2020 PRICE LIST Krone complete edition - kroneanzeigen.at

Die Seite wird erstellt Felix-Stefan Böttcher
2020 PRICE LIST Krone complete edition - kroneanzeigen.at
RAT E S A PPL I C A B L E W I T H E FFE C T FRO M 1.1.2020

    2020 PRICE LIST

1     Krone complete edition   www.kroneanzeigen.at
2020 PRICE LIST Krone complete edition - kroneanzeigen.at
Seite 50                                       MÄRKTE & KAPITAL                                Samstag, 7. September 2019

                                                                                                      „Generation Z“ strebt Top-Jobs an Work-Life-Balance ist weniger wichtig

                                                                                                    Karriere machen wieder „in“
                                                                                                      Für sechs von zehn 23- bis 38-Jährige („Generation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Foto: peshkova - stock.adobe.com
                                                                                                    Y“) ist eine gute Work-Life-Balance wichtig. Bei der
                                                                                                    nun nachfolgenden „Generation Z“ rückt dieser Aspekt
                                                                                                    etwas in den Hintergrund. Sie streben vermehrt Füh-
                                                                                                    rungsjobs und Karrieren an, so eine StepStone-Studie.
                                                                                                    Die gefragtesten Arbeitgeber bleiben aber dieselben.
                                                                                                       Vier Generationen wer-     andere Ziele. Eine Work-Li-
                                                                                                    den im Jahr 2025 gleichzei-   fe-Balance ist nur mehr für
                                                                                                    tig am Arbeitsmarkt tätig     knapp die Hälfte von Bedeu-
                                                                                                    sein. Wünsche und Erwar-      tung. Den „wilden Jungen“
                                                                                                    tungen sind jedoch sehr       ist Karriere und Erfolg wie-
                                                                                                    unterschiedlich. Vor allem    der deutlich wichtiger. „Wer
                                                                                                    die nun am Job-Markt Fuß      nach der Jahrtausendwende
                                                                                                    fassende „Generation Z“ hat   geboren ist, ist mit dem Plat-
                                                                                                                                  zen wirtschaftlicher Blasen
                                                                                                                                  aufgewachsen. Das verstärkt

                                                                                                    Märkte &                      in jungen Menschen die Su-
                                                                                                                                  che nach Sicherheit“, betont
                                                                                                                                  StepStone-Chef Rudi Bauer.
                                                                                                                                                                   Bei den „jungen Wilden“ sind innovative Arbeitgeber gefragt

                                                                                                                                     Auch das Arbeiten mit         richtungen. Die gefragtesten    am beliebtesten, knapp ge-
                                                                                                                                  neuen Technologien spielt        Arbeitgeber bleiben laut        folgt vom Siemens-Konzern
                                                                                                                                  für sie eine immer größere       einer aktuellen Umfrage je-     und diversen Automobil-
                                                                                                                                  Rolle, natürlich besonders       doch für alle Generationen      Unternehmen wie BMW
                                                                                                     VON GERALD HOFBAUER          bei Studenten und Absol-         weiterhin dieselben.            oder Audi. Auch noch unter
                                                                                                     UND ROBERT WIEDERSICH        venten technischer Studien-         Bei Technikern ist Google    den Top-10 ist die Voest.

                                                                                                      Erste Anzeichen, dass Anleger mehr auf Stabilität setzen                                         FINANZNEWS

                                                                                                     Was jetzt für Firmen spricht,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Immofinanz im
                                                                                                                                                                                                    STOXX Europe 600
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Meilenstein für die heimische

                                                                                                     die hohe Dividenden zahlen
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Immofinanz. Der Immobi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    lienkonzern wird mit 23. Sep-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    tember in den STOXX Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                                    600 aufgenommen. Dieser
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ist ein wichtiger europäischer                                           Digital works.
                                                                                                      In Zeiten von Hochkonjunktur treiben wachstums-                Während der jüngsten           Benchmark-Index. Chef Oli-
                                                                                                    starke Titel, etwa aus dem Technologiesektor, die Bör-
                                                                                                    sen an. Handelskrieg und Konjunkturabschwächung
                                                                                                                                                                   Schwankungen am Markt
                                                                                                                                                                   gab es erste Anzeichen, dass
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ver Schumy hofft, die Aktie
                                                                                                                                                                                                    damit auf den Radarschirm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Wir verändern die Welt mit
                                                                                                    könnten aber solide Unternehmen mit gutem Dividen-
                                                                                                    denwachstum wieder interessanter machen.
                                                                                                                                                                   auch wachstumsorientierte
                                                                                                                                                                   Anleger wieder mehr Au-
                                                                                                                                                                   genmerk auf Stabilität legen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    neuer internationaler Inves-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    toren zu bringen.                                                        Verantwortung und neuen
                                                                                                                                                                   Bei Investoren, die nicht nur     Wohnungen erneut
                                                           Foto: Björn Wylezich - stock.adobe.com

                                                                                                                                                                   auf schnelle Gewinne aus         um 6,8% teuerer
                                                                                                                                                                   sind, rücken Unternehmen         Die Preise für Eigentums-
                                                                                                                                                                   in den Fokus, die jedes Jahr     wohnungen sind in Öster-                                                 Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern und Kunden arbeiten wir täglich
                                                                                                                                                                   ihre Dividendenzahlungen         reich heuer im ersten Halb-                                              daran, mit cleveren digitalen Lösungen unsere Städte lebenswert zu
                                                                                                                                                                   erhöhen. Bei diesen Betrie-      jahr erneut im Schnitt um                                                gestalten. Wir ermöglichen die digitale Transformation der Industrie,
                                                                                                                                                                   ben würde sich langfristig       6,8% gestiegen. Der Quad-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             sorgen für eine sichere Energieversorgung und schaffen smarte Gebäude.
                                                                                                                                                                   auch der Aktienkurs besser       ratmeterpreis lag österreich-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    weit bei durchschnittlich                                                So erhalten wir unser Land lebenswert und sichern die internationale
                                                                                                                                                                   entwickeln, so eine Analyse                                                                               Konkurrenzfähigkeit unserer Partner.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    3267 €, so eine Studie von
                                                                                                                                                                   der Franklin Equity Group.       Remax. In den letzten fünf
                                                                                                                                                                     Darüber hinaus zählen          Jahren bedeutet das eine
                                                                                                                                                                   solche Firmen meist zu den       Preiserhöhung von fast 39%.
                                                                                                                                                                   Marktführern. Zu finden          Am stärksten zugelegt haben                                                                                      siemens.at/digitalworks
                                                                                                                                                                   sind diese „Dividenden-          heuer die Bundesländer Tirol
                                                                                                                                                                   Überflieger“ in vielen Bran-     (+11,6%), Salzburg (+10,5%)
                                                                                                                                                                   chen, zuletzt verstärkt etwa     und Vorarlberg (+9,9%).

                                                                                                    Auf „Bärenmärkten“ (Kurse sinken) gefragt: Dividendentitel     im Industriesektor.

               The first choice
        for successful communication

    With more than 2 million readers per day, the Kronen Zeitung
    is the clear number one in the Austrian daily newspaper
    market. With its informative, compact journalistic style and
    practical format, the “Krone” is Austria’s favourite newspaper –
    and with good reason. After all, what is written in the Kronen
    Zeitung gets the whole of Austria talking – and the “Krone”
             focuses on what the country is talking about.

    This proximity to the reader, the broad portfolio of print and
    online products, the greatest reach and the best CPT of the
    daily newspapers make the “Krone” your reliable partner for
                     successful communication.

    MAG. MONIKA FUHRHEER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                FRANZ RENKIN
                  Managing Director                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Head of Sales
                     MediaPrint                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kronen Zeitung

                Source: Media Analysis 2019,; basis: total population, daily newspapers, Kronen Zeitung national, margin of fluctuation +/- 0.7 %;
    for details on the margin of fluctuation, please refer to www.media-analyse.at/Signifikanz; CPT national, basis: most favourable rate 2020, 1/1 4c or JP

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               www.kroneanzeigen.at
2020 PRICE LIST Krone complete edition - kroneanzeigen.at
Multi channels and
a high reach

                                                                       Kronen Zeitung
                                                                       More than 2 million readers – 27.2 percent of the Austrian population – make the
                                                                       Kronen Zeitung by far the largest daily newspaper in Austria.

                                                                       Reach: 27.2 % = 2,041,000 readers
                                                                       Exclusive readers: 1,025,000 = 13.7 % reach
                                                                       Decision-makers: 32.7 % cross-media reach
                                                                       CPT: € 16.19
                                                                       Market share: 44.8 %
                                                                       No. of copies sold: 672,779 (epaper included: 32,915)
                                                                       Subscribers: 581,972 (epaper included: 23,109)

                                                                       Krone bunt
                                                                       Sunday is the day to read the “Krone”: Kronen Zeitung and Krone bunt are an
                                                                       indispensable part of Sunday mornings for 2,503,000 readers, i.e. 33.4 % of Austrians
                                                                       over the age of 14. No other Austrian publication appeals to such a large number of

                                                                       Reach: 33.4 % = 2,503,000 readers
                                                                       CPT: € 14.35
                                                                       Market share: 57.0 %
                                                                       No. of copies sold: 1,101,780 (epaper included: 32,983)

                                                                       Krone Digital
                                                                       Krone.at offers its users a comprehensive range of information in real time across
                                                                       all platforms. The “Krone” is also popular on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with
                                                                       a cool mix of news, exclusive stories, picture galleries and competitions.

