ALEXANDER TINEI - Galleria ...

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ALEXANDER TINEI - Galleria ...

ALEXANDER TINEI - Galleria ...

Alexander Tinei wurde 1967 in Moldawien geboren, und lebt und arbeitet
bereits seit vielen Jahren in Budapest. Sein großräumiges Atelier ermög-
licht ihm eine Arbeitsweise in sehr großen Formaten, wobei er stets an
mehreren Bildern in unterschiedlichen Größen parallel arbeitet. So ent-
stehen Serien, welche thematisch zusammengefasst werden können. Die
Galleria Doris Ghetta freut sich außerordentlich, diesem großartigen Maler
eine Einzelausstellung in ihren Räumen in Pontives zu widmen. Alexander
Tinei realisiert eigens für diese Ausstellung einen komplett neuen Werk-
zyklus, welcher eine fundamentale Weiterentwicklung zu seinen vorher-
gehenden Arbeiten darstellt, und doch auf diese inhaltlich und technisch
Viele der Arbeiten dieser neuen Serie betiteln sich mit „measuring the
roots“. Die dargestellten Personen halten einen Meterstab in der Hand,
Wurzeln bestimmen den Bildhintergrund, und definieren den Raum, der
die Figuren umgibt. Im Gegensatz zu seinen früheren Arbeiten, in denen
sich diese Wurzeln wie sichtbare Venen durch die Körper der Protagonis-
ten ziehen, haben sie sich hier nun aus den Körpern befreit, und werden
zum raumbestimmenden Element. Auf einer symbolischen Ebene verwei-
sen sie, zusammen mit dem Meterstab, auf die Suche des Künstlers nach
seiner eigenen Identität und nach seinen kulturellen Wurzeln. Darüber hi-
naus steht dieser neue Werkzyklus aber auch für eine Beschäftigung mit
den Traditionen und Möglichkeiten des Mediums der Malerei an sich.
Die Arbeiten beinhalten wichtige Elemente, welche das Medium der Male-
rei betreffen, wie z.B. die Recherche rund um das Thema Portrait, aber auch
ein neuer Umgang mit Farbe, Struktur und Oberfläche. Das Portrait ist Al-
exander Tinei’s große Leidenschaft und eines der Hauptthemen in seinen
Werken. Mit diesem klassischen Genre beschäftigt er sich nun bereits seit
vielen Jahren, recherchiert und analysiert es in all seinen Facetten, Mög-
lichkeiten und seiner kunsthistorischen Dimension, bis hin zum detaillier-
ten Studium der Portraitmalerei wichtiger klassischer und zeitgenössischer
Maler, wie Gerhard Richter, Marlene Dumas, aber auch Modigliani, Velas-
ques, Goya, deren malerische Strategien er immer wieder in seine Bilder
mit einfließen lässt. Seit einiger Zeit sind es junge Personen wie Models,
Blogger, oder anonyme Portraits aus den Social Medias, die Tinei in seinen
Arbeiten darstellt.

