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2 BIM World 2018 BIM World MUNICH 2018 was big! + eine Netzwerkplattform mit allen nationalen + A networking platform with the most important und internationalen Playern national and international players + eine Fachkonferenz mit 2-tägigem Programm mit + A conference over 2 days with leading BIM- führenden BIM Experten der Bauindustrie Experts of the construction industry + eine Messe mit über 150 Ausstellern, die ihre neuesten + A fair with more than 150 exhibitors which are Technologien für die Digitalisierung präsentieren presenting their newest BIM-Technologies + DER TREFFPUNKT IN D-A-CH FÜR DIE DIGITALISIERUNG + THE MEETINGPOINT IN D-A-CH FOR THE DIGITALIZATION DER BAU- und IMMMOBILIENBRANCHE OF THE BUILDING AND REAL-ESTATE-INDUSTRY 156 141 4117 AUSSTELLER (EXHIBITORS) REFERENTEN (SPEAKERS) BESUCHER (VISITORS)
3 BIM World 2018 Mehr als 4.000 Besucher fanden dieses Jahr Ihren Weg zur BIM World More than 4.000 visitors found their way to the BIM World MUNICH 2018. MUNICH 2018. Der Erfolg der BIM World spiegelt die enorme Dynamik The success of BIM World is reflecting the huge dynamics of the digital der digitalen Transformation der Bau-, Immobilien- und Städtebauindus- transformation of construction, real estate and urban planning indus- trie wider. tries. Zusammen mit unseren Ausstellern und Partnern haben wir eine Veran- Together with our exhibitors and partners, we have created a unifying staltung als Plattform für Innovation und Wirtschaft geschaffen, die un- event as a platform for innovation and business, supporting our industry, sere Branche, den Markt und unsere smarten Städte und Regionen, die the market and our territories. “Smart Territories” vorantreibt. As BIM is enabling to produce reliable data on a massive scale, the BIM BIM ermöglicht es, zuverlässige Daten in großem Umfang zu liefern. Und and Digital Twins have turned into the key elements of digital strategies diese Digitalen Zwillinge „angereichert” mit IoT Technologien und Lösun- for innovation and competition among companies, major real estate oper- gen sind die Schlüsselelemente digitaler Strategien für Innovations- ators and communities. förderung und den Wettbewerb zwischen den Unternehmen, großen Im- mobilienbetreibern, den Kommunen und Städten. Now, the Digital Twin and it´s data is being enriched with IoT and can be generated, processed and valued through the lifecycle of materials, Die BIM World MUNICH 2019 findet am 26. und 27. November 2019 im equipments, buildings, infrastructures and urban settings as part of new ICM in München statt. Das große Interesse hat uns veranlasst, die Auss- “Smart Territories”. tellungsfläche sowie die Konferenz- und Workshopräume zu erweitern. Der erfolgreiche Innovations- und Start-up-Bereich BIM Town wird eben- BIM World MUNICH will continue on the 26th and 27th of November 2019 falls zurückkehren, ebenso wie ein brandneuer Bereich, der “Digital FM in the ICM in Munich. The high interest made us enlarge the exhibition Hub”, um die Bedeutung des Managements und des Betriebs der Geb- space, as well as the conference and workshops rooms. The successful äude noch stärker hervorzuheben. innovation and startup area BIM Town will be also back as well a brand new area the “Digital FM Hub” to highlight the importance of the man- agement and operations of the buildings.
