Zgraggen                  M35-39           TRI17
Sylvain                Zucchero                  M35-39
Jan                    Zweifel                   M35-39
Erik                   Ahroon                    M40-44
Ahmad                  Alsandi                   M40-44
Stefan                 Aßfalg                    M40-44
Emanuele               Bartolesi                 M40-44

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Patrick                Basler                   M40-44
Stefan                 Baumann                  M40-44           Triathlonclub Frauenfeld
Benjamin               Beglinger                M40-44
Thomas                 Berger                   M40-44           VfL Sindelfingen Triathlon
Andreas                Biffiger                 M40-44
Igor                   Bignami                  M40-44
Ludo                   Biolley                  M40-44
Lars                   Birrer                   M40-44
Josep                  Blasco                   M40-44
Yannick                Blum                     M40-44
Sven                   Bohn                     M40-44  | Tri Team
Tony                   Boismard                 M40-44           MSA Triathlon
Michael                Bonadimann               M40-44
Filippo                Bordin                   M40-44           CUS Padova Triathlon
Sylvain                Boulhol                  M40-44
William                Brant                    M40-44
Michel                 Braun                    M40-44           Team ERDINGER Alkoholfrei
Manuel                 Bravin                   M40-44
Gaetan                 Browaeys                 M40-44
Matthew                Browne                   M40-44
Jean-François          Brun                     M40-44
Martin                 Buerssner                M40-44
Gabriele               Cappellozza              M40-44
Juan Manuel            Cardenas Maestre         M40-44
Eric                   Careau                   M40-44           Tria Basilea
Ralph                  Castelberg               M40-44           ActivePeople Endurance Team
Benjamin               Catoire                  M40-44
Emmanuel               Contesse                 M40-44

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Scott                  Corkin                   M40-44
Jayme Estefan          Da Silva Gerheim         M40-44  | Tri Team
Staebler               Daniel                   M40-44
Stefan                 Daniel                   M40-44
Karl                   Denolf                   M40-44
David                  Depuydt                  M40-44
Rodrigue               Dole                     M40-44
Brice                  Dolle                    M40-44           Phenix Team
Jason                  Dorssom                  M40-44
Paul                   Dube                     M40-44
Thomas                 Dubler                   M40-44           3athlon Bern
Christian              Dumitrescu               M40-44
Rudy                   Dupree                   M40-44
Grégory                Duval                    M40-44
Tomasz                 Dżugaj                   M40-44
Kameni Joao            Ebner Salvatierra        M40-44
Edward                 Ellaby                   M40-44           TriDubai
Dominik K.             Erne                     M40-44
Lee                    Evans                    M40-44           Fawz Concept
Matthias               Ewender                  M40-44
Beat                   Fankhauser               M40-44
Jordi                  Ferrer Playan            M40-44
Roger                  Fleming                  M40-44           TriDubai
Beat                   Flühmann                 M40-44           tripl3
Elias                  Forstinger               M40-44
Dries                  Franceus                 M40-44
Angelo                 Franco                   M40-44
Matthias               Fromm                    M40-44

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Luca                   Gagliasso                M40-44           AlbaTriathlon
Jakub                  Gebhardt                 M40-44           SMARUJ NA TRENING TEAM
Stefan                 Gerber                   M40-44
Nicolas                Gillet                   M40-44
Olivier                Ginoux                   M40-44           TRI CLUB ISLE SUR LA SORGUE
Wayne                  Golden                   M40-44
Christophe             Gravier                  M40-44           TRITYC
Kevin                  Griffiths                M40-44           TriDubai
Max                    Grigorenko               M40-44 
Marco                  Guarino                  M40-44           TG - Hütten
Jean Paul              Guillen Garcia           M40-44
Helge Ole              Hansen                   M40-44
Per                    Hellevik Carlsson        M40-44
Louis                  Holtzhausen              M40-44
Marko                  Holzhausen               M40-44
Ross                   Horton                   M40-44
Sascha                 Hunziker                 M40-44
Anssi                  Huttunen                 M40-44
Nima                   Javaheri                 M40-44                                                       #N/A
Jaray                  Jearanai                 M40-44
Tobias                 Jöhr                     M40-44           Tria Basilea
Robert                 Kathan                   M40-44
Anton                  Kerdey                   M40-44
Thomas                 Kermarrec                M40-44
Marcel                 Klohs                    M40-44
Marcel                 Klötzli                  M40-44
Andreas                Knobel                   M40-44
Jan-Marius             Korff                    M40-44

