Aktuelle Inhaltsverzeichnisse ausgewählter Fachzeitschriften Ausgabe September 2018 - BQ-F: Forschungskooperation und Datengewinnungsstrategie ...
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Aktuelle Inhaltsverzeichnisse ausgewählter Fachzeitschriften Ausgabe September 2018 BQ-F: Forschungskooperation und Datengewinnungsstrategie
2 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 In dieser Ausgabe: Inhalt Bildung und Erziehung ............................................................................................................................. 3 Die Deutsche Schule ................................................................................................................................ 4 Educational Assessment, Evaluation And Accountability ....................................................................... 5 Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis............................................................................................. 6 Empirische Pädagogik.............................................................................................................................. 7 European Educational Research Journal ................................................................................................. 8 Grundschule ............................................................................................................................................ 9 International Review of Education ........................................................................................................ 10 Journal of Educational Psychology ........................................................................................................ 11 Journal of Educational Psychology ........................................................................................................ 12 Journal of Studies in International Education ....................................................................................... 13 Pädagogische Rundschau ...................................................................................................................... 14 Schulmanagement ................................................................................................................................. 15 Tertium Comparationis ......................................................................................................................... 16 Unterrichtswissenschaft ........................................................................................................................ 17 Unterrichtswissenschaft ........................................................................................................................ 18 Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie.............................................. 19 Zeitschrift für Pädagogik........................................................................................................................ 20 Zeitschrift für Soziologie ........................................................................................................................ 21
3 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Bildung und Erziehung 70. Jahrgang, Heft 3 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft ohne Abstracts: http://boehlau-verlag.com/newbuchliste.aspx?id=7 F. HARTMUT PAFFRATH Historische Wurzeln und theoretische Grundlagen der Erlebnispädagogik WERNER MICHL Errungenschaften, Erfolge und Entwicklungen der Erlebnispädagogik HOLGER SEIDEL Berufsbild Erlebnispädagoge – Zusammenfassung und Zwischenbericht eines Entwicklungsprozes- ses HARALD MICHELS Hochschulen als Akteure der Bildung und Weiterbildung RAINALD BAIG-SCHNEIDER/ MICHAELA HIERL/ ELMO MESIC Erlebnispädagogik in der Jugendhilfe – Impulse aus der Praxis JANNE FENGLER Zur Frage des Forschungsstandes in der Erlebnispädagogik VARIA Petra Götte: Moderne Heldinnen? Zur Darstellung transnationaler Mutterschaft im Bilderbuch
4 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Die Deutsche Schule 110. Jahrgang, Heft 3 (2018) „Schwerpunkt: Geteilte Verantwortung in Netzwerken.“ Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: https://www.dds.uni-hannover.de/14478.html Editorial zum Schwerpunkt KATHRIN DEDERING & MARIANNE KRÜGER-POTRATZ ZOLA KAPPAUF & NINA KOLLECK Macht und Partizipation in einem multiprofessionellen Bildungsverbund [ Abstract:] TANJA SALEM Das Bildungsnetzwerk Ein Quadratkilometer Bildung Berlin-Neukölln: Ergebnisse der Abschluss- evaluation [ Abstract:] Berichte zum Schwerpunktthema JOHANNA OTTO, BETTINA STREESE & WIEBKE FIEDLER-EBKE Regionale Netzwerkstrukturen im Kontext von Bildungsbenachteiligungen am Beispiel des Biele- felder Netzwerks Alle Kinder mitnehmen [ Abstract:] MARKUS WARNKE Bildungskooperationen zwischen staatlichen Akteuren und Stiftungen. Am Beispiel der Familien- zentren an Grundschulen in Gelsenkirchen [ Abstract:] Diskussion zum Schwerpunktthema HANS BRÜGELMANN & ANNEMARIE VON DER GROEBEN Ein Netzwerk für Bildungsgerechtigkeit. Begründungen, Aufgaben und Modelle für einen neuen Bildungsrat [ Abstract:] Weitere Berichte TANJA LINDACHER & KATHRIN DEDERING Unterrichtliche Kooperation zwischen Professionellen an inklusiven Schulen. Überblick zum For- schungsstand [ Abstract:] STEFANIE BREDTHAUER Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik an deutschen Schulen – eine Zwischenbilanz [ Abstract:]
5 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Educational Assessment, Evaluation And Accountability Volume 30, Heft 3 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: https://link.springer.com/journal/11092/30/3/page/1 GURI SKEDSMO… Assessment and evaluation: incentives, sanctions and power relations [ Abstract:] WENJIE ZENG, FUQUAN HUANG, LU YU, SIYU CHEN Towards a learning-oriented assessment to improve students’ learning—a critical review of litera- ture [ Abstract:] TIMOTHY G. FORD Pointing teachers in the wrong direction: understanding Louisiana elementary teachers’ use of Compass high-stakes teacher evaluation data [ Abstract:] RICK MINTROP, LAURA PRYOR, MIGUEL ORDENES A complex adaptive system approach to evaluation: application to a pay-for-performance program in the USA [ Abstract:] XINGGUO ZHOU, JOHANNA KALLO, RISTO RINNE… From restoration to transitions: delineating the reforms of education inspection in China [ Abstract:]
