Tasteful residence quiet surrounding joyfilled ambience - Ambiente Messe Frankfurt
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trends 2019 ambiente tasteful Wofür begeistern sich die Konsumenten im nächsten Jahr? Manche orientieren sich an Influencern, um stets einen residence angesagten, individuellen Look zu kreieren. Andere suchen nach Ruhe, Sinn und Sorgfalt, gerade in unserer schnell- quiet lebigen Zeit. Aber die Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Natürlichkeit und Recycling sind inzwischen ein Metatrend, der alle surrounding Verbrauchertypen, Designer und Produzenten beeinflusst. Wie reizvoll und unterschiedlich sich das ausprägt, zeigen die Key-Trends der Ambiente 2019. joyfilled Gehen Sie mit uns auf Entdeckungstour! ambience What will be enthusing consumers next year? Some are guided by influencers, seeking at all times to create a trendy, individual look. Others are looking for calm, purpose and awareness – especially in our fast-moving times. But the themes of sustainability, naturalness and recycling have become a meta trend that influences all types of consumers as well as designers and producers. The key trends at Ambiente 2019 show just how attractive and varied the results can be. Come with us on a voyage of discovery! © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
trends 2019 ambiente tasteful Perfekte Handwerkskunst mit makellosem Finish – satte Farben, sinnliche Materialien, pure Linien und perfekte residence Proportionen erzeugen eine entspannte, zeitlose Eleganz. Ausgewählte Lieblingsstücke, Unikate und Designs mit Objekt-Charakter verleihen dem Look seine besondere Ausstrahlung. Perfect craftsmanship with a flawless finish – rich colours, sensual materials, pure lines and perfect proportions create a relaxed, timeless elegance. Selected favourite pieces, one-off creations and designs with an object character give the look its special appeal. Pantone 7563 C Pantone 15-0953 TCX Pantone Black 5 C Pantone 19-1109 TCX Pantone 3302 C Pantone 19-5411 TCX Pantone 7580 C exquisit exquisite Pantone 10394 C Pantone 14-5002 TCX Pantone 18-1447 TCX raffiniert refined elegant elegant Pantone 2216 C Pantone 2052 C nuanciert nuanced Pantone 19-4229 TCX Pantone 15-3207 TCX subtil subtle außergewöhnlich unusual Pantone 478 C entspannt relaxed Pantone 19-1430 TCX sinnlich sensual © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
trends 2019 1 ambiente tasteful residence 12 2 11 10 7 9 8 3 5 4 1 Mygdal Plantlight by Nui Studio 2 Xilo 2.0 Walnut curated by Piero Lissoni for Alpi 3 Uchiwa by Doshi Levien for HAY 4 Grasso Vases by Stephen Burks for BD Barcelona 5 Casa Modernista 1 & 2 by Nipa Doshi & Jonathan Levien for Moroso 6 ERBSE 1 TABLELAMP by GUAXS 7 2018 WonderGlass Alcova Vase, photo Claire Lavabre 8 Aurora Collection by Alba Gallizia for Ichendorf 9 Jessica Hans Vases + Cups for HAY 10 Photo Hongkong by Michaela Thai 11 Mirror by Studio Roso for Republic of Fritz Hansen 12 Marquetry Wallpaper 5 6 by Thomas Eurlings for NLXL © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
trends 2019 ambiente tasteful In intensiver Auseinandersetzung mit edlen residence Hölzern, Leder und Bouclé, Samt, Velours und 10 Porzellan entstehen die besten Designideen. Farbiges Glas und polierte Oberflächen sind ein großes Thema. Elegante Akzente setzen Reliefs und 3D-Effekte. The best design ideas are the outcome of an in-depth examination of precious 1 woods, leather and bouclé, velvet, velour and porcelain. Coloured glass and polished surfaces are a central theme. Reliefs and 9 3D effects add elegant touches. 5 behaglich cozy reliefiert embossed luxuriös luxurious perfekt perfect lebendig lively edel noble poliert polished strukturiert structured 7 6 8 4 2 3 1 Layout Separé by Michele De Lucchi for Alias 2 Laila Pozzo for Doppia Firma 3 Casa Modernista 2 (Detail) by Nipa Doshi & Jonathan Levien for Moroso 4 Rain&Cloudy by Gam Fratesi for Alpi 5 Marquetry Wallpaper by Thomas Eurlings for NLXL 6 Rayures by Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec for Glas Italia 7 Proof by Sahco 8 2018 WonderGlass Alcova Vase (Detail), photo Claire Lavabre 9 Velò by Piero Lissoni for Alpi 10 Slinkie by Patricia Urquiola for cc-tapis © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