5 Concept for 2019 Die Player in der Bau- und Real Estate Industrie, Städteplanung, IT- und Software Branche. Alle Stakeholder organisieren sich neu um die Daten des “digitalen Zwillings” zu erstellen, zu teilen oder auszuschöpfen. Digital Data Digital Infrastruc- New Applications New Services Smart Territory & Digitale Modelle, 3D ture & Technologies E-Kataloge, PIM, PLM, & Features Competitiveness Objekte, Digitale und AR / VR, Internet der Pre-Fabrication, 3D Immersive Erlebnisse, Nachhaltige Entwick- Smarte Gebäude, Dinge, Künstliche Intel- Druck, Roboter, BIM- eHealth Anwendungen, lung, Städtequalität, Geo-Daten, Navigations- ligenz, Machine Learn- Elec… digitale Vermögensver- Ressourcenersparnisse, daten, Wirtschaftl. Ken- ing, 3D Simulation, waltung, AR Wartung, Soft Mobility, Energieef- nzahlen Blockchain, Cloud Com- „predictive mainte- fizienz, Smart Grid, puting, 5G… nance“, Building & City Smart City… as a Service… Strukturierte, verlässliche und dynamische Daten eröffnen ein ganz neues Feld an Möglichkeiten und Innovationen, von der Planung über den Bau, bis zum Betrieb von Gebäuden und Infrastrukturprojekten, die unsere Städte und Regionen und ihre Unternehmen wettbewerbsfähig machen. Players from the building and real estate industry, city planning, IT and Software-Market. All stakeholders are organizing their activities to use or share the data from the “digital twin” Digital Data Digital Infrastruc- New Applications New Services Smart Territory & Digital Model, 3D Ob- ture & Technologies E-Catalogues, PIM, & Features Competitiveness jects, Digital and Smart AR / VR, IoT, AI, Machine PLM, Pre-Fabrication, Immersive Experiences, Sustainable Develop- Buildings, Geo-Data, Learning, 3D Simula- 3D Printing, Roboter, eHealth Applications, ment, Quality of Life, GPS-Data, economic in- tion, Blockchain, Cloud BIM-Elec digital Assetmanage- Resource Saving, Soft dicators Computing, 5G… ment, AR maintenance, Mobility, Energy ef- „predictive mainte- ficiency, Smart Grid, nance“, Building & City Smart City as a Service… These structured, reliable and dynamic data open up to new technologies an infinite field of innovation and applications for attractive, sustainable and competitive territories of the future.
6 BIM World 2019 and the digital real estate industry BRAND NEW: „Digital FM Hub“ Digitales Facility und Immoblienman- Digitalized processes, newest applications and agement auf der BIM World 2019 technologies over the entire lifecycle of a building! Die hohe Transparenz des Digitalen Zwillings einen Gebäudes ist ein Qualitätssiegel für den Gebäudeb- MANAGEMENT etrieb. Die Immobilienwirtschaft muss heute mit an Bord kommen, um ihre Position in der Wertschöp- fungskette der digitalen Gebäuden schon ab der Pla- nungsphase klar zu spezifizieren. Das Digitale Facilty Management muss deswegen mehr in den Mittelpunkt gestellt werden und ist mit MANUFACTURING einem eigenen Themenbereich Teil der BIM World 2019. SPECIFICATION Digital facility and real estate management at BIM World 2019 The high transparency of the digital twin of a build- ing is a seal of quality for building operation. The real estate industry must come on board today in order to clearly specify its position in the value chain of digital buildings from the planning phase onwards. Digital facility management must therefore be placed more in the spotlight and is part of BIM World 2019 with its own subject area.