6 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 40. Jahrgang, Heft 3 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: http://journals.sagepub.com/toc/epaa/40/3 DEVEN CARLSON, STÉPHANE LAVERTU School Improvement Grants in Ohio: Effects on Student Achievement and School Administration [ Abstract:] PHILIP SIRINIDES, ABIGAIL GRAY, HENRY MAY The Impacts of Reading Recovery at Scale: Results From the 4-Year i3 External Evaluation [ Abstract:] DARRELL M. HULL ET AL. Teacher-Led Math Inquiry: A Cluster Randomized Trial in Belize [ Abstract:] SE WOONG LEE Pulling Back the Curtain: Revealing the Cumulative Importance of High-Performing, Highly Quali- fied Teachers on Students’ Educational Outcome [ Abstract:] ODED GURANTZ A Little Can Go a Long Way: The Impact of Advertising Services on Program Take-Up [ Abstract:] NICHOLAS A. BOWMAN ET AL. Improving College Access at Low-Income High Schools? The Impact of GEAR UP Iowa on Post- secondary Enrollment and Persistence [ Abstract:] JENNIFER L. STEELE ET AL. Dual-Language Immersion Education at Scale: An Analysis of Program Costs, Mechanisms, and Moderators [ Abstract:] JASON A. GRISSOM ET AL. Evaluating School Principals: Supervisor Ratings of Principal Practice and Principal Job Perfor- mance [ Abstract:] LORENA ORTEGA, LARS-ERIK MALMBERG, PAM SAMMONS Teacher Effects on Chilean Children’s Achievement Growth: A Cross-Classified Multiple Member- ship Accelerated Growth Curve Model [ Abstract:]
7 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Empirische Pädagogik 31. Jahrgang, Heft 1 (2018) „Überfachliche Kompetenzen als kompetenzgenerierende Lösungs- muster“ Link zum aktuellen Heft ohne Abstracts: https://www.vep-landau.de/produkt/empirische-paedagogik-2018-32-1/?v=3a52f3c22ed6 Editorial THOMAS PRESCHER, CHRISTIAN MARQUARDT UND JULIA FLUCK Überfachliche Kompetenzen als kompetenzgenerierende Lösungsmuster Beiträge JANA GROß OPHOFF, SANDRA SCHLADITZ UND MARKUS WIRTZ Motivationale Zielorientierungen als Prädiktoren der Forschungskompetenz Studierender in den Bildungswissenschaften MANUEL FÖRSTER UND ROLAND HAPP Studiengangsspezifische Unterschiede im finanziellen Wissen und Verstehen in Deutschland JENNIFER STEMMANN Problemlösen im Umgang mit technischen Geräten – eine allgemeine oder kontextspezifische Kompetenz? VERONIKA VERBEEK UND FRANZISKA PERELS Modellierung und Validierung überfachlicher Kompetenzen angehender Erzieherinnen und Erzie- her CAROLIN HASS, JULIA FLUCK UND MICHAEL ZIMMER-MÜLLER Wahrgenommener Fortbildungsbedarf von Lehrkräften – eine explorative Studie zum Vergleich von Fortbildungswünschen mit den Anforderungen an das Professionswissen von Lehrpersonen CHRISTOPH GIEHL, CHRISTIAN BOGNER, JOCHEN MAYERL UND THOMAS PRESCHER Bildungskultur-Inventar: Entwicklung und Validierung eines Instruments zur Erfassung überfach- licher Kompetenzen Rezension REINHOLD S. JÄGER Kansteiner, K. & Stamann, C. (2015): Personalentwicklung in der Schule zwischen Fremdsteue- rung und Selbstbestimmung
8 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 European Educational Research Journal Volume 17, Number 5 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: http://journals.sagepub.com/toc/eera/current RAJANI NAIDOO The competition fetish in higher education: Shamans, mind snares and consequences [ Abstract:] CARL ANDERS SÄFSTRÖM Liveable life, educational theory and the imperative of constant change [ Abstract:] SVERRE TVEIT, CHRISTIAN LUNDAHL New modes of policy legitimation in education: (Mis)using comparative data to effectuate as- sessment reform [ Abstract:] ELIZABETH AGOR ETA, JOHANNA KALLO, RISTO RINNE Process of transfer and reception of Bologna Process ideas in the Cameroon higher education system [ Abstract:] HAKAN LÖFGREN ET AL. Pupils’ enactments of a policy for equivalence: Stories about different conditions when preparing for national tests [ Abstract:] COSMIN I NADA, CATHERINE MONTGOMERY, HELENA C. ARAUJO ‘You went to Europe and returned different’: Transformative learning experiences of international students in Portugal [ Abstract:] SONJA KOSUNEN, PETTERI HANSEN Discursive narratives of comprehensive education politics in Finland [ Abstract:] JANINE JONGBLOED Higher education for happiness? Investigating the impact of education on the hedonic and eu- daimonic well-being of Europeans [ Abstract:]
9 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Grundschule Heft 6, 2018 „Schreiben lehren – Wie Kinder Schriftsprache erwerben“ Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstract: https://verlage.westermanngruppe.de/zeitschriften/grundschule/die- grundschule/artikel/53180600/Grundschule-Schreiben-lehren-Wie-Kinder-Schriftsprache- erwerben WOLFGANG MENZEL Lesen- und Schreibenlernen ? ein Überblick [ Abstract:] RENATE VALTIN, ADA SASSE Angemessen fördern ? mithilfe des Stufenmodells [ Abstract:] PETRA HÜTTIS-GRAFF, LIS SCHÜLER Schreiben und Rechtschreiben verbinden [ Abstract:] CHRISTA RÖBER Rechtschreiben durch Rechtlesen [ Abstract:] GÜNTHER THOMÉ Das ABC reicht nicht mehr [ Abstract:] ERIKA BRINKMANN Der Spracherfahrungsansatz: Freies Schreiben von Anfang an [ Abstract:] KATJA SIEKMANN, IRENE CORVACHO DEL TORO Individuelle Förderung bei Deutsch als Zweitsprache [ Abstract.] WOLFGANG MENZEL Verbundene oder unverbundene Schrift? [ Abstract:] RENATE VALTIN LRS und Legasthenie - Störung oder Schwierigkeit? [ Abstract:] LAURA MILLMANN Bessere Leistung durch kleinere Klassen [ Abstract:] WOLFRAM CREMER Der kollegiale Rat