                                                                       Visits: 49,758,874 (mobile 36.2 mio.)
                                                                       Unique clients: 8,895,402
                                                                       Push subscribers: 360,000
                                                                       Newsletter subscribers: 235,000
                                                                       Facebook fans: 323,000

Sources: Media Analysis 2019, basis: total population, daily newspapers, Kronen Zeitung national, margin of fluctuation +/- 0.7 %; for details on the margin of fluctuation, please refer to www.media-
analyse.at/Signifikanz; CPT national, basis: most favourable rate 2020, 1/1 4c or JP 4c; ÖAK 2019; LAE 2019 3.0; ÖWA Basic 02/2020

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                                                                                                      3
2020 PRICE LIST Krone complete edition - kroneanzeigen.at
2,041 million
    readers all over Austria

    672,779 sold circulation
    No. 1
    among executives

    33.4% reach
    on sunday

We a  re
no. 1
    Kronen Zeitung is the no. 1 daily in all key figures

    Source: MA2019, basis national, margin of fluctuation Kronen Zeitung +/–0,7. details at www.media-analyse.at/Signifikanz;
    LAE 2019/3.0 basis national; margin of fluctuation +/–1,5%; ÖAK 2019, Ø Mo–Sa, sold circulation ePaper 32.915.
    Fotos: Adobe Stock.

4                                                                                                                               www.kroneanzeigen.at
2020 PRICE LIST Krone complete edition - kroneanzeigen.at
A wide range of topics
                                                                                                     tailored to your target group

                                          Seite 50                                       MÄRKTE & KAPITAL                                Samstag, 7. September 2019

                                            „Generation Z“ strebt Top-Jobs an Work-Life-Balance ist weniger wichtig

                                          Karriere machen wieder „in“
                                            Für sechs von zehn 23- bis 38-Jährige („Generation
                                                                                                                                                                           Foto: peshkova - stock.adobe.com

                                          Y“) ist eine gute Work-Life-Balance wichtig. Bei der
                                          nun nachfolgenden „Generation Z“ rückt dieser Aspekt
                                          etwas in den Hintergrund. Sie streben vermehrt Füh-
                                          rungsjobs und Karrieren an, so eine StepStone-Studie.
                                          Die gefragtesten Arbeitgeber bleiben aber dieselben.
                                             Vier Generationen wer-     andere Ziele. Eine Work-Li-
                                          den im Jahr 2025 gleichzei-   fe-Balance ist nur mehr für
                                          tig am Arbeitsmarkt tätig     knapp die Hälfte von Bedeu-
                                          sein. Wünsche und Erwar-      tung. Den „wilden Jungen“
                                          tungen sind jedoch sehr       ist Karriere und Erfolg wie-
                                          unterschiedlich. Vor allem    der deutlich wichtiger. „Wer
                                          die nun am Job-Markt Fuß      nach der Jahrtausendwende
                                          fassende „Generation Z“ hat   geboren ist, ist mit dem Plat-
                                                                        zen wirtschaftlicher Blasen
                                                                        aufgewachsen. Das verstärkt

                                          Märkte &                      in jungen Menschen die Su-
                                                                        che nach Sicherheit“, betont
                                                                        StepStone-Chef Rudi Bauer.
                                                                                                         Bei den „jungen Wilden“ sind innovative Arbeitgeber gefragt

                                                                           Auch das Arbeiten mit         richtungen. Die gefragtesten    am beliebtesten, knapp ge-
                                                                        neuen Technologien spielt        Arbeitgeber bleiben laut        folgt vom Siemens-Konzern
                                                                        für sie eine immer größere       einer aktuellen Umfrage je-     und diversen Automobil-
                                                                        Rolle, natürlich besonders       doch für alle Generationen      Unternehmen wie BMW
                                           VON GERALD HOFBAUER          bei Studenten und Absol-         weiterhin dieselben.            oder Audi. Auch noch unter
                                           UND ROBERT WIEDERSICH        venten technischer Studien-         Bei Technikern ist Google    den Top-10 ist die Voest.

                                            Erste Anzeichen, dass Anleger mehr auf Stabilität setzen                                         FINANZNEWS

                                           Was jetzt für Firmen spricht,
                                                                                                                                           Immofinanz im
                                                                                                                                          STOXX Europe 600
                                                                                                                                          Meilenstein für die heimische

                                           die hohe Dividenden zahlen
                                                                                                                                          Immofinanz. Der Immobi-
                                                                                                                                          lienkonzern wird mit 23. Sep-
                                                                                                                                          tember in den STOXX Europe
                                                                                                                                          600 aufgenommen. Dieser
                                                                                                                                          ist ein wichtiger europäischer                                      Digital works.
                                            In Zeiten von Hochkonjunktur treiben wachstums-                Während der jüngsten           Benchmark-Index. Chef Oli-
                                          starke Titel, etwa aus dem Technologiesektor, die Bör-
                                          sen an. Handelskrieg und Konjunkturabschwächung
                                                                                                         Schwankungen am Markt
                                                                                                         gab es erste Anzeichen, dass
                                                                                                                                          ver Schumy hofft, die Aktie
                                                                                                                                          damit auf den Radarschirm
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Wir verändern die Welt mit
                                          könnten aber solide Unternehmen mit gutem Dividen-
                                          denwachstum wieder interessanter machen.
                                                                                                         auch wachstumsorientierte
                                                                                                         Anleger wieder mehr Au-
                                                                                                         genmerk auf Stabilität legen.
                                                                                                                                          neuer internationaler Inves-
                                                                                                                                          toren zu bringen.                                                   Verantwortung und neuen
                                                                                                         Bei Investoren, die nicht nur     Wohnungen erneut
 Foto: Björn Wylezich - stock.adobe.com

                                                                                                         auf schnelle Gewinne aus         um 6,8% teuerer
                                                                                                         sind, rücken Unternehmen         Die Preise für Eigentums-
                                                                                                         in den Fokus, die jedes Jahr     wohnungen sind in Öster-                                            Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern und Kunden arbeiten wir täglich
                                                                                                         ihre Dividendenzahlungen         reich heuer im ersten Halb-                                         daran, mit cleveren digitalen Lösungen unsere Städte lebenswert zu
                                                                                                         erhöhen. Bei diesen Betrie-      jahr erneut im Schnitt um                                           gestalten. Wir ermöglichen die digitale Transformation der Industrie,
                                                                                                         ben würde sich langfristig       6,8% gestiegen. Der Quad-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              sorgen für eine sichere Energieversorgung und schaffen smarte Gebäude.
                                                                                                         auch der Aktienkurs besser       ratmeterpreis lag österreich-
                                                                                                                                          weit bei durchschnittlich                                           So erhalten wir unser Land lebenswert und sichern die internationale
                                                                                                         entwickeln, so eine Analyse                                                                          Konkurrenzfähigkeit unserer Partner.
                                                                                                                                          3267 €, so eine Studie von
                                                                                                         der Franklin Equity Group.       Remax. In den letzten fünf
                                                                                                           Darüber hinaus zählen          Jahren bedeutet das eine
                                                                                                         solche Firmen meist zu den       Preiserhöhung von fast 39%.
                                                                                                         Marktführern. Zu finden          Am stärksten zugelegt haben                                                                                 siemens.at/digitalworks
                                                                                                         sind diese „Dividenden-          heuer die Bundesländer Tirol
                                                                                                                                          (+11,6%), Salzburg (+10,5%)
                                                                                                         Überflieger“ in vielen Bran-
                                                                                                         chen, zuletzt verstärkt etwa     und Vorarlberg (+9,9%).                                                                                                                                   RÄTSEL

                                          Auf „Bärenmärkten“ (Kurse sinken) gefragt: Dividendentitel     im Industriesektor.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    € 2,50

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NR. 11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          UNSER GEB EMBER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               IM NOV         ICHAU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   D VON LÜTT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 KREUZWORTRÄTSEL • SILBENRÄTSEL • RÄTSELCOCKTAILS • ZOO-LOGISCHES • DENKSPORT • HOROSKOP • SUDOKUS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              DIE BESTEN ÖSTERREICHISCHEN RÄTSEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 9 024700 000987     11   ERSCHEINT MONATLICH | VERKAUFSPREIS AT € 2,50 | IT € 3,20 | SLO € 3,20 | HR KN 24,–

With its diverse product portfolio, the Kronen Zeitung
offers the ideal setting for successful advertising – in
all relevant target groups.

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2020 PRICE LIST Krone complete edition - kroneanzeigen.at
Krone complete edition

    Text section Basic = no position specified                            Text section Premium = predefined position on pages 4 to 7
    Text section Top = predefined position                                Text section Exclusive = predefined position on pages 2 to 3
    (except TS Premium and TS Exclusive)


    Rate per mm                     Ads section Text section Basic Text section Top Text section Premium Text section Exclusive

    Mon-Sat                                  30.60          49.25               56.64                62.79                        75.36
    Sun, PH **                               32.64          53.94               62.03                68.78                        82.53

    * incl. full-page discount

                                             1/1 page         1/2 page horizontal        1/4 page vertical                  1/8 page
                                           196 x 270 mm          196 x 135 mm              96 x 135 mm                     96 x 65 mm
    Ads section
    Mon-Sat                                  33,048.00              16,524.00                 8,262.00                       3,978.00
    Sun, PH **                               35,251.20              17,625.60                 8,812.80                       4,243.20

    Text section Basic
    Mon-Sat                                  33,461.32 *            26,595.00                 13,297.50                      6,402.50
    Sun, PH **                               35,916.24 *            29,127.60                 14,563.80                      7,012.20

    Text section Top
    Mon-Sat                                  38,480.52 *            30,585.60                 15,292.80                      7,363.20
    Sun, PH **                               41,303.68 *            33,496.20                 16,748.10                      8,063.90

    Text section Premium
    Mon-Sat                                  42,663.18*             33,906.60                 16,953.30                      8,162.70
    Sun, PH **                               45,793.21 *            37,141.20                 18,570.60                      8,941.40

    Text section Exclusive
    Mo-Sat                                   51,195.82 *            40,694.40                 20,347.20                     9,796.80
    Sun, PH **                               54,951.85*             44,566.20                 22,283.10                    10,728.90

    Amendments are minor changes to advertising material (e.g. addresses, ...)                                      ** PH = public holiday
    per amendment: 1,173.–

6                                                                                                               www.kroneanzeigen.at
2020 PRICE LIST Krone complete edition - kroneanzeigen.at
Krone complete edition