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Alex                   Kottmann                 M40-44
Sergej                 Kunz                     M40-44
Boris                  Lachat                   M40-44
Alfredo                Lara Trejo               M40-44
Olivier                Lathuilliere             M40-44
Luigi                  Lerose                   M40-44
Stephen                Lockwood                 M40-44
Cedric                 Marchand                 M40-44
Steven                 Marsh                    M40-44           TriDubai
Marcos                 Martin                   M40-44           Triathlon Club Geneve
João                   Martinho                 M40-44
Will                   Mccrea                   M40-44
Christoph              Mentz                    M40-44
Pierick                Mermoud                  M40-44
Thomas                 Mettler                  M40-44
Vladimir               Micic                    M40-44
Jonathan               Miller                   M40-44           Ann Arbor Triathlon Club
Benjamin               Moeyaert                 M40-44
Paul                   Mourlanne                M40-44
Sergej                 Muff                     M40-44
Johannes               Müller                   M40-44           SG Frankfurt-Nied
Cristian               Nae                      M40-44           Race & Shine Sports Club
Andrea                 Negroni                  M40-44
Tri-Do                 Nguyen                   M40-44
Yannick                Nijs                     M40-44
Dmitry                 Nikolaev                 M40-44
Stephan                Nittel                   M40-44
Tom                    North                    M40-44

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Alessandro             Noziglia                 M40-44
Jack                   Nunn                     M40-44           Triworx
Pekko                  Nykvist                  M40-44
Ezequiel               Ocampo                   M40-44           AGMT
Blum                   Patrick                  M40-44
Gabriel                Perez De La Sota         M40-44
Marek                  Peszt                    M40-44
Erik                   Pijnappels               M40-44
Mathieu                Pillet                   M40-44
Emmanuel               Primot                   M40-44
Rostislav              Procházka                M40-44
David                  Prunier                  M40-44
Mike                   Pugh                     M40-44           D3 Multisport
Timothy                Raine                    M40-44           TriDubai
Ray                    Ramirez Gilbert          M40-44
Alex                   Reinhard                 M40-44
Martin                 Rezac                    M40-44
Julien                 Roca                     M40-44
Patrick                Röll                     M40-44
Gordon                 Rose                     M40-44           Triclub Doha
Sergei                 Rozov                    M40-44 
Fabian                 Rupp                     M40-44           SG Niederwangen
Peter                  Rutishauser              M40-44
Martin                 Sägesser                 M40-44
Regis                  Saint Georges            M40-44           Phenix Team
Gerald                 Salcido                  M40-44           Intermountain Tri
Christopher            Salcido                  M40-44

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Christian Alexander    Salowski                 M40-44           Amager Triatlon Klub

Carlos                 Sanchis Calabuig         M40-44
Dominik                Sauter                   M40-44
Etienne                Schaaf                   M40-44
Joël                   Schintgen                M40-44
Olivier                Schmid                   M40-44
Oliver                 Schmid                   M40-44
Franc                  Schnoz                   M40-44
Mickael                Schwarz                  M40-44
Roberto                Scolaro                  M40-44           ENErgiA
Philip                 Scott                    M40-44           Tri2O Triathlon Club
Denis                  Senianskii               M40-44 
Pontus                 Sjöström                 M40-44           BS-PU Triathlon
Arnold                 Smeyers                  M40-44
Adelino                Sousa                    M40-44
Xavier                 Stephan                  M40-44
Werner                 Stieger                  M40-44
Marco                  Süess                    M40-44
Stefan                 Sulser                   M40-44
Brian                  Sweeney                  M40-44
Kenji                  Tanaka                   M40-44
Bruno                  Teattini                 M40-44
Pierrick               Terrettaz                M40-44
Patrick                Tisserand                M40-44
Mehdi                  Tritar                   M40-44           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
Marc                   Tschopp                  M40-44
Kristof                Vanhouteghem             M40-44

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Bert                   Vanhouteghem             M40-44           Team Zoot Europe
Jerome                 Vidale                   M40-44
Pierre                 Vocat                    M40-44
Stefan                 Vogler                   M40-44
Andrey                 Volodin                  M40-44 
Tom                    Walters                  M40-44           TriBike Transport
Steve                  Ward                     M40-44
Shane                  Warner                   M40-44
Marco                  Wegmann                  M40-44           finishers winterthur
Stefan                 Welz                     M40-44
Stefan                 Wenger                   M40-44           tripl3
Daryn                  Wiese                    M40-44
Jonathan               Yance                    M40-44           Area 3 Endurance
Dusan                  Zabrodsky                M40-44
René                   Zumsteg                  M40-44
Umberto                Agnelli                  M45-49
Francis                Agresti                  M45-49           Tri Team Ticino
Paul                   Allum                    M45-49
Andrea                 Asnaghi                  M45-49           MONZA MARATHON TEAM TRIATHLON
Itamar                 Azoulay                  M45-49
Martin                 Bachofner                M45-49
Lieven                 Baert                    M45-49
Haidar                 Baqir                    M45-49
Alessio                Barbato                  M45-49
Pietro                 Baroni                   M45-49
Andrea                 Barontini                M45-49
Marco                  Bartel                   M45-49
Christoph              Bärtschi                 M45-49           SCUMA Triathlon