7 Exhibition 2019 EXHIBITION OPTIONS Ground Floor 37 36 35 34 33 32 4m²: 2.600 € 16m²: 9.900 € 24m²: 14.400 € MAIN ENTRANCE 31 30 38 48 39 49 136 135 29 40 50 28 58a CAFEBAR 27 42 52 58b + Outfitted stand: 4m² + Standausstattung: 4m² 1 2 3 4 (24m²) 26 25a 43 53 44 54 59 60 carpeting / partitions / Teppich / Trennwände / 2 25* 25b 61 134 (32m²) 25c 2 spotlights / 1 power Strahler / 1 Netzsteckdose 5 6 25d 46 56 47 57 62 63 64 65 66 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 socket / open WIFI / offenes WLAN-Netz 8 DIGITAL FM HUB + Electricity (1 KW) + Elektrizität (1 KW) 111 112 117 118 123 124 9 + 2 Conference tickets + 2 Konferenztickets 24* (60m²) 67 (84m²) 110 113 116 119 122 125 10 109 114 115 120 121 126 11 69 70 108 99 98 89 71 107 100 97 90 23* (60m²) 75a 75b 74 72 14a 13 (24m²) 13a 12 (24m²) (16m²) (16m²) (16m²) 73 32m²: 18.700 € 36m²: 21.100 € (16m²) *Stand prices available only on request 106 101 96 91 105 102 95 92 88 19 20 21 76 77 78 104 103 94 93 (16m²) 14b 15 16 17 18 22 79 (24m²) (16m²) (16m²) (16m²) (16m²) + 1 Speaking slot at + 1 Speaking Slot auf 80 81 87* the conference der Konferenz 82 83 86 (18m²) 84 85 CORPORATE CORPORATE WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS Each exhibitor can receive Jeder Aussteller erhält a 50% off voucher code on einen 50% Rabattcode auf a Conference ticket. die Konferenztickets. Each exhibitor receives Jeder Aussteller er- 100 visitor passes giving hält zusätzlich 100 Be- BREAKOUT access to the exhibition & suchertickets, mit Zugang SESSIONS workshops. zur Ausstellungsfläche und Workshops.
Exhibition 2019 EXHIBITION OPTIONS First Floor 4m²: 2.600 € 16m²: 9.900 € 24m²: 14.400 € CAFEBAR + Outfitted stand: 4m² + Standausstattung: 4m² carpeting / partitions / Teppich / Trennwände / 2 2 spotlights / 1 power Strahler / 1 Netzsteckdose 203 socket / open WIFI / offenes WLAN-Netz 202 204 + Electricity (1 KW) + Elektrizität (1 KW) Exclusive handrail (16m²) BIM TOWN 205 branding possible* 201 206 + 2 Conference tickets + 2 Konferenztickets (16m²) 207 208 209 210 PRESS / 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 32m²: 18.700 € 36m²: 21.100 € 236 234 233 232 231 213 212 211 235 (32m²) MEDIA AREA (16m²) (16m²) (16m²) (16m²) (16m²) 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 VIP AREA 242 241 240 239 238 237 + 1 Speaking slot at + 1 Speaking Slot auf the conference der Konferenz *Contact us for your individual branding of the glass balustrade in front of your booth! CONFERENCE AREA Each exhibitor can receive Jeder Aussteller erhält a 50% off voucher code on einen 50% Rabattcode auf a Conference ticket. die Konferenztickets. Each exhibitor receives Jeder Aussteller er- 100 visitor passes giving hält zusätzlich 100 Be- access to the exhibition & suchertickets, mit Zugang workshops. zur Ausstellungsfläche und Workshops.
9 Packages 2019 BRANDING SPEAKING OPPORTUNITES EXECUTIVE PARTNERS 12.000 € BREAKOUT SESSIONS 2.100 € + High visibility of corporate logo with the mention + Prominente Sichtbarkeit des Firmenlogos und + Presentation over + Präsentation über „Executive Partner“ shown in all communciation namentliche Erwähnung als „Executive Partner“ 30 minutes 30 Minuten materials before, during and after the event: vor, während und nach der Veranstaltung: + Announcement in all + Erwähnung in allen mailing, web site, invitations, stage backdrop Mailings, Website, Einladungen, Stagebanner communciation channels Kommunikationskanälen + 1 Speaking slot at the conference + 1 Speaking Slot auf der Konferenz + 1 VIP-Ticket for + 1 VIP-Ticket für + 2 VIP Tickets + 2 VIP Tickets the speaker den Referenten + 50 Tickets for the + 50 Tickets zur Exhibition area Ausstellung VISITOR BAGS 5.900 € LANYARDS 5.900 € + Bags for every visitor + Ausgabe an alle + Lanyards for every + Ausgabe an alle and exhibitor Teilnehmer und Besucher visitor and exhibitor Teilnehmer und Besucher CORPORATE WORKSHOP 1.900 € + Naming in all marketing + Nennung in + Naming in all marketing + Nennung in + Fully equipped room for + Voll ausgestatteter Raum materials on site allen Promotion- materials on site allen Promotion- 30 minutes with up to 50 