Closing date for ads and
                                       SPECIAL POSITIONING FRONT / FIXED FORMATS (W X H)
ad materials deadline
For Tuesday – Friday:
1 business day (except Sat)
before publication, 10.00 a.m.
(for 1/1 page and text section ads
2 business days before publication,
12.00 noon)

For Saturday:
Friday, 9.00 a.m.                     Front page                         46 x 45 mm        96 x 45 mm
(for 1/1 page and text section ads    Mon-Sat                               4,437.00          8,874.00
Wednesday, 12.00 noon)                Sun, PH                               4,868.46          9,715.50

For Sunday, Monday:
Friday, 10.00 a.m.
(for 1/1 page and text section ads
Thursday, 12.00 noon)
Ad materials to be delivered to        SPECIAL POSITIONING TV / FIXED FORMATS (W X H)
your media consultant

                                      TV                  TV listing      TV listing         TV image
                                      guide               50 x 5 mm      50 x 10 mm        76 x 70 mm
                                      Mon-Sat                501.84           993.48         13,790.40
                                      Sun, PH                535.50         1.071.00         14,953.20

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2020 PRICE LIST Krone complete edition - kroneanzeigen.at
Krone BUNT

                                                                                                 Every Sunday as a wrapper round
                                                                                                 the complete edition of the
                                                                                  2/1 page
                                                                                                 Kronen Zeitung
                                                                  Type area: 412 x 272 mm
                                                                 Bleed size: 440 x 300 mm
                                                                                                 Special positioning surcharge
                                               Bleed size „real middle“: 452 x 300 mm            Outside back cover: + 20 %
                                                      (left 232 x 300 mm, right 220 x 300 mm)
                                                                                  71,832.48      Closing date for ads
                                                                                                 3 weeks before publication
                                   1/1 page                        1/2 page horizontal
                  Type area: 190  x 272 mm                          Type area: 90 x 272 mm       Ad materials deadline
                  Bleed size: 220 x 300 mm                        Bleed size: 110 x 300 mm       2 weeks before publication
                                  35,916.24                                       17,958.12
                                                                                                 PDF for printing to
                       1/2 page vertical                               1/3 page vertical
                  Type area: 190  x 133 mm                           Type area:190 x 90 mm       Repro guidelines
                  Bleed size: 220 x 150 mm                        Bleed size: 220 x 100 mm       Offset printing for SC paper
                                  17,958.12                                       11,981.94      www.eci.org

                   1/3 page horizontal                             1/4 page horizontal
                                                                                                 Bleed of 3 mm per margin required
                   Type area: 70 x 272 mm                          Type area: 52 x 272 mm
                                                                                                 for bleed size formats.
                   Bleed size: 73 x 300 mm                         Bleed size: 55 x 300 mm
                                  11,981.94                                         8,979.06     Please allow a distance of 6 mm
                                                                                                 between trim size (advert incl.
                                   1/4 page                                                      bleed) and graphic elements to
                                                                                      1/8 page   avoid unintentional trimming of
                   Type area: 90  x 133 mm                            Type area: 90   x 61 mm    text or pictures during final
                  Bleed size: 110 x 145 mm
                                                                                      4,489.53   trimming of the page.

                          40 mm banner                                     60 mm banner
                   Type area: 190
                               x 40 mm                              Type area: 190
                                                                                x 60 mm
                               5,853.78                                         8,777.10

                               1x food tip                                      2x food tip
                     Type area: 92
                                 x 45 mm                            Type area: 190x 45 mm
                                 4,850.00                                         9,650.00

                           Puzzle banner                                        Puzzle box
                   Type area: 176
                                x 36 mm                               Type area: 65
                                                                                  x 65 mm
                                4,304.40                                          3,909.66


    100 x 85 mm                         100 x 75 mm                  100 x 65 mm
    4,105.50                            3,692.40                     3,274.20

8                                                                                                                 www.kroneanzeigen.at
2020 PRICE LIST Krone complete edition - kroneanzeigen.at

                                    2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FIXED FORMATS (W X H)
Every Friday in the
complete edition of the
Kronen Zeitung
                                                              1/1 page                                 2/1 page
Special positioning surcharge              Type area:    190 x 246 mm                 Type area:  394 x 246 mm
Outside back cover: + 15 %                 Bleed size:   207 x 270 mm                 Bleed size: 414 x 270 mm
                                                             20,298.00                                40,596.00
Closing date for ads and
ad materials deadline
2 weeks before publication                   1/2 page horizontal                            1/2 page vertical
                                           Type area:  190 x 123 mm                   Type area:   93 x 246 mm
PDF for printing to                        Bleed size: 207 x 135 mm                   Bleed size: 103 x 270 mm
                                                           10,149.00                                  10,149.00

Bleed                                        1/3 page horizontal                                       1/4 page
Bleed of 3 mm per margin required          Type area:  190 x 82 mm                    Type area:   93 x 123 mm
for bleed size formats.                    Bleed size: 207 x 90 mm                    Bleed size: 103 x 135 mm
                                                           6,767.70                                     5,074.50
Please allow a distance of 6 mm
between trim size (advert incl.
bleed) and graphic elements to                           Cover banner
avoid unintentional trimming of                              Bleed size
text or pictures during final                             207 x 23 mm
trimming of the page.                                         3,468.00

                                    TV ADVERTISING HIGHLIGHTS (W X H)

                                              1 x tip of the week                          1 x tip of the day
                                                         Type area                                  Type area
                                                      93 x 44 mm                                 74 x 55 mm
                                                          1,887.00                                   1,887.00

                                              2 x tip of the week                          2 x tip of the day
                                                         Type area                                  Type area
                                                      93 x 92 mm                                74 x 114 mm
                                                          3,774.00                                   3,774.00

                                              3 x tip of the week                          3 x tip of the day
                                                         Type area                                  Type area
                                                     93 x 140 mm                                74 x 173 mm
                                                          5,661.00                                   5,661.00

                                                         Image bar tip*
                                                             Type area
                                                           38 x 26 mm     *Image bar tip in listing:
                                                                765.00    1 x, 3 x and 5 x tips possible.

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                               9

                                                                              Krone complete edition
                                                                              Krone main edition

                                                                              Weekly on Tuesdays

                                                                              Closing date for ads
                                                                              Wednesday before publication
                      1/2 page    1/2 page       1/4 page
                                                                              Ad materials deadline
       1/1 page       vertical   horizontal      vertical      1/8 page       Friday before publication,
     196 x 270 mm   96 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm   96 x 135 mm    96 x 65 mm      10.00 a.m.

     Complete edition                                 Rate per mm: € 28.85    Information on ad
       31,158.00      15,579.00    15,579.00     7,789.50       3,750.50      materials deadline
                                                                              PDF for printing to be delivered to
     Main edition                                      Rate per mm: € 19.74   monika.niggl@mediaprint.at
       21,319.20      10,659.60    10,659.60     5,329.80        2,566.20


     45/I-column    45/IV-column
     46 x 45 mm     196 x 45 mm

        1,626.90      6,492.30

10                                                                                             www.kroneanzeigen.at

                                       2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FIXED FORMATS (W X H)
Krone Complete edition
Krone Main edition

Weekly on Thursdays

Closing date for ads
1 week before publication
                                                     1/2 page    1/2 page        1/4 page
Ad materials deadline
3 business days before publication      1/1 page     vertical   horizontal       vertical      1/8 page
                                      196 x 270 mm 96 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm    96 x 135 mm    96 x 65 mm
Information on ad
materials deadline                    Complete edition                               Rate per mm: € 30.90
PDF for printing to be delivered to     33,372.00      16,686.00   16,686.00    8,343.00       4,017.00
                                      Main edition                                    Rate per mm: € 20.60
                                       22,248.00      11,124.00    11,124.00    5,562.00        2,678.00

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                         11
Wohnen & Lifestyle

                                                                                                                    Krone Complete edition

                                                                                                                    Once a month on a Friday

                                                                                                                    Special positioning surcharge
                                                                                                                    Outside back cover: + 15%

                                                                                                                    Closing date for ads
                     1/2 page                            1/2 page                     1/4 page
                                                                                                                    2 weeks before publication
        1/1 page     vertical                           horizontal                    vertical        1/8 page
      196 x 270 mm 96 x 270 mm                         196 x 135 mm                 96 x 135 mm      96 x 65 mm     Ad materials deadline
                                                                                                                    1 week before publication
     Complete edition                                                                        Rate per mm: € 24.00
       25,920.00      12,960.00                            12,960.00                    6,480.00       3,120.00     Information on ad
                                                                                                                    materials deadline
                                                                                                                    PDF for printing to be delivered to


      Cover picture                Footer                Cover Corner               Mini tip*        Maxi tip*
       on request               196 x 25 mm               96 x 50 mm               96 x 55 mm       96 x 75 mm

     Complete edition
       12,474.60                    3,355.80                 3,014.10                 1,917.60        2,611.20

     * The following applies to tips:
     text & photo layout by editorial team, no logo, no mention of prices, no volume discount.