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Amir                   Bazarbachi               M45-49
Wahid                  Belfadil                 M45-49
Alain                  Bellini                  M45-49           CNN TRI NYON
Alessandro             Benfatto                 M45-49           tripl3
Simone                 Bergese                  M45-49
Manuel                 Berthelot                M45-49
Julien                 Bertin                   M45-49
Mattia                 Bionda                   M45-49           Tri Team Ticino
Ben                    Birtles                  M45-49           Humber Triathletes
Mike                   Bitterli                 M45-49
Reto                   Born                     M45-49
Ivo                    Bracco Gartner           M45-49
Daniel                 Brachs                   M45-49
Mike                   Brennan                  M45-49           Tri Team Athena
Ryan                   Brennan                  M45-49
Olivier                Brugneaux                M45-49           Triathlon Nancy lorraine
Xavier                 Brunschvicg              M45-49           Stade Français
Mirko                  Bühlmann                 M45-49
Jaroslaw               Buryk                    M45-49
Alexandro              Canto                    M45-49           TRILUX
Lionel                 Cavalier                 M45-49
Matteo                 Cermusoni                M45-49           FCZ Triathlon Team ASD
Fong                   Chee Wei                 M45-49           TriDorphins Elite
Antoine                Chevalier                M45-49
Marco Simone           Chiumenti                M45-49           NOLIMITSFRIENDS
Luca                   Cinel                    M45-49
Richard                Cooper                   M45-49
Mike                   Counsell                 M45-49           Siska Training Systems Tri Club

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                 Agegroup         Triclub
Berislav               Crkvenac                  M45-49
Salvatore              Cucca                     M45-49           Bushido TRI&Run
José                   De Oliveira               M45-49
Johan                  Debrauwer                 M45-49           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
Stephane               Delicourt                 M45-49
Michele                Della Croce               M45-49           DDS srl
Frederik               Delodder                  M45-49           Tri Team Lutry
Rodolphe               Demange                   M45-49
Laurent                Deschamps                 M45-49           Bart Coaching
Tom                    D'Hoossche                M45-49
Geoffrey               Dobbelaere                M45-49
Marcelo Henrique       E Silva Lopes             M45-49
Karl                   Egleton                   M45-49           Tri Team Athena
Boris                  Eichenberger              M45-49
Chris                  Ellett                    M45-49
Holger                 End                       M45-49           power & pace by
Olivier                Euzen                     M45-49
Ian                    Evans                     M45-49
Massimo                Farnararo                 M45-49
Esa                    Fauzi                     M45-49
Christophe             Forster                   M45-49
Diego                  Fortugno                  M45-49           ASD DE RAN CLAB
Tobias                 Fredricson                M45-49           Lödde Tri
Reto                   Frei Boo                  M45-49
Daniel                 Freundt                   M45-49           Spiridon Frankfurt
Martin                 Fuchs                     M45-49
Mauro                  Fumagalli                 M45-49           ASD DE RAN CLAB
Niels                  Gertsch                   M45-49

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                                              If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Julien                 Girard                   M45-49
Carl                   Gittus                   M45-49
Yohann                 Golhen                   M45-49
Alvaro                 Gomez Cano               M45-49
Antoine                Gonon                    M45-49
Oliver                 Gosteli                  M45-49
Jan                    Gremmen                  M45-49           The Flying Dutchman Team
Christopher            Grigoriou                M45-49
Yannis                 Gritti                   M45-49           Troll Team Triathlon
Laurent                Guerineau                M45-49
Laurent                Habatjou                 M45-49
Per                    Hansson                  M45-49           TRISTAR Schaffhausen
David                  Helms                    M45-49           All In Multisport
Dror                   Hershko                  M45-49
Michael                Hill                     M45-49
Nico                   Hirsch                   M45-49
Pascal                 Holzer                   M45-49
Marcel                 Huber                    M45-49
Manu                   Imbert                   M45-49
Damian                 Iwanski                  M45-49
Stuart                 Jackson                  M45-49
Cédric                 Jeunet                   M45-49
Xavier                 Joly                     M45-49
Renaud                 Joly                     M45-49
Lukas                  Jufer                    M45-49           tripl3
Ian                    Kenny                    M45-49
Darren                 Kirby                    M45-49
Gregory                Kissling                 M45-49