für 30 Minuten für bis zu + 2 VIP-Tickets Unterlagen vor Ort + 2 VIP-Tickets Unterlagen vor Ort participants for a private 50 Teilnehmer um eine + 2 VIP-Tickets + 2 VIP-Tickets workshop or presentation privaten Workshop oder (excluding production costs) (excluding production costs) + Branded with corporate Präsentation zu halten (exklusive der Herstellung- (exklusive der Herstellung- skosten) skosten) logo in all communication + Platzierung des materials and on-site Corporate-Logo in allen + 1 VIP-Ticket for Kommunikationskanälen und während der BIM MAGAZINE the Speaker + 50 additional Tickets for Veranstaltung Begleitheft zur BIM World 2019, diverse Formate für Ihre Booklet and visitor guide of BIM World 2019, several options the Exhibition Area + 1 VIP-Ticket für den Positionierung im Magazin möglich. (reports or ads) available. Referenten + 50 + Time of presentation Contact: Ralf Golinski,, adjustable (more minutes) zusätzliche Tickets zur Ausstellung + Anzahl Minuten If you have any other ideas e.g popcorn machine or anything Falls andere Ideen vorhanden sind z. B. Popcorn-Maschine Verlängerbar else which will fit your creative part, please let us know, we are oder dergleichen, bitte lassen Sie dies doch uns wissen. Wir open for new ideas. sind offen für jegliche Art von kreativen Vorschlägen.
BIM Town 2019 EXCLUSIVE EXHIBITION DEAL FOR STARTUPS STAND MODULE 1.290 € + 1 Branded sales counter + 1 Standmodul + Setup + dismantling + Auf- und Abbau + Power connection + + Stromanschluss und consumption (1 KW) Verbrauch (1KW) + WLAN + WLAN + Basic waste disposal + Grundreinigung + 1 Conference ticket + 1 Ticket für die Konferenz (à 330 EUR) im Wert von à 330€ + 10 Tickets Exhibition + 10 Tickets für die + Breakout Session Ausstellung + (à 55 EUR) Breakout Sessions + Speaking options im Wert von à 55€ at Startup Pitch + Vortragsmöglichkeit Forum, open stage auf dem Startup Pitch + Registration and Forum, offene Bühne appearance (with logo) as + Registrierung und an exhibitor of BIM World Kommunikation (mit Logo) als Aussteller der BIM World STARTUP PRICE! BIM TOWN is the innovation area at the BIM World MUNICH 2019. The place to be for all innovators, start-ups and R&D teams to present their digital products and innovations used for the design, production, construction and management of the real estate and our smart cities.
Smart Territory Digital Challenges After the great success of the BIM/SMART Construction Award at the BIM World MUNICH 2018, together with the Innovation World Cup® Series, we will take the challenge to the next level! The BIM World continues its cooperation with Innovation World Cup® Se- ries, and we are pleased to announce that the renowned Innovation World Cup® Series, the world-leading open innovation competition discovering emerging technologies, will be also part of BIM World 2019! Together we are now calling all start-ups, techpreneurs and innovative de- velopers to submit their innovative solution, products or services in one of the four available categories “construction”, “real estate”, “smart city” CONSTRUCTION REAL ESTATE or “environment” and demonstrate how they are shaping the future of the sector and digitizing our territories. The submission is free of charge. smart-territory-digital-challenges/ Your contact for sponsoring options Elisa Gava SMART CITY ENVIRONMENT powered by
12 BIM World 2018 THE TOP 5 OF THE 2018 INNOVATION WORLD CUP® Smart Construction Award
13 ACTIVATING THE IWC NETWORK: BIM World 2018 ACCESSING +750,000 TECHPRENEURS EVERY YEAR +750,000 Techpreneurs Innovation World Cup Series® is your Worldwide global platform for supporting innovation leadership in digitization. Our Established Ecosystem and our 21,000 Pitch & Award Global and Regional Partners ensure the Conference Ceremony STDC19 best access to leading Techpreneurs. Attendees @ BIM World Paris, 2 April and International Conferences and Devel- @ BIM World Munich, 26 Nov oper Workshops at over 12 regional events worldwide showcase speakers +45 Global & from leading technology companies and Regional game changing techpreneurs. Partners Over 750,000 Techpreneurs are engaged worldwide.
