Devonport High School for Girls Plymouth, UK

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Devonport High School for Girls
        Plymouth, UK
Mein/e beste/r
     Freund/in heiβt                  Ich heiβe

Mein                                         Mein
Lieblingsfarbe                               Geburtstag
                                             ist am


   Meine Hobbies

                       ist             Haustiere
Sein/e beste/r             Er/Sie heiβt
     Freund/in heiβt

                                E-Mail                    Sein / Ihr
                                Adresse:                  Geburtstag
                                                          ist am
 Seine / Ihre

                                                      Sein/ Ihr
 Sein/Ihr                                             ist

                                                         Sein / Ihr
Sein/ Ihr
g ist                                   Seine/ Ihre
                  Geschwister           Hobbies

Brieffreund(-e)   Penfriend (boy)

     Hallo Hello

     GutenTag Good day                                                             Hast du?
                                              Wie geht’s?
     Tschüs Bye                                                                    Do you have?
                                              How are you?
                                                                                   Magst du?
     Bis bald! See you soon!
                                                                                   Do you like?
                                              Gut, danke.
     Machs gut! Take care!
                                                                                   Liebst du?
                                              Good thank you.
     Liebe/Viele Grüβe,
                                                                                   Do you love?
                                              Es geht.
     Best wishes/Regards                                                           Gehst du?
                                              Okay/ so so.
                                                                                   Do you go?

                                                                                   Findest du?

                                                                                   Do you find?
Ich spiele…                Ich gehe         Ich habe...

I play…                    I go                     I have...

Computerspiele             ins Kino         eine /n Schwester/ Bruder

Computer games                to the cinema a sister/a brother

Mit meiner Katze              Schwimmen             eine Katze/ einen Hund
                                                                      Ich liebe…

      Mein Lieblings------ ist -----.                                 I love…

          •   Lieblingsfach                                           Tennis       Tennis
              Favourite subject
                                                                      Fußball      Football
          •   Lieblingsfarbe
              Favourite colour                                        Schwimmen    Swimming
          •   Lieblingssport
                                                                      Basketball   Basketball
              Favourite sport
          •   Lieblingsland                                           Rugby        Rugby
              Favourite country
          •   Lieblingshaustier
WHAT DO YOU THINK                                 I have really enjoyed this project because it is
                ABOUT EFRIENDS???                                 different from anything else I have done.
                                                                 I like talking to my German partner and finding
                                                                 out new things about Germany.
                                                                 Thank you very much for organizing German E-
   I really liked the project. I found it really interesting &   friends, it has been really good.
   I liked talking to the German e-friends and I learnt a                 Ellie
   bit more German too.                                          Hallo!!
            Lucy                                                 Ich habe dieses Projekt wirklich genossen, und
   I really liked this project, talking to other people is       ich habe viel gelernt, wie gut. Ich habe einen
   interesting.                                                  Freundin in meinem Brieffreund auch!!
            Sophie                                                       Bracken

   The e-friends project has improved my German                  I have really enjoyed communicating with my
   massively and now I am able to talk about everyday            German friend. It has been really interesting to
   things that go on in my life with my partner.                 see how similar some of their daily activities
   It has also given me a chance to make a new friend            are eg. My friend really, really likes shopping.
   and learn about a different style of living and German        The project has really helped to improve my
   culture.                                                      German and communicate with people from a
   I have also helped someone else improve their English         different country. It’s nice to see that they
   and so I am proud that I have enabled my partner to           make mistakes the same as we make mistakes
   speak more fluently in English.                               when writing German – speaking too (I have
   Thank you for the opportunity!!                               no German accent).
           Lauren                                                       Natalia
I have really enjoyed doing this project. I have found it        ‘German e-friends’ ist sehr gut. Ich habe viel
really interesting, I loved emailing my German and think I       gelernt. Es ist eine gute Chance für uns.
have learnt quite a lot of German.                                      Laura
         Siobhan                                                 I have found this project very interesting and
                                                                 have made improvements to my German. I had
     I really enjoy be a part of this project. I like being
                                                                 fun!           Jenny
     able to send emails to someone in a foreign country
     and find out about their life and how different it is
     to mine. I think it has really helped me in
                                                                 German E-Friends has been a great experience.
     understanding German and learning new phrases
                                                                 Not only have I met a fantastic new friend that
     and ways of saying things. I also like knowing that
                                                                 I have a lot in common with, I have also had
     they can understand what I am saying to them.
                                                                 the opportunity to expand my knowledge on
                                                                 the German language and also German culture.
     The German e-friends project has helped me to               I feel that E-Friends has improved my German
     improve my German and be able to speak to my                on a whole which has helped me a great deal
     friend about everyday life. I have made a new friend        in class, and I’ve also greatly enjoyed the
     and it has been very interesting to take part in.           experience.
             Jenny                                                       Megan