12                                                                                                                                   www.kroneanzeigen.at
„Krone“ Gesund

                                        2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FIXED FORMATS (W X H)
Krone Complete edition

„Krone Gesund“:
weekly on Saturdays
„Gesund Aktuell“:
Tuesday to Friday

Special positioning surcharge                         1/2 page                      1/2 page       1/4 page
Outside back cover: + 15%
                                         1/1 page     vertical                     horizontal      vertical      1/8 page
Closing date for ads                   196 x 270 mm 96 x 270 mm                   196 x 135 mm   96 x 135 mm    96 x 65 mm
„Krone Gesund“:
21 days before publication            Complete edition / Saturday                                      Rate per mm: € 24.00
„Gesund Aktuell“:                       25,920.00       12,960.00                   12,960.00      6,480.00      3,120.00
7 days before publication

Ad materials deadline
„Krone Gesund“:                         SPECIAL FORMATS
14 days before publication
„Gesund Aktuell“:
                                      * The following applies to
3 days before publication             tips: Text and photo layout
                                      by editorial team, no logo,
                                      no mention of prices,
Information on ad                     no volume discount.
materials deadline
PDF for printing to be delivered to
                                                                       Footer       Title box      Mini tip*    Maxi tip*
                                                                    196 x 25 mm    96 x 45 mm    46 x 120 mm   96 x 75 mm

                                      Complete edition / Saturday
                                                         3,355.80                   3,029.40      2,101.20       2,611.20

                                        „GESUND AKTUELL“ - THE DAILY HEALTHCARE PAGE

                                         1/2 page
                                        horizontal    1/4 page                      1/8 page        Footer       Column
                                       196 x 135 mm 96 x 135 mm                    96 x 65 mm    196 x 40 mm   46 x 270 mm

                                      Complete edition / Tue - Wed                                      Rate per mm: € 23.36
                                        12,614.40        6,307.20                   3,036.80      3,737.60        6,307.20

                                      Complete edition / Thu - Fri                                      Rate per mm: € 23.94
                                        12,927.60        6,463.80                   3,112.20      3,830.40        6,463.80

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                           13
Seite 50                                       MÄRKTE & KAPITAL                                Samstag, 7. September 2019

                                                                                                                                             „Generation Z“ strebt Top-Jobs an Work-Life-Balance ist weniger wichtig

                                                                                                                                           Karriere machen wieder „in“
     Märkte & Kapital
                                                                                                                                             Für sechs von zehn 23- bis 38-Jährige („Generation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Foto: peshkova - stock.adobe.com
                                                                                                                                           Y“) ist eine gute Work-Life-Balance wichtig. Bei der
                                                                                                                                           nun nachfolgenden „Generation Z“ rückt dieser Aspekt
                                                                                                                                           etwas in den Hintergrund. Sie streben vermehrt Füh-
                                                                                                                                           rungsjobs und Karrieren an, so eine StepStone-Studie.
                                                                                                                                           Die gefragtesten Arbeitgeber bleiben aber dieselben.
                                                                                                                                              Vier Generationen wer-     andere Ziele. Eine Work-Li-
                                                                                                                                           den im Jahr 2025 gleichzei-   fe-Balance ist nur mehr für
                                                                                                                                           tig am Arbeitsmarkt tätig     knapp die Hälfte von Bedeu-
                                                                                                                                           sein. Wünsche und Erwar-      tung. Den „wilden Jungen“
                                                                                                                                           tungen sind jedoch sehr       ist Karriere und Erfolg wie-
                                                                                                                                           unterschiedlich. Vor allem    der deutlich wichtiger. „Wer
                                                                                                                                           die nun am Job-Markt Fuß      nach der Jahrtausendwende
                                                                                                                                           fassende „Generation Z“ hat   geboren ist, ist mit dem Plat-
                                                                                                                                                                         zen wirtschaftlicher Blasen
                                                                                                                                                                         aufgewachsen. Das verstärkt

                                                                                                                                           Märkte &                      in jungen Menschen die Su-
                                                                                                                                                                         che nach Sicherheit“, betont
                                                                                                                                                                         StepStone-Chef Rudi Bauer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bei den „jungen Wilden“ sind innovative Arbeitgeber gefragt

                                                                                                                                                                            Auch das Arbeiten mit         richtungen. Die gefragtesten    am beliebtesten, knapp ge-
                                                                                                                                                                         neuen Technologien spielt        Arbeitgeber bleiben laut        folgt vom Siemens-Konzern
                                                                                                                                                                         für sie eine immer größere       einer aktuellen Umfrage je-     und diversen Automobil-
                                                                                                                                                                         Rolle, natürlich besonders       doch für alle Generationen      Unternehmen wie BMW
                                                                                                                                            VON GERALD HOFBAUER          bei Studenten und Absol-         weiterhin dieselben.            oder Audi. Auch noch unter
                                                                                                                                            UND ROBERT WIEDERSICH        venten technischer Studien-         Bei Technikern ist Google    den Top-10 ist die Voest.

                                                                                                                                             Erste Anzeichen, dass Anleger mehr auf Stabilität setzen                                         FINANZNEWS

                                                                                                                                            Was jetzt für Firmen spricht,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Immofinanz im
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           STOXX Europe 600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Meilenstein für die heimische

                                                                                                                                            die hohe Dividenden zahlen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Immofinanz. Der Immobi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           lienkonzern wird mit 23. Sep-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           tember in den STOXX Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           600 aufgenommen. Dieser
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ist ein wichtiger europäischer                                      Digit
                                                                                                                                             In Zeiten von Hochkonjunktur treiben wachstums-                Während der jüngsten           Benchmark-Index. Chef Oli-
                                                                                                                                           starke Titel, etwa aus dem Technologiesektor, die Bör-
                                                                                                                                           sen an. Handelskrieg und Konjunkturabschwächung
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Schwankungen am Markt
                                                                                                                                                                                                          gab es erste Anzeichen, dass
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ver Schumy hofft, die Aktie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           damit auf den Radarschirm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Wir v
                                                                                                                                           könnten aber solide Unternehmen mit gutem Dividen-
                                                                                                                                           denwachstum wieder interessanter machen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          auch wachstumsorientierte
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Anleger wieder mehr Au-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          genmerk auf Stabilität legen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           neuer internationaler Inves-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           toren zu bringen.                                                   Veran
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bei Investoren, die nicht nur     Wohnungen erneut

                                                                                                  Foto: Björn Wylezich - stock.adobe.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                          auf schnelle Gewinne aus         um 6,8% teuerer
                                                                                                                                                                                                          sind, rücken Unternehmen         Die Preise für Eigentums-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          in den Fokus, die jedes Jahr     wohnungen sind in Öster-                                            Gemeinsam
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ihre Dividendenzahlungen         reich heuer im ersten Halb-                                         daran, mit cl
                                                                                                                                                                                                          erhöhen. Bei diesen Betrie-      jahr erneut im Schnitt um                                           gestalten. W
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ben würde sich langfristig       6,8% gestiegen. Der Quad-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               sorgen für ei
                                                                                                                                                                                                          auch der Aktienkurs besser       ratmeterpreis lag österreich-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           weit bei durchschnittlich                                           So erhalten w
                                                                                                                                                                                                          entwickeln, so eine Analyse                                                                          Konkurrenzf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           3267 €, so eine Studie von
                                                                                                                                                                                                          der Franklin Equity Group.       Remax. In den letzten fünf
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Darüber hinaus zählen          Jahren bedeutet das eine
                                                                                                                                                                                                          solche Firmen meist zu den       Preiserhöhung von fast 39%.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Marktführern. Zu finden          Am stärksten zugelegt haben
                                                                                                                                                                                                          sind diese „Dividenden-          heuer die Bundesländer Tirol
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Überflieger“ in vielen Bran-     (+11,6%), Salzburg (+10,5%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          chen, zuletzt verstärkt etwa     und Vorarlberg (+9,9%).
                                                                                                                                           Auf „Bärenmärkten“ (Kurse sinken) gefragt: Dividendentitel     im Industriesektor.

                                                                                               Krone Complete edition
                                                                                               Krone Main edition

                                                                                               Weekly on Saturdays
                                                                                               accompanying the
                                                                                               business magazine

                                                                                               Closing date for ads
                      1/2 page    1/2 page                1/4 page                             1 week before publication
       1/1 page       vertical   horizontal               vertical                 1/8 page
     196 x 270 mm   96 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm            96 x 135 mm               96 x 65 mm   Ad materials deadline
                                                                                               3 business days before publication
     Complete edition                                            Rate per mm: € 30.90
       33,372.00      16,686.00   16,686.00                 8,343.00       4,017.00            Information on ad
                                                                                               materials deadline
     Main edition                                                Rate per mm: € 20.60          PDF for printing to be delivered to
       22,248.00      11,124.00   11,124.00                 5,562.00       2,678.00


        Mini tip     Maxi tip       * The following applies to tips: text & photo layout
      96 x 55 mm    96 x 75 mm      by editorial team, no logo, no mention of prices,
                                    no volume discount.

       1,917.60       2,611.20

14                                                                                                                                                                                          www.kroneanzeigen.at

                                       2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FIXED FORMATS (W X H)
Krone bunt

Publication                           For regional Austrian tourism*                                                    für 1 mm
Weekly on Sundays
                                      Sun                                                                                    21.53
Closing date for ads
2 weeks before publication            For international ads, travel agencies, airlines, etc. **                         für 1 mm
                                      Sun                                                                                    30.00
Ad materials deadline
Monday before publication,
12:00 noon

PDF for printing to be delivered to                                                                                      2/1 page
                                                                                                      Bleed size: 440   x 300 mm
                                                                                                   Austria*             48,227.20
Advertising office                                                                                 Abroad**             67,200.00
Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 23754
1190 Vienna, Muthgasse 2
michael.baek@mediaprint.at                                                 1/1 page
                                                       Bleed size: 220    x 300 mm
Repro guidelines                                  Austria*                 24,113,60
Gravure printing                                  Abroad**                 33,600.00
standard for SC paper

Bleed                                                      1/2 page vertical                            1/2 page horizontal
Bleed of 3 mm per margin required                      Bleed size: 110
                                                                  x 300 mm                            Bleed size: 220
                                                                                                                  x 150 mm
for bleed size formats.                           Austria*        12,056.80                       Austria*        12,056.80
                                                  Abroad**        16,800.00                       Abroad**        16,800.00
Please allow a distance of 6 mm
between trim size (advert incl.
bleed) and graphic elements to                             1/3 page vertical                            1/3 page horizontal
avoid unintentional trimming of                          Bleed size: 73
                                                                  x 300 mm                            Bleed size: 220
                                                                                                                  x 100 mm
text or pictures during final
                                                  Austria*         8,078.06                       Austria*         7,750.80
trimming of the page.
                                                  Abroad**        11,256.00                       Abroad**        10,800.00

                                                           1/4 page vertical                                             1/4 page
                                                         Bleed size: 55
                                                                  x 300 mm                            Bleed size: 110   x 145 mm
                                                  Austria*          6,028.40                      Austria*                6,028.40
                                                  Abroad**          8,400.00                      Abroad**                8,400.00

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                                 15

                                                                                             Krone main edition
     Property industry rates for block advertisements*                 Text and ad section
     Rate per mm: Height / 1 column wide: € 11.48                                            Weekly on Wednesdays

                                                                                             Closing date for ads
                               1/1 page                                          1/4 page    Text section:
                          196 x 270 mm                                                       Tuesday of previous week, 9.00 a.m.
                                                                             96 x 135 mm
                              12,398.40                                                      Ad section:
                                                                                             Tuesday before publication, 9.00 a.m.