14 BIM World 2018 THE 2019 INNOVATION WORLD CUP® TIMELINE Smart Territory Digital Challenges JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Finalist Round STDC19 –Submission Judging Round Round Pitch & Award Ceremony STDC19 Nov - Jan @ BIM World Paris STDC 19 – Submission Round Pitch & Award Judging Ceremony Round @BIM World Munich 7° IOT Forum Innovatiive City, IoT Day Wolves Summit Vienna Nice Neuchatel Wolves Summit London Warsaw Upgraded Life IOTHINGS Milan Festival Promotion Helsinki
General Terms and Conditions The event is organized by the Organizer in accordance with the provisions of the General Occupancy Failure to pay for the total reservation amount one month prior to the event’s first day shall lead to Management Agreement applicable to the event venue which are binding on the Organizer and on a cancellation of the entitlement to the exhibit stand, without releasing the Exhibitor of its payment the Exhibitor. obligations. The Organizer and the Exhibitor have the obligation to comply with the rules established in the Oc- Payment for additional services and expenses shall be made upon receipt of the relevant invoices cupancy Agreements specific to the managers of the event venue. issued by the Organizer or by the service providers. Late penalties shall be charged to the partici- pant. Apart from insurance coverage on the items on exhibit and more generally on all mobile or other components belonging to the Exhibitor, the Exhibitor shall subscribe at its own expense any and all Exhibitors agree to occupy their stands throughout the duration of the event. No reimbursement insurance premiums covering civil liability for risks to itself, its staff and third parties. Neither the shall be made if the Exhibitor’s equipment is not delivered on time. The Organizer may freely dis- Organizer nor the managers of the event venue shall be held liable for any such risks, in particular pose of a stand which the Exhibitors have failed to occupy by 8:00 pm on the day prior to the event’s in case of any loss, theft or damages. opening date [installation day], without releasing the Exhibitor of its payment obligations. Exhibit spaces shall be allocated in priority to exhibitors who have returned their reservation con- No one may be admitted into the event premises in the absence of a voucher issued and accepted tract and paid a deposit on account. The Organizer reserves the right to modify the stand space al- by the Organizer. The Organizers reserve the right to expel from the premises any individual whose location as needed, depending on the event developments and the competitive context of Exhibitors. behavior would justify such expulsion in their view. An exhibit stand may not be transferred or sub-leased without prior consent of the Organizer. The Exhibitor undertakes to mitigate the noise level on its stand and to comply with usual propri- eties and manners. The Organizers are responsible for maintaining control and discipline of the Only those companies who have fully paid their registration fees will be listed in the Visitor’s Guide. event. The Organizer reserves the right to prohibit fully or partially any amenities, panels or prod- In case of incomplete details provided about the company represented, such details will not be in- ucts failing to match the standards of the event. No notice, panel or any other signs may be posted cluded. outside the allocated exhibit stand. The total amount of the reservation is due and payable upon signature of the contract. These General Terms & Conditions shall be deemed to constitute a contract. In the event of cancellation of the reservation or contract or of a request for a smaller exhibit space The record of entrances at the event shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the Organizer. at any time whatsoever and for any reason whatsoever, the full VAT-incl. amount of the reservation and any related invoices shall remain due and payable by the signatory to this Contract, even if the space is re-rented.
Get in touch with us Franziska Wegele Elvan Öztürk Dr. Uwe Forgber Eser Uslu Olga Karasevych Management Exhibition and Speakers Startup Major Innovations and Startups Cooperations and Media Management Management Management @BIMWorld_DE Organized by Navispace AG Keramikstraße 4, 82211 Herrsching, Germany +49 8152 9988622
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