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Daniel                 Kistner                  M45-49
Oliver                 Klaus                    M45-49
Christof               Knoeri                   M45-49
Patrick                Kodjayan                 M45-49           Nordtriathleten Oberhausen
Ivan                   Kovacev                  M45-49
Philippe               Kretz                    M45-49
Roger                  Küffer                   M45-49
Peter                  Kunert                   M45-49
Mischa                 Kuriger                  M45-49           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
John                   Lantz                    M45-49
Mikel                  Larrazabal Alvarez       M45-49
Loïc                   Le Bars                  M45-49
Damien                 Lefevre                  M45-49
Jurgen                 Legrand-Dejonckere       M45-49           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
Jeremy                 Lemaire                  M45-49
Gabor                  Lengyel                  M45-49
Wim                    Lesage                   M45-49           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
Reto                   Leuenberger              M45-49
Jens                   Linge                    M45-49           Oxygen Triathlon ASD
Brad                   Lintern                  M45-49           TriSurrey
Ignace                 Lips                     M45-49
Jan                    Lootens                  M45-49
Blaise                 Lugeon                   M45-49
Jens                   Lundberg                 M45-49           Lödde Tri
Sven                   Maier                    M45-49           UBS Tri Club
Michele                Maranò                   M45-49           MONZA MARATHON TEAM TRIATHLON
Janusz                 Marty                    M45-49
Andrzej                Mazur                    M45-49

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Gregor                 Meissner                 M45-49
Nicolas                Melen                    M45-49
Pablo                  Meneghin                 M45-49
Glenn                  Merkel                   M45-49           FW Tri Club-Friends Who Tri
Simon                  Merkle                   M45-49
Dirk                   Michel                   M45-49           EVO TRI CLUB
Johann                 Mondet                   M45-49
Nicolas                Morry                    M45-49
Ben                    Morton                   M45-49
Patrik                 Näf                      M45-49
Jérôme                 Neuvéglise               M45-49           Tri Team Lutry
Paolo                  Nicastri                 M45-49
Michele                Nicastri                 M45-49           ELBAMAN TEAM
Pavel                  Nový                     M45-49           Triatlon Mladá Boleslav
Kris                   Nuytemans                M45-49
Eoin                   O'Cearbhaill             M45-49
Sergey                 Odnosteblets             M45-49 
Patrice                Oppliger                 M45-49           Team Zoot Europe
Erwin                  Orthaber                 M45-49           Triha Triathlon Team
Alexander              Outhier                  M45-49
Andreas                Paech                    M45-49           RTC Frechen
Jose Pedro             Palomero Gete            M45-49
Frederic               Pasnon                   M45-49
Gianluigi              Perfetti                 M45-49
Fabien                 Perrard                  M45-49
Noraneath              Phlek                    M45-49
Distel                 Pipe                     M45-49
Jiri                   Pospisil                 M45-49           ROAD2KONA

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Eric                   Potiron                  M45-49
Nathan                 Priest                   M45-49           Caerphilly Triers
Felix                  Pruemmer                 M45-49
Francesco              Quintano                 M45-49
Swen                   Rabe                     M45-49
Omar                   Raimondo                 M45-49
Steve                  Regli                    M45-49           Triathlonclub Frauenfeld
Sébastien              Ringeissen               M45-49
Reto                   Rippstein                M45-49
Stephane               Rit                      M45-49
Pascal                 Rivoal                   M45-49
Antoine                Robert                   M45-49
Pirmin                 Roos                     M45-49           Triathlon Club Sursee
Andrea                 Rubio                    M45-49
Andrew                 Salmon                   M45-49
Rocco                  Scazzariello             M45-49
Ivan                   Schmid                   M45-49
Roland                 Schmitter                M45-49
Christian              Schnell                  M45-49
Andreas                Schoenherr               M45-49           Triathlon Club Trigether
Mike                   Schramm                  M45-49
Thomas                 Schuetz                  M45-49           TRITONS Triathlon Club
Reto                   Schwarz                  M45-49
Sergio                 Serna Sanchez            M45-49
Sølve                  Skogland                 M45-49           Spirit Tri Norway
Simone                 Spallina                 M45-49           ASD TORINO TRIATHLON
Dan                    Stafford                 M45-49
James                  Stefanie                 M45-49           TriSpecific