10 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 International Review of Education Volume 64, Issue 4 (2018) “Special Issue On Nordic-Baltic cooperation in the field of adult educa- tion 1991–2004” Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: https://link.springer.com/journal/11159/64/4/page/1 Introduction LARISSA JÕGI, MARGARITA TERESEVIČIENĖ, TATJANA KOĶE… Nordic-Baltic cooperation in the field of adult education 1991–2004 LARISSA JÕGI, KATRIN KARU Nordic-Baltic cooperation in adult education: A collective story of Estonian adult educators [ Abstract:] MARGARITA TERESEVIČIENĖ, ELENA TREPULĖ… The impact of Nordic adult education ideas on the development of a democratic society in Lithu- ania [ Abstract:] GENUTĖ GEDVILIENĖ, VIDMANTAS TŪTLYS… Development of the profession and qualifications of adult educators in Lithuania in the context of reforms of adult education [ Abstract:] ANTRA CARLSEN, ELĪNA MASLO “Growing together”: A Latvian retrospective of learning opportunities created in the cooperation among Nordic and Baltic adult educators [ Abstract:] Book Review ANKE GROTLÜSCHEN Adult learning and education in international contexts: Future challenges for its professionaliza- tion JENNIFER A. KOZAK Language, development aid and human rights in education: Curriculum policies in Africa and Asia NORBERT NIKIÈMA Apprendre : la rencontre entre la motivation et la métacognition. Autorégulation de l’apprentissage des mathématiques en formation FRED GENNINGS WANYAVINKHUMBO MSISKA Exploring adult literacy and numeracy practices: Ethnographic case studies from Uganda
11 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Journal of Educational Psychology Volume 110, Issue 5 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft ohne Abstracts: http://psycnet.apa.org/PsycARTICLES/journal/edu/110/5 WENTZEL, KATHRYN R.; MUENKS, KATHERINE; MCNEISH, DANIEL; RUSSELL, SHANNON. Emotional support, social goals, and classroom behavior: A multilevel, multisite study. [ Abstract:] FRENZEL, ANNE C.; BECKER-KURZ, BETTY; PEKRUN, REINHARD; GOETZ, THOMAS; LÜDTKE, OLIVER. Emotion transmission in the classroom revisited: A reciprocal effects model of teacher and stu- dent enjoyment [ Abstract:] RIETDIJK, SASKIA; VAN WEIJEN, DAPHNE; JANSSEN, TANJA; VAN DEN BERGH, HUUB; RIJLAARSDAM, GERT. Teaching writing in primary education: Classroom practice, time, teachers’ beliefs and skills. [ Abstract:] LAMPINEN, ANDREW K.; MCCLELLAND, JAMES L. Different presentations of a mathematical concept can support learning in complementary ways. [ Abstract:] GUGLIELMI, R. SERGIO; BREKKE, NANCY A latent growth moderated mediation model of math achievement and postsecondary attain- ment: Focusing on context-invariant predictors. [ Abstract:] GÖLLNER, RICHARD; WAGNER, WOLFGANG; ECCLES, JACQUELYNNE S.; TRAUTWEIN, ULRICH. Students’ idiosyncratic perceptions of teaching quality in mathematics: A result of rater tendency alone or an expression of dyadic effects between students and teachers? [ Abstract.] MATTHEWS, J. SHARIF When am I ever going to use this in the real world? Cognitive flexibility and urban adolescents’ negotiation of the value of mathematics. [ Abstract:]
12 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Journal of Educational Psychology Volume 110, Issue 6 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft ohne Abstracts: http://psycnet.apa.org/PsycARTICLES/journal/edu/110/6 YACHISON, SARAH; OKOSHKEN, JAMES; TALWAR, VICTORIA Students’ reactions to a peer’s cheating behavior. [ Abstract:] PULFREY, CAROLINE; DURUSSEL, KEVIN; BUTERA, FABRIZIO The good cheat: Benevolence and the justification of collective cheating [ Abstract:] PARONG, JOCELYN; MAYER, RICHARD E. Learning science in immersive virtual reality [ Abstract:] LIU, ALLISON S.; SCHUNN, CHRISTIAN D. The effects of school-related and home-related optional science experiences on science attitudes and knowledge. [ Abstract:] RAU, MARTINA A. Sequencing support for sense making and perceptual induction of connections among multiple visual representations. [ Abstract:] CANNING, ELIZABETH A.; HARACKIEWICZ, JUDITH M.; PRINISKI, STACY J.; HECHT, CAMERON A.; TIBBETTS, YOI; HYDE, JANET S Improving performance and retention in introductory biology with a utility-value interven- tion.[ Abstract:] SCHNOTZ, WOLFGANG; WAGNER, INGA. Construction and elaboration of mental models through strategic conjoint processing of text and pictures.[ Abstract:] BERNACKI, MATTHEW L.; WALKINGTON, CANDACE. The role of situational interest in personalized learning. [ Abstract:] BECKER, MICHAEL; NEUMANN, MARKO. Longitudinal big-fish-little-pond effects on academic self-concept development during the transi- tion from elementary to secondary schooling.[ Abstract:]
13 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Journal of Studies in International Education Volume 22, Issue 4 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: http://journals.sagepub.com/toc/jsia/22/4 RAVICHANDRAN AMMIGAN Improving the Student Experience: Learning From a Comparative Study of International Student Satisfaction [ Abstract:] CHRIS R. GLASS, JENNY J. LEE When Internationalization Funding Feels Tight: Satisfaction With Funding and Campus Interna- tionalization Strategies [ Abstract:] HEDDA SÖDERLUNDH Internationalization in the Higher Education Classroom: Local Policy Goals Put Into Practice [ Abstract:] JENNY MCGILL The Migration of International Graduates: Intentions, Outcomes, and Implications [ Abstract:] ANTTI LÖNNQVIST ET AL. Re-Framing Education Export From the Perspective of Intellectual Capital Transfer [ Abstract:]
14 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Pädagogische Rundschau Heft 2, 2018 Kein Link zum aktuellen Heft. EDITORIAL RENATE HINZ: Leben im Exil – Unsicherheiten und Verstehensprozesse CHRISTOPH BONGERT: Philosophie (auf) der Flucht. Exil-Denken am Beispiel von Sokrates und Hannah Arendt CLAUDIA EQUIT: Das Leben im Exil – anerkennungstheoretische Lesarten und Differenzierungen MARKUS TIEDEMANN: Die Grenzen der Vielfalt - Transzendentale Toleranzerziehung als Bildungsarbeit in der multikultu- rellen Gesellschaft JOCHEN OLTMER: Uberseeische Migration im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Deutschland als Auswanderungsland HILDE WEISS: Zugehörigkeit, Identität und Akkulturation - Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten der Integration in Migration und Exil ANNA-LENA MARKUS: Die Heimat und das Fremde - Flucht und Exil der Familie Mann CHRISTOPH WULF: Die Erzeugung von Gemeinschaft in Ritualen RENATE HINZ: Exilkindheit zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus - ein (obligates) Thema der Kindheitsforschung INGE HANSEN-SCHABERG: Schulen und Kinderheime für gerettete Kinder - Zur Arbeit ausgewählter Reformpädagoginnen im englischen Exil während der NS- Zeit WIBKE KLEINA: Krieg, Flucht und Ankunft als traumatische Erlebnisse im Kindes und Jugendalter