 Currywurst            Mittwoch
  Querflöte            Flugzeug
Das Fliegerlied      Kramkenhaus

     glänzend        Bibliothek

      Liebling       Kaninchen
A German recipe – ein deutsches Rezept

        Ingredients                                                      Zutaten
     1 puff pasty sheet                                  1 Blätterteig

        Filling:                                             Füllung:
       1 kg apples                                         1kg Äpfel
       100g sultanas                                       100g Rosinen
       100g flaked almonds                                 100g geraspelte Mandeln
       100g bradcrumbs                                     100g Semmelbrösel
       50 g sugar                                          50 g Zucker
       50g Butter                                          50 g Butter
       1 egg                                               1 Ei
       1 lemon                                             1 Zitrone
       cinnamon                                            Zimt
       flour                                               Mehl
       icing sugar                                         Puderzucker

Strudel Filling
The filling of a strudel has two parts; for the fruit part, cut the apples into small pieces and
immediately mix them with the juice of the lemon, to prevent them from getting brown.
Mix the sultanas and the cinnamon, and half of the sugar in.

Brown the almonds in a pan then take them out and melt the butter and half of the sugar into
the pan to brown the breadcrumbs.

Prepare the Premade Strudel Pastry
Put the puff pasty sheet on a well floured thin dish towel, with a little more flour over the top.
With a rolling pin, make a rectangle shape. Make it a little longer than it is wide.

Assemble and fold the Strudel
Melt some butter and put it on the pastry, then put the breadcrumbs, the almonds and then
the fruit mixture ( only on 2/3rds of the dough!!!), and leave a little space at the bottom and at
the sides.

The folding is very simple. Start by bringing up the first 10 cms - kind of pinch the bottom a
little. Lifting the dish towel, roll it over once, pinch in the sides a bit to keep it all together. And
then the last fold, and we're going to have a nice completed strudel package. The fold is always
down of course.
Bake the Strudel
We're going to place that on our baking sheet. We're going to cut a slice in the top about every
inch to give it that signature strudel look, and to vent the air and steam. Paint it very well with
egg wash. We're going to put that in a 200°C preheated oven for about 25 minutes, until it's
browned and beautiful.

Serve the Strudel
Put icing sugar on top, cut the strudel into slices and serve it with vanilla sauce or ice cream.
Can be served hot or cold! Lecker! Yummy!

                              Enjoy! Guten Appetit!
Say “hallo” in person to your
         German eFriend
          with a video message

 Come and record a short message to your German partners.
Alone, with a friend or in a group.

Be creative!
You can bring something, show your school, ...

You should introduce yourself in German but can
then switch to English if you want to!