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Ishi                   Steiner                  M45-49
Matt                   Stevenson                M45-49           Team Zoot
Tim                    Stojanov                 M45-49
Marco                  Suozzi                   M45-49           Team Gümmelei
Marco                  Tempini                  M45-49
Thomas                 Theillier                M45-49
Alan                   Thorpe                   M45-49
Ole                    Toft                     M45-49
David                  Travadon                 M45-49
Rong                   Trinh                    M45-49           Vietnam Triathlon Club
David                  Turtle                   M45-49
Benjamin R             Vaart                    M45-49           DC Triathlon Club
René                   Van Rooijen              M45-49
Lutz                   Velten                   M45-49
Mickaël                Vernoit                  M45-49
Francis                Verspeelt                M45-49
Matteo                 Vitulano                 M45-49           Team Panda
Omar Hiram             Viveros Hernandez        M45-49
Christoph              Wälti                    M45-49
Nishant                Warwade                  M45-49
Marco                  Welter                   M45-49           TSF Welzheim
Cornelius              Wermann                  M45-49
Thomas                 Wohlfender               M45-49
Marc                   Wyttenbach               M45-49
Chris                  Yates                    M45-49
Wai Mun                Yong                     M45-49
Jörg                   Zehetner                 M45-49
Markus                 Ziltener                 M45-49

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Hagen                  Zimer                    M45-49
Bartek                 Zych                     M45-49           Trinergy Team
René                   Ahlmann                  M50-54
Burak                  Alpaslan                 M50-54
Daniel                 Althaus                  M50-54           tripl3
Nicola                 Ancarani                 M50-54           AS MONACO TRIATHLON
Andrea                 Banfi                    M50-54           3.30 Triathlon Team
Tobias                 Banka                    M50-54           TRISTAR Schaffhausen
William                Barlow                   M50-54
Michiel                Battheu                  M50-54           Lentriac vzw
Patrick-Giorgio        Baumberger               M50-54
Wolfgang               Beez                     M50-54
Laurent                Bellet                   M50-54           Aix Savoie triathlon
Rolf                   Bender                   M50-54           Salamander Endurance
Michel                 Beneventi                M50-54
Laurent                Billant                  M50-54
Dani                   Bischof                  M50-54
Michael                Blankenship              M50-54           IronTex
Didier                 Blanqui                  M50-54
Ingo                   Bliska                   M50-54
Frank                  Bochmann                 M50-54
Domien                 Bracke                   M50-54
Tim                    Buckley                  M50-54
Oliver                 Bussmann                 M50-54           Team Koach
Steven                 Camilleri                M50-54
Philippe               Carlier                  M50-54
Pascal                 Carrette                 M50-54           Lentriac vzw
Raoul                  Casellini                M50-54           Hills Angels

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Michael                Chambers                 M50-54           Team Sirius Tri Club
Christophe             Chouteau                 M50-54           JC Sports Coaching
Roland                 Clevy                    M50-54           Mytribe
Enrico                 Cornaglia                M50-54
Frank                  Couturier                M50-54
Tomasz                 Czechowicz               M50-54
Paulo                  Da Cruz                  M50-54           Triabolos Triathlon Hamburg e. V.
Francois               Dauvergne                M50-54           Haut Jura VO3 MAX triathlon
Richard                Day                      M50-54
Andy                   De Jaegere               M50-54
Johann                 De Jong                  M50-54
Roberto                De Nicola                M50-54           MONZA MARATHON TEAM TRIATHLON
Christian              De Watteville            M50-54           Tri Team Lutry
Kris                   Decaestecker             M50-54           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
David                  Dechamps                 M50-54
Peter                  Delevaux                 M50-54           Tri Team Steffisburg
Dirk                   Delmartino               M50-54
Karl                   Denecker                 M50-54
Daniel                 Derungs                  M50-54
Urs                    Derungs                  M50-54
Fabrice                Dethorey                 M50-54
Domenico               Di Sevo                  M50-54
Stéphane               Dieudonné                M50-54
Christian              Dorf                     M50-54
Emmanuel               Drapp                    M50-54
Wolfgang               Eberding                 M50-54           ASC Konstanz
Tarek                  Elshimi                  M50-54
Stefan                 Eng                      M50-54