15 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Schulmanagement Heft 4 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: https://www.oldenbourg-klick.de/zeitschriften/schulmanagement/2018-4 ELKE KRAUSER Lehrergesundheit und Zufriedenheit Bedarfsanalyse 2017 [ Abstract:] ARNOLD LOHAUS Stress und Resilienz im Jugendalter [ Abstract:] JULIA HANSEN ET AL. Kinder- und Jugendgesundheit in Schulen [ Abstract:] BRITTA KLOPSCH Well-being als Eckpfeiler des Bildungswesens [ Abstract:] OLAF KÖLLER Große Klassen – kleine Leistung? [ Abstract:] FRANK LANGNER Gelingendes Qualitätsmanagement [ Abstract:] RICHARD HEINEN Bring Your Own Device [ Abstract:] UDO BECKMANN Trotz Ressourcenmangel hoch motiviert [ Abstract:] RALPH SCHUMACHER, LORENZ STÄHELI Kognitive Aktivierung [ Abstract:]
16 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Tertium Comparationis 24. Jahrgang, Heft 1 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: https://www.waxmann.com/waxmann- zeitschriftende- tails/?no_cache=1&tx_p2waxmann_pi2%5Bzeitschrift%5D=ZEI1006&tx_p2waxmann_pi2%5Bau sga- be%5D=AUG100291&tx_p2waxmann_pi2%5Baction%5D=ausgabe&tx_p2waxmann_pi2%5Bcon troller%5D=Zeitschrift&cHash=f26889cad55f93d4ec42aef1fe6881e0 Editorial SARAH LANGE, MARCELO PARREIRA DO AMARAL SARAH LANGE, MARCELO PARREIRA DO AMARAL Leistungen und Grenzen internationaler und vergleichender Forschung – ‚Regulative Ideen‘ für die methodologische Reflexion? [ Abstract:] INA GANKAM TAMBO Operationalisierung einer postkolonialen Theorieperspektive im Kontext international- vergleichender erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung [ Abstract:] JONAS SCHARFENBERG, MANUELA KELLER-SCHNEIDER, SABINE WEIß, MEERI HELLSTEN, EWALD KIEL Konstruktion von Vergleichbarkeit. Messtheoretische Reflexionen zur Verwendung measurement- invariance-abgesicherter Skalen in quantitativ-länderübergreifenden Settings [ Abstract:] TOMOKO KOJIMA (Un-)Möglichkeit der Überwindung nationaler Grenzen – am Beispiel einer Vergleichsstudie zu internationalen Privatschulen zweier global cities in Deutschland und Japan [ Abstract:] KATHLEEN FALKENBERG Permanenter Vergleich. Methodologische Überlegungen zu einer an der Grounded-Theory-Methodologie orientierten international vergleichenden Forschung [ Abstract:]
17 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Unterrichtswissenschaft 46. Jahrgang, Heft 1 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: https://link.springer.com/journal/42010/46/1/page/1 SUSANNE WEBER, SAMUEL MÜHLEMANN Berufliche Bildung im Spiegel der Zuwanderung von Geflüchteten und Migranten ESTHER WINTHER, GORAN JORDANOSKI, VIOLA K. DEUTSCHER Zum Umgang mit fehlenden formalen Qualifikationen [ Abstract:] PROF. DR. SUSANNE WEBER, DR. JOSEF GUGGEMOS Berufswahlbereitschaft und -fähigkeit von Migranten und Geflüchteten [ Abstract:] HANNES REINKE, JUN.-PROF. DR. TOBIAS KÄRNER… Analyse lern- und entwicklungsförderlicher Gestaltungsbedingungen beruflicher Praktika für be- rufsschulpflichtige Asylsuchende und Flüchtlinge: Befunde einer Tagebuchstudie [ Abstract:] REINHOLD NICKOLAUS, SVITLANA MOKHONKO, STEFAN BEHRENDT… Die Entwicklung allgemeiner und berufsfachlicher Kompetenzen von Jugendlichen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund im Übergangssystem unter den Bedingungen individueller Förderung [ Abstract:] KATHARINA HOLDER, URSULA KESSELS Lehrkräfte zwischen Bildungsstandards und Inklusion: Eine experimentelle Studie zum Einfluss von „Standardisierung“ und „Individualisierung“ auf die Bezugsnormorientierung [ Abstract:] ANNE-KATRIN SCHULZE, DIANA RAUFELDER Fungieren schulische Peer-Beziehungen als Moderatoren im Zusammenspiel von Prüfungsangst und schulischer Hilflosigkeit in der Adoleszenz? [ Abstract:]
18 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Unterrichtswissenschaft 46. Jahrgang, Heft 2 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: https://link.springer.com/journal/42010/46/2/page/1 DR. ANTJE BIERMANN, JULIA KARBACH, FRANK M. SPINATH… Gut im Studium – gut in der Schule? Zur Vorhersage der Unterrichtsqualität im Schulpraktikum durch Noten im bildungswissenschaftlichen Studium [ Abstract:] PD DR. GERDA HAGENAUER, PROF. DR. TINA HASCHER Bedingungsfaktoren und Funktionen von Emotionen von Lehrpersonen im Unterricht [ Abstract:] MAG. DR. KARINA FERNANDEZ… Didaktische Modellierung einer Service-Learning-Lehrveranstaltung – Ergebnisse eines Design- Based-Research-Ansatzes [ Abstract:] TOBIAS KÄRNER, JULIA WARWAS Stress im Unterricht? Prozessanalysen zu Interaktionseffekten unterrichtlicher Anforderungen und individueller Ressourcenbewertungen auf physische und psychische Stresssymptome von Berufs- schüler/innen [ Abstract:] JUN.-PROF. DR. MIRIAM SEYDA Können Sportlehrkräfte die Perspektive ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler einnehmen? Eine Unter- suchung über die Akkuratheit von Beurteilungen physischer Fähigkeitsselbstwahrnehmungen [ Abstract:] DR. PHIL. BETTINA IMGRUND, PROF. DR. FALK RADISCH Fachdidaktische Unterrichtsqualität von Sprechlehr- und -lernprozessen im Fremdsprachenunter- richt [ Abstract:]
19 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie Volume 50, Number 2 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: https://econtent.hogrefe.com/toc/zep/50/2 HEINZ KROMBHOLZ Motorische Entwicklung und Händigkeit in den ersten beiden Lebensjahren [ Abstract:] STEFANIE SIMANOWSKI, NICOLA D. KLOTZ, RUTH AUGUSTIN, KRISTIN KRAJEWSKI Regulieren exekutive Funktionen und die emotionale Kontrolle die Stresssymptomatik zwischen dritter und fünfter Klasse? [ Abstract:] EVA OESTERLEN, MARKUS EICHNER, MIRIAM GADE, KATJA SEITZ-STEIN Tablet-Based Working Memory Assessment in Children and Adolescents [ Abstract:] MARTIN PINQUART, JENS P. PFEIFFER, KATJA BECKER Perceived Attainment of Developmental Tasks in Adolescents With and Without Mental Disorders [ Abstract:] Testbesprechung HANNELORE KOCH, ANNA NABER, PIA DEIMANN, URSULA KASTNER-KOLLER EMK 3 - 6