trends 2019 ambiente quiet Einfach schön: Naturnahe, schlichte und nützliche Produkte erfüllen die Sehnsucht nach Ruhe und surrounding Ehrlichkeit. In sanften Farben schaffen sie unpräten- tiöse Rückzugsorte für einen stressfreien Alltag. Der Respekt für das Material und seine kreative Bearbeitung sind dabei von hoher Bedeutung. Simply beautiful: natural, simple and useful products satisfy a yearning for calm and honesty. They create in soft colours unpretentious havens for an everyday life free from stress. Respect for materials and creativity in the use made of them are of great importance here. Pantone 426 C Pantone 2177 C Pantone 19-4006 TCX Pantone 18-4711 TCX natürlich natural Pantone 5655 C Pantone 15-6307 TCX Pantone 7504 C Pantone 18-1029 TCX diskret discreet Pantone 466 C Pantone 16-0940 TCX puristisch puristic Weiß Pantone 11-1001 TCX Pantone 7612 C sanft soft Pantone 16-1522 TCX besinnlich contemplative wohltuend soothing geerdet grounded Pantone 451 C zurückhaltend subdued Pantone 17-0636 TCX © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
trends 2019 ambiente quiet surrounding 14 13 4 9 12 5 6 7 10 1 11 8 3 1 Yellow Ocher Italian linseed oil / Dinesen Oak 2 Basket by Benjamin Hubert for Republic of Fritz Hansen 3 CAN by Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec for HAY 4 Paris Blue Bright linseed oil / Dinesen Oak 5 Chair Charlie by ecoBirdy 6 Funquetry cabinet by Nada Debs 7 Container Kiwi by ecoBirdy 8 Blanket 2 Carrier by Teemu Järvi Illustrations 9 Bowl Small + Medium by Kristina Dam Studio 10 DC08 BASIS table / David Chipperfield / e15 11 Loft Chair by Thomas Bentzen for Muuto 12 Höganas Keramik by Front for Rörstrand 13 30 DEGREES by Johan van Hengel for HAY 14 Verona Green linseed oil / Dinesen Oak © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
trends 2019 ambiente quiet Mit Experimentierfreude und traditionellen Hand- surrounding werkstechniken werden natürliche Materialien kombi- niert: Textilien wie Wolle, Seide, Hanf und Leinen neben Holz, Stein, Stroh, Ton und Keramik – natur- belassen oder glasiert – häufig auf Recycling-Basis. Natural materials are combined with a love of experi- mentation and traditional handicraft techniques: textiles such as wool, silk, hemp and linen as well as wood, stone, straw, clay and ceramics – natural or glazed – are often the product of recycling. 4 achtsam mindful experimentell experimental recycelt recycled nachhaltig sustainable handwerklich hand-crafted innovativ innovative schlicht simple ehrlich honest 2 3 1 1 Funquetry Swirl side table by Nada Debs 2 Mariposa Sofa by E. Barber & J. Osgerby © Vitra, photo Marc Eggimanni 3 Eileen Fisher DesignWork/ Waste No More 4 iStock.com/Ninja Artist © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
trends 2019 ambiente joyfilled Styling als Selbstdarstellung mit kühnen Farbkombi- nationen und dem Charme des Zufalls: Hier hat Einförmigkeit ambience keine Chance. Es wird unorthodox gemixt und die Vielfalt gefeiert – spielerisch, frei von allen Konventionen und voller Lebensfreude. Styling as self-expression with bold colour combinations and the charm of serendipity: uniformity has no chance here. Things are mixed in unorthodox ways and variety is celebrated – in a playful manner, free from all conventions and full of joie de vivre. bunt colourful fröhlich cheerful lebhaft lively Pantone 7534 C Pantone 14-6305 TCX unbeschwert carefree Pantone 9140 C Pantone 12-0717 TCX eigenwillig idiosyncratic mutig bold Pantone 2221 C Pantone 5757 C spielerisch playful Pantone 17-4421 TCX Pantone 7428 C Pantone 18-0328 TCX spontan spontaneous Pantone 19-1930 TCX Pantone 1787 C Pantone 18-1756 TCX Pantone 2015 C Pantone 14-1127 TCX Pantone 338 C Pantone 14-6017 TCX © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
trends 2019 ambiente joyfilled ambience 11 8 10 8 9 7 1 2 4 6 5 1 HAY Kitchen Market Launch at Picasso 2 Lilo by Patricia Urquiola for Moroso 3 envisions in collaboration with Finsa, Wood in Progress, Aukje Fleur Jans- sen, Photography by Lody Aeckerlin 4 Marie by Marie Michielssen for Serax 5 Pasta Pasta by Paola Navone for Serax 6 TURN ON by Joel Hoff for HAY 7 envisions in collaboration with Finsa, Wood in Progress, Aukje Fleur 2 Janssen, Photography by Ronald Smits 8 L’ascolto by Gabriella Giannelli for Tapestry/Moroso 9 Happy Places by Raw Edges © Vitra, photo Lorenz Cugini 10 Tape by Benjamin Hubert for Moroso 11 envisions in collaboration with 2 Finsa, Wood in Progress, Roos Gomperts & Elvis Wesley, Photography by 3 Ronald Smits © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