                                                                                             Ad materials deadline
                                                                                             Text section:
                  1/2 page horizontal                                   1/4 Page vertical
                                                                                             Tuesday before publication, 9.00 a.m.
                       196 x 135 mm                                         196 x 65 mm      Ad section:
                             6,199.20                                           2,984.80     Tuesday before publication, 9.00 a.m.

                                                                                             Advertising office
                                                                                             Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 23869
                       1/2 page vertical                                1/4 page column      1190 Vienna, Muthgasse 2
                           96 x 270 mm                                      46 x 270 mm      thomas.kozak@mediaprint.at
                                6,199.20                                         3,099.60

                                                                                             *Industry rates apply to developers, estate agents
                                                                                             and other commercial advertisers for advertisements
                                                                                             relating to the lease or sale of properties, or for the
                                                                                             purpose of initiating such transactions. For other
                                                                                             advertisements, the price list for the Krone main edition
      SPECIAL POSITIONING                                                                    applies.

                                                                                             Minimum format for block advertisements in the ads
                                                                                             section: 1 column/20 mm

          Top property                Centre page                       Header
           of the week               advertisement                   advertisement
          196 x 90 mm                 30/II column                    30/I column

            3,034.50                       1,009.80                        688.50


                                                      General (per line)
                                                      Wed                            19.90

                                                      For the info box, one line
                                                      will be charged per text ad.

16                                                                                                                    www.kroneanzeigen.at
                                                                                      Job ads in the ads section

                                           2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FIXED FORMATS (W X H)                                Ads section
Krone main edition
on Saturdays, all other
Austrian Länder on Sundays

Closing date for ads and
ad materials deadline
Krone complete and main editions:
Thursday before publication, 2.00 p.m.                   1/2 page                   1/2 page           1/4 page
                                            1/1 page     vertical                  horizontal           vertical          1/8 page
All other Austrian Länder:
                                          196 x 270 mm 96 x 270 mm                196 x 135 mm       96 x 135 mm         96 x 65 mm
Friday before publication, 10.00 a.m.
                                         Complete edition                                                      Rate per mm: € 21.32
                                         PDF for printing to be delivered to thomas.kozak@mediaprint.at or patrick.sperber@mediaprint.at
                                            23,025.60            11,512.80          11,512.80            5,756.40           2,771.60

                                         Main edition                                                            Rate per mm: € 11.48
                                         PDF for printing to be delivered to thomas.kozak@mediaprint.at or patrick.sperber@mediaprint.at
                                             12,398.40            6,199.20           6,199.20            3,099.60           1,492.40

                                         Upper Austria                                                          Rate per mm: € 7.96
                                         PDF for printing to be delivered towilfried.stoegmueller@mediaprint.at
                                             8,596.80            4,298.40              4,298.40          2,149.20        1,034.80

                                         Salzburg                                                                Rate per mm: € 4.64
                                         PDF for printing to be delivered to christian.windhofer@mediaprint.at
                                             5,011.20            2,505.60              2,505.60           1,252.80         603.20

                                         Tyrol                                                                  Rate per mm: € 3.16
                                         PDF for printing to be delivered to guenter.hoertnagl@mediaprint.at
                                              3,412.80            1,706.40            1,706.40            853.20          410.80

                                         Styria                                                                Rate per mm: € 8.37
                                         PDF for printing to be delivered to sonja.gassmann@mediaprint.at
                                             9,039.60            4,519.80             4,519.80          2,259.90        1,088.10

                                         Carinthia                                                              Rate per mm: € 4.60
                                         PDF for printing to be delivered to andrea.leskovec@mediaprint.at
                                             4,968.00            2,484.00             2,484.00           1,242.00         598.00

                                         Text section rates: Prices on request.

                                         Your job market block advertisement (in the ads section) will be
                                         published FREE OF CHARGE on the Internet at www.kronehat.at and
                                         www.krone.at/karrierepool for 4 weeks.
                                         (Applicable to your first order only.)

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                                       17
Kids Krone

     Area of publication
                                                                    2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FIXED FORMATS (W X H)

     20,000                                                                                                       2/1 page                                             1/1 page
                                                                                               Bleed size:   417 x 270 mm                           Bleed size    207 x 270 mm
     Publication                                                                                                   9,588.00                                             5,100.00
     4 times a year

     Dates of publication
     29 February 2020
     01 July 2020                                                                                    1/2 page vertical                                1/2 page horizontal
     01 September 2020                                                                                  103 x 270 mm
                                                                                               Bleed size:                                                 207 x 135 mm
                                                                                                                                                    Bleed size:
     01 December 2020                                                                                         2,550.00                                           2,550.00

     Closing date for ads and
     ad materials deadline
     4 weeks before publication
                                                                                                          1/3 page hoch                                   1/3 page vertical
     Advertising office                                                                        Bleed size: 69 x 270 mm                              Bleed size: 207 x 90 mm
     Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 23879                                                                                   1,734.00                                            1,734.00
     1190 Vienna, Muthgasse 2

                                                                                                                  1/4 page                                           Back cover
                                                                                               Bleed size:   103 x 135 mm                           Bleed size:   207 x 270 mm
                                                                                                                   1,275.00                                             5,610.00

     Kids-Krone bunt-Combo
     Book the format of your choice in „Krone bunt“ right next to the KINDERKRONE page spread, together with 1/1 page in KIDS
     KRONE and you will get a 10% discount for both combined.

        KRONE BUNT*                                                                       KIDS KRONE                                               -10 % DISCOUNT

                     1/2 page horizontal RIGHT NEXT TO THE                                                                 1/1 page
                          210 x 135 mm KINDERKRONE
                   Type area:                                                                          Bleed size:    207 x 270 mm
                               17,958.12 PAGE SPREAD                                                                        5,100.00

                                60 mm banner RIGHT NEXT TO THE                                                             1/1 page                       13,877.10
                   Type area:     210 x 60 mm KINDERKRONE                                               Bleed size:   207 x 270 mm
                                               PAGE SPREAD                                                                                               12,489.39

                                40 mm banner RIGHT NEXT TO THE                                                             1/1 page
                   Type area:     210 x 40 mm KINDERKRONE                                              Bleed size:    207 x 270 mm
                                      5,853.78 PAGE SPREAD                                                                                                9,858.40

     *Only valid for special positioning ½ horizontal right next to the KINDERKRONE double page spread, 60 mm and 40 mm banners on the KINDERKRONE double page spread itself;
     only valid in combination with the booking of a 1/1 page advertisement in KIDS KRONE; not valid/applicable to bookings and reservations already made, or to annual agreements.
     Additional formats available on request.

18                                                                                                                                                   www.kroneanzeigen.at

Geographical restrictions
                                 2020 ADVERTISING RATES / INSERTS
By agreement with
your media consultant:
MediaPrint guidance on          Can be booked in the Kronen Zeitung, Krone bunt and magazines*
individual regions that can
be selected in many different                                                        up to 20 g        up to 40 g     up to 60 g
                                per 1,000 copies                                           100.00         104.00          107.00
Minimum printrun
5,000 copies                                                   up to 80 g           up to 100 g       up to 120 g    up to 140 g
                                per 1,000 copies                    111.00               115.00            120.00         124.00
Maximum printrun
Complete edition in each case
                                Maximum weight: 140 g
Formats                         Leaflets beyond that weight, special formats and
Ideal format A4                 inserts in postal subscriptions upon request.                                  CAN BE
(fold on longer side),          Prices excl. production costs + postage for                                   BOOKEDEIIN
                                                                                                                      EN Z
smaller and larger formats      postal subscriptions                                                       THE KRON
available on request.                                                                                        K RO N E B UNT AND
                                                                                                                 MA ZIN
                                                                                                                    G A
                                Publication date on Monday and
Minimum dimensions:             after public holidays on request.
105 x 148 mm
Maximum dimensions:             Detailed specifications, circulation areas as well as more
220 x 300 mm                    detailed information and technical details are available
                                at www.kroneanzeigen.at.
Closing date for ads
14 days before publication      * only available for magazines of Niederösterreichisches Pressehaus


                                For Monday / Tuesday                           Friday of the previous week, 12:00 p.m.
                                For Wednesday / Thursday                       Two business days before publication, 2:00 p.m.
                                For Friday                                     Monday of the same week, 2:00 p.m.
                                For Saturday                                   Tuesday of the same week, 2.00 p.m.
                                For Sunday                                     Wednesday of same week, 2.00 p.m.

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                               19
Special forms of advertising

       TITLE PAGE*                                          HIGH-GLOSS WRAPPING*                           NEWSPAPER WRAPPING*

     Can be ordered for:                                   Can be ordered for:                            Can be ordered for:
     Krone.TV                                              Kronen Zeitung                                 Kronen Zeitung

     Format:                                               Format:                                        Format:
     207 x 270 mm + 5 mm overhang                          232 front/220 x 300 mm (w x h) –               196 x 270 mm (w x h)
     (descending), w x h                                   with pre-fold!

     Day of publication:                                   Days of publication:                           Erscheindaye:
     Friday                                                Tuesday to Saturday                            Monday to Sunday

     Positioning:                                          Scope / positioning:
                                                                                                          Half wrapping
     Front cover (cover page)                              4 pages / wrapped around the newspaper
                                                                                                          (front cover, inside and out),
                                                                                                          Full wrapping
                                                           Circulation:                                   (front and back cover, inside and out)
     Total circulation
                                                           on request
     Minimum circulation of the state                                                                     Circulation:
                                                                                                          Minimum printrun:
     Closing date for ads:                                 Paper quality:                                 Circulation of the state
     at least 4 weeks before publication                   200 g/m2 image print, glossy                   Maximum printrun:
                                                                                                          Total circulation
     Rate:                                                 Closing date for ads:
     30,447.00                                                                                            Paper quality:
                                                           at least 4 weeks before publication

                                                           Rate:                                          Rate:
                                                           208.00 / 1,000 copies excl. production costs
                                                                                                          on request

     * Offer valid subject to approval by the publisher.