ALEXANDER TINEI - Galleria ...
Diese entstammen einer Welt von Selbstdarstellung, Publicity und Ver-
marktung, und sind Spiegel unserer aktuellen Zeit, unserer Posen und Re-
Wenn die Hintergründe in den Malereien Tinei’s früher realistische Räume
und Landschaften darstellten, so ist es nun vielmehr eine abstrakte Welt,
welche seine Figuren umgibt. Diese ist geprägt von farbigen Feldern im
Kontrast zu schwarz/weißen Flächen. Das Arbeiten mit ausgeprägter Far-
bigkeit ist neu bei Tinei, und in diesen Werken zu einem relevanten Faktor
geworden. Die Farbe hat dabei durchwegs den Charakter eines emotiona-
len Vehikels, um Freude oder Trauer, Erschrecken oder Ruhe usw. zu ver-
mitteln, ähnlich dem Einsatz von Farbe in den Bildern z.B. eines Edward
Technisch gesehen arbeitet Tinei letzthin ausgiebig mit Klebe-Tape, mit
welchem er den Bildern Rhythmus und Struktur verleiht. Dabei geht es in
seinen Malereien nun mehr um Struktur, Textur und malerische Möglich-
keiten, und der erzählerische Aspekt in tritt den Hintergrund. Die Technik
der Collage ist ihm dabei ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel, indem Tinei nicht nur
Bildinhalte sampelt und überlagert, sondern auch verschiedene Oberflä-
chenstrukturen, aber auch malerische Techniken im Bild zu einer spannen-
den und vielfältigen Textur komponiert.
Trotz eines komplexen und zeitaufwändigen Entstehungsprozesses von
mehreren Monaten, in denen Tinei die Einzelteile des Bildes wie ein Puzzle
zusammensetzt, wirken die Arbeiten leicht und frisch, so als wären sie in-
nerhalb eines Tages entstanden.
Mit diesem Zyklus begibt sich Tinei auf die Suche nach einer Malerei als
vielfältiger und spannender Möglichkeit der Konstruktion und Reflektion
von Realität.

                                                          Sabine Gamper

ALEXANDER TINEI - Galleria ...

Alexander Tinei nasce nel 1967 in Moldavia, da diversi anni vive e lavora a
Budapest. Il suo studio spazioso gli permette di creare opere dalle grandi
dimensioni, lavorando in parallelo su più dipinti in diversi formati. Nascono
così delle serie che possono essere riassunte in base al tema trattato. La
Galleria Doris Ghetta è lieta di dedicare una mostra personale a questo
grande pittore nei suoi spazi a Pontives. In occasione di questa mostra,
Alexander Tinei ha realizzato un ciclo di opere completamente nuovo, che
rappresenta uno sviluppo fondamentale rispetto ai suoi lavori precedenti,
pur facendo riferimento ad essi in termini di contenuto e tecnica.
"measuring the roots" è il titolo di alune delle opere appartenenti a questa
nuova serie. I soggetti raffigurati tengono in mano un metro pieghevole. Le
radici a cui si accenna nel titolo caratterizzano lo sfondo del dipinto e defi-
niscono lo spazio che circonda le figure. Diversamente dalle opere prece-
denti di Tinei, in cui si potevano vedere queste radici attraversare i corpi
dei soggetti rappresentati come delle venature a vista, ora esse si liberano
dei corpi e diventano l’elemento che determina lo spazio. A livello simboli-
co le radici fanno riferimento, assieme al metro pieghevole, alla ricerca da
parte dell’artista della propria identità e delle proprie origini culturali. Allo
stesso tempo questo nuovo ciclo di opere rappresenta anche un interesse
per la tradizione e le possibilità offerte dal mezzo pittorico stesso.
Questi quadri contengono elementi importanti che riguardano il modo
stesso di dipingere, come la ricerca sul tema del ritratto, ma anche un nuo-
vo modo di trattare il colore, la struttura e la superficie pittorica. Il ritrat-
to rappresenta la grande passione di Alexander Tinei ed è uno dei temi
principali delle sue opere. Da molti anni l’artista si confronta con questo
canone classico, analizzandolo nelle sue ricerche in tutte le sue sfaccet-
tature, possibilità e dimensioni storico-artistiche; Tinei approfondisce il
modo in cui importanti pittori classici e contemporanei affrontano il tema
del ritratto, come Gerhard Richter, Marlene Dumas, ma anche Modigliani,
Velasques, Goya, di cui integra ripetutamente nelle sue opere le strategie
pittoriche. Da qualche tempo Tinei ritrae nei suoi lavori persone giovani:
modelle, blogger o figure anonime prese dai social media. Queste pro-
vengono da un mondo caratterizzato dall’autoritratto, dalla pubblicità e
dal marketing, e rispecchiano i tempi moderni, le nostre pose e le nostre
modalità di rappresentazione.