20 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Zeitschrift für Pädagogik Heft 5 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/erziehungs_und_sozialwissenschaften/zeitschriften/zeitschrift_fuer _paedagogik.html Einführung in den Thementeil SABINE GRUEHN / THOMAS KOINZER Schulwahl - Akteure, Motive und Befunde zum Wandel großstädtischer Schul(angebots)landschaften KAI MAAZ / NICKY ZUNKER / MARKO NEUMANN Angebot und Nachfrage bei der Einzelschulwahl [ Abstract:] SABINE GRUEHN / CORINNA HABECK / THOMAS KOINZER / JUDITH SCHWARZ "Welche Schule passt zu meinem Kind??" [ Abstract:] SANDRA ANUSIEWICZ-BAER "Es war ja eher mehr Not als Wille." [ Abstract:] Linktipps zum Thema "Schulwahl - Akteure, Motive und Befunde zum Wandel großstädtischer Schul(angebots)landschaften " MATTHIAS ALKE Kooperationskulturen von Weiterbildungsorganisationen zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel [ Abstract:] ANGELA BAUER Pädagogische Professionalität und Schülermitbestimmung [ Abstract:] MICHAEL KNOLL Anders als gedacht [ Abstract:]
21 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Zeitschrift für Soziologie 47. Jahrgang, Heft 3 (2018) Link zum aktuellen Heft mit Abstracts: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/zfsoz.2018.47.issue-3/issue-files/zfsoz.2018.47.issue-3.xml Soziologische Theorie MUHLE, FLORIAN Sozialität von und mit Robotern? Drei soziologische Antworten und eine kommunikationstheoreti- sche Alternative [ Abstract:] MOSER, SEBASTIAN J.; SCHLECHTRIEMEN, TOBIAS Sozialfiguren – zwischen gesellschaftlicher Erfahrung und soziologischer Diagnose [ Abstract:] Sozialstruktur/ Politische Soziologie LENGFELD, HOLGER; DILGER, CLARA Kulturelle und ökonomische Bedrohung. Eine Analyse der Ursachen der Parteiidentifikation mit der „Alternative für Deutschland“ mit dem Sozio-oekonomischen Panel 2016 [ Abstract:] Fiskalsoziologie GROß, MARTIN; LANG, VOLKER Warum Bürger gegen die Erhebung von Erbschaftssteuern sind – auch wenn sie keine zahlen müssen: Ergebnisse einer Vignettenstudie [ Abstract:]
22 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Abstract: Die Zahl der Bildungsverbünde, in denen schulische und außerschulische Akteure gemeinsam aktuellen bildungspolitischen Herausforderungen begegnen wollen, steigt stetig an. Die sich dabei herausbildenden Beteiligungs- und Machtstrukturen wurden bislang kaum in wissenschaft lichen Studien untersucht. Am Beispiel des Bildungsverbundes RuhrFutur fokussieren wir dieses Desiderat in unserem Beitrag durch qualitative Analysen. Die Ergebnisse weisen u. a. auf Hierarchien durch strukturelle Machtmittel hin. Abstract: 2006 wurde in Berlin-Neukölln, im sogenannten Reuterkiez, der erste Standort des von der Freudenberg Stift ung für Schulen in schwieriger Lage entwickelten Programms Ein Quadratkilometer Bildung eröff net und für zehn Jahre konzeptionelle und fi nanzielle Unterstützung durch verschiedene zivilgesellschaft liche und politische Partner für den Auf- und Ausbau eines Bildungsnetzwerks zugesagt. Das „Herzstück“ des Programms stellt die Pädagogische Werkstatt dar, ein eigenständiges, stadteilbezogenes und allen zugängliches Unterstützungssystem. Wie sich Ein Quadratkilometer Bildung Berlin- Neukölln über die zehn Jahre entwickelt hat, war Gegenstand einer Abschlussevaluation; ausgewählte Ergebnisse, insbesondere zur Pädagogischen Werkstatt, werden im folgenden Beitrag vorgestellt. Abstract: Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, auf welche Weise Netzwerkstrukturen mit dem Ziel des Abbaus von Bildungsbenachteiligungen auf regionaler Ebene entwickelt und etabliert werden können. Dazu werden Kooperation und Netzwerke allgemein und regionale Netzwerke im Besonderen betrachtet, um dann am Beispiel des von der Bielefelder Bildungsinitiative Tabula e. V. initiierten und maßgeblich gestalteten Netzwerks Alle Kinder mitnehmen die Fragestellung exemplarisch zu beantworten. Abstract: Dieser Beitrag stellt Formen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Staat und Stift ungen im Aufgabenbereich Bildung vor und geht auf die Möglichkeiten von Stift ungen und die Kritik an ihrem Engagement ein. Am Modell der Familienzentren an Grundschulen, das in Gelsenkirchen von der Wübben Stift ung unterstützt wird, werden die Entwicklungspartnerschaft und die Funktion der Stift ung thematisiert und veranschaulicht. Abstract: Unsere Gesellschaft steht vor einer großen Herausforderung: der unverändert starken Abhängigkeit des Bildungserfolgs von der sozialen Herkunft und einer bedrückend hohen Zahl an Bildungsverlierer*innen. Fast 6.000 Personen haben sich der Petition angeschlossen, einen „Bildungsrat für Bildungsgerechtigkeit“ einzurichten. Diesem Aufruf zufolge sind die Ursachen für herkunft sbedingte Benachteiligungen so vielfältig und komplex, dass es einer großen gesellschaft lichen Anstrengung bedarf, um sie zu be seitigen, zumindest zu minimieren: von der frühkindlichen Förderung bis hin zur Erwachsenenbildung, von der Schul- bis zur Stadtentwicklung, von der Bildungspolitik bis zur Sozial- und Wirtschaft spolitik. Diskutiert werden verschiedene Modelle für die Konstruktion eines solchen Bildungsrats und ihre spezifi schen Stärken bzw. Risiken. Neben Fachleuten aus ganz unterschiedlichen Bereichen müssen vor allem die Erfahrung und die Intelligenz der Praxis repräsentiert sein. Abstract: Mit Blick auf ein spezifi sches inklusives Bildungsangebot – den Unterricht – und die Kooperation der in ihn involvierten Professionellen nimmt der Beitrag knapp zehn Jahre nach Inkraft treten der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention eine aktuelle empirische Bestandsaufnahme vor. Er fasst Befunde zu der faktischen Ausgestaltung der unterrichtlichen Kooperation, zu Einstellungen und Bewertungen der Professionellen bezüglich Kooperation und zur Wahrnehmung von Kooperation aus dem Blickwinkel der Schülerschaft zusammen und entfaltet zwei Dimensionen, die für die Weiterentwicklung unterrichtlicher Kooperation zentrale Herausforderungen darstellen. Abstract: Der Großteil aller Schülerinnen und Schüler an deutschen Schulen ist heutzutage mehrsprachig – vor allem durch Migrationshintergründe, bilinguale Elternhäuser und schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht. Die Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik versucht, das Potenzial dieser mehrsprachigen Kompetenzen für den Unterricht in sprachlichen Fächern zu nutzen. Dieser Bericht zieht eine Zwischenbilanz des aktuellen Forschungsstands zu didaktischer Umsetzung, Wirkweisen und Implementation in der Praxis von Mehr sprachigkeitsdidaktik.