20                                                                                                                            www.kroneanzeigen.at
Special forms of advertising

  TIP-ON CARDS                                         TIP-ON CARDS U4                       STICKERS

Can be ordered for:                                   Can be ordered for:                   Can be ordered for:
Krone bunt                                            Kronen Zeitung                        Kronen Zeitung, Krone bunt

Format:                                               Format:                               Formats:
A6 (105 x 148 mm, w x h)                              A6 (105 x 148 mm, w x h)              76 x 76 mm (w x h),
                                                                                            102 x 76 mm (w x h)

Days of publication:                                  Days of publication:                  Additional formats available on request.
Sunday                                                Tuesday to Saturday

                                                                                            Days of publication:
Circulation:                                          Positioning:                          Tuesday to Sunday
Total circulation                                     Kronen Zeitung back page, U4
                                                                                            Front page* or U4
Closing date for ads:                                 Circulation:
at least 4 weeks before publication                   Minimum printrun: 5,000 copies
                                                                                            Minimum printrun: 10,000 copies;
Rate:                                                 Closing date for ads:                 for booklets or membership cards:
combined with 1/1 page:                               at least 2 weeks before publication   25,000 copies
69.40 per 1,000 copies
combined with 2/1 pages:                              Rate:                                 103.00 per 1,000 copies
62.20 per 1,000 copies                                103.00 per 1,000 copies               front page + 25 % positioning surcharge
excl. production costs                                excl. production costs                excl. production costs

* Offer valid subject to approval by the publisher.

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                                   21
Special forms of advertising

      EXTRA-LARGE INSERT                    DISPENSER POSTER                        SACHET

     Can be ordered for:                                                           Can be ordered for:
     Kronen Zeitung                                                                Krone bunt

                                           Format:                                 Format:
     220 x 315 mm
                                           400 x 185 mm (w x h)                    at least 60 x 80 mm (portrait format)
     (= 300 mm plus 15 mm overhang)

     Days of publication:                  Days of publication:                    Days of publication:
     Tuesday to Saturday                   Sundays and public holidays             Sunday

     Minimum paper weight:
                                           Positioning:                            Circulation:
     150 g/m2 for one sheet,
                                           Fastening under the cash box            Total circulation
     several pages on request
                                           of the dispensers in the self-service
                                           pocket flap
     Closing date for ads:                                                         Quantity:
     at least 14 days before publication                                           max. 1.5 ml

     Circulation:                          Circulation:                            Rate:
     Minimum printrun: 5,000 copies        Minimum printrun: on request,           combined with 1/1 page:
     Maximum printrun: Total circulation   Maximum printrun: 77,900 copies         70.50 per 1,000 copies

     Rate:                                 Rate:                                   combined with 2/1 pages:
     Insert rates according to weight      495.00 per 1,000 copies                 63.30 per 1,000 copies
     + 15 % surcharge                      excl. production costs                  excl. production costs

22                                                                                                     www.kroneanzeigen.at
Special forms of advertising

  GATE COVER*                                          MULTI-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT               FOLD-IN ADVERTISEMENT

Can be ordered for:                                   Can be ordered for:                    Can be ordered for:
Kronen Zeitung                                        Kronen Zeitung, Krone bunt, Krone.TV   Krone bunt

Paper:                                                Scope:
                                                                                             4 x 102 x 280 mm, w x h or
200g/m² glossy print                                  4 to 8 pages
                                                                                             2 x 95 x 130 mm, w x h

Days of publication:                                  Days of publication:                   Days of publication:
Tuesday to Saturday                                   Monday to Sunday                       Sunday

Positioning:                                          Closing date for ads:                  Closing date for ads:
wrapped around the newspaper                          at least 4 weeks before publication    at least 4 weeks before publication

Circulation:                                          Circulation:                           Circulation:
on request                                            on request                             Total circulation

Rate:                                                 Rate:                                  Rate:
214.00 per 1,000 copies                               on request                             103,259.20
excl. production costs

Our portfolio includes a large number of special forms of advertising.
We will be happy to give you personalised advice to make sure your idea achieves maximum impact:
Media Solutions: Mag. Thomas Kreuzer, tel. 05 1727 23878, e-mail: thomas.kreuzer@mediaprint.at

* Offer valid subject to approval by the publisher.

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                               23
Krone main edition

     Closing date for ads                   Text section Basic = no position specified Text section Top = predefined position
     For Tuesday – Friday:
     1 business day before publication,
                                             2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FORMATS (W X H)
     10.00 a.m. (for 1/1 page and text
     section ads 2 business days before
     publication, 12.00 noon)               Rate per mm                       Ads section      Text section Basic     Text section Top

     For Saturday:                          Mon-Sat                                    20.40               38.35                44.10
     Friday, 9.00 a.m. (for 1/1 pages and   Sun, PH                                    21.12               39.92                45.90
     text section ads Wed, 12.00 noon)

     For Sunday and Monday:
     Friday, 10.00 a.m.
                                            * incl. full-page discount
     (for 1/1 pages and text section ads
     Wed, 12.00 noon)

     Ad materials deadline
     1 business day before publication,
     10.00 a.m.                                                                         1/2 page             1/4 page
                                                                           1/1 page    horizontal             vertical       1/8 page
     Advertising office                                                  196 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm         96 x 135 mm      96 x 65 mm
     1190 Wien,
     Muthgasse 2                            Ads section
     Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 23829 or 23817
                                            Mon-Sat                        22,032.00       11,016.00         5,508.00         2,652.00
     Fax +43 (0)5 1727 9323829
     regionalleitung@mediaprint.at          Sun, PH **                     22,809.60       11,404.80         5,702.40         2,745.60

                                            Text section Basic
                                            Mon-Sat           22,029,84 *                  20,709.00       10,354.50          4,985.50
                                            Sun, PH **        22,811.90*                   21,556.80       10,778.40          5,189.60

                                            Text section Top
                                            Mon-Sat          25,334.32 *                   23,814.00       11,907.00          5,733.00
                                            Sun, PH **       26,233.68 *                   24,786.00       12,393.00          5,967.00

                                             SPECIAL POSITIONING FRONT

                                            Fixed formats

                                            Front page                                                  46 x 45 mm        96 x 45 mm
                                            Mon-Sat                                                        3,452.70          6,905.40
                                            Sun, PH **                                                     3,593.05          7,185.90

                                            ** PH = public holiday

24                                                                                                                  www.kroneanzeigen.at
Wien Krone

Text section Basic = no position specified Text section Top = predefined position     Closing date for ads and
                                                                                      ad materials deadline
                                                                                      For Tuesday to Friday:
                                                                                      Two business days before publication,
                                                                                      12.00 noon
Rate per mm                                Text section Basic      Text section Top
                                                                                      For Saturday:
Mon-Sat                                                20.36                 23.41    Wednesday, 12.00 noon
Sun, PH **                                             21.11                 24.28
                                                                                      For Sunday and Monday:
                                                                                      Thursday, 12.00 noon

                                                                                      Advertising office
** PH = public holiday
                                                                                      1190 Wien,
                                                                                      Muthgasse 2
                                                                                      Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 23829 or 23817
                                                                                      Fax +43 (0)5 1727 9323829

                                        1/2 page        1/4 page
                           1/1 page    horizontal       vertical         1/8 page
                         196 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm    96 x 135 mm       96 x 65 mm
Text section Basic
Mon-Sat          21,988.80              10,994.40       5,497.20          2,646.80
Sun, PH **       22,798.80              11,399.40       5,699.70          2,744.30

Text section Top
Mon-Sat          25,282.80              12,641.40       6,320.70          3,043.30
Sun, PH **       26,222.40              13,111.20       6,555.60          3,156.40


Fixed formats

Front page                                           46 x 45 mm        96 x 45 mm
Mon-Sat                                                 2,152.71          4,305.42
Sun, PH **                                              2,203.97          4,407.93


- 10 % Discount combined with another Austrian province*
- 15 % Discount combined with 2 or more Austrian provinces*

* On the total daily rate for the text section on the same day of publication.

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                          25
Niederösterreich Krone

                                           Text section Basic = Platzierung ohne Vorgabe     Text section Top = definierte Platzierung
     Closing date for ads and                 Text section Basic = no position specified Text section Top = predefined position
     ad materials deadline
     For Tuesday to Friday:
                                                2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FORMATS (W X H)
     2 business days before publication,
     12.00 noon
                                              Rate per mm                               Text section Basic       Text section Top
     For Saturday:
     Wednesday, 12.00 noon                    Mon-Sat                                                 14.33                16.47
                                              Sun, PH **                                              14.84                17.03
     For Sunday and Monday:
     Thursday, 12.00 noon

     Advertising office
                                              ** PH = public holiday
     1190 Wien,
     Muthgasse 2
     Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 23829 or 23817
     Fax +43 (0)5 1727 9323829

                                                                                      1/2 page         1/4 page
                                                                         1/1 page    horizontal         vertical        1/8 page
                                                                       196 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm     96 x 135 mm       96 x 65 mm
                                              Text section Basic
                                              Mon-Sat          15,476.40              7,738.20         3,869.10         1,862.90
                                              Sun, PH **       16,027.20              8,013.60         4,006.80         1,929.20

                                              Text section Top
                                              Mon-Sat          17,787.60              8,893.80         4,446.90         2,141.10
                                              Sun, PH **       18,392.40              9,196.20         4,598.10         2,213.90

                                                SPECIAL POSITIONING FRONT

                                              Fixed formats

                                              Front page                                           46 x 45 mm        96 x 45 mm
                                              Mon-Sat                                                 1,581.00          3,162.00
                                              Sun, PH **                                              1,632.00          3,264.00

                                               COMBINED WITH OTHER AUSTRIAN PROVINCES

                                              - 10 % Discount combined with another Austrian province*
                                              - 15 % Discount combined with 2 or more Austrian provinces*

                                              * On the total daily rate for the text section on the same day of publication.