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Ralf                   Engemann                 M50-54
Ramon                  Erquiaga Peña            M50-54
Giacomo                Ferragamo                M50-54           Firenze Triathlon A.S.D.
Christophe             Ferrand                  M50-54
Frédéric               Fievet                   M50-54
Daniel                 Fonda                    M50-54
Paolo                  Foradini                 M50-54
Peter                  Fortuin                  M50-54
Jon                    Frymann                  M50-54           Team Sheeper
Roland                 Fuchs                    M50-54
Thomas                 Funk                     M50-54
Dimitri                Gallo                    M50-54
Santiago               Gambin Candel            M50-54
Martin                 Gates                    M50-54
Immanuel               Gfeller                  M50-54
Thomas                 Gloor                    M50-54
Alexandre              Good                     M50-54
Paul                   Goodyear                 M50-54           WVTri
Benoit                 Grandjean                M50-54
Rolf                   Gromer                   M50-54
Grüniger               Grüniger                 M50-54
Allan                  Grütter                  M50-54
Gerhard                Guerlich-Reichel         M50-54
Bertram                Haag                     M50-54           Trigantium Bregenz
Dan                    Haeberli                 M50-54
Dieter                 Handsaeme                M50-54           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
Kunz                   Hansueli                 M50-54
Philippe               Hemard                   M50-54           LES ALLIGATORS SEYNOD TRIATHLON

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Matthias               Hoffmann                 M50-54
Jeffrey T              Houdek                   M50-54
Julien                 Hubert                   M50-54
Arndt                  Hufendiek                M50-54
Stefaan                Huyghe                   M50-54           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
Liviu Aurelian         Irimia                   M50-54           Seven Sport Club
Olivier                Jakob                    M50-54           Team Advantage
Philip                 James                    M50-54           MY Sport Trophy Bike Team
Alain                  Jiquelle                 M50-54
Jørgen                 Johannessen              M50-54           Asker Triathlon Klubb
Mikhail                Kamyshny                 M50-54
Christoff              Kandera                  M50-54
Uros                   Kepic                    M50-54
Roger                  Keusch                   M50-54
Lars                   Knothe                   M50-54
Roger                  Kobel                    M50-54
René                   Koch                     M50-54
Alain                  Krebs                    M50-54
Gustavo Nicolas        Kubli Albertini          M50-54           mind2motion
Michael                Kuehl                    M50-54
Ilmar                  Kukk                     M50-54
Hans                   Kurath                   M50-54           Triathlonclub Frauenfeld
Eric                   Lambert                  M50-54
Markus                 Launer                   M50-54
Matthias               Lehnert                  M50-54
Roald                  Leijnen                  M50-54           Endurance Team AdApp
Shaun                  Lennox                   M50-54
Massimiliano           Lerza                    M50-54           Inuit Triathlon Abruzzo

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Sebastien              Lescot                   M50-54           LES ALLIGATORS SEYNOD TRIATHLON
Jean Denys             Lhuillery                M50-54
Roland                 Limacher                 M50-54
Ronald                 Lips                     M50-54
Benjamin               Longuebray               M50-54
Boon Leong             Loo                      M50-54           TriDorphins Elite
Fabien                 Lounissi                 M50-54
Nektarios              Lykopantis               M50-54
Marcin                 Maciejewski              M50-54
Karel                  Man                      M50-54           Anzegems Endurance Team - AET
Daniele                Mancini                  M50-54
Christian              Mangold                  M50-54
Patrick                Mannhart                 M50-54
Brad                   Marcus                   M50-54           Endurance Nation
Reto                   Marti                    M50-54
Jan                    Masschelin               M50-54
Stephen                May                      M50-54           Taff Ely Triathlon
Michael                Mayer                    M50-54
Luis                   Mayo Rubio               M50-54
Douglas                Mcclure                  M50-54
Hank                   Mees                     M50-54           Datachain Cycling and Triathlon Team
Didier                 Meyfroot                 M50-54
Sergey                 Mikulenko                M50-54
Rade                   Milenkovic               M50-54
Tomasz                 Miszczuk                 M50-54
Cesare                 Moroni                   M50-54           A.S.D. CNM Triathlon
Vincent                Mougey                   M50-54
Olivier                Muller                   M50-54

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Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Dominik                Muller                   M50-54
David                  Munnery                  M50-54
Roland                 Munz                     M50-54
Tj                     Neveldine                M50-54
Mark                   Nicholson                M50-54
Liam                   Nugent                   M50-54
Inigo                  Ortiz De Zarate          M50-54
Pietro                 Paladino                 M50-54
Noam                   Pelles                   M50-54           TEAMDALIT
Eran                   Permutti                 M50-54
Dietmund               Peters                   M50-54
Benoit                 Piguet                   M50-54           Triathlon Club Geneve
Nick                   Pile                     M50-54           UBS Tri Club
Jean-Noel              Plançon                  M50-54
Lorenzo                Poquis Huertas           M50-54           G4 FASTER WEAR
Markus                 Quirin                   M50-54
Enrico Graziano        Resmini                  M50-54           TRI60 GORILLAZ IRONTEAM
Markus                 Reuter                   M50-54
Michael                Richter                  M50-54           SV Handwerk Leipzig, Sektion Triathlon
Javier                 Rodriguez Perez          M50-54
Hans                   Romang                   M50-54
Morten                 Røsaasen                 M50-54           Raufoss og Gjøvik SK - Triathlon
Lionel                 Salomon                  M50-54
Franco                 Salvatore                M50-54
Matthias               Schaller                 M50-54
Daniel                 Schärz                   M50-54
René                   Scheidegger              M50-54
Daniel                 Schmid                   M50-54           Tempo-Sport BE THE CHANGE