23 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 Abstract: Assessment and evaluation can represent constructive processes that promote student learning and teacher professionalism if individuals grasp the opportunity for reflection and growth that they bring about (please see Ford in this issue). In this case, the primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to high- light strengths and uncover deficiencies in encouraging ways that promote learning and development (Scriven 1991). Scholars have also indicated other functions in terms of enabling transparency and providing insights into the performance of students, teachers and the school organisation to control and hold key actors account- able based on various formulated standards (Strathern 2000). Such procedures are sometimes tied to incen- tives and sanctions to induce desired behaviours. On the one hand, incentives or sanctions could boost perfor- mance; on the other, they may have consequences in terms of certain choreographed behavioural patterns adopted by individuals to comply with performance expectations (Webb 2006). Abstract: Learning-oriented assessment (LOA), a concept coined by Carless, has emerged in Europe, Canada, the USA, and the Asia-Pacific Region as an alternative assessment methodology. LOA evolved from both summative assessment and formative assessment, and its framework comprises three integrated components, assessment for learning, assessment as learning, and assessment of learning. While a few studies have provided infor- mation about the connections among assessment for, of, and as learning, the purpose of this review is to sum- marize what is state of the art of LOA, and we aim to examine the history and the nature as well as the strategy of developing LOA. We conducted a transformed critical review of LOA to address these questions. To be spe- cific, the related studies were searched between January 1971 and December 2016, using specific inclusion criteria to remove irrelevant documents. Results provide the publication types of the selected studies and the reported approaches to LOA, trace the evolution of classroom assessment from summative and formative as- sessment to LOA in order to clarify the historical foundations of LOA, and indicate its nature from the dimen- sions of components, functions, conceptual frameworks, and principles, as well as to illustrate strategies for using it in the classroom. The findings of a deep analysis of 48 publications were then used to define a holistic framework for LOA and a dynamic framework for its development and also yield important recommendations for practice and future research. Finally, we propose the conclusion. Abstract: Spurred by Race to the Top, efforts to improve teacher evaluation systems have provided states with an opportunity to get teacher evaluation right. Despite the fact that a core reform area of Race to the Top was the use of teacher evaluation to provide on-going and meaningful feedback for instructional decision making, we still know relatively little about how states’ responses in this area have led to changes in teachers’ use of these sources of data for instructional improvement. Self-determination theory (SDT) and the concept of functional significance was utilized as a lens for understanding and explaining patterns of use (or non-use) of Compass- generated evaluation data by teachers over a period of 3 years in a diverse sample of Louisiana elementary schools. The analysis revealed that the majority of teachers exhibited either controlled or amotivated function- al orientations to Compass-generated information, and this resulted in low or superficial use for improvement. Perceptions of the validity/utility of teacher evaluation data were critical determinants of use and were multi- faceted: In some cases, teachers had concerns about how state and district assessments would harm vulnera- ble students, while some questioned the credibility and/or fairness of the feedback. These perceptions were compounded by (a) the lack of experience of evaluators in evaluating teachers with more specialized roles in the school, such as special education teachers; (b) a lack of support in terms of training on Compass and its processes; and (c) lack of teacher autonomy in selecting appropriate assessments and targets for Student Learning Target growth. Abstract: Evaluators frequently confront situations in which local programs struggle to meet the expectations and requirements specified by the external program funder. How can evaluators meaningfully evaluate programs (for both the funder and grantee) in situations in which the external program logic clashes with local complexi- ties? This paper discusses complex adaptive system (CAS) evaluations as one method that addresses this ques- tion. To exemplify a CAS evaluation approach, we use the case of a pay-for-performance program, the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) program, a United States federal program implemented in numerous jurisdictions. Evalua- tion findings generated through a complex adaptive system approach have the potential to inform policy as well as assist the local program with ongoing improvements. Abstract: This article examines the reforms of basic education inspection in China since 1977, which is accom- plished by drawing from a historical institutionalism approach. The empirical analysis is based on policy docu- ments and laws and is supplemented with interview materials. Throughout this work, we have identified three distinct periods: the restoration stage from 1977 until the 1990s, the formalization stage from the 1990s until 2007, and the transition stage from 2007 onwards. The changes of education inspections indicate there is a perceptible path dependency, especially in the change from the first stage to the second one, where the ex- pansion of education inspections was to consolidate the selected path by enhancing its jurisdictive power and promoting its disposition in the educational system. Reforming these inspections to some extent proves the
24 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 historical stance of “positive feedback” as coined by Pierson (2004) for the growing stage of an organization, but in fact, the expansion of the system appears also to be significantly more problematic or complex than a linear development that is based on positive feedback. From the transition stage, interaction with global play- ers is increasing, with implications for the development of the school inspection system. The finding shows that by 2015, the collaboration with global players influenced the development of Jiance system—a large-scale assessment of students’ academic achievement at grade four and eight—which the inspection sector managed to incorporate into itself. The article argues that this decision to extend the spectrum of education inspection to assessment practices reflects the aspiration of the inspection authorities to reinforce the capacities to sur- vive and thrive in the changing local and global environments of educational quality assurance and evaluation. Abstract: The federal School Improvement Grant (SIG) program allocated US$7 billion over nearly a decade in an effort to produce rapid and lasting improvements in schools identified as low performing. In this article, we use a regression discontinuity design to estimate the effect of Ohio’s SIG turnaround efforts on student achieve- ment and school administration. The results indicate that Ohio’s SIG program significantly increased reading and math achievement, with effects in both subjects of up to 0.20 standard deviations in the second year after SIG eligibility identification. Estimates for the third year are somewhat larger, in the range of one quarter of a standard deviation. We provide evidence that these effects were primarily attributable to schools that imple- mented the SIG Turnaround model. We also show that SIG eligibility had a positive effect on per-pupil spending, but no average effect on administrative