26                                                                                                            www.kroneanzeigen.at
Burgenland Krone

 Text section Basic = no position specified Text section Top = predefined position       Closing date for ads and
                                                                                         ad materials deadline
                                                                                         For Tuesday to Friday:
                                                                                         Two business days before publication,
                                                                                         12.00 noon
 Rate per mm                               Text section Basic      Text section Top
                                                                                         For Saturday:
 Mon-Sat                                                 6.63                 7.65       Wednesday, 12.00 noon
 Sun, PH **                                              6.89                 7.91
                                                                                         For Sunday and Monday:
                                                                                         Thursday, 12.00 noon

                                                                                         Advertising office
** PH = public holiday
                                                                                         1190 Wien,
                                                                                         Muthgasse 2
                                                                                         Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 23829 or 23817
                                                                                         Fax +43 (0)5 1727 9323829
                                        1/2 page        1/4 page
                           1/1 page    horizontal       vertical          1/8 page
                         196 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm    96 x 135 mm        96 x 65 mm

 Text section Basic
 Mon-Sat           7,160.40             3,580.20        1,790.10           861.90
 Sun, PH **        7,441.20             3,720.60        1,860.30           895.70

 Text section Top
 Mon-Sat          8,262.00              4,131.00        2,065.50           994.50
 Sun, PH **       8,542.80              4,271.40        2,135.70         1,028.30


 Fixed formats

 Front page                                          46 x 45 mm        96 x 45 mm
 Mon-Sat                                                  765.00          1,530.00
 Sun, PH **                                               816.00          1,632.00


 - 10 % Discount combined with another Austrian province*
 - 15 % Discount combined with 2 or more Austrian provinces*

 * On the total daily rate for the text section on the same day of publication.

 www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                            27
Oberösterreich Krone

     Closing date for ads and            Text section Basic = no position specified Text section Top = predefined position
     ad materials deadline
     For Monday to Friday, Sunday:        2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FORMATS (W X H)
     2 business days (except Sat)
     before publication                  Rate per mm                   Ads section    Text section Basic    Text section Top
     For Saturday:                       Mon-Sat                               9.18               22.85                26.27
     Wednesday                           Sun, PH **                            9.89               23.56                27.08
     Advertising office
     4020 Linz,
                                         ** PH = public holiday
     Khevenhüllerstraße 31
     for block advertisements
     Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 54103 or 54105
     Fax +43 (0)5 1727 54130
                                                                                 1/2 page          1/4 page
                                                                    1/1 page    horizontal         vertical         1/8 page
                                                                  196 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm      96 x 135 mm       96 x 65 mm

                                         Ads section
                                         Mon-Sat                    9,914.40      4,957.20         2,478.60         1,193.40
                                         Sun, PH **                10,681.20      5,340.60         2,670.30         1,285.70

                                         Text section Basic
                                         Mon-Sat          on request              12,339.00        6,169.50         2,970.50
                                         Sun, PH **       on request              12,722.40        6,361.20         3,062.80

                                         Text section Top
                                         Mon-Sat          on request              14,185.80        7,092.90         3,415.10
                                         Sun, PH **       on request              14,623.20        7,311.60         3,520.40

                                          SPECIAL POSITIONING FRONT

                                         Fixed formats

                                         Front page                                            46 x 45 mm       96 x 45 mm
                                         Mon-Sat                                                  2,060.40         4,120.80
                                         Sun, PH **                                               2,131.80         4,263.60

                                          COMBINED WITH OTHER AUSTRIAN PROVINCES

                                         - 10 % Discount combined with another Austrian province*
                                         - 15 % Discount combined with 2 or more Austrian provinces*

                                         * On the total of the daily rates for the pads and text section or
                                         the Karrierepool on the same day of publication.

28                                                                                                         www.kroneanzeigen.at
Salzburg Krone

Text section Basic = no position specified Text section Top = predefined position    Closing date for ads and
                                                                                     ad materials deadline
 2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FORMATS (W X H)                                            For Monday to Friday, Sunday:
                                                                                     2 business days (except Sat)
Rate per mm                    Ads section   Text section Basic   Text section Top   before publication

Mon-Sat                               5.66                6.50               7.60    For Saturday:
Sun, PH **                            5.98                6.85               8.02    Wednesday

                                                                                     Advertising office
                                                                                     5020 Salzburg,
** PH = public holiday
                                                                                     Karolingerstrasse 36
                                                                                     for block advertisements
                                                                                     Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 55775
                                                                                     Fax +43 (0)5 1727 55777
                                        1/2 page         1/4 page
                           1/1 page    horizontal        vertical        1/8 page
                         196 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm     96 x 135 mm      96 x 65 mm

Ads section
Mon-Sat                    6,112.80     3,056.40         1,528.20         735.80
Sun, PH **                 6,458.40     3,229.20         1,614.60         777.40

Text section Basic
Mon-Sat          on request             3,510.00         1,755.00         845.00
Sun, PH **       on request             3,699.00         1,849.50         890.50

Text section Top
Mon-Sat          on request             4,104.00         2,052.00         988.00
Sun, PH **       on request             4,330.80         2,165.40       1,042.60


Fixed formats

Front page                                            46 x 45 mm      96 x 45 mm
Mon-Sat                                                    588.00        1,176.00
Sun, PH **                                                 619.00        1,238.00


- 10 % Discount combined with another Austrian province*
- 15 % Discount combined with 2 or more Austrian provinces*

* On the total of the daily rates for the pads and text section or
the Karrierepool on the same day of publication.

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                         29
Tiroler Krone

     Closing date for ads and            Text section Basic = no position specified Text section Top = predefined position
     ad materials deadline
     For Monday to Friday, Sunday:         2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FORMATS (W X H)
     2 business days (except Sat)
     before publication                  Rate per mm                   Ads section    Text section Basic    Text section Top
     For Saturday:                       Mon-Sat                               3.77                7.55                 8.72
     Wednesday                           Sun, PH **                            4.28                8.36                 9.64
     Advertising office
     6020 Innsbruck,
                                         ** PH = public holiday
     Schusterbergweg 86
     for block advertisements
     Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 57201 or 57207
     Fax +43 (0)5 1727 57210
                                                                                 1/2 page          1/4 page
                                                                    1/1 page    horizontal         vertical         1/8 page
                                                                  196 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm      96 x 135 mm       96 x 65 mm

                                         Ads section
                                         Mon-Sat                    4,071.60      2,035.80         1,017.90           490.10
                                         Sun, PH **                 4,622.40      2,311.20         1,155.60           556.40

                                         Text section Basic
                                         Mon-Sat          on request              4,077.00         2,038.50           981.50
                                         Sun, PH **       on request              4,514.40         2,257.20         1,086.80

                                         Text section Top
                                         Mon-Sat          on request              4,708.80         2,354.40         1,133.60
                                         Sun, PH **       on request              5,205.60         2,602.80         1,253.20

                                          SPECIAL POSITIONING FRONT

                                         Fixed formats

                                         Front page                                             46 x 45 mm      96 x 45 mm
                                         Mon-Sat                                                     683.40        1,356.60
                                         Sun, PH **                                                  754.80        1,509.60

                                          COMBINED WITH OTHER AUSTRIAN PROVINCES

                                         - 10 % Discount combined with another Austrian province*
                                         - 15 % Discount combined with 2 or more Austrian provinces*

                                         * On the total of the daily rates for the pads and text section or
                                         the Karrierepool on the same day of publication.

30                                                                                                         www.kroneanzeigen.at

Text section Basic = no position specified Text section Top = predefined position                  Closing date for ads and
                                                                                                   ad materials deadline
 2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FORMATS (W X H)                                                          For Monday to Friday, Sunday:
                                                                                                   2 business days (except Sat)
Rate per mm                       Ads section     Text section Basic   Text section Top            before publication

Mon-Sat                                    9.33               12.95                    14.89       For Saturday:
Sun, PH **                                10.15               15.45                    17.75       Wednesday

                                                                                                   Advertising office
                                                                                                   8010 Graz,
* incl. full-page discount
                                                                                                   Münzgrabenstrasse 36
                                                                                                   for block advertisements
                                                                                                   Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 56720
                                                                                                   Fax +43 (0)5 1727 56755
                                            1/2 page           1/4 page
                               1/1 page    horizontal           vertical         1/8 page
                             196 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm       96 x 135 mm        96 x 65 mm

Ads section
Mon-Sat                       10,076.40       5,038.20         2,519.10           1,212.90
Sun, PH **                    10,962.00       5,481.00         2,740.50           1,319.50

Text section Basic
Mon-Sat         10,076.58 *                   6,993.00         3,496.50           1,683.50
Sun, PH **      10,958.77 *                   8,343.00         4,171.50           2,008.50

Text section Top
Mon-Sat          11,587.86 *                  8,040.60         4,020.30           1,935.70
Sun, PH **       12,606.30 *                  9,585.00         4,792.50           2,307.50


Fixed formats

Front page                                                  46 x 45 mm        96 x 45 mm
Mon-Sat                                                        1,162.80          2,315.40
Sun, PH                                                        1,387.20          2,764.20


- 10 % Discount combined with another Austrian province*
- 15 % Discount combined with 2 or more Austrian provinces*

* On the total of the daily rates for the pads and text section or
the Karrierepool on the same day of publication.                          ** PH = public holiday

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                                         31
Kärntner Krone

     Closing date for ads and                Text section Basic = no position specified Text section Top = predefined position
     ad materials deadline
     For Monday to Friday, Sunday:             2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FORMATS (W X H)
     2 business days (except Sat)
     before publication                      Rate per mm                        Ads section      Text section Basic     Text section Top

     For Saturday:                           Mon-Sat                                      5.30                9.20                     10.60
     Wednesday                               Sun, PH **                                   5.70              10.00                      11.50