trends 2019 ambiente joyfilled So vielfältig wie die Materialien, so eigenwillig der ambience Muster-Mix: Botanische Motive, geometrische und übergroße Dekore, Vintage-Prints, illustrative Tapisserien und innovativ recycelter Kunststoff präsentieren sich in erfrischend überraschender Zusammenstellung. The mixture of patterns is as unconventional as the materials are diverse: botanical motifs, geometric and 8 outsized figures, vintage prints, illustrative tapestries and innovatively recycled plastic are juxtaposed in refreshing and surprising ways. kreativ creative vielfältig diverse unorthodox unorthodox gemustert patterned illustrativ illustrative floral floral lebendig lively 7 5 1 3 4 2 6 1 L’addio by Gabriella Giandelli for Tapestry/Moroso 2 envisions in collaboration with Finsa, Wood in Progress, Aukje Fleur Janssen, Photography by Ronald Smits 3 L’ascolto by Gabriella Giannelli for Tapestry/Moroso 4 envisions in collaboration with Finsa, Wood in Progress, Sanne Schuurman, Photography by Ronald Smits 5 envisions in collaboration with Finsa, Wood in Progress, Roos Gomperts & Elvis Wesley, Photography by Ronald Smits 6 Seaside & Simplicity by Dibbern 7 envisions in collaboration with Finsa, Wood in Progress, © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH Thomas Trum, Photography by Ronald Smits 8 envisions in collaboration with Finsa, Wood in Progress, Thomas Trum, Photography by Ronald Smits
trends 2019 ambiente Stilbüro bora.herke.palmisano Die Trendprognosen der Ambiente basieren auf weltweiten Recherchen. Im Auftrag der Messe Frankfurt analysiert das Stilbüro bora.herke.palmisano seit vielen Jahren die kom- menden Entwicklungen für die Konsumgüterbranche. Als © Michael Zellmer Spezialisten für Trendforschung mit besonderem Gespür für Materialien, Farben und Styling verstehen sie es, den Fokus auf das wirklich Bedeutsame zu lenken – und es meisterhaft zu inszenieren. Lassen Sie sich im Februar von der großen Produktpräsentation auf der Ambiente inspirieren. Exklusive Führungen und Vorträge machen die Trends 2019 für den Handel greifbar. Ambiente’s trend forecasts are the product of worldwide research. On behalf of Messe Frankfurt, Stilbüro bora.herke.palmisano has for many years now been predicting future developments in the consumer goods sector. As specialists in detecting trends and with a special feeling for materials, colours and styling, they know how to home in on what is truly significant – and present it in a masterly way. Draw inspiration from the major product Annetta Palmisano Cem Bora Claudia Herke presentation at the Ambiente show in February. Exclusive guided tours and lectures for retailers will make the 2019 trends readily discernible. © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
Trendvorträge / Trend lectures Ambiente Academy Halle / Hall 9.1 D90 Trends 2019 Galleria 1 8. – 12.2.2019 Trendpräsentation: Galleria 1 Trendvorträge: Jetzt neu in Halle 9.1, Ambiente Academy, Stand D90, täglich 11.30 und 14.30 Uhr Trend presentation: Galleria 1 Trend lectures: Now new in Hall 9.1, Ambiente Academy, Stand D90, daily at 11.30 am and 2.30 pm © Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH, Concept and idea: stilbüro bora.herke.palmisano Frankfurt / Berlin, Design: Heine Lenz Zizka Frankfurt / Berlin, Messe Frankfurt Ambiente Production: Messe Frankfurt Medien und Service GmbH, Lithography: Repro 45 Frankfurt. PANTONE®-VIEW home + interiors 2015 – Volume 11 PANTONE® Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH and other Pantone trademarks are the property of PANTONE LLC. PANTONE Colors may not match PANTONE-identified standards. Consult current PANTONE Postfach 15 02 10, 60062 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Color Publications for accurate color. Pantone LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of X-Rite, Incorporated © Pantone LLC, 2014. All rights reserved. Content provided by Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. Die Trendfarben werden in Pantone-Farben für den Printbereich und Tel. +49 69 75 75 - 65 67, Fax +49 69 75 75 - 9 65 67 in Pantone TPG Codierung für den Wohn- und Interieurbereich angegeben. / The Trend colours are indicated by Pantone colours for the printing industry and ambiente@messefrankfurt.com Pantone TPG coding for the home and interior sectors. ambiente.messefrankfurt.com
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