outcomes, including staff turnover, the number of staff members in the school, and school closure. These null overall effects mask heterogeneity across SIG models, however. Most notably, Turnaround schools experienced more turnover than they otherwise would have, whereas Transfor- mation schools experienced less. Abstract: Reading Recovery is an example of a widely used early literacy intervention for struggling first-grade readers, with a research base demonstrating evidence of impact. With funding from the U.S. Department of Education’s i3 program, researchers conducted a 4-year evaluation of the national scale-up of Reading Recov- ery. The evaluation included an implementation study and a multisite randomized controlled trial with 6,888 participating students in 1,222 schools. The goal of this study was to understand whether the impacts identified in prior rigorous studies of Reading Recovery could be replicated in the context of a national scale-up. The find- ings of this study reaffirm prior evidence of Reading Recovery’s immediate impacts on student literacy and support the feasibility of successfully scaling up an effective intervention. Abstract: Teacher professional development and in-class mentors were used to support structured inquiry with math manipulatives. Twenty-four primary schools (n = 6,628 students) were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups as an experimental field trial to examine the effectiveness of this instructional approach in a scaled-up application in Belize for the duration of a school year. Implementation fidelity measures were col- lected permitting evaluation of two separate multilevel models: intention-to-treat and test-of-treatment. Both quantitative and qualitative evidence suggest students within this culture respond well to this relatively simple and inexpensive intervention that departs from traditional, expository math instruction in many developing countries. Policy implications are discussed that supported nationwide rollout of the intervention. Abstract: This study examines the relationship between two dominant measures of teacher quality, teacher quali- fication and teacher effectiveness (measured by value-added modeling), in terms of their influence on students’ short-term academic growth and long-term educational success (measured by bachelor’s degree attainment). As students are exposed to teachers of varying quality over the course of their schooling, this study computes cumulative teacher quality indices that are able to more precisely estimate the impact of teacher quality. No- tably, this study found that students who had been taught by a succession of high-performing and qualified teachers tend to have a positive relationship with students’ short- and long-term educational success. Abstract: The success of policy interventions is frequently stymied by the inability to induce take-up in target populations. In this article, I show that local advertising in combination with small financial lotteries increases the likelihood that low-income students apply for and receive state aid. I isolate causal impacts by estimating the change in completed aid applications in high schools where the advertising program was canceled due to the expiration of private funding compared with high schools that never participated in the advertising pro- gram. Using this differences-in-differences framework, I find that state aid applications declined by approxi- mately 3% to 4% (or roughly four to six applications per high school). Furthermore, postsecondary enrollment in 4-year public colleges declined by about one-half to one percentage point in impacted high schools. These results suggest that small incentives may be a cost-effective means of promoting program take-up for marginal students. Abstract: GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) is a federal program designed to promote college access and success for students from low-income backgrounds. Although some literature has examined K–12 outcomes, little research has explored the extent to which GEAR UP achieves its
25 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 intended postsecondary objectives. The present study used a difference-in-differences design with a sample of 17,605 students to explore the impact of GEAR UP Iowa on college enrollment and persistence. The findings indicate that GEAR UP Iowa promotes the college enrollment of high school graduates by 3 to 4 percentage points, whereas it appears to have no effect on college persistence. Results are similar regardless of students’ socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, sex, and K–12 special education status. Abstract: Using input and outcome data from a randomized study of dual-language immersion programs in an urban district, we examine the mediating relationships of dosage, expenditures, and classroom characteristics to students’ academic performance, and the moderating role of students’ race/ethnicity. Differential costs of immersion were concentrated at the district level and were modest, at about 2% to 4% of per-pupil spending annually. We estimate that an additional US$100 spent per immersion student in a given year was associated with an additional 8% of a standard deviation in language arts performance in English, which was just over one third of the causal point-in-time enrollment effect of 22% of a standard deviation. We find no generalizable evidence of differential effects by race/ethnicity. Abstract: Numerous studies investigate high-stakes personnel evaluation systems in education, but nearly all focus on evaluation of teachers. We instead examine the evaluation of school principals at scale using data from the first 4 years of implementation of Tennessee’s multiple-measure administrator evaluation system. We focus specifically on the rubric-based practice ratings given by principals’ supervisors that constitute one half of prin- cipals’ overall evaluation scores. We find that supervisors’ ratings are internally consistent, relatively stable over time, and predictive of other performance measures, such as student achievement growth and teachers’ ratings of school leadership quality. However, raters fail to differentiate dimensions of principal practice, and ratings may be biased by factors, such as school poverty, outside the principal’s control. Abstract: We investigated teacher effects (magnitude, predictors, and cumulativeness) on primary students’ achievement trajectories in Chile, using multilevel cross-classified (accelerated) growth models (four overlap- ping cohorts, spanning Grades 3 to 8; n = 19,704 students, and 851 language and 812 mathematics teachers, in 156 schools). It was found that teacher effects on achievement growth are large, exceeding school effects. Also, the contribution of teachers to student achievement growth was found to accumulate over time. The study advances the field by exploring teacher effects in the context of an emerging economy, contributing further evidence on the properties of teacher effects on student achievement growth and demonstrating the com- bined use of accelerated longitudinal designs, growth curve approaches, and cross-classified and multiple membership models. Abstract: Contemporary education reform worldwide appears to be locked in a competition fetish. This article explores the varieties of competition, including traditional academic forms, contests sponsored by govern- ments and international organisations, market competition and status wars intensified by rankings. Resisting interpretations of competition as naturally occurring, it presents various macro and micro actors, referred to as ‘shamans’, that breathe life into the phenomenon and that are responsible for its generation, constitution and reproduction. These include structural drivers associated with political and regulatory regimes; and symbolic drivers constituted by normative and affective pressures. The article focuses on the extent to which the varie- ties of competition reinforce, displace, mediate or counteract one