What do you want to say?
Ws war einmal ein schönes Mädchen, das Aschenputtel hieβ. Sie war so gütig, sogar die Vögel und
die Mäuse waren ihre Freunde. Jeden Morgen haben die Vögel sie von süßen Träumen mit ihrem Lied
geweckt. Aschenputtel hat mit ihrer grausamen Stiefmutter und ihren zwei Stiefschwestern,
Anastasia und Drizella gelebt. Sie haben sie wie einen Diener behandelt. Ihr Vater war gestorben, als
sie klein war. Aschenputtel musste immer kochen und putzen. Ihre Stiefschwestern machten nie
irgendeine Arbeit.
         Eines Tages kam ein königlicher Bote, er brachte einen Brief vom König. „Der Prinz hat einen
königlichen Ball, um seine Königin zu finden, und alle Damen aus dem ganzen Land sind eingeladen“.
Aschenputtel hat gefragt, ob sie auch mitgehen könnte, die Stiefschwestern haben sie ausgelacht,
aber die Stiefmutter hat gesagt, dass sie gehen könnte, wenn die ganze Hausarbeit vor dem Abend
vollendet wurde.
         Als Aschenputtel in ihr Zimmer gegangen ist sie geweint hat, weil sie nichts Schönes zum
Anziehen hatte. „Sorge dich nicht Aschenputtel, wir werden etwas finden!“ sagten ihr die Mäuse
„Vielen Dank, Jack und Gus aber es wird hart sein, denn ich muss jetzt gehen!“Während
Aschenputtel arbeitete, sammelten die Tiere Dinge, die Drizella und Anastasia wollten.
         Am Abend ging Aschenputtel nach unten, und das Kleid war großartig. Die Stiefschwestern
haben bald bemerkt, dass Aschenputtel ihre Perlen trug und sie alle vom Kleid abgerissen. Sie sind
zum Ball abgegangen und haben Aschenputtel gelassen, und sie weinte allein im Garten.
         Plötzlich gab es einen großen Knall, und eine Fee erschien. Sie sagte, dass sie die Patentante
von Aschenputtel sei, und gekommen war , um zu helfen. Sie hat einen Kürbis in eine Kutsche
verwandelt, ihr kaputtes, altes Kleid in ein weißes Ballkleid, ihre Schuhe in Glaspantoffeln und die
Mäuse in Pferde. „Denk daran, Aschenputtel, um Mitternacht musst du nach Hause gehen, sonst
verfliegt der Zauber und du wirst wieder die Alte sein!“. wartne die Fee. So ist Aschenputtel in ihrer
goldenen Kutsche zum Ball geeilt, wo sie getroffen den Prinzen hat und sie haben die ganze Nacht
         Plötzlich hat die Uhr Mitternacht geshlagen und Aschenputtel ist zu ihrer Kutsche gelaufen,
aber hat dabei einen ihrer Schuhe verloren.
         Der Prinz hat seinen Männer befohlen, sie zu verfolgen, aber sie waren zu langsam. Das
Einzige, was dem Prinz blieb, war der Glasschuh. Es brach dem Prinz das herz, dass seine einzige
wahre Königin weggelaufen war und er schicke seine Diener ins ganze Land, um sie zu suchen.
         Mittlerweile zurück zuhause, Aschenputtel tanzte singend herum und die Stiefschwestern
begannen, sie zu verdächtigen. Eines Tages, als die Nachricht ihr Heim erreicht hat, hat Aschenputtel
von ihrem Prinz geträumt. IhreStiefmutter hat sie im Dachboden eingeschlossen , weil sie nicht
wollte, dass Aschenputtel Königin wird; eine ihrer Töchter sollte den Prinz heiraten.
         Ein Diener kam zum Haus und er hatt den Glasschu dabei. Anastasia probierte ihn an aber ihr
Fuß war zu groß und er passte nicht. Drizella hat ihn als nächste anprobiert und sie hat ihren Fuß
reingedrückt aber dann ist er abgefallen. Der Diener hat gefragt, ob noch jemand im Haus war, und
die Stiefmutter war kurz davor, nein zu sagen, als Aschenputtel die Treppe hinunter gelaufen ist.
Während die Stiefmutter unaufmerksam war, haben Jack und Gus ihre Freundin befreit.
         Der Diener lief zu Aschenputtel aber die Stiefmutter stellte ihm den Fuß, er stolperte und
derGlasschuh ging in Scherben. „Ich habe den zweiten Glasschuh!“ rief Aschenputtel und reichte ihn
dem Diener.Er passte perfekt und sie hat den Prinzen am nächsten Morgen geheiratet. Dann lebten
sie glücklich bis an ihr Lebensende.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. She was so kind even the birds and mice were her
friends. Each morning the birds woke her up from sweet dreams with their song. Cinderella lived with her cruel
stepmother and two stepsisters. They were called Anastasia and Drizella. They treated her like a servant. Her father
died when she was smaller so she was in their care. Cinderella had to do all the cooking and cleaning. Her
stepsisters never did any work.
           One day a royal messenger arrived, he had a letter from the king. “The prince is having a royal ball to find
his queen and all the ladies are invited throughout the land.”The stepmother said. Cinderella asked if she could go
as well, the stepsisters laughed but her stepmother said she could go if all the housework was completed before the
           When Cinderella went to her room she cried because she had nothing to wear. “Don’t worry Cinderella we
will find something.” Jack the mouse said. “Thank you, Jack and Gus but it will be hard, I need to go now!” Whilst
Cinderella worked the animals were busy collecting items that Drizella and Anastasia didn’t want.
           In the evening Cinderella hurried downstairs, the dress was grand. The stepsisters soon realised Cinderella
was wearing their beads and bows and quickly ripped it all off. They went off to the ball and left Cinderella crying in
the garden by herself.
           Suddenly there was a great bang, and a fairy appeared. She said she was Cinderella’s godmother and had
come to help. She turned a pumpkin into a carriage, her ruined dress into a white gown, her shoes into glass
slippers and the mice in horses. “Now remember you need to return by midnight otherwise the magic will run out and
you will be the same again.” The fairy godmother warned. So, Cinderella rushed off in her golden carriage to the
ball, where she met the prince and they danced all night.
            Suddenly, the clock struck midnight and Cinderella ran off to her carriage only leaving a slipper behind.
           The prince ordered his men to chase after her but they were too slow. The only thing remaining was her
glass slipper. The prince was heartbroken his one true queen had ran off and he had to find her. He sent his
footmen all around the land to find his love.