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Günther                Schmid                   M50-54
Peter                  Schnyder                 M50-54
Gerhard                Schoepke                 M50-54
Marcel                 Schütz                   M50-54
Marc                   Schwarz                  M50-54           Triclub Bodensee
Frank                  Schwesig                 M50-54
Kfir                   Shelach                  M50-54
Dom                    Short                    M50-54
Franck                 Simon                    M50-54
Dominique              Specht                   M50-54                                                       #N/A
Alexander              Spiess                   M50-54
Martin                 Steiner                  M50-54
Thomas                 Steiner                  M50-54           3 Star Cats
Peter                  Stettler                 M50-54
John                   Stevenson                M50-54           Team Oxygenaddict
Jochen                 Stillger                 M50-54
Gunther                Storz                    M50-54
Stefan                 Stremersch               M50-54           3MD
Andres                 Stupnik                  M50-54
Rene                   Stutz                    M50-54
Tomi                   Suonpaa                  M50-54
Stuart                 Symes                    M50-54
Shinichi               Tanaka                   M50-54
Lionel                 Thomas                   M50-54
Maximiliano            Valderrama Espinosa      M50-54
Jaume                  Valls Borras             M50-54           TRIATLÓ VALLDOREIX
Jurie                  Van Der Merwe            M50-54
Ton                    Van Empel                M50-54

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Peter                  Van Poucke               M50-54           TTR
Stijn                  Vanacker                 M50-54
Libor                  Vanicek                  M50-54           Etriatlon Team
Werner                 Verheyen                 M50-54
Abilio                 Vieira Dos Santos        M50-54
Dirk                   Visser                   M50-54
Sven                   Vock                     M50-54
Pierre-Emmanuel        Volpert                  M50-54           Tri Team Lutry
Frank                  Warzecha                 M50-54
Thomas                 Weilenmann               M50-54
Christian              Wenzel                   M50-54           Triathlon Club Sursee
Markus                 Werz                     M50-54
Tracey                 West                     M50-54           Tri4Him
Wilfred                Wewer                    M50-54
Philippe               Wirth                    M50-54
Johan                  Wyckaert                 M50-54           Lentriac vzw
Daniel                 Wyss                     M50-54           tripl3
Paul                   Yankey                   M50-54
Lee                    York                     M50-54
Cees                   Zielman                  M50-54
Christian              Bachmann                 M55-59
Luc                    Beylemans                M55-59           Endurance Team Zaventem (BE)
Patrice                Bezault                  M55-59
Norbert                Bieler                   M55-59
Karl                   Biener                   M55-59
Philippe               Blatter                  M55-59
Hans                   Blickensdoerfer          M55-59
Gert                   Blumenstock              M55-59           Triathlon Team DSW Darmstadt

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Charles                Bolens                   M55-59
Alan                   Brown                    M55-59
Martin Daniel          Bruelhart                M55-59
Philippe               Bruneau                  M55-59
Nicola                 Brunelli                 M55-59
Gregor                 Budell                   M55-59
Stewart                Buttriss                 M55-59
Fernando               Carmo                    M55-59           Sport Algés e Dafundo
Hoo                    Ching Cheong             M55-59           Q3T - Qi Tritathlon Training Team
Christoph              Clases                   M55-59
German                 Clénin                   M55-59
Chris                  Cook                     M55-59
Antonio                Danieli                  M55-59
Georges                De Bilderling            M55-59
Vincent                De Cleer                 M55-59
Bruno                  De Decker                M55-59           3MD
Renaud                 De Pury                  M55-59
Gilles                 De Reyff                 M55-59           Triathlon Fribourg
Christophe             Delaplace                M55-59
René                   Dellsperger              M55-59           Tri Team Steffisburg
Linard                 Denoth                   M55-59
Paolo                  Discepoli                M55-59
Frank                  Dornbusch                M55-59
Bernhard               Dr. Kerscher             M55-59
Frédéric               Dubois                   M55-59
Mike                   Duerst                   M55-59
Kurt                   Emmenegger               M55-59
Martin                 Eschmann                 M55-59