another and reveals how powerful policy and symbolic drivers interact to power competition, and how competition forecloses alternative means of educational reform. The unintended consequences of competition on social equity, on academic work and on global well-being are highlighted, and suggestions are offered on ways to escape the competition trap. Abstract: This article is based on a keynote paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), University College UCC, Copenhagen, 22–25 August, 2017. In this paper, I problematise the idea that we live in an era of constant change with respect to education and educational research. I claim that what presents itself as change on supra-national as well as national levels, or even in classrooms, more often than not has to do with adjustments within a given reality rather than of a radical and profound change of this same reality. The response to this situation I will suggest is to mobilise radical forms of theory that address the inherent emancipatory and transformational character of education. This kind of theory, I argue, actually also addresses the central characteristics of a truly pluralistic democracy. Drawing on Jacques Rancière and Judith Butler the paper will lay out some arguments for resisting an anti-democratic and anti-pluralistic tendency within what I will call ‘pre-Sophist’ educational trends and instead promote an education that is concerned with a ‘liveable life’ for all. Abstract: Identifying three modes of policy legitimation in education, illustrated by shifts in Swedish educational assessment and grading policies over the past decades, the paper demonstrates significant trends with regard to national governments’ policymaking and borrowing. We observe a shift away from collaboracy – defined as policy legitimation located in partnerships and networks of stakeholders, researchers and other experts – to- wards more use of supranational agencies (called agency), such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
26 Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst September 2018 and Development, the European Union and associated networks, as well as the use of individual consultants and private enterprises (called consultancy) to legitimate policy change. Given their political and high-stakes character for stakeholders, assessment and grading policies are suitable areas for investigating strategies and trends for policy legitimation in education. The European Union-affiliated Eurydice network synthesises policy descriptions for the European countries in an online database that is widely used by policymakers. Analysing Eurydice data for assessment and grading policies, the paper discusses functional equivalence of grading poli- cies and validity problems related to the comparison of such policy information. Illuminating the roles of the Swedish Government and a consultant in reviewing and recommending grading policies, the paper discusses new ‘fast policy’ modes of policy legitimation in which comparative data is used to effectuate assessment re- form. Abstract: The Bologna Process (BP), which created the European Higher Education Area, has had a profound im- pact on educational systems in Europe and beyond, as far as Cameroon. Through thematic analysis of inter- views and text documents, this article examines the adoption of BP ideas in Cameroon with a focus on the transfer and local reception to the adoption. This article shows that the adoption in Cameroon is found to con- tinue a process that began with the adoption of the BP at the Central African Economic and Monetary Commu- nity (CEMAC) by the CEMAC heads of state, leading to its subsequent imposition on universities in Cameroon. The present findings show that, although imposed on the universities, the adoption of the BP found some sup- port in Cameroon because of its potential to resolve the country’s higher education challenges. However, be- cause of Cameroon’s dual French and Anglo-Saxon education system, some interviewees expressed scepticism about the adopted approaches, primarily because they appeared French driven. The article highlights some of the complexities and tensions associated with introducing a borrowed model to a dual system of education such as that in Cameroon. Abstract: This article revolves around the educational policy introduced in Swedish schools that has extended national testing to younger pupils. The policy is intended to support equal assessment and grading. With the exception of short-term preparations for the tests focused on here, the testing routines are regulated by the state. The paper aims to examine how the policy of national testing in grade six is enacted in different school contexts from a pupil’s point of view, and how this affects equivalence in school. A narrative analysis was con- ducted of pupils’ (n = 150) stories about preparing for national tests in 11 schools. Three forms of enactments were distinguished according to how responsibility for test preparations was allocated in each school. In some schools, teachers invited the pupils systematically to the translation process. In other schools, pupils were giv- en most of the responsibility for preparation and were left alone as actors vis-a-vis the policy. Finally, in schools that applied ad hoc preparations, the pupils’ position as actors became less secure and more multifaceted. This variety regarding the pupils’ test preparations in school stress that the different enactments of this policy of national testing have implications for the interpretation of equivalence in school. Abstract: Despite the increase of research on international students, the complexity of their learning experiences is yet to be fully understood. This study seeks to provide an expanded vision of their learning by considering students’ experiences beyond formal educational spaces, focusing especially on their out-of-classroom experi- ences. To achieve this, the narratives of 12 international students in Portugal were analysed in light of the the- ory of transformative learning. The results indicate that all students experienced particular forms of learning as an outcome of their international experience and were engaged in transformative learning processes. Moreo- ver, the theory of transformative learning proved to be an appropriate analytical tool for understanding the learning narratives of international higher education students. Through the analysis of the transformative ef- fects of engaging with a foreign cultural context, this paper makes a contribution to the ongoing debate on transformative learning and the experience of international students in the European context. Abstract: In recent years Finnish comprehensive education has often been discussed in both, academic and public forums, in terms of its relatively high learning outcomes and perceived efficiency. Yet what has often been lacking in cross-country comparisons is a critical socio-historical analysis of contingent nation-specific events and features as well as an in-depth analysis of Finnish education politics as constantly changing dynamic system. We analyze and reconstruct the discursive narrative of Finnish comprehensive education within a socio- historical framework. The material consists of interviews with the establishment of Finnish education: politi- cians, leading policy-makers and stakeholders, and established scholars (n=9). Three periods were recognized and reconstructed in the analysis: 1) The pre-comprehensive school period, 2) a steady development culminat- ing in the crisis of the 1990s, and 3) the PISA results, which in the narrative led to international success and national gridlock. The crucial changes relate to changes in audiences (performing game). Two key findings emerge from this discursive narrative analyses: the role of the PISA reports as a turning point for the basic education politics in Finland and how this turn led to a discussion of comprehensive school as a kind of success story.
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