ALEXANDER TINEI - Galleria ...
Se nelle opere precedenti gli sfondi dei dipinti di Tinei rappresentavano
spazi e paesaggi realistici, adesso è un mondo astratto che circonda le fi-
gure. Quest’ultimo è caratterizzato da campi di colore che contrastano con
le superfici in bianco e nero. La pittura dai colori marcati è nuova per Tinei,
e rappresenta un fattore rilevante in questi dipinti. Il colore espleta quindi
la funzione di un veicolo emotivo che trasmette gioia o tristezza, spavento
o tranquillità, e così via, in maniera equiparabile all'uso del colore che si
ritrova nei dipinti di Edward Munch.
Da un punto di vista tecnico, Tinei ha iniziato da poco a lavorare con il
nastro adesivo, che utilizza per conferire ritmo e struttura alle immagini. I
suoi dipinti sono ora più interessati alla struttura, alla texture e alle infinite
possibilità che la tecnica pittorica offre, mentre l'aspetto narrativo passa
in secondo piano. Un aiuto importante è rappresentato dalla tecnica del
collage, in quanto Tinei non solo esplora e sovrappone contenuti tipici de-
lla pittura, ma anche diverse strutture superficiali, accostando nel quadro
diverse tecniche pittoriche ad una texture emozionante e variegata.
Nonostante il processo di realizzazione lungo e complesso, che vede Tinei
assemblare le singole parti dell'immagine come in un puzzle, le sue ope-
re appaiono leggere e fresche, come se fossero state create nel corso di
un’unica giornata.
Con questo ciclo di lavori, Tinei intraprende una ricerca sulla pittura, vista
come un modo diverso ed emozionante di costruire e riflettere sulla realtà.

                                                                Sabine Gamper

ALEXANDER TINEI - Galleria ...

Alexander Tinei was born in Moldavia in 1967 and has lived and worked
in Budapest for several years. His spacious studio allows him to create lar-
ge-scale works while carrying on with others of various sizes in parallel.
Hence sets of paintings that may be summed up according to the subjects
addressed. Galleria Doris Ghetta is delighted to dedicate a one-man show
to this great painter in his spaces at Pontives. Specially for the exhibition
Alexander Tinei has produced a brand-new set of works paintings that,
albeit echoing them in terms of content and technique, represent a major
development from previous ones.
"measuring the roots" is the title some of the works in the new set. The
subjects depicted are holding a folding rule. The roots hinted at in the title
characterise the background of the paintings and define the space that
surrounds the figures. Unlike Tinei’s previous works, in which it was possib-
le to see these roots through the bodies of the subjects represented like
visible veins, now they break free from the bodies and become an element
to determine space. Symbolically, the roots and the folding rules refer to
the artist’s pursuit of his own identity and cultural origins. At the same
time, this new set of paintings also reveals an interest for tradition and the
possibilities offered by the medium of painting itself.
These works contain important elements that touch on the very method
of painting, such as experimentation with the concept of portraiture and a
new way of treating colour, structure and surface. Portraiture is Alexander
Tinei’s great passion and one of the leitmotivs of his production. For many
years he has addressed this classic canon, analysing it in all its nuances,
possibilities and historical and artistic dimensions. Tinei explores the way
in which major classical and contemporary painters – from Velasquez, Goya
and Modigliani to Gerhard Richter and Marlene Dumas – approach por-
traits, repeatedly integrating their pictorial strategies into his own works.
For some time now, Tinei has been painting portraits of young people:
models, bloggers and anonymous figures taken from the social media, all
from a world characterized by self-portraits, advertising and marketing,
thus reflecting modern times, our attitudes and our modes of represen-
If the backgrounds in previous paintings were realistic spaces and landsca-
pes, now figures are surrounded by an abstract world characterised by