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Niklaus                Etter                    M55-59
Klaus                  Fankhauser               M55-59
Björn                  Forssgren                M55-59           Rooster Club Varberg
Stefan                 Forssman                 M55-59
Ludovic                Francheteau              M55-59
Pierre                 Gallon                   M55-59           Stade Français
Simon                  Galloway                 M55-59
Olivier                Gay                      M55-59
Oliver                 Gilbert                  M55-59           Spiridon Frankfurt
Cesar                  Gongora                  M55-59
Peter                  Graf                     M55-59  | Tri Team
Bernhard               Graf                     M55-59
Ben                    Greenhalgh               M55-59
Olivier                Gregoire                 M55-59
Thomas                 Gröger                   M55-59
Brian                  Harreld                  M55-59           Ann Arbor Triathlon Club
Martin                 Hiltbrand                M55-59
Werner                 Hiltbrunner              M55-59
Gunther                Himbrecht                M55-59           TriatlonTeam Roeselare
Roland                 Hofmann                  M55-59
Amadé                  Huber                    M55-59
Philippe               Imhof                    M55-59
Graham                 King                     M55-59
Knut                   Kolpatzik                M55-59           Triabolos Triathlon Hamburg e. V.
Bas                    Koning                   M55-59
Josef                  Kunze                    M55-59
Thomas P.              Kusch                    M55-59
André                  Lorenz                   M55-59

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                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Claudio                Lutz                     M55-59
Jürgen                 Marschall                M55-59           Tri-Team Bad Saulgau
Fabrizio               Masoni                   M55-59
Beat                   Meier                    M55-59           3athlon Bern
Pascal                 Millot                   M55-59
Salim                  Mohamed                  M55-59
Rob                    Morley                   M55-59           IronTex
Petr                   Mrskos                   M55-59           RESOLUTION TEAM
Francesco              Musolino                 M55-59
Pierre                 Neuenschwander           M55-59
Stefan                 Niederbacher             M55-59           3 Star Cats
Milan                  Pekarek                  M55-59           Etriatlon Team
Grant                  Philbrick                M55-59           Wight Tri
William                Potter                   M55-59
Bruno                  Promonet                 M55-59
Christophe             Quartier                 M55-59
Klaus                  Rehbein                  M55-59
Ludolf                 Reijntjes                M55-59
Robert                 Rickli                   M55-59           Tempo-Sport BE THE CHANGE
Kaspar                 Ritz                     M55-59           Triclub Zofingen
Thomas                 Salwender                M55-59           power & pace by
Christoph              Schenker                 M55-59
Beat                   Schertenleib             M55-59           tripl3
Simon                  Schönenberger            M55-59
Thomas                 Schuette                 M55-59
Michael                Schwan                   M55-59
Rolf                   Seiler                   M55-59
Andreas                Sicken                   M55-59

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
Start list IRONMAN Thun 2022
(last update: January 11, 2022)
Please note: Athletes who registered with the Partial Payment Plan will not be in the
start list before paying the 3rd part.

First name             Last name                Agegroup         Triclub
Vincent                Sivirine                 M55-59           Endurance Nation
Luc                    Smet                     M55-59
Davide                 Solari                   M55-59                                                       #N/A
Hanspeter              Steiner                  M55-59
Roger                  Stucki                   M55-59
Giovanni               Tagliamonte              M55-59           A.S.D. TERRA DELLO SPORT
Stephan                Trösch                   M55-59
Peter                  Truffer                  M55-59
Maarten                Van Alphen               M55-59           TVA Arnhem
Mark                   Van Der Pol              M55-59
Dirk                   Vertongen                M55-59           3MD
Gian                   Vietti                   M55-59
Pierre-André           Vuithier                 M55-59
Frank                  Wandel                   M55-59           TVA Arnhem
Hanspeter              Wegmann                  M55-59
Daniel                 Widmer                   M55-59
Michael                Wieland                  M55-59           RSG Böblingen
Matthias               Witte                    M55-59
Ronald                 Wyss                     M55-59
Rolf                   Zahner                   M55-59           Tempo-Sport BE THE CHANGE
Matthias               Albrech                  M60-64
Simon                  Anderton                 M60-64
Andreas Adolf          Backes                   M60-64
Wedigo                 Bartenberg               M60-64
Michael                Becker                   M60-64
Marco                  Bertolini                M60-64           NOLIMITSFRIENDS
Hansruedi              Burkhalter               M60-64  | Tri Team
Patrice                Coirier                  M60-64

                                     Solltest du nicht auf der Startliste stehen, kontaktiere uns bitte unter
                                             If you are not on the start list, please send an email to
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