          Meanwhile, back at Cinderella’s home she was dancing around humming and the stepsisters were
beginning to be suspicious. One day when news reached their home, Cinderella dreamt about her prince coming to
get her. Her stepmother saw this and locked her in the attic because she didn’t want Cinderella to be queen; her
daughters were to marry him.
          A footman came to the house and he tried the glass slipper on Anastasia but her foot was too big and
couldn’t fit. Drizella tried next and she squeezed her foot into it but then it came off. The footman requested if
anybody else was in the house, the stepmother was about to say no and Cinderella ran down the stairs. Whilst the
stepmother wasn’t looking Jack and Gus had came up the stairs and took the key to free their friend.
          The footman was walking to Cinderella but the stepmother put out her foot and he tripped the glass slipper
shattered. “No need for them to marry him I have the other glass slipper!” Cinderella replied handing the slipper to
the footman. It fitted perfectly and she married the prince the next morning. They all lived happily ever after!!

                                            The End
Die Maus                           →voyage kids             → the voyage

                                             Online Radio:
 Online dictionaries:

   Information about Germany:                Language websites:
Interview with Bärbel, German FLA at DHSG 2009/2010
What is your full name? - Bärbel Tränkle

When is your birthday and how old are you?
11.11.1986, and I’m 23. I just hate the fact that my birthday is in winter,
because it usually rains.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yes, I have one sister. Her name is Eva and she’s 21. We get along quite

What’s your favourite colour?
I love green, but I also like purple very much.
What’s your favourite food?
Mh, that’s difficult to say... I missed German food this year, like Spätzle
(kind of pasta from southern Germany) and Maultaschen mit Kartoffelsalat
(picture), but I also like Italian food like pasta and pizza. And I’m addicted
to chocolate! Lecker!
What’s your favourite English word?
I like some of the adjectives that you use all the time, like lovely, massive,
ridiculous, gorgeous, hilarious or brilliant. Also, I like the word tortoise,
because I think it sounds quite funny and not at all like the German
Where are your favourite places?
I do like England and I enjoyed my time here very much. But I also like
South America and the southern European countries. I think that, however,
every place can become your favourite place; it always depends on the
people you’re with.
Where do you live in Germany?
I was born in Stuttgart, which is the capital of the federal state of Baden-
Württemberg in southern Germany. I grew up in a very small town near
Stuttgart called Erdmannhausen and this is where my parents and my sister
live. For the past three years, I’ve studied at university in Heidelberg, a
fabulous city with a very beautiful castle, and I’ll go back there in
Heidelberg is said to be the most romantic city in Germany!

What is your favourite German word?
That’s difficult! I like the fact that we have very long words, like e.g.
Bushaltestelle (bus stop) Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung (speed limit). When I
looked for the longest German word on the internet I found
Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, which,
literally translated, is "beef labelling supervision duty assignment law". That
is quite funny, isn’t it? And I miss saying “Guten Appetit” before we start
What is your most memorable moment at DHSG?
Well, I enjoyed the whole year very much, but I guess I will never forget
your excited faces when we watched the videos your German partners had
sent to you.
Do you have a pet?
Yes, I have a very beautiful cat, its name is Simba and it is grey. I miss it
very much!

                                             UK--German Connection FLA Ambassadors
     Lizzie Cairns and Bärbel Tränkle at the UK
                                    Conference in May
Thank you for taking part in the eFriends project and showing
interest in Germany! I have really enjoyed working with you,
and I hope that you keep on writing to your German partners
and maybe you are going to visit them someday- you can never
I have had a great year with you at DHSG and wish you all the
best for the future! I would be very happy to hear from you
some time.
Special thanks to Nicole, Emma, Bracken, Amy and Sophie
who helped me to put together this booklet for you.

German FLA
Devonport High School for Girls
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