                                    - 11 -
ALEXANDER TINEI - Galleria ...
fields of colour that contrast with the black and white surfaces. Painting
with bold colours, which is new for Tinei, is an important factor in the new
paintings. Here the function of colour is as an emotive medium transmit-
ting joy or sadness, fright or tranquillity and so on, much as in the paintings
of Edward Munch.
From a technical point of view, Tinei recently began to work with adhesive
tape, which he uses to add rhythm and stricture to the images. His pain-
tings are now more concerned with structure, texture and the infinite pos-
sibilities that pictorial technique offers, whereas the narrative aspects fade
into the background. Important support is also provided by the technique
of collage. with Tinei now exploring and superimposing not only contents
typical of painting but also different surface structures in a combination of
different pictorial techniques and variegated and exciting textures.
Despite a long and complex production process in which he assembles
single parts of a picture as in a puzzle, Tinei’s works look as light and fresh
as if they had been created in the course of a single day.
With this set of works, Tinei is embarking on a study of painting seen as an
exciting, different way of building and reflecting on reality.

                                                              Sabine Gamper

                                     - 13 -
ALEXANDER TINEI - Galleria ...
Alexander Tinei - sown by the roadside & Aron Demetz - intermezzo,
                  - 15 -
       31.03. – 20.05.2019, first floor, Galleria Doris Ghetta - Ortisei
ALEXANDER TINEI - Galleria ...
insatllation view, sown by the roadside, 31.03. – 20.05.2019
          - 17 -     first floor, Galleria Doris Ghetta - Ortisei
ALEXANDER TINEI - Galleria ...
- 19 -
- 21 -
- 23 -
- 25 -
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CV                                                                                        Group Exhibitions

ALEXANDER TINEI                                                                           2018      Skin, Josef Bolf, Martin Gerboc, Alexander Tinei, DSC Gallery, Prague
                                                                                                    Diamonds in the Rough” Ferenczy Museum Center. Szentendre, Hungary
1967 born in Caushani, Moldova                                                                      A life of suffering, love and passion , Frida Kahlo’s art now, Hungarian National
1988-1991 Chisinau Repin State Collage of fine Arts, Moldova                                        Gallery, Hungary
He lives and works in Budapest
                                                                                          2017      YIA #11, Galerie Dukan, Paris, France
                                                                                                    Disruptive Imagination, Művészetmalom, Szentendre, Hungary
Solo Exhibitions                                                                                    Seht, da ist der Mensch, Kunstmuseum Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen Magde-
                                                                                                    burg, Germany
2019        Sown by the roadside, Galleria Doris Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy
                                                                                          2016      Metonia (with Johan Tahon), Galerie Dukan, Leipzig, Germany
2017        Ando Gallery, Tokyo, Japan                                                              The Hilger Collection. Part 2: Painted Surfaces – Hilger BROT Kunsthalle, Vienna
            Soul on fire, Erika Deak Gallery, Budapest, Hungary                                     Figural Art from the Collections of Robert Runták Castle Brewery, Litomyšl,
            Sky attraction. Dukan Gallery, Paris, France                                            Czech Republic

                                                                                          2015      Violent Unknown Event, Galerie Dukan, Paris, France
2015        The soul once we loaded (with Johan Tahon), Erika Deak Gallery,                         The fantasy of representation, Beers Contemporary, London, United Kingdom
            Budapest, Hungary                                                                       Gute Kunst? Wollen!, Auf AEG, Nurnberg, Germany
                                                                                                    The Nude in the XX&XXI Century, S2, London, United Kingdom
2014        Blue Bird, Ando Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
            What a Dream, Gallery Dukan, Paris, France                                              This Side of Paradis, Sotheby’s S2 Gallery, London, United Kingdom
                                                                                          2014      On Paper, Deák Erika Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
2013        Why do not you say hello ever again?, Erika Deak Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
                                                                                                    On Paper, Eigen+Art, Berlin, Germany
2012        Tinei – Szücs,Hussenot Gallery, Paris, (with Attila Szűcs), France            2013      Group Exhibition, Eigen+Art, Leipzig, Germany
            Strange Light, Tajan, Paris (with Attila Szűcs), France                                 Portrait, Galerie Dukan, Paris, France
            New works, Frissiras Museum, Athen, Greece
                                                                                                    Twilight, Modem, Debrecen, Hungary
2011         Portraits of ambiguity, Ana Cristea Gallery, New York, USA                             After the fall, Knoxville Museum of Art, Knoxville, USA
            Studiovisit (with Bazil Dusilkovic), Erika Deak Gallery, Budapest, Hungary    2011      Prague Biennal, Prague, Czech Republic
            Ivory, Ana Cristea Gallery, New York, USA                                               Human, Gallery Specta, Copenhagen, Denmark
                                                                                                    Spinart , Ana Cristea Gallery, Spinnerei, Leipzig, Germany
2010        All about me, Ana Cristea Gallery, New York, USA                                        East Ex East , Brand new Gallery, Milan, Itay