     Ad material to be delivered to:
                                             * incl. full-page discount

     Advertising office
     9020 Klagenfurt,
     Krone Platz 1
     Tel. +43 (0)5 1727 52202 or 52212
     Fax +43 (0)5 1727 52221                                                             1/2 page             1/4 page
     krone.kaernten_anzeigen@mediaprint.at                                  1/1 page    horizontal            vertical           1/8 page
                                                                          196 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm         96 x 135 mm         96 x 65 mm

                                             Ads section
                                             Mon-Sat                         5,724.00        2,862.00          1,431.00             689.00
                                             Sun, PH **                      6,156.00        3,078.00          1,539.00             741.00

                                             Text section Basic
                                             Mon-Sat            5,724.00 *                   4,968.00          2,484.00             1,196.00
                                             Sun, PH **         6,156.00 *                   5,400.00          2,700.00             1,300.00

                                             Text section Top
                                             Mon-Sat                         6,580.00 *      5,724.00          2,862.00             1,378.00
                                             Sun, PH **                      7,100.00 *      6,210.00          3,105.00             1,495.00

                                               SPECIAL POSITIONING FRONT

                                             Fixed formats

                                             Front page                                                   46 x 45 mm         96 x 45 mm
                                             Mon-Sat                                                           840.00           1,680.00
                                             Sun, PH **                                                        900.00           1,800.00

                                               COMBINED WITH OTHER AUSTRIAN PROVINCES

                                             - 10 % Discount combined with another Austrian province*
                                             - 15 % Discount combined with 2 or more Austrian provinces*

                                             * On the total of the daily rates for the pads and text section or
                                             the Karrierepool on the same day of publication.
                                                                                                                          ** PH = public holiday

32                                                                                                                    www.kroneanzeigen.at
Vorarlberg Krone

Text section Basic = no position specified Text section Top = predefined position       Closing date for ads and
                                                                                        ad materials deadline
 2020 ADVERTISING RATES / FORMATS (W X H)                                               For Monday to Friday, Sunday:
                                                                                        2 business days (except Sat)
Rate per mm                                 Text section Basic     Text section Top     before publication

Mon-Sat                                                   1.19                1.37      For Saturday:
Sun, PH **                                                1.88                2.15      Wednesday

                                                                                        Advertising office
                                                                                        6900 Bregenz,
** PH = public holiday
                                                                                        Quellenstraße 16
                                                                                        Tel. +43(0) 664 60 700 59405

                                        1/2 page        1/4 page
                           1/1 page    horizontal       vertical         1/8 page
                         196 x 270 mm 196 x 135 mm    96 x 135 mm       96 x 65 mm

Text section Basic
Mon-Sat           1,285.20                642.60          321.30          154.70
Sun, PH **        2,030.40              1,015.20          507.60          244.40

Text section Top
Mon-Sat          1,479.60                 739.80          369.90          178.10
Sun, PH **       2,322.00               1,161.00          580.50          279.50


Fixed formats

Front page                                           46 x 45 mm        96 x 45 mm
Mon-Sat                                                   127.50            255.00
Sun, PH **                                                193.80            387.60


- 10 % Discount combined with another Austrian province*
- 15 % Discount combined with 2 or more Austrian provinces*

* On the total daily rate for the text section on the same day of publication.

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                    33
General information

                                                                                                  Paper format
                                                                                                  Width 230/ 220 mm
     When placing ads in Krone Gesamt, Krone bunt and KRONE.TV                                    (pre-fold of at least 10 mm),
     as well as in Länder and regional editions of the Kronen Zeitung:                            Height 300 mm

                                                                             Design costs         Type area
     1/1 page                                                                  312.00             196 mm wide x 270 mm high
                                                                                                  4 columns, each 46 mm wide
     For all other formats, the production costs will vary pro rata depending on the format.      (46 / 96 / 146 / 196 mm)

                                                                                                  Block advertisements
      PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGNS                                                                       Unless any fixed rates
                                                                                                  are indicated, the prices for
     Editorially designed ads in compliance with the “Krone” layout                               advertisements are calculated –
     (no mention of prices) produced by our PR editorial team.                                    acc. to the applicable ad rate –
                                                                   Promotional discount           from the respective prices per mm.
     Krone complete edition, Krone main edition,
                                                                                 25%              Calculated in 5 mm steps
     and Wien Krone, Krone bunt, KRONE.TV
                                                                                                  At least 20/1-column
     all other Austrian Länder and regional editions
     of the Kronen Zeitung                                                                        Public holidays
                                                                                                  On public holidays, different
                                                                                                  deadlines apply

                                                                                                  Company head office
     The basis for calculating volume discounts is – once the final transaction has been
                                                                                                  1190 Wien, Muthgasse 2
     confirmed in writing in advance – the total value of all advertisements placed in
     MediaPrint print products within one calendar year (gross rate acc. to applicable price
     list minus specific special discounts and similar), unless their eligibility for discounts
     was explicitly excluded in individual agreements. In general, text ads placed in the
     „Kronen Zeitung“, job ads placed in the „KURIER“ and promotional campaigns and
     any form of online or („Krone“) dispenser advertising are excluded from consideration
     for discounts.
                                                                                                  Prices subject to change; no liability
     Ad volume                                                                Discount            accepted for printing errors.
     from      10,000.–                                                         3%
     from    100,000.–                                                          6%                All rates applicable for b/w, 2c, 3c and
     from    200,000.–                                                          9%                4c. Rates in euros plus advertising tax
     from    300,000.–                                                         12 %               and VAT.
     from    400,000.–                                                         15 %
                                                                                                  All fixed formats indicated may only
                                                                                                  be booked as such.
     Dispatch                                                                   € 8.30


     Repro guidelines according to ÖNORM A 1503 and/or Allgemeine Richtlinien für den
     Zeitungsdruck der Interessensgemeinschaft Austria Druckstandard Zeitungen (newspaper
     printing standard). For detailed information, please refer to www.kroneanzeigen.at.

34                                                                                                                  www.kroneanzeigen.at
Electronic data transfer
Kronen Zeitung / 4C-Journale / Krone bunt / Krone.TV

    PROCESSABLE FILE FORMATS                                                                     Please prepare your printing data as
                                                                                                 specified below. For files not prepa-
We need your printing data in PDF, TIF or JPG format.                                            red according to the specifications
PDF data must meet the PDF/X-1a:2001 standard.                                                   indicated below, we are unable to as-
Please comply with the following specifications:                                                 sume any liability for printing results.
• PDF-Version 1.3                                                                                Please note section “Processable File
• Full-page (one file per advertisement), without colour separation                              Formats“ (see left side).
• No transparencies (transparency has to be flattened so as to ensure that texts
    and vectors are not converted into image data. Required: high quality/resoluti-              E-Mail
    on; nomenclature may vary depending on the specific software used).                          dispo@mediaprint.at
• All fonts must be embedded or converted into paths.                                            Your e-mail message should not be
• Reversed type: not smaller than 6 pt, no „light“ or serif typefaces                            larger than 20 MB. Please add the
• No levels or comments                                                                          usual two- or three-letter extension
• Trapping (trim) and bleeding marks (outside bleed!) only for bleeding ads                      to your files (.pdf, .tif, .jpg) in order
      TIF, JPG:                                                                                  to avoid any misinterpretation
•     Maximum quality with 300 ppi at print size (= effective resolution)                        or data corruption by diverging
•     Not recommended for ads with copy text in small font sizes                                 mail systems.

    PICTURE EDITING – COLOUR MANAGEMENT – PRINTING SPECIFICATIONS                                Upon request, we will be pleased
                                                                                                 to send you the required access
Image data in colour in CMYK mode only
Additional colours (Pantone, HKS, RAL etc.) or RGB data are automatically converted
into the CMYK colour space required in each case. This may lead to deviations in
                                                                                                 Job title
reproduction, which is why we cannot provide any printing guarantee for this.
                                                                                                 For easy allocation, please indicate
                                           300 ppi at print size (= effective resolution) also   a meaningful job name/subject
Image resolution:                          for transparency flattening                           together with your transferred data:
                                           1200 ppi for line-art (bitmap) images                 “Customer_publication date_medium”
                                                                                                 (e.g.: Smith_2411_Krone)
Recommended ICC profiles:
Daily newspaper* and Krone.TV*             ISOnewspaper26v4.icc (www.ifra.com)
Journals**                                 ISOcoated_v2,300.icc (www.eci.org)
                                                                                                 Technical information:
Krone Bunt***                              SC paper (ECI).icc (www.eci.org)                      Daniel Malis
                                           booklet: PSO LWC Improved.icc (www.eci.org)           Tel.: +43 (0)5 1727 23084
Magazine**                                 cover (OFC, IFC, IBC, OBC):                           Ronald Rappel
                                           ISOcoated_v2_300.icc (www.eci.org)                    Tel.: +43 (0)5 1727 23892
For proper colour reproduction the profiles have to be applied to the                            Quality assurance:
PDF and embedded as Output Intent.                                                               Ing. Matthias Netopilek
                                                                                                 Tel.: +43 (0)5 1727 23074
Screen definition::                        60 lpcm/150 lpi (*Sublima screen)
Total ink limit:                           *
                                            240 %. **300 % and ***270%                           More information
*The General Guidelines for Newspaper Printing of IG Austria Druckstandard shall apply.          For more detailed information on
                                                                                                 how to prepare your printing data,
    “OPEN” DATA                                                                                  please refer to www.ifra.com and
                                                                                                 www.eci.org on the Internet.
For “open” layout files, we will not assume any liability in case of deviating printing
results. Please refer to item “Processable file formats” (see above).

The proper settings for overprinting/knock out must have been selected. Coloured
or white text as well as diagrams/artwork against a coloured background must
not be set to “overprint”. Please note that user programmes have different basic
settings and automatic functions and are sometimes corrupt. It is not possible to
check results on the screen or by means of a conventional colour printout,
but only on printouts with colour separation (and/or proofs simulating separation).

www.kroneanzeigen.at                                                                                                                         35
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