2009        I collect all my tears, Erika Deak Gallery, Budapest, Hungary                           After the Fall, HVCCA, New York, USA
                                                                                          2010      Strichtly painting, Voges Gallery, Frankfurt, Germany
2007        No distraction, Erika Deak Gallery, Budapest, Hungary                                   Revolutionary Decadence, Kiscell Museum, Budapest, Hungary

                                                                                                    Prague Biennal, Prague, Czech Repiblic
2006        Where have you been?, Erika Deak Gallery, Budapest, Hungary                   2009      Show Me a Hero, Calvert 22, London, United Kingdom
            He is coming, Erlin Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
                                                                                          2008      The new force of painting, Frissiras Museum, Athens, Greece
2005        Lost in the Forest, Kultur Kontakt, ArtPoint Gallery, Vienna, Austria
            Free Post Cards, K.Petrys Ház Gallery, Budapest, Hungary                      2007      Eclectic affinities among European artists, Frissiras Museum, Athens, Greece
                                                                                                    Visual Immortality , Projektraum M54, Basel, Switzerland
2003        Spring Fields, Martino Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
            Hungarian Parliament and Lathe, Aorta Gallery, Chisinau, Moldova              2006      Art is Always Somewhere Else, Bucharest, Romania
                                                                                                    Fresh Ground, Thanassis Frissiras Gallery, Athens, Greece
2002        Big Mother, Mithras Gallery, Budapest, Hungary                                          2nd International Biennial of Contemporary Art, Shumen, Bulgaria

                                                                                          2005      Documenta, Regensburg, Germany

                                                                                                                                     - 31 -
Vernissage, sown by the
               Vernissage,    roadside, 14.12.2018
                           BEWOHNT,     30.03.2019
- 33 - ground floor, Galleria Doris Ghetta -- Ortisei
                     Galleria Doris Ghetta    Ortisei

        p. 18 - 19                                p. 25
     Alexander Tinei                        Alexander Tinei
 Measuring the roots, 2019                   untitled, 2014
      oil on canvas                           oil on paper
      200 x 250 cm                            34 x 28 cm

        p. 20 - 21                             p. 26 - 27
     Alexander Tinei                        Alexander Tinei
 Measuring the roots, 2019                Grace growers, 2019
      oil on canvas                          oil on canvas
      157 x 140 cm                           200 x 200 cm

             p. 23                                p. 29
       Alexander Tinei                      Alexander Tinei
     Head in colors, 2018                      Kiss, 2019
oil and collage on cardboard                 oil on canvas
         48 x 40 cm                          140 x 100 cm

            p. 24
      Alexander Tinei
       untitled, 2014
        oil on print
        34 x 28 cm

                               - 35 -
Alexander Tinei


              31.03. – 20.05.2019

                   Sabine Gamper

                     Doris Ghetta

             Silvia Di Giorgio, John Irving

     Günter Richard Wett (p. 14-15, 16-17, 32-33)
Alexander Tinei (p. 18-19, 20-21, 23, 24, 25, 26-27, 29)

                  PROOF READING
                   Karin Schmuck

                   Galleria Doris Ghetta
                      Pontives Sud 8
                      39046 Ortisei
                